#Dalton Mugridge
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519magazine · 1 year ago
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes (2010)
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My love for the Harry Potter films has pushed me to find out what makes them special. This means exploring the realm of wannabees. Many pictures would seek to duplicate the magic of J.K. Rowling’s wizarding world. The very worst has to be The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens: a film so cheap and poorly assembled you'll laugh at the embarrassing special effects when you're not spotting the cameraman's reflection. How could “Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes” be worse? It's a question you'll regret asking. This film crushes your soul under the weight of its agonizing performances, thin characters, dull action, incomprehensible plot, muddled dialogue, unearned sentiments and amateur writing.
While other students are enjoying their summer vacation, Billy Owens (Dalton Mugridge) and his best friends Devin (Christopher Fazio as fake Ronald Weasley) and Mandy (Ciara O’Hanlon as not Hermione Granger) are taught magic by their teacher, Mr. Thurgood (Roddy Piper). When the kids fool around with some runes and accidentally send their teacher into a coma from which he may never wake up, they ally themselves with Mandy’s cousin Danny (Mikayla Ottonello) to save him. Meanwhile, the villainous professor Mould (Paul Germs) and his crony, the bully-turned-troll Kurt (Jordon Goulet) are hot on their track.
To preserve your sanity while watching a film of this caliber, you must latch onto something and look forward to it. Ideally, it would be the romance blossoming, the villain getting their comeuppance, the mystery being solved, etc. In a bad movie, you'll settle for sleazy nudity, unconvincing gore, or memorably bad performances. In Billy Owens 2, what kept me going was Roddy Piper’s lumpy hat. Whenever he showed up, I wondered if he was going to tip it or take it off just to put it back on seconds later. I know it sounds pathetic, but beggars can't be choosers.
Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes is barely a movie and pinpointing its biggest weakness is easy: the sound design. Student filmmakers take note. Remember The Blair Witch Project and El Mariachi? They were to follow because you could hear what the characters were saying despite their minuscule budgets. Not that anything said in this rock-hard turd is worthwhile, but without even the charity of subtitles on the DVD release, Billy Owens 2 is a labor to get through. You literally have to strain yourself to piece together what this shoddy plot is about.
This sequel is significantly worse than its predecessor because it doesn’t have the "lovable" elements that made you laugh previously. There’s a phony-looking dragon, but all you see is its head, and even then, only for a few moments. While the dialogue is just as badly written, you can’t hear it. The performances are so crappy it's practically torture. The plot seems to stretch on endlessly. To watch this film all the way through you have to have lost part of your mind already, which seems obvious because no one would ever look at the DVD cover and say “Wow! I remember liking the first one. I bet this sequel will be just as good!”
I can’t believe I spent time, money and effort tracking down Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes. Maybe I deserve everything I got from it. I should’ve known better. To anyone who watches movies for fun, even bad movies, I beg you to stay away. (On DVD, December 29, 2017)
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skibididdy · 3 years ago
He’s dalton mugridge
omg harry styles @thatfractiouskid asked this
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aprthyp-blog · 13 years ago
Download Divx Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes Movie
Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes movie download
Paul Germs Bob Mugridge Jenny Elliott Dalton Mugridge Carol Beattie Ciara O'Hanlon Shannon Burrows Wendy Fazio Jordon Goulet Christopher Fazio
Download Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes
. Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes (Video 2010) - IMDb Director: Mark McNabb. Their teacher's soul imprisoned in a powerful amulet, a group of young wizards led by Billy Owens (Dalton Mugridge) embark on a noble quest to rescue the man who. Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes : DVD Talk Review of the. Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes (2008) - Overview - MSN. DVD Verdict Review - Billy Owens And The Secret Of The Runes Case Number 18937: Small Claims Court: Billy Owens And The Secret Of The Runes. . Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes DVD Rental, Rent Billy. Their teacher's soul imprisoned in a powerful amulet, a group of young wizards led by Billy Owens (Dalton Mugridge) embark on a noble quest to rescue the man who. Billy Owens is back for another enchanting adventure! Along with his three fellow friends in magic, they come together to help their teacher, Thurgood, when his soul. Amazon.com: Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes: Roddy Piper. MTI // 2010 // 84 Minutes // Not Rated Reviewed by Judge Gordon Sullivan // May 20th, 2010 BILLY OWENS AND THE SECRET OF THE RUNES press release dalton mugridge, ciara o! hanlon, christopher fazio, mikayla ottonello and roddy piper return to star in the all-new family-friendly fantasy / adventure film. Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes: Information from Answers.com Plot Their teacher's soul imprisoned in a powerful amulet, a group of young wizards led by Billy Owens (Dalton Mugridge) embark on a noble quest to rescue the man who. Actors: Carol Beattie: Nordic Goddess Shannon Burrows: Press Reporter Jenny Elliott: Principal Gwendolyn Cups Christopher Fazio. Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes: Lord love a duck, director Mark McNabb Netflix - Watch Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes Four youthful magicians face an epic challenge in this supernatural sequel to The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens: trying to thwart a sinister wizard from using a. Billy Owens and the Secret of the Runes - YouTube Billy, along with his two fellow students in magic, must find a way to free their teachers soul from an enchanted amulet before he is trapped forever
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens (2008)
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No one could ever mistake The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens for anything but what it is: a cheap Harry Potter ripoff. Directed by Mark McNabb with the help of some good-natured Canadians who had more love for their children than they did common sense, it’s so incompetent it’d be fascinating to see the thought process that brought it to life. Well, if the muffled audio, laughable special effects, poorly-written story, and complete lack of acting talent didn’t leave you catatonic minutes in.
Billy Owens (Dalton Mugridge, who shows no affinity for the art of acting whatsoever) is turning 11 on the 11th of November. While running away from a school bully (Jordon Goulet), he discovers a magic wand and learns of his secret destiny to combat evil. With the help of his two best friends, brainy Mandy (Ciara O'Hanlon) and allergen-prone Devon (Christopher Fazio), can they save the town of Spirit River from the evil Victor Mould (Paul Germs)?
From frame one, you know talent is the oil to this film's water. The camera movements are jittery, there are technical errors all over the place, the performances from adults and children alike are embarrassing, the special effects have been spawned out of a Playstation-1 era game that was rushed for release. Many scenes were shot so poorly even dunking them in a vat of post-production picture correction couldn't brighten the otherwise imperceptible actions without generating tons of visual noise. Making it worse is the sound quality. The lack of a subtitle option on the DVD means you’re stuck straining your ear, trying to capture the endless, annoying dialogue that would explain why Billy’s parents stay home while he sneaks around a public library and confronts a grown man who wants him dead.
What makes The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens somewhat fascinating is that clearly, the people in charge knew what kind of monster they’d created. The narration throughout was obviously a last-minute addition, with the least horrible of the three child actors (Ciara O'Hanlon) providing endless exposition to help reorient the audience. The special effects are so awful no human being could've thought they were acceptable. They couldn’t even afford to real fire! These mistakes generate plenty of laughs, which help dull the pain.
The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens tries so hard and fails so spectacularly. It takes a special kind of unscrupulous producer to say “Let’s release this for the public and get some of that Harry Potter money!” The young boy wizard protagonist whose destiny was unknown to him until his 11th birthday, the brainy female friend, their less-talented male friend, the venerable older wizard (played here by Roddy Piper) who introduces him to the world of sorcery, and more make it obvious this probably started as a "find-replace" script that was dialed down to meet the nonexistent budget. In the process, it lost track of all the wonder, excitement, and imagination of J.K. Rowling's creation. Then it dares to end in a cliffhanger. It’s the funniest ending I’ve seen in a while. “Yeah, that’s right. We suck… but don’t you want to know how bad it’s going to get?
I almost want to recommend The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens as a film that’s so bad it’s good. What prevents me from doing so is the sound quality. The warbling dialogue and lack of subtitles mean you have to clam up to understand the plot. There's no way you can properly riff on it and sitting quietly in a room so you can pay attention to this? that's inhumane. (On DVD, May 5, 2017)
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