#Dear Gladiolus what to SAY to you!
More asks for Peony: 🗣️ 🍱 👶
🗣️-If you could cast a voice actor to voice your OC, who would you choose?
Most likely if I could pick anyone, Lisa Maxwell who voiced Kira in The Dark Crystal, she sounds the most like how I envision Peony sounding in my mind. It’s the perfect balance of a soft, gentle voice tempered with curiosity and adventurous undertones. Subconsciously I think I view Peony and Taranza as somewhat like Kira and Jen from Dark Crystal. Them and Bernard and Bianca from rescuers. So, Eva Gabor would be a good choice too lol
🍱-If your OC had a dish themed around them at the Kirby cafe, what would it be?
As a food, it would have to be a dessert, I imagine a sort of peony shaped tart filled with cream and strawberry jam. As a coffee beverage, a white mocha latte with peony syrup, strawberry whip cream for a pink tint, topped with peony petals for decoration and gold sprinkles. The straw if it were up to me would be shaped like a moth antennae.
👶-Does your OC have children? If they don’t have any children, would they like to have some someday?
I answer these with the idea that her main story is finished so sorry for spoilers but yes! Peony has a daughter with Taranza, Princess and future Queen of Floralia, Gladiolus, or Gladdy for short. I imagine Peony and Taranza as very affectionate and emotionally available and connected parents. They would be very nurturing for their child and are very good to Gladdy. She knows a lot about love and care and what it feels like, and is never made to feel left out or unwanted. She lives a life full of happiness and joy, with parents who rejoice in her accomplishments and comfort her in the natural sorrows and difficulties that come with growth. Here she is as a baby drawn for the first time so she’s not just a blip in my brain lol
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months
ship: (Lux Astrum x Gladiolus Amicitia) source: Final Fantasy XV word count: 1401 cw: implications of physical parental abuse
I'm so fucking SGKJHSELGKJ over Lux and Gladio being childhood friends to lovers, and Gladio being there for the start of Lux's transition. Also gay gay homosexual gay.
very quick for indulgence purposes no proof reading we post like men
tag list: @dearly-beeloved @kylars-princess @adoredbyalatus @dorothys-wife @the-sleeping-city
@dear-gambler @sunstar-of-the-north @mahitosoulmate @goldenworldsabound
"Things still rough at home?"
The question was enough to get Lumine to open her eyes. She liked it here, in the Amicitia's backyard, her favorite respite from her family and life in general. There was no shouting or senseless conflict. Just the soft feeling of sun-warmed grass beneath her.
"... Yeah," she answered Gladio with a sigh, bringing her arm up to drape over her forehead. 
"... I see," came Gladio's reply, accompanied by a huff through his nose. "Not sure why I asked..."
There was a mostly comfortable silence after that, only mostly considering the awkwardness of the subject that had been breached. 
"Was it... always like that?" Gladio gambled against the odds of making the conversation MORE awkward, deciding to go ahead with what he wanted to ask.
"... Not sure," Lumine ultimately answered. "My grandparents were never like this, to my knowledge. It'd be a disgrace if my whole lineage was..." 
A sigh left her lips as she trailed off, her forearm coming down to cover her eyes.
"If anyone deserves to serve the King... My parents aren't it."
Gladio merely nodded his head, a thoughtful gesture of contemplation. 
"Do you think you are? I mean, as the oldest, how do you even feel about taking up that mantle? I don't see you as the family type," he tried to make a lighthearted comment, rolling his head to the side to fix Lumine with a teasing eyebrow arch.
Lumine snorted, a good sign.
"What, are you saying you wouldn't start a family with me?" she teased back before returning to her melancholy expression.
"That'd be something, though, wouldn't it? Astrum and Amicitia..." Another inhale through her nose. "If it came down to it, I'd DEFINITELY take your family over mine. I don't have any real attachment to mine, if they want someone to continue the lineage they've got my sister."
Gladio's turned his head to look back up at the sky.
"Man. All daughters. That's a load of responsibility."
Lumine didn't say anything for a second, taking a few beats until she gave her reply.
"Yeah... Daughters..." 
It was quiet again. This time there was a palpable tension, one that had Gladio sitting up a bit, turning on his side and supporting himself with his elbow.
"What's up with you, Lumine?"
Blinking, Lumine turned her head to look at him.
"I mean, like... A lot, but what are you asking specifically?" 
Gladio's expression was a bit more serious than she was comfortable with.
"How would I know? You're not exactly an open book these days."
This had Lumine's brow furrowing, a little offended by the comment. Gladio didn't mince words, it was something she loved about him, but this was hitting a little too close for comfort. 
"Yeah, well. Maybe I've just had some stuff on my mind."
"Anything you wanna share with the class?"
"Not really..."
"Then what about with your boyfriend?"
Lumine winced. Godsdammit, that was a sore spot. She never wanted to be distant, never wanted to be the way her parents were. With herself, with each other. Whatever she had with Gladio, she swore it would never end up like that.
But this was... Different. 
A lump in her throat made itself known, and she struggled to swallow it.
"It's... I'm..." She took a deep, shuddering breath. 
"I want to tell you, but... I'm scared."
Gladio's brow furrowed this time.
"You? Scared?"
Lumine's eyes clenched shut, her eyelids trembling in a way that made it known she wasn't exaggerating.
"Yeah," she replied, her voice cracking, "... scared."
"Lumine," Gladio sighed and she winced. "Don't give me that crap. You don't scare easy, so just... Out with it. Rip off the bandaid." 
Lumine's eyes opened and she looked at him. Her eyes were wide, vulnerable and wet and foreign in a way that Gladio wasn't used to seeing. 
"But I'm scared if I do... You won't... Know me anymore..." Her voice came out in a near whisper. 
"Is that so bad? You've stuck with me this long, Lumine. And I've stuck with you. Whatever it is, I already know I'm still gonna like whoever you are. Even if it means I have to help you bury someone here in the yard. So just say it," Gladio's attempt at light-heartedness was a bit of a failure in that his conviction to get Lumine to open up was a bit intense. 
It seemed to do the trick though, as Lumine gulped again, staring at him with an expression that trembled along the ledge of vulnerability. 
"I don't think... I don't think there IS a Lumine," she spoke softly, breathily. 
"Well then, who is there?"
The question was abrupt, blunt, and perfect for breaking down the final wall that stood between Gladio and true openness. Tears welled up in Lumine's eyes, and she didn't even try to keep them from falling.
"Well... It's... Lux." 
"Tell me about Lux," Gladio continued his trend of unwavering support, which only made the tears stream even quicker. 
"Lux is... What Lumine would be like if she wasn't so sad all the time. Lux can stand up for... for himself."
There was a silence that was so tense that Lumine winced, keeping her eyes clenched shut. The silence was so deafening she wanted to reach up and cover her ears. But more than that, she was even more afraid of what would break that silence.
"I see. Well... does Lux still want to be my boyfriend?"
In an utterly appropriate metaphor, Lux's eyes snapped open in a manner that was like he was seeing the light for the first time. Here in Gladio's backyard, where the sun always felt brightest and warmest. 
He took a quick inhale.
"He would... He really would..."
More silence followed, less tense but still ringing with questions neither of them wanted to breach yet.
"But... Are you even...?" Lux managed to bring himself to grasp the most important one.
Whatever he feared, he wouldn't find it, as Gladio let out a snort.
"Lux... I don't even like girls."
"Guess I was just ahead of the game, huh? I thought it was weird too, but I guess I'm just more in tune to you than YOU were. Face it, you're oblivious," Gladio snickered, reaching over to pull Lux's headband off and ruffle his hair.
"Hey!" Lux protested with a whine, making an even whinier sound as Gladio tossed the accessory across the yard.
"Come on, is Lux still gonna let his parents decide what he wears? I've always hated that thing on you. You should get a more badass accessory," Gladio sat up fully, crossing his legs.
"Like what? A piercing or something?" Lux followed suit, arching a brow in contemplation.
"That's even more badass than what I was considering, you should do it," Gladio responded by giving Lux's shoulder a playful shove. "You said Lux stands up for himself. Maybe it's time that he started now."
Lux stared at him for a good moment before slowly nodding.
"Yeah. Yeah, you're right," he said thoughtfully, partially to himself.
"You're gonna be 16 this year, that's old enough. How about when your birthday rolls around we take you down to get one?" Gladio's arm came to wrap around Lux's shoulders now, giving him a little shake accompanied by an enabling smirk.
"You paying for it?" Lux snorted, unable to keep from cracking a smile. "What kind do you think would be best for a first one? Something that'll piss off my parents, they're gonna kick my ass no matter what I get."
The comment was played off casually, both of them were used to darker quips about Lux's home predicament. And so they thought for a moment.
Eventually, Lux turned to point to the area between his eyes.
"Okay, bridge?" 
And then one of his hands moved down to his nose.
"Or nostril?"
Gladio seemed to think for a moment, rubbing his chin.
"How about... BOTH nostrils. Sounds like a good middle ground."
"Oh, good idea. Anyway..." Lux trailed off, inciting a head tilt from Gladio.
"Come on, you're not about to clam up NOW are you?"
"No! No. I just..." Lux sighed before leaning into him and closing his eyes.
"Thanks... For still loving Lux."
Gladio's arm tightened around his shoulders.
"No problem... But I don't have to talk about having an ex-girlfriend do I?"
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Gaze: 🌼 - Assign them an aesthetic
Bedbug: 💌 - How would they react to a love letter? 🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike?
Cake: 🍁 - Their favourite season and why?
Hiii, thank you for the ask!
Not sure if there's a named “-core” for his aesthetic, so I'll go with words, if it's alright?
- Someone, underwater, reaching out to an offered hand. It's unclear if the hand is a friend from above, or a foe from the depths.
- Nighttime, sitting in the edge of a skyscraper abandoned while it was still being built. The lights of the city are bright and warm light the sun, reaching just below the person's boots, who watches life go by, in the shadows.
- A flower crown of red gladiolus, too loose around his head, falling over his eyes. The color of flowers seem to melt down his face. Oh. It's not the flowers.
💌 How would they react to a love letter?
Might as well change his name to "Giddy", because that's how he'll be acting for the rest of the week (or longer). Catch Bedbug on his bunk, reading it over and over again – feet kicking, pillow-screaming, telling (to a very confused) Burr all about the sweet things the person wrote him.
Tooka or Cheese will have to physically capture and sit down the man to stop him from hurriedly jumping into a relationship – or engagement, if the letter comes from a partner; because he's now in love and must speak back his own confession (yeah he falls in – and out of – love at the drop of a hat, no he's not working on it).
In the case of someone who's not his partner, once he calms down (and if the infatuation hasn't died) he will write back to the person in hopes of starting something with them. 🌹 Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike?
It varies so much, he's always on the move trying to burn out that seemingly endless well of energy feeding his body (too bad it's ADHD you can't burn it out, my dear bug), but all he does is burn trough body sprays and the barracks' allotted hot water.
He steals grabs what's the closest to him when his runs out. But while it lasts, he uses a fire fruit punch one, and under all the plastoid and blaster smoke, he's often smelling kinda citrus-y.
Summer! More specifically, high summer. Why? He hates, with the power of a thousand suns, to be even minimally cold.
Cake would rather have to constantly keep his hair braided/in a bun to avoid sweating away, than bundling up in two layers of blacks and wool socks and thick gloves, and still not feeling his face or fingers or toes or- let's just say he's really not okay with being chilly.
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starcrossedyanderes · 2 years
I know it’s late but take Aspen’s valentine thing
“Mama! Aspen est amoureux!”
“Oui, c’est une fille. Really, you must have hope in the prophecy.”
“Félicité have you already called your mother about Aspen’s interest? They haven’t even established anything yet.”
“Oh hush dear, you know how momentous this is for him.”
“Yes, Maman, that was Malachi talking. No Aspen can’t talk right now, he’s in the gardens. He’s picking out flowers to make a meaningful bouquet. Isn’t that so romantic~? Oh, I have to go now. He asked me to keep an eye on his petite fours and the timer just went off. Au revoir!”
As if on cue the sound of a door opening sounded out.
“I’m back!”
His mother and father turned around with a smile.
“Avery, how did the flower searching go?”
“Oh, it went well. It took a while but I think I found the perfect message to send.”
“Alright chéri. Bring them over and let me look at them. Malachi, it seems we’re out of powdered sugar. Could you grab some more on your trip to the store?”
“Of course darling. Be right back.”
“Alright Aspen, talk me through it.”
Aspen gulped and readjusted his glasses.
“Ok. I have some pink honeysuckles to represent devotion and affection. Also the pinks will pair nicely with the other flowers and smells good. Then some white orchids since those represent elegance and beauty. Also honeysuckles and orchids tend to represent true devotion. Then to finish it off is some gladiolus to represent infatuation.”
His mother gleefully clapped her hands.
“Parfait! I think that should give your message perfectly! Ok, now how about your plans for something sweet?”
“I’m using grand-mère’s recipe for petite fours. Chocolate one and vanilla with strawberry jam. All decorated with various hearts and other valentine motifs.”
“Oh, Aspen, you’re sure to please her with this! She would be insane not to go out with you! But we always have the backup plan if needed.”
Aspen paled.
“Mom, please don’t kidnap her. It’s embarrassing.”
Félicité sighed
“Ok, we won’t. Besides she’s sure to say yes! Just know we always have that option. Now go on and finish those petit fours. I’m sure she’ll love them!”
Aspen blushed.
“I really hope so. I don’t know what I would do is she doesn’t.”
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thesolarangel · 2 years
You know that ask you answered a bit ago about flower language and stuff? Well, I couldn’t stop thinking about it, so I wrote this little drabble for you. (Not exactly a silly ask/headcanon, but I hope you like it)
It was late afternoon in Lindon, and you were sitting on a bench outside, trying to get some sunshine and breeze. It was quiet besides the rustling of the leaves and the singing of the songbirds up in the canopy. But shortly, your silence was broached.
“No, you talk first!”
“You were the one who came up with the idea, you tell them!”
It was arguing. You furrowed your eyebrows, searching for the source of the voices. They were getting closer.
“But you were the one who executed the plan.” Wait, that was Elrond’s voice, wasn’t it?
“I merely planned for it, there were many involved.” And that was Celebrimbor. What the hell was going on?
“But what if…” Elrond’s voice trailed off as you saw the pair appear around the bend, catching sight of you. “Oh. Hi,” he said a bit softly, and Celebrimbor, who had been looking at him as he spoke, furrowed his eyebrows, finally turning to see you.
“Oh hello my darling,” Celebrimbor greeted you, both of them walking over to you.
“Hi,” You greeted, though a bit suspiciously. “What are you up to this time?”
“What? Oh, nothing,” Celebrimbor said, sitting on one side of you.
“Nothing at all,” Elrond said, sitting on the other side. You glanced over at both of them, looking increasingly suspicious at their declarations that they weren’t doing anything suspicious.
“Celebrimbor just wanted to say…” Elrond started, but Celebrimbor cut him off.
“Actually it was all Elrond’s idea…” Elrond glared past you at him.
“It was both of us,” Elrond said quickly. “We both worked on something. Together. That we would like to show you.”
Oh. What could it be? “What is it?” You asked.
“You’ll have to come with us dear,” Celebrimbor told you, standing as he offered his arm to you. You hesitantly took it, letting him pull you to your feet.
“It’s only a short walk,” Elrond said, standing on the other side of you, offering an arm himself, and you rested your hand on his arm as well.
Between the pair of them, you began to walk beneath the trees, and they talked to you about many things. Stuff Celebrimbor had been working on, poetry Elrond was writing. And they asked you questions about what was going on with you, ever eager to hear what was happening in your life, cheering on your successes and comforting you over things that were stressing you out. They only ever wanted to see you happy.
Elrond wasn’t wrong, it was a short walk. Rounding a hill, out in a little grassy knoll in the forest, stood a garden. And not just any garden. You could tell it was put in recently, the soil at the ground was still fresh dirt around the various plants, save for one large bush in the center. A large lilac bush.
“We found it while walking the other day…” Elrond explained, watching you carefully for your reaction as you approached the flowering purple bush in the center of their new garden.
“You’d gotten those lovely flowers for us the other day, and we wanted to repay the favor, so…” Celebrimbor sounded a bit nervous as he looked at you. “We hope you like it…”
Besides the lilac there were gladiolus, baby’s breath, iris’ and a dozen others, all connoting to strong love, devotion, and affection. You turned back to them smiling. “I do.”
“We know things have been hard for you lately,” Elrond said, resting a hand on your cheek gently with a soft smile. “But we’re always here for you.”
“Yes,” Celebrimbor agreed, taking your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “We want very much for you to be happy. Anything you need, all you have to do is ask.”
They walked with you in your garden for a while, giving you all the affection that you could ask for. Encouraging you to rest and take the time you needed just to be. Your existence was far more than enough for them. And if you were ever too tired or stressed to come walk in your garden, they promised that they would always bring you flowers.
I hope things start getting better soon. Life can be stressful, and nightmares and headaches always suck. If you ever wanna talk my friend, inbox is always open 🥰🥰💕💕
.... 👀
I'm almost crying again, after stimming and squealing so hard just now😱❤️ this is so lovely and gorgeous... Thank you SO much, sweetheart! I need to save this on my phone somehow so I can read it anytime. Also, their bickering was so cute aaah🥰
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heartlessfujoshi · 1 year
a night of copulation - an ardynoct one shot
Title: A Night of Copulation Fandom: FFXV Pairing: ArdyNoct (Ardyn Izunia x Noctis Lucis Caelum) Rating: Explicit (NSFW - Explicit Sexual Content - PWP) Word Count: 2100
Summary: Ardyn notices that Noctis is a bit more on edge than normal, so he offers his services to the Prince to help alleviate the tension.
A/N: Happy bday to Noctis! Here's some trash for the Prince's birthday. :) Please enjoy!
The Chancellor of Niflheim observed the Prince of Lucis, who looked to be out of sorts at the moment. He was traveling with the group of four as they made their way towards where Titan was, albeit at a glacial pace. It was fine. He had nothing pressing on his agenda, this slow leisurely way of traveling more eye opening than anything else. 
For one, he’s learned that the Prince seems to be entwined with all three men in some sort of fashion. At first, he assumed it was physical, as the four were quite handsy with each other. But as the days wore on, Noctis kept more to himself than the others. Prompto and Gladiolus - those two were practically inseparable. Ignis, theStrategist, kept to himself, ever the observer as he kept watch over the Prince. Ardyn would commend him, but again, Ignis kept to himself. 
It was rather odd, to be quite honest. It almost seemed as if the Prince and his Adviser were purposefully staying away from each other. Which made no sense, as time was short on this planet. Maybe not his time, but that didn’t matter. 
What the Prince needed, as it was made painfully clear after a night of bickering that served no purpose, was to get laid. He needed to be shown a good time, and he needed it two days ago. 
Standing up, he approached where Noctis was brooding, and offered his hand to him. “Your Highness. Would you mind accompanying me for a little walk?” They wouldn’t be going far. The haven they’d chosen to stop at was very close to a Three Z’s Motel, which would be perfect for the two of them. 
“Fine.” Noctis slapped his hand onto his, and Ardyn lifted him up as if he were as light as a feather. 
They walked in the darkness. No daemons came out, thanks to his presence, making the night much quieter in the surrounding area. The other three had already retired for the night, which had clearly upset the Prince, as he was walking with his shoulders hunched down and looked quite pathetic. Ardyn rolled his eyes, but allowed the Prince to have his silent tantrum, as he had his own plans in mind for when they arrived at their destination. 
He’d snuck away earlier and reserved a room for the night, so all he had to do was lead Noctis to the room. The Prince, to his credit, came to a stop as he began to lead him to the last room at the motel. “What is this?” Noctis asked. 
“It is a motel.” Ardyn spoke without much fanfare. “I’m sure you are aware of what a motel is, Your Highness~.” 
“Quit playing around.” The bitterness was very much present in Noctis’ voice. “Why are we here?” 
Taking a step forward, he planted himself directly in front of Noctis, who pulled his head back as if to give him the space he wasn’t really looking for. “You are upset. I’ve brought you here to help you get rid of those feelings.” 
“I’m not sure what you would be able to do here that you wouldn’t be able to do back at the haven, Ardyn.” 
To be young and naive, oh how he’d missed this. “If it would make things easier for you, I will be blunt, Your Highness. I’ve brought you here because you need to have a sexual outlet. Those three are either holding out on you on purpose, or you’re being just as stubborn as you’re being now with them.” 
“H-How? W-What?” Noctis stared at him, shock written all over his face. “What have they said to you?” His eyes narrowed, upset with the correct statements he’s just made. 
“My dear boy, they don’t have to say anything. It’s quite clear that you’re being a little brat. And I’m here to remedy that.” He took Noctis’ hand into his, and pulled him towards the room. Noctis, to his credit, didn’t fight at all. Probably stunned by how forward he was being. “You need this, Your Highness.” 
“I don’t need anything.” The comment lacked its usual bite, as the door to the room closed, leaving the two of them alone. 
Ardyn pulled Noctis towards the bed, and guided him to sit down on the edge. Kneeling between his thighs, he began to slowly take off the Prince’s clothes, Noctis having zero fight in him. “Yes, you do~.” He pulled his shirt over his head, and gently pushed him down onto the bed. “Just relax, and let me take care of you.” 
There were no acerbic remarks from Noctis as Ardyn took off his boots, and then got the rest of his clothes off. The Prince had a gorgeous body - the muted light from the street lamp showed him enough that it was making his mouth water. He could see his cock was semi-hard, as if intrigued by the situation. Ardyn lowered his head and began to lay soft kisses against his heated flesh. He heard Noctis gasp, and before he could pull away, he planted his hands on his hips and held him with a firm grip as his lips returned to his stiffening cock. 
A deep moan left the Prince’s mouth as his lips surrounded the tip, his tongue dipping ever so gently into the slit to have a little taste of His Highness’ essence. He could feel Noctis wanting to lift his hips up, so he loosened his grip allowing him to do as he pleased. The tip of his cock was soon pushing to the back of his mouth, Ardyn fully ready to receive it as he himself released a deep groan. Noctis’ cock was becoming firmer by the second as it rubbed against his tongue in a way he knew the Prince needed. 
Strong fingers tugged on his hair as Noctis continued to roll his hips. “A-Ardyn…” The Prince moaned his name, a strong wave of desire hitting him as he kept his mouth tight around his cock. He had never heard him sound so depraved; it was quite intoxicating. Ardyn bobbed his head, swallowing Noctis’ cock down his throat. A desperate cry was released by the Prince, followed by warm cum flowing down his throat. He swallowed it down with greed, the Prince’s hot seed tasting delicious. 
He kept Noctis in his mouth until he felt him grow soft, and then began the task of making him hard again. It was rather easy, as Noctis was now in the aftershocks of his first orgasm. “There’s plenty more to come,” Ardyn whispered against his thickening flesh. “Until the sun rises, I shall make you feel good, Your Highness~.” 
Taking off his clothes, Ardyn settled himself on top of Noctis’ thighs before helping him to lay properly on the bed. Once that was done, he lowered his head and brushed his lips against Noctis’. “Kiss me…” Noctis pleaded, after a third pass of brushing his lips in a teasing manner. 
“With pleasure, Noctis.”
Their lips came together clumsily, as Ardyn was now pushing the tip of his cock up against Noctis’ tight hole. He teased him with the tip, as their tongues met with sloppy kisses, Noctis now moaning like a bitch in heat. Ardyn chuckled low, placing his hand on Noctis’ jaw as he deepened the kiss, making the Prince release heady moans into his mouth. 
Pulling his hand away, he lathered up his fingers with some lube that had found its way onto the bed, and brought it down to the Prince’s puckering hole. He slowly teased his anus with the tips of his fingers, Noctis’ moans sending him to the heavens. “If I had known how responsive you were, I would have brought you here days ago, Your Highness~.” He teased him, enjoying the whimpers now leaving his mouth as his fingers were pushing against his inner walls, spreading him open for his cock. 
“D-Didn’t know….either…” Noctis moaned, leaning his head back as Ardyn found the spot within his body that made him melt. “O-Oh, Gods!” 
“The Gods have nothing to do with this.” Ardyn murmured low, then slowly pulled his fingers out of him. “It is because of me.” He poured a little more lube onto his hand, and coated his cock with it. Pushing the tip back against his now spread hole, Ardyn stared into Noctis’ eyes. “Me.” 
The Prince moaned his name as he thrust his hips forward, sinking his cock deep into Noctis’ body. Ardyn locked his wrists on either side of Noctis’ head, and slowly began to thrust his hips back and forth, back and forth. Each time he reached a little deeper, and each time that he did, Noctis’ cries were as sweet as nectar. It was thrilling, making the Prince his bitch through this all too human act. He had been right - all Noctis needed was a good fuck, and he was here to provide to him. 
He made Noctis come two times before pulling out and flipping him onto his stomach. Noctis lifted his hips up, and as soon as he was on his hands and knees, Ardyn was drilling his cock back into his body. Noctis’ moans were now bawdy, rich with the flavor of sex, his body shaking under the ministrations that Ardyn’s pleasure was causing him. He held tight to his hips and slammed his cock deeper and deeper into him. A strangled cry left Noctis’ mouth as he felt his inner walls clamp up tight around him again, and with his own deep moan, he pushed forward and spilled his own seed deep inside of Noctis’ body. 
Pulling out, he watched as some cum dripped down onto Noctis’ thigh, but before he could clean it up, the Prince was pulling him down onto the bed and was kissing him again. Ardyn closed his eyes and moaned low; Noctis’ kisses were quite telling. He knew the Prince desired more, and was only too pleased to make it so. He guided him to lay on top of him as their mouths stayed together, his hands sliding down to his bare ass, spreading his cheeks apart as he teased him with his thickening cock. 
And so it went, over and over until dawn arrived. As the sun began to rise, the Prince fell fast asleep on Ardyn’s chest, who was smiling despite himself. The Prince was a very enthusiastic lover, and one that Ardyn hoped would remain for a little while longer.
Noctis' phone began to ring, bringing the Prince out of his light sleep. “Ah, crap.” 
“Rest.” He reached for the offending object, and brought it to his ear. “The Prince of Lucis’ phone~.” 
“Oh, good.” Ignis’ voice came through the speaker. “The Prince is with you, I take it?” 
He looked down, and saw that Noctis was now kissing the tip of his cock. Ardyn gave him a smile, and nodded his head, both in reply to Ignis’ question and what the Prince was doing. “He is. He’s a bit busy at the moment, though.” He closed his eyes as Noctis’ wet mouth wrapped tight around his cock. “Is there an urgency to this call, Mr. Scientia~?” 
“There is not. We wanted to be sure he was with you, as neither of you are here.” 
His fingers pushed through the raven locks of hair as Noctis really began to suck hard on his stiff flesh. “We are. We will return in a little while. Perhaps this afternoon, or this evening.” 
“No rush, Chancellor. If you two are together, there is no reason to worry. Take care of His Highness, please.” 
Opening his eyes, he looked down at Noctis, whose lips were now almost white as he struggled to take more of his girth into his mouth. “Oh, I will~. See you soon.” He ended the call, dropping the phone back onto the Prince’s shorts. “I’ve bought us some more time, Your Highness~. Keep being a good boy, would you?” His other hand pushed through Noctis’ hair, and held tight as he began to properly fuck his mouth, now that the need to be present was gone. 
By the time they made it back to camp, it was almost sunset. A marathon day of sex left the Prince dazed, with a pleasant smile slapped on his face. Ardyn couldn’t help but smile as his friends greeted Noctis, knowing that the reason he seemed more himself was because of him. Because sometimes, you need a good deep dicking to set your mind back on course. And he was more than happy to oblige. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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meissashush · 2 years
28 (pet names) for OT5? ^_^
:) I love it when you indulge my brainworms. OT5, in this context for anyone else, is Gladio/Ignis/Noctis/Prompto/Rosea (the last of whom is my OC)
28. What are there thoughts on pet names? Do they have any?
Gladio: He likes pet-names, but despite being a voracious consumer of bad romance novels, he's really bad at them. All of his pet names sound more like insults (Princess, Blondie, Shithead) and when he is in the moment, he'll usually default to things like Baby and Sweetheart. He just doesn't like the way the more complicated ones sound in his voice, and would much rather hear them from Ignis, King of Pet Names.
That said, there is a single nickname that is off limits for his partners. Gladdy. That's what Iris calls him, and if one of them says it, needless to say the moment is completely ruined.
Ignis: The aforementioned King of Pet Names. Let's be real, he can get away with so much corny shit just because of that damn Tenebraen accent. Out of necessity, though, each of his lovers gets assigned a pet name. The absolute last thing he needs is them getting confused when he asks them to do something.
Gladio is Dear or Dear-heart. This was decided early into their dating (as it started as just the two of them) when Ignis decided to attempt to read his favorite novel. The love interest referred to the main character as "dearest heart" one too many times for Ignis' taste, and he had meant it as a joke the first time, but the blush that overtook Gladio's face was enough to seal his fate. The -est had to go, though, Ignis has taste, thank you very much.
Noctis is Noct. (I will explain this)
Prompto is Love. Had to be, as it was the only thing that would fit the little ball of love. Also, it does wonders for his anxiety if he is reminded that he is 'love'd at every possible moment.
Rosea is Darling. This was an accident. A slip of the tongue at one odd moment, long before they were dating, that Ignis was surprised to see she took without question. Later, when they were dating, Ignis abused this to no end. Turns out his Darling has a soft spot, and it's Ignis.
Noctis: So Noctis hates pet names. Specifically, he hates them in reference to himself. Too many strangers decide they're 'close' enough to the Prince to call him something other than his name or title, and he fucking hates it. Everyone who loves him calls him Noct, and everyone else will call him a title. There's no in between.
The only things he will settle for is 'baby' or 'babe', because it's generic enough to be thrown around causally and is usually just Prompto not minding his mouth. It took a while for him to be comfortable with it, but once it was worn in, he uses it for the others too. It's neutral and equal, which is how he prefers his relationships to be.
Prompto: Oh my sweet awkward boy. He tries on a lot of pet names, and most of them get rejected just because he thinks it's too weird. He's so self-conscious about it, and between Noct having a hard rule against it and his own fears about slipping up at the wrong moment, he does not use them much. He defaults to 'babe' and 'baby' because he thought it made him sound cool. It didn't, but they love him anyway. Dork.
Rosea: Rosea is a motormouth. She just is. She'll rock the stoic look just like her dad, but once you get her comfortable, she does not shut the fuck up. As a result, the names that fall out of her mouth are completely random and ever changing. She's not Queen of Pet Names, she's the gods-damned Astral of Nicknames.
Gladio, Gladiolus, Glad-you-ain't-us, Glad-you-anus, Glue, Grump, Grumpy, Big Tits, No Wits, Bully, Stop-Hitting-Me, Jerk.
Igs, Iggy, Iggles, Wiggles, Jiggles (this one gets her hit), Jiggly Wiggly (also gets her hit), Iggsy, Eggsy, Biggsy, Buggsy, Babsy ("Rosea, what on Eos are you even saying anymore"), Bibbels, Bubbles, Stupid.
Noctis, Noctus, Noct, Nocty, Nocty-boy, Nocto-docto, Dr. Noctinheim, Noctilius, Noctiumus, Noct-es, Noct-Noct-Who's-There, Noct-Stop-Fucking-Hitting-Me.
Prompto, Prom, Prommy, The Promster, Promptimus, Pronto, Prongo, Pringles, Prune, Prom Prom, Promtimeyer, Promptooooooooooooo, Cutie, Promtilius the Third, Dumb Dumb, Primo, Promslow, Perm.
Absolutely everyone agrees that none of these count as Pet Names. Except maybe 'Cutie'.
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They Killed Cows. I Killed Them.
In the future we might all be vegetarian,
and this life will seem barbaric the way
a corset was or eugenics. We might look
at this man being secretly recorded, bragging,
They killed cows, I killed them, and wonder,
where was his mother? She might have spoken
of his childhood, how it was poor but decent,
how like that blue god’s mother she too gaped
into her son’s wide gob and saw the universe
once. Or she might have told the story of how
he was led astray by a band of men in uniforms.
Not brownshirts but pleated brownshorts
in which they practiced ideological calisthenics.
How she’s been standing at the crater’s edge
saying, Here, kitty kitty kitty, ever since.
Because this man, her son in the undershirt,
dear cadre, cow vigilante, he’s no gladiolus.
He sighs. Even his mustache is pusillanimous.
Maybe he was a Romeo in school. Maybe
he wields this stick to reclaim what he misses
most about his body, or maybe it’s always been
his dream to squeeze the messy limbs of this country
into a svelte operatic shriek. The camera gives us
a glimpse of his chin dumpling. He will go to jail
a thousand times without passing go, without
stopping to plant a tree or collect clean underwear.
He admits it was wrong to allow his boys to record
the killing. Jai Shri Ram. Silly to leave evidence
behind, even though they always go free,
even though the young lads enjoy it so.
And Qasim? The man they killed,
the green meadow of his life come to this,
didn’t his mother also once confuse the dirt
in his mouth for a galaxy? Didn’t he believe
a dying man had the right to ask for water?
In the future when people complain about how Gandhi
should have made a comeback, when comparisons
are drawn between YouTube and the Upanishads,
will they notice the bystanders in the frame,
their shabby shoes shuffling like lapwings
around the bloody censored blur of Qasim’s body?
Will they speak of the difficulty of watching him
thrash around for an invisible rope to steady
him home, the difficulty of us watching them
watching him being killed?
Or is that an illusion too? The way a magician
might swirl his cape to reveal his assistant
is really a robot. No damage done here, folks!
The way we enter the rooms of our past
like gunshots to say, Surprise, I’m still here.
No point carrying blossoms in your pocket
instead of a meat sandwich. Because even if
you did not walk the earth exultantly, even if
you avoided disposable plates and mourned
every glacier and strung a lattice of pearls
to the giant monument of love, there might still
come a day when you are hauling refrigerators
on a truck, or taking the children to a fair,
and when death arrives you must let him
strap you to a telephone pole, you must look
into his ten-headed face, and say,  Flay, brother, flay.
Audio Included
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chocobrotus · 2 years
May I request headcanons for the chocobros on how they would propose to their crush?
Thanks for your request!
Honestly. This took me soooo long because I had no idea of how Noctis would act. I'm not fully satisfied with the results but I hope you enjoy it anyways ❤️
How the Chocobros would propose to their crush
Tries to act chill but is a flustered mess on the inside
Holding his neck, eyes on the floor
"so..." Doesn't know what to say
"I think it's kinda obvious why I brought you here...right?"
He clears his throat before he continues to talk
"I was... thinking about how much time we've spent together..and..well...I want to be honest with you: I really like you and I would love to be your boyfriend...but being the prince can be a pain in the ass when it comes to such things...but...maybe if you also like me this way we could try to make it work"
He looks up to your face again when he finished talking
This guy is a MESS
So flustered, that he forgot how to speak properly
Starts with a joke because he doesn't know how to handle this awkward situation
Pushes out a nervous laughter until he starts with a "uhm...yeah..."
"I was just...wondering...you know.."
He moves back as the courage leaves his body
"it's stupid...I mean...not you! I'm stupid! You're great!...it's just stupid to think that you would feel the same way as I do"
He didn't even realize what he said until he stopped talking
He takes a deep breath
Now that it's said, he has no choice but to simply say it out loud
"I would...love to be your boyfriend..if you do.."
Looking towards the floor until you answer him
Is very confident because being a gentleman is one of his main traits
Will invite you to a walk through the garden
cuts off a flower you admire and gives it to you
He stopped as he turnes towards you
Takes your hand before he starts talking
"you know dear... everytime I look into your eyes, it takes away my breath for a moment... I've never been interested in relationships since I'm the prince's advisor...but if you feel the same way as I do...it'd be a pleasure to call you mine.."
There is strong eye contact in every moment of this proposal
This man is not shy AT ALL
Very flirty
He takes you to his favorite place on a small lake as you both sit down on the shore
You both watch the sunset as he takes a breath
" I think it's time to make things clear"
It's weird for him to have such strong feelings towards one person since he has a flirty personality
"I guess I don't have the right words for that...its just a fact that It drives me nuts to think about anyone else touching you..or that there could be anyone else who'd be with you"
He intentionally holds your hand while talking
He finally looks into your face
"so... if I also drive you crazy like this we should consider being crazy for each other"
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Saying I Love You (Final Fantasy XV Preference)
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Warnings: None
Requested by anon: Hi there I have a request what are your preference for if the reader said I love you to the chocobros.  
A/N: I assumed this was saying I love you for the first time, so that’s how I wrote it. Enjoy, and please remember to reblog and leave feedback if you lovelies like it!!!
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Noctis would freeze, you have stumped the prince of Lucis. He can’t move, breathe or even blink for several seconds. You said it so casually, so naturally, that he doesn’t know what to say, what to do, how to react. Should he say it back? He wants to, but the words are stuck in his throat. Should he hug you? He feels too awkward and embarrassed to do that. In the end, Noctis timidly averts his gaze and mutters something along the lines of ‘I love you too, Y/N...” 
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Ignis gasps at the sudden and completely unexpected confession. He violently blushes and nervously adjusts his glasses, as he always does when he becomes shy, and smiles to himself. It’s so heartwarming for him to heart it, and it makes him so happy, that even if it takes him a bit to be able to compose himself enough to speak, he timidly says it back. “I love you too, my dear”
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Prompto freezes for a moment much like Noctis, but he instead becomes a stuttering mess when he recovers from the shock. At first his insecurities get the best of him, but then he realizes that you mean it and when you reach out to hold his hand he turns so red that you fear he might pass out. In the end, though, Prompto pipes up even if his voice is shaking so much that it’s hard to make out the word “You love me, Y/N... I-I love you too!”
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Gladio is a little cocky about it, of course. He will smirk and go on about how he knew it, that he was sure that you had feelings for him and that his flirting and charm and good looks had finally won you over. Still, all of that is still palyful and he tenderly takes your hand, lovingly smiling and watching you and say it back. “You know I love you too, right, Y/N?”
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn / @wonderlandfandomkingdom /  @anxiouslyreckless​ / @xionroxas​ / @dancewaterdance02​ / @blossattic​ / @little-faerie-artist​ / @x-joie-x​ / @sylleblossomstar​ / @lotsoffandomstoimagine​ / @kirahhhh​ / @ta-ka-shi-ma​ / @snowfire71​ / @trunks-kiwi​ / @goodmorningawfulbye​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, send me an ask!! // Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
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Gladiolus Amicita SFW alphabet.
Warnings: none.
Felt like doing another one, so here we go! Remember to leave requests for any characters you would like to see next!
Enjoy! ❤
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Gladio doesn't care where you are, he'll always show affection to you. He loves to be affectionate towards you in many ways- be it grabbing your waist and pulling you in, or something like head rubs and messing your hair up a little- he does love seeing you like that.
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
He's the motivational friend, but not the 'you can do it', kind of motivational, oh no. It's more... 'Get your head outta your ass and pull yourself together' kind of motivation.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He will happily let you cuddle up to him. He loves laying on the sofa and having you rest on his chest. Usually he will put an arm around you as you both lay there with blankets keeping you both warm.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?)
Though he doesn't usually show it, he is actually an amazing cook, especially when it comes to meat, egg, and fish. He tends to steer away from cooking a meal though, and will instead make you both a lovely cup noodle with only the freshest ingredients. Cleaning wise, he isn't the best at cleaning, but he will do so from time to time.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would only break up with a partner if he had a very good reason to. For example, if you were being purposely rude, or if his royal duties prevented him from being with you. In the first scenario, he would be straight to the point, and wouldn't show much emotion. In the second one, he'd also be straight to the point, but he'd show some emotion. He knows you would understand though, and he hopes you can be together again someday.
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?)
Honestly, I cannot see Gladio getting married. I think he'd be too caught up in his royal duties to want to commit to anything, especially something that would last as long as a marriage. He would also have to make sure you were 'the one' before even considering a full commitment.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, he tries to be as gentle as he can. He does try, really he does, but his chunky body makes it difficult sometimes. Emotionally, he won't be very gentle if you're sulking like a baby- he'll most likely tell you to snap back to reality, but if you really are struggling, he might give you a hug or two. He's not the greatest at advice, but he will give you an amazing pep talk.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?)
He loves them. He will do it whenever, wherever, as long as you are okay with it. His hugs are usually warm, and he's able to properly embrace you- his large self makes sure of that.
I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?)
Slowly. He doesn't want to commit to anything too quickly, and these words are only really words he uses with his very close family, and even then, it's on very rare occasions.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Gladio doesn't get openly jealous. Yes, he will get jealous, but he doesn't show it. If you're flirting with another, he'll silently observe you until you're alone, or until he can't take it anymore, in which case he'll drag you away and have a word with you.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Gladio likes to be explorative about his kisses- particularly where he kisses you. He'll sometimes go for the fingers, maybe the cheek, but his absolute favorite thing to do, is lift you up and kiss your forehead.
L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
This man is amazing around kids. He'll make sure that they're always happy, and if they're not, he'll try and cheer them up. He acts like an older sibling to children... though, he's not at all prepared to have his own kids.
M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?)
Mornings with Gladio are usually non-existent. The truth is, he wakes up at the early hours in the morning to train, so unless you're willing to wake up at 4am and go on a run, you don't see him in the morning until breakfast time.
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Usually very slow. Gladio stays awake at night not only to kill some daemons, but also... to play games on his phone. He loves it when you're able to stay up late too and play some games with him.
O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?)
Never. He doesn't see a need for such sob stories, and he especially doesn't want to upset you. If anything ever comes up with everyone else opening up or telling people anything, he'll just remain silent.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Very easily. I mean, only a few things anger him, but those few things are... well, quite common. First of all, Noct can be infuriating from time to time. Another thing that tends to anger him is people that try to hurt Noctis. They try to hurt him? Oh well, he's expendable. But Noctis...? He will not be having that today, no siree.
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?)
E V E R Y T H I N G. You can tell this man anything, and he will remember it. Sometimes he even remembers word for word what you rant about. It's not like this man has a good memory, it's just... he's very observant of you.
R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)
When you went to Galdin Quay and sat on the beaches... with a pot of cup noodles in both of your hands. In his eyes, there's nothing better than the sea breeze as you eat, and the way your hair was flowing in the wind was just magnificent to him. After you finished your noodles, the two of you had a mini water fight in the shallows of the sea water.
S - Security (How protective are they?)
There's not a word to describe how protective he is. He will stick by your side, 24/7, and his reflexes are the best you ever did see. If someone was shooting at you, he'd take all the bullets for you. If someone was out to assassinate you, likelihood is, he'd spy the assassin and kill them before they had the chance to even touch you.
T - Tears (Do they ever cry? Are they open about it, and why do they cry?)
Very rarely. In fact, the only time Gladio cries is when he loses a loved one, or a dear friend. Even then, it's not a lot of tears, and he will pull himself together after a while, and keep pushing forward. He only wants to impress you, even in the afterlife.
U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?)
His sarcasm. This may not seem bad at first, but when he's making a sarcastic remark every two sentences, it does become a bit of a problem, especially at times where he's supposed to be serious.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
For the most part, Gladio doesn't care much how he looks, but he will do little things, like making sure his hair and beard is well groomed, and presentable.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Short awnser- yes. Long awnser... Gladio would indeed feel incomplete without you, but he wouldn't show it. He wouldn't say anything. He'd just suffer without you, but he'd always keep fighting.
X - Xtra (Random HC)
He teaches you how to forage. This man loves nothing more than to go out into the woods with absolutely nothing with him, and just... survive. A big part of this is foraging, and he will teach you what all the best things to eat and pick are.
Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?)
Gladio doesn't like people who nitpick at every little detail. He wants to be who he is and do what be wants, without having anyone criticise him for being the way he is.
Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
His sleep habits are all over the place. Sometimes, he'll stay up late, and wake up late, sometimes he'll stay up late and wake up early, or sometimes he might not just sleep at all. The man has no sleep pattern.
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kazuharas · 2 years
for the event <3
bluebird ─ medium &
hellebores ─ malleus draconia
"you know when i think about it , we aren't that far apart When you look up , you realize that we are still unclear of that same sky , we wished on the same star, gaze at the same moon and even look at the night sky with fireflies together when I really think about it those things are alot further away from us and maybe what im trying to say is..ok this might sound stupid but for me you are my moon and my star! maybe it may sound stupid but I just wanted to tell you that I love you"
(I hope I did that right)
— 🦊
🦊 anon ur simp is rlly showing thru huh
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🦋 ─ 𝗀𝗅𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗈𝗅𝗎𝗌
“𝗂𝗍 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗎𝗌 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖾𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝖺 𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖾”
event masterlist here
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dear 🦊 anon,
i have gotten the letter and bouquet you have sent me. lilia has been teasing me about receiving both from my beloved. the bouquet you gave me looks gorgeous i must say. i had to ask the others what the hellebores and gladiolus you have included meant. according to the books ive read, hellebores flowers mean serenity, tranquillity and peace while gladiolus flowers mean strength of character, remembrance, faithfulness, and moral integrity. i am thankful that you have sent me a very meaningful bouquet my beloved.
if i am your moon and stars then you are the sun, its only right if you are. dont worry about sounding stupid while saying that you love me because then if i say i love you back then it would mean that i am stupid too. we are both fools deeply inlove with eachother my beloved. i am glad that you are always by my side. please wait for me until my return.
from your own moon and stars,
malleus draconia
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work belongs to @/kazuharas 2022 don’t copy, steal, or repost without permission
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ahkaraii · 3 years
[ff15] I won’t let that happen. Not to you. (2105 words)
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Cor’s with Clarus when they learn his wife has gone into labour. Cor drives him and Regis to the hospital to see her, speeding past red lights and breaking speed limits, both hands steady on the wheel. He’s there to see Clarus’ face light up, tear up, and glow with something really special, when he finally gets to hold his firstborn.
“Gladiolus,” Clarus whispers. “My baby boy.”
Cor has never seen a man look upon another male with such adoration, with such pure and honest love. It humbles him, a little, to see it, and recognize it for what it is. He doesn’t think he would have been able to, when he was younger.
“I’m afraid you’ve been supplanted, my dear,” Regis whispers-says to Cor.
“‘Bout time,” Cor says gruffly. “I was getting real tired of that nickname.”
“Do you hear that, son?” Clarus says, a little wetly. “That’s the voice of your King, and his Sword.”
Cor has never heard himself referred to as the King’s Sword, but it feels good to hear it. Weighty. Official. Like he’s no longer a third wheel tacked on but one of a triad. Like he belongs here, with them, for real. He likes that nickname a lot more than ‘baby boy’, anyway, that’s for sure.
“Oh, Clarus,” Regis murmurs, leaving Cor’s side to join his Shield, to wrap a strong arm around him. “My friend. My most dearly beloved man.”
Huh? What? Wait-- Clarus is crying, Cor realizes. Clarus is literally sobbing.
“Clarus...?” Cor’s voice sounds oddly-pitched to his own ears. He has never seen Clarus cry like this, not once in the nearly nine years he’s known him.
“He’s going to die!” Clarus wails, his body curling around his baby like he can protect him, like he can shield him-- from his own duty, Cor realizes. From his own divinely ordained fate.
“Not while we live,” Regis promises him fiercely. “Not so long as I have the power to prevent it. I swear it, Clarus. I swear it.”
Cor feels like he shouldn’t be here. Like he’s intruding on something sacred, something profound. Like he’s just a street rat with no fancy name, no family history, nothing tying him so ruthlessly to the past like Kings and their Shields have, for centuries upon centuries.
Cor remembers asking Regis about the Ring, pained, Their will is for their kids to die for it?
He’s witnessing it now: a father finding the will to condemn his own son to death, for the sake of his family’s legacy.
Fuck! Gods-damn this! He can’t bear Regis’ ring for him, the one that is killing him. And he can’t save Clarus’ from his duty, either, the one that demands he die upon Regis’ inevitable death. But maybe there’s something he can do. Something only Cor can do, because he’s not a part of this long-winded legacy, not really. He’s here by choice, and that-- that can make all the difference.
“I’ll make sure, too,” Cor vows, finding his words. “Clarus, listen to me: I’ll make sure your kid lives, even if you die. And Regs’, when he gets around to it. And all the other ones, the ones that come after. As long as I can.”
Clarus is looking at him, red-eyed, red-faced, lip trembling. “Cor,” he croaks.
“I can do that much,” Cor says, fiercely. “So you can rest easy. So you can love your kid, without wanting to cry over him all the time.”
“Gods, Cor,” Clarus says wetly, but he’s smiling, just a little. “I’ll fucking hold you to that.”
“Language, my dear Clarus,” Regis says, a little sniffly himself, “or else little Gladiolus is going to grow up speaking just like his Uncle Cor.”
“Astrals forbid,” Clarus laughs.
Uncle Cor, huh? It feels a little funny to hear it, but not in a bad way. He lopes on over, to peer at that little bundle. Gladiolus. Kind of a dinky name, in his opinion, but it’s growing on him.
Cor starts noticing kids, after that. Like, really paying attention to their faces. The fact that they’ll all grow up and live their lives and one day die, and that someone might cry over them when they’re gone. It’s a dumb thing to fixate on, considering his kill count, but it jars him all the same.
“You’ll blunt yourself,” Gilgamesh mutters.
Maybe so. Cor focuses on his soldiers, instead: learning their names and faces and wants and fears for the future. It visibly shocks them to be asked so directly by ‘The Immortal’, hardass that he is, and a lot of them stutter as badly as Cor did, when Mors first taught him how to read. He doesn’t mock them, though. He knows how lousy it feels to be called out on it, and isn’t that a shocker: to feel empathy for another human being, no matter how pathetic, how unworthy.
He’s running through sword forms when his comrade-now-friend Dustin Ackers finds him, politely interrupting his meditation to hand him a thick binder.
“Huh? What’s this?” He opens it, and the first page is a brief but thorough summary of an ‘Albani, Adeodatus, Lance Corporal, age 28’, etcetera, etcetera. There’s a small photograph of him, and there’s a map showing where he lives, and there’s even a section detailing his ‘family history’ and his ‘apparent hobbies’. “What the hell, Dustin?”
“Background checks, sir,” Dustin says primly. “Of all the men you interviewed.”
Cor is dumbfounded, for a moment, and then his naturally cautious mind turns toward suspicion. “Why? Are they a threat to the Crown?”
“There are a couple that appear to harbour petty resentments,” Dustin says thoughtfully, “but none that I would accuse of treason. Shall I further redact a list for your perusal?”
“Uh, sure,” Cor says. “That’d be good.” He blinks, still a little mind-boggled at how many files there are, and how thorough they must be, considering the first one even includes the man’s favourite fucking color. “When’d you find the time to make this?”
“Monica helped,” Dustin admits. “She told me you’d been looking into your men so I allowed myself the indiscretion of redacting all that they confessed, and then adding our own private investigations. Don’t worry, sir, we were very discreet.”
Gods-damn. This shows an impressive amount of unprompted initiative, which could be worrying in a military context, but Cor trusts Dustin and Monica and he recognizes this gesture for what it is: his subordinates-- his friends-- supporting him, in whatever way they know best. It’s what he’d done for Mors, and now Regis, and Clarus, and even Dustin and Monica, too.
“This is downright impressive, soldier,” Cor says. “Good fucking work.”
“You flatter me, sir,” Dustin says, but he still visibly preens a little at the sound of it.
Clarus likes the files, too. “Who did you say compiled these?”
“Two of my subordinates,” Cor says. “Lieutenant Dustin Ackers, and Second Lieutenant Monica Elshett.”
“They sound familiar,” Clarus mutters distractedly while fussing over Gladiolus, who is babbling excitedly in his arms. “Oh, you’re so strong already, my little man. Look at you. Yes you are.”
“We worked together, blowing up bases in Duscae,” Cor says, a little uncomfortable at Clarus’ display but also a little amused. “They specialize in demolition and infiltration, respectively.”
“And information gathering, evidently,” Clarus says. “Come here, Cor, and hold my son for me.”
“Huh? What, no--” And then Cor’s got his arms full of squirming baby. “Clarus, wait! I could drop him!”
“You won’t,” Clarus says, grinning. “I trust you with the life of my King, how can I not trust you with the life of my son?”
Cor feels really funny hearing that, but he’s too busy trying to find a safe way to hold this precious payload to dwell on it. Clarus is right, the kid's strong: barely weighs a stone but is about as dense as one already. Gladiolus’ eyes are wide open, honey-gold and bright, meeting Cor’s own fearlessly.
“Talk to him while I leaf through this,” Clarus casually orders. “Babies learn language faster if you talk to ‘em.”
“Uh,” Cor says eloquently. “Yes, sir.”
He looks down at the baby, wondering what to say. He doesn’t know how to talk to children. He barely knows how to talk to civilians. But Gladiolus isn’t any person, Cor thinks. He’s Clarus’ son, an Amicitia. Noble-born, blue-blooded, and hopefully one day Shield to his future King, if Cor has anything to say about it. So he says just that.
“My name is Cor Leonis,” Cor introduces himself. “I’m a Captain of the Crownsguard, which your father commands, which you will one day command, too. You and I are gonna work together, one day, to protect the King.”
Cor awkwardly glances over at Clarus but he doesn’t appear to be listening, engrossed with a phone call he’s making to someone. Something about the Wall amplifier in northeastern Cavaugh, though his tone’s calm and not at all alarmed like it would be in an emergency, so Cor lets himself be drawn back to Gladiolus, back to his curious eyes, to his tufts of brown hair, impossibly soft against his palm.
“The King is the most important person, okay?” Cor murmurs. “But don’t forget that you’re important, too. I won’t let you forget that.”
Gilgamesh laughs quietly in his mind, mockingly, and Cor feels cold to hear it, like the Blademaster has already dismissed this child, already eliminated him, simply because he can’t hold a sword yet.
“I’ll teach you how to fight,” Cor promises, “I’ll do it, so your dad doesn’t have to, ‘cause that’s a fine way to get your kid to hate you, and I won’t let that happen. Not to you. You’ll have servants and silver spoons and so many things you won’t know what to do with them.”
Gladiolus coos, reaching out to grab at the buttons of Cor’s uniform, at his medals. Tugging at them, distracted by their gleam and texture. Cor knows that impulse-- he’s been drawn to shiny metal things since he was born, too.
“Yeah, you’re already greedy, aren’t you? Those are mine, kid, though you can earn yourself some, too, if you work at it.” Gladiolus manages to unpin one of the medals and promptly puts it in his mouth, chewing on it, teething himself on the stuff. “Like that one, huh? I got that one for killing a buncha Niffs some years back. Man, that was a pretty crazy day, even for me. I think I set a record or something.”
“You already dazzling my kid with tales of your exploits, huh?” Clarus is smiling, wide and smug, and Cor feels kinda embarrassed to know Clarus must’ve been listening in, at the end.
“It’s not all that impressive,” Cor deflects. “Just doing my job, like any soldier would. It’s you guys who keep inflating my ego, throwing all these fancy ribbons my way.”
“Cor Leonis, the finest show horse in all of Lucis,” Clarus jokes, then holds out his arms. “Gimme my son back, you fiend; at this rate, Gladio’s bound to believe you’re more badass than I ever will be.”
“That could never happen,” Cor says, grinning. “Yours is the biggest ass in all of Lucis.”
Clarus swats at his head mock-roughly. “Language around my kid, Leonis,” he grouses.
“Sir, yes, sir,” Cor says, and hands Gladiolus over with care.
“And just for that cheek I’m sending you to the boonies, soldier,” Clarus says, tucking his son into the crook of his shoulder with practiced ease. “I’ve information Niffs are planning on sabotaging the Wall amplifier over in northeastern Cavaugh, and I trust your sword to stop them, if they try.”
“Yes, sir,” Cor says, more formally. “I’ll form a squad immediately.”
“Take whoever you need, except your two Lieutenants,” Clarus orders, tapping the binder Cor’s brought him. “I want to send Elshett and Ackers on an information-gathering mission to Niflheim. The work they’ve done here is frighteningly thorough, and I’ve half a mind to berate them both for all the privacy laws they’ve violated without prior authorization. But at this stage of the war this kind of talent is game-changing. I want their eyes and ears on our enemies.”
“Understood,” Cor says. “I’ll send them your way before I go.”
“Thank you, Cor,” Clarus says. “And thank you for saying all those nice things to my kid, too. You always know how to make me tear up, baby boy.”
Yup, Clarus is still an asshole. “Glad to be of service, sir,” Cor says with a janky salute, and off he goes.
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lune-hime · 4 years
We All Fall Down (Chocobros x f!Reader)
For those times when clumsiness gets the best of us. 
“Noctis, how did the two of you get up there?” Regis inquired, already mentally preparing himself for the absurd situation the prince was about to relay. Seeing his son and his fiancee dangling from one of the Citadel’s many spires was not what the King had pictured his Tuesday afternoon would look like.
“Y/N and I bet each other that the other wouldn’t be able to get from the throne room to the training room blindfolded.” Noctis stated as if it was a normal activity that young people did in their free time. The disappointed, but not surprised, look on Regis’ face made Noctis hesitant to continue.
“Y/N might have fallen a couple stories off a balcony before I warped to catch her.” Noctis grimaced and gave a cautionary look down to his father.
“But I’m okay!” You chimed in as cheerful as ever. Throwing the King an enthusiastic wave caused Noctis’ grip on the spire to falter. Both you and the prince screeched in fear, your holds tightening around one another.
“Do you need help getting down?” Regis offered, cringing slightly when Nocts’ arm began to quiver.
“No.” The Prince spat with a childish pout. It was like a toddler arguing with his overworked father. It would have been an endearing interaction to observe if you were not hanging precariously from the side of a building.
Regis deadpanned before shaking his head and smiling.
“Get down quickly, then. I was going to treat the two of you to ice cream.” He nagged playfully, turning on his heels. He didn’t get more than five steps before a resounding crash sounded on the walkway behind him. Turning his head, he was met with entangled limbs and pained groans.
The laughter that boomed from the King’s dignified frame shocked the two who were recovering from their fall. You and Noctis exchanged wide eyes before bursting into laughter yourselves. When you caught up to Regis, he placed an arm around each of you as you walked back into the Citadel, the sunlight warm on your backs.
If you thought you had escaped the dad lecture about how to navigate a castle safely, you would be wrong.
Letting a bunch of Crown City High School sophomores loose on a chocobo ranch screamed chaos from the beginning. After the scheduled tour of the facilities and getting an in depth lecture on the intricate process of chocobo breeding, the children were set free to roam about the premises. For the more fearless students, free and lets say,  too casual  chocobo lessons were open. Too casual meaning unsupervised while the handler took a smoke break.
Naturally, you and Prompto were the most willing participants out of your friend group.
“I think I’m getting the hang of it!” You shouted to the blonde boy leaning excitedly on the arena’s fence as you trotted around the dirt pen.
“Yeah, you look great-Y/N!” Prompto didn’t have time to finish his compliment before he was vaulting over the fence towards your crumpled form. The chocobo had thrown you from its back so quickly that he didn’t have time to process the situation until you had already flopped ungracefully on the ground.
Placing his hands on your shoulders, he frantically turned you over to check for a concussion. The wind had been knocked out of you but other than that you looked unharmed. You sat there dazed for a few moments propped against his embrace before giggles bubbled from your chest.
“I wanna go again!” You exclaimed happily, seemingly unphased that your head had just fallen short of the bird’s powerful kick.
“How about we go visit the babies, huh?” He gently coaxed, eyeing the annoyed bird. It ruffled its plumage and squawked angrily as the two of you waddled out of the pen and towards the petting barn. All the while he couldn’t stop thinking how simultaneously alarming and cute your reaction was.
“Stay awake, dear.” Ignis hummed in a low tone. The tour of the newly developed shopping complex had commenced once again and your group was now on the move towards the food court. Your head lazily dropped from where it rested on Ignis’ shoulder, snapping you back into reality.
“Huh? I was just resting my eyes.” You bluffed, briskly slapping your cheeks to bring some alertness into your veins. Ignis shook his head slightly as your group came to another stop.
“Why did you bring me on this again?” You stifled a yawn as one of the businessmen threw you a dirty look through his monocle. Hiding your tiredness with a cough you smiled awkwardly until he returned his gaze to the tour guide.
“It was  you  who insisted on coming, I told you to sleep in this morning.” Ignis whispered cheekily. The two of you were representing the Citadel in this group of stuffy conglomerates scouting for new business ventures. You decided to come, the nosy person you were, despite your exceptional exhaustion. Being a college student and a member of the Crownsguard was not recommended if you wanted to get a decent amount of sleep and graduate at the same time.
“Couldn’t bear spending an hour without me, hmm?” Ignis slyly poked you in the side, an amused smile on his lips. Huffing, you nudged him back playfully. Ignis was about to retaliate when the monocle man cleared his throat rather aggressively. It seemed you were disturbing his learning environment.
“And now we will make our way to the next floor.” The guide announced, his crisp tone filling the open space of the vacant mall.
Ignis ascended onto the escalator first, allowing you to rest your head on his back. You could care less if you got a makeup stain on his freshly pressed suit vest, any second you got to stare at the inside of your eyelids felt like pure bliss.
You had not anticipated for the ride to be so short and you didn’t have time to adjust to the absence of your headrest when he stepped off the escalator. Flailing like a fish, your face almost said hello to the tile when a strong grip on your waist held you up and pushed you, albeit clumsily, off the moving steps.
Regaining your composure you automatically thanked Ignis for catching your fall. Only, Ignis was in front of you and there was a hand still on your stomach. Slowly craning your neck back to see your savior, you saw yourself in the reflection of a polished golden monocle. An undignified squeak left your mouth as you jumped out of the man’s arms.
The man with the monocle scowled at you and clicked his tongue under his bristly peppered mustache. Heat rose to your cheeks and you sputtered a small thank you as he gruffly brushed past Ignis to rejoin the rest of the tour.
Ignis bit his lip to stifle his impending laughter. He needed to stay professional after all. He held out his arm to you, which you graciously took, and hid your face behind his sleeve until the embarrassment had washed itself from your cheeks.
“And then Cindy almost punched the guy in the mouth because he was getting a little to handsy but I managed to thro-WHOA.” Your rambling was cut short by your ankle twisting haphazardly as you padded down the sunbaked steps of Lestallum’s main street. The steaming hot styrofoam of the Cup Noodles in your hand consequently went flying out of your grasp as you scrambled to collect your floundering form.
Expecting to see the horrendous sight of your freshly brewed noodles splattered on the pavement like the scene of a murder, you were pleasantly surprised when it was intact in Gladio’s hand.
“You okay?” He asked, placing the noodles on the stairs. He crouched down to look at your ankle. You nodded, giving it a few rolls. “Yeah, I’m good. What about your hand? Did it get burned?” You prodded, gently bringing his hand that held your cup noodles to your eye level.
“Nah it’s fine. My hand just smells like ramen now.” He chuckled.
“Now it's beefy, just like you.” You smiled cheekily, snatching your noodles from his grasp in a fluid movement. You skipped down the remaining stairs, leaving him to smile fondly before quickly catching up and squeezing your side, your combined giggles meshing with the subtle buzzing of the power-plant.
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luna-the-moth · 4 years
Tainted Elysium(SFW)
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Hello dear! Ohoho, I love this prompt, you have no idea! I’m so sorry if you wanted this in hc/scenario form, but the story potential for this was just Screaming at me- Also, this follows my hc that the Celestial Realm is corrupt (Pointedly looks at the angel event)
As the request says, there will be a character death.
Word count: 1.7k
Reblogs, likes, and comments are lovely to see!
Satan with a Reincarnated Angel! Reader. SFW! With a GN! reader.
Requests are open, but please read my rules and guidelines before reading!
How could this happen?
Falling onto his knees, Satan watched, helpless as your limp body sat lifelessly in the pentagram. Your eyes were wide, shock still ever-present on your features, a last reminder of your death.
He brought himself onto his feet, kneeling beside you, tears dripping onto your cold, lifeless skin. Your body was still warm, although your face had been drained of any remaining sign of life, similar to a mannequin.
This isn’t how he planned things to go, no- You were supposed to become immortal through the ritual, not die. Solomon had said this was one of the safest routes to immortality.
Mind spiraling, Satan gripped his head between his hands, trying to grasp any last shreds of his control. He couldn’t lose is composure. No, he had worked too hard to repress himself, he can’t lose it now.
“Perfect, the ritual has been completed and seems to be successful. Now we just need to wait.” Solomon mused smugly, pleased with his work.
Snapping his head to the sorcerer, Satan’s eyes held a sea of emotions. Disbelief, shock, betrayal, and wrath. Pure, unpolished wrath, in it’s rawest, most carnal form.
“Successful? Successful? They just died, and you say the ritual has been successful? You had sworn that they would become immortal, Solomon.”
His facade was crumbling down as he spoke flames of green and black peeking between his form, the demonic form he despised was coming loose. With a roar, his body expanded, clothes being torn to shreds as an equestrian form stood proudly where a demon once stood.
Charging at the sorcerer, Satan’s jaw opened, a maelstrom of green flames bursting from his mouth, swirling in a cyclone of hellish fire. After that, Satan’s mind blacked out, completely losing control over his grief.
All that he could remember, was the body of his lover fading into white butterflies behind the sorcerer, a white glow taking over your body.
Satan doesn’t remember how long it’s been since you’ve died.
Don’t get him wrong, he isn’t going to be completely hung up in mourning for  your death as long as he lives, but there are times he’ll see pieces of you. Those are the moments the grief will come rushing back.
In certain lines of poetry, ones you had always asked him to read at night.
The cat cafe in the human world, where you would always end up taking dozens of pictures of him, letting him unabashedly show his adoration for the creatures.
But the memory that hurt most of all, was your wit, charm, and intelligence. Smiling, he fondly remembered the way your eyes would gleam when discussing flower symbolism, or demonic history you had learned of in the human world.
You would ramble on for hours, passionate and lively, something Satan greatly admired. You were unapologetically yourself around him, no mask, and no tricks to convince him of otherwise.
Now, he would stop by your gradually crumbling tombstone every year, placing a bouquet of flowers on your grave, along with a bundle of cherry blossoms. They were one of your favorites, and he smiled as he reminisced about your love of the aromatic flora.
However, today was different. Your grave wasn’t there, instead, an angel. Near your gravestone, was an angel, bathed in a heavenly glow, halo shining brightly. Beside the angel, was a young child, a mortal soul, recently deceased.
As the little boy grabbed your hand, Satan’s eyes widened, seeing your face. Nearly dropping the bouquet, he softly placed a hand over his mouth, disbelief and shock clouding his mind.
So this is what Solomon had meant by immortal. You really were immortal, but not in the way he had thought.
Seeing you in silver armor, white cape flowing down your back, it was almost surreal. Your eyes had taken on a white ring, glowing around your irises, brighter than the stars themselves.
Satan hadn’t spent much time in the Celestial Realm, besides the time he had been a part of Lucifer’s subconscious. There had been scriptures in the human world of beautiful, ethereal angels, along with their interpretations of their true forms.
Yet in Satan’s eyes, angels were repulsive creatures. Arrogant, with a twisted sense of justice. Blindingly bright, they were merely demons, masquerading themselves as helpers, and merciful beings. Pathetic excuses for angels.
Seeing his lover become an angel? It made his blood boil. They had taken you, and tainted you. Bleaching you with their morals, molding you into another animatronic being, just another slave to their sick minds
Stepping forward, Satan took a leap of faith to see if you recognized him, and whether or not you would attack him. If there was a shred of you left, even a flicker of memory, there was a chance he could help you see the truth.
However, when within a few steps of approaching, you whirled around, eyes blazing. With a flash of light, you drew out a spear, immediately lunging toward him, blade tilting his chin up.
“Hello Y/n, it’s a pleasure to see you again, my dear.”
Leering, you asked,
“What business do you have with me, Angel of Mercy, wretched demon? Have you come to taint this child? To take him, turning his soul into a meal? Or perhaps, a lessor demon?”
At hearing this statement, the child took on an expression of pure fear, immediately flashing away, the ghostly apparition of his soul disappearing. Perhaps another angel would find him again, or a hungry demon.
With nothing but pure disgust and scorn in your eyes, Satan couldn’t help but bark out a bitter laugh. So this is what they’ve done to you? Modeled you after the archangel Raphael, ever so eloquent and haughty. It’s almost as if the heavens were laughing at him as they had altered you.
Fate really is a cruel mistress, isn’t she? Hasn’t he suffered enough, a demon of Wrath? Cast out even among his own brethren, the only true demon amongst fallen angels.
As you glowered down at him, spear nearly piercing his throat, Satan chuckled. How ironic, that his lover would be reformed into a being that Satan loathed, and one who despised him in return.
Of course not, the heavens would always scorn him, and take whatever they could from him. Twisting them into their vision of perfection, mindless slaves with no free will.
Being reincarnated to an angel of mercy as well, added insult to the injury. Your gaze was hardened in a burning hatred. To you, he was nothing but a mere demon, a being of sin, who deserves to be cast out as scum.
Shock evident across your face, your eyes flashed in suspicion as Satan didn’t show signs of hostility, nor wanting to retaliate. But demons were known to be charming and deceptive, especially the Avatars.
Looking at you with mournful, tired eyes, Satan had nearly given up on bringing you back. And now, you were here in front of him. Yet you didn’t even remember his name. A sad smile making it’s way across his features, he couldn’t help but think.
After all he’s done for himself, and to distance himself from his sin; Fate still frowned on him. Born from wrath, forever seen as an uncontrollable beast, no matter how he painted himself, he would always be struck down, time and time again.
You couldn’t help but feel an odd familiarity within those forest green eyes, and carefully lowered your spear, suspicion morphing into curiosity. Why had that name sounded so familiar?
How could a demon be anything other than the vile creatures told about in the Celestial Realm, filthy and deceptive?
However, you had assumed it was him influencing your mind, when in reality, it was quite different. With a burst of light, the spear disappeared from sight, although you were still in a cautious stance, ready to summon it again.
Deciding to make a leap of faith, Satan carefully presented you the bouquet of flowers he had brought with him. Presenting them to you in a non-threatening manner, lest you point your spear at him again.
This year’s bouquet was different; a new arrangement, one that conveyed his yearning, love, and heartbreak. You had loved Victorian flower symbolism, so he saw these as apt choices for flowers. These flowers consisted of:
Pink camellias (Longing for you), red carnations (Alas for my poor heart, my heart aches), pink carnations (I’ll never forget you), red chrysanthemums (I love you),  columbines (Foolishness, folly), gladiolus (Remembrance), and hydrangeas (Gratitude for being understood; frigidity and heartlessness). Accepting these wouldn’t mean you would automatically fall in love again. Hell, you didn’t even have to be friends at the end of the day. Did he expect you to take it and eventually change your mind? No.
But perhaps if you saw the darker side of things, you would have a different perspective on demons and angels. What Satan wanted, was for you to see the truth. The truth about who you were before, and what’s happened to you.
Taking a step back, you stiffen. Unconsciously clenching your hands, swarms of doubt cloud your mind. Was this some sort of trick? Perhaps a plan to sweep you away, an attempt to seduce you?
However, looking at his eyes, you couldn’t deny the genuine tenderness those emerald orbs shone. Your instincts and thoughts clashed against one another, and time seemed to freeze, the two of you stuck in an eternal will-they-won’t-they.
Throughout your exchange with the Avatar, you had been wondering why a demon of his rank would care so much for a human, and felt an odd curiosity about him.
It didn’t make sense, as the dead human’s soul would be in the Devildom or Celestial Realm by now. Why would he bother visiting a soulless grave, with no benefits to reap?
In a decision made of curiosity and unknown futures, you let out a shaky breath. Extending a trembling hand, you gently wrapped your fingers around the bouquet; Quickly bringing it to your chest as your finger brushed Satan’s.
No fireworks appeared, nor did you kiss under the light of day. You didn’t fully believe Satan, and the demon in question was still in shock, finding out about your existence. Your prejudices weren’t magically wiped away; Neither was Satan’s grief.
But it was a start.
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
Unforgetable, like the Sky (Promptis)
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: M/M Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia Character: Prompto Argentum
Summary:  I see your hair in the darkness, your eyes in the stars, and your smile in the constellations, and miss you.
Read on ao3 
Dear Noct,
The night sky always reminds me of you. How could it not? It is basically your namesake. I'm pretty sure everyone in Lucis thinks of you just at the mention of nighttime. But I see your hair in the darkness, your eyes in the stars, and your smile in the constellations. Perhaps it is because I miss you so damn much, but I can’t deny that you were my driving force for so long, as if you were some freaking beacon in the sky guiding me along my chosen path, so it isn’t that weird I would see you in the sky, is it? As if you are still there to guide me?
But so many things remind me you…
Every time I look through my viewfinder, I imagine turning around to snap a shot of that goofy grin that so few had the chance to see but that I was lucky enough to freeze in time. As you know, I rarely print my photographs, but I clutch these in my shaking hands in the late hours of the night.
It sucks. Looking at your face again is the only thing that really makes me feel better (reminding me that you would want me to continue on and keep smiling), but it also makes me feel so much worse. It’s the worst reminder; the reminder of what we had. The happiness.
What would I give to have those days again? You better believe I’d die, just as you did, in a second (and yeah, I know that defeats the goal, but you know what I mean). But there is no loophole with this. I’ve read enough and heard all of Iggy’s lectures to know that I should stay out of their matters. He somehow always manages to glower at me, as if saying “you want to be blind like me?”, and I have no choice but to shut up.
He and Gladio try to be here, ya know? They get that though they knew you longer, this is harder for me. They’ve moved on. Together actually. That doesn’t help, to be honest. I get to see them happy while I’m still just this numb shell of a person. I live, and I even smile, but I don’t have any direction without you here to guide me. When we first met, I wanted to better myself for you. I wanted to become your friend. I wanted to train to get in the crownsguard so that I could stay with you. I wanted to give you my body and heart. I wanted to go on your wedding trip, and help you when it became more than that. Then you disappeared, and for the first time in my life since meeting you, I had to figure out what to do without you in it.
Those were the longest ten years of my life, battling between hope and doubt, wanting to keep my life on hold but knowing I couldn’t just sit around. Did I tell you how reckless I got? Gladio beat me black and blue until I straightened up. Heh. I was pretty stupid. After that, he wouldn’t let me go on any hunts alone anymore. I stayed in Hammerhead, only going out when Gladio bothered to show his face. Left me a lot of time to think, and gods did I think about you. More than I do now, if you can believe it. There was so much talk of how you would be returning to end the eternal night and rid us of the daemons. It was as if everyone and everything was there to remind me. So, I bit my lip and focused on my work. By the time you showed back up, I could have probably given Cindy a run for her money.
You know, when you came back, I barely believed it was really you. It wasn’t the first time. You had come back to me before, usually in dreams, but sometimes when I was awake. Gods, you should have seen Cindy’s face that time I bolted across her living room shouting your name. She thought I was suffering from dehydration-induced hallucinations. Probably would have thought I was crazy myself if Iggy hadn’t admitted hearing your voice from time to time as well. Guess we were just so anxious for you to return. Or maybe we did go a bit insane. Doesn’t matter now, because you did come back.
Do you have any idea what that felt like? I know you missed us, but it’s not the same. It was ten fucking years . I wanted to kiss you so badly, it was like I couldn’t breathe until my lips were on yours, and when they were and I felt your hands on my shoulders, it was like a part of me that had been dead came back to life. Those were the gods’ honest truth happiest few hours of my life. And then it was all burned to ash.
I can still feel that stab of pain when you said that you had to go die the very next day . I wanted to shout and cry, but Gladio and Iggy beat me to each, so all I could do was stare at you in shocked silence. You calmed each of them down and ushered them into the tent. Only then did you turn to me and take my hands in yours. They were cold, as if you were already dead. The tears did come. You wiped at them and told me that I had to be brave, like you knew I was. Hah. Brave, is that what you call what I’m doing? Watching you die and then continuing on with my life is brave, huh? I call you brave. Giving up everything after having so little. I’ve had just as little and I still have the chance to take what the world has to offer, and yet I hold back. I hold back and stare at your goofy grin instead. Because out of everything out there, what’s frozen in the picture frame is the only thing that really matters to me anymore.
I know I have issues. I know I need to talk to someone about it. Iggy keeps giving me the number of this guy he knows, but I never call. I guess I’m just not ready yet. Not ready to share these thoughts with anyone else yet. I guess that’s why I’m writing this all to you. If anyone should know all this, it’s you.
And if I’m going to tell you anything, it should be that I still love you. I want you to know how loved you are. By me and Iggy and Gladio. By Cindy and Talcot and Iris and everyone else, too. You are a damn hero, Noct, and we’ll never forget that. Your name will go down in history and live on in our hearts.
I don’t know if I will move on one of these days. Maybe I will start a chocobo farm, or maybe I will ride cross-Eos in a motorcycle gang. Maybe I won’t. But if I do find some new path that somehow does not relate to you, I want you to know that I will always remember you. I don’t need reminders to remember you, because you are unforgettable.
Forever Yours, Prompto
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