#Danette Reily
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All-Star Squadron #1 (Revised 12/30/23)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“The World On Fire!” by Roy Thomas and Rich Buckler. Published in 1981. This must have been early in Jerry Ordway’s career as he’s listed as “Jeremiah Ordway” in the credits.
The opening caption states: “On the world we know as Earth-One, the planet’s mightiest heroes have banded together since 1960, as the far-famed Justice League of America. In 1940, in a parallel dimension we call Earth-Two, the precursors of those heroes became the legendary Justice Society of America, even as total war raged in Europe, Asia, and Africa, That was nearly two years ago.”
We open with a scene of Hawkman flying, noting it took him well over an hour to fly from Washington to Manhattan.
Hawkman debuted in 1940.
Hawkman enters the JSA meeting room only to be ambushed by Plastic Man?
“Good Gravy!” I love the old-school expressions of surprise. Less realistic but more charming than cuss words.
Hawkman says he recognizes the “outfit – and that stretched out shape – from the newsreels several weeks back”.
Plastic Man debuted at Quality Comics in August 1941. Assuming Plastic Man kept a low profile after he debuted, its quite possible that Hawkman wouldn’t have heard of Plas until the fall of 1942. DC didn’t purchase Quality Comics until 1956 and later began integrating the characters into the DC Universe.
Plastic Man reveals that he’s here on the direct orders of President Franklin Roosevelt. Plastic Man realizes that Wesley Dodds, the owner of the penthouse, must be a member of the Justice Society. Hawkman tries to play it off but Plastic Man isn’t buying it.
Plastic Man is impressed that Dodds can afford “one of those new-fangled television sets”.
Hawkman and Plastic Man listen to the radio and discover that the rest of the Justice Society have been captured by various villains:
1) Solomon Grundy captured the Flash, Green Lantern, and “non-member” Wonder Woman in Los Angeles.
2) Professor Zodiak captured Batman, Robin, and Superman in Gotham City.
3) Wotan captured Dr. Fate and the Spectre in Salem, Massachusetts.
4) Johnny Thunder, Starman, and Sandman disappeared aboard a flying Spanish galleon in New York City.
Plastic Man points out that one of those individuals had to be Wesley Dodds. Hawkman’s deflection abilities clearly need improvement.
Hawkman reveals that he, along with Dr. Mid-Nite and the Atom battled the Monster a few hours ago at the Lincoln Memorial. The Monster gasps out “Degaton” and vanishes.
An editor’s note reveals the flashbacks are from “the prevue issue – see letters page for details”. I miss editor’s notes.
Hawkman and Plastic Man head to Washington, DC. The duo is attacked by a men dressed like insects. The insect men vanish before they can be questioned.
Mr. Hopkins, a member of the FBI, is urgently awaiting contact from the JSA. If no contact is made, “Sunday, December 7, 1941” is liable to go down as the most tragic day in America’s history!” Cue foreshadowing.
We change locations to the Hawaiian Islands as the Shining Knight is taking Winged Victory, his Pegasus, for a ride.
The Shining Knight debuted in 1941.
Shining Knight is reflecting on his origin and his teammates in the Law’s Legionnaires. The team consists of Vigilante, Crimson Avenger, Star-Spangled Kid, Green Arrow, and the Shining Knight. Justin notes that he is from the time of King Arthur (his liege-lord) but was “cast adrift, in a prison of ice, within which we slumbered for a thousand years..aye, and half as long again.”
Justin and Steve Rogers can be frozen-in-ice buddies!
The Law’s Legionnaires aka the Seven Soldiers of Victory formed in 1941.
Sir Justin encounters a red-haired damsel on the beach: geologist Danette Reily. If you are familiar with the pre-Crisis Earrth-2 characters, you know who Danette is. If not, you’ll find out soon. Danette is studying a local volcano. She also mentions that her brother, an Ensign in the Navy, had to head back to Pearl Harbor. Cue more foreshadowing. The duo enters a cavern and encounter Professor Zodiak and Solomon Grundy. Justin notes “’twas a battle with such an ogre as you which caused my passage into this modern world”. Grundy doesn’t take being called an ogre well. Solomon quickly defeats Danette and the Shining Knight. The duo re-gain consciousness only to discover that they are prisoners of Grundy, Zodiak, Wotan, the Sky Pirate, and Per Degaton.
Per Degaton notes that two of their number – the Monster and King Bee – are no longer with them. Per Degaton states that he has travelled back in time – from 1947 – to conquer the world itself!
Per Degaton debuted in 1947 and is a persistent foe of the Justice Society to the present day.
Solomon Grundy debuted in 1944 as a foe of Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern. He frequently battles the Justice Leage and Batman.
Wotan debuted in 1940. Best known as a nemesis of Doctor Fate.
Professor Zodiak debuted in 1948. He battled the World��s Finest.
The Sky Pirate debuted in 1947 and fought the Green Lantern.
King Bee debuted in 1943 and battled several members of the Justice Society.
The Monster debuted in 1944 and fought several members of the Justice Society.
Per Degaton, Solomon Grundy, and Wotan are fairly well-known characters but Roy Thomas’ use of the obscure Professor Zodiak, the Monster, the Sky Pirate, and King Bee shows his love of the Golden Age of comics.
Degaton informs the Shining Knight that he is a time-traveler from the year 1947.
Rod Reilly, Danette’s brother, is at Wheeler Field. Rod reveals that he is Firebrand – a fact unknown to his military superiors. Rod has been picked up by his sidekick/chauffer Slugger Dunn.
Rod and Slugger debuted in 1941. Danette debuted in this very issue.
The attack on Pearl Harbor begins. Rod Reilly and Slugger are wounded/killed from the gunfire of a Japanese plane. The time is noted to be 7:35 am.
We head back to Washington DC where the Atom and Dr. Mid-Nite – in full costume – are watching a football game. Ed Simmons of the FBI approaches the duo and informs them of the ongoing attack on Pearl Harbor. Robotman meets up with the duo and they head to the White House. Doctor Mid-Nite notes that he “read a police report on you, just a couple of weeks ago – how you came out of nowhere, to catch the murderers of Dr. Robert Crane”.
Doctor Midnight debuted in 1941, the Atom in 1940, and Robotman in 1942.
Johnny Chambers, a cameraman for Sees-All-Tells-All News, bumps into Libby Lawrence, a famous radio war correspondent. They also head to the White House.
We get a quick recap of Libby’s background – she has spent most of World War II in Europe. She had to flee Poland when the Nazis attacked but her father was killed in Warsaw by a falling bomb. She had to flee Holland and France when those countries fell to the Germans. She was at Dunkirk and only escaped by swimming the channel over to England.
Plastic Man and Hawkman arrive at the White House.
Johnny and Libby split up and change into their respective heroic identities: Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle. They also storm the White House.
Johnny Quick and Tubby Watts debuted in 1941. Liberty Belle debuted in late 1942/early 1943.
Johnny & Liberty are quite aware of the other’s secret identity – not that they choose to reveal it.
The Justice Society members try to pull rank but are shot down by the newcomers. As Johnny Quick states: “Much as I admire you JSA boys, especially the Flash, if the White House needs heroes with fancy powers, I’m as much an American as any of you!”
The heroes are ushered into a meeting with FDR. FDR explains that his original plan was to get the JSA to Hawaii before the attack. Obviously, that’s a no-go at this point. The new plan is to mobilize every one of the nation’s costumed heroes into an All-Star Squadron. Responsible only to FDR himself.
FDR assigns Plastic Man to be the liaison to the FBI. Plastic Man was an FBI agent early in his comic book career. FDR refers to the heroes as “mystery men” and not as “super-heroes”.
FDR wants the group to fly to California to protect the mainland if necessary. Liberty puts in a quick call to Philadelphia to have the Liberty Bell rung – it gives her a power boost. Thomas Revere, a member of Liberty Belle’s supporting cast, answers the call and rings the bell. Thomas debuted with Liberty Belle and is a descendant of Paul Revere.
Per Degaton, his cronies, Danette, and Sir Justin arrive in San Francisco.
Per Degagon brags that he has conquered time, and he will now conquer the planet.
Next: “The battle for San Francisco!”
A great first issue. I’m always amazed by how much the older era comics crammed into a single, normal-sized issue. In one issue, we had the capture of the Justice Society, the death(?) of the original Firebrand, the revelation of the bad guy, the formation of the new group, and glimpses into the origins of Liberty Belle and Shining Knight. We also saw the start of the Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle romance. This would take at least 4 issues in modern comics.
Roy Thomas has a lot of love for the characters of this era, and it shows. He not only has the heroes but they’re supporting cast and some rather obscure villains. I would recommend tracking down the 1980’s Secret Origin series if you would like to learn more about these characters. Roy Thomas would write the origin stories for the Golden Age characters – they were interesting and entertaining even if you had never heard of the characters before.
#all-star squadron#justice society#jsa#per degaton#degaton#hawkman#plastic man#carter hall#doctor mid-nite#atom#al pratt#charles mcnider#shining knight#firebrand#danette reily#rod reily#slugger dunn#johnny quick#johnny chambers#liberty belle#libby lawrence#tubby wats#tom revere#wotan#solomon grundy#robotman#professor zodiak#king bee#sky pirate#monster
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All-Star Squadron #6 (Revised 1/7/23)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“Mayhem In The Mile-High City!” by Roy Thomas, Adrian Gonzales, and Jerry Ordway.
The Feathered Serpent prepares to sacrifice Shiera Saunders as a captured Hawkman and Shining Knight attempt to free themselves.
“Unbind us, varlets – or you shall live to face the wrath of the Shining Knight!” Hawkman also tells his captors off but it doesn’t have the style of Sir Justin’s warning.
Shiera’s regaining consciousness while the Feathered Serpent explains his origin: “I was born on this peninsula, though educated in the United States and Europe…I returned here, months ago as an archaeologist – searching for the fabled Lost Pyramid of Kukulkan…others had searched for this pyramid, from the eminent J.L. Stephens…to my own contemporary, Professor Indiana Jones…”
That’s right – Indiana Jones is a resident of the DC Universe – specifically Earth-2! Of course, poor Indy died during the Crisis of Infinite Earths when the multiverse collapsed.
Back to the story – our archaeologist discovered the sacred vestments of the Feathered Serpent, formed a cult, and decided to rule the world.
General Saukel interrupts: “Can you not stab the woman, Kukulkan, and get it over with? Do you wish to stand here all night?
I’m sure every henchmen that’s had to listen to his boss monologue has had this exact same thought.
Hawman and Sir Justin break free. Shiera uses the confusion to change into her Hawkgirl costume. The Feathered Serpent needs to sacrifice somebody so General Saukel is chosen for that honor. The sacrifice activates a spell that causes citizens of pure Indian descent to murder those who are not.
Our heroic trio pursue the fleeing Feathered Serpent. The rest of the All-Star dive into the chaos, trying to stem the tide of murder.
The Feathered Serpent attempts to assissnate President Maunel Avila Camacho of Mexico but is prevented by Robotman and Liberty Belle. The Feathered Serpent retreats to the German embassy only to be ambushed by Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and the Shining Knight.
The Feathered Serpent flees again! Sir Justin has had it: “To me, Winged Victory – and make haste! Yon varlet must not escape the wrath of justice outraged!”
The Feathered Serpent snatches Firebrand. Attempting to use a fire-powered individual as a hostage doesn’t end well for the Feathered Serpent.
Danette & Sir Justin continue their flirtation:
“Sir Justin! I’m so happy I could kiss you!”
“A scarf of yours, to serve as a token in my future battles, will be sufficient, milady!”
Justin and Danette are rapidly becoming one of my favorite couples in comics.
The spell fades away and the All-Stars discover that the Feathered Serpent is actually German?
The epilogue reveals Baron Blitzkrieg announcing “But tonight I shall carry the war to the United States itself…and if any verdammt masked ‘heroes’ rise against me…they shall be smashed by the righteous might of Baron Blitzkrieg!”
A quick action issue. The Feathered Serpent is a “blah” villain but Sir Justin was a blast.
#all-star squadron#justice society#jsa#hawkman#carter hall#hawkgirl#shiera saunders#shining knight#sir justin#firebrand#danette reily#dc comics#dcu#indiana jones#feathered serpent
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All-Star Squadron #5 (Revised 1/5/24)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“Never Step On A Feathered Serpent!” by Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler, and Jerry Ordway.
It’s been “a day or so” since the events of issues #1 – 4, so this issue takes place around December 9th, 1941.
Carter Hall (Hawkman) has decided to enlist in the United States Army. Hawkman resigns as chairman – and member – of the Justice Society. Several other Society members have decided to enlist in the various armed services. Would Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite) be allowed to serve? Technically, he’s blind. Johnny Thunder will be joining the Navy.
Hawkman, Sandman, Starman, Dr. Mid-Nite and the Atom are all non-powered individuals. I suppose Kent Nelson can leave the Fate Helmet at home. Should Johnny Thunder be allowed on the front lines – he’s in control of the Thunderbolt (an extremely powerful entity) and the Squadron’s encounter with the Dragon King proved that the more powerful the entity, the faster they fall under the Spear of Destiny’s influence.
In the post-Crisis era, Ted Knight (Starman) was one of the scientists who developed the atomic bomb. It would cause Ted to have several mental breakdowns.
Johnny references Peachy Pet, his five-years-old adopted daughter. Did Peachy make any post-Crisis appearances? I can’t remember if she was mentioned in the Geoff Johns JSA run.
Hawkman, the Spectre, Doctor Fate, the Atom, Sandman, Starman, Doctor Mid-Nite, and Johnny Thunder recuse themselves from the All-Star Squadron. The Society also decides to disband for the duration of the war. Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern, and Hourman are not at the meeting.
The Justice Society’s enlistment in the armed forces is DC canon (pre-Crisis, at least) and provides an explanation for Roy Thomas focusing on non-JSA members in his All-Star series.
Wonder Woman served in the armed forces during World War II but did Batman and Superman? I could see Clark resisting as he wouldn’t want to risk discovery of his Kryptonian heritage but Bruce? Did Wayne Enterprises exist in the Golden Age – that would be an obvious reason to justify not serving in the military.
The Spectre confides in Doctor Fate that he isn’t joining the military – Jim Corrigan, his host body, is “deceased”. The Spectre decides to isolate himself from humanity rather than watch his friends die in the war.
Doctor Mid-Nite and Hawkman decide to visit Danette Reilly before they leave for the Yucatan. The Atom decides to accompany the duo. The trio are heading to the Yucatan to find Shiera Saunders.
We head to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Nazis, led by General Saukel, attempt to convince the Feathered Serpent that now is the time to strike. The Feathered Serpent disagrees as the stars won’t be in the proper position until tomorrow night.
General Saukel informs the Feathered Serpent that German naval forces attempted to attack America’s industrial northeast. Unfortunately for the Nazis, the attack was repelled by the Green Lantern. The editor’s note refers us to Green Lantern #4, published in 1942.
Roy Thomas = flawless continuity.
The Feathered Serpent, head of the cult of the Feathered Serpent, agrees to ally with the Nazis to ensure Mexico belongs to the Cult of the Feathered Serpent. The Feather Serpent needs to be more creative in establishing names and titles.
Per Wikipedia: “The Feathered Serpent was a prominent supernatural entity or deity, found in many Mesoamerican religions. It was called Quetzalcoatl among the Aztecs, Kukulkan among the Yucatec Maya, and Q'uq'umatz and Tohil among the K'iche’ Maya.”
The Feather Serpent reveals that he’s captured Shiera Saunders and she will be the sacrifice for tomorrow night’s ceremony.
We head over to New York City. Johnny Quick and Robotman are racing around the city when the police ask for their aid against saboteurs at the Statue of Liberty. The duo makes quick work of the saboteurs and decide to check on Danette.
Danette’s doorman is very curious about the numerous heroes visiting her. Danette’s visitors include Johnny Quick, Robotman, Liberty Belle, the Shining Knight, Doctor Mid-Nite, the Atom, and Hawkman – all in full costume.
Danette, still running a fever, awakens later in the night. She recalls that Slugger Dunn gave her a key for a closet in Roy’s penthouse. Slugger told Danette that Rod wanted her to have the key in case something ever happened to him. Danette opens the hidden closet and discovers the uniform of the Firebrand.
The assembled heroes are in Danette’s living room discussing the pros and cons of enlisting in the military versus serving in the All-Star Squadron. The group smell smoke and barge into Danette’s bedroom. Danette, now in the Firebrand uniform, is on fire!
Danette decides to become the new Firebrand and join the All-Star Squadron. Danette must have a very frustrating time explaining her origin to others. None of the heroes remember the events of the first three issues due to Per Degaton’s time travel shenanigans. She’s left with “I went to the island…I’m not sure why…other heroes were there…again, I don’t know why…we fought bad guys that we can’t remember…at some point a volcano was involved…and now I’m on fire!”
The entire group heads to the Yucatan to search for Shiera Saunders. The entire group (minus Robotman who covers himself with a hat and a trenchcoat) leave the plane in civilian attire. So why couldn’t the heroes visit Danette in civilian attire?
Carter is told by the hotel clerk that Shiera has checked out of the hotel. Carter tells Libby that the clerk is lying: “Even before I saw that signature, I knew it couldn’t be hers. Shiera’s a great gal, and I love her very much but she’s strictly a dilettante when it comes to these archaeological forays of hers. Oh, not that she minds a little dirt under her fingernails now and then but I’ve never known her not to have a comfortable room and with a hot bath waiting when she got back.”
Look, Carter, there is nothing wrong with wanting a hot bath after a sweaty day in the field.
It takes the group less than five minutes before they’re brawling with Nazis. The new Firebrand quickly proves her worth.
The issue ends with Hawkman and the Shining Knight ambushed by the Feathered Serpent. Shiera is seconds away from being sacrificed!
The issue had two purposes:
· Explain the absence of the Justice Society while the All-Star Squadron was active. More importantly, the story explained why certain characters won’t be featured in the series.
· Establish the new Firebrand.
The issue easily fulfilled both purposes. Danette was the highlight of the issue. Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle continue their flirtation. Sir Justin continues to be an adorable knight. The Feathered Serpent is a very generic bad guy.
I love Roy Thomas’s female characters (Liberty Belle, Firebrand, Phantom Lady). They’ve been heroic, assertive go-getters. I left Wonder Woman out as she didn’t receive much panel time. I’m hoping Shiera (Hawkgirl) joins the list. I can’t think of one notable appearance of Shiera. She seems to serve as wallpaper in the background. Prove me wrong, Roy!
#all-star squadron#justice society#jsa#firebrand#danette reily#hawkman#hawkgirl#carter hall#shiera saunders#dc comics#dcu#feathered serpent
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All-Squadron #4 (Revised1/4/24)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“The Day of the Dragon King!” by Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler, and Jerry Ordway.
We pick up where issue three ended. It is the “wee small hours of the morning of December 8, 1941”, and the assembled heroes, minus Plastic Man and Phantom Lady, are heading to Pearl Harbor to aid the U.S. Military. Plastic Man needs to check in with the FBI and FDR, Phantom Lady wants to reassure her father that she is okay. Danette accompanies the heroes as her brother is stationed at Pearl Harbor.
We open with a group shot: Wonder Woman is flying in her invisible jet – no passengers allowed. Superman, Dr. Fate, Starman, the Spectre, and Green Lantern can fly on their own; Johnny Thunder rides on his Thunderbolt, Shining Knight and Danette are riding Winged Victory. Green Lantern uses his ring to carry Batman and Robin. The Spectre casts his mystical energies to carry Liberty Belle, Sandman, Doctor Mid-Nite, the Flash, Johnny Quick, and the Atom. Robotman hitches a ride by sitting on Doctor Fate!
Dr. Fate mentions he’s severely depowered due to the loss of his original power. He must have some power left if the sheer weight of Robotman isn’t snapping his spine!
Dr. Fate remarks his former power level was attached to his original helmet. He is now wearing a half-helmet that covers the top of his head to his nose.
Johnny Thunder fangirls all over Wonder Woman: “She’s a fantastic lady, GL, with her magical plane and lasso…Y’know, we gotta get you into the Justice Society one of these days!”
Wonder Woman responds: “As one new to so-called man’s world, Johnny, I’m just proud to be part of the All-Star Squadron!”
For those unfamiliar with Golden Age era of DC Comics – Wonder Woman was never an official member – she was…wait for it…the secretary! Don’t get me wrong, my love for the golden age characters of both DC and Marvel is limitless but a team whose roster consists of Doctor Mid-Nite, the Atom, Batman, and Sandman (not exactly powerhouses) along with Hourman and Hawkman (limited powerhouses) and the heavily trained Amazon is made the secretary?! Why Diana didn’t tell the men exactly what they could do with the secretary role is beyond me!
Hawkman worries about Shiera Saunders, his fiancée, who is on “an archaeological dig in the Yucatan…and I know enough about Axis activity in Mexico from when I was down there before to be concerned.”
Editor’s note refers us to All-Star Comics #9, 1941. Props for Roy Thomas for continuing to seamlessly blend in stories that are over forty years old into the current series. Roy Thomas could teach modern writers and editors a thing or two.
Shiera Saunders didn’t become Hawkgirl until All-Star Comics #5 so she’s definitely a rookie thus Carter’s concern.
Johnny Quick fanboys over meeting the Flash. Jay, always a class act, turns it into a mutual admiration society.
The Atom and Robotman are having an inferiority complex contest. I vote for the de-powered Dr. Fate. Fate’s currently as useful as a taxi, at least the Atom knows how to throw a punch, and Robotman is made of metal.
Liberty Belle asks for Doctor Mid-Nite’s assistance in discovering the origins of her abilities.
Superman’s reminiscing over the influx of costumed heroes including Wonder Woman “whom I hope to get to know a lot better.” Down boy!
Superman notes he was the first superpowered individual to “come out” as a mystery man. Superman should always be the individual that starts the heroic age – whether it’s the Golden Age or the Modern Age.
I love the small talk between the heroes. What else is there to do during the flight over? Especially as this is the first meeting for many of the characters – not including the fight with Per Degaton which doesn’t allow much “getting to know you” time. Degaton’s disappearance into the time stream has muddled the events of the previous three issues for the heroes. They only know they were in San Francisco fighting…someone. A good explanation for why the heroes don’t remember Monster, Sky Pirate, King Bee, and Professor Zodiak in the future.
Batman’s not contributing to the conversation but how is Dick Grayson not gabbing with his fellow heroes? A silent Grayson isn’t natural!
Social time is over as we arrive at Pearl Harbor. The United States Military is rightfully nervous of any flying objects and let loose on the heroes. The heroes land at Hickam Airfield and the military informs them of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
The Atom continues his inferiority complex only to be told that now is not the time. It’s war time and everyone must step up – not just the people with powers.
Liberty Belle is all for storming Japan right now. The General is all “Slow your roll, honey!” (Not his exact words, of course).
Superman correctly points out that he could end this war in one day. Add in the Spectre – one glimpse of the concentration camps would bring whole new levels of ‘God’s Vengeance” out to play – and we would have the shortest war – and comic series – in history.
Hawkman, JSA chairman, mentions that the group should maybe check in the President or Congress before they decide to wreak vengeance in foreign lands. Liberty Belle’s response is “Hell, no. Group vote for kicking ass and taking vengeance!” (Again, not an actual quote). We get a near unanimous “aye” for kicking ass. Hakwman, secretly wanting to kick ass and take vengeance, decides that group vote is the way to go. Hawkman appoints Starman to watch over the United States fleet (what’s left of it) in Hawaii. Starman also wanted to go on the vengeance mission but concedes that it’s logical for him to stay in Hawaii. The General has this “I can’t officially approve this, but they went that way!” vibe.
The Batman, Robin, Sandman, and Flash stay in Hawaii to assist Starman. The rest leave to pursue the Japanese Fleet. Green Lantern realizes that the Shining Knight and Danette have disappeared from the group.
Sir Justin and Danette arrive at Wheeler Field. Remember this is where Rod Reilly, Danette’s brother (and the original Firebrand), was stationed.
Sir Justin warns Danette to prepare herself: “But I beg you not to expect too much…for this be war now and, in any war, in King Arthur’s day or this, men die and women weep.”
Danette informs Justin that “You don’t see me weeping…”
Sir Justin responds: “Nay, Danette Reilly…you be made of stern matter, indeed. Yet be not ashamed of tears, if they do come…for they are the stuff that healing is made of.”
Sir Justin is my favorite character is the series at this point – brave, compassionate, chivalrous, a true knight.
Sir Justin notes that Danette is very warm to the touch. Foreshadowing!
Danette finds Slugger Dunn, Rod’s sidekick, and fellow member of the Navy. Slugger takes Danette to a comatose Rod.
Back to vengeance! The Spectre and Superman are unable to locate the Japanese fleet – something they find very frustrating.
The Dragon King and the Japanese military are hiding on a small island near Wake. The military men are very uncomfortable with the Dragon King’s presence. The King reveals that he has a plan to “render the entire Japanese Empire safe from the most powerful members of America’s so-called Justice Society!” (A.K.A The reason the war didn’t end in one day).
The Dragon King reveals that the Japanese have possession of the Holy Grail along with Hitler’s ownership of the Spear of Destiny. The Editor’s note refers us to DC Special #29, September 1977. In the DC Special, set in November 1940, Hitler uses the Spear to summon Valkyries to attack Washington, D.C. causing the formation of the Justice Society.
Tojo and Hitler will use their respective relics to “make both Hitler’s Fortress Europa and our own greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere totally impregnable to counterattack by America’s most powerful costumed champions!”
The Dragon King casts a spell to enslave the heroes. The extent it affects you depends on your power level – the more powerful you are, the faster you fall. Commence hero vs hero fight.
I take it back – Doctor Fate can, in fact, throw a punch. Hawman responds with a mace blow to the head.
Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Spectre aren’t “mortal humans” so they are offering more resistance to the spell but can’t risk getting close to the fight.
Liberty Belle asks Doctor Mid-Nite for the “411” on the Green Lantern. Doc mentions that pesky weakness to wood. One driftwood headshot later and Alan is down for the count.
Libby is my second favorite character in the series. She’s all about taking charge and kicking ass.
Robotman, Liberty, Johnny Quick, the Atom, and Doctor Mid-Nite brawl with the Japanese soldiers.
Johnny Thunder has fallen under the spell much to the dismay of the Thunderbolt.
Dragon King muses “Dr. Fate, Green Lantern, and now Johnny Thunder have fallen prey to the power of the Grail. Yet it is the Spectre – Superman – and to a lesser extent, Wonder Woman, who are the real keys to my plan’s success.”
1) Johnny Thunder is not the brightest so I’m not that worried about him falling under the spell. (Sorry, Johnny, I still love you).
2) Diana needs to step up and put an end to this disrespect. First, she’s relegated to being a secretary and now she’s “a lesser extent”? Come on, Diana! Are you going to let Libby hog all the take charge and kick ass action?
The Dragon King notes that “my colleague Dr. Daka has done his part by managing to shield our escaping fleet from their heightened senses”. The editor’s note informs us that we’ll find out more about this in a future issue.
Doctor Fate and Hawkman end up flying out of the spell zone so Fate regains his senses. Diana seems to fall under the spell and flies after Johnny Thunder.
Hawman tricks Green Lantern to picking up the ground heroes and pursuing him in the sky. Johnny Thunder, Wonder Woman, Superman, and the Spectre follow the fleeing group.
Everyone regains their senses once they are out of the range of the spell. The Squadron realizes that if they get too close they will become “servants of the Axis”.
Hawman thinks that he’s “Got to head down to the Yucatan – before anything happens to Shiera! But first, I’ve got a bombshell of my own to drop – on both the Justice Society and the All-Star Squadron!”
Next issue: “The Feathered Serpent!”
I loved this issue. An excellent (mostly) done in one. Strong character moments and interactions. Tight continuity. Editor’s notes. A plot that kept moving. I really miss the comic style before “decompression” became all the rage. All this and an explanation for why the Justice Society didn’t invade the Axis homelands and end World War II in a day. Marvel’s Golden Age powerhouses were the Sub-Mariner, the Human Torch, and Toro. Even with that trio, the second World War could still last years. DC had Superman, Doctor Fate, the Spectre, Green Lantern, Johnny Thunder, and later the Marvel Family (Billy, Freddy, Mary) – any one of those individuals could have ended WWII within a week so an explanation was needed as to why it continued for years.
#All-Star Squadron#Justice Society#JSA#Hawkman#Liberty Belle#Shining Knight#Dragon King#Doctor Fate#Dr Fate#Superman#Clark Kent#Wonder Woman#Diana Prince#Robin#Dick Grayson#dc comics#danette reily#firebrand#rod reily#dcu
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All-Star Squadron #3 (Revised 1/1/24)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
Per Degaton has a hissy over the masked men running loose in the city. Degaton still thinks he’ll be victorious as he has captured the majority of the Justice Society along with “non-members” Wonder Woman and Robin.
Why exactly are Wonder Woman and Robin relegated to “non-member” status? Boo!
Wotan, Solomon Grundy, and Professor Zodiak are throwing down with the Shining Knight. Sir Justin does an admirable job of holding his own.
Wotan calls Solomon Grundy a “heap of rotted vegetation with delusions of grandeur”. Harsh, dude.
Wotan refers to the Shining Knight as an armored charlatan and those are fighting words to Sir Justin: “Charlatan, did you say? Verily, I’ll show you ‘charlatan’, thou knave!”
I love Sir Justin’s dialogue. Thor and Hercules no longer speak like this and I miss the days when a “have at thee!” meant serious business.
Sir Justin refers to Solomon Grundy as a “grotesque distortion of life”. Is it pick on Solomon Grundy day?
Sir Justin and Danette escape the ship but are dumped into the ocean. The problem is Sir Justin is encased in metal chainmail, which makes swimming quite difficult: “Zounds! The pressure of the water overhead, it makes my very ears to ring and has rendered this flame-haired damsel senseless! Yet, though mine armor, e’en mine enchanted sword – do weigh me sorely down, still was I knight at Sir Arthur’s table round in days of yore and I shall prevail – not merely for the sake of us twain but for the sake of all the world!”
The duo are rescued by Winged Victory (Sir Justin’s Pegasus). They head off to free the captured Justice Society. Professor Zodiak and Wotan are in pursuit. Zelbar Zodiak is eager to “reduce the Shining Knight to a blob of medieval protoplasm.” Zodiak can be besties with Glorith (from the Legion of Super-Heroes). She not only has the same approach but suffered a similar fate herself.
Per Degaton’s crew is unravelling at the seams and no longer following his orders. Degaton reveals he rescued Wotan from an extra-dimensional limbo in the late 40’s. Presumably Wotan was put there by Doctor Fate or an assembled Justice Society. Degaton retrieved the Sky Pirate as he was fleeing the Justice Society in 1948. The Sky Pirate and the King Bee were sharing a prison cell in the late 40’s that he recruited the duo from. Degaton plucked the Monster from 1944. He retrieved Solomon Grundy after his third and final solo battle with the Green Lantern.
Plastic Man, Phantom Lady, Dr. Mid-Nite, the Atom, and Plastic Man launch an assault on Per Degaton’s ship. Plastic Man transforms himself into a drill and bores through the ship! Cue big fight with Solomon Grundy and Per Degaton. Plas is wiped out from drilling through the ship leaving the rest to battle the duo. The group does pretty well considering the difference in power levels. Dr. Mid-Nite, Phantom Lady, and the Atom are basically hand to hand fighters. I can’t remember if the the Atom had his enhanced strength at this point. Liberty Belle has enhanced strength and speed. Solomon Grundy, on the other hand, can brawl with Superman.
“I gotta hand it to you, Belle, for a girl, you’re a great little fighter!” – Way to show your 1940s’ attitude, Atom!
Hawkman, Robotman, and Johnny Quick are fighting Per Degaton’s forces in the city.
“Holy cats!” – Still loving the cheesy catchphrases.
Wotan and Professor Zodiak defeat the Shining Knight and pursue a fleeing Danette.
Wotan blasts her into a vat of artificial lava. Professor Zodiak recoils in horror: “What a horrible end for a woman!” Wotan responds with “Such hypocrisy you mortals are guilty of. As if a woman’s life were somehow more precious than a man’s! Or as if either were worth the merest…” Wotan is unable to finish his statement as the island is self-destructing. Degaton sends the duo back to the future.
The Justice Society, including the Spectre, escapes their captivity. The Shining Knight and an unconscious Danette accompany the group.
Per Degaton, to avoid an angry Spectre, retreats to the future. Running far away is the only sane response to a pissed-off Spectre.
Robotman, Hawkman, and Johnny Quick arrive to help in the fight against Solomon Grundy. Solomon is transported to 1947 by Per Degaton. Instead of being returned to his burial in the ground, Degaton arranged for Solomon to be stranded in space. Grundy will remain in space until a “friendly meteor” will pull him back to earth in time for his appearance in Showcase #55 (1965) where he will battle Green Lantern and Doctor Fate.
Once again, Roy Thomas, master of continuity.
The groups meet up with the Justice Society. They inform the JSA of the plans to form the All-Star Squadron. Atom states “Pretty snazzy name, huh, Superman?” Superman responds with “As long as you’re careful how you abbreviate it.” Clark with the snark.
Danette has a dizzy spell. Sir Justin comments that “Tis amazing I found you alive at all, lass, protected by Wotan’s own spells from volcanic fires!” Cue foreshadowing.
The group are losing their memories of their encounter with Per Degaton due to time-travel shenanigans.
The issue ends with Super-Villain Fact Files of Solomon Grundy, Professor Zobar Zodiak Wotan, and Sky Pirate. Fun fact: Sky Pirate suffers from terraphobia (a fear of low spaces).
This was a nice three-part introduction storyline. The team was formed, and the groundwork was laid for future character arcs and romances. The story established why Superman, Green Lantern, and Dr. Fate were unable to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor. I recommend reading Secret Origins #26 to discover what other heroes were during Pearl Harbor.
#all-star squadron#justice society#jsa#Per Degaton#Degaton#Solomon Grundy#Wotan#Shining Knight#Sky Pirate#Monster#Spectre#Superman#Plastic Man#Roy Thomas#DC Comics#DCU#Danette Reily#Winged Victory#Atom#Al Pratt#Liberty Belle#Libby Lawrence#Phantom Lady
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