#Damien AU
keitorin3 · 2 months
OK so I'm new to Tumblr but I had this weird (but I think is awesome) idea that I really just wanted to share.
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So I am a big fan of the Damien/Merlin AU idea. It was actually inspired by a book I once read in Ao3, full credits to the author.
Damien AU
I imagine Merlin was obviously immortal and been around waiting for Arthur, and during this time ~ like 4 to 5 years before Damien's 30th birthday ~ he was about to go on Vacation to the Pacific but got news of a new medicine program ~ or something ~ in America and changed plans.
He's a 21-22 year old meds/arts (idk either sound plausible) college student who befriends a girl, Kelly, due to an unfortunate encounter (Kelly was in the wrong place at the wrong or right time, and Merlin jumps in to help but it was unnecessary as Kelly being a badass takes them down. She's an aspiring war photographer, she got to know some fight moves!)
Their friendship was built and thanks to Kelly with her connections and friends, Merlin meets Damien Thorn at a get-together he was invited to at the pub.
Picture Merlin seeing this dark haired and scruffy version of his dear friend wearing modern clothes and a brown leather jacket. His accent American and Merlin's magic is suddenly gooey and vibrating under his skin when they shake hands. But his smile... Merlin was gone for that smile.
Kelly: *Introducing Damien and Merlin*
Damien: *Smiles* "Damien Thorn, Pleased to meet you."
Merlin: *Dazed and goofy because he's magic high and hooked* "Merlin Thorn, I met you pleased..." *Suddenly realises, and blushes bright red* "Wait! No- I meant Emyrs! I'm Merlin Emyrs! Your not Thorn, wait no! I'm not- I mean uh... Pleased you met me-- NO-?!!"
Kelly: *At some point pulled out her camera and start recording*
Damien: *Surprised and charmed by the adorable guy with cute flushed ears* *Smirks pleasantly and flirts back*
Merlin: *Scrabbles on what to say, unknowingly flirting back*
Kelly: 'Oh just wait until I show Simone this!'
And so not long after the two met they started dating. At first Merlin thought he could help Damien remember, but over their time together Merlin came to really Love Damien. He loved Arthur and a part of him always will, but getting to know Damien, Merlin fell fast.
Meanwhile Kelly is being the ultimate Wingwoman who's looking forward to the day they get married so she can play all the *cough*blackmail*cough* memories shes caught of them.
Now, Damien who has never been so happy before meeting Merlin, saw Merlin as like his Ray of light and lucky charm. Since his entire life has been a series of misfortune all around. Merlin, this skinny, pale white, big earred, doe eyed guy with a heart stopping smile. Never has he fallen in love so seamlessly.
Damien: *During their third Date where Merlin is arguing over something with sparkles in his eyes. Damien not even sure what he's saying, smilies fondly at the adorable man.*
Merlin: "Damiiiienn! Are you listening to me?! What's going through that thick head of yours?"
Damien: *Laughs* "Nothing, it's just, there's something about you Merlin. I can't put my finger on it." *Gives Merlin a significant look* "But you're special."
Merlin: *Flushes red while flailing in embarrassment*
They are together for a year before merlin gathered the courage to tell Damien about himself, his magic and his past. He has made the mistake of lying to Arthur in the past and after recent years of therapy, he could not live in another lie with Damien.
It took time to process after being shown evidence of magic and weeks of discussions ~ a lot of them hard for Merlin to tell as he cried at times like Arthur's death and Camelots fall, going through depression while isolating in a cave for a century.
In the end, Damien determined Merlin's character and love to be true. And honestly wasn't even mad at the other. Damien could never fully be mad at Merlin. Not when he can see the cracks of a too worn heart, hidden behind a youthful face. It makes his own heart break at the seams.
So Damien held on to this impossible man, and swore he would not let him go.
Merlin: *Makes a butterfly with his magic, eyes glowing like golden stars, gazing back at Damien like a miracle come alive*
Damien: *Laughs when the butterfly lands on the tip of Merlin's nose, who makes a cross-eyed at the small creature.* 'You were a fool Arthur. The world was by your side and you left him alone.'
Damien: "I Love You, even if you're an old magical man of legend."
Merlin: *Hits him lightly for the old comment before kissing him* "And I love you, even if you're a bit of a sap."
Damien: *Kisses back* "Not that your complaining."
Merlin: *Heavily in love* "No, no I am not."
It is not long after this where their bond has gotten stronger, that Damien proposes to Merlin.
Kelly is there to film and photograph the event with Amani as help (the two helped plot to get their besties together after all). It was beautiful and made even more magical when Merlin, overwhelmed with such happiness, released some of his magic and caused it to rain flowers and sparkles.
This was so fun! And I wish I had the patience to actually write a book of this. I'm not done yet, I've still haven't reached to Damien's 30th birthday, when his powers Awaken. I've got ideas, and even more crossovers to think of for this and other AUs.
I'm still thinking if I should make this mpreg like the fic (the top Ao3 link). I quite like the idea of children honestly. Like bring back Aithusa as DamienxMerlin's kid.
Till next time, fellow dreamers~! 👋🥰✨
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DC x DP prompt kinda thing
Danny is Damien’s twin. In the League, they believe twins are born as opposites, usually complementary. one twin is always the “good” twin and one is always the “evil” twin.
the League will usually kill the twin they believe as “good” since they’re assassins and all that.
Talia being Talia and this being the prompt, she refuses to kill one of her twins, and instead hides one in the states, far from his father and across the world from her. he was supposed to be safe there.
she never “decides” which twin is supposed to be which, and even hides the fact she had twins from the rest of the League. Damien doesn’t know he has a twin.
normal Danny Phantom stuff happens to him. things happen he somehow ends up meeting Damien or one of the other bats or even a JL member that would recognize Dami’s or Bruce’s face, and they go “oh no”
when Damien finds out he’s got a twin, he freaks out trying to figure out which of them is the “evil” twin, and which is the “good” twin.
is one of them the “good/evil” twin? or is it arbitrary self-fulfilling prophecy? you decide~!
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hello-eden · 1 month
Demon twins - time travel
Danny and Damien reunited when they were older though due to the situation of which they met again it wasn't exactly a good first impression. What that situation was is up for interpretation.
The two of them are finally able to bond. they go on a mission together because what else do they have in common now? The two of them end up getting sent back into their younger bodies.
Damien when he just meets his father and there are two options for Danny. Danny can have his portal accident happen early or it can be before and is trying to find out if he still has his powers.
Neither of them know that the other is back with them. Damien is trying to find his brother and simultaneously make sure his dad doesn't get thrown into the timestream. Danny is trying to figure out what to do with the ghost portal and find his way to connect back with his brother without getting the LOA's attention.
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Danny and Damien are twins au, but a slightly redeemed vlad makes Danny the CEO of Vlad Co and DALV and all his other shell companies. Danny is danny, he got pushed into this against his will and is very overwhelmed by CEO duties, so he reaches out to one of his father's sons, Timothy Drake-Wayne, for advice
So, danny definitely knows his heritage in this au. He was the spare to Damien's heir, and while their relationship was strained by the constant competition, they still love each other, even when Danny started to show more proficiency in infiltration and subterfuge than assassination. Damien and Danny have a huge fight before Danny leaves, with Damien swearing to never forgive Danny for his betrayal, while Danny is like "what betrayal??? I just cant bring myself to kill someone outside of self-defense??"
(One of the things I hate about Danny and Damien Twin AUs is this depiction that, just because (usually) Danny is unwilling to kill, that makes him weak and a traitor. You think the medical staff in the LoA are assassinating people? Or the lawyers? He's not useless, he's just not good as an assassin)
He was sent to the Fentons at like... seven? eight? to study how the Fentons are purifying lazurus waters from Jack and Maddie, both of whom are partly sponsored by the League of Assassins. He's also learning more about spying from Jack, surprisingly, because no one would expect him of being a top tier spy. He has the occasional mission as a child, but it's mostly shadowing Jack to learn how to spy.
Danny sends letters to both Talia and Damien regarding updates on his training and the Fenton's research, but after a year of no reply from Damien, it's only to Talia. He's feels super hurt by this, and abandoned by the LoA, but the Fentons are kind and familial, and Talia visits once a year. She's unwilling to risk visiting more often, lest she risk getting the JL or the Spiders attention, but sometimes she even manages to visit on his birthday!
(Meanwhile, Talia starts sending birthday assassins to kill Damien so she can spend their birthday with Danyal. She's a really hot and cold mom.
Talia: You can choose me, and have a birthday dinner. Or you can choose your father and have a birthday assassin. You're choice. )
When Slade blows up the LoA, Danyal is given permanent orders to remain as Daniel Fenton until Talia, and only Talia, brings him back to the League. No missions and only one letter every six months. But when Ra's comes back to life and the League is back in power, Talia... never tells Danyal. Because she's seen how happy Damien is being a normal child with their father and wants that for Danyal too. Plus, she wants to continue to have a good relationship one of her children, sue her bruce.
So Danny is completely convinced that the League is mostly gone other than his mother, her zealots, and knows that his brother is living with their father. and he's... relieved. His brother is safe, and his mom told him their grandfather was avenged, so Danny can just enjoy his life. Which he does.
He sends out his six month report days before the portal accident.
Canon stuff happens until Danny is sixteen and Vlad, the fruitloop, steps down as CEO and strong-arms Danny into becoming CEO in his place. Jack and Maddie (who at this point know [or have always known in Jack's case, adn Danny didn't appreciate his dad using his his poker face against him like that] about Phantom) are thrilled.
Vlad is using his "foster son" (Dark Danny, but in this idea, he's Dante Masters) as an excuse as to why he's stepping down, since Dante needs all the attention he can give as a "troubled youth". Danny secretly hopes Dante kills Vlad in his sleep, but signs the papers away.
And there's so much work.
Danny has some idea of what he's doing (Vlad co is a tech company and DALV is weapons manufacturing, plus vlad gave him a crash course on CEOing). Sam and Tuck even help! But he wishes there was someone who could understand the pain of being a CEO while still a teen. But... his father's son, his brother, is one such person. And even though the other would never know, he really wanted to get to know his other siblings. So Danny reaches out for advice to Timothy Drake-Wayne.
Tim is immediately on guard when this Damien clone walks into his office claiming to be the new Vlad Co CEO. The clone acts nothing like Damien, but he still thinks this Danny Fenton is a league plant.
His paranoia doubles when Damien freaks out and confesses that A) Danny is apparently his twin brother and B) that he's been with the League of Assassins this whole time. Damien, who really doesn't want to admit that the reason he forced himself to forget his brother was because said brother didn't want to kill people, says "Tch. I didn't want to associate with the likes of him, so I put him out of my mind." Tim now believes that he's dealing with a master assassin with a huge grudge against Damien and Danyal showing no signs of malicious or aggression in their meetings only convinces him that Danyal is a master actor too.
Which, Danyal is a master actor. But all that other stuff is just Tim reaching.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Studen exchange program, no thank you.
If you ask Danny, he could give you a ton of reasons why a student exchange program with an apparently high class school was a bad idea for Casper High to do and why it was even worse that somehow Danny had been volunteered for it. Ancients even Lancer was stressing how much of a bad idea it was to sent Danny Fenton to Gotham Academy.
Though Danny knew it was all the stupid fruitloops fault. Vlad wanted him out of town for something. Both Tucker and Sam had notified him about something brewing in Amity and Danny needed to get back asap. So Danny did what he could do best, cause a mess in the best Fenton manner that he could that would make Lancer faint if the man knew. In his defense, the man had tried to prevent this, but no one listened. Now Gotham Academy was dealing with a Fenton level mess and because Danny wanted to get kicked out of the Student exchange program to get back to Amity.
He did however not expect to be sent to the principle office and to be given a 'second chance' since what he did was not as bad as some of the other things Gotham students apparently can come up with.
Well, he also did not expect that his muttering, ramblings, and loud thinking were getting overheard by another student who apparently got sent to the office for attempting to stab a fellow student. Said student then continued to pester Danny the following days 'investigating' him.
Seriously all Danny wanted was to get kicked out of the student exchange and to stop whatever Vlad was doing in Amity but now he got one Damian Wayne pestering him with his weird social skills and constant threats of stabbing him if he doesn't answer questions.
And why in the name of Acients was he getting late night wellfair checks from furries?!
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pokemon-ash-aus · 11 months
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Doesn’t seem like Indigo is having the best time right now.
This one took awhile, mostly cause of the backgrounds and how intimidated i was drawing em XD
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 2 months
Memes based on my fic, The Drakes Spoiled Brat (part 11)
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Fic link <33 Currently at like 50k+ so better to catch up now lol
Also inspo collage for some of Drake manor <333
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horse-plinko · 2 months
A crumb of djoah family au
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creekdealer · 2 months
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Damien!! 🔥🔥
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miasmirror · 1 month
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i got bored and made this for tsoy
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dontwinmarioparty · 1 month
Smosh Cast as Pokémon Trainers
Your Rival: Trevor Evarts!
As the newest cast member of Smosh, it may feel like big, intimidating shoes to fill. We all know Trevor’s got the stuff for it, but really coming into your own comedic identity may feel like a challenge.
Partner Pokémon: Applin full team: dipplin, mr rime, quagsire, pangoro, slowking, emboar
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Gym 1: Amanda Lehan Canto - Water Type
I've never seen such a good yes-and ability in improv than Amanda, you can tell that she's always down to turn any moment into a good time. Her acting talents spread far and wide, but her life experiences beyond that baffle me. The fact she loves scuba diving was the nail in the coffin for me that she's a master of the water type.
Partner Pokémon: Azumarill full team: azumarill, milotic, floatzel, mareanie, dracovish, starmie
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Gym 2: Olivia Sui - Grass Type
Grass is a versatile and varied type, with the vibes of some Pokémon being serene and graceful to Rapidly Approaching Your Location, and Olivia fits that to me. She’s incredibly sweet and affectionate with her friends but is fully willing to commit to a bit and confuse the audience.
Partner Pokémon: Cherrim full team: cherrim, tangrowth, shiftry, lurantis, ferrothorn, whimsicott
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Gym 3: Chanse McCrary - Fire Type
Chanse has an edge to him that I could see absolutely light up a battlefield. He’s not afraid to flex and show off during a competitive game, which sometimes leads to his downfall, but never takes back from his intelligence and just overall confidence. He’s got the X factor, which takes perfectly to the fire type.
Partner Pokémon: Blaziken full team: blaziken, skeledirge, volcarona, oricorio, ninetales, delphox
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Gym 4: Tommy Bowe - Normal Type
Tommy had a point when he said that the Normal type is filled with a lot of Weird Looking Fellas, and I agree with that, but the normal type also calls for versatility, reliability. Having type immunities and only one weakness makes it a type that’s able to reliably stand on its own legs. With the many hats that Tommy has worn over the years at Smosh, the Normal type makes so much sense.
Partner Pokémon: Porygon-Z full team: porygon-z, audino, ditto, cinccino, lickilicky, drampa
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Gym 5: Damien Haas - Ghost Type
Damien’s appearance alone would make the hounds be sent after me if I didn’t put him into the Ghost Type. Though intimidating on the surface, the ghost type, once you get past the hesitation, is full of some of the sweetest Pokémon you’ll ever get to meet. Consistently bringing fan favorites to new games with every generation, I can’t help but be reminded of Damien’s affinity for the spooky and alternative despite everything else about him being so gentle. He deserves the ghost type, and the ghost type deserves him.
Partner Pokémon: Chandelure full team: chandelure, gengar, rotom, cofagrigus, aegislash, sinistcha
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Gym 6: Angela Giarratana - Dragon Type
The dragon type is powerful, it’s dominating, but it’s also chaotic, hard to wield, and sometimes outright terrifying. Angela being a dragon tamer makes so much sense to me, personally. Her ability to command a room either willingly or by complete accident with a mistake of word-choice never fails to make me laugh and feel hooked to the screen. Just put a big dragon next to her and that’s only amplified.
Partner Pokémon: Tyrantrum full team: tyrantrum, duraludon, noivern, goodra, alolan exeggutor, dracozolt
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Gym 7: Arasha Lalani - Flying Type.
Arasha never fails to surprise me with just how above and beyond she goes in any video. No matter how crazy it gets she’s not afraid to yes-and the vibe and enable the chaos in a room. It makes her a fantastic host. She’s going to soar. She’s going to book a marvel movie. Trust me.
Partner Pokémon: Altaria full team: altaria, crobat, archeops, emolga, tropius, bombirdier
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Gym 8: Keith Leak Jr - Electric Type
Keith is insanely underrated in the Smosh cast, and I sincerely believe that the OG Smosh Squad would not be the same without him. He consistently bounces between being a straight-man in a lineup to the most insane within seconds. Down to just his fits every single day, and the fact that he BEAT CANCER??? He’s always got me on my toes. He’s Electric.
Partner Pokémon: Zebstrika full team: zebstrika, alolan raichu, ampharos, luxray, toxtricity, pawmot
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Team Rocket (or any evil team) Leader: Spencer Agnew - Dark Type
How could this be possible? The chosen?!! Evil? No..I just ran out of gym leader slots and thought it would be compelling lol. Spencer is a mastermind of comedy both in front of the camera and behind it. He’s funny without necessarily even trying, but yet it always comes across as mischievous, chaos, the most out-of-pocket lines you’ve ever heard. He’s clearly such a good guy, but the dark type, at least to my belief, fits the vibe he brings to the cast so perfectly.
Partner Pokémon: Kingambit full team: kingambit, krookodile, obstagoon, weavile, absol, sableye
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The Elite Four:
Before you face the champion, you must go through a gauntlet of four of the strongest trainers in the region. Who might this be?
Courtney Miller - Fairy Type
A directorial mastermind, a comedic powerhouse, and overall just slaying boots the house down, Courtney Miller is nothing short of magical. She breathes a life into Smosh that just leaves me knowing for certain that some of our favorite videos would not be the same without her influence. Her ability to sway from one comedic extreme to another, while still showing that sincerity makes her just such a good fit for the fairy type.
Partner Pokémon: Florges full team: florges, sylveon, mawile, grimmsnarl, primarina, gardevoir
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Anthony Padilla - Fighting Type
Our local emo boy. Our local “spent a day with everyone” boy. Someone who we were all overjoyed to have back. Not only being an absolute comedic powerhouse, he proves himself to be a jack of all stoic trades, from painting, to yoga, to starting Smosh with computer programming, his path of self-actualization is one to be admired.
Partner Pokémon: Breloom full team: breloom, toxicroak, scrafty, poliwrath, kommo-o, hitmontop
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Shayne Topp - Psychic Type
Without a shadow of a doubt, Shayne has shown that (even if partially for a bit), he listens, he cares, and he hopes for the best for Smosh as a company. His energy in videos and being able to match the vibe of almost anyone that he’s paired with is nothing short of miraculous. He’s psychic. Full stop.
Partner Pokémon: Gallade full team: gallade, meowstic, darmanitan, oranguru, alakazam, reuniclus
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Ian Hecox - Ground Type
For almost any cast member you could argue that they’re breathing life into Smosh. But I think one deserving of the title of keeping their feet planted is Ian. The way he showed so much resolve during the fall of Defy, carrying the company through Mythical, and stepping up and taking the operation independent again with Anthony shows nothing short of an incredible amount of dedication. Ground type fits him to me. Earthquake is always on a competitive team somewhere.
Partner Pokémon: Garchomp full team: garchomp, alolan dugtrio, marowak, stunfisk, mamoswine, gastrodon
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The Champion….
The Chosen
Being the strongest Pokémon trainer of all time is a big, burdening task…but they are shoes which The Chosen is ready to fill. Using every single one of his special techniques, he will be a tough challenge. Are you ready to face it?
Partner Pokémon: Absol full team: absol, darkrai, lucario, zoroark, lycanroc, partner pokemon of whoever is playing the chosen at the time of the encounter
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and at long last, you've done it. You're the Champion of the Smosh Pokemon League! Congratulations!!!
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aaron-romave · 1 year
My Only Sunshine
It was a quiet night in Gotham, when suddenly the coms crackle to life, with a voice, that seemingly none of the bats recognized. That is all but one. Damians blood ran cold as he heard something that should not be possible. He had never even let himself think about it, because even recalling the mere memory of it would shatter him. 
The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you 
In my arms
Batman's voice was the first to come over the coms “oracle who is this? Where are they?”
“I’m working on it B.” She crackle back in her slightly mechanical disguised voice.
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried
Oracle may not have known where it was coming from, but he did. He knew it as he knew the heart beating in his chest and the air within his lungs. Without thinking he leapt off the building, grappling across the city that his father loved, but he has never thought of as his true home.
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy 
When skies are gray
He was vaguely aware as Batman cried out for him, but that didn’t matter. His blood was rushing too quickly through his ears. Any protest or question simply ignored. He had somewhere he needed to be, and he needed to be there now. 
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take 
My sunshine away
“Oracle location!”
“I’m trying B! But these people are good I can’t work faster than I am!”
Was the last thing that came over the coms before he reached up and muted everyone, everyone but the voice he was focused on. The world had narrowed down to the wind whipping past him, his heartbeat in his ears and the one voice that he had wish to hear again for so long.
I'll always love you and make you happy 
And nothing else could come between
His lungs burned as Wayne industries came in to view. Why? Why of all nights was he on the outskirts of the city?  He needed to move faster, faster, please be fast enough. He begged to himself, to whatever god was out there be fast enough ….and for him to be there for this not to be some sort of cruel trick.
But if you leave me to love another 
I’ll support you as you follow your dreams
It was him. It had to be him. only he knew to sing it that way.  His brother quietly singing and holding him as he silently cried. He was never good enough for grandfather, he will never be good enough to be the heir to be excepted never daring, hopeing to be loved, but it was never like that with his brother. His brother loved him more than anything, and he couldn’t stop anything as grandfather ran his sword through the heart of the one person he truly loved. Through the heart of Damien’s one weakness. 
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy 
When skies are gray
Even at the end, when his brother knew grandfather was coming for him, his too kind brother never forced him. Always giving him a choice and he had failed his brother when he was willing to give up everything for someone as weak and pitiful as him. He wasn’t strong enough to run. He wasn’t strong enough to protect the one person who loved him above all else. 
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take 
My sunshine away
He was so close three minutes out. Almost there the highest spot in the city, the best place to see the stars. 
Northstar, I’m so happy you made it out. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you.
My Northstar please stop blaming yourself. This was my choice. It was always my choice and I don’t regret a second of it so neither should you. You are without a second of doubt the best thing to have ever happened to me. 
Damien felt a pit open up in his stomach.  Less than two minutes to Wayne enterprises
You have to let the others in Northstar. Being family to them, loving them it’s not replacing me or dishonoring me. Quite the opposite Northstar it’s keeping me alive; In a different way, but I’m still with you. 
Go on brother adventures with Dick, try things that make you uncomfortable, but know that he will keep you safe. 
Spend time with Babs in the library, read books that let you travel to fantastical worlds that we could never dream of.
Go to Jason for advice. You two are more alike than you even know, lean on each other, use that. 
Try photography with Tim. Take pictures of all those animals that you love.
Less than one minute
Pull pranks with Stephanie. Let yourself be a kid and laugh at stupid and dumb things. 
When things get too much go to Cass for quiet and understanding.
Go to Duke and ask him to take you out shopping at a regular store or to go to the mall to buy a toy for yourself. Enjoy the normal quiet moments.
Go to Bruce for comfort, he is Batman but he is also our dad don’t forget that, let him be a dad.  
The world went blurry. There is no one on the roof. 
Northstar I’m gone. I really am gone. You know how magic is Northstar your big brother had a few tricks up his sleeve, but I’m afraid this used the last of it. In the future in the far, far, far, future when you come join me in the hereafter, I’ll be waiting for you with open arms. I love you, Northstar now let our family love you in my stead. 
As his feet made contact with the roof of Wayne enterprises a small, glowing object made it self known in the center of the roof. It appeared that stars itself littered and sprung from the object, beckoning him forward. 
He was vaguely aware of the rest of the bats and birds joining him on the roof, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that his shaking hand was reaching out to grab the old dog stuffed animal as the last glitters of Stardust left the plush.
A drop of water fell down and landed on the left ear of the love worn dog. Reaching up and touching below the domino he realize that he was crying. When did that happen? When was the last time this happened?
As he clutched the dog plush to his chest, a frivolity that would have never been allowed in the league, but still his brother who he loved most in this world snuck it in for him. Hiding it behind a loose stone in the wall. Bringing it out for him to hold as his big brother comforted him and told him stories of a better life that they could have. 
The demons heir, Robin, Damien sobbed, cried for the injustice of the world, for his brother who even waiting for him in the hereafter was still looking out for him. 
His body shook as wave after wave of agony and despair ripped through him. Years of repressed grief tore through his body sharper and with more deadly aim than any blade. The floodgates had been opened. His big brother had given him this one last gift. 
So when Batman, his father, his dad crouched down in front of him concern showing through his usual stoic expression he does not ignore what his brother has given him and leaps forward, clutching onto his dad and weeping for the brother that he lost and the son his dad will never get to know.
( inspired by this)
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Made Design References for all the Robin Wings for my Cryptid Batfam Series
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(Have separate + Jarro's wings under the cut.) All Robin's wings are elliptical-shaped but their wings are eventually built into different shapes as they grow.
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I'll probably reblog with Cass & Barbara's first wing designs at some point too.
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aggro-my-beloved · 2 months
yeah non-hetero redacted characters are cool and everything but…
it’s pride disability month for crying out loud, don’t let the inclusivity stop at sexuality!
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gloomingstar · 4 months
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foreignkidsstuff · 3 months
old little opposite au thing
basically if the foreign kids swapped with the main 4
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I made this at like 2 am a bunch of months ago so Idrk what I was trying to do with this,
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