sorinzcool · 1 year
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*★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。
🔥Sanji x Reader 🏵️
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Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x f!reader
Tags: F/N used, hairstyle mentioned, long hair implied
Characters Mentioned: Vinsmoke Sanji, Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Monkey D. Luffy, Boa Hancock (mentioned)
Warnings: cigarettes mentioned, light swearing, first kiss
Word Count: 3704
**FLUFF !!!**
self insert is fem/fem implied !!!
modern au !!!
listen to the songs mentioned while reading for the best experience!
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Summary: You walk into a salon and get a haircut that was created by the salon master Vinsmoke Sanji. A couple weeks later, you meet him and his friends again by coincidence at the mall. You spend time with Sanji and his friends at the mall and get to know them a bit better. Months later, you're invited to a party by Nami and you accept, going to the slumber party where later in the night, Sanji confesses to you and you share a tender kiss.
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It’s bright outside, the sun beating hot and your car’s air conditioning blowing quietly on your face as you sit in your car in silence with your own thoughts. You’re slightly annoyed as you keep sticking to your seat, the loud cicada’s chirping buzzing in your ears in contrast to the low volume of one of your favorite songs that came from your car speakers.
You open your phone and go into your social media, deciding to look at yourself in the camera and maybe goof off with some of the provided filters. You do so, realizing that your hair is becoming long, hair to maintain in the heat, and kind of unruly. The previous color you had in your hair is now faded and your roots are showing through.
You scrunch your lip at the camera and mess with your hair a little bit, realizing that you should probably go get a haircut. You switch tabs and look up the nearest hair salon near your location. You go through some salon options, reading reviews and the like before a specific location catches your eye. The name of the place was called “Piratella Hair Studio”.
After reading most of the reviews, you decide that this is the place that you’re going to decide to go to. Wanting to find out a bit more about the place, you dial the phone number. You wait a while as the ringback tone sounds in your ear.
After a while of waiting, a burly, stretched out, Brooklyn accent female voice comes to the line. “Hello, Piratella Hair Studio, how can we help’ya today?” The lady was chewing gum pretty audibly, but you got by it.
“Good afternoon, um, I was wondering if you guys take walk-ins?” You asked nervously, almost like you were hiding behind the phone.
“Oh yea hunny, we take walk-ins. Just c’mon down to’tha salon and we’ll take care of’ya.” The voice replied, the same gum-smacking coming through the other end of the line.
“Alright, I’ll be there, thank you ma’am!” You said, hurriedly hanging up the phone and sighing, rubbing your temples. I guess that gum she was eating was a bit more annoying than you originally thought. You slung your seatbelt around your chest and clicked it into the buckle, turning the key in the ignition and driving off, having the location put into your GPS.
You arrive at the hair salon, unbuckling your seatbelt and grabbing your personal belongings. You exit your vehicle, making sure you lock it before entering the salon. When you step foot in the doorway, your nose is bombarded by various smells: stingy, lemony hairspray, nose-torching, acidic hair bleach, shrouding, tear-jerking cigarette smoke… all of it wafting into your nose all at once, forcing a cough out of you. “Beauty and a Beat” by Justin Beiber and Nicki Minaj played faintly as a sort of “ambience”.
The same Brooklyn voice then called out to you. “Hi hunny, take a seat, sorry ‘bout the smell, you’ll get used’ta it. Just take a seat there on that chair and one of our stylists will gett’ya.” Looking the lady up and down, she was no different than how you imagined her in your head. Already standoffish about this salon, you hesitantly sat down in the seat closest to the doorway just in case you needed a breath of fresh air. Were the replies and reviews lying to you? Was this place actually terrible compared to a different place you could have gone? You were already there, though. No going back now, right?
After a while of wafting smoke and other fumes away from your face, a smooth, French voice called out to you. “Madame, come up here, it’s your turn.” You look up to see a blond haired man with swirly eyebrows. Kind of weird, right? A cigarette was bobbing in between his lips as he spoke. So that’s where all the smoke was coming from… You hurriedly stood up from the ripped leather chair and shuffled over to a surprisingly comfortable chair.
“Hello m’lady, my name is Sanji and I am your hairstylist for today. My, my, you’ve got quite a hefty amount of hair here, gorgeous hair at that.” He said. You felt flattered as he commented on your hair but you brushed it off as mere talk.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Sanji. My name is F/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well, F/N. Now, what can we do for you today here at Piratella Hair Studio?” He asked, running his fingers through your hair. You shudder a bit as he examines your hair and scalp, feeling his slightly soft fingertips graze your scalp. You think for a moment before opening your mouth to speak.
“I’m not too sure what I want, but something that I do know is that I definitely want it cut a bit shorter than this not only for maintenance purposes but also because of the summer heat.”
Sanji takes a puff of his cigarette, the smoke circling around you two. You waft it away from your face, closing your teary eyes. “Sorry about that F/N, eh, I tend to just have a bit of a smoke when I work. I hope you don’t mind it.” Something was seriously wrong with this salon… well, the rest of it.
Looking at your surroundings, you notice that only the section that you and Sanji were standing and sitting in were extremely different from the rest. The chair was a lot more luxurious, the lights weren’t shattered, the mirror wasn’t cracked top to bottom, the floor was vibrant and clean… It was like a whole different establishment.
“I guess I can tolerate it for now…” You mutter under your breath as you sit awkwardly in the chair. Sanji then nods his head before speaking to you while looking at the mirror.
“I’m thinking we can take your hair up to shoulder length, maybe shorter? Short hairstyles are eh, comment dis-tu cela en anglais...? Ehm, easy to keep, yeah?” He asked, pursing his lips a bit.
“I guess so, yeah. And I don’t want any color, I think I might just keep my natural hair color for now…” You instructed. Since your last dye-job was from when your hair was neck-length, all the color was at the bottom now. “You can cut it off, right? The color at the bottom, I mean.”
Sanji nodded slightly. “Definitely. Alright, with that all set, are you ready for me to snip snip?” He chuckled, smoke exiting the sides of his mouth from the cigarette. You nod your head slowly as Sanji picks up the first lock of your hair…
Your eyes widen slightly as you finally watch your hair all come together, a style you never thought you could pull off. Running your fingers through your hair slightly, a smile tugs the corners of your lips. You fix your bangs to how you like them, still looking at yourself directly into the mirror.
“Well, madam, do you like it? This hairstyle makes you look really cute, you know.” Sanji asked, taking the apron off of you and flapping it out, all the loose hair on it flying off. You nod your head enthusiastically, your face slightly reddening as you were flattered once again. “I love it! I never thought I would be able to pull off something like this!” You cheered slightly.
Sanji looks at you with a grin. “Viola, mademoiselle, your hair. It is of my greatest gratitude that you love your new hair.” You look at the cost chart next to Sanji’s station, it’s all relatively cheap. You owed $15, but you paid him $25 for the amazing and quick service.
“Is there a way I can contact you again? Like a business card or something?” You asked the blond man in front of you. He hands you a business card that has a marble background and gold lettering. It had a picture of Sanji, his full name, the address of where he works, his job’s phone number and his personal phone number.
“Don’t be afraid to call me, gorgeous.” He said, giving you a pretty wink.
You nodded your head and waved goodbye, walking out of the establishment and hurriedly getting to your car to combat the summer heat and prevent your hair from frizzing. Once you got in your car, you opened up your phone again, the same app from earlier. You liked how your hair looked now, all thanks to that… Strangely flirtatious man.
It’s a new day and you’re at the mall, by yourself. You wanted to go shopping and you did end up buying a couple things but you wanted to shop in a couple more stores before you left. Wanting to take a break from walking all this time, you took a seat on one of the sofas in the center of the plaza. Since you had nothing better to do, you open up your phone and scroll through social media.
There wasn’t much to look at anyways. It was kind of a boring, no-post day. What made it worse is that your headphones died, so now you have to listen to the cheap, low-quality audio that the mall had. “Vampire” by Olivia Rodrigo was playing, echoing throughout the entire place, muddled with the loud voices inside the mall. You look up from your device and notice someone familiar.
You couldn’t quite put your finger on it since the person you were looking at looked familiar but… like a stranger at the same time. Blond hair, average figure, pretty tones, swirly eyebrows… swirly eyebrows? That’s who it was! Sanji, the hairstylist who cut your hair the other day. And it seems he noticed you too. He waved to you from halfway across the plaza and you decided to wave back. You snickered to yourself a bit as you watched his friend nudge him.
“Hey Fancy Brows, are you trying to make another lady swoon for ya? You always end up falling.” The one next to him said. Sanji looked a bit irritated, but in a playful demeanor. “Won’t matter though, they always fall for the ones that are taller. And I am taller than you.”
“By one centimeter, Mosshead. One fucking centime-”
“Will you two stop fighting for once?! You have the lovely girl waiting, she looks super sweet and is probably waiting for you guys (plus me!) to go over there and say hi or whatever! Get your heads out of your asses and go!” The redheaded girl said, shoving the two apart. As much as it looked like Sanji and this “Mosshead” person wanted to ignore her, she was right, and they obliged, the three of them walking towards you.
“Hello mademoiselle, you’re the lady I gave a hair trim to two weeks ago, right?” Sanji asked you, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah, that’s me! Sanji was your name, right?” Sanji smiled and nodded. “Sanji it is indeed, madam. And yours was, eh… F/N, yes?” He asked you.
Nodding your head, you smiled. “Mhm! I see you have some friends here, mind if I ask who you two are?”
The redheaded one looked at the green-haired one. “Well, I’m Nami. I’m Sanji’s girl best friend! You looked super sweet so I decided to force these two numbskulls to get their shit together and say hi to you. Aren’t I a great friend?” Nami giggled. You swallowed a lump in your throat, smiling nervously. “...Yeah! Perfect friend!”
You turned your gaze to the green haired one. “My name is-”
“His name doesn’t matter, he’s a dummy and spews shit out hi-”
The green haired one slapped his hand over Sanji’s mouth, holding it there. “The name’s Zoro. Ignore what Swirly Brows says. He’s also an idiot.” Zoro rolled his eyes, Sanji looking at him upset.
“Well, my name is F/N, and I was Sanji’s client a couple weeks back. He did a really good job on my hair, I’m super happy with it. It’s been super easy to take care of recently and I’m glad it’s not as hard to tend to.” You said, standing up and shaking everyone’s hand.
“Oh, I forgot about the other one. You see that one over there?” Sanji said, pointing towards a black-haired young man with a straw hat loosely fitted around his head. “His name is Luffy. We don’t take him out much, but today was nice so we decided to… let him run free. He’s kind of in his own world now, you can talk to him later.” You giggle, watching the young man continuously drop quarters into a claw machine, shaking the game every time the crane drops the stuffed animal.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you all, I’m sure we’ll all be great friends, yeah?” You said, smiling at the three who stood before you. “Yeah, definitely! Oh, Sanji, can they come to our party? Pleeeaasseee? I mean, five is better than four, right, Sanji? Please Sanji? Please?” Nami said, shaking the sophisticated man, grunting as she slowly began putting force into her movements.
“Okay, okay! Fine, they can come!! Just stop rattling my brain!” He yelped, running his hand across his face as he recovered from the shock of being violently thrashed by Nami. “Geez…”
“Yay! I’m so excited. Here, give me your phone number, and I’ll send you Sanji’s address. We're having a slumber movie and watching horror movies! I mean, the party’s not for another few weeks, but it’s good to prepare early, right?” Nami spoke quickly, ripping her phone out of her purse and opening her contacts, handing her bedazzled phone to you so you can type in your number.
“...Sure. You’re quite quick to invite me, don’t you think?” You said, a bit reluctant to put your number in just yet. You look at Sanji, then at Zoro, and finally at Nami. “I mean… ee-yeah, BUT I mean who wouldn’t want to go to a super cool SLUMBER party? And especially since you’re friends with Sanji I know you’re a good person!”
“Friends with Sanji? I mean, he cut my hair once… that’s pretty much it…” You said, rubbing the back of your neck. You swallowed another lump in your throat, this was a lot, all at once too. Sanji noticed you were visibly getting uncomfortable, so he stepped in.
“Alright Nami, let’s lay off for a minute, eh, mademoiselle, how about you come spend the rest of your time here at the mall with the four of us, we can all get to know each other better, yes?” The blond one asked you. I mean, you already knew Sanji, it wouldn’t be bad just to spend some more time with him and his friends… if it weren’t for the invitation being right off-the-bat, you would’ve accepted going to the party… other than that, you have no other reason to really decline at least this offer.
“Sure. I’ll come hang out with you guys for a little bit… I don’t see why not.” Nami looked excited, now beginning to thrash Zoro around. “Yay!! They accepted!! Aren’t you excited, Zoro?” Nami said, looking the man in the eyes.
Zoro looked dizzy.
Sanji ushered everyone to follow, everyone reluctantly doing so. Luffy, a bit behind than the rest of the group, noticed that everyone was leaving so he began to dash and skidaddle over to the group. "Whooaahh! Wait for me Sanjiiiii!!!"
That day, you spent about an hour and a half hanging out with Sanji and the rest of his friends, having a good time nonetheless. You began to grow more comfortable around them, especially Nami due to her sweet and hype personality. You did notice though, that Sanji was complimenting you a lot. It flattered you.
You felt like your heart was jumping rope in your chest every time Sanji complimented you, not even just that day you hung out with him but at other points in time as well. When you, Nami and Sanji hung out at the public pool, when you and Sanji went to a cafe, when you, Sanji and Zoro went to a park… throughout the entire hang out, he was complimenting you.
It… didn’t bother you, for some reason. You were starting to like his compliments more and more, they made you feel… special, a lot different from the other compliments you’ve received in the past from other people alike. How were you already getting woozy and warm inside just because of a-
Your train of thought stops because you got a notification on your phone. It was from Nami. You raised an eyebrow, wondering why Nami would contact you at a time like this.
(Nami) - 10:57 P.M.
hi F/N !!! (☆ω☆*) so like… i know i mentioned this ages and ages ago but do you still want to come to that slumber party ?
(You) - 10:57 P.M.
sure ! i’ll be there, what time does it start and where is it ?
(Nami) - 10:59 P.M.
[Attachment - 1 Link]
here’s the address, it’s sanji’s house, the party starts at 6 P.M. !!! i’ll be there so don’t worry !! 💅🏻(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
That slumber party… you had forgotten you were invited altogether. You recalled it now, how you were super uncomfortable with going over there during that time at the mall, but now, it felt like a dream. You already knew you were going to have to prepare an outfit, so you rolled out of bed and started to put an outfit together.
Excitedly, you find your best pair of pajama bottoms and your best top to match and set it aside. You had time to go get everything ready for yourself tomorrow, so for now you just decided to lay down and get some rest.
The next evening, you were getting ready to leave your house and go to Sanji’s place, making sure you brought all your slumber party essentials. You exit your house, locking your front door and checking it twice before getting into your vehicle and driving over to Sanji’s house.
Upon arrival, you can see figures moving around inside the dimly lit living room. You exit your car and grab your backpack, going to the front door and knocking. The door swings open and Zoro is at the door. “Oh, hey, it’s F/N guys!” A loud, feminine cheer echoes within the room, coming straight from Nami. You smile awkwardly as you shuffle inside, your pajamas slightly tight fitted around you.
“Wow, F/N, I love your PJ’s!” Nami commented, coming up to you and hugging you. “Oh, and I say this to every person who arrives other than myself and Sanji, be glad that Boa isn’t here or else we’ll have to deal with her swooning over Luffy when he barely has the mental capacity to even recognize her flirtatiousness. Yuck!”
You chuckle a little bit, looking over at Luffy’s direction.
This time, for once, he wasn’t in his own world, but instead knocked the fuck out, sleeping. The position he was sleeping in made him look like he fell from the 4th floor of a building, which made you laugh a bit. “Silly lil’ Luffy, slump already.” You said.
After you settled in, the rest of the night was a hit. You guys ate dinner together, watched some scary movies, played on Sanji’s console for a while, and things finally began to tone down. Nami, Luffy and Zoro were all fast asleep, and it was only you and Sanji who were awake.
Sanji looked tense, uneasy, almost. His face looked nervous and a bit pale, like something was eating at him and it was burning. You reach out your hand to his shoulder. “You okay Sanj? You look a bit nervous.” You said, your eyebrows furrowing into a concerned expression, your eyes following suit.
Sanji nods slowly, then looks at you. “F/N, can I talk to you alone? Away from the others. I don’t want any of them accidentally eavesdropping on what I want to say to you.” Your heart began racing in your chest, looking at the three others around you. Sanji hasn’t ever really called you by your real name before other than your first contact. This scared you slightly, but you nodded your head anyway and followed Sanji to the dining room. Beginning with a low, semi-unintelligible voice, Sanji spoke to you directly.
“F/N, I don’t really know how to express myself to the fullest extent that I have in my mind right now, but I think now is the right time to really speak my heart out to you.” Sanji took a breath, and you looked at him carefully. “It’s only been a month and some change and I’m probably em… how do you say, eh… walking into this too fast. But over the time we’ve been together, I’ve realized that I’ve caught new emotions for you. I believe in English, it is said that I have a crush on you.”
Sanji has a crush on you? You had to admit it, you were crushing on him too, but this felt so sudden… but you wanted this so bad… all the times he made your heart flutter, all the times he made you swallow the awkward lump in your throat, every time he made you think positively of yourself… you couldn’t want anything more than Sanji to yourself. “Sanji, I-”
“No, it’s okay F/N, you don’t have to reciprocate the feelings, it’s okay, really.”
“Sanji, I have a crush on you too.” There was a beat of silence. It filled the room and it was loud. Sanji’s face slowly lit up red and the corners of his lips lit up into a smile. “Oh, F/N, je t'aime…” He said to you, holding you close. Your heart skipped a beat slightly as you batted your lashes at him.
You gently push yourself into him, pressing your lips against his. His lips were soft and tender, they felt so nice against yours. It was your first kiss, and it made your life worthwhile, your heart running track as you shared the intimacy with him. Sanji closed his eyes and held you close, eventually pulling away from the liplock. “I love you, mon amour.”
“I love you too.”
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☆⋆。𖦹° 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ‧★⋆˙⟡♡
translations !!
★␥→ comment dis-tu cela en anglais? → how do you say it in english?
★␥→viola → here (in means of being finished with something)
★␥→ mademoiselle → my lady
★␥→ madam → ma’am
★␥→ je t’aime → i love you
★␥→ mon amour → my love
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thank you so much for reading my fanfic ! i hope you enjoyed this story and hope you stick around for more !
some of you may be wondering : “didn’t you already have a fic with this exact same scenario before ? where did that go ?” simple answer : i rewrote it !
aside from that, thank you so much for stopping by, and i hope you enjoy any future content of mine !
seeya soon ! ★⋆. ࿐࿔
hello everyone !! so i noticed that i... mixed up nico robin and boa hancock... so i fixed that !! whoopsie !! thanks for reading the update if you see it :3
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all characters licensed and owned by eiichiro oda
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18 notes · View notes
sorinzcool · 1 year
I made this to combat my current issue:
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14K notes · View notes
sorinzcool · 1 year
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⚝‎‧₊˚✧[𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕]✧˚₊‧ ★␥→ 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒄𝒆 -> ໒˚⋆ vinsmoke sanji x f!reader oneshot "smoke and hairspray" ━━━━⊱⋆⊰━━━━ ★␥→ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕 -> ໒˚⋆ arataki itto x fem!reader oneshot "my one and oni"
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★⋆˙⟡♡ @sorinzcool
0 notes
sorinzcool · 1 year
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★␥→ (heavy) gore
★␥→ rape/sexual assault (non or noncon)
★␥→ piss/scat/fetish
★␥→ incest/selfcest/proship
★␥→ real people (actors, models, tv show stars, etc)
. . . . . . ➥characters that actors play as are okay !
★␥→ pedophilia/grooming
★␥→ alcohol/drugs
. . . . . . ➥ cigars/cigarettes are okay !
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★␥→ outside of writing for tumblr i have a semi-busy schedule (self care, education, personal time, relationships, etc) so please do not fret if posting is slow, i can ensure you i am balancing my life with time for writing in it !
★␥→ as mentioned before, i am open to most requests and will stray away from some fandoms, however if a certain scenario requested makes me uncomfortable i will ask to negotiate a different one !
★␥→ if you would like to reblog my work, please credit me !! it helps a lot that you’re reblogging, please make it even better for the both of us by just @’ing me in the post !
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★⋆˙⟡♡ @sorinzcool
0 notes
sorinzcool · 1 year
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✦ SFW ONLY !!! ✦
i am a minor and will NOT do nsfw regardless of any standard or context.
any requested characters MUST be 18 years old of age or older
(age ups are not and will not be tolerated)
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i really love writing, it’s one of my main pastimes besides art ! i have a big thing for writing stories so i have decided to outstretch my reach and maybe be big on tumblr !
my requests are open for :
★␥→ x readers !
★␥→ character x character !
★␥→ headcanons !
★␥→ and more , negotiation can happen !
i am open to most requests, some fandoms i will stray away from (if i like the idea i MIGHT do it ! )
if i don’t know the fandom , i will do proper research on the requested character to get a sense of what they are like and produce them in writing as best as i can ! ( the writing may not be perfect, but i will try my best ! )
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★⋆˙⟡♡ @sorinzcool
0 notes
sorinzcool · 1 year
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hi ! my name is sorin (rin for short) ! i am an afro latinx person and i use he/they pronouns ! i am a multifandom writer (who also takes requests !! ) my (main) languages are english and spanish (mainly english though ! )
a few years ago, i was a wattpad writer ! currently i am an unpublished writer and sometimes do poetry ! a friend of mine recommended writing on tumblr, so i decided to try it out !
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★⋆˙⟡♡ @sorinzcool
0 notes
sorinzcool · 1 year
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𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 ˚ʚ★ɞ˚
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here , you can find any information you need below !
★␥→ basic info
★␥→ my writing
★␥→ terms and conditions
★␥→ masterlist
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have a good time at the starspace ! 🎧♡˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
@sorinzcool 🩵
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