#Darth x Julie
roosterforme · 1 year
A Love You Don't Find Everyday Part 14 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You are starting to stress over Bradley's upcoming deployment, but he's the one you can always count on to make you feel better. After you fulfill three wishes for him, your only wish is for him to return in time for the wedding.
Warnings: Smut, angst, fluff, and swearing
Length: 4200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Bradley wasn't sure how you managed to pull off half of the shit that you did. He knew you were busy at work. He knew you were busy with the secret wedding plans. He knew you were trying to spend as much time with him as you could before he deployed again. But you still managed to put together a Halloween party that everyone was excited about. 
"Can't wait for tomorrow night!" Fanboy said, slapping Bradley on the back in the locker room. "I can't wait to show off my secret costume."
"You wear the same costume every year, man," Payback replied. "Darth Vader. Every single year."
Fanboy glared at him. "Yeah, because I spent a lot of money to have it specially made. If you try to wear that shitty looking impostor Vader costume again this year, I'll be so pissed at you."
Payback just rolled his eyes and headed for the showers. 
Bradley had already agreed to wear a couples costume with you. He'd agreed to it last year as well. He had worn tights for you after dating for less than a month. But every time he thought about dressing up as the Peter Pan to your Tinker Bell, he smiled. 
"Pussy whipped," he muttered to himself as he claimed a shower as well. He still loved it when you put on that tiny green dress for him. And you kept telling him that this year's costume came complete with three wishes that you would grant for him. So he wasn't about to complain about having to wear his dress whites around the house all evening. 
When Bradley got home, you were in the kitchen, already making food for the following night's party. "Hi, Roo," you called, running to wrap your arms around him. He was leaving for South Korea with Jake in five days, and he could tell you were getting anxious. He hated putting you through this over and over again, but he loved how you were holding onto him at every opportunity now.
"You need help with anything?" he asked. You looked up at him warily, probably scared to have him help too much in the kitchen. 
"Um, how about you fold laundry and clean the bathrooms for tomorrow night?"
"You know, it kind of hurts that you hardly ever let me help you in the kitchen," he whined, kissing the top of your head.
"But you're so good at cleaning, Roo," you told him as he walked down the hallway.
When he reemerged from his chores, you had made two delicious looking sandwiches, and you were drinking a beer while you decorated a cake. 
"Jesus, how do you manage to do all this?" he asked as you took a small bite out of one of the sandwiches. You looked at him like you were suddenly going to cry. "What's wrong?"
You just shook your head and closed your eyes. 
"Did I do something?" he asked softly as you took a step away from him.
You shook your head again, swiping away some tears from your eyes. 
"You're scaring me. What's wrong?"
When you tried to suck in a deep breath, you hiccupped and started crying instead. The way your face looked like you were in agony was killing him when you finally said, "I don't want you to go. I'm so scared." You paused to hiccup again, and Bradley felt his heart clench inside him. "You haven't been deployed since July. Since your accident." The last three words were spoken so quietly, you barely even said them out loud. 
He moved closer to you, and then you were immediately in his arms. But Bradley knew there was no way to really comfort you. This was something he thought about all the time, too. "It's just two weeks, tops. You know I'm always going to fight to get back to you if I need to. Every single time. You know that, Sweetheart."
"I know," you wailed against his chest. "But I'm still scared." 
Bradley guided you to the living room couch and let you sit in his lap and cry until your tears started to ease up. He ran his hand in small, soothing circles along your thigh and held back his own tears. 
You wiped your face on his shirt and looked up at him, running your hand along his scarred left arm. "I should be used to this by now."
He shook his head and kissed your nose. "I don't think this is the kind of thing anyone ever gets used to," he whispered as you sniffled at him. "I certainly am not. All I wanted was to have you in my life. To have you waiting for me when I come home. But it fucking destroys me to leave you here by yourself."
"Just don't leave me forever."
Crying so hard and so suddenly had given you a headache. You didn't have a chance to try on your Halloween costume. You barely managed to eat your sandwich, and Bradley had to help you finish getting the party food ready. 
By nine o'clock, you were ready to give up for the night. You let him cover the cake you had made, and he offered to clean up the kitchen while you got ready for bed. 
It felt like you couldn't get your pulse under control. Your heart was racing. It was getting worse with each day as you got closer to his departure. You really just wanted to enjoy this Halloween party. All of your friends were coming, and Bradley had agreed to wear a matching costume again. Your head was just swirling. If you still felt this way tomorrow, you were going to have to cancel on everyone. 
Suddenly Bradley was in the bedroom doorway, holding Tramp and smiling. 
"What?" you asked, still swiping at your eyes behind your glasses as you sat up more in bed. 
"If I tell you, then you have to promise to stop crying," he said, still smiling as he made his way to the bed. 
You took a few deep breaths, finally feeling the ache in your chest loosen a bit. "Okay, I'm done crying," you promised in the steadiest voice you could manage. 
Bradley set Tramp down at the foot of the bed and slowly crawled up toward you, his expression changing to gleeful as he got closer. 
"What?" you asked, a laugh escaping as you felt yourself smile. "What is it?"
He crawled on top of you, playfully kissing your neck and face, nearly knocking your glasses onto the floor before you managed to toss them onto the night stand. 
"Bradley!" you giggled as he kissed your ear, his own deep laughter filling you up. His weight on you felt soothing as your legs tangled with his. "Tell me!"
But he just kept on kissing your lips so softly as you let your fingers thread through his hair. With a huge smile on his face, he let his forehead rest softly against yours. 
"What is it?" you asked, nipping at his lips.
"Baby Girl. We're getting married in thirty days." He pulled his face away a few inches, and he looked happier than a kid on Christmas morning. "Sweetheart! It's just one month away!"
You started laughing and threw your arms around his neck. "A month!"
"Mmhmm," he hummed against your neck. "One month. I get to be your husband in one month. How did I get this lucky?"
You took his face in both of your hands and kissed him hard. "I love you, Bradley."
Somehow, that declaration of thirty days was all it took to make you feel better. And after a few minutes of cuddling, you were sound asleep, draped halfway across his body. 
"Are you almost dressed?" Bradley asked. You had shut yourself in the bathroom, which you never really did when you were getting ready. You always left the door open so he could check on you, or just look at you, or sneak up behind you and make you late for things.
"Um... almost!" you called. Everyone would start arriving shortly, and he was dying to have a few minutes with you in your costume. Alone. He hadn't even seen it on you yet. 
He adjusted his tie and looked over at Tramp who appeared to be dressed as some sort of fairy. But you had told Bradley it was part of the costume theme and divulged no further information. 
"Sweetheart, it's almost party time!" he called again, just as you opened the bathroom door. "Oh, shit."
You smiled and twirled for him. You were wearing a light blue slip dress that ended above your knees as well as a costume wig with a tiara. You even had some sort of glass slippers on your feet.
Bradley's mouth was hanging open as he shook his head. "You look hot."
You looked down at yourself and then back up at him. "I feel kind of silly. But you look delicious, Roo. Or should I say Prince Charming?" 
The skirt part of your dress was kind of gauzy and sheer, and the top was kind of tight, and that made him feel a little silly. "Do you have any idea what you are capable of?" he rasped, reaching for you.
"What do you mean?" you asked, tucking yourself into his arms.
"You could destroy me with one look, Baby Girl."
You smirked and rubbed yourself against him. "My name is Cinderella."
Bradley groaned so loudly, you started laughing again. 
"And my fairy godmother said I can grant you three wishes tonight," you added, biting your glossy lip. Tramp perked up and shook his fairy wings as if on cue. 
Bradley raised his eyebrows at you. "Anything I want?"
You nodded, still chewing on your lip. 
He pushed you back against the dresser and started bunching up your dress just as the doorbell rang. "Fuck!"
You ran out of the room, your laughter trailing behind you as he followed. When you had nearly reached the front door, Bradley scooped you up from behind. "This is going to be fun," he whispered in your ear. "Okay, my first wish: I want you to flash me your tits when nobody is looking."
You squealed with delight as he set you down. "You're naughty, Roo."
"I thought I was Prince Charming."
You put your hand on the doorknob and whispered, "Wish number one, coming right up." Then you opened the door and let Cam and Maria inside.
"You look ridiculous," you told them as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum entered the house. Cam pressed a six pack of beer into Bradley's hands and Maria kissed his cheek, and then they both made their way into the kitchen. 
Before you could even close the door, Fanboy Vader entered followed by Bob who was dressed as Where's Waldo. "Cute!" you said, making a fuss over both of them. Bradley watched Bob pointedly not look at your body while Fanboy pointedly looked at your body and then gave Bradley a fistbump. 
"Phoenix!" you squealed, tossing your arms around Bradley's best friend who was dressed as Wednesday Addams, complete with braided pigtails. 
"Cinderella, I dig it," Nat said with a laugh before looking at Bradley. "But that is the furthest thing I have ever seen from Prince Charming. Eww, wait... is this some sort of twisted roleplay fantasy?! You guys need to do this shit on your own time." But she was still smiling at Bradley as she made her way over to pet Tramp. 
You closed the door only to open it again as Mav and Penny entered dressed as Sonny and Cher. Within a minute, Mav had Bradley cornered. 
"I'm fully ordained," Maverick said, holding out his hand for Bradley to shake it, but Bradley wrapped his arms around him in a hug instead. 
"Thanks again, Mav. Almost everything is ready. Just need to submit our permits, and we are good to go. And don't you dare tell Penny or Amelia." 
Mav grinned and mimed zipping his lips before getting a beer.
"Oh my goodness, you look sexy!" Bradley froze. That was clearly your voice. You shouldn't be saying that to anyone except him. He peered through the house to the front door and caught sight of you running your fingers along Payback's Halloween costume, if you could even call it that. 
He was dressed as a firefighter. A firefighter stripper. Just yellow pants with red and yellow suspenders.
"Yeah, well, this was the only costume left in my size," he was saying to you, grinning as you snapped the suspenders against him. 
"Looking hot, Payback." 
When you caught Bradley's eye, you winked.
He headed over and wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ear, "Stop flirting with Payback and give me my first wish."
"Now is not the appropriate time, Prince Charming," you squealed, wriggling out of his grasp as Jake arrived. 
"A Ken doll? Again?" Bradley asked as Jake descended upon you with a huge bouquet of orange flowers and kissed you on the cheek. Bradley knew better than to be jealous, but you were barely wearing any clothing, and the guys were all over you. 
"You look like you could be my Barbie," Jake told you with a wink, you responded by seductively untying his ascot before flicking his ear. 
"Your wife is mean," Jake said, rubbing his ear. The word wife made Bradley smile every time. And as he looked at you over Jake's shoulder you bit your lip and looked around. Everyone else had abandoned the living room, stairs and entryway for the kitchen. 
Bradley licked his lips and grinned, knowing you were about to go for it. He watched you yank down the top of your dress, and your tits bounced free for him. He could tell your nipples were hard from across the room, and he watched you struggle to get yourself covered up again. A look of slight panic crossed your features, but Bradley was having fun watching you grabbing at your own breasts. 
Until he noticed Jake was about to turn around to see what he was looking at. "Hey! Did you mention anything to Fanboy about keeping an eye on her while we're gone?" Bradley asked, regaining Jake's attention while you finally got yourself covered. 
Bradley and Jake both turned to watch you stroll into the kitchen like you hadn't a care in the world. "Yeah. Fanboy said he'd stop over if she needs anything. Of course Bob, Payback and Coyote all said the same thing too. She's going to be just fine."
Bradley frowned. "Where is Coyote?"
"Oh, he's in the kitchen," you called over your shoulder. "I didn't see him come in?"
When Bradley made his way into the kitchen, Coyote was looking at you with his hands on his hips. "I'm dressed as James Bond. I'm a spy. I crept in the back door when nobody was looking." 
You were smiling as he looked annoyed that nobody seemed to appreciate how he was fully in character.
"Do you want a martini?" you asked, straightening his bowtie. Then he smiled down at you.
"No, I don't want you to go to any trouble. I'll just grab a beer," Coyote told you, flashing a huge smile. 
Bradley watched with mild interest as you chatted with Coyote and Fanboy for a little bit. Your costume was extremely distracting, so he couldn't really blame the guys for sneaking some glances at your chest. At least they had the decency to look a little embarrassed anytime they caught Bradley's eye. And he was happy to see that Maria had managed to garner all of Payback's attention, what with his perfect abs fully exposed to everyone at large. 
When you went to grab some more of your orange sangria from the refrigerator, Bradley let you pour a glass and take a sip before he took it from you and finished it. "Hey!" you complained, but he just set the glass aside. 
Everyone was pretty distracted, dancing to your Halloween playlist and eating and drinking. Bradley ran his knuckles down along the soft skin between your breasts, and you instantly whimpered for him.
"Oh, fuck," he whispered, already getting hard, right in the middle of his kitchen. "Prince Charming wants to get his dick wet."
Your lips parted as his fingers trailed up to your neck and wrapped around your necklace chain, and your eyes went wide. "Is that your second wish?"
"No, that's a fucking order." 
Your moan was so loud, Bradley pressed his lips to yours to keep you quiet. When he released you, he murmured, "Meet me in the laundry room in ten minutes to fulfill my second wish."
You just nodded dumbly, and after a few minutes, Bradley watched you sneak down the hallway. 
He needed to time it just right so it didn't look too suspicious. He was so worked up. Usually he could last as long as you needed him to, always wanting to get you there before himself. But he was pretty sure he could get away with a quickie. No way he'd last long with you dressed like that and moaning. 
When he ducked inside the laundry room, you were there with the light on, immediately reaching for the front of his uniform pants. 
"That's a good girl," he crooned, watching you unzip and pull him free. "That's my sweet Princess."
You licked your lips and met his eyes. "How do you want it, your highness?" Your voice was soft and needy, and he was throbbing in your hand.
He kissed you gently one time before taking you by the hips and bending you over the washing machine. "I want to fuck you hard and fast and fill you with my cum," he grunted, yanking up the sheer material of your dress and running his hands along your ass. You weren't wearing any underwear, and he could see how wet you were. 
"Oh!" you moaned as he pushed himself deep inside your pussy without warning. 
"All the guys want to flirt with you? And look at you? That's fine," he said, squeezing your hips as you grasped the washing machine while he rocked into you. "I know you're mine. But you're gonna keep my cum in this little pussy all night. I wanna smell it on you later. Want them to smell it too."
He fucked you hard, nealy knocking over the jug of detergent as he railed you. Each of his thrusts was punctuated with a grunt from the back of your throat, and you were getting louder and louder.
"Don't get too loud. I didn't lock the door," Bradley growled, switching to shorter, harder thrusts that just left you moaning his name. "Fine, be loud. I don't fucking care if someone catches us."
That had you turning to look up over your shoulder at him, mouth hanging open, brows pinched. "Roo," you groaned, and he squeezed both of your ass cheeks as he came hard, clenching his jaw and keeping his eyes on yours.
He leaned down to kiss your cheek before withdrawing and watching his cum leak out of your pussy and down your thighs. "You're so fucking perfect," he whispered, kneeling down and kissing the backs of your legs before he pulled your dress down slowly over the masterpiece he had painted. 
"Bradley," you whispered, just staring up at him as he stood and running your fingers along his sensitive length. 
"Get back out there, Cinderella. Go chat with the guys all you want," he said, landing a soft smack to your rear end as you left the room. 
Bradley took a moment to tuck himself back into his dress whites, noting the streak of your wetness next to his zipper. He smiled as he buttoned his pants, already thinking about his third wish.
You could feel Bradley's cum as it seeped out of you with every movement. Your legs and dress were soaked from him, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't turned on for the rest of the night. 
He came from fucking you inside the laundry room, but you did not. And that was just fine with you. Getting his dick wet was one of his three wishes, and you were more than happy to give that to him. 
But now you were worked up. Everytime Bradley looked at you, every time your costume brushed against your nipples, you wanted to take him to bed. And you almost felt like everyone you talked to knew what you and Bradley had done. Which just made you even needier for him. 
You also couldn't wait to hear what his third wish was.
You were sitting on the piano bench with Cam and sharing a plate of snacks, looking around the room at everyone. Suddenly part of you realized that the way you and Bradley had planned your wedding was quite risky. There was the chance that some of these people wouldn't show up on your big day, because they wouldn't know that it was actually your wedding day. That thought made you sad. 
You had known Cam longer than anybody else here. He'd lived across the hallway from you in the Naval Academy dormitories. You became friends instantly. Well, after you recovered from your devastating crush on him. And right now he was rambling on about how you should be recruiting him for your lab, which was currently getting way more grant money than the one he was working in.
"Hey, Cam?" you asked, cutting him off.
"Give me your phone. I need your calendar. I need you to make sure you're free the day after Thanksgiving."
He handed you his phone. "I'm flying back from Pittsburgh that morning. Why?"
"You'll be back in the afternoon?"
"Yeah, land around noon. Why?"
You entered a bogus event into his calendar and handed the phone back to him. "Don't make plans. I need you that day." You kissed his cheek and knocked his glasses crooked in the process.
He just shrugged and agreed with you. "Sure." Then he started rambling on again. 
When you went into the kitchen to refill your drink, you got cornered by Coyote and Fanboy. "You want some sangria?" you asked them both.
"Nah, just wanted to remind you that we're around 24/7 if you need anything while Rooster and Hangman are away," Fanboy told you with so much sincerity, it made your heart ache for this group of aviators that you called your friends.
"Seriously," Coyote added, "Like if something breaks, or something makes you uncomfortable, just call us, okay? And you can always eat lunch with us, too."
You nodded and smiled. "Got it. Thanks, guys."
You had similar conversations with Nat, Bob and Payback before the end of the night, and by the time Maverick told you to let him know if you needed anything, you threw your arms around him. "I'll let you know, Mav. Thank you. I appreciate your concern, and I know Bradley does, too."
Soon you were a little tipsy and dancing with Payback the stipper firefighter while Bradley played Monster Mash on the piano. And that led to everyone dancing around your dining room table. And then that led to everyone eating cake, including fairy godmother Tramp who devoured an entire slice that Bob dropped before anyone could pick it up. 
It was so late by the time everyone was leaving, you had lost your glass slippers somewhere, and the house was a mess. But everyone left with a smile on their face, and you'd honestly had the best time. And more importantly, Bradley looked like he'd had fun. 
"Tomorrow is actually Halloween," he remarked, closing the door behind Nat as she waved goodbye. "Is it sad that I'm really excited to give out candy to the kids?"
"No," you said, wrapping him up in a hug. "I'm excited, too. It's our first Halloween in the house."
"You're not wearing this to give out candy, are you?" he asked, eying your cleavage with some concern. 
You started laughing, gently removing your tiara and wig which had been itching you all night. "No! You and I are dressing as baseball players tomorrow."
He swallowed hard, running his fingers along your lower back. "But you're keeping this, right?"
"Mmhmm, I'm keeping it, Roo."
"Good," he said, scooping you up into his arms and carrying you to the bedroom. "And now I'm ready for my third wish."
You smirked up at him as he set you down on your feet next to the bed. "What'll it be, Prince Charming?"
But he just looked at your face, leaning down to kiss you one time. You felt his fingers trail up along both of your arms, but you couldn't look away from his intense brown eyes. He had one large hand at the back of your neck while he stroked your lips softly with his other thumb. 
His words were soft and sincere. "Baby Girl. I wish you would stay with me forever." Then he kissed you with such love and care, you never wanted to leave his embrace.
You reached up to wrap your arms around his neck and whispered next to his ear, "Wish granted."
Get ready for another deployment up next... Anyone have guesses about the wedding?
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comicwaren · 2 months
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This week on Marvel Comics (31st July 2024):
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #054
Black Widow: Venomous #001 (One-shot)
Blood Hunt #005 (Finale)
Captain Marvel Vol. 11 #010 (Finale)
Fantastic Four Vol. 7 #022
Hellverine #003
Immortal Thor #013
Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #003 (Finale)
Ms. Marvel Annual Vol. 3 #001 (One-shot)
Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #003
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White & Red #004 (Finale)
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #007
X-Force Vol. 7 #001 (NEW!)
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #004 (Finale)
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hayden-christensen · 9 months
Post your favourite and most popular post from each month in 2023.
I was tagged on my other blog and wanted to do it for this blog too haha.
JANUARY — most popular: anakin eyes gifset — favourite: anakin & obi-wan x marjorie gifset
FEBRUARY — most popular: anakin vs dooku bts early test gifset — favourite: pt trio gifset for psc event
MARCH — most popular: coruscant in mando s3 and rots parallel gifset — favourite: anakin the chosen one gifset for psc event
APRIL — most popular: hayden swce anakin is vader kenobi panel gifset — favourite: hayden swce interview gifset
MAY — most popular: swaw rots trivia gifset — favourite: may the 4th gifset
JUNE — most popular: kenobi part vi anniversary gifset
JULY — most popular: anakin & obi-wan rogue planet quote gifset — favourite: anakin x taylor songs gifset for psc event
AUGUST — most popular: barbie gifset — favourite: anakin rots novelisation quote gifset for psc event
SEPTEMBER —most popular: hayden + obi-ani spin gifset
OCTOBER — most popular: anakin force ghost ahsoka 1x08 and rotj parallel gifset — favourite: darth vader gifset for psc event
NOVEMBER — most popular: anakin & obi-wan aotc trailer deleted scene gifset
DECEMBER — most popular: barbie poster style gifset — favourite: anakin blorbo gifset
I'm tagging @haydanakin, @padme-amidala, @pedro-pascal, @mcgregor and @swprequels if you haven’t done this already as well as anyone else who wants to do it!
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dukeoftheblackstar · 6 months
[ original post ] [ dividers by vodika-vibes ]
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Updated: 03/10/24
Where's Mommy? 2 chapters - by Steph
Skin to Skin - Cad Bane by Candy
An Honest Day's Work - Construction Boba eyyyy e////e
Goodbye, Little Soka - by bart1607
Feast - OC Talia x Wolffe oneshot?
Olom SFW Alphabet - Crystal's OC
Crack Angst with Fox, Wolffe, Plo.
Babymaking with Rex by clone-anon-after-dark
Not Letting Go - Fox Fic by kenzie
Life-changing Rodian fic #2 by @spicedrobot
Valentine Ask for Wrecker by Freesia
Post - Julie
Love It When You Hate Me - by wizardofrozz
Under the Same Night Sky - Julie / rexxdjarin
Cad Bane Alphabet - by my-sun-m00n-and-stars
Feb Prompt (had my eyes on this last time) - by JJ / @lamaenthel
Suffering In Silence - Wolffe Angst
Helpless (Boba Fett, Jango Fett)
"You Weren't Supposed To Get Hurt" (Jango Fett, Boba Fett)
Too Weak To Move (Ailyn Vel, Boba Fett)
All @sinisterexaggerator's
BDSM with the boys
TLC post-work with the boys
Whump Death with Cad Bane
Feelings with Cad Bane
-> Sex, Drugs, and Blasters - Cad Bane by my-sun-m00n-and-stars
Lifeday - by Crystal 9K
Fate's Right Hand (3) - Cad Bane by Candy
Mimi Mirage's Memoir - Moonie ♥
In This Planetarium with You - Darth Fett
Poets and Painters Masterlist - (redo read for multichaps)
The Wolfpack Queen - OC Talia x Wolffe by reader6898 / Kayla
Where Angels Fear To Tread - plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows
Queen of Hearts - Steph 14.5k
Penguins - Saren Fluff fic?
The Vakarians (Castis Vakarian Fic)
Rain on Distant Shores - ContinuousSpec
This entire Masterlist because holy fuck do I want to read dinobirds fuck nasty - Castelau / Ao3
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Note to self:
The lack of Turian fic in this bitch is appalling. <- Fixed, updated with an entire masterlist of nasty dinobird fuckenings.
Please finish the list before getting more.
Update your to-read list bookmark.
Generate a proper tagging system / Abandon sheet tracker
Maybe fix your Masterlist? <- - Harr. Harr. Harr.
-> Word of the day: canoodling
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•◘• <- Alt + 7-8-7 || To read / list
•○• <- Alt + 7-9-7 || idk but I like it <-
•▲• <- Alt 7-30-7 || To do / get done
Okay, I think this is all I have on my plate before I once more lose all inhibition and self control and add more.
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sarifinasnightmare · 1 year
Rocky Road
Rating: For Everyone
Pairing: Sarah x Bucky
Author's Note: Sorry it's late. Had to track down my laptop!
Summary: Cass and AJ convince Bucky to buy them ice cream.
July 14-21: AJ and Cass Wilson 
Bucky considered it a real privilege to go out with Cass and AJ. For so long he only knew the sounds of violence or the silence that accompanied death. Hearing the boys goof around the forested path, running, climbing, chattering and laughing was music to him, reminding him of those faded, sepia-toned memories of him and Steve causing chaos on the streets of Brooklyn.  
The boys found some long sticks and started dueling with them, making lightsaber sounds as they argued about who was Darth Maul and who was Obi-Wan. Bucky smiled, remembering a similar argument with Steve on who would be Douglas Fairbanks. 
He patiently followed them, enjoying the childhood memories the boys provoked mingling with the scuffing of his boots on the dirt path.  
“Uncle Bucky do you fight with swords??” Cass called out from between the trees. 
“Knives, no sword.” He called back. 
“Oh…on guard!” the boy shouted before poking his brother with the end of the stick. 
“Ack!” AJ went, falling back, then tripped, sliding down the little hill accidentally. 
Bucky was quick to catch him before his head landed on anything. “You okay buddy?” 
“Yup!” the young boy said, bouncing on his feet with youthful energy.  
His older brother skidded down to them. “It’s hot. Can we have ice cream?” 
“Ice cream. Haven’t had that in decades.” Bucky realized. 
The boys were aghast. “You need some ice cream, stat!” 
“Did they have a lot of flavors back then or was it only vanilla??” AJ asked as they grabbed his hand and tugged him homeward. 
“Uh we had more than vanilla. They still have Rocky Road?”  
Sarah walked out the house to greet them. “AJ look at those jeans! Dust yourself off before you come in this house.” 
“Uncle Bucky is taking us to get some ice cream!” Cass said as they bypassed the house and ran to the truck. 
“We have ice cream here.” She said, folding her arms across her chest. 
“But he wants Rocky Road! He hasn’t had ice cream in decades, Mom. Decades! He needs good ice cream!”  
She turned her arched gaze at the man who’s slowly becoming a family friend and maybe something more. “Is that a fact?” 
Bucky shrugged. “They said they knew the location for the best ice cream.” He added. “I’d be more than happy to buy you a sherbet. My treat.” 
He had that flirty gleam in his eyes and Sarah couldn’t stop the smile that spread on her face. “I’m more of a two scoops on a waffle cone kind of girl.” 
“Then that’s what the lady will get.” He grinned as he opened the passenger door with a flourish. Cass and AJ piled in the back. 
“Come on, Mom! Ice cream!” 
Three handsome boys wanting to treat her. Why not? 
Bucky gallantly opened the door for them as they entered the Baskin Robbins. The boys quickly pressed up against the icy cold glass of the dipping cabinets. 
“See, they have Rocky Road, Uncle Bucky!” AJ pointed it out. 
“Okay boys just one scoop. No need to get greedy.” Sarah said.
Bucky opened a chair for her. “You still want two?” 
“Damn right. Mint n’ Chocolate Chip and Cookies n’ Cream please.” she said taking the seat. 
Bucky winked and grinned. “Coming right up.” 
She watched him as the boys took his attention away, eagerly taking advantage of his generosity. For a soldier out of place and out of time he showed an infinite amount of care and consideration. That secretly pleased her. Even though Sam was huffy about the idea of Bucky flirting with her, she was quite alright with it. It’d been a while since any man had given her any romantic attention and Bucky was persistent in a gentlemanly way. Now seeing him interact with the boys only made him more appealing. Oh dear, perhaps their flirtation can evolve to something more? 
Soon the boys squeezed in enjoying their scoops and Bucky joined them, enjoying a hearty helping of Rocky Road. 
“Does it taste the same?” Cass asked between licks of his triple chocolate and vanilla swirl. 
“It does. A little richer maybe.” Bucky said sampling some. “Definitely more marshmallows than before.” 
Sarah used a spoon to elegantly enjoy her two scoops. “Eat your ice cream guys. Let Bucky enjoy his first ice cream in a while.” 
“It’s okay. I don’t mind. They remind me of me and Steve.” He sighed. “Good memories.” 
Sarah smiled faintly. “You really mean that, don’t you?” 
“Why would I lie?” He glanced around admiring and envying the simple joy that a scoop of ice cream brought to them. “I’m eating my favorite ice cream with two great kids and their beautiful mom.” 
Sarah smiled bashfully and hid behind her ice cream. 
“Oooh!” Cass teased.  
AJ made kissy noises. 
The adults laughed then shared a secretive look before enjoying their treats. 
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cybercitycomix · 2 months
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Top New Marvel Comic Releases for the Week of July 31st, 2024.
Amazing Spider-Man #54,
Black Widow Venomous #1,
Blood Hunt #5,
Hellverine #3,
Immortal Thor #13,
Ms Marvel Annual #1,
Spider-Gwen the Ghost-Spider #3,
Star Wars Darth Maul Black White Red #4,
What If Donald Duck became Wolverine #1 +
X-Force #1.
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bluebell-winter · 7 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @noratilney.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 33 works in total.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I have 815,536 words in total.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far, I'm solely writing for Gilmore Girls and the Vampire Diaries.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Scoring the End of the World - A Stranger Things fic, where Eddie and Max swap bodies and go back in time.
It's Only Love - a Julie and the Phantoms fic where Reggie ends up breifly dating an older woman and Luke gets jealous.
Party By Myself - Reggie drinks to cope with his unrequited (actually requited) feelings for Luke.
Call Me Little Sunshine - Basically inserting myself in the Stranger Things universe, but in the body of a twelve-year-old girl.
Let's Watch This City Burn - Basically a Wednesday has a twin brother fic, where he ends up dating Xavier.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond to them, because they have nice things to say and ideas that sound interesting.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't finished any of my multi-chapter fics, but The Sense of a Fool's Escape can be considered angsty because Reggie refuses to go back to his friends after overcoming an heroin addiction.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think that would be Through the Dark where Reggie made peace with Luke after what happened to Reggie.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
No, but I think I got some rude comments over on FF.net that was kind of disheartening, but I continuted writing.
9. Do you write smut?
No, but I'm debating writing some in the future.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've written a Stranger Things x IT fic, but I haven't written more than the first few chapters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No I haven't.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but I'm not opposed to doing so.
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't have one, oddly enough. Although I do ship my OCs with other OCs if that counts.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sometimes I think I won't finish anything, but I think it's all my Harry Potter fics, because of JK Rowling's views that put me off.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I wish I knew. Maybe it's coming up with plotlines and OCs.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Writing chemistry. I just want to go straight to the romance because I don't want to drag anything out for to long and get impatient.
Not finishing what I start. I have way to many fanfics that I left unfinished because I got other ideas.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't know any other language besides English and I know that Google Translate is unreliable and I'm bound to get something wrong.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hannah Montana, but I deleted that trash fic and went to iCarly.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I think it would be Never Good Enough might be it because it's the most farthest I had ever gotten and I'm getting close to Season 3 on it.
Tagging: @arrthurpendragon, @wordspin-shares, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @eddysocs, @darth-caillic, @malafvma
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chiaroscuroverse · 2 years
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I posted 902 times in 2022
23 posts created (3%)
879 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 901 of my posts in 2022
#scuroqueue - 573 posts
#nine x rose - 71 posts
#ten x rose - 59 posts
#art - 58 posts
#fandom - 41 posts
#rose tyler - 41 posts
#christopher eccleston - 37 posts
#tenth doctor - 36 posts
#ninth doctor - 34 posts
#dw spoilers - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 142 characters
#god i do not want to be relegated to twitter i observe fandom on there and there are people that are exclusively doing fandom there but 😵😵😵
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Very like him to mark his birthday by celebrating Aretha 😊
Happy birthday, Christopher Eccleston!
30 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
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51 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
He speaks
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69 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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See the full post
75 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
4,696 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thegaminggang · 2 months
Marvel Comics for July 31st, 2024 - https://thegaminggang.com/comic-books/marvel-comics-for-july-31st-2024/...
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theblotsays · 2 months
SDCC 2024 Exclusive Star Wars “Dark Side Rising” Darth Vader Print by Tricia Buchanan-Benson x Dark Ink Art x Acme Archives
Acme Archives Ltd. and Dark Ink Art will be at San Diego Comic-Con 2024 again later this month with some great officially licensed exclusives. Check out the San Diego Comic-Con 2024 Exclusive Star Wars “Dark Side Rising” Darth Vader Print by Tricia Buchanan-Benson! This Star Wars inspired print featuring Darth Vader is a 13”x19” hand numbered fine art giclee print limited to just 150 pieces. It can be pre-ordered now at DarkInkArt.com/pages/sdcc-2024-exclusives for $89 for pick up in person at the Acme Archives SDCC booth #5629. The artist will be at the show signing prints. Non-attendee ordering for shipping will start July 24th at 5pm PT. http://dlvr.it/T9Vxb3
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nathanielgmooreart · 11 months
Nate’s nervous mother chews gum at warp speed and has a bob that resembles Darth Vader’s helmet. His icy father dabbles part-time in the death trade at a funeral home after working for a decade in the insurance racket. His older sister Holly is always lurking in the shadows or away at school. Nate, a creative, messy, and anxious teen, has chosen Randy Savage as his hero. As he finishes high school, the world to which Savage belongs is quickly waning in popularity, and Nate begins to see the wrestler’s downfall mirrored in his own life. But not until the family dismantles for good in 1994 does Nate’s life truly begin to fracture.
Savage 1986-2011 chronicles the middle-class implosion of Nate’s nuclear family, bracketed by July 1986 — when he first saw Randy Savage in person — and the wrestler’s sudden death in May 2011. When Savage dies, Nate is freed from beliefs — once a source of beauty and escape — that had come to constrict him, fusing him to a moribund past.
The novel is about the blurred lines between child and adult roles and the ever-changing landscape of interior heroism. Whether dealing with a family’s economic turbulence, the scarring effects of teenage love, or creating a new family order, Moore revisits, remasters, and repackages a twenty-five year family odyssey with guts, honesty, and love.
“This is Running Backwards with Scissors in Leaside. Nathaniel G. Moore’s emotional atomic drops and body slams in Savage (1986-2011) put the nuke in nuclear family. Moore writes in Technicolor™ — he’s a poet of fractured reality, minstrel of meltdown, clown prince of sad suburban absurdity.” –Zsuzsi Gartner, author of Better Living Through Plastic Explosives
“Moore does something quite large here. He builds that cardboard box in your basement. The one filled with things you’ve forgotten, or tried to. You don’t want to open it but once you do you find it quite impossible to close or to forget. Much like the too tight, just right words you’ll find in Savage 1986-2011, reflecting a world which now cannot be unbuilt. This is familiar country visited in a brand new way. Open the box.” –Michael Blouin, author of the award-winning Chase and Haven
“Author Nathaniel G. Moore presents an inter-generational family saga so remote from the tropes overworked by fellow Canadian authors that one hesitates to even label it a ‘novel’ – a word, for me, poisoned by too many visits to the cow barn (and the silent, fraught-with-baking-eulogies kitchen table).” –RM Vaughan, author of Spells
“Like one of those albums you can’t stop playing, Savage is immediately catchy, thrilling and electric with an honest beauty and wild energy. Nathaniel Moore brings us on a journey into a hidden world of secret lovers, cool sisters, morgues, wrestlers and exorcisms that shimmers and ignites behind the facades of ordinary suburbia. This book is a great read, but it’s also an insightful, moving look at a family and society on the verge of collapse.” –Rebecca Godfrey, author of The Torn Skirt
REVIEWERS ON SAVAGE “…cringe-inducingly honest and uncommonly brave … Savage succeeds best as a showcase for Moore’s convulsively unbridled prose acrobatics. Like a punch-drunk anti-Hemingway, he tosses around verbiage like Pollock flung paint: promiscuously, recklessly. … There’s little joy in what he describes, but much joy — and improbable gobs of humour — in the describing.” –Broken Pencil
Publication: Fall 2013
ISBN: 978-1-927380-55-0
Pages: 280 pp
Size: 5.5 x 8 inches
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comicwaren · 1 year
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This week on Marvel Comics (26th July 2023):
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #030
Avengers Vol. 9 #003
Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol. 2 #005 (Finale)
Cult of Carnage: Misery #003
Daredevil & Echo #003
Deadpool Vol. 9 #009
Ghost Rider Vol. 10 #016
Hallows' Eve #005 (Finale)
Hellcat Vol. 2 #005 (Finale)
I Am Iron Man #005 (Finale)
Incredible Hulk Vol. 4 #002
Invincible Iron Man Vol. 5 #008
She-Hulk Vol. 4 #015 (Finale)
Silk Vol. 5 #003
Spider-Man: India Vol. 2 #002
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Black, White & Red #004 (Finale)
Ultimate Invasion #002
Venom Vol. 5 #023
Wolverine Vol. 7 #035
X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #001 (One-shot)
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jessiarts · 2 years
Mobile-Friendly YOD Art List
Made this to help my Pinned Masterlist pages be accessible on mobile. Placing under cut for now to spare my follower’s dashes lol
Honorable mentions to that one year I thought I’d do a year-long drawing challenge and didn’t finish.
Some drawings towards the end (and throughout) never got posted to this tumblr, but largely the reason a drawing may be missing is because I either didn’t draw it, or I hated it so much I eventually deleted it forever lol
Sunrise | Baby of Grinch and Martha May | Meatball | Stonehenge | Tadpoles | Houseplant | Caterpillar | Puddle | Waterlily | Bubble Bath | Dragon Egg | 3D Candle | 3D Hole | 3D Grapes | Peter Pan | Wolf | Dandelion Seeds | Awl | Clock | Kazoo | 3D Rubiks Cube | Vintage Phone | Useless Superhero Comic
Piano | Orchids | Storm | Steampunk Heart | Penny | Candle | Odd Candy | Deadpool | Statue of Puberty | Undine | Mermaid | Chocolate Monster
Peach Blossom | Gold In Shoe | Celtic Knotwork | Grass Terror | Grumpy Cat | Snek | ET | Ded Egg | Crow Moon | Pine cones | Gandalf | Mirror
Fool | Scrabble | Titanic | Willow | Garlic | Puzzle Box | Impossible Astronaut | Pig | Compass | Earthquake |
Magic Carpet | Yoda | Venus Fly Trap | Angel Teddy Bear | Orchid | Darth Vader Flower | Hawthorn Flower | Cookie Tragedy | Stinking Corpse Lilly | Pitcher Plant | Artifact | Succulent
Octopus | Sunbathing Ice Cream | 
(Including only because it’s art I made. However, this blog does not support JKRowlings transphobic views.) > Snape x Dumbledore Sandbox Comic - You might have seen this before. It went semi-viral a few years ago… everywhere but on this blog of course because someone stole/reposted it and it took off without me 😭 (“Snape, Snape, Severus Snape-” “DUMBLEDORE!”) (2016)
Bean Dean Winchester - Speedpaint here
Lily Singh Smile
Scarecrow | Egg Fry | Potato Cry | Sharkpeo | Hotdog | Stitch | Dorito | Garfield
Tree Frog | Monocle | Old Radio | Venomoth | Oregon
Vines: X1, X2 | Buildings | Old Age Makeup: X1, X2
Polar Bear in a Snow Storm
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actionjackson2998 · 2 years
Product Description Officially Licensed Star Wars Shop high quality officially licensed Star Wars apparel. Star Wars Darth Vader Adult Men's & Women's Graphic Tee Apparel Are they good quality? It can be difficult to find good quality, officially licensed tees online. These Star Wars t-shirts are made of 100% pre shrunk cotton that feels great. The Real Deal This listing only features legitimate, officially licensed Star Wars tees. When you see the Star Wars logo on this merchandise, know that it's the real deal. Exclusive Designs These Star Wars designs are unique to this listing. Whether it be color, artwork or fabric, these tees are set apart from all the rest. Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 12.2 x 10.2 x 0.9 inches; 4.8 Ounces Department ‏ : ‎ Mens Date First Available ‏ : ‎ July 7, 2021 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Star Wars Mad Engine LLC ASIN ‏ : ‎ B098TYR68M Pull On closure Officially Licensed by Disney Star Wars This shirt, which is black in color features a vintage design and is made of 100% pre shrunk high quality cotton. The PREMIUM CHARCOAL HEATHER color of this shirt is a higher quality, soft touch poly/cotton blend with a higher thread count. This is the perfect May the 4th be with you shirt for women & men. Darth Vader, along with other popular characters such as Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, C3PO and R2D2, have also appeared in series such as The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels and Forces of Destiny. Vader will also be featured in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series on Disney+.,
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giasesshoumaru · 2 years
“Don't you wish sometimes you had a time machine, so you could go back and do everything differently?"
"You don't need a time machine. If you want her back, just go to the dance and tell her how you feel."
"You really think she'll take me back?"
"I'll do it! Thanks, Nikki, and may the Force be with you.” - Darth and Nikki Wong about Julie (6Teen, Episode 2.26)
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kaizsche · 2 years
let me show you my darkness
PAIRING: darth vader x reader
SUMMARY: Everybody knew Anakin Skywalker perished in Mustafar. Only a select few knew of his presence. The Emperor, Obi-Wan Kenobi… and now you.
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You remember Anakin as your mischievous childhood friend, the fierce golden boy in your youth. He would always protect you against other mean slaves, teasing you of your inability to speak properly.  But he’s gone now, taken by an old man in a poncho. Anakin tells you that he’s going to be a Jedi and someday, he would absolve you of your status as a slave.
But he never returned home. You were sold to another planet– working tirelessly day and night at an outpost in Mapuzo, forgetting about the promise of a sunny boy, leaving behind your dreams of ever escaping from this life. It is in Mapuzo that you were wedded to a fellow worker. He is kind, understanding, and everything you ever wanted in a husband. You bore him a son, and a daughter soon after when a new power arose, stealing everything you’ve ever worked hard for.
Your husband died trying to protect your family as best he can but he was just a slave. He had no power over the Stormtroopers intent to steal your lands– to enslave you once more under an iron fist. You cared for your children, persevering without your husband by your side.
... continue reading here
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