#Daniela Riedel
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Collector's Edition: Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part II)
Ahhhh, Requiem. The episode that drove me to read fanfics after Season 8 wrapped up.
Loose chronological order below~
@amplifyme/wonderland/Lydia Bower (Tooms Gossamer)
“New year’s resolutions?”
Mulder looks over at her with one of his sidelong, appraising glances. “Do I look like the type who makes resolutions?”
“Come on, Mulder. We’re stuck in this car on New Year’s Eve on what is most assuredly a dead-end stakeout all because you’re convinced that one Herman Jiménez is preparing to escort his family to a new home somewhere in the heavens, compliments of a spaceship steered by little green men. Humor me just this once and play along. And yes, I do think you’re the type to make resolutions.”
“Well, see, that’s where you’re wrong. I don’t make resolutions at the beginning of a new year. I make promises instead.”
Pre-Requiem: There is, in fact, no Requiem-- only a stakeout, a debate, and New Years promises.
@cecilysass's Pause (Ao3)
“Mulder?” she repeats.
Very slowly he turns, allowing her to see his face for the first time.
His expression is flat, without affect. He blinks.
“Hi,” she tries again. She scrambles to stand up. “I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just me. I’m…I’m having a rough time. I don’t have any idea what’s going on. I don’t remember what’s happened.”
He takes a step towards her, and she sees how terrible he looks. He needs a haircut and a shave. There are deep purple smudges lining the bottom of his eyes.
His eyes dart over the scene in front of him: her clothes, her hair, the half-eaten lasagna on the plate in front of her, the coffee table with no dirty dishes.
Something like fear flickers across his face.
Pre-Requiem: Scully is presumed dead for a year, only to be returned missing a chunk of her memories (and unaware she is pregnant.)
@leiascully's (Ao3) Imagine Other Worlds - Chapter 7
She can feel it. She knows there’s no medical reason she should be able to. But she knows, somehow. When she goes to see her doctor and she touches Scully’s shoulder with that expression, it isn’t difficult to gather herself. She’s been through this before.
Pre-Requiem: Not only is Scully pregnant, but her cancer is back. There is no Bellefleur, only a hope that she'll pull through.
Variations on a Requiem
Scully wondered, just for a moment, what had ever happened in Bellefleur. She hoped that Theresa Nemman no longer got nosebleeds. She hoped that Billy Miles had found some peace. Maybe nobody saw lights in the sky anymore and the tourists just enjoyed the salmon and the peace of the deep woods. She didn’t mention any of it to Mulder. He’d want to revisit their first case, sifting through the pine straw for any evidence of the ashy dust she’d found. Some things were better left alone. A town like that needed its motels, and she and Mulder were inadvertent firestarters. But she looked up across the rows of manila folders and smiled at him, and he smiled back, and the magic was still there, just like it had always been.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder and Scully live their lives gently growing older together... until a late-life pregnancy shocks their routine.
@msrafterdark's (Ao3)
Could you write something in which Scully tells Mulder she's pregnant in the afterglow?
He stares at you for a beat longer and you watch as his gaze darts back and forth across your face. To your immense shock his expression nearly crumples before you, his eyes glassy with immediate tears.
Pre-Requiem: Scully tells Mulder about her pregnancy.
I'm not sure when you're accepting prompts but can you do one where Scully has a pregnancy scare with Mulder?
“Well, I just…you told me once that you had little desire to start a family…”
“Yeah, Scully—awhile ago.”
Pre-Requiem: Scully is shocked Mulder is happy at her news.
MSR Ficmas
He looks down at the note again, the one he found on his desk after he came back from a morning financial meeting. He was already in a testy mood about their budget being further tightened, now he just feels ill.
@ Doctor appointment, 11 am. Will call. Do NOT worry.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder and Scully are married; and Mulder is panicking over Scully's latest doctor's appointment.
Ficlets (Tumblr Prompt) - Chapter 103 (Ao3)
Content with his reasoning (oh what a rarity), she relaxes, nods, her eyes immediately growing heavy as she leans against his shoulder. She’s excited to see that house tomorrow, with its beautiful deck and an office and that gorgeous master bedroom…She’s trying to keep an open mind, but her heart has already been sold.
Post Requiem/Mulder is returned early enough to make pampering little first trimester nests for Scully.
Canticle (Ao3)
She wakes sobbing in his arms, saying “No, Mulder, no!” And when he tries to tell her everything is okay, she rushes to his tiny bathroom to vomit.
He pounds on the door. He calls her Dana until she unlocks it and looks at him with haunted eyes, holding a cold washcloth to her face.
“We’re taking you to the doctor,” he says.
“You can’t go near the ship,” she says. “It’s you it wants.” Then she collapses against him.
Requiem: Mulder listens to Scully's dream and flies home with her.
It was science and mysticism and love-magic, combining like a perfect syzygy. It was the history of them, their lives, their suffering, their work, their love, emerging of some dark alchemy into a perfect future person, housed now beneath his palm. “The baby will be like Gibson,” she said: a weapon and a target and a key.
“But it’s ours,” he whispered—it was a question and a statement.
“Yes,” she said. “Only ours. Of that I’m sure.” And therefore so much more than merely weapon, target, key.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned in the desert two months later, to revelation upon revelation.
@mldrgrl's (Ao3)
MSR 38
Skinner was already on the phone calling for an ambulance. The gunmen hovered, giving orders to each other to give her air, get her water, find a pillow. Marita knelt down next to Mulder and put a hand on Scully’s ankle.
“Alex,” she said. “Find a blanket.”
Requiem: Scully passes out in the Bureau.
Mulder had a nagging feeling about returning to Bellefleur even before he boarded the plane. It had actually started when he'd told Scully he was leaving and she was going to stay. He expected her to put up more of a protest than she had, but it was the look on her face that gave him the first sense of foreboding - like she didn't expect to see him again.
Requiem: Mulder, acting on a gut instinct, resigns on the plane.
Not Again: Part 1 and Not Again: Part 1 - Gone
“Sir.” Mulder stops Skinner from turning away and squeezes his upper arm. “What did that man, Agent Doggett, mean when he asked if it was about the baby?”
Skinner takes off his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose. He hesitates before he hooks them back over his ears and looks Mulder directly in the eyes. “Agent Scully used the bureau labs yesterday afternoon to run some bloodwork on herself,” he says.
Post Requiem: Scully is abducted, instead; and Mulder is forced to work alongside a task force that suspects him.
au where Mulder didn't go....
He picks her up like a bride. “We’re going to the ER.”
“What, no, Mulder, you need to—your flight.”
“Ha ha,” he says. “Very funny.”
“Mulder, I’m—“
“Scully,” he tells her, jostling her around a little to get the car keys from his pocket, “shut up, will you? I’m taking you to the hospital.”
He can tell he’s moved her when she leans her head on his chest.
Requiem: Scully faints in the garage before they even leave the FBI.
Lapsed_Scholar’s Variations
“I must have fainted,” she tried, shakily. “I was feeling a little bit strange, just now. I should be fine in a moment.” Her mouth felt peculiarly clumsy around the words.
Exasperation flared across his eyes, but he kept his voice steady and gentle. “I don’t think so, honey. I had the airport staff call an ambulance. It should be here in a moment.” Honey? In public? It was apparently worse than she thought. When she found that she didn’t have the energy to call him on it, she knew it was worse than she thought.
Requiem: All the many, different ways Mulder could have been kept from Bellefleur-- from heartfelt to frustrated to comic to close shave.
@baronessblixen's (Ao3)
Fictober Day 11 Ao3 Fictober 2020 - Chapter 11
“You let him go alone?”
“No. I- um, I might have caused a slight ruckus at the airport and, um, we were asked to leave. He drove me here.”
“What kind of ruckus, Mulder?” Scully asks, amusement in her voice.
Requiem: Mulder crashes through the hospital, determined to get to Scully's side.
Fictober Day 12 Ao3 Fictober 2020 - Chapter 12
Hesitation drips from her voice. What happened to being ready? He turns his head and rests his chin on her stomach.
“Nothing is going to go wrong, Scully,” he says.
“It might.”
“It won’t.”
Post Requiem: Scully tells her mother the good news (without having Mulder halfway out to space.)
isamariposa's Bullfrogs and Jello
He smiles, and then he's so tired of this.
Requiem: Mulder is too worried to leave, so Skinner calls up Doggett to take his place.
@moonprincess92/Moonprincess92's Are you up for writing some season 7 fluff?
And as it became more and more likely that they would be shut down, Mulder knew that now all Scully had to do was ask him, and he’d walk away in an instant. He wouldn’t risk their lives for anything.
He certainly wouldn’t risk hers.
Requiem: Mulder leaves Skinner at the airport, afraid Scully's cancer has returned.
@rationalcashew/RationalCashew's Dark is the Way; Light is the Place (Ao3)
He moved quickly to her, barely registering the note in her hand until she handed it to him. Mulder felt the blood drain from his face when he looked at it.
Take your chance. Wave and grin. So many guys just play with sin.
Underneath the typed note was something new: an incredibly detailed eye, drawn in black ink.
Devil eye.
Requiem: Mulder returns from Bellefleur, surprised and delighted at Scully's news. The two barely have time to process before they are thrown into a Deadly Sins case.
@frangipanidownunder/Frangipanidownunder's Already Special
Diana stands, pulls out a file from a drawer. Holds the Manila folder up. “This is a contact list of all the women who have been, and who will be, used as hosts for the experiment. They are all patients of the same pair of doctors. Lev and Parenti.”
There’s a sharp silence in the room. Lizzie Gill spreads her fingers flat on the desk. Scully presses a finger under her nose.
“I know about the IVF,” Diana says and Scully scrapes her chair back across the floor. The door slams behind her.
Post Requiem: Mulder was never abducted; and he and Scully tackle Per Manum and one Diana Fowley head-on.
oregon forest
Skinner finds them. They’re somewhere in the desert, and they’re still together. They’re shivering. Scully’s teeth are chattering. Mulder is wrapped around her, his face in her neck, his fingernails digging into her back desperately. She’s gripping him just as hard, and she squints as someone shines a light into her eyes. She’s frightened all over again until she hears Skinner’s panicked voice: “Scully? Mulder?”
Relief fills her, suddenly, and she nods, a little whimper bubbling in her throat, as her head falls limply to Mulder’s shoulder.
Skinner drives them to the hospital. Mulder won’t let go of her hand. He won’t stop touching her face, her hair. He whispers it again, the things she remembers from the ship; he whispers, “I’m sorry, Scully, I’m so, so sorry.”
Requiem: Scully runs after Mulder, catching up just in time to get abducted along with him.
AU where scully finds mulder in the Arizona desert during within/without
He and Doggett seems equally stunned at the whole thing; Mulder had never really expected her to hear him.
Within: Scully sticks to her instincts and finds Mulder in the ship.
s8's roadrunners AU where it's mulder instead of doggett
She tells him on the bus. After Doggett is finished cutting the slug out of her, because she’s shouting that it needs to be cut out and Mulder wants to do it but he can’t. His hands are shaking too badly. So he holds hers, lets her squeeze the life out of them as she screams, as the cultists pound on the bus, as Doggett pulls out the slug and shoots it. The cultists are dismayed. Mulder can see the flashing lights through the dusty window of the bus. As Doggett runs outside to deal with it all, Scully collapses woozily against his chest. He presses a quivering hand over the bloody wound at the back of her neck, and he realizes only then that she is sobbing. “It’s okay,” he whispers in frantic reassurance, pressing one hand against the wound and wrapping his free arm around her shoulders.
Roadrunners: Mulder is returned in time to rescue his partner.
lost time (Ao3)
“What now?” he says, though it may be to just himself.
“I want to look at the files you set aside for me.” Scully says.
“Do you want to be alone? There might be some upsetting stuff in there. I didn’t see a lot but…you don’t end up in the x-files for just having a really great time.”
Scully shakes her head. “No, I want you to be there. You lived this through it all, too.”
Requiem: Mulder and Scully are abducted together, and returned with seven years of memories erased.
DeadAlive Switch (Ao3)
Mulder never gets the chance to beg Scully to stay in DC. She collapses on the forest floor, wakes clammy and nauseous, eyes glassy. He runs for help, yelling desperately. When he returns, she is gone, stumbling into the forest against her will.
Requiem: Scully is abducted instead; then returned, "dead." Months after she's buried, Mulder claws her up from the ground.
stellar_dust’s (Ao3)
Threnody 01 - Divested (Ao3) and Threnody - Domani Non Viene (Ao3)
Some time later, empty of tears and drained in his soul, Mulder rose and quickly, deliberately, packed up all of his things.... As he grabbed clothes off the floor, he couldn't bear the thought of pulling his and Scully's apart, of taking hers next door and zipping them into her own suitcase, so into his they went, together.
Requiem: Scully is abducted instead. Not only is Mulder the primary suspect, but he must also grapple with his worsening brain disease and the sudden revelation of Scully's pregnancy.
Threnody - Indelible (Ao3)
With a deep breath, she got a grip on herself. All roads lead somewhere. Eventually, there will be a town, with a phone. She raised herself on shaky legs and began to walk.
Two steps later, Dana Scully disappeared.
Post Requiem: Mulder and his new partner Doggett drive up to Skyland Mountain after a ghost sighting. The ghost happens to be someone very different than he'd been expecting.
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s (FFN)
Unnamed 1 and Unnamed 2
“We’ll find him,” replies Mulder, his smile faltering. “The Gunmen and their friends are monitoring everything. As soon as there’s any sign of him or the other abductees we’ll know.”
“That doesn’t stop me from feeling guilty.”
Requiem: Skinner, not Mulder, is dragged off to parts unknown.
@writingwell/RocketMan/Darkstryder's (xffics) Second Coming
He was weaker than he'd led them to believe. His head rolled along the seat when Bear spun the ATV around, but Scully was holding him up, trying to keep him from falling asleep.
Post Requiem: Scully and Krycek make a deal over Mulder's return.
@lotsoforangesoutside/@lotzzoforangezoutside/ lots_of_oranges_outside's
Impossibilities (Ao3)
She has half-expected Skinner to stick her with a new partner like he did to Mulder six years ago. That didn’t happen. She’s also thought her mother would freak out about her being an unwed mother and demand a wedding before her stomach starts to show; that also didn’t happen. So many things have been happening that really shouldn’t be happening; talking to her unborn babe is pretty low on the list of things she’s never imagined happening.
Post Requiem: Scully makes a wish upon a genie's ocarina.
@cauldronoflove/thegoodthebadandthenerdy's Gravity, Oh Gravity
the first thing he sees is not scully, but rather the stars. they're a comfort--they're still there and still bright and still patterned how they should be. they burn his eyes and slide down his throat like top shelf whiskey. but they don't even come close.
because the second thing he sees is scully. scully in a shirt he's had to have seen her in a thousand times, the one he thinks is green, but isn't sure because his eyes have always betrayed him. his eyes have to be betraying him. scully and-
and and and
(and his heart stops beating.)
it thunders back to life as he stumbles forward, legs feeling like they've been chopped from his body and reattached in the wrong direction.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned as he was taken.
@onpaperfirst's Ao3, LJ) For the first sentence prompt
He’d been pushed out the back of a truck on the side of the 5, just north of Eugene, wearing a thin t-shirt and scrub pants. His tenure on the ship itself had been short. They’d all been taken to a warehouse just across the border on the outskirts of Juárez where he had proven surprisingly adept at levitation but had refused to cooperate when asked to mind read.
Post Requiem: Mulder has been abducted, and returned, by the government.
@enigmaticdrblockhead's AliveDead
Out of some sick inner desperation, his body continues on. Blood still pumping and heart still beating, by definition he is alive. Life. To him it is nothing but lying down.
His right hand almost seems stiff. Fingers are curved upward to show a gray palm. He begs for whatever they can give. He is never lucky.
Post Requiem: Skinner finds Mulder, sick and amnesic, on the street.
An idea: scully becomes pregnant but mulder never "dies"
They spend their time in silence, but it’s comfortable. His pupils focus easier and easier and she wheels him around the hospital grounds. He looks up at her from his wheelchair, sadly and adorably rumpled but alive, and she bends down for a kiss. Of course their first kiss in public will be far from home, one of them just this side of peril. It only strengthens her resolve to do it again.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned two months later, aphasic.
@virtie333's (Ao3)
Dream a Little Dream - Chapter 4
While Aldrich took them on another tour, chatting away, Doggett knew Langly and Frohike were tapping into the building's security systems. Tonight, after dark, he and Byers would sneak in, with the assistance of the computer geeks in the van outside, and do a little search and rescue.
Post Requiem: Mulder is rescued by Doggett and TLG, and the three take down the Alien Bounty Hunter and speed off to help Scully.
The Hunter
For that past week, however, the Prey had been hunting as well, and the trail had finally stopped here, in Savannah. A beautiful town, if one cared about those things. But the Hunter was single minded. He only wanted one thing. And tonight, he was about to get it.
Post Requiem: Mulder escapes, and is returned in time to save Scully and Doggett.
@suitablyaggrieved/ScullyLovesQueequeg's Ignorance
The backseat occupant made a noise of delight upon making eye contact with Mulder, and Scully steals a glance at her partner, to see a small smile on his otherwise somber features. It was gone as soon as it had arrived, however, and his eyes shift out the window again. The backseat occupant was satisfied with this outcome, and he too turned his attention to the slow moving blurs that paint the window as the car moves along the side streets.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned a year later, and suspiciously reacclimates to his new life.
@contrivedcoincidences6/Spooky66/geektime66’s AU 5 HC
“Hello Ms. Scully, this is Amy from Holy Cross Hospital, we’ve been trying to reach you from your other numbers.”
Scully’s brows draw together. In years past she would have thought they were calling about Mulder.
“A man was checked in a few days ago with no id. Today he started talking and asked for you before he fell back asleep, we were unable to get a name.”
Scully’s heart beats in her ears. She knows it’s not Mulder but she doesn’t know who else it could be.
Post Requiem: Scully tries to move on... until Mulder is returned a year and a half later.
Thanks for reading~
#txf#fic#Collector's Edition#mine#Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return#Part II#scienceandmysticism#pinebluffvariants#rationalcashew#writingwell#RocketMan#Daniela Riedel#amorfati3215#contrivedcoincidences6#thegoodthebadandthenerdy#cauldronoflove#virtie333#enigmaticdrblockhead#lotsoforangesoutside#stellar_dust#hllsteeth#frangipanidownunder#isamariposa#o6666666#moonprincess92#onpaperfirst#Lapsed_Scholar#xf fanfic#x-files
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Barcamp „Zukunft Bloggen!?“
Aus einer fixen Idee bei der Republica wurde dank Thomas Riedel und Daniela Sprung ein digitales Barcamp zum Thema Bloggen. Rund 50 Teilnehmende hatten sich im virtuellen Raum eingefunden. Und da war es wieder, dieses heimelige Gefühl. Viele bekannte Gesichter tauchten auf meinem Bildschirm auf – ein digitales Klassentreffen der Blogosphäre, wenn man so will.
Das Barcamp startete mit drei Impulsvorträgen, die den Grundstein für die Themen des Tages legen sollten. Die waren durchaus interessant, auch wenn ich manchmal den Bezug zum Bloggen vermisste. Zur Dynamik des Barcamps trug das passive Zuhören nicht unbedingt bei. Viele Teilnehmende schalteten ihr Bild aus, Fragen waren nicht zugelassen. Das fand ich schade und ich fragte mich, warum das nicht einfach Sessions waren, in denen mehr Raum für Inhalte und Austausch gewesen wäre.
In den beiden „echten“ Sessions, die ich besuchte, drehte sich dann alles um Vernetzung und Sichtbarkeit. Ja, genau die Klassiker, die uns Blogger:innen immer wieder beschäftigen. Wie wird man sichtbar in einem Meer aus Content? Wie können wir uns gegenseitig Aufmerksamkeit schenken? Wo kann Austausch stattfinden? Die Runde schwelgte in Erinnerungen an bessere Zeiten, als die Blogroll noch das Herzstück der Vernetzung darstellte und nicht Algorithmen unser Schicksal bestimmten. Handfeste Lösungsansätze blieben natürlich aus, dennoch fühlte ich mich weniger allein mit meinen Gedanken und Herausforderungen.
In der abschließenden Runde wurde dann auch betont, wie wertvoll es ist, überhaupt diesen Austausch zu pflegen. Die Erkenntnis, dass man nicht allein in den Weiten des Internets schreibt, tat gut. Und obwohl es auf den ersten Blick vielleicht wenig Durchbruchhaftes gab, war da doch dieses Gefühl von Gemeinschaft und Zusammenhalt, das nur ein Barcamp schaffen kann.
Schade, dass die Zeit so knapp bemessen war. Aktivierende Elemente wie die Vorstellungsrunde und die Sessionplanung wurden in ein Forum ausgelagert. Vielleicht hätte uns eine Offline-Variante mehr Zeit zum Netzwerken und Austausch gegeben – aber das sparen wir uns für die nächste Runde auf.
Zum Schluss bleibt nur zu hoffen: auf ein nächstes Mal, vielleicht dann mit echtem Kaffeegeruch in der Luft und einem Plausch am Buffet. Denn eines steht fest: Die Zukunft des Bloggens ist ein Gespräch, das noch längst nicht beendet ist.
Danke und Daniela, Thomas und den „technischen Assistenten“ Paul, dass ihr uns diesen Halbtag ermöglicht habt!
📧 Lass dich über neue Beiträge per E-Mail informieren! 🐖 Du findest das hier gut? Wirf was ins Sparschwein meiner Kinder! Vielen Dank! 🫶
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2024/11/barcamp-zukunft-bloggen/)
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Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2019) Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2019) - Komedie Filmy 111 minut. Das Perfekte Geheimnis. Na společné večeři se sejde několik párů a po pár sklenkách se rozhodnou, že svoje telefony položí na stůl a všechny zprávy, vzkazy i telefonáty budou ten večer sdílet. Zprávy se přečtou nahlas, hovory budou nahlas. Vždyť o nic nejde, bude zábava. Jenže právě naši chytří a mobilní kamarádi o nás vědí úplně všechno, znají naše tajnosti, druhé životy, drobné lži, milenky i milence. Nevinná hra se nejdříve vyvíjí jako báječná legrace, pak ale začnou chodit zprávy, které se svými partnery či přáteli raději nesdílíte.
Vydáno: Oct 31, 2019
Runtime: 111 minut
Žánr: Komedie
Hvězdy: Elyas M’Barek, Florian David Fitz, Jella Haase, Karoline Herfurth, Frederick Lau, Wotan Wilke Möhring
Crew: Carlos Lozano (Location Scout), Ernestine Hipper (Set Decoration), Christian M. Goldbeck (Production Design), Martin Moszkowicz (Executive Producer), Daniela Tolkien (Casting), Egon Riedel (Music)
Téměř dokonalá tajemství Filmové Novinky, Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film Cesky, Téměř dokonalá tajemství Filmové premiéry, Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film cz dabing, Téměř dokonalá tajemství zkouknito, Téměř dokonalá tajemství sleduj filmy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství online cz titulky, Téměř dokonalá tajemství Program filmy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství CZ HD Film o filmu, Téměř dokonalá tajemství CZ dabing, Téměř dokonalá tajemství premiéra,
# filmonlinecz01, # onlinecz, # Dailymotion # Openload, # DvdRip, # DvdScr, # Reddit, # trailer, # WebRip, # Youtube, # You, 2020) Film dokončen,Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film Cesky, Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film cz dabing, Téměř dokonalá tajemství zkouknito, Téměř dokonalá tajemství sleduj filmy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství online, Téměř dokonalá tajemství čsfd, Téměř dokonalá tajemství film 2020, Téměř dokonalá tajemství film trailer, Téměř dokonalá tajemství komiksy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství filmy ke stažení, cz filmy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství full movie, ceskoslovenska filmová
Tagy : Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film Téměř dokonalá tajemství plného filmu, Téměř dokonalá tajemství plného filmu Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství HD v Film Online Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film online Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný anglický film Téměř dokonalá tajemství: pryč z domova plný film volný datový proud Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plnopodindonésie Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plné titulky filmu Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plné filmové spoiler Téměř dokonalá tajemství plné filmy tamilštiny Téměř dokonalá tajemství plné filmové tamilské stahování Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film todownload Sleduj Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film telugština Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství Full film tamildubbed stáhnout Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film ke sledování sledovat plný film Vidzi Téměř dokonalá tajemství Full film Vimeo Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství Film is a work of art in the form of a series of live images that are rotated to produce an illusion of moving images that are presented as a form of entertainment. The illusion of a series of images produces continuous motion in the form of video. The film is often referred to as a movie or moving picture. Film is a modern and popular art form created for business and entertainment purposes. Film making has now become a popular industry throughout the world, where feature films are always awaited by cinemas. Films are made in two main ways. The first is through shooting and recording techniques through film cameras. This method is done by photographing images or objects. The second uses traditional animation techniques. This method is done through computer graphic animation or CGI techniques. Both can also be combined with other techniques and visual effects. Filming usually takes a relatively long time. It also requires a job desk each, starting from the director, producer, editor, wardrobe, visual effects and others. Definition and Definition of Film / Movie While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. ❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season. ❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed] In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television. ❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching The Video Today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited. Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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→Sledovať←[ HD]~(Téměř dokonalá tajemství — 2020) Celý film Slovenské Titulky

Sledujte nyní » Téměř dokonalá tajemství (Téměř dokonalá tajemství) Film Online (Česká) Zdarma Dabing HD Kvalitet, ▷ Téměř dokonalá tajemství Celý Film Online Zdarma (Česká) ™ Nyní Dostupné ™ Anglický Titulky. Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství (Filmy-2020) Online CZ Film Zdarma 1080p (HD)▷ [Sledujte] Téměř dokonalá tajemství (Filmy-2020) Celý Film Online CZ a Zdarma Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství — CELÝ FILM ONLINE ZDARMA (2020) ONLINE CZ DABING (HD) ▷ Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film (1080-HD) — CZ' film online Téměř dokonalá tajemství sledování a streamování HD 1080p Téměř dokonalá tajemství film v hd kvalitet.
Sledujte nyní ► https://tinyurl.com/yaat9uv9
Klikněte na odkaz zde ► https://tinyurl.com/yaat9uv9
Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2020) — Film Online Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2020) filmy online. Můžete sledovat Téměř dokonalá tajemství film online v HD Quality! Téměř dokonalá tajemství filmy, které je možné sledovat v televizi, Dekstop, machitos, tabletách, telefon také Android.
Nejlepší funkcí tohoto webu je optimalizovaný streamingový přehrávač pro mobilní zařízení, který vám umožní sledovat televizní programy na vašem iOS / Android notebooku / počítači / smartphonu na cestách i při pomalém připojení k internetu je legálně dostupné ve všech zemích a má byla hodnocena jako nejlepší stránka pro streamování filmů a TV
90 | 4K ULTRA HD | FULL HD (1080P) | 720P HD | SD
Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2019) Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2019) - Komedie Filmy 111 minut. Das Perfekte Geheimnis. Na společné večeři se sejde několik párů a po pár sklenkách se rozhodnou, že svoje telefony položí na stůl a všechny zprávy, vzkazy i telefonáty budou ten večer sdílet. Zprávy se přečtou nahlas, hovory budou nahlas. Vždyť o nic nejde, bude zábava. Jenže právě naši chytří a mobilní kamarádi o nás vědí úplně všechno, znají naše tajnosti, druhé životy, drobné lži, milenky i milence. Nevinná hra se nejdříve vyvíjí jako báječná legrace, pak ale začnou chodit zprávy, které se svými partnery či přáteli raději nesdílíte.
Vydáno: Oct 31, 2019
Runtime: 111 minut
Žánr: Komedie
Hvězdy: Elyas M’Barek, Florian David Fitz, Jella Haase, Karoline Herfurth, Frederick Lau, Wotan Wilke Möhring
Crew: Carlos Lozano (Location Scout), Ernestine Hipper (Set Decoration), Christian M. Goldbeck (Production Design), Martin Moszkowicz (Executive Producer), Daniela Tolkien (Casting), Egon Riedel (Music)
Téměř dokonalá tajemství Filmové Novinky, Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film Cesky, Téměř dokonalá tajemství Filmové premiéry, Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film cz dabing, Téměř dokonalá tajemství zkouknito, Téměř dokonalá tajemství sleduj filmy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství online cz titulky, Téměř dokonalá tajemství Program filmy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství CZ HD Film o filmu, Téměř dokonalá tajemství CZ dabing, Téměř dokonalá tajemství premiéra,
# filmonlinecz01, # onlinecz, # Dailymotion # Openload, # DvdRip, # DvdScr, # Reddit, # trailer, # WebRip, # Youtube, # You, 2020) Film dokončen,Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film Cesky, Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Téměř dokonalá tajemství celý film cz dabing, Téměř dokonalá tajemství zkouknito, Téměř dokonalá tajemství sleduj filmy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství online, Téměř dokonalá tajemství čsfd, Téměř dokonalá tajemství film 2020, Téměř dokonalá tajemství film trailer, Téměř dokonalá tajemství komiksy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství filmy ke stažení, cz filmy, Téměř dokonalá tajemství full movie, ceskoslovenska filmová
Tagy : Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film Téměř dokonalá tajemství plného filmu, Téměř dokonalá tajemství plného filmu Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství HD v Film Online Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film online Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný anglický film Téměř dokonalá tajemství: pryč z domova plný film volný datový proud Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plnopodindonésie Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plné titulky filmu Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plné filmové spoiler Téměř dokonalá tajemství plné filmy tamilštiny Téměř dokonalá tajemství plné filmové tamilské stahování Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film todownload Sleduj Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film telugština Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství Full film tamildubbed stáhnout Téměř dokonalá tajemství plný film ke sledování sledovat plný film Vidzi Téměř dokonalá tajemství Full film Vimeo Sledujte Téměř dokonalá tajemství Film is a work of art in the form of a series of live images that are rotated to produce an illusion of moving images that are presented as a form of entertainment. The illusion of a series of images produces continuous motion in the form of video. The film is often referred to as a movie or moving picture. Film is a modern and popular art form created for business and entertainment purposes. Film making has now become a popular industry throughout the world, where feature films are always awaited by cinemas. Films are made in two main ways. The first is through shooting and recording techniques through film cameras. This method is done by photographing images or objects. The second uses traditional animation techniques. This method is done through computer graphic animation or CGI techniques. Both can also be combined with other techniques and visual effects. Filming usually takes a relatively long time. It also requires a job desk each, starting from the director, producer, editor, wardrobe, visual effects and others. Definition and Definition of Film / Movie While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. ❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season. ❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed] In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television. ❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching The Video Today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited. Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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Ausstellung lädt noch bis Mitte Oktober zum Ausgraben, Experimentieren und Erforschen ein
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Noch bis Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2017, laden die KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN ZWICKAU Max-Pechstein-Museum, Lessingstraße 1, kleine und große Spürnasen, Feldforscher und Schatzsucher in die Mitmach-Ausstellung „Bodenschätze. Geschichte(n) aus dem Untergrund“ ein. Informativ, überraschend und interaktiv – diese Ausstellung ist ein Vergnügen für die ganze Familie!
Der Boden ist das größte Museum der Welt. Er vergisst nichts und bewahrt vieles. In dieser Ausstellung können (nicht nur) Kinder (fast) alles über den Boden und das, was im Boden gefunden wird, erfahren und vor allem selbst entdecken. Kleine wie große Bodenforscher erfahren, wie man alte Knochen datiert oder Überreste von Jahrtausend alten Häusern erkennt. In einem großen Sandkasten können sie wie richtige Archäologen ein richtiges Skelett eines Maultieres ausgraben.
„Die Ausstellung hat bisher bei Besuchern und Medien ein sehr gutes Echo gefunden. Die Resonanz war durchweg positiv“, sagt Museumsleiterin Dr. Petra Lewey. „21 Mitmachstationen zeigen anschaulich und spielerisch, was sich hinter dem trockenen Begriff “Boden” alles an Geschichten und Geheimnissen verbirgt.“
Wenn Boden reden könnte, dann würde er uns erzählen, war ihm gut tut und was nicht. Regenwürmer tun gut. Aber Regenwürmer sind ja nicht die einzigen Bodenbewohner. Abermillionen Lebewesen teilen sich diesen Kosmos, doch wie überall gibt es auch hier Störenfriede, Schmarotzer, Abzocker und Trickbetrüger. In der Ausstellung erfährt man auch was im Boden alles so kreucht und fleucht.
Boden hat viel erlebt und kann richtig gut erzählen. Seine Geschichten handeln von Glück und Gefahr, guten Taten und unerfüllten Träumen. In der Ausstellung werden verschiedene Bodenarten mit Stimmen und eigenen Charakteren zum Leben erweckt.
Kinder und Erwachsene können in der interaktiven Erlebnisausstellung selbständig forschen, ausgraben und experimentieren. Über den faszinierenden Weg der Archäologie werden Kinder und Familien mit wichtigen Fragen zur Entstehung und zum Schutz von Böden vertraut gemacht. Wer knifflige Fragen zur Ausstellung beantworten will, kann mit dem Forscherheft auf Entdeckungstour gehen. Wenn alles richtig beantwortet wurde gibt es eine persönliche Forscherurkunde.
Neben dem selbstständigen Erkunden der Ausstellung bietet auch das Begleitprogramm Urlaubsspaß und Erlebnisse für die Kleinsten, Mama, Papa, Oma, Opa, Tante oder Onkel:
am 29. Juli, 11. August und 22. September, 14 bis 17 Uhr
Sprach-Workshop mit Andrea Riedel, Förderstudio Literatur e.V. und Fabia Günther-Sperber, KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN ZWICKAU Max-Pechstein-Museum
Boden ist überall! Vor allem liefert er Stoff für eigene Gedichte und Geschichten. Dafür werden in der Ausstellung und im Museumsgarten Boden-Wörter gesammelt, Methoden des kreativen Schreibens erprobt und die Sprachschätze mit Erdfarben illustriert.
am 6. August, 14 bis 17 Uhr
Grabungs-Workshop mit Daniel Jakob, Priesterhäuser Zwickau
Ärmel hoch, die Schatzsuche beginnt: Mit Kellen, Spateln und Pinseln müssen archäologische Befunde freigelegt und anschließend beschrieben werden. Das erfordert Geduld und Geschick. Fachliche Anleitung erhalten junge Archäologen vom Profi.
am 26. August, 10 bis 13 Uhr
Bau-Workshop mit Daniela Mehlhorn und Torsten Neuber, G.U.B. Ingenieur AG, Zwickau
Bauhelme auf! Es wird mit allerlei Technik gebohrt, geknetet und gesiebt: Denn bevor überhaupt ein Haus, eine Sporthalle oder ein Museum gebaut werden kann, muss der Boden genau unter die Lupe genommen werden. Junge Bodenforscher erwartet eine spannende Reise in den Untergrund.
am 13. Oktober, 17 bis 21 Uhr
Der Abschluss der Ausstellung wird mit Spaß und Spiel gefeiert! Bitte Taschenlampen mitbringen. Eintritt frei!
Schnell sein, dabei sein! Zu den Workshops gibt es nur begrenzt Plätze. Es wird daher um Voranmeldung gebeten! Die Teilnahmegebühr beträgt 5 Euro, ermäßigt 3 Euro (inkl. Ausstellungsbesuch und Forscherheft).
Quelle: Stadt Zwickau
Helfen Sie bitte mit, dass es Hit-TV.eu auch morgen noch gibt. Mit 12 € pro Jahr (1 € pro Monat) sichern Sie die Existenz von unabhängigem Journalismus. (weitere Infos unterm Menüpunkt Spenden) Spenden bitte per Paypal: [email protected] oder per Bank an: Hit-TV.eu IBAN: DE36 8707 0024 0047 7901 00 BIC: DEUTDEDBCHE (Deutsche Bank) Buchungstext “Spende”
Der Boden – Das größte Museum der Welt – Jetzt selbst entdecken Ausstellung lädt noch bis Mitte Oktober zum Ausgraben, Experimentieren und Erforschen ein Noch bis Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2017, laden die KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN ZWICKAU Max-Pechstein-Museum, Lessingstraße 1, kleine und große Spürnasen, Feldforscher und Schatzsucher in die Mitmach-Ausstellung „Bodenschätze.
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Collector's Edition: Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part III)
Requiem, oh Requiem.
Loose chronological order below~
JET's (mulderscreek, tumblr, freeservers) Snippet Fic
She conceded, "So our track record has been iffy at best during the most recent Decembers. But last year wasn't too bad."
"Yeah, I think the highlight of the month was when I was attacked by zombies."
Pre-Requiem: There is no baby, and no abduction-- only Scully picking up Mulder during the holidays.
XPhileChai's Life is like a new case - you never know what you're gonna get.
She opened her eyes and met his. He saw the change in her eyes go from "calm and happy" to "oh, yeah, I'm in a car on a stakeout".
Pre-Requiem: Mulder rushes Scully to the hospital, where they discover she miscarried one of two babies.
@myownsuperintendent (Ao3)
“Marry Me” (Ao3)
He hadn’t expected her to say that soon, but he knows she means it. Her practicality makes him smile.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder remembers how they found out about Scully’s pregnancy before he left for Oregon; and decides to seal their partnership with a proposal.
Fic: “No Secrets” (Ao3)
“You could have died if I hadn’t gone back and looked at your medical records from last year. If I hadn’t figured out what was happening and how to reverse it. And you…you weren’t going to tell me?” Her voice is no longer even now, but she’s not yelling either; it sounds like all the air has gone out of her.
“I didn’t think there was anything we could do about it,” he says, but he realizes how stupid that is even as he’s saying it.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned; and Scully not only finds him but also heals his brain disease.
@alsoablankslate/tabulaxrasa's (LJ, tripod) Things Outside
The sun was setting, and the sky was a wide swath of indigo out the kitchen window. Sometimes it was very beautiful here. Summer here was like springtime in DC, maybe. How you were always conscious of it, of the rightness of the season, the perfect fit of area and temperature and color and the smell of the air.
They couldn't find out about the baby.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder is never abducted-- instead, he and Scully are put under house arrest in the middle of nowhere.
xphilernj’s (Ao3, Two Close for Comfort) Find the Future - Chapter 1
Upon their arrival at Dulles International Airport in D.C., Mulder was fit to be tied and Skinner was ready to clamp the handcuffs on him and throw Mulder in the trunk of his car.
Requiem: Mulder rushes back to Scully’s side.
Erin M. Blair’s The Blessing
He stood in the doorway of her hospital room and walked toward the chair by the bed. Pulling it as close to the bed as possible, he sat gingerly on the chair's edge, then gently held her hand in his.
Requiem: Scully floors Mulder with her pregnancy news.
bellefleur’s "Arms Wide Open"
I look over to see my partner's mother standing a few feet away from me, stock still and drained of color, with her hand covering her mouth. It's takes me a minute, but as I register the fact that her first sight was of me sitting in the hallway with my head in my hands, and then with obvious tear tracks on my face, I begin to comprehend her reaction. She must have immediately thought the worst.
Requiem: Mulder hears the news from Scully; and panics, fleeing the room. Maggie helps him get his head in the game.
Maidenjedi's Would That I Could Travel Both
She held her breath as his arms wrapped around her, and felt his reluctance to leave her as much as his eagerness to go, to discover, to find the all-encompassing Truth.
Requiem: Among a selection of AUs, Mulder didn't get his answers but did have a happy ending.
dmwones's Anagrams
"We can attempt to stabilize Dana for as long as possible. Give her blood transfusions, and corticosteroids. One to treat the low platelets, the other to help the fetus' lungs mature. But it's not a cure. Her body is under duress and HELLP syndrome is life-threatening. We can maybe buy a few extra days. But you're going to have to make a decision."
Requiem: In one of many AUs, Mulder is never abducted; but Scully and their baby suffer complications from preeclampsia.
Pattie’s Erlenmeyer Injustice
Not a day goes by that I don't think of the implications of this job, and especially this partnership. The knowledge that one or both of us might be killed or permanently injured in the line of duty hides in the backdrop, waiting to be cast and played out, by directors unknown.
Requiem: Mulder chooses to leave with the alien ship.
LuvTheBeez’s (mulderscreek) A Safe Place (MC) and Equanimity (1/2, and 2/2)
The minutes ticked slowly by. Unable to stand it any longer, Scully reached out a gloved finger to lift Skinner's eyelid. There appeared to be no change - the black clouds of oil were still visible. She looked at the others, concerned that there was still no reaction.
"Maybe we should increase the -"
When Skinner grabbed her wrist, it was with such force that she could feel the bones grinding together, and she waited for the sound they would make as they cracked into pieces. She gasped in pain and surprise - Skinner increasing his death grip on her as his body began to convulse violently.
Frantic, Mulder reached for her, his fingers scratching at her skin as he attempted to pry Skinner's strong hand away from her wrist….
Finally, there were other hands there to restrain Skinner, and they were able to loosen his grip long enough for Mulder to pull Scully away from him. The sudden release caused both of them to fall backwards, and they landed in a heap on the floor.
Post Requiem: Scully rushes to the hospital after Mulder’s return. Unfortunately, he forgets his abduction experiences just as the world plunges into Colonization; and Skinner, Krycek, and Marita-- who had initially joined them on their trek to safety-- are separated from the group in another wave of attack.
Forte’s (Gossamer) It Came in the Mail
Scully rushed into the basement office, mind racing. It was a leap of intuition. A leap of faith. A leap of Mulder proportions. He'd be proud, wouldn't he?
He'd expected it. He knew she would figure it out.
Post Requiem: Scully and TLG shift into high gear when she is shipped an envelope of Mulder’s fingerprints.
prufrockslove/plenilune’s (Ao3, Alt. Gossamer, Geocities, Colonization HQ)
"No – please let him stay. I asked for him. Stephen," came Mulder's tired, raspy voice from the room. "Let's talk quarks."
"Let's not. Let's rest," Scully said, squeezing past Dr. Hawking to get to the hospital bed. Three other men were hovering, pads and pencils ready to take notes if the tape recorder missed anything. Outside, men in black were swarming the hallway like army ants.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned in Las Vegas, staggeringly intelligent with all the answers of the world locked in his head. Naturally, Morris Fletcher and his troop come crashing in for information.
Pascal's Wager
I have no memories of what They did to me and some of my pre-abduction memories are still a little scrambled - not missing, just out of focus. I'm functional, barely, but at night rumors roam free, untouched by regression hypnosis, drugs, or Scully's gentle attempts to reach out to me. This is PTSD, she says, closing my chart and running her palm over my cheek comfortingly. Rest, Mulder. Do your exercises, Mulder. Don't think about your personal price- check chip in your frontal lobe, Mulder.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned after the birth of his daughter, struggling hardcore on the long road to recovery. Is he becoming insane, or enlightened?
Daniela Riedel's (mulderscreek) Never Ever
She wanted to tell him so much. Before he disappeared they never had the chance to talk about their feelings. Sure they had been close. This night in the hotel in Oregon. She wanted so much to tell him that she loved him dearly but couldn't find the courage to do so. Both of them knew about the other's feelings though.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned, staring at the hospital ceiling and repeating names over and over.
Fight The Past
"I never thought she'd manage it..."
Mulder turned back to him, the spell of his memories broken. "Manage what?"
"Why, to earn your trust, of course. You're not an easy man to get to know, Mr. Mulder. You'd rather get a root canal than admit to an emotion. Or, at least, that is how you were." He nodded to the window. "That's how he is."
Post Requiem: CSM offers Mulder to opportunity to travel back to the Pilot, stop the motel fire, and change history.
syn‘s (Tumblr) Careless Wishes
Melissa's eyes narrowed. "You know, you could *ask* before borrowing my stuff. I mean, I don't rummage through *your* jewelry box do I? Not that I'd wear any of that WASPy, wispy stuff anyway."
"But Melissa," replied Scully incredulously. "You were *dead*."
"What difference does that make?" asked Melissa, reaching over and pulling the necklace off over Scully's head with an annoyed yank. "I mean, someone with a little foresight, with a little respect for my personal property, should have known that I wouldn't want anyone wearing this necklace."
Post Requiem: Scully uses a potion to bring back Melissa, Pendrell, Mr. X, Deep Throat, and even Queequeg back to life… all of whom are incredibly terrible company.
lesbianreinaa's Simply the Best
“I completely forgot, Mulder I’m sorry.” She exhaled, their silly gag of a tradition had turned into something much more meaningful as the years had passed. October 15th, they had returned from their first case on the road, the only place open being Lenny’s, both agents being famished had set up camp inside, scarfing down their burgers and caffeinated beverages before returning to J. Edgar Hoover for more late nights.
Over the years it had remained a night that they kept, laced with more and more intimacy given the circumstance.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned almost immediately; and Scully joins him in a dance, working up to her news.
Singing_Violin’s Sculleus and Muldeurydice
Mulder was dying; Mulder might already be dead. She had already grieved for him, but new hope had cruelly been handed to her by a known enemy. However, if he was inside, Mulder needed her.
Post Requiem: CSM picks up Scully, drives her to an imprisoned Mulder, and warns her not to touch him as they escape.
Cathey Scully‘s Hidden Truths
The last thing she'd expected when she'd heard of Mulder's abduction was to be holding a gun on him. Mulder. Her Mulder, standing there in front of her, absolutely soaked to the skin, and she was holding a gun on him.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned to Scully’s apartment.
Kemystre’s Frisson
He stepped away from the plane and his knees were shaking.
Closing his eyes, he pulled in a sharp breath. The cold February air
burned within his lungs and he almost smiled.
Fox Mulder was home. Finally, at last, he was home.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned, and runs home, happy.
Cici’s Somebody's Child
"But I don't think you're hearing what I'm saying, Mulder. There are men besides me who will stop at nothing to get their hands on this baby and the genetic code that it contains. They will not hesitate to take Agent Scully's life if it means obtaining their goal. But these men don't want to save the world, Mulder. They only want to turn this baby over to the aliens to save their own skin and that of their families."
Post Requiem: Mulder returns, with Krycek’s help, without realizing he’s playing into Krycek’s ulterior motive.
Spooky2u2’s Only Death Would Stop Me
The sound of Scully's crying drifted through Mulder's apartment. The man in the other room moved. If anyone had been watching they most likely would have missed it. It was miniscule, but it was there. His head tilted ever so slightly to the left as though listening for a sound he wasn't sure he'd heard. If anyone had been watching they would have seen a dull flicker of life in this man as some part of him that had held to what was left of his soul pulled him toward that sound.
Post Requiem: The Alien Bounty Hunter returns a broken, unresponsive Mulder… who breaks out of his trance long enough to ferociously protect Scully, if needed.
Agent L’s (mulderscreek)
Out of the Woods
No one called him Fox. At least no one that he knew anymore. He ignored the gentle voice and drifted back toward oblivion.
"Fox. You must listen to me."
Post Requiem: Melissa talks to Mulder in his hour of need.
But at least I was able to protect you from this.
Maybe now that they have me, you'll be safe.
"Safe, Mr. Mulder? No one is safe."
Post Requiem: The Consortium toy with Mulder’s brain module during repeated experiments before brainwashing and dumping him back home.
No Place Like Home
He hadn't thought about people being worried, searching for him. Was there someone he should call? A friend or relative? His memory remained stubbornly blank when he tried to recall a familiar face or name.
His wallet was on the nightstand and he leafed through it, but couldn't find any names or phone numbers other than his own. The photo of the young girl struck a chord this time, however -- half-remembered laughter, teasing. Childhood. But there was sadness here as well...a deep longing that tugged at something deep within him, filled him with an unaccountable sense of loss.
Post Requiem: Mulder is dumped, amnesic, six months later; and has to use spotty instincts to somehow trek the long way home.
A Man Walks Into a Bar (mulderscreek) and Pilgrimage (mulderscreek)
Mulder's knees buckled and he started to sink to the pavement. Instinctively Doggett grabbed for him, to save him from falling. Mulder sagged against him for a moment, then Doggett felt something press against his ribs.
His own gun.
A rookie mistake.
Post Requiem: Doggett finds Mulder. Neither man trusts the other; but, despite a few fundamental differences, Doggett still drives him back to Scully’s apartment.
Beyond This Experience series (01, 02, 03)
"Where's Mulder? I expected to see him here."
She was silent for so long that he turned back to her, alarmed. Mulder had been in bad shape, but even Scully, as a doctor, hadn't seemed to think anything was drastically wrong. If Skinner had endangered his life by bringing him back, he'd never forgive himself.
Scully met his eyes, her own brimming with tears, and bit her lower lip. "I - He's - He left."
Post Requiem: Skinner finds Mulder and brings home home; then goes the extra mile to support him through a PTSD moment and talk him out of his fears.
Thursday's Child
He didn't expect to find Mulder awake, but he did expect to find Mulder in bed. John came through the door to find both the patient and the IV stand gone.
He'd been ditched.
Post Requiem: Doggett tries to be a good dude by driving Scully to the hospital when she goes into labor, and intercepting (then aid and abet) Mulder’s unhinged antics to be by her side.
Scullysfan‘s The Discipline of Blessings
But she was tired of playing by someone else's rules. Maybe it all came down to that.
Tilting her head back, Scully smiled softly into those sad eyes she knew so well, and then she faced Skinner again. "Mulder and I need to discuss this. Alone."
Post Requiem: Scully’s baby heals her after she is accidentally shot; and, realizing their child will never be safe no matter where they run, she convinces Mulder to stand their ground and not go into hiding after his return.
Thanks for reading~
#txf#fic#Collector's Edition#mine#Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return#Part III#JET#XPhileChai#myownsuperintendent#alsoablankslate#tabulaxrasa#xphilernj#Erin M. Blair#bellefleur#Maidenjedi#dmwones#prufrockslove#plenilune#Forte#Daniela Riedel#zulu#syn#lsbianreinaa#Singing_Violin#Cathey Scully#Kemystye#Spooky2u2#Cici#AgentL#Scullysfan
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Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2019) Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2019) - Komedie Filmy 111 minut. Das Perfekte Geheimnis. Na společné večeři se sejde několik párů a po pár sklenkách se rozhodnou, že svoje telefony položí na stůl a všechny zprávy, vzkazy i telefonáty budou ten večer sdílet. Zprávy se přečtou nahlas, hovory budou nahlas. Vždyť o nic nejde, bude zábava. Jenže právě naši chytří a mobilní kamarádi o nás vědí úplně všechno, znají naše tajnosti, druhé životy, drobné lži, milenky i milence. Nevinná hra se nejdříve vyvíjí jako báječná legrace, pak ale začnou chodit zprávy, které se svými partnery či přáteli raději nesdílíte.
Vydáno: Oct 31, 2019
Runtime: 111 minut
Žánr: Komedie
Hvězdy: Elyas M’Barek, Florian David Fitz, Jella Haase, Karoline Herfurth, Frederick Lau, Wotan Wilke Möhring
Crew: Carlos Lozano (Location Scout), Ernestine Hipper (Set Decoration), Christian M. Goldbeck (Production Design), Martin Moszkowicz (Executive Producer), Daniela Tolkien (Casting), Egon Riedel (Music)
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The illusion of a series of images produces continuous motion in the form of video. The film is often referred to as a movie or moving picture. Film is a modern and popular art form created for business and entertainment purposes. Film making has now become a popular industry throughout the world, where feature films are always awaited by cinemas. Films are made in two main ways. The first is through shooting and recording techniques through film cameras. This method is done by photographing images or objects. The second uses traditional animation techniques. This method is done through computer graphic animation or CGI techniques. Both can also be combined with other techniques and visual effects. Filming usually takes a relatively long time. It also requires a job desk each, starting from the director, producer, editor, wardrobe, visual effects and others. Definition and Definition of Film / Movie While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. ❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season. ❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed] In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television. ❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching The Video Today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited. Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2019) Téměř dokonalá tajemství (2019) - Komedie Filmy 111 minut. Das Perfekte Geheimnis. Na společné večeři se sejde několik párů a po pár sklenkách se rozhodnou, že svoje telefony položí na stůl a všechny zprávy, vzkazy i telefonáty budou ten večer sdílet. Zprávy se přečtou nahlas, hovory budou nahlas. Vždyť o nic nejde, bude zábava. Jenže právě naši chytří a mobilní kamarádi o nás vědí úplně všechno, znají naše tajnosti, druhé životy, drobné lži, milenky i milence. Nevinná hra se nejdříve vyvíjí jako báječná legrace, pak ale začnou chodit zprávy, které se svými partnery či přáteli raději nesdílíte.
Vydáno: Oct 31, 2019
Runtime: 111 minut
Žánr: Komedie
Hvězdy: Elyas M’Barek, Florian David Fitz, Jella Haase, Karoline Herfurth, Frederick Lau, Wotan Wilke Möhring
Crew: Carlos Lozano (Location Scout), Ernestine Hipper (Set Decoration), Christian M. Goldbeck (Production Design), Martin Moszkowicz (Executive Producer), Daniela Tolkien (Casting), Egon Riedel (Music)
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The illusion of a series of images produces continuous motion in the form of video. The film is often referred to as a movie or moving picture. Film is a modern and popular art form created for business and entertainment purposes. Film making has now become a popular industry throughout the world, where feature films are always awaited by cinemas. Films are made in two main ways. The first is through shooting and recording techniques through film cameras. This method is done by photographing images or objects. The second uses traditional animation techniques. This method is done through computer graphic animation or CGI techniques. Both can also be combined with other techniques and visual effects. Filming usually takes a relatively long time. It also requires a job desk each, starting from the director, producer, editor, wardrobe, visual effects and others. Definition and Definition of Film / Movie While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. ❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season. ❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed] In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television. ❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching The Video Today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited. Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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