#Dayrl dixon
xeno-sapien · 2 years
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Just some perfect TWD memes hfhdhdgdgdggd
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Daryl x singer!reader
(Reader who sings a lot)
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At first, Daryl wasn't used to hearing you sing.
Like, he heard you humming little tunes sometimes on runs, and he didn't think you were half bad.
Then, after you got more comfortable with eachother, he got more used to it.
What he couldn't get used to is hearing you sing full songs.
In Alexandria, when you all got houses, you and daryl shared a house together.
And one day you woke up before him and made breakfast.
You were singing your favorite songs and he woke up to you singing and the smell of bacon.
He watched you sing in awe.
If he had a working phone, he would take a video.
When you finally notice his presence, you get embarrassed to say the least.
But he assures you he doesn't care and it's fine.
After that, you slowly got more comfortable signing around him
He hums along with you if you sing a duet.
Not gonna lie, he snickers if your voice cracks.
When you both would take night watch in the prison, he would call you 'sea siren' because you tended to sing sad songs that had long notes to hold.
He still does^
He used to find it annoying when you sung at first, but now he finds it confirting and he even joins in!
Your still kinda embarrassed to sing when you know he's watching (I hope that makes sense)
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redcoralpot · 1 year
hiii! not sure if your requests are open, if so then can you do a TWD Daryl x Walker male reader?
Like Reader followed Daryl & the group & always pops out time to time & Daryl goes to hunt but sees him just watching the walkers eating someone & Daryl sees him making an expiration of descust shocking Dayrl cuz Reader is a walker? Have a great day & take care off uself ^^
Dead Man Walking - Daryl Dixon X Male (Walker) Reader
I had a lot in mind for this request, so I decided to break it into multiple parts/chapters!! <33 If this series gets popular enough, I will post an extended version on AO3. If you have any questions on how the reader’s infection works, don’t be afraid to ask politely! Xoxo
The romance with Daryl will most likely start next chapter! 🫠
Warnings: Blood, violence, implied cheating (Shane + Lori)
Word Count: 1.8K
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Your life from before the outbreak didn’t matter anymore, though it wasn’t like you remembered very much of it. Humanity’s civilization had crumbled within a few mere hours, and you had seen the worst of it. 
     At first, you wandered the streets of the city with plenty of others in your same predicament. That life was lonely, and your comrades never seemed to be good conversationalists. As bad as that was, you couldn’t find it in yourself to blame them. Your mouth felt uncomfortably dry after having no water and a hanging jaw for days. Days! You should be getting paid for this. 
    That all changed after a man disrupted this slow, daily routine, charging on a horse around the wrong corner. Was this how modern cowboys acted? Seriously, maybe the water deprivation was getting to you after all. 
     The mob went crazy at the sight, a sudden change from the prior leisurely pace, attacking the poor animal. You could do nothing, even as your stomach lurched, and you decided to focus your attention on the man instead. He was brave to a stupid extent, sliding under a tank as ravenous arms reached for him. The rush forced you forward too quickly as you stumbled over a bag, hitting the ground with a smack. 
     Everyone else was uncaring, focused solely on the target. You have never seen them from this perspective before, and here, you could see many more bite marks and unhealed injuries. And God, it stunk. You were surprised that anyone could get caught by these people, they could probably smell them before they could even see them! Especially the cowboy under the tank, there, for his age. Would he live, would he die? If you had a partner, you would bet on death. 
    Fate apparently had different plans for him, as he suddenly popped out of the tank, smacking a nearby infected hard enough to give him room to escape. Damn, you definitely didn’t want to get in his way. He struggled down the sidewalk, shooting to safety in a closed off alleyway. Part of you wanted to curiously follow him, but the smarter end told you to stay. 
       “C’mon!” A voice shouted from the alley, followed by gunshots. 
     Your name tag swung as you followed a group of survivors. The man and his savior had joined it after the drama on the street, and you were curious enough to see where they would head next. Apparently, that was a survivor camp, not too far away from the city’s borders. It was here that you learned the man’s name was Rick, and he had family there. It baffled you that he even thought of risking himself like that with a child as young as Carl. 
      His family seemed to think the same, running towards him and shouting in surprise. From your little spot yards away, you wondered if your family ever made it, and if they missed you just as much. 
       “Dad!” Carl shouted, and the man himself dropped to his knees to hug him. Was Rick crying?
        You felt a little guilty for staring at such a vulnerable moment, so you turned your eyes onto the other members. They were a plenty, diverse group, bigger than any camp you’ve witnessed before. There was one other kid among the survivors, a little girl, other than Carl. 
         This observation session was quickly shut down, interrupted by a gruff alert, “Walker!”
         A what? You? 
        Whipping your head towards the noise, you came to face a crossbow pointed at your face. Ah. 
        “I got it.”
        Your slow, dead reflexes tried their best as you dived behind a tree, but they weren’t fast enough. An arrow pierced through your shoulder, knocking you off course, and into a bush. Using this as cover, you scampered back farther from the camp, praying that this day wouldn’t be your last. 
        “Daryl! Just leave it.”
        “I ain’t never seen one smart enough to dodge before.”
         “Exactly, don’t waste your ammo.”
         “Pff, would’a gotten my arrows back anyway.”
        The shock from the shot dulled as your head produced a light feeling, making you abandon any thoughts of getting up. You sat there, frozen, as the voices faded away. Well, one of them had been paying attention after all. 
         You gripped the arrow, ripping it out in a smooth motion, biting down on your shirt. The taste of dirt filled your mouth, and while you’ve done this a number of times, you had never expected to perform it on yourself. Red trickled down your shirt, making the hole even more obvious. This Daryl was a great man, amazing even. If you couldn’t have a bath, or any human interaction, you at least deserved a shirt without stains or holes in it. You didn’t have any spares!
         Should you still follow this group? They’re bound to move soon, mobs will start moving out of the city and out among the borders. It was suicide if you did, but you found you didn’t care all that much. The world had ended, you had no family, and nothing to live for. A little fun before you died wouldn’t hurt anyone, you decided. 
         Your body felt heavy as you pulled yourself into a tree, pressing yourself against the bark and peering through the leaves at the camp. Here, it should be safer. Their threats were all on the ground, only hunting will bring them to look in the trees. 
         The same gruff voice reached your ears, “And you just left him?”
        “We had to, we had no choice.”
       “Yeah, well, I’m goin’ back to find him.”
       A pause, “I’ll go with you, we can form a rescue group.”
        “I’d like to get my bag back, too; it has supplies.”
         Through your cover, you could see Rick choosing different survivors to come with, and you couldn’t help but feel relieved that one of the sharpest was among them. Now that he and his crossbow are gone, albeit temporarily, you feel a weight come off of your shoulders. 
        Before you could dwindle in that bliss for long, a second group split off, significantly smaller than the other. Just two people, a man and a woman, one you recognized to be the mother of Carl. You shifted, trying to get a better view. 
        “We can’t do this anymore, Shane,” the woman started, “He’s back now.”
       “Rick doesn’t have to know.”
       “He’s your best friend, and don’t forget the only reason I did this was because everyone thought he was dead!”
      These people were lucky you couldn’t talk.
      “No, we’re ending this.”
      Shit. As the woman briskly walked back to the main camp, you could still see Shane hadn’t moved. He grumbled incoherent, resentful sentences, and you felt like a rat. You wanted to scream at Rick about what you just witnessed, snitching the very details of the things his wife and best friend had been doing. 
       None of the survivors seemed keen on hearing you out, though, so their secret was safe, for now.
      You woke up with a start, hissing as you accidentally banged your head on the wood behind you. Sitting up, you heard feet shuffling below you. Not just a pair, however, it must’ve been at least ten. Was it happening already? The rescue group must have led them back to the camp and knew they were coming, surely. 
        Yelling rang through the camp, snarling and the snapping of teeth almost overpowering it. You could see the fire, shadows of the survivors dancing around it, the moves quick and fearful. An arrow flew, gunshots rang, and you could smell blood. Daryl was back, with the rescue team following close behind. 
         “What happened here?”
        “Walkers, a whole mob of ‘em,” stated a rather stoutly, panting old man. 
         Rick asked another question, “Is everything alright, was anyone hurt?”
        “A few, uh, Amy and Ed, Carol’s husband.”
       You weren’t familiar with this Amy, but you weren’t fond of Ed. You had caught him trying to hit his wife, a sweet woman, while she was doing the laundry earlier. Really, he deserved this fate, but it must be concerning for Carol. It couldn’t be easy to raise a child alone in this environment. 
       A silence fell over the group, a moment of mourning for their first losses. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see the fate of the two victims. You knew what would happen, knew it well, as the final shots of the night sounded. 
        “He was bit,” Daryl growled, and with a click, a gun was pointed at him. 
       “We don’t kill the living.”
       “But you can point a gun at me?”
       “You woulda killed him if I didn’t.”
       “What’re we gonna do with him, then? Let ‘em turn?”
       “We have to leave.”
      “There’s nowhere to go, walkers are everywhere!”
     “I know a place, it’s a facility in Druid Hills. If anywhere has a cure, it’d be in there.”
     Shane made a face, “Are we sure ‘bout this?”
    “It’d be protected, a safe place to stay; we can leave in the morning.”
     His tone made it sound final, and his best friend looked unconvinced. Daryl gave the bitten man a final, bitter eye, stomping off to brood alone. As much as the two of you were different, you had to agree with him. The man would only suffer and die in a more brutal way, after all. Alas, the only thing you could do was watch. 
      You watched as the remaining survivors settled into sleep, you watched as Shane grew more agitated, you watched as they packed their things when the sun rose, and you watched them drive away. 
       A few decided to hang back, to go their own way. Silently, you wished them well with the others, and then you watched them leave too. This is where you deemed it safe, sliding down from the tree to slip back onto the ground. With a stick you snapped off, you started your journey to Druid Hills, the bite mark on your left leg aching.  
      And who knows? Maybe they could fix this pesky infection. 
     The signs were still in good shape, and what a blessing they were. You hobbled on, for two days and nights, not catching up to the people of your interest. Halfway through, a familiar face caught your eye, sitting propped under a tree. He gnashed his teeth, eyeing you, clearly not able to get up to reach you. Sighing, you shook your head as you realized what they did. 
      You raised your stick, finally looking down at him with pity, and drove it through his eye. Blood and body residue dropped off the end as you ripped it back out of the unmoving Jim, and you leaned heavily on it again. No matter how exhausted, you continued on your way, determined to be a normal man again. 
End of Chapter One.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
i know this may be an unpopular opinion but i wanted to know your thoughts anyway
i know you and the majority of TD believe beth will return in DD and i really hope she does as it would be better for her to return via daryl’s story. but i really do believe she will return in ricks spin off for multiple reasons
1. the shows name is literally ’the ones who live’. beth lives, you know?
2. my personal belief is that after beth was left in the car she either woke up or was found by the remaining grady members. i think dawn was talking about the crm when she said people are coming so i think they did eventually come and beth went with the crm either willingly or not. which would put her at the crm
3. i think logically it makes the most sense, because it would be kinda far fetched that beth would be in france. yes it seems random to have dayrl in france too, but the odds of it are crazy
that’s just what i think. i do hope she returns in DD, but if she doesn’t, i think maybe we can all agree she will definitely return in ricks show☺️☺️
You know, I'm not entirely opposed to this. I think it could be argued either way.
What I mean is, my fellow theorists and I have talked about the possibility of Daryl finding out she's alive this season, and then having her actually show up in the second half of season 8 of Fear, which will air BEFORE Daryl Dixon, Season 2.
Well, The Ones Who Live, Season 1, will also air before Daryl Dixon, Season 2. So, it amounts to the same thing.
And if they actually bring her back in one of the other spinoffs, it will hit the airwaves and the entire world will show up for Daryl Dixon, season 2, in the same way they did for TWD S5, to see if he would find Beth. It would actually be really genius marketing on the show's part.
Because clearly the Daryl spinoff is about him finding his romantic happy ending (and trust me, episode 2 pushes this even more), I'm positive it will lead to Beth in some way.
And as for her being in France, 1) Anything is possible. If they can find some plausible way to get Carol to France, then why not Beth? And 2) who's to say the entire spinoff will remain in France? Maybe half way through S2 he gets on a boat and goes home. No idea, but I'm just saying the possibilities are endless for how this can play out.
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As for The Ones Who Live, again I think it can be argued either way. I totally understand your logic about Beth being alive and that title. Plus, she's been heavily paralleled with Rick. I think the Rick and Michonne spinoff will get lots of viewership because people know she's going to find Rick. It would be a fun surprise to also find someone no one was looking for.
On the other hand, that line, "we're the ones who live" was specific to Michonne. We didn't really see it around Daryl. So you could also argue that it doesn't apply to his storyline, except thematically.
So yeah. I totally understand what you mean, and you could very well be right. As with all things TWD, we'll just have to wait and see!
Xoxo! 🍁🍂😘
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naughty-negan · 1 year
Laurent Finds Dayrl ~ TWD Daryl Dixon 01x06
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roleplayfinder · 2 years
Hi! 24 f looking for a literate 21+ partner to write Dayrl Dixon against a male OC for a romance/angst/action plot over on discord. Just like this post and I’ll send you a message!
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
I'd love for Rick to be back at the end of the season just to see Dayrl being a dad to his kids. And in your fic I'd love him to meet robin and the new baby, makes me sad he died before Robin was born because he would have definitely love her 🥺😭
Awww that would be so sweet! It is definitely really sad that Rick never got to meet Robin (and baby Dixon #2). I think he would love them both a lot, and he would also just be so happy to see Daryl as a dad. I can just imagine Rick shaking his head with a smile as he observes how much of a dad Daryl is lol. Of course I think he would also be so so grateful for how Daryl and reader have looked after Judith and RJ. I just think Rick would be so proud of Daryl, and I always liked to imagine that Rick also always had respect for reader, though they didn't have many interactions (I might change that). <3 It's going to be so sweet if they ever get to all reunite.
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d0un0m3 · 1 year
getting my life back PART ONE
i used to be big in photography but my depression took over and i lost a lot of my hobbies like photography (duh), drawing, reading, and writing. but recently ive decided to try and take my life back like who i am and the person i want to be.
so recently i spent a chunk of my savings on a new camera and itll come in the mail soon and hopefully i can get better again.
but what i really want to talk about is how i gained this hope for myself back.
there is a person named Norman Reedus. you might know him from the walking dead as Dayrl Dixon. he is kind, genuine person and not only an actor but also a photographer. i recently came across his work after trying to learn about him and it is fantastic i dont know how i didnt know about him before. so i read some interviews he had and found out this man and completely different human being thinks like me or at least how i used to think when i was more myself and not what the internet made me be. he had dedicated some of his work to road kill and when i was young (about 12) i used to do that with my camera as well.
but back to the interviews. theres one where someone asks him about what personality traits he finds most appealing and honesty was the one he talked about most. now i am against lying completely. i remember what it was like to have to lie in order to be safe but i moved and now i never want to remind myself of that time again so i refuse to lie. everyone im friends with knows this about me and the fact that i say what is on my mind no matter what. Norman Reedus explains how it ruins it for him when people lie and i completely feel that way, i personally will never see you the same again.
in another the interviewer asks him about fitting in and he talks about how he doesnt want to fit in, how its not intresting. he says "And whats so bad about not feeling pretty inside?" it really opened my eyes and brought me to tears reading it for the first time. i never thought about that. why? why hate yourself for not being normal on the inside? why judge so harshly to the person you have to spend the rest of your life with?
they also speak about his style and how its dark and he goes
"I like dark things. i like the reasons why things are dark"
"what do you mean" she asks
"you know, like tears can be very pretty. like when someones crying and feeling horrible-- watching that happen, or watching yourself do that, finding those little minute reasons and avenues that lock into why they feel like that, theres something very cathartic and beautiful about it. i think once i sort of accepted parts of that into myself, i felt better about myself."
when i was young i thought i was sick, horrible, and wrong for the way i viewed things and the things i did. i thought id never even make it to 15 (and here i am past that). i thought id end up going crazy or in jail because i truly thought i was horrible for thinking differently.
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Hi! Can you please write Daryl x Reader, where they were together since high school and when the apocalypse happens Daryl, Merle and Y/n join the camp at the quarry. After Merle was cuffed to the roof, Y/n finds out she's pregnant, she gives birth to Daryl's baby, then they find the prison and when Merle joins them, he meets his brother's kid and is so happy. Please make it fluffy 🥺❤️ thank you!
Oh my gosh, yes this is so cute!! Hope you like this!!
⚠️⚠️Request still open!! ❤️🖤❤️🖤
“I love ya, I’ll always love ya.” Daryl declares his love as they were trying to get to sleep.
Merle was on watch as they tried to get some sleep In the tent. She smiled as she leaned forwards connecting their lips together. The kiss was soft and passionate, but it slowly got faster as it became rough. Then they heard footsteps outside the tent. Knowing it was probably Merle coming to check on them they pulled away.
“You okay in there little brother?” Merles rough voice called as he stood outside of the tent.
“Yeah, fine. We’re fine.” Daryl called out to his brother as he held his wife in his arms.
“Alright then, night.”
- A few weeks later -
Y/n had her back pack on her back full of supplies. Like ammunition for her gun. Extra clothes, the tent and two sleeping bags. A big first-aid kit, matches, lighters and a compass and map.
Y/n had her gun on one side of her and her hunting knife in the other side. Daryl walked beside her with his crossbow across his bag with extra bolts. Merle walked on the other side of her with his rifle carrying it in a trail carry and his knife in his side.
They were walking through the woods when they heard laughing. They weren’t sure if they heard it or if they imagined it. But they continued walking towards it.
“Hands up!” A man shouted as he pointed a glock at them.
“Who the hell are y’all?” The man looked at the three of them. Y/n and Daryl held their hands up whole Merle looked at the man not pleased.
“I’m Merle Dixon and you best be puttin that Gun outta my face before I kill yo ass.” Merle threaten the man wearing a cap that said police.
“Merle!” Y/n hissed through gritted teeth.
“He didn’t mean that. We’ve been walking for a while and he’s probably just dehydrated.” Y/n tried to make up an excuse to the tall dark haired man.
“Is it just y’all?” The man asked Y/n since neither one of the men were answering her. She nodded as she made eye contact with the man. Hoping that would make him believe she wasn’t lying.
“Y’all can stay with our group. Y’all have a tent?” Merle chucked as he looked at the man.
“If we didn’t have a tent would ya provide one for us?” He asked the younger man.
The man nodded as a voice came shouting for him.
“Come on and I’ll show y’all where you can put your stuff.
“Thank you.” Y/n said respectfully as Daryl took her hand in his. Silently showing Shane she was off limits.
“Y’all left my brother-in-law hand cuff to the fucking roof?!” Y/n yelled as she looked at the group who had just gotten back to the city.
“He was fighting T-dog. He was causing too much trouble then what was needed. It was all we could do at that moment.” Glenn explained, trying to get the girl to understand.
“So you thought because he was fighting it was a good idea to feed him to those monsters?!”
Y/n was beyond angry. She was pissed she was seeing red. She hadn’t even got to tell Daryl. But as soon as he knew they we’re gonna have to fight the both of them.
“Y/n, what’s going on? Where’s merle?” He asked as he put three or four squirrels on the table to be fixed for supper.
“Ask the asshole who left him in the city for dead!” Y/n exclaimed as she stared daggers at the group in front of her.
“You left your brother in the city? Handcuff to the roof while them things were coming for him?!” Daryl screamed as he looked at the group who just came back from Atlanta.
“I’m gonna stump your ass!” Daryl went for Rick, but Y/n held him back.
“Come on, we’ll go get ‘em tomorrow. I know, we both want him back tonight, but it’s getting dark. If we go there at night time we’ll never get back.” Y/n whispered softly. Looking into the love of her life’s blue eyes.
“Come on.” Y/n said as she pulled him away from the group. Looking at both Carl and Sophia feeling bad because they look scared.
“I’m sorry, we scared you.” Y/n said as she walked towards the two kids.
“Daryl why don’t you go cool down. There’s some cold water in the tent. I’ll meet you over there in a little bit.” She softly spoke as she looked at her husband. He nodded as he gave her a soft kiss. Making the two kids say “eww” as loud as they could with smiles on their face.
Daryl laughed as he walked away. His mood was a little bit better.
“Why were you and Dayl upset?” Carl asked as you started braiding Sophias soft curly blond hair.
“Well, Merle was left in the city and they forgot about him. So me and Daryl are worried about him. But don’t you two everything Me, Daryl or Merle would ever lay a hand on you. We’lol protect y’all no matter what. I promise.” Y/n said as she looked at the two with a serious look.
“Group hug?” Y/n asked looking at the two with a smile.
The two smile and hugged her tightly before running off giggling. She stood up from her spot on the log when Rick walked up to her.
“I’m sorry we left Merle on the building. He was causing so much trouble and was gonna get us all killed if we didn’t.” Rick tried to get her to understand. Y/n nodded once he finished.
“I understand, but the thing is. That man, Merle. He is my family. He and Daryl are my only family. I take care of my own. The only others I’ll do anything for are those two kids. I won’t let anything happen to them. So like I said, I understand what you did was what you thought was right, but you should’ve though twice when y’all left him on the roof alone.” With that Y/n gave him a curt nod and walked away. Going towards her and Dayrls tent away from the others.
She got into the tent. Seeing Daryl lying in his back. His shirt was off and he had the blankets thrown off him. He had them laid out on the floor to make it softer for him to lay on.
“I seen you wit them kids.” He mumbled as she laid beside him. He wrapped her into his arms and held her head against his chest.
“You would be such a good mama.” He mumbled softly. As if he wasn’t even trying to get her to hear it.
“What?” She asked looking up at him flabbergasted.
“You heard me. I think one day, you’ll be a great mom. You’d take care of our kids. You’d carry ‘me around for nine months and then when you’d have ‘em you’ll probably want to Kill me. But one day, you’ll be a great mom.” He softly rambled as he pulled on top of him to lie down.
She smirked as she felt something against her inner thigh.
“Well, why don’t we practice.”
Days before that Y/n had felt a little off. She had thought it was just a little bug or something, but she wasn’t sure. She then realized she hadn’t started her period and she seemed to have gained a little bit of weight.
She seemed to start have over thinking everything. Maybe she was just stressed. Maybe her hormones were messed up and that was causing her periods to stop.
“Hey, you okay?” Carol asked as she sat beside Y/n.
Y/n was washing her, Daryl and merles clothes. She must’ve been in her thinking in her own world. She didn’t see it hear carol come down beside her until she spoke.
“How did you find out you were pregnant with Sophia? Did you just know or what?” Y/n asked randomly.
“Your pregnant?” Carol asked with a smile.
“I think so, but I’m not 100% sure.” Y/n whispered as if everyone was surrounding them.
“Well, I just knew. I had gotten morning sickness a little earlier then you normal would as a pregnant woman. Then I seen I had gained weight, plus I was an emotion wreck. More than ever.” Carol explained giving Y/n a soft smile.
“But if you are. There isn’t nothing to worry about. You have a man who loves you very much and I’m pretty sure everyone in this group will take care of you and help you and the baby.” Y/n nodded as she walked ringed out Dayrls tank top.
A few days later y/n asked Glenn while he and the group were going out on the run to Atlanta if he could get a test. And the prenatal pills if he could get them. She asked not to risk anything to get them. She asked him only to get it if he was already in the store.
He came back that evening with the test and medicine. She thanked him promising him, she owe him one.
She did the test and waited. The two minutes felt like an eternity as she waited for the test to come back. She looked down at her watch seeing it had been two minutes.
Looking down at the test she seen pregnant!
She couldn’t believe it. She had tears in her y/e/c eyes as she smiled down at the test. She and the love of her life were going to have a family.
She knew she had to tell Dayrl as soon as possible, but he was out in a hunt. So she figured she would make him a gift to give him for when she told him.
She decided she would make him a handful of bolts for his crossbow. Since he could never have too many of them.
After she made about 10 of them it was later on in the afternoon. She had put the bolts in a bag and put the positive test in it on the top.
Leaving the bag in the tent with the test in top she left the tent. Stretching she went out and went over to talk to the group.
An hour or so later she seen Dayrl coming back with the test in his hand. He looked at little nervous, but she could tell he was happy.
“Your pregnant?” He asked with a hopeful smile in his face.
She nodded as she looked into his ocean blue eyes.
“Yeah, were gonna have a baby!” She smiled brightly.
“That’s why you’ve been sick.” He said as if a hundred year curse had just been solved.
“And that explains why you look like your glowing.” He said with a smile. He pulled her into a soft, yet tight hug so happy they were going to have a family together.
-Nine months later-
“You were right, I wanna kill you!” Y/n exclaimed as her contractions were closer and closer. They were in the farm as went into labor. She was about to have the baby. She wasn’t sure whether or not it was a girl or a boy. But both her and Dayrl were okay with either.
“You got this is see the head.” Herschel said as he saw the baby crowning.
“Maggie hand me the clean towel.”
“Alright, one more big push!” Herschel said.
Y/n groaned and cried as he pushed. Holding and squeezing both Dayrl and Ricks hands.
“Oh, my god I’m gonna fucking kill you Dayrl fucking Dixon.” Dayrl chuckled softly as he rubbed the hair out of her sweaty face.
“It’s okay sweetheart, you got this keep going.” He said encouraging her as he pressed a soft kiss to her temple.
A few minutes late a little baby could be heard squalling.
“It’s a boy!” Dayrl said looking over at the baby Hershel was cleaning off with a towel and warm rags.
“Do you want to cut the umbilical cord?” Herschel asked as he held the baby up some.
Dayrl nodded as he walked over to cut them. He cut them umbilical cord and let Maggie, and Herschel take care of the baby. A few minutes later the after birth came.
Y/n was lying in the bed. She was so tired and her body was hurting. She watched as Dayrl watched them clean the baby and then asked Dayrl if he wanted to hold the baby.
“Let her hold him first. She was the one doing the hard work.”
Beth nodded as she laid the baby on Y/ns chest. Everyone left the room giving Y/n and Dayrl privacy with their newborn.
“Welcome to the world little Dixon.” She softly whispered as tears went down her face.
She looked at Dayrl and smiled.
“We have a family.” She smiled his reflecting hers.
“I love you so much. I love both of you so much.” She softly whispered as the baby slept.
They named the baby Mason Dixon. Mason looked just like Dayrl. He had Y/ns nose and hair, but the rest was Dayrl.
Mason was about Four or five months by time they found the prison. Luckily she was able to breast feed the baby, but they always made sure to find formula, just in case they would need it.
When they found Merle they were shocked. Y/n was damn near crying when she hugged her brother-in-law. She thought he had died. He was so shocked to see Y/n holding a baby.
“This little guy y’all’s?” Merle asked as he saw the sleeping baby in y/ns arms. Y/n nodded as she kept her arms wrapped around Mason.
“Yep, this is mason. Out baby boy.” Y/n explained as the baby wiggles to get comfortable.
“I’m glad to see y’all carrying one the Dixon Name. I’m a little upset you didn’t name him after me, but you can always have more.”’he teased the two with a playful smirk. “Yeah, we can always have more.” Dayrl said looking at Y/n with a smirk that looked just like Merles.
“Maybe in the future.”
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623623 · 6 years
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Walking dead is going to end
I can already tell the walking dead is going to end soon. One reason is because (SPOILERS) Carl's death. There is/was a whole story line of negan and Carl and the whole kinda "father son" thing that would have been intresting to watch but they killed him off so In short ending something that could make the series longer. 2. Maggie is not signed on for season 9 so she will most likely die and she is a huge character which will just send the group down a huge sprial and just not be worth it anymore because it might also kill the baby (sidenote anyone notices how it took Lori one episode to get huge but Maggie a whole season and no baby bup?). And 3 I think Rick is going to die . Carl's dream can't and won't come true and the show is kinda foreshadowing his death and maybe even negans Maybe I'm wrong but we all know the show coudnt last forever and they don't go perfectly to the comics so some story lines can't work. So to me I feel the walking dead will come to an end sooner than later. What do you think?
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captain039 · 7 years
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Am i the only who thinks he sexy doing this XD
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normanreedustea · 7 years
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Norman Reedus Fan Expo Cananda
scofieldfraser  ||  gabi is dead
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mscolorsplash · 7 years
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My Apocalypse husbands .
Daryl Dixon (The walking dead)
Leon S Kennedy (Resident evil)
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
oh my god. have you seen the new dayrl dixon poster. i saw it in a youtube video, and the slogan!!! ‘hope is not lost’. THAT SCREAMS BETH. the hope isn’t lost that she’s gone. oh my
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Yup! I actually said exactly the same thingn to my fellow theorists when we first saw it.
As @galadrieljones also pointed out, there are doves in the stained glass window on either side of Daryl. A very religious symbol. We could talk about the colors, but I think most people can figure those out for themselves. And along the top of the stained glass window, it says "espoir," which means hope.
Definitely screams Beth to me. I'm with ya! Xoxo! 🎆💝
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Would anybody be interested in a Glenn x Reader smut fic? (that man gives me serotonin) and i dont really see any fics for him. i have one written but i dont know if i should post it... !!!!EDIT: "downtime" is now up on my page! Please give it a read, lemme know what you think!!!!
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