#Daniel Moreschi
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A Wing-stroked Spectacle
By Daniel Moreschi Previously published by Society of Classical Poets Segmented sets of starlings sharply elevatetowards candescent skies, suspend, then circulate in sync. Their wingspans whisper sunset symphonieswhile manifesting silhouetted symmetries.With poise, finesse and swiftness, they transform the airinto an ever-changing scape; this canvas whereeach turn and swirl unfolds a painterly…
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Using form: Iambic hexameter: Daniel Moreschi, 'A Wing-stroked Spectacle'
Segmented sets of starlings sharply elevate towards candescent skies, suspend, then circulate in sync. Their wingspans whisper sunset symphonies while manifesting silhouetted symmetries. With poise, finesse and swiftness, they transform the air into an ever-changing scape; this canvas where each turn and swirl unfolds a painterly display: a moving mural, rendered on a dying day. The starlings…
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2024 olympics Brazil roster
Marcus D'Almeida (Rio De Janeiro)
Ana Caetano (Rio De Janeiro)
Gabriel Dos Santos (São Paulo)
Douglas Hernandes (Brasília)
Jadson Lima (Arapiraca)
Lucas Marcelino (Franca)
José Ferreira (Brasília)
Erik Cardoso (Paracicabo)
Felipe Dos Santos (Americana)
Paulo Camilo (Santo André)
Renan Gallina (Curitiba)
Matheus Da Silva (Fortaleza)
Lucas Carvalho (Santo André)
Eduardo De Deus; Jr. (Campinas)
Rafael Pereira (Contagem)
Al Dos Santos (São Joaquim Da Barra)
Lucas Vilar (Limeira)
Caio Bonfim (Sobradinho)
Matheus Corrêa (Blumenau)
Fernando Santana (Ribeirão Preto)
Almir Dos Santos (Matupá)
Darlan Romani (Concórdia)
Welington Morais (Imperatriz)
Luiz Da Silva (Juiz De Fora)
Pedro Rodrigues (Parintins)
Gabriela De Sousa (São Paulo)
Lissandra Campos (Cuiabá)
Ana Silva (Contagem)
Ana Azevedo (São Roque)
Vitória Rosa (Rio De Janeiro)
Lorraine Martins (São Paulo)
Tiffani Marinho (Duque De Caxias)
Flávia De Lima (Campo Do Tenente)
Chayenne Da Silva (Nova Iguaçu)
Tatiane De Silva (Guairacá)
Érica De Sena (Camaragibe)
Viviane Lyra (Rio De Janeiro)
Valdileia Martins (Querência Do Norte)
Juliana Campos (São Caetano Do Sul)
Eliane Martins (Joinville)
Gabriele Dos Santos (Brasília)
Izabela Da Silva (Adamantina)
Andressa De Morais (João Pessoa)
Jucilene De Lima (Taperoá)
Ygor De Oliveira (Rio De Janeiro)
Juliana Vieira (São Paulo)
Alexey Borges (Franca)
Elio Corazza (São Bernardo Do Campo)
Marcelo Huertas (São Paulo)
Yago Dos Santos (Tupã)
Raul Neto (São Paulo)
George De Paula (Diadema)
Vítor Benite (Jundiaí)
Leo Meindl (São Paulo)
Gui Dos Santos (Brasília)
Marcos Silva (Cachoeiro De Itapemirim)
Bruno Caboclo (Osasco)
João Pereira (Rio De Janeiro)
Lucas Silva (Bauru)
Cristiano Felício (Pouso Alegre)
Michael Trindade (Marituba)
Luiz De Oliveira (São Caetano Do Sul)
Wanderley Pereira (Curitiba)
Keno Machado (Sapeaçu)
Abner Da Silva; Jr. (Sorocaba)
Caroline De Almeida (São Paulo)
Tatiana Chagas (Salvador)
Bárbara Gonçalves (São Paulo)
Jucielen Romeu (Rio Claro)
Beatriz Ferreira (Salvador)
Mateus Dos Santos (Brasília)
Pedro Da Silva (Ipaussu)
Isaquias Dos Santos (Ubaitaba)
Jacky Godmann (Itacaré)
Vagner Souta (Guarantã Do Norte)
Valdenice Do Nascimento (Teresópolis)
Ana Vargas (Iturama)
Ana Vergutz (Cascavel)
Ulan Galinski (São Paulo)
Vinícius Costa (Cabo Frio)
Gustavo De Oliveira (Carapicuíba)
Ana Magalhães (Rio De Janeiro)
Raiza Henrique (Pirenópolis)
Paola Reis (Brasília)
Isaac Filho (Rio De Janeiro)
Ingrid De Oliveira (Rio De Janeiro)
João Oliva (São Paulo)
Márcio Jorge (Colina)
Rafael Losano (Rio Claro)
Carlos Paro (Colina)
Ruy Filho (São Paulo)
Stephan Barcha (Rio De Janeiro)
Yuri Mansur (São Paulo)
Rodrigo Pessoa (Wilton, Connecticut)
Pedro Veniss (Rio De Janeiro)
Guilherme Toldo (Porto Alegre)
Mariana Pistoia (São Paulo)
Nathalie Moellhausen (Milan, Italy)
Arthur Mariano (Campinas)
Diogo Soares (Piracicaba)
Rayan Dutra (Belo Horizonte)
Rebeca De Andrade (Guarulhos)
Jade Barbosa (Curitiba)
Lorrane Oliveira (Nova Iguaçu)
Flávia Saraiva (Rio De Janeiro)
Júlia Soares (Colombo)
Bárbara Domingos (Curitiba)
Maria Arakaki (Maceió)
Victória Borges (Aracaju)
Déborah Barbosa (Aracaju)
Sofia Pereira (São Paulo)
Nicole Duarte (Aracaju)
Camilla Gluckstein (Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey)
Gabriela Moreschi (Maringá)
Marcela Arounian (São Paulo)
Jhennifer Dos Santos (Brasília)
Kelly Rosa (São Paulo)
Bruna De Paula (Campestre)
Mariane Fernándes (Niterói)
Tamires De Araújo (Rio De Janeiro)
Jéssica Quintino (São Paulo)
Larissa Araújo (Curitiba)
Adriana De Castro (Fortaleza)
Giulia Guarieiro (São Paulo)
Gabriela Bitolo (São Paulo)
Patrícia Machado (Rio De Janeiro)
Renata De Arruda (Olinda)
Michel Augusto (Bastos)
Willian Lima (Mogi Das Cruzes)
Daniel Cargnin (Porto Alegre)
Guilherme Schimidt (Brasília)
Rafael De Macedo (Porto Alegre)
Leonardo Gonçalves (Iguape)
Rafael Da Silva (Rolândia)
Natasha Ferreira (São Paulo)
Larissa Pimenta (São Vicente)
Rafaela Silva (Rio De Janeiro)
Ketleyn Quadros (Ceilândia)
Mayra Da Silva (Porto Alegre)
Beatriz De Souza (Itariri)
Isabela Abreu (Brasília)
Lucas Ferreira (Rio De Janeiro)
Beatriz Cardoso (São Paulo)
Milena Mariano (São José Dos Campos)
Gisele Dos Santos (Brasília)
Yasmim Soares (São Paulo)
Mariana Nicolau (São José Dos Campos)
Luiza Campos (Porto Alegre)
Thalia Costa (São Luís)
Thalita Costa (São Luís)
Marina Costa (São Bernardo Do Campo)
Gabriela Lima (Brasília)
Raquel Kochhann (Saudades)
Bianca Silva (Guarulhos)
Marcelle Souza (Rio De Janeiro)
Gabriel Simões (Rio De Janeiro)
João Bulhões (Rio De Janeiro)
Mateus Isaac (São Paulo)
Bruno Lobo (São Luís)
Bruno Da Silva (Florianópolis)
Marco Grael (Niterói)
Henrique Haddad (Rio De Janeiro)
Gabriella Kidd (Salvador)
Marina Arndt (São Paulo)
Martine Grael (Niterói)
Kahina Kunze (São Paulo)
Isabel Swan (Rio De Janeiro)
Philipe Chateaubrian (Brasília)
Geovana Meyer (Joinville)
Georgia Bastos (São Paulo)
Luigi Cini (Curitiba)
Augusto Dos Santos (Curitiba)
Pedro Barros (Florianópolis)
Felipe Gustavo (Brasília)
Kelvin Hoefler (Guarujá)
Giovanni Vianna (Santo André)
Raicca Ventura (São Paulo)
Gabi Mazetto (São Paulo)
Isadora Pacheco (Florianópolis)
Dora Varella (São Paulo)
Jhulia Leal (Imperatriz)
Pâmela Rosa (São José Dos Campos)
Lorena Leite (Ituverava)
Antônia Silva (Pau Dos Ferros)
Tarciane De Lima (Belford Roxo)
Rafaelle Souza (Cipó)
Maria Sampaio (Rio Casca)
Tamires De Britto (Caeté)
Kerolin Ferraz (Bauru)
Vitória Silva (Suzano)
Adriana Da Silva (União)
Marta Da Silva (Dois Riachos)
Jheniffer Gouveia (São Paulo)
Tainá De Oliveira (São Paulo)
Yasmim Ribeiro (Governador Valadares)
Ludmila Da Silva (Guarulhos)
Thaís Ferreira (Campinas)
Gabi Da Silva (São Paulo)
Ana De Araújo (Rondonópolis)
Gabi Portilho (Brasília)
Priscila Da Silva (São Gonçalo Do Amarante)
Angelina Costantino (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Lauren Costa (Votorantim)
Luciana Dionizio (Belo Horizonte)
Felipe Toledo (San Clemente, California)
João Chianca (Saquerema)
Gabriel Ferreira (São Sebastião)
Tainá Hinckel (São Paulo)
Tatiana Dos Santos (Kauai County, Hawaii)
Luana Silva (Honolulu County, Hawaii)
Eduardo Moraes (Belo Horizonte)
Kayky Mota (São Paulo)
Nicolas Albiero (Louisville, Kentucky)
Guilherme Santos (Salvador)
Marcelo Chierighini (Itu)
Guilherme Da Costa (Rio De Janeiro)
Gabriel Santos (Guarulhos)
Breno Correia (Rio De Janeiro)
Fernando Scheffer (Canoas)
Murilo Sartori (Americana)
Guilherme Basseto (Ribeirão Preto)
Giovana Medeiros (São Paulo)
Maria Costa (Rio De Janeiro)
Gabrielle Roncatto (São Paulo)
Bea Dizotti (São Paulo)
Stephanie Balduccini (São Paulo)
Ana Vieira (São Paulo)
Maria Heitmann (Belo Horizonte)
Ana Da Cunha (Salvador)
Viviane Jungblut (Porto Alegre)
Table tennis
Guilherme Teodoro (Brasília)
Hugo Calderano (Rio De Janeiro)
Vitor Ishiy (São Paulo)
Giulia Takahashi (São Bernardo Do Campo)
Bruna Takahashi (São Bernardo Do Campo)
Bruna Alexandre (Criciúma)
Henrique Fernandes (Caixas)
Edival Pontes (João Pessoa)
Maria Pacheco (São Caetano Do Sul)
Caroline Dos Santos (São Caetano Do Sul)
Thiago Monteiro (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Thiago Wild (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Bea Maia (São Paulo)
Laura De Andrade (Barcelona, Spain)
Luisa Stefani (São Paulo)
Miguel Hidalgo (Salto)
Manoel Dos Santos; Jr. (Fortaleza)
Djenyfer Arnold (São Paulo)
Vittória De Mello (Fortaleza)
Arthur Lanci (Maringá)
Lukas Bergmann (Toledo)
Adriano Xavier (Murici)
André Stein (Vila Velha)
George Wanderley (Campina Grande)
Evandro De Oliveira; Jr. (Rio De Janeiro)
Bruno Rezende (Rio De Janeiro)
Yoandy Leal (Contagem)
Isac Santos (São Gonçalo)
Fernando Kreling (Caxias Do Sul)
Lucas Saatkamp (Colinas)
Thales Hoss (São Leopoldo)
Ricardo De Souza (Contagem)
Alan De Souza (São João De Meriti)
Flávio Gualberto (Pimenta)
Darlan Souza (Rio De Janeiro)
Diana Duarte (Barueri)
Tainara Santos (Jandira)
Lorenne Teixeira (Conselheiro Lafaiete)
Ana Ramos (Espinosa)
Eduarda Lisboa (Aracaju)
Bárbara De Freitas (Rio De Janeiro)
Carolina Young (Rio De Janeiro)
Nyeme Nunes (Barra Do Corda)
Thaísa De Menezes (Rio De Janeiro)
Rosa Montibeller (Nova Trento)
Macris Carneiro (Santo André)
Roberta Ratzke (Curitiba)
Gabi Guimarães (Belo Horizonte)
Ana De Souza (Rio De Janeiro)
Ana Da Silva (Belo Horizonte)
Júlia Bergmann (Toledo)
Amanda Schott (São Paulo)
Laura Amaro (Brasília)
Giullia De Oliveira (Rio De Janeiro)
#Sports#National Teams#Brazil#Celebrities#Races#Basketball#Fights#Boxing#Boats#Animals#Connecticut#Italy#Soccer#New Jersey#Hawaii#Kentucky#Tennis#Argentina#Spain
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Arlo Parks - Softly (Live) from Douglas Ratzlaff Bernardt on Vimeo.
Live session for The Late Show with Stephan Colbert.
Director: Douglas Bernardt Production Company: Stink Films
Global Head of Stink Rising & Music Videos / EP: Hannah Bellil EP: Dom McKiernan
Co-Director: Filipe Zapelini DOP: Jon Chema Colorist: Joseph Bicknell - Company 3
Typography: Bruno Oppido Motion: Daniel Fierro Post producer: Victor Cohen
PA: Thomas Bergmann Service Company: Shot Clock Service Co Producer: Harrison Corwin Service Co Producer: Louis Moreschi AD: Nick Sossi Romano 1st AC: James Teninty 2nd AC: Donovan Loew Steadi: Paulius Kontjevas VTR: Jose Segura Gaffer: Ronnie Bhardwaj KG: Jesus Sanchez Production Assistant: Christian Eatman Production Assistant: Tyrese Schultz Management: Beatnik Creative Label: Transgressive / [PIAS] America Sound team: Chris Parker FOH Engineer, Chris Miller Monitor Engineer TM: Adam Williams, Riverjuke
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*Último sorteo del Fideicomiso Cesopol 1* Todas las personas y dirigentes que formamos parte de este Fideicomiso estamos muy contentos porque hoy se celebró el último sorteo en el salón del Club Flor de Ceibo. La suerte hizo que una unidad de vivienda ya construida y restituida al fiduciario, la recibiera Baleani, Leandro Fabricio 32.256.490 Dentro de las viviendas por manifestación de interés (licitación) los beneficiarios fueron: Varela, Eduardo Rene 16.634.319 Tomassetti, Renata Belen 32.256.560 Biani, Jorge Daniel 26.054.570 Se realizó el sorteo de 20 viviendas a partir de los cuatro grupos que conforman este fideicomiso desde sus inicios. *Beneficiarios del Grupo D Solos* Titulares Cornelio, Laura Verónica 31.142.871 Acevedo, Marcela Raquel 22.539.201 Gigena, Wilson David 28.973.201 Cittadini, Fernando Ariel 35.669.429 Suplentes Jaime, Estela Romualda 3.886.902 *Beneficiarios del Grupo B Solos con hijos* Titulares Paoli, Verónica Marcela 27.228.797 Castro, Agustina 36.849.290 Sánchez, Sergio Alejandro 22.008.554 Suplentes Tornabeni Nayla 34.357.816 Baldoncini Federico 36.479.265 *Beneficiarios del Grupo C Parejas sin hijos* Titulares Giardelli, Fabián Alejandro 36.479.329 Martina, Analía Lourdes 36.479.232 Dottori, Fabricio y Ruiz, Noelia 26.112.571 Duarte, Carlos Xavier 32.889.437 Oliva, Ramón Mario Alberto 16.781.633 Suplentes Larrechea Calderón, Carina 32.256.521 Curletti Gustavo Federico 31.142.802 Barrionuevo, Fernando Alberto 28.973.263 *Beneficiarios del Grupo A Parejas con hijos* Titulares Gómez, Héctor Hugo 16.090.990 Lozada, Ceferino Alberto 22.415.914 Walgrave, María Rosa 12.776.457 Tomasetti, Marcos Jacinto 24.619.511 Moreschi, Marcelo Ricardo 32.786.037 Sala, Gastón Mario 32.889.320 Castillo, Leandro David 32.889.488 Vélez, Marcelo Ricardo Rogelio 22.764.558 Suplentes Castillo, Maximiliano 34.357.986 *Y este año se sortearon 4 viviendas que no fueron licitadas. Los ganadores fueron:* Chavez, Jacinto Eulalio 17.361.033 Ñañez, German y García, María 35.505.320 Huzuliak, Julio Cesar 25.514.527 Barrionuevo, Deolinda Gabriela 25.236.245 Felicitaciones en nombre del Fideicomiso Cesopol 1 (en Oncativo) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZaXQCpvFF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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demonumentaRA propõe discussão coletiva sobre o patrimônio histórico a partir de 22 monumentos de São Paulo. 30set-19dez2022
Exposição na Praça do Relógio da USP utiliza realidade aumentada para discutir a colonialidade do patrimônio histórico com 22 monumentos relacionados aos anos de 1922, 1954 e 1972. Aplicativo para celular permite carregar e visualizar monumentos dispersos na cidade a partir de distintos pontos de vista e visitá-los com audioguias. Entrada gratuita
Projeto “demonumentaRA” inaugura no dia 30 de setembro de 2022, sexta-feira, às 18 horas, uma experiência em realidade aumentada. A intervenção na Praça do relógio da USP utiliza um aplicativo original e gratuito, com audioguias para acessar modelos 3D de 22 monumentos da cidade, que foram, em sua grande maioria, inaugurados durante datas comemorativas de nossa história. "demonumentRA" integra o projeto demonumenta, idealizado pela artista professora da FAUUSP Giselle Beiguelman e o artista Bruno Moreschi, e tem concepção e direção geral do designer Luís Felipe Abbud. O projeto demonumenta propõe um debate sobre a colonialidade embarcada no patrimônio e acervos públicos da cidade de São Paulo por meio de experimentos com novas tecnologias e processos colaborativos de pesquisa e produção.
[Monumento à Independência (Ettore Ximenes, 1922)]
O foco do projeto são os monumentos criados para a celebrações de 1922, incluindo as reverberações da Semana de Arte Moderna e do Centenário da Independência nas décadas posteriores, como 1954, ano do do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo, e em 1972, controversa data do sesquicentenário da Independência, promovida pela ditadura militar sob o governo de Emilio Garrastazu Médici. “demonumentaRA” envolve, além da exposição em realidade aumentada, projeções, além de encontros e apresentações.
[Glória Imortal aos Fundadores de São Paulo (Amadeo Zani, 1925]
“’demonumentaRA’ é o resultado de um projeto de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, desenvolvido integralmente na FAUUSP, envolvendo alunos de graduação e pós-graduação, dos cursos de Arquitetura e Design, com participação de outras unidades como o IME (Instituto de Matemática e Estatística) e o Museu Paulista da USP. Propõe uma reflexão sobre o patrimônio histórico, a partir de uma abordagem transversal do conhecimento, sem hierarquizar a teoria em relação às práticas, e o lugar do aluno e do professor. Com apoio da Pró-Reitoria de Pertencimento e Inclusão e recursos do Proac, o projeto pensa a universidade pública em interlocução com a sociedade, combinando pesquisa histórica e tecnologias digitais, por meio de uma experiência lúdica, interativa e pedagógica”, declara Giselle.
[Sinalização da exposição na Praça do Relógio, USP]
A parte expositiva do projeto conta com expositores espalhados pela Praça do Relógio da USP, contendo informações sobre monumentos históricos da cidade de São Paulo, acessíveis pelos visitantes por um aplicativo gratuito para smartphone com interface para realidade aumentada. A mostra também promove rodas de conversa e projeções no campus, tematizando a pertinência e a atualidade de formas, simbolismos, significados e representatividade desses monumentos em meio à diversidade de nosso contexto sociocultural contemporâneo.
[Monumento às Bandeiras (Victor Brecheret, 1953)]
A lista dos monumentos do projeto inclui: Obelisco e Largo da Memória (autoria de Vicente Gomes Pereira e Daniel Pedro Muller, José Washt Rodrigues e Victor Dubugras, 1814-1922); Casa do Grito (autoria desconhecida, ca. 1844); Monumento à Independência (Ettore Ximenes, 1922); Monumento a Carlos Gomes (Luiz Brizzolara, 1922); Monumento a Olavo Bilac (William Zadig, 1922); Fonte e Chafariz do Parque da Independência (Francisco Prestes Maia, 1922); Glória Imortal aos Fundadores de São Paulo (Amadeo Zani, 1925); Fonte Monumental (Nicolina Vaz de Assis Pinto do Couto, 1927); Herma de Luiz Gama (Yolando Mallozzi, 1931); Monumento a Anhanguera (Luigi Brizzolara, 1935); Índio Caçador (João Batista Ferri, 1940); Depois do Banho (Victor Brecheret, 1941); Monumento às Bandeiras (Victor Brecheret, 1953); Padre Anchieta, Apóstolo do Brasil (Heitor Usai, 1954); Obelisco e Mausoléu do Soldado Constitucionalista de 1932 (Galileo Emendabili, 1954); Aspiral do IV Centenário (Oscar Niemeyer, 1954); Monumento à Mãe Preta (Júlio Guerra, 1955); Monumento a Duque de Caxias (Victor Brecheret, 1960); Estátua de Borba Gato (Júlio Guerra, 1963); José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, Patriarca da Independência (Alfredo Ceschiatti, 1972); Monumento a Ramos de Azevedo (Galileo Emendabili, 1974); e Monumento a Garcia Lorca (Flávio de Carvalho, 1979).
[Monumento a Ramos de Azevedo (Galileo Emendabili, 1974)]
O site do demonumenta [ http://demonumenta.fau.usp.br/] é uma obra em construção, com farto material informativo, contendo textos de autoria dos colaboradores do projeto, maquetes virtuais, fotos e bibliografia.
O projeto “demonumentaRA”, feito em parceria com a Pró-Reitoria de Inclusão e Pertencimento, e realizado com apoio do Proac, da Prefeitura do Campus da Capital e da Fundação Universidade de São Paulo, é um projeto de pesquisadores e estudantes da FAU USP, que problematiza monumentos públicos de São Paulo, a fim de ressignificar suas simbologias e representações. Sua plataforma foi desenvolvida por alunos e docentes da FAU-USP, em interlocução com outras instituições e centros de pesquisa, como o C4AI - Inova USP, o CITI - USP, o Museu Paulista da USP, o MIT Open Documentary Lab e o PISA e co-realização da Pró Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão da USP.
[Relação dos monumentos]
🔗 Press-release: https://adelantecomunicacao.tumblr.com/post/692260914272075776/demonumetara-prop%C3%B5e-discuss%C3%A3o-coletiva-sobre-o
📷 Imagens: https://adelantecomunicacao.tumblr.com/tagged/imagensdemonumentara
SERVIÇO: Exposição: “demonumentaRA”, idealizada por Giselle Beiguelman Abertura: 30 de setembro, segunda-feira às 18 horas Período expositivo: de 30 de setembro a 19 de dezembro de 2022 Local: Praça do Relógio, Cidade Universitária, USP Entrada gratuita Siga nas redes: http://www.demonumenta.fau.usp.br / https://www.instagram.com/demonumenta_/ Mais informações para a imprensa:
Décio Hernandez Di Giorgi Adelante Comunicação Cultural 🔗 adelantecomunicacao.tumblr.com/ 📩 [email protected] 📱 (+ 55 11) 98255 3338
#demonumenta#decolonialidade#realidade aumentada#monumento#FAUUSP#giselle beiguelman#luis felipe abbud#demonumentaRA#press release
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#NationalInsectWeek2022 20th-26th June. Sunday - Dragonflies, and any insects I may have missed... Please join Daniel Moreschi, Christina Chin and I in celebrating Dragonflies and other insects. Anybody written poems about/including Dragonflies? Artworks/photos welcome too. References to poems/artwork other than your own I will show as links in the post, unless the referenced author welcomes my use of their work. I will add to this posts throughout today, so don't worry if your submission has not been posted, yet. Here are the prompts for the week: Monday - Beetles, Tuesday - Cockroaches, Wednesday - Flies, Thursday - Mayflies, Friday - Butterflies, Saturday - Ant, Bee and Wasp, Sunday - Dragonflies, and any other insects I missed during the week.
#NationalInsectWeek2022 20th-26th June. Sunday – Dragonflies, and any insects I may have missed… Please join Daniel Moreschi, Christina Chin and I in celebrating Dragonflies and other insects. Anybody written poems about/including Dragonflies? Artworks/photos welcome too. References to poems/artwork other than your own I will show as links in the post, unless the referenced author welcomes my use of their work. I will add to this posts throughout today, so don’t worry if your submission has not been posted, yet. Here are the prompts for the week: Monday – Beetles, Tuesday – Cockroaches, Wednesday – Flies, Thursday – Mayflies, Friday – Butterflies, Saturday – Ant, Bee and Wasp, Sunday – Dragonflies, and any other insects I missed during the week.
Odyssey of the Hine’s emerald Dragonfly A mother roams nemoral bounds, where river rims encase The malleable solace of a sunken ark’s embrace As dips and oscillations from a dragon’s tail foretell Of a latent dormancy within a leafy citadel. A new-born is denied repose and famished pores collect The layers of a shell as a falling cradle feigns neglect. It braves a bed of swaddling swings, that…
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Arlo Parks - Softly (Live) from Douglas Ratzlaff Bernardt on Vimeo.
Live session for The Late Show with Stephan Colbert.
Director: Douglas Bernardt Production Company: Stink Films
Global Head of Stink Rising & Music Videos / EP: Hannah Bellil EP: Dom McKiernan
Co-Director: Filipe Zapelini DOP: Jon Chema Colorist: Joseph Bicknell - Company 3
Typography: Bruno Oppido Motion: Daniel Fierro Post producer: Victor Cohen
PA: Thomas Bergmann Service Company: Shot Clock Service Co Producer: Harrison Corwin Service Co Producer: Louis Moreschi AD: Nick Sossi Romano 1st AC: James Teninty 2nd AC: Donovan Loew Steadi: Paulius Kontjevas VTR: Jose Segura Gaffer: Ronnie Bhardwaj KG: Jesus Sanchez Production Assistant: Christian Eatman Production Assistant: Tyrese Schultz Management: Beatnik Creative Label: Transgressive / [PIAS] America Sound team: Chris Parker FOH Engineer, Chris Miller Monitor Engineer TM: Adam Williams, Riverjuke
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Good gravy! Another radio play, and another chance for me to play that Gothic neurotic blockhead, Eddie Poe! And another master turn written by Robb Maynard of the Expanded Poe-nut Universe! We released a brand new radio play on the Damn Dirty Drive-In this afternoon! Holy Phantasmagoria! In the third installment of the Eddie Poe series, the Poe-nuts find themselves besieged by a polychromatic pandemic! What a perfect time to throw a party! But when an uninvited guest crashes the festivities, will Eddie Poe and the rest of the gang be able to shake off its infectious influence? “It’s the Masque of the Polychrome Death, Eddie Poe!” is a parody inspired by the works of Charles M. Schulz, and Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death. Written and directed by Robb Maynard. Featuring the vocal talents of Greg Tally, Ron McAdams, Liane Abel Dietz, Rico Anderson, Jennifer Lynn Warren, Kate Page, Ryan Smith, Robb Maynard, Tim Blaney, Kirk R. Thatcher, and Frank Dietz as Gothic Horror Cartoonist Edgar Allan Poe. Original “Bossa Nova Walking Theme” by WT Golden. Promotional Artwork by Daniel Vincent Bigelow. Listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/damndirtydrivein/its-the-masque-of-the-polychrome-death-eddie-poe Alexis Iacono David Baxter Pablo Lewin Robert Campbell Marshall Todd Erika Krouse William Haywood Henderson William Tokarsky Magnus Kristiansen Ivan Askwith Conor Lastowka Nancy Rose Opus Moreschi Jackey Raye Neyman Jones Rick Sloane Matt McGinnis Matt Oswalt Tammy Golden Jacqueline Primrose Monahan Theresa Gallagher Matthew Gallagher Sammi Allison Begelman Billy Ray Brewton Grant Baciocco Graham Skipper Mary Jo Pehl Jack Bennett Justin Sewell Ray Abruzzo Raymond Ma Jonah Ray Matt Servitto Lu Borders Bre Blair Brie Eley Eva Ceja Evan Michael Pinsonnault Cole Stratton https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xq-W4FIt4/?igshid=1j6ghag3mwaez
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Here Are Your 2017 Emmys Comedy Nominees
Today, the nominations for the 2017 Primetime Emmys were announced. For comedy specifically, it’s probably what you expected.
Premium cable and streaming services continue to dominate the Emmys with Netflix and HBO coming out strong. FX also maintains its status as a premium cable network disguised as a basic cable network with its handful of nominations for Atlanta, Better Things, and Baskets.
Colbert’s Election special and Sam Bee’s Not the WHCD thankfully were bestowed nominations here as well.
One thing that was a delightful surprise is Lauren Lapkus and Ben Schwartz gaining nominations for their performances in The Earliest Show, a web series that followed a morning talk show with one of the hosts going through all the stages of grief.
Take a gander at all the comedy nominees below.
*All comedy nominees are in italics
OUTSTANDING COMEDY SERIES Atlanta, FX Black-ish, ABC Master Of None, Netflix Modern Family, ABC Silicon Valley, HBO Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Netflix Veep, HBO
LEAD ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Pamela Adlon, Better Things, FX Jane Fonda, Grace And Frankie, Netflix Allison Janney, Mom, CBS Ellie Kemper, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Netflix Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep, HBO Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish, ABC Lily Tomlin, Grace And Frankie, Netflix
LEAD ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES Anthony Anderson, Black-ish, ABC Aziz Ansari, Master Of None, Netflix Zach Galifianakis, Baskets, FX Networks Donald Glover, Atlanta, FX Networks William H. Macy, Shameless, Showtime Jeffrey Tambor, Transparent, Amazon
VARIETY TALK SERIES Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, TBS Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, HBO The Late Late Show With James Corden, CBS The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, CBS Real Time With Bill Maher, HBO
SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Vanessa Bayer, Saturday Night Live, NBC Anna Chlumsky, Veep, HBO Kathryn Hahn, Transparent, Amazon Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live, NBC Judith Light, Transparent, Amazon Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live, NBC
SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES Louie Anderson, Baskets, FX Networks Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live, NBC Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Netflix Ty Burrell, Modern Family, ABC Tony Hale, Veep, HBO Matt Walsh, Veep, HBO
VARIETY SKETCH SERIES Billy On The Street, truTV Documentary Now!, IFC Drunk History, Comedy Central Portlandia, IFC Saturday Night Live, NBC Tracey Ullman’s Shows, HBO
OUTSTANDING ANIMATED PROGRAM Archer, FX Bob’s Burgers, Fox Elena And The Secret Of Avalor (Sofia The First), Disney Channel The Simpsons, Fox South Park, Comedy Central
UNSTRUCTURED REALITY PROGRAM Born This Way, A&E Deadliest Catch, Discovery Channel Gaycation With Ellen Page, Viceland Intervention, A&E RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked, YouTube United Shades Of America With W. Kamau Bell, CNN
HOST FOR A REALITY/REALITY COMPETITION PROGRAM Alec Baldwin, Match Game, ABC W. Kamau Bell, United Shades Of America With W. Kamau Bell, CNN RuPaul Charles, RuPaul’s Drag Race, VH1 Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, Project Runway, Lifetime Gordon Ramsay, MasterChef Junior, Fox Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg, Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party, VH1
OUTSTANDING CHARACTER VOICE-OVER PERFORMANCE American Dad!, Dee Bradley Baker as Klaus, TBS/20th Century Fox Television Bob’s Burgers, Kevin Kline as Mr. Fischoeder, Fox BoJack Horseman, Kristen Schaal as Sarah Lynn, Netflix F Is For Family, Mo Collins as Ginny, Jimmy Fitzsimmons, Lex, Ben, Cutie Pie, Netflix Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane as Peter Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Glenn Quagmire, Fox The Simpsons, Nancy Cartwright as Bart Simpson, Fox
OUTSTANDING SHORT FORM COMEDY OR DRAMA SERIES Brown Girls, Open TV Fear The Walking Dead: Passage, AMC.com Hack Into Broad City, ComedyCentral.com Los Pollos Hermanos Employee Training Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot, ABC.com
OUTSTANDING SHORT FORM VARIETY SERIES Behind The Voice Epic Rap Battles of History Honest Trailers The Daily Show-Between the Scenes The Star Wars Show
OUTSTANDING SHORT FORM NONFICTION OR REALITY SERIES Creating Saturday Night Live Feud: Bette and Joan: Inside Look Jay Leno’s Garage National Endowment For The Arts: United States of Arts Viceland at The Women’s March
OUTSTANDING ACTOR IN A SHORT FORM COMEDY OR DRAMA SERIES Ty Burell, Boondoggle Alan Tudyk, Con Man Kim Estes, Dicks Jason Ritter, Tales of Titans Ben Schwartz, The Earliest Show John Michael Higgins, Tween Fest
OUTSTANDING ACTRESS IN A SHORT FORM COMEDY OR DRAMA SERIES Mindy Sterling, Con Man Jane Lynch, Dropping the Soap Kelsey Scott, Fear The Walking Dead: Passage Mindy Sterling, secs & EXECS Lauren Lapkus, The Earliest Show
OUTSTANDING SHORT FORM ANIMATED PROGRAM Adventure Time, Cartoon Network Disney Mickey Mouse, The Disney Channel Marvel’s Rocket & Groot, Disney XD Steven Universe, Cartoon Network Teen Titans Go!, Cartoon Network
DIRECTING FOR A COMEDY SERIES Donald Glover, Atlanta Jamie Babbit, Silicon Valley Morgan Sackett, Veep David Mandel, Veep Dale Stern, Veep
DIRECTING FOR A VARIETY SERIES Derek Waters & Jeremy Konner, Drunk History Andy Fisher, Jimmy Kimmel Live Paul Pennolino, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Jim Hoskinson, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Don Roy King, Saturday Night Live
DIRECTING FOR A VARIETY SPECIAL Paul Pennolino, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Presents Not The White House Correspondents’ Dinner Glenn Weiss, The Oscars Jim Hiskinson, Stephen Colbert’s Live Election Night Democracy’s Series Finale: Who’s Going to Clean Up This S—? Jerry Foley, Tony Bennett Celebrates 90: The Best is Yet to Come
WRITING FOR A COMEDY SERIES Donald Glover, Atlanta Stephen Glover, Atlanta Aziz Ansari & Lena Waithe, Master of None Alec Berg, Silicon Valley Billy Kimball, Veep David Mandel, Veep
WRITING FOR A VARIETY SERIES -Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Jo Miller, Samantha Bee, Ashley Nicole Black, Pat Cassels, Eric Drysdae, Mathan Erhardt, Travon Free, Joe Grossman, Miles Kahn, Melinda Taub & Jason Reich -Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Kevin Avery, Tim Carvell, Josh Gondelman, Dan Gurewitch, Geoff Haggerty, Jeff Maurer, John Oliver, Scott Sherman, Will Tracy, Jill Twiss & Juli Weiner -Late Night with Seth Meyers, Jermaine Affonso, Alex Baze, Bryan Donaldson, Sal Gentile, Matt Goldich, Dina Gusovky, Jenny Hagel, Allison Hord, Mike Karnell, John Lutz, Seth Meyers, Ian Morgan, Seth Reiss, Amber Ruffin, Mike Scollins, Mike Shoemaker & Ben Warheit -The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Barry Julien, Jay Katsir, Opus Moreschi, Stephen Colbert, Tom Purcell, Matt Lappin, Michael Brumm, Nate Charny, Aaron Cohen, Cullen Crawford, Paul Dinello, Ariel Dumas, Glenn Eichler, Django Gold, Gabe Gronli, Daniel Kibblesmith, Michael Pielocik, Kate Sidley, Jen Spyra, Brian Stack & John Thibodeaux -SNL, Chris Kelly, Sarah Schneider, Kent Sublette, Bryan Tucker, Pete Schultz, James Anderson, Kristen Bartlett, Jeremy Beiler, Zach Bornstein, Joanna Bradley, Megan Callahan, Michael Che, Anna Drezen, Fran Gillespie, Sudi Green, Steve Higgins, Colin Jost, Erik Kenward, Rob Klein, Nick Kocher, Dave McCary, Brian McElhaney, Dennis McNicholas, Drew Michael, Lorne Michaels, Josh Patten, Katie Rich, Streeter Seidell, Will Stephen & Julio Torres
WRITING FOR A VARIETY SPECIAL -Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Presents Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Samantha Bee, Jo Miller, Ashley Nicole Black, Patt Cassels, Eric Drysdale, Mathan Erhardt, Travon Free, Joe Grossman, Miles Kahn & Melinda Taub -Louis C.K. 2017, Louis C.K. -Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust, Sarah Silverman -Stephen Colbert’s Live Election Night Democracy’s Series Finale: Who’s Going to Clean Up This S—?, Jay Katsir, Opus Moreschi, Stephen Colbert, Michael Brumm, Nate Charny, Aaron Cohen, Cullen Crawford, Paul Dinello, Rob Dubbin, Ariel Dumas, Glenn Eichler, Django Gold, Gabe Gronli, Barry Julien, Daniel Kibblesmith, Matt Lappin, Michael Pielocik, Tom Purcell, Kate Sidley, Jen Spyra, Brian Stack & John Thibodeaux -70th Annual Tony Awards, Dave Boone, Mike Gibbons, Lauren Greenberg, Ian Karmel, Ben Winston & Justin Shanes
WRITING FOR A NONFICTION PROGRAM Amanda Knox, Brian McGinn Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown, Anthony Bourdain The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years, Mark Monroe Bill Nye Saves the World, Prashanth Venkataramanujam, CeCe Pleasants, Sanden Totten, Mike Drucker & Flora Lichtman 13th, Ava DuVernay & Spencer Averick
OUTSTANDING INTERACTIVE PROGAM Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Saturday Night Live Multiplatform Experience The Late Late Show with James Corden The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Get the full list of all this year’s Primetime Emmys nominees, including all of the Creative Arts Emmys here.
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From History to His-Story of Bespoke Fashion
The charms of a well-stitched suit need no other language to express its statement. We all see a well-groomed man by the clothes he wears. And to talk about bespoke clothing, History is the best example to tell us how much of a suave did the fashion of tailor-made clothing have. And how integral was it, to the uniqueness of a person’s own self. True to the definition, history made clothing speak for themselves, by making clothes tailor made for individual preferences.
With this fact and the desire to watch history repeat itself for the spirit of Fashion, The Darzi Group established itself in 1981, in Rajouri Garden as the locus for the best men’s tailor in Delhi. Run by the ambitious father-son duo who believe in setting precedents with an art that can bring Fashion to life; The Darzi is the place to go for realizing one’s perfect bespoke suit at the hands of talented tailors and their flare for seamless precision.
The Darzi Group has an ambitious scoreboard when it comes to targeting men’s elite clothing and tailor-made ensemble. This has led to them go beyond the boundaries of homeland and attach strings with famous international brands of men’s clothing that are known for their impeccable quality and their long history of perfecting bespoke fashion.
For suits, brands like Ermenegildo Zegna, Dormeuil, Loro Piana, Scabal, Reda, Ariston, Colombo and many more are available in a variety of designs
For accessories, they are ties with brands like Zilli, Italo Ferrati, Lanvin, Valentino, YSL, Fidelli, Ferrante, Eton, Daniel Fiesoli, Moreschi and Magnani, Panthrella, Ascot and Guiducci
For shirt brands, they are proudly associated with Albiate, Alumo, Albini, David &John Anderson; SIC Tess and Thomas Mason.
The Darzi Group goes the extra mile to ensure that every suit is fitted not just to meet expectations but also one’s exclusive personalities. This makes them truly the best tailor in Delhi for gents, with their finesse and proficiency in delivering clothes that speak and seam royalty into every thread and hem. Which is how they stay ahead in trends and also keep the fabric of bespoke tailoring alive.
With The Darzi Group cutting through every inch and corner of fashion and style to add newer jewels of achievements in their crown is just one of the reasons to love them. They don’t just sell fashion; they also create them from scratch. And when The Darzi Group is in the fore to be your style partner, your fashion will always be “Be-Suited, Be-Spoke(n)”.
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Duda Amorim NO estará en Cochabamba
Durísima baja para la selección brasileña que jugará en los Juegos Sudamericanos de Cochabamba 2018 La lateral izquierda Duda Amorim sale del equipo por lesión. De acuerdo a lo informado por la Confederación Brasileña, la jugadora tuvo una fractura en el dedo meñique durante el Final-4 de la Champions League Femenina (Amorim salió campeona con el Gyor húngaro) y necesita descansar para estar en óptimas condiciones en el inicio de la siguiente temporada. Es la segunda gran baja que sufre Brasil ya que la central Ana Paula tampoco podrá estar debido a una rotura del tendón de aquiles. Amorim es reemplazada por Jaqueline Anastacio, quien juega en la Liga Turca
Espacio de publicidad - El artículo continúa debajo
Las 16 de Brasil para Cochabamba
Tras la baja de Amorim, esta es la lista confirmada de jugadoras brasileñas para debutar el 27 de mayo en los Juegos Sudamericanos | Ver también: Juegos ODESUR Femeninos - Calendario de Partidos ArquerasBárbara Elisabeth Arenhart (Club Vaci Nkse)Gabriela Gonçalves Dias Moreschi (Larvik Handball Klubb)
Jessica Silva de Oliveira (São Bernardo/Unip)
Extremos izquierdas
Ana Claudia Bolzan e Silva (Pinheiros)Dayane Pires da Rocha (Molde HK Elite)Laterales izquierdasJaqueline Anastacio (Polatli Belediye Spor Kulübü)CentralesFrancielle Gomes da Rocha ( Herkules/Guarulhos)Danielle Cristina Jóia ( Pinheiros)Patricia Matieli Machado (Vistal Gdynia)Laterales derechasBruna Aparecida Almeida de Paula (Fleury Loiret Handball)
Deonise Fachinello (CS Magura Cisnadie)
Patricia Batista da Silva (Club Thüringer HC)Extremos derechasJessica Quintino Ribeiro (HC Odense A/S)Mariana Costa ( CS Magura Cisnadie)PivotesTamires Anselmo Costa ( Pinheiros)Tamires Morena de Araujo (Larvik Handball Klubb)
Enlaces patrocinados - El artículo continúa debajo
> from Mundo Handball https://ift.tt/2KUewp5
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Emmy Awards 2017: The complete list of winners and losers
It’s official, ladies and gentlemen: there has been a changing of the guard. Just a few short years ago, the Emmy Awards were dominated by network TV. Fast forward to 2017, and it’s all about HBO, Netflix, and Hulu. HBO still had a big night despite the fact that its flagship series Game of Thrones was ineligible for the awards this year, and Netflix and Hulu each took home multiple top awards. Even cable channels stole network TV’s thunder on Sunday night, as Donald Glover took home the “Lead Actor in a Comedy Series Emmy” for his work on FX’s Atlanta.
You’ll find the complete list of Emmys winners (and losers) below.
Drama Series “Better Call Saul” (AMC) “The Crown” (Netflix) “The Handmaid’s Tale” (Hulu) “House of Cards” (Netflix) “Stranger Things” (Netflix) “This Is Us” (NBC) “Westworld” (HBO)
Comedy Series “Atlanta” (FX) “Black-ish” (ABC) “Master of None” (Netflix) “Modern Family” (ABC) “Silicon Valley” (HBO) “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” (Netflix) “Veep” (HBO)
Limited Series “Big Little Lies” (HBO) “Fargo” (FX) “Feud: Bette and Joan” (FX) “The Night Of” (HBO) “Genius” (National Geographic)
Television Movie “Black Mirror: San Junipero” (Netflix) “Dolly Parton’s Christmas Of Many Colors: Circle Of Love” (NBC) “The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks” (HBO) “Sherlock: The Lying Detective (Masterpiece)” (PBS) “The Wizard Of Lies” (HBO)
Lead Actor in a Drama Series Sterling K. Brown (“This Is Us”) Anthony Hopkins (“Westworld”) Bob Odenkirk (“Better Call Saul”) Matthew Rhys (“The Americans”) Liev Schreiber (“Ray Donovan”) Kevin Spacey (“House of Cards”) Milo Ventimiglia (“This Is Us”)
Lead Actress in a Drama Series Viola Davis (“How to Get Away with Murder”) Claire Foy (“The Crown”) Elisabeth Moss (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) Keri Russell (“The Americans”) Evan Rachel Wood (“Westworld”) Robin Wright (“House of Cards”)
Lead Actor in a Comedy Series Anthony Anderson (“black-ish”) Aziz Ansari (“Master of None”) Zach Galifianakis (“Baskets”) Donald Glover (“Atlanta”) William H. Macy (“Shameless”) Jeffrey Tambor (“Transparent”)
Lead Actress in a Comedy Series Pamela Adlon (“Better Things”) Tracee Ellis-Ross (“black-ish”) Jane Fonda (“Grace and Frankie”) Lily Tomlin (“Grace and Frankie”) Allison Janney (“Mom”) Ellie Kemper (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”) Julia Louis-Dreyfus (“Veep”)
Lead Actor in a Limited Series Riz Ahmed (“The Night Of”) Benedict Cumberbatch (“Sherlock: The Lying Detective”) Robert De Niro (“The Wizard of Lies”) Ewan McGregor (“Fargo”) Geoffrey Rush (“Genius”) John Turturro (“The Night Of”)
Lead Actress in a Limited Series Carrie Coon (“Fargo”) Felicity Huffman (“American Crime”) Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”) Jessica Lange (“Feud”) Susan Sarandon (“Feud”) Reese Witherspoon (“Big Little Lies”)
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series John Lithgow (“The Crown”) Jonathan Banks (“Better Call Saul”) Mandy Patinkin (“Homeland”) Michael Kelly (“House of Cards”) David Harbour (“Stranger Things”) Ron Cephas Jones (“This Is Us”) Jeffrey Wright (“Westworld”)
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Ann Dowd (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) Samira Wiley (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) Uzo Aduba (“Orange Is the New Black”) Millie Bobby Brown (“Stranger Things”) Chrissy Metz (“This Is Us”) Thandie Newton (“Westworld”)
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series Alec Baldwin (“Saturday Night Live”) Louie Anderson (“Baskets”) Ty Burrell (“Modern Family”) Tituss Burgess (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”) Tony Hale (“Veep”) Matt Walsh (“Veep”)
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series Kate McKinnon (“Saturday Night Live”) Vanessa Bayer (“Saturday Night Live”) Leslie Jones (“Saturday Night Live”) Anna Chlumsky (“Veep”) Judith Light (“Transparent”) Kathryn Hahn (“Transparent”)
Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie Bill Camp (“The Night Of”) Alfred Molina (“Feud: Bette and Joan”) Alexander Skarsgård (“Big Little Lies”) David Thewlis (“Fargo”) Stanley Tucci (“Feud: Bette and Joan”) Michael K. Williams (“The Night Of”)
Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie Judy Davis (“Feud: Bette and Joan”) Laura Dern (“Big Little Lies”) Jackie Hoffman (“Feud: Bette and Joan”) Regina King (“American Crime”) Michelle Pfeiffer (“The Wizard of Lies”) Shailene Woodley (“Big Little Lies”)
Variety Talk Series “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee” (TBS) “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” (ABC) “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” (HBO) “The Late Late Show With James Corden” (CBS) “Real Time With Bill Maher” (HBO) “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” (CBS)
Reality Competition “The Amazing Race” (CBS) “American Ninja Warrior” (NBC) “Project Runway” (Lifetime) “RuPaul’s Drag Race” (vh1) “Top Chef” (Bravo) “The Voice” (NBC)
Variety Sketch Series “Billy On The Street” (truTV) “Documentary Now!” (IFC) “Drunk History” (Comedy Central) “Portlandia” (IFC) “Saturday Night Live” (NBC) “Tracey Ullman’s Show” (HBO)
Directing for a Drama Series Vince Gilligan (“Better Call Saul”) Stephen Daldry (“The Crown”) Reed Morano (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) Kate Dennis (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) Lesli Linka Glatter (“Homeland”) The Duffer Brothers (“Stranger Things”) Jonathan Nolan (“Westworld”)
Directing for a Comedy Series Donald Glover (“Atlanta”) Jamie Babbit (“Silicon Valley”) Mike Judge (“Silicon Valley”) Morgan Sackett (“Veep”) David Mandel (“Veep”) Dale Stern (“Veep”)
Directing for a Limited Series, Movie or Dramatic Special Jean-Marc Vallee (“Big Little Lies”) Noah Hawley (“Fargo”) Ryan Murphy (“Feud: Bette & Joan”) Ron Howard (“Genius”) James Marsh (“The Night Of”) Steve Zaillian (“The Night Of”)
Directing for a Variety Series Derek Waters & Jeremy Konner (“Drunk History”) Andy Fisher (“Jimmy Kimmel Live”) Paul Pennolino (“Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”) Jim Hoskinson (“The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”) Don Roy King (“Saturday Night Live”)
Writing for a Drama Series Joe Weisberg and Joel Fields (“The Americans”) Gordon Smith (“Better Call Saul”) Peter Morgan (“The Crown”) Bruce Miller (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) The Duffer Brothers (“Stranger Things”) Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan (“Westworld”)
Writing for a Comedy Series Donald Glover (“Atlanta”) Stephen Glover (“Atlanta”) Aziz Ansari and Lena Waithe (“Master of None”) Alec Berg (“Silicon Valley”) Billy Kimball (“Veep”) David Mandel (“Veep”)
Writing for a Limited Series, Movie or Drama David E. Kelley (“Big Little Lies”) Charlie Brooker (“Black Mirror: San Junipero”) Noah Hawley (“Fargo”) Ryan Murphy (“Feud: Bette and Joan”) Jaffe Cohen, Michael Zam and Ryan Murphy (“Feud: Bette and Joan”) Richard Price and Steven Zaillian (“The Night Of”)
Writing for a Variety Series Jo Miller, Samantha Bee, Ashley Nicole Black, Pat Cassels, Eric Drysdae, Mathan Erhardt, Travon Free, Joe Grossman, Miles Kahn, Melinda Taub & Jason Reich (“Full Frontal with Samantha Bee”) Kevin Avery, Tim Carvell, Josh Gondelman, Dan Gurewitch, Geoff Haggerty, Jeff Maurer, John Oliver, Scott Sherman, Will Tracy, Jill Twiss & Juli Weiner (“Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”) Jermaine Affonso, Alex Baze, Bryan Donaldson, Sal Gentile, Matt Goldich, Dina Gusovky, Jenny Hagel, Allison Hord, Mike Karnell, John Lutz, Seth Meyers, Ian Morgan, Seth Reiss, Amber Ruffin, Mike Scollins, Mike Shoemaker & Ben Warheit (“Late Night with Seth Meyers”) Barry Julien, Jay Katsir, Opus Moreschi, Stephen Colbert, Tom Purcell, Matt Lappin, Michael Brumm, Nate Charny, Aaron Cohen, Cullen Crawford, Paul Dinello, Ariel Dumas, Glenn Eichler, Django Gold, Gabe Gronli, Daniel Kibblesmith, Michael Pielocik, Kate Sidley, Jen Spyra, Brian Stack & John Thibodeaux (“The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”) Chris Kelly, Sarah Schneider, Kent Sublette, Bryan Tucker, Pete Schultz, James Anderson, Kristen Bartlett, Jeremy Beiler, Zach Bornstein, Joanna Bradley, Megan Callahan, Michael Che, Anna Drezen, Fran Gillespie, Sudi Green, Steve Higgins, Colin Jost, Erik Kenward, Rob Klein, Nick Kocher, Dave McCary, Brian McElhaney, Dennis McNicholas, Drew Michael, Lorne Michaels, Josh Patten, Katie Rich, Streeter Seidell, Will Stephen & Julio Torres (“Saturday Night Live”)
Emmy Awards 2017: The complete list of winners and losers was originally published on Tech News Center Generation
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Civita Castellana
la città che ha visto molti Papi
ognuno ha lasciato la sua impronta
Civita Castellana con Forte Sangallo e la parte antica della città
Civita Castellana, in provincia di Viterbo, è due città in una.
Per il visitatore, a differenza di altre città che hanno una parte storica, solitamente centrale o laterale ma comunque attaccata alla parte nuova, più recente e più commerciale, Civita castellana invece ha una parte storica, antica e separata da un fossato naturale, il letto di un fiume, che visto dall’alto, sembrerebbe asciutto, la “Forra del Rio Maggiore”, che la divide dalla zona nuova con costruzioni recenti e attività commerciali e capannoni.
Le due parti sono unite da un ponte chiamato “Ponte Clementino”
Il Ponte Clementino a Civita Castellana
Ponte Clementino che collega le due parti della città di Civita Castellana
Il ponte prende il nome da Papa Clemente XI, che lo fece edificare, nel 1709, per dare un rapido collegamento ai territori a nord della città, prima sia gli abitanti che i viaggiatori, dovevano calarsi lungo la forra del Rio Maggiore e attraversarlo con molte difficoltà e perdita di tempo.
Costruito, dapprima con un’altezza di 54 metri, era un’opera di ingegneria imponente, con doppia arcata, ridimensionata poi in seguito alla disastrosa piena avvenuta nel 1861, a 40 metri d’altezza e abbattendo la splendida Porta sormontata dallo stemma in travertino di Pio IX, per consentire il passaggio della tramvia.
Questo ponte, si porta dietro, purtroppo a Civita Castellana, la tristezza del “Ponte dei Suicidi”, come spesso si legge sugli articoli della cronaca locale, “tanto bello quanto triste”.
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In visita alla città di Civita Castellana
Percorrendo Corso Buozzi da Est a Ovest, verso il Forte Sangallo, la città ricorda molto il centro storico di Ascoli Piceno, almeno a me dà quell’impressione, sulla sinistra si incontra una stradina dove in fondo, sorge un immobile con un portico e colonne squadrate, sede dell’attuale Biblioteca Comunale, insignita nel 2001 del Premio di Qualità dalla Regione Lazio.
Proseguendo, si arriva alla Piazza Centrale di Civita Castellana con al centro la “Fontana dei Draghi” fatta costruire da Papa Gregorio XIII con due scopi, uno quello di abbellire la piazza e il secondo per aumentare le risorse idriche della città, ha forma ottagonale e vi sono scolpiti quattro draghi, uno per lato, dalla cui bocca sgorga l’acqua, intorno alla vasca sono presenti quattro stemmi, raffiguranti Civita Castellana, Papa Gregorio XIII e due Cardinalizi.
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La Fontana dei Draghi foto di A. Moreschi
Palazzo Comunale di Civita Castellana
Sul lato ovest della piazza si erge il Palazzo Comunale.
Di origina rinascimentale, con la facciata ottocentesca, domina piazza Matteotti ad ovest, fu voluto da Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, durante il papato di Papa Leone X, con testimonianze epigrafi dei portali interni al piano terra, che ne volle la costruzione, per il valore strategico della cittadina rispetto al territorio del Lazio settentrionale.
La struttura odierna, però, presenta oggi, solo pochi elementi del palazzo leonino, il palazzo ha quattro ordini architettonici, un porticato ad archi e un balcone di rappresentanza nella zona centrale del primo piano. Sulla sommità, si trovano, invece, l’orologio e la campana, che fungono ancora oggi come possibile strumento di allerta per i cittadini.
Costeggiando, il lato sinistro del Palazzo Comunale di Civita Castellana, per Via del Forte, si arriva in Piazza dei Martiri delle Fosse Ardeatine dove su una parete spicca una bellissima “Edicola”, una struttura architettonica che ospita e protegge, l’affresco del XVII secolo, “La Madonna delle Nevi” e rappresenta una Madonna con Bambino e Santi, San Sebastiano e San Cristoforo.
In fondo a via del Forte si arriva, praticamente alla fine di questo agglomerato urbano di Civita Castellana, che è la parte antica della città, che in cartina ha forma di punta di lancia.
Forte Sangallo di Civita Castellana visto dall’alto
Forte Sangallo
Appena in fondo a via del Forte, si trova il Forte Sangallo, o Rocca dei Borgia, perché fatta costruire da Papa Alessandro VI Borgia per il rafforzamento delle fortificazioni dei territori dei Borgia.
Passato da dimora papale, per lungo tempo, poi usata come carcere e infine, oggi è sede del Museo archeologico di Civita Castellana.
Il forte è a pianta pentagonale con cinque bastioni, successivamente fu commissionato il completamento dell’opera, con il cortile maggiore con, il portale bugnato e il possente mastio ottagonale.
Costeggiando il fianco sud del Forte e tornando al punto di partenza, lungo via Roma, si arriva in Piazza del Duomo che, a differenza da quello che ci si può aspettare, non è di grandi dimensioni, tutt’altro ma in questo modo mette in risalto la maestosità e la magnificenza architettonica della Cattedrale di Santa Maria Maggiore, luogo principale del culto dei civitonici.
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Il Duomo di Civita Castellana la Cattedrale di Santa Maria Maggiore
Interno della chiesa
L’altare maggiore della cattedrale di Santa maria Maggiore
Cattedrale di Santa Maria Maggiore
Costruita intorno al 1185, sui resti di un edificio sacro, fu poi completamente ristrutturata nel settecento, trasformando l’interno a tre navate, a quella che oggi si presenta come un’unica navata e cappelle comunicanti tra loro, ai lati della chiesa.
Una targa all’esterno della chiesa, sta a indicare che Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, nel luglio del 1770, suonò l’organo durante la funzione religiosa, di domenica mattina del giorno 11.
L’esterno della cattedrale si presenta con un portico duecentesco, le porte di accesso sono tre, quella centrale monumentale ha ai lati quattro colonne corinzie, di cui due poggiano su leoni di marmo, sotto il leone di destra è rappresentata una figura umana di un bambino, che è simbolo del fedele che entra in chiesa.
All’interno della chiesa ad un’unica navata, l’altare maggiore è costituito da un sarcofago romano del IV secolo, di impronta cristiana, sul fronte sono raffigurati, in sette nicchie, episodi della Bibbia, agli estremi sono descritti due episodi dell’antico testamento “il Sacrificio di Abramo” e “Daniele che uccide il serpente”, mentre nelle cinque nicchie centrali sono raffigurati episodi del nuovo Testamento, “la predizione del tradimento di Pietro”, “la guarigione del paralitico”, “la consegna delle chiavi a Pietro”, “la guarigione dell’emorroissa” ed “il miracolo delle nozze di Cana”.
Se vi trovate a Civita Castellana, non perdete l’occasione di andare a mangiare al Ristorante Mignolò e chiedere dei Rigatoni alla Mignolò, semplici ma saporitissimi e se avete il tempo passate da Fabrica di Roma a pochi chilometri da Civita Castellana e visitate l’Abbazia di Santa Maria di Falleri legata alla Città di Civita e da lì poi anche Borgo Civita, la città fantasma, merita di essere visitata.
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Civita Castellana Civita Castellana la città che ha visto molti Papi ognuno ha lasciato la sua impronta Civita Castellana…
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Here Are Your 2018 Primetime Emmys Comedy Nominees
The Primetime Emmy nominees were, as you probably heard, announced yesterday. The Emmys are one of the few awards shows that actually gives comedy a fair shake and, as such, here are a few things worth noting about this year’s nominees.
-Atlanta tallied 16 nominations -Alec Berg got nominated for writing and best series on both Barry and Silicon Valley -Barry got 13 nominations in its first season, five of which went to Bill Hader -Megan Amram’s Emmy campaign web series is, in fact, nominated for an Emmy -delightfully weird craft/sketch show At Home with Amy Sedaris on TruTV got nominated -Laurie Metcalf got nominated for Roseanne, which is the only nomination for the series that has been transformed into The Conners -the live comedy specials that were nominated this year were from Dave Chappelle, Steve Martin & Martin Short, Carol Burnett, and Night of Too Many Stars -Sarah Silverman’s atypical talk show I Love You, America got nominated as a variety sketch series
We could drag on and on about snubs, but that’s just a never ending rabbit hole that we’d rather avoid considering the amount of great TV that’s out there.
Here are the full list of comedy nominees for this year’s Primetime Emmys
Comedy Series
Atlanta Barry Black-ish Curb Your Enthusiasm GLOW The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Silicon Valley Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Anthony Anderson, Black-ish Ted Danson, The Good Place Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm Donald Glover, Atlanta Bill Hader, Barry William H. Macy, Shameless
Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Pamela Adlon, Better Things Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Allison Janney, Mom Issa Rae, Insecure Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish Lily Tomlin, Grace and Frankie
Variety Sketch Series
At Home With Amy Sedaris Drunk History I Love You, America Portlandia Saturday Night Live Tracey Ullman’s Show
Variety Talk Series
Full Frontal With Samantha Bee Jimmy Kimmel Live! Last Week Tonight The Daily Show With Trevor Noah The Late Late Show With James Corden The Late Show With Stephen Colbert
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Louie Anderson, Baskets Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Brian Tyree Henry, Atlanta Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Kenan Thompson, Saturday Night Live Henry Winkler, Barry
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Zazie Beetz, Atlanta Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Aidy Bryant, Saturday Night Live Betty Gilpin, GLOW Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live Laurie Metcalf, Roseanne Megan Mullally, Will & Grace
Documentary or Non-Fiction Special
Icarus Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond — Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton Mister Rogers: It’s You I Like Spielberg The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling
Variety Special (Live)
The 75th Annual Golden Globes The 60th Annual Grammy Awards Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert Night of Too Many Stars The Oscars
Variety Special (Pre-Recorded)
Carol Burnett Show 50th Anniversary Special Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special 2018 Dave Chappelle: Equanimity Full Frontal With Samantha Bee Presents: The Great American Puerto Rico (It’s Complicated) Steve Martin & Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life
Informational Series or Special
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman StarTalk With Neil deGrasse Tyson Vice
Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Sterling K. Brown, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Bryan Cranston, Curb Your Enthusiasm Will Ferrell, Saturday Night Live Donald Glover, Saturday Night Live Bill Hader, Saturday Night Live Lin-Manuel Miranda, Curb Your Enthusiasm Katt Williams, Atlanta
Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live Tiffany Haddish, Saturday Night Live Jane Lynch, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Maya Rudolph, The Good Place Molly Shannon, Will & Grace Wanda Sykes, Black-ish
Writing for a Comedy Serires
"Alligator Man," Atlanta, Written by Donald Glover "Barbershop," Atlanta, Written by Stefani Robinson "Chapter One: Make Your Mark," Barry, Written by Alec Berg and Bill Hader "Chapter Seven: Loud, Fast and Keep Going," Barry, Written by Liz Sarnoff "Pilot," The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Written by Amy Sherman-Palladino "Fifty-One Percent," Silicon Valley, Written by Alec Berg
Writing for a Variety Series
Full Frontal With Samantha Bee Head Writer Melinda Taub Written by Samantha Bee, Pat Cassels, Mike Drucker, Eric Drysdale, Mathan Erhardt, Travon Free, Miles Kahn, Nicole Silverberg Writing Supervised by Ashley Nicole Black, Joe Grossman
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Written by John Oliver, Tim Carvell, Raquel D'Apice, Josh Gondelman, Dan Gurewitch, Geoff Haggerty, Jeff Maurer, Brian Parise, Scott Sherman, Ben Silva, Will Tracy, Jill Twiss, Seena Vali, Juli Weiner
Late Night With Seth Meyers Written by Jermain Affonso, Alex Baze, Bryan Donaldson, Sal Gentile, Matt Goldich, Dina Gusovky, Jenny Hagel, Allison Hord, Mike Karnell, John Lutz, Seth Meyers, Ian Morgan, Seth Reiss, Amber Ruffin, Mike Scollins, Mike Shoemaker, Ben Warheit
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Head Writer Jay Katsir, Opus Moreschi Written by Michael Brumm, Nate Charny, Aaron Cohen, Stephen Colbert, Cullen Crawford, Paul Dinello, Ariel Dumas, Glenn Eichler, Django Gold, Gabe Gronli, Barry Julien, Daniel Kibblesmith, Matt Lappin, Michael Pielocik, Tom Purcell, Kate Sidley, Jen Spyra, Brian Stack, John Thibodeaux
Saturday Night Live Head Writer Michael Che, Colin Jost, Kent Sublette, Bryan Tucker Written by James Anderson, Steven Castillo, Andrew Dismukes, Megan Callahan, Anna Drezen, Claire Friedman, Steve Higgins, Sam Jay, Erik Kenward, Michael Koman, Dave McCary, Dennis McNicholas, Lorne Michaels, Namesh Patel, Josh Patten, Katie Rich, Gary Richardson, Pete Schultz, Will Stephen, Julio Torres, Stephen Glover, Jamal Olori, Tim Kalpakis, Erik Marino, Fran Gillespie Writing Supervised by Sudi Green and Streeter Seidell
Directing for a Comedy Series
Atlanta, "FUBU", Directed by Donald Glover Atlanta, "Teddy Perkins", Directed by Hiro Murai Barry, "Chapter One: Make Your Mark", Directed by Bill Hader The Big Bang Theory, "The Bow Tie Symmetry", Directed by Mark Cendrowski GLOW, "Pilot", Directed by Jesse Peretz The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, "Pilot", Directed by Amy Sherman-Palladino, Silicon Valley, "Initial Coin Offering", Directed by Mike Judge
Directing for a Variety Series
Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, "Episode 2061", Directed by Andre Allen Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, "Episode 421", Directed by Paul Pennolino The Late Late Show With James Corden, "Episode 0416", Directed by Tim Mancinelli The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, "Episode 438", Directed by Jim Hoskinson Portlandia, "Riot Spray", Directed by Carrie Brownstein Saturday Night Live, "Host: Donald Glover", Directed by Don Roy King
Shortform Comedy or Drama Series
Aka Wyatt Cenac An Emmy for Megan Grey's Anatomy: B Team James Corden's Next James Corden The Walking Dead: Red Machete
Actor in a Shortform Comedy or Drama Series
Miles Tagtmeyer, Broken DeStorm Power, Caught The Series Alexis Denisof, I Love Bekka & Lucy James Corden, James Corden's Next James Corden Melvin Jackson Jr., This Eddie Murphy Role Is Mine, Not Yours
Actress in a Shortform Comedy or Drama Series
Diarra Kilpatrick, American Koko Megan Amram, An Emmy for Megan Christina Pickles, Break a Hip Lee Garlington, Broken Naomi Grossman, Ctrl Alt Delete Kelli O'Hara, The Accidental Wolf
Shortform Nonfiction or Reality Series
Anthony Bourdain: Explore Parts Unknown Jay Leno's Garage The Americans: The Final Season The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story — America's Obsessions Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen
Shortform Variety Series
Between The Scenes — The Daily Show Carpool Karaoke: The Series Creating Saturday Night Live Gay of Thrones Honest Trailers The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon — Cover Room
Here’s the full list of nominees (and the nominees for short form)
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