#Davide Capponi
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eucanthos · 1 year ago
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elemental traces no.6, ∈ 42 / Judith
Jacopo Pontormo: Annunciazione, 1527-28. Cappella Capponi Chiesa di Santa Felicita (Firenze)
Guinevere Van Seenus A/W 2003 photoshoot for Myra
Venus de Milo [head]
Gérard Audran: Venus de’ Medici 1683 etching [negative overlay]
Michelangelo's David genitalia, 1501-04
Gianlorenzo Bernini: Medusa, c. 1638-48
Palm trees: Seaside Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka, 1920
Unknown ballerina's feet
[after exposure aug 12 repeat n cut]
Judith depictions, popular in the Renaissance-Baroque period, around 1600 turned more violent, "and Judith became a threatening character to artist and viewer." – Wills, Lawrence Mitchell "The Judith Novel" 1995. The Jewish Novel in the Ancient World.
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months ago
Milano è Memoria. Il volto di Partigiane e Partigiani su un murale alla cittadella degli archivi.
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Milano è Memoria. Il volto di Partigiane e Partigiani su un murale alla cittadella degli archivi. Sarà inaugurata sabato 20 aprile, nel quartiere Niguarda l'opera con i volti di Onorina Brambilla, Carla Capponi e Giovanni Pesce Onorina Brambilla, Carla Capponi e Giovanni Pesce. Tre protagonisti della Resistenza italiana raffigurati su una parete della Cittadella degli Archivi, in via Gregorovius 15, nel cuore di Niguarda, uno dei primi quartieri milanesi a insorgere contro il regime fascista nell'aprile del 1945. I loro volti sono stati scelti dal Comune e dagli autori del murale, intitolato "Manifesti della Resistenza 1945-1985", nella cornice del progetto Milano è Memoria per celebrare l'identità di Milano, città Medaglia d'Oro della Resistenza. L'opera sarà inaugurata sabato 20 aprile, alle ore 15 nell'ambito delle celebrazioni per il 25 Aprile, alla presenza di rappresentanti delle istituzioni e dell'ANPI. L'evento sarà accompagnato e animato dal coro "Storie, Canti, Fogli Volanti". Il murale è stato realizzato dall'artista milanese Davide Ratti, detto "Ratzo", del Collettivo VolksWriterz in collaborazione con l'Associazione "Another Scratch in the Wall" ed è un tributo della città alla sua storia partigiana, con un particolare omaggio alle donne della Resistenza. Nell'opera, infatti, spiccano i volti di Carla Capponi, gappista medaglia d'oro al valor militare che partecipò alla Resistenza romana, e Onorina Brambilla (Nori Pesce), nome di battaglia Sandra, grande figura della storia milanese di Liberazione, che amava definirsi "partigiana, antifascista comunista". Con loro Giovanni Pesce, nome di battaglia Visone, dal 1951 al 1964 consigliere comunale a Milano dove conobbe e sposò la coraggiosa e indomita staffetta Nori. Al volto delle tre coraggiose e storiche figure fa da sfondo la bandiera dei GAP, i Gruppi di azione patriottica di cui tutti e tre avevano fatto parte. Accanto ad essi è raffigurata una imponente teoria di bandiere rosse che rimandano ai celebri dipinti "Festa Cinese" di Mario Schifano e "i Funerali di Togliatti" di Renato Guttuso. Sotto di esse una barricata partigiana ispirata alle immagini fotografiche e alla documentazione conservata presso la Cittadella degli Archivi, che già è stata oggetto della mostra "Manifesti dalla Resistenza 1945-1985", da cui appunto prende titolo anche l'opera.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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neweramuseum · 4 years ago
NEM BLACK&WHITE 46. Curator Claudia Contreras
FEATURED WORKS BY: Gulistan Erdogan, Raul Diaz, Rino Rossi, David Babington, Davide Capponi, Deborah Kleven Morbeto, Leon Williams, MaryJane Rosenfeld.
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therepublicofletters · 5 years ago
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I’ve been meaning to make a masterpost with a list of books and articles for people interested in the Italian Renaissance - so, behold!  These are taken mostly from my own bookshelf, syllabi of classes I’ve taken, and bibliographies I’ve compiled for papers I’ve written.  I’ve tried to provide a broader overview of the Renaissance with more general topics, and not to give books that are too incredibly specific and not relevant unless you’re working specifically in topic.  I’ve also tried  to find PDFs or links for anything that you can access online.
I hope this is useful for anyone who’s interested in this period, and I will always be happy to answer questions or try to provide sources for more specific topics!
** indicates a primary source
General Reading.
The Renaissance in Europe by Margaret L. King
**The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance: A Sourcebook by Kenneth Bartlett
Florence and Beyond: Culture, Society and Politics in Renaissance Italy : Essays in Honour of John M. Najemy, ed. David S. Peterson and Daniel E. Bornstein | Google Books
The Renaissance: Italy and Abroad, ed. John Jeffries Martin | Google Books
Daily Life and Culture, Public and Private.
**The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione | English PDF
Public Life in Renaissance Florence by Richard Trexler
Friendship, Love, and Trust in Renaissance Florence by Dale Kent | JSTOR
Dressing Renaissance Florence: Families, Fortune, and Fine Clothing by Carole Collier Frick | Google Books
Household and Lineage in Renaissance Florence: The Family Life of the Capponi, Ginori and Rucellai by Francis William Kent | JSTOR
“Did Women Have a Renaissance?” by Joan Kelly | PDF
Politics and Diplomacy.
**The Online Tratte (Election Records) of Office Holders, 1282-1532
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livy by Niccolò Machiavelli || English: PDF | Archive.org || Italian: PDF
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli || English: PDF | Archive.org | Audiobook || Italian: PDF | Project Gutenberg
Note: the Prince is not really representative of political ideology in the Italian Renaissance.  I would actually recommend the Discourses more highly because of how they explore the reality, rather than the possible or ideal, of Italian politics.  For Machiavelli’s works, I really like the Allan Gilbert translations, published as The Chief Works and Others
The Cambridge Companion to Machiavelli, ed. John Najemy
“The Dialogue of Power in Florentine Politics” by John Najemy, in The Renaissance: Italy and Abroad, ed. Martin| Google Books
The Florentine Magnates: Lineage and Faction in a Medieval Commune by Carol Lansing | JSTOR
The Economy of Renaissance Florence by Richard Goldthwaite
Medici Money by Tim Parks
**The Online Catasto (Tax Records) of 1427-29
Classic Works.  Some of these are now considered out-of-date, but they have done a lot to inform the current work on the Italian Renaissance.
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Jacob Bruckhardt | PDF | Project Gutenberg
The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance by Hans Baron | Library Access
Paleography and Manuscript Studies.
Dictionary of Latin and Italian Abbreviations/Dizionario di Abbreviature Latine e Italiane/Lexicon Abbriviaturarum by Adriano Cappelli – an absolute must-have for the would-be paleographer!! | Archive.org 
Latin Paleography: Antiquity and the Middle Ages by Bernhard Bischoff
A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from Antiquity to 1600 by Michelle P. Brown
Introduction to Manuscript Studies by Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham
Art History.
**The Lives of the Artists by Giorgio Vasari -  a must have the Renaissance art historian, but also just a pleasure to read
**On Painting/De pictura by Leon Battista Alberti | Latin | Italian | English Excerpts
There are a lot of great works on individual artists, topics, or works of art, so it would be too much to list them all here!  I didn’t use a single textbook to start my study of Italian art - it’s very easy to find things in this topic!
The Medici.
The House of Medici: Its Rise and Fall by Christopher Hibbert
The Lives of the Early Medici as Told Through Their Correspondence, ed. Janet Ross | Archive.org
Magnifico: The Brilliant Life and Violent Times of Lorenzo de’ Medici by Miles J. Unger
The Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici, Called the Magnificent by William Roscoe - Slightly outdated now, but a classic work, and includes some relevant primary sources | Archive.org
April Blood by Lauro Martines
The Montefeltro Conspiracy by Marcello Simonetta
Inventari medicei, 1417-1465 : Giovanni di Bicci, Cosimo e Lorenzo di Giovanni, Piero di Cosimo, ed. Marco Spallanzani
Libro d'inventario dei beni di Lorenzo il Magnifico, ed. Marco Spallanzani and Giovanna Gaeta Bertelà
Lorenzo de' Medici at Home: The Inventory of the Palazzo Medici in 1492, ed. Richard Stapleford
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abr · 5 years ago
- #Berlusconi ha donato 10 mln alla #Lombardia. Di tasse arretrate  - Arriva Bertolaso Arriva Berlusconi. Strano vero? (diamo i nickname di questi luminari del passive aggressive autoinculante: rispettivamente  Matteo Capponi@pirata_21 e  susy@susy43279731). - Hanno il coraggio di rompere il cazzo a Berlusconi pure per una donazione di 10 milioni di euro. La verità è che c’è chi campa solo guardando gli altri. E rosicando. Per tutto. (bravò a Davide Maggio@davidemaggio).
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cristinacusani · 5 years ago
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Il mio lavoro Ritorni è parte di Sciame Project.
Il progetto nasce dall’esposizione annuale d’arte contemporanea Lucisorgenti, iniziativa ideata nel 2008 da Franco Troiani a sostegno dei giovani artisti, la cui X edizione è stata interrotta a causa del terremoto che ha colpito il centro Italia nel 2016.
SciameProject, fondato da Miriam Montani, è una pagina web, una raccolta di pensieri e opere di oltre cento partecipanti tra artisti, curatori, critici, operatori culturali e voci sul territorio.
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Impermanenza, Memoria, Abitare, Disabitare, Radicamento, Sradicamento e Motus sono le tematiche affrontate, scandagliate dal terremoto come causa ed effetto. SciameProject si pone come contributo immateriale per far rigermogliare la materia ceduta, in un momento in cui ci troviamo nel punto di scegliere se disabitare la terra o radicarci ancora, con tutte le forze sensibili.
Sciameproject è:
Fabio Giorgi Alberti, Marta Allegri, Francesco Amato, Bruno Amplatz, Marco Andrighetto, Claudia Angrisani, Daniela Ardiri, Alexo Athanasios, Sara Baggini, Giulia Maria Belli, Stefano Baldinelli, Rob Van Den Berg, Elisa Bertaglia, Bianco-Valente, Marta Bichisao, Jaspal Birdi, Sofia Bonato, Federico Borroni, Thomas Braida, Giovanni Sartoti Braido, Gianluca Brando, Annarosa Buttarelli, Alessandra Caccia, Gruppo Cairn, Cristina Calderoni, Riccardo Caldura, Simone Cametti, Chiara Campanile, Tiziano Campi, Lucilla Candeloro, Francesco Capponi, Daniele Capra, Sauro Cardinali, Simone Carraro, Tommaso Ceccanti, Giorgia Cereda, Francesco Ciavaglioli, Adelaide Cioni, Nicola Cisternino, Luca Clabot, Jonathan Colombo, Irene Sofia Comi, Isabel Consigliere, Corale, Cristina Cusani, Gabriella Dalesio, Maria Elisa D’Andrea, Emanuele De Donno, Matilde Di Pietropaolo, Maurizio Donzelli, Simone Doria, Arthur Duff, Léa Dumayet, Chiara Enzo, Tommaso Faraci, Silvia Faresin, Diana Ferrara, Giulia Filippi, Penzo+Fiore, Danilo Fiorucci, Roberta Franchetto, Enej Gala, Benedetta Galli, Elisa Gambino, Maria Luigia Giuffrè, Maddalena Granziera, Aldo Grazzi, Gabriele Grones, Silvia Hell, Interno3, Myriam Laplante, Virginia Di Lazzaro, Iva Lulashi, Annamaria Maccapani, Rita Mandolini, Valerio Magrelli, Fabio Mariani, Luca Marignoni, Nereo Marulli, Alice Mazzarella, Stefania Mazzola, Vittoria Mazzoni, Cecilia Metelli, Leila Mirzakhani, Montanari Testoni Norcia-Cascia, Miriam Montani, Jessica Moroni, Francesca Mussi, Aran Ndimurwanko, Valerio Niccacci, Matteo Nuti, Laura Omacini, Mattia Pajè, Monica Palma, Valeria Palombini, Federica Partinico, Laura P, Ugo Piccioni, Mary Pola, Gianluca Quaglia, Emanuele Resce, Sofia Ricciardi, Paolo Romani, Maria Diletta Rondoni, Marco Rossetti, Antonio Rossi, Elisa Rossi, Marotta & Russo, Giulia Sacchetto, Carlo Sala, Gabriele Salvaterra, Matilde Sambo, Michele Santi, Thomas Scalco, Sa Paradura (fotografie di Massimo Chiappini, testo di Alessia Nicoletti), Sachi Satomi, Carlo Scarpa, Catia Schievano, Alice Schivardi, Davide Serpetti, Nicolò Masiero Sgrinzatto, Hsing-Chun Shih, Davide Silvioli,Thoms Soardi, Meri Tancredi, Sio Takahaschi, Eva Chiara Trevisan, Cristina Treppo, Carmine Tornincasa, Franco Troiani, Sacha Turchi, Matteo Valerio, Silvia Vendramel, Alberto Venturini, Matteo Vettorello, Luigi Viola, Medina Zabo, Andreas Zampella, Vincenzo Zancana, Karin Zrinjski.
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In occasione del terzo anniversario del terremoto che ha colpito il centro Italia, il 30 ottobre 2019  SciameProject è ospite al MACRO ASILO per una presentazione e talk con i partecipanti presenti.
Programma della giornata:
10.00 – 10.30: colazione di benvenuto
10.30- 10.50/11.00: introduzione del progetto e degli artisti che prenderanno parola, verrà inoltre annunciato il preludio di un nuovo progetto all’interno di SciameProject (“Sciame Mobile Residence”, ideato insieme a Athanasios Stefano Alexo, Stella Stefani, Karin Zrinjskj, Vincenzo Zancana, Andreas Zampella).
11.00- 13.00 Talk con: Elisa Bertaglia (artista), Jaspal Birdi (artista), Alessandra Caccia (artista), Isabel Consigliere (artista), Cristina Cusani (artista), Emanuele de Donno (curatore, autore, editore Viaindustriae), Giulia Filippi (artista), Maddalena Granziera (artista), Gabriele Grones (artista) Myriam Laplante (artista), Rita Mandolini (artista), Fabio Mariani (artista), Alice Mazzarella (artista), #VittoriaMazzoni (artista), Mary Pola (artista), Francesca Mussi (artista), Matteo Nuti (artista), Gianluca Quaglia (artista), Emanuele Resce (artisti), Davide Serpetti (artista), Comitato Sa Paradura (Cascia), Davide Silvioli (curatore), Franco Troiani (artista), Luigi Viola (artista), Medina Zabo (artista), Vincenzo Zancana (artista).
Museo Macro Asilo
Via Nizza, Roma
30 ottobre 2019 H 10-13
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haitilegends · 5 years ago
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A Consequential Disaster:
Hurricane Dorian, Haiti,
and The Bahamas
By Mireille Sylvain-David
For what I heard, more than 25 % of money transfers to Haiti come from the Haitian workers of hotels and tourist resorts of the Bahamas which is severely damaged by the hurricane.
Some of those workers already perceive that they will not be able to send money to their close relatives at any time soon.
Let's pray for the Bahamas and Haiti too.
#Source :
Michael Capponi
Please donate to Global Empowerment Mission #bstrong
🎥 Source :
HAÏTI⭐LEGENDS #Bahamas #Bahamian #rescue #Haiti #haitian #help #hurricane #Dorian
#sosbahamas #bahamasstrong #abacos #hurricanedorian #climatechange #wakeup
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juniperpublishers-imst · 4 years ago
Mine Planning Under Uncertainty
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The aim of this study is to develop a methodology that can contribute to the construction of scenarios for mine planning and to evaluation of the impact of geological uncertainties provided by simulated models. The approach suggested here includes the definition of a methodology to control and incorporate the local uncertainties associated with the ore in order to improve mine planning, assess the sensitivity of financial return and while considering the variations and uncertainty related to the geological model and grade estimation.
Keywords: Mine planning; Geological uncertainty; Geostatistical simulation; Risk analysis
From exploration to mine planning, methodologies for quantifying the risk associated with mineral deposits can dramatically improve the decision-making process in the mining industry. Small variations in boundary conditions can have a significant impact on the final return of the project. In this context, geological uncertainty can be a major factor contributing to eventual failure of a mining project. The need to quantify and manage geological risk for project evaluation and decision making can be translated into the need to assess the geological risk of any parameter at all stages, from resource quantification, through mine sequencing to exhaustion of reserves. In addition, geological uncertainty can be translated into financial risk, providing an analysis of the economic feasibility of a project. The need for quantification of geological uncertainty has been recognized by the mining industry since the 1970s, when local and global estimates were considered insufficient for optimization of production planning, mine sequencing and homogenization strategies. Therefore, stochastic simulation has played a crucial role in the construction of grade uncertainty models in mineral deposits, providing a tool to perform risk analysis.
Geological exploration, project development and mining itself, including mine closure procedures, are all driven by the need to delineate, understand, evaluate, and plan the extraction of mineral resources. The definition of a robust geological and numerical model for a mineral deposit is an essential tool to analyse the quality of the in-situ material and to calculate the masses that need to be moved, with their respective grades. With knowledge of the reserves and existing material in a specific location, geostatistical techniques can be used to provide consistent evaluation and planning and to determine the associated variability and even uncertainty Matheron [1], David [2], Journel & Huijbregts [3]. Traditionally, grade control and mine planning are done using a block model generated by a traditional estimator, usually ordinary kriging, which gives the best estimate (unbiased and with the least error) using the available samples. However, this procedure is unable to incorporate the uncertainty associated with the estimate, and the variability of the estimated values is lower than the variability of the original data Costa [4].
Unlike kriging, geostatistical simulation methods aim to reproduce the variability and the spatial continuity of the original data, generating equiprobable models, conditioned to the data, which reproduce the first- and second-order statistics of the sample data. Geostatistical simulation algorithms are based on delineation of the uncertainty range by generating multiple realisations of the considered attribute values distributed in space Goovaerts [5]. These models are fed to transfer functions with different degrees of complexity to generate a distribution of possible outcomes, and the range of variation of this distribution characterises the so-called space of uncertainty Costa [6]. The processes involved in mine planning can be seen as transfer functions, which are models used to describe the actual operations or systems Peroni [7]. In this case, an uncertainty model based on stochastic simulation allows evaluation of the sensitivity of economic development, taking account of the uncertainty levels and tonnages for both mathematical surfaces and mining envelopes, as in the cases of design and long-term sequencing Silva [8].
Planning of the optimal production sequence can be a complex procedure, considering the number of variables and constraints that might be involved. The mine planning process is primarily determined by defining a final pit through an optimisation algorithm, providing a logical block extraction sequence Whittle & Rozman [9], Peroni [7]. The subsequent determination of an operational sequence of blocks up to the final pit is defined as pushback. At this stage, it is possible to evaluate the direct impact on key performance indicators such as cash flow and net present value (NPV). Several methods for determining an optimal extraction sequence have been presented Crawford & Davey [10], Mathieson [11], Dagdelen & François-Bongarçon [12], Whittle and Rozman [9], Rozman & Dagdelen [13], Tolwinski [14]. According to Diedrich [15], the main difficulties encountered when attempting to solve the optimal extraction sequencing of blocks to be mined, taking the uncertainty into account, are as follows:
a) The number of variables involved in the stochastic optimisation processes (simulated models and parameters).
b) The complexity of the equations defining the profit function costs and revenues, taking account of the diversion of targets (due to stochastic optimisation).
c) The generation of scenarios that are operationally executable given the time needed to process each optimisation and considering the computational capacity and the need for speed in decision making.
This paper therefore proposes the use of stochastic simulation as a method for assessing changes caused by the uncertainty associated with the attributes that define ore reserves and drive mine planning. It also proposes the introduction of risk associated with blocks, determining penalties within the mine planning that are transferred to the profit function and measure the impact on the project’s economic results. The methodology is applied to a case study of a phosphate deposit located in central Brazil to demonstrate the application of this approach to a real deposit.
The goals of this study are as follows:
i. To model the uncertainty levels for a particular deposit using geostatistical simulation algorithms within irregular domains, contained within geological envelopes generated by the interpretation of sections.
ii. To compare the response of mining scenarios according to economic criteria.
iii. To introduce a risk analysis factor taking account of grade uncertainty and measure its impact on risk acceptance (or rejection), considering the probabilities given by the simulation algorithm.
Incorporating geological uncertainty into mine planning
Using sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs), 50 realisations were generated for P2O5 grades. After running the simulation algorithm, 10 scenarios were selected, taking account of strategic aspects of mine planning, including the economic model constructed on the basis of the profit function targeting longterm mine planning. The blocks containing the economic values were imported into pit optimisation software (NPV Scheduler 4) to determine the final pit for each of these scenarios. The next step was sequencing the blocks to define a horizon of a mediumterm range and define a smaller area considering the estimated value. The main goal of this work is to determine the impact of the variation given by the simulation scenarios. Besides the impact due to the simulation, the concept of risk acceptance (or aversion) is introduced. This criterion involves the adoption of a risk or uncertainty that the company will assume on the basis of a feasibility analysis related uniquely to the geological uncertainty. Therefore, an average scenario is adopted, represented by the mathematical expectation (E-type) of the P2O5 grade, with the appraisal of extreme scenarios determining the limits of variation of the project and the incorporation of criteria for risk tolerance. This information, when put together, allows one to delineate a mine plan or a set of mine plans including the variation of the size of the deposit to be mined or reported as reserves or to limit the project’s feasibility under different risk tolerances Capponi [16].
Constructing the profit function
The construction of the profit function is equivalent to calculating the economic value for each block defining the cut- off grade and consequently the block selection between waste and ore. For those blocks recognised by geological contact as waste blocks, only mining costs are used to calculate the economic value. On the other hand, for those blocks within the ore zone, the decision whether the block is waste, or ore is made on an economic basis. The profit function is constructed in two stages: first, determination of the ultimate pit and selection of the study area using the average scenario (E-type results); second, use of the penalty factors given by the probability from the simulation. The following equations determine the conventional approach of evaluating a block model and the proposed modification with the introduction of a probability factor:
PF = Revenues − Costs, (1)
PF = (S × G × R) − (M + P + G&A), (2)
S is the long-term selling price,
G is the grade of each block,
R is the process recovery,
M represents the mining costs,
P represents the process costs,
G&A represents the general and administrative costs.
The level of acceptance of the probability given by the stochastic simulation is defined by
PROB = 1 if prob i>= prob lim
PROB = 1 if prob i < prob lim (3)
Prob i is the probability of a block i calculated from the simulation
Prob lim is the probability limit chosen as the maximum probability level accepted
PROB is the categorical value assumed if the probability of a block i is greater or less than Prob lim.
and the inclusion of the probability within the profit function as a penalty parameter for the ore blocks after defining the probability limit to be used as risk acceptation or rejection is defined by
PF = S × G × R × PROB − (M + P + G&A), (4)
PROB is the probability that a block with grade G is higher than a specific cut-off grade.
Building the Optimal Pit
When building the optimal pit, the extent of mining and its sequencing are determined such that the best economic result is obtained. Figure 1 presents the hard boundaries used to generate the analysis. The pink boundary represents the horizontal limit of mineralisation of the deposit, the orange boundary is the current pit outline and the red line represents the area selected in this study, which comprises approximately a 15-year pushback. The main inputs to the final pit optimisation software were the initial topography (as at the end of 2011), the resource model classification taking account of the drilling density and the minimum data in the search strategy, geotechnical information, the long-term price for the phosphate rock and the estimate of the process cost. The final pit was defined using the Lerchs–Grossman algorithm Lerchs & Grossmann [17] through the implementation available on the NPV scheduler software according to Underwood & Tolwinski [18], Tolwinski [14].
Risk Analysis of Mine Planning
In the mine planning stage, the uncertainties related to the ore quality to be mined, as well as the profitability from the exploitation, are essential, because these will define the sequence of extraction of the ore with the project’s earnings in mind. The planning process is complex, involving a number of uncertain variables with strong impact on the production outputs, and depends on the economic premises adopted. Depending on the stage of development of the project, the risk analysis will allow decision making in terms of the following:
a) Investment in additional information: incorporation of new samples, performance of new metallurgical tests, review of the limits and constraints of the target areas, and review of the concentration routes according to the characteristics of the ore.
b) Development and commencement of mining operations, taking account of basic information based on equally probable scenarios.
c) Further development of the mine and investment in additional information, including consideration of further attractive projects, even in the minimum scenario when it is desired to reduce the dispersion of economic indicators.
d) Decision to abandon the project definitively or to delay start-up while waiting for technological improvements or for a better economic context.
At this stage, a risk analysis was performed, considering as ore those blocks with probabilities of being higher than the cutoff grade of 60–90% in 10% steps, applied to the E-type from the geostatistical simulation. The variable that was created was named PROBCUT and the cut-off grade considered was 5% of P2O5.
The uncertainty and risk analysis adopted in this work was applied as follows:
i. P90 – the conservative scenario, in which the P2O5 content of the considered block has a 90% probability of being higher than the 5% cut-off grade.
ii. P80 – the intermediate/conservative scenario, in which the grade has an 80% probability of being higher than the 5% cutoff grade.
iii. P70 – the intermediate/optimistic scenario, in which the P2O5 grade has a 70% chance of being higher than the 5% cut-off grade.
iv. P60 – the optimistic scenario, in which the P2O5 grade has a 60% probability of being higher than the 5% cut- off grade.
After calculating the profit function for each block, each selected scenario was imported again into the optimisation software to assess the economic result produced by each scenario after pit optimisation and mine sequencing. Figure 2 shows an example of an NPV graph for a given period: the curve points were plotted after classification of the results in descending order and cumulative probability. In this case, P90 was taken as the conservative estimate, P70 as intermediate and P60 as the optimistic estimate. Figure 3 shows the variation in ore masses generated by mathematical pits modelled by objective functions with higher probabilities to be feasible like P60, P70, P80 and P90 are shown in Figure 3. A relative mass difference of up to 60% can be seen in comparison with the expected mass of blocks at 90% probability that these blocks assume values above the stipulated cut-off grade.
The impact of quantifying the risk associated with geological uncertainty generated from selected simulations can be seen in the design of the mathematical pit outlines shown in Figure 4. Section AA’ indicates a variation of the pit limits for the northeast region of the area analysed. This uncertainty indicates a greater likelihood that the grades in this sector are closer to the cut-off grade. It can be seen, for example, that areas for the E-type scenario have a wide extent, but those for scenarios with low acceptance risk are contracted and have uncertain borders. Similarly, Figure 5 shows the pit depth according to the criterion of acceptance/ aversion to the risk; the areas with high uncertainty associated with the blocks are again highlighted.
Mine sequencing
According to Peroni [2], a pushback (also referred to in the literature as a cut-back or phase; see Hustrulid & Kuchta [19] can be defined as the stage in mine development that can be practically executed and mined according a logical extraction sequence. This means that the limits of a pushback and its predecessor must be separated by a minimum distance unless those limits coincide with the final pit limits. Table 1 presents the number of phases generated for each risk scenario. The cumulative quantities of ore versus sterile material by phase generated for each case analysed, as well as the expected-value E-type simulations, are shown in Figure 6. It can be seen that the curve gradient is the mine stripping ratio in the period. Thus, it can be assumed that the sterile ore ratio is directly related to the probability that the P2O5 grade is higher than the given cut-off grade. It can be seen that the uncertainty criterion does not give similar results to traditional approaches in terms of parameterisation prices or costs (revenue cost factor or revenue factor), where the ratio usually increases with the size of the pit: small pits with low ratios and bigger pits with high ratios. Here, the situation is reversed, and, for the scenario with high certainty, a small pit with a high ratio was made possible because the blocks were of high grade and so there was a high probability that the pit had grades above the selected cut-off grade of 5%.
Pushback Generation
The risk analysis studies presented here were performed with optimised pits that can be used to determine the phases by application of the revenue factor Whittle [20] and consequently can provide useful information to define pushbacks and the mine sequence by generating tonnes and grades during the lifetime of the mine. It is important to note that head grade or tonnage requirements might not be met at every stage, since the stripping ratio might exhibit variations, which must be equalised later during the project operation. The impact on grade variation during mine sequencing of considering probabilities of P2O5 grades being higher than the cut-off grade is presented in Figure 7. It can be seen that the grade increases with the associated risk, which means that as long as the risk is rejected, the selected blocks have grades higher than the established cut-off grade. Figure 8 presents the NPV variation generated from the selected simulations. It can be seen that there is an absolute difference of US$619M when compared with the sequencing applying a PROB of 90% over the expected value.
The application of geostatistical simulation techniques has proved to be a fundamental tool in the uncertainty approach to geological variables. Traditionally, the mining industry has employed sensitivity analyses of other uncertain parameters such as costs, selling prices and process performance. Considering that geology and grades have a huge impact on a project’s feasibility, the use of a tool like this can help to show that grades are variable and that this variation, or a lack of understanding of it, can have a significant impact on revenues. The incorporation of this variability allows its impact on the mine planning to be evaluated. Although in the study described here, the base case planning was based on the block generated by an average scenario, the impact on operational advances (pushbacks) could be seen, and, in the face of these variations, the mine plan could be altered by considering the different results from the probabilistic models. However, the purpose of this study was not analysis of the plan itself but rather measurement of the impact of the variations on the project’s outcome. This impact was determined, and it was shown that the level of variability is an important aspect of uncertainty (due to lack of data, intrinsic variability of the deposit, quality of information, etc.) that needs to be considered. This uncertainty represents, for the case studied, something like 10% of the economic output of the project to the designated area.
a) Another aspect that has proved to be relevant for the application of the methodology is the observation of the deposit’s behavior under scenarios of risk aversion/acceptance. In this study, the risk was measured by the probability that a given block has a grade higher than the cut-off value of 5% P2O5. When the risk acceptance was reduced, the presence of remaining portions of the deposit areas associated with higher grades where the uncertainty was actually smaller was confirmed by sample data or by the characteristics of the deposit in areas of low variability. The introduction of the uncertainty parameter in conjunction with the risk criterion allows the mining company to achieve the desired results while minimising errors and reducing the number of samples that need to be taken. This can be seen by comparing the results of mine planning based on the E-type model with those obtained using progressive probabilities.
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italianaradio · 5 years ago
Elezioni Regionali. Lista per lista tutti i voti di ogni singolo candidato
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/elezioni-regionali-lista-per-lista-tutti-i-voti-di-ogni-singolo-candidato/
Elezioni Regionali. Lista per lista tutti i voti di ogni singolo candidato
Elezioni Regionali. Lista per lista tutti i voti di ogni singolo candidato
A scrutini oramai completati (QUI) ecco i dati dei voti ottenuti candidato per candidato, coalizione per coalizione. A seguire, le preferenze di ogni singolo partecipante alle ultime consultazioni elettorali, in ordine di colazione, lista e collegio. Centrodestra [>] FORZA ITALIA Collegio Nord Gallo Gianluca 12.053 De Caprio Antonio 3.782 Nicolai Maurizio 3.276 Salerno Carmelo 3.129 Russo Antonio 2.539 De Rose Luigi Detto Luigino 2.432 Spataro Michelangelo 846 Ferrari Basilio 652 Sposato Yole 390 Collegio Centro Tallini Domenico 8.009 Santacroce Frank Mario 4.920 Lostumbo Rosario 2.281 Matacera Pietro 2.211 De Sarro Francesco 2.174 Daffina’ Antonino Detto Tonino 1.390 Pianura Maria Grazia 991 Collegio Sud Arruzzolo Giovanni 8.649 Giannetta Domenico Detto Mimmo 6.483 Raffa Giuseppe 5.085 Peda’ Giuseppe 4.826 Imbalzano Candeloro 3.133 Romeo Giuseppe Francesco Detto Peppe 2.475 Bellantoni Anna 57 [>] LEGA SALVINI Collegio Nord Molinaro Pietro Santo 5.613 Novello Luigi 5.001 Battaglia Leo 2.681 Carelli Mario 2.254 Iannotta Gregorio 1.644 Baffa Alfio 1.319 Bozzo Ida 1.191 Piacentini Osvaldo 1.115 Perrone Alessandro 1.008 Collegio Centro Mancuso Filippo 6.456 Raso Pietro 4.708 Gaetano Salvatore 3.667 Chiefalo Antonio 3.662 Macri’ Giuseppe 3.173 Daniele Nicola 1.605 Pisera’ Antonio 1.405 Gelanze’ Cesarina 494 Collegio Sud Minasi Clotilde 2.288 Biasi Rocco 2.052 Pirrotta Giuseppe 1.718 Macri’ Francesco 1.642 Capponi Caterina Maria 1.044 Recupero Francesco 805 Coco Antonino 790 [>] FRATELLI D’ITALIA Collegio Nord Morrone Luca 8.110 De Caro Enrico 7.447 Rapani Ernesto 2.733 Madeo Ernesto 1.889 Lorelli Gioacchino 1.314 Granata Enrico 659 De Santis Giuditta 408 Guaglianone Pasquale 352 9. Lopez Antonio 352 Collegio Centro Pietropaolo Filippo Maria 4.160 Nicolazzi Amedeo 3.964 Fimiano Raffaele 2.545 Aversa Rosario Achille 2.065 Conforto Maurizio 1.249 Bottaro Maria Adele 892 De Angelis Fausto 670 Rosi Bruno 566 Collegio Sud Creazzo Domenico 8.033 Neri Giuseppe 7.378 Sainato Raffaele 3.897 Fazzolari Orlando 3.321 Marino Demetrio 3.054 Cascarano Marco 2.405 Polimeno Maria Alessandra 1.442 [>] JOLE SANTELLI PRESIDENTE Collegio Nord Caputo Pierluigi 5.775 Succurro Rosaria 3.626 D’acri Mauro 3.298 Cesareo Carlo 3.149 Straface Pasqualina 3.121 Pastore Francesca Loredana 2.802 Sergio Franco 2.367 Mele Barbara 2.303 Caligiuri Maria Jose 405 Collegio Centro Pitaro Vito 5.024 Paradiso Tranquillo 2.590 Pasqua Vincenzo 2.261 Muraca Luigi 2.070 Mazza Pasquale Detto Romano 1.816 Torromino Sergio 1.767 Tassone Gianluca 1.325 Caruso Titina Detta Carolina 1.132 Collegio Sud Mattiani Giuseppe 7.728 Caccamo Lucia 3.678 Bagnato Bruno 2.819 Fallanca Pietro 645 Pinto Giuseppe Detto Peppe Detto Pino 524 Ligato Enrico 443 Macri’ Rosario 47 [>] CASA DELLE LIBERTA’ Collegio Nord Gentile Giuseppe 7.821 Fava Mariolino Nicola 983 Monaco Enrico Francesco 943 Giusta Rocco 837 Senise Roberto 721 D’angelis Antonietta Giuseppina 446 Salvo Carlo 372 Brandi Cordasco Salmena Giovanni 299 Greco Franco 113 Collegio Centro Esposito Sinibaldo Detto Baldo 10.281 De Nisi Francesco 6.994 Grillo Alfonso 2.654 Tropea Mariolina 1.147 Paletta Laura 355 Taverna Vanessa 212 Filippelli Luigi 127 Davoli Vittorio 104 [>] UDC UNIONE DI CENTRO Collegio Nord Graziano Giuseppe 4.877 Cerra Rosalbino 3.957 Arci Antonio Detto Maurizio 2.189 Ciodaro Emira 1.649 Gerace Antonio 1.202 Iacone Ignazio 1.092 Salerno Eugenio 742 Ferraro Mario 522 De Luca Antonio 136 Collegio Centro Pitaro Vito 5.024 Paradiso Tranquillo 2.590 Pasqua Vincenzo 2.261 Muraca Luigi 2.070 Mazza Pasquale Detto Romano 1.816 Torromino Sergio 1.767 Tassone Gianluca 1.325 Caruso Titina Detta Carolina 1.132 Collegio Sud Paris Nicola 6.058 Zavettieri Pierpaolo 5.091 Gelardi Giuseppe 4.701 Vizzari Giuseppe Roberto 3.656 Primerano Sebastiano 1.854 Occhipinti Riccardo 1.394 Pegna Carmen Regina 52 Centrosinistra [>] PARTITO DEMOCRATICO Collegio Nord Bevacqua Domenico Detto Mimmo 7.521 Guccione Carlo 6.263 Giudiceandrea Giuseppe Detto Giudice 4.598 Zagarese Aldo 3.135 Lecce Pietro 2.468 Nociti Ferdinando 1.919 Succurro Gianluca 1.914 Saladino Maria 1.572 Di Leone Luciano 997 Collegio Centro Notarangelo Libero 6.045 Tassone Luigi 5.351 Mammoliti Raffaele 5.281 Cuda Gianluca 5.061 Guerriero Fabio 4.471 Arena Sergio 3.177 Girasole Carolina 1.950 Robbe Angela 1.774 Collegio Sud Irto Nicola 12.568 Battaglia Domenico Donato Mimmo 6.244 Nucera Giovanni 4.979 Pacifici Cosima Detta Mimma 1.513 Spatari Nensi 865 Tripodi Andrea 387 Barbera Luigi 37 [>] IO RESTO IN CALABRIA Collegio Nord Di Natale Graziano 4.752 Mundo Francesco Detto Franco 4.606 D’alessandro Felice 3.628 Rubino Franco Ernesto 2.859 Tamburi Vincenzo 2.022 Crispino Arturo 1.685 Madeo Francesco 1.471 Tarasi Pietro 1.415 Scorza Norina 1.396 Collegio Centro Pitaro Francesco 3.717 Consoli Domenico 3.675 Lo Schiavo Antonio Maria 3.486 Deonofrio Mario 2.700 Muraca Francesco 2.625 Ferrara Danilo 831 De Luca Salvatore Detto Rori 425 Giannuzzi Innocenza 376 Collegio Sud Anastasi Marcello 1.072 Carchidi Angelo 808 Albanese Michele 511 Attina’ Fortunato 475 Malara Antonio 409 Cozza Maria Angela 288 Giurato Maria 78 [>] DEMOCRATICI E PROGRESSITI Collegio Nord Aieta Giuseppe 7.454 Guglielmelli Luigi 4.147 Filippo Sergio 1.296 Papaianni Lucia 1.220 Audia Pasquale 956 Civitelli Francesco 747 Raffo Gilberto 496 Stumpo Sergio 141 Brunetti Domenico 99 Collegio Centro Sculco Flora 6.043 Mirabello Michelangelo Detto Michele 3.404 Murgi Gino 2.310 Sacco Elisabeth 1.465 Menniti Daniele 1.452 Gallelli Domenico 1.355 De Nardo Tiziana 293 Rizzo Mario 1 Collegio Sud Billari Antonio Andrea 6.268 Galimi Michele 1.030 Giugno Luigi Vincenzo 820 Crea Antonino 772 Sabatino Salvatore 666 Sculco Flora 104 Labate Teresa 20 Tansi Presidente [>] TESORO CALABRIA Collegio Nord Tansi Carlo Detto Tanzi 6.639 Pezzi Sandro 1.139 Pignataro Peppino 960 Colamaria Graziella 854 Martucci Giovanni 851 Garritano Alessandro 821 Morrone Francesco 818 Principe Rosa 680 Zicarelli Patrizio 636 Collegio Centro Voce Vincenzo 3.187 Militano Giuseppina Detta Giusi 1.030 Carallo Claudio 676 Grasso Raffaele 625 Rombola’ Nicola 559 Gigliotti Giuseppe 552 Pelaggi Maria Bruna 378 Mirante Antonio Maria 285 Collegio Sud Lacopo Ettore 1.196 De Lorenzo Rita Antonia 786 Ruoppolo Antonio 444 Surace Filippo Francesco 414 Scaramuzzino Luigi 394 Gervasi Giuseppe 368 Sergi Pietro 299 [>] CALABRIA LIBERA Collegio Nord Rogano Adolfo Antonio 873 Reda Alessandra 736 Emanuele Vittorio 600 Zicarelli Michele 530 Mondelli Nicola 353 Barillaro Loredana 336 Esaltato Domenico 276 Alfano Eugenio 247 D’Acunzo Vincenzo 28 [>] CALABRIA PULITA Collegio Nord Baldo Nicola 395 Provenzano Eugenio 234 Nato Giuseppe 177 Daniele Nicola 176 Gencarelli Franco Angelo 138 Turano Giovanni 52 Farina Mario 20 Ferma Rosalina 9 Barone Maria 7 Aiello Presidente [>] MOVIMENTO 5 STELLE Collegio Nord Tavernise Davide 2.241 Bruno Vittorio 1.637 Caligiuri Manlio 1.300 Minervino Guglielmo 748 Gallo Rossella 657 Pastena Valentina 624 Paldino Gianluca 425 Bevilacqua Rosa 186 Cirullo Carmela 185 Collegio Centro Giardino Chiara 1.360 Mardente Francesco 1.186 Oliveto Vittorio 1.053 Assadi Dariush 820 Scalese Iolanda Nausica 448 Bausone Alessia 423 Militare Umberto 384 Tropeano Giuseppe 374 Collegio Sud Scappatura Antonino 932 Quattrone Armando 899 Laface Maria 766 Augliera Domenico 559 Barbucci Riccardo 280 Romeo Cosimo 251 Costantino Natale 160 [>] LIBERI DI CAMBIARE Collegio Nord Aiello Francesco 930 Rizzo Angela 416 Bonacci Giovanni 138 Delle Cave Luca 131 Romano Francesco 111 Tocci Gianfranco 102 Rinaldi Nicholas 101 Lifrieri Francesco Luca 84 Collegio Centro Ciciarello Giusymanuela 709 Afflitto Francesco 615 Maida Antonio 599 Stranieri Luigi Antonio 269 Squillace Carmela 208 Morace Paola 194 Pizzimenti Giovanni 192 Valenzise Francesco 84 Collegio Sud Barilla’ Giovanni 459 Italiano Antonella 291 Rizzo Jacopo 165 Mollica Amilcare 136 Caccamo Daniele 118 Bianchi Natale 33
A scrutini oramai completati (QUI) ecco i dati dei voti ottenuti candidato per candidato, coalizione per coalizione. A seguire, le preferenze di ogni singolo partecipante alle ultime consultazioni elettorali, in ordine di colazione, lista e collegio. Centrodestra [>] FORZA ITALIA Collegio Nord Gallo Gianluca 12.053 De Caprio Antonio 3.782 Nicolai Maurizio 3.276 Salerno Carmelo 3.129 Russo Antonio 2.539 De Rose Luigi Detto Luigino 2.432 Spataro Michelangelo 846 Ferrari Basilio 652 Sposato Yole 390 Collegio Centro Tallini Domenico 8.009 Santacroce Frank Mario 4.920 Lostumbo Rosario 2.281 Matacera Pietro 2.211 De Sarro Francesco 2.174 Daffina’ Antonino Detto Tonino 1.390 Pianura Maria Grazia 991 Collegio Sud Arruzzolo Giovanni 8.649 Giannetta Domenico Detto Mimmo 6.483 Raffa Giuseppe 5.085 Peda’ Giuseppe 4.826 Imbalzano Candeloro 3.133 Romeo Giuseppe Francesco Detto Peppe 2.475 Bellantoni Anna 57 [>] LEGA SALVINI Collegio Nord Molinaro Pietro Santo 5.613 Novello Luigi 5.001 Battaglia Leo 2.681 Carelli Mario 2.254 Iannotta Gregorio 1.644 Baffa Alfio 1.319 Bozzo Ida 1.191 Piacentini Osvaldo 1.115 Perrone Alessandro 1.008 Collegio Centro Mancuso Filippo 6.456 Raso Pietro 4.708 Gaetano Salvatore 3.667 Chiefalo Antonio 3.662 Macri’ Giuseppe 3.173 Daniele Nicola 1.605 Pisera’ Antonio 1.405 Gelanze’ Cesarina 494 Collegio Sud Minasi Clotilde 2.288 Biasi Rocco 2.052 Pirrotta Giuseppe 1.718 Macri’ Francesco 1.642 Capponi Caterina Maria 1.044 Recupero Francesco 805 Coco Antonino 790 [>] FRATELLI D’ITALIA Collegio Nord Morrone Luca 8.110 De Caro Enrico 7.447 Rapani Ernesto 2.733 Madeo Ernesto 1.889 Lorelli Gioacchino 1.314 Granata Enrico 659 De Santis Giuditta 408 Guaglianone Pasquale 352 9. Lopez Antonio 352 Collegio Centro Pietropaolo Filippo Maria 4.160 Nicolazzi Amedeo 3.964 Fimiano Raffaele 2.545 Aversa Rosario Achille 2.065 Conforto Maurizio 1.249 Bottaro Maria Adele 892 De Angelis Fausto 670 Rosi Bruno 566 Collegio Sud Creazzo Domenico 8.033 Neri Giuseppe 7.378 Sainato Raffaele 3.897 Fazzolari Orlando 3.321 Marino Demetrio 3.054 Cascarano Marco 2.405 Polimeno Maria Alessandra 1.442 [>] JOLE SANTELLI PRESIDENTE Collegio Nord Caputo Pierluigi 5.775 Succurro Rosaria 3.626 D’acri Mauro 3.298 Cesareo Carlo 3.149 Straface Pasqualina 3.121 Pastore Francesca Loredana 2.802 Sergio Franco 2.367 Mele Barbara 2.303 Caligiuri Maria Jose 405 Collegio Centro Pitaro Vito 5.024 Paradiso Tranquillo 2.590 Pasqua Vincenzo 2.261 Muraca Luigi 2.070 Mazza Pasquale Detto Romano 1.816 Torromino Sergio 1.767 Tassone Gianluca 1.325 Caruso Titina Detta Carolina 1.132 Collegio Sud Mattiani Giuseppe 7.728 Caccamo Lucia 3.678 Bagnato Bruno 2.819 Fallanca Pietro 645 Pinto Giuseppe Detto Peppe Detto Pino 524 Ligato Enrico 443 Macri’ Rosario 47 [>] CASA DELLE LIBERTA’ Collegio Nord Gentile Giuseppe 7.821 Fava Mariolino Nicola 983 Monaco Enrico Francesco 943 Giusta Rocco 837 Senise Roberto 721 D’angelis Antonietta Giuseppina 446 Salvo Carlo 372 Brandi Cordasco Salmena Giovanni 299 Greco Franco 113 Collegio Centro Esposito Sinibaldo Detto Baldo 10.281 De Nisi Francesco 6.994 Grillo Alfonso 2.654 Tropea Mariolina 1.147 Paletta Laura 355 Taverna Vanessa 212 Filippelli Luigi 127 Davoli Vittorio 104 [>] UDC UNIONE DI CENTRO Collegio Nord Graziano Giuseppe 4.877 Cerra Rosalbino 3.957 Arci Antonio Detto Maurizio 2.189 Ciodaro Emira 1.649 Gerace Antonio 1.202 Iacone Ignazio 1.092 Salerno Eugenio 742 Ferraro Mario 522 De Luca Antonio 136 Collegio Centro Pitaro Vito 5.024 Paradiso Tranquillo 2.590 Pasqua Vincenzo 2.261 Muraca Luigi 2.070 Mazza Pasquale Detto Romano 1.816 Torromino Sergio 1.767 Tassone Gianluca 1.325 Caruso Titina Detta Carolina 1.132 Collegio Sud Paris Nicola 6.058 Zavettieri Pierpaolo 5.091 Gelardi Giuseppe 4.701 Vizzari Giuseppe Roberto 3.656 Primerano Sebastiano 1.854 Occhipinti Riccardo 1.394 Pegna Carmen Regina 52 Centrosinistra [>] PARTITO DEMOCRATICO Collegio Nord Bevacqua Domenico Detto Mimmo 7.521 Guccione Carlo 6.263 Giudiceandrea Giuseppe Detto Giudice 4.598 Zagarese Aldo 3.135 Lecce Pietro 2.468 Nociti Ferdinando 1.919 Succurro Gianluca 1.914 Saladino Maria 1.572 Di Leone Luciano 997 Collegio Centro Notarangelo Libero 6.045 Tassone Luigi 5.351 Mammoliti Raffaele 5.281 Cuda Gianluca 5.061 Guerriero Fabio 4.471 Arena Sergio 3.177 Girasole Carolina 1.950 Robbe Angela 1.774 Collegio Sud Irto Nicola 12.568 Battaglia Domenico Donato Mimmo 6.244 Nucera Giovanni 4.979 Pacifici Cosima Detta Mimma 1.513 Spatari Nensi 865 Tripodi Andrea 387 Barbera Luigi 37 [>] IO RESTO IN CALABRIA Collegio Nord Di Natale Graziano 4.752 Mundo Francesco Detto Franco 4.606 D’alessandro Felice 3.628 Rubino Franco Ernesto 2.859 Tamburi Vincenzo 2.022 Crispino Arturo 1.685 Madeo Francesco 1.471 Tarasi Pietro 1.415 Scorza Norina 1.396 Collegio Centro Pitaro Francesco 3.717 Consoli Domenico 3.675 Lo Schiavo Antonio Maria 3.486 Deonofrio Mario 2.700 Muraca Francesco 2.625 Ferrara Danilo 831 De Luca Salvatore Detto Rori 425 Giannuzzi Innocenza 376 Collegio Sud Anastasi Marcello 1.072 Carchidi Angelo 808 Albanese Michele 511 Attina’ Fortunato 475 Malara Antonio 409 Cozza Maria Angela 288 Giurato Maria 78 [>] DEMOCRATICI E PROGRESSITI Collegio Nord Aieta Giuseppe 7.454 Guglielmelli Luigi 4.147 Filippo Sergio 1.296 Papaianni Lucia 1.220 Audia Pasquale 956 Civitelli Francesco 747 Raffo Gilberto 496 Stumpo Sergio 141 Brunetti Domenico 99 Collegio Centro Sculco Flora 6.043 Mirabello Michelangelo Detto Michele 3.404 Murgi Gino 2.310 Sacco Elisabeth 1.465 Menniti Daniele 1.452 Gallelli Domenico 1.355 De Nardo Tiziana 293 Rizzo Mario 1 Collegio Sud Billari Antonio Andrea 6.268 Galimi Michele 1.030 Giugno Luigi Vincenzo 820 Crea Antonino 772 Sabatino Salvatore 666 Sculco Flora 104 Labate Teresa 20 Tansi Presidente [>] TESORO CALABRIA Collegio Nord Tansi Carlo Detto Tanzi 6.639 Pezzi Sandro 1.139 Pignataro Peppino 960 Colamaria Graziella 854 Martucci Giovanni 851 Garritano Alessandro 821 Morrone Francesco 818 Principe Rosa 680 Zicarelli Patrizio 636 Collegio Centro Voce Vincenzo 3.187 Militano Giuseppina Detta Giusi 1.030 Carallo Claudio 676 Grasso Raffaele 625 Rombola’ Nicola 559 Gigliotti Giuseppe 552 Pelaggi Maria Bruna 378 Mirante Antonio Maria 285 Collegio Sud Lacopo Ettore 1.196 De Lorenzo Rita Antonia 786 Ruoppolo Antonio 444 Surace Filippo Francesco 414 Scaramuzzino Luigi 394 Gervasi Giuseppe 368 Sergi Pietro 299 [>] CALABRIA LIBERA Collegio Nord Rogano Adolfo Antonio 873 Reda Alessandra 736 Emanuele Vittorio 600 Zicarelli Michele 530 Mondelli Nicola 353 Barillaro Loredana 336 Esaltato Domenico 276 Alfano Eugenio 247 D’Acunzo Vincenzo 28 [>] CALABRIA PULITA Collegio Nord Baldo Nicola 395 Provenzano Eugenio 234 Nato Giuseppe 177 Daniele Nicola 176 Gencarelli Franco Angelo 138 Turano Giovanni 52 Farina Mario 20 Ferma Rosalina 9 Barone Maria 7 Aiello Presidente [>] MOVIMENTO 5 STELLE Collegio Nord Tavernise Davide 2.241 Bruno Vittorio 1.637 Caligiuri Manlio 1.300 Minervino Guglielmo 748 Gallo Rossella 657 Pastena Valentina 624 Paldino Gianluca 425 Bevilacqua Rosa 186 Cirullo Carmela 185 Collegio Centro Giardino Chiara 1.360 Mardente Francesco 1.186 Oliveto Vittorio 1.053 Assadi Dariush 820 Scalese Iolanda Nausica 448 Bausone Alessia 423 Militare Umberto 384 Tropeano Giuseppe 374 Collegio Sud Scappatura Antonino 932 Quattrone Armando 899 Laface Maria 766 Augliera Domenico 559 Barbucci Riccardo 280 Romeo Cosimo 251 Costantino Natale 160 [>] LIBERI DI CAMBIARE Collegio Nord Aiello Francesco 930 Rizzo Angela 416 Bonacci Giovanni 138 Delle Cave Luca 131 Romano Francesco 111 Tocci Gianfranco 102 Rinaldi Nicholas 101 Lifrieri Francesco Luca 84 Collegio Centro Ciciarello Giusymanuela 709 Afflitto Francesco 615 Maida Antonio 599 Stranieri Luigi Antonio 269 Squillace Carmela 208 Morace Paola 194 Pizzimenti Giovanni 192 Valenzise Francesco 84 Collegio Sud Barilla’ Giovanni 459 Italiano Antonella 291 Rizzo Jacopo 165 Mollica Amilcare 136 Caccamo Daniele 118 Bianchi Natale 33
0 notes
tmnotizie · 5 years ago
PORTO SANT’ ELPIDIO – Il tradizionale Gala Ciclistico In Fuga verso il 2020 è stato premiato dall’entusiasmo e dalla cospicua partecipazione di tanti ospiti e appassionati del mondo delle due ruote in occasione della cena conviviale che si è svolta al ristorante Perla sul Mare a Porto Sant’Elpidio.
È stata certamente la miglior edizione di questo Gala, un successo testimoniato dalla presenza di Stefano Garzelli, Daniele Bennati e Gianbattista Baronchelli e che ha reso felici gli organizzatori del comitato Marche Ciclando e della Gio.Ca. Communication insieme all’amministrazione comunale di Porto Sant’Elpidio a fare gli onori di casa.
Molto acclamati ed applauditi Garzelli e Bennati, due ex professionisti esemplari nonché due valori aggiunti per le squadre in cui hanno corso sia da gregari che da capitani.
Garzelli (che in Spagna porta avanti una scuola di ciclismo con 70 bambini) legherà il proprio nome alla Granfondo Porto Sant’Elpidio del 22 marzo mentre Bennati è stato il protagonista del momento più emozionante della serata con Vincenzo Santoni che ha ricevuto dalle mani del corridore aretino la maglia della Movistar rievocando i bei ricordi agli inizi degli anni 2000 tra Acqua&Sapone e Domina Vacanze quando Bennati iniziò l’avventura tra i professionisti.
È ritornato a Porto Sant’Elpidio il mitico Baronchelli, grande protagonista del ciclismo degli anni settanta e ottanta nel pieno del dualismo storico tra Francesco Moser e Giuseppe Saronni, oltre a far sognare tanti tifosi e ed appassionati per quel Giro d’Italia (1974) perso da Eddy Merckx per quei famosi 12 secondi che sono stati lo spunto per la stesura dell’omonimo libro scritto da Giancarlo Iannella.
A dare un tocco di qualità alla serata la presenza dei giornalisti ed opinionisti sportivi Giorgio Martino, Antonello Orlando, Piergiorgio Severini, Gigi Sgarbozza e Gianni Solaroli unitamente a quella di padre Gianfranco Priori, tutti grandi amici e sostenitori del ciclismo a Porto Sant’Elpidio e a fare i complimenti a Vincenzo Santoni e a tutto il comitato Marche Ciclando per la variegata e proficua attività di promozione del ciclismo sul territorio abbracciando il ciclismo giovanile con gli allievi, gli amatori con le due granfondo e con l’aggiunta del Giro d’Italia professionisti con la Porto Sant’Elpidio-Rimini.
“Il 2020 sarà un anno dove lasceremo il segno sul nostro territorio con le due ruote – ha spiegato Vincenzo Santoni, responsabile degli eventi per conto di Marche Ciclando –il merito va al nostro sindaco Nazzareno Franchellucci con il quale siamo riusciti a riportare il Giro d’Italia. Abbiamo un’esperienza trentennale con il ciclismo e la promozione del territorio, ci fa piacere che anche la regione Marche si è accorta che il nostro sport è un ottimo veicolo pubblicitario.
Il primo evento di promozione del territorio abbinato al ciclismo lo abbiamo fatto nel 1989 con Giorgio Martino e si chiamava all’epoca Dove Nasce il Ciclismo. Un Gala giunto alla quarta edizione che continua a crescere di fama diventando l’evento di punta di fine anno del nostro comitato Marche Ciclando.  Il successo è stato straripante grazie ai tanti ospiti, agli amici, agli appassionati da tutta Italia e ai nostri sponsor”.
“Finalmente iniziamo a respiare un’atmosfera meravigliosa con il ritorno del Giro d’Italia in una splendida festa di fine anno – ha commentato il sindaco di Porto Sant’Elpidio Nazzareno Franchellucci – per raccontare quanto è stato fatto nel 2019 con il ciclismo a Porto Sant’Elpidio. Il 2020 è un anno magico per la nostra città elpidiense e ci apprestiamo ad onorarlo al meglio rafforzando ancora di più la collaborazione con Marche Ciclando e con tutto il gruppo di lavoro capitanato da Vincenzo Santoni per far sì che la data del 20 maggio possa essere un momento celebrativo da ricordare per tutti gli amanti della bicicletta e anche dagli abitanti di Porto Sant’Elpidio”.
Francesco Giacinti, consigliere della Regione Marche: “Siamo tutti fieri ed orgogliosi di avere le Marche tra le regioni attraversate dal Giro d’Italia e sarà l’evento dell’anno per chi ama la bicicletta. Parlando di due ruote abbiamo ufficializzato in una conferenza stampa la costruzione di un ponte ciclabile che attraversa il fiume Chienti tra Porto Sant’Elpidio e Civitanova Marche e in questa occasione abbiamo potuto mettere in risalto il ruolo della bicicletta come veicolo unico di promozione del territorio perché le Marche rappresentano un bel connubio tra sport, paesaggio, aria pulita, cultura e storia”.
La serata è stata accompagnata dalla straordinaria esibizione del gruppo musicale Per Amore (con la violinista Nena Tintor, il soprano Donatella Verdecchia e Sergio Capoferri) ed è stata contraddistinta dalla consegna del Ferro di Cavallo d’Oro agli ospiti d’onore del Gala (Stefano Garzelli, Daniele Bennati, Gianbattista Baronchelli, Antonello Orlando, Giorgio Martino, Piergiorgio Severini, Gigi Sgarbozza e Gianni Solaroli), ai rappresentanti del comitato di Marche Ciclando (Adriana Capponi e il presidente Giuseppe Ripà), al rettore del Santuario dell’Ambro padre Gianfranco Priori, agli ex direttori sportivi Fabio Becherini e Leonardo Levati, al presidente regionale FCI Marche Lino Secchi, ai rappresentanti di alcuni main sponsor di Marche Ciclando (Giorgio Longhi, Mauro Pieroni e Gabriele Vesprini), all’amministrazione comunale di Porto Sant’Elpidio (con il sindaco Nazzareno Franchellucci insieme all’assessore allo sport Elena Amurri e al presidente del consiglio comunale Milena Sebastiani), al Team Capodarco (Gaetano Gazzoli, Adriano Spinozzi e Simone Gazzoli), al Gruppo Ciclistico La Montagnola (Celso Bugiardini, Lucio De Angelis e Vittorio Trovellesi), alla presidente di Gio.Ca. Communication Olga Samovica, agli organizzatori della Cicloturistica La Liberazione di Osimo (David Monticelli e Sara Andreoli), al giovane corridore allievo Anthoni Silenzi, allo staff di Atlantide Video Service (Marina Campi, Fabio Zappacenere e Christian Bohm), all’addetta stampa di Info PSE Porto Sant’Elpidio Patrizia Canzonetta, al direttore di corsa Mauro Benacquista, agli “amici del ciclismo” Antonio Angellotti e Luciano Gasparotto.
Il riconoscimento del Ferro di Cavallo d’Oro è andato anche al titolare del ristorante Perla sul mare (Mr. Aima), al belga Jochen Allard (atleta di sport equestre nel salto ostacoli) e all’Asd Santacroce di Luigi Marziali per il lancio del formaggio.
Con il Gala di fine 2019, sono stati poi ufficializzati gli eventi del prossimo anno con l’anticipo al 20 marzo della Granfondo Porto Sant’Elpidio e Garzelli come testimonial dell’evento di inizio 2020, la partenza di tappa del Giro d’Italia il 20 maggio (arrivo a Rimini), alla quale è collegata la fiera espositiva Elettrico See and Try (per auto e bici elettriche) in programma il 16 e il 17 maggio, più il Papà Elio Gran Premio Giorgio Mare per la categoria allievi il 26 luglio, la Granfondo dei Tre Santuari del Fermano il 27 settembre (Madonna delle Grazie-Montegiberto, Ambro-Montefortino e Corva-Porto Sant’Elpidio) e la Camminata dei Tre Santuari nella settimana del 21-27 settembre.
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neweramuseum · 5 years ago
NEM LANDSCAPES 91 - Gianluca Ricoveri Selection
FEATURED WORKS BY: Giulia Baita, Stan Phillippe, Rosalie Heller, Kate Zari Roberts, Ado du Toit, Davide Capponi, Tim Creamer and Fleur Schim.
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sheilacwall · 5 years ago
Cromo – Ti Piace (prod. Yung Snapp)
Cromo – Ti Piace (prod. Yung Snapp)
Ascolta “Ti piace” su Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2kMQIfg
Diretto da School Project Regia: Simone Mariano, Federico Merlo Producer: Matilde Brockhaus Assistente: Matteo Croci MUA: Stella Capponi Drone: Federico Puppo Animal manager: Davide Varrucciu X IFMD Animal Station source
The post Cromo – Ti Piace (prod. Yung Snapp) appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/cromo-ti-piace-prod-yung-snapp/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cromo-ti-piace-prod-yung-snapp from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188041570808
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joseanzombie2674 · 6 years ago
Interés Variable (rock-ponferrada) lanza su nuevo videoclip y preventa de "Ilusión o Realidad"
Interés Variable (rock-ponferrada) lanza su nuevo videoclip y preventa de “Ilusión o Realidad”
Lanzan su nuevo videoclip y preventa de su próximo disco 
Interés Variable nos presenta “A Medio Gás” el primer adelanto de lo que será el nuevo trabajo discográfico ‘Ilusión o Realidad’. El Videoclip ha sido realizado  por 11:11 Filmmakers, y cuenta con la aparición de Jero García (Hermano Mayor), Borja Capponi (Malas Pulgas) yDavid…
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miamiclasica · 6 years ago
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Nos dejaron en la música….
Oliver Knussen, Dieter Schnebel, David DiChiera, Glen Roven, Martin Dalby, Milko Kelemen, Bo Nilsson, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Matt Marks, Daniel Barkley, Claudio Scimone, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Enoch zu Guttenberg, Jesús López Cobos, Jean-Claude Malgoire, Harold Farberman, George Walker, Edward Simons, Wanda Wilkomirska, Levine Andrade, Anshel Brusilow, Francis Lai, Herman Krebbers, Michael Tree, Didier Lockwood, Nina Beilina, Philip De Groote, Jean Grout, Nelson Cooke, Ivan Davis, Lívia Rév, Johannes Goritzi, Theodore Antoniou, Renaud Gagneux, Alan Stout, Patrick Williams, Milan Krizek, Gian Paolo Mele, Eitan Avitsur, Juan Hidalgo Codorniu, Thomas Pernes, Milko Kelemen, Alain Kremski…
Montserrat Caballe, Inge Borkh, Sylvia Geszty, Bonaldo Giaiotti, Michel Senechal, Huguette Tourangeau, Kristine Ciesinski, Barry McDaniel, Maria Orán, Maya Kuliyeva, Carlo Cava, Claudio Desderi, Maxim Mikhailov, Teo Maiste, Carlos Feller, Alexander Vedernikov, Valentina Levko, Arthur Davies, Virgilio Noreika, Ariel Bybee, Otoniel Gonzaga, Antonio Barasorda, Tamara Nizhnikova, Kjerstin Dellert…
Aretha Franklin, Nancy Wilson, Charles Aznavour, Maria Dolores Pradera, Bill Hughes, Enrico De Angelis, Lucho Gatica, Marlene Verplanck, Johnsy Cowell, Billy Hancock, Dolores O´Riordan, Preston Shannon, Carmela Rey, Heli Lääts, Little Sammy Davis, Didier Lockwood, Jerry González, Richard Hundley, Joseph Vella, Antonia la Negra, Morgana King, Xiomara Alfaro, Audret Morris, Nathan Davis, Cecil Taylor, Jacques Higuelin, Charlie Rice, Max Berry, Tony Cucchiara, Angela Maria, Kim Larsen, Celeste Rodrigue, Francois Budet…
Jose Antonio Abreu, Paul Taylor, Lindsay Kemp, Kazimierz Gierzod, Irwin Gage, Igor Zukhov, Vera Dmitrievna Nyrkova, Carolyn Brown, Nelson Cooke, John Hsu, Livia Rev, Robert Mann, Luigi Bianchi, Colin Bumbry, Blandine Verlet, Richard Weiner, Konrad Ragossnig, Dennis Kam, Aldo Parisot, Robert Turnbull,  Dame Gyllian Lynne, France Gall, Denisse Lasalle, Claude Gingras, Charles Hamlen, Lee Lamont, Olimpia Gineri…
Artes escénicas y cinematográficas
John Gavin, Dorothy Malone, Dame June Whitefield, Burt Reynolds, Stephanie Audran, Penny Marshall, Barbara Harris, Tab Hunter, Margot Kidder, Benny Fredricksson, Oleg Anofriyev, Novello Novelli, Bella Emberg, Montse Perez, Bradford Dillman, Peter Groeger, Anna Campori, Connie Sawyer, Bob Smith, Yves Afonso, Mark Salling, Ilse Petri, Rolf Zacher, Marie Gruber, Pier Paolo Capponi, Sonia Graham, Emma Chambers, Tatyana Karpova, Colin Campbell, Beth Morris, Maria Rubio, Andres Labarthe, Siegfried Rauch, Sir Ken Dodd, Oleg Tabakov, Anna Lisa, Martha Wallner, Isabella Biaghini, Kevin Colson, Nina Doroshina, Verne Troyer, Kristin Nelson, Javier Aller, Ken Berry, Ennio Fantastichini, Maria Pace, Philip Bosco, Marisa Porcel, Klaus Hagerup, Umberto Borso, Horst Schultze, Caroline Charriere, Francoise Adret, Iris Acker, Raven Wilkinson, Carlo Giuffre, Sondra Locke, Peter Armitage, Ed Kenney, Jean Piat…
Bernardo Bertolucci, Milos Forman, Vittorio Taviani, Nicolas Roeg, Claude Lanzmann, Petr Weigl, Joel Antoni, Michael Anderson, Hugh Wilson, Mathieu Riboulet, Folco Quilici, Judy Blame, Stan Lee…
Artes visuales y literatura
Guillermo Trujillo, Elmar Rojas, Robert Indiana, Eduardo Arroyo, Ed Moses, Arnaldo Roche Rabell, Anders Aberg, Boaz Arad, Armando, Nat Neujean, Bernard Koura, Jef Geys, Napoleón Abueva, Forges, Getulio Alviani, Gillo Dorfles, James Luna, Joy Laville, Gillian Ayres, Theo Ramos,  Lothar Baumgartner, José Sacal, Mel Ramos, Harold Stevenson, Ralph Kotai, Fernando del Paso, Miguel Angel Campano..
Amos Oz, Vidihadar Naipaul, Stephen Hawking, Dasa Drndic, Philip Roth, Tom Wolfe, Neil Simon, Pablo Garcia Baena, Nicanor Parra, Diana Der Hovanessian, Claribel Alegría, José Triana, Victor Heringer, Tom Griffin, Clement Rosset, Sergio Pitol,  Irina Tokmakova, Efrain Jara Idrovo, Pavel Srut, Jane Langton,  Julia Vinograd, Tom Leonard, Rob Hiaasen, Vicente Verdu, Inge Feltrinelli…
Jon Paul Steuer, Frank Buxton, Johann
es Brost, Anthony Bourdin, Sister Wendy Beckett, Paul Bocuse, Josep Fontana, Erling Mandelmann, David Austin, Robin Leach, Hubert de Givenchy….
Osvaldo Bayer, Hermenegildo Sabat, Augusto Fernandes, Irene Gruss, Hugo Santiago, Horacio Molina, Elvira Orphee, Antonio Pujia, Tito Capobianco, Alicia Berdaxagar, Esteban Peicovich, Violeta Rivas, Jaime Torres, Jorge Demirjian, Gustavo Tambascio, Poldy Byrd, Maria Concepción César, Guillermo Bredeston, Alba Arnova, Emilio Disi, German Garcia, Juan Jose Stagnaro, Iris Alonso, Norma Bessouet, Julio Blanck, Juan Carlos Mastrángelo, Carlos Garaycochea, Betty Elizalde, Victor Buchino, Majo Okner,Tomas Maldonado, Elsa Bloise, Roxana Darín, Noemi Lapzeson, Deborah P. Volpin, Emilio Urdapilleta, Francisco Romero, Choly Berreteaga, Julio Llinas…
  Los Adioses 2018 Nos dejaron en la música.... Oliver Knussen, Dieter Schnebel, David DiChiera, Glen Roven, Martin Dalby, Milko Kelemen, Bo Nilsson, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Matt Marks, Daniel Barkley, Claudio Scimone, …
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enricocassi · 7 years ago
Morozzo, piccolo paese dalle antiche origini, immerso nella campagna cuneese, è l’indiscussa capitale del Cappone, il delizioso galletto castrato dalle carni tenere e delicate, autentica delizia per la tavola del Natale.
Al Cappone, viene dedicata ogni anno, in dicembre, una fiera che è diventata negli anni una grande manifestazione, con un ricco e colorito mercato affiancato da momenti culturali.
L’antica fiera è soprattutto un appuntamento che valorizza e mantiene vive tradizioni, consuetudini ed un ricco patrimonio culturale di cui l’allevamento del Cappone di Morozzo è una preziosa eredità.
Le donne sono depositarie del perpetuarsi di questa tradizione e per loro, in special modo, sono sempre stati motivi di vanto ed orgoglio i premi conquistati nel giorno della fiera, a coronamento di un paziente lavoro iniziato in primavera con la schiusa dei pulcini.
Dalle ore 7.00 – Piazza Barbero
Esposizione dei Capponi di Morozzo, le pule e i volatili da cortile.
Esposizione macchine agricole e tradizionale grande Fiera Mercato.
Ore 11.00
Premiazione del concorso La memoria per il futuro, rivolto ai bambini e ai ragazzi della scuola materna , primaria e secondaria di primo grado.
I premi saranno offerti dall’opera pia Vincenzo Peyrone.
Consegna delle borse di studio donate dall’opera Pia Vincenzo Peyrone.
Ore 11.30
Premiazione delle migliori coppie di capponi.
1 Premio Assoluto: medaglia d’oro da 36 mm offerta da Cam – Caseificio Artigianale Morozzese.
1 Premio Speciale: moneta d’oro da 36 mm offerta dalla Banca Alpi Marittime – Credito Cooperativo di Carrù.
3 Primi Premi: una medaglia d’oro 24 mm offerta da TecnoTre impianti elettrici; una medaglia d’oro da 24 mm offerta da Controterzisti F.lli Ravera Davide e Massimo; una medaglia d’oro 24 mm offerta dal Consorzio del Cappone di Morozzo.
4 Secondi Premi: pergamena di merito e rimborso della quota associativa.
4 Terzi Premi: Pergamena di merito.
Premiazioni delle migliori coppie di galli e galline: 
1 Premio: medaglia d’oro 24 mm.
2 e 3 Premio: targa di merito.
I premi sono offerti da Dutto Fabrizio consulente Assicurativo dell’ Assicurarci Gruppo Gastaldi di Morozzo.
Seguirà l’estrazione della lotteria a cura del Consorzio per la Tutela e la Valorizzazione del Cappone di Morozzo.
Il premio in palio sarà la coppia di capponi vincitori assoluti 2017.
Il Cappone
E’ un galletto castrato chirurgicamente prima che abbia raggiunto la maturità sessuale e macellato ad un’età di almeno 220 giorni.
Dopo la capponatura deve essere ingrassato per un periodo di almeno 77 giorni.
La razza utilizzata per la produzione del tradizionale Cappone di Morozzo è la nostrana biotipo scuro di Cuneo.
Le caratteristiche morfologiche del Cappone di Morozzo sono il piumaggio lucente e variopinto, sinonimo di buona salute, testa piccola di colore giallo arancione, pelle di colore giallo indice di un congruo ingrassamento ed un peso variabile tra i 2 e 3 Kg.
Dal 1999 il Cappone di Morozzo è stato dichiarato primo Presidio di Slow Food che, con questa iniziativa, ha inteso salvare e promuovere un prodotto agroalimentare qualitativamente eccellente e sostenere la piccola economia di un paese che da sempre lega il suo nome a questo animale ed alla fiera invernale.
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bisoroblog · 7 years ago
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Free Torrent,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Download Torrent
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway
This is an enormous grab bag of Real Estate gurus…
No, it’s not Christmas yet, but you’d think it was…
100+ of the top real estate and wealth-building experts in the world have joined forces to give away some of their best tips, strategies and techniques for making moolah in the real estate business.
You are going to get thousands of pages of material, software programs, hundreds of hours of audio and videos, and much much more… (and it WON’T cost you a dime!)
This has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE… as a matter of fact, a lot of the “big name gurus” laughed and said they wouldn’t participate. Goodie for you, because most (the non-tightwads!) did!
It feels like Christmas came early for us! Why is that?
Adam Steward – presents Dr. Russell Conwell’s Success Classic “Acres of Diamonds”
AJ Peudan – How to Coach a Fish: 12 Weeks of Incredible Coaching
Al Aiello – 11 Powerful Tax Strategies for Real Estate Investors
Alan Brymer – This Market Stinks: 12 Experts’ Strategies for Surviving & Thriving in a Slow Real Estate Market
Alan Cowgill – Private Lender Tips and Tactics PLUS How to Get All the Money You Need to Buy Property
Alan Kosinski – Successfully Getting Started in Real Estate
Alan O’Brien – 7 Tips from 7 Expert Investors: 7 Ladies and Gentleman that ROCK Real Estate
Alex Pardo – Even Stupid People Can Do This- Simple Methods for Finding Buyers in Any Market!
Barry Grimes – Real Estate Jobbing 101
Bill Duquette – 2 Day “Secrets of Subconscious Influence” Boot Camp
Bob Massey – Put Your Real Estate Investment Business on the Fast Track to Massive, Low-Cost Lead Generation.
Brenda Ayala – Real Estate Recipes: My Recipe for Success in Real Estate
Bruce Mack – 50 Mistakes Not To make with Your Credit
Caryn McKinney & Mark Klee – Make an Easy $100,000 in the Next Ten Months..
Dan Auito – Congratulations on taking your next step in understanding real estate.
Dave Candle – The Loan Guru Reveals How You Too Can Get $80-250K in Credit at 0% Guaranteed
Dave Lindahl – 27 Ways to Buy Multi-Family Property with No Money Down
Dave Reynolds – Mobile Home Park Investing with Expert Dave Reynolds
David Corbaley – Make Killer Money in a Down-turned Market Without Buying and Selling Houses
DC Fawcett – My students are cashing huge checks in their foreclosure businesses
Dean Edelson – The 6 Critical Keys to Short Sale Success
Don Fullman – The ‘Tax Liens Guy’ Reveals How You Too Can Get 18-36% Passive Secured Returns
Doug Ottersberg – The Automatic Success Attractor
Doug Smith
Dreama Lee – Co-Founder and President of SaveMeFromForeclosure.com, LLC.
Dustin Mathews – Discover the secrets TO GETTING massive lines of business credit
Ed Rooney – Find and Negotiate Properties that produce $50,000 to $75,000 profit in just 45 Days
Emerson Brantley – You Don’t Have to Tear Down the House to Remodel the Kitchen!
Ephren Taylor – 3 Simple Steps to Multiply Your Retirement Income with Federally Approved Programs
Eric Bergman – Quick Start Guidebook of How to Build a Profitable Real Estate Investment Business
Frank Curtin – The Mortgage Survival Guide
Frank Jreij – Mastering the Funding of Your Real Estate Investments with Private Money
Frank Rolfe – Making Money in Billboards Case Study
Geoff Nowlin – Unique No Money Down Strategies that Work in Today’s Economy
George Cappony – Special Report: Sell Your Home in Under 2 Weeks in Any Market Conditions
Greg Clement – The Freedom Manifesto: Become a Modern Day Treasure Hunter
Heather O’Brien – How Do You Want to Play Real Estate?
Hunter Paschall – 5 Part Insider Foreclosure Ecourse
Jack Bosch – Land for Pennies Audio
James Bridges – Automated Real Estate Agent Leads ebook
Janet Fish – Paradise by the Slice: Realize Your Dreams Through Fractional Real Estate
Jason Gilbert – Millions Await Your Venture Into Commercial Real Estate the Easy Way
Jeff Vacek – get more with less
Jon Bolton – BuyAware Inspection & Negotiation Nuggets
Joseph Bridges – Automated Real Estate Agent Leads audio
Josh Cantwell
Justin Lee – Pre-foreclosure Marketing Tips Book and PreForeclosure Investing 2.0 Ebook
Kathy Kennebrook – Real Estate Success Principles: Your Personal Path to Prosperity
Kenny Rushing – Top 10 Real Estate Secrets Exposed
Kent Clothier – Real Estate Marketing Strategies for Today’s Changing Market
Kevin Wessell – Build Your Financial Castle
Kristy Welsh – Good Credit is Sexy
Ken Van Liew – The 59 Primary Reasons why Developments Fail
Kimberlee Frank – Even You Can Be a Local Real Estate Guru Audio
Larry Benet – Connection Mastery Audio for Real Estate Investors with “The Connector” Larry Benet & Expert Than Merrill
Larry Goins – Twelve Deadly Mistakes Even Experienced Investors Make and How to Avoid Them
Larry King – Larry King Interviews 4 Real Estate Successes on Their Secrets
Lee Phillips – Protect Your Assets with Two Great Tools, Part I
Loral Langemeier aka “The Millionaire Maker,”
Lydia Trotter – Selling Real Estate on eBay Tips and Techniques
Marcia Wieder – 3 Ebooks: Taking Time, Living the Rich Life, and Accessing Your Power
Marshall Sylver
Marty Schulting – 3 Ebooks: Short Sales 101, Short Sales 401, and Short Sales 401
Mark Walters – How to Find Millions in Private Money Loans: Cash for Real Estate Deals
Mathew Landry – How to Buy Foreclosures
Michael Helgeson – Top Secret Report for Real Estate Professionals and Entrepreneurs: The Greatest Marketing Secrets of the Millennium
Mike Warren – How to Make 37% Tax Free Without the Stock Market
Nathan Big – The Ultimate House Selling System: How to Sell Any House in 36-hours & Get Top Dollar in a Slow Market.
Nathan Jurewicz – Make More Cash Next Month than the Average Wage Slave Will in 3 Years
Nick Cifonie – Now You Too, Can Have A FREE Membership to Real Estate Investing!
Pat Gage – The 47 Day Blueprint to Raising Unlimited Capital for your Company Business credit
Pat Martin – 5 Steps in 5 Days to Make 5K
Patrick Grom – Working with Pre-Foreclosures: The Guide to Successful Short Sales
Patrick Snow – Creating Your Own Destiny- Special Real Estate Investors’ Recording
Ray Ritchie – How To Sell Your Home In a Down Market In 13 Days Without A Realtor On A Pauper’s Budget
Roger Salam – How to Not Only Survive but Thrive in Today’s Market By Creating the Ultimate System for Selling Houses Fast
Robert Skrob – How 8 Real Estate Investors Built Multi-million Dollar Businesses Publishing Real Estate Investing Courses and How You can Do it Too!
Ron Black – Turnkey Leaseback Investing Secrets Revealed
Ross Hamilton – Automate Your Real Estate System
Sal Vannutini – Fixer-Upper Fortunes: How to Make Big Profits from Fixer-Upper Properties: Quickly!
Scott Meyers – Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Self Storage!
Sherry Watson – The Power of Grant Money for Real Estate Investors
Steve Cook
Steve Gillman – How to Save Thousands Buying Your Next Home
Stew Spence – Survive Foreclosure and Come Out On Top
Terry Nichols – Credit Secrets Ebook
Tim Watson – Make 50K Part Time in 10 Hours a Week as a Property Maverick
Todd Morgan – 50 Streams of Income in Real Estate!
Tony Saccaro – 5 Secrets to Drive Traffic to Your Homes Through Video Marketing on the Web
Tom Nardone – Get Huge Checks Buying & Selling Houses!
Tom Zeeb – 7 Secrets to a $100,000 Pay Raise Ebook and Secrets of Power Negotiation Audio
Trace Trajano – How to Find Foreign Funds- Global Private Lenders
Velpeau Thomas – Remote Control, Never-Leave-HQ, Completely Automated, Hands Off,Virtual Commando Real Estate Investing
Wyn Cole – The Supreme Guide to Home Security- Real Estate Investors Edition
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Free Torrent,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Download Torrent
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Download Free,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Download,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Free Torrent,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Torrent,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Free,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Torrent Free,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Torrent Download,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Free Download,[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway Download Torrent
The post [Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway appeared first on Great Price Course.
[Big Collection Real Estate] Real Estate Web Academy – Great Real Estate Giveaway published first on http://ift.tt/2y2Rir2
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