#Dean delmona
citruscore · 2 years
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things to never say to someone who just came out
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sullina · 7 months
The average school kid trying to get out of homework: sorry, my dog ate it
Professor Hershel Layton, trying to get out of a presentation:
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101flavoursofweird · 8 months
While it is hilarious imagining Layton’s students groaning/celebrating when they find out their puzzle-obsessed archaeology tutor has cancelled class AGAIN, do you think his students ever worry about him?
When 27-year-old Layton starts teaching his first ever class (a delayed start to the term), do his new students wonder why he never removes his hat? Do they notice the bruises on his skin or the dark shadows under his eyes? Do they hear the rumours about how Layton just got out of hospital or how he spends his nights working in his office? (What exactly is he researching?) Any students caught gossiping face the wrath of Rosa Grimes, so the rumours eventually fade away. 
Sure, Layton was late starting the year, but he’s a dedicated teacher and a true gentleman, so the students and Dean Delmona let it slide. Some of his colleagues view him as a ‘young upstart’— Why on Earth is an archaeology professor assisting the police?— but he is mostly well-liked at Gressenheller.
Professor Layton is patient and sympathetic to students struggling with their work (students like Janice), while at the same time being a driving inspiration (to students like Carmine). He wants his students to succeed, even if their interests lie outside of archaeology.
Seven years into Layton’s teaching career— he suddenly doesn’t turn up to class one day. Layton’s students wait in the empty lecture hall— wait for him to hurry in with a hasty apology— but there’s no sign of Professor Layton. Hershel Layton, who has never taken a sick day in his whole career. 
Panicked, several students dash to Layton’s office. (“Maybe he fell asleep on his sofa again…?”) But when they see he isn’t there, they storm into Dean Delmona’s office, who explains that Layton rushed off after receiving an urgent letter— and not to worry, because he has his new assistant to help him. Layton’s students are extremel  relieved, but at the same time, curious about what the letter could contain. 
When a weary Layton finally returns to Gressenheller after a few days, he is met with concern and endless questions. He confesses that he was involved in solving a mystery, though he won’t reveal the details of said-mystery. He apologises for leaving his class on such short notice and promises he will hold extra sessions for them to catch up.
Of course Layton’s students forgive him. Even true gentlemen need to deal with emergencies from time to time! This was just a one-off, right…?
Three years later (several adventures and sudden absences later), nothing surprises Layton’s students anymore. Thankfully, the Professor has gotten better at informing Dean Delmona when he will be away. Whenever Layton’s students see the substitute Dr Glaive in their classroom, they assume Layton is off on another adventure. Still, Layton always reviews the notes Dr Glaive leaves for him. He will check in with his students and arrange extra study sessions if they’re struggling—
A lot of them struggle, after the Mobile Fortress incident. They notice that Professor Layton is struggling too… Wasn’t he involved in the case, somehow? Like on a personal level? And where is the Professor’s little apprentice…? 
Eventually, news gets out about what happened ten years ago at the Institute of Polydimensional Physics. Layton’s students don’t find out all the details, but they find out about Claire Foley, a young scientist and (like them) a former Gressenheller student... Layton’s lost sweetheart.
When Layton turns up for class the next day, he’s surprised to find an empty lecture hall and an envelope on his desk. It contains two tickets and a letter, signed by all of his students:
“Dear Professor Layton,
Here are two tickets for you and your daughter to visit your apprentice in America. (A true gentleman never refuses a gift!) We’ve already informed Dean Delmona about your holiday…
Please, don’t worry about us. We’ll catch up when you get back.
Right now, we’re off to have a (civil) conversation with Bill Hawks.
Take care! -Your eager students’
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alto-tenure · 2 years
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the idea of dean delmona being a girlboss is the reason I made this
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Now, wait just a clock tick.
Layton just identified that the Dean Delmona that they met in the “future” is actually Don Paolo, and the reason he used is his hair. It’s white as snow. When Luke points out that it’s perfectly natural for a man of advanced age to have that color hair, Layton replies that not for Delmona - as he went bald years ago and now wears a wig, which wouldn’t change color with age.
But that means…
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cayenne-twilight · 1 year
which PL character would be most aerodynamic if you shot them out of a canon tournament ROUND 1
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I’ll keep submissions open throughout the whole first round to get more candidates. Last episode, the poll closed with exactly 100 votes. Thanks you guys, that was super satisfying. The Masked Gentleman will be moving on to round 2. I’m sure Hazel/Edgar would be relieved to hear about that.
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dysfunctionalnerd · 7 months
Welcome to another Ranlay fic!
It's been a bit since ive interacted with the layton base, but im writing again. I've got about 4 chapters up on my latest layton fic here so far, with a lot more planned.
To absolutely nobodys surprise, its ranlay. But desmond is there. yknow. to cause problems :)
I'll make another post with a cover drawing when I've finished the fic, but for now have fun
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ernestlaytonpolls · 7 months
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laytonnpcbracket · 1 year
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About the NPCs:
Lyewood is a member of Labyrinthia's Vigilantes.
Otherwise known as: ダンボール (Japanese); Javot (French); Papperlot (German); Lalo (Spanish); Ser Gonzo (Italian); Sapperlot (Dutch)
Dean Delmona is the head of Gressenheller University. He has a granddaughter who gives him many puzzles.
Otherwise known as: デルモナ学長 (Japanese); Dekan Delmona (German); Decano Delmann (Spanish); Doyen Delmona (French); Rettore Stone (Italian); Decaan Delmona (Dutch)
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plposting · 9 months
The Layton smash or pass blog is so sad to me bc it’s like: *character that is an npc and not conventionally attractive and old* *a million passes*
So sad I need y’all to think more with your smash button more for that acc
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teenytinyapprentice · 2 years
Professor Layton when Dean Delmona asks why he isn’t showing up to teach his classes
Audio is from this video of Tom Scott introducing places
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snekatiemainy · 10 months
Kinda fascinated by the state Layton seems to be in in Last Spectre. Guy who sleeps in his office (he even keeps a toothbrush in there)band wears the same clothes the next day (after leaving without a word to anybody except rosa), guy who apparently forgets to eat meals. He definitely makes himself very busy
I've a feeling the existence of Emmy and Luke is what changes things for him some lol (though I'm sure he continues to sleep in his office lmao). Hard to do nothing but work if you got these two dragging him around everywhere
Layton is so fun because he's this super put together guy then you look under it and his office is a mess, he forgets to eat, he has three tragic backstories he's repressing, and if he's not working he's probably out solving wacky mysteries (dean delmona literally said that was supposed to be out on holiday)
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aquamarineglow · 1 year
Tiny details I noticed from the Layton series:
Katrielle's sofa is shaped like her hair:
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In the Promo artwork for Miracle Mask, you can see Stachenscarfen.
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This man gets so excited about seeing the Bostonius that he rushes out his house and immediately slips on the ice:
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It's not a continuity error that Dean Delmona has white hair in Laytons Mystery Journey. When he's shocked, his hair flies off his head, revealing it to be a wig.
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Ingrid and Matthew have to stand on piles of books to be able to see out the window:
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Duke makes an appearance in St Mystere despite being from Folsense. And being a hallucination.
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The man Grosky fights with in Last Specter can be seen in Prison in the credits of Eternal Diva.
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In Eternal Diva, during Puzzle 001, you can overhear two men arguing about the answer.
The two are looking at a fossil of what appears to be a Ichthyosaur.
You can hear the first man ask, "What about that? Is that old?"
Second man replies, "That's a fish."
The first argues back, "It's a fossil you buffoon!!"
I don't know, I thought it was funny.
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That's all I can fit onto this post.
Please share any small details you've noticed, I love seeing them!
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alto-tenure · 2 years
I think we don't talk enough about how Emmy was hired by Delmona behind Layton's back. Like, did Delmona put out a hiring notice somewhere without Layton's knowledge? Did Emmy just show up with a resume, a CV, and a hope that they were hiring? What would have happened if he didn't hire her with regards to how she was spying for Targent?
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