#Daflon Tablets
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onlinephamacyhere-blog · 6 years ago
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Daflon ağızdan alınan ve her bir tabletinde 500mg diosmin ve hesperidin ihtiva eden venoaktif ve venoprotektör bir ilaçtır.Uluslar arası kaynaklar ve makalelerde ismi Mikronize Saflaştırılmış Flavonoid Fraksiyonu (MPFF)olarak geçekmektedir. Servier firması tarafından üretilmektedir. En sık varis (kronik venöz yetmezlik) ve hemoroid ataklarının akut dönemlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Aktif venöz ülseri olanlarda birleşik tedavinin kompenentlerinden biridir.
Daflon’un içeriğinin (MPFF) saflaştırılmış olması ilacı daha lipofilik yapmakta, bu özelliği membranlarda daha kolay çözülmesini ve daha rahat geçmesini sağlamaktadır.
Yapılan bir çalışma Daflon 500mg’nin malleolar venöz ödemi azaltmada ki etkisinin diğer ajanlara göre daha fazla olduğu gösterilmiştir.
(Allaert FA. Meta-analysis of the impact of the principal venoactive drugs agents on malleolar venous edema. Int. Angiol. 2012;31(4):310-315)
Bir genel cerrah olarak hemoroid atağında kullanım dozunu kontraendikasyon yok ise ilk 3 gün günde 6 tablet devamında günde 2 tablet şeklinde önermekteyim.
1. DAFLON 500 nedir ve ne için kullanılır?
• DAFLON 500 mg film kaplı tablet, 60 tabletten oluşan blister ambalajda bulunmaktadır. • Daflon 500 Venotonik ve venoprotektör grubuna aittir. Alt ekstremitelerde, venöz tonüs yetmezliği üzerinde etkilidir. DAFLON 500, • Kronik venöz yetersizliğinde: – ağırlık ve şişkinlik hissi, venöz bacak ödemi – ağrı – gece gelen kramplar, • Hemoroid krizlerine ait fonksiyonel belirtilerin tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır.
2. DAFLON 500’ü kullanmadan önce dikkat edilmesi gerekenler
DAFLON 500’u aşağıdaki durumlarda KULLANMAYINIZ • Eğer etkin maddeye veya DAFLON 500’ün içerdiği herhangi bir maddeye aşırı duyarlıysanız (alerjik). DAFLON 500’ü aşağıdaki durumlarda DĐKKATLĐ KULLANINIZ • Akut hemoroid krizlerinde: – Bu ilacın uygulanması, diğer anal şikayetlerin spesifik tedavisi için uygun değildir. – Tedavi kısa süreli olmalıdır. Hemoroid semptomları 15 gün içinde geçmediği taktirde doktorunuza başvurulmalı ve tedavi gözden geçirilmelidir. • Venöz dolaşım hasalıklarında: – Bu ilaç sağlıklı bir yaşam çerçevesinde uygulanmalıdır. Güneşe ve sıcağa maruz kalmayınız, uzun süre ayakta durmayınız ve aşırı kilo almamaya özen gösteriniz. “Bu uyarılar geçmişteki herhangi bir dönemde dahi olsa sizin için geçerliyse lütfen doktorunuza danışınız”. DAFLON 500’ün yiyecek ve içecek ile kullanılması Dozlar yemek ile birlikte alınmalıdır. Hamilelik Đlacı kullanmadan önce doktorunuza veya eczacınıza danışınız. Yeterli çalışma olmadığından hamilelik döneminde kullanımdan kaçınılmalıdır. Tedavi sırasında hamile olduğunuzu farkedereniz hemen doktorunuza veya eczacınıza danışınız. Emzirme Đlacı kullanmadan önce doktorunuza veya eczacınıza danışınız. Emziriyorsanız bu ilacı kullanmayınız. Araç ve makina kullanımı DAFLON 500 araç veya makina kullanmanızı etkilemez. Diğer ilaçlar ile birlikte kullanımı Daflon 500’ün herhangi bir ilaçla bilinen bir etkileşimi bulunmamaktadır. Eğer reçeteli veya reçetesiz herhangi bir ilacı şu anda kullanıyorsanız veya son zamanlarda kullandınız ise ve lütfen doktorunuza veya eczacınıza bunlar hakkında bilgi veriniz.
3. DAFLON 500 nasıl kullanılır?
Uygun kullanım ve doz sıklığı için talimatlar Venöz yetersizliğinde: günde iki tablet, biri öğle diğeri akşam yemeği ile birlikte alınır. Hemoroid krizlerinde. ilk dört gün, günde 6 tablet; sonraki 3 gün, günde 4 tablet alınır. Uygulama yolu ve metodu Tabletler yemek ile birlikte alınır. Tabletler yeterli miktarda sıvı ile bütün olarak yutulur. • Doktorunuz ayrı bir tavsiyede bulunmadıkça, bu talimatları takip ediniz. 06/2009 3/3 DAFLON 500 mg Film Kaplı Tablet – Kullanma Talimatı • Đlacınızı zamanında almayı unutmayınız. • Doktorunuz DAFLON ile tedavinizin ne kadar süreceğini size bildirecektir. Belirtiler devam ettiği sürece Daflon 500 mg ile tedavinize devam ediniz. • Eğer DAFLON 500’ün etkisinin çok güçlü veya zayıf olduğuna dair bir izleniminiz var ise doktorunuz veya eczacınız ile konuşunuz. Kullanmanız gerekenden daha fazla DAFLON 500 kullandıysanız DAFLON 500’den almanız gerekenden fazlasını almışsanız, bir doktor veya eczacı ile konuşunuz. DAFLON 500’ü kullanmayı unutursanız Unutulan dozları dengelemek için çift doz almayınız. Bir sonraki dozunuzu normal zamanında almaya devam ediniz. DAFLON ile tedavi sonlandırıldığında oluşabilecek etkiler Bulunmamaktadır.
4. Olası yan etkiler nelerdir?
Tüm ilaçlar gibi, DAFLON 500’ün de içerğininde bulunan maddelere duyarlı olan kişilerde yan etkiler olabilir. Aşağıdakilerden herhangi birini farkederseniz, doktorunuza söyleyiniz • Mide rahatsızlıkları • Rahatsızlık hissi Bunlar Daflon 500’un hafif yan etkileridir ve tedavinin kesilmesine neden değildir. Eğer bu kullanma talimatında bahsi geçmeyen herhangi bir yan etki ile karşılaşırsanız doktorunuzu veya eczacınızı bilgilendiriniz .
5. DAFLON 500’un saklanması
Daflon 500’ü çocukların göremeyeceği veya erişemeyeceği yerlerde ve ambalajında saklayınız. 30°C altında oda sıcaklığında saklanmalıdır. Son kullanma tarihine uygun kullanınız Ambalajdaki son kullanma tarihinden sonra DAFLON 500’ü kullanmayınız. Ruhsat Sahibi: LES LABORATOIRES SERVIER – FRANSA lisansı ile Servier Đlaç ve Araştırma A.Ş., Beybi Giz Kule, Meydan Sok. No. 28 Kat: 22-23-24 34398 Maslak, Đstanbul, Tel: 0212 329 14 00, Faks: 0212 290 20 30 Üretici: Abdi Đbrahim Đlaç Sanayii ve Ticaret A.Ş., Hadımköy, Đstanbul Bu kullanma talimatı 19.06.2009 tarihinde onaylanmıştır.
Arama sorguları: Daflon ne ilacı, MPFF, daflon ne için kullanılır, daflon hemoroid tedavisi, daflon muadili, daflon 500mg, daflon etken madde, daflon yorumları
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blogpkus-blog · 6 years ago
Daflon dosage varicose veins / tablet / uses / reviews / in hindi
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fiyatinedir · 2 years ago
Daflon Fiyatları
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Daflon Fiyatları araştırması yapan kullanıcılarımız için geniş kapsamlı bir Daflon Fiyat araştırması yaptık. Fiyat araştırma platformu olarak sizlere en güncel bilgileri Daflon Fiyatları listesinde olduğu gibi sunmaya çalışmaktayız. Yazı içeriğimizde Daflon Fiyatları ile beraber Daflon Fiyatı, Uygun Daflon fiyatları, Ucuz Daflon fiyatları bilgilerine de ulaşacaksınız. Daflon fiyatı başlığı altında sizlere güncel ve detaylı fiyat bilgileri sunduk. Belirttiğimiz Daflon fiyatları bu yazıyı hazırladığımızda güncel Daflon fiyatıdır. Eğer mağaza, market vb gibi yere giderek farklı bir fiyatla karşılaşırsanız bizlere yorumlar kısmından bilgi verebilirsiniz. Bu sayede Daflon fiyat listesinin sürekli güncel kalmasında yardımcı olabilirsiniz. Ayrıca bizler haftalık ve aylık periyotlar halinde Daflon Fiyatları listesini güncellemekteyiz. Fakat dolar kurundaki hareketlilikten dolayı fiyatlarda anlık değişiklikler oluyor, bu gibi durumları bildirerek Daflon Fiyat bilgisinin daha hızlı güncellenmesinde bize yardımcı olabilirsiniz.
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Daflon 500 mg
Daflon Fiyatları
Daflon satın almak veya hizmetinden yararlanmak isteyen kullanıcılarımız internette Daflon fiyatı araştırması yapar. Ekonomi hareketliliği yüzünden bu durum oldukça normaldir. Tamda bu noktada Fiyatinedir.net sitesi tam da bu konuda sizlere güncel fiyat bilgilerini sunmaktadır. Fiyat araştırma platformumuzdan güncel fiyat bilgilerine sürekli olarak ulaşabilirsiniz. Ekonomideki hareketlilikten dolayı Daflon Fiyatları listesi de sürekli zamlanmaktadır. Tamda bu konuda sizlere sürekli güncel Daflon Fiyatı bilgisini sunmayı arzu etmekteyiz. Son araştırmalarımız doğrultusunda ilgili kurumların mağaza, çağrı merkezi ve internet mecralarından toparladığımız güncel Daflon Fiyatları aşağıdaki gibidir; - DAFLON 500 mg 60 Film Tablet Fiyatı 148,55 TL'dir. Paylaştığımız Daflon Fiyatı güncel fiyatlardır. Unutmamak gerekir ki fiyatlar bölgeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir bu noktada mağazadan, kuruluştan bilgi almak daha sağlıklı olacaktır. Fiyatınedir.net üzerinde yayınlanan fiyat bilgileri sadece kılavuz ve bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Fiyatlar zaman içerisinde güncellenebilir, değişebilir bu durumda ilgili kurumlardan güncel fiyat bilgisini temin edebilirsiniz.
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Daflon Daflon Fiyatı Hakkında Sıkça Sorulan Sorular? Daflon için araştırma yaparak en uygun fiyattan yararlanmayı istemektesiniz. Uygun ve ucuz Daflon Fiyatları hakkında araştırmanıza bizde katkı sağlamak için güncel Daflon Fiyat listesini paylaştık. Yorumlar kısmından eksik veya hatalı gördüğünüz kısımları bize bildirebilirsiniz. Daflon Fiyatları hakkında merak edilen, sıkça sorulan soruları sizler için derledik inceleyebilirsiniz. Güncel ve detaylı fiyat listelerine sitemizi takip ederek ulaşabilirsiniz Fiyatinedir.net Daflon Fiyatları bilgisini sizler için araştırdı ve yayınladı. Bu yazımızı takibe alarak güncel Daflon Fiyatı nedir bunu öğrenebilirsiniz. Unutmayın sitemiz üzerinde diğer konulara bakarak güncel fiyatları sürekli takip edebilirsiniz. DAFLON FİYATI GİBİ MERAK EDİLEN BİR DİĞER FİYAT LİSTESİDE: Devit 3 Fiyatları LİSTESİDİR. DİLERSENİZ BU YAZIMIZIDA İNCELEYEBİLİRSİNİZ. Daflon Fiyatları kaç lira? Daflon fiyatları güncel zamlarla beraber 148,55 TL'dir. Güncel Daflon Fiyatı 148,55 TL'dir. Bu fiyat yazı tarihindeki son zamlarla yükselen fiyattır. Sürekli gelen zamlar Daflon Fiyatını da etkilemektedir. Bundan dolayı sitemiz Daflon fiyat listesini haftalık ve aylık periyotlar halinde güncellemektedir. Sizde yorumlar kısmından bize bilgi vererek Daflon fiyat bilgisinin güncellenmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Daflon fiyatı gibi güncel fiyat listesine sitemizi takip ederek ulaşabilirsiniz. Ayrıca eklenmesini istediğiniz fiyat listesini iletişim bilgilerimizden bize iletebilirsiniz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPkAmy8p5mU Daflon Fiyatları Zamlanacak mı? Daflon fiyatları hatta diğer ürün ve hizmetlerin hepsi maalesef döviz ve yakıt fiyatlarına orantılı olarak zamlanmaktadır. Bu neticede dövizdeki hareket veya yakıttaki, benzindeki zamlanma direk Daflon Fiyatı listesine yansıyacaktır. Bununla beraber Daflon Fiyat listesi de zamlanacaktır. Bizler normalde haftalık veya aylık olarak konuları güncelliyoruz. Fakat döviz ve yakıt zamlanması gibi etkileyen hızlı durumda fiyat listemiz 1-2 gün eski kalabiliyor. Anlık zamlarda bizlere yorumlar kısmından bildirim de bulunarak fiyatın güncellenmesine katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. DAFLON FİYATI GİBİ MERAK EDİLEN BİR DİĞER FİYAT LİSTESİDE: Norlevo Fiyatları LİSTESİDİR. DİLERSENİZ BU YAZIMIZIDA İNCELEYEBİLİRSİNİZ. Daflon Fiyatı doğru mu? Daflon fiyat bilgisi doğru ve günceldir. Fiyat listelerini oluştururken özellikle mağazalardan, firma iletişim bilgilerinden ve internet mecralarındaki fiyat listeleri, kullanıcı yorumlarından yola çıkarak Fiyat tablosu oluşturuyoruz. Bu neticede fiyat listesini haftalık periyotlar ile güncelliyoruz. Doğal olarak sizlere güncel fiyat listesini ulaştırmış oluyoruz. Daflon fiyat bilgileri zamlarda güncellenerek sizlere ne güncel haliyle sunulmaktadır. Fiyatı nedir, fiyat araştırma platformunda bulunan bütün konularımız haftalık veya aylık periyotlar ile güncellenmektedir. Sizlerde sitemizi takip ederek güncel fiyat bilgilerine ulaşabilirsiniz. Ayrıca sitemizde bulamadığınız bir fiyat listesi olursa iletişim bilgilerimizden bize bildirim açabilirsiniz. Ortalama 1-2 iş günü içerisinde fiyat listesi eklenir veya güncellenir. Daflon Fiyatı gibi SAĞLIK kategorimizde yer alan diğer konulara da ilgili kategoriden ulaşabilirsiniz. Daflon Fiyatı Hakkında Sizlere hazırladığımız Daflon Fiyatı hakkında genel bilgilerde vermiş olduk. Sitemizde güncel fiyat bilgileri yer alır. Sitemizi takip ederek marketlerden tutun ürünlere kadar her alanda fiyat bilgilerini araştırabilir bilgi sahibi olabiliriniz. Özellikle son dönemlerdeki piyasa hareketliliği Daflon fiyat listesi gibi fiyat listelerini sürekli araştırma ihtiyacı sunmaktadır. Sizde sitemizden güncel fiyatlara ulaşabilirsiniz. Peki Daflon Fiyatı bilgisine nasıl mı ulaştık? Mağazalardan, çağrı merkezlerinden ve internet kanallarından araştırma yaparak güncel ve doğru Daflon Fiyatı listesini hazırladık. - Paylaştığınız Daflon Fiyat bilgisi ne kadar güncel? Daflon Fiyat bilgisi gibi sitemizde yer alan bütün Fiyatların listesi haftalık veya aylık periyotlar ile güncellenerek sizlere güncel olarak sunulmaktadır. Fiyatinedir.net Bilgilendirme Metni Fiyatinedir.net web sitesi sizlere güncel fiyat bilgisi sağlamak üzere kılavuz görevi gören bir platformdur. Bu noktada Daflon fiyatı gibi diğer tüm konularımızda yer alan fiyat bilgileri sadece kılavuz olması için yayınlanmaktadır. Sitemiz Daflon fiyat listesi gibi diğer fiyat listelerini de ilgili kurumların çağrı merkezi, fiziki şube ziyareti, internet mecraları ayrıca internetteki kullanıcı, tüketici yorumları üzerinden temin etmektedir. Fiyatlar bölgeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Bu konuda fiyatinedir.net web sitesinin bir sorumluluğu bulunmamaktadır. Güncel fiyatlar için ilgili kurumlardan fiyat talep edebilirsiniz. Daha detaylı bilgi için sitemizde bulunan sorumluluk reddi sayfasını ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Ayrıca iletişim ve hakkımızda sayfalarında sitemiz ve hizmetimiz ile ilgili bilgiler bulunmaktadır. Reklam çalışması gibi durumlar için mail adresimizden bize ulaşabilirsiniz. Read the full article
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psychicnightparadise · 3 years ago
Cremaffin syrup
What is Cremaffin?
Cremaffin is utilized fundamentally as a Stool conditioner (Laxative) in instances of stoppage. Looseness of the bowels and Dehydration at high portions are the significant results of Cremaffin. It ought to be completely kept away from if there should arise an occurrence of Intestinal Blockage.
Cremaffin Composition – Liquid Paraffin, Magnesium Hydroxide
Made By – Abbott
Remedy – Not needed
Structure – Syrup
Cost – Rs. 153.62 (225ml)
Expiry/Shelf Life – three years (when put away at a cool spot)
Kind of Drug – Laxative
Likewise read in Hindi about Cremaffin
Employments of Cremaffin
Cremaffin fills in as a stool conditioner in different conditions. It is endorsed for the accompanying:
Obstruction: It is utilized in instances of stoppage to help simple stool section.
Colonoscopy: Used in instances of Colonoscopy, to purge the gut totally.
Inappropriate Bowel development: Used to treat ill-advised solid discharge.
Corrosive Neutralizer: Used as a neutralizer that kills Gastric corrosive.
Heartburn: Used to forestall or treat acid reflux.
Stomach ulcers: Used to mitigate stomach ulcers.
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How Does Cremaffin Work?
Cremaffin works delicately animating the inside muscles making peristalsis and leads discharge of the entrail substance out of the body by greasing up and relaxing the stool.
Cremaffin contains fluid paraffin, magnesium hydroxide and sodium picosulfate.
Paraffin present in the medication helps in maintenance of water and fat in the stool causing simple entry.
Sodium picosulfate invigorates inside muscles while; Magnesium hydroxide holds water in the digestion tracts and mollifies the stool.
Cremaffin additionally kills stomach corrosive
How to Take Cremaffin?
Cremaffin is normally accessible in Syrup structure.
Cremaffin Syrup is controlled orally (Via mouth) with a glass of water or as taught by the specialist. It ought to be overwhelmed by or after food ideally around evening time at a proper time stretch.
The contain ought to be shaken well prior to devouring the medication and an estimating cup or spoon ought to be utilized for legitimate portion administering.
Cremaffin ought to be joined by a lot of liquids for simple stool section.
It is prudent to appropriately peruse the flyer inside the bundle completely to have a superior comprehension of the medication.
Normal Dosage for Cremaffin
The dose of the medication is to be chosen by the specialist for each person according to the age, weight, mental status, unfavorably susceptible history and wellbeing status of the patient.
The normal portion of Cremaffin for offspring of 3-5 years old is ½-1 teaspoon
For offspring of 5-12 years old is 1-2 teaspoon.
For Adults and kids more than 12 years old ½-1 tablespoon.
It is fitting to counsel a pediatrician prior to regulating Cremaffin in youngsters.
Q. What occurs in the event that I glut on Cremaffin?
The excess of Cremaffin can expand the odds of incidental effects like stomach upset and draining in couple of cases. The specialist ought to be counseled quickly in the event of Cremaffin.
Q. What occurs on the off chance that I miss a portion of Cremaffin?
Cremaffin may not show the ideal impacts as a specific measure of medication ought to consistently be available in the fundamental flow of the body to display valuable impacts.
The missed portion of Cremaffin ought to be burned-through when you recall it. Be that as it may, it isn't fitting to devour the missed portion in case it's now an ideal opportunity to require the second portion as it might prompt medication poisonousness or drug glut.
Q. What occurs in the event that I eat lapsed Cremaffin?
A solitary portion of terminated Cremaffin is probably not going to cause an antagonistic occasion as it would have lost its adequacy and intensity. Nonetheless, one ought to go without devouring terminated medication and the specialist ought to be promptly counseled in the event that one feels any unwanted indications in the wake of burning-through the lapsed medication.
Q. What is the beginning season of Cremaffin?
Cremaffin arrives at its impact or shows the outcome inside couple of hours after oral organization.
Q. Till when does the impact of Cremaffin stay?
The impact of Cremaffin stays for 4 to 6 hours. It is along these lines encouraged to keep 4-6 hours stretch between two dosages of Cremaffin.
When to Avoid Cremaffin?
Try not to Consume Cremaffin in the accompanying situations:
Hypersensitivity: In known instances of sensitivity to Cremaffin or any of its fixings.
Blockage: In known instances of intestinal blockage Cremaffin ought to be kept away from as it can deteriorate the condition.
Looseness of the bowels: In instances of Diarrhea, Cremaffin ought to be kept away from as it goes about as a purgative and may deteriorate the condition further.
Liver Diseases: In instances of the past or flow state of Liver issues or infections.
Kidney Disorders: In instances of kidney issues, it ought to be kept away from.
Pregnancy: In instances of pregnancy, Cremaffin ought to be kept away from.
Safety measures and Warnings While Taking Cremaffin
An infected appendix: Do not devour Cremaffin in instances of a ruptured appendix or some other stomach torment.
Lactating moms: It isn't prudent to direct Cremaffin in lactating moms.
Keep away from Overdosage: Drug excess ought to be kept away from.
Time Interval: A hole of 4-6 hours ought to be kept up with between the two portions to keep away from expanded levels of the medication in the blood as it can prompt poisonousness.
Likewise Read About Other Medicine's Dosages: Daflon | Crocin | Crocin Advance
Symptoms of Cremaffin
The incidental effects related with Cremaffin utilized for various medicines are:
Stomach throb – more uncommon
Tipsiness – more uncommon
Queasiness – normal
Retching – more uncommon
The runs – normal
Lack of hydration – more uncommon
Weakness – more uncommon
Are There Any Reported Allergic Reactions to Cremaffin?
Conceivable unfavorably susceptible responses detailed for Cremaffin are:
Rashes – more uncommon
Enlarging of eyes, face, lips, mouth or tongue – more uncommon
Loss of cognizance – uncommon
What Are The Effects of Cremaffin Tablets on Organs?
Cremaffin ought to be utilized with alert in instances of kidney brokenness as it might require portion change.
Cremaffin ought to be stayed away from in Intestinal check and an infected appendix.
Medication Interactions With Cremaffin to be Careful About
One should be cautious about certain medication collaborations while devouring Cremaffin. These might length from certain food things to different drugs to certain tests which ought not be taken just in the wake of burning-through Cremaffin. We investigate these n subtleties beneath.
1. Food Interactions with Cremaffin
No specific food thing should be kept away from while devouring Cremaffin.
2. Prescriptions Interactions with Cremaffin
All the conceivable medication connections probably won't be recorded here. It is constantly prompted that the patient should advise the doctor about of the multitude of medications/items you use. You should likewise illuminate about the home grown items that you are burning-through. You should not adjust the medication routine without your PCP's endorsement.
The accompanying medication associations have their own belongings and results, that can be additionally recognized as gentle or extreme:
Antibiotic medication anti-toxins
3. Impacts of Cremaffin on Lab Tests
Cremaffin doesn't influence any research center tests
4. Cremaffin's cooperations with Pre-existing Conditions/Diseases
Intestinal Obstruction and a ruptured appendix
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin with liquor?
No. The connection of Cremaffin with liquor is obscure and there can be expanded odds of incidental effects when Cremaffin is taken with liquor. The specialist ought to be counseled prior to burning-through liquor with Cremaffin.
Q. A specific food thing to be stayed away from?
No specific food thing to be kept away from while taking Cremaffin.
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin when pregnant?
No, Cremaffin ought to be kept away from during pregnancy. The specialist ought to consistently be informed in case you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin when taking care of a child?
No, as there is no proof of damage just as advantages of devouring Cremaffin while taking care of a child. In this manner, it ought to be kept away from as a careful step and the specialist ought to consistently be educated in such cases.
Q. Would i be able to drive in the wake of taking Cremaffin?
Indeed, as Cremaffin doesn't influence the capacity to drive yet it is prudent to abstain from driving or working large equipment if side effects like dazedness or sleepiness happen subsequent to taking Cremaffin.
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kadinfikri · 3 years ago
DAFLON 500 mg Nedir? Ne İşe Yarar? Fiyatı Ne Kadardır?
DAFLON 500 mg Nedir? Ne İşe Yarar? Fiyatı Ne Kadardır?
DAFLON 500 mg, toplardamar üzerinde olumlu etkilere sahip olan bir ilaçtır. Toplar damarın esnekliğini ve dokusunu koruyup yüzeydeki tahribatları engellediği için venotonik ve venprotektör ilaçlar sınıfına dahildir. İlaç kutularında, her biri on beş tablet içeren dört blister ambalaj yer alır.  DAFLON ilaç içeriği bakımından iki farklı etken maddeye sahiptir. Ağırlığı 500 miligram olan…
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digitalyogesh · 3 years ago
Cremaffin syrup
What is Cremaffin syrup?
Cremaffin is utilized essentially as a Stool conditioner (Laxative) in instances of obstruction. Loose bowels and Dehydration at high portions are the significant results of Cremaffin. It ought to be completely kept away from if there s Cremaffin syrup hould be an occurrence of Intestinal Blockage.
Cremaffin Composition – Liquid Paraffin, Mag Cremaffin syrup nesium Hydroxide
Fabricated By Cremaffin syrup – Abbott
Remedy – Not needed
Structure – Syrup
Cost – Rs. 153.62 (225ml)
Cremaffin syrup
Kind of Drug – Laxative
Likewise read in Hindi about Cremaffin
Employments of Cremaffin
Cremaffin fills in as a stool conditioner in different conditions. It is endorsed for the accompanying:
Stoppage: It is utilized in instances of clogging to help simple stool entry.
Colonoscopy: Used in instances of Colonoscopy, to discharge the entrail totally.
Ill-advised Bowel development: Used to treat ill-advised solid discharge.
Cremaffin syrup
Cremaffin syrup
Stomach ulcers: Used to mitigate stomach ulcers.
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How Does Cremaffin Work?
Cremaffin works delicately animating the gut muscles making peristalsis and leads discharge of the entrail substance out of the body by greasing up and relaxing the stool.
Cremaffin contains fluid paraffin, magnesium hydroxide and sodium picosulfate.
Paraffin present in the medication helps in maintenance of water and fat in the stool causing simple entry.
Sodium picosulfate animates entrail muscles while; Magnesium hydroxide holds water in the digestion tracts and relax the stool.
Cremaffin likewise kills stomach corrosive
How to Take Cremaffin?
Cremaffin is generally accessible in Syrup structure.
Cremaffin Syrup is managed orally (Via mouth) with a glass of water or as educated by the specialist. It ought to be overcome with or after food ideally around evening time at a fixed time span.
The restrain ought to be shaken well prior to devouring the medication and an estimating cup or spoon ought to be utilized for legitimate portion apportioning.
Cremaffin ought to be joined by a lot of liquids for simple stool entry.
It is prudent to appropriately peruse the pamphlet inside the bundle completely to have a superior comprehension of the medication.
Normal Dosage for Cremaffin
Cremaffin syrup
The normal portion of Cremaffin for offspring of 3-5 years old is ½-1 teaspoon
For offspring of 5-12 years old is 1-2 teaspoon.
For Adults and kids more than 12 years old ½-1 tablespoon.
It is fitting to counsel a pediatrician prior to overseeing Cremaffin in youngsters.
Cremaffin syrup
The excess of Cremaffin can build the odds of incidental effects like stomach upset and draining in couple of cases. The specialist ought to be counseled promptly in the event of Cremaffin.
Cremaffin syrup
Cremaffin may not show the ideal impacts as a specific measure of medication ought to consistently be available in the fundamental dissemination of the body to display gainful impacts.
The missed portion of Cremaffin ought to be burned-through when you recollect it. However, it isn’t fitting to devour the missed portion in case it’s as of now an ideal opportunity to require the second portion as it might prompt medication harmfulness or medication glut.
Q. What occurs in the event that I eat terminated Cremaffin?
A solitary portion of terminated Cremaffin is probably not going to cause an antagonistic occasion as it would have lost its adequacy and strength. Notwithstanding, one ought to swear off burning-through terminated medication and the specialist ought to be quickly counseled in the event that one feels any unfortunate indications subsequent to devouring the lapsed medication.
Q. What is the beginning season of Cremaffin?
Cremaffin arrives at its impact or shows the outcome inside couple of hours after oral organization.
Q. Till when does the impact of Cremaffin stay?
The impact of Cremaffin stays for 4 to 6 hours. It is consequently encouraged to keep 4-6 hours stretch between two portions of Cremaffin.
Cremaffin syrup
Try not to Consume Cremaffin in the accompanying situations:
Hypersensitivity: In known instances of sensitivity to Cremaffin or any of its fixings.
Blockage: In known instances of intestinal blockage Cremaffin ought to be kept away from as it can demolish the condition.
Looseness of the bowels: In instances of Diarrhea, Cremaffin ought to be stayed away from as it goes about as a diuretic and may deteriorate the condition further.
Liver Diseases: In instances of the past or flow state of Liver issues or infections.
Kidney Disorders: In instances of kidney issues, it ought to be kept away from.
Pregnancy: In instances of pregnancy, Cremaffin ought to be stayed away from.
Precautionary measures and Warnings While Taking Cremaffin
A ruptured appendix: Do not devour Cremaffin in instances of a ruptured appendix or some other stomach torment.
Lactating moms: It isn’t fitting to regulate Cremaffin in lactating moms.
Keep away from Overdosage: Drug excess ought to be stayed away from.
Time Interval: A hole of 4-6 hours ought to be kept up with between the two dosages to keep away from expanded levels of the medication in the blood as it can prompt harmfulness.
Additionally Read About Other Medicine’s Dosages: Daflon | Crocin | Crocin Advance
Results of Cremaffin
The incidental effects related with Cremaffin utilized for various medicines are:
Stomach hurt – more uncommon
Wooziness – more uncommon
Sickness – normal
Cremaffin syrup
Looseness of the bowels – normal
Parchedness – more uncommon
Cremaffin syrup
Are There Any Reported Allergic Reactions to Cremaffin?
Conceivable hypersensitive responses detailed for Cremaffin are:
Rashes – more uncommon
Cremaffin syrup
Loss of cognizance – uncommon
What Are The Effects of Cremaffin Tablets on Organs?
Cremaffin ought to be utilized with alert in instances of kidney brokenness as it might require portion change.
Cremaffin ought to be stayed away from in Intestinal obstacle and an infected appendix.
Medication Interactions With Cremaffin to be Careful About
One should be cautious about certain medication cooperations while devouring Cremaffin. These might range from certain food things to different meds to certain tests which ought not be taken just in the wake of devouring Cremaffin. We investigate these n subtleties underneath.
Cremaffin syrup
No specific food thing should be kept away from while burning-through Cremaffin.
Drugs Interactions with Cremaffin
All the conceivable medication connections probably won’t be recorded here. It is constantly exhorted that the patient should advise the doctor about of the relative multitude of medications/items you use. You should likewise advise about the home grown items that you are devouring. You should not alter the medication routine without your primary care physician’s endorsement.
The accompanying medication collaborations have their own belongings and results, that can be additionally distinguished as gentle or extreme:
Cremaffin syrup
Cremaffin syrup
Antibiotic medication anti-toxins
Impacts of Cremaffin on Lab Tests
Cremaffin doesn’t influence any research facility tests
Cremaffin’s communications with Pre-existing Conditions/Diseases
Intestinal Obstruction and an infected appendix
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin with liquor?
No. The connection of Cremaffin with liquor is obscure and there can be expanded odds of incidental effects when Cremaffin is taken with liquor. The specialist ought to be counseled prior to burning-through liquor with Cremaffin.
Q. A specific food thing to be stayed away from?
Cremaffin syrup
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin when pregnant?
No, Cremaffin ought to be stayed away from during pregnancy. The specialist ought to consistently be advised in case you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
Q. Would i be able to have Cremaffin when taking care of a child?
No, as there is no proof of damage just as advantages of burning-through Cremaffin while taking care of a child. In this way, it ought to be stayed away from as a careful step and the specialist ought to consistently be educated in such cases.
Q. Would i be able to drive in the wake of taking Cremaffin?
Indeed, as Cremaffin doesn’t influence the capacity to drive yet it is fitting to abstain from driving or working large equipment if indications like tipsiness or languor happen in the wake of taking Cremaffin.
Cremaffin syrup
Cremaffin Composition, Variant and Price – Buyer’s Guide
Cremaffin Variant Cremaffin Composition Cremaffin Price
Cremaffin Plus Syrup Sodium Picosulfate 3.33MG, Liquid Paraffin 1.25ML, Milk Of Magnesia 3.75ML Rs. 184.92 for 225 ML
Cremaffin Sugar-Free Syrup Mixed fruit Milk of Magnesia 11.25MG, Liquid Paraffin 3.75MG Rs. 174.40 for 225 ML
Cremaffin Fresh 5 mg Tablet Bisacodyl 5MG Rs. 10.19 for 10 tablets
Assuming you need to purchase this medication on the web and profit rebate on it. You can shop it from here:
Medlife Offer
Cremaffin syrup
Coming up next are elective medications for Cremaffin:
Safolax 100ml Syrup
Made by – Saf Fermion
Cost – Rs. 130 for 100 ML suspension
Lactihep Plus 250ml Oral Emulsion
Fabricated by – Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
Cremaffin syrup
Capacity Requirements for Cremaffin Tablets
Cremaffin Tablet ought to be put away in a cool, dampness free spot at a temperature underneath 25o C
Cremaffin syrup
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mqaall · 4 years ago
معلومات عن دافلون 500 أقراص لعلاج النزيف والبواسير والدوالي
معلومات عن دافلون 500 أقراص لعلاج النزيف والبواسير والدوالي، دافلون 500 يعاني الكثير من الناس من البواسير أن كل منهم يبحث عن دافلون 500، يمكن استخدام الدواء لعلاج العديد من الأمراض. مثل علاج البواسير، وعلاج الأوعية الدموية والأوعية الدموية، وعلاج عودة الدورة الشهرية نوفر لك معلومات حول استخدام دافلون في مقالنا هذا والتعرف على أهمية […]
The post معلومات عن دافلون 500 أقراص لعلاج النزيف والبواسير والدوالي appeared first on مقال.
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thaladaiy · 4 years ago
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أدوية البواسير : بعضها تستخدم لعلاج نزيف البواسير الداخلية والخارجية عن طريق تقوية الأوعية الدموية وبعضها يستخدم كمسكن للألم ومضاد للإلتهابات 1. دواء دافلون 500 مجم (Daflon) يتوافر دافلون على هيئة أقراص مغلفة برشام دافلون مكوناته الفعالة : الديوسمين و الهيسبريدين بتركيز 500 مجم دافلون اقراص يعمل على زيادة قوة الأوردة و الأوعية الدموية فيقلل من النزيف اقراص دافلون يستخدم فى علاج شرخ البواسير و الدوالى و النزيف و تقوية الأوعية الدموية حبوب دافلون 500 الاثار الجانبية : ألم بالمعدة و البطن إسهال دوخة وصداع إحمرار بالجلد دافلون 500 والإنتصاب : قد يستخدم دافلون 500 للرجال للمس��عدة فى حالات التسريب الوريدى ( الذى قد يسبب مشكلة فى الإنتصاب ) إذ يعمل دافلون كواقٍ للأوعية الدموية عن طريق زيادة مقاومة تلك الأوعية وحمايتها من النزيف. دواء دافلون للدورة الشهرية : قد يصف الطبيب دافلون للنساء التى تعانى من غزارة و طول مدة الدورة الشهرية دافلون لوقف النزيف : يستخدم دافلون 500 للبواسير لعلاج النزيف المصاحب للبواسير و يزيد من قوة الأوردة و يقلل الضغط بها دافلون 500 لعلاج دوالي الخصية : يستخدم دافلون لعلاج الدوالي حيث يعمل على تقوية جدران الأوردة مما يزيد من قوتها و انقباضها و بالتالى يقلل من تراكم الدم فى الأوردة مما يساعد فى علاج الدوالى دافلون للحامل : أوضحت بعض الأبحاث العلمية أنه قد يتم إستخدم حبوب دافلون للبواسير للحامل و لكن يكون ذلك بوصف و تحت اشراف الطبيب المختص 2. أقراص دافركس Dafrex يتوافر دافركس على هيئة أقراص مكوناته الفعالة : الديوسمين بتركيز 450 مجم و الهيسبريدين بتركيز 50 مجم يستخدم لعلاج قصور الأوعية الدموية والبواسير وعلاجها ويقلل من غزارة الدورة الشهرية 3. أقراص ديوسمين 500 Diosmin يتوافر ديوسمين على هيئة أقراص مغلفة ديوسمين أقراص تحتوى على الديوسمين بتركيز 450 مجم و الهيسبريدين بتركيز 50 مجم 4. أقراص ديفلوروتاسين Diflorutacine يجتوى على المادة الفعالة الديوسمين والتى تعمل على تقوية جدران الشعيرات الدموية وتقليل النزيف. 5. أقراص ديوفين Dioven يجتوى على المادة الفعالة الديوسمين والتى تستخدم لعلاج ضعف الأوعية الدموية 6. دواء ديوسيد سي Diosed C يجتوى على المادة الفعالة الديوسمين بتركيز 500 مجم 7. فينو-ويست أقراص Veno – West tablet يجتوى على المادة الفعالة الديوسمين و الهيسبريدين وفيتامين سى 8. دواء فاريكوسان varikosan يتوافر فاريكوسان فى صورة أقراص وجيل موضعى يحتوى على المادة الفعالة آيسين ( لها تأثير مضاد للإلتهابات ومضيق للأوعية الدموية ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI01a86gv_g/?igshid=1v5og0p5dw3r2
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stepagency0 · 4 years ago
أفضل علاج للبواسير في المنزل و الصيدليات
البواسير هي عبارة عن أوردة منتفخة و بارزة في فتحة الشرج و تتكون نتيجة عمل الأمعاء و الضغط الشديد على هذه الأوردة فيُعتبر مرض البواسير من الأمراض الشائعة بين الناس و خصوصاً من هم تحت سن الخمسين عاماً و لذلك يلجئ الكثير للبحث عن أفضل علاج للبواسير في الصيدليات .
أفضل علاج للبواسير في المنزل و الصيدليات
أنواع البواسير 
البواسير الخارجية : و هي المتواجدة على فتحة الشرج في السطح كما أنها غير مرئية و هي عادةً لا تكون مشكلة طبية .
البواسير الداخلية : و هي متواجدة في المستقيم و لا يمكن رؤيتها و هي عادةً لا تكون مشكلة طبية و تختفي من تلقاء نفسها .
البواسير الهابطة : و هي تتكون عند تورم البواسير الداخلية و تلتصق بفتحة الشرج و هي تبدو مثل كتل حمراء و نتوءات في خارج فتحة الشرج .
البواسير المخثورة : و هي البواسير التي تحتوي على جلطة دموية داخل النسيج و تظهر على شكل كتل و تورم حول فتحة الشرج .
أعراض البواسير
1 – النزيف و هو عادة غير مؤلم و يمكن ملاحظته على ورق التواليت أو في حوض المرحاض .
2 – الحكة و التهيج في منطقة الشرج .
3 – انتفاخ أو تورم حول فتحة الشرج .
4 – ارتشاح البراز .
5 – نتوء مؤلم و شديد الحساسية بجانب فتحة الشرج .
6 – عدم الإحساس بالراحة و الكثير من الألم .
أفضل علاج للبواسير
هناك عدة طرق كـ أفضل علاج للبواسير منها الأدوية و الاستئصال و العمليات الجراحية و يمكن معالجتها في المنزل بأدوات و تعليمات بسيطة ” كالتركيز على تناول الأطعمة الغنية بالألياف و مغاطس دافئة و المحافظة على نظافة فتحة الشرج و عدم استخدام ورق الحمام الجاف و وضع مواد باردة في المنطقة المصابة لتخفيف التورم “.
قائمة في الأدوية كأفضل علاج للبواسير و الشقوق الشرجية في الصيدليات
1. دواء دافلون 500 مجم (DAFLON)
2. أقراص دافركس Dafrex
3. أقراص ديوسمين 500 Diosmin
4. أقراص ديفلوروتاسين Diflorutacine
 5. أقراص ديوفين Dioven
 6. دواء ديوسيد سي Diosed C
 7. فينو-ويست أقراص Veno – West tablet
8. دواء فاريكوسان varikosan
9. فاسكومدرا أقراص
10.  دواء فينوروتون venoruton
11 . سيديبروكت مرهم بواسير Sediproct��
12. دواء بروكتوسيديل Proctosedyl
13. دواء البواسير فاكتو faktu 
14. دواء بروكتوجليفينول كريم لعلاج البواسير
اقرأ أيضاً : أدوية تخسيس .. متى نستخدمها و ماهي أنواعها ؟!
إرشادات عامة
يجب الحفاظ على الدواء في درجة حرارة الغرفة بعيداً عن الضوء و الرطوبة.
لا يجوز مشاركة الدواء دواء اخر في نفس الجرعة.
إذا كان المريض يعاني من حساسية مهددة للحياة ، فيجب عليه ارتداء سوار أو بطاقة تشير إلى هذه الحساسية في جميع الأوقات.
لا يمكن للمريض مشاركة الدواء مع الآخرين ، ولا يجوز تناول الدواء من شخص آخر.
يجب أن يبقى هذا الدواء بعيداً عن متناول الأطفال.
يجب على المريض الاحتفاظ بقائمة الأدوية الخاصة به (وصفة الدواء والمنتجات الطبيعية والمكملات الغذائية والفيتامينات والأدوية التي يتم صرفها بدون وصفة طبية) ، وتسليم هذه القائمة إلى مقدم الرعاية الصحية (طبيب ، ممرضة).
تحدث إلى مقدم الرعاية الصحية الخاص بك قبل البدء في تناول أي أدوية جديدة ، بما في ذلك الأدوية التي لا تستلزم وصفة طبية أو المنتجات الطبيعية أو الفيتامينات.
ملاحظة هامة : المعلومات الدوائية لا تغني عن زيارة الطبيب أو الصيدلاني. لا ننصح بتناول أي دواء دون استشارة طبية.
اقرأ أيضاً : أدوية الحساسية … أنواعها و ميزاتها و آثارها
from https://stepagency-sy.net/2020/08/20/%d8%a3%d9%81%d8%b6%d9%84-%d8%b9%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%ac-%d9%84%d9%84%d8%a8%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%b1-%d9%81%d9%8a/
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thesittingduck · 4 years ago
daflon 500 tablet Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings
Drug Online
daflon 500 tablet >>  Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Cardiology and angiology
Active ingredient: Purified, micronized flavonoid fraction
what is daflon?
This drug is a veinotonic (it increases the tone of the veins), and a vasoprotector (it increases the resistance of small blood vessels).
It is recommended in the treatment of disorders of the venous circulation (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus) and in the treatment of the functional signs related to the hemorrhoidal crisis.
What is Daflon used to treat and indication ?
 Treatment of symptoms related to venolymphatic insufficiency (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus).
Treatment of functional signs related to the hemorrhoidal crisis.
daflon dosage
Usual dosage: 2 tablets per day, ie 1 tablet at noon and 1 tablet in the evening, at the time of meals.
daflon 500 mg dosage for hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoidal crisis: 6 tablets daily for the first 4 days, then 4 tablets daily for 3 days.
Flavonoid hypersensitivity
Diosmin hypersensitivity
Hesperidin hypersensitivity
Child under 6
Feeding with milk
Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in the Composition section.
daflon 500 mg how it works?
In humans, following oral administration of the drug with carbon-14 diosmin:
· Excretion is predominantly fecal and urinary excretion averages 14 percent of the administered amount,
· The elimination half-life is 11 hours;
· The product is highly metabolized, this metabolism is objectified by the presence of different phenolic acids in the urine.
What are the side effects of taking Daflon?
The following side effects have been reported and are classified according to their frequency.
Very common (≥1 / 10) frequent (≥1 / 100, <1/10); uncommon (≥1 / 1000, <1/100); rare (≥1 / 10000, <1/1000); very rare (<1/10000), unknown (can not be estimated from the available data).
Nervous system disorders
Rare: dizziness, headache, malaise.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Common: diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting.
Uncommon: colitis.
Unknown frequency: abdominal pain
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Rare: rash, pruritus, urticaria
Frequency unknown: isolated edema of the face, eyelids, lips. Exceptionally, angioedema.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to any side effects that are not mentioned in this leaflet.
daflon tablet drug interactions
No interaction studies have been performed.
No clinically relevant drug interactions have been reported to date since the product was marketed.
Not applicable.
DAFLON Warnings and Precautions
Hemorrhoidal crisis
The administration of this product does not exempt the specific treatment of other anal diseases. The treatment should be a short term one. If symptoms do not break down quickly, a proctological examination should be performed and treatment should be reviewed.
Drive and use machines
No specific study of the effects of the flavonoid fraction on the ability to drive and use machines has been performed.
However, given the overall safety profile of the flavonoid fraction, DAFLON does not modify, or negligibly, the ability to drive or use machines.
daflon in pregnancy
Experimental studies in animals have not shown any teratogenic effect. Moreover, in the human species, no adverse effects have been reported to date.
daflon in feeding
In the absence of data on passage into breast milk, breastfeeding is not recommended during the course of treatment.
What happens if I overdose from DAFLON ?
If you take more DAFLON 500 mg film-coated tablets than you should:
Overdose may aggravate the side effects.
If you take more DAFLON 500 mg film-coated tablets than you should, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
What is  Forms and Composition DAFLON?
  p cp Purified micronized flavonoid fraction 500 mg (ie in 90% diosmin: 450 mg / cp and in flavonoid expressed in hesperidin 10%: 50 mg / cp) Average humidity: 20 mg / cp.
Excipients: sodium carboxymethyl starch, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc. Film coating: glycerol, hypromellose, macrogol 6000, sodium lauryl sulphate, magnesium stearate, yellow iron oxide (E 172), red iron oxide (E 172), titanium dioxide (E 171).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post daflon 500 tablet Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/2ZKOKgZ via Edrug Online from faculty of medicine https://bit.ly/3ldFJWm via Faculty of Medicine
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colinfitzpatrick · 4 years ago
daflon 500 tablet Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings
Drug Online
daflon 500 tablet >>  Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Cardiology and angiology
Active ingredient: Purified, micronized flavonoid fraction
what is daflon?
This drug is a veinotonic (it increases the tone of the veins), and a vasoprotector (it increases the resistance of small blood vessels).
It is recommended in the treatment of disorders of the venous circulation (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus) and in the treatment of the functional signs related to the hemorrhoidal crisis.
What is Daflon used to treat and indication ?
 Treatment of symptoms related to venolymphatic insufficiency (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus).
Treatment of functional signs related to the hemorrhoidal crisis.
daflon dosage
Usual dosage: 2 tablets per day, ie 1 tablet at noon and 1 tablet in the evening, at the time of meals.
daflon 500 mg dosage for hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoidal crisis: 6 tablets daily for the first 4 days, then 4 tablets daily for 3 days.
Flavonoid hypersensitivity
Diosmin hypersensitivity
Hesperidin hypersensitivity
Child under 6
Feeding with milk
Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in the Composition section.
daflon 500 mg how it works?
In humans, following oral administration of the drug with carbon-14 diosmin:
· Excretion is predominantly fecal and urinary excretion averages 14 percent of the administered amount,
· The elimination half-life is 11 hours;
· The product is highly metabolized, this metabolism is objectified by the presence of different phenolic acids in the urine.
What are the side effects of taking Daflon?
The following side effects have been reported and are classified according to their frequency.
Very common (≥1 / 10) frequent (≥1 / 100, <1/10); uncommon (≥1 / 1000, <1/100); rare (≥1 / 10000, <1/1000); very rare (<1/10000), unknown (can not be estimated from the available data).
Nervous system disorders
Rare: dizziness, headache, malaise.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Common: diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting.
Uncommon: colitis.
Unknown frequency: abdominal pain
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Rare: rash, pruritus, urticaria
Frequency unknown: isolated edema of the face, eyelids, lips. Exceptionally, angioedema.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to any side effects that are not mentioned in this leaflet.
daflon tablet drug interactions
No interaction studies have been performed.
No clinically relevant drug interactions have been reported to date since the product was marketed.
Not applicable.
DAFLON Warnings and Precautions
Hemorrhoidal crisis
The administration of this product does not exempt the specific treatment of other anal diseases. The treatment should be a short term one. If symptoms do not break down quickly, a proctological examination should be performed and treatment should be reviewed.
Drive and use machines
No specific study of the effects of the flavonoid fraction on the ability to drive and use machines has been performed.
However, given the overall safety profile of the flavonoid fraction, DAFLON does not modify, or negligibly, the ability to drive or use machines.
daflon in pregnancy
Experimental studies in animals have not shown any teratogenic effect. Moreover, in the human species, no adverse effects have been reported to date.
daflon in feeding
In the absence of data on passage into breast milk, breastfeeding is not recommended during the course of treatment.
What happens if I overdose from DAFLON ?
If you take more DAFLON 500 mg film-coated tablets than you should:
Overdose may aggravate the side effects.
If you take more DAFLON 500 mg film-coated tablets than you should, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
What is  Forms and Composition DAFLON?
  p cp Purified micronized flavonoid fraction 500 mg (ie in 90% diosmin: 450 mg / cp and in flavonoid expressed in hesperidin 10%: 50 mg / cp) Average humidity: 20 mg / cp.
Excipients: sodium carboxymethyl starch, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc. Film coating: glycerol, hypromellose, macrogol 6000, sodium lauryl sulphate, magnesium stearate, yellow iron oxide (E 172), red iron oxide (E 172), titanium dioxide (E 171).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post daflon 500 tablet Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/2ZKOKgZ via Edrug Online
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greatestlcve · 4 years ago
daflon 500 tablet Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings
Drug Online
daflon 500 tablet >>  Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Cardiology and angiology
Active ingredient: Purified, micronized flavonoid fraction
what is daflon?
This drug is a veinotonic (it increases the tone of the veins), and a vasoprotector (it increases the resistance of small blood vessels).
It is recommended in the treatment of disorders of the venous circulation (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus) and in the treatment of the functional signs related to the hemorrhoidal crisis.
What is Daflon used to treat and indication ?
 Treatment of symptoms related to venolymphatic insufficiency (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus).
Treatment of functional signs related to the hemorrhoidal crisis.
daflon dosage
Usual dosage: 2 tablets per day, ie 1 tablet at noon and 1 tablet in the evening, at the time of meals.
daflon 500 mg dosage for hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoidal crisis: 6 tablets daily for the first 4 days, then 4 tablets daily for 3 days.
Flavonoid hypersensitivity
Diosmin hypersensitivity
Hesperidin hypersensitivity
Child under 6
Feeding with milk
Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in the Composition section.
daflon 500 mg how it works?
In humans, following oral administration of the drug with carbon-14 diosmin:
· Excretion is predominantly fecal and urinary excretion averages 14 percent of the administered amount,
· The elimination half-life is 11 hours;
· The product is highly metabolized, this metabolism is objectified by the presence of different phenolic acids in the urine.
What are the side effects of taking Daflon?
The following side effects have been reported and are classified according to their frequency.
Very common (≥1 / 10) frequent (≥1 / 100, <1/10); uncommon (≥1 / 1000, <1/100); rare (≥1 / 10000, <1/1000); very rare (<1/10000), unknown (can not be estimated from the available data).
Nervous system disorders
Rare: dizziness, headache, malaise.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Common: diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting.
Uncommon: colitis.
Unknown frequency: abdominal pain
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Rare: rash, pruritus, urticaria
Frequency unknown: isolated edema of the face, eyelids, lips. Exceptionally, angioedema.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to any side effects that are not mentioned in this leaflet.
daflon tablet drug interactions
No interaction studies have been performed.
No clinically relevant drug interactions have been reported to date since the product was marketed.
Not applicable.
DAFLON Warnings and Precautions
Hemorrhoidal crisis
The administration of this product does not exempt the specific treatment of other anal diseases. The treatment should be a short term one. If symptoms do not break down quickly, a proctological examination should be performed and treatment should be reviewed.
Drive and use machines
No specific study of the effects of the flavonoid fraction on the ability to drive and use machines has been performed.
However, given the overall safety profile of the flavonoid fraction, DAFLON does not modify, or negligibly, the ability to drive or use machines.
daflon in pregnancy
Experimental studies in animals have not shown any teratogenic effect. Moreover, in the human species, no adverse effects have been reported to date.
daflon in feeding
In the absence of data on passage into breast milk, breastfeeding is not recommended during the course of treatment.
What happens if I overdose from DAFLON ?
If you take more DAFLON 500 mg film-coated tablets than you should:
Overdose may aggravate the side effects.
If you take more DAFLON 500 mg film-coated tablets than you should, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
What is  Forms and Composition DAFLON?
 p cpPurified micronized flavonoid fraction500 mg(ie in 90% diosmin: 450 mg / cp and in flavonoid expressed in hesperidin 10%: 50 mg / cp)Average humidity: 20 mg / cp.
Excipients: sodium carboxymethyl starch, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc. Film coating: glycerol, hypromellose, macrogol 6000, sodium lauryl sulphate, magnesium stearate, yellow iron oxide (E 172), red iron oxide (E 172), titanium dioxide (E 171).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post daflon 500 tablet Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/2ZKOKgZ via Edrug Online from Faculty of Medicine https://bit.ly/3hrHnBC via Internal Medicine
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fiyatinedir · 2 years ago
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Güncel Betaserc Fiyatı 83,50 TL'dir. Bu fiyat yazı tarihindeki son zamlarla yükselen fiyattır. Sürekli gelen zamlar Betaserc Fiyatını da etkilemektedir. Bundan dolayı sitemiz Betaserc fiyat listesini haftalık ve aylık periyotlar halinde güncellemektedir. Sizde yorumlar kısmından bize bilgi vererek Betaserc fiyat bilgisinin güncellenmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Betaserc fiyatı gibi güncel fiyat listesine sitemizi takip ederek ulaşabilirsiniz. Ayrıca eklenmesini istediğiniz fiyat listesini iletişim bilgilerimizden bize iletebilirsiniz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ7I3FkEd-o Betaserc Fiyatları Zamlanacak mı? Betaserc fiyatları hatta diğer ürün ve hizmetlerin hepsi maalesef döviz ve yakıt fiyatlarına orantılı olarak zamlanmaktadır. Bu neticede dövizdeki hareket veya yakıttaki, benzindeki zamlanma direk Betaserc Fiyatı listesine yansıyacaktır. Bununla beraber Betaserc Fiyat listesi de zamlanacaktır. Bizler normalde haftalık veya aylık olarak konuları güncelliyoruz. Fakat döviz ve yakıt zamlanması gibi etkileyen hızlı durumda fiyat listemiz 1-2 gün eski kalabiliyor. Anlık zamlarda bizlere yorumlar kısmından bildirim de bulunarak fiyatın güncellenmesine katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. BETASERC FİYATI GİBİ MERAK EDİLEN BİR DİĞER FİYAT LİSTESİDE: Flucan Fiyatları LİSTESİDİR. DİLERSENİZ BU YAZIMIZIDA İNCELEYEBİLİRSİNİZ. Betaserc Fiyatı doğru mu? Betaserc fiyat bilgisi doğru ve günceldir. Fiyat listelerini oluştururken özellikle mağazalardan, firma iletişim bilgilerinden ve internet mecralarındaki fiyat listeleri, kullanıcı yorumlarından yola çıkarak Fiyat tablosu oluşturuyoruz. Bu neticede fiyat listesini haftalık periyotlar ile güncelliyoruz. Doğal olarak sizlere güncel fiyat listesini ulaştırmış oluyoruz. Betaserc fiyat bilgileri zamlarda güncellenerek sizlere ne güncel haliyle sunulmaktadır. Fiyatı nedir, fiyat araştırma platformunda bulunan bütün konularımız haftalık veya aylık periyotlar ile güncellenmektedir. Sizlerde sitemizi takip ederek güncel fiyat bilgilerine ulaşabilirsiniz. Ayrıca sitemizde bulamadığınız bir fiyat listesi olursa iletişim bilgilerimizden bize bildirim açabilirsiniz. Ortalama 1-2 iş günü içerisinde fiyat listesi eklenir veya güncellenir. Betaserc Fiyatı gibi SAĞLIK kategorimizde yer alan diğer konulara da ilgili kategoriden ulaşabilirsiniz. Betaserc Fiyatı Hakkında Sizlere hazırladığımız Betaserc Fiyatı hakkında genel bilgilerde vermiş olduk. Sitemizde güncel fiyat bilgileri yer alır. Sitemizi takip ederek marketlerden tutun ürünlere kadar her alanda fiyat bilgilerini araştırabilir bilgi sahibi olabiliriniz. Özellikle son dönemlerdeki piyasa hareketliliği Betaserc fiyat listesi gibi fiyat listelerini sürekli araştırma ihtiyacı sunmaktadır. Sizde sitemizden güncel fiyatlara ulaşabilirsiniz. Peki Betaserc Fiyatı bilgisine nasıl mı ulaştık? Mağazalardan, çağrı merkezlerinden ve internet kanallarından araştırma yaparak güncel ve doğru Betaserc Fiyatı listesini hazırladık. - Paylaştığınız Betaserc Fiyat bilgisi ne kadar güncel? Betaserc Fiyat bilgisi gibi sitemizde yer alan bütün Fiyatların listesi haftalık veya aylık periyotlar ile güncellenerek sizlere güncel olarak sunulmaktadır. Fiyatinedir.net Bilgilendirme Metni Fiyatinedir.net web sitesi sizlere güncel fiyat bilgisi sağlamak üzere kılavuz görevi gören bir platformdur. Bu noktada Betaserc fiyatı gibi diğer tüm konularımızda yer alan fiyat bilgileri sadece kılavuz olması için yayınlanmaktadır. Sitemiz Betaserc fiyat listesi gibi diğer fiyat listelerini de ilgili kurumların çağrı merkezi, fiziki şube ziyareti, internet mecraları ayrıca internetteki kullanıcı, tüketici yorumları üzerinden temin etmektedir. Fiyatlar bölgeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Bu konuda fiyatinedir.net web sitesinin bir sorumluluğu bulunmamaktadır. Güncel fiyatlar için ilgili kurumlardan fiyat talep edebilirsiniz. Daha detaylı bilgi için sitemizde bulunan sorumluluk reddi sayfasını ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Ayrıca iletişim ve hakkımızda sayfalarında sitemiz ve hizmetimiz ile ilgili bilgiler bulunmaktadır. Reklam çalışması gibi durumlar için mail adresimizden bize ulaşabilirsiniz. Read the full article
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hazeljohnsi · 4 years ago
أفضل علاج للبواسير في المنزل و الصيدليات
البواسير هي عبارة عن أوردة منتفخة و بارزة في فتحة الشرج و تتكون نتيجة عمل الأمعاء و الضغط الشديد على هذه الأوردة فيُعتبر مرض البواسير من الأمراض الشائعة بين الناس و خصوصاً من هم تحت سن الخمسين عاماً و لذلك يلجئ الكثير للبحث عن أفضل علاج للبواسير في الصيدليات .
أفضل علاج للبواسير في المنزل و الصيدليات
أنواع البواسير 
البواسير الخارجية : و هي المتواجدة على فتحة الشرج في السطح كما أنها غير مرئية و هي عادةً لا تكون مشكلة طبية .
البواسير الداخلية : و هي متواجدة في المستقيم و لا يمكن رؤيتها و هي عادةً لا تكون مشكلة طبية و تختفي من تلقاء نفسها .
البواسير الهابطة : و هي تتكون عند تورم البواسير الداخلية و تلتصق بفتحة الشرج و هي تبدو مثل كتل حمراء و نتوءات في خارج فتحة الشرج .
البواسير المخثورة : و هي البواسير التي تحتوي على جلطة دموية داخل النسيج و تظهر على شكل كتل و تورم حول فتحة الشرج .
أعراض البواسير
1 – النزيف و هو عادة غير مؤلم و يمكن ملاحظته على ورق التواليت أو في حوض المرحاض .
2 – الحكة و التهيج في منطقة الشرج .
3 – انتفاخ أو تورم حول فتحة الشرج .
4 – ارتشاح البراز .
5 – نتوء مؤلم و شديد الحساسية بجانب فتحة الشرج .
6 – عدم الإحساس بالراحة و الكثير من الألم .
أفضل علاج للبواسير
هناك عدة طرق كـ أفضل علاج للبواسير منها الأدوية و الاستئصال و العمليات الجراحية و يمكن معالجتها في المنزل بأدوات و تعليمات بسيطة ” كالتركيز على تناول الأطعمة الغنية بالألياف و مغاطس دافئة و المحافظة على نظافة فتحة الشرج و عدم استخدام ورق الحمام الجاف و وضع مواد باردة في المنطقة المصابة لتخفيف التورم “.
قائمة في الأدوية كأفضل علاج للبواسير و الشقوق الشرجية في الصيدليات
1. دواء دافلون 500 مجم (DAFLON)
2. أقراص دافركس Dafrex
3. أقراص ديوسمين 500 Diosmin
4. أقراص ديفلوروتاسين Diflorutacine
 5. أقراص ديوفين Dioven
 6. دواء ديوسيد سي Diosed C
 7. فينو-ويست أقراص Veno – West tablet
8. دواء فاريكوسان varikosan
9. فاسكومدرا أقراص
10.  دواء فينوروتون venoruton
11 . سيديبروكت مرهم بواسير Sediproct 
12. دواء بروكتوسيديل Proctosedyl
13. دواء البواسير فاكتو faktu 
14. دواء بروكتوجليفينول كريم لعلاج البواسير
اقرأ أيضاً : أدوية تخسيس .. متى نستخدمها و ماهي أنواعها ؟!
إرشادات عامة
يجب الحفاظ على الدواء في درجة حرارة الغرفة بعيداً عن الضوء و الرطوبة.
لا يجوز مشاركة الدواء دواء اخر في نفس الجرعة.
إذا كان المريض يعاني من حساسية مهددة للحياة ، فيجب عليه ارتداء سوار أو بطاقة تشير إلى هذه الحساسية في جميع الأوقات.
لا يمكن للمريض مشاركة الدواء مع الآخرين ، ولا يجوز تناول الدواء من شخص آخر.
يجب أن يبقى هذا الدواء بعيداً عن متناول الأطفال.
يجب على المريض الاحتفاظ بقائمة الأدوية الخاصة به (وصفة الدواء والمنتجات الطبيعية والمكملات الغذائية والفيتامينات والأدوية التي يتم صرفها بدون وصفة طبية) ، وتسليم هذه القائمة إلى مقدم الرعاية الصحية (طبيب ، ممرضة).
تحدث إلى مقدم الرعاية الصحية الخاص بك قبل البدء في تناول أي أدوية جديدة ، بما في ذلك الأدوية التي لا تستلزم وصفة طبية أو المنتجات الطبيعية أو الفيتامينات.
ملاحظة هامة : المعلومات الدوائية لا تغني عن زيارة الطبيب أو الصيدلاني. لا ننصح بتناول أي دواء دون استشارة طبية.
اقرأ أيضاً : أدوية الحساسية … أنواعها و ميزاتها و آثارها
from https://stepagency-sy.net/2020/08/20/%d8%a3%d9%81%d8%b6%d9%84-%d8%b9%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%ac-%d9%84%d9%84%d8%a8%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%b1-%d9%81%d9%8a/ from https://stepagency0.tumblr.com/post/626917453678673920
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edrugonline · 4 years ago
daflon 500 tablet Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings
daflon 500 tablet Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings
daflon 500 tablet >>  Generic drug of the Therapeutic class: Cardiology and angiology
Important to know about Daflon ?
This drug is a veinotonic (it increases the tone of the veins), and a vasoprotector (it increases the resistance of small blood vessels).
It is recommended in the treatment of disorders of the venous circulation (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus) and in the…
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