#Dai Apolon
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 months ago
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insidemyrottenbrain · 6 months ago
Henry gets jealous because you spend time with Richard
The risk of jealousy - TSH
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Henry Marchbanks Winter x GN!Reader
Dearest anonymous, I hope you can forgive him and his denial of jealousy.
The sharp claw of jealousy finally scratches the untouchable Henry.
I’ve always been incredibly particular about whom I associate with. The people around me need to be worthy. Now, I am well aware that my choice of words may make me sound arrogant, so allow me to explain: I want them to have shared interests, to be able to hold late-night debates on esoteric topics, while giving me a sense of belonging and consequently not tiring me out socially. I do not ask for much, really. Alas, one cannot always get what one desires.
The little group of which I’m currently a part of is… pleasant. The twins regularly host dinners which are, of course, the birthplace of many fights and arguments regarding the most trivial subjects that usually end up with Henry winning. Francis unhesitatingly puts his aunt’s house at our disposal whenever desiderium naturae strikes us and amusingly complains about some disease or other the whole way there. I even consider some of Bunny’s jokes witty on the rare occasions when he stops being insufferable. Unfortunately, they all give me a shallow sense of belonging that only manages to make itself felt in transit moments. However, Henry is different. With him, I feel content reading in silence after a long day, waking up in the same bed, legs intertwined under the soft cotton sheets he insists on buying with Apolon tugging at our lazy eyelids or simply challenging one another’s knowledge on whatever topic interests us at a given moment. A continuous childlike rendez-vous.
I do not know why I have been so platonically attracted to Richard of late. When he first joined our Greek class, he did not strike me as someone who would manage to integrate his lowly self into our complexly layered group, or even more, someone who would enjoy my presence. He was and still is flawed and ordinary. However, this normality flowing through every habit, every movement, or expression is a strange refresh in an intangible web of meticulously tangled appearances and facades. Richard is not some ancient scholar buried in paradoxical ideals, Gods-praising rituals, and glorious beliefs, but a modern human. He is aware of the current world, unisolated, present, an active participant. Not only does he attend parties but he also drinks, kisses, and loves strangers. Though an exaggeration to the unknowing eye, he seems to me quite the Epicurean in a cult of Stoics (excluding Bunny).
Despite my writings above which one might foolishly mistake as praise on my part, I must now dive into Richard’s own tendency to fictitiousness. He throws, here and there, long, lavish fabrications (with the aid of which he becomes unconsciously arrogant) and slight inexactitudes he considers too small to pass unnoticed by the attentive ear. And according to my fate and against my trusted intuition, I found myself unable to stop listening whenever he started talking about his (fake) childhood in California filled with swimming pools and orange groves and dissolute, charming show-biz parents, teenage years with a new girlfriend every night, the newest dramas (if they truly do exist and are not yet other fictions) circling Hampden.
There is a quirk. I notice it now, when we’re all standing in the day room of Francis’, or rather his aunt’s, manor. Charles is playing the piano filling the room with gifts for ears, showing off as he always does, while Bunny comments on one rhythm or another, challenging him, fueling him further. Everything is normal, except for one detail that does not escape me. Henry grows more agitated with every single one of Richard’s grant histoires. Albeit, the so-called agitations are rather minuscule, but I pride myself in being able to distinguish them. A small frown, creasing his pale forehead just the right amount for it to disappear just as quickly and nonchalantly as it came, a constant rub of his hand against his limped leg, and a novel proneness to small physical gestures: touching knees, pressing shoulders, his hand on the small of my back or idly playing with my fingers. I settle on questioning him later since I know he will not show any truths of his mind in such large company. 
We share a room, since we stopped bothering to hide our relationship long ago from the others. Henry’s already in bed, his nose buried in a book, dressed in his pyjamas, his initials embroidered upon the left side of his chest; H.M.W. If I had been told years ago that I was to be sharing a bed or be in a relationship with the person I suffered the least, the one that I had to compete with in Julian’s classes, the one that knew how to push my buttons I would have died of agony. But now I’m content. I know of the infatuation rendering me blind. My life has become a continuous torture, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to live without him. Just like Zeus who vows to fulfil his promise with a single sacred nod of his head, so am I unable to change the basis of my passion. He is in all my plans. In all the joys the future holds. In the dead of night, in Julian’s lessons, in the summer by the lake, instead of my mind’s eye being fully focused on one specific task, it always switches without fail to him.
I lower myself onto the bed next to him. “You seemed troubled earlier, in the day room.” I ask casually an indirect question.
“You’ve been spending an awful time with Richard.” He responds swiftly, tonelessly, simply pointing out a fact. 
I consider my answer for a moment. “I suppose so.” I hum, just as my head hits the pillow. “Don’t you find him intriguing? He watches the news on television.”
“Intriguing?” He blurts out, closing his book and putting it on the bedside table. Clearly, I have his attention. He turns on his side to fully face me, his hair falling over his forehead and slightly over his glasses. “His intriguing part eludes me. You are wasting your time with him, listening to his rambles.” He says clearly irritated, not bothering to keep up his stoic facade. “I assure you, you would be much better spending your time wisely.”
I frown. This is unusual of him. “He is in our class, is he not? I cannot avoid him.”
“Of course not, that’s not what I am suggesting.” His eyebrows remain furrowed. “What I do mean is that he does not bring you any benefit.” He continues in a monotone. “Why must you listen to him with the same attention and interest as you listen to me?”
Ah, I see. Henry is jealous.
“Is this jealousy?” I ask attempting desperately to restrain the slight smile forming on my face. 
“You are mistaken.” He ‘corrects’ me sharply, raising his eyebrows.  “I am merely stating that I see no point in your interactions with Richard when you could gain much more from being in my presence.”
I raise a sceptical eyebrow. He acts as if I wouldn’t mourn his death in the same way Achilles mourned Patroclus’, with rage and violence.
Words are imperfect communication devices, so I pull him down by the back of his neck and press my lips against his in a pleasant normality. I feel him slightly relax against me, his hand resting on my neck.
“Henry,” I mumble as we part, forcefully stretching our souls apart. I remove his glasses and place them down next to us and his forehead naturally falls against mine “you know better than to have such doubts.”
“I do.” He mumbles back, not bothering to deny his feelings anymore. “However, it proves to be quite difficult to not have them when-” He stops considering his words. “When you plague me so. There is no day or night in which your existence takes mercy on me and does not destroy the little rationality I have left.” He lowers himself down on the bed next to me. “You inexplicably and absurdly manage to be and eradicate my sanity.” He sighs. “And it certainly does not help when you look at Richard with the same eyes you look at me.” Henry mutters.
My hand finds his and I chuckle. “I’d argue I look at him with entirely different eyes.” At my comment, Henry raises an amused eyebrow. “Perhaps you’ll stop seeing shadows where there are none.”
That is all he needs to defeat his insomnia in my arms once again and to fall prey to sleep’s vicious grasp his body indistinguishable from mine under the sheets, sharing one breath.
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ettagatzhart · 5 years ago
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One of the few examples of a kid-meets-dog encounter in vintage anime with a happy outcome.
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selketshaula · 3 years ago
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1976年 UFO戦士ダイアポロン その2 アポロンロボ by Sasaki
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arcangelo-scattaglia · 8 years ago
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A collaboration between  Eiken, Nippon Animation, and Wako Productions seeks to revive four classic Seventies super robot in a new project entitled "Miracle Robot Force". UFO Warrior Dai Apolon, Chōgattai Majutsu Robo Ginguiser, Gasshin Sentai Mechander Robo, and Blocker Gundan 4 Machine Blaster reborn with a new fantastic mecha design. Look official website http://miraclerobot-force.com/
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loopaza · 8 years ago
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Jikou Goukin No.1 UFO Warrior Dai Apolon UFO Warrior Dai Apolon
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newsintheshell · 4 years ago
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Tutti i 26 episodi della storica prima stagione della serie robotica anni 70′ sono disponibili in streaming doppiati in italiano.
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mysdrymmumbles · 3 years ago
The Uther Debate
There are many aspects of the Shadowlands that different mortals find unsettling, but the worst of it all, by far, is started with a simple question.
“Why does Uther still have his beard?” asks the Maw Walker.
Artremede stares at them, looks off toward where Uther stands, talking to others, and then looks back at the mortal. “What are you talking about?” 
“But it’s right there,” says the Maw Walker. They point, make a motion over their own chin.
Apolon just stares at Uther and shakes his head, looking back at the Maw Walker, puzzled. “Ascended are clean shaven. Why would one single, solitary one of us have facial hair?” 
And for the first time, the Maw Walker wonders if they are seeing something the ascended cannot see. They brush it aside, but somehow it comes up in casual conversation in Oribos.
“It’s a little ridiculous that they are pretending they cannot see his beard,” says Jaina.
“What beard?” says Tal-Inara.
The Maw Walker and Jaina are both mystified. 
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“Alright, this has gone on enough,” says Bolvar. He points Uther out in a crowd. “Clearly he still has his beard.” 
“What are you talking about?” asks Secutor Mevix. “If the ascended could grow beards, more than one single one would have one.”
“But it’s there, plain as day.” 
Secutor Mevix just shakes his head, a little annoyed. “If you insist.” 
Bolvar is bewildered. 
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“No beard,” says Ve’nari.
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The Jailer hasn’t broken reality yet and the mortals know the truth. But no one in the Shadowlands will admit that they can see Uther’s beard, and the mortal who tries to make General Draven touch Uther’s face ends up going back to Azeroth and does not come back.
As their time in the Shadowlands winds on, the mortals all dread seeing Uther because it’s there. They know it’s there. 
But it has been months and not a single creature from any afterlife will admit it. Even the Winter Queen asks them what they are talking about, frowns and stares with her deep, unknowable eyes and tells them they cannot pull a prank on the night fae. 
There is no beard. 
Someone finally thinks to ask Uther himself--how this was not done sooner is a minor marvel--and he stares blankly at them before saying, “What is wrong with you?” 
The mortals do not know how to take this. Does it mean ‘of course I have a beard you dolts’ or is he like every other Shadowlands denizen? Does he not know he has a beard himself?
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As the Jailer looms over them, the tools to remake reality in his grasp, one of the raid members yells out, “But can you see Uther’s beard?” 
The Jailer, in all his wrathful glory, turns and slowly looks down at the mortals, at the ascended near them who has his head in his hands.
“What beard?” 
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bloochouli · 4 years ago
Favourite Shadowlands NPCs?
almost all of them
this is definitely a difficult question to answer; i have so many favourites! i'll list the ones that i think i've spent more time thinking about but there's a lot of others (especially from bastion and revendreth) that i'll be leaving out 😔
In order from favourite to least favourite:
1: The Curator the curator lives rent-free in my brain at all times. i love her so much. sometimes when i'm trying to draw something completely unrelated it just turns into her. i think i'm cursed ngl. but it's a welcome curse. i just think she's very precious, the way she talks, her personality and her story. i hope blizzard gives her a happy ending although they seem to be making her memory even worse and that's making me v sad
2: Devos before i even met the curator or played shadowlands in general, i was in love with this woman. at one point she was all i drew for about two months or so because i loved the story that they SEEMED to have set up for her. you can imagine my disappointment when i played the kyrian campaign. i loved her unique design too; her strong facial features is a beautiful rarity when it comes to character design as you usually only encounter little button noses, round jawlines and other things people would consider the average and generic beauty standard. but i really loved this about her, and it makes her even more beautiful imho
3: The Winter Queen i absolutely ADORE the winter queen from the first moment i saw her. her design piqued my interest because i've always loved interesting fae designs where they don't just look like little princesses like wings. her flower petal crest and antlers immediately made me want to draw her (but alas, she is very difficult to draw which is why i don't more often). i also loved her personality and voice actor. seeing her actually feel pain after what happened to ara'lon in the final chapter of the fae covenant just made her feel more real than some of the shadowlands characters coughcoughkyrestiacoughcough
4: Plague Deviser Marileth so when i saw the afterlives shorts i was 100% convinced i would never want to join maldraxxus. i do like necromancers and their lore, i'm very soft for draka and her story, and i loved aka'rek and krexus' designs, but i felt like it just... wouldn't be for me. and then as soon as i entered the zone, there was vole and krexus and... everything. i was starting to change my mind. and then i met marileth and suddenly i fell in love with the necrolord covenant and was really considering just flinging all my characters there. i just loved marileth so much, he completely charmed me. whenever i do an ember court i can't not invite him and vole. i just can't. i want him to be happy and to recover from his loss of his margrave and friends ):
5: Grandmaster Vole i have to include uncle vole. i was smitten when i met him in the intro the maldraxxus. he has such an explosive yet somehow cute personality. and when you get best friends with him in ember court it's even better. what a bro. i just love how casual and explosive he is at the same time. how he cares a lot about the maw-walker evidently and how he tries to start a fight club and wanders the court with 1 HP. what a madlad. i just love him very much and he deserved a spot here
Honourable Mentions: (because i couldn't not include some of my other favourites) renathal, accuser, theotar, denathrius, vorpalia, remornia; moonberry, marasmius, thiernax & qadarin, herne, ara'lon; thenios, chyrus, xandria, pelagos, apolon & kynthia, eridia; the primus, buttons & MRAAAZ, kevin, heirmir
i'd include more but we could be here all day
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artlung · 4 years ago
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New Bot Day! Daiapolon from 1976 animated tv show UFO戦士ダイアポロン (UFO Robo Dai-Apolon) — sort of football themed because the “pilot” Takeshi kind of plays football but it’s made of 3 ships from an alien world and I love robots because they’re weird! https://www.instagram.com/p/CKoxTRaDAnF/?igshid=aloy5t6l1fiw
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zonahobby-blog · 6 years ago
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ACTION TOYS MINI GOKIN DAI APOLON (DAIAPOLON) https://www.zonahobby.com/action-toys-mini-gokin-dai-apolon-daiapolon.html #actiontoys #actionfigures #robot #daiapolon #minigokin #diapolon https://www.instagram.com/p/BtbL3ntHtPn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7kr0c4osngve
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addictvewor · 2 years ago
Gw2 frozen out brazier
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Gw2 frozen out brazier upgrade#
Gw2 frozen out brazier trial#
You'll be given 5 Medallion of Service after the introduction questline.Īscension Crafting is perhaps the most important part of the Path of Ascension. You may make as many attempts at the Path of Ascension as you like, as long as you have the Medallion of Service required. Of course, if you are in need of more, you can always donate materials through Dactylis to earn medallions. The best ways to gather them are by participating in callings, treasure hunting, and taking care of rare enemies. These medallions can be earned by fulfilling your duty to Bastion. Medallions of Service are proof of such service, and are used to challenge the Path. The Path of Ascension holds glory and honor, but we must balance it with acts of humility. According to Apolon, these Medallions can be earned by doing the following: Medallions of Service - The Key to Getting StartedĪ Medallion of Service is a currency required to make an attempt at a boss in the Path of Ascension. Once you've completed the introductory quests, you'll be on your own and able to challenge and progress the Path of Ascension in any way you desire, as long as you have a Medallion of Service. Once unlocked, you'll be given a questline you'll have to complete that will introduce you to some of the basics of the Path of Ascension. Health and damage of Soulbinds increased by 5%
Gw2 frozen out brazier trial#
Gain access to the final and most difficult trial of all bosses, the Trial of Humility. Gain access to challenge the remaining Trials of Wisdom. Health and damage of Soulbinds increased by 5%Ġ Reservoir Anima, 0 Redeemed Soul, 1 Day Gain access to challenge the rest of the Trials of Loyalty and a few Trials of Wisdom. Unlocks weekly quests.Ġ Reservoir Anima, 2 Redeemed Soul, 1 Day Speak with Haephus to get started.Ġ Reservoir Anima, 2 Redeemed Soul, 12 HoursĪllows you to challenge 4 more bosses and gain the ability to challenge the Trial of Loyalty of some of your existing bosses. Unlocks access to the Path of Ascension and the ability to challenge up to 6 bosses.
Gw2 frozen out brazier upgrade#
Unlocking and Expanding the Path of AscensionĪccess to the Path of Ascension is unlocked by purchasing the first tier upgrade of Path of Ascension from Haephus, the Sanctum Upgrades facilitator in Elysian Hold.Ġ Reservoir Anima, 6 Redeemed Soul, 1 Hour Kyrian-specific pets include Steward Featherling and Indigo.Kyrian-specific Mounts include Phalynx of Loyalty and Eternal Phalynx of Humility.Ascension Crafting unlocks Skystrider Glider which is needed for the rare Sundancer, and perks for your Steward like Steward Mail Pouch which summons a mailbox.Two out of the four Kyrian Covenant Armor and Weapon sets come from the Path of Ascension: Discordant (Purple) and Reverent (Bronze) tints.In addition to the combat mini-game, there is a crafting system that will allow you to craft equipment to improve your Soulbinds' performance as well as unlock additional challenges. Strategies to defeat all the specific encounters in the Path of Ascension can be found here: Kyrian Path of Ascension - Kalisthene Strategies in Ascension Coliseum (credit to Thinogra)
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kaldorei-shadows · 3 years ago
Opal finally goes to the Shadowlands expac
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Opal: Hrmph. My husband Al sent me some photos.
Wisthera: Aww he looks rugged and boyish! Re-living his Westall days from back when was a punk rogue in tight black leather, eh?
Opal: Al is always so utterly ridiculous. He thinks this is going to tempt me back to his side, that's what this is all really about.
Myrielle: *leans in* Looking at photos of Al in sexy pants at the office? I guess that's what happens when Al, despite his promotion, still managed to work with all of his exes.
Wisthera: Hey now. I avoided that man-trap, mostly. What's it say at the bottom there? He wrote a message.
Opal: Al says 'You could be in these pants too.'
Myrielle: *snorts* He's talking Revendreth rep?
Opal: Hardly.
Wisthera: Oh! Go to Bastion and take a selfie of you with Apolon, Hand of Courage. That'll piss him off.
Myrielle: Apolon? I think I remember him. Is he shirtless? I was more of a Margrave Krexus gal myself.
Wisthera: Let me put it this way, about Apolon being shirtless... He doesn't need to be.
Opal: Ladies, I have no reason to venture into the Shadowlands. Especially not for these strange, thirst-trap games you rogues seem to crave. My work as a priestess is here, with our displaced Kaldorei people.
Myielle: Opal, I swear Wisthera and I will run you through everything, like super fast. There's even a threads of fate option to help you skip content once you get there.
Wisthera: And my tailoring skill is totally maxed.
Myrielle: Opal, there is a covenant that lets you hang out with vampires and torment people for being assholes their whole lives. That's Revendreth, where Al is. But they probably don't realize how prideful and anima-laden he must be since Al is walking around unharmed, still alive--
Opal: I'll get my coat.
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selketshaula · 3 years ago
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1976年 UFO戦士ダイアポロン その1 ダイアポロン by Sakaki
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superanimefiguresworld · 5 years ago
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*+* Zinclon Dai Apolon Action Figure Bullmark Header/Trangoo/Regger Set of 3 Japan https://ift.tt/2OGcpsP
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joker1000 · 7 years ago
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UFO Senshi Dai Apolon v2 Batch Released! — Luurah Productions At last, after going through the scripts for a little over two weeks straight, I went through all twenty-six episodes of UFO Senshi Dai Apolon, and fixed any errors I came across and made sure all file names were consistent once and for all. It was hard work, but it’s a labor of love, and […] über UFO Senshi Dai Apolon v2 Batch Released! — Luurah Productions
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