asagi-asagiri · 1 year
The only gaming ecelebs worth following are vtubers, those streamers with current rape/sexual assault charges pending and DarkSydePhil
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stardev94 · 1 year
Even in Mugen, DarkSydePhil can’t catch a break.
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
DarksydePhil has been doing Let's Plays for 15 years. And he hasn't gotten any better at gaming, streaming, or not being a stupid edgelord e-begging piece of shit.
Jesus Christ.
The only people sadder than him are whoever keeps giving him money to do this.
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thegreatallie · 1 year
CinemaSins watches movies the way DarksydePhil plays video games.
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pangeasoftware · 2 years
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dongulator · 2 years
Happy 9 year anniversary of DarksydePhil’s surrealist art masterpiece
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kellysrippdcock · 3 months
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Might get back into the art of making The Sopranos references over pictures of LOLcow memes. It’s niche but lmk if you’re into it. I can do these all day. We could have so much fun with Daniel Larson of KincobraJfs. Let’s be trolls.
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peppermintschnapps · 6 months
wait, did darksydephil declare bankruptcy lmao holy shit
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lesser-mook · 10 months
DSP vs Wings & Boogie!
They're so dishonest, Wings is using his wife's cancer status to emotional appeal but when asked by her, I REPEAT BY HER: He was asked by this same woman if he would choose streaming OR HER, he didn't even answer the question. He would choose streaming over his wife. Because he believes that's all he's good for. Today is hate DSP day, so let's ignore the blatant contradictory bullshit coming from this podcast, from people who are no better than phil. *Now, If they initially gave him some inklet of credit to what he said but didn't like his delivery, alright cool. Cause DSP is a hack that thinks he has it all figured out and he doesn't.* Surprised his wife is still with him tbh, but again, all i know of phil is the internet, i don't know the man and i'm honest enough to consider the possibility that Kat knows a different dsp than as we think we know him.
But they're straight deflecting because THEY KNOW DSP is right in this case. Calling out Phil's ego, and yes he has a big ego, is not addressing his allegory of Youtube & Walmart (which is pretty sound, the two businesses do absorb the competition), how fucked it was that they get milked, & mocked for content.
 What Boogie did because Keem threw a hissy fit. And all the disrespectful dms that surrounded that situation, which DPS doesn't even know about but he's still right.
DSP wasn't wrong about any of that, but because DSP is the target for today let's pretend just to pretend. Because the narrative that "phil = bad" needs to remain intact, the level of intellectual dishonesty here is insane. And all this coming from a non-DSP fan people are so tribal, you have to 100% hate or nothing, can't ever be a balance. When it's time to hate on boogie on a boogie hate video, 100% hate on boogie. when it's time to hate on wings, 100% hate on wings, zero nuance or in-between.
  twilight zone shit
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nohippiesallowed · 1 year
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theasandys · 2 years
Daily reminder to prove Advance wrong by subscribing to Darksydephil!
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top-lil · 7 months
I'm impressed by how JelloApocalypse managed to kill his own career and throw more fuel onto the fire that is localization drama
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cat-soap-opera · 2 years
whats up with like... groups of teenagers who are obsessed with a group of other teenagers that they may or not have been friends with in the past, and they spend their entire freetime making up fake evidence to have them run off the internet or just shunned from their fandoms. what minerals are you missing from your diet.
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omegaversereloaded · 4 months
darksydephil vs travis poll is my favorite poll ive ever done actually. ive never seen a more calm & intellectual debate happen on this site before
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angelicguy · 9 months
a thousand years ago people like darksydephil would have shaved logs for 40 years and died from a toenail problem
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slothattorney · 5 months
I love this the year of 2024 who still actively shit on Darksydephil. Dude has a wife, a house, and a nice car. He has won. He got out from under tens of thousands of dollars in gacha game debt. He is blessed from on high. The world will end in ash and fire and Phil will be the genesis of a new age of humanity.
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