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dalystranslationcentre · 2 years ago
Red Holmes and the lost mummy listening exercise video track
La collana Red Holmes Detective Cat racconta le avventure di Red Holmes e i misteri che deve risolvere insieme agli altri personaggi.
La storia "Red Holmes and the lost mummy" vede il nostro eroe impegnato nella ricerca della mummia attraverso un labirinto di stanze segrete e di personaggi spaventosi! ************************************************** This is the new adventure of our detective, RED HOLMES at the Egyptian museum! The school is on a school trip and...the mummy disappears!! Where could it be? The Red Holmes Detective Cat series tells the adventures of Red Holmes and the mysteries he has to solve together with the other characters.
The story 'Red Holmes and the lost mummy' has our hero searching for the mummy through a labyrinth of secret rooms and scary characters!
Purchase: - DTC editore https://dalystranslationcentre.net/2023/08/07/acquisto-libri-red-holmes-detective-cat/ ISBN: 9788894754667 (textbook- versione cartacea)
ISBN -   9788894754674  (ebook)
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teleporte · 3 years ago
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Park Gyu Young and Kim Min Jae teasing each other and tearing up while filming the ending scene of DALI AND THE COCKY PRINCE | 달리와 감자탕 (2021).
PGY: It was a very long and very precious journey. I’ve developed a lot of affection for the production staff, director, and other cast members and now it’s the end. But it feels refreshing because I have no regrets. I think the most memorable scene is the ending scene in the drama, which is also the last scene we filmed. KMJ: Today is the last day of filming, but I didn’t think it would end. In a good way. I thought it wouldn’t end, but now it has, so it still doesn’t feel quite real. I feel regretful that I have to say goodbye to Moo Hak, but it’s a relief that we finished filming with everyone safe and in good health. The most memorable scene is the ending scene I just filmed. Honestly, there were many, many memorable scenes but I choose the ending scene. 
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what-breaks-my-heart · 3 years ago
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The translation in the second pic is what is usually meant by the speaker. It literally means “I want to rest”.
We know Moo Hak believes that resting means nourishing and recharging oneself, which includes having proper meal.
But we also know whenever Dali says she wants to rest, it means she’s feeling overwhelmed and wants to hide away from everything and just be alone by herself. She even told him that she didn’t need anything because at the end of the day, she was facing too much chaos and all she wanted was peace.
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And then we saw when she retreated into her room, she stayed in the dark corner of her room, even though the lit area of the room was literally next to her. The recurring theme of Dali retreating into her safe space in a dark area (both literally and figuratively) and feels comfortable in it is again emphasised in this scene.
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Here we see the emotional journey experienced by Moo Hak as he wanted to reach out to her when he brought medicine to heal her physical injury. The shot of the bag of medicine that he brought, and him standing still in front of her door, further demonstrates that he’s come to understand that what she needed the most at the time was for time to be still in her safe space by herself after all the chaos that had been happening in her life ever since she received the phone call in The Netherlands about her father passing away.
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And so, he stood still in the poorly lit area in front of her door, her staying still in the dark area of her room despite the lit area (albeit poorly) was just next to her.
The rooftop house (and the whole building) being painted in black just adds more depth to how the building became both of their safe space.
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sexyglances · 3 years ago
Me: i am so behind on all these dramas, but i don't have the emotional energy to get immersed in them rn and i'm too tired to read subtitles
Also me: let me start reading the manhwa semantic error for 8+ hours as if this doesn't mean reading and emotional investment too 🙃🙃
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whitecatlegend · 4 years ago
Chapter 1 (Life is unpredictable, don’t take it to heart)
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Chapter 1 || Next >>
And here we go! The first chapter of the White Cat Legend comic strips. Even though sometimes it’s referred to as Dali Temple Chronicles, I’ll be using the official English donghua title. One of the reasons is that, well, it’s the official localization (that the manhua doesn’t have), and the other is that “Dali Temple Chronicles” is not very accurate and frankly misleading.
While 寺 can be translated as “temple”, in this case its meaning is closer to “ministry”. 大理寺 actually refers to one of the Tang dynasty government agencies - the Court of Judicial Review. However, that’s quite a mouthful, so in the translations I’ll be mostly using Dali court (the term also used in the official donghua subtitles).
We meet our first protagonist! Chen Shi used to be a farmer and uses pretty informal language, including a dialect variant of “me”. It’s a little difficult to convey the exact feeling in English.
What I translated as “Hu cake” (the way it was in donghua subtitles and frankly the only way it could fit in the speech bubble) is a kind of baked flat wheat cake, often topped with sesame seeds. Very convenient food for traveling, looks like it was brought to China from the western nomadic peoples.
From here on, I’ll do my best to translate the sound effects, but I honestly couldn’t figure out what exactly that character on the second-to-last panel was, so I decided to leave it as is.
I can’t promise to update often because real life can be a pain. But if you enjoyed the donghua, are suffering because of the hiatus and would like to see more White Cat Legend content, please give my little blog a follow!
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fiere-violet · 4 years ago
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«Hello son! Here I am.» Lorca adopts, in front of a Barcelonian photographer (1927), the posture Dalí gave him in El poeta en la platja d’Empúries, and adds by hand motifs related to San Sebastián and to the painter himself. He later on sent the poet the altered photo.
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aliprojectarchive · 4 years ago
Dali- Ophelia Ibun
Lyrics from Lyric Wikia
Ali Project
Track 10: オフェリア遺文-> Oferia Ibun- The Literary Legacy of Ophelia
Romanji- English
sennen tattara mezame mashou
mou ichido anata ni daeru no nara
nagaku tsurai yume wo mitemo
ima wa hitori nemuri tsudzukemashou
If a thousand years have passed, I will wake up
If I can meet you one more time
I am having a long and sad dream
Today, I am alone... I will continue to sleep
hanarete shimatta
koibitotachi no
namida no you na aoi mizuumi de
I am far away
From my lovers
In the blue lake that looks like tears
natsu ni kagayaita
komorebi no hikari
aa kareha to kawarihateta wa
I shined in summer with
The light coming through the trees
Ah, the leaves have turned dead since then...
anata no na wo sasayaku kara
douka ano hi wo yobimodoshite
Since I can whisper your name
Somehow, I will call back those days
are kara watashi wa ikitenai no
kokoro ga kowarete shimatta mama de
wakare no toki sasageta bara ga
ima mo mune ni kanashiku kaoru no yo
Since then, I am not living
My heart has become broken just like this
In the time of our parting, you gave me a rose
Even today, I am sadly smelling it in my heart
anata ga ai shita
aoi toritachi mo
kaze ni kogoe
uta wo nakushita wa
I loved you
Even the blue birds
Freeze in the wind
As I lost my voice
boku wo wasurete to
tsurasou ni itta
nee anata wo
nikumetara ii
"I forgot myself,"
You said so painfully
So, should I
Hate you now?
afurete ita futari no yume
mori no kanata e kiete itta
Our dreams have overflowed
They have disappeared into the forest on the other side
are kara watashi wa ikitenai no
kokoro ga kowarete shimatta mama de
tsuki no hari de mune wo sasarete
yuki ni umore hitomi wo tojimashou
Since then, I am not living
My heart has become broken, just like this
I pierced my heart with a needle of the moon
Covered in snow, I will close my eyes
sennen tattara mezame mashou
mou ichido anata ni daeru no nara
nagaku tsurai yume wo mitemo
ima wa hitori nemuri tsudzukemashou
If a thousand years have passed, I will wake up
If I can meet you one more time
I am having a long and sad dream
Today, I am alone... I will continue to sleep
千年たったら 目覚めましょう
もう一度 あなたに出逢えるのなら
永く愁い 夢を見ても
今はひとり 眠りつづけましょう
涙のような 碧い湖で
あゝ 枯れ葉と変わり果てたわ
 あなたの名を 囁くから
どうか あの日を呼び戻して
 あれから 私は���きていないの
心が 壊れてしまったままで
別れの刻 捧げた薔薇が
今も胸に 哀しく馨るのよ
ねえ あなたを
 あふれていた 二人の夢
森の彼方へ 消えていった
 あれから 私は生きていないの
心が 壊れてしまったままで
月の針で 胸を刺されて
雪にうもれ 瞳を閉じましょう
 千年たったら 目覚めましょう
もう一度 あなたに出逢えるのなら
永く愁い 夢を見ても
今はひとり 眠りつづけましょう
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rjdent · 3 years ago
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Book cover art: Some of my book covers on Pinterest:
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papenathys · 4 years ago
Hi so I’m an English major who, thanks to the atrocious American education system, has had very little interaction with other literature. Any suggestions for where to start? I tend towards the darker stuff, but I love classics.
here are some book recommendations for (mostly) non white authors:
freshwater by akwaeke emezi: a young nigerian woman named ada battles lifelong with various iterations of her own self, these multiple personalities shaped by deities rooted in Igbo cosmology and myth. a difficult read; personalities/POVs bleed into each other, introspection precedes plot and there is a TON of trigger warnings (dm for info). nevertheless, harrowing, powerful study of the long-standing politics of trauma, faith and sexuality.
running in the family by michael ondaantje: after a bizarre dream leaves him shaken, ondaantje decides to journey home to sri lanka on a quest to piece together long-buried stories about his family, especially his deceased father. this book is a fictionalized memoir; history and folklore often overlap, but it's good throughout, rooted in the bittersweet warmth of lost culture and nostalgia in 1970s sri lanka. 100/100: made me ugly laugh and then reduced me to tears.
susanna's seven husbands by ruskin bond: one simply doesn't read only one ruskin bond book; I don't ideally recommend one specific story. yet this is probably one of his darkest novellas yet, narrated by a north indian boy who grows up next door to a beautiful, enigmatic biracial heiress with a long line of dead husbands and a property brimming with mysteries. it's chock full of deadpan humour and really wtf moments written in the classic bond vein. don't watch the trash movie, the novella is a gem!
kitchen by banana yoshimoto: following her grandma's death, a japanese woman moves in with two unlikely friends. I never thought potted plants, phone booths and refrigerator lights would make me want to scream into my pillow for 1 hour but oh, well. cooking!! kitchens!! bowls of katsudon to warm your soulmate's hands!!!! urban loneliness!!! poignant look into intimacy and grief!!! accidentally falling in love!!! murakami wishes he could write like this!!! (research triggers though!)
china dolls by lisa see: see's books are all beautifully atmospheric portraits of chinese women and their experiences in different points of history. I recommend china dolls, which is about three young asian american women navigating the world of nightclubs in 30s/40s San francisco. twisted and complex female relationships, a nuanced look at the exoticisation and perilous lives of asian americans during WW2, and of course, compelling storytelling.
the neapolitan novels by elena ferrante: charts the life of two intelligent young girls, best friends lenu and lila, from childhood to adolescence to maturity, starting from 50s Italy, against the backdrop of their violent, eventful neighbourhood in naples. equal parts chaotic academia + bildungsroman. mixed feelings about this one because while I liked the concept and characters, the translation felt pretty mediocre to me and many turns of phrase were lost. also someone lied to me and said it's sapphic goldfinch, which, no, it's not :(
reading lolita in tehran by azar nafisi: gorgeous memoir about the author's time as an academic woman in 70s Iran: her fight against the regime, her expulsion from the uni, creating a secret girls-only book club at the height of the leftists/student led 1978-81 Iranian revolution etc. The book is divided into phases like lolita, austen etc where parallels are drawn between the themes in the western texts and the lives of the Iranian girls in the book club. can't recommend it enough.
the interpreter of maladies by jhumpa lahiri: from a couple trying to rekindle their marriage through a storytelling game to a little american boy's affectionate bond with his bengali babysitter, this really cutting and impactful collection of short stories deal mainly about the expatriate indian experience in US. jhumpa lahiri can keyboard smash and it would still create pulitzer prize winning prose.
bunny by mona awad: a young woman pursuing an MFA in creative writing, is inducted into the unsettling, seemingly saccharine world of a sugary cliqué called the bunnies. it's like a cocktail blend of moral ambiguity and voyeuristic opulence (the secret history) meets absolute feral campy horror (ahs coven), bitchy bratzy vibes + dark academia (literally what's not to love) and it gets well.....unhinged. someone on this site compared it to donna tartt and stephen king getting hammered and punching out a collab novel and tbh I agree :D
the kite runner by khaled hosseini: pretty sure everyone has already read this but idc. it's a story about afghanistan, a story about family and friendship, a story about loving and creating stories and flying kites and how sometimes history crawls out of muddy empty alleys to stick a knife into your back. I know not many people like hosseini on tumblr but honestly this novel just made such an impact on teen mimi, I can't not recommend it. heavy trigger warnings, dm for info.
sister outsider by audre lorde: if you are looking to begin with reading on intersectionality audre lorde is always a great place to start. this is a collection of essays, speeches and vignettes about lorde navigating her multiple coexisting and inextricably bound identities as a lesbian, a Black woman, an activist, a cancer survivor and a poet. this is a masterpiece of a collection, and I particularly adore the sections on the uses of anger and an open letter to mary daly.
love in the time of cholera by gabriel garcia marquez: so many people walk into this book expecting a genuine tender romance or something and that's why they get disappointed. my dude, it's ggm. this book is about the lush world of colombia in the late 18th century, the perils and ridicule of obsessive love, it's infused with magical realism and fascinatingly grotesque imagery and a rich array of flawed characters, but,, it's not your average slowburn coffeeshop romcom so like.?? idk why people misread it so!
I hope you'll find something to your liking from the handful I recommeded. additionally, please consult this list for non-western classics (it's pretty normcore; personally don't care for some of the picks under india but it's a good place to start with all the basics), this list for indigenous literature and this list for indian academia and classics.
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kdramaxoxo · 3 years ago
do a favourite dramas of 2021 list!
Sure thing anon! This year was a strange one (probably because the world was even more on fire than before) and there aren’t a lot of happy fluffy dramas on my list (I feel like less happy fluffy dramas were released, or maybe I was just in a year long mood?)
My Favorite K-Dramas of 2021
Run On (Romance, Slice of Life): I loved this slice of life drama about an athlete, a translator, a painter and a CEO so much that I have already rewatched it. This drama has so much to offer: Interesting and strong characters, a painter I’d die for and unique friendships. Did I mention there’s a legit ACE character? I mean... AMAZING.
Sell Your Haunted House (Fantasy, Crime, Romance?): This was one of my faves of the year! A bada*s goth hottie shaman gets rid of ghosts so that she can sell the houses. She gets a helper who she really does not want to work with but hey, that's what chemistry is made of! I was bummed by the lack of romance but really, it WAS romantic.
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim (Fantasy, romance, high school): This cute underrated web drama was one of my faves! High school kids (Nam Da Reum all growed up!) come together to solve murders that keep happening at their school. The special effects were highly silly but it’s lower budget so I didn’t care at all. AMAZING SOUNDTRACK and one of the cutest kisses of the year.
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The Red Sleeve (Historical, Romance, Melodrama): If you want to know why Lee Junho is my bias, watch this insanely good though tragic historical drama. It’s based on a real love story between a King and his court lady and there is a ton of nuance when it comes to good and evil. It’s not an easy watch, but the acting chops of literally everyone keeps you enthralled (especially if you like saeguks). 
Light On Me (Boy’s Love): I absolutely adored this simple and sweet drama! One of my favorite korean BLs EVER! Because it’s longer than the average Korean BL, it actually has: *cues triumphant music* Character development!
You Make Me Dance (Boy’s Love): A romance between a dancer and his debt collector. It’s got some pretty traditional romance tropes but hey, for 10 minute episodes it was cute!
Beyond Evil (Crime, Mystery): This creepy drama featuring a bunch of morally grey characters follows two cops who are trying to solve a serial killer crime. Yeo Jin Goo and Shin Ha Kyun have the most intense romantic chemistry I’ve seen in a long time. 
Happiness (Horror, Romance, Action): As much as I tried to resist watching this drama (I hate zombies), the gifs won me over and I’m so glad I picked it up. A high school duo fake their marriage to get into some fancy apartments, just before a zombie outbreak. The female lead is a super strong bada*s and her man is 100% dedicated. Sure, some of the plot makes no science sense and the side characters are quite ridiculous, but the mains and their found family makes this totally worth watching. I haven’t even finished it yet but I KNOW it’s going to be one of my faves.
Hometown Cha Cha Cha (Romance, Slice of Life): I understand that there’s a lot of drama around the dating scandal of KSH and I myself have very strong feelings about it. This doesn’t take away from the fact that Hometown was an amazing wholesome drama about a dentist who moves to a small town. In fact KSH isn’t even on my list of favorite things about it: Found Family, Small town setting, Female Friendship, Soft second lead, so many amazing side characters! It would feel like I was lying if this gem didn’t make the list. 
Dali and the Cocky Prince (Rom Com): A funny and sweet romance between an art gallery owner and a wealthy restauranteur. This almost didn’t make my list because the overall plot and side characters were very annoying, but listen: Dali and Moo Hak are ICONIC. Their characters are the kind that stand out as being super unique and their pairing was so adorable! Because of them, it’s worth watching. 
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My Roommate is a Gumiho (Rom Com, Romance, Fantasy): I had pretty low expectations for this drama about a Gumiho that wants to become human. But the leading ladies are a GIFT and there’s forced cohabitation which I always find super fun. Lee Dam is one of those characters I could watch forever (she’s hilarious) and the second lead lady was also amazing. This show wasn't flawless but it was super fluffy and fun. Plus the kisses were amazing and I lived for the 2nd couple.
Imitation (Rom Com, Kpop): Cute and silly k-pop drama about a failed idol group making a comeback. It wasn't popular and didn’t break any boundaries,  but I thought it was super cute and really easy to watch. The main couple was adorable.
Flower of Evil (Crime, Romance, Thriller): A psychological thriller centered around a jewelry maker who is running from his past, and his cop wife (power couple alert!)  who doesn’t know his original identity. The chemistry of the couple is amazing and all of the characters are nuanced and interesting. I was on the edge of my seat, AND sobbing! Also, I finally understand Lee Jun Ki stans, he was SO GOOD in this! Apparently I don’t know how TIME WORKS.
J-Drama Honorable Mention:
Kieta Hatsukoi (My Love Mix-Up!): An fluffy love story between a bi panicked boy and the guy he has a crush on. It was a bit cartoony but it’s sweet and fun, and how often do you see a Boy’s Love where the guy crushes on a cool female friend and then realizes he ALSO likes a guy in class? I really appreciated the nuance of that experience plus it’s pretty wholesome and fluffy.
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what-breaks-my-heart · 3 years ago
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I love these consecutive shots because the angle in the first picture was clearly a play on the phonetic similarity between Segi and 새끼 (saekki) which means bastard/scumbag and then the camera showed Jang Tae Jin, the 새끼 from Segi 😂😂😂
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it-begins-with-rain · 3 years ago
Inama Nushif from ‘Children of Dune’ (2003 Mini Series)
I love this part of the series because in a single montage you have:
Duncan Idaho / Chani Kynes friendship moment at the start there
The birth of Ghanima and her twin Leto 2(.5) Atreides, the God-Emperor of Dune
Paul Muad’Dib Atreides using his power to share Chani Kyne’s pain before he loses her forever
Alia Atreides, now succumbed to Possession and Abomination
The Settling of the Debts owed to House Atreides by the guild and Bene Gesserit
Princess Irulan waiting to see if Alia truly respects Paul Muad’Dib’s order to not come for her in the Settling of the Debts
All of it set to the lyricized version of Paul Muad’Dib’s eulogy of Chani Kynes in Chakobsa.
And still managing to foreshadow Alia Atreides’ ultimate fate.
Translation under the cut!
Translation (Via Dune Wiki)
Inama nushif (She is eternal) Al asir hiy ayish (no malice can touch)
Lia-anni (Singular and ageless) zaratha zarati (perpetually bound)
Hatt al-hudad (through the tempest) Al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand) Ay-yah idare (a singular voice) adamm malum (speaks through the torent)
Hatt-al-hudad (through the tempest) al-maahn al-baiid (be it deluge or sand) Ay-yah idare (a singular voice) Adamm malum (speaks through the torrent)
Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings) Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound) Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (sacrifice is her gift) Al hudad alman dali (one that cannot be equaled) Inama nishuf al a sadarr (Forever her voice sings) Eann zaratha zarati (through the ages eternally bound) Kali bakka a tishuf ahatt (Sacrifice is her gift) Al hudad alman dali Alia (That Alia will one day equal)
Inama nushif (She is eternal) Al asir hiy ayish (no malice can touch)
Lia-anni (Singular and ageless) Zaratha Zarati (perpetually bound)
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Richard Kruspe interview - Oxmox Hamburg Stadtmagazin 2021-12
Published 2021-12-04
Richard about Emigrate's new album, working with Till and Lemmy, cover songs, an Emigrate idea that ended up on a Rammstein album and more..
Before taking offense with anything RZK says in this interview, please consider
although my intention is do translate as correct as possible, there may be nuances lost in translation (neither english nor german is my first language)
the interviewer may have written down RZK's answers with a different nuance than Richard intended
Exclusive interview with Richard Kruspe
I had to break out of the Rammstein cosmos
Richard Kruspe (54) has shaped the sound of Rammstein with his massive guitar riffs for more than 25 years . The guitarist, singer and songwriter also works with Rammstein- Frontmann Till Lindemann on his own project, Emigrate .
Richard Kruspe: I had a difficult time. After our stadium tour, I fell into a hole. When at Rammstein concerts you hear every day how great you , you become addicted to it in a way. As a result, before the pandemic, for the first time in my life I had no motivation to even think about music . I had to move into the past to re-find myself. And in the process I came across old songs that I thought were beautiful. A very important process for me to again make music at all.
Just like the album “The Persistence Of Memory” there is a painting by Salvador Dali by that name. An coincidence?
No. I thought this name and this picture were so fitting for the time I had just experienced. I needed this urgency of memory to write this album ... The music has to touch me, for me to have images in my head. These can also be abstract. That happens to me in a very extreme way when I write and mix music.
What images did you have in mind during the dark “Blood Stained Wedding”?
With this song I had pictures from the movie "I Am The Legend" in my head, in which Will Smith walks alone through the streets of New York. "I am the last survivor in this world" . I often write intuitively about things I see or process. It doesn't always have to be about current affairs. Sometimes these themes come back ... Personally I already isolated myself before the pandemic. When that started, being isolated was nothing new to me. Dealing with yourself is something that makes you lonely. This always logically results in lyrics or music .
" Freeze My Mind" is one of the very first Emigrate songs, written in 2001.
Yes. That originated at a time when I felt I had to break out of the Rammstein-cosmos in order to create a balance. At that time I needed distance to define myself and developed the desire for something of my own. I always want to take new roads. While showering this morning, I wondered when the next musical revolution is coming. I don't know if it will ever happen. Rock music was the sound of the revolution in the 60s and 70s. Later came the rave-techno-electro wave. The rebellion of hip-hop I didn't really understand anymore.
Emigrate is a balance to your artistic work with Rammstein.
I needed this balance. Through Rammstein I learned that the big picture is more important than your own ego. On the other hand, I also have a vision. You can't necessarily enforce that in a democracy. I could only do that in my own world.
Till Lindemann also belongs to the Emigrate family. He did the lead vocals for the cover “Always On My Mind”. Is Lindemann your muse who always inspires you to new songs?
Yeahno. Naturally Till is part of my life. The original idea was that Till and I wanted to do Emigrate together . Understandably, the band had a problem with that. The Elvis song actually had nothing to do with Till . Years ago our record company wanted to make an album with Elvis songs. I thought Elvis ' voice incredibly exciting and started working on the song "Always On My Mind" . Later I considered who else could sing it.
And then you thought of Till Lindemann?
That was only at the last moment. Till has a very special voice and immediately agreed. I then sang along to it myself, which is very emotional ... It's exciting to bring what is muscially inside you, into a cover.
Is a good cover as labor-intensive as a completely new song?
Definitely. Sometimes even more labor intensive. When Rammstein covered “Stripped” by Depeche Mode , it was more difficult for us than writing a new song. Because you always try to keep the balance between the original and your own trademark.
Are you particularly happy when the original artists like your new versions?
In Elvis' case, that's difficult. The last Rammstein cover was made by Balbina . (Note: "Sonne" ) I thought that was really good. I heard it on Radio Eins , where it was played all the time. On the new “Black Album” there are also a couple of extremely good Metallica covers.
Did you still find Emigrate songs from the early days with Till Lindemann in your archive?
No. The basic building block back then was the song "Don't Die Before I Do" . We later recorded it with Rammstein and Sharleen Spiteri for the album "Rosenrot" . After that I continued Emigrate on my own. And the new album closes an era. I would like to move in a completely different direction. I like to play the piano and electronic instruments because nothing new happens to me on the guitar.
With Emigrate you also worked with Lemmy Kilmister from Motörhead. Was that exciting?
Of course! The idea was to do something exactly with people I adore. With Lemmy it was a very special moment shortly before his death. Even though he was already very ill, he particpated. Especially when you have grown up in the East like me and have idealized certain musicians, at such a moment you feel as if Christmas, Easter and a birthday happened at the same time.
How did you work with Lemmy back then?
I sent him the song and he sang on it. Lemmy was a rock *).
At the end of the 80s, Till Lindemann and you and your band, First Arsch, applied for a playing permit in order to be able to perform publicly in the GDR. 
That was the time of the rebellion when punk bands suddenly came together. Punk arrived relatively late in Schwerin. Anyone who wanted to make music in the East needed a degree. The idea that you just pick up a guitar and start playing - you had to get used to this at first. At First Arsch we thrashed and let out emotions. Till on drums and me on guitar went on stage without rehearsing. I don't even know if that was even music, but the audience thought it was super awesome. Because it just was different. A liberation from the state and society.
What did you sing about back then?
There were no lyrics with First Arsch . Our bass player just made noises. It was a really exciting time. I went to the conservatory for four years, where I learned to play jazz guitar. And it took me another four years to forget it all again. Music that happens intuitively cannot be made on a drawing board. In retrospect, of course, I use parts of classical music to understand things. But you don't need a degree for these types of emotions.
Rammstein will go on a European tour in 2022.
You always like to do things that you haven't done for a long time. What I missed most during the pandemic was going to concerts myself.
*) the word used is 'Urgestein' which literally translates 'Premieval rock', and means something like 'Founding member', 'Old guard' or something.. My feeling is that Richard thinks of Lemmy as a very experienced singer, very professional in getting the song done.
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haengseon · 3 years ago
Any Korean language learners watching Dali and the Cocky Prince? I have some doubts about translations and subs in eps 9&10. Pls help 🥺🥺
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whitecatlegend · 3 years ago
Bonus: What is the Dali court?
So I don’t know if anyone remembers, but shortly before I was forced to go on hiatus, I promised to post some bonus content. That promise has been haunting me ever since, so since I had some extra free time on my hands, I found my drafts and finished it.
I present to you some of the materials that RC posted on her weibo explaining in a bit more detail the setting of the story!
This is ancient China, so warnings for (though lighthearted) mentions of torture.
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Master post
Man, was that a pain to typeset (especially the diagram!) I really hope it’s at least somewhat readable.
The small blurb here doesn’t even begin to cover the amount of legends circulating about Di Renjie. There’s an English wikipedia article on him that you might want to check out if you’re interested. Maybe some of you have heard of the movies about Judge Dee? Yup, that’s based on him.
The final page is stuff that is absolutely useless to the English-speaking audience, but the seal is adorable so I kept and translated it.
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tempenensis · 4 years ago
Zen’in Naobito
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“You all are a bit too dull”
Age: 71 years Grade: Special Grade 1 sorcerer Curse technique: Projection Technique Technique: Secret formula “Emotion of Fallen flowers”* Hobby/special skill: Anime Favorite food: Alcohol (Japanese sake) Least favorite food: hanpen (a type of fishcake, usually have white color and square shape) Stress: Gojo (family)
Q: Please tell us if there’s a base for his character design A: Dali (Salvadore Dali, artist)
Q: Is there a reason why even during emergency time in Shibuya incidents he doesn’t work?  A: Because he doesn’t get along well with Gojo family. Because he is not interested in normal people (does not have the intention to save normal people)
Q: Is there any reason for his name? A: Something that can make strong atmosphere. 
Q: It seems that he lives in Kyoto, why he comes and joins in during Shibuya incident? A: Special Grade 1 sorcerer is someone who has no relation to the school (someone who can perform as sorcerer but has no grade), who the school deems them equivalent to Grade 1. He was just going to help a little bit when he came to Tokyo (The reward is high).
Q: What is the circumstance that cause Naobito to became Zen’in family’s head? A: Simply because he’s a strong sorcerer. If only based on strength, then Touji is also the same, but without cursed tools, Touji can only fights against human (can’t fight against curse spirits).
Q: Because he has “projection cursed technique”, is he knowledgeable about how anime is made? A: Naobito’s hobby is Akutami’s hobby. From the time it was made, originally that technique is derived from video medium and camera. It is kind of brush up from the 24-frame anime during Naobito’s generation.
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Projection Technique
The technique that makes Naobito being called “The Fastest”
By dividing 1 second into 24 parts, his visibility becomes a 24 panels. By moving in advance, he can create a hit in certain point of the anime panel. After that, he traces the movement with high speed. Both the sorcerer himself and the object touches by the sorcerer must be made into 1/24 second for the movement to be projected, but if a failure to happen, freeze will happen for 1 second. For enemy who doesn’t know this technique, in order to freeze them with high chance, if the sorcerer hit the panel successfully, it will feel like 1 second has passed. With this technique, Naobito can perform super speed action, that he is called as the fastest sorcerer.
*it seems to be taken from the saying  落花情あれども 流水意無し meaning the scattered flowers yearn for the running water, but river water flows with unknowning (uncaring) face. The saying means not being able to communicate with the other even if one has feelings. 
(for previous anon asking Naobito’s page translation. There’s no mention whether his technique is inherited or not, I would leaning his to be hisouden/ non-inherited)
(ETA: Okay, Projection apparently seems to be souden/inherited. So the Zenin has several inherited techniques. Huh.)
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