#Dalton kailman
Kailman Legacy || 07: The Ballad of Edith Dean [Part 1]
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After confronting her predicament in private through scribbled notes and song lyrics, Edith Dean finally ventured to visit her family to ground herself.
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Having heard the news from Dayla Ann before the Kailblum wedding, her mother was a wonderful listening ear to her daughter's woes and reminded her that some of the best music comes from the wildest and most brutal parts of life. Emma knew all too well what this felt like for the wife, so she encouraged Edith Dean to cut ties with Thorne when she returned to the valley and make her amends once the dust settled. Taking her mother's words to heart, she spent the rest of the day playing with her youngest siblings. Eleanor Jane had a birthday coming, so she wouldn't be able to play with her the same much longer. Swinging with Dominick, too, lifted her spirits sky-high.
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Once out of the dumps, she shared some of what she'd been working on with her father, who was eager to see Edith Dean take her situation in stride and use it for her work. The long drive home gave her plenty of time to find the right words when it came down to it, and upon eating dinner that night, she texted Thorne.
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Who ended up at her door in what felt like seconds, though, wasn't the man of the hour. But who wound up at her front door in the nick of time?
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Kailman Legacy || 03: The Wedding and the Woeful Other Woman
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Another Kailman girl is hitched! Emily Louise married Aden Blum on the gorgeous beach of Sulani surrounded by her parents and adult siblings underneath the spring sunshine. The two combined their surnames to create a new family line: The Kailblums. Grateful to have her aging father walk her down the aisle, Emily Louise couldn’t be happier on her big day.
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Amongst her sisters, however, this day will be marked with a bombshell.
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With the ceremony concluded and the sunset reception well under way, Dayla Ann and Edith Dean caught up while the family celebrated the newlyweds. With Edith Dean living in Del Sol Valley to get her violinist career off the ground, the two hadn’t seen each other in quite some time. Dayla Ann shared stories of her children growing up while Edith Dean talked about the guy she’d been seeing, in a very low key, noncommittal sense. This wasn’t just quality sister time, however, as Dayla Ann told her that the man she thought was just a well-known producer was actually Thorne Bailey, the famous, and married, top-charting musician.
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The reality of her situation hit as the couple made their grand exit towards their honeymoon, so she stepped away for air to grapple with this fact: she was a home wrecker. She barely made a name for herself and was now tabloid fodder. What could she do to remedy her potentially soiled reputation? One thing for certain, she has to fix this before her dreams are crushed forever.
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Kailman Legacy || 02: New Grad, New Flame
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With a diploma in hand and candles on a cake blown, Emerson is now a young adult with a bright future ahead and the immense support of his family behind him. While the party slowed, Noah James took it upon himself to walk Dayla Ann a few short steps to her door. She talked about how proud she was of her little brother, how he'd dreamt of the opportunity Noah James gave him, and how grateful she was for it.
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The two did get to know each other, though. Their time together, although brief, would stick in both their minds. And how could it not? With her divorce now further from her mind, why not get back out there? Even with him being even more handsome in person and just as sweet, she still couldn't jeopardize Emerson's future should things go sour. Meanwhile, Noah James knew she was someone worth getting to know from their first few words exchanged over birthday cake and family laughter. She was just as charming and sociable as the rest of her family and all the more pretty to look at. Only time will tell if this evolves into more than small talk.
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Kailman Legacy || 01: Ranch Hand for Hire
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With graduation swiftly approaching, Emerson Kailman sought a mentor to teach him the ins and outs of ranch life as he hoped to make a living caring for horses and his own piece of land. Noah John James, the wealthiest of those in the profession in Chestnut Ridge, eagerly welcomed him and his father, Dalton, to his home to discuss the idea.
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Emerson's eagerness to work hard and learn under Noah John's leadership inspired him, and so he agreed to take him on, giving him the downstairs guestroom once he was ready. Dalton, thoroughly impressed and charmed by the young man running such a successful ranch, trusted that Noah John would take good care of his son as he entered his tender young adult years. Unbeknownst to Emerson, however, there was another similarly earnest graduate who would be joining them who may serve as competition or a potential distraction to his goals...
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Kailman Legacy || Emma and Dalton
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Emma and Dalton married straight out of high school. They built their farm from the ground up by raising animals, fresh produce, and flowers and raising their seven children: Dayla Ann, Emily Louise, Dalton II (called DJ), Edith Dean, Emerson, Dominick, and Eleanor Jane. However, during a lull in their marriage, Dalton had an affair with one of Emma’s close friends. He chose his family and wife over the brief infatuation, cut ties with her entirely, and rebuilt trust with his wife. While often busy, their life was simple and cozy, exactly what they wanted.
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Coming May 30th, 2024
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Kailman Legacy || 34: “Don’t bother explainin’ yourself”
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"-So yeah, we're doing okay, but you know how he is." Dayla Ann told her dad one fine summer afternoon. "As long as the kids do okay over there, I'm fine."
"Yeah, he's always been himself, huh?" Dalton Sr. chuckled. "But I'm glad it's all sorted itself out."
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"Lot of time and effort on my end, let me tell you what." Dayla Ann laughed. "But it's cordial, which is all I care about."
"Sure, sure. What'd he say about the trip then?"
"Oh, he's fine with it as long as he can take the kids somewhere at some point."
She couldn't help but roll her eyes at his seeming attempt for tit-for-tat with her, but it wasn't an entirely unreasonable ask. Since their surprise visit to the opening, Vanessa has tried to prove herself trustworthy in Dayla Ann's eyes. Despite what connects the three, she, Tim, and Vanessa have a rhythm now, which can only be good.
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Before leaving for the garden to check on Luna and everything else, Dayla Ann touched base with her sister about the end-of-summer trip that is now in the works.
"How're feeling, Em?"
"Massive." Laughed Emily Louise, touching her round, pregnant belly as she smiled back at her sister. "But Aden's spoiling me rotten, as per usual, so,"
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"As he should be. You sure you'll be up for it though?"
"Oh yeah, the boys are way too excited and I know you won't let yours get too rowdy."
"Yeah, no, they should be fine. My biggest thing is making sure you're good, especially since you're due any day now."
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"Everything's been routine up to now, so just bring plenty of sunscreen and we got the rest. Toys, swimgear, whatever."
"Thanks again, Em, it's been way too long."
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Dayla Ann said a quick hello and goodbye to her brother-in-law and nephew before changing for work and driving up the hill, not expecting anything out of the ordinary. What she was met with instead was Luna, the employee she'd come to trust with handling half the day solo, fighting with some random woman in the middle of the store, drawing the attention of every soul in the store to the commotion. Dayla Ann could only watch for several beats, trying to process, before the two women found a stopping point. Luna dusted herself off, seemingly pleased with herself, not knowing what she was in for now.
"How dare you have absolutely no sense, pickin' a fight like a toddler?" Her childhood country accent was full of anger as she reprimanded Luna. "You know full well this is inappropriate and just plain stupid and childish."
"-Don't bother explainin' yourself. This is unacceptable. Go 'head and turn your key in, I'll send your final check this week."
Luna, scratched up and disheveled, let herself cry at just how shocking the day had turned out, with Dayla Ann giving her a look before trying to figure out how to handle this. One thing's for sure, summer's gonna get a bit more complicated without an extra set of trustworthy hands, rather than Luna throwing hers.
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Kailman Legacy || 29: The 1st Place Winner and The Potential Opening Act
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The first equestrian competition would be underway soon, so as Emerson warmed up, he was happy to have the distraction from who'd been on his mind lately. He and Louisa hadn't discussed the "almost kiss" from several nights ago and, frankly, hadn't said much else outside preparing for the competition. Would the bit of distance solidify the decision they both made to avoid romance at all costs or make the heart grow fonder?
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Instead of thinking too long about that question, Louisa eagerly welcomed her parents' surprise visit that morning and checked in on the little sister, who was almost ready to arrive.
"How've things been?" Asked her dad, Allen. "Good! Noah's been training the ranch hand and he's about to compete with Gold Rush here in a few hours." "Ah, yes, the farm boy. I've heard a lot about him. He hasn't been too much of a bother, has he?" "No, quite the opposite. He's very polite and respectful. We, uh, don't see a lot of each other anyway." "Good. I've heard good things though, so, should he do something with his life, I'll consider it." "Oh, well, uh-" "-And you need to get established yourself. Summer won't last forever. Is everything for school done?" "Yes, of course."
Their brief catchup wrapped up soon after, and Louisa thought of the dorm she was due to tour, the roommates she would come to meet once the summer came to a close. At summer's start, she couldn't wait for the season to end so she could start preparing for her career. Thinking of it had a pang of sadness, as a pair of sea-moss blue eyes wouldn't say good morning every day, and she wouldn't laugh at his jokes when the two rode the horses together.
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Despite only beginning his journey into equestrian sports, Emerson found himself the 1st place winner of the beginner-level competitions. Emerson couldn't be happier, especially with so much of his family there to support him. This was only the beginning of his dreams coming true, and he beamed as he and Gold Rush received their prizes. After freshening up, Emerson and everyone went out for lunch.
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Louisa charmed the Kailmans within moments, sitting with them while Emerson sat with his parents and oldest sister, Dayla Ann, who couldn't stop telling him how proud she was.
"You're just such a natural, I can't get over it." Dayla Ann beamed. "Thank you, thank you." Emerson smiled back. "It's just the first level though, I have plenty more to learn." "Looks like Mr. James is teachin' you a lot then, huh?" Asked Dalton. "Oh, absolutely." "Good, I'm happy to hear that. I knew the moment I met him that he'd be the type of man I'd want you to learn from. I couldn't be happier." Emma remarked, smiling at her son.
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Speaking of Noah John, he and an old friend caught up in a cozier corner. Dirk Dreamer, his former college roommate, had clearly made a name for himself in the entertainment world but managed to keep a minimal ego and pristine reputation.
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After seeing Edith Dean perform, Noah John considered doing her a solid and introducing them, especially after the recent drama surrounding her. It'd calmed down since it first broke, but a girl with that much raw talent deserved someone to teach her the ropes so that similar scandals wouldn't repeat. Plus, Dirk was in quite the pickle himself. His country duo act was due to start their tour in a matter of weeks, and their opener had to drop out at the last minute. While he got some help for half the set, he wanted an up-and-comer to take the spot and get their name out there. Would this plucky redhead with a dream prove herself ready for such an opportunity?
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Mini Update || 02 || Happy Birthday Dominick!
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The sixth of the seven Kailman siblings is now a teen, and this is how his parents and little sister spent their day.
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Kailman Legacy || What You Need to Know
Before this series begins, I want to review a few things so you know what to expect should you wish to join me on this adventure.
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Starting May 2nd, I'll be posting little introductory posts first for important side characters, then the main cast during the weeks before the first chapter goes live on May 30th.
From then on, I will post a new chapter every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm CST unless otherwise noted. Most of them have been completed way ahead of time, as I've been working on this since late March/early April in my free time, so I doubt there will be a break in the schedule. Outside those Thursday updates, I'll share polls, photos I didn't choose for the previous chapter, and relevant outside blog posts about the series' events. This will make more sense just before chapter three.
I welcome audience participation! No idea is a bad one. I'm down to hear what you'd like to see happen. I can't guarantee I'll implement them, but I am all the more willing to see what I can do.
While the Sims 4 is a fairly PG game, this series will feature some adult themes. Nothing explicit, meaning that the story will discuss intimate relationships, emotions, and situations but will not showcase nudity or violence or use excessive explicit language. If I had to give it a rating, it'd be PG-13.
The four Sims in the promo images are the lead characters, so I'll be playing out storylines specific to them rotationally. You'll probably see the pattern by chapter four, but I'll gladly clarify if needed.
That’s pretty much it! I’m so excited to share what I’ve been having a blast creating the past couple of months, and I hope you enjoy it just as much!
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The Eldest Daughter, the Doctor, the Violinist, & The Rancher
These four siblings were raised on a family farm and now pursue vastly different paths, with intertwining stories containing interpersonal drama, familial pressures, and plenty of classic Sims shenanigans. Welcome to their place in the Kailman family's legacy.
Coming May 30th, 2024
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The Violinist, The Eldest Daughter, The Doctor, and The Rancher [on hiatus]
These four siblings were raised on a family farm and now pursue vastly different paths, with intertwining stories containing interpersonal drama, familial pressures, and plenty of classic Sims shenanigans. Welcome to their place in the Kailman family's legacy.
Recent (updated 07/25)
Character Specific
Emerson Dayla Ann Edith Dean DJ
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Kailman Legacy || 12: Birthdays, Besties, and Blow Ups
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Taking the day off, DJ happily helped his oldest sister pull off the combined birthday party of Benjamin and Clover. He remembered the day she told the family she was expecting, when he met all her kids as newborns, and so was honored to help her celebrate them. DJ felt that longing again as he played with his nieces and nephews, chatted with his family, and enjoyed home-style cooking courtesy of his mom and sister. He still wanted this for himself: children of his own to throw birthday parties for, toddlers eager to play and fall asleep in his arms, calling him "daddy." Thankfully, he wasn't given much room to get the baby fever blues when he overheard his ex-brother-in-law say an all-too-familiar name.
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After wiping barbecue sauce off his hands, he heard the name "Vanessa," and his stomach dropped. Wait, there's no way, he thought, there is no way he's talking about my Vanessa. His Vanessa was a pretty brunette he met on SimDa months ago, with whom he had a lot more platonic chemistry than romantic. She felt similarly, and they have only gotten closer since. He'd even consider her one of his best friends at this point. But, alas, his worst fear was brought about by one glance outside the glass doors.
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Practically running outside, DJ went out to greet her, and the two were just as surprised to see one another as to be expected. DJ's stomach met the floor when she heard the words "my boyfriend," and he asked who she was talking about to make sure ("You know, Tim Goldbloom"). More uncomfortable than ever, DJ asked how long they'd been together, how they met, all the typical questions you'd ask in a normal situation. This, clearly, wasn't a normal situation, but by the way Vanessa answered his questions, it sure seemed that way to her. Dear God. She has no idea.
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He eventually got her inside, and Tim came to his rescue, taking her to meet Dayla Ann before joining the rest of the party. DJ could only watch from a distance as he saw his oldest sister try not to burst into flames on the spot. This was nowhere near planned, that's for sure, and Dayla Ann was not happy about it one bit. Still, she handled it like a champ and kept calm around the happy couple for the sake of everyone, including their four kids only a few steps away. Tim, thus, threw Vanessa into the deep end and she managed to meet the kids with little drama, except for the youngest. Clover, not a fan of strangers in general, wasn't keen on being held by this new woman and caused a scene only an infant can conjure, putting Vanessa on edge.
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The party continued with an awkward air around the four Sims, most aware of the situation, but the kids had a blast, and soon came the big event. With Mom and Dad holding the pair, Benjamin and Clover blew out their birthday candles and were thus swept into their new stages of life. Clover, therefore, waddled her way to the pile of presents, with Benjamin racing to beat her to it. The two loved every gift from their loved ones. Vanessa continued to mingle amongst the Kailmans and made a decent first impression, while Dayla Ann held her tongue for the remainder of the party when anyone asked about her. DJ ensured his sister could enjoy the festivities and the winding down of the night while he handled clean up and keeping the littles busy before heading home.
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Once the train of goodbyes began, Dayla Ann and Tim took a breather outside and began to argue over the obvious. Vanessa, having already left, was the main topic of conversation, and DJ could hear everything from behind the window, troubled to know that his friend was in the middle of their drama. Dayla Ann, rightfully so, called Tim out for crossing the clear boundary she set while he defended his decision, saying there would never be a perfect time, so he just wanted to get it over with "for the sake of the kids." DJ was left at his crossroads: would he remain friends with Vanessa, even with all this going on? Would he be the one to tell her the truth about her coupling up with Tim, the man who was clearly too good to be true? Would DJ play Switzerland and pretend this doesn't involve him when it very much does?
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Kailman Legacy || 08: A Mother's Flowers from a Country Garden
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It's Love Day in the world of the Sims, and DJ took it upon himself to drive home to ask his mom to make one of her beautiful flower bouquets for Sakura, a pretty and intelligent fellow doctor. The best way to get a woman off your mind is to put another one in her place, right, DJ? It was also a great excuse to hang out with his little brother and see how Eleanor Jane was after her recent birthday. They talked about Edith Dean's recent visit, and DJ was happy that her spirits were lifted despite the drama.
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While lunch was made, DJ told Emma about the woman he'd wanted the flowers for, and she was happy to hear of her, telling him she'd love to meet her should things work out. After all, what mother wouldn't want to see her handsome and successful son settle down with someone he considers an equal? Dominick couldn't help but squeeze between them to hear his older brother talk about his work and life in the city. He was also drawn to caring for his fellow Sim and thought following in DJ's footsteps would be a good idea.
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The family then had a picnic on the farm, and DJ was sufficiently prepared to see what could happen between him and the woman on his mind. He invited her to the park since they both had the day off. She looked all the more cute in the spring sunshine and out of hospital scrubs, and the two took a walk, asking about their lives outside of work. She admitted that Love Day was always a bit of a sore spot for her due to some bad breakups happening around that time, and he appreciated her honesty. He shared that while he hadn't had a serious relationship yet, he admired his parents' commitment and consistent care for each other and their children. Now that he's gotten older, he'd love to have a similar legacy. Coming from parents who were never together, Sakura admired this dream of his.
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As the afternoon progressed into early evening, DJ finally gave her the gift he'd gotten for her, a bouquet of pink orchids courtesy of Mrs. Emma Kailman. Sakura was honored to receive something so intentional and homemade and quickly gave him the single-stem rose she'd picked from her community garden the day they'd talked in the break room. She admitted that she couldn't stop thinking about him since then but didn't want to make things awkward.
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Overjoyed to know that his interest was reciprocated, he took her hands in his, and the two knew this was the start of something.
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Kailman Legacy || 04: DJ's Loose End
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Back into work after his sister's destination wedding, Dalton got to know Sakura, a fellow doctor who's been on his mind more often lately. You can't blame the guy; he has a thing for a girl's eyes, and hers certainly were on him when they chatted in the breakroom.
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After his first few patients of the day, he got the news that he'd been promoted. Just in time, Dayla Ann called to catch up since she was a bit caught up in her conversation with their sister, who left earlier than the other siblings from the wedding and did not seem like herself. Dayla Ann got him up to speed on Edith Dean's huge dilemma concerning her part in a marriage's crumbling. It was odd for him to hear this, as he'd seen Dayla Ann come to terms with the infidelity in her own marriage, so to know that another sister was caught on the other side of similar tangles threw him for a loop. DJ took that opportunity to give her the good news, and she was overjoyed to know he was doing so well in his dream job, ending the call on a happier note. On the train home, the setting sun reminded him of the warm, sultry eyes of Eleanor, his former friend with benefits he'd only recently cut ties with. Reminded of how sad she was to leave his life, he texted her to check-in. That text turned to her at his door, and he was met with the same overwhelming draw he'd felt the first time they met. It's not crazy to think that they fell back into their pattern, stumbling into his apartment bedroom and spending another night together.
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She left early the following morning, and he dreamt of a different escape, maybe back in Sulani without a big family outing taking up his time. He chewed on the idea throughout the next day, and upon arriving home from work, Eleanor's name glowed on his phone: ELEANOR: I had a lot of fun last night. Do you wanna go out, see where the night takes us? I've missed you and clearly you missed me ;)
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Dalton Kailman II [DJ]
Traits: Materialistic, Reserved, Tender
Dalton, affectionately called DJ, has always felt different from the rest of his family. His twin, Emily Louise, was always more headstrong and romantic when he was shy, bookish, and awkward. While he was fine at the farm chores and enjoyed his time outdoors, he was enthralled with the intricacies of life and wanted to pursue a life in medicine to care for his fellow Sim. So, he dug his heels into his schoolwork to graduate at the top of his class and earn a Distinguished Degree in Biology at Foxbury University. With this massive accomplishment well earned, DJ stayed away from his quaint country roots and moved to San Myshuno to complete his residency and embrace bachelorhood.
Eleanor Tabor stuck out to him after their first meeting in the Valley at one of Edith Dean’s gigs. The two’s chemistry was palpable enough for them to become friends-with-benefits. But, those benefits would lead them to two pink lines on a pregnancy test. She was no where near interested in children, as she aspired to be an actress and knew a child would jeopardize that. He was initially supportive of the choice she would make, but after having a dream one night of fatherhood and family, DJ was heartbroken at the reality he was faced with. The two went their separate ways, and he’s come to realize that hookup culture and noncommittal flings were not for him. As much as he rolled his eyes at the cliche, small town romance of his parents, DJ wanted that kind of deep, longstanding commitment and a family of his own.
Could he find that kind love in a city of up-and-comers? Would his chosen career keep that dream on the back burner? Or would he make the biggest unexpected decision and move back home to find that small town love instead? Lots of things to consider and explore in…
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Coming May 30th, 2024
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Kailman Legacy || 33: Brother Knows Best
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After brunch with his girlfriend and her friends, DJ was reunited with his little brother, Emerson, who stayed the night with him to help start the moving process and catch up.
"You're looking good, man!" DJ said, noting how much older his brother looked already. "I can tell you've been in the sun."
"Oh yeah, every day," Emerson replied, taking the compliment. "How's work going?"
"Good, really good. I'm, uh, actually seeing someone from work."
"Oh yeah? When did that start?"
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"Right around Love Day, I had mom make flowers for her and we've basically been dating since, but it's official as of now."
"Well, that's cool. What's she like?"
"Her name's Sakura, and she just... so kind and so intelligent, you'd like her. She's really grounded and honest, I just know she can hold her own."
"Has to, since she's a doctor. Very, uh, Grey's Anatomy of you to date a doctor."
DJ laughed. "Yeah, well, apparently, she was into that before she met me, so it worked out. What about you? I doubt you have any time to think about that, Noah keeping you busy?"
"You could say that, but it's just not a good idea right now."
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"Ah, you both got a lot going on?"
"Well, that and she's also basically like his niece in a way; her dad and him went to high school together. He's pretty much put the 'no dating' rule up from the jump, so-"
"-So does she like you back then, or what?"
"I'm pretty sure? We talked about it, kind of, a while ago but..." Emerson quieted, trying to hide some embarrassment, a rosing in his cheeks, something his brother immediately picked up on.
"Did something happen? C'mon, I won't make a thing out of it."
"Her friends had this party at the bay lighthouse, and we kind of, almost... I mean-"
"-Emerson, spit it out."
"Okay, okay. We were having this whole conversation about what we wanted out of life. I talked about how I want what mom and dad have, you know? Something that is just so deep that they can read each other's faces instantly. The whole thing, but we got super close to each other and..." The bashfulness burned in his cheeks, and his brother bit back a grin. "I almost kissed her."
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"Okay, okay." DJ nodded as they continued their walk to the skating rink. "Was she into it?"
"I don't even know how to describe it, DJ, she just looked... incredible. Like, her eyes are just so brown but bright somehow and I could see the wheels turning, like she was trying to make up her mind about it. It was crazy."
"Makes sense though, since her surrogate uncle essentially put a stop between you two before anything really started. Why was it an almost though?"
"Oh, Albert, he hosted the party, walked up all drunk and we didn't want someone to see, so-"
"Dang." DJ nodded. "Well, I would think she's into you based on that alone, but I mean. You should probably get on the same page about it."
"I just don't wanna get her in trouble or anything."
"I sincerely doubt you two at least clearing up any confusion would make Noah upset. If anything, he'd probably encourage it so that there isn't this weird, awkward air about you all the time, wondering what the other is thinking."
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"You're... not wrong. It has been weird, and he's picked up on it."
"Well, there ya go, try and get her to talk about how she feels and go from there. Just saying, "Hey, I'm into you," doesn't make you a couple or like you're going behind anyone's back about it. If anything, after the summer, you can talk to Noah and see if he'd meet you in the middle since you both are clearly trying to respect the boundary the best you can."
"Right. Huh, I don't know why I didn't consider that."
"Well, you weren't exactly dating around before this. She's probably the first girl you've liked, right?"
"Pretty much yeah. I just didn't care about any of that then, I just wanted to work, but she..."
"Is the exception?" DJ smiled, putting his arm around his little brother. "If Louisa’s anything like you, I'm sure she's incredible and she'd be lucky to have you. Now, tell me about the horse stuff. When's your next competition?"
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And so, the brothers spent the rest of the day packing the apartment, ending with pizza and a movie on the couch. DJ encouraged him to make plans with Louisa for when he returns, so he wouldn't have time to overthink or procrastinate their much-needed conversation:
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"Hey! I should be back sometime tomorrow afternoon, could we chat for a bit before our meeting?"
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