#Day Party Columbia SC
bebesoiree · 15 days
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Create Magical Memories with a Day Party in Canada!
Transform any day into a magical experience with our themed Day Parties in Columbia SC, and Vancouver! Perfect for kids aged 4 and under, these customisable events offer fun, cosy setups without the need for an overnight stay. Choose from exciting themes, and let your little ones enjoy an unforgettable adventure, all in the comfort of home.
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honeyxdeluxe · 1 year
Diary Entry #2
**Hi Diary! 🌸**
Guess what? Today was a total blast! I had so much fun, and I can't stop grinning like a goofball.
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Okay, real talk: sleep and I had a little disagreement last night. Morning decided to show up fashionably late. Oopsies!
Around 2 PM, me, my boyfriend, and his buddy hopped in the car for a quick trip to Columbia, SC. Why? 'Cause we were super excited about checking out this cool store called 2nd & Charles they have been there already but it was my first time. It's basically a paradise for nerds like me—tons of books, comics, and all sorts of awesome stuff. They even had a library where you can buy books. It was like stepping into a dream.
Now, here's the scoop: our stomachs were growling cause we hadn’t eaten anything since we got up. So, we hit up a Chinese buffet. The food was decent, not gonna lie. But when you're hungry, even decent food feels like a feast fit for a queen.
On the way back we listened to some true crime stories that had us totally hooked, like a mystery movie. Then, the guys switched to some pirate songs, which was pretty funny, I must say.
Now, I'm back home, feeling like I'm on cloud nine. I spent the evening making TikToks that I think you'll love. And guess what? I'm also putting together a YouTube video to remember this wild day. Gotta keep those memories alive, right?
**Chat with you later,**
P.S. "Life's a party, and I'm dancing like nobody's watching!" Today was like a scene from a feel-good movie, and I'm all in. 🎉🌟
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oldsalempost-blog · 5 months
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                           
Volume 7
Issue 19                                                                                                 
Week of April 22 2024                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they should have said no!  Earth Day, April 22, 2024 is the day to say no to plastics!  Scientists believe our bodies are absorbing micro plastics and could be contributing to health problems such as cancers, autism, Alzheimers, and birth defects.  The official Earth Day website is sending  a plea to reduce the plastic in our lives by becoming aware of the harmful affects in our bodies.  Jesus came to earth to save us from the choices Adam and Eve made!  We can make the right choice now to stop or reduce the use of plastics!  Like Jesus, your life depends on it.   LRMartin
TOWN of SALEM: 5 Park Avenue * Visit the Downtown Market every Sat, Hours 9am-1pm. Town of Salem Clean up day– April 27th meet at 8AM at the Calvary Baptist Church– Invite your friends, neighbors, civic groups, and anyone interested in coming together for the good of our community.                                      Salem Beautification Committee is a group of volunteers who support the Town of Salem by maintaining the gardens and decorating some areas for the holidays. Call Ethel Cameron 864-280-4040
Teen Miss Upstate, Emma Lusk will be hosting a Mother’s Day tea party at the Eagles Nest Art Center on Saturday, May 4th  from 2PM-4 PM. This is a fundraiser for Eagles Nest Art Center.  We have an amazing guest speaker lined up and performances as well.  All little lady guests will enjoy manicures and crafts during the tea party.  We are looking for women who would like to host a table at the tea party.  This would include decorating a table in the theme of your choice and selling the tickets for the seats at your table If you are interested please contact Kayla or Emma Lusk at 864-903-0681                                                                                                                    SALEM LIBRARY:  5B Park Avenue.  Hours Monday 10am-6pm. Tues-Friday 9am-5pm. Closed 12-1 for lunch.                    
Jottings from Miz Jeannie  by Jeannie Barnwell    The Once A Week Club                                                                   In 1896 women in Seneca decided to start a club to build friendship and discuss the news. Roads were not paved so they had to slosh through mud to each other's homes.  The Once A Week Club now meets just once a month  because we are so busy. Our club is the oldest federated women's club in the state. Inquiring citizens ask, "How did you keep the club going for 128 years?"   My answer is: At every meeting we recite a prayer.  For 128 years women have taken to heart the strong suggestions offered by poet, Mary Stuart.  Here are some excerpts from Collect.    Keep us, Oh God, from Pettiness.   Let Us Be Large in Thought, Word and Deed.   Teach us to put into Action our Better Impulses  Straight Forward and Unafraid.   Make Us Grow calm, serene, and gentle.   And let us not forget to be kind,   Let these simple words seep into your SOUL!!!    Miz Jeannie Loves You to the Moon and Back!
ASHTON RECALLS    by Ashton Hester    LONG-TIME CAMP JOCASSEE DIRECTOR RETIRED IN 1958 - (The following story was in the July 9, 1958 issue of the Keowee Courier). . .Miss Sarah Godbold of Columbia, beloved director of Camp Jocassee above Salem, is now in charge of the famous summer camp for girls for the 37th consecutive year, but she has decided to retire from the post at the close of the current season. . .Camp Jocassee, however, will continue in operation in the same fine tradition with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foye of Tifton, Ga. taking over with the start of the 1959 session. Mr. and Mrs. Foye have been granted a five-year lease by Mrs. Morris Brown of Walhalla, owner of the property. . .The camp, with its location in some of the most scenic surroundings to be found anywhere, was established in 1922 under direction of Misses Sarah and Ludie Godbold and has grown progressively each year since then. . .Mrs. Foye has been a member of the directing staff under the Godbold sisters for some time. . .The eight-week 1958 session is now in its second week with 103 girls attending. This is the largest attendance ever, as Mrs. Brown had two additional sleeping cabins added for this year. . .(Footnote: Camp Jocassee continued operating through the 1968 season, after which it was inundated by the creation of Lake Jocassee.                                                                                                                              JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP* 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed–Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 12pm-7pm   Events this week:  Wed: Singer/Songwriter hosted by Rick Malec. Sign up at 6PM  Food:Wings and more by Blue Ridge Grill at 4PM.  Thursday:  OLD TIME JAM at 6:30PM  Food: Blue Ridge Grill  Fri:  Music: Fayessoux McLean  6:30pm Food:   Wheelie Good Food   Sat– Music:  Matt Phillips at 6:30pm Food:  Blue Ridge Grill STEAK NIGHT!  Sun:  12pm-7pm  Food:  Lobster Dogs   Music: Finklstein 3 at 4PM  More info 864-873-0048                                                                                                                                         
2024 UPCOMING EVENTS      April 22, 2024 –Celebrate Earth Day at ENAC with Freda!  Thank you Freda!                                                                                                                               April 26th, 7 PM Friday Evening Wellness Event:  Reclaiming Our Inalienable Wellness  Doors open at 6:30 PM  Free event hosted by ENAC featuring speaker Meredith Orlowski, AFMC, INHC.  Bring your friends and family along. Gain Energy, Lose Weight, Feel Happy, & Save the World While Doing it!   ( Perfect timing for Earth Day)    Call 864-280-1258 for information                                                                                                             Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea on Saturday, May 4th  from 2PM-4 PM:   Join us for a special afternoon and treat yourself to delicious goodies, hot tea, and a guest speaker!  Our youngest guests will enjoy manicures and a craft!  $10 per guest.  All funds will be donated to support the Eagles Nest Art Center.  There are also opportunities to sponsor a table for the event.   To RSVP or find more information:  Kayla or Emma Lusk at 864-903-0681                                                                                                               Oconee Mountain Opry:  May 18th at 7PM.   Jef Wilson, West End String Band, Mystery guests, comedy and more.  
June 3-7  ENAC hosts  Art Camp for children 6-12 years old.  9AM-12PM  Call 864-280-1258   $50 fee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
The Eagles Nest Treasure Store is open every Saturday morning 9AM-12PM.  Will accept donations also or call 864-557-2462.
Information on sponsorships, events, volunteering, donations, or rentals call 864-280-1258 or email at [email protected]
Interested in becoming a YOUNG APPALACHIAN MUSICIAN?   For ages 3rd grade through adult.     Call 864-280-1258                                                       
CHURCH NEWS                                                                                                                   Bethel Presbyterian Church (PCUSA),  580 Bethel Church Rd Walhalla, 29691. Worship at 10:30 a.m.   Come visit us. All are welcomed!   April 29, 2024, Mel Davis will give the message.                                                                                                                                                                            Boones Creek Baptist Church, 264 Boones Creek Road, Salem invites you to worship service Sunday morning with Sunday School at 10am and followed by worship at 11am.   Also Wednesday services. 
Salem Methodist Church: 520 Church Street, Salem.  9AM for breakfast, 9:30AM for Sunday School, and 10:30AM for Worship.  You may tune in to our live service on Facebook or view it later on our website.  All are welcomed!
Calvary Baptist Church in downtown Salem is inviting you to attend a special Bluegrass Gospel Singing featuring, "The Tugaloo Holler Band" on Saturday, May 11th at 6 PM. Come worship God with us through singing and fellowshipping with believers.
Sharing a Story of Faith:  I once was told the story from a young woman who attended church.  The pastor instructed the congregation  that if they had anyone on their heart  who needed to be saved to place their name on a paper and place in the prayer box.  The lady of course wrote her son’s name on the paper.  Then she was thinking how much she wanted to put her husband’s name on the paper as well, although she almost felt it was of no use.  Oh well, she said to herself, I will put his name on the paper too.  And threw the paper in the prayer box……..Fast forward many years of prayers.   Both her son and her husband are saved children of God.  Prayers Work!
No wonder several of the New Testament books remind us to “ Pray without ceasing!” 
 Clemson Area Food Exchange online farmer’s market.   Check out CLEMSONAREAFOODEXCHANGE.COM.  
COMBAT VETERANS MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION SC 34-2:  7th Annual Veteran Benefit Ride April 27th 2024  Register 0900 at Harley Davidson of Greenville, 30 Chrome Drive 29615  All vehicles welcomed.  **   JVBC is proud to be a host stop-off  for these riders around noon.                                                                                        *Say No to Plastic!! Fill and reuse bottles!
Make Each Day a New Start! LRM 
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auralvelvet · 6 months
Liberating Libraries:
an interview with poet Marla Taviano
Marla Taviano is the author of several poetry books, including unbelieve, jaded, and the forthcoming whole, which leads readers to ‘reclaim the pieces of ourselves and create something new’, by talking about ‘looking back to move forward, new thoughts on god, our inner lives, embodied living, and books, books, books’. Whether you’re constantly in the process of redefining and being curious about what it looks like to have faith (raises hand) or whether you’ve left all the labels behind and are pursuing a life outside of religious faith, Marla has written a ‘collection of love letter poems to herself, and to all of her readers’. I had the privilege of interviewing Marla ahead of her upcoming book release day on March 26. You can preorder the book here. Marla will host a virtual book release party on March 26*, with a poetry reading and book signing event at Queer Haven Books in Columbia, SC, on March 27, and she'll be at an arts market in Rock Hill, SC, on May 11.
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I saw that you recently inventoried the amount of books you own in your house, and it is around 4,000 books! How you have cultivated your home library, how is this possible? What does your collection look like? Do you have multiple copies of certain books, do you typically re-read books once they're in your library, and is there anything else you want to share about this amazing collection?
I love this question, it could be a whole entire interview! Yes, I just inventoried all my books. My 14-year-old niece was thrilled to count them for me. I have 4003, to be exact!
I’ve amassed approximately 3803 of these books in the four years since I moved back to the States from Cambodia in March 2020. The majority of the books come from the incredible thrift stores we have here in Columbia, SC. Paperbacks are $1 and hardcovers are $2. Kids’ books are 50 cents. Sometimes my library has books 5 for $1.
My collection looks like a whole lot of books by BIPOC authors, which I read and review here; a whole lot of toxic Christian books, mainly by James Dobson, and whitewashed history books I collect for research; a whole lot of free books from publishers, a whole lot of kids’ books I cut up for poem art, and a whole lot of vintage books. 
I also collect books for three friends who all dream of opening bookstores—and one of those is opening soon, Queer Haven Books, which will be the first queer bookstore here in Columbia! My favorite hobby is going to thrift stores with my oldest daughter and looking for great books. I then curate and pass along some of those books free of charge to friends who dream of opening bookstores one day soon. I donate my time and book expertise, and allow the book sellers to profit from the eventual sales by asking others to 'sponsor' a box of curated books (and recoup what I spent at the thrift stores). The two friends who are still in the process of achieving their bookstore dreams are Tayler Simon, who owns an organization called Liberation Is Lit, and Lettie Gore, whose current project is But Then You Read.
I don’t typically have multiple copies of books except for my sizeable collection of editions of The Color Purple, and owning at least twenty books by some of my favorite authors: Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, and James Baldwin.
I’m re-reading all of Toni Morrison’s novels right now. I’ve also re-read Their Eyes Were Watching God (Zora Neale Hurston) and The Color Purple. I just re-read You Could Make This Place Beautiful (Maggie Smith) and will be re-re-reading it. I also love re-reading books about writing: Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott), Novelist As a Vocation (Haruki Murakami), Poet Warrior (Joy Harjo), and remembered rapture (bell hooks).
I don’t keep track of my books, but that’s on my agenda for this year, along with curating my collection and getting it down to around 3000 books. The past few years were all about me figuring out what I want. What I want to read, study, research, keep—and make into poem art and protest art. I started the curation this week, and I’m having the time of my life!
Who are some of your favorite poets to read, and what themes or styles draw you to their poetry?
I love Alice Walker’s straightforward and simple poems. I love Morgan Harper Nichols’s encouraging words paired with her beautiful artwork. Clint Smith, Marcus Amaker, Drew Jackson, and KB Brookins are all great. I love Lucille Clifton, Nikki Giovanni, Jessica Kantrowitz, Maggie Smith, and Fred Joseph. I prefer poems that are less abstract. Some poetry hurts my head. And my feelings.
One of my favorite poets is Christian Wiman. He recently said in an interview that "Poetry is meant to be spoken - half of the misconceptions about poetry could be dispensed with if people just read it aloud." Will there be an audiobook version of whole, or do you have plans to do any recordings of selections from it?
There will be an audiobook version of whole! There’s already an audiobook version of jaded, and we’ll probably make one for unbelieve soon. I don’t read the books myself, but the narrators do a really good job. I’ve been meaning to read more of my own poetry out loud on video, so hopefully I'll do that soon!
It seems like a significant part of your audience may have gone through a religious faith crisis or shift in belief systems, and as a result have probably lost community. Do you have advice in how to navigate the relationships with those who have remained in these systems, when it comes to sharing current beliefs with them while being respectful of their current beliefs as well? I think there's a worry about offending people we love or not wanting to risk being as vulnerable with them as you are being on a public level.
I might not be the best person to ask! I’ve offended all kinds of people, including one of my sisters, and I honestly don’t have many people left in my life who might be offended by what I say. I only see my parents a few times a year and we just keep the peace by avoiding deeper topics. My other sister lives here in Columbia, and we have some differing views, so I’m respectful of her and avoid some difficult topics as well.
I had a pastor friend endorse whole, even though we have different views on god and church. Another friend mentioned in her endorsement that we don’t agree on everything. Another friend told me she couldn’t endorse it because her husband is a pastor, though she said she knows where I'm coming from. So it’s something I do my best to navigate, and I do it imperfectly. 
I would just ask people in my audience why you’re afraid to share something. Sometimes offending people is unnecessary, and sometimes it’s very necessary, especially when it involves standing up for people who are being marginalized and harmed. I don’t mind being offensive, but it needs to be for a good reason. 
Yes, that nuanced advice resonates with me, and reminds me of a James Baldwin quote, “We can disagree and still love each other, unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist." What are some other ways you hope that whole will impact readers?
I want people to feel loved, I want them to feel hopeful, I want them to feel brave, and I want them to feel whole.
More specifically, I hope people are inspired to write poetry. I hope they’re inspired to pursue that weird thing they love. I hope people start celebrating themselves and others for who they really are. I hope people read my poems, and then go make art or music. I hope the book inspires people to do something they really want to do but they’ve been too afraid to until now. I love it when my words infuse people with courage. I want my poems to make people laugh and help them find freedom.
Those are lovely book intentions! Do you have any fun plans to celebrate on the release date?
My publisher is throwing a virtual launch party* for me on the day whole releases (March 26). I originally wanted it to be a party just for my launch team, but we decided to open it to anyone who wants to celebrate with me. 
Then, on March 27th, I’m having a book signing at Queer Haven Books. Their grand opening isn’t until April 7th, but they’re doing a handful of preview events, and my book signing is one of them. I’m super excited!
What's next for you? Are there any current or future projects in the works?
Always! In April, my friend Tayler and I are hosting a month-long poetry workshop called Poet to Published, where we’re going to help people self-publish a book of poetry in thirty days. We’d love for anyone reading this to join us! And I’ll be self-publishing at least one small book of poetry myself! 
Then I have some older e-books that I’m reworking and re-releasing as paperbacks. And I’d love to write a couple of books about writing. And I’ve got a divorce memoir in the works. And so much more poetry to write! I have ideas for more books than I can probably write. But I’m going to do my best to get them all out into the world. That’s why I’m curating everything in my home right now—to create time and space for writing those books. //
I'm so grateful that Marla spent so much time thoughtfully answering my questions, and this was such a great, inspiring conversation. Here's another reminder to preorder whole so you can have it on release day next week!
_____________________________________________________________ *Event link available upon request
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graymanbriefing · 9 months
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Civil Unrest / Societal Collapse / Citizen Actions Brief: National Summary In New York City, NY on November 15th; at Columbia University pro-Palestinian activists protested the suspension of 2 far-left groups. WOLPalestine (Within Our Lifetime) and CUNYPalestine led the "All Out for Gaza at Columbia University" rally. This comes after the sc...(CLASSIFIED) In CA/MA on November 16th; pro-Palestinian protestors associated with Arab Resource & Organizing Center and IfNotNow blocked traffic on the Boston Un...(CLASSIFIED) In San Francisco, CA; Chinese Communist Party supporters and Chinese diaspora "clashed" as the tw...(CLASSIFIED) In Chicago, IL; 15,000+ pro-Palestinian protestors rallied on Lake Shore Drive and b...(CLASSIFIED) Newly released videos of the events on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol show law enforcement using less lethal munitions on segments of peaceful protestors who were within public areas for lawful assembly. Vide...(CLASSIFIED) Nationwide, there have been 200+ attacks on Catholic churches in the U.S. following the leaked draft decision on Roe vs. Wade. The majo...(CLASSIFIED) In Portland, OR; on November 19th; Rose City Antifa allegedly pepper sprayed, punched, kicked, and threw items at a Women's Declaration International (WDI) event at a public library.  Vid...(CLASSIFIED) In Washington, D.C. on November 17th; PSL, Black Lives Matter DC, OurRightsDC, Palestinian Youth Movement prote...(CLASSIFIED) Washington, D.C.; the far-left, black-led abolitionist activist group, Harriet's Wildest Dreams, has launc...(CLASSIFIED) In New York City, NY; pro-Palestinian protestors and climate change activists disrupted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The protestors affiliated with "Seven Circles" blocked progre... In Hollywood, CA; a group (7-10) black males assaulted a white male after commentators say he was observed near the Tru... In Los Angeles, CA on November 24th; 10,000 Black Lives Matter, pro-Palestinian, and pro-Hamas protestors marched at Pan Pacific Park. Citywi... In Raleigh, NC; on November 24th; pro-Palestinian protestors rallied inside a shopping mall and unfurled ba...(CLASSIFIED, see full brief at www.graymanbriefing.com)
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youngveinsworld · 1 year
young veins summer tour
The Young Veins began their summer 2010 tour with Bonnaroo festival, and continued to visit 30 US cities over the following six weeks.
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^ map of the Rooney tour.
Other than at Bonnaroo (where their set was from 1:20pm - 2:10pm on the Troo Music Lounge hosted by Budweiser stage), and at their album release party on 8 June, the Young Veins were the openers with Black Gold (former Panic! touring keyboardist Eric Ronick's new band) for Rooney during this tour.
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^ right: poster from the Seattle show. left: promo poster for the tour next to another rooney poster from 2007.
Tour dates
The hyperlinked shows from the dates below are the ones I've found pictures/videos/information for, so clicking them will take you to a tag about that day. The italicised shows are ones that were not part of the Rooney tour.
8 June - Los Angeles, CA (Album release party - Origami Vinyl) 11 June - Manchester, TN (Bonnaroo) 16 June - San Diego, CA (Wave House) 17 June - Anaheim, CA (House Of Blues) 19 June - Los Angeles, CA (Henry Fonda Theatre) 20 June - Agoura Hills, CA (The Canyon Club) 22 June - San Francisco, CA (Slim’s) 23 June - Orangevale, CA (The Boardwalk) 24 June - Portland, OR (Wonder Ballroom) 25 June - Vancouver, BC (The Media Club) 26 June - Seattle, WA (El Corazon) 27 June - Boise, ID (Knitting Factory) 29 June - Denver, CO (The Marquis Theatre) (show cancelled) 30 June - Omaha, NE (The Waiting Room) 1 July - Columbia, MO (The Blue Note) 2 July - Little Rock, AR (Juanita’s Cantina Ballroom) 3 July - Shreveport, LA (The Collective) 5 July - New Orleans, LA (Republic New Orleans) 6 July - Pensacola, FL (Seville Quarter) 7 July - Orlando, FL (The Social) 8 July - Gainesville, FL (Common Grounds) 9 July - Tampa, FL (Crowbar) 10 July - Atlanta, GA (The Loft) 11 July - Charlotte, NC (Amos’ Southend) 12 July - Greenville, SC (The Handlebar) 14 July - New York, NY (The Fillmore at Irving Plaza) 15 July - Dewey Beach, DE (Bottle & Cork) 16 July - Lancaster, PA (Chameleon Club) 17 July - S. Hackensack, NJ (School Of Rock) 18 July - New Haven, CT (Toad’s Place) 19 July - Farmingdale, NY (The Crazy Donkey) 20 July - New York City, NY (Atlas New York) 22 July - Poughkeepsie, NY (The Chance)
Average Setlist
Young Veins (Die Tonight) The Other Girl Is It True? Dangerous Blues Cape Town Take a Vacation! Security Maybe I Will, Maybe I Won't Defiance Everyone But You When You Walk in the Room Change
tag for everything else ive posted about the summer tour
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carolinashomebuyers · 2 years
Sell Home Faster At Fair Price Without Undergoing Pressure Of Fixing The Home By Contacting People living in Reputed Homebuyers
Charleston area trying to sell their home may find it tedious to find a buyer offering a fair price for their home in its existing condition. In such cases, Carolinas Homebuyers can come to their rescue. This reputed, transparent, and fair value offering platform aids in selling the home faster. We buy houses in Charleston at fair prices without putting too much effort. Homeowners work with the buyers directly without the presence of a middleman. Since the buyers never require financial approvals or third-party inspections to buy the house, homeowners can complete the sale without wasting time. Also, sellers can get the best offers to complete the sale.
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Reasons To Choose Carolinas Homebuyers
Why should homeowners selling their homes check out Carolinas Homebuyers? The following reasons work favorably for the sellers to ensure they get the best experience:
Sell Home In Its Present Condition
Carolinas Homebuyers buy Houses for Cash Columbia SC in their present condition without fixing it. It eliminates the stress linked to completing all repairs, and inspections, and getting it ready for showings. The buyers handle everything after they purchase the home. While they can factor this into their offer, it saves homeowners time, money, and effort linked to transforming the home for sale.
Fast Closing Of Sale
Homeowners can sell their homes within 24 hours when they send information regarding their homes to Carolinas Homebuyers. The reputed buyer team offers a fair-cash offer and closes the deal once homeowners accept it within seven days. The traditional method of listing the house and closing the sale deal may take a minimum of thirty or more days.
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Get Cash Immediately
Buy Houses for Cash in Columbia SC guarantees instant money to homeowners. With no middlemen involved, Carolinas Homebuyers can purchase the home without delay at fair prices. Homeowners get instant cash as the buyers never rely on traditional financing options. With no risk of financing falling through, the closing can never get delayed. Homeowners can get the amount promised after the sale.
Sell My House Fast Charleston SC by contacting Carolinas Homebuyers. Homeowners can avoid the loss of time and effort associated with listing and selling their homes. They get fair value for their property without fuss. Home selling can be an easier process with the help of it.
For More Info :-
Sell My House Fast for Cash South Carolina
Sell My House Fast in South Carolina
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gunjapatell · 2 years
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Started this week off with wearing overly expensive scrubs. It was the last day of HOSA week so it was sad. It was our ultimate goal to beat the afternoon seniors for the pizza party and guess what. WE DID! Everyone was pumped!! Anyways scrub day was super fun. On Wednesday we had a SC HOSA planning meeting for the state leadership conference which was super productive. I started Wednesday off with going to a LOCC club meeting then drove to downtown Columbia with Jessicia to the meeting. We had sometime before the meeting so we went to DRIP coffee in Five Points which was soo good. I got a caramel macchiato with ice and whipped cream. IT WAS SO GOOD! Then, drove to the SCDE and attend the meeting for six hours. :) So super fun but we got a lot of things done with the board of directors which was great. So SC HOSA, watch for some great things. Ended the meeting and stood outside to make TikToks at the end for about an hour which was great!
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sleepysera · 2 years
7.11.22 Headlines
Sri Lanka: Humanitarian crisis (AP)
“The collapse has led to political turmoil and protests, and on Saturday demonstrators stormed the residences of both President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. The speaker of Parliament later said Rajapaksa had agreed to resign Wednesday, and Wickremesinghe said he too would step down once a new government is formed.”
Brazil: Leaders call for calm after party official’s killing (AP)
“A federal prison guard and alleged supporter of President Jair Bolsonaro killed a local official from the leftist Workers’ Party in the Brazilian state of Parana, according to state police. The shooting death comes ahead of a highly polarized presidential election in October.”
Japan: Abe’s party vows to finish his work after win (AP)
“Days after former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s assassination, his party vowed to use its victory in a parliamentary election to achieve his unfinished goals, including strengthening the military and revising the country’s pacifist, postwar constitution.”
Kansas Shooting: 1 dead, 5 hurt in shooting outside Kansas City bar (AP)
“A shooting at a Kansas City bar where off-duty police officers were working security has left one person dead and five others wounded, authorities said.”
Contraception: Drugmaker seeks FDA approval for over-the-counter birth control (AP)
“For the first time, a pharmaceutical company has asked for permission to sell a birth control pill over the counter in the U.S. HRA Pharma’s application on Monday sets up a high-stakes decision for health regulators amid legal and political battles over women’s reproductive health. The company says the timing was unrelated to the Supreme Court’s recent decision overturning Roe v. Wade.”
Infrastructure: Two railway employees hospitalized after SC train derailment (AP)
“Two railway employees were hospitalized Monday morning after a train derailed in South Carolina, according to the Columbia-Richland Fire Department. A diesel fuel leak was contained and poses no danger to the public or environment, Columbia Fire Chief Aubrey D. Jenkins told The Associated Press. No additional injuries are expected.”
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The Finest Hotels In South Carolina For Your Rest and Relaxation
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The most fun and exciting part of traveling to the State of South Carolina is having a loaded itinerary so you can make the most of your vacation. But after a long day of visiting tourist spots, eating at the best restaurants, strolling along the streets to take in the breathtaking sights around town, you deserve to relax in a cozy, comfy room. We've rounded up the 5 best hotels in South Carolina that provide top-notch accommodations and a friendly atmosphere that's sure to make your trip an extraordinary experience!
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Columbia, South Carolina
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Columbia, South Carolina takes your stay at South Carolina to a whole new level! Having served the city for several years, This modern hotel adjacent to Interstate 20 is a 7-minute drive from Riverbanks Zoo and 11 minutes' drive from both the State Capitol and University of South Carolina, which brings you a taste of the incredible life in South Carolina Just contact us at +18037310300 and check in at 2100 Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210, United States for the best time at South Carolina! https://goo.gl/maps/ZAekNZKA3xy4xSjs9
Hilton Columbia Center
The ideal hotel for history and traveling enthusiasts alike, Hilton Columbia Center showcases the rich history and interesting traditions of South Carolina. this high-end hotel is a 2-minute walk to Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center and a 13-minute walk to South Carolina State Museum, nestled in the heart of the city at 924 Senate St, Columbia, SC 29201, United States. Drop a call at +18037447800 and make a reservation for your stay for an one-of-a-kind experience and superior lodging. https://goo.gl/maps/c4iPFmYAeYiEHejh7
Best Western Plus Santee Inn
Tourists and locals both agree that Best Western Plus Santee Inn is among the best places to stop over in South Carolina. This laid-back hotel is a 3-minute walk from Lake Marion Golf Course and 3 miles from Lake Marion Resort and Marina, giving you a homey environment and ultimate comfort. Drop a call at +18038543089 and check in at 9059 Old Number Six Hwy, Santee, SC 29142, United States. Get some well-deserved R&R at Best Western Plus Santee Inn so you can get pumped up for the rest of your stay in South Carolina! https://goo.gl/maps/u8SjDuzSRPbHDko5A
South Bay Inn & Suites Myrtle Beach Oceanfront
With a wide selection of comfortable rooms and suites to match your style, South Bay Inn & Suites Myrtle Beach Oceanfront is ideal for all of your traveling needs. This relaxed hotel is an 11-minute walk from the Myrtle Beach SkyWheel. It’s 3 miles from both the Hollywood Wax Museum Myrtle Beach and Myrtle Beach International Airport. Established in 520 N Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, United States, it's close to some of South Carolina's most famous attractions and must-try restaurants. Book a room at +18438484700 for guaranteed comfort and convenience on your trip to South Carolina. https://goo.gl/maps/VwZHH9ob131STKHc6
Hampton Inn & Suites Orangeburg
Treat yourself to simple luxuries, excellent food, and lovely amenities at Hampton Inn & Suites Orangeburg. This modern hotel is 4 miles from Ip Stanback Museum/Planetarium, and 5 miles from South Carolina State College Historic District. Give our helpful staff a call at +18039375800 and visit us at 749 Citadel Rd, Orangeburg, SC 29118, United States. Experience a delightful retreat at Hampton Inn & Suites Orangeburg so you can enjoy your trip to the fullest! https://g.page/HamptonInnSuitesOrangeburg?share
Taking a trip to South Carolina doesn't mean you can't feel at home far away from home. Whether you're looking out for a family-friendly place that everyone will enjoy, an intimate and romantic place with your special someone, or a private getaway destination for a party of one, these local hotels give you only the very best of South Carolina!
Click here to know the best places to visit in South Carolina.
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bebesoiree · 15 days
Day Dream Party: The Perfect Kids Day Party Experience in Columbia SC and Vancouver
Give your little ones the perfect Day Party in Columbia SC, or Vancouver. Designed for children aged 4 and under, these themed parties offer all the fun of a slumber party without an overnight stay. With customisable themes, cosy setups, and affordable pricing, it's the ultimate way to create unforgettable memories for your child.
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April 22, 2012
Heather Cox Richardson
Today there are three stories in the news about the mechanics of government that add up to a much larger story about American democracy.
First, by a vote of 216 to 208, the House of Representatives passed a bill to grant statehood to the District of Columbia. The measure would carve out the area around Capitol Hill, the White House, and the National Mall to remain much as they are today, but the rest of what is now the District would get one representative in Congress and two senators. About 712,000 people live in Washington, D.C., only about 37.5% of whom are non-Hispanic white.
Republicans are furiously arguing that this is a naked power play on the part of the Democrats, for D.C.’s inhabitants are presumed to be Democratic voters. In response, those in favor of D.C. statehood point out that the Republican Party, quite famously, admitted six states in twelve months between 1889 and 1890. They were not shy about what they were doing. The admission of North Dakota, South Dakota (they split the Dakota Territory in two), Montana, Washington, Idaho, and Wyoming, Republicans said, should guarantee to the Republican Party a permanent majority. (They were so blatant that they convinced a number of Republicans to turn against them.)
But today’s vote to admit D.C. to the Union is not quite the same as the power grab of the 1890s for the simple reason that Washington, D.C., in 2021 has a lot of people in it. Republicans pushed for the admission of their six new states as quickly as they did because they knew that the 1890 census would reveal that the new states did not have enough people in them to become states (unlike Arizona and New Mexico, which did have a lot of people, but those folks supported the Democrats).
In contrast to that push to create states purely for political power, today’s D.C. has people in it. A lot of them. It has more people today than Vermont… and Wyoming, one of the states the Republican brought in in 1890.
The second thing that happened today dealing with the mechanics of government was that on the steps of the Supreme Court building, in a talk to reporters, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), alongside Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), linked the vote for D.C. statehood to control of the Supreme Court. Cruz accused the Democrats of trying to pack the Supreme Court both by trying to add Washington, D.C., as a state—which would add two Senate seats, presumably going to Democrats—and by adding more seats to the court. Then Cruz went on to say something astonishing:
“You didn’t see Republicans when we had control of the Senate try to rig the game. You didn’t see us try to pack the court. There was nothing that would have prevented Republicans from doing what they’re doing other than respect for the rule of law, other than basic decency, other than recognizing that democracy matters, and packing the court and tearing down the institutions that protect our rights is fundamentally wrong.”
This is classic Cruz: straight up gaslighting. Because, of course, Republicans have been stacking the Supreme Court since the Reagan administration, when Attorney General Edwin Meese deliberately politicized the Department of Justice in an attempt, as he said, to “institutionalize the Reagan revolution so it can’t be set aside no matter what happens in future elections.”
Currently, on the court there are 6 justices appointed by Republican presidents and 3 appointed by Democratic presidents. Of the five justices appointed by a Republican president, only one—Clarence Thomas—was appointed by a president who won the popular vote (George H. W. Bush). Chief Justice John Roberts and Samuel Alito were both appointed by George W. Bush. Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett were all appointed by Donald Trump. That is, five of the Republicans on the court were appointed by presidents who did not represent the majority of voters, not to mention the majority of Americans.
The story of “rigging” goes beyond this, though. Gorsuch got his seat only because then–Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) declared that President Barack Obama’s appointment of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in March 2016 was too close to the date of a presidential election, the following November, to allow for the nomination to go through. That left the seat free for the president who followed Obama—Donald Trump—to fill, even though McConnell had invented that rule.
Even so, Gorsuch could not get the votes he needed for confirmation until McConnell had invoked the so-called “nuclear option” to get rid of the filibuster so that Gorsuch’s appointment could get through with just 51 votes.
And then, of course, although he had declared that eight months before a presidential election was too late to nominate a Supreme Court justice, McConnell pushed through the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett on October 26, 2020, eight days before the end of a presidential election in which voters had already begun to cast their ballots.
The third thing in the news today is the filibuster. The admission of D.C. as a state, as well as the popular new voting rights bill (which would protect the right to vote, stop gerrymandering, and end the flood of corporate money into our elections), the infrastructure bill, and the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (which bans chokeholds, limits military equipment on our streets, and requires body cameras) all come down to whether the Senate will preserve the filibuster, which enables the 50 Republicans in the Senate—who represent 40.5 million fewer Americans than the 50 Democrats in the Senate—to stop the passage of bills unless the majority can nail together 60 yes votes.
It seems to me that these three stories about the mechanics of our government show that our democracy is in a bad place right now. Republicans have stacked the deck in their favor for a long time and have come to rely on that unfair system, rather than policies that appeal to voters, to retain power. Now that Democrats are trying to level the playing field, they howl that the Democrats are cheating.
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The Fact About Mansions for Weddings in Charleston That No One Is Suggesting
The good news is, South Carolina has a tendency to have stunning surroundings it doesn't matter where you go. With areas like Charleston, Myrtle Beach front and Columbia, you are able to’t go Mistaken with where you select to host your wedding ceremony and reception.
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Buy and Sell Homes with Noah George – The Most Reputed Realtor You Can Work With
Noah George is an experienced realtor the majority of people in North Carolina trust for all their real estate needs. He has a huge amount of experience of selling over 1100 properties. In 2005, Noah entered the real estate industry and since then he has been working as a professional real estate broker in North Carolina. He understands all the ins and outs of working as a real estate agent.
Noah George got married to Helen Joy in the same year he started working as a real estate broker. He’s the proud and happy father of three beautiful children. When he isn’t doing real estate work, he can be seen walking down Main Street in Hendersonville, listening to music, eating at locally-owned restaurants and camping/hiking in the nearby national forests. In 2011, Noah George started a weekly local radio program to discuss the local real estate market. People interested in real estate can listen to him every Monday 9AM on FM95.3/AM1600 or Stream Live at www.WTZQ.com. Listen Live every Thursday 10AM on FM107.7/AM1450 or Stream Live at www.WHKP.com.
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Noah George attended and graduated from the Columbia International University. He used to work as the Southeast Manager in a successful internet company based in Lakeville, Connecticut. He is proud to be ranked as the number 1 agent in the Hendersonville Board of Realtors. Whether you want to buy or sell a residential property in North Carolina, contacting and consulting with Noah George can be of big help to you.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced real estate agent to buy or sell residential property in North Carolina, George Noah is the best name you can work with. He has been serving as the professional real estate broker for quite a long time, and therefore he understands everything involved in the process of selling or buying a property.
Noah George is currently running a real estate company named ‘’George Real Estate Group.’’ You can visit his official website to know more about how they work to bring you the best real estate deals. Whether you want to know about a home’s value or are looking to sell your home, visiting George Real Estate Group is the best thing you can do.
With George Real Estate Group, one can find the best real estate deals in any of the following locations: Charlotte, NC, Asheville, NC, Statesville, NC, Concord, NC, Gastonia, NC, Waynesville, NC, Waxhaw, NC, Denver, NC, Lenoir, NC, Fort Mill, SC, Lake Lure, NC, Salisbury, NC, Matthews, NC, Lancaster, SC, Lincolnton, NC, Huntersville, NC, Hendersonville, NC, Hickory, NC, Brevard, NC, Morganton, NC, Rock Hill, SC, Monroe, NC, Black Mountain, NC, Burnsville, NC, Arden, NC, Cornelius, NC, Maggie Valley, NC, Indian Land, SC, and Weaverville, NC.
If this is your first time buying or selling a property in any part of North Carolina, it is highly advised that you work with a credible and experienced real estate broker like Noah George to avoid any problem involved in the buying and selling of a property.  You may also visit Noah’s website dedicated for the people of North Carolina. The website brings you listings with stunning and shine photos, 3D walkthroughs, videos and virtual tours.
Using Noah’s website, one can search all the properties for sale in North Carolina and stay posted on everything their real estate agent do along the way. If you’re looking to sell your home, the team at George Real Estate Group will market your listing exactly where investors are looking at.  Users can stay up to date with the latest reports on their neighborhood.
There are several things you should consider when buying a house to stay on the safe side. Here’s what Noah George recommends considering when buying a new home:
What type of lifestyle you want?
First off, determine the lifestyle and core values that matter the most. Perhaps you need a hyperlocal, walkabble and environment-friendly urban lifestyle. Maybe you need a rural country life. Or perhaps you are looking for a low maintenance setup suiting frequent travel. There’s no use to settle for anything less than you need. Imagine your lifestyle for both today and years to come. This will go a long way toward helping you choose the features you would like in your home. Think of your day to day life with regard to running errands and commuting to work, and also image how you want to celebrate your holidays and weekends.
Do you plan to host large gatherings or host parties?
Would you like to travel or stay home?
How often your guests will stay over?
Does any of your family members work from home?
Do you use public transport?
How many vehicles will you use?
Try to answer these questions while buying a new house. This is how you can find the right property meeting your requirements. However, you should also look for other aspects such as number of bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens and privacy.
Facilities in the Neighborhood
That’s biggie if you have or plan to have kids. The presence of elementary schools is good, but having a high school in the surroundings is considered a big plus.
Pet Friendliness
Do you need some outside space to walk your pet? If you want to have uncommon pets, be sure to check the neighborhood restrictions. If you’re planning to buy a house in a neighborhood that is governed the association of homeowners, the HOA may have other restrictions beyond the town rules.
Some people love their cars, and want a spacious garage and a roomy access to freeways. Some need greater walking potential. There are a lot of websites available on the internet, which provides you with walkscore of a property. So, you can easily check the bike-ability and walkability of any property from a scale ranging from 0 to 100.
Have something to say about Noah George? Please feel free to offer your thoughts in the comments below.
Source Link: https://zedoff.com/buy-and-sell-homes-with-noah-george-the-most-reputed-realtor-you-can-work-with/
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jsteneil · 5 years
Neil Josten’s Birthday Bash
in which the foxes don’t get anything done, ever
Nicky added Dan, Kevin, Aaron and three others to “Neil Josten's Birthday Bash Organization Committee”.
Nicky: can't add Andrew because he still owns a FLIP PHONE but here we go
Dan: hell yeah B-)
Nicky: kevin can fill him in with the details anyway
Kevin: why me?
Allison: because you live with him?
Matt: you're practically attached at the hip
Dan: omg ur roomm8s
Matt: ^^^ what allison said
Dan: yeah
Nicky: OR aaron can do it on wednesdays so that there's no chance of neil finding out :D
Aaron: no.
Aaron left the chat.
Nicky: what
Nicky: the
Kevin: just add him back
Nicky: fuck
Kevin: ffs
Kevin: some ppl are in class
Nicky added Aaron to the chat.
Aaron: im muting you all
Allison: just embrace the fact that you've lived in SC for years and say y'all
Nicky: y'all!!!
Nicky: yeah
Matt: dude don't how are u gonna know when to buy your coordinated outfit and rehearse the choreography if you mute us
Dan: Aaron?
Renee: I do think he muted us
Allison: fuck a crybaby
Nicky: hey
Allison: what's he gonna do? Unmute us?
Dan: asdhskfjdl ALLI
Matt: lmfao
Nicky: moving ON
Nicky: the important thing here is my boy neil's birthday
Kevin: and you wonder why Aaron left
Nicky: what?
Kevin: maybe Neil doesn't want to celebrate his bday
Nicky: no that's too sad
Nicky: next person?
Allison: not to be that bitch
Matt: oh?
Allison: but do we even know when his birthday is?
Allison: fuck you matthew donovan boyd
Matt: sorry i love you
Dan: it was easy
Dan: matt ur easy
Matt: ily babe
Dan: <3
Kevin: jan 19th
Renee: March 31st?
Allison: wait
Dan: uhhhh
Matt: Neil Josten deserves 2 bdayz
Kevin: no jan 19th
Renee: oh i thought we were using the one he chose for himself
Matt: Renee add a smiley face
Renee: :)
Renee: ?
Dan: babe ur mind,,,, im crying
Matt: ikr
Allison: stop using mygf so
Kevin: is it me or does it sound really passive aggressive bitchy with a smiley face
Dan: ye that's the point
Renee: I really wasn't trying to be
Matt: oh no we know, sorry
Matt: i feel bad now
Matt: it was just funny
Matt: sorry
Dan: :(
Renee: It's okay, don’t worry
Renee: :)
Dan: renee STOP i feel like ur going 2 murder me in my sleep
Renee: I could, but I won't
Nicky: im shaking and im not even in your dorm
Allison: and we daily thank god for that
Nicky: hey im an excellent roommate
Nicky: i always leave so cap and matt can have sexy times
Dan: yeah but then u call it sexy time
Allison: ive seen the bathroom nicky
Nicky: that's aaron
Matt: l o l
Kevin: aaron's a neat freak
Allison: exposed
Nicky: erik come get me the people here are mean
Renee: So when's Neil's actual birthday?
Kevin: jan 19th
Nicky: who's gonna ask andrew?
Allison: well okay drama queen
Dan: kevin: *is on the chat as much as us*
Dan: also kevin: guys why r u dragging me here
Matt: it's okay kevin we can talk about it during practice
Renee: Don't goad him, Matt
Dan: lmfao babe u thought
Matt: uh oh
Allison: lol
Dan: we need 2 trounce the ravens nxt wk
Nicky: do we have to
Dan: y'all r hauling ass @ practice or god help me
Nicky: id settle for a close victory
Matt: nicky if you don't help us close the goal next friday im telling neil about his surprise
Nicky: noooooo :'(
Allison: ye renee has enough to do without having to face stuff y'all should have blocked
Renee: Andrew is also a goalkeeper
Allison: yeah but he doesn't give a fuck
Renee: That's neither true nor fair
Dan: i want bragging rights over this vctry, end of the question
Matt: are we just gonna ignore the fact that the fbi chose neil's old bday
Matt: even tho they made him a new identity
Allison: wonder how this conversation went
Nicky: are we ignoring the fact that neil is a goddamn CAPRICORN
Allison: "in my left hand is your birthday date. In my right hand is your other birthday" *shuffles behind his back*
Matt: idk about astrology but I checked and he tried to pass for an aries so what does that tell us?
Dan: shut up adfhskdjs
Nicky: im dying
Kevin: [attached picture]
Matt: did u steal neil's ID
Allison: i thought you were in class
Kevin: he sent it to me
Nicky: his phone can take pics??
Dan: RLY crappy 1s but yeah
Nicky: so all those times andrew refused to send me pics of his Eden’s Twilight's outfits so i could coordinate neil's…
Matt: :/
Kevin: he just doesn't like you
Allison: i would have laughed but you two have been fighting the good fight since last year, dressing neil up
Nicky: hey
Renee: Kevin, that was mean
Nicky: but thanx allison, I think so too
Kevin: sorry
Kevin: he's just difficult?
Nicky: yeah :(
Dan: omg u guys rmr when neil was on k ferdinand's show n he looked like a bite-sized snack in that shirt
Kevin: not exactly what I remember from this interview
Dan: u were pretty 2 <3
Kevin: oh my god
Renee: Didn't Neil keep the clothes?
Nicky: i've never seen him wear them again
Matt: uh okay
Allison: weird emphasis
Kevin: are you still stuck on that
Dan: what
Kevin: it's what happened with the clothes he wore the first time we went to columbia
Nicky: do you know how expensive that plumber was?
Matt: just a thought but maybe that wouldn't have happened if you didn't force him to come with you and drugged him against his will
Allison: don't tell me someone actually peed on them and tried to flush
Nicky: take it up with andrew
Matt: you literally drove the car
Kevin: what happened in columbia stays in columbia
Allison: omg oh my god
Nicky: what was i supposed to do, get knifed?
Nicky: also ^^^^ yeah.
Nicky: now that Kevin got us proof that the FBI officially made neil a capricorn again,,
Dan: the fbi be like "oh u thought u could escape ur traumatic past? That's nice buddy
Matt: yeah I don't think beating last year's party is gonna be hard
Dan: here's ur bday n trauma back"
Nicky: :(
Nicky: anyway it's the big 21st, so the first thing in order is BOOZE
Kevin: uh nicky
Renee: He's turning 20?
Matt: what???
Kevin: yeah he aged himself up on his fake papers
Matt: oh my god
Dan: lmfao only neil
Nicky: he is baby
Matt: does. Does he know though. Like did he check when they made him the papers.
Kevin: I'm guessing so
Matt: imagine filling a form or smth and you get the day right but not the year
Renee: Wait Kevin, how did you get neil to send you the pic without telling him about the surprise party?
Allison: njbb?
Dan: neil josten's bday bash, im guessing
Nicky: Neil Josten's
Nicky: yes
Allison: it doesn’t sound right
Allison: like, something’s missing in the name
Matt: alli we play a sport named after what you get when you take the s from sexy
Dan: 10 bux kevin wishes he didn't have such a stick up his butt so he could reply with exy is sexy
Allison: im not taking that
Kevin: i actually don't know why she named it that
Kevin: she never told the press and she didn't write it anywhere so
Nicky: :(
Allison: oh
Dan: sorry :(
Renee: Maybe coach knows?
Matt: maybe each letter has a meaning
Kevin: how?
Allison: endangering xylophones yearly?
Matt: EXceptional daY
Matt: and then, boom, it's about your name
Renee: Matt, I like that idea!
Dan: allison, no
Kevin: I'll have to ask coach, renee
Kevin: anyway it was always going to be her name, she invented it
Nicky: someone bring neil in so he can say something super serious about how kevin is a legendary striker whose name is already associated with exy and make us choke with emotion
Kevin: nicky….
Nicky: look it's working and he's not even there
Allison: it's the josten effect
Dan: changing your entire life's beliefs one extremely tragic remark at a time
Matt: someone change the subject im sad
Kevin: oh yeah nicky asked me how i got neil's ID
Allison: and?
Kevin: i told him i signed him up for his own exynews account so he could stop hogging mine for streaming
Kevin: so i needed his name and birthday
Kevin: and then we got into an argument about date formats
Nicky: dd/mm/yy 4ever
Allison: eww
Kevin: so he sent me a pic instead of writing the date
Dan: it's the european propaganda getting to him
Kevin: i guess i really have to get him an account now
Dan: kevin i know you're entirely serious but that's so funny
Matt: admit it, you can't wait to go back to Germany because you secretly like the metric system
Nicky: yeah dicks sound bigger if you use centimeters
Dan: didn't need 2 know that
Nicky: not that erik needs that :)
Renee: ….
Matt: honestly im glad i don't understand german or i would never live down all the skyping
Dan: renee's like "can't relate" lmfao
Renee: No indeed
Allison: hell yeah that's my girlfriend
Renee: <3
Allison: hey minyard if you're secretly lurking now is the time to leave
Allison: …
Renee: No, he truly muted us earlier
Dan: are we surprised?
Renee: we'll catch him up on what we decide to do later
Renee: Nicky?
Nicky: oh, yeah!!!
Matt: here we go again
Dan: mamma mia
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brandyradio-blog · 4 years
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#BABYMAMA RADIO REQUEST: We listed all the URBAN and URBAN AC radios, so you can find yours favorite GOOGLE their phone and REQUEST at least ONCE a day. We also added RHYTMIC formats, every airplay is good airplay
RHYTHMIC (103 stations) 000. The Heat (Satellite) 001. Hot 97 (New York, NY 10001) 001. 103.5 KTU (New York, 10001) 002. Power 106 (Los Angeles, CA 90009) 003. B96 (Chicago, IL 60606) 004. 106 KMEL (San Francisco, CA 94111) 004. WiLD 94.9 (San Francisco, CA 94111) 005. 97.9 The Beat (Dallas, TX 75252) 006. 97.9 The Box (Houston, TX 77077) 008. Wired 96.5 (Philadelphia, PA 19119) 009. 95.5 PGC (Washington, DC 20002) 010. Jam’n 94.5 (Boston, MA 02120) 012. Power 96 (Miami, FL 33133) 013. KUBE 93 (Seattle, WA 98198) 015. 101.5 Jamz (Phoenix, AZ 85085) 015. Power 98.3 (Phoenix, AZ 85085) 016. 107.5 The Eagle (Minneapolis, MN 55455) 017. Z90 (San Diego, CA 92129) 018. Party FM (Long Island, NY 11551) 019. WiLD 94.1 (Tampa, FL 33633) 020. KS107.5 (Denver, CO 80208) 022. Z104.3 (Baltimore, MD 21212) 023. Z100 (Portland, OR 97272) 024. KISS 95.1 (Charlotte, NC 28282) 024. 96.1 The Beat (Charlotte, NC 28282) 026. 99.1 KGGI (Riverside, CA 92522) 027. Hot 103.5 (Sacramento, CA 94249) 027. 102.5 KSFM (Sacramento, CA 94249) 029. 96.5 KISS FM (Cleveland, OH 44144) 030. U92 (Salt Lake City, UT 84148) 031. 98.5 The Beat (San Antonio, TX 78287) 033. Hot 97.5 (Las Vegas, NV 89193) 033. 98.5 KLUC (Las Vegas, NV 89193) 034. 102 Jamz (Orlando, FL 32828) 034. Power 95.3 (Orlando, FL 32828) 036. Power 107.5 (Columbus, OH 43234) 038. 102.3 The Beat (Austin, TX 78778) 039. Hot 96.3 (Indianapolis, IN 46202) 041. Hot 106 (Providence, RI 02902) 043. Z104 (Norfolk, VA 23523) 044. 102.5 The Party (Nashville, TN 37237) 045. 102 Jamz (Greensboro, NC 27427) 047. X102.3 (West Palm Beach, FL 33422) 048. WiLD 104.9 (Oklahoma City, OK 73137) 049. Hot 107.1 (Memphis, TN 38138) 050. Hot 93.7 (Hartford, CT 06160) 052. Power 102.9 (New Orleans, LA 70123) 057. 95.7 Jamz (Birmingham, AL 35253) 058. Hot 98.1 (Greenville, SC 29698) 059. WiLD 104 (McAllen, TX 78505) 060. Hot 98.3 (Tucson, AZ 85757) 061. Hot 102.9 (Dayton, OH 45454) 062. 105.5 The Beat (Ft. Myers, FL 33911) 063. Jamz 96.3 (Albany, NY 12222) 064. Hot 93.9 (Honolulu, HI 96834) 064. 102.7 Da Bomb (Honolulu, HI 96834) 064. Power 104.3 (Honolulu, HI 96834) 065. 92.1 The Beat (Tulsa, OK 74147) 066. B95 (Fresno, CA 93737) 066. Q97 (Fresno, CA 93737) 068. Power 106 (Albuquerque, NM 87187) 068. KISS 97.3 (Albuquerque, NM 87187) 071. Hot 104.5 (Knoxville, TN 37997) 072. Power 106.9 (Omaha, NE 68181) 074. Power 102 (El Paso, TX 79997) 074. 104.3 Hit FM (El Paso, TX 79997) 075. Hot 94.1 (Bakersfield, CA 93383) 080. 102.5 K-Don (Monterey, CA 93944) 081. Magic 101.3 (Gainesville, FL 32627) 082. 97.7 K-WIN (Stockton, CA 95201) 098. Power 93.9 (Wichita, KS 67276) 099. 93.1 Jamz (Madison, WI 53777) 100. WiLD 101.1 (Boise, ID 83733) 102. Jammin’ 92.3 (Johnson City, TN 37615) 103. Hot 102 (Lexington, KY 40504) 105. Hot 107.9 (Lafayette, LA 70507) 107. Hot 103.5 (Huntsville, AL 38595) 108. WiLD 96.3 (Ft. Wayne, IN 46825) 108. Hot 107.9 (Ft. Wayne, IN 46825) 111. Hot 104.7 (Modesto, CA 95353) 113. Jammin’ JJS (Roanoke, VA 24042) 118. Q104.7 (Ventura, CA 93003) 118. 103.3 The Vibe (Ventura, CA 93003) 128. Club 93.7 (Flint, MI 90057) 129. U92.7 (Palm Springs, CA 92292) 137. Hot Z95 (Corpus Christi, TX 78478) 141. 99.3 Kiss FM (Atlantic City, NJ 08404) 142. OC104 (Salisbury, MD 21802) 145. The Blaze 102.7 (Tyler, TX 75707) 150. Power 92.3 (Peoria, IL 61616) 165. 96.1 Kiss FM (Poughkeepsie, NY 12602) 166. WiLD 96.7 (Hagerstown, MD 21747) 170. WiLD 106.1 (San Luis Obispo, CA 93412) 173. K-Fat 92.9 (Anchorage, AK 99599) 175. 102.7 The Vibe (Ft. Smith, AR 72919) 177. Jammin’ 107.7 (New London, CT 06320) 180. 104.9 The Beat (Lubbock, TX 79493) 182. B93 (Odessa, TX 79769) 185. 98.7 The Beat (Charleston, WV 25325) 187. Fly 92.1 (Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32549) 192. 93.1 The Beat (Amarillo, TX 79119) 193. Power 99.1 (Kennewick, WA 99336) 204. Hot 99.7 (Yakima, WA 98909) 206. Hot 106.1 (Laredo, TX 78040) 209. 95.7 The Beat (Santa Maria, CA 93456) 217. Hot 105.5 (Champaign, IL 61822) 232. Hot 97.9 (Lake Charles, LA 70607) 245. Q106.1 (Columbia, MO 65202)
URBAN 126. Jamz 101.9 (Youngstown, OH 44599) 127. Foxy 99 (Fayetteville, NC 28303) 127. Soul 104.5 (Fayetteville, NC 28303) 133. 103.7 The Beat (Shreveport, LA 71166) 133. 99.7 KMJJ (Shreveport, LA 71166) 137. 102.9 Da Bomb (Corpus Christi, TX 78478) 138. Magic 102.5 (Beaumont, TX 77707) 151. Z92.3 (Killeen, TX 76543) 154. 97.9 Jamz (Montgomery, AL 36116) 154. Hot 105.7 (Montgomery, AL 36116) 155. JZ94.5 (Biloxi, MS 39535) 156. Blazin’ 92.3 (Macon, GA 31213) 156. Power 107.1 (Macon, GA 31213) 156. 97.9 WIBB (Macon, GA 31213) 158. 94.1 The Beat (Savannah, GA 31414) 158. E93 (Savannah, GA 31414) 161. Blazin’ 102.3 (Tallahassee, FL 32303) 162. Coast 97.3 (Wilmington, NC 28404) 189. Foxie 105 (Columbus, GA 31999) 189. 98.3 The Beat (Columbus, GA 31999) 190. Power 92 Jamz (Tupelo, MS 38803) 191. Blazin’ 92.1 (Dothan, AL 36303) 218. WYNN 106.3 (Florence, SC 29505) 223. WiLD 106.3 (Laurel, MS 39443) 225. 98.7 Kiss FM (Alexandria, LA 71303) 225. B102 Jamz (Alexandria, LA 71303) 230. 92.7 Kiss FM (Charlottesville, VA 22911) 232. 107 Jamz (Lake Charles, LA 70607) 255. 100.1 KRVV (Monroe, LA 71212) 262. Star 105.3 (Valdosta, GA 31606) 262. Lyx 96 (Valdosta, GA 31606) 263. 96.3 WJIZ (Albany, GA 31707) 268. Power 92.1 Jamz (Columbus, MS 39703) 279. K98 Jamz (Lawton, OK 73505) 289. 105.7 The Beat (Meridian, MS 39303)
URBAN AC (75 stations) 000. Heart & Soul (Satellite) 001. 107.5 WBLS (New York, NY 10001) 001. 98.7 Kiss FM (New York, NY 10001) 002. 102.3 KJLH (Los Angeles, CA 90009) 003. Soul 106.3 (Chicago, IL 60606) 003. V103 (Chicago, IL 60606) 004. 102.9 KBLX (San Francisco, CA 94111) 005. Smooth R&B 105.7 (Dallas, TX 75252) 005. 94.5 K-Soul (Dallas, TX 75252) 006. Magic 102.1 (Houston, TX 77077) 007. Majic 107.5 (Atlanta, GA 30303) 008. WDAS 105.3 FM (Philadelphia, PA 19119) 009. 96.3 WHUR (Washington, DC 20002) 009. My Majic 102.3 (Washington, DC 20002) 011. 105.9 Kiss FM (Detroit, MI 48260) 011. 107.5 WGPR (Detroit, MI 48260) 011. Mix 92.3 (Detroit, MI 48260) 012. Hot 105FM (Miami, FL 33133) 021. Majic 104.9 (St. Louis, MO 63136) 021. Foxy 95.5 (St. Louis, MO 63136) 022. Magic 95.9 (Baltimore, MD 21212) 024. V101.9 (Charlotte, NC 28282) 024. My 92.7 (Charlotte, NC 28282) 029. 93.1 WZAK (Cleveland, OH 44144) 032. Majic 107.3 (Kansas City, MO 64146) 034. Star 94.5 (Orlando, FL 32828) 036. Magic 98.9 (Columbus, OH 43234) 037. Jammin’ 98.3 (Milwaukee, MN 53235) 039. 106.7 WTLC (Indianapolis, IN 46202) 042. Foxy 107 (Raleigh, NC 27676) 043. 105.3 Kiss FM (Norfolk, VA 23523) 043. 95.7 RNB (Norfolk, VA 23523) 044. 92Q (Nashville, TN 37237) 045. 97.1 WQMG (Greensboro, NC 27427) 046. V101.5 (Jacksonville, FL 32223) 047. B106.3 (West Palm Beach, FL 33422) 049. V101.1 (Memphis, TN 38138) 052. Power 102.9 (New Orleans, LA 70123) 052. WYLD FM 98 (New Orleans, LA 70123) 054. Magic 101.3 (Louisville, KY 40204) 055. 105.7 Kiss FM (Richmond, VA 23232) 057. 98.7 Kiss FM (Birmingham, AL 35253) 057. Hot 107.7 (Birmingham, AL 35253) 058. 107.3 Jamz (Greenville, SC 29698) 061. 92.1 WROU (Dayton, OH 45454) 079. Q106.5 (Baton Rouge, LA 70807) 083. Magic 107.3 (Charleston, SC 29492) 083. Star 99.7 (Charleston, SC 29492) 084. Power 106.9 (Syracuse, NY 13252) 085. KOKY 102.1 FM (Little Rock, AR 72227) 086. 92.3 The Touch (Greenville, NC 27858) 089. 103.1 Kiss FM (Columbia, SC 29292) 089. 101.3 The Big DM (Columbia, SC 29292) 092. Mix 95.7 (Toledo, OH 43656) 095. 98.3 WDLT (Mobile, AL 36663) 096. 104.7 The Flame (Ft. Pierce, FL 34949) 105. Magic 104.7 (Lafayette, LA 70507) 106. Groove 93 (Chattanooga, TN 37424) 107. 94.1 WHRP (Huntsville, AL 38595) 109. Magic 100.9 (Augusta, GA 30903) 109. 96.3 Kiss FM (Augusta, GA 30903) 113. Vibe 100 (Roanoke, VA 24042) 122. Kixie 107 FM (Jackson, MS 39232) 124. Magic 106 (Pensacola, FL 32523) 127. Kiss 107.7 (Fayetteville, NC 28303) 128. Z92.7 (Flint, MI 90057) 133. Hot 102 Jams (Shreveport, LA 71166) 133. Magic 102.9 (Shreveport, LA 71166) 134. Kiss 107.1 (Saginaw, MI 48606) 142. Magic 98.9 (Salisbury, MD 21802) 145. Hot 107.3 Jamz (Tyler, TX 75707) 154. Magic 97 (Montgomery, AL 36116) 156. V101.7 (Macon, GA 31213) 158. Love 101.1 (Savannah, GA 31414) 158. Magic 103.9 (Savannah, GA 31414)
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