#Debrah Scarlett
babolat85 · 2 years
Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - A Monster Like Me (Norway) - LIVE at Eurovis... I’d forgotten how amazing this song was. 
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anotherescsite · 10 months
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mononijikayu · 5 months
monster like me.
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The weight of Gojo Satoru's presence became increasingly palpable as he shifted his gaze towards the setting sun. An oppressive silence enveloped them both, one laden with the shared grief too profound for words. Their unspoken understanding needed no verbal reinforcement. Two unhappy people together had no need for words, after all.
GENRE: pre - hidden inventory arc to shibuya arc (1990s to 2010s);
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
LISTEN: monster like me by morland and debrah scarlett
NOTE: i wanna give satoru and genmei a hug pls,,,,,,why are they being mean to you both??? (its me, im mean to them)
u s and t h e m
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[ Mikoto Shrine, September 2007; Kyoto Prefecture ]
ZENIN GENMEI THINKS ITS HARD TO THINK STRAIGHT THESE DAYS. Perhaps it was the unrelenting heat, or maybe the absence of a soothing summer breeze, but Genmei felt a restless impatience brewing within her. The days seemed to stretch endlessly, each moment dragging longer than the last, reminiscent of a past she thought she had managed to bury deep within her.
It felt like those days all over again—the days when Kaiko left her. Yet, there was a stark difference now, a disparity that puzzled and tormented her. Back then, the pain was sharp, a sudden severance of a bond she had known her entire life. It was a profound loss, the kind that reshapes one's entire existence in its wake. But this current feeling, this lingering ache—was it worse? How could the loss of someone she had known for merely three years weigh so heavily on her, seemingly more painful than the loss of someone who had been a fixture in her life from the beginning?
The question gnawed at her, a persistent echo in her mind that refused to be silenced. Each day without resolution brought with it a heavy sense of sorrow, mixed with a deep-seated confusion about the nature of her attachments.
Had her years with Kaiko been so deeply ingrained in her being that they became a part of her subconscious landscape, a piece of her identity that she could detach from, however painfully, because it was expected? Was the surprise of forming a new, profound connection later in life—only to lose it unexpectedly—somehow more jarring, its abrupt end more disorienting because it was unforeseen?
Genmei pondered these questions, feeling the weight of her thoughts like the oppressive summer heat. The lack of clarity frustrated her, the inability to rationalize her emotions or predict their impacts made each day a maze of memories and what-ifs. The absence of Kaiko had been a void she learned to navigate, filling it over time with new experiences, allowing it to scar over in a way that became manageable, if not entirely healed.
But this—this was different. This pain was raw, fresher; a wound reopened before it could fully heal. It questioned her understanding of attachment, of love and loss. It forced her to confront the possibility that perhaps the intensity of a connection isn't measured in the length of time it's endured but in the depth it reached in one's soul.
Maybe, in those three years, she had allowed herself to open up in ways she hadn't with Kaiko, to be vulnerable in a manner that was both terrifying and exhilarating, which now left her exposed in the aftermath.
Letting out a small, weary exhale, Zenin Genmei could do nothing but sit still. But she seemed to hate that more than anything.The stillness provided no answers, only the space to acknowledge the deep caverns of this beast of feelings. Perhaps understanding would come with time, or maybe it wouldn't. For now, Genmei had to accept the drowning in her emotions. And she cannot run away. She can never run away.
As Genmei wrestled with the tumultuous thoughts swirling through her mind, she began to realize that perhaps the profound sense of loss she felt was intricately linked to who Geto Suguru was—and, more importantly, what he had represented to her. If Satoru was the moon, Suguru was the sun. The moon cannot exist without the sun. And Genmei cannot live them both. Not even if she tried.
The more she thought about it, the clearer it became that her suffering stemmed from a deep yearning how deeply she felt about Suguru. She'd never reflected on it this deeply before. But it's all Genmei had.
Genmei could only think about how she longed for his smile—so full of warmth and life, so distinctly his. She ached to hear his voice again, tender and reassuring. It was as though he was life in itself. And she could only dream, that he would come back. Even after all he had done.
Genmei can only sigh as she leaned her head against the tree. Her lips locked in a tight line as she looked at the small echo of the setting sun. Her hands tried to reach far and wide, but even as her fingers caught the light, there was nothing that could prevent the sun from leaving.
"You're getting too quiet."
Genmei looks to her corner, the silver halo echoing from the peripheral of her sight. "Temples are usually quiet, Satoru."
"People at temples aren't this quiet."
"It's for prayers."
His blue eyes looked at her, as though searching for something she could not understand. "Then pray. I'll listen."
"You're too much of a brat, Satoru."
He snickers, leaning his body towards the small of her back. "You'd never cared before."
Genmei couldn't help but snicker quietly. Gojo Satoru had never once believed in gods his entire life. If anything nowadays, he was more like a god than anything. But Genmei thinks she'd deny him of her prayers being said out loud. Genmei had never been eager to celebrate grief with others. She'd never been good at it. The Zenin kept things to themselves. No one talked about anything.
The Mikoto thinks it should be discussed in the depths of one's lonesomeness. To let it all drift away with the wind itself. Mother had always told her that reflection heals all wounds. That was expected from her mother, she supposed. Her mother was born to reflect, to keep those emotions, those echoes of loss, in the silence of reflection. A priestess through and through. An attribute she supposed she earned from her.
Father used to say the opposite, Genmei could recall. Her father with her loud boisterous voice, his warm hands and his bright starlight eyes. One must wonder how he was ever a Zenin. He often said that humans are not islands, cannot exist as islands. Islands need life. Islands need the touch of humanity. Genmei did not know if she agreed with her father, but it was something she was mindful of, to at least learn. To understand.
Genmei had seen it all too many times with the people that are left behind each and every mission. She noted each and every emotion on their faces, as though she was remembering what they used to feel like. How they fit her face when she had learned it all those years before, on the bright gaze of a bright eyed young wonder. Her father, Kaiko, Namie and now Suguru. They taught her how, to blossom in wonder. And now they took it away too. What had been relearned, Geto Suguru took it away with him too.
When people are sad, she remembered how people crave the need to be together. They yearn to feel whole at the thought of loneliness abandoned. Genmei never needed that before. The warmth of another person's touch, the space to let the eyes dampen with those unspent tears. The cries that ring desolation. Genmei wondered if she ever allowed herself to be like that. To be able to cry again like that. To be human.
Emotions expressed, of what she learnt at one point ─ the dead took it with them. Suguru himself took what remained. All that warmth that had built the fullness of a human's home had died once more. Genmei supposed it's what helped her last in Zenin manor recently. Like all those times before, Zenin Genmei ran to her emptiness to survive.
Yet, as she sensed the subtle tilt of his head resting against her shoulder, Zenin Genmei thought that deep down ─ she was allowing herself to dig through that numbness. He was warm, Satoru always was. Even the moon he was, he was still more warmth than barren cold. Even in the grief that dug through him, he brought the coldness she felt back to life with his warmth.
She noticed a faint, inaudible sigh escaping her mouth while a dull ache began to take root in her legs. She was feeling the discomfort of the stiffness that comes with the way she sat under the grass. Nevertheless, she remained unmoving, steadfast in her conviction. He wanted to rely on her in this moment, the most humbly human of requests. He needed this, she supposed.
The day would soon draw to a close. Genmei could not remember when the last time her world stopped for such a moment of quiet. Jujutsu sorcerers rarely had the time to savor things like these. When they do, it was a treasured thing. Blue hour was upon them, gleaming like the dark deep shine of Okinawa's deep blue. Memories hit her, tugging at her heart to remember the humanity that dwelled with the love that she wanted to lock away.
Years ago, such treasured moments were stolen moments. Even from where they sat, the thought of all those times beckoned her on. To unlock the key and return to those moments. Genmei purses her lips tight as she looked onward upon the dancing grass. Laughter filled her ears, as though it was a song stuck in her head. The smiles glistened panel after panel in each fragment hidden under lock and key. Before Satoru, before Suguru, before Shoko.
Those memories haunted her. All those echoes retorted to her, gnawed at her with all it had. Just one look at the sunset beam, Genmei recalled it all. The youth where she smiled the truest, the past three years where she reclaimed that smile. The young daughter of clan Zenin blew a soundless breath in the air.
The day unfolded with such breathtaking splendor, resembling a veritable Eden unveiled before their eyes. Both of them long discarded their talk. The sudden breeze serenading their languid forms, the unyielding tree bark etching its presence upon his charcoal uniform, the slight glimmer of scarlet light dancing against the slit of her hakama.
The descending sun showered them with its farewell caress, a poignant parting gesture. Not all days boasted such perfection, nor did they all weigh as heavily on the heart as this. All death, all tragedy, all lost of youth, its worth mourning. Even beautiful skies must be mourned.
The heron heralded its imminent arrival, casting the benevolent embrace of the ethereal blue hour that gradually consumed the fiery vestiges of the scarlet sky. On an ordinary day, Zenin Genmei might have lamented her perceived lack of productivity. Even then, she can't blame Satoru for it.
The gods demanded honesty and clarity from their priestest. Yet, she knew she would not be able to give that to the gods. Not when Suguru's words replayed over and over in her mind like a broken record. His smile so genuine as he spoke of the world he dreamed of. The one where the world burns and his conviction would remain steadfast in the joy it would bring him.
Genmei thinks it was better to say nothing to Satoru.
He wouldn't be able to handle all of it, she thinks.
He'd never be able to understand how Suguru smiled.
‘It repeats over and over, the song of tragedy rhymes again,’ Genmei contemplates with an air of exasperation as if a disconcerting sensation tempts her away for a brief dalliance with nicotine. The key was unlocked, she was sure.
The throes of her humanity fighting its way to come alive. She yearns for the noxious tendrils of smoke to vacate her lungs, as if they held the power to purge her thoughts, her endless sufferings. ‘With all that I could have seen and have not allowed myself to say…’
Her solitary recourse lies in the graceful inclination of her head, a poignant gesture born of inner turmoil as she contemplates the disheartening notion of history unfurling itself once more. The weight of self-reproach deepens as she revisits the keenly missed telltale signs, those subtle cues that her discerning eye had once so deftly unveiled.
Her lilac eyes, now narrowed, bear the heavy burden of accumulated recollections spanning years, all converging inexorably to that austere conclusion—the same deluge of denouement. It was bound to happen all over again. She warned them. Souls that break can never return. Yet they did not listen to her. And they repeated the same mistake. And all is left is tragedy.
Yet, despite the overwhelming emotions that surge within her, the most she can muster is a profound, resigned sigh.
With a leisurely closure of her eyes, she wished for reprieve. The young woman yearns to erase her thoughts. Though, that in itself may be tedious work. Genmei had tried to forget. Tried to fight the box that had burst from within her. But the memories come rushing back one way or another. Genmei mourns, then she cries. Then she marches forward and then loses to fate. The cycle repeats. The worst of it she supposed is to remember in the quiet.
One that had plagues her as she sits to meditate. The words so sweet from the mouth of someone she loved, visiting her like a curse that had been willed to haunt her. Tilting her head slightly downward, she permits the weight of her contemplations to rest on Satoru. As he leans into her, he seems content to remain motionless. To lose any sense to the mundane.
The warmth shared between them feels like fire, intensified by the uneven caress of the vanishing sun. Infinity appears to exist only in the obscurity behind his dark glasses. Genmei remains uncertain about his countenance to reality, yet she cannot help but imagine that their faces had dried against a torrent of mournful tears. Not that Genmei could even blamed him. She would have gone mad with all of it, too. Well, she has. 
When he sought her out, he did so without uttering a single word. Veiled in impenetrable silence behind the obsidian lenses of his dark shades, he extended a hand and gently beckoned her away from her solitary stance. He stole her away from her own bitterness, so they may sit together, bitter.
Their departure from the temple was a measured procession, their hearts coursing with the blood of shared experiences, and their bond weighed heavy with the burden of mutual silence. In time, they found solace beneath the same trees where joyful memories had once danced in her mind like fragments of a shattered mosaic.
Genmei ponders whether he had nearly forgotten how to draw breath. Yet, she could scarcely hold it against him, for the shock of such a profound loss was an expectation that accompanied it.
Youthful love is the most grotesque loss, Genmei knew from the start. When one thinks of curses, love  is the worst. Much more with the denial that it is lost forever. Most cases Genmei found that the cases she deals with comes from the madness of love becoming the curse that people bear. 
Satoru's not the type to unleash such malice upon the world, she knew that at the very least. But it did not stop the hurt, nor will it ever stop it from breaking his heart. To be separated from the person he held dearest, the one who tethered him to humanity. In the solitude of divinity, kamis often found themselves lonely, far too easily. You never get use to it. Genmei was certain to speak from experience. She hasn't let go after all this time, either. 
Nevertheless, they were aware that they could never truly attain humanity. Yet, in the union of Satoru and Suguru, there existed the closest semblance of a kami becoming fully human. Genmei's head lowered gently as she contemplated the glistening grass underfoot. She reminisced about the gentle smile that had once graced humanity within the soul of Suguru Geto, now replaced by an overwhelming sense of grief for what might have been.
‘Was I like this back then, with Kaiko? With Namie? With my father?’ she pondered silently, opening her eyes to witness a small bird taking flight. Suppressing a quiet laugh with a bite of her lip, she added, ‘I don't remember.’
‘No,’ a voice whispered back to her, almost mockingly. ‘You do remember, and now you feel it once more, clawing at you. But you realize it, don't you? How worse it is now? How you let yourself break like the weakling you are. You loved that boy too much and now it burns you whole.'
Her lips tightened against her jaw. ‘Silence.’
The voice chuckled but refrained from further conversation. She didn't anticipate it would speak further.
At that moment, the young woman found herself immersed in the world around them, the clouds waning as the sun continued its haunting descent beyond the horizon. Lost in her thoughts once more, the young woman with lilac eyes inwardly cursed the voice in her head as youth flooded in like an unstoppable tide.
Genmei's thoughts churned like a turbulent sea, brimming with memories, regrets, and unspoken sentiments, all of which remained tightly sealed, many of them never to be revealed, not even on her final day. Yet, perhaps one day, some of those words would find their way into the world.
The weight of Gojo Satoru's presence became increasingly palpable as he shifted his gaze towards the setting sun. An oppressive silence enveloped them both, one laden with the shared grief too profound for words. Their unspoken understanding needed no verbal reinforcement. Two unhappy people together had no need for words, after all.
As the light faded, she discreetly stole a glimpse of Satoru, his face still concealed behind those dark glasses. She wondered about the world he perceived and the emotions he harbored. However, there was no need to inquire; their connection transcended mere words. She sensed the tempest of emotions raging within him—a storm of pain, anger, and sorrow.
"I wish I could alleviate your pain." she murmured, her words barely more than a breath of air. She meant those words. That she was certain. Yet she knew he heard her. There was no necessity for a response; her mere presence sufficed for now. "To make it easier—"
"You can't." Satoru responded nonchalantly, maintaining his cheerful facade. Her lips pursed into a line, and she could only sigh. "Not even if you tried."
For a moment, Genmei closed her eyes once again, allowing the world's sounds and sensations to wash over her. She felt Satoru's warmth against her, a small source of comfort amid the overwhelming grief. Memories of happier times with him flashed before her—moments of shared laughter, dreams, and quiet intimacy, a bittersweet montage.
"I won't let you face this alone," Genmei whispered in her words a solemn pledge to the man beside her. She had confronted her demons and regrets in the past, and now she was determined to help him confront him. They were two souls intertwined in a shared history and a profound understanding.
He snickered, almost haughtily.
He looks at her, almost mockingly.
Genmei's used to it, after all this time.
"Promises being met? Rare these days, Genmei - senpai." He always liked to bait her into mockery with the word 'senpai'. Suguru had always scolded him for that. But Genmei knew she did not mind. She never truly did. "Don't promise something you can't fulfill."
"Do you doubt me, Satoru?"
"You've given me no reason to trust you right now." Oh. He knows. He felt him here, his residuals. Genmei bit her lower lip. Of course he did. He is the honoured one, after all.
Lilac against blue. "No, I have not."
The world beyond their cocoon of grief carried on, oblivious to their suffering. Birds continued their evening serenades, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves above. It was as though nature itself sought to offer solace, reminding them that life persisted, even in the face of loss.
At that moment, beneath the darkening sky, Genmei and Satoru became acutely aware of the world's indifference to their pain. It presented a stark contrast to the intensity of their emotions as if the universe had turned a blind eye to their heartache, a nearly jarring dissonance.
Yet, as night deepened and the stars gleamed brilliantly, a sense of unity with the cosmos began to seep into their souls. It was a silent recognition that their grief, however profound, was just one thread in the vast tapestry of existence. They were but specks in the grand scheme of things, yet their pain was real and valid.
Genmei glanced at Satoru, still shrouded in darkness, his presence a constant reassurance. Despite the void that had taken root in their hearts, they were not truly alone. The world might not pause for their sorrow, but it continued to offer its beauty and wonder, and they could choose to find solace in that. Genmei turned her gaze away, focusing on the darkening sky.
"Genmei," he called to her again, unmoving. He dropped the honorifics, though he had never needed to use them. Genmei sensed the eerie strength in his tone.
Deep within Genmei, one kami recognized another—the Honored One.
The voice within Genmei snickered, almost excited.
All of it had made her head hurt more than anything else.
"What is it, Satoru?"
"Promise me.”  
“What do you want from me?”
“Don't ever leave me."
Four words reverberated, four words etched in their shared history. Genmei would have laughed, had this been years ago when she was younger and more brash, overflowing with confidence and unburdened by the weight of unmade choices and untraveled paths. But now, older and wiser, she understood the significance of those four words, as meaningful as the three or even one. 
Satoru was not offering her a choice; it was a command, and Genmei's words constituted a promise—an island reaching out to another, a connection of lonely souls. Zenin Genmei closed her eyes, her fingertips reaching toward the warmth of his hand.
Gojo Satoru made no move to stop her. Infinity once again ceased to exist between them as their smallest fingers intertwined in a solemn pledge, like children binding themselves to a sacred vow.
"I swear it," Genmei whispered to him, as his grip tightened around her finger. "Monsters have to stick together."
He laughs at her words. "Monsters, huh?"
Her eyes softened. "Well, aren't we?"
"Hm, I guess we both are."
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dhoranbolt · 7 months
Cost of Power Playlist
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Heavy In Your Arms... Florence + The Machine
Drift Away Omnichord... Trillian
The Night We Met... Lord Huron
A Monster Like Me... Morland, Debrah Scarlett
I Found... Amber Run
Slip... Elliot Moss
die first... Nessa Barrett
My Love Mine All Mine... Mitski
Only Love Can Hurt Like This (slowed)... Paloma Faith
What Part of Forever... CeeLo Green
Daylight... David Kushner
Where's My Love (slowed)... SYML
Ghost... Justin Bieber
Cold... Aqualung, Lucy Schwartz
Who Is She?... I Monster
Six Feet Under... Billie Eilish
Wolves... Selena Gomez, Marshmello
Until I Found You (piano)... Stephen Sanchez
a thousand years... Christina Perri
Past Lives... sapientdream, Slushii
Take My Breath Away... EZI
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Is 20 songs overkill??? Probably. Sukuna's pov, your pov, some in-between. Kind of in order for the ideas I have, but these are the vibes. Also if you do/don't wanna be tagged just lmk and I'll fix it accordingly! I plan on getting part one out in the next week hopefully, still trying to figure out what I actually want to come up first
Tags: @saiki-enthusiast @tang3r1n @bratsudon @better-imagination-9
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drowninginabactatank · 6 months
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Thank you so much to Everything's A Drag Myths and Monsters show for having me and Tiebold (he/him) at Pride of our Footscray last night!
We had a blast doing a duet of A Monster Like Me by Mørland and Debrah Scarlett ✨️
Tiebold is handmade by me from all opshop and home items, he is a species of bugbear and this was his stage debut.
Special thanks to Mushroom x Head for assisting me and for this photo 🖤
Overcoat: Clockwork Butterfly
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columba1234 · 1 year
My ranking of all Norway’s Eurovision entries from 2007 to 2023:
17, Tooji - Stay (2012)
16, Maria Haukaas Storeng - Hold On Be Strong (2008)
15, Agnete - Icebreaker (2016)
14, Stella Mwangi - Haba Haba (2011)
13, Guri Schanke - Ven A Bailar Conmigo (2007)
12,Alessandra - Queen of Kings (2023)
11, Didrik Solli-Tangen - My Heart Is Yours (2010)
10, Ulrikke - Attention (2020)
9, Mørland and Debrah Scarlett - A Monster Like Me (2015)
8, TIX - Fallen Angel (2021)
7, JOWST - Grab The Moment (2017)
6, Subwoolfer - Give That Wolf a Banana (2022)
5, Alexander Rybak - That’s How You Write A Song (2018)
4, Carl Espen - Slient Storm (2014)
3, KEiiNO - Spirit In The Sky (2019)
2, Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love (2013)
1, Alexander Rybak - Fairytale (2009)
Every entry from rank 9th onwards is one of my winners/ winner in that respective contest.
Rank 9th, 10th, and 11th are my honorable mentions. The rest is just “OK” for me.
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Watch "Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - A Monster Like Me (Norway) - LIVE at Eurovision 2015 Grand Final" on YouTube
It's Eurovision Week so time to revisit past favourites, starting with this banger! It's a ballad, but also maybe about murder? Anyway, its 100% a memorable Eurovision song I listen to year round, just for fun. :)
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So having concluded that this is absolutely 100% a stone-clad Eurovision reference in the book:
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Here, inevitably, are some cursed ineffable husbands edit ideas—ESC edition:
Still in Love with You - Electro Velvet, UK 2015
Hard Rock Hallelujah - Lordi, Finland 2005
Playing with Fire - Paula Seling & Ovi, Romania 2010
Främling - Carola, Sweden 1983
Requiem - Alma, France 2017
Better the Devil You Know - Sonia, UK 1993
The War Is Not Over - Walters & Kaza, Latvia 2005
That's What Friends Are For - The Swarbriggs, Ireland 1975 (I need to see Aziraphale and Crowley in those outfits asap)
Slightly less cursed:
Love Is Forever - Leonora, Denmark 2019
L'enfer et moi - Amandine Bourgeois, France 2013
Waterloo - ABBA, Sweden 1974 (though particularly the Swedish version)
Making Your Mind Up - Bucks Fizz, UK 1981
All Kinds of Everything - Dana, Ireland 1970
E' de' det här du kallar kärlek - Lasse holm & Monica Thörnell, Sweden 1986
Det börjar verka kärlek banne mej - Claes-Göran Hederström, Sweden 1968
Absolutely bloody brilliant:
The Worrying Kind - The Ark, Sweden 2007
Outlaw In 'Em - Waylon, Netherlands 2018
Amar pelos dois - Salvador Sobral, Portugal 2017
Nygammal Vals - Lill Lindfors & Svante Thuresson, Sweden 1966
Full youtube playlist
Honourable mentions:
No Prejudice - Pollapönk, Iceland 2014
Take Me to Your Heaven/Tusen och en natt - Charlotte Perrelli, Sweden 1999
If Love Was a Crime - Poli Genova, Bulgaria 2016
A Monster Like Me - Mørland & Debrah Scarlett, Norway 2015
Congratulations - Cliff Richard, UK 1968
Too Late For Love - John Lundvik, Sweden 2019
El Diablo - Elena Tsagrinou, Cyprus 2021
Fallen Angel - Tix, Norway 2021
Why Me? - Linda Martin, Ireland 1992
Rhythm Inside - Loïc Nottet, Belgium 2015
Alcohol is Free - Koza Mostra & Agathon Iakovidis, Greece 2013
Bonus, for Madam Tracy and Sargent Shadwell:
Jezebel - The Rasmus, Finland 2022
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dontmakemewake · 25 days
“sing me something beautiful,
just make it stop”
- “a monster like me”, mørland & debrah scarlett
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Remember that time where I wouldn't do another gif recap after song #101?
Well...I lied, and decided to do this one just before the top 50 instead. Here it is in its glory, with a plea to stop nuclear disaster, psychadelic chaos, and a lost musical number.
(I still might do one for my top ten of all-time, though--that's too important to miss out.)
In addition, in lieu of the usual "how are the countries are doing at this stage of the list" post, here's some stats for my top 50 ever.
By Country:
Italy: 7
France: 6
Greece, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine: 4 each
United Kingdom: 3
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ireland, Israel, Serbia*, Sweden: 2 each
Armenia, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Yugoslavia: 1 each
*I included Serbia-Montenegro 2004 (oops, spoilers!) as part of Serbia, as the country only participated twice.
By Decade:
1990s: 19
2000s and 2010s: 9 each
1970s and 1980s: 4 each
1960s: 3
2021: 2
--on an added note, 1991 has the most songs remaining, with 4. Next up are 1993, 1995, 1997, and 2009 with three songs each.
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artemismatchalatte · 5 years
My Eurovision Top 5 for Norway for 2010-2019
5. Agnete- Icebreaker (2016)
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4.Tooji- Stay (2012) 
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3. Carl Epsen- Silent Storm (2014) 
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2. KeiiNo- Spirit in the Sky (2019) 
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1. Morland & Debrah Scarlett- A Monster like Me (2015) 
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borisbubbles · 5 years
2010s Eurovision: 393-390
393. Raphael Gualazzi - “Madness of love” Italy 2011
Ugh, this troglodyte.Much like “Suus”, “Madness of love” is always heralded as One Of The Best Songs In Eurovision, but unlike “Suus” I absolutely do not understand why? “Suus” despite its many flaws at least was something unique (thank god). “Madness of love” however is nothing but a painfully generic jazz ballad, a dime a dozen. It’s so mind-numbingly tepid. Which of course begs the question: Do I rank "Madness of love” this low because I hate the song or because I hate its fans?🤔 Hmm, well, I certainly DISLIKE everything “Madness of love” represents within the fandom, true, but Salvador is a much more prominent manifestation of the same evil. So yes, I mostly just really hate the way Raphael performs it. I can’t stand his voice, I despise his Salvadorian miming, I cringe at lines such as “being so far away from your makes me feel so DEADDDDD”. BORING AND VILE!!! How did it even get that high. Oh wait... it’s Italy. BETTER HAND THEM SECOND PLACE OR ELSE THEY MIGHT WITHDRAW AGAIN. #Vaporize2011
392. Dilara Kazimova - “Start a fire” Azerbaijan 2014
Good lord another of those songs/performances that is SO. FUCKING. LIFELESS. ugh. 😞
Shockingly, I think “Start a fire” has fans and... why? It goes on forever and is literally never engaging. Yes, the lyrics are beautiful, I guess.. What isn’t beautiful is Dilara’s diction when speaking said lyrics. I cannot understand a *word* and I fucking KNOW the lyrics (nearly) by heart. Depressing, boring, lifeless, overrated, should’ve died in the SF so Suzy could’ve lived, etc. Yup that sums it up. NEXT!
391. Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - “A monster like me” Norway 2015
But This One Of The Best Most Emotional Songs Ever, Y’All~ SHADDAP!! Even if I take aside Debrah Scarlett’s voice (which is a crime in its own right), I REALLY fucking hate “A monster like me” lol. It’s another one of those critically acclaimed ballads that is said to be ~edgy, dark and unique~ and therefore high quality, 🙄. In reality though, not so much.
You see, the most critical flaw here is that "A Monster Like Me” raises more questions than it answers: WHAT was the ‘terrible thing’ Mørland did in his early youth? WHY is he a ‘monster’? WHY is Debrah Scarlett there? Does she want to separate or not? Why does she too call herself “a monster”? HOW come *she* is the “prince you thought you saw in me”? 
Instead of answering these key questions, the song transposes in to the most generic, LoveBalladesque middle eight and final chorus EVER. Open ended storytelling can be a good stylistic choice, but here its in open conclict with the narrative itself. Mørland and Debrah are discussing their break up while smiling benignly as upbeat romantic music plays in the backgroup. Are you going to be dark and moody or romantic and optimistic, “Monster”??? DECIDE ALREADY. In sum,: By not resolving its story, “A monster like me” remains a non-sequitur. 🙃 It really just is shallow, shitfaced schmalz and I hate it.  😊
PS: It’s “A monster ~such as I~” 😊
390. Roman Lob - “Standing still” Germany 2012
Another recurring theme you might have noticed: The Eurovision Bubble goes buckwild for a supposedly Good Song and well well, said “good song” is actually really generic, poorly written and shyte.😏  “Standing still” I suppose is a good title because IT DOESN’T GO ANYWHERE, both rhythmwise AND storywise, but I prefer the Lobified title of “STANDING STOOL” because the live performance is a giant turd, further accentuated by its poo-brown lighting and Roman’s regurgitative diction. (seriously. He sounds more Danish than German) 
However, because Roman is one of 2012′s supposedly “Hot Guys” (somehow?🤔), he finished in a very generous 8th place, beating the likes of Gaitana and  Kaliopi along the way. Gotta love it when White Male Mediocrity triumps over those kickass People of Colour and iconic HardRock Diva’s yo~
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I just wanna share this to my followers. THIS. This is one of my favorite song of all time and IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL EVERYTIME I HEAR IT I WANT TO CRY GOD HELP ME. I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH. If you don’t know what eurovision is, just ignore it and listen to this beauty. Please. 
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chanandlerbong · 6 years
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Special 20 years watching Eurovision; Favourite acts → 2015  
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sweetiepootato · 6 years
🇪🇸: can we copy your homework?
🇳🇴: ok, but change it, don't make it too obvious
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I swear I thought about A Monster Like Me when I saw Spain
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columba1234 · 2 years
A country: Norway - my favourite esc country !!!!!. My top 5 is:
Fairytale - Alexander Rybak (2009)
Nocturne - Secret Garden (1995)
Let Det Swinge - Bobbysocks (1985)
A Monster Like Me -  Debrah Scarlett, Kjetil Mørland (2015)
Sprit In The Sky - Keiino (2019)
A year: 2018 - (my fave year) My Top 10 and shout-outs:
Lie To Me - Mikolas Josef (Czech Republic)
La Forza - Elina Nechayeva (Estonia)
You Let Me Walk Alone - Michael Schulte (Germany)
Mercy -  Madame Monsieur. (France)
Higher Ground -  Rasmussen (Denmark)
That’s How You Write A Song - Alexander Rybak (Norway)
O Jardim -  Cláudia Pascoal (Portugal)
Under The Ladder - Melovin (Ukraine)
Viszlát nyár - AWS (Hungary)
Non mi avete fatto niente -  Ermal Meta and Fabrizio Moro (Italy) Shout-outs for Oniro Mou (Greece), Outlaw In ‘Em (The Netherlands), Forever (Belarus) and Storm (UK)
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