#Daughter Me (Korean Movie)
rhainintheattic · 1 year
If any of you get the chance to watch JUNG_E on Netflix, please do! I fully recommend it
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crispycreambacon · 1 year
I'll forever be upset about how Elemental (2023 Pixar movie) flopped so hard, and it's not even its fault.
Let's be real, going against Across the Spiderverse would be a deathblow for any animated movie, but the marketing team REALLY didn't help matters. Not only did the trailers barely show up (to the point my friends DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT EXISTED), the trailers also did such a poor job representing its actual story.
A lot of people were turned off by the "unoriginal premise" as well as the "forbidden romance", and I can't even blame them but no!!! The story is so much more than just "ooo they can't fall in love because they're (gasp) FIRE AND WATER?!?!?!?" and "what if (insert concept) has emotions but elements this time"!!!!!
At the heart of it all is a personal immigrant story. A story about two fire people moving to another place in order to start a new and hopefully better life (aka literally immigrants). A story about their daughter who feels in debt to them for making the sacrificd to leave their home. A story about her feeling like she'll have to sacrifice her whole life and her dreams in order to repay them and make them happy.
Not to mention how Asian-coded it is!!! The director, Peter Sohn, is clearly writing from his perspective as a Korean-American immigrant, and as an Asian immigrant, I resonated so unbelievably hard with Ember's story. It really felt like the movie held up a mirror in front of me. I've never felt this seen in a movie before this one.
And it feels so good!!! I'm so sad that a lot of people will be missing it out because the marketing team did such a terrible job at their literal jobs. If more people gave it a chance, they'll likely find a story that truly made them feel heard.
Also the romance is really cute. Like I don't typically seek out romance stories, but damn that was good food, that was good fluff. I think it's also a great allegory for interracial couples, but I'm not in an interracial relationship, so I won't overstep too much!
Long story short, if you're unsure on whether you really want to see this movie or not, hear it from me who saw it twice:
Go Watch Elemental!!! You will not regret it!!!
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
Desc: Talkin’ bout Katsuki while you’re pregnant & when you have a daughter
No cause now all I can think about is katsuki with a daughter :( everyone Shutup I’m usually more immune to baby fever but oh god…. >:( katsuki needs to give me a baby girl
I can go into details and I will
Buys a giant wardrobe for her before she’s even born. Has custom made dynamight baby clothes made just for her.
Reads every parenting book known to man and has a binder of development notes!! This man has written down everything from how to cure baby gas to the best learning tools and methods for little ones
Makes freezer prep meals for when you’re post-partum and struggling ! Soup cubes, one pan sheet meals, instant pot dinners, the works. He makes frozen mandu (Korean dumplings) for an easy snack.
SLATHERS you in Shea butter and bio oil throughout your pregnancy, giving you rubs up and down all the time
Begins impulse buying childrens books and toys any time he steps into a store
Your home now has an entire room dedicated to the items he had either BUILT or BOUGHT for your child. Shelves are secured to the wall, filled with every book and pack of flash cards he’s purchased
Lays her down on his chest for quick naps with dragon tales on, humming to soothe her to avoid hics and sniffs from his beloved baby
Calls her “angel” for the longest time but here’s a list of other nicknames he uses: “squirt” , “shithead” , “princess” , “little spark”
Has the baby’s footprints stamped on thick cardstock for every two months she grows, until she hits a year. At a year he begins doing it every 6 months.
Starts teaching her to bake early on, all their favorite treats. They sit afterwards and eat to their hearts content until she inevitably knocks out on his chest watching Disney movies
Let’s her paint his nails as soon as she’s old enough. When she hits an age where it’s appropriate, they begin getting matching pedicures with you every month
Also post partum he spends time fixing you warm baths to soak in and love yourself in, while he holds the little one and makes dinner
Also also when you’re pregnant he literally has a brand new toilet installed to help you so you won’t need a peri bottle as much when you go to the bathroom :(((
Bathroom? Stocked with everything you can imagine. Tiny fridge for your padsicles? Check. Adult diapers? Check. Stool softener? Check. Baby wipes? Check! Anything you need, is stocked to the brim
Makes it mandatory that for the first 7 days of your little one’s life, only you and him will be around the baby. No visitors pressuring you, none of that. He plans the entire week in advance and tries to account for how tired you’ll be. The first thing he tells you to do when you get home is to get some sleep, and you do.
Calls his mom for help when you’re both a little too stressed and has her watch the baby in the play room so the two of you can have an hour nap
Takes you out to different attractions every week and/or has a “mommy day” planned each week to help lessen the chance of post partum depression
I just truly think he’d worship the ground yoj walked on and pave the way for her. He’d tell her how much he loves her every day. I bet he even puts a mild lavender lotion on her before she sleeps to help her rest and relax.
When she’s a newborn and going through the phase of refusing sleep, he gets you in bed and rocks her in the rocking chair until she’s asleep. He also demands the baby SHARE a room with you until she gets to at least 7-8 months. Baby cameras everywhere. Everything is baby proof. If you think it isn’t, it is.
When I die, The first thing I’m doing is having katsuki knock me up so we can live a happy life with a little one.
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lesgetittkookie · 2 years
redamancy - jjk (part II)
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⤖ genre: fluff, future smut, angst, gardener!jeongguk x rich!reader, okay but jeongguk isn't really a gardener like that but you'll see, kinda slow burn but not really
⤖ pairing: jeongguk x female reader
⤖ rating: 18+
⤖word count: approx. 12.2 k words
⤖ warnings: explicit language
summary: jeongguk is just a normal dude with a simple routine. wake up, go to the gym, work his job as a waiter at this posh upscale restaurant in the heart of gangnam before coming home to a night full of video games and ramen (it's delicious and cheap). that routine gets disrupted when he accidentally taps the back of an expensive sports car of one of the richest men in south korea. considering he's broke, he couldn't afford to pay for the damages so the man makes a deal with him by offering him to work at his house as one of the gardeners. jeongguk takes it but wasn't prepared to meet this beautiful young woman who's constantly lounging by the pool, you, the rich man's daughter.
author's note: hiiii here we are with part 2!! i just want to say that when i originally started this story, i did not intend for them to immediately jump into things. after outlining this story, i didn't realize it would be kind of slow burn. but honestly tho, it's really not that much of a slow burn. i hope you guys enjoy part 2. i have to be honest and say i had trouble writing it at first because i just wasn't satisfied with how it was turning out. i also didn't expect it to be this long but here we are lol. on a side note, i've noticed people saying that they'd like to be added to the taglist which i've actually never made before. but if you want to be added to the taglist, please send me an ask. have a lovely day!
Your legs felt like they were ready to give out at any moment. With the lack of food in your system and the amount of walking you’ve done, you’re just about ready to collapse to the ground. Meanwhile your mother continues ahead of you, happy to step into the next shop to search for more clothes. 
It was a pain shopping with your mother. She must take her sweet time, having the store employees bring her clothes so she can scrutinize them one by one until there’s something deemed to her liking or approval. 
You just came out of the Hermes store after what seems like an hour later, your mother having bought four new purses because according to her, “My other Hermes bags are in poor condition.” Though you know it was an excuse to buy four other colors so she can match them with her outfits. If there’s one thing your mother isn’t, that is an outfit repeater. You would never catch her wearing the same outfit in public more than once.
You love your mother, you really do. It makes you happy to spend time with her, especially since you were away from her for so long. However, her way of spending time with you is by going shopping whereas all you want to do is sit in and watch a movie with her. You don’t think this woman has ever actually sat down to watch a movie since you were a kid. 
It’s been a few days since you’ve been home. There hasn’t been much going on other than you watching Netflix in the theater room you guys have in the house and munching on whatever the home chefs have cooked. 
Your mother walked in on you eating a pint of the brown sugar brittle ice cream while binging the latest Korean drama people have been raving about on social media. With a disapproving look, she had told you she wants to go shopping because ‘it’s been a while since we’ve had a mother-daughter day, my love.’ 
Hence, here you are trudging behind your mother who is dressed to the nines with not a single hair out of place. Meanwhile you’re clad in a black turtleneck dress topped with an oversized dark grey blazer that reaches your mid-thigh. A large buckle is cinched around your waist, and you’ve got on a pair of black platform boots that go slightly above your ankles. In your hand you hold a black leather quilted Chanel bag. 
It's a requirement from your mother to be dressed up whenever the two of you go out because, ‘Y/N, it would be embarrassing if a fashion mogul’s daughter were to wear such basic clothing.’  Not that you have any complaints, you enjoy dressing up. You have the money and privilege to buy nice clothing you might as well take advantage of it. 
More than yourself, you feel bad for your mother’s assistant who is walking beside her with at least ten bags in her hands from all the designer shops you’ve visited. You insisted on helping her carry some of them, but she just wouldn’t budge. Probably too afraid to hand you a bag in front of your mother. 
You need some form of food or beverage in your system before you pass out. You call for your mother before she enters the MAC makeup store, causing her to stop in her tracks and look at you expectantly with a raised eyebrow. 
“Mother, you can look through this store while I get a drink from that café we just passed,” you tell her, referring your hand to the coffee shop two stores behind. 
She raises her eyebrows, gaze switching between the café and you before speaking, “Sweetheart, we have reservations at Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul at seven.” She taps her manicured nail on top of her Rolex watch to point out the time being six-thirty. 
You purse your lips, eyes shutting so you don’t end up rolling them at her, “It’s just a drink, mother.” 
“Drink that is probably made with cheap ingredients. I’m sure the French restaurant has a—” She starts but you interrupt her before she can finish. 
“Mother, I’m just really thirsty right now and would like a drink,” Voice controlled in attempt to not sound too irritated with her, you give her a tight-lipped smile. 
She lets out a defeated sigh, looking at her assistant who just shrugs in response. “Fine but be quick.” And with that, her assistant opens the door of the shop, bags rustling on her elbow and your mother disappears inside. 
Shoulders relaxing and a breath of relief escaping your lips, you head inside of the café. The sweet smell of pastries and coffee immediately fill your nostrils, making you smile in delight. The atmosphere is nice and cozy, korean ballads playing on the speakers. 
“Okay so what other suggestions do you have?” Jimin asks Taehyung incredulously, straw touching his pursed lips. 
“How about sky diving?” Taehyung responds, slurping his strawberry crème Frappuccino loudly. It’s quiet for a moment, causing him to look up between his friends, “What?” He wonders in genuine confusion. 
Jeongguk just shakes his head tiredly, drinking his own mocha frappe and enjoying the frozen taste of the chocolatey beverage swirled with a hint of bitterness. He’s more of a Frappuccino and juice kind of guy over lattes and americanos. He doesn’t understand how his friends drink that nasty stuff. 
The three of them are currently sitting in a booth of a coffee shop they frequent at since it’s close to the record store their friend, Yoongi, owns. Well, also because their Jin hyung is the manager here and he’s currently working at the front. They can hear his windshield wiper laugh at something one of the old men playing chess by the window said.
Jeongguk met up with the other two after finishing his shift at the restaurant he works at. Luckily, he didn’t have to go to the Kim’s estate today for his gardening job. Taehyung was coming from his job where he works at a pottery studio whereas Jimin just finished teaching a dance class. The three of them were talking about things they can do for Jeongguk’s birthday which happens to be in a few weeks. 
Jeongguk insisted it was too early to even plan anything, but Jimin insisted that they should at least have some form of idea for what they can do. Being the angel that Jimin is, he would never let any of their friends not celebrate their birthday. He was the one who started the whole celebration tradition every time someone in their friend group’s birthday came around. 
“Tae,” Jimin holds is head in his hand, “You do realize Jin hyung and Hobi hyung would never do that.” 
“Sure they would,” Taehyung quips enthusiastically, mouth wrapping around the straw again to slurp his drink. 
“No,” Jeongguk shakes head, “They won’t. They would piss themselves before we’d even get on the plane.” He looks at Jimin, “Why do we even ask him for suggestions? You know he always has spontaneous ideas.” 
With an offended look, hand on his chest, Taehyung says, “My ideas are always fun. It’s not my fault you guys are pussies.” 
“We can’t even afford to go sky driving, you fool.” Jimin tells him and Taehyung pauses in place, mouth open in thought for a few seconds. 
“Wait, you’re right. We’re too poor for that.” Taehyung deflates, leaning his back against the cushioned booth. 
“Look, we still have time, hyung. And you know me,” Jeongguk leans back against the cushion as well, twirling his straw in his drink, “My birthday isn’t a big deal. We can just hang out at Jin hyung’s apartment or something.” He suggests. 
“Yah! Why do you guys always wanna celebrate at my apartment?” The handsome man in question interrupts, walking up next to their table. There was a black apron wrapped around his waist, indicating that he was still on his shift. 
“Because your apartment is the biggest out of everyone’s,” Jeongguk tells him matter-of-factly, scooting over with an irritated sigh when Jin shoves him aside so he can sit down.
“So what? You guys always make a ruckus every time you come over,” Jin whines, “Remember last time when you were at my house. I had complaints from the floors above and below and my neighbors next door.”
“It’s not our fault Jimin hyung was cheating in monopoly,” Taehyung remarks and Jimin gasps out of offense. 
“For the millionth, I was not cheating!” He defends but the three of them still don’t believe it. There was no way he was able to win all those properties. 
“Yeah yeah,” Jin waves off, “Whatever you say.” Jimin just pouts in return, arms crossing over his chest as he leans back against the booth. 
“You guys are dickheads, full offense,” Jimin sneers at all of them. “You have no faith that I can win at a game just because I—” He’s cut off by a loud gasp coming from Taehyung, startling all of them. 
“What is it?” Jeongguk asks curiously, taking in his friend’s agape jaw as he stares passed them towards something at the front. 
“Did Mr. Lee flip the table again after losing in chess?” Jin groans, about to stand up so he can break up the fight between the two old men again. 
Those chess games are always intense. Last time Jeongguk was at the coffee shop, he saw Mr. Lee raise his cane at the other man out of anger but before he can smack him, Jin had to step in between only to get whacked in the head. Jeongguk could’ve sworn that he was going to die of laughter that day.
“No dude…” Taehyung leans his cheek on his palm and sighs dreamily, “There’s this really pretty girl who just ordered at the cash register and she’s holding one of those leather quilted Chanel bags.” They all shake their heads at him because he’s so damn dramatic. 
“No way,” Jin grunts, “Every customer I served today was old and smelled like—”
“Holy shit, she’s got the cutest face,” Taehyung pants and everyone at the table grows curious. Jimin scoots all the way down until he’s sticking his head out the booth like Taehyung to see what he’s talking about. 
“Oh, he’s not kidding,” Jimin stares along with the boy. 
This peaks Jeongguk and Jin’s interest, causing them to turn their heads and look as well. Jeongguk follows their line of vision, eyes widening in recognition because it’s you. You’re standing there in front of the pick-up counter, dressed in stylish clothes that are most likely very expensive. Your eyes wander around the coffee shop, a small smile playing on your lips as you wait for your order
Jin whistles, mouth open as well, “She looks expensive.” He comments. 
“She is,” Jeongguk responds, causing the three of the guys to look at him questioningly, “That’s Mr. Kim’s daughter.” 
“That’s her?” Jimin gawks.
“You weren’t kidding about how hot she is,” Jin adds. 
Jeongguk doesn’t look away, watching how you hold the door open for an elder lady whose hands were full, offering to help her out. The lady shakes her head with a smile on her face and you lightly bow your head in return, giving her a sweet smile. 
He’s been seeing you by the pool from time to time. It’s been a few days since he first met you. You guys didn’t interact much. Whenever you were around one another, you would greet each other with a smile or wave but nothing more. You’d say hi to Jeongguk whenever you were sitting by the pool and he’d wave back, trying not to stare at you for too long because he didn’t want to look like a creep. He just couldn’t himself sometimes and peek some glances at you reading a book, clothed in a new swimsuit. Some of them would show a little more cleavage than normal and he’d try not to look.
Sometimes he would see Dohyun attempt to conversate with you, stuttering out of nervousness but you were never rude about it, just responding back politely to the boy. 
You genuinely seemed like a nice person much to Jeongguk’s surprise. He would’ve thought the daughter of a rich family like yours would be stuck up and snobby. But you weren’t. You seemed to be independent, doing things yourself without the help of the butlers or maids in the house. 
“Dude…” Taehyung whispers, “I can’t believe you get to see her whenever you’re working. You must be jerking off somewhere in private.” 
Jeongguk looks at him with furrowed brows and a scowl on his face, “Listen, there’s a time and place for jerking off and it wouldn’t be at their house.” 
“Ahhh so you admit you do that when you leave from there?” Jin smirks but Jeongguk just glares in return. 
“I can’t stand you guys sometimes,” He mumbles, peaking at you one more time before looking down at the table again. 
He would’ve loved to talk to you more but for some reason, he’s been hesitant. He doesn’t know if it’s because you’re basically the daughter of his boss and he’d get in trouble for talking with you, let alone being near you.. Or he’s just intimidated by you for some reason even though you look like you wouldn’t even harm a fly. 
“What was her name again?” Jimin asks.
“Y/N…” Jeongguk mumbles. 
“Don’t worry dude, I’ll help you out,” Taehyung reassures and Jeongguk just looks at him confused before his eyes widen because— “Hey Y/N! Over here!” 
Jeongguk wants to die. He wants the ground to open a hole and swallow him. He wants to disappear for good. Maybe move to Amsterdam. But before running away, he’s going to murder Kim Taehyung and toss his body into the Han River. 
“Tae!” Jeongguk hisses, lips pursed and nostrils flaring out of annoyance. 
“Oh shit, she’s coming over here,” Taehyung whispers, smiling excitedly and waving at the approaching person. 
Stupid Taehyung and his stupid social butterfly personality. 
Jeongguk covers his face with his hand, feeling his ears burning up because you’re going to see that it’s him and know that he talked about you to his friend because how else would Taehyung know your name. 
“Hi…do I know you? Oh—Jeongguk?” You sounded wary at first, most likely because you didn’t know who Taehyung was and why he knew your name, but your voice changed to realization when you recognize him sitting at the table as well. 
Jeongguk lifts his hands from his face to look at you, “Hey Y/N.” 
“Hey…” You greet back, flashing him a small smile. “I was wondering how you,” You refer to Taehyung, “knew my name.” 
“Ah yes, Jeongguk told us you live at the house he’s been working at,” Taehyung clarifies, and you look like you’re holding back a smile. Jeongguk attempts to avoid your curious glance, staring down at the table. “I’m Kim Taehyung, Jeongguk’s best friend.” 
Ex-best friend now, Jeongguk thinks. 
You shake the hand Taehyung is holding out, “I’m Y/N but it looks like you already know that.” You chuckle. 
Death, where are you? When are you coming?
“I’m Jimin,” The boy sitting next to Taehyung introduces himself, flashing his signature eye smile where his eyes turn into crescent which automatically causes you to smile back in return. 
The Park Jimin effect. You already seem charmed by it. 
“Nice to meet you, Jimin,” you nod your head towards him. 
“And allow me to introduce myself, I am Seokjin, but you can call me Jin,” The older man speaks, holding out his hand for you to shake as well. “I am the man who raised,” Pointing his thumb towards Jeongguk behind him, “This kid right here.” 
Jeongguk scoffs, “You didn’t raise me.” 
“As you can see, when they grow older, they become ungrateful pieces of shits,” Jin speaks through a smile, making you cover your mouth and laugh. 
“I see,” Your eyes meet Jeongguk’s once again before they look away. . 
“So, what brings you down here, Y/N?” Taehyung asks, chin resting on his hand to show you that he has your full attention. 
“Oh nothing,” You shake your head and let out a tired sigh, “Just been shopping with my mother for hours. I got thirsty and decided to get a drink.” 
Jeongguk can see how nervous you are with the way your hand is tightly clenching the chain of your purse. The tip of your ears are a little red and you don’t hold eye contact with any of them for too long.
You must not talk to people often. 
“Nice, nice,” Taehyung nods and then glances down at something in your hand, making you curious and check what he’s looking at. 
Jeongguk wants to smack his palm against his face. There’s no way he’s about to ask if—
“Is that real Chanel?”
Of course, he would ask. 
There’s no way Taehyung wouldn’t ask when he’s a fan of fashion and constantly splurges on designer wear when he can. 
“Oh, um I think it is,” You hold up the black purse, “I’ve had it for some time I guess it looks a little worn out.” 
“No way, I just…it’s so shiny,” Taehyung marvels, making you chuckle. “Do you mind if I look at it?” 
Yep, it’s done. They’re done. Jeongguk can’t do this anymore. 
Jimin smacks Taehyung’s shoulder, causing the other boy to flinch while Jeongguk groans, face in his hands again. Jin just laughs out loud, smacking the table.
“Yah! You don’t just ask someone that,” Jin muses and Taehyung just pouts, looking like a kicked puppy.
“It’s okay,” You laugh, “I don’t mind.” You hand the purse over as if you’ve known Taehyung all his life and there’s no big deal with just simply handing him a two-thousand-dollar purse.
You just met the guy, Jeongguk thinks. 
“Iced vanilla latte for Y/N!” One of the café workers call, forcing you to look away. 
“Oh, I’ll be right back,” You inform, pulling away from the table to get your drink. 
As soon as you leave to get the drink, Jeongguk crumbles his receipt and tosses it at Taehyung’s face, hitting his forehead. “What the fuck are you doing?” 
Taehyung ignores Jeongguk, “This is such a nice purse, guys feel it.” He holds out the purse in the center of the table and Jimin and Jin poke it curiously. 
“Feels luxurious,” Jin comments and Jimin nods in agreement. 
“You guys are killing me,” Jeongguk groans, watching you walk back to the table after saying thank you to the worker. 
“Y/N, this is such a nice purse,” Taehyung tells you, handing you your purse bag so you can shrug the chain onto your shoulder again.
“Oh, thank you,” You wrap your lips around the iced latte to take a sip. “This is a good latte.” 
“It probably would’ve been even better if I made it,” Jin jokes, though Jeongguk knows he’s being serious. You giggle, straw between your lips. 
You have such a cute laugh, he thinks. Jeongguk wouldn’t mind hearing it more. In fact, he’s a little jealous that his friends are making you laugh when he’s barely talked to you. Before anyone can say anything else, the sound of a cell phone ringing causes you guys to halt. 
“Oop, sorry about that,” You mutter, setting your drink down onto the table so you can open your purse and dig through it for your phone. He notices how you roll your eyes, clicking the volume button to turn off the ringing. “It’s my mother. She’s probably wondering where I am right now.” 
Jeongguk deflates, a little bummed that you must leave. But at the same time, he feels relief because he doesn’t think he can handle any more embarrassing comments from his friends. 
“Awh that’s okay. It was nice meeting you!” Taehyung beams. 
Your lips pull into a bright smile, “You as well. It was lovely to meet all of you.” 
Your eyes meet with Jeongguk’s a little longer than the rest of everyone else when you say goodbye to them, causing his lips to pull into a small smirk. There’s a certain gleam in your eye and he notices that you’re trying not to smile too widely. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jeongguk,” You mutter shyly, and he nods, watching you wave at the other boys one last time before leaving the coffee shop. 
“He’s staring,” Jimin laughs, seeing how Jeongguk’s eyes watch you disappear down the sidewalk. 
He feels something wet in his ear, causing him to flinch. He looks at Jin in disgust when he realizes the man put his finger in his mouth before poking it into his ear. The older man is just laughing that hideous laugh of his.
“Dude what the fuck,” Jeongguk whacks his shoulder. “Are you sure you’re older than us? or are you 10?”
“Yah! We were calling your name, but you were too busy watching her leave,” Jin snickers. 
“I was just…” Think of an excuse, Jeongguk. “I was trying to make sure she left safely.” His eyes might’ve stared a little too long at your bare legs, but he won’t admit that. 
“No but for real dude, you weren’t kidding. She’s cute,” Taehyung says and the other two boys nod. 
“You calling her over here, did not fucking help,” Jeongguk glowers and Taehyung just waves it off. 
“Please,” Taehyung finishes the rest of his drink, “You’re gonna thank me later because at least she knows you talk about her.” 
Jeongguk just stares at him, lips parted, and eyebrows furrowed. “She’s gonna think I’m weird.” 
“You’ve always been weird. Somehow chicks still dig that,” Jin adds, standing up from the table to go back to the kitchen. 
“She was definitely looking at you a lot, Guk-ah.” Jimin remarks and Jeongguk just shrugs in response. 
“Taehyung, you’re dead to me,” Jeongguk scoots out of the booth, ready to go home. 
“Thank you so much, Taehyung.” Taehyung changes the tone of his voice to try and imitate Jeongguk’s. “Thank you for giving Y/N the push to talk to me.” 
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Jeongguk grumbles, tossing his cup in the trash. “I’ll see you losers later.” 
The following day at the Kim estate, Jeongguk is wiping the sweat off his forehead after he finishes throwing some mulch on top of the soil. He heaves out a deep breath, squinting to avoid the sunlight that’s directly beaming down on him. He pulls off the thick gloves he’s wearing and tosses them onto the ground. His palms are sweaty, causing him to grimace and wipe it against his shirt. 
Pulling his phone out from the pocket of his jumpsuit to look at the time, it was three thirty-four in the afternoon which means it was almost time for him to pack up and go. He begins putting the tools into a bucket, ready to take it back to the shed. 
Luckily, Dohyun isn’t here today to bother him like he usually does by the end of the work day. He called in about something important he had to do. Jeongukk doesn’t know and he certainly doesn’t care. 
Earlier when he was in the backyard with one of the other workers, he noticed that you weren’t there yet. Quite frankly, he doesn’t know if he wants to see you after what happened yesterday. He’s still a little worried that you might think he’s a creep now but judging from the smile you gave him before leaving, you might be okay. 
When he’s walking towards the back with the bucket full of tools in one hand, he looks up and sees you lying on the sun lounger once again in your usual position with a book in your hand and wine glass in the other. He bites down on his lower lip, trying not to smile or look excited. However, the corners of his mouth can’t help but pull up at the sight of cute you look, invested into the book you’re reading. You eyebrows are furrowed and there’s a pout on your glossy lips. 
He disappears into the shed, setting the bucket onto the shelf. Resting his hand on top of one of the wooden tables, he taps his finger against it in contemplation. Maybe he should walk up to you and apologize about his embarrassing friends yesterday. He’s not really the type to get embarrassed though. Jeongukk doesn’t know why but your opinion of him matters for some reason. 
He also unfriended Taehyung on their PlayStation connect, refusing to play Call of Duty with him just to be petty. The other boy had called him through Jimin’s phone to whine and eventually, Jeongguk gave in. 
He turns around, walking right out of the shed only to harshly bump into your body. You almost lose balance and fall back but he quickly catches you by wrapping one of his arms around your back like the males do in those Korean dramas Jimin watches. You squeal, hands pressing to his chest. 
“Hi,” Your cheeks are flushed pink. Jeongguk just thinks it's cute that you’re flustered. 
He’s trying so hard not to dip his gaze below your neck, knowing you were in another swimsuit where your cleavage is spilling out yet again. It looks even more visible from his angle above you due to his tall stature. Jeongguk gulps, a large hand pressed over almost the entirety of your bare back and he can feel you slightly shiver. 
He is a weak man. 
Your eyes are full of surprise, lips in a pout yet they look so damn kissable. He has the strong urge to lean down and press his lips against yours, curious about how they would taste. How it feels to put his tongue in your mouth and ravish you. Your neck looks kissable too, smooth, and bare and perfect for him to bite into. 
Calm the fuck down, Jeongguk. 
“Hey,” Jeongguk muses, lips quirking into a smirk. “Looking for me?” 
“Uh…” You let out a breathy laugh, looking away, “Actually I was.” 
This takes him by surprise, brow raising in question. You purse your lips, eyes trailing from his face to his chest which your hands are still pressed against. It appears you’re trying to control yourself as well. Avoiding looking at his chest, Jeongguk tries to hold back a laugh. Clearing your throat, you pat his right pec, signaling him that you were okay, and he quickly lets go. 
“Sorry,” He mumbles, and you just shake your head. 
“No no, you’re fine. It was my fault for bumping into you like that,” You reassure, fingers twiddling together. 
“How are you doing?” You ask him and he just shrugs, leaning his shoulder against the doorway of the shed. 
Keep it cool, Jeongguk. Pretend like yesterday didn’t happen. Don’t even bring it up. 
“I’m alright. About to head out actually,” He informs you. 
“Aw really?” you ask and Jeongguk could tell you’re a little disappointed from the way your shoulders drop. 
“Yeah, it’s been a long day,” he tells you, making you nod understandably. “Is there something you needed?” 
Your eyes widen in surprise for a second before they turn back normal, “Um I just needed help with something but it’s okay, you can leave. I don’t wanna hold you up. I’ll just ask someone else.”
Jeongguk shakes his head, “Nah don’t worry about it. What’s up?” He prods. 
You look hesitant to speak, probably worried you’re being a bother even though you’re not. At least you’re speaking to him. He thought you would want nothing to do with him.
“The umbrella by the sunbed isn’t opening. I think the lever to pull it up is stuck,” You explain, hand referring to the closed umbrella by the chair. 
Jeongguk looks at it before glancing back at you, “I can help you.” 
Your eyes light up in happiness but you still ask, “Are you sure?” 
He responds with a nod, giving you a reassuring look, “Yeah, it won’t take long I think.” He walks with you following in toe behind him. He feels your eyes on his back and he smirks a little. 
He knows he has a nice ass. He’s been told by many. He takes great pride in it. However, it boosts his ego even more when he knows that you’re looking.  
Wrapping his hand around the lever, he grunts when it takes a bit of a push to pull it up, but it eventually does, making you clap. 
“Yay, thank you!” You grin, “The sun has been bugging me.” 
“Yeah, no problem,” He rests his hands on his hips, glancing down at the book on the table. The edge of his lips quirk up.
“What?” You follow his line of vision and notice him staring at the book, “Have you read that book before?”
“Yeah, and the ending sucked,” Jeongguk tells you, picking up the book. 
You groan, “No way, really?” And he nods in response. “I didn’t know you like romance books.” You say, curiosity in your tone. 
Jeongguk shrugs, “I don’t,” That’s a lie, he loves them. “But my little sister loves them,” No she doesn’t, she’s a fan of the horror genre but you didn’t need to know that. 
“Ah I see,” You look down at the floor, “I didn’t know you have a sister.” 
“Yeah, she’s thirteen.” Jeongguk doesn’t know why he tells you that when you didn’t even ask. 
You nod at the information, the air becoming silent for a moment. Neither of you speak, unsure of what to say. You seem to find the pool interesting, eyes set on the water, but your cheeks are flushed and you’re biting into your lower lip. Jeongguk takes that minute to allow his eyes to travel over your beautiful figure clad in a black one-piece that hugs your curves. It has a sweetheart neckline which again, shows a bit of your cleavage. There are slits running down on each side, revealing your skin even more. 
He just wanted to pick you up and take you somewhere where he can devour you. Maybe even on the sunbed but that wouldn’t look good if someone walked in. 
Jeongguk really needs to control his damn thoughts. You might not even be interested. 
Mentally slapping himself out of his horny thoughts, he clears his throat, “So I notice you read a lot of books.” 
Your eyes move back to his face and there’s a glint in your eyes, brow raised in question. “You must be looking over here a lot to notice then.” 
Fuck, Jeongguk really dug his grave for that one. Why would he say that? 
You have a knowing smile on your lips, but Jeongguk refuses to be nervous about it. Instead, he holds up his hands in defense and says, “It was just an observation,” You giggle and that makes his stomach flutter because holy shit, it was such an adorable sound, “I can’t help but look at what’s in my peripheral vision every time I come here.” He points to the shed. 
You hum, amusement apparent on your face and you don’t push it any further. Instead, you respond, “Yeah, I read a lot,” A sigh escapes your lips, “I have nothing better to do if I’m being honest.” 
Before he can even think he asks, “Don’t you have friends?” He wants to smack himself at how rude he must sound but you don’t seem to look offended. 
Rather, you have a small smile on your lips, but it looks a little sad, and you shrug mindlessly, “Not really friends friends. Most people become friends with me because they know who my parents are or they’re too stuck up for my liking. My mother tries to get me to go out with some of the girls from people that she knows but…” You shake your head, a frown on your face as if thinking back to a memory, “…they’re really not my cup of tea.” 
Jeongguk catches the small glimpse of sadness on your face and for some reason, it causes a small ache in his chest. He doesn’t know you at all, but he can tell you are genuinely being truthful about it. You seemed afraid to befriend someone without the intention of them using you. You’re not the type of person to let someone use you, he can see that. But you also seem to be a little worried about how people view you based on how he saw you interacting with his friends yesterday. 
“So, you just sit by the pool and read all day?” He asks and you nod. 
“Pretty much,” You confirm before adding, “Or watch Netflix in the theater room.” 
Jesus, they have a theater room in this house? It shouldn’t surprise him, considering how large the mansion is but it still takes him by surprise. He can only imagine how amazing his video game would look on the large screen. 
“Sounds…boring,” He states bluntly and you just laugh, nodding your head. 
“It can be boring,” You agree. 
Jeongguk ponders for a moment, looking away from you. Your life sounds pretty lame if he’s being honest. You’re a nice girl, he thinks. You don’t have much going on and you just got back from college. He can’t imagine how your days are going to look. If you’re just going to sit by the pool and read the rest all of the time…then maybe he can help. 
He doesn’t know if he’s going to regret this. Or if he’s going to get in trouble for being involved with you, let alone talking with you. Jeongguk likes to think of himself as a pretty fun guy. Maybe he can show you just how to have fun. 
He can’t believe he’s about to offer you this. Here goes nothing. 
The tall boy clears his throat, opening his mouth to say, “You know,” You look at him, listening, “I was actually just about to head to this bar after work.” He really wasn’t but he can use a drink. “Do you wanna come?” 
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise at the question, “Me?” 
Jeongguk snorts, “You’re the only one here aren’t you?” 
You roll your eyes, cheeks tinting a little but you compose yourself, “Right. That would be–” 
Before you can finish answering, a shrill voice calls for your name, causing you both to turn your heads to the door. Standing at the door dressed in a pristine white suit is a woman, sunglasses perched on her nose and hair tied in a tight bun. Her lips are set in a straight line and she’s staring at Jeongguk and you. 
She looks kind of scary if you ask Jeongguk. 
Is this who Jeongguk thinks it is? 
“Y/N, what are you doing?” The woman asks accusingly. 
“Mother,” Mother? “I just had to ask Jeongguk for help,” You tell her, “The umbrella wouldn’t open.” Your hand refers to the umbrella by the sunbed. 
The woman hums but she still looks unimpressed. Jeongguk can already tell she wasn’t a fan of him. He can’t imagine how the scene looks to her; you standing a tad bit close to him, a house worker who she must think is slacking on the job. Not only that but the tattoos all over his arm must make her think he’s some sort of punk. 
Not that it’s new to Jeongguk. He’s used to the last bit. 
“Hm, well come inside,” Her voice is a little stern and he catches you rolling your eyes at ground, “And you,” She looks over Jeongguk, “Get back to work.” 
You would think that Jeongguk is intimidated by Mrs. Kim but he’s really not. Instead, he gives her a smug smile, “I’m actually off work now, ma’am.” 
“Oh,” Seoyeon has a fake smile on her face, “Well then you can lead yourself out of the gate over there.” 
“Of course,” Jeongguk bows, pretending to be oblivious to her small frown. He looks over at you to see you staring at your mom with a look that says ‘you’re being rude.’ 
“I’ll be there in a second,” You inform her. 
“No, now,” Your mother demands and he holds back a laugh when he sees you look up at the sky, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath to control yourself. 
He wonders if you two get along. 
You look over at Jeongguk, taking a few steps closer and whisper, “I’ll meet you outside of the front gate. Give me twenty minutes please.” Jeongguk’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise but his lips quirk up into a smirk. You bow to him and say, “Thank you for helping me with the umbrella, Jeongguk-ssi.” Your voice is a little loud so your mother can hear. 
Jeongguk bites down on his lower lip to keep himself from laughing before he gives you a small bow as well, “Of course, Ms. Kim,” He emphasizes your name and you narrow your eyes at him before quickly walking away. 
He tries not to turn his head to watch you walk away, knowing that Mrs. Kim is staring. Instead he walks towards the gate to leave so he doesn’t have to feel her eyes on him anymore. Jeongguk isn’t bothered if the woman doesn’t like him, it’s not like he’s going to work here for very long. 
Stepping out of the gate, he walks down to his beat up truck that’s parked down the street. There’s excitement swirling in his stomach at the thought of going out with you. He doesn’t know what to expect out of this but he’s about to find out. Maybe he’ll see that this nice personality of yours is just a facade and he’ll see your true colors.
Who knows? 
If so, he would feel disappointed for some reason. 
“Y/N, what was that?” Your mother asks you as soon as you walk in. 
You feign innocence, “What was what?” 
“Why were you speaking to him?” She presses, sliding her sunglasses into her hair. 
You let out an exasperated sigh, “I told you why. He was literally just helping me.” You don’t understand why she’s being like this. She never cares about who you talk to. Somehow your interaction with Jeongguk is bothersome for her. 
She stares at you for a moment, studying your face as if to figure out if you’re telling the truth. Few seconds later, she lets out a sigh, shaking her head. “That boy looks like bad news. I was just concerned that he was making you uncomfortable.” 
“He wasn’t,” You quickly defend. Not once has Jeongguk done anything to make you feel uncomfortable. This is your first time interacting one on one. Sure you feel his eyes on you from time to time when you’re by the pool but you like that. You’ve purposely been sitting there, hoping to catch his attention. You would pick the cutest swimsuits just for that reason. 
You would pout, feeling defeated every time he would leave without saying anything to you. Maybe he’s just not interested in you like that but your interaction with his friends says otherwise. You were determined to find out. 
For him to invite you out to the bar had you feeling giddy and full of excitement. He doesn’t seem like he has any ill intentions. He honestly might just feel sorry for you because of how lame your life is. You’re not sure. But you want to explore more. You want to get to know him more because he’s lit this spark of curiosity in you that just wouldn’t go away. 
“Okay,” Your mother gives you a tight lipped smile but she doesn’t look convinced. She changes the subject, “I was going to head out to the Kangs house for lunch. Their daughter just came back from Europe and I thought you would want to go.” 
The Kang’s daughter? As in Kang Sohee? You would never willingly hang out with her. Not after this one time you went to their house when you were just a teenager and found her snorting cocaine off her bathroom counter. Immediately panicking, she begged you not to tell her parents. That was your first and last time ever going to Kang’s house. 
So no, you don’t want to go. 
“Actually, I’m going out with some friends,” You lie. You wouldn’t consider Jeongguk a friend, not even an acquaintance. You barely know him but who knows, maybe that could change after today. 
Your mother casts you a look of surprise. Do you really look that much of a loner to everyone? 
“Oh,” she responds, “Do I know them?” She wonders. 
You shake your head no, you would never tell her who it is. Considering the way she acted earlier when she caught you speaking with Jeongguk, you know she would be unhappy if she found out you’re going to a bar with him. 
“No, you don’t. I met them in America. They’re visiting here,” You explain and she nods, seeming to believe your words. 
“Okay then,” Your mother looks a little speechless, “Have fun I guess.” 
Shoulders relaxing, a shiver of excitement runs through your body when you turn around and go upstairs to your room to change. Before you can go up the second step, your mother calls for you, causing you to pause in your tracks and look at her questioningly. 
“Y/N sweetheart, just be careful around that boy,” Your stomach drops when you realize she’s referring to Jeongguk and you think it’s because she might’ve figured you out. “He doesn’t look like a good influence. Let him do his job and leave.” You relax, realizing she just meant from what happened earlier. 
You don’t say anything other than, “Okay.” Before going upstairs. You’re a grown adult. You can make decisions for yourself. You’d be damned if you let her words stop you from getting ready to go. 
You rush into your walk-in closet to find some clothes. After a few minutes of searching through the racks, you go with a tight black off the shoulder top and pair it with high waisted loose jeans. To top it off, you wear a pair of chunky black heeled ankle boots on your feet. You don’t have time for doing a full face of makeup so you just put on some mascara and eyeliner. Smacking your strawberry flavored lip gloss against your lips, you run your hand through your hair that cascades down your back before grabbing the same Chanel purse you had on yesterday. 
Rushing down the steps, you head out the front door, looking around to make sure you’re not leaving at the same time as your mother. You bow to the doorman at the gate, greeting him before he opens it and lets you out. Eyes wandering around your surroundings, your head snaps towards the sound of a car honking and you look to see a tattooed hand waving out of the window. 
Your shoulders relax and you look behind you one last time before walking towards a black pick up truck. You open the door, greeting Jeongguk with a small smile and close it shut. 
“Hi,” You greet shyly, tugging on the seatbelt. 
Jeongguk looks amused, pierced lip curled up into a smirk, “Hey.” He then adds, “Sorry I didn’t get out to open the door for you. Chivalry is really dead, you know.” 
You laugh at his honesty before saying, “It’s fine, I’m sick of people opening the door for me anyways.” You turn to look at him and swallow at how good he looks. 
He must’ve changed in his car while waiting for you because now he’s wearing a black baggy shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. There’s a silver chain around his neck and his hair looks wavy as it curtains on each side of his face. One tattooed hand is resting on top of the steering wheel while the other is holding the gear stick. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” He comments and you roll your eyes, cheeks heating up. 
Way to be fucking obvious.
“Whatever,” You respond, sitting back in the seat. You look around, eyes observing the car
“Yeah, it’s a pretty shitty car I know,” Jeongguk says as he pulls the car into drive. 
You quickly look at him and shake your head, “No, it’s cute.” You shrug and he snorts, “I love the little key chain.” You reach up to play with the little anime keychain hanging from the rearview mirror. 
“Cute huh?” Jeongguk muses and you just nod. 
“Smells nice in here,” You remark. 
“Oh yeah, I’m sensitive to smell. I’ve got like four car fresheners,” He tells you and you raise your eyebrows at him. 
“Four car fresheners?” You ask, judgment clear in your tone and Jeongguk opens his mouth to speak again. 
“You try sitting in your own sweat after a long day of work. It stinks.” He defends before adding the next in a much quieter tone, “And I like the smell of flowers.” He mumbles, making you giggle. 
“I don’t judge,” You respond and it's quiet for a few moments. 
“Your mom certainly does,” He utters, clicking his tongue before looking at you, “Too soon?” 
You shake your head, “No, it’s fine. She can be quite judgemental about people who aren’t…” You hesitate to finish the sentence but Jeongguk does it for you. 
“Rich,” He states and you nod guilty. “It’s fine. I get it. I wasn’t really surprised if I’m being honest.” 
“Really?” You stare at his side profile, taking in the slope of his nose and his sharp jawline. The silver barbell that runs through his dark eyebrows. God, he’s so fine. 
Jeongguk just shrugs, glancing at you before he makes a turn, “I mean yeah. I guess it’s kind of something I expected of rich people.” 
Your lips pull down into a small frown at his words, sullen from the thought that he may see you as judgmental. You don’t consider yourself judgmental. Or least, you try not to judge. And you definitely hate the whole rich people only talking to other rich people thing. That’s probably one of the many reasons why you aren’t friends with other people that your family knows. They always think they’re above everyone else. 
You gather the courage to ask, “Is that what you think I am?” You wonder before adding, “And be honest.”
The car stops at a red light and he turns over to look at you, an unreadable glint in his eyes and his lips tug into a small grin, “You might not be so bad.” You relax at his words, the tension leaving your body. For some reason you just didn’t want him to view you as those arrogant rich people. He then adds, “Or you can just be fooling me right now and you could be crazier than you look?” 
Your jaw drops in offense and you smack his shoulder, “What do you mean crazier than I look?” 
Jeongguk cackles, throwing his head back and you gulp at the sight of the veins in his neck. “I’m kidding.” He says. 
You scoff, crossing your arms to pretend to look annoyed. “I’m sure you were.” 
“I aaaaam,” He drags, tugging at your elbow and you try not to smile. 
In contrast from earlier when the silence was awkward by the pool, it seems to be more comfortable now that you’re talking and joking around. You can’t stop thinking about the smile Jeongguk had when he laughed. His bunny teeth displayed and his eyes crinkling. It had to be your favorite look on him and it makes you happy that you were the cause of it. 
“So where is this bar?” You question, staring out the window as you drive through the city. 
“It’s a bar in Itaewon,” He answers, making another turn at a light. “My friends and I go there all the time.” He tells you before adding, “You know, when we’re not broke and finally get our paychecks.” 
You chuckle at the last bit because of how casually he says it and then you ask, “The friends I saw yesterday?” 
“Mhm,” He confirms. 
When your mind wanders to the events that took place yesterday, you remember how all of his friends were good looking. You recall the conversations you had but the main thing that brings a small smile to your face is when you realize how they knew your name. 
“So,” You start and hear Jeongguk mumble under his breath ‘Oh god’ because you think he knows where this is going, “You talk about me to your friends huh?” 
Jeongguk groans, looking as if he was dreading this conversation, “Look, I saw you walk into the coffee shop, recognized it was you and told them who you are.” He says and you narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. He notices and clicks his tongue, “I’m serious, that’s what happened.” 
“Right,” You say slowly, “Whatever you say.” Voice in a sing-a-song tone. You knew there had to be more to it but he wasn’t going to tell you it seems. 
“Please, I’m sure you gushed about me being hot to your friends,” He says 
“I told you I don’t have any friends– wait! Ah hah!” You raise your finger at him accusingly. “So you told them I was hot.” You feel a sense of pride at that, internally gushing over the fact that he finds you attractive.
“What–No I,” He tries to come up with something but at this point, there’s really no saving. He lets out a defeated sigh, “Yeah yeah, I might’ve mentioned that. So what?” He tries to be nonchalant about it. 
Your lips pressed together to suppress a smile and you turn your head the other way so you’re looking out the window again, “Nothing.” Gathering up the courage you then mutter quietly, “I found you attractive too.” Your cheeks feel warm and you refuse to look at him. 
Beside you, Jeongguk has a small smile on his face as he looks at the road ahead after hearing you utter the last part shyly. 
The sound of glasses clinking and chatter fill your ears as you walk into the bar with Jeongguk. The interior design was dark and sleek, booths against one side of the wall and a row of tables pressed up against the other. The lights are a little dim but it fits with the vibes. The smell of bar food fills your nostrils, causing your mouth to salivate. There’s not many people right now but you can imagine how busy it’ll get later. There’s a bunch of men playing pool, laughing while sipping on their drinks. 
You’re oblivious to the lingering eyes of other males on you until Jeongguk points it out, making your eyes widen in surprise. Curiously, you look around only to meet the eyes of a man who’s starring you up and down before he gives you a wink. Your face scrunches up in distaste and you roll your eyes before looking away. You feel the warmth radiating off Jeongguk's body which is pressed close to your side, his hand hovering over your lower back but not fully touching it. Almost as if he’s hesitant to touch you. 
“You really don’t realize the effect you have huh?” He chuckles, pulling out the stool for you to sit on. 
“I thought you said chivalry is dead,” You joke, sitting down on the stool before patting the one next to you. 
“Listen, I’m not that much of an asshole,” He remarks, sitting beside you and you just giggle in response. 
“Hey Jeongguk, what’s up man?” A tall man behind the bar greets, bumping his fist with the boy sitting next to you. He’s got tattoos as well though, not as much as Jeongguk but a few scattered on his arm and peaking out of his chest beneath his t-shirt. He’s got a handsome face as well. 
Jesus, are all of his friends good looking?
“Yugyeom, hey,” Jeongguk greets. 
“You guys on a date?” Yugyeom asks, wiggling his eyebrows before looking at you. “Hi, I’m Yugyeom, nice to meet you.” 
You give a smile before introducing yourself as well, “Y/N.” Yugyeom bumps his fist with Jeongguk again, with a look you don’t seem to understand and you don’t think Jeongguk will explain to you either based on the sheepish expression on his face. 
“So what can I get you guys to drink?” The bartender asks, hands pressed against the counter. 
Jeongguk looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to respond. You shrug, “What kind of wine do you have?” 
“Wine?” Jeongguk snorts, making you pout out of embarrassment. 
“Leave me alone,” You whine, “I’m not much of a drinker.” 
Jeongguk chuckles, shaking his head before turning to look at Yugyeom, “She’ll have a cranberry vodka and I’ll have the usual.” 
Yugyeom nods, “You got it.” He turns around to begin making the drinks. 
“I can’t believe you wanted wine,” Judgement in his tone but you can tell he was joking. 
“That’s the only alcohol I really drink,” You defend, eating some of the complimentary nuts in front of you. 
Jeongguk puffs out a laugh, “The wine you drink probably costs more than what my car is worth.” He says in a matter-of-fact tone. 
Rolling your eyes at his words, you just munch on the cashews. You notice how Jeongguk doesn’t grab those specifically, probably noticing that you like those the most from the way you kept eating them. You can’t help but smile at that, chest fluttering. 
“Alright,” Yugyeom comes back, “Rum coke for you,” He hands the glass to Jeongguk, “And cranberry vodka for the pretty lady.” He gives you a charming grin when he hands it to you. 
“Thank you,” You tell him and he just bows at you before walking away to another customer on the other side. You bring the glass up to your lips, feeling Jeongguk’s eyes on you when you take a sip. You smack your lips together, trying to decipher the taste. He’s looking at you curiously, small smile on his lips. 
“What?” You ask him, wondering why he’s staring. 
“How is it?” He asks. 
You shrug, taking another sip and then say, “It just tastes like cranberry juice.” 
“Here,” He slides his glass over to you, “Wanna try some of mine?” You nod in response, picking up the glass to take a small sip. 
The taste is refreshing of the ice cold coke but you can feel that hint of bitterness from the rum hitting the back of your throat. 
“Mm,” You hum. “It’s good. Refreshing, I like it.” You tell him truthfully. “Try some of mine,” You push your drink towards him. 
“I’ve had this before,” He says but picks up the glass to take a sip anyways. You watch him when he does, eyes falling to his throat where his Adam's apple moves when he swallows the beverage. “I mean it’s good I guess.” He tells you before commenting, “It tastes like juice.” He reiterates with a shrug and you laugh in response. 
“I told you!” You exclaim, taking another sip of his coke before handing it back to him but before you can, he shakes his head. 
“Yeah honestly my hyung knows more about alcohol than me.” He tells you with a grimace before adding, “You can have that one,” you look at him questioningly but he just waves it off. “You like it, drink it.” 
The butterflies in your stomach are intense, your heart swooning at his action. He’s just making you feel more and more interested in him. You did not expect him to be so thoughtful. Maybe it isn’t a big deal to him but for you, it’s such a kind gesture. 
“Thank you,” You say, drinking again and he just nods in response. 
“So how did you end up working as a gardener?” You wonder. 
Jeongguk seems to choke on his drink a little, causing you to jump in surprise and look at him in concern. He clears his throat, setting the glass down onto the coaster.
“I uh…you don’t know?” He asks and you glance at him in question, shaking your head before bringing the glass up to your lips again. “Well… I hit your dad’s car.” He tells you and this time, you’re almost choking on your drink. Jeongguk holds out a napkin so you can wipe your chin. 
“You what?” Your eyes are wide, mouth open and you look at him as if he’s joking. 
He’s not.
He clicks his tongue, “Yeah… but listen, it wasn’t that bad. I just kind of tapped the back of his car but….yeah I couldn’t get away with it.” He shakes his head as if disappointed at that and it makes you laugh. 
“Well at least you guys were okay,” You say pointedly and he nods in agreement. 
“Your dad’s a real cheap ass you know that,” He says bluntly and you snort at that. “No but really, he is. Because he could’ve just let me go, you know. But no, he had to get my contact information. He knew I was broke by the looks of it so instead of paying him back directly, he told me I can work off my debt.” He explains, not caring one bit that it’s your father he’s talking about. You’re not offended in the slightest, looking at him in amusement which prods him to say, “What?” 
You shake your head, pressing your lips so you don’t laugh, “Nothing. You’re just very honest.” You tell him. 
His eyebrows raise in surprise, hand playing with the straw of his drink and he asks, “Is that…bad?” 
“No,” You smile. “Not at all. It’s refreshing honestly.” It’s true. Half the time people talk to you, you can tell it was a facade sometimes which would be quite frustrating for you. They’d be afraid to say anything that would offend you, not wanting to be on your bad side. 
But Jeongguk, he didn’t care. He was honest. You liked that a lot. 
“That’s good,” He tugs at the piercing in his lip thoughtfully, “My hyung tells me I can be a real dickhead sometimes.” 
“I wouldn’t disagree with that,” You mutter jokingly, causing him to look at you with narrowed eyes, tongue poking into his cheek. 
“Gee, thanks.” His voice is monotone when he says it and you snicker. 
“Now I have a question for you,” He says and you look at him, wondering what it could be.
“Sure, what is it?” You ask. 
He purses his lips together in wonderment before asking, “How did Dohyun know you the first day we met? He talked to you as if you guys have been friends for a while.” His tone says that he was genuinely curious. 
You suck in the air through clenched teeth and shake your head, “I wouldn’t say we’re really friends…maybe acquaintances? I’m not sure. I might sound like a bitch for saying that.” Jeongguk shakes his head as if saying no, encouraging you to continue, “His grandpa used to be the gardener for our house. He’d always come with him when he was a little boy,” You explain to him, thinking back to the times when you were just twelve years old. 
Sometimes he’d come up to you when you were playing on the swing set and he’d hand you a single flower which you would take from him out of politeness. He looked so excited whenever you took it out of his hands and said thank you, almost as if it was the greatest achievement he ever made. 
Other than flowers, he’d bring you single pieces of candy and you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you hated orange flavored candies. You would secretly give it to your younger brother everytime. 
“And he’s been working there ever since?” Jeongguk asks and you nod in response. 
“Yeah…pretty much. He was pretty upset when I had to leave for America,” You don’t know why you tell him that. 
“Yeah?” He sounds amused, “The boy is quite literally whipped for you.” He tells you and you just shrug in response. 
“Oh I already know,” You tell him and this time he looks at you with wide eyes, sipping on his drink as if this is the most interesting thing he’s heard. “It’s been like that since we were kids. I think he wanted to tell me before I left but I had to go so…he said he would tell me when I would come back.” 
“Hm,” He hums, tongue pressing against his teeth as if pondering, “Well you’re back. Has he told you yet?” 
You let out a relieved sigh, “No not yet. I’m afraid when he does tho. I don’t know if I have it in me to see the look of heartbreak on his face. He’s always smiling.” You tell him, feeling him look at you. 
“He’d definitely be heartbroken, I can tell you that,” Jeongguk says before adding with a snort, “Could’ve sworn he was about to pop a boner when he saw you by the pool the first time I was with him.” 
You look at him in disgust and he just cackles loudly, throwing his head back when he does, making you smile again. You just love when he laughs like that. 
You purse your lips before asking, “How about you?” 
Jeongguk looks confused, looking at you quizzically, “What about me?” 
“Did you pop a boner when you saw me?” You joke but there was some underlying seriousness to it. 
Jeongguk scoffs, looking down at the table, “As if I’d ever tell you that.” 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” You grin, about to take a sip of the coke but he grips the hand holding the cup before you can take the sip. 
“Didn’t your parents teach you any manners? Gimme back my drink,” He commands, trying to take the glass away from you but you tighten your grip on the glass as he tries to pull it away from you but instead, tugs you along with it. You squeal, shuffling forward and instantly gripping his strong thigh when you feel yourself leaning back as if you were about to fall and he quickly wraps his left arm around your back to prevent it from happening. 
Your faces are closer in proximity now, eyes staring at one another. There’s a certain glint in Jeongguk’s eyes when you look at them and you can’t help but fixate on his rose colored lips that have the silver piercing. You wonder what it would feel like against your own lips if you were to just lean forward and kiss them. 
Your heart is pounding in your chest, teeth biting into your lower lip when you notice him glance down at your lips as well. Before anything can happen, you feel a finger poke your stomach, causing you to immediately recoil. 
You look down to see Jeongguk’s pointed finger that did the action, surprised that you didn’t seem to notice it move away from behind your back. You also failed to notice him take the glass right out of your hands when he poked you, causing you to whine. 
“Asshole!” You exclaim, attempting to get it back but he just turns his body away from you to take a sip, his left arm held in front of you as if to block you.
Jeongguk says after taking a sip, “I’m not the one asking people if they pop boners.” You roll your eyes at that, giving up and crossing your arms. 
“I’m just kidding, here,” He holds out the glass for you and you lift your hand to take it but he pulls it back again to tease you, “Say please.” His voice is stern. 
Instead you respond monotonously, “You’re a dick.” 
Jeongguk sucks the air through his teeth and says, “You seem to be quite fond of my dick.” He jokes and you smack his shoulder, snatching the glass back so you can drink the rest of it. 
For the rest of the night, you guys talk and laugh about random things while munching on the bar food Yugyeom gives you guys on the house. Jeongguk would make you giggle when he makes commentary on the men who were playing pool, making fun of how badly one of guys were playing and it was the same guy who had winked at you earlier. Once it was reaching 8 o’clock and the bar was in full swing, that’s when the two of you decided to leave. 
This time when you were leaving the bar, his arm was wrapped around your back protectively as he guided you out of the place, fending off the lewd looks coming from the other men. Once you were outside and were walking towards his parked truck, you pause in your tracks, making him stop and gaze at you curiously. 
“Wait,” Your eyebrows are furrowed, “Are you okay to drive?” You ask, realizing that you both just drank alcohol and that he still has to drive back. 
Jeongguk breathes out a laugh, looking at you in amusement, “What do you take me for? A light weight?” You just raise your brow at him in response and he lets out a sigh, “I’m fine. It was just one drink. I wouldn’t be driving you back home if I knew I couldn’t.” His voice sounds truthful when he tells you this and for some reason, your heart stutters at that. 
“Okay,” your shoulders relax and you nod, believing him. 
Jeongguk releases his lower lip from his teeth and says, “If you’re still uncomfortable, I can call you a cab.” He offers and you just shake your head. 
“No it’s okay,” You say before adding, “I trust you.” 
He stares at you for a moment, eyes flicking around your face as if to see if you were telling the truth before he nods, “Alright, come on.” 
The car ride back to your house was quiet for the most part. You’d say a few things here and there and Jeongguk would respond but there wasn’t more to it. The silence isn’t awkward however. Rather, it’s pleasant, a new wave of comfortableness between the two of you.
You had a really fun time tonight, you think. Probably the most in a while. You don’t think you can remember the last time you’ve laughed as much as you did tonight and it brings a smile to your face when you think about all the funny moments and jokes the two of you shared. 
Jeongguk has ignited this fire inside of you that you don’t think you’ve ever felt. He’s funny, handsome, honest and thoughtful. For a guy you only literally just started talking to, you can already feel yourself starting to like him a lot more than you anticipated. At first you just found him to be attractive and thought he’d simply be a nice eye candy when you’d sit by the pool. However, after talking to him tonight, you found yourself wanting to get to know him more. He talked to you like you were any other person, not seeming to give a damn about who you are. 
You don’t realize you’re smiling until you hear Jeongguk clear his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts and you notice how the car is now stopped and parked in front of the large gate outside of your house. 
“Well, this was fun,” His tone is a little awkward when he says it, fingers tapping against the steering wheel. 
You nod in agreement, grinning, “Yeah it was. I had a really good time.” 
His lips quirk up into a small smile at that and he says, “That’s good. I’m glad.” 
It’s quiet for a moment, the both of you unsure what to say. You break it first, “I guess I should go then.” He nods in response, clicking the unlock button of the doors.
You open the door, hesitating to get out. You’re about to step out but pause for a second, turning to look at him only to find him already looking at you. He looks curious when you stare at him and asks, “What?” 
Here goes nothing. 
You scoot over in the passenger seat, leaning over the console to peck the corner of his mouth before pulling back and stepping out of the car, “Goodnight. See you tomorrow!” You speak fastly, swiftly shutting the door before rushing towards the gate.Your cheeks are warm and he probably saw how red they are. He just stares at you wide eyed, almost in disbelief at what just happened.
You press your lips together, keeping yourself from smiling before waving at him one last time. You hope it wasn’t weird for him. If you read this entirely wrong the whole time, you don’t know how you would face him tomorrow. 
You had no idea that Jeongguk was still sitting outside in his truck, a smile playing on his lips at what just happened. 
Jeongguk couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday night. The way you would  throw your head back and laugh, hand covering your mouth. He kept making jokes and waggish commentary about how ridiculous other people in the bar look. He noticed that you were definitely a light weight. You weren't drunk but you were a little tipsy. 
You became a little more touchy, shoving him or smacking his shoulder at times when he’d tease you. At one point, your hand was on his thigh absentmindedly and he’d begun to get nervous when it fell dangerously close to his crotch. It wasn’t intentional. You were clueless to how close your hand was, too busy rambling to an old man about the tricks of blackjack. 
Did he mention that you’re more socializing after drinking alcohol? 
Jeongguk found himself having a good time with you, enjoying your bubbly and talkative personality. You were more open and comfortable around him so it was gratifying to see this side of you. You didn’t have some nice act persona that you were putting up. 
It’s what happened at the very end of your time together that had him stunned. When you kissed him on the corner of his mouth and gave him the prettiest smile he’s ever seen on you. Your cheeks were flushed a pink and you looked proud of yourself from the glimpse he caught your face before you rushed out of his truck. 
It brought an automatic smile to his face, hand touching the part where you kissed him. How soft your lips felt on top of his skin. The scent of strawberry coming from your lip gloss that lingered. It’s not like Jeongguk hasn’t been kissed before. He has. But this felt different. This kiss came from you. He can feel himself having an actual crush on you. Not just physically wanting you but emotionally. He can feel something there. He was willing to explore it with you. Take it further. 
Is he thinking too far ahead? 
Sue him, this might just be his first real crush in so long. He knows there’s still so much to learn about you but after last night, he thinks he gets the idea. He just wants to see where it goes.
All he knows is that he likes being around you a lot. 
A small smile is playing on his lips as he cuts the unnecessary weeds out of one of the bushes and he doesn't realize it until Dohyun comes up to him and points it out. 
“Hey hyung! What’s got you all happy?” The boy asks in bafflement, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile since you’ve started working here.” 
Jeongguk’s smile immediately drops, mouth pulled into a straight line. He’s not telling this guy why he’s happy. Considering Dohyun has the biggest crush on you, he has no idea how he’d react. Not that he’d trust Dohyun regardless of if he has a crush on you or not. Jeongguk assumes no one around the house is allowed to know about you and him hanging out and maybe he just prefers to keep it that way. 
He feels a bit bad for the guy if he’s being honest. Dohyun’s been crushing on you since guys were just kids meanwhile Jeongguk just met you. However, you’ve made it clear that you do not see Dohyun in that way at all. 
If you really like Jeongguk, he’d be an idiot to pass that up. 
“Nothing man,” Jeongguk responds, turning to look at Dohyun only for his eyes to widen at the sight he sees before him. 
Dohyun no longer has the long hair that gets into his face. His hair is now cropped short on the sides and trimmed at the top. Gone are those thick rimmed glasses that’s constantly pushing up the bridge of his nose. But that’s not what takes Jeongguk by surprise the most, it’s the black slacks and white button down that he has on that makes the older wonder what he’s up to. There’s a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a box of what looks like chocolates in the other. 
Oh God, is he about to do what he thinks he is?
“Uh hey…” Jeongguk starts, dropping the plant snips onto the floor, “What’s with the whole…” He gestures his hand towards Dohyun’s get up. 
The younger man grins, cheeks tinting a little pink, “I’m about to ask Y/N out on a date.” 
Well fuck. 
taglist: @janedukiesworld @rjsmochii @mwitsmejk @jjeonjjk7 @whoa-jo @tearsdntfall617 @linda-botello
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dangermousie · 9 months
Pre-Joseon Sageuks: a Biased and Incomplete List
So, as promised way earlier, a post on pre-Joseon sageuks that I’ve either watched or plan to watch so am aware of them. I am sure there are others but here is what I got. Obviously my takes on them are subjective blah blah blah.
Jumong - arguably the Daddy of all Traditional Sageuks, this one ran for over 80 episodes and had insane ratings. It follows the rise of the mythical founder of Gogureyo tho it takes fantastical elements of his story and changes them for historically plausible ones. It’s very long and very meaty and politics/battle heavy and has a large cast of complex characters (including pretty nifty women and a LGBTQ supporting OTP) but it is anchored by the incredible performance of Song Il Gook as the titular character as he slowly but believably grows from nothing to a hero if at the cost of losing his marriage.
The King of Tears Lee Bang Won - this is basically a half and half beast as (you can tell by the title), it’s set in the last days of Goryeo and early days of Joseon. The time period covered is the same as in My Country and Six Flying Dragons, but this is the most traditional take of them all, even more so than 6FD. Not a single pretty face in the cast (tho Joo Sang Wook is a mighty fine man, emphasis on “man”), this is for the real fans of traditional sageuks. I enjoyed it a lot but if you want to check out pre-Joseon sageuks but have mainly watched youth sageuk stuff before, you should probably start with another drama on this list.
The Great Seer - set in the reign of King Gongmin, the last proper king of Goryeo (his son King U is technically the very last but there are questions as to his status), this is for those of you who want to watch Ji Sang in a sageuk. It’s centered around seers but don’t expect mysticism, this knuckles down to politics.
Shin Don - hi there, another story set in the reign of King Gongmin! From the title, you can tel it centers heavily on the powerful monk who ruled for the King at one point. This has been on my to-watch list forever because this appears to devote a decent chunk of its time to Gongmin X Noguk and I am dying for a proper drama for those two. This is from 2005 so if you do watch, keep that in mind in terms of visuals etc. That cast is lit!
Bicheonmu - this is sort of cheating because it’s pretty much set in China but it involves Koreans so. It’s a drama take on the same story told in a pretty awesome movie. Tragic love, battles, young Joo Jin Moo etc. i am very fond of it. This said, find and watch the Chinese version, Korean one was shredded.
The Iron Empress/Empress Cheon Chu - set in Goryeo, this was another of women ruler centric dramas that had a mini popularity peak in late 00s/early 10s (a trend I wish continued.) it got overshadowed by Queen Seonduk but by all accounts is a solid drama. It’s on my list but I haven’t watched it yet.
The King’s Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang - by the writer of The Rebel and My Dearest. Have I got your attention? Another woman centric ruler tale set in Baekje. Yes, there is a love story. That cast is great, to boot. I have started and liked what I’ve seen but got sidetracked. Need to get back to it. Before you look at the ep number and faint seeing the number 108, keep in mind that the eps are half an hour long so it’s an equivalent of a normal 54 ep sageuk so if you can watch eg Empress Ki, you are good with this.
My Country: The New Age - Lee Bang Won but make it gay. OK, I kid, sort of (not really) but this is smart and passionate and heartbreaking. If you want a wide scope or lots of politics, probably not a take for you (Six Flying Dragons is RIGHT there), but if you want an intense, emotional tale, come right in!
Six Flying Dragons - to me, this is THE drama about Lee Bang Won. It’s smart and emotional, deals with politics and has heart. It has a large cast of characters I got invested in, OTPs that will blow your mind etc etc.
Faith/The Great Doctor - if you are a fan of old school shoujo like Red River, Basara or Fushigi Yuugi, this or Moon Lovers are your best bet on this list. A time traveling tale with other fantasy elements about a modern day plastic surgeon who ends up being kidnapped into Goryeo during the early days of King Gongmin’s (hi!) reign by a tormented, oath bound warrior played by Lee Min Ho at his hottest (and playing historical General Choi Young. Do RPS at your pleasure), this one is one of my all time favorites.
Seodonyo/Ballad of Seo Dong - I am actually currently watching this one tho I haven’t been posting about it. Set in both Baekje and Silla, this is an angsty love story with a side of politics. It’s filmed in 2005 and looks accordingly but if you don’t mind dated visuals, this is pretty great!
Emperor of the Sea - set in Silla and Tang, this was a huge hit and deservedly so. Our protag is a slave and gladiator and a great naval hero. This is grim and smart and epic. It’s from 2004 so once again, if dated visuals are no-go, skip, but if you want a great story and performances, this has your name on it.
The Kingdom of the Winds - an epic cursed prince narrative, our ML (Song Il Gook at his sexiest) rises from abandoned prince and slave and abused assassin to general, royal and king, sparing time for an angsty delicious love story with an enemy princess. This has serious sageuk bits AND the best shoujo tropes in the business, plus enough whump to keep anyone happy.
Gye Baek - Lee Seo Jin, another sageuk stalwart, stars as the title character in this tale of a Baekje commoner, war slave and general. This is grim but glorious.
Soldier/God of War - this is a traditional war-centric sageuk and grim as hell. Another slave to general tale.
King Geun Chu Go - this is on my watch list; it’s about a warrior king of Baekje. Haven’t seen it but heard good things.
Ja Myung Go - smart and unrelentingly tragic, featuring Jang Ryeo Won and Jung Kyung Ho as doomed lovers and Park Min Young in an evil role, this is great and has deeply flawed characters in the very definition of doomed by the narrative tale.
Arthdal Chronicles - this is obviously a fantasy but the tale of prophesied twins, magical priestess, wars and mysticism is clearly set in a pre-Joseon in terms of aesthetics world.
Alchemy of Souls - like Arthdal this is pure fantasy but also like Arthdal, a lot of its styling is pre-Joseon so on this list it goes.
Moon Lovers/Scarlet Heart Ryeo - ok I think if people have heard of only one drama on this very long list, it’s probably this one. Modern time traveling heroine ending up during the reign of Goryeo’s King Taejo, in the middle of his sons’ fight for the throne, having an epic but doomed romance with shoujo catnip tortured bad boy Lee Jun Ki.
Shine or Go Crazy - if you want a more historical take on Moon Lovers succession fight but still with plenty of hotness, angst and doomed romance, come right in. This baby stars Jang Hyuk, so you know it’s bound to be good. I actually started it and enjoyed it but got sidetracked. Need to get back to it. Fun fact: while Moon Lovers was hugely popular internationally, domestically Shine or Go Crazy (they aired around the same time), did much better.
The Legend/The First King’s Four Gods - for a long time this was my favorite kdrama of all time and is still probably in my top 10. Ignore the odd first episode, the rest is perfection. Expensive and wonderfully written, this was Bae Yong Joon’s last drama before he retired to rest on his pile of money (if you are young, you probably don’t remember what a big deal he was, bigger than all the Hallyu stars nowadays put together. He basically was singlehandedly supporting the kdrama industry at one point), but what a worthy way to go out. It’s an epic Goguryeo fantasy tale of a prophesied prince coming into his own, with such amazing characters and relationships and OTPs and battles and points about destiny versus free will. It is everything and I kinda want to rewatch now.
The Blade and The Petal/Sword and Flower - ostensibly a star-crossed Gogureyo love story, this really is more about politics. It’s a mixed bag. The visuals are insane but Uhm Tae Woong, while always solid in modern dramas, is out of place in a sageuk (in QSD Kim Nam Gil stole his thunder; there is nobody to do so here but that doesn’t help him.)
Queen Seon Duk - probably the most famous entrant into female power sageuks, this was a mad hit and centered on the titular character’s rise to power and fight for the same with her female nemesis Mishil. If you want love stories, angsty fighter Bidam propelled Kim Nam Gil to stardom as he stole the leading man mantle from Uhm Tae Woong.
Empress Ki - currently rewatching this. It’s set in the waning days of Goryeo but takes place mainly in Yuan. Still, the FL is Korean and a lot of the story revolves around one of her suitors’, a deposed Korean king, attempts to get his land back. As you can tell by my rabid posts, this is a great drama - politics, romance (I ship FL and the Yuan emperor like mad), murder, dysfunction and everything good.
Hwarang - it’s so brain dead it might as well be a brain-eating amoeba in drama form but it did give us both Park Hyung Sik and Park Seo Joon before they made it big in drama world. It’s terrible tho, stay away.
River where the Moon Rises - I have such a love/hate relationship with this drama - I loved the beginning, with our tormented assassin heroine slowly being warmed by the loyal rustic ML with his own trauma. And then Ji Soo’s bullying scandal happened and he was replaced by Na In Woo, aka the actor I like least from any country in all my close to two decades of watching dramas. I tried but I simply couldn’t and I am still mad. This said, if you don’t share my NIW allergy, it’s probably worth a watch.
The Great King’s Dream - if you liked QSD and can’t get enough of the period but want an even more traditional tale, you can do worse than this drama. I liked what I saw but this baby is 70 eps and lacks Bidam so I peaced out. Maybe I will get back to it sometime, but probably not.
Jeong Do Jeon - as you can tell by the title, centers on JDJ and the last days of Goryeo. Not really my bag (time period been done plenty in other dramas and I don’t have that much interest in JDJ) but supposed to be solid.
My Only Love Song - a short silly mess but still probably better than River (which tells the same story) because it doesn’t have NIW.
King Gwanggaeto the Great - 92 eps. I can’t!
The King Loves - delicious love triangle (that goes ALL ways), angst, prettiness, a side of bodyguard romance. What’s not to love in this Goryeo tale?
ETA: this post was so long that when I tried to tag every drama I mentioned, tumblr told me you hit the tag limit of 30 tags no more tags for you. Oh well, sorry dramas that ended up I tagged!
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anonymouszephyrus · 5 months
Voltron Characters Headcanons, go!
Finally, Part 3! Here's Shiro, Allura, and Coran! This is a little bit shorter, so sorry. Thank you for helping me with some of these @gilyoungroach & @hotdogcabbagesausage !
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- Pure Pansexual (Aliens don't have labels but she loves everyone so-) - Mostly She/Her Pronouns (Genderfluid) - Allura definitely had a rebellious teen era and it's why she doesn't like Keith because he reminds her of that era and she cringes every time she remembers it. - Allura collects shiny and sparkly rocks. This is canon but still. She has a very extensive rock collection spanning from "shiny but ordinary" to "so shiny" and even all the way to "super, extra sparkly" - I don't have much to say with her actually. Niko sums it up pretty fucking well: "allura goddess case closed" - @nikogane
CORAN (Aka. Single Pringle)
- Aliens = Pansexual. Duh. NJFKAFN (he's an adventurous fellow) - He/Him (Transgendered Coran!!) - #Alforan was one-sided. Yes. He loved Alfor with all his heart. Sadly, the feeling wasn't mutual, he never confessed but knew the truth deep down. Coran was content just being there beside Alfor as his advisor though it hurt him every time he saw his first and only love being sweet with Melenor. - Despite his jealousy, he never hated Melenor or Allura. He treats Melenor like a queen, obviously, but also like a sister. And of course, he loves Allura like his own daughter. - If he was an Earthling, he would've totally done drag. And he would've slayed. - He gives me so much... Lance but a different age, different upbringing sort of vibe. Those two definitely talk deep into the night about their issues and problems, Coran would've been Lance's version of Shiro.
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SHIRO (Aka. The gayest man that ever did gay.)
- Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby. - Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby.
PART: 1 & 2
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familyromantic · 2 months
I'd LOVE for you to find me some incesty Korean movies, shows, other!
(specifically Bro-Sis <3)
Do you need me just to list them or provide the links? :)
If the first, then here~ (I actually haven't watched any of this, I got it from the list on MyDramaList, so if any of this turns out to be fauxcest don't kill me xD)
Kissing cousin (2015) - cousins
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - brother/sister
Just like today (2011) - can't confirm
90 days of love (2006) - cousins
Temptation of wolves (2004) - brother/sister
Damo (2003) - can't confirm
Old boy (2003) - father/daughter, brother/sister
The Rose (2003) - brother/brother, brother/sister
The Bequeathed (2024) - brother/sister, this one was mentioned by anon on Shipcestuous blog
Hope I helped you, and please send me an ask if you watch and like any of these!!
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neotaissong · 4 months
many thanks to @vvaterling for the tag, appreciate it
Last songs I listened to: 'the creator has a masterplan' by pharoah sanders, 'arab voice of freedom (live)' by fairuz, 'kwanzaa' by karma and 'weight of the word' by MIKE
Currently watching: mandabi by ousmane sembène (super stressful watch as unc gets taken by the triple threat of colonialism, corruption and a community of vultures) sankofa by haile gerima (one the best time travel movies of all time, with arguably the most cathartic slave uprising commited to film, another gerima masterpiece that burns all the exploitative, liberal-fascist, cash-grab, trauma porn slave narratives to dust) burning an illusion by menelik shabazz, the empire strikes back 4K80 (all these 'resistance' movies owe haiti, algeria and vietnam, a big phat cheque) love is blind (ngl after mandabi i needed thissss lol, so much mess this season) as above so below by larry clark (has some of the fiercest close ups of all the la rebellion films) little forest: winter/spring (a beautiful, seasonal series of movies, focused on cooking in a small village in Japan and the relationship between a daughter and her mother who has abandoned her, it's like a slow burn cooking show slash japanese art house movie series (it's 4 movies in total) about the poetic changing of seasons...it really makes you think about how limited western filmmaking/storytelling is and in it's own way asks the eternal question: what is cinema?) spirited away by miyazaki (i kinda hate sharp images at the mo, BUT reluctantly getting a 4k cut made from an 8k upscale, had me marvelling at every single frame and brushstroke and now im bopping thru the streets to joe hisaishi's score like a joker, but u know idgaffffffff this movie is an absolute masterpiece and it ain't up for discussion my dears lol) the muslim mindset and islam’s mission with dr sohail hanif and ig stories from: bisan, motaz, hindkhoudary, warsanshiree, saul williams, red_maat, bsonblast, amandaseales, oaklandmademe, thezaynalarbii and yasinbey...
Currently reading: ousmane sembène interviews, the quran, art on my mind by bell hooks, ming smith aperture monograph, domu: the dreams of children by katshuhiro otomo, the sound i saw by roy decarava, instant light (polaroids) by andrei tarkovsky, maafa by harmony holiday, the book of light by lucile clifton and suheir hammad's gaza suite. dipping in and out of all of the above...
Sweet/savory/spicy: all three, but right now, korean spicy chicken is what i dream of...
Relationship status: single...praying she loves god...............................and korean spicy chicken..............
Current obsession: shooting with my new camera, lenses lenses lenses, colour grading on davinci, preparing for shoots at the end of the month, inshallah...roy decarava's photography and his use of shadow, darkness and light, ming smith's photography and her use of blurrrr, darkness and focus, summerdanceforver dance-off videos (i miss paradiso) new balance 9060's and salehe bembury's designs and interviews especially his peace be the journey sneakers, hiking, harmony holiday on twitter (unmatched raps with a razor under tongue!) hiroshi yoshimura - copped the vinyl represses of green and surround, which im super grateful for, totally obsessed with green: ethereal and expansive movements through nature, basking in healing frequencies. local reggae community radio station run by elders in north london, always vibrant, shaggy and aggy. talking, arguing, listening, LEARNING, UNLEARNING, loving and meditating on how to decolonise everything, liberation and how we get free...free palestine congo sudan and stopppp cop city...steamed buns from bun house, writing and shooting (jill scott voice: slowly surely) and last and certainly notttttt least, getting closer to god...
Last search: flights to jamaica... (get me outta babylon fam)
Currently working on: beating burnout and the resulting procrastination to finish my new movie inshallah...preparing for shoots at the end of the month inshallah...
now i tag: @humbleseed @kndmind @ritasdove @ahla-tahiya @komplikacije @wrathdiwata @earthgoddessmusings @elea-mar @mosterriblewoman @thacryingame @besarelcielo @universalstudent @jamiefoxxhairline @therootednomad @0912199 @afeelingindescribable @sbtravie @artemisiasea @macaroot @textualtrancetextural @143-4u @afroladina @chaosteorema @rose1water @coyotelo @godzilla-en-mexico @esdr0 @gullyrootoranamu @guwop07 @bohemialatina @emekkka
im sure i've missed some mutuals, plssssss if i didn't tag you and you feel like you wanna put us on game and spill the beans on whats currently got you moving --------- pls join innnnn!
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whitesheepwrites · 11 months
The fact Elemental marketing painted it solely as a romantic movie instead of the second immigrant generation story it truly is, is a absolute crime. And maybe its my asian ass speaking here as the Fire People clearly stand for Asian immigrants (I believe the director is korean, correct me if I'm wrong) but from Ember's parents being forced to register under more "easy" and "acceptable" names (something my own grandparents went through) to Ember's struggle trying to "repay" her parents sacrifice and that being a "good daughter" is both a source of pride and a burden she is terrified of putting down because when you're in such a position all you want is to honor these people and let them know they can finally rest, you'll take care of things now, and wanting to do your own things feels so incredibly selfish in a way i dont know how to articulate for people who never felt it, even if your parents never asked you to give up on dreams or things like that ... I don't know, it might not be the more original thing in the world, but Elemental feels as it comes from a honest place and it saddens me how quick people were to dismiss it because of bad marketing. The final scene between Ember and her parents brought the most sincere tears from me in a long time
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pink-evilette · 7 months
what are some horror movies that u recommend? i was just talking to someone about how i like horror but a lot of them aren't very good, sorry if u get asked this a lot
thanks for the ask! I actually love recommending horror to people so this is very fun for me! my fave horror franchises are Saw, Chucky and Scream so if you want to get into a good series I'd recommend those three ♡
some that I've really enjoyed recently:
♡ Cinderella (2006) Korean horror about a plastic surgeon's daughter, all about the obsession with beauty and has a dark fairytale feel
♡ The Collector (2009) action packed and super gory, I'd recommend if you like Saw and things similar, home invasion movie where the burglar finds someone else is already in the house he's stealing from...tense and exciting from the first 10 minutes
♡ House of Voices (2004) if you like ghostly paranormal films, a woman goes to help clean an old boarding school and discovers spooky ghost children in the halls, it's French and feels a lot like The Orphanage if you've seen that one!
♡ Sick Girl (2006) sapphic bug body horror
some really cool horror shorts available on youtube:
♡ Oh, Dear (2004) creepy animation
♡ Possibly in Michigan (1983) vhs old style horror musical! very unique and perfect if you like weird and uncanny sorta horror
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hello, i’m the anon who asked about san fs reading! asking about him and his fs in bed is gross tbh are there questions like this?? 😭 honestly all these tarot readings (from tarot readers i like!) made me like his fs a lot! seems like his fs is a good person and they’ll have a love like in movies (that’s what san said he wants to have) so im pretty happy about it! i saw some of your readings and i find them exciting that’s why i wanted to ask about your take/perspective for his fs! like how would they meet, how would they treat each other, how would his fs’s personality be? personality, work, age or looks? like general things we would see when they confirm their relationship, not the too private stuffs. tho you can choose what makes you comfortable! 
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San’s FS
Body (Outward appearance)
Alright, so, right off the bat (I may or may not have giggled when I saw this) I’m getting “emotional baggage”. Mind you this is for looks. So Atiny will probably see them (Though they most likely won’t since this is their current state BUT IF THEY DID) and immediately be like “Aww, poor baby, they looks like they have so much emotional baggage.” So right off the bat I kind of feel bad.
So yeah. Definitely seeing his FS is currently either underweight or overweight. Not in an extreme way, and more so because of what’s happening. Definitely looks like they’re on their last leg, with eye bags and such. But not necessarily bad-looking.
However, his FS still has this brightness about them. Like this joyful aura and demeanor that’s infectious. Like bright eyes that seem to shine and easy to make smile. They’re definitely confident in their appearance regardless right now. Getting slight Leo vibes but I dunno, may just be me associating that aspect of them with Leo placements.
Definitely dresses to impress. Stylish clothing that’s not luxury but definitely high-end. Like someone who looks well-off, but not rich in the way they present themself.
So, definitely just exudes that successful aura. Gives off those responsible office siren vibes (If San’s FS is a woman I know for a fact in the future she’ll be my woman crush in the most respectful way possible like she seems like THAT GIRL.)
So…She definitely looks like she’s on her last leg though, all things considered. She’s probably very physically tired, and going through some things right now. Health-wise also.
She’s very resilient though. Not letting that get to her, and powering through regardless.
Her appearance (I’m not saying she’s ugly here) is definitely unique. Not quite fitting into the box whether it’s features, style, piercings, hair color, Korean beauty standards, etc. but still absolutely owning it like the icon she is. (As you can tell I already adore this woman I will ride for her)
She’s probably someone who’s isolated because of her appearance though. She’s unique and people don’t like that, and are intimidated by her demeanor and her aura.
Definitely has a traditional feel even with the uniqueness.
She’s definitely responsible. She’s accomplished a lot and knows how to deal with heavy burdens in life. Probably the oldest daughter if his FS is a woman just from these vibes, since I have a feeling she had to take care of younger siblings for most of her early life, making her have to bear certain burdens and responsibilities. Almost like a second mother from a young age.
There’s a lot of passion that’s been sparked in her from many different things that have happened to her in her lifetime.
She may be the type of person who fears failure, and is pessimistic by nature. She’s afraid everything she works for will come apart and while she tries to mask it, she’s deeply insecure. Probably one of those people whose mothers had always seen them as competition if she’s a woman, and that’s really gotten to her.
Definitely the type of person who feels she always needs to succeed and cannot fail or be defeated no matter what.
She’s a person with immense courage and determination. She’s a very joyful person by nature despite everything. Definitely getting slight Pisces/Leo moon vibes here, but again, I didn’t pull for that it’s more of that’s what those traits are giving me. She’s individualistic and lights to fit outside the box. She’s determined and courageous but not overly so. She knows balance.
She’s definitely a competitive person. She strives to be the best at everything and trust she will do whatever it takes (As long as it doesn’t go against her morals) to get what she wants.
She’s not the type of person who avoids conflict either. If she feels something is unjust she’ll speak up about it, though I don’t see her stirring anything up herself. It’s more like she won’t let herself be pushed around.
She’s a prideful person, but in the sense of her ego is so fragile that one small crack will shatter her, so she masks that weakness with pride so that no one can be able to tell. But it’s still very easy to break her confidence and get in her head, even if she doesn’t let that show. She falls apart very swiftly, and it’s always catastrophic.
She’s someone who believes in fate. She believes everything will end up how it is destined to be, and someone that intimately knows change. Someone who has accepted change and adapts well to it. Someone who strives for change and pushes towards it. She definitely is intimately aware that life is just one change after another. But she can see that it all leads to one big picture being complete.
She’s perceptive. She’s observant and picks up on things quickly with a sharp mind. She’s a complex person, and her personality is definitely one of those ones that fluctuates a lot throughout her life. Loving and knowing her is definitely loving and knowing every version of her that comes along as she changes, and it happens fairly often, though not in a bad way. She’s constantly growing and adapting, sometimes faster than others can keep up with.
She’s someone who succeeds a lot in life. I’ve noticed that many in her situations do, because she wants to be sure she’ll be alright no matter what. I see her being someone who can easily make the public love her if she works hard because that’s who she is.
She’s definitely a stingy person. She’s the type who’s so used to having nothing and scared of being there again, so she pinches every penny possible. She’s a greedy person because she knows what it’s like to have nothing and never wants to have nothing again. It scares her more than anything.
She’s also a possessive person by nature in many aspects, though not in an inherently toxic manner. “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours, so keep it that way” type of mentality.
She’s a quick thinker and very assertive. She knows how to take action.
In regards to her age compared to San’s I’m not getting much of an answer. It’s more, “we love one another and we’re happy, so what is the problem?” But there’s also that aspect of…Playing it safe? It might be an age gap that’s not BAD, but more so something they may get hate for.
They’ll probably meet after some period of loss for both of them, and bring with them joy for one another. They both have their own assets, so there’s no worry of “Oh this person is using me for money/status”, so that’s not something they have to truly worry about.
They were definitely going through a rollercoaster ride in life but everything settled and they found one another.
This will definitely be a time that releases them from some pains they were both facing.
So, in regards to work, San’s FS is a perfectionist to an obsessive degree, and prone to overworking. But they also get burnt out very easily. They’re the type who can work on a project for days but get little done, or they can finish a project in four hours and get a masterpiece. They often find themselves with the brunt of their coworker’s work and reaping none of the benefits of it.
I have a feeling San’s FS may be considering switching jobs which is why there’s no strong direction of career paths. San’s FS is probably fed up with ending up with everyone else’s work.
So, in terms of their relationship, they were both looking for someone willing to do what it takes to make it worth. They’ve probably both been in relationships with people who haven’t tried their hardest for the relationship.
They want joy, and for the relationship to be successful. They want something positive that’s worth celebrating when those anniversaries come around.
But there’s still some things where they can’t make decisions. Their opinions clash and they reach a stalemate in those aspects. Because of that, they don’t broach such subjects, and they hang over them.
They’re both people who have strong ties to legacies for entirely different reasons. San has mentioned he has a very loving family who has made him want to show others the love he has been shown, but I think for his FS it’s the opposite. She comes from a family that’s far from loving and because of that she wants to show others the love she craves.
Emotionally, they inspire one another. They give each other more willpower, and they push each other to get the things they want. I definitely believe San’s FS will inspire a song one day. They help make each other better.
Physically, they find comfort in one another. I can see them just laying together in each other’s arms. They feel at ease when the other is near, and they feel strong compassion for each other.
Mentally, they’re also both compatible. They’re very self-aware people who spend time contemplating things about each other and themselves. The type who can walk away from an argument to cool off then talk about it later with level heads and come to a conclusion quickly. They’re both very mentally mature in those aspects.
More on his FS (As established in other pulls based on asks):
Im not getting “Female version of Wooyoung” vibes.
They’ll probably have a small little petty rivalry because they both think the other is monopolizing San’s time
They also have similar trauma so that’s another issue that makes them unable to really…Like one another?
But they’ll be civil
I get more Gemini Sun, underdeveloped Leo Moon/5th house moon from her. Maybe Sagittarius mars. Confirmed by cards. Some water sign influencs, possibly a water sign 6th house/9th house. Maybe a Scorpio placement somewhere, or scorpio for one of those houses.
Her hair is a source of insecurity for her and it stands out
Her eyes stand out
Brown hair WOULD fit her vibes but not something I pulled on
Im not necessarily getting she’s spiritual. I think she may have come from a hyper-religious household who hate things that have to do with our particular font of spirituality. She herself doesn’t hate it, she doesn’t have a strong opinion on it. Though I’m getting one day she may stumble upon the spiritual community and become part of it
Once everything that’s been happening in their lives come to a head, they’ll meet. But that’s not something that’s set in stone to happen at any time. It may be weeks or years. Though I’m getting ten vibes. Ten of what? I don’t know
she’s ENTJ
Probable long-distance relationship
Can in fact fight and can fight well
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ch4tk4t · 2 months
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Goofing around with Mags
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Hey Magneto, do you think the Disney MCU reboot of x-men will even be a thousandth as good as X-men 97 is ?
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Hey Magneto, what do you think about the Xorn retcon ?
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Hey Magneto, how old was Anna Marie when you two boned for the first time ?
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Hey Max, do you prefer Sir Ian McKelllen of Michael Fassbender ?
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Hey Mags, what do we say to the haters that hate the idea of Spider-Gwen being trans ?
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You heard it here first folks, Mags says #transrights
Hey Magnus, do you mind if I call you "Daddy" ?
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I'm very sad there was a video game episode without anyone saying "X-men ! Welcome...to DIE"
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Hey Magsy honey, I'm magnetically attracted to YOU :3💙 Would you make me miss Lehnsherr ?
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Seriously though, the only character that ever did the whole "welcome to die" X-men arcade joke was...*sigh* DEADPOOL.
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My man, I hate the fact the only x-universe movie I'm even remotely looking forward to is...*sigh* DEADPOOL 3.... Not a great feeling.
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Like I know the joke I'm doing right now is TOTALLY something he would do, but...um..I sorta..you know...hate my humor. So, like...well you know.
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Thanks for hearing me out man. You're a real pal Magsy baby. I mean it. May I hug you ?
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How are YOU ? Any plans to liberate the mutant race in the near future ? How is the daughter ? DaughterS ? I forget with all these retcons.
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Oh and Pietro too I guess.
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Hey Erik, do you think I'll ever get tired of this bit ?
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Yo, Mags baby, how do you say "Shut up" in Korean ?
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By: Joseph Burgo, Ph.D.
Published: Jan 17, 2024
As my thoughts began to coalesce around the subject of this essay–adolescents in history rebelling against their parents–memories of an old movie from my childhood kept coming to mind. Even readers who haven’t seen it have probably heard the name–Gidget, a low-budget California beach movie starring Sandra Dee, James Darren and Cliff Robertson. It was released in 1959 and spawned two film sequels, two TV series, and several made-for-television movies. In early December of last year, I tracked down the original Gidget on YouTube and watched it again–some 50 years after I’d first seen it.
The title character’s obsession with surfing, and her transformation from tomboy to infatuated teenager and finally to wise young woman don’t concern me here. It’s the subplot focusing on two other characters that resonates with my subject matter. Kahuna, a man somewhere in his late 20s or early 30s, lives in a shack at the edge of a surfing beach. After serving as a pilot during the Korean War, he has decided to drop out of society and live as a bum, following the sun and traveling the world in search of waves. His only true companion is a parrot named Flyboy, although the gang of teenage surfer boys who hang around him that summer look up to Kahuna as their leader.
One of those surfers, nicknamed Moondoggie, is home for the summer after his freshman year at college; he has resolved to drop out instead of returning to campus in the fall, team up with his hero Kahuna, and pursue the life of a beach bum. Both men have rejected the rules-driven adult world. Neither wants the responsibility that comes with adulthood, viewing it as a kind of prison. In a gesture of defiance, Moondoggie tears up the allowance check he has received from his father and vows to go it alone.
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[ Sandra Dee as Gidget (left), James Darren as Moondoggie (middle), and Cliff Robertson as The (Big) Kahuna (right) ]
In 1959 when this film was released, Western Civilization was on the verge of major social upheaval as youth culture began challenging long-standing social norms about sexuality, marriage, and family. But there on the cusp of this revolution, Gidget’s world seems confident that the generation of young people coming of age will eventually submit to the values of their parents. At the outset, Moondoggie and Kahuna are both adolescents rejecting the authority of the existing social order; but in the end, they embrace it. Kahuna gets a job as a pilot. Before returning to college, Moondoggie gives Gidget his pin, a promise of future marriage and a new generation of children to come.
Adolescents rebelling against the authority embodied in an existing social order and eventually becoming reconciled to it—this is a story we’ve been telling for generations.
By identifying as “trans” in today’s youth culture, adolescent rebellion has found a new way to express itself. I don’t want to be simplistic about the society-wide dynamics here. There are other obvious factors involved: a permissive social order in which it’s hard to find any behavior extreme enough to count as true rebellion, for example, and a social media landscape that makes teens feel insecure, insignificant, and desperate to prove they’re unique. But here I want to talk about the way a rebellion against authority can fuel trans-identification in our children.
My 16-year-old client Sophia, for example, had given her parents no trouble as a younger girl. For most of her childhood, she’d been a respectful daughter and a good student. Because her family had moved around quite a bit due to her father’s shifting business, she hadn’t made close friends and rarely socialized outside the family. Her mother had always taken an active interest in Sophia’s schoolwork and athletics. And then one day, Sophia announced that she was trans, told them she wanted to be called Finn, and insisted that her parents use he/him pronouns.
I’ve had other female clients with a nearly identical background, and I’ve heard similar stories from other parents who’ve consulted me about their trans-identified teens. The announcement often comes out of the blue following a mostly non-conflictual childhood, causing a lot of angst and opening a rift between child and parents. Nothing the parents say–no evidence they bring or logic they apply–makes any difference. The child rejects it all from a place of absolute certainty. “I know I’m trans,” they’ll say. “I’ve always known it.”
These children have often been a bit different from the other kids, struggling to fit in. Maybe they were highly gifted or on the autism spectrum. They might just have been “quirky” and beloved for it by their parents. But especially during the teen years, the need to belong to one’s peer group overrides almost everything else; and as American teens have done for generations, these quirky kids reject the values of their parents for new ones held by other kids their own age, especially as they pertain to sex and gender.
Back in the 1970s, Goth became the dominant form of youth rebellion. The Goth scene rejected traditional sexual mores while celebrating new and occasionally deviant forms of sexuality. There are obvious similarities between that movement and today’s transgenderism. Dr. Az Hakeem, a British psychiatrist with extensive experience treating gender distress, has actually referred to Trans as “Goth 2.0.”
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The main difference between the two is obvious, however: teens and young adults immersed in Goth might have pierced or tattooed their limbs, but they didn’t have healthy body parts removed by surgeons. They no doubt consumed illicit drugs, but not off-label anti-cancer medications and cross-sex hormones that may leave them sterile. Once they grew out of Goth, young adults were probably left with a few embarrassing tattoos or piercings but no other visible scars, unlike detransitioners today who may be scarred for life.
Contempt for parents often plays a role in youth rebellion, be it mild or toxic. Back in Gidget’s day, the kids were hip while the adults holding onto their old-fashioned ways were square and not at all with it. Today, moms and dads who quaintly cling to the duality of biological sex are clueless about the multiplicity of possible genders; if they refuse to affirm their child’s new identity, insisting it’s impossible to change from one sex to another, they’re deemed transphobic and therefore unworthy of respect. Most of the trans-identified teens I see in my practice feel and express utter contempt for their mothers and fathers. Two of them will turn 18 within the next six months; they both regard their parents with scorn and intend to have no further contact after coming of legal age.
Behind the contempt, I sense a lot of terror about impending adulthood. The teens in my practice look forward to their medicalized transition as if it will be a major accomplishment, more significant than anything else they’ll ever do, but they have little understanding about how to lead a responsible adult life. I often say to my young clients that transition is not an achievement: they still have to figure out what career they’d like to pursue, and how to make enough money to support the lifestyle they want. One of these clients poo-poos the very idea of earning money and insists she’ll live in a camper van, free from responsibility. Another imagines devoting her life to collecting vintage motorcycles, believing that about $30K per year is all she’ll need. None of them ever imagines having children or building a family, much less planning ahead for retirement. They have a narrow vision of their own future that seems to go no further than attaining the freedom to start taking cross-sex hormones.
In this sense they remind me of Kahuna and Moondoggie, those two characters from Gidget in flight from the responsibilities of adulthood. While my clients apparently look forward to escaping their parents’ control and attaining the legal right to make their own choices, they don’t really want the responsibilities that go along with such freedom. On some level, they see transition as an escape from the dreaded reality of adulthood, a triumph over the tedious world of facts, financial obligations, and inevitable limits.
There’s another classic film you might know, The Graduate, directed by the brilliant Mike Nichols. Benjamin Braddock, the main character, spends most of the movie rebelling against the limitations and responsibilities imposed by the real world, the world of his stodgy parents; at the end, after he has relentlessly pursued young Elaine and disrupted her more-or-less forced marriage to another man, the two run off, she still in her wedding gown, and escape on board a city bus. The final shot shows realization slowly dawning upon them, their facial expressions collapsing from elation into dread.
Now what are we going to do?
At the close of The Graduate, Benjamin and Elaine realize that however fun and even exciting it might be to rebel against their parents, at the end of the day, they’ve achieved nothing beyond wrecking their families; in the aftermath, they’ll have to pick up the pieces and make a life for themselves in the real world. You can’t outrun reality, of course. It will always prevail in the end. In a softer way, you see Moondoggie and Kahuna coming to this realization at the end of Gidget.
For millennia, parental authority has been the primary means of transmitting a culture’s values: parents teach their children to abide by standards embodied in their culture, and the world-at-large has almost always supported the parents in exercising that role … at least until now. Honor thy father and thy mother says the Fifth Commandment; today, children learn that if Mom and Dad won’t affirm their new identity and use the designated pronouns, they should cut off those parents and embrace a new glitter family online. In California, a state court deprived Adam Vena of visitation rights because he wouldn’t affirm his four-year-old son’s new gender identity. The modern world often undermines parental authority when it takes a stand against gender ideology.
By severing ties between parent and child, a cult does the same thing; it appropriates parental authority onto itself as a way to bind members more tightly to the group. The votaries of gender ideology likewise subvert parents, replacing their guidance with cultish dogma. A great many influential forces today promote this dogma, from primary education to medical boards to professional associations–a society-wide rebellion against parental authority and, I would add, against the ultimate authority that is reality.
Every parent I’ve consulted with has felt helpless in the face of this phenomenon. Based on their love and better knowledge of their own children, they believe they know what’s best for those kids but feel unable to wield authority as parents to guide them. In my own case, when I insisted there were obvious psychological reasons why my daughter might have wanted to become a boy, I was treated with contempt by the medical establishment and colleagues in my profession. Meanwhile, all around my daughter, every influential voice in her world told her that I, her father, was wrong.
But I also believe that we, as parents, bear some responsibility for the erosion of our own authority. Many mothers and fathers today seem uncomfortable with the very idea of parental authority, preferring to be buddies with their kids rather than authority figures. Maybe we don’t want to be viewed as square or stodgy, droning on about antiquated notions like taking personal responsibility and showing respect for your elders. I remember the slight feeling of shock and discomfort I felt upon first hearing myself say the words “because I said so!” to my own kids. Why should I have felt so uneasy when exerting myself as the adult in charge and expecting my children to mind me?
Writing for The Atlantic, the psychologist Joshua Coleman says that family ties have shifted over the last century from a focus on duty and obligation to one promoting personal growth and the pursuit of fulfillment. He quotes the historian Stephanie Coontz, who says: “For most of history, family relationships were based on mutual obligations rather than on mutual understanding. Parents or children might reproach the other for failing to honor/acknowledge their duty, but the idea that a relative could be faulted for failing to honor/acknowledge one’s ‘identity’ would have been incomprehensible.” In our youth-driven culture, words like duty, obligation and authority sound almost quaint. Today there seems to be no valid authority outside of one’s personal “lived experience.”
What’s to be done? How are we as parents to regain authority and prevent our children from permanently damaging their bodies when a cultish ideology encourages them to do so? This is the question every parent of a trans-identified child would like to ask, I imagine, and I wish I had a simple answer. The longer I work in this field, the more I feel that gender ideology must be questioned in every area where it dominates; only if we loosen gender ideology’s stranglehold on our cultural institutions can we hope to return parental authority to its rightful place. Get involved in the pushback–that’s my advice to parents. Run for your school board, get to know your local politicians, challenge this new orthodoxy wherever you see it. Don’t play the pronoun game.
I’d also like to say something in particular about fathers. As a father myself, I’m concerned with specifically paternal sources of authority: What is the role of fathers in helping our families to navigate this crisis? Does paternal authority differ in any important ways from maternal authority? And where are all the fathers, anyway? I’ve had a few joint consultations with both parents of a trans-identified child but it’s invariably the wife who does the talking. More often, I have consultations with the mothers alone. I sometimes wonder whether empathic, nurturing mothers are so desperate to maintain contact with their children that they won’t or can’t draw a firmer line. Perhaps the fathers, by deferring to their wife’s lead, have failed to mount a more vigorous defense of reality.
Could that be a paternal function? I honestly don’t know. I think of Chris Elston–better known as Billboard Chris–who addressed himself to Rachel Levine on Twitter, saying that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones would be normalized for children “over my dead body.” Is that an implicit threat of violence? As fathers, do we need to take a more aggressive stance?
I’m prepared to be told that I’m just projecting here, or possibly overgeneralizing. Questions about my exercise of paternal authority within my own family–or my failure to exercise it properly–are on my mind a lot these days. With the modern world the way it is, it sometimes seems as if there’s nothing that even an authoritative and loving father can do. I often feel helpless and without any real power, an ineffectual if well-intentioned dad.
Which brings me back to Gidget. We’re all familiar with the bumbling father motif in television and commercials today–the clueless man set right by his clever wife and children. Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, Ray Barone. I used to think this was a more recent phenomenon but there it was in a movie from 1959. Gidget’s dad seems constantly baffled by his daughter’s behavior, issuing hasty pronouncements that are promptly undermined or ignored by his wife and child. He wears an expression of near constant bewilderment. It’s up to the two women in his world to set him on the right path.
I dug a little deeper and learned that father figures from 1950s sitcoms like “Make Room for Daddy,” “My Little Margie,” and “Life with Father” typically tended to be hapless buffoons. As a culture, we’ve been ridiculing the very notion of paternal authority for decades. Even the series title for “Father Knows Best” was originally intended to have a question mark at the end, to make it ironic and thereby underscore the well-known reality that mothers were the real heads of households. My friend the historian Peter Filene tells me that this belittling of fathers goes even further back–to the 1920s when comic strips began depicting men as shorter than their wives.
Then there’s the classic teen rebellion movie Rebel Without a Cause from 1955, with James Dean playing the main character Jim Stark. Jim’s father, overshadowed by his domineering wife, is a weak man unable to wield any kind of authority. In one famous scene, Jim comes upon his dad kneeling on the upstairs landing of their home wearing a frilly apron. Dad has dropped a dinner tray he prepared for “mom” and is cleaning up after himself, obviously fearful that his wife will discover the mess he’s made. Jim clearly wants and needs his father to stand tall and stop humiliating himself.
This might sound like I’m blaming women for usurping authority from their husbands by belittling them, but that’s not what I believe. I think it’s a society-wide problem where, for more than a century now, the force of paternal authority has been undermined through ridicule and mockery. In recent years, our ongoing critique of the “patriarchy” often makes it seem as if all sources of power and authority exercised by men are inevitably bad.
In Totem and Taboo written back in 1913, Freud opined that fathers embody the symbolic order of society, law, and external reality; they set boundaries, establish rules, and help their children to navigate the external world by introducing principles of discipline and order. A lot has changed in the last hundred or so years, and even to my ears, Freud’s view sounds quaint and out of date. Besides, how can you maintain rules and boundaries when the external world will only encourage your children to violate them?
But still, I cling to the belief that there’s an important and distinctive role for fathers to play in fighting this gender madness, even if I can’t yet define it. If you’re a father who’d like to discuss this issue, I invite you to reach out, in confidence and at no charge.
Here's the interesting thing. You can only rebel and exist at the margins if the margins actually exist.
When everyone is special, no one is special.
Queer Theory is self-contradictory.
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boiohboii · 1 year
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Stage name: Lin
Korean Name: Kang Aerum
Argentinian Name: Ayelén Messi
(known in 2022)
Date of birth: 5/7/2004
Debut date: 2/4/2011
Fandom name: Felicity
(The name was decided by Aerum in 2015 as her fans always made her smile and gave her immense joy)
Title(s): Nation's daughter. International sweetheart.
Relationship status: (secretly) dating
Mother: Kang Soojin
Father: Lionel Messi
Step-mother: Antonela Roccuzzo
Half-brothers: Thaigo Messi, Mateo Messi, Ciro Messi
Facts about Aerum:
She made her debut when she was 7 years old, making her the youngest idol to ever debut.
Her mother was against her being an idol, especially at such a young age.
Her career, however, started with acting alongside Cho Ara and Lee Dong-wook in 2008 with the movie Heartbreak Library.
Her first song stayed at number one in the charts for a year and 7 months.
She got really famous internationally in 2013 due to her interactions with Bruno Mars and ED Sheeran plus her collaboration with Taylor Swift.
She grew up with every idol from second generation looking after her and every idol of third and fourth generations looking up to her.
She was thinking of never going back to being an idol after 2020's incident and the trauma it left.
As of 2020, South Korea implemented strict laws that specifically deal with saesangs as a result of what happened.
She is quite the social butterfly, being loved by all idols and adopted by all groups.
Fan favorite Aerum quotes:
"But I don't want to sleep!" {4 year old Kang Aerum, behind the scenes of Heartbreak Library}
"If I like a boy I will go out with him and with you!" {7 year old Kang Aerum, on her mother's lap backstage of her first performance}
"Nick-oppa, can we do Bo-unnie's Girls On Top?" {8 year old Kang Aerum, on 2PM's Nichkhun's back at JYP's dance studio}
"The only reason I'm not crying is because you are IU" {9 year old Kang Aerum, after being denied ice cream}
"Can you teach me how to groove dance?" {10 year old Kang Aerum, lying on the floor of Shinee's practice studio}
"Should I be doing this?" {11 year old Kang Aerum, at 2 am right before whipped cream was spilled all over the camera}
"Hey! Look down!" {12 year old Kang Aerum, in front of Hwiyoung}
"I cannot understand anything you said.... I really hope mum won't find this, it'll be 2 years of wasted Spanish teaching" {13 year old Kang Aerum, in a fancall}
"I want to get older to date oppa!" {13 year old Kang Aerum, at a Strong Woman Do Bong Soon interview}
"I love everyone who has helped me get to where I am today, and especially my mum, even if she didn't want me to be here at first I am here because of her and for her. Mum, I made it this far and I will keep going! Felicity i love you all, you made me so happy today, you made me artist of the year and I can never be happier." {14 year old Kang Aerum at MAMA award show, receiving her 5th award of the night}
"I have a lot of concepts I want to try out, but I think it'll be too hard for you guys" {15 year old Kang Aerum, at her 4th sold out world tour}
"I will be preforming at the ending ceremony?" {18 year old Kang Aerum, wishing she could hit her manager}
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annintheclouds · 7 months
Russian version of season 5.
Context and explanation: The trailer for “Robocar Poli: Adventure in the Desert 2023” ("Робокар Поли: приключение в пустыне 2023") was published on the Russian Robocar Poli channel. My friend sent me a link to the trailer, but I also found another trailer from the YouTube channel “KinoAfisha”.
https://youtu.be/04OrK0Hu-Ec?si=BNoeUq9yVzMasB_j (Russian Robocar Poli channel)
https://youtu.be/j5bXHwXO9IU?si=AHGgIRIUf5_Ax5um (“KinoAfisha”)
I wasn't able to go to the first day of the premiere, but I was able to do it 2 days later (That is today, and the movie itself started at 10 am.) As for the movie itself? It spliced together 4 episodes from season 5 (13, 7, 8, 16 episodes.) So, to some extent, I heard the Russian version of at least these episodes. (Although before that there was a film where episodes 1, 4, and 5 were combined, and it was also in Russian.)
I won’t make any spoilers for the plot (I mean, most who saw it in the Korean dub already more or less know what happened in these episodes.), just as a person who became acquainted with this cartoon thanks to the Russian dub, I can say that the voices are some characters were changed for some reason. 
For example, Mr. Wheeler's voice was changed in this film, the voices of Camp and Carry were also changed in this film. And by the way, I mentioned the movie 2021 (Where there were 1, 4 and 5 episodes) I didn't know how the original voice of Droney sounded for a certain time, but to make a long story short, in that movie, Droney's voice was more like an adult voice than a child's voice. In the movie I saw today, they changed his voice and made it more youthful. (Which made me happy). However, I must note that for the film they chose interesting voices for Sandy and Keaton. And also in the Russian dub the names of Grandma Daisy’s friends became known: Hannah (an adult) and Maya (her daughter). Just in case, I double-checked the Korean version and in the Russian dub the translators did not change the names. But their Russian voices slightly surprised me (I apologize for the quality):
(And I know that not everyone will watch the Russian version, I just decided to show the difference)
And if we talk about my impressions: well... Since I knew what would happen thanks to the original episodes, I mainly listened to the translation, so I was a little puzzled because of the change in voices of some characters. But I hope it will be online soon, and I also hope that the English dub won't be too long in coming. 
Just wanted to share this, have a nice day (or evening, depending on your situation)
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weebnotheree · 10 months
꧁༺♡⚜『𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝟚 - 𝑀𝑟. 𝐶𝑟𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟』⚜♡༻꧂[PT4]
𓂀 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛 𓂀
ENJOY! (songs not mine!!)
•♫•♬♡• 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚 + 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 - 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 •♡♬•♫•
YOU: Golden eyes, hair to ur waist, rich clothes ofc u dress nice. But wolf. Your ears are bigger than both ur daughter's and Crystal so. Yk like anime characters anime wolf girl, that's how your hair and ears are. Like Black Hanekawa from Bakemonogatari. Ik ik she's a Neko but- jus go with it. Also, you have a tail, ofc..fluffy. (thats ur night gown but anyway)
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[𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓴'𝓼 𝓒𝓵𝓾𝓫]
("Heads Will Roll" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs continues)
[Ash]♪"Off, off, off with your head!"♪
[cheering]♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
[Ash]♪"Heads will roll!"♪
[Crowd]♪"Heads will roll!"♪
[Ash]♪"Heads will roll! On the floor"♪
♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
♪"Off, off, off with your head!"♪
♪"Dance, dance dance til you're dead!"♪
The crowd cheered loudly as she finished. "Thank you so much. [waves]Good night" She went backstage, handed in her guitar as one of the staff gave her a soda with a straw. She took a sip before seeing a familiar face. "Moon. Hey" and hugs him tightly. "Wow. [chuckles] You were great out there" he said hugging her back. "I got to go back out for an encore" jumping on her feet and taking a few more sips of her soda.
"Okay. Hey, but what are you doing after the show?"
"Uh, nothing" "Well, listen, I know this is crazy short notice, but you always said you'd come back to work with us when the time was right" he started. "Of course!" 
"Well, this is that time.-" Moon said before someone bumped into him. "Here, paycheck" Rick said as he handed it to her. She looked at it, squinting her eyes. "I'm getting the gang together to go audition for this huge show-" she cut him off and looked at him unhappily. Rick was chatting with someone "Just-just a second. Hey, Rick, how come you're only paying me half what the other acts get?" as she walked over to him.
"I pay what I think you're worth, sweetheart" "Oh, okay. See, I have this rule about not letting guys like you tell me what I'm worth, so, you know, unless I get paid like everyone else, I'm out of here"
(forget this I'm getting too many ideas and I NEED to put u in....and there's a surprise hehehe)
He chuckles. "This is the only club in town. Where else you gonna play?" "I have no idea, but I'm sure as heck not sticking around here. Let's go" she put her cup down, fast walking away and Moon followed her. But then he looked back and saw a woman on stage..A light gray wolf. Singing as she walked on stage. He stopped. "Who's she?" he questioned out loud. Rick looked over and smirked. "That's L/n. A talented, famous, rich, woman. She's our main singer and dancer here" 
Moon was confused about who she was still. He didn't know her because all of his life he's been working with his movie theater to keep his dad's legacy alive. (or does he? O-o) 
(Bold: in Korean. Regular font: in english)
♪"BLACKPINK. Ah yeah, ah yeah"♪
[Crowd]♪"BLACKPINK. Ah yeah, ah yeah"♪
Ash came back. "Moon. What're you doing?" he didn't answer, he just watched. Her eyes followed his gaze onto the stage. 
♪"A good face and a bad attitude"♪
♪"The volume hidden in the slender body is doubled"♪
♪"Go straight ahead without hesitation"♪
♪"When we say black, we say pink, we are pretty savage" [crowd]"BLACKPINK!"♪
Yeaah..they watched the whole thing. The crowd cheered as the song ended. [crowd & Y/n]♪"Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du"♪ 
She waved and thank them walking backstage. The staff did the same thing they did with Ash. But she gave them her mic to clean and they gave her cold water. The crew was fixing her makeup, hair and stuff, whiping off sweat and things while with Ash and Moon. "Who is she? I've never seen her here before" she questioned (not jealous lol). 
"I know right! She was amazing!"Moon said excitedly. "We need her to be in our show!" Rick chuckled looking at them. "Good luck with that. She's our main singer and dancer. We don't need you anyway, we got her" he says as he walks over to her with a paycheck. 
"Here you go, sweetheart. You did excellent" You take it as the crew move away bc they were done. "Thank you. Oh! You did listen to what I said right. Everyone g-" "--gets an equal paycheck. Yeah, I know. Dont worry everyone was paid equally" 
Ash squinted her eye at him(bc she listened)like what the heck face and walked over.  "You didn't pay everyone equally! I got half a paycheck and the others got full!" she didn't want Y/n to be lied to..she didn't deserve to. He sweatdropped and became nervous. "What do you me you already got your paycheck and you quit anyway"
Y/n wasn't with that "So you lied then?" "W-what no! [nervous chuckle]I wouldn't lie to you!" "Then what is she talking about?" he was about to say something but she held up her hand and said. "Can I see your paycheck?" she nodded and did so. Y/n scoffed looking at it. "I really hate men like you..and liers" she says as she gets her jacket and leaves. "W-wait! You cant leave! Who gonna be our main dancer and singer?! And she needs to do the enncore?!" "Find someone else[looks at them]You leaving or staying"
[both]"Leaving" they said following her. 
[Ash & Y/n look back] "Deal with it sweetheart"
Not in a parking lot nearby. "Um..soo, thank you for standing up for me. And..giving me your paycheck. You didn't have to!" "No, it's ok. I have plenty of money so it's fine" Y/n said reassuring her.
"May I ask who you are?" She rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh, sorry about that. I'm Y/n. I just came to this place and helped out because I felt like it. Just getting away from the rich life and laying low felt relaxing" Ash was surprised. "Wait- The Y/n L/n? As in a singer, dancer, rapper, and speak many different languages?!" "Yeep. That's me(*^^*)"
"W-wait she's who?"
Looks at him. "Are you kidding? This is THE Y/n L/n! She's a singer, dancer, rapper, does a lot of things, AND can speak many different languages! She's known all throughout the world!" 
"Woah, that's amazing!" "I know right! She's so cool! But you look so..so" "Different" Y/n finished and giggled. "Yeah, I dyed my hair. It's not that different though, it used to be gray" "So- so can you be in our group? We're making this new show and I was wondering if you could be in it. I-i mean if you want to" 
Y/n shrugged "Sure"
[both]"Wait really?!"
"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fun. Let's go" Y/n said walking out of the parking lot as they followed. "But what about your car?!" "I'll ask one of my butlers to come and get it. Besides, I'd rather walk. O-oh, do u mind leading the way. I dont exactly know where we're going" "Of course!" Moon said as he got in front of her and led the way. 
[☆𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐬☆]
[ANNOUNCER] "Redshore City Bus five leaving from park 15-" 
"Okay, I got the tickets. Herer you go Y/n. Anyone seen Miss Crawly?" "Wait did you just say Y/n?"Rosita asked. "Uh, yes. This is Y/n L/n. Y/n this is Rosita-" 
"Oh my gosh, i cant beleive you're Y/n. Im such a big fan!" 
"Gunter" "I've like hear so much about you!"
"Meena" "H-hi. Im Meena"she said shyly and slightly folded her ears over her face.
"Johnny" "H-hi, its nice to meet you" he said ervously rubbing his neck.
"And you've already met Ash" Moon said and she waved. "Here you go, Johnny. Here's yours, and-" "Mr. Moon. Uh, uh, I'm sorry, but I'm really having second thoughts about this"he doubted. "What? No, no, no, wait-" "All right, last call. Let's go"the driver said. "Now, just a second!"
"Johnny's right. I mean, that theater scout, she didn't think we were good enough"Meena said in a sad tone.  "She sounds like a jerk" Ash added. "Yeah, total jerk" Gunter added as well. "Yeah, but she's wrong -- dead wrong. There's a reason our show is sold out every night, and I'm telling you, her boss is gonna love it" he told them. "Suki's not a bad person. She's just doing what she was told" Y/n told them. "You know Suki?" Moon asked. "Yeah,. I guess you could say she's a former friend. I dont know who she's working with now" she said tilting her head. 
Gunter smiled "Ooh. Or maybe we could just, like, do a different show, you know?" "Gunter, please, I got this"he said. "Seriously, I have this idea for, like, a space musical" [HONK HONK]
"All right, we're rolling out here"the driver told them.
"You don't want to hear about the space musical?" 
Moon saw the bus was leaving and motioned to it and gasped. "Guys, come on! [calls out]Wait!" he couldnt catch up his little legs. He threw up his hands and went back. The break screetches and the bus back up a little. They all looked over. Rosita came from in front of it. "Listen, you guys, I have dreamt of performing in Redshore City since I was a little kid. And besides, I just convinced my husband to babysit for the next 24 hours, and I am not gonna waste an opportunity like that. So come on. We've got nothing to lose!" she told them before getting on the bus.  Moon smiled.
They got on the bus and sat down. "Here, Ash. You come in on page two" he said as she walked past him. "Wait. We're just gonna rehearse this here at the back of the bus?"she asked. "Yes, we are" 
Johnny chuckled. "Course we are" "Yep. We got to get this show in the best shape ever. Ah, Miss Crawly, you made it. Good. You are an angel, and we're sure gonna need that- [she turns]WHOA! What the..?" she had on a wig an a pink dress. "Well you do say 'Dress to impress'." "Oh! Y/n this is Miss Crawly. Miss Crawly, this is Y/n, a beautiful singer, dancer, rapper, and can speak many languages" "Hi its nice to meet you Miss Crawly" She puts the box on a seat fore shaking her hand. "Hello dear. Oh you are so gourgous, so beautiful. I'm Miss. Crawly I hope you enjoy the ride" she said making Y/n chuckle with a thank you. 
They were all rehersing. Everyone on the bus looked back at them.Really enjoying it. R=Even the driver looked back before looking back at the rode. Everyone smiling. Even standing in the middle of the walk way dancing along.  Y/n closed her eyes an smiled. They were good.
Sunrise and they were almost there. Everyone was asleep except for Moon and Ash. They were going over the lines. "Absolutely right. Let's just cut that line and have you just play the guitar part through the whole scene" "Got it"  
Meena woke up and looked around. "Guys, we're here"
They woke up. And all exclaimed and whoaed. Soon they got off.
"All right. Let's go spread a little Moon Theater magic" Moon said and they all cheered. Y/n smiled at them. 
"Come on!" Meena and Johnny highfived. 
I hope you enjoyed Mini dumplings! (Mini beenie's)
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