#Daisy Labinette
Daisy Labinette
Does Daisy Labinette love all of the students and love to help, yeah. Would she beat the shit out of anyone on short notice: yeah. 
Students: No one messes with Daisy
People: Because she protects anyone
Students: That and the fact that she can knock you out in like two punches and not get caught
Also, the memes Daisy would know because, yes she lives on a sanctuary but its near the cities and her mom integrated her in muggle culture as a kid. Someone from a pretentious family comes in and is so snobby and after she punches this kid when he comes to she just hands him a snickers and says “you’re not you when you’re hungry.”
Her being just as chaotic as her brothers and sending random students howlers with rick rolls or “What team!” in it. 
Brittish transfer students hearing about the older sister of Ilvermorny who protects anyone from bullies and is apparently one of the nicest people there and then seeing her beat the shit out of an 8th year when she is a 6th year because “He didn’t learn the first three times he insulted my brothers so now he doesn’t get to have all his teeth.”
It’s like batman and bruce Wayne. Daisy is so kind and nice and charitable and willing to help with anything but the second you bully someone she is there like a shadow and is about to murder you. 
I just imagine if Daisy was with the Marauders and knew McGonagal(for some reason) and all the marauders and co spend a week or so at Ilvermorny to learn or some shit and they see two things of Daisy before talking to her. One she is taking care of a werewolf student before a full moon with such a kind smile in her eyes and beginning to administering medicine. The second thing they saw was her putting her wand in her hair when Bellatrix called her and her family dirty half breeds and her just beating the shit out of her with her fists. 
Daisy is the kind of person to tease in a loving manor and laugh, Daisy will give people who are rude second chances but if they don’t improve she will teach them the lesson as many times as needed. 
The Marauders: See this badass 5′7 girl with dyed hair, tattoos, scars and leather jackets putting her wand away to fight because, “my fists work better” and pranking the new students and protecting anyone she sees getting picked on and fighting bullies and teaching lessons but also teaching how to be better and changing ideals. 
Ilvermorny Student: Oh thats Daisy. If you have any questions go to her she is so nice, also if you need help with school and stuff she is so good at it and she knows how to find herbs to heal stuff and she will research with you and spar with you and she is awesome. 
Daisy: Hi, if you have any creature blood that requires special circumstances we can set that up for you and I can help with any questions and my best friends or brothers can help and I can introduce you to your guides and pull some strings for y'all, McGonagall told me you’d be here so I stoked up on chocolate but I warn you If you are an asshole you can catch these hands. 
The Marauders: Found their new favorite person
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Ilvermorny OC
Daisy Labinette was a curiosity to any who saw her. The first to notice her oddity was the sorting hat at Ilvermorny. One look through Daisy’s head had shown that she had already wandered off, helped a 5th year with their muggle studies homework, threatened to duel a 4th year and already helped heal a 6th year who had a bruise. It was only logical she fit into all four.
But what was even odder was when she grew up. She was the kindest and most fun person to meet at Ilvermorny. She would make Horned Serpent students go to bed after they spent too much time on a rabbit hole of research knowing that last night she didn’t go to bed until four-thirty in the morning doing the same thing but, “sleep is important to health and brain function,” so she’ll be dammed if any of her students stay up. Daisy “No sweetie you can't burn yourself just to try your new ointment” Labinette is the same girl who ran into a wall on purpose just to try her concussion repair potion. She would make sure that no Thunderbird runs off because, “If you go adventuring you stick to the buddy system you hear me?” but will go greet the most dangerous magical creatures totally alone. She would make sure the Wampus students didn’t duel or spar without her or one of the older Pukwudgie students were present because she didn’t want them to get hurt then go wrestle her centaur friends.
Daisy Labinette, the greatest student but also the one to run off in the middle of class because, “No professor I swear there was something on the mountain. Yes it was necessary for me to get out of the castle.” Daisy Labinette who will heal anyone and look out for any student and is never too old or too cool to talk to a 1st year. Daisy Labinette who created the IEPFMC: Individualized education plan for magical creatures, because she will be damed if the werewolf students didn’t get extensions over full moons and her fellow dragon and vela students didn’t get to spread their wings every once in a while or the aquatic students didn’t get to swim in their lake.
Daisy Labinette, the triplet of the most notorious pranksters that supply her brothers with lists of who has a bad day and needs a pick me up or who has been particularly moody and shouldn’t be pranked. Daisy Labinette, the brains of the pranks, making sure no one who would react badly is in the way.
Daisy Labinette the girl that risks detention to bring a tired werewolf student to their dorm during the end of her free period. Daisy Labinette, the girl that sits with nervous 1st years and exhausted 9th years. Daisy Labinette the girl who understands. Daisy Labinette, the girl who was sorted into four houses.
Daisy Labinette, the first 5th head witch in over 300 years. Daisy Labinette who made sure that every prefect and fellow head boy or girl knew who needed help in their classes or was having a hard time. Daisy Labinette who was the first person to ask for a guidance counselor in the school when she was a 4th year. Daisy Labinette who built the support group for students who had learning disabilities or magical creature blood. Daisy Labinette who organizes hikes for Thunderbirds and medicine lectures for Pukwudgie students and sparing tournaments for the Wampus students and study parties for the Horned Serpent students.
Daisy Labinette who is half dragon blood and half muggle. Daisy Labinette who knows what it feels like to never fit into either world completely. To be an outcast for being too muggle, to dragon, too wizard, too different. Daisy Labinette who felt like she only ever belonged on her family’s sanctuary because there she couldn’t be judged. Daisy Labinette who had a fighting spirit and a thirst for knowledge. Daisy Labinette who goes on adventures and heals things just because she can. Daisy Labinette who’s arms are covered in scars and ink but no one says anything. Daisy Labinette who never felt loved by anyone outside her brothers and parents.
Daisy Labinette who found a home at Ilvermorny. Daisy Labinette who felt loved when the 2nd year she studied with ran up to her and gave her a hug because, “I finally understand it thank you, thank you, thank you!” Daisy Labinette who became best friends with the Headmistress and Guidance Councillor. Daisy Labinette who was happy when the smaller students told her that the person in their house she guided them to was exactly who they needed. Daisy Labinette who finally felt wanted outside of her family.
Daisy Labinette who stays up on full moons to make sure everyone is accounted for and save, flying over the forest with her wings and her centaur friends running alongside her. Daisy Labinette who listens to everyone and doesn’t ever judge them. Daisy Labinette, the sweetheart with a fighting streak.
Daisy Labinette who Remus Lupin would have loved. Daisy Labinette that Hermione Granger would have loved. Daisy Labinette that would have taken Luna Lovegood under her wing. Daisy Labinette that could make anyone feel better with just a smile.
Daisy Labinette who is the first person new people or transfers are pointed to. Daisy Labinette who will be just as invested in your special interest as you are because, “holy crap this is so interesting we are immedietly going into a wikipedia rabbit hole.” Daisy Labinette who makes the best cup of tea and gives the best hugs.
Daisy Labinette who loves coffee and rain and dancing and abandoned buildings. Daisy Labinette who will disappear for the weekend only to say she hitched a ride to Scotland to look at the architecture. Daisy Labinette with notebooks of song lyrics and journaling ideas. Daisy Labinette who loves singing and music and reading and late night walks. Daisy Labinette who knows too much about obscure subjects. Daisy Labinette who loves lemongrass and lavender and strawberries and chocolate and the moon and magical creatures that live near her and her sanctuary and working and helping and dueling and healing and medicine and studying and her brothers.
Daisy Labinette, the unofficial older sister of Ilvermorny.
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