#Day Trading Education
icfminstitutee · 11 months
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bawkrya · 3 months
whats the biggest trade points of Clan Phrauge? and are they open to lets say other traveling dragons looking for goods or services?
VERY MUCH SO! The Bluelake Lane, owned presently by Alvery Labrie, is the primary way to get goods into Phrauge, and is conveniently closer to the Burrow Market than one would think hehe!!
The Bluelake Lan runs from Dragonhome, cuts through the Tangled Wood, then comes back around into the Scarred Wasteland in this little area, and runs right through the Gabbro and into the city Anura which is presently Phrauges capital, then out of the clan itself.
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Alvery specifically owns the part of this lane that is within The Gabbro (city in dragonhome bounds but belongs to phrauge) and vets goods coming in from dragonhome and the tangled wood before they go in. Or he turns his eyes away when goods go towards the burrow market, which sits really low in the cliff face on Plagues wall in that giant ravine between plague and earth
Alvery has quite a bit of connections when it comes to this trade route, and more often than not can be found at Phrauges trading points! Which are: The Burrow Market, The Gabbro, and Old Phrauge. But in order to know what the burrow market even is, you'd have to be in some severely shady territory, so generally most Normal Individuals would point you to Gabbro or Old Phrauge when it comes to trading.
All three sections are absolutely rife with business coming in and out of these cities. Phrauge is quite literally built on this trade as the clan sits on the meeting point of three flights!
The Burrow Market is especially crowded with a vicious market taking up three layers in a big ass cave underneath the scarred wasteland, and the main market that attracts dragons down there is actually the Silver Market. You can make just about ANY deal down here, but dont expect immediate success, and DO NAWWWT go into this market without some kind of guide because you'll either get scammed to literal death or piss off the wrong person just by breathing in their direction. Lots of clans buy fighters out of the burrow, take part in the egg trade, or criminals/exiles/etc. hide out here to avoid getting murked. Yippee!
The Gabbro is just about as old as Old Phrauge, but the trading in the market here is a bit more well known than Old Phrauges post. It's a lot less complicated (and more safe) to perform normal trades, getting regular work, etc etc here and is where most travelers would actually go when it comes to Phrauges whole trade points. This is where you would most frequently see Alvery when hes not doing his rich man things
As for Old Phrauge, the market here is a lot smaller than the Gabbros! Old Phrauge is just. Old! And while Bawkrya is making moves to update this part of the clan the best he can without pissing off the elders (same with the temples/older parts of the gabbro), most would really only go here for antique type things, historical interest reasonings, or to get services that only really the elders can provide anymore (namely in relation to Phrauges tilework, or overall how they used to build their homes). It's still a decently good place to go for trade though, but it Is harder to get any success if you're not already pretty well established.
Fortinbras is Another important figure when it comes to these trade routes/operations, especially as the head of Clan Relations! hes usually SUUUPER busy but being able to talk to this guy will get u hooked up to literally Whatever you need at all. like anything. you get his stamp and you're literally golden in Old Phrauge and the Gabbro (not so much the burrow though).
Clan Phrauge also deals exports/imports thru the Acridi Harbor which sits on the plague/water border! Business can be found here, but the harbor is just as dangerous as the burrow, if not more dangerous because of how absolutely filled to the brim with ghosts it is, but again if you have someone who knows their way around, or an invitation in particular, you should be able to get through and look around the market/city with ease. Bawkrya also particular has deals going on with Matvei of the Crimson Beauty and Jisa of the Sapphira, two ghost pirates that the citizens of Phrauge just really.......... dont like................. but i dont remember why. LMFAO
theresprobably like more but its midnight for me and i cant think right now <- worked all day. but trade is a very important aspect of the clan especially when it comes to import/export with other clans! So if any1 is ever interested in setting up goods to be traded amongst clans. (holds my hand out to you) lets set up trade routes together
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rivvii · 25 days
oh boy oh boy
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writingonleaves · 7 months
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trade deadline season has me like:
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
Yunhua and her himbo husband? He kicks ass, cuddles babies and animals, and cooks! Also he is very cute when he's teaching his tiny minions.
Chang Liao, every time Nie Yunhua enters a room he's in: Yunhua! :D
Chang Liao's disciples, in Tiny™: shiniang! :D shiniang! :D shiniang! :D
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
as a lesbian with bottom dysphoria i think we should trade. i receive dick you receive pussy. love wins
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anon im so sorry but as much as id love to accept this dick and balls pussy exchange... i'd hope to one day have neither meat nor hole...
my poor unfortunate babygirl ass wants nothing babey!! a clean slate!!
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How would the bbc ghosts excluding robin received their education? eg going to school
So the history of education isn't really something I know a whole lot about and there were many different ways to be educated in every period of history. However I will do my best to take a guess at how each ghost would have been educated. And of course anyone who has more knowledge on the topic is welcome to add or clarify.
Humphrey was likely educated by a private tutor. Schools for boys did exist during the 16th century (Shakespeare attended one) but for people of wealth or high class, such as Humphrey, private tutelage was the standard.
Mary was likely educated by her mother (and possibly father) on all the things she needed to know to run a household. Education for girls and the rural poor was not readily available during the late 16th century, and it was generally believed that it was improper for lower class women to be formally educated. During the mediaeval and early-modern periods it was also considered the duty of the church to educate adults and children on issues of morality and alike, but this would have been through regular church services rather than any formal classroom setting.
As we know, Kitty and her sister had a governess who would have been responsible, not only for their upbringing, but also for the education of both girls. This would have chiefly included reading, writing, and arithmetic, but also things like foreign languages, musical instruments, painting, and possibly even philosophy and science.
I think it's most likely that Thomas was one of the first ghosts to attend a school like the ones we have today. Education during this time was still more angled towards middle and upper classes but childhood schooling as a whole was becoming more prevalent following the enlightenment. He probably had a primary education at a boarding school or by possibly by private tutor as a child and went to either a grammar school or university in his later teen years for secondary education.
Private education was still very popular amongst the upper classes into the 19th century. Like Kitty, Fanny probably had a governess during her childhood. It's quite possible that she also attended a formal school as she got a bit older, probably an all girls school for the wealthy. By the time she would have been in her late teens and 20s, laws had changed to allow women to attend university and given her interest and ability in mathematics, it's very likely that she did, or at least wanted to, attend university.
By Captain's time, primary education was compulsory for all children. It's probable, given that he was basically in R&D for the military, that he also had a secondary education, somewhat like the equivalent to a modern high school, but this would not have been compulsory at the time. He may have also attended university, but the outbreak of WWI lines up with the time he was likely studying and may have been enlisted before he could complete his university education.
Julian would have had an education relatively similar to present schooling. He would probably have had primary and secondary schooling at private (UK: public, ie. Fee-paying) schools. And as we know, he attended Cambridge for university.
Similarly to Julian, Pat would have had a compulsory primary education, and would have also attended high school. Whilst it's most likely Pat finished his secondary schooling, many teens dropped out or finished early to begin apprenticeships or enter the workforce, especially as university education was not as necessary as it is today for high paying jobs. I think at some point it's mentioned that Pat worked in a bank, which probably required some form of tertiary education, such as university or TAFE (I'm not sure what they call it in the UK).
Bonus: Robin (but not really)
Surprisingly, we know a small amount about how pre-historic peoples were educated based on the debris found at tool knapping sites. One site, (I think was in coastal western Victoria, but I don't remember the name), had a stone tool knapping 'workshop' where there was a mix of high-skill and low-skill debris from the same depositional layer. This may indicate that there was more experienced stone tool knapper(s) working with other less experienced knapper(s) in the same workshop. This may demonstrate how pre-historic people passed on their practical knowledge in a teacher-student sort of way. But this is just one theory for explaining the debris pattern at this particular site, and also is in a context completely removed from Robin's time and place.
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mossfeed · 1 year
trish from austin & ally played a pivotal role in my attitude towards working. i <3 finding random ass jobs to apply to once i start getting jaded
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Lads I have an ‘informal phone interview’ for that electrician course I half-jokingly applied for
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r22o25l · 22 days
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icfminstitutee · 11 months
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starswallowingsea · 3 months
Exhausted and sore but in a good way
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What is Day Trading: You Need To Know!
Day trading is a form of trading where financial instruments are bought and sold within the same trading day. Here are ten key points that define day trading:
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Short-Term Trading: Day traders hold positions for a very short period, from minutes to hours, but never overnight.
High Volume: It involves a high volume of trades each day, seeking to capitalize on small price movements.
Leverage: Day traders often use leverage to amplify their returns, which can also increase the potential for significant losses.
Technical Analysis: Reliance on technical analysis, charts, and indicators to make trading decisions, rather than fundamental analysis.
Speed and Efficiency: Requires quick decision-making and fast execution of trades, often using sophisticated trading platforms.
Market Instruments: Can involve a variety of financial instruments, including stocks, options, currencies (forex), and futures.
Risk Management: Stringent risk management strategies are crucial, including stop-loss orders to limit potential losses.
Market Hours: Day traders operate strictly within the market hours of the exchange where they are trading.
Regulation: In many countries, day trading is subject to regulatory requirements, including minimum capital requirements (e.g., the Pattern Day Trader rule in the U.S.).
Skills and Knowledge: Requires a high level of expertise, market knowledge, and continuous learning to adapt to market changes.
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amgracy · 6 months
What is day trading?
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tradingvortex · 9 months
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geekyforex · 10 months
Discover Which Time Frame You Should Use For Your Day Trading Strategy
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Day trading offers exciting opportunities to capitalise on short-term price movements and potentially generate gains, but it also demands a strategic approach and a deep understanding of timing. Finding the right time frame for your day trading style and objectives is like finding the perfect rhythm that harmonises with the Forex market.
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