#David Schardt
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There is no substitute. This 1991 964 Porsche 911 Turbo might be the favorite car within Dave Schardt's fleet of vehicles. Recently, Dave gave it a bit of retro vibe with this brand new set of 18x8.5/18x10.5 Forgeline forged three piece SL3 wheels finished with Matte Silver centers & Polished outers wrapped in Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tires. The SL3 wheel is designed to reflect the style of the old Speedline Porsche Cup wheel, and even features the original "bottom mount" assembly configuration. See more at: https://www.forgeline.com/customer-gallery-david-schardt/cgk2781
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Join Tom Stahler and Edmund Jenks as they review the weekend's racing happenings from F1 -...
#French Grand Prix#The West Coast Stock Car Hall of Fame#NASCAR#Sonoma Raceway#Road America#Global MX-5 Cup#Lewis Hamilton#Alexander Rossi#Martin Truex Jr..#Drake Kemper#David Schardt#Forgeline Motorsports
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A Joseph Agnello, Lad.118 Lt. Brian Ahearn, Bat.13 Eric Allen, Sqd.18 (D) Richard Allen, Lad.15 Cpt. James Amato, Sqd.1 Calixto Anaya Jr., Eng.4 Joseph Agnello, Lad.118 Lt. Brian Ahearn, Bat.13 Eric Allen, Sqd.18 (D) Richard Allen, Lad.15 Cpt. James Amato, Sqd.1 Calixto Anaya Jr., Eng.4 Joseph Angelini, Res.1 (D) Joseph Angelini Jr., Lad.4 Faustino Apostol Jr., Bat.2 David Arce, Eng.33 Louis Arena, Lad.5 (D) Carl Asaro, Bat.9 Lt. Gregg Atlas, Eng.10 Gerald Atwood, Lad.21
B Gerald Baptiste, Lad.9 A.C. Gerard Barbara, Cmd. Ctr. Matthew Barnes, Lad.25 Arthur Barry, Lad.15 Lt.Steven Bates, Eng.235 Carl Bedigian, Eng.214 Stephen Belson, Bat.7 John Bergin, Res.5 Paul Beyer, Eng.6 Peter Bielfeld, Lad.42 Brian Bilcher, Sqd.1 Carl Bini, Res.5 Christopher Blackwell, Res.3 Michael Bocchino, Bat.48 Frank Bonomo, Eng.230 Gary Box, Sqd.1 Michael Boyle, Eng.33 Kevin Bracken, Eng.40 Michael Brennan, Lad.4 Peter Brennan, Res.4 Cpt. Daniel Brethel, Lad.24 (D) Cpt. Patrick Brown, Lad.3 Andrew Brunn, Lad.5 (D) Cpt. Vincent Brunton, Lad.105 F.M. Ronald Bucca Greg Buck, Eng.201 Cpt. William Burke Jr., Eng.21 A.C. Donald Burns, Cmd. Ctr. John Burnside, Lad.20 Thomas Butler, Sqd.1 Patrick Byrne, Lad.101
C George Cain, Lad.7 Salvatore Calabro, Lad.101 Cpt. Frank Callahan, Lad.35 Michael Cammarata, Lad.11 Brian Cannizzaro, Lad.101 Dennis Carey, Hmc.1 Michael Carlo, Eng.230 Michael Carroll, Lad.3 Peter Carroll, Sqd.1 (D) Thomas Casoria, Eng.22 Michael Cawley, Lad.136 Vernon Cherry, Lad.118 Nicholas Chiofalo, Eng.235 John Chipura, Eng.219 Michael Clarke, Lad.2 Steven Coakley, Eng.217 Tarel Coleman, Sqd.252 John Collins, Lad.25 Robert Cordice, Sqd.1 Ruben Correa, Eng.74 James Coyle, Lad.3 Robert Crawford, Safety Lt. John Crisci, H.M. B.C. Dennis Cross, Bat.57 (D) Thomas Cullen III, Sqd. 41 Robert Curatolo, Lad.16 (D)
D Lt. Edward D'Atri, Sqd.1 Michael D'Auria, Eng.40 Scott Davidson, Lad.118 Edward Day, Lad.11 B.C. Thomas DeAngelis, Bat. 8 Manuel Delvalle, Eng.5 Martin DeMeo, H.M. 1 David DeRubbio, Eng.226 Lt. Andrew Desperito, Eng.1 (D) B.C. Dennis Devlin, Bat.9 Gerard Dewan, Lad.3 George DiPasquale, Lad.2 Lt. Kevin Donnelly, Lad.3 Lt. Kevin Dowdell, Res.4 B.C. Raymond Downey, Soc. Gerard Duffy, Lad.21
E Cpt. Martin Egan, Jr., Div.15 (D) Michael Elferis, Eng.22 Francis Esposito, Eng.235 Lt. Michael Esposito, Sqd.1 Robert Evans, Eng.33
F B.C. John Fanning, H.O. Cpt. Thomas Farino, Eng.26 Terrence Farrell, Res.4 Cpt. Joseph Farrelly, Div.1 Dep. Comm. William Feehan, (D) Lee Fehling, Eng.235 Alan Feinberg, Bat.9 Michael Fiore, Res.5 Lt. John Fischer, Lad.20 Andre Fletcher, Res.5 John Florio, Eng.214 Lt. Michael Fodor, Lad.21 Thomas Foley, Res.3 David Fontana, Sqd.1 Robert Foti, Lad.7 Andrew Fredericks, Sqd.18 Lt. Peter Freund, Eng.55
G Thomas Gambino Jr., Res.3 Chief of Dept. Peter Ganci, Jr. (D) Lt. Charles Garbarini, Bat.9 Thomas Gardner, Hmc.1 Matthew Garvey, Sqd.1 Bruce Gary, Eng.40 Gary Geidel, Res.1 B.C. Edward Geraghty, Bat.9 Dennis Germain, Lad.2 Lt. Vincent Giammona, Lad.5 James Giberson, Lad.35 Ronnie Gies, Sqd.288 Paul Gill, Eng.54 Lt. John Ginley, Eng.40 Jeffrey Giordano, Lad.3 John Giordano, Hmc.1 Keith Glascoe, Lad.21 James Gray, Lad.20 B.C. Joseph Grzelak, Bat.48 Jose Guadalupe, Eng.54 Lt. Geoffrey Guja, Bat.43 Lt. Joseph Gullickson, Lad.101
H David Halderman, Sqd.18 Lt. Vincent Halloran, Lad.8 Robert Hamilton, Sqd.41 Sean Hanley, Lad.20 (D) Thomas Hannafin, Lad.5 Dana Hannon, Eng.26 Daniel Harlin, Lad.2 Lt. Harvey Harrell, Res.5 Lt. Stephen Harrell, Bat.7 Cpt. Thomas Haskell, Jr., Div.15 Timothy Haskell, Sqd.18 (D) Cpt. Terence Hatton, Res.1 Michael Haub, Lad.4 Lt. Michael Healey, Sqd.41 John Hefferman, Lad.11 Ronnie Henderson, Eng.279 Joseph Henry, Lad.21 William Henry, Res.1 (D) Thomas Hetzel, Lad.13 Cpt. Brian Hickey, Res.4 Lt. Timothy Higgins, S.O.C. Jonathan Hohmann, Hmc.1 Thomas Holohan, Eng.6 Joseph Hunter, Sqd.288 Cpt. Walter Hynes, Lad.13 (D)
I Jonathan Ielpi, Sqd.288 Cpt. Frederick Ill Jr., Lad.2
J William Johnston, Eng.6 Andrew Jordan, Lad.132 Karl Joseph, Eng.207 Lt. Anthony Jovic, Bat.47 Angel Juarbe Jr., Lad.12 Mychal Judge, Chaplain (D)
K Vincent Kane, Eng.22 B.C. Charles Kasper, S.O.C. Paul Keating, Lad.5 Richard Kelly Jr., Lad.11 Thomas R. Kelly, Lad.15 Thomas W. Kelly, Lad.105 Thomas Kennedy, Lad.101 Lt. Ronald Kerwin, Sqd.288 Michael Kiefer, Lad.132 Robert King Jr., Eng.33 Scott Kopytko, Lad.15 William Krukowski, Lad.21 Kenneth Kumpel, Lad.25 Thomas Kuveikis, Sqd.252
L David LaForge, Lad.20 William Lake, Res.2 Robert Lane, Eng.55 Peter Langone, Sqd.252 Scott Larsen, Lad.15 Lt. Joseph Leavey, Lad.15 Neil Leavy, Eng.217 Daniel Libretti, Res.2 Carlos Lillo, Paramedic Robert Linnane, Lad.20 Michael Lynch, Eng.40 Michael Lynch, Lad.4 Michael Lyons, Sqd.41 Patrick Lyons, Sqd.252
M Joseph Maffeo, Lad.101 William Mahoney, Res 4 Joseph Maloney, Lad.3 (D) B.C. Joseph Marchbanks Jr, Bat.12 Lt. Charles Margiotta, Bat.22 Kenneth Marino, Res.1 John Marshall, Eng.23 Lt. Peter Martin, Res.2 Lt. Paul Martini, Eng.23 Joseph Mascali, T.S.U. 2 Keithroy Maynard, Eng.33 Brian McAleese, Eng.226 John McAvoy, Lad.3 Thomas McCann, Bat.8 Lt. William McGinn, Sqd.18 B.C. William McGovern, Bat.2 (D) Dennis McHugh, Lad.13 Robert McMahon, Lad.20 Robert McPadden, Eng.23 Terence McShane, Lad.101 Timothy McSweeney, Lad.3 Martin McWilliams, Eng.22 (D) Raymond Meisenheimer, Res.3 Charles Mendez, Lad.7 Steve Mercado, Eng.40 Douglas Miller, Res.5 Henry Miller Jr, Lad.105 Robert Minara, Lad.25 Thomas Mingione, Lad.132 Lt. Paul Mitchell, Bat.1 Capt. Louis Modafferi, Res.5 Lt. Dennis Mojica, Res.1 (D) Manuel Mojica, Sqd.18 (D) Carl Molinaro, Lad.2 Michael Montesi, Res.1 Capt. Thomas Moody, Div.1 B.C. John Moran, Bat.49 Vincent Morello, Lad.35 Christopher Mozzillo, Eng.55 Richard Muldowney Jr, Lad.07 Michael Mullan, Lad.12 Dennis Mulligan, Lad.2 Lt. Raymond Murphy, Lad.16
N Lt. Robert Nagel, Eng.58 John Napolitano, Res.2 Peter Nelson, Res.4 Gerard Nevins, Res.1
O Dennis O'Berg, Lad.105 Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan, Lad.4 Douglas Oelschlager, Lad.15 Joseph Ogren, Lad.3 Lt. Thomas O'Hagan, Bat.4 Samuel Oitice, Lad.4 Patrick O'Keefe, Res.1 Capt. William O'Keefe, Div.15 (D) Eric Olsen, Lad.15 Jeffery Olsen, Eng.10 Steven Olson, Lad.3 Kevin O'Rourke, Res.2 Michael Otten, Lad.35
P Jeffery Palazzo, Res.5 B.C. Orio Palmer, Bat.7 Frank Palombo, Lad.105 Paul Pansini, Eng.10 B.C. John Paolillo, Bat.11 James Pappageorge, Eng.23 Robert Parro, Eng.8 Durrell Pearsall, Res.4 Lt. Glenn Perry, Bat.12 Lt. Philip Petti, Bat.7 Lt. Kevin Pfeifer, Eng. 33 Lt. Kenneth Phelan, Bat.32 Christopher Pickford, Eng.201 Shawn Powell, Eng.207 Vincent Princiotta, Lad.7 Kevin Prior, Sqd.252 B.C. Richard Prunty, Bat.2 (D)
Q Lincoln Quappe, Res.2 Lt. Michael Quilty, Lad.11 Ricardo Quinn, Paramedic
R Leonard Ragaglia, Eng.54 Michael Ragusa, Eng.279 Edward Rall, Res.2 Adam Rand, Sqd.288 Donald Regan, Res.3 Lt. Robert Regan, Lad.118 Christian Regenhard, Lad.131 Kevin Reilly, Eng.207 Lt. Vernon Richard, Lad.7 James Riches, Eng.4 Joseph Rivelli, Lad.25 Michael Roberts, Eng.214 Michael E. Roberts, Lad.35 Anthony Rodriguez, Eng.279 Matthew Rogan, Lad.11 Nicholas Rossomando, Res.5 Paul Ruback, Lad.25 Stephen Russell, Eng.55 Lt. Michael Russo, S.O.C. B.C. Matthew Ryan, Bat.1
S Thomas Sabella, Lad.13 Christopher Santora, Eng.54 John Santore, Lad.5 (D) Gregory Saucedo, Lad.5 Dennis Scauso, H.M. 1 John Schardt, Eng.201 B.C. Fred Scheffold, Bat.12 Thomas Schoales, Eng.4 Gerard Schrang, Res.3 (D) Gregory Sikorsky, Sqd.41 Stephen Siller, Sqd.1 Stanley Smagala Jr, Eng.226 Kevin Smith, H.M. 1 Leon Smith Jr, Lad 118 Robert Spear Jr, Eng.26 Joseph Spor, Res.3 B.C. Lawrence Stack, Bat.50 Cpt. Timothy Stackpole, Div.11 (D) Gregory Stajk, Lad.13 Jeffery Stark, Eng.230 Benjamin Suarez, Lad.21 Daniel Suhr, Eng.216 (D) Lt. Christopher Sullivan, Lad.111 Brian Sweeney, Res.1
T Sean Tallon, Lad.10 Allan Tarasiewicz, Res.5 Paul Tegtmeier, Eng.4 John Tierney, Lad.9 John Tipping II, Lad.4 Hector Tirado Jr, Eng.23
V Richard Vanhine, Sqd.41 Peter Vega, Lad.118 Lawrence Veling, Eng.235 John Vigiano II, Lad.132 Sergio Villanueva, Lad.132 Lawrence Virgilio, Sqd.18 (D)
W Lt. Robert Wallace, Eng.205 Jeffery Walz, Lad. 9 Lt. Michael Warchola, Lad.5 (D) Capt. Patrick Waters, S.O.C. Kenneth Watson, Eng.214 Michael Weinberg, Eng.1 (D) David Weiss, Res.1 Timothy Welty, Sqd.288 Eugene Whelan, Eng.230 Edward White, Eng.230 Mark Whitford, Eng.23 Lt. Glenn Wilkinson, Eng.238 (D) B.C. John Williamson, Bat.6 (D) Capt. David Wooley, Lad.4
Y Raymond York, Eng.285 (D)
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THE SEED explores the progress of growing up from youth to adulthood with it’s challenges, temptations and impalpable transitions. Shot in Ghana, the home country of aspiring rap phenomenon Serious Klein, it reflects his personal fate and is a musical meditation about the thin line between young levity and lethal risk - the line between fragile love and infinite loss. „A seed will always grow towards the light. Sometimes it’s the light of love. Other times it’s the glow of temptation. Do you have the eyes to see?“ 2018 Ciclope Film Festival / OFFICIAL SELECTION (Best Cinematography + Best Editing) starring Serious Klein, Ernest Weredu, Naafia Naah, Nana K. Wiafe Director: Maik Schuster + Max Paschke Artist: Serious Klein Production: Iconoclast Co-Prodcution: Timescope Films, THE FADER Executive Producer: Nils Schwemer, Jannis Birsner, David Kilagöz, Bernhard Mogk, Jon Cohen, Anthony Holland, Andy Cohn, Scott Perry Producer: Nicolas Blankenhorn Production Coordinator: Leyli Khatebzadeh Production Assistant: Sarah Hollfeld Producer (Ghana): William Gbletsidie Director of Photography: Maximilian Pittner 1st AC: Rouven Schardt Steadicam: Karsten Jäger / CineOne Edit: Max Paschke Postproduction Coordinator: Jens Maier-Rothe Color: Sofie Borup / Company 3 Sound Design: Dennis Beckmann VFX: Marius Menzel Underwater Camera: Leander Ott Original Soundtrack: Serious Klein - Junior (prod. Rascal) Serious Klein - These Days (prod. Shove Island) 2018 I AM HERE
iamhere.cc info (at) iamhere.cc
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THE SEED explores the progress of growing up from youth to adulthood with it’s challenges, temptations and impalpable transitions. Shot in Ghana, the home country of aspiring rap phenomenon Serious Klein, it reflects his personal fate and is a musical meditation about the thin line between young levity and lethal risk - the line between fragile love and infinite loss. „A seed will always grow towards the light. Sometimes it’s the light of love. Other times it’s the glow of temptation. Do you have the eyes to see?“ 2018 Ciclope Film Festival / OFFICIAL SELECTION (Best Cinematography + Best Editing) starring Serious Klein, Ernest Weredu, Naafia Naah, Nana K. Wiafe Director: Maik Schuster + Max Paschke Artist: Serious Klein Production: Iconoclast Co-Prodcution: Timescope Films, THE FADER Executive Producer: Nils Schwemer, Jannis Birsner, David Kilagöz, Bernhard Mogk, Jon Cohen, Anthony Holland, Andy Cohn, Scott Perry Producer: Nicolas Blankenhorn Production Coordinator: Leyli Khatebzadeh Production Assistant: Sarah Hollfeld Producer (Ghana): William Gbletsidie Director of Photography: Maximilian Pittner 1st AC: Rouven Schardt Steadicam: Karsten Jäger / CineOne Edit: Max Paschke Postproduction Coordinator: Jens Maier-Rothe Color: Sofie Borup / Company 3 Sound Design: Dennis Beckmann VFX: Marius Menzel Underwater Camera: Leander Ott Original Soundtrack: Serious Klein - Junior (prod. Rascal) Serious Klein - These Days (prod. Shove Island) 2018 I AM HERE
iamhere.cc info (at) iamhere.cc
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THE SEED from I AM HERE on Vimeo.
THE SEED explores the progress of growing up from youth to adulthood with it’s challenges, temptations and impalpable transitions. Shot in Ghana, the home country of aspiring rap phenomenon Serious Klein, it reflects his personal fate and is a musical meditation about the thin line between young levity and lethal risk - the line between fragile love and infinite loss.
„A seed will always grow towards the light. Sometimes it’s the light of love. Other times it’s the glow of temptation. Do you have the eyes to see?“
2018 Ciclope Film Festival / OFFICIAL SELECTION (Best Cinematography + Best Editing)
Interview on THE FADER: thefader.com/2018/10/18/serious-klein-i-am-here-the-seed-film
starring Serious Klein, Ernest Weredu, Naafia Naah, Nana K. Wiafe
Director: Maik Schuster + Max Paschke Artist: Serious Klein Production: Iconoclast Co-Prodcution: Timescope Films, THE FADER Executive Producer: Nils Schwemer, Jannis Birsner, David Kilagöz, Bernhard Mogk, Jon Cohen, Anthony Holland, Andy Cohn, Scott Perry Producer: Nicolas Blankenhorn Production Coordinator: Leyli Khatebzadeh Production Assistant: Sarah Hollfeld Producer (Ghana): William Gbletsidie Director of Photography: Maximilian Pittner 1st AC: Rouven Schardt Steadicam: Karsten Jäger / CineOne Edit: Max Paschke Postproduction Coordinator: Jens Maier-Rothe Color: Sofie Borup / Company 3 Sound Design: Dennis Beckmann VFX: Marius Menzel Underwater Camera: Leander Ott
Original Soundtrack: Serious Klein - Junior (prod. Rascal) Serious Klein - These Days (prod. Shove Island)
iamhere.cc info (at) iamhere.cc
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THE SEED explores the progress of growing up from youth to adulthood with it’s challenges, temptations and impalpable transitions. Shot in Ghana, the home country of aspiring rap phenomenon Serious Klein, it reflects his personal fate and is a musical meditation about the thin line between young levity and lethal risk - the line between fragile love and infinite loss. „A seed will always grow towards the light. Sometimes it’s the light of love. Other times it’s the glow of temptation. Do you have the eyes to see?“ 2018 Ciclope Film Festival / OFFICIAL SELECTION (Best Cinematography + Best Editing) Interview on THE FADER: http://bit.ly/2QFrUQc starring Serious Klein, Ernest Weredu, Naafia Naah, Nana K. Wiafe Director: Maik Schuster + Max Paschke Artist: Serious Klein Production: Iconoclast Co-Prodcution: Timescope Films, THE FADER Executive Producer: Nils Schwemer, Jannis Birsner, David Kilagöz, Bernhard Mogk, Jon Cohen, Anthony Holland, Andy Cohn, Scott Perry Producer: Nicolas Blankenhorn Production Coordinator: Leyli Khatebzadeh Production Assistant: Sarah Hollfeld Producer (Ghana): William Gbletsidie Director of Photography: Maximilian Pittner 1st AC: Rouven Schardt Steadicam: Karsten Jäger / CineOne Edit: Max Paschke Postproduction Coordinator: Jens Maier-Rothe Color: Sofie Borup / Company 3 Sound Design: Dennis Beckmann VFX: Marius Menzel Underwater Camera: Leander Ott Original Soundtrack: Serious Klein - Junior (prod. Rascal) Serious Klein - These Days (prod. Shove Island) 2018 I AM HERE
iamhere.cc info (at) iamhere.cc
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The car that started it all (sort of). It was Dave Schardt's experience racing in the Speedvision Cup and World Challenge series that revealed the need for a new made-in-USA custom forged racing wheel manufacturer and inspired the Schardt family to first start the Forgeline brand, way back in 1994. And the most famous of Dave's racecars from the Speedvision era is this 1997 Hikari Racing Toyota Supra. This car was sold in 2001, but Dave found it for sale in 2016 (still wearing its original 1990s livery!), and he bought it back again, restored it, and still races it in SVRA vintage racing events. In 2024, it won the Race Car class at the Dayton Concours d'Elegance. It's powered by a 650HP turbocharged 2JZ straight-six and rides on Motion Control Suspension double-adjustable shocks, Titan sway bars, Brembo brakes, Pirelli P-Zero racing slicks, and 18x10/18x11.5 Forgeline forged three piece GW3R wheels finished with Satin Black centers & Polished outers! See more at: https://www.forgeline.com/customer-gallery-david-schardt/cgk2782
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THE SEED from I AM HERE on Vimeo.
THE SEED explores the progress of growing up from youth to adulthood with it’s challenges, temptations and impalpable transitions. Shot in Ghana, the home country of aspiring rap phenomenon Serious Klein, it reflects his personal fate and is a musical meditation about the thin line between young levity and lethal risk - the line between fragile love and infinite loss.
„A seed will always grow towards the light. Sometimes it’s the light of love. Other times it’s the glow of temptation. Do you have the eyes to see?“
2018 Ciclope Film Festival / OFFICIAL SELECTION (Best Cinematography + Best Editing)
starring Serious Klein, Ernest Weredu, Naafia Naah, Nana K. Wiafe
Director: Maik Schuster + Max Paschke Artist: Serious Klein Production: Iconoclast Co-Prodcution: Timescope Films, THE FADER Executive Producer: Nils Schwemer, Jannis Birsner, David Kilagöz, Bernhard Mogk, Jon Cohen, Anthony Holland, Andy Cohn, Scott Perry Producer: Nicolas Blankenhorn Production Coordinator: Leyli Khatebzadeh Production Assistant: Sarah Hollfeld Producer (Ghana): William Gbletsidie Director of Photography: Maximilian Pittner 1st AC: Rouven Schardt Steadicam: Karsten Jäger / CineOne Edit: Max Paschke Postproduction Coordinator: Jens Maier-Rothe Color: Sofie Borup / Company 3 Sound Design: Dennis Beckmann VFX: Marius Menzel Underwater Camera: Leander Ott
Original Soundtrack: Serious Klein - Junior (prod. Rascal) Serious Klein - These Days (prod. Shove Island)
iamhere.cc info (at) iamhere.cc
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THE SEED from I AM HERE on Vimeo.
THE SEED explores the progress of growing up from youth to adulthood with it’s challenges, temptations and impalpable transitions. Shot in Ghana, the home country of aspiring rap phenomenon Serious Klein, it reflects his personal fate and is a musical meditation about the thin line between young levity and lethal risk - the line between fragile love and infinite loss.
„A seed will always grow towards the light. Sometimes it’s the light of love. Other times it’s the glow of temptation. Do you have the eyes to see?“
2018 Ciclope Film Festival / OFFICIAL SELECTION (Best Cinematography + Best Editing)
starring Serious Klein, Ernest Weredu, Naafia Naah, Nana K. Wiafe
Director: Maik Schuster + Max Paschke Artist: Serious Klein Production: Iconoclast Co-Prodcution: Timescope Films, THE FADER Executive Producer: Nils Schwemer, Jannis Birsner, David Kilagöz, Bernhard Mogk, Jon Cohen, Anthony Holland, Andy Cohn, Scott Perry Producer: Nicolas Blankenhorn Production Coordinator: Leyli Khatebzadeh Production Assistant: Sarah Hollfeld Producer (Ghana): William Gbletsidie Director of Photography: Maximilian Pittner 1st AC: Rouven Schardt Steadicam: Karsten Jäger / CineOne Edit: Max Paschke Postproduction Coordinator: Jens Maier-Rothe Color: Sofie Borup / Company 3 Sound Design: Dennis Beckmann VFX: Marius Menzel Underwater Camera: Leander Ott
Original Soundtrack: Serious Klein - Junior (prod. Rascal) Serious Klein - These Days (prod. Shove Island)
iamhere.cc info (at) iamhere.cc
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THE SEED explores the progress of growing up from youth to adulthood with it’s challenges, temptations and impalpable transitions. Shot in Ghana, the home country of aspiring rap phenomenon Serious Klein, it reflects his personal fate and is a musical meditation about the thin line between young levity and lethal risk - the line between fragile love and infinite loss. „A seed will always grow towards the light. Sometimes it’s the light of love. Other times it’s the glow of temptation. Do you have the eyes to see?“ 2018 Ciclope Film Festival / OFFICIAL SELECTION (Best Cinematography + Best Editing) starring Serious Klein, Ernest Weredu, Naafia Naah, Nana K. Wiafe Director: Maik Schuster + Max Paschke Artist: Serious Klein Production: Iconoclast Co-Prodcution: Timescope Films, THE FADER Executive Producer: Nils Schwemer, Jannis Birsner, David Kilagöz, Bernhard Mogk, Jon Cohen, Anthony Holland, Andy Cohn, Scott Perry Producer: Nicolas Blankenhorn Production Coordinator: Leyli Khatebzadeh Production Assistant: Sarah Hollfeld Producer (Ghana): William Gbletsidie Director of Photography: Maximilian Pittner 1st AC: Rouven Schardt Steadicam: Karsten Jäger / CineOne Edit: Max Paschke Postproduction Coordinator: Jens Maier-Rothe Color: Sofie Borup / Company 3 Sound Design: Dennis Beckmann VFX: Marius Menzel Underwater Camera: Leander Ott Original Soundtrack: Serious Klein - Junior (prod. Rascal) Serious Klein - These Days (prod. Shove Island) 2018 I AM HERE
iamhere.cc info (at) iamhere.cc
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This 1966 Nova is a Race-Engineered Daily Driver
David “Dang” Marin is an unsung hero behind the Le Mans-conquering, championship-winning Corvette Racing program. He’s one of the team’s superstar race mechanics who keep the C7.R Corvettes at the front of the pack with meticulous preparation and lightning-fast pit stops. Skills honed in the most demanding environment, a circle of friends with equally mad skills, and access to a wide array of “obsolete” racing parts from cars designed and fabricated at Pratt & Miller Engineering, all proved invaluable when Marin decided to build a wickedly cool daily driver out of this 1966 Nova.
“A few things drove all of the choices I made with this car,” explains Marin. “I want to participate in the HOT ROD Power Tour, so it was built to drive, to be super reliable, and to be easy to fix roadside if a problem does arise. In about an hour, using a jack and simple handtools, I can have the nose off the car and the entire front chassis clip off. The way we built it, I can do killer burnouts, comfortably run down the highway at high speed, get through corners quickly, and most important by far, do road trips with my sister.” Marin’s sister is disabled, he’s her caretaker, and she gets immense joy from cruising around in this Nova.
A 0.50:1 overdrive Sixth gear delivers 85 mph cruising at only 2,400 rpm, making for a great highway cruiser.
When Marin bought the car a little over a year ago, it was a worn-out shell, complete with vintage ladder bars, a massive hoodscoop, and other remnants of its early drag-racing days. His initial plan was to replace some scabby sheetmetal, get an engine and drivetrain into the car, and go cruising. For some expert help with the sheetmetal, he turned to pal Bryan Barker, a master fabricator at Pratt & Miller. Barker took one look at the car and suggested addressing all of its functional deficiencies before tackling the bodywork and paint, and Marin agreed.
For motivation, Marin wanted to install a ferocious, old-school big-block, but then someone he works with suggested he take a look at an LS3 that was sitting unloved on a shelf in the restoration department at Pratt & Miller. It was believed to have come originally in a Camaro SS that got transformed into an IMSA GTD–class road racer, though nobody remembered for sure. It looked a little rough on the outside, so Marin was able to buy it for an excellent price and was delighted to discover that it was definitely a new car take-out once he opened it up.
Forgeline ZX3R wheels, which completed the 24 Hours at Daytona on a Pontiac GXP.R, were modified to work on Marin’s Nova.
One important aspect of the engine Marin was not so delighted with was its OEM sound. “LS motors sound too refined for me, and I really wanted it to sound like the car looks, so I asked Kevin Pranger for some help,” he recalls. “I was hoping he could come up with a cam that would make an LS3 sound more like a vintage big-block.” Pranger is the lead engine genius at Katech, one of the country’s foremost engine development and build facilities, and he happened to have exactly what Marin wanted. It was a lightly used, custom grind that Katech had utilized for development work. “All Kevin told me was it’s going to sound awesome at idle, pull like a mean mother from 3,500 rpm up, and it’s as big as you can go without valve-relief pockets in the pistons. It was too aggressive for the consumer engine package Katech was putting together, and it found a home with me, much like my dog rescues!” The cam in question features a 0.621-inch intake and 0.624-inch exhaust lift, 235/251 duration at 0.050, and a lobe-separation angle of 113-degrees. Comp Cams rockers and dual valve springs complete the package.
To feed the LS3, Marin installed a K&N inlet and filter sourced from the GT4.R Camaro racer and put together a custom fuel system using a 21-gallon Aeromotive Stealth tank fitted with a high-flow 340 Stealth in-tank pump. Camaro GT4.R-spec fuel lines produced by Brown & Miller Racing Solutions links the tank to Holley fuel rails via an Aeromotive regulator, and a Bosch filter setup borrowed from a Corvette C7.R keeps the flow scrupulously clean. A Chevrolet Performance 525 engine controller kit manages fuel and other crucial engine parameters.
The ride height was lowered 4.5 inches in the front and 5.5 inches in the rear.
Waste gasses are channeled out of the engine via ceramic-coated TCI long-tube headers. A 3-inch X-pipe from Pratt & Miller’s C6RS Corvette test car, 3-inch pipes, and glasspack mufflers complete the dual exhaust system. That same C6RS test car also donated its twin SPAL Automotive electric fan setup, which works with a DeWitts aluminum radiator to keep engine temperature in check.
Marin was able to buy an orphaned Tremec TR 6060 six-speed gearbox that came out of a new Cadillac CTS-V. The Caddy had been transformed into a Pirelli World Challenge racer with a race-only transmission. Joe Dunn at D&D Transmission reworked the original CTS-V gearbox to accept a slip-yoke and a Magnum shifter. He also changed Sixth gear to a 0.50:1 overdrive. An integral pump and transmission cooler in the car’s DeWitts radiator keep the Tremec’s gear-oil temperature under control. The transmission cooler lines started life as high-pressure air-conditioning lines in a C6.R Corvette race car. A McLeod RST clutch assembly and McLeod aluminum flywheel inside the CTS-V bellhousing firmly link the Tremec to the LS3.
To get the power to the ground, Marin installed a Chevy 12-bolt rear axle from DTS. It uses an Eaton limited-slip, Moser 35-spline billet axles with 5X5 5/8-inch NASCAR wheel studs, and an aluminum preload cover. A 3-inch aluminum DTS driveshaft marries the rearend and gearbox. The differential is fitted with a 4.56 ring-and- pinion set, which gives great off-the-line acceleration and fantastic high-speed cruising performance, thanks to that 0.50 overdrive Sixth gear. At 85 mph in Sixth, the engine is turning only 2,400 rpm.
Wicked, smoky burnouts are a big part of the joy Marin gets from his Nova.
Marin wanted this car to be equally at home on a highway, a road course, a dragstrip, or Michigan’s awful, pothole-scarred streets, so the chassis and suspension would need a serious makeover. This is where he really benefitted from the expertise and fabrication skills of friend Bryan Barker. The two modified an older TCI subframe to accept Mustang II–style Viking double-adjustable coilovers. They also modified TCI control arms and fitted drop links originally fabricated for a GT3-spec Cadillac ATS-V.R to work with a 1-inch TCI sway bar. TCI drop spindles carry hubs designed and fabricated by Pratt & Miller for GT class Pontiacs that raced in Grand Am. As with the Moser axles in the rear, the P&M front hubs were fitted with 5/8-inch NASCAR studs.
For easy cruising, Marin installed a Ford steering rack that’s fed by a Corvette C6.R hydraulic pump. The system uses a reservoir that came out of the Corvette C7.R that caught fire at the Daytona ROAR test in 2017.
This Nova was built to drive, and Marin uses it almost every day.
Stopping power comes from a Wilwood brake setup. Six-piston Superlite calipers clamp 13-inch slotted and drilled rotors at all four corners, and high-performance, street-compound Wilwood BP-10 pads provide smooth engagement, a flat torque curve, and relatively low dust levels.
Forgeline ZX3R wheels deliver both the performance and look Marin wanted. The three-piece wheels have 6061 T6 forged centers and spun rim halves. With Chevy truck hats on the rotors, the wheels clear those big Wilwood brakes. The fronts measure 18×10 inches with a 7-inch backspace, and the rears are 18×11.5 inches with a 6-inch backspace. They started life as race wheels for the Pratt & Miller–built Pontiac GXP.Rs, and the particular set on this Nova completed the 24 Hours at Daytona about ten years ago. Steve and Dave Schardt, owners of Forgeline Motorsports, modified them to properly fit Marin’s car. They wear Continental ExtremeContact DW tires sized at 265/35-18 in the front and 295/35-18 in the rear.
Master fabricator Bryan Barker (left) and David “Dang” Marin put a lot of time, thought, and effort into Marin’s Nova.
Though Marin initially planned to attack the body first, to date he still hasn’t done most of what’s needed. Parts of the floor and the transmission tunnel were cut out and replaced with new sections that pal Bryan Barker made to provide adequate clearance for the new drivetrain, and a new 2-inch cowl hood replaced the original, which had been cut up for a giant scoop back in the day. Under the hood, Marin installed carbon-fiber inner fenders fabricated at Pratt & Miller with sample material that otherwise would have gone unused.
In keeping with the build’s overall ambiance, interior work has been primarily limited to improving performance. Low-back, big bolster seats are upholstered in black vinyl, and insulating Boom Mat covers the floor and firewall. The billet steering wheel is from Eddie Motorsports, and a Racepak IQ3 digital dash display tells Marin everything he needs to know. For safety sake, the six-point rollcage was made with removable door bars using Corvette Daytona Prototype rear-engine brace mounts as couplers. All electrical functions are controlled with the help of a modified American Autowire harness. For his sister’s sake, Marin installed a Vintage Air A/C system.
An Aeromotive bypass regulator and BMRS lines deliver fuel to the Holley rails.
Though there’s still plenty he plans to do with his Nova, Marin is having too much fun driving it to do anything big that would take it off the road for an extended stretch. “It’s our cruiser,” he says, “and it brings so much happiness to my sister. I drive it whenever and wherever I can. It’s fast, handles well, stops well, does killer burnouts, and motors down the highway in total comfort. A lot of people went above and beyond to help get it to this point, including Gary Pratt, who loved watching old, obsolete race parts get off the shelves and on the car. I owe a huge thank you to Gary and all of the friends who helped out. The whole project was special because of everyone who got involved, everyone who went to extremes to help me get this car built. I simply can’t thank each and every one of them enough. I love driving the car, and it puts a giant smile on my sister’s face, which is the most important thing of all!”
The power-steering fluid reservoir came off the Corvette C7.R that burned at a Daytona test in 2017.
The original trim tag tells us, among other things, that this Danube Blue/blue interior Nova was built the fourth week of December at the Norwood Assembly Plant.
The K&N inlet and air filter were sourced from a GT4.R Camaro racer.
This LS3 came out of a Camaro SS that was converted to a GT4.R class race car.
Much of the plumbing and wiring was sourced from the obsolete parts bins at Pratt & Miller, including this battery cable.
The Chevrolet Performance 525 engine controller is commonly used for LS engine installations in older cars.
One of Pratt & Miller’s composite specialists built the front wheelwells from carbon, working on his own time to help out Marin.
Racepak’s Data Systems IQ3 display dash puts all critical information right where the driver needs it.
The mostly Spartan interior features custom seats, a six-point rollcage, and Boom Mat insulation.
The post This 1966 Nova is a Race-Engineered Daily Driver appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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Konzerthaus im Mai mit Fazil Say und vielen anderen
Fazil Say. Foto: Marco Borggreve Hier kommt eine Übersicht der Konzerthaus-Termine im Mai. Den Anfang macht das Gewandhausorchester Leipzig mit Musik von Beethoven und Brahms. Dieses Konzert ist allerdings bereits ausverkauft. Auch Fazil Say ist wieder dabei. Di 01.05.2018 20.00 Gewandhausorchester Leipzig – AUSVERKAUFT Andris Nelsons (Dirigent) Yefim Bronfman (Klavier) Ludwig van Beethoven: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 5 Es-Dur op. 73 Johannes Brahms: Sinfonie Nr. 4 e-moll op. 98 Einführung mit Prof. Dr. Holger Noltze um 19.15 Uhr im Komponistenfoyer € 25,00 / 50,00 / 79,00 / 98,00 / 115,00 / 128,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND Sponsoren: PETER POHLMANN STIFTUNG; INNOGY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mi 02.05.2018 11.00 Orgelvorstellung für Kids Klaus Eldert Müller (Orgel) Großes Instrument für kleine Besucher: eine Orgelvorstellung für Schüler Man nennt sie auch die »Königin der Instrumente«, denn die 3565 Pfeifen und 53 Register der großen Klais-Orgel erzeugen mächtige Klänge: Wie die Luft in die Pfeifen kommt, welche Geheimnisse der mobile Orgelspieltisch birgt und welche Klangvielfalt in dem Instrument steckt, erläutert Klaus Eldert Müller in einer Orgelvorstellung speziell für Schüler der Klassen 5 bis 10 aller weiterführenden Schulformen. Das Konzerthaus bietet auf diese Weise die Gelegenheit, ein Instrument kennenzulernen, das im Klassenraum keinen Platz hat. Als Experte an den Manualen und Pedalen teilt Reinoldikantor Müller auf altersgerechte Weise Insiderwissen mit den Schülern. € 5,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do 03.05.2018 20.00 Mireille Mathieu Die Welt-Tournee 2018 Sie gilt als DER Inbegriff des französischen Chansons: Seit über 50 Jahren begeistert Mireille Mathieu das Publikum auf der ganzen Welt mit ihrer zeitlosen Musik. Und wo ließe sich diese Ausnahmekünstlerin besser ehren als an dem Ort, der nunmehr seit mehr als 50 Jahren Ihr zuhause ist – auf der Bühne! Es gibt nicht viele Künstler, die es schaffen, über mehrere Jahrzehnte Erfolg zu haben – im Falle von Mireille Mathieu, mit sehr reduzierter Bühnenshow, die um so mehr ihre einmalige Bühnenpräsenz und ihre faszinierende Aura, die sie umgibt, zur Geltung bringt. € 50,25 / 61,75 / 73,25 / 84,75 / 102,00 Veranstalter: Semmel Concerts Entertainment GmbH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr 04.05.2018 20.00 Eivør Konni Kass (Support Act) Eivør wurde 1983 auf den Färöer Inseln geboren. Die Verwurzelung mit dieser abgeschiedenen und gleichzeitig wunderschönen Insel diente von Beginn an als musikalische Inspirationsquelle für die Sängerin, Musikerin und Songwriterin, die eine Stimme von einer seltenen Schönheit und Kraft besitzt. Bereits im Alter von 15 Jahren entschied sich Eivør, ihr Leben ganz der Musik zu widmen. Viele von Eivørs Songs sind auf Färöisch, viele andere auf Isländisch und in letzter Zeit tendiert sie auch immer mehr dazu, auf Englisch zu singen. Ihre Musik umfasst nicht nur eine große Bandbreite an musikalischen Einflüssen, sondern auch an Emotionen: So handeln ihre Songs von Themen wie Liebe, Verlust, Erinnerungen und Freiheit aber auch von der Natur. Eivørs Stimme besticht dabei mit ganz außergewöhnlicher und charakteristischer Schönheit, ist einzigartig in ihrer Intimität, ihrer mühelosen Virtuosität und der Vielfalt an Färbungen. € 25,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sa 05.05.2018 20.00 An American Night of Swing Swing Dance Orchestra Andrej Hermlin (Dirigent) Ann Sophie (Gesang) David Hermlin (Gesang) The Skylarks (Gesangsquintett) The best of Swing Die American Night of Swing vereint die Höhepunkte amerikanischer Swing-Musik in einem Programm. Die größten Erfolge der Swing-Legenden Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, Duke Ellington und Glenn Miller werden dargeboten von dem erfolgreichsten deutschen Swing-Orchester unserer Zeit unter der Leitung von Andrej Hermlin. € 19,10 / 32,30 / 43,30 / 52,10 / 59,80 Veranstalter: Hamburger Theater- und Konzert-Kontor HTK GmbH & Co. KG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So 06.05.2018 11.00 Mensch Mozart! Klenze Streichquartett des Bayerischen Staatsorchesters Nemorino Scheliga (Klarinette) Günther Maria Halmer (Rezitation) Eine Hommage an ein Phänomen Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Quintett für Klarinette und Streichquartett A-Dur KV 581 Günther Maria Halmer liest aus den emotionalen und unterhaltsamen Briefen von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. € 17,00 / 26,00 / 32,00 / 35,00 / 43,00 Veranstalter: Mozart Gesellschaft Dortmund e. V. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So 06.05.2018 18.00 Orgelrecital Klaus Eldert Müller Johann Sebastian Bach: »Goldberg-Variationen« BWV 988, Fassung für Orgel Louis Vierne: Orgelsinfonie Nr. 3 fis-moll op. 28 € 20,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mo 07.05.2018 18.30 Kopfnoten – Eine kleine Geschichte des Orchesters Michael Stegemann (Vortrag) Das Orchester im 21. Jahrhundert – eine Bestandsaufnahme Die Berliner und die Wiener Philharmoniker, das Royal Concertgebouw in Amsterdam und die großen Orchester Londons, die »Big Five« der USA (New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago und Cleveland), die Opern- und Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester, dazu die vielen Orchester, die eine historisch orientierte Aufführungspraxis betreiben – nie war die Orchesterlandschaft so reich und vielfältig. Allein in Deutschland gibt es mehr als 130 Orchester! Ort Orchesterzentrum|NRW · Brückstraße 47 · 44135 Dortmund € 8,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND In Zusammenarbeit mit Orchesterzentrum|NRW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Di 08.05.2018 20.00 Mi 09.05.2018 20.00 8. Philharmonisches Konzert Dortmunder Philharmoniker Mario Venzago (Dirigent) Thomas Kerstner (Tuba) sphären_reigen Leonard Bernstein: Divertimento für Orchester Ralph Vaughan Williams: Konzert für Tuba und Orchester f-moll Gustav Holst: »Die Planeten« Suite für großes Orchester op. 32 WirStimmenEin – Einführung um 19.15 Uhr im Komponistenfoyer € 19,00 / 24,00 / 30,00 / 34,00 / 39,00 / 42,00 Veranstalter: Theater Dortmund ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr 11.05.2018 20.00 Gloria Solistenensemble Kammerchor der TU Dortmund Philharmonischer Chor Essen WDR Funkhausorchester Köln Wayne Marshall (Dirigent) Eröffnung des 10. Klangvokal Musikfestival Dortmund Pēteris Vasks: »The Fruit of Silence« Francis Poulenc: Gloria für Sopran, Chor und Orchester Leonard Bernstein: Sinfonie Nr. 1 »Jeremiah« Leonard Bernstein: »Chichester Psalms« für Solo-Knabenstimme, Chor und Orchester Zum Auftakt des Jubiläumsfestivals gratuliert das KLANGVOKAL Musikfestival Dortmund gemeinsam mit rund 150 Mitwirkenden aus Dortmund, Essen und Köln dem großen USamerikanischen Komponisten Leonard Bernstein zu dessen 100. Geburtstag. Unter dem Dirigat des international gefeierten Bernstein-Spezialisten Wayne Marshall gelangt in diesem Konzert neben zwei bedeutenden Werken aus der Feder des Amerikaners mit Francis Poulencs Gloria ein weiteres Schlüsselwerk des 20. Jahrhunderts zur Aufführung. Einführung um 19.15 Uhr Die ursprünglich für diesen Tag geplante Aufführung von Leonard Bernsteins »Mass« entfällt. € 20,00 Veranstalter: Klangvokal Musikfestival Dortmund In Zusammenarbeit mit WDR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mo 14.05.2018 19.00 Konzerthaus Backstage – Die Suche nach dem perfekten Klang Martin Schleske (Geigenbaumeister) Martin Schleske versucht mithilfe moderner Akustikforschung das, was noch keinem gelungen ist: Er will die Violinen der alten Meister Stradivari und Guarneri übertreffen. Einer der führenden Geigenbaumeister der Gegenwart erzählt von den Geheimnissen seines Berufes. € 8,00 Exklusiv für Abonnenten, Botschafter und Freunde des KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Di 15.05.2018 19.00 Konzertkino – Sir Georg Solti Ulrich Schardt (Moderation) Operndirigent auf großer Leinwand Richard Strauss: Vier letzte Lieder Richard Wagner: Ouvertüre zu »Der Fliegende Holländer« WWV 63 Richard Wagner: Ouvertüre zu »Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg« WWV 70 Richard Wagner: Vorspiel zu »Tristan und Isolde« WWV 90 Richard Wagner: Vorspiel zu »Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg« WWV 96 Sir Georg Solti, der 22 Jahre lang Chefdirigent des Chicago Symphony Orchestra war, gilt als bedeutender Operndirigent. So leitet er sein Orchester bei der Interpretation der berühmten Wagner-Ouvertüren. € 10,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mi 16.05.2018 20.00 Susana Baca Die zweimalige »Latin Grammy«-Gewinnerin Susana Baca leistete mit ihren Songs einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Wiederbelebung der afro-peruanischen Musik. Mit traditionellen Perkussions-Instrumenten, Gitarre und ihrer weichen und doch souligen Stimme verschmilzt sie in ihren Liedern überlieferte Melodien und Rhythmen Perus mit modernen Stilelementen. € 29,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND Förderer: SPARKASSE DORTMUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do 17.05.2018 20.00 Klavierabend Fazıl Say Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonate für Klavier Nr. 23 f-moll op. 57 »Appassionata« Fazıl Say: »The Art of Piano« (Auszüge) weitere Werke von Erik Satie und Frédéric Chopin € 24,00 / 30,00 / 37,00 / 44,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND Förderer: FREUNDE DES KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND E. V. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So 20.05.2018 11.00 Festkonzert 2018 der Chorakademie Kinderchöre der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Mädchenchöre der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Opern-Kinderchor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund WDR Kinderchor Dortmund Die Festkonzerte der Chorakademie mit einem bunt gemischten Programm, präsentiert von unterschiedlichen Ensembles aus Europas größter Singschule. € 23,00 / 26,00 / 30,00 / 33,00 / 36,00 Veranstalter: Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund e. V. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So 20.05.2018 16.00 Festkonzert 2018 der Chorakademie Kinderchöre der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Jugendchor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Stimmwechsler der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Jugendkonzertchor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Sinfonischer Chor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Die Festkonzerte der Chorakademie mit einem bunt gemischten Programm, präsentiert von unterschiedlichen Ensembles aus Europas größter Singschule. € 23,00 / 26,00 / 30,00 / 33,00 / 36,00 Veranstalter: Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund e. V. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mo 21.05.2018 16.00 Festkonzert 2018 der Chorakademie Vocal Journey Kinderkonzertchor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Opern-Kinderchor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund WDR Kinderchor Dortmund Jugend-Mädchenchor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Jugendkonzertchor der Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund Die Festkonzerte der Chorakademie mit einem bunt gemischten Programm, präsentiert von unterschiedlichen Ensembles aus Europas größter Singschule. € 23,00 / 26,00 / 30,00 / 33,00 / 36,00 Veranstalter: Chorakademie am Konzerthaus Dortmund e. V. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mi 23.05.2018 20.00 Max Raabe & Palast Orchester Der perfekte Moment... wird heut verpennt Für das neue Album und die Tournee 2018 hat Max Raabe herausgefunden, wie man gute Lieder schreibt: man tut am besten nichts! Nur so kann Raum für den perfekten Moment entstehen, in dem die Muse küsst. ›Ich bleib zu Haus und liege hier einfach nur so rum‹ singt sich so leicht – im Titelsong. So entstand das neue Album von Max Raabe, das er zusammen mit den Popfachkräften Annette Humpe, Christoph Israel, Peter Plate, Ulf Leo Sommer, Daniel Faust und Achim Hagemann geschrieben hat: »Der perfekte Moment... wird heut verpennt« ist auch der Titel des neuen Programms 2018 von Max Raabe & Palast Orchester. Mit Leichtigkeit verbindet sich die feine Ironie der Lieder aus den 20er- und 30erJahren mit dem schrägen Humor in den »Raabe-Pop«-Songs. € 30,00 / 50,00 / 64,00 / 75,00 / 85,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So 27.05.2018 18.00 Giovanna d’Arco Marina Rebeka (Giovanna) Jean-François Borras (Carlo VII.) LandesJugendChor Nordrhein-Westfalen WDR Funkhausorchester Köln Daniele Callegari (Dirigent) Giuseppe Verdi: »Giovanna d’Arco« Dramma lirico in einem Prolog und drei Akten (konzertante Aufführung in italienischer Sprache) Einführung um 17.15 Uhr € 14,00 / 22,00 / 32,00 / 42,00 / 49,00 / 59,00 Veranstalter: Klangvokal Musikfestival Dortmund In Zusammenarbeit mit WDR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mi 30.05.2018 20.00 Bodo Wartke Bodo Wartke (Gesang, Klavier) Was, wenn doch? Der Gentleman-Entertainer am Flügel meldet sich zurück! Mit seinem fünften Klavierkabarettprogramm bezeugt Bodo Wartke, dass es möglich ist, seiner Bühnenkunst treu zu bleiben und zugleich für neue Begegnungen und Einflüsse offen zu sein. Der Sprachjongleur, der auf eine 20 Jahre währende Karriere zurückblicken kann, macht sich sinnend und singend auf den Weg – jede Menge Fragen im Gepäck – und lädt das Publikum zu einem Perspektivwechsel ein. Was, wenn doch? bietet mitreißendes Klavierkabarett in Reimkultur ebenso wie verblüffende Denkanstöße beim augenzwinkernden Blick auf unser alltägliches Miteinander. € 16,00 / 24,00 / 30,00 / 35,00 / 39,00 Veranstalter: KONZERTHAUS DORTMUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quelle: Katharina Kierig/Konzerthaus Dortmund Konzerthaus Read the full article
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