#Dammit Olivia. *clenched fist*
theirloveisgross · 8 months
I know it's probably a long shot, but I've been thinking about it a lot, like I'm sure some of you have as well. So I'm just going to ramble.
I see photos of Rachel having a good time with Louis and all, during tour, and it's not like I think they became best friends, but I think they had a good time and stuff. And Louis likes her music and interacts with her stuff. I love that.
And I know that Florence is really good friends with Rachel... And that's been going on for a while actually. I feel like the first time i heard of Rachel was through Florence maybe a year or two ago. Anyway...
I'm like- can you imagine what a Florence-Louis friendship would be like?! Just- I know! I know! It's very unlikely... But weirder things have happened. And just- dude. Their personalities are just so... I think they'd match together so well, it's insane. That capricorn energy. Their work ethic. The loyalty. The no-bullshit approach to life. Just!!!
We were robbed of Florence-Harry. Maybe... Just maybe... We could still have Florence-Louis. If they were both to go to a Rachel show. That show she has in London on March 6 perhaps? Louis should be available. Idk if Florence is set to be filming anything but like- c'mon.
Well, putting all of this down now made me really really really want this so bad. Even more. *siiiigh*
I'll just be manifesting, I guess.
Louis, go follow Florence, c'mon now.
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therandomfics · 6 years
AMA Pt12
It was bright when you opened your eyes, so bright that you shielded them and scowled. You sat up in your bed and drank in your surroundings: a hospital room with a television on low volume, a rolling bed cart with a sweating pitcher of ice water and one solemn chair in the corner. Your things were in the chair - but they weren’t the clothes you remembered wearing last. Instead of a dirty sweatshirt and blood stained jeans, your favorite shirt dress and boots were waiting for you. You changed and observed yourself in the mirror. Somehow, despite however long you’d been in bed, your hair was perfect, your makeup was done, and you looked well. 
Pulling open the door to your room, you were greeted by an unusual scene. You stepped not into the hallway of the hospital, but into the dilapidated park that you had been found in so many years ago. Even more unusual was the smaller version of yourself, crying on the bench and shivering from the cold. You reached out to comfort your child self, but the moment you made contact with her, you felt a jolt and fell backwards. 
You sat up and looked around. No more hospital, no more park. Now you were in one of the many foster care homes you’d spent time in. Your 8 year old self sat in her room and cried, incessantly, from loneliness and from isolation. Your foster parents, you remembered in that moment, had been very negligent - and often dangerous. Your eyes scanned the bruises on her arms and you recalled the times that you’d fought of the advances of the older kids in the home. You shook your head and reminded yourself that it was in the past. It was over. 
Suddenly you were walking into the home of your now parents, watching your 14 year old self glow over wonderful grades. You looked upon the teenage you and smiled - you were safe. Lonely, but safe. Your parents looked upon you with loving eyes, but your adoptive aunt, uncle, grandmother and grandfather didn’t share the same affection. You were a parasite to them. Obviously, you’d remembered hearing, if there was something wrong with you that would have been why your parents neglected you and left you to die. “No one simply abandons their child,” your aunt had said. It was comical now in retrospect, as her own daughter - your cousin - had spent the majority of her youth with anyone but her parents. 
Flash forward again and you were graduating from Hudson. It was probably the best day of your life at that point. It was the first time you’d felt successful. No one got you into that school; you’d worked hard and earned it. You had a career path lined up and you were dating someone who you just knew was the one. You rolled your eyes, remembered how you’d broken up two months later when he’d accidentally called you while having a heavy petting session with someone else. Oops. 
Then, it happened. You were watching your adult self, your professional adult self, swoon over Sonny Carisi. He was everything to you, and he was the reason you weren’t with the conscious living. Well, no, you corrected yourself. It wasn’t really his fault, you were just a victim of circumstances. 
“Not everyone can handle the shit you’ve seen.” A voice that you didn’t recognize was in your ear, focusing your attention away from the scene in front of you. When you turned to the side you were greeted by a woman who looked like you, but maybe if you’d taken a few wrong paths and hadn’t slept in a few weeks. “I regret what I did to you, Y/N. I do. But, I’m glad to see you’re okay.” 
It took you a second to realize you were talking to your own birth mother. “I can’t say I forgive you, Diane. But, I can say that I’m not exactly okay. Look, I’m watching the highest and lowest points of my life over. It’s not exactly entertaining.” 
When she opened her mouth again, it wasn’t her voice anymore. It was the voice of your adoptive mother. “Maybe if you’d never been together, this wouldn’t have happened. I do not give you my blessing. My husband doesn’t approve, either, if you’d like to know. He knows people, so if you ever think you’re going to move on to something else in your life, you’d better think about what I’ve said.” 
Nothing was making sense. You suddenly felt like you couldn’t breathe, like gravity was much stronger and focused solely on crushing you. 
You heard Sonny’s voice, and how sweet it was. “Listen, Mrs. Gardella, with all due respect, I didn’t intend for your daughter to get hurt. You need to understand, I love her and I stopped at nothing to find her. I am sincerely apologetic for all that has happened but I think that if Y/N woke up right now and I wasn’t here, you’d get the opposite effect you were hopin’ for.” 
The continued pressure was becoming too much to bear. You shrieked at the tops of your lungs and clenched your fists at your side, but suddenly there was something in one of your hands: sheets. Your other arm had ceased to work. You sat up and looked around wildly. You were back in your hospital room, but this time Sonny was there, along with your mother and the doctor. 
“Sonny’s not going anywhere, god dammit,” you snapped, ripping the sheets from your body and reaching for him. “Don’t leave, please. Don’t leave me.” 
“How long have I been here?” you asked Sonny after you’d finally demanded that everyone leave the room unless they were a medical professional, or Sonny. 
He couldn’t stop touching you. His hands were on your face, your hands, your thigh. “Three days. You’ve been here three days. You were missing for nearly two weeks.” 
You frowned and grasped onto his hands. “Thank you for finding me, Sonny. I owe you my life.” 
“I thought I was gonna lose you, doll. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t woken up, or if I hadn’t found you,” he muttered and pulled you into a careful hug. You were bruised, sore, tired, everything. “When I found you in the back of that car you’d lost so much blood you were on the fine line between life and death. You had a blood infection, a stab wound, internal bleeding, nearly crushed larynx, and your arm was.. still is broken.” Suddenly he was crying, his face buried against your lap as he begged for you forgiveness. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. None of this would have happened if I hadn’t been in your life.” 
You patted his head gently and fumbled with the cup of water next to your bed. You were so thirsty it was painful. “I don’t blame you, I promise, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I realized that when I was taking my exceptionally long nap,” you soothed, rubbing his back idly. “I love you. Look at me, Sonny, and tell me that even when I look like this, you still love me.” 
He sat up and placed his hand against your cheek. “I love you no matter what, you know that. But I need to tell you something.” 
“We didn’t get Nicole. I.. I don’t know where she went, and I was focused on getting you help that I stayed at your side. Someone said that they heard she’d gone into hiding.” His poor eyes were misty and tired. “I’m gonna kill her when I find her.” 
“Not if I find her first,” you warned - only have serious. You were obviously in no position to go after anyone, and what skill set did you have beyond the severe desire to survive? 
Weeks passed and you found yourself settled in a new apartment, with a new roommate. Sonny had asked you and you agreed, for safety and for the simple fact that you loved one another. You awoke in the middle of the night quite often, but he was always there to console you and keep you under his wing. You went back to work a month after your hospital stay, and you were pleased to see how well everyone had adjusted to your trauma. At the suggestion of Olivia, you began seeing a crisis counselor. It seemed stupid for you at first, but you soon began to realized that you needed to work through your fears and your concerns about what had happened. Sonny said that they’d done a full exam and there was no sign of sexual assault, but you’d come so close so many times it felt like it might have actually happened. 
Sonny had taken it upon himself to share some of his old family secrets with you in the kitchen. It was a good way to bond and an even better way to make sure that you were able to focus on something beyond your thoughts. 
“Sonny!” You screamed suddenly, turning to him and grabbing his arm. “I just thought of something. Oh, I’m so sorry I just remembered!” Things came back in pieces as your therapist had said they would, but this one was massive. “Paulie said that he’d raped someone in Connecticut and they’d never run the kit, but he said it was him. Is there anyway to use that against him, somehow, to get him to crack? He knows where that psychotic little bitch went, I’m telling you. He knows.” 
He cupped your face and kissed you. It tasted like tomatoes and garlic, and you’d never felt more in love. “Give me two minutes,” he urged and ran from the room, phone to his ear. You heard him telling Olivia what you’d just told him, and he ran back into the room still on the phone. “Did he say where?” 
You shook your head and sighed. “No, just that he always broke his play things.” Without knowing it, you’d told Sonny that not only had Paulie sexually assaulted these women, he killed them. 
He relayed the message and ended the call, putting his phone on the counter. “C’mere,” he said softly and pulled you to his chest. His head rested atop yours and he swayed you back and forth slowly, dancing to some inaudible music in his head. “I’m leaving SVU. I got offered a position with the DA’s office in the Bronx. It’s safer. Better hours, I’ll be with you more.” 
“You didn’t need to do that, angel. I’m fine, you know? I really am.” 
He shushed you and kissed the top of your head. “No, you’re not, and you don’t have to be. I got no expectations for you to turn your feelings off, so you better keep going to therapy and you need to tell me anytime you need me - I don’t care what it is.” 
The next time Olivia sat down with Paulie, she presented him with more evidence than he’d expected. He was facing life without parole for the murder of Arabella Gardenza, in addition to your aggravated assault and kidnapping. “Connecticut, however, offered the death penalty, and she was sure the ADA would push for that.” A lie, but it was effective. 
Nicole Santoro was found several days later in Vermont, not too far from the town you were born in. Medical officials said she had been dead for nearly three weeks when they found her. It was ruled a suicide and the elation on Sonny’s face was undeiable when you saw him later. 
He met you for lunch to give you the good news and told you he needed to ask you something very important. 
“Ask way, Sonny.” You were slated to get your cast off in a few days and had fought the urge for so long to pick at the gauzy, chalky material. It was irritating you and getting in the way of you finishing your lunch. 
“I...” he was hesitating. His face was red and he was sweating in the cool air of March. “Y/N.. it’s just, it’s really important.” 
You nodded and set your sandwich down. 
He knelt in front of you and pulled a box from his pocket. “Marry me, Y/N?” he asked, opening the velvet keeper to reveal a princess cut ruby on a white gold band. 
You said yes and cried happy tears, a thing you hadn’t experienced before. It was a blur, but somehow he convinced you to marry him at the Bronx courthouse that afternoon, surrounded by family and friends. It was beautiful, just like you knew it would be. You were Mrs. Sonny Carisi. 
Paulie stood trial and you testified against him for your case for what felt like decades. He was given four consecutive life sentences without the option for parole once the trial was finally over. A little bird told you that shortly after he was sent to prison, he fell victim to a gang initiation. 
That night, you slept peacefully for the first time in nearly a year, which was good, because you were expecting baby Carisi in only five short months. 
[[THANK YOU GUYS! Your support has been nothing less than amazing! I hope you enjoyed AMA and I am looking forward to the next adventure. <3]]
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mimikilstories · 2 years
Miracles of Arx Nubibus Chapter 6
Olivia let herself into the house, her key rattling slightly in the lock. The lights all seemed to be off, and she could hear the TV from deeper inside. Her heart felt cold at the familiar scene. A box by the door had two threadbare stuffed toys in it, as well as a doll who had lost most of her hair. A dark stain marred the doll's left arm and skirt. 
"Dammit! Can't you worthless louts do anything right?" A crashing sound came from the living room and Olivia put down the toys. Xavier seemed to be watching the football game as if nothing had changed. She clenched her fists and stalked toward him, barely keeping her emotions inside. 
There he was, next to two empty beer bottles. A can of some other alcohol was crushed near the TV, slight amounts of liquid seeping out of it. Three pizza boxes were stacked on the side table, and Olivia guessed that they had all been empty for a while. She flicked on the light and Xavier spun towards her, almost as if he was prepared to throw the beer bottle in his hand. 
"Liv! What are you doing here? I didn't think you'd get out of prison for a while yet." 
"They let me go for good behaviour," she lied. The truth was she'd broken out, and probably left some traumatized guards in her wake. 
"Really? Nice. Can you go get groceries? These are my last beers and I've just been eating take-out. A home-cooked meal sounds great." 
"Where's Keyla?" Olivia couldn't squeeze out any other words. Her fists were shaking. She knew full well where their daughter was. But did Xavier care? 
"Huh? Oh. Got a notice from the hospital that she died. Couldn't afford the procedure, so they just kept an eye on her until she was gone." 
The way he said it so casually made Olivia's chest swell with what felt like burning magma. Their eyes locked and she wanted nothing more than to make this man wish he'd never been born. But no. Not yet. She exhaled slowly as Xavier continued. 
"I packed up her stuff. The last of it's by the front door. None of it's worth anything, so I guess I'll just send it up to the recycling plants. The books actually fetched more than I thought they would. And the best part is now I don't have to worry about Social Services dropping in." 
"I'm heading out," Olivia muttered. As she turned to go, Xavier called out one last request. 
"Could you turn off the light, Liv? It's easier to see the TV." Olivia turned and forced a smile on her face. 
"How about I take those empty bottles for you too?" 
"Thanks, love. Could you make something nice when you get back? Like lasagna?" 
Olivia didn't answer, pretending she hadn't heard him as she flicked off the light and rinsed out the beer bottles. But instead of taking them out, she left them in the sink to dry. An idea had formed in her head. 
No, it had been forming for some time. Ever since she got out, she hadn't been able to fully focus on her revenge against Achilles. She had to know what had happened with Xavier. Did he feel any regret? Had his life changed at all? Olivia had avoided going home since they'd look for her here, but her curiousity had finally gotten the better of her. 
Xavier didn't care that Keyla was gone. In fact, he seemed happy that she wasn't there anymore. Hatred burned like a hot stone in Olivia's chest. He'd even had the nerve to get rid of Keyla's things, giving them no more thought than the amount of money they could get him. She'd been toying with the idea, but his attitude had cemented her desire. 
Their daughter was dead. And all he wanted was more beer and for her to cook for him. He'd get his booze all right. Olivia was careful to hide the twisted emotions in her heart as she stalked down the street. The elevator went down a couple floors to the store and she flicked her eyes over the merchandise. 
There. The drugstore portion. That was what she was looking for. She found the bottles she was looking for and brought two up to the front. The employee rang up her total and she internally cursed. She didn't even have enough money for this. 
Olivia smiled and looked the kid in the eye before reaching into her pocket and then placing her hand in his for a brief moment. He smiled and gave her change, before closing the till and bagging her purchases. She took the bag and left, relief flooding her. 
This Miracle really was the best. She thanked the purple god once again. 
 When she opened the door this time, Xavier called out to greet her. Olivia called back, keeping the hatred out of her voice. The beer bottles were mostly dry now, so she took out her purchases from earlier and setting them on the counter. Two bottles of rubbing alcohol. She filled the beer bottles and swished them a bit. This way, it would look like an accident. She wouldn't be arrested for murder. 
Yet. The murder trial could come when Achilles was dead. 
Olivia headed back to the living room and smiled what she hoped was a gentle smile as she handed Xavier the bottles. 
"Thanks, Liv." He looked her in the eye for a brief moment and started chugging away. Olivia nodded  and retreated to the back of the room, where she sat as if to watch the game. But the whole time she watched as Xavier knocked back the alcohol. When the deed was done, she made sure the bottles were empty, took the empty rubbing alcohol bottles and half the money Xavier had stashed away and left as if nothing had happened. 
Now she could really focus on Achilles. 
First she'd need a wig and some makeup. That way she could really do what she pleased. The plan formed more and more concretely in her mind as Olivia walked through the darkening streets. 
Soon the famous 'hero' would meet his end. 
It was a Wednesday. Around noon, someone had called the military to report a body on the first level of the Residential District. Officer Larsen scribbled on a notepad as a medical officer examined the degraded body and immediate area. Because of the beer bottles nearby, he was ready to rule it a case of alcohol poisoning and leave it as an accident, but something bugged Larsen. 
There were only three bottles of beer around him. That shouldn't be enough to kill someone. And two of them looked too clean. Something was nagging her, and she was absentmindedly taking notes on the scene - precise locations of every little object she could see. Maybe they should test the bottles for some other type of poison? 
"Well, another unfortunate incident," Sergeant Barron muttered. "Looks like he lost track of how much he was drinking." 
"But there's only three beer bottles there. I doubt he'd have the werewithal to clean up after himself if he died," Larsen replied. 
"We'll probably find some kind of drug in his system. Some people just won't listen when the pharmacist tells them that their meds don't mix with alcohol." 
"Right..." Larsen glanced around the room. "It still smells fishy to me. Those bottles look too clean." 
"I'd keep your head down for now, if I were you, Larsen. You're still under review." 
Officer Larsen sighed heavily. Just because she tried to do the right thing...
"Yes sir," she said slowly, each sound weighing heavily on her tongue. 
"You really shouldn't have messed with Colonel Evans. She's got it out for you now and you'll be lucky if you just get a reprimand." 
Larsen tried to ignore the scolding until Sergeant Barron grabbed her and forced her to look him in the eye. 
"I say this because I'm worried about you. Even if Evans did what you accuse her of, you have no proof. Now you'll disappear without any of this seeing the light." 
"Why do I have to find the proof? Isn't that why we launch investigations when a credible accusation is made? I had some circumstantial evidence, but it disappeared. But that won't stop me from doing my job. Now, Sergeant, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to ascertain what happened to this man here." 
Barron stared at her for a while before sighing heavily. Another officer walked up to them. 
"Sergeant, I found what looks like an ID. One for a Xavier Orozco. Picture looks like him, but do you want to confirm it?" 
"Thank you, Officer Richardson. Anything else look important?" 
"Background check showed that his daughter, Keyla, died in hospital about a week ago. Shortly after, the girl's mother escaped from prison." 
"What was she in for?" 
"Theft. Achilles brought her in." 
"That jackwagon again..." 
"Unfortunately. The mother was not thought to be violent, but I don't know how else she could have gotten out. The officers in charge of guarding the prison at the time are all confused and incoherent." 
"Would she have done this?" Larsen wondered aloud. 
"If so, there could be more," Barron replied. "What do we know about this woman?" 
"Not much. Her name is Olivia Hahn and she seemed like a normal mother until she was caught stealing." 
"I don't like the sound of the prison escape. All the guards were incoherent? What does that mean exactly?" Larsen asked. 
"They seem to be utterly confused. One was muttering about blood, another how he was suddenly on fire. It sounds like a psychotic break, but this woman is possibly dangerous," Barron answered. 
"Should I put out an alert for her?" Richardson asked. Barron thought for several moments. 
"Richardson, take this to Lieutenant Galvan. I'll let him decide what to do about it." 
"Yes, sir." 
Larsen stared around the house for a while, trying to determine how Xavier could have died. Hopefully they found Ms. Hahn soon and could get some answers. 
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stvckoncarisi · 7 years
Faith - Sonny Carisi
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Dominick never planned to put you and jamie into danger. He should’ve known not to bring work home, not this case. Now he was stuck, somewhere on the state highway, traveling at a steady 80 miles per hour, with your daughter sleeping in the backseat. 
“Baby, you’re scaring me what is going on..” You almost whispered. His knuckles were wrapped tightly around the wheel of the squad car.
“Dammit!” Dominick yelled out as the van caught back up behind him, his fist slammed against the door beside him. 
“Daddy..” Jamie’s innocent little voice cracked. 
It was rare for Sonny to ever yell around her, let alone punch things. He was putty in your daughters hands, he truly treated her like a princess. 
You walked back into the nursery to check on your six week old daughter to hear the gentle humming of Dominick. “I will throw away my faith just to keep you and your mother safe, my little princess. You guys are everything I have. I love you both so so much.” His finger ran gently over her tiny cheek before he kissed her forehead gently. 
“Jamie, princess i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to wake you. It’s, it’s just daddy forgot his lucky tie at home.” He choked on his words as he looked back at your beautiful creation. 
Her eyes were a deep navy blue, bone straight bleach blonde hair with his dimples. It was only three years ago, you and sonny welcomed her into the family. 
“Dom, please. What is going on!” You placed your hand on the back of his neck. “Please talk to me. If we are going this start a war here, i need to know what i’m fighting for. Who is it?” 
“In brooklyn, I arrested this guy for a rape murder. His name is Jeremy. We couldn’t get enough evidence on the murder but he was convicted of the rape of a different girl who came foreword. But, he didn’t do time. The bastard had a great attorney. He lost his job, his wife, his home, his family basically disowned him. He told me he would come after me one day. Which is part of the reason they sent me to Manhattan. Y/N, he found me. He found us and I have to protect you and Jamie. I refuse to let anything happen to either of you.” His voice just rambled as he lifted his phone to his ear.
“Carisi?” He answered. “Liv, meet me at the spot i told you in ten okay? See you then.” He ran his fingers through his hair before quickly glancing at you. “Are you ready?” 
He gave you no time to answer, he just swiftly flicked on the sirens and put his car through the grass dividing the two sides of the highway. He was definitely not ignoring the gas peddle now that he has time to get out of the vans sight. 
He cut the sirens and lights after a few minutes. Jamie was now asleep again. 
“Please stay with us, please don’t go by yourself.” Your hands rested on Dominick’s chest as Liv put Jamie into her car. “We need you to keep us safe. Our tall, handsome, dorky, caring, thoughtful police officer.” You expressed a soft laugh between each word before you looked up into those beautiful eyes. “Promise me you will come home.” 
“Sweetheart, I will throw away my faith just to keep the both of you safe. And if that means i have to leave, doll, i’m going to leave. I cannot have the two of you in danger because of me.” He moved his hand to rest on top of yours. Lightly tapping it against his chest as he expressed a laugh to hide the tears pushing in his eyes. “I love you so much, you have no idea.” His lips pressed gently against yours for a few moments before he pulled you into his chest. 
The tears ran down his stubbly cheeks before you wipe them away, your lips pressing against his once more. “You better go talk to Jamie.” 
Dominick made his way over to your daughter, waking her gently. “Princess, daddy has to leave for a few days. I need you to keep this for me.” He took off his wedding ring and his cross that hung from his neck and handed them to the three year old. “Promise me that you won’t let mommy cry too much? You know how she gets, you need to make sure she gets out of bed in the morning, make sure she eats, and if she isn’t. You remember uncle rafael’s phone number right?” She gave him a small nod, tears forming in her eyes. “Shh, don’t cry baby, don’t cry. You have all the cute videos of us playing, singing and dancing, and all of the pictures of us on mommy’s phone. They will always be there when you miss me. I’ll see you later princess. I love you, so so much. Please do not ever forget that.” He presses a long, slow kiss to his daughters forehead before he wiped his cheeks, then Jamie’s. 
“Carisi.” Liv spoke up. “Please be safe.” 
“I know, thank you for this. Thank you so much.” As Dominick turned to head to his squad car, the familiar black van pulled up to block the entrance. “Y/N, get in Liv’s car. Right now, go!” He yelled out to his wife. 
Jeremy stepped out of the van, followed by two larger men behind him. 
“Ahh, Detective Dominick Carisi.” He laughed out softly, pulling the gun from his side. “I told you i would find you.” 
“Listen, Jeremy. You don’t have to do this.” Dominick raised his hands as he backed away from the man. 
“Shut up. You took everything from me. My job, my wife, my kids, my family.” He hissed at the tall detective. 
Dominick looked back at Liv who also had he hands raised trying to back into her car slowly. Then to his wife who stood inches from the car door, frozen. 
“Who is the beaut?” Jeremy made his way over to your body, lifting the gun to your cheek, running it down your soft skin. You flinched as the cool metal met the skin. “Is this one yours?” He nodded towards Carisi. “She’s pretty, beautiful lips.” He lifted the gun to your mouth, and pressed. “Open!” He commanded. You followed. You wrapped your lips around the disgusting weapon. “Look at that, a good listener. How cute.” You sighed out as the gun left your mouth. You spit out the taste from your mouth. 
“Jeremy, leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this.” Sonny called out, and with that Jeremy let the gun smack your cheek. You yelled out and looked towards Dominick, his eyes swollen, his fists clenched.
Jamie yelled out from the backseat, she was screaming out for her mother and father. 
“Jamie no, jamie.” Dominick was now in full blown tears, he reached for his gun and pulled it out of his holster. Lifting it towards the two men behind him. “I will kill you, i swear to god. Let Liv calm her down.” Dominick pled. The two men nodded towards Olivia who walked to the backseat to calm down Jamie. 
“Drop the gun. I said drop it!” Jeremy stood behind Sonny with his gun to the back of your husbands head. “Now turn and look at me” Dominick slowly turned to the man, and swallowed whatever was in his throat as he made one glance over to you and mouthed I love you Doll. 
“I said me, not her.” Jeremy pressed the gun flesh against the skin of Sonny’s forehead. “I would take you from them, but what fun would that be?” He laughed. “You get to suffer just like i did.” 
Dominick tried to get the gun from Jeremy, but that just pissed him off.
“Oh, so you want to try to be slick?” He raised the gun towards you and fired at your leg. 
It was fast and sudden. There was no warning, you always pictured it would be in slow motion like in the movies. But it was an excruciating pain that ran up your entire body. The bullet hit your upper thigh. 
Jeremy just stared for a second, but for that second Dominick grabbed his gun from behind him and aimed at jeremy. 
“Drop the gun jeremy.” Dominick threatened. “I said fucking drop the gun.” He pressed the gun against Jeremy’s back, pushing him towards his squad car. “I swear to god, if you don’t drop it. I will kill you right here.” 
Within seconds there were two gun shots. One from Dominick’s gun, the other, from Jeremy’s. 
You couldn’t help but to scream out again as the second bullet rips through your stomach. 
Dominick turned toward the two men who he had threatened to help him get you to the hospital fast. 
“Baby, come on. You’re going to be okay, it’s going to be fine. You’ll be okay.” Sonny lifted you to carry you into the back of his squad car. “Shit.” He mumbled at all of the blood on the ground where you laid. “Alright beautiful, you’re doing great. I promise you’re going to fine.” 
The entire way to the hospital, Dominick prayed. 
The entire time you were in surgery, Dominick prayed. 
The entire time your daughter grew up without her mother, Dominick prayed. 
The entire time he visited your grave, Dominick prayed. 
He prayed for one more minute, one more second to tell you how much he adored your smile, your laugh, your hair, your annoying snoring, how loud you were in the mornings trying to make breakfast, how smart you were, how crazy beautiful you looked in his Fordham hoodie. He prayed for one more chance to hold you close and kiss your lips. He prayed for every once of you to be placed into his daughter. 
He prayed for one more day with you.
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Drabbles: I’ll See You In Hell
Chambers Family drabble
‘’Get out! Get out of this house right now!’’
  His eyes widen, lips parting though no words or sounds came from him. Dustin stared, shocked that his father had actually said it. They had been arguing, his parents had found out about Rachel filing for divorce - she told them. Why she did, he didn’t know, considering their rocky past. Though, since Olivia was born, they had been getting along. And now his father was screaming at him, calling him stupid and an idiot for what he’s done. Did he not think that Dustin knew that? The younger tried to defend himself, explain himself, but his father wouldn’t hear any of it. And that’s when he told him to leave.
  ‘’Phillip, stop it!’’ his mother hissed, she was trying to be the voice of reason between the two. But she wasn’t helping much. And when her father screamed at her, Dustin wanted to throw a punch, though she put herself between them before he could, causing Dustin to stop himself before he hit her by mistake.
  ‘’How could you be so damn stupid?’’ his father kept on yelling.
  ‘’I made a mistake, Dad!’’ he retaliated.
  ‘’Well, this isn’t the first time, dammit! Your whole damn life you’ve made one mistake after the other! Hell, I’m beginning to think that you were a mistake!’’
  Time stopped. Silence fell over them, tension so thick one could cut it with a knife. Tears glazed the younger man’s eyes, his jaw clenching shut; his body went numb, fists trembled. He finally took a breath, but did not say anything. Dustin turned and stormed up the stairs, his mother calling after him but he didn’t look back. Slamming the door of the bedroom he was staying in since Rachel through him out, Dustin frantically opened his drawers and grabbed piles of clothes, stuffing them in the suitcase on his bed. There was a knock at his door. ‘’Go away!’’ he shouted, continuing to pack his shit. It opened and in came his little sister. The seventeen year old gasped when she saw what her brother was doing. ‘’Dusty,no!’’ she cried, darting forward to grab his arm. He shrugged her off, ignoring her cries and protests. He zipped his suitcase and slung it over her shoulder as he all but ran back downstairs.
  ‘’You want me gone?’’ he growled to his father, who’s back was turned. ‘’Fine! I’m gone!’’ Dustin pushed past his mom and sister, who desperately tried to stop him from leaving. ‘’I’ll see you in hell, old man!’’ He slammed the front door and raced to his car, driving off to God knows where - any place was better than that shit hole.
  I’ll see you in hell, old man…Those were the final words he ever said to his dad.
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X’s work from Lucian chronicles
Damn it. Fucking dammit. Why now. Why now of all times. This feeling, is like no other. My legs won't stop jumping. it's like a horde of wasps inside me, and they all wanna come out. If they don't I might just die. What am I saying I can't die yet. If I die now, I'd break my promise. I'm not a man to just throw away my promises, but right now I can't do anything. I'm stuck sitting here, waiting on that man. Fucking damn it. Why did we have to move so far away. If we were back at home, I wouldn't be so damn useless.
"Why can't they hurry up?!?!" I groan impatiently "Micheal, Keep calm, these things take time.Its much harder on her than it is you."  My childhood friend, Luke says trying to calm my nerves. " I know, but here, i feel," I start before he starts to interrupt me "I know, Micheal. I've been in your shoes before." He says slapping my back "Yeah, sorry." I say sighing.
Damn. I know Luke has been through this, but I never knew It would feel this way. I guess nothing can prepare you for this. To believe that, I can still feel this. It might just be poetic. Slowly my breathes start to slow and return to how they normally are. With a quick glance over to Luke, I start to stand from my seat. It seems I've been sitting for a century in this long cold, hall. This is starting to seem more and more like a holding room than anything. I need to move around.
"I'm gonna get a drink, I'll be back." I sigh taking a step down the hall. " Alright, i'll Ca......." He starts before a blood shot scream interrupts him
I know that kind of scream better than anyone. That's the scream of someone in sincere pain. An arm or leg slowly ripped out of their socket, then further torturing then with pain. This is a hospital, that sort of scream isn't supposed to be heard, at least not in this section. Somethings wrong.
"LUKE!" I yell running to the end of the hall. "Already on it." He says following right behind me. I know this isn't good. I can feel it. I know it. That scream would only come from one room. "AAAGGGHHHHHH!!!" A voice screams in utter agony
Before Luke or I can even reach the Room where we was headed, a body comes flying out of the room. The body seemed to be covered in blood. As I come to a sliding stop, to look at the body, I learn that there's nothing i can do for him. There's a whole in his chest where his heart is supposed to be. The thick crimson liquid slowly gushes out of his body. His eyes were still open, but they were stretches out to the limit. Blood was oozing from there too. Before he died, this man, saw hell. What the hell, went on in there. Who they hell could have done this. I swear the lord almighty, if whoever did this so much as touched my family, I'll walk them to the pits of hell.
"Micheal, LOOK!" Luke yells frightened.
With my body trembling in anger, I slowly turn around to the room. A picture i would never want to see again. I picture only painted on the battlefields of hell. This is utter carnage. Blood stained every single inch of the room. At least a dozen mutilated bodies covered the room, Half of which were pinned against the wall with a cross made of blood covering their chest. This was more than a blood fueled carnal attack, this was a feasting of someone.
" Ugh," An extremely weak voice groaned out. " We have a live one." Luke says taking a step to the body in the doorway.
Slowly I take steps to the mutilated and barely living man. His right leg was ripped off his body and he's missing his whole left arm. Bloody is gushing out of his body like a waterfall. He won't live long, but I might get some answers from him. Luke and I take a knee to the man. Almost painfully he looks up to us. His eyes are like the other man's. Open to the point that their bleeding and full of horror.
"Wh...." Luke starts before the male starts to freak out. " THAT BABY! THAT BABY! IS THE DEVIL! THE BLOODY DEVIL YOU HEAR ME!" He screams out before succumbing to the blood loss.
Just like the other he died with the horror in his eyes. No peace in death, i suppose for him at least. Slowly I look at his body a bit closer and notice something on his right wrist. A tattoo of some sort. Slowly I reach to his wrist and pull up his sleeve so I can see it clearer. Slowly as it comes in sight, I know exactly what happened here. The tattoo of a blood red eye in the middle of a star. Only one group has that sign. I knew this would happen.
" Micheal, is that you?" A calm voice calls to me, behind a blood covered curtain. "Olivia!" I yells as I dash to the voice
Without a second wasted I dash through the curtain. Nothing can prepare me for what i see. My anger slowly calms as tears start to form in my eyes.
"It's a boy, Micheal. Our baby boy." My wife Olivia says holding our kid in her hands.
The baby who massacred more than a dozen people, is my son. My son, came into this world killing. This should be horrifying, but all i feel is joy.      
"He's strong just like us." She says smiling "Y-Yeah." I stutter as i wipe away tears.        
As i wipe the tears away, I get a better look at my son. He has this shiny black hair that would blind if it shined anymore. He has caramel brown skin just like me. His body is stained with the blood of everyone he just killed. He slowly licks his blood soaked lips, drinking the blood. Slowly he opens his eyes and looks up to me. That's the one thing I was surprised about. His left eye was blue like his mom, but his right is red like mine. Slowly his eyes close and open again, showing that both his eyes are now green.
"He's a true Draconian, wouldn't you say Micheal?" A happy and yet gut wrenching cold voice says
My head snaps to the window, where an all too familiar man is sitting. His long silver hair reaching the floor and his blood red eyes half way open, looking at me and my family.
"Sir, Alucard your here." Luke says astonished at the fact "Of course I'm here. I can't miss my own grandsons birth." He says with a chuckle.
Alucard, Dracula, the king of the vampire race, my dad. Whenever he's around it's never simple. Something peaked his interest. I know it's my son.
" So Micheal, Olivia, can i say hello, It's been what, 6 months since we've talked."He says with another chuckle "Yeah, we've been busy, dad." I say trying to figure out a couple of things. "Oh yeah, You two must have, but that's not why I'm here today." He says "And your here about my son." I say grinding my teeth "yeah, but don't worry its not what you think." He says putting up one hand to me. " And what is your reason then" I say clenching my fist. " I just wanted to tell you, I want him to be my heir." He says with a chuckle. " Why?" Luke asks "Why not your own son, before your grandson?" "Feel the energy he's emitting. It's own par with his fathers and close to mine." He says
How did i never notice it before. This pressure I now feel, is coming from my son. It's a bit overwhelming. He's on my level already, just what will he be as an adult?
"it's your choice in the end Micheal, I won't take him away from you either way it goes." My dad says "Dad, I think it'll be up to Lucian in the end." Olivia says holding the baby to her chest. "Lucian?" My dad and I questions "That's his name, Lucian Kaiser." She says with a smile "Wonderful name." He says with yet another chuckle. " Dad, Olivia is right, it's up to Lucian. Not us." I say looking him in the eyes. "Your right, son. I'll be awaiting his answer then." He says slowly disappearing into the darkness. "Olivia, Our son's gonna quite the life ahead of himself." I say looking at her "Uh huh." She says smiling.
I hope my son, knows what he's gonna do when he gets of age. Until then, I'll help him on his path, where ever it takes him.
"Come on we better get out of here before the police do." Luke says "Lets hurry then." Olivia says
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