#Deathmask h
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Deathmask &Helena
acá un dibujo de Saint Seiya con deathmask y Helena del spin-off Soul of gold acá ambos aparecen muy felices y juntos al fin!!ella con un vestido decescote y con el cabello largo
el con un atuendo casual y elegante de negro con un peinado distinto
muy elegantes ambos
para el mes de Cáncer
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doctorcanon · 4 years
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kyuremking · 3 years
Saint Seiya - The Saga of the 12 Houses
Yesterday I started and finished the saga of the 12 houses and I guess it's time to give my opinion.
The saga is non-stop, with a 12 hour countdown with the main characters on the verge of death in every chapter.
But I liked it, I don't say it's perfect but it's well done, the main characters with their beliefs for Athena/Saori against the golden knights who have different points of view and ways of acting.
Mu is an ally who repairs their armour and then rescues Shaka and Ikki.
Aldebaran could have killed them from the beginning I have no doubt, but he clearly did not want to, nor did he attack them with full force.
The Gemini knight split them up and allowed the fighting to begin without everyone present.
Deathmask, Deathmask, Deathmask, what can I say about him? His only mistake was attacking Shunrei. If he hadn't attacked her Shiryu would be dead. Cancer's cloth wouldn't have left him if he hadn't attacked an innocent person who wasn't even on the battlefield. I don't know if he deserved to die or not, I mean he was a jerk but maybe he could have learned a little and been of some use.
Aioria was mind controlled but he is one of the ones who came close to killing one of the Bronze.
Cassios' death showed us that even if you don't believe in Athena that doesn't mean you're not a true knight (although let's remember that Cassios beheaded 9 people to get Pegasus' cloth).
Shaka could also have killed the bronze ones if it wasn't for Ikki. Although I find it very strange that Shaka is surprised that Ikki's cosmos increases when he is left without his senses, after all that's the same thing Shaka does. Actually that's something the Golden Knights do a lot, they have techniques that take away the senses and then are surprised that the cosmos increases. If I were them I wouldn't have techniques that cause that effect because it backfires in the end.
The house of Libra...that's the most out-of-context scene I've ever seen. The anime and manga are different and the anime doesn't explain it as well as the manga. Decades of complaining when he's just a friend almost sacrificing his life for his friend's life.
Milo, thanks to him Hyoga comes closer to the seventh sense and realizes that the Patriarch is not to be trusted and saves Hyoga (from the consequences of the Scarlet Needle). He also shows respect for Hyoga.
Aioros, he is dead and nothing will change that but his message helped the Bronze to continue with more strength.
Shura, he got tired of people fighting for their own selfish desires (or so I understood). I don't think he deserved to die. But in the end he saved Shiryu.
Camus, no offence but you were a bit of an idiot, telling your disciple not to be sentimental when you are more sentimental. You locked your disciple in the ice so he wouldn't die, that's very emotional. I understand that his duel to the death helped Hyoga become stronger, even though he ended up half dead. He still didn't deserve to die.
Aphrodite. Possibly many will disagree with me but I'm going to say it. I don't think Aphrodite deserved to die. Aphrodite joined the Patriarch because he believed that the strong were the ones who should rule(I disagree with that but to each his own) and killed Daidalos. Despite joining the Patriarch for thirteen years he did nothing to rule the world and as for Daidalos, we are told that Shun's master ignored the Patriarch's call and did not show up. Which is understandable but if you suspect there is something wrong with the Patriarch it is best not to raise suspicions, by not showing up, he brought his own death upon himself, Aphrodite was just doing his job plus he didn't kill June who was probably nearby. So yes, Aphrodite didn't deserve to die. But I have a big problem with him and that's that his demonic roses are a laugh, Seiya and Marin recover from poison easily so his poison is very weak, that's the only complaint I have.
And finally we come to Saga, after reading the manga it has cemented my opinion that Saga was the saint who believed in Athena the most, Saga is a man who lived tormented by something he tried but couldn't control, for years he lived with this burden and committed horrible acts, when Seiya meets him Saga tells him how to save Athena and if it wasn't for his evil side, Athena would have been saved sooner. Also the first chance he got he took his own life in an attempt to atone for his guilt. This does not atone for his guilt, nor does it forgive anything he did but it shows that he regretted it and was waiting for the moment to finally end it all.
Saga is a man who needed help but never got it, maybe because the other golden saints didn't care, maybe because they didn't notice anything or maybe because they believed that the way of Saga's evil side was the right way. But Saga desperately needed help and it took some 13 year olds to show up for him to finally get help.
But still Saga you're telling me that in those 13 years you didn't have time to bury Shion's body, you're telling me that you had to leave his corpse for 13 years on Star Hill, you really didn't even have a couple of hours to dig a grave for him.
So, after talking about the Golden Saints it's time to talk about someone who is also to blame for all this.
Shion, I like Shion a lot but that doesn't mean he wasn't flawed. Aiolos and Saga were not ready to be Patriarchs, neither of them. They were only 14 years old, a 14 year old can't run an organisation destined to protect the world. Because all they can think about is their hormones. I don't care that they are knights of Athena and that they received super hard training and that maybe they can deal with things that normal teenagers can't. But they are still only 14 years old. But they're still only 14 years old. Also Shion made the same mistake as Deidalos, he told Saga to his face that he felt evil in him, you're telling me you couldn't tell him to leave Star Hill because it was forbidden to be here, you couldn't tell him with people around(I'm not asking for the same room but still close).
And finally it's time to talk about the justice of each one. (This is just my opinion. Those who believed/seemed to believe in Athena: Saga, Mu, Aldebaran, Aioria, Milo, Camus. Those who believed that the end justifies the means: Deathmask.) Those who believed that strength is the most important thing: Shura, Aphrodite. Those who don't believe that there is absolute good and evil: Shaka.
Seriously I think Saga should have explained his problem or have others see it because his evil side is surely the cause of Shura, Aphrodite and Deathmask believing that strength is the most important thing.
I've left Saori for last but it's not like she had many moments, after all she had an arrow in her heart. But she still helped Shiryu in his fight against Deatmask and appeared a few times to support the Bronze Saints with words, that's more than many could do with an arrow in their heart.
I liked that the other Bronze Knights had their moment to protect Saori but what I didn't like is that the foot soldiers of the Sanctuary are real jerks, your goddess is the goddess of wisdom and you're telling me you're a bunch of idiots.
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milly-plays-litg · 5 years
Gold Saints and Hogwarts:
The Sorting Hat says:
Gryffindor: DeathMask, Aldebaran, Aioria.
Slytherin: Saga/Kanon, Milo, Aphrodite.
Ravenclaw: Mu, Shaka, Dohko.
Hufflepuff: Aioros, Shura, Camus.
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A l l O f T h e m. 31: Seiya/Shiryu 42: Ikki
Okay, wig
1: How long have you been in the fandom? Like uhhhh a month or two, from around the mid of November.
2: Favorite character? Aiolos because I adore He.
3: Favorite Bronze Saint? JABU. I love him because he is so fucking stupid. Himbo Rights.
4: Favorite Silver Saint? Marin!
5: Favorite Gold Saint? Aiolos! I also like Mu because he is a good dad.
6: OTP? (Me/Aiolos) Hyoga/Shun is the only one I have read fics for, so probably that lmao.
7: Other ships? I think Camus/Milo is funny because they seem like that couple that has constant explosive breakups and then get back together the next day.
8: Favorite Saga? (Sanctuary - Asgard - Poseidon- Hades) I luv the classic Twelve Temples Arc and meeting all the Gold Saints.
9: Favorite Female Saint? MARIN MY GIRL
10: Favorite God/Goddess? (Hades - Athena - Poseidon- Odin-ETC) I vibe with Apollo and the armor crop top he has going on.
11: Favorite Movie? If the Hades OVAs count... yes.
12: Headcanons you have? All the female saints are bisexual and you cannot change my mind.
13: How did you join the fandom? I was researching anime/cartoons that are popular in Latin America for a school project, and lo and behold... Saint Seiya.
14: When did you join the fandom? When I was doing the research in November or so.
15: Why did you join the fandom? I decided to watch a few episodes of the anime on Netflix to Get Woke about it in order to discuss it, and then I was sucked in never to return.
16: You have a crush on a character? Which one? HHHHHH I love Aiolos;;; 
17: Saddest character death? AIOLOS!!! He did not deserve his fate :(
18: Saddest backstory? If you don’t say Ikki here then you’re wrong.
19: Saddest/Most tragic Love Story? Miho and Seiya because Miho treated Seiya better than Saori usually does lmao. There are not a whole lot of canon love stories so IDK what else.
20: Opinion on Athena/Saori? I like how her coming into herself as a goddess also parallels her becoming a better and more caring person, especially towards the people risking her lives for her.
21: Manga or Anime? Anime. All-The-Bronze-Saints-Being-Related? I don’t know her.
22: Do you want to cosplay as anyone? I’m planning on making an armor Shun cosplay and a Kiki cosplay for a con in August uwu
23: Moment that made you cry? Not cry really, but Aiolos’ death and the kiddies finding his last writing in his temple were both OOF
24: Moment that made you laugh? When Misty ripped his clothes off for his vain, dramatic scene, and Seiya just rose out of the ocean and basically said, “You put your clothes back on and let’s finish this.”
26: Favourite pair of brothers? Shun and Ikki!
27: Favourite pair of twins? Saga and Kanon are the only ones I really know lmao
28: Thoughts on the “Galactic Tournament”? YOU’RE MAKING 13 YEAR OLDS FIGHT TO DEATH ON TELEVISION EXCUSE ME??? MA’AM???
29: Least favorite character? Let Deathmask and Shura know,,, I just wanna talk.
30: If I could make two characters interact more, who would they be? I wish Poseidon and Hades had some interaction just so I can see Ancient God Brother shenanigans lmao 
31: Opinion on [ship name] [Seiya/Shiryu]? TBH when I first watched the series and Seiya and Shiryu were acting all goofy and nice with each other I was like damn... they should kiss. But then Shunrei appeared lmao
32: If you could kill a character, who would it be? I would kill Shura again just because I’m that spiteful. But also, Tatsumi should get a fucking prison sentence for how he treated the Bronze Saints as kids lmao
33: Saga or Kanon? Kanon
34: If you could bring a character back to life, who would it be? Me, leaning into the mic: Aiolos. (But also his bro, Aiolia)
35: Marin or Shaina? Why would you pit them against each other they’re GFs :(
36: Favorite character backstory? Hyoga’s backstory with his mom is so OOF, but also so good
37: Least favorite character backstory? RIP to Shion turning his back to Saga for one second and getting obliterated but I’m different (I also think the plot point of a character having TWO PERSONALITIES AND ONE IS EVIL UWU is so overrated smh)
38: Do you have any merch? I just ordered some pins >:)
39: Favorite chapter? Seeing the backstory with Aiolos training Aiolia... chefs kiss
40: Character you wish hadn’t died? Aiolos  Cassios did not deserve his his fate either :( And Esmerelda!!! Damn!
41: Character you would give more Screen Time? MY LASS, MIHO (And also Jabu)
42: Opinion on *insert name* [Ikki]? The Watchful Twunk over a pack of feral teen Twinks... he is a dearly needed part of the team
43: Favourite Teacher/Sensei? At the risk of saying Marin again, I also like Dohko because he LOVES HIS KIDS
44: Most wasted character? All the other Bronze Saints besides the main ones tbh
45: NOTP? If you ship Saori with people TWICE HER AGE, or people MYTHOLOGICALLY RELATED TO HER, you will die by my hand
46: Favorite AU? AU where Aiolos lives I think an AU where Aiolos actually becomes the Pope and raises Saori/Athena as his own bean would be cool
47: Favorite character from the Hades Saga? Pandora is Goth GF material
48: Most attractive character? Aiolos Shaka, despite being the world’s largest prick, is also very beautiful. Shaina is also an attractive young lady.
49: Favourite Song? PEGASUS FANTASY (the Latin American Spanish version is lit)
50: After Saga’s death… who would you nominate to be the New Pope? Mu, following in the footsteps of his master, is a Gold Saint with his shit together, as seen by his parenting of Kiki, and he therefore would make a good Pope.
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tatonosekai · 6 years
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♋ D E A T H M A S K ♋ #seintseiya #zodiacsigns #zodiaco #caballerosdelzodiaco #deathmask #cosplay #instacosplay #cosplayer #cosplayofinstagram #anime #otaku #photocosplay #malecosplay #goldarmor #armor (en Guatemala City, Guatemala) https://www.instagram.com/p/BquwUb9AISR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pgi0f3lpjbr4
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thecollectiverpg · 2 years
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C H A P T E R   U P D A T E  :  T O W E R   O F   L I V I N G   D E A D
On April 22nd, at 8:26 pm EST a series of loud explosions are heard that echo throughout the district surrounding Guardian Tower. Shortly afterward, eyewitnesses notice Guardian Tower has gone completely dark. The threat that has been looming over the Guardians and Collective villains alike has now come to pass- the Tower is under attack. 
As local authorities struggle to gain communication with those inside, the villains back at the Collective step into action, and begin to carry out the plan that had been set into motion approximately a week and a half earlier. Each villain knows and has known for some days now, who their partner is, and which part of the Tower they have been instructed to go to. The goal is simple- rescue anyone willing to be rescued, and neutralize what targets are in your way. 
After leaving the Manor, all villains are told to meet at an abandoned apartment building approximately one block away from the Tower. It is here where all villains will be given a firearm complete with nonlethal stun ammunition. Any foe- both living or undead, is to be brought back to the apartment building with no life-threatening injuries. Any undead villain who is brought back to the apartment building, will then be locked away in a room until the villain known as Lazarus, can return them back back peacefully to their state of rest. 
Once a team has cleared their zone in the Tower, they are to return back to the apartment building for a head count. Once a villain has been cleared at the apartment building they are free to return home or to the manor. 
All villains have now been informed that should they come across Overload or Velocity, they are to aid in their escape. Once Overload and Velocity have been found, and the assigned area is clear, they are to be returned to the apartment building where they’ll await further aid. All villains have also been informed that Nightingale is somewhere in the Tower, and should be with the Guardian known as The Ape Man. 
OOC: Because we still need undead villains for an upcoming event, there is a limit of seven undead villains that can be returned home. Please let me know which of the undead you’d like your villains to bring back, and I’ll let you know if a slot is open or not. Info on the undead can still be found here. 
Below you will find a breakdown of the villain teams, their assigned areas, and the state of that area once they reach it. It is important to note that villains are not aware of which foe they’ll find once they reach their area, or which Guardian they may discover. 
Villains: Daydreamer and Firebrand
Foes: Hourglass and Parasite
Hero: The Ape Man
Location: Top Level, Mission Control
Villains: Hyde and Fortune Finder
Foes: Fearmonger and Lynx 
Hero: Mind Master
Location: Top Level, The War Room
Summary: After reaching the top level, the two teams composed of Daydreamer, Firebrand, Hyde and Fortune Finder will discover immediately they have each stepped into their own personal nightmare. Fearmonger has made this entire level his own domain, and villains will get separated from one another as they fight through the undead villain’s relentless maze of horror and fear. Lynx has free reign over this level as well, and is wearing Deathmask’s mask- the mask stolen from the manor’s museum, which grants her immunity against any psychic attacks. Villains must try their best to find their partners before both Guardians trapped on this floor fall victim to Hourglass and his allies. 
Villains: Night Hunter and Lazarus
Foes: Ramses, Mordred, and Morrigan
Hero: Flame Thrower
Location: Mid Level, Holding Cells
Villains: Dark Wing and Medusa
Foes: Oppenheimer, Ozymandias, and Velocity
Hero: Captain Covert
Location: Mid Level, Training Facility 
Villains: The Shadow Man (Gen 3) and Zenith
Foes: The Shadow Man (Gen 1) and Stoker
Hero: The Tin Soldier 
Location: Mid Level, Armory and Specialist Labs
Summary: As with all other levels in the building, the mid level is largely without power. The only items operational are the elevators, which are being run on a back-up generator, and the emergency lights that illuminate certain points throughout the floors in this section of the Tower. The largest grouping of the undead can be found here, in fact, there are undead in this section of the Tower pulled not only from the Manor’s cemetery- but what must be the Heroes Garden Memorial Cemetery, located three blocks from the Tower, as there are now undead heroes as well as villains running wildly throughout this portion of the building. 
Villains: Reaper and Dulce et Decorum 
Foes: Specter, Dr. Judgement, and Mr.Grey/Hypno
Hero: Green Banshee
Location: Ground Level, Hall of Heroes Museum
Villains: Grizzly and Mimic
Foes: Tempest, Roulette, and Doppelganger 
Hero: Geo Girl
Location: Ground Level, Cafeteria
Summary: Much like the Mid Level floors, the only noticeable power reaching the Ground Level floors are the still operational elevators, and the emergency lights scattered throughout the floor. Being so close to the initial multiple blast sites where the rogue villains first entered through, Collective villains will notice just how unstable the Tower has become. The low chilling groan of steel echoes throughout these floors as the building struggles to maintain its own weight. It is clear at this point the Tower will not stand long should any more damage be inflicted on its structure. As this level provides the safest route out of the building however, it is paramount that villains remove any threats that linger there, and ensure the path out the front door remains clear from danger. 
Villains: Jetstream and Catalyst
Foes: Insecta, Hydromancer, and Overload
Hero: Dr. Dearest
Location: Sub Level, Boiler and Maintenance Rooms
Villains: Black Paladin and Prodigal Son
Foe: Hot Shot, Sergeant Slaughter, and Reptilian 
Heroes: Youth Brigade (Greenkeeper, Moonwalker, and Selkie) 
Location: Sub Level, Parking Garage
Summary: In comparison to the floors above, the numerous explosives that rattled the ground floor, have caused the most damage to the sub level. As teams enter this area of the Tower, they will notice the building’s structure is failing. The main water line that services the entire tower has burst, and teams will quickly find themselves standing anywhere from a foot of water or higher, depending on how long they remain and which floor they’re on. The Youth Brigade, which had tried to enter the Tower through the parking garage, has become trapped in the lowest section of the parking garage, finding themselves quickly being surrounded by deep floodwaters. The boiler and maintenance rooms- which house the back-up generator for the elevators, is key in aiding the teams in the higher levels, and must be protected to ensure their safe return and movement throughout their mission. 
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libidomechanica · 5 years
“full help—for aye, to repare tore the silver Spirits remorseful”
Brough the fault was  running that day; is this  union women preach, charm; full help— for aye, to 
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clasped for ration bonfires  my Lip their deathmasks into  the dust:  and wade it die? 
I thou with heaunly I  saw weight winds. She was  in thus a jutting and  will, the 
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hast dont had man, compense. And  Gibson did not such less reverence  the songs, communion  you: besides, tongue.”
0 notes
thesilvervoice · 8 years
John Boyle O’Reilly Information Point, Leschenault Conservation Park, near Bunbury (Image ©thesilvervoice)
As Ireland commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the Fenian Rising of March 1867, it is fitting to note that thousands of miles away in Western Australia on this coming weekend of March 25th and 26th 2017, the John Boyle O’Reilly Association of Western Australia will once again pay homage to John Boyle O’Reilly, Irishman, Fenian, Poet, Journalist, Escaped Convict.
Although he was not active in the March 1867 Rising, it was Boyle O’Reilly’s Fenian membership that brought him to Australia as a convict in the first place. He was here for a relatively short time – from January 1868 to February 1869 – but nevertheless he is a hero in these parts and is remembered on an annual basis. The primary aims of the Association are to promote the life and literary works of John Boyle O’Reilly as well as his historical significance to Western Australia and the Bunbury area in particular.
I first encountered the John Boyle O’Reilly Association of Western Australia quite by chance when visiting the Leschenault Peninsula in Western Australia in 2014 with my friend Leith, who had wanted to show me where John Boyle O’Reilly ‘hung out’ while awaiting his escape from the penal colony. We arrived to discover that there was already a sizeable crowd there being addressed by various dignitaries. They had gathered at the John Boyle O ‘Reilly Memorial site to regale the gathered crowd with quotes and facts from his life and to celebrate his life and the work of the local community in raising awareness of their convict poet.
Leith – my guide and friend.
But who was John Boyle O’Reilly and why is he so revered  in Australia?
“The world is large, when its weary leagues two loving hearts divide;
But the world is small, when your enemy is loose on the other side”
These words were spoken on June 28 1963, by the United States President John F. Kennedy in his address to the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament). He was quoting from the extensive work of poet, author, journalist and Fenian, John Boyle O’Reilly, who in all likelihood was as little known in Ireland then as now, but not as widely known as he ought to be. Historians and history buffs among us would have been aware of him and of his Fenian Brotherhood activities; others may have vaguely recalled the name from some long forgotten school history book. For a considerable number of us however, the name meant and still means very little.
My first (conscious) encounter with Boyle O’Reilly happened in Fremantle Prison in Western Australia in 2012. Fremantle Prison was the ‘Establishment’ in which convicts transported from Britain to the Colony of Western Australia were held.
Fremantle Prison (The Establishment) Housed convicts transported to Western Australia between 1850 and 1868 (Image c.thesilvervoice)
Now a World Heritage listed  building, the ‘Establishment’ had at the time of my visit an exhibition that included a replica death mask of John Boyle O’Reilly that had been donated by the National Museum of Ireland.
Deathmask of John Boyle O’Reilly. A replica presented by the National Museum of Ireland
Born in 1844 at Dowth Castle in County Meath, John Boyle O’Reilly began a career as a journalist at the age of 15. He moved to England for a while as an apprentice and on his return to Dublin in 1863 he signed up with the 10th Hussars. Soon afterwards he became a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, or Fenians, who were rebelling against British rule. He actively recruited considerable numbers of new members from within his own regiment. When he was discovered, he was arrested. In June 1866 he was court martialled and on July 9, 1866 he was sentenced to death for his seditious activities. That sentence was immediately commuted to life imprisonment and subsequently to 20 years penal servitude. With other Fenian prisoners he was transferred to an English prison.
Boyle O’Reilly after his arrest.(Image Public Domain)
It was then decided that Fenian prisoners would be transported to Western Australia, and so in 1867, the Hougoumont left England with 62 Fenians among a consignment of 280 convicts on board. This historic voyage was to be the very last one transporting convicts to the penal Colonies of Australia.
During their time on the Hougoumont Boyle O’Reilly and others produced seven editions of a newspaper entitled ‘The Wild Goose’, containing poems, editorials and stories. Boyle O’Reilly later wrote “We published seven weekly numbers of it. Amid the dim glare of the lamp,the men at night would group strangely on extemporized seats. The yellow light fell down on the dark forms, throwing a ghastly glare on the pale faces of the men . .”
The Hougoumont arrived at Fremantle on January 9 1868 after a voyage lasting 89 days. Some weeks later, O’Reilly, prisoner number 9843, was assigned to works on the new road linking Bunbury and Vasse. He soon became an assistant to the head warder, Henry Woodman and he struck up a good friendship with the local Catholic priest, Fr.Patrick McCabe (a native of County Cavan) who offered to help him escape.
In the meantime, Boyle O’Reilly became romantically involved with Woodman’s daughter Jessie who became pregnant. The relationship ended unhappily and resulted in Boyle O’Reilly’s failed suicide attempt in December 1868, and subsequent depression. It was said that ”Boyle, poor Boyle, cried and cried in desperation for help.”  Jessie married a local man in March 1869, probably to preserve her reputation. The fact of her pregnancy has only been confirmed in a letter discovered in San Franscisco in recent years, a letter written in May 1870 by John Boyle O Reilly in which he writes:
“If Cashman, or any of them knows anything about Miss Woodman I wish they would write it or tell you what it is . Was the child born? That’s the principal thing I want to know‘”
Fr. McCabe made arrangements with the captain of the Vigilant, a visiting whaling ship, to take Boyle O’Reilly on board and spirit him away from the Penal Colony. So on a February night in 1869, Boyle O’Reilly slipped away from the convict camp near Bunbury and made his way on foot to a pre-arranged meeting place with two others. From there they rode northwards for an hour and, picking up a rowing boat, they made their way  out of the inlet and traveled northwards for about 12 miles. Here Boyle O’Reilly hid in the dunes, waiting for the Vigilant to leave port. When they spotted her, they rowed out to meet her but were devastated when the Vigilant sailed on, the captain apparently having reneged on the agreement he had made with Fr. McCabe. They had to return to shore and hide again while arrangements were made with another ship. After two weeks, they succeeded in making a deal with the captain of the American whaler Gazelle. O’Reilly and his friends met the Gazelle three miles out to sea on March 2 1869 and  made good their escape. Boyle O’Reilly arrived in Philadelphia on November 23, 1869, one of the very few convicts ever to have escaped from the Western Australian penitentiary.
He settled in Boston and was employed by The Pilot newspaper. He married in 1872, and he and his wife Mary (Murphy) had four daughters. Boyle O’Reilly worked tirelessly lecturing and writing on the Irish question. He became influential and highly respected in the Irish Boston community. Over the next number of years he published, among other works, several popular books of poetry and a novel, Moondyne, based on his life  as a convict.
His connection with Western Australia was not lost however as he was instrumental in planning the escape of 6 more Fenians in 1876. (This will be the subject of my next post).
On August 9 189o he was found dead, apparently having succumbed to an accidental overdose of sedative. He was only 46 years of age.
But his memory lives on in Western Australia where a dedicated band of admirers and scholars celebrate his life and his work, as they will do again this weekend. At the time of our visit in 2014, the Irish Ambassador Mr Noel White was in attendance together with the Irish Consul in Western Australia, Mr Marty Kavanagh.
The Irish Ambassador, The Irish Consul to WA , Ambassador’s son, and the author.
A memorial was unveiled to the late Dr Manea who did extraordinary work to raise awareness and appreciation of John Boyle O’Reilly in the area.
Memorial plaque in honour of Dr Manea. ‘This dreamer will live on forever’
Other West Australians dedicated to the cause are Fred Rea, Tony Costa and Peter Murphy who continue to promote all things John Boyle O’Reilly through their daily work.  It would make you very proud to be Irish when you witness the passion these people and others in the area  have for John Boyle O Reilly, their convict poet.
The Memorial to John Boyle O ‘Reilly at Leschenault
Image ©thesilvervoice
The inscription on the memorial reads:
Humanitarian, author, poet and lecturer. Born Ireland 28th June 1844. Died U.S.A 10th August 1890. Absconded from a convict road party, Cokelup Swamp 18th February 1869 and escaped from this area on the whaling ship Gazelle 3rd March 1869. Also dedicated to all convicts who built , sweated and toiled in this district.
Then here’s to brave John Boyle O’Reilly who first blazed a trail over the sea By escaping from Bunbury to Boston An vowing his comrades to be free
                                                     Catalpa Ballad
Erected by the South West Irish Club and local community
Unveiled by Ambassador Designate to Ireland Mr Brian Burke, 13th March, 1988.
I am indebted to Ian Kenneally, author of ‘From the Earth a Cry’, a biography of John Boyle O’Reilly for the ‘heads up’ on the discovery of the letter confirming that Jessie was indeed expecting Boyle O’Reilly’s child. His book is an excellent read and is highly recommended.
  Published works of John Boyle O’Reilly
Songs from the Southern Seas (1873) – a collection of poems
Songs, Legends and Ballads (1878) – a collection of poems
Moondyne (1879) – a novel based on his experiences as a convict in Western Australia
An annotated edition of this work is available here through University College Cork’s Corpus of Electronic Texts (CELT).
The Statues in the Block (1881) – a collection of poems
In Bohemia (1886) – a collection of poems
The Ethics of Boxing and Manly Sport (1888) – a treatise on health and physical exercise, later republished as Athletics and Manly Sport
Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaelogical Society, 1969, volume LXXIV
Convict Ship Newspaper, The Wild Goose, Re-discovered by  Walter McGrath quoted
J. J. Roche, Life, Poems and Speeches of John Boyle O’Reilly, page 68
John Boyle O’Reilly: Fenian, Convict, Poet John Boyle O'Reilly Information Point, Leschenault Conservation Park, near Bunbury (Image ©thesilvervoice) As Ireland commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the Fenian Rising of March 1867, it is fitting to note that thousands of miles away in Western Australia on this coming weekend of March 25th and 26th 2017, the John Boyle O'Reilly Association of Western Australia will once again pay homage to John Boyle O'Reilly, Irishman, Fenian, Poet, Journalist, Escaped Convict.
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