#Dalton needed to be carried Usopp!
potatopassenger · 2 months
Usopp and Zoro might be my fave duo in Drum Island purely because they just don't understand how the other one works and then lose all sense of situation because of it
Exhibit A) Usopp trying to help Vivi feel better:
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Zoro: He's talking shit
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Exhibit B) Usopp moved by Dalton's bravery trying to do a grand gesture:
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Zoro: Usopp needs my help
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Exhibit C) Usopp trying to instil confidence in the villagers and also show off
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Zoro: Focused on finding the others
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
That was amazing! Can I request a Part 6? Drum Island, where they need to find a Doctor for Nami and Reader who become severely sick
When Reader regains conscious, she keeps running away from Dr. Kureha in fear (Dr. Kureha took a little of Reader’s blood when she was unconscious to check what she’s infected with, and discovers her blood has a unique mutation that can reverse not only her cells, but others’ cells that have severe diseases/illnesses to curable stages) then puts two and two together on why a little girl could have so many scares and feels disgust, and darkly asks Luffy, Nami and Sanji if they’re the ones who gave Reader her scars, because if they are she’s going to kill them
Dr. Kureha tells Luffy and Nami that this is her theory, but based on Reader’s her scars, her reaction when she learned she’s a doctor and her power (And what she found out from her blood) that someone’s been taking Reader’s body apart to use as they see fit (Luffy, Nami and Sanji have never felt more horrified then murderous over the pain Reader had to endure)
When Reader meets Chopper, she quickly bonds with him and trusts him to treat her (She’ll slowly trust Dr. Kureha) as Luffy and friends battle the evil Wapol, she also doesn’t see Chopper as a Monster, rather thinks he’s cute and his blue nose is his ‘pretty’, and if he thinks he’s a monster, then they’ll be monster’s together, since they both have ‘horns’ (Though Chopper corrects her saying he has antlers)
Dr. Kureha tells Reader that if she can use her power correctly, there’s no telling how many people Reader could save (Calling Reader’s power the ‘Great Miracle’ all Doctors wished for and her existence is a miracle itself, which makes Reader cry because she’s always saw her power and existence a ‘Curse’) but tells her that it’s her power and only she should be allowed to use it as they leave to Alabasta
-Vivi was beside herself, trying to take care of both you and Nami, after she suddenly collapsed after guiding the ship through a sudden but short storm that would have knocked them off course.
-Nami was having the same symptoms at you and while scared at first that this sickness was contagious, Vivi found a similar bug bite on Nami as well.
-Vivi heard shouting up above and while not wanting to leave the two of you alone, you were both asleep and she went to investigate, finding a massive hulking person, Wapol, threatening Sanji and Luffy.
-After a very brief fight, Wapol was sent flying out into the ocean, which, for a Devil Fruit user, was normally a death sentence.
-Drum Island was covered in snow, everyone was bundled in thick jackets and for good measure, you were wrapped up in a blanket as well, being held in Vivi’s arms while Luffy carried Nami.
-Dalton tried to attack the crew with the former Drum Island militia, but after hearing what was going on, a woman and a child that desperately needed a doctor, he called off the attack and took everyone to Bighorn, a nearby village.
-Everyone was furious to learn that Wapol, the man Luffy punched earlier, had taken all doctors for himself, and if anyone on Drum Island needed medical attention, Wapol expected them to come and plead for help.
-A pirate named Blackbeard attacked, and Wapol, rather being the king he should have been, fled with his court and the doctors, abandoning Drum Island because he was scared.
-You whimpered softly and Luffy was quick to take you in his arms, holding you carefully, but you remained asleep as Dalton told them that there was one more doctor, Kureha, but many regarded her as a witch, and would only come down from her castle, Wapol’s former home, when she felt like it.
-Vivi, Zoro, and Usopp remained at Bighorn, mainly for the ship, while Luffy and Sanji, carrying you and Nami, made way to Drum Castle.
-Sanji sensed the Lapahns before Luffy did, as he had stepped on one, and leapt back, cradling you close, a glare in his eyes.
-Unable to fight properly, Luffy and Sanji were banged up, but after causing an avalanche, the Lapahns conceded, after Luffy pulled the parent of one out of the snow when a child was trying to dig it out.
-Sanji was still conscious, but injured across his back, having taken some claws to protect you before delivering a harsh kick.
-Kureha walked out, seeing the visitors, and found the two men, bloody and bruised, holding a woman and a child, but in need of medical attention before they quickly passed out.
-The men and Nami were up first, meeting Chopper, a blue nosed reindeer who ate a Devil Fruit and was a doctor himself!
-Nami looked around for you, growing concerned as Luffy was chasing Chopper around, demanding that he join the crew, loving the idea of a talking reindeer in his crew, “Where’s Y/N?! Is she okay?!”
-The doctor gave her a small nod towards another room, “Still asleep. That fever of hers did a number on her. I’m hoping you lot can help me understand something.”
-After getting everyone together in Nami’s room, Kureha told them how, while she was working on you, tending to your fever as well as running some blood tests, your horn seemed to flare with energy, and that energy surrounded you, healing your body, but due to you being so weak from being sick, you were still unconscious.
-Chopper nodded, “I’ve never seen anything like it before, is it a Devil Fruit ability?”
-A few hesitant glances were shared before Luffy gave a small nod, and Nami spoke, “Y/N’s ability isn’t a Devil Fruit ability, it’s something else, something she was born with, that’s what she’s told us. We don’t know too many details about it ourselves, other than she was abused terribly for it before running away and being capture by Alvida, before Luffy saved her. Her ability allows her to rewind time.”
-Chopper’s jaw dropped and eyes bulged, “Rewind time?!” Nami nodded and hesitated, only for a moment, “We don’t know all the details ourselves, but she was able to bring my mother, who died when I was a child, back from the dead from just a lock of hair.”
-Their jaws dropped before Kureha inhaled deeply, grabbing the newspaper, “That’s probably why the government is after her then. YN’s ability… in the wrong hands it could- I-I don’t want to even think about it.”
-Luffy punched his fist into his other hand, “And that’s why we’re protecting her. Nobody is allowed to hurt her ever again!”
-Kureha seemed pleased with his answer before she spoke, “Then I won’t kill you lot.” Kureha was fully prepared to kill them herself if they were the ones who had hurt you, “When I removed her bandages, the number of wounds and scar tissue she had on her little body, whoever had her was strategically hurting her, tearing her apart, I’m guessing to study this ability of hers.”
-They knew you were scarred, but to hear this from a doctor’s standpoint, that you were being tortured for your ability, the rage they felt was unlike anything they had ever felt before.
-Kureha was able to discover this easily, about what not only your ability, but your blood could do as well, and she shuddered to think if the government ever got their hands on you, knowing you would probably be even worse off compared to whenever you were with the bastards who did this to you.
-It was an hour later when you finally stirred, your vision blurry and your eyes went wide, finding yourself in a hospital and you instantly panicked, sitting up, “Big-big brother?!”
-Kureha entered, offering you a friendly smile, “You’re up! Glad to- don’t!” you leapt out of bed and quickly scrambled underneath, ripping your IV out as you huddled your legs tightly to your body, hyperventilating.
-She quickly exited the room and only moments later you heard strange footsteps before you came face to face with a…reindeer?
-Chopper entered, hearing you were having a panic attack, scared of doctors, and sent him in instead, and he got down on all four to peek at you.
-He was nervous, but not as much as he had been with your crewmates, you were a child.
-Your eyes were wide as you blinked, a bit confused about what you were looking at before he talked, “Your name is Y/N, right? My name is Tony Tony Chopper! But you can call me Chopper.”
-You mouthed his name, unable to form words and he nodded, offering you a hoof, “You shouldn’t be out of bed yet, you’re still pretty weak.”
-You hesitated but took his hand and let him pull you out, finding he was shorter than you, but gave you a friendly smile and helped you back onto the bed.
-He ran out, panicking that you were bleeding, going to get supplies and came back to find the wound gone, as you had healed it.
-He was gentle, tending to your wounds, “Does it hurt where it was?” you were still scared, not talking, shaking your head as he checked it out, “Does it hurt when you use your ability?”
-Your free hand lifted to your horn, touching it, “Some-sometimes, when I fix a big- a big…” your voice trailed off and he nodded, explaining that Luffy told him if you use your ability too much, you get fevers, which you confirmed.
-You smiled, thinking about your brother, wanting to see him, “Big brother tells me not to use it, so I don’t get sick. He tells me I only use it when I want to.” He smiled softly, patting your head gently, “He’s right, you only use it when you want to.” It was so unlike things when you were with Overhaul and Alvida, who forced you to use it on their whims.
-You asked to see your brother, or Nami or anyone, wanting to see your family, only to find out they were out fighting Wapol, who wanted his castle back. You tilted your head to the side, “What’s a Wapol?” you didn’t know him, so Chopper explained he was a cruel king who left many years ago and is now coming back.
-Chopper checked your temperature and made sure your body was okay, being so gentle with you, and he couldn’t help but grin as you poked his blue nose, “It’s so pretty.” Your words were so sweet and gentle before he looked down, “Thank you Y/N, but I don’t really like it. It makes me different- makes me a monster.”
-You knew that word well, your arms coming towards your chest, looking down as you nodded, “We- can we… can we be monsters together then, since we both have horns?” his face fell, eyes full of concern as he realized that you had been terribly abused, thinking that you were a monster.
-He remembered the words of your family well, that you could rewind time, and if you were being tortured, forced to use your ability, they probably forced you to rewind time on things and others called out a monster for it.
-He smiled gently, offering you his hoof to hold, “Technically I don’t have horns, I have antlers. But we can- together.” His answer made you smile, it made you feel like you belonged!
-Kureha entered and you instantly flinched, holding onto Chopper, scared, but she sat down on the empty bed across from you, “I won’t touch you, Y/N, that’s why I sent Dr. Chopper here instead.” Your eyes went wide, looking at him, “You’re a doctor?”
-He beamed, looking smug and proud, but you were so confused, he was a doctor, but he didn’t hurt you, he was so nice. You looked back at Kureha who saw your realization, giving you a grin and a small nod.
-Kureha, true to her word, kept her distance, ignoring the rumbling in the castle, hearing Luffy and the others fighting, and spoke with you, “Y/N, your ability is- it’s amazing! You could be the Great Miracle that all doctors have been wishing for, to help everyone they can!”
-The tears instantly swelled and spilled over, all your life, you’ve known this ability as a curse, and many had told you so, both your ability and existence, because without you, some people might still be alive!
-To hear that your gift was a miracle, and that you would help others, listening to Kureha that you could save the world if you learned how to control your ability.
-The thought seemed scary at first, but there was a swell of something inside of you, you felt so happy, like you were going to burst!
-You sobbed in relief, leaping into Luffy’s arms when he came to get you after defeating Wapol, clutching him tightly and Nami whacked him only once, scolding him for making you cry, as you were upset that he was injured again.
-You nearly were in tears again, holding Chopper’s hand as he was saying goodbye to Kureha, who was trying not to cry herself, not liking tearful goodbyes.
-Chopper was sobbing loudly as your whole crew was gawking with wide, wonderous eyes, as Kureha seemed to use magic to make it snow cherry blossom, the pink glow from the cannons illuminating the white snow in a pink hue. It was so beautiful! You had never seen anything like it!
-You were happy to be back on the ocean and Usopp couldn’t help but grin, seeing you opening up a bit more, showing Chopper all around the ship.
-The others learned quickly not to tease Chopper about eating him, you overheard them joking about it and Sanji and Zoro spent almost an hour trying to calm you down, each of them having several steaming lumps on their head while Nami and Usopp yelled at them while Luffy was hiding with Chopper.
-A man sat in a bar, looking over a couple of bounty posters, a grin on his lips, “You’ve grown Luffy… but I’m kicking your ass because you never told me you got a little sister! That means I’ve got a little sister now!!”
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brainyxbat · 5 months
Chapter 13: Hiriluk's Cherry Blossoms! Miracle in the Drum Rockies
(episode 90)
"I will make cherry blossoms bloom. Once my invention is complete, this country will be saved! I'll save this country as a doctor one day."
"Humph! Didn't you mean "destroy the country"? This is a winter island, where it's bitter cold year around. Cherry blossoms won't bloom here."
"They will! I was a hopeless thug, and dying, but I lived on after seeing those cherry blossoms. I was able to have a profound change of heart. Every human in this world can be saved! There's no disease in this world that can't be cured." Chopper sat atop the castle, away from the crowd, as the exchange ran through his mind. "I raised this skull towards all the diseases! This is a symbol of the belief that nothing is impossible! By raising this, I'll fight just like pirates do! Chopper, go out to sea someday. If you do, you'll understand very well how small your problems are."
He somberly watched the flag billow in the wind. "Doctor... I..." A pair of hands grabbed the ledge nearby. "Hm?"
Luffy. "I found you!" He pulled himself up, and started chasing him again. "Hey, monster! Come with us!"
"Hm?" Vivi and Usopp turned back when Dalton fell to his knees.
"Ah!" Vivi ran to him, with Usopp and Venus close behind. "Are you all right, Dalton-san?!"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just felt a little drained. That's all. I'll be fine if I get some rest."
"Hey, you guys!"
"Hm?" Zoro turned.
"Ah! D-Dr. Kureha!"
"Hm?" Zoro tilted his head in confusion.
"Are you happy, brats?" She pointed back to the castle. "Take the injured guy to the medical ward."
"Ahh!" Zoro realized. "You're that damn old hag!"
Kureha took him out with one punch, and one kick. "And anyone else injured too!"
"Y-yes, Ma'am!"
"Don't dilly-dally! Do you want the same experience as this man?!" As they worked, with Venus being escorted inside, she turned to Usopp. "You, Long-Nose."
Earlier on, she had seen him lend his coat to Venus after she had lost hers. "Take care of your little girl. She's not that bright."
He blushed, as he nodded. "I-I will. B-b-but she is bright!" He stammered.
Inside the castle, Nami and Sanji were huddling out of sight. "Nami-san, you should have your sickness treated all the way."
"Quiet!" She whispered. "If I don't escape from here now, our departure for Alabasta will be delayed by two days! Do you wanna see Vivi keep suffering?!"
"Stop grumbling, you two; and get back to the medical ward!"
"Ahhhh!" They screamed when Kureha suddenly kicked a large hole in the wall, just above their heads.
As Zoro sulked on the ground, Usopp started rolling a big snowball, as if he wasn't shivering in his overalls, and snow pants. "I-I-I'm Usopp~! C-C-Captain Usopp~!" He sang to himself through his teeth chattering, and breath shaking.
"Get your jacket back, moron," Zoro ordered, "Venus is in bed."
"N-n-no! W-w-what if she n-n-needs it later?"
The swordsman rolled his eyes, as the bump on his head pulsated. "Your chattering teeth are getting annoying. And I'm not giving you mine."
The residents listened fearfully, one even covering his ears, as a screaming, strapped-down Sanji's back injuries were worked on. "As I thought, his injuries have gotten worse, since he overexerted himself." She walked out with a bottle of plum sake, and downed it. Nami, Venus, and Dalton looked on from their respective beds, with Vivi sitting on Nami's. "Now, Dalton. Where's the key to this arsenal? You know where it is, right?"
"Key to the arsenal... why do you need such a thing?" Nami perked up.
"It's none of your business."
"That key was... always carried by Wapol from long ago," Dalton recalled, "So if it's still the case, it flew off with Wapol into the sky."
"What?! Is that right?! Oh, darn."
"Doctorine," Nami addressed her.
"About the treatment fee for our crew, would you make it all free? Also, would you discharge me right away?"
"Did you ask just for the heck of it, knowing it's all impossible? As my fee, I'll take the entire cargo and money on your ship. And you'll stay here, and rest at least for two more days!"
"Nami-san, she's right!" Vivi said. "You should be treated all the way!"
"I'll be fine, since I don't feel like I'll die!" Nami assured.
"For now," Venus muttered.
"That can't be a reason!" Vivi protested, but to her surprise, Nami pulled out a key on a ring, twirling it on her finger. "Ah..."
"You need the key to the arsenal, right?"
"What?!" Dalton sat up in shock. "Why do you have that key?!"
"Is that the real one?" A surprised Kureha asked. "How'd you get it?!"
"I stole it."
Kureha leaned into Nami's face. "You've got guts dictating terms to me like that. You really are an unbelievable girl."
"You have no idea," Venus smirked.
"Okay then... you don't have to pay my fee." She snatched the key away. "But that's all." She pulled her purple blazer on over her cropped t-shirt, and headed out of the room. "I can't accept the other term as a doctor."
"Wait a sec!" Nami glared. "If that's the case, I can't give the key to you! Give it back!"
Kureha stopped, and pointed right at her. "Listen, girl. I have to leave this room now, to take care of things. There's a drawer chest with my coat in the back room. And it's not like I'm posting guards; also, that young man's backbone treatment is already complete. But listen, don't you dare escape!" She turned to the men standing around. "You guys, come with me. I need you for heavy lifting."
"Yes, ma'am!" They followed her out of the room, the door closing behind them.
"She told me to wear her coat, take Sanji-kun, and escape using this chance," Nami claimed.
"Yeah," Vivi agreed, "That's how it sounded to me too."
"Hm?" Dalton eyed them suspiciously.
"Oh boy," Venus mumbled.
Later, Chopper panted, as he sat on another section of the roof after losing Luffy. "I sure ran around a lot. Night came before I even knew. I don't hear voices anymore; looks like they're gone." He thought about the offer given to him. "This is for the best. I can't leave this place." He looked up at the sky. "It's a full moon tonight."
"Hey!" Luffy called from the ground. "Reindeer!"
"Hm? No way! They're still looking for me!"
"Let's be pirates together!"
"Hey, Luffy," Usopp frowned sympathetically, "Just give it up. He hasn't shown up, even after all our efforts to find him."
"He doesn't wanna be a pirate," Zoro added.
"That's not true!" Luffy insisted. "I wanna take him with us!"
"Like I said, that's what you want, right?!" Zoro shouted.
Chopper listened from the rooftop. 'It's not that I don't wanna go.'
"Reindeer! Come out, reindeer!"
Chopper started to reconsider, but shook his head, urging himself to ignore the calls. 'But I won't go. I can't go! I'm not like those guys!'
"Hm?" Luffy looked back at the footsteps, and perked up. "Reindeer!"
Usopp and Zoro watched curiously, as the girls, Nami now wearing a black coat, dragged Sanji out the door. "Tony-kun!" Nami saw Chopper, as he stood silently.
"Hey, let's be pirates together! Okay?!" Luffy offered again.
"It's not possible."
"Yes it is, since it's fun!"
"Hey, you don't make sense," Usopp scolded.
"But..." Chopper suddenly glared at them. "But I'm a reindeer! I have antlers, and hooves! I even have a blue nose!" Nami watched with sympathy, remembering Kureha's words. "Can you guys heal the scar in his heart?" "It's true... that I wanna be a pirate, but... I'm not even a human! I'm a monster!" Venus' eye teared up; memories of being called so ran through her mind. "I can't become your friend! So... I just came to say thank you. I do appreciate you guys. Thank you for asking me to join you." Everyone listened on. "I'll stay here, but..." He smiled. "One day, if you feel like it, stop by agai-"
"Shut up!" Luffy cut him off, with his fists pumped in the air, startling Venus. "Let's go!" As Chopper started choking up, everyone smiled... except an injured Sanji, and a bemused Zoro.
"You don't ask people to join you by telling them to shut up," Zoro lectured, before Chopper started to cry.
As he put a snowball on top with Venus' help, Usopp turned to the navigator. "Hey, Nami! Are you really okay?"
She gave a thumbs-up. "I'm fine! I'm feeling great!"
"There!" Usopp announced. "To commemorate our reaching here, I built Snow Queen V!"
"Hey, let's go say goodbye to that old lady doctor, and acorn pops too," Luffy suggested, rolling along on a snowball.
"Zoro!" Venus exclaimed when he kicked the bottom snowball.
"Hey, how dare you kick Snow Queen V!" Usopp shouted. "How disrespectful!"
"Don't be silly," Nami turned Luffy down, "Let him be alone with Doctorine. He lived with her alone for 6 years. It'll sure be a tearful farewell. Doctorine acts like that in front of us, but she actually is a kind person."
"Hmmm, really?"
"Then we're really leaving here without saying anything to her, huh?" Usopp asked.
"Of course. Once Chopper comes, we'll go down the mountain, and set sail immediately... to Alabasta!"
"Yes!" Venus cheered.
"You're fine with that too, right, Vivi?"
She smiled from her place knelt by Sanji. "Yeah, if a doctor comes with us."
"A doctor?" Luffy glided over.
"Okay then, I'll get the ropeway ready." Usopp started to walk off. "Hey, Luffy! Give me a hand."
"I didn't realize there was a ropeway," Luffy followed him, "That's amazing!"
Zoro grabbed Venus' wrist when she went to follow, noticing the bandages. "Hold on. What happened to your fingers?"
She looked downward. "Well..."
From the harsh climb, the fingertips of Venus' gloves were starting to wear out. Inevitably, when she grabbed on, she slid back down, her fingers suffering the same fate as his. "Ahhh!" She screamed in pain, leaving shorter trails, before quickly tightening her grip on the mountain.
"Venus!" He shouted through clenched teeth.
"I'm fine!" She cried. "Keep going! I see the top!"
"I see. You'd better not use your powers for a while."
She turned away sheepishly. "Little late for that."
When Wapol wasn't looking, Venus went to work in sculpting a crude snow decoy in her likeness. 'Let's hope this'll keep him busy, so I can take care of him,' She thought to herself. To finish it off, she stripped out of her coat, and put it on the decoy.
She grimaced when he ate the whole thing, coat included, in one huge bite.
He couldn't help but smirk. "You're just as reckless as Luffy sometimes."
She giggled. "Well, I'm not helpless, y'know."
Inside the castle, the men were lugging cannons out of the arsenal room, per Kureha's orders. "Now, hurry up and take them out! Once they're outside the gates, line them up!"
"Dr. Kureha! What are we taking so many cannons out of the arsenal for?"
She smiled, cluing them in that she had a plan up her sleeve. "Just hurry up, and take them out!" The still-bedridden Dalton looked up when she walked in. "Oh? It seems there are some patients missing."
"They escaped... disobeying your order."
"I see. What am I going to do with them?" She griped, and drank more sake.
"Doctorine! Doctorine!" An ecstatic Chopper burst into the room, and panted at the door. "I have something to talk about with you!"
"Chopper, where have you been? Go downstairs, and help them take the cannons out."
"Listen, Doctorine! I'm gonna be a pirate!" He announced. "I'm going with them!"
"I'm going out to sea. I'll join them as a ship's doctor, and travel around the world!"
There it was; her plan was setting into motion. "Don't be ridiculous!" She shouted angrily. "Now, listen. You're my only assistant! Who do you think taught you medicine?! Or are you saying you don't feel any gratitude towards me?!"
"Th-that's not true! I do appreciate you, Doctorine! I also love this land where I met Doctor, and you!"
"Humph! Then you can stay here. You can't live in a fine castle like this, no matter where you go." He stared on sadly. "Pirates are good for nothing! You'll end up dead in no time."
"That's okay!"
"Don't talk so cocky! I've never heard of a mere reindeer going out to sea."
"That's right, I'm a reindeer!" He glared. "But I'm a man too!"
His argument rendered her silent for a moment. "You sure talk big. In any case, I won't allow it. If you wanna leave that bad, you have to get through me first!"
Poor Chopper felt betrayed. "Doctorine..." An axe stuck into the wall right by his head, making him jump away.
"A crybaby like you is a man?!" She grabbed another. "Don't make me laugh!"
"Doctorine...but they... understand."
"Shut up!" The other axe was thrown dangerously close.
Kureha grabbed more weapons, including a spiked mace. "I won't allow you to have your way!" He backed out of the room, and ran like mad down the hall. "Come back, Chopper!" She ran after him, chucking the weapons. "Wait!"
The commotion was noticed by the men readying the cannons. "It seems noisy."
"Well, no matter what's going on, we'd better take the cannons in this arsenal outside the castle, or Dr. Kureha will throw a spear or something at us."
"Don't be silly."
"Wait!" They turned, and saw her running furiously after Chopper. "I won't let you escape! Chopper! Come back!" They dodged spears when he ran through them.
"What's going on?" Zoro wondered aloud. "It's noisy inside the castle."
"Gee, how thoughtless," Nami remarked, "Why can't they be quiet when others are saying farewell?"
He dragged out a wooden sleigh, and changed into a traditional reindeer form to pull it. "I'm sorry, Doctorine! But I wanna see the world!"
A spear made him look back; Kureha was still after him. "What do you think someone like you can do at sea?! Are you gonna live a fantasy, just like that quack did?!"
'You're wrong!' He thought through his sprint. 'It wasn't a fantasy! Doctor's research had actually been completed!'
"Hey, he's coming," Zoro pointed out, "Hm?!"
"What?!" Nami exclaimed. "What's going on?!"
"She's chasing him!" Venus gaped.
Usopp peeked out from the elevator. "Hey! The ropeway is rea-hm?"
Chopper was running towards them. "Everyone! Get on the sleigh! We'll go down the mountain!"
"Ooh, sounds fun!" Venus perked up, before a mace was thrown their way, landing in the snow.
"Hey, look. What the heck is that?" A Gyasta resident pointed at the full moon.
"Ah! That's the witch's sleigh!"
Chopper was running along the ropeway, pulling the loaded sleigh behind him. "Hold on, Luffy!" Venus held his hands tightly, ignoring her sore fingertips when he was on the verge of flying out. Kureha watched him go, as her mind flooded with memories of the good times they shared.
"What was that?!"
"It was Dr. Kureha's reindeer."
"The ones on the sleigh were those pirates!"
"What happened up there?!"
"What the heck happened to Wapol? Is Dalton-san okay?!"
"Yahoo!" Luffy cheered, after they had leaped down into the forest. "That felt good! Hey, do it again!"
"You idiot!" Nami scolded. "We're setting sail right away!"
"I-I thought I'd die," Usopp panted.
"That was awesome!" Venus exclaimed.
"Hm?" Sanji woke up. "Where am I?!"
"Ah, Sanji-san!" Vivi sighed in relief. "You came to?"
Now outside, Dalton watched Kureha look on, feeling concerned about the events from earlier. "Was it okay to bid farewell like that?"
She chuckled lightly. "A pet I was taking care of is being taken in by someone else. That's all." He could tell that she was staying strong through the reindeer's departure. "I don't like... tears." As her eyes contradicted her last statement, Dalton smiled warmly.
She turned to walk past him, whacking his sore chest. "Ow!"
"Come with me! We have to prepare a flashy send-off!"
As Chopper ran, he remembered a significant time for Hiriluk. "I finally did it... this is it. I've waited for this reaction for 30 years." 'Doctor! It wasn't just a fantasy, right?!' He thought through his sprint. 'Your research was completed then, right?! Or was that a lie too?' "I did it, Chopper! My research succeeded!" 'Did you lie, because I'd be sad if you died without saying so? "Nothing is impossible for the man who raised a flag with a skull!" Please say it again, Doctor!'
At the castle, all the cannons were readied, one by one. "Are you ready, young men?!"
"Yes, ma'am!"
Dalton was confused, as the cannons were fired on her command. "Dr. Kureha! What in the world?"
"Just shut up, and watch."
Every town nearby noticed the noise, but didn't know what was going on. "Dr. Kureha! We shot all of them!"
"Light them up!" On cue, as the townspeople stared, the sky lit up.
Down the hill, the crew had stopped their sleigh ride, Chopper back in his small form, to see what was happening. "Amazing," Nami beamed.
"Yeah," Zoro bluntly agreed.
Venus stared in awe. "It's so beautiful."
Chopper was completely silent. "This is the answer that I found spending 30 years." He recalled Hiriluk's words.
Dalton smiled at the result. "What a fantastic sight this is."
Kureha chuckled. "I can't understand what that idiot was thinking."
Chopper began tearing up, as the snow gradually turned a soft pink. "Doctor! Doctorine!" His soft cries turned into full-on sobs; the Drum Rocky now looked like a huge, majestic cherry blossom tree!
Kureha teared up again, as she heard him from high up. "Now, have a safe trip, my stupid son."
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genogenocrazycatman · 5 years
Stillwater - Chapter 12
Stillwater [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net, Mibba]
Characters: Original Female Character, Monkey D. Luffy, Rorona Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Tony Tony Chopper, Nefeltari Vivi
"We build as only children know to build
We made a way where there's a will
No slowing down or standing still
Innocent and reckless
"How did we get so old and never notice
How did we gain the world and lose the moment
Rise and fall, the tide surrounds us
And drowns us all"
-Hands Like Houses
“What a shame. Already over? Well that was disappointing wasn’t it?” Zoro said, sticking three swords in the ground. I had to assume they were stolen. They most certainly weren’t his. Wado, Kitetsu and Yubashiri were currently at my hip.
Bodies littered the ground around Zoro, and the people of Big Horn were staring at him in awe. Clearly, Zoro had taken all of these men out, but considering their lack of skill, I wasn’t particularly impressed. In fact, I was rather irritated.
“Right, Zoro! That was a good job, just like I told you to do! Yeah!”
“What about what I told you to do?” I asked, Usopp coming up behind him, still on the horse that Dalton had nabbed from Cocoa Weed.
I had made it to the Merry only to find the ship seemingly abandoned. I was confused at first, because I was sure that Kitetsu was there. A short search revealed the sword, its two companions, Zoro’s shoes, coat, shirt, socks and haramaki on deck, but not their owner.
I was worried. Where the hell was he? What the hell had happened? Had Wapol’s men gotten him and Carue? I was still thinking these questions over, when a thunderous sound caught my attention. There wasn’t a storm brewing. The sky was cloudy, but they were regular snow clouds. There was no sign of thunder snow. I trained my eyes on the island. An avalanche was coming down the mountain, a massive one considering I could recognize it, despite being as far away as I was. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Sanji and Luffy were the cause of it.
They caused it. They could handle it. I wouldn’t have been able to catch up to them anyways.
I wasn’t sure how far away was far enough, but I knew that I was probably far enough away to be safe. After all, I was on the ship. Fortunately for me, and the horse the snow hadn’t reached us. It did make things more difficult, because now there were no tracks for me to look for.
I had to find Zoro, and the only idea I had was to seek out his very presence, which was faint in comparison to that damn sword.
I would’ve liked to have trained more, to have practiced, but that wasn’t an option. I closed my eyes and did everything in my power to push out that dam demon sword and to lock onto Zoro. Kitetsu was madness. It was anger and blood lust and violence, but Zoro wasn’t. Zoro was determination, pride, and honor.
The second I was able to lock onto him, I was moving again back to Big Horn, stopping only to fish a half frozen Carue out of the river.
“You,” I started, pointedly looking at Zoro. “You are supposed to be watching the Merry with Carue, and yet I found your stuff on the Merry without you and the duck half frozen in the river.”
My words snapped Zoro out of his boasting, Usopp out of his lying and Vivi out of her amazement.
“Carue!” she cried, rushing over, and hugging the duck. “Oh my goodness! What happened to you?
“He’s alive,” I told her. “Cold, but alive.”
I looked at Usopp. “You two are supposed to be in Gyasta. Why are you in Big Horn?”
“The avalanche,” he answered.
“The doctor,” I reminded him. “Nami. That didn’t just go away, and where is Dalton?” I asked, realizing that he was missing from this scenario.
“He was shot and buried under the avalanche. We have to find him.” That brought the crowd back into it, their shock becoming worry and concern for their de facto leader.
I shook my head. “Hopeless the whole lot of you.” I tossed my bag full or Zoro’s stuff at him. “Get dressed.”
I closed my eyes and once again, opened my mind, trying to sense out Dalton’s devil fruit this time instead of Zoro.
“Don’t just sit there! Do something!”  someone yelled at me.
“I am,” I growled out, trying to focus. I had managed with Zoro. I could do it again. It was just frustrating that it took so long and that it required so much concentration, even though he couldn’t be that far away.
“Mira-“ Vivi said. She was treading carefully, trying not to upset me.
I put a hand up to stop her. “Got ya.” I stood up and walked over to the patch of snow, where I knew Dalton was and started digging, revealing his face after a moment.
“Yo!” I called, beckoning the others over. Immediately, they got to work, helping me dig the big man out.
“This is horrible! I don’t feel a heartbeat!” a man yelled.
“Damn it!” I swore. No way of telling how long his heart had been stopped, how much damage it had done. ‘I should’ve been faster.’
I moved to start CPR. I didn’t know what good it could really do. Even if I could keep his blood pumping, there was no doctor to try to fix the damage. There was no chance that he would make it up the mountain in this condition.
“He’s too large. A tiny girl like you isn’t strong enough to-“
I ignored the person speaking, starting the chest compressions with ease.
“No! Dalton! Please wake up! Please Dalton! You have to!” Vivi cried, taking his large hand in her much smaller one.
Everyone around us, just looked on sadly.
“Vivi. Mira,” Usopp said gently.
“No,” I said sternly. I could still feel that devil fruit. Until it disappeared, he wasn’t dead.
“You can’t die! Dalton please!”
“Don’t worry. He’s not dead.”
I glanced towards the voice, seeing Wapol’s private doctors standing there.
“The 20 MDs?!”
“He will be, if we don’t act soon. He has severe frost bite,” another said.
“We can begin treatment immediately, if you’ll let us.”
“Hey what do you know, there are doctors here. That’s funny. I thought I heard that there weren’t any in this country,” Zoro noted.
Usopp filled Zoro in. “There are a few doctors, but these guys are the 20 MDs. They work exclusively for Wapol, so that makes them bad doctors.”
“That’s right! We can’t trust any of you! Traitors! You expect us to leave Dalton with you? You surrendered to Wapol without a fight and turned your backs on us.”
“Wapol probably sent you here to kill Dalton.”
“Please, if you want to save him, just do as I say.”
“They’re cowards,” I said, still doing compressions. “That doesn’t make them bad doctors. It just means that they’re more motivated by fear than anything.” I looked up at the 20 MDs. “I don’t know your intentions. Maybe you’ve had a change of heart and are finally doing the right thing. I don’t care. You’re going to save him. If you don’t, I’m going to make the rest of what will be your short existence an absolute hell.”
“The 20 of us are still doctors. Even though we were forced against our will to serve only Wapol, we’ve always worked to advance our medical research for the benefit of all the patients in this country. It was all because of a certain quack, who taught us never to give up. We can’t afford to lose any more men like him.”
“Then quit standing there, and get to work,” I barked.
The doctors immediately got to work, one of them taking over for me. I stepped back and took a deep breath. I looked around at all the people gathered, staring.
“See about unburying one of these houses,” I ordered the crowd. “Dalton’s going to need some place warm and a bed to rest in. I’ll watch the doctors.”
They all seemed hesitant at first, but Zoro and Usopp took charge, leading the digging effort, getting the people doing something.
Vivi stayed at first, but I urged her to go check on Carue.
I wasn’t a doctor. I couldn’t say that I fully understood what it was that the 20 MDs were doing. I couldn’t trust what I was seeing, due to my limited knowledge, but neither could the others. Unlike them, I could handle this. I could watch as the doctors treated Dalton. I wasn’t close to the man. I hadn’t been out right wronged by the doctors. I had no reason to trust them sure, but I also didn’t have that need for revenge that the others did. I wasn’t like Vivi, so emotionally involved at this point, you would’ve thought that she’d dealt with Wapol’s tyranny firsthand as opposed through the stories of others.
They managed to stabilize him, just as the crowd managed to clear a path to the door of someone’s home. I helped carry Dalton, setting him on the bed in the home. The doctors were then able to perform the more delicate procedures necessary to save Dalton. It took hours, but at long last they were done. Now the only thing we could do was wait for him to wake up.
A few of the villagers came inside to wait. They watched as the doctors continued to monitor Dalton. It was a tense atmosphere, but that tension was released, when Dalton opened his eyes.
“It’s a miracle!”
“He’s awake!”
I stood there while the doctors did a few tests and once overs. Dalton wasn’t fully there yet, having just woken up, but according to the doctors everything looked good.
With Dalton awake, my watch was over. I popped off of the wall that I had been leaning against and stretched, heading out, while everyone crowded around Dalton. Once outside, I took a deep breath the freezing air helping to clear that last but of tension out of my body. Then I went looking for Vivi, Zoro and Usopp. Carue was in the house in another room, wrapped in blankets sitting near a fire.
“You’re worried about Nami, and Luffy, and Sanji and Dalton. And everything that’s going on in Alabasta.”
I followed the sound of Usopp’s voice. “Vivi, can’t you see it? You’re carrying too many burdens on your shoulders. Calm down. You don’t need to go up there at all. You know why? Cause those three are fine. That’s Luffy, and Sanji and Nami up there. I have faith in them.”
“Thanks a lot. You’re full of wisdom, Usopp,” Vivi complimented the sniper.
“No. He’s full of crap,” Zoro argued. “He’s just afraid to go up that mountain.”
I found them standing between two houses by a fence, just a few down from where Dalton was being treated. Zoro was poking Usopp, whose legs were shaking with fear, in the forehead repeatedly.
“Agh! I heard there were things like yetis and huge man-eating bunnies up there! I don’t want to get eaten!”
“Then say so at the start coward.”
I rolled my eyes, but laughed. “Zoro, leave Usopp alone. It was a nice sentiment, even if it was just because he’s scared.”
“Mira, how’s Dalton?” Vivi asked.
“He was just waking up, when I left,” I told them.
“That’s a relief,” Vivi said.
“He’s a tough one. He’ll be fine.”
The door to the house opened, and Dalton came stumbling out.
“It’s Dalton!”
“Thank goodness!”
“What is that idiot doing?” I asked.
“Can someone please tell me who this guy is?” Zoro asked.
“Dalton, please listen to reason.”
“Get out of my way. We can’t let Wapol retake the castle. We can’t.”
“So that’s where you’re heading? The castle?” Vivi asked.
“In your condition?” Usopp added.
“My country is far more important,” Dalton said. “HE CANNOT SUCCEED! I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! NOT NOW NOT EVER WAPOL MUST PERISH!”
“But you’re not strong enough to fight them in your condition sir.”
“And the rest of us are no fight for them either.”
“I’m going to settle this thing once and for all. I’ll stop Wapol, even if it kills me.”
“Got admire his determination and his dedication to his country,” I said. “But I put forth entirely too much effort in to keeping him alive to let him go and kill himself.”
Usopp moved first walking over and stepping in Dalton’s path. I watched on, curious as to what he was gonna do. Dalton was a brave warrior, something that we knew Usopp admired. It was interesting to see that his approach was. I doubted he was going to try to talk Dalton out of it. This kind of heroic endeavor was just the kind of thing that Usopp loved.
Not surprisingly, Usopp was on Dalton’s side. What as surprising was that Usopp planned to carry Dalton up the mountain.
“Oh this is gonna be sad,” I said.
“Embarrassing,” Zoro added.
It was. The thought was nice, but Usopp just wasn’t strong enough to carry Dalton. He gave it a good try though.
“Alright, go help him,” I said to Zoro. “You’re the only one, who can carry him without dragging him on the ground.”
I could lift Dalton. It would be easy. I just wasn’t tall enough to carry him without dragging his feet and considering that he had frostbite that probably wasn’t the best idea.
Zoro shook his head, walking over and lifting Dalton up on his shoulder.
“Are you gonna sit there and whine or are you coming with us?” Zoro asked Usopp.
I hurried over, catching up with them.
Usopp was yelling at Zoro about stealing his thunder, hitting and kicking him.
“Boys, play nice,” I scolded, trying to hide my amusement.
“Hey! Hold up. There’s an easier way up to the castle,” someone called out. “Instead of walking, take the rope way.”
“The rope way? That’s impossible. There hasn’t been one connected to Wapol’s castle in a while.”
“Someone must’ve just recently reconnected one, because I just saw it. There was a rope going from the castle to a big white tree outside of Gyasta.”
‘Of course, where we should’ve headed to begin with.’
We along with a number of the Drum Island residents headed to Gyasta. At the base of the rope was a gondola, which Vivi, Usopp, Zoro, Dalton, myself and roughly a dozen men crowded into. It was entirely too crowd, resulting in it being slow moving, but it was at least moving.
Dalton was seething, where he sat.
“You need to settle down. You’re just going to worsen your condition, if you keep behaving like this,” I said.
My words were ignored. He continued to rant and rave. I understood he was upset, but he was going to die, if he didn’t settle down.
I finally understood why I was ignored, when he pulled multiple sticks of dynamite out of his jacket.
“When we get up there, everyone take cover. There are going to be explosions, once I get inside.”
I was the only one still paying attention to the top of the mountain, the smoke that had started to come from it along with a few loud crashes. ‘Captain made it,’ I thought, grinning. “Dalton, when we get up there. You are going to sit down and take it easy,” I told him.
“Wapol-“ he started.
“Luffy!” I shot back. “Our captain is up there. Our navigator. Our cook. That’s what Wapol ran into, when he came up here to reclaim that castle.”
Everyone started looking up at the castle like I was.
“She’s right,” Usopp said, sounding smug. “You brought that dynamite to blow up Wapol, but there isn’t going to be any Wapol to blow up.”
“I know he doesn’t look like much, but I’m willing to put the fate of my own country in Luffy’s hands. You should have faith that he will protect yours,” Vivi said.
“But he doesn’t know-“
I smiled back at Vivi and Dalton. “That bastard ate part of our ship, tried to eat Luffy, and if he’s up there, has likely threatened Nami and Sanji.”
“Luffy’s gonna kick his ass,” Zoro said.
The people of Drum just looked at us, probably thinking that we were mad. I didn’t blame them. If I had been in their position, I’d have my doubts to. I turned, keeping my eyes trained on the mountain top.
Sure enough, a few moments later, what looked to be a much thinner Wapol rocketed overhead.
“Atta boy, Luffy,” I praised.
We made it to the top, Zoro, Usopp and I getting off and going ahead to scout out the area. We didn’t know, who else was with Wapol or even for sure if the guy that had been launched off the island even was Wapol.
Usopp, who had declared that he was going to go ahead and brave whatever dangers there would be, was cowering behind Zoro by the time we reach the top of the staircase that led from the gondola bay to the outside world.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” Zoro asked, swatting at Usopp, trying to get him to release his leg.
“Just watching your back.”
‘Idiots,’ I thought fondly.
The view from up here was gorgeous.
A familiar scream caused me to spin around and Zoro and Usopp to stop bickering. Luffy had rocketed himself towards us… Because of course he did.
“LUFFY!” the other two screamed in panic.
They dove out of the way of our captain. I braced myself, digging my feet into the ground as much as I could, but with the snow it was difficult. I caught Luffy around the torso, the impact caused me to slide back roughly twenty feet, before coming to a stop.
Luffy started laughing. “Nice catch, Mira!”
“Thanks, Captain,” I responded, chuckling.
“Why’d you do that, you moron?!” Zoro raged.
I set Luffy back on his feet, and stood up properly, dusting the snow off of myself.
“I didn’t recognize you,” Luffy explained. “I thought you were more of Big Mouth’s guards ready to fight. I’m surprised you came up here. Well not you Zoro, Mira, but Usopp, aren’t you usually scared of doing stuff like climbing mountains?”
“HAHAHAHA! Yeah right,” Usopp scoffed. “Whenever there’s a towering peak in front of me, I climb it, but let me tell you scaling that mountain hand over hand was no picnic.”
“Actually, we took a rope way car,” Vivi explained, causing Usopp to topple over. “Nami and Sanji are they alright?”
“Yeah! Both of them are just fine.”
“Thank goodness.”
“I knew you had it all under control.”
“So what was that you were doing on top of the castle a few minutes ago?” Zoro asked.
“Beating the crap out of the king,” Luffy said.
“Dalton,” I greeted, seeing him exit the stairwell. “You’re just in time.”
“You mean that person I saw flying through the air was actually Wapol?” Dalton asked, disbelief clear on his face. “You beat him?”
“Yep. I sure did.”
“And his two henchmen what happened to them?”
“Well the reindeer beat him up.”
“But those two? A reindeer?” Dalton was still struggling to accept it.
“Reindeer?” I asked.  “Another zoan?”
“Hey Usopp, I made a new friend. You gotta meet him. Get this. He’s a reindeer.”
‘Leave it to Luffy.’
Dalton notice something in the trees. I followed his gaze to wear a little reindeer was standing. I think it was trying to hide, but it was backwards. I had thought that, when Luffy said a reindeer he had found a human that had eaten the ox ox fruit, model reindeer, but based on his appeared this appeared to be a reindeer that had eaten a human human fruit.
I wasn’t thinking about that at the time though that came later, because my first thought, which tumbled out of my mouth on its own was, “So freaking cute.”
Dalton bowed to the reindeer, thanking it for helping the country. The rest of the people of Drum finally made their way over to us. They all looked at the reindeer.
“What? What is that strange creature behind that tree?”
“It almost looks like a reindeer.”
“No. You’re wrong. It’s a monster.”
Humans. Ignorant creatures. Afraid of what they didn’t know of what they didn’t understand.
“No! Don’t shoot him!” Dalton ordered.
Something finally registered in Usopp’s head, because he screamed, eyes nearly popping out of his head. “It’s a yeti! Somebody shoot it!”
The words of the people upset the reindeer, who sped off into the forest, crying.
I spun around and knocked Usopp upside the head, at the same time as Luffy.
“You jerk face!” Luffy yelled. “He’s not a yeti, you idiot! He’s my new friend!”
“You coward! He wasn’t hurting you! Don’t go screaming fire until you know something’s a threat!”
You’d figure that after Little Garden Usopp would’ve realized that things weren’t always what they seemed, but no. Fear controlled him more than anything else.
“You scared him so bad he ran away,” Luffy continued.
“If you could kill Dorry and Broggy would you have just shot them on sight? You wouldn’t have a master then would you?”
“You’re right. You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not us that you need to say sorry to,” Luffy said.
Usopp slumped in defeat.
“I’m gonna go get him, so that you can apologize.” With that Luffy took off after the reindeer.
“I never seen Mira get this mad. Way to go Usopp,” Zoro jabbed.
“I’m not mad,” I corrected. “I’m annoyed that a crewmate of mine would behave in such a manner. I know what it’s like to be afraid. I also know what it’s like to be the thing that people are afraid of. It hurts, especially, when you know that the only reason people are still afraid of you is because they won’t give you a chance.”
I glared at the villagers, who looked appropriately sheepish.
“The doctor is here right? We need to get Dalton to her.”
“The girl’s right,” a voice called out.
The villagers gasped. “Doctor Kureha?!”
“Yeah. Good to see you too. Now be useful and get the injured guy to the medical ward.”
“I recognize you! You’re that damn old hag from before!” Zoro yelled.
You would think that seeing a woman dressed like she’s twenty, despite probably being seven times that, would be a dead giveaway that she was sensitive to the whole age thing, but apparently not to Zoro. Kureha brought her fist down on top of his head, knocking him to the ground. I could see the goose egg forming.
“You had that one coming,” I told him.
I shook my head. “Someone keep his feet from dragging,” I said, hoisting Dalton up over my shoulder.
The villagers were all still.
“I’d do what the girl says, or you’re going to be in pain like this man here,” Kureha said.
That got them all moving, lifting Dalton’s feet as we headed to the medical ward.
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