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govindhtech · 5 months ago
Database Migration Service GCP Migrates SQL Server Database
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Database Migration Service GCP
Businesses are using managed cloud services to update their IT infrastructure in order to increase cost-effectiveness, security, and dependability. For these kinds of modernization initiatives, Cloud SQL for SQL Server, a fully managed database that offers both AI-powered Google Cloud innovations and native SQL Server features, is a popular option. With great excitement, Google Cloud announce today that Cloud SQL for SQL Server migrations from on-premises and other clouds are now generally accessible as a component of Database Migration Service (DMS).
Database migrations are frequently difficult and call for specialized knowledge. Customers that have used Database Migration Service GCP to move their SQL Server workloads to Cloud SQL for SQL Server have given us great feedback since it first introduced SQL Server migrations in April. Database conversion Service reduces the complexity of database migrations by utilizing continuous native backup and restoration technologies. This minimizes downtime while maintaining high fidelity, allowing your vital SQL Server databases to continue to function throughout the conversion process.
Google Cloud Database Migration Service
Your SQL Server database migrations will benefit from the following advantages with Database Migration Service‘s distinctive methodology:
Reduced system overhead and downtime: Use continuously available native backup and restoration technologies to maintain the functionality of your source databases during the migration process.
Serverless simplicity: Free up your teams to concentrate on strategic tasks by doing away with the requirement to manage infrastructure.
Prioritizing security: Encrypted SQL Server backup support guarantees strong protection during the migration.
No extra cost: obtainable at no additional expense, expanding the accessibility of cloud migration.
Plarium Global Ltd., a gaming firm, was able to transfer to Google Cloud with ease because to Database Migration Service’s SQL Server migration capabilities.
Using Database Migration Service
Here’s how to use Database Migration Service GCP to begin moving your SQL Server workloads right now:
Open the Google Cloud dashboard, navigate to Databases, Database Migration, and create a Connection Profile pointing to a Cloud Storage bucket where your SQL Server backup files will be uploaded.
In a similar manner, make another Connection Profile that points to the SQL Server instance you have selected in Cloud SQL.
To connect both connection profiles, create a migration job and choose the databases you want to move.
Verify that your migration job tested successfully by looking at the results shown below. When you’re ready, begin working on the project.
Upload a complete backup and ongoing backups of each database’s transaction logs to the Cloud Storage bucket as often as you’d like.
Following the restoration of the complete backups, the migration phase shifts from “Initial Load” to “Incremental Load.” Database Migration Service GCP regularly recovers transaction log backup files and searches for new ones.
Use the integrated metrics and logs to track the status of your migration jobs and determine when it is best to finish the migration.
To restore the databases, make them available, and finish the migration, click “Promote” for Database Migration Service when you’re ready.
And that’s it! You can now use your newly created Cloud SQL for SQL Server database.
Database Migration Service pricing
Database Migration Service is provided free of charge for homogeneous migrations, or migrations in which the source and destination databases use the same database engine. This involves moving sources like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server to destinations like Cloud SQL and AlloyDB.
On a per-migration job basis, heterogeneous migrations between various database engines are paid in increments of one byte. Based on raw (uncompressed) data, bytes are counted.
The cost of the Database Migration Service is detailed on this page.
Get started migrating to SQL Server right now
Prepare to update your SQL Server database infrastructure and realize the full cloud potential with Database Migration Service GCP ease of use, security features, and low downtime capabilities.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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veenaahuja · 7 months ago
Maximize Efficiency with EnFuse Solutions’ Digital Asset Management Services
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Enhance productivity with EnFuse Solutions’ digital asset management services. Their advanced solutions ensure seamless organization, easy access, and efficient workflow management of your digital assets. Drive growth and streamline operations with EnFuse’s expert AEM team. 
To maximize efficiency with EnFuse Solutions’ digital asset management services, visit here: https://www.enfuse-solutions.com/services/development-and-integration-support/digital-asset-management-dam/
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arnav-malhotra-blogs · 10 months ago
Unlock Growth Potential with EnFuse Solutions' Digital Asset Management Services
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Want to unlock your brand's growth potential? EnFuse Solutions offers top-notch digital asset management services to help you organize and optimize your digital assets. Streamline workflows, improve collaboration, and boost productivity with EnFuse’s expertise.
Experience the difference EnFuse Solutions can make for your business, learn more here:  https://www.enfuse-solutions.com/services/development-and-integration-support/digital-asset-management-dam/
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drishti-nayak · 1 year ago
Nurturing Data Excellence: A Comprehensive Overview Of Data Management Services
Effective data management services are imperative for businesses seeking to leverage the full potential of their data. Whether it’s through data standardization, profiling, database migration, or compliance, the strategic handling of data is a critical aspect of modern business operations. Partnering with EnFuse Solutions is a strategic move toward unlocking the true potential of your data assets.
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shailesh-shetty · 2 years ago
What do you mean by data management services?
Today’s organizations need a Data Management solution that provides an efficient way to manage data across diverse platforms. So, if you looking for Data Profiling, Enrichment, and Standardization Services, then EnFuse Solutions has experts who provide a highly sophisticated and scalable data management approach using the latest data migration tools that resolves all your data worries, giving your business the power to lead.
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cad-sevices · 2 years ago
The art of drafting is the creation of Sketchup. Design and drafting services are used to create practically any item that can be imagined. Architecture primarily uses it to create buildings, roadways, and sewage systems. It's also used in manufacturing and engineering. They are also the best data migration services providers, providing high-quality metadata capture and data migration. They also provide drawing digitization services at affordable prices.
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awsexchage · 6 years ago
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続・日本で 128 番目くらいに Ruby で AWS Lambda を試したメモ 〜俺のライブラリを Lambda で動かしたいけど…〜 https://ift.tt/2Cjw900
追記 (3) aws-sdk 以外の gem だけをロードする場合ってどうなのか
以下のように furikake で利用する aws-sdk を除いて, 依存している gem を require してみます.
require 'benchmark' def run(event:, context:) Benchmark.bm(10) do |r| r.report 'require gems' do require 'thor' require 'markdown-tables' require 'backlog_kit' end end end run(event: {}, context: {})
# On macOS (Ruby 2.5.1) $ bundle exec ruby lambda.rb user system total real require gems 0.091279 0.049211 0.140490 ( 0.387624) $ bundle exec ruby lambda.rb user system total real require gems 0.091667 0.041068 0.132735 ( 0.133426) $ bundle exec ruby lambda.rb user system total real require gems 0.087537 0.043253 0.130790 ( 0.132725) # On Docker Container (lambci/lambda:build-ruby2.5) bash-4.2# ruby lambda.rb user system total real require gems 0.060000 0.310000 0.370000 ( 1.752973) bash-4.2# ruby lambda.rb user system total real require gems 0.060000 0.190000 0.250000 ( 1.729625) bash-4.2# ruby lambda.rb user system total real require gems 0.140000 0.120000 0.260000 ( 1.668639) # On Lambda user system total real require gems 0.000016 0.000006 0.000022 ( 0.000020) user system total real require gems 0.000021 0.000008 0.000029 ( 0.000026) user system total real require gems 0.000030 0.000011 0.000041 ( 0.000037)
Lambda での処理時間が圧倒的に高速で優秀だと思います. 全く aws-sdk に依存しない gem を利用する場合にはロードに要する時間はとても短いことを確認しました.
これらの結果から, 以下のようなことが言えそうです.
サードパーティ製の gem において,aws-sdk に依存している gem を Lambda で利用する場合, 関数の初回起動時だけ gem のロードに時間が掛かる可能性がる (furikake はまさにそうで, furikake 自身が aws-sdk に依存している)
追記 (2) Ruby ランタイムに組み込まれている gem の一覧
以下, Ruby ランタイムに事前に組み込まれている gem の一覧です. aws-sdk は予め組み込まれていました (そりゃそうだ…).
codestar (1.7.0) aws-sdk-cognitoidentity (1.5.0) aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider (1.10.0) aws-sdk-cognitosync (1.5.0) aws-sdk-comprehend (1.8.0) aws-sdk-configservice (1.19.0) aws-sdk-connect (1.8.0) aws-sdk-core (3.37.0) aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice (1.5.0) aws-sdk-costexplorer (1.12.0) aws-sdk-databasemigrationservice (1.13.0) aws-sdk-datapipeline (1.5.0) aws-sdk-dax (1.7.0) aws-sdk-devicefarm (1.12.0) aws-sdk-directconnect (1.8.0) aws-sdk-directoryservice (1.10.0) aws-sdk-dlm (1.6.0) aws-sdk-dynamodb (1.16.0) aws-sdk-dynamodbstreams (1.5.0) aws-sdk-ec2 (1.56.0) aws-sdk-ecr (1.8.0) aws-sdk-ecs (1.22.0) aws-sdk-efs (1.6.0) aws-sdk-eks (1.7.0) aws-sdk-elasticache (1.9.0) aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk (1.13.0) aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing (1.7.0) aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2 (1.16.0) aws-sdk-elasticsearchservice (1.14.0) aws-sdk-elastictranscoder (1.6.0) aws-sdk-emr (1.7.0) aws-sdk-firehose (1.8.0) aws-sdk-fms (1.6.0) aws-sdk-gamelift (1.9.0) aws-sdk-glacier (1.13.0) aws-sdk-glue (1.20.0) aws-sdk-greengrass (1.10.0) aws-sdk-guardduty (1.10.0) aws-sdk-health (1.7.0) aws-sdk-iam (1.10.0) aws-sdk-importexport (1.5.0) aws-sdk-inspector (1.11.0) aws-sdk-iot (1.18.0) aws-sdk-iot1clickdevicesservice (1.5.0) aws-sdk-iot1clickprojects (1.5.0) aws-sdk-iotanalytics (1.9.0) aws-sdk-iotdataplane (1.5.0) aws-sdk-iotjobsdataplane (1.6.0) aws-sdk-kinesis (1.8.0) aws-sdk-kinesisanalytics (1.7.0) aws-sdk-kinesisvideo (1.6.0) aws-sdk-kinesisvideoarchivedmedia (1.6.0) aws-sdk-kinesisvideomedia (1.5.0) aws-sdk-kms (1.11.0) aws-sdk-lambda (1.13.0) aws-sdk-lambdapreview (1.5.0) aws-sdk-lex (1.8.0) aws-sdk-lexmodelbuildingservice (1.11.0) aws-sdk-lightsail (1.10.0) aws-sdk-machinelearning (1.5.0) aws-sdk-macie (1.5.0) aws-sdk-marketplacecommerceanalytics (1.5.0) aws-sdk-marketplaceentitlementservice (1.5.0) aws-sdk-marketplacemetering (1.5.0) aws-sdk-mediaconvert (1.16.0) aws-sdk-medialive (1.15.0) aws-sdk-mediapackage (1.9.0) aws-sdk-mediastore (1.6.0) aws-sdk-mediastoredata (1.7.0) aws-sdk-mediatailor (1.6.0) aws-sdk-migrationhub (1.7.0) aws-sdk-mobile (1.5.0) aws-sdk-mq (1.7.0) aws-sdk-mturk (1.8.0) aws-sdk-neptune (1.6.0) aws-sdk-opsworks (1.8.0) aws-sdk-opsworkscm (1.9.0) aws-sdk-organizations (1.15.0) aws-sdk-pi (1.5.0) aws-sdk-pinpoint (1.12.0) aws-sdk-pinpointemail (1.0.0) aws-sdk-polly (1.13.0) aws-sdk-pricing (1.5.0) aws-sdk-rds (1.36.0) aws-sdk-redshift (1.13.0) aws-sdk-rekognition (1.14.0) aws-sdk-resourcegroups (1.7.0) aws-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi (1.5.0) aws-sdk-resources (3.27.0) aws-sdk-route53 (1.15.0) aws-sdk-route53domains (1.7.0) aws-sdk-s3 (1.23.1) aws-sdk-sagemaker (1.22.0) aws-sdk-sagemakerruntime (1.6.0) aws-sdk-secretsmanager (1.19.0) aws-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository (1.9.0) aws-sdk-servicecatalog (1.12.0) aws-sdk-servicediscovery (1.7.0) aws-sdk-ses (1.13.0) aws-sdk-shield (1.8.0) aws-sdk-signer (1.4.0) aws-sdk-simpledb (1.5.0) aws-sdk-sms (1.5.0) aws-sdk-snowball (1.9.0) aws-sdk-sns (1.7.0) aws-sdk-sqs (1.9.0) aws-sdk-ssm (1.32.0) aws-sdk-states (1.7.0) aws-sdk-storagegateway (1.12.0) aws-sdk-support (1.5.0) aws-sdk-swf (1.5.0) aws-sdk-transcribeservice (1.10.0) aws-sdk-translate (1.6.0) aws-sdk-waf (1.10.0) aws-sdk-wafregional (1.11.0) aws-sdk-workdocs (1.6.0) aws-sdk-workmail (1.6.0) aws-sdk-workspaces (1.8.0) aws-sdk-xray (1.8.0) aws-sigv2 (1.0.1) aws-sigv4 (1.0.3) bigdecimal (default: 1.3.4) bundler (1.17.1) cmath (default: 1.0.0) csv (default: 1.0.0) date (default: 1.0.0) dbm (default: 1.0.0) etc (default: 1.0.0) fcntl (default: 1.0.0) fiddle (default: 1.0.0) fileutils (default: 1.0.2) gdbm (default: 2.0.0) io-console (default: 0.4.6) ipaddr (default: 1.2.0) jmespath (1.4.0) json (default: 2.1.0) openssl (default: 2.1.2) psych (default: 3.0.2) rdoc (default: 6.0.1) scanf (default: 1.0.0) sdbm (default: 1.0.0) stringio (default: 0.0.1) strscan (default: 1.0.0) webrick (default: 1.4.2) zlib (default: 1.0.0)
追記 (1) Ruby ランタイムの gem environment
RubyGems Environment: - RUBYGEMS VERSION: 2.7.6 - RUBY VERSION: 2.5.3 (2018-10-18 patchlevel 105) [x86_64-linux] - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /var/runtime - USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /.gem/ruby/2.5.0 - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /var/lang/bin/ruby - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /var/runtime/bin - SPEC CACHE DIRECTORY: /.gem/specs - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DIRECTORY: /var/lang/etc - RUBYGEMS PLATFORMS: - ruby - x86_64-linux - GEM PATHS: - /var/runtime - /var/task/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0 - /opt/ruby/gems/2.5.0 - GEM CONFIGURATION: - :update_sources => true - :verbose => true - :backtrace => false - :bulk_threshold => 1000 - REMOTE SOURCES: - https://rubygems.org/ - SHELL PATH: - /var/lang/bin - /var/lang/bin - /usr/local/bin - /usr/bin/ - /bin - /opt/bin
俺でもわかる!俺でもわかった!ことを将来の俺達のために残すアドベントカレンダーです 俺でもわかるシリーズ Advent Calendar 2018 - Qiita - Qiita
俺でもわかるシリーズ Advent Calendar 2018 第 8 日目の記事になる予定です.
集え、初老丸達よ。初老丸達による世界に向けた技術的(又はそれに関連する)な物語を綴るカレンダーです。我こそ初老丸という方、初老丸予備軍の方も奮ってご参加下さい。ジーク・初老丸! 初老丸 Advent Calendar 2018 - Qiita - Qiita
初老丸 Advent Calendar 2018 第 12 日目の記事になる予定です.
昨日, 以下のような記事を書きました.
# これは初老丸アドベントカレンダー 2018 の 8 日目の記事になる予定です.https://ift.tt/2SOSxUe 加藤さん, 事件です.ずっと待たれ... 日本で 128 番目くらいに Ruby で AWS Lambda を試したメモ - Qiita - Qiita
Ruby が AWS Lambda 上で動くなんてすごいなあと興奮していたのもつかの間, 自分で作ったライブラリが動くかなあと試そうとして躓いた (今も躓いている) ので, メモっておきます.
あれ, 関数の起動が遅いよ…これ
furikake を Lambda で
以下のような issue を立てて, furikake を Lambda 上で動かしてみようとしました.
AWS Lambda 上で動くかどうか試す https://ift.tt/2KPfap3 AWS Lambda 上で動くかどうか試す · Issue #42 · inokappa/furikake - GitHub
以下のようなエントリーポイントになるコードを書いて sam でローカルテストを実行するところまで漕ぎ着けました.
require 'furikake' def run(event:, context:) report = Furikake::Report.new report.show end
以下, 実際の実行例です. 関数のタイムアウト自体は 60 秒に設定しています.
$ echo '{"test":"dayo"}' | sam local invoke ServerlessFurikake 2018-12-01 07:26:47 Reading invoke payload from stdin (you can also pass it from file with --event) 2018-12-01 07:26:47 Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials 2018-12-01 07:26:47 Invoking lambda.run (ruby2.5) Fetching lambci/lambda:ruby2.5 Docker container image...... 2018-12-01 07:26:49 Mounting /path/to/serverless-furikake as /var/task:ro inside runtime container 2018-12-01 07:27:50 Function 'ServerlessFurikake' timed out after 60 seconds
gem のロードが遅くない??
furikake は aws-sdk 等の幾つかの gem に依存しているのですが, これらの gem のロードが遅いんじゃないかな…という仮説を立ててみました. ほんとにそれくらいしか思いつかなかったので. ということで, ローカル環境と sam invoke local で実行する Docker コンテナ環境, Lambda 環境の三環境で gem の読み込み速度の比較をしてみたいと思います.
sam は local invoke する際に Docker コンテナを起動して, そのコンテナ上で関数を実行しているので, そのコンテナ上でデバッグしてみたいと思います.
尚, 利用する Docker イメージは以下のイメージです.
Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment - lambci/docker-lambda lambci/docker-lambda - GitHub
また, Docker を動かしている環境は以下の通りです.
$ sw_vers ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.13.6 BuildVersion: 17G65 $ ruby --version ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-darwin17]
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)
2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
16 GB 1867 MHz DDR3
2018 年でも快適に利用出来る環境だと思います.
で, 一旦, furikake から離れて, シンプルな検証用のコードを書いて検証してみます.
require 'benchmark' def run(event:, context:) Benchmark.bm(10) do |r| r.report 'require aws-sdk' do require 'aws-sdk' end end end run(event: {}, context: {})
gem は bundle init で Gemfile を生成して以下のように記載して bundle install --path vendor/bundle と実行してインストールしました.
# frozen_string_literal: true source "https://rubygems.org" git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "https://github.com/#{repo_name}" } gem 'aws-sdk'
以下のようなディレクトリ, ファイル構成となります.
$ tree . -L 2 . ├── Gemfile ├── Gemfile.lock ├── lambda.rb ├── template.yaml └── vendor └── bundle 2 directories, 4 files
以下のように, real で 1.5 秒程度掛かっていますが, 2 回目以降は 0.5 秒程度となり, 個人的に違和感はありません.
$ bundle exec ruby lambda.rb user system total real require aws-sdk 0.327319 0.268804 0.596123 ( 1.496711) $ bundle exec ruby lambda.rb user system total real require aws-sdk 0.296917 0.187150 0.484067 ( 0.489871) $ bundle exec ruby lambda.rb user system total real require aws-sdk 0.299350 0.188319 0.487669 ( 0.494612)
sam の local invoke で利用する Docker 環境
$ docker run -t -i --rm -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci/lambda:build-ruby2.5 /bin/bash
以下のように 100 秒以上掛かるようになりました.
bash-4.2# ruby lambda.rb && ruby lambda.rb && ruby lambda.rb user system total real require aws-sdk 27.580000 8.450000 36.030000 (119.208587) user system total real require aws-sdk 25.780000 9.320000 35.100000 (105.250906) user system total real require aws-sdk 24.730000 9.860000 34.590000 (102.976592)
Lambda 環境 (sam でデプロイ)
sam を使ってデプロイしてマネジメントコンソールで確認します. タイムアウトは最大の 15 分に設定しています.
user system total real require aws-sdk 17.486155 1.504303 18.990458 (232.400251) user system total real require aws-sdk 0.000095 0.000008 0.000103 ( 0.000101) user system total real require aws-sdk 0.000026 0.000002 0.000028 ( 0.000025) user system total real require aws-sdk 0.000026 0.000002 0.000028 ( 0.000025)
初回が鬼のように時間が掛かっています. 2 回目以降は 1 回目が嘘のように速くなっていて, むしろローカル環境で実行するよりも速くなっています. どのような仕組みになっているかは分かりかねますが, gem がキャッシュに載っているんだと思います… きっと.
エントリーポイントになるコードを修正して, デプロイし直したところ, キャッシュを含む環境が破棄されて新しい環境に展開される為, 初回起動と同じくらいの起動時間を要してしまいました.
user system total real require aws-sdk 18.216496 1.705607 19.922103 (243.839962) Hello. user system total real require aws-sdk 0.000100 0.000010 0.000110 ( 0.000107) Hello.
なぜか, 初回起動時だけ 2 回 require 'aws-sdk' が実行されているのは…すいません. コードの問題だとおもいます.
Lambda 環境 (手動で Lambda 関数を作成)
マネジメントコンソールにて手動で Lambda 関数を作って, コードを貼り付け��テストしてみます.
user system total real require aws-sdk 0.264964 0.043559 0.308523 ( 3.765794) user system total real require aws-sdk 0.000027 0.000004 0.000031 ( 0.000027) user system total real require aws-sdk 0.000024 0.000004 0.000028 ( 0.000026)
初回起動時は 3 秒ほど掛かっていますが, 2 回目以降は一瞬です. Ruby ランタイムには既に aws-sdk が利用可能な状態で組み込まれているようですので, 単純に aws-sdk だけを利用する Lambda 関数を実行する場合には, この程度の起動時間を要すると考えておくと良さそうです.
Lambda 環境では初めて関数を起動する際, サードパーティ製 gem のロードに時間を要する場合があるので気長に待つ (タイムアウトは長めに設定しておく必要がある)
2 回目以降の実行は爆速, コードを変更してデプロイし直すと環境は破棄されて gem を再ロードしてしまうので…起動は遅くなる
sam を使ってローカル実行する場合には, 毎回 gem をロードしてしまうので注意 (そんなもんだと割り切るしかないのかな…)
初回起動時間にさえ注意すれば, 多くの Ruby ライブラリを Lambda 上で動かすことができそうです!
ということで, furikake を動かせそうな気がしてきました.
「続・日本で 128 番目くらいに Ruby で AWS Lambda を試したメモ 〜俺のライブラリを Lambda で動かしたいけど…〜」
December 18, 2018 at 12:00PM
0 notes