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sandhya0083 · 5 years ago
DXN Ganozhi Shampoo — Complete Hair Solution
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There are many shampoos in the market consisting of various components. Some shampoos consist of a high amount of chemicals which may make your hair dry, rough, and frizzy. It hampers the look of the hair and may not let it be in a presentable condition.
A good quality shampoo helps one to keep hair nourished and energized all day long. It helps to keep your hair at a bay from an oily and sticky look. It helps one to keep the hair fresh, moisturized, and cleans all day. DXN GANOZHI SHAMPOO is a mild shampoo consisting of natural Ganoderma. Ganoderma is red mushrooms which are an essential and useful herb for our body. They help to cleanse our hair naturally and keep them soft and smooth.
There are moments when an individual may face some problems after using a certain shampoo. One may face hair fall, dry or frizzy hair, or even notice a rise in dandruff then it is the right time to change your shampoo.
Here are some of the conditions during which DXN GANOZHI SHAMPOO proves to be the right option:-
Dry hair
Split ends
Hair loss
Rough hair
Hair deprived of nutrition
Oily hair
And various other hair problems
Benefits of the product
There are numerous benefits of the product. Let us have a look at some of the important pointers to be considered:
Moisturizes and nourishes the hair
Improves the condition of hair
Helps to eradicate dandruff
Reduces split ends
Maintains the pH balance of the hair
Helps to keep the hair fragrant, shiny, smooth, and soft
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naturelovers-1 · 4 years ago
Ganozhi Shampoo (For Strong, Silky & Shiny Hair)
🍄 #GanozhiShampoo is one of the excellent product.  It is a shampoo which is suitable for all ages of people due to its ingredients and benefits. Ganozhi Shampoo should be used regularly to get the best result as below: https://www.facebook.com/NatureLoverss5/photos/a.103063401314373/178395070447872
Ganozhi Shampoo (For Strong, Silky & Shiny Hair) Benefits👇 ✅ Enriched with Ganoderma extract and vitamin B5 ✅ With PH care balance ✅Can be used for all hair types ✅Helps stop hair loss ✅Eliminate dandruff ✅Helps to grow new hair ✅💯Natural so there is no adverse effect on the scalp ✅ It is mild that can make your hair Healthier, Softener & Shiner!!💖💖 ✅ Suitable for all types of hair ✅ Suitable even for Dry & Scratchy scalp!!👍🌷
💁ALL NATURAL 💁NO CHEMICAL 👉Home delivery available 🚚 👉FREE Membership
Message me for Orders!! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Contact Details: 💁 WhatsApp: +923214608949 Discount Code: 818462309
#DXN #Ganoderma #Ganozhi #HairGrowth #HairGrower #HerbalShampoo #DXNProducts #GanodermaLucidum #ChemicalsFree #Organico #Natural #OrganicShampoo #OrganicProducts #NatureLoverss
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DXN GANOZHI SHAMPOO (keep your hair healthy) Contacts No:+923218196035 Do you have these hair problems:
√ Split ends √ Hair loss √ Dry and dull √ Dandruff problem
Facts About Hairs * A healthy person normally shed between 80-100 hairs each day * Hairs average rate of growth is about 1/2 inch in a month * Hair grows faster in warm weather
Beauty Tips for Hair Care 1. Regular Shampooing: * Massage stimulates the oil glands to work more * Brings natural oils into the hair and promotes bouncing and shiny hair
2. Proper Care: * Never brush wet hair, which can lead to breakage * Tried and true - 100 strokes every night (A good way to bring out the shine in your hair)
3. Healthy Diet: * Diet includes a wide variety of foods (vitamin A, B2, B5 and Biotin) * Drink plenty of water * Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes
4. Right Hair Shampoo: * Use a shampoo that is pH Balanced and that is formulated for your hair type * Do wash your hair at least 2 or 3 times a week to remove the oil, dirt and dead skin cells
√ Ganozhi Shampoo with pH balanced is suitable for all hair types √ Cleanses, protects and nourishes hair and scalp √ Mild but effective to make your hair healthier, softer and shiner √ Contains extract Ganoderma and Vitamin B5
√ Improves the condition of damaged hair √ Reduces dandruff, itchiness and the formation of split ends √ Gives the hair long and lasting moisture and shine
Directions for Use:
1. Use before shower 2. Wet your hair and apply Ganozhi Shampoo 3. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing off 4. Can be used everyday
For more details Please send me pm Thank you
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bdgainoffers · 3 years ago
##এক বাক্যে DXN এর কিছু প্রোডাক্ট এর উপকারিতা তুলে ধরা হলো।
# MycoVeggie : পাকস্থলী পরিষ্কার রাখে এবং চর্বি কমাতে চমৎকার কাজ করে।
# Ganozhi Toothpaste : মুখের এবং দাঁতের যাবতীয় সমস্যা সমাধান করে।
Gano Massage Oil : শারীরিক ব্যথা দমনে জাদুকরি কাজ করে।
# Spirulina : এটা মাল্টিভিটামিন সব ধরনের ভিটামিনের ঘাটতি দুর করে।
# Ganozhi Soap : চর্মরোগ চামড়ার সব ধরনের সমস্যা সমাধানে সহায়ক ভুমিকা রাখে।
# Black Coffee: সব ধরনের টক্সিন দুর করে এবং ডায়াবেটিস নিয়ন্তণে আনে।
# Claaning gel : মুখের গভীরের লুকিয়ে থাকা ময়লা দাগ দুর করে এবং স্কিন ভালো রাখে।
# Ganozhi shampoo : চুল পড়া বন্ধ করে এবং নতুন চুল গজাতে সাহায্য করে, চুলকে ঘন কালো এবং চুলের গোড়া মজবুত করে।
# Morinjhi juice : প্রস্রাবের রাস্তা ক্লিয়ার করে এবং পেটের ভিতর হার্ড , স্টোমাক, লিভার ভালো রাখে।
বিঃ দ্রঃ ১০০% হালাল এবং প্রাকৃতিক, মালেশিয়ার তৈরিকৃত পণ্য।
কেও যদি কিছু যানতে চান ইনবক্সে আসুন ধন্যবাদ।
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dxnamarilis-blog · 7 years ago
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SHAMPO GANOZHI Las tensiones, la mala alimentación y los productos baratos que hay en el mercado, maltratan y debilitan el cabello, así como el humo y los productos químicos lo alteran. El 80 % de los casos de pérdida de cabello es hereditario, la más común son las entradas en forma de ” M “, además en los hombres se puede ver incrementada por causas como dolencias cardiacas, hipertensión, resistencia a la insulina o alteración del metabolismo de los lípidos, en las mujeres síndrome del ovario poli-quístico y resistencia a la insulina. Dos variantes de los genes incrementan por siete el riesgo de padecer Alopecia Androgénica, y éstos se encuentran presentes en el 14 % de los hombres, que son los que más predisposición tienen a sufrir caída del cabello. No se ha encontrado una cura para la calvicie, pero el Shampoo Ganozhi de DXN, contiene todos los beneficios del Ganoderma Lucidum que destapa el folículo, sin resecar el cuero cabelludo, manteniendo el PH ideal, tu cabello queda brillante y lo mejor : que no se te cae más. En pocas semanas notarás cómo empieza a salir cabello nuevo. Se recomienda aplicar el Shampoo Ganozhi por 20 minutos, dejarlo éste tiempo y luego enjuagar con agua normal. BENEFICIOS: Reduce la caspa, comezón y grasa. Remueve hongos y bacterias del cuero cabelludo. Nutre el cabello, le da brillo y lo fortalece. Evita la formación de puntas abiertas. Evita la Caída del cabello. mas inf whatsap 51-938285403 dxnamarilis.blogspot.pe
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shamshad1979 · 5 years ago
via CartZone Online Shopping Store | CartZone
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diamantes500 · 6 years ago
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Shampoo Ganozhi DXN El Shampoo Ganozhi DXN contiene extracto de ganoderma: Para un cabello sano y brilloso. El stress, la mala alimentación y los shampoos baratos que existen en el mercado, maltratan y debilitan el cabello así como el smog y los productos químicos lo alteran.
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sandhya0083 · 5 years ago
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