sung-en-hear · 6 months
幫助孩子與世界連結!|2024 學生助聽器優惠專案
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方案一、Naida Lumity|強出力,聆聽不費力
Phonak Naida Lumity 助聽器優惠,輕鬆購機享受好聽的體驗。更棒的消息是,購機再送好禮和2年保固,完美的產品搭配完美的售後服務,讓您無後顧之憂,聆聽生命中每一個重要的聲音!
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方案二、Phonak Sky|內建接收器,Roger不怕甩出去
嬰幼兒學童助聽器 Phonak Sky ( Lumity/Marvel ) 雙平台優惠,讓您更能保護您的孩子,在操作上也能輕鬆上手無負擔,現在購買不僅享有優惠價,還有贈品和2年保固。
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方案三、Audio Service G6|享受充電,無需煩惱
Audio Service G6 世代充電式助聽器折扣優惠,讓您以更優惠的價格擁有高品質的助聽器。另外購機還送專屬配件使助聽器體驗更加完美。此外,再提供長達2年的保固,讓您使用時更加安心,享受品質和價值的雙重保證。
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方案四、GN Danavox Klar|簡易升級進階款,輕鬆領補助
現在購買 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗩𝗢𝗫ᴳᴺ 指定等級即可免費升級助聽器!更棒的是,還可以申請助聽器補助,讓您以更優惠的價格擁有高品質的助聽器。另外再享好禮及2年保固!帶來更好的使用體驗,並更放心地享受助聽器的幫助。
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debsaudiology · 3 months
DEB’s Audiology & Hearing Care Pvt. Ltd. is an advanced audiology clinic founded by Dr Sarmistha Nayak (Deb) & Dr Nabarun Deb, one of the Best Audiologist in Mumbai leading a team of good audiologist in India.Working with several organisations over time, they have observed that, despite not being satisfied with their hearing aids, the majority of patients are spending an enormous amount of money on devices.Hence, our Best Audiologist Doctors in Mumbai had made the decision to create a fully equipped audiological setup in order to provide the best possible management.We provide a wide range of trusted brands, including Danavox hearing aid, Hansaton hearing aid, Bernafon hearing aid, Resound hearing aid, Octicon hearing aid, Sonova hearing aid, Phoenix hearing aids, Widex hearing aid, Unitron hearing aid, Phonak hearing aid, Rexton hearing aid, Interton hearing aid and more. 
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Hearing Aid Centre in Mumbai
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How Hearing Aids Can Help You Handle Several Hearing Issues
Does your father/mother have difficulty understanding speech during conversation? Do you have to speak loud in order to be audible? Does your friend hear a constant buzzing in the ears though there is no external source? The problem could be more than just a figment of the imagination. Some people may not know if they are going deaf or simply hard of hearing. For all these issues, the solution lies in visiting an Audilogist and getting the diagnostic tests done. Based on the results, an individual can go for either (Siemens) Signia hearing aids or Danavox hearing aids.
Yes, there are a few hearing tests that one must undergo as a part of the diagnostics. Diagnostic hearing tests are important in order to understand the type and degree of hearing loss, which vary according to the history/complaint of the client. It also, helps in ruling out cochlear and retrocochlear pathogy. It will help you understand you have Tinnitus, or have a bacterial or viral infection, or even worse, impacted cerumen. The hearing loss could be anything like Sensorineural or conductive type, and the solutions could be as varied too. Depending on the type and degree of hearing along with the history/complaints of the client, the intervention/management will vary.
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How Hearing Aids Can Help You
People Individuals do not realize they are hard of hearing because they don’t take the signs and symptoms seriously. People with exposure to extremely loud noise may slowly head towards hearing loss or even deafness. Hence, going through tests in time will save you many worries and provide you with relief. A heaing aid can make life very east for individuals with hearing impairement.  
Hearing aid works by taking the audio/ sound from the environment, amplifying and sending the sound at comfortable loudness. This helps in better clarity and understanding of speech and other environmental sounds.
Many people have reservations about using the aids because they may simply be fell awkword waeing it. The reality is that if you buy the best brand of hearing aids from clinics like Mrudul Hearing Aid Centre in Mumbai. The company specializes as a dealer and as a repair center of hearing aids and other audiological equipment for the last 3 decades.
Many entities are doubtful and also, mighthave less knowledge regarding the use and function of hearing aids. To overcome such situations, Mrudul Hearing Aid Centre in Mumbai, provides you with all updated and latest Information in the field of Hearing.
The company/clinic specializes in diagnotics as well as rehabilitation for individual with hearing impairement. It also, deals with audiological equipments and hearing aid repair from last 3 decades.
 Their focus is on improving the quality of life for individuals with HI and customer satisfication. This is crucial since the hearing aids have a proven track record in comforting people suffering from hearing problems, including Tinnitus.
Another reason to look out for hearing aids is that they can give you better sound output. You will indeed need to protect your ears even when wearing the aids for a comfortable and long life of comfortable audio clarity.
People near any harsh sound source or loud noises nearby are prone to hearing loss.  
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Saving Yourself from Permanent Damage
While some people may have the option to protect their hearing, some others may have more trouble. They may have an occupational hazard of working with sound systems and have stage setup to take care of, or even test horns. Phonak Hearing aids and other such brands are ideal for people who have hearing problems. The audiologist will adjust the volume and program them, especially to suit their ambient noises.
But others need to also focus on keeping their ears safe and working. They may try to listen to music at a lower volume just so that the eardrums do not get affected. If you have any problems now related to hearing, just consult a specialist right away.
Exposure to excessive noise levels during work or other activities can significantly increase your risk for hearing loss. The degree/severity of loss will vary depending on the cause for hearing loss. This, leads to reduce understanding of speech in quiet/noisy situations, clarity of speech is varied, more repeatation of is required, difficulty or needs to strain in listening tasks. Phonak Hearing Aids and such other brands/companies are ideal for individuals facing these difficulties. The Audiologist helps in programming the hearing aids keeping in mind the factors such as life-style, needs and expections of an HI person.
Mrudul is one of the leading hearing aid dealers who can help you get the ideal choice for your need. If you have any issue with your hearing, then the solution only works when you keep an eye out for the signs and symptoms.  
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seniorshelf · 7 years
ReSound Viking is a 100% newly designed Super Power BTE hearing instrument
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Get the Best Hearing Related Services in Noida, Delhi
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A hearing aid is a small electronic device that you wear in or behind your ear. They make some sounds louder so that a person with hearing loss can listen and communicate effectively and get fully involved in daily routine. A hearing aid can help patient hear more in both quiet and noisy situations. The hearing aid has basically worked on the microphone, amplifier, and speaker. The hearing aid receives sound through a microphone, which converts the sound waves into electrical signals and sends them to an amplifier. The amplifier increases the power of the signals and then sends them to the ear through a speaker.
There are all types of hearing aids available, they provide longer functional life and excellent performance, precisely designed, high accuracy, ease of use, easy fitting, light-weight, and low price. This is a well-known clinic that involves customization of Hearing Aids and provides services of all major brands available worldwide.
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They have placed believing entity developing high-quality Hearing Aids. The simple to fit hearing aids are highly demanded widely for its reduced case side and immediate fittings. Featuring an open fit technology the highly comfortable hearing aids, designed and developed by leading expert’s audiologist in the team. Further, they make sure to verify the quality of the components which include the various brands like Sonic, AM, Phonak, GN Resound, Widex, Oticon, Danavox, Amplifon, Siemens, Hansaton, Starkey, Bernafon, Audible according to client needs and requirements. Our prestigious clients can get highly durable hearing aid from us at a nominal price.
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The hearing is one of the most important senses and is an essential part of every human’s life. While seeking a good hearing care always look for an audiologist with the highest qualification to ensure that you receive the best hearing treatment. The Best Hearing Clinic in Noida Delhi provides audiology services which include hearing testing, auditory processing and hearing loss treatment, dispensing hearing aids.  The clinic offers a state of the art testing facility with professionals and caring staff to treat hearing problems. They create a relationship with each and every client so that they feel comfortable discussing their hearing problem with us in an understanding environment. Everyone is unique and have a different problem related to hearing that is the reason why it's customizing your particular experience directly to you.
Original Content is Here:-http://universal-hearing-solutions.blogspot.in/2018/02/get-best-hearing-related-services-in.html
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sung-en-hear · 6 months
【潮州唯一助聽器公司】 聽見的人有福了!!不用再跑屏東市或高雄
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Audio Service G6/G7 雙世代優惠
Danavox gn Klar 系列優惠
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🏠 潮州鎮三共里延平路92號(中正市場附近)
👂line:@578mncay ☎️ 電話 0877896015
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sung-en-hear · 6 months
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【免費聽力檢查好康獎不完】 ✨3/1~3/28活動期間✨ 活動一 DANAVOX 助聽器免費升級 活動二 AudioService 充電款超優惠 活動三 洛威斯坦A20呼吸器加贈面罩組 活動四 上傳聽力檢查,抽萬元好禮
活動詳情 https://sonenhear.com.tw/33-ear-festival/ 全台門市 https://reurl.cc/jDoR4n
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sung-en-hear · 2 months
2024 #父親節 助聽器優惠,來自外太空的聽力科技!
#AudioService 與 #GN #Danavox 多款助聽器、 #Lowenstein 睡眠呼吸器優惠,除此之外還有萬元摸彩活動,為父親獻上無限的愛與聆聽體驗。
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sung-en-hear · 5 months
母親節優惠|寵愛媽咪,聽見零距離 - 頌恩助聽器
1.德國Audio Service G6/G7 雙世代 充電式助聽器指定款優惠(DUO/P/MOOD) 2.丹麥Danavox GN助聽器 全台獨家代理品牌專屬指定款優惠(Klar/Barani/Anthe)
1.     活動時間:2024/4/29~2024/5/28
2.     公告日期:2024/5/31(五)
3.     獎項:全聯禮券500元(5名);郵寄掛號寄出。
4.     請於2024/6/14前至粉專私訊得獎收件地址、電話、姓名,逾期視同主動放棄領獎資格
活動詳情 https://sonenhear.com.tw/mothers-day/
全台門市 https://reurl.cc/jDoR4n
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sung-en-hear · 9 months
【2024必Buy週年慶  好康龍厚禮 】
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 2.Audio Service充電款助聽器首選
查看更多: https://reurl.cc/aLr9nZ
預約試聽: https://reurl.cc/Oj9rGX
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