#Dally x shyreader
How you met the Greasers.
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So some of the main parts are you meet the greasers but you’re really shy when you meet them. You fall in love with Dally and he has a soft spot only for you and no one else.
Included Characters:
•Two-Bit Matthew’s
•Sodapop Curtis
•Ponyboy Curtis
•Dally Winston
•Johnny Cade
•Darry Curtis
•Steve Randle
•And whoever is reading this.
One day you were walking down the street and a blue Mustang pulls up beside you. It’s the socs trying to cat call you. One of the greasers were walking down the street to go to the store but he heard them cat calling you. You are a shy person so you try to ignore it and keep walking. Dally walks up and says “Leave this girl alone dude. You’re always out here messing with people. Don’t you have better things to do? You’re rich, go spend it or something.” Bob speeds away from you two. You quietly say “Thank you.” and then Dally matches your tone and says “You’re welcome.” You start to walk away and Dally says “Wait, you shouldn’t be walking alone after that. I’ll walk with you.” So Dally just walks with you. He asks “So do you live around this area?” You have a short response “Mhmm” He asks you “Would you wanna go out sometime somewhere!” You say “Sure.”
You knew Dally because he is always in trouble or always in the newspaper so you know how he acts and sometimes you hear him screaming because your the house right next to his.
You say “I live right next door.” He says “Oh really?!” you nod your head. He says “Then you want to go out tonight?” You say “Sure.” He says “Alright.”
After you get to the store you see him stuffing things in his pockets. He comes over to you and stuffs the things you’re getting in his pockets. You says “Dally doing his usual.” He says “How did you know?” You just shrug. He grabs one thing to pay for so the cashier doesn’t get suspicious. You walk out and you start to walk home. He asks “What do you mean ‘Dally doing his usual’ how did you know that?” You say “I see you do it almost all the time.” He says “You never told anyone?” You say “Nope, i mind my own business.” He says “Sweet, but not really sweet because i wonder how many people see it.”
Once you get home Dally says “Wait can i introduce you to my group?” You say “Sure.” Even though your scared because your shy. Dally walks in and literally screams “LOOK WHO I MET.” Everyone in the rooms looks. Johnny says “A girl? Dally…” Dally says “A girl of my dreams.” Ponyboy says “Woah, first time you got a pretty girl.” You reach for the doorknob behind you and open the door. You say “Dally i’m ready to leave.” He says “Alright imma take her home. The socs keep trying to get her.” You politely wave bye to everyone and then run out of the house. Dally asks “Are you alright?” You say “Yeah, i got nervous.” He says “Don’t be nervous around them they’re chill. They’re just not used to me showing a girl off…”
You walk up the steps of your porch and Dally says “I’ll pick you up later.” You say “Bye Dally.” He runs up the steps quickly and hugs you and he says “Bye y/n.” He runs down the steps and runs back to the curtis house.
Johnny asks “Are you gonna treat that girl like a toy or actually treat her right.” He says “I am gonna treat her right. I wanna do right this time. I’ll need your help a little bit.” Johnny says “Wow… Dally asking for help?? That’s a little weird. But alright.” Dally says “I’m about to take her out. What do i wear? Do i get her flowers?” Ponyboy says “Get her flowers.” Dally said “PONYBOY SONCE WHEN WERE YOU LISTENING?” Ponyboy says “the whole time…” Dally says “IMMA RIP YOUR HAIR OUT!” Ponyboy says “I’m sorry Dally, I’m sorry.” Dally rolls his eyes. Johnny helps Dally and Ponyboy goes and gets flowers out of a socs yard and makes a bouquet out of them. They both help Dally look good and get ready.
Dally goes over and knocks on your door. You open up with the prettiest dress on. Dally said “Holy shi… You’re beautiful.” Then he hands you the flowers. He says “You ready to go?” You say yeah and you walk down the porch steps. He asks if you wanna get a ride there or walk. You say you wanna ride there because you were tired from school.
Before you guys leave you are sitting in the car he was asking where you wanted to go. But there was silence because you were too busy starring at him because you thought he looked good. He notices you starring. He gently pulls your face up and you two stare into each other’s eyes. Dally doesn’t want to rush things because yall aren’t even together yet but he leans in slowly and he kisses you gently. You kiss him back and after you both were smiling and you were both blushing. The group of greasers saw everything because they were standing on the porch because they were worried a little because they didn’t hear the car start for a while.
Sally notices and his face is redder than it was before. He says “oh shi.” You say “what? You don’t want them to see your softness.” You smile as he looks a little upset. You say “I’m sorry pretty boy.” He looks at you and kisses you. He starts making out with you. During one of the breathes he says “I’ll show them my weakness.” Then he backs away and he says “I’m sorry.. that was out of no where.” He gently caresses your cheek. You blush and say “You look really good tonight. Honestly i didn’t know you were gonna look this good or i would’ve dressed a lot better than i do right now.” He says “You look perfect.” He gets excited for doing something right without asking Johnny for help. But he dosent show that he’s excited.
You finally leave to go out. You go to a coffee shop and you order two coffee’s one for you and one for him. You order a small chocolate donut and he orders two big glazed donuts. After eating your donuts and drinking your coffee you two decide to go home because you’re both exhausted from the day. So he drives home. He asks you if you wanna stay over and sleep in his room. You say sure and he takes you to the Curtis house because he has his own room in there and he wanted to stay there for the night. So when you walk in the door everyone looks at you both and Ponyboy said “We all say you two in the car before you left..” Johnny says “PONYBOY! you weren’t supposed say that.” He says “oh oops..” Dally looks mad but he grabs your hand and pulls you into his room.
You two are in the room he starts to get ready for bed then he realizes you don’t have any clothes but if he gives you his they’ll be too big so he thought maybe Pony or Johnny. He asks “Do you want me to go ask ponyboy or johnny if they have any clothes you can wear to bed?” You just says “I guess.” He walks out and screams for Ponyboy. Ponyboy screams back and says “WHAT DO YOU WANT SODAP- DALLY?!” Dally laughs and says “Did you just try to call me sodapop?” Pony says “Noooo…..” Then Ponyboy smirks and says “Maybe..” But then he asks what dally wants. Dally asks “Do you have anything my girl can wear?” He says “Yeah i have Johnnys clothes… Don’t tell him.” Dally laughs at Ponyboy and he says to Pony “You know i’m going to tell him later.” Ponyboy goes and grabs the clothes and throws them at Dally. Dally says “You little s-“ Darry interrupts them and asks if anyone wants cake. Ponyboy screams on the top of his lungs and says “MEEE!!!” Darry laughs and gives it to him. Dally just walks back to his room and hands you the clothes.
You go to change into the clothes. Once your done Dally asks if you wanna sit in the living room to watch tv. You say “Sure.” So yall walk into the living room and you see Ponyboy and Steve stuffing their faces with chocolate cake. Then Johnny and Two-bit are sitting on the couch. Dally says “Oh man.” You say “What?” Dally says “You’re wearing Johnnys-“ Johnny interrupts Dally and says “Why are you wearing my clothes y/n?…” Dally points at Ponyboy. Johnny says “Ponyboy… Why did you give my clothes to someone?…” Ponyboy says “Y/n needed them…” Johnny says “They were only for you to keep for emergencies.” You say “I can give them back. I’ll even wash them.” Johnny says that it’s fine and that you can wear them because he dosent care as much as he’s making it seem like he cares but in reality he dosent he is just more mad at the fact that Ponyboy didn’t bother to tell him.
After chilling for a while you fall asleep. Dally notices but he makes Ponyboy carry you back to Dallys room. Ponyboy accidentally hit your head off the corner of a wall. You wake up instantly and you say “Why are you carrying me?” Pony says “Because Dally didn’t want to.” You look upset and Ponyboy is just holding you because he is talking and he obviously cannot talk and walk and focus on carrying you at the same time because he is clumsy. So he stops talking then continues to walk. He basically throws you on the bed and walks out of the room. You hear Dally say “My turn ponyboy.” Ponyboy goes and picks him up halfway. He only got ahold of Dallys feet and is dragging his across the floor. Everyone in the room is laughing especially Ponyboy but then Pony trips from walking backwards and falls straight on his back. He gets back up like nothing happened and continued to drag him. Then once he finally got Dally into his room he uses what he can and lifts Dally onto the bed. After he got Dally on the bed he says “You know i was kidding, right pony?” You giggle but it’s a quiet one so only Dally heard it since he was closer.
After Pony left the room you both fell asleep immediately. Then you wake up in the middle of the night to find Ponyboy and Johnny in your bed beside Dally. The house is silent but you hear Ponyboy, Johnny and Dallas talking and laughing. You say “What the h*ll are you all doing. Go to bed.” They all say no at the same time and since they said it at the same time they start dying of laughter. You roll your eyes you get up and walk to the living room and you sleep on the floor because two-bit already had the couch.
In the morning you wake up to Sodapop and Steve raiding the house for Sodapops work shirt. You ask steve “what are you looking for?” He says “Sodapop’s work shirt.” You say “I thought i saw it laying on the couch before two-bit laid down. They roll two-bit over waking him up and they find his shirt. Sodapop asks “Why are you laying out here?” You say “Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy were having a conversation and laughing really loud because somehow they were all wide awake.” Darry heard you say that and he says “PONYBOY?” You say “Mhmm” Darry says “PONYBOY GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!” then he says to you “Thanks for telling me. This boy knew he had school today. He’s definitely going to get a talk.” Ponyboy walks out looking scared. Then they just argue back and fourth. Dally walks out from all the screaming. He asks you “Why are you laying out here?” You say “Because of you and your two little friends and you took your eyes.” He says “I was dr*nk.” You say whatever and you stuff your head into the pillow. You were shivering a little bit and Two-bit notices. Then Two-bit throws a blanket at you.
Dally finally treats a girl right (aka you) and everyone is surprised. Everyone says how lucky you are to have him. You think they’re just people trying to hit on Dally but nope it’s because he changes just for you.
This is all i can think of right now. Please give me some tips on how to make my writings better i really want to make it look nice and have it look interesting for you guys to read.
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