#DTAP is going to hell
win-inthedark · 1 year
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hey lol
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
in nz. these parents were so willing to let their infant die rather than get blood transfusions from vaccinated donors, that the government had to temporarily assign legal guardianship to doctors in order to perform the surgery and save the baby's life. nutjobs. and straight after, a SECOND couple with a very sick baby is going to travel to india for the surgery in order to get unvaxxed blood....taking their SICK, UNVACCINATED BABY to a country with high levels (compared to bitty, easy to isolate nz) of typhoid, hepatitis, diphtheria, and malaria, because they sure as hell won't be getting pre travel vaccines! i doubt they'll even be able to enter the country, because mmr, dtap, and polio vaccinations are basically mandatory, india has standards too, contrary to what they seem to think.
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assholemurphy · 6 years
i’ve got over 12 hours of work to do and it’s due at various times over the next 2 days. a break down:
make an audition poster - due thurs @ 11a : ~2hrs work
create a concept presentation/record a video - due thurs @ 11a : 3 1/2hrs work
study for my w&p midterm - due thurs @ 9a : 3hrs work
finish lobby display extra research (i’ve got to go more in depth on a few topics and i’m not getting any help on it whatsoever) - due thurs @ 4p : 5 1/2hrs work
plus i’ve got 8 late assignments to do, but idk when i’ll get them done if at all (tho, i need to bc my grades are shit). plus i’ve got to start reading my books for my final essay for dtap, do a lot of work for my directing binder, i’ve got a few assignments that aren’t due until next week, my apartment is still messy (enough to irritate me, and i’m hard to irritate mess-wise), and i’ve got to talk to 2 of my profs.
ik what i need to do. i need to spread all my work out on the floor and organize everything and get all of the stuff due this week done tonight (bc i’m not sleeping for the second night this week) and then divide up the upcoming tasks into manageable amounts for each day in my planner and get on top of everything. bc there’s 9 1/2 weeks left of the semester and i’m failing all my classes. bc i fucked up spectacularly. again.
i’ve got to get my shit together but my psych won’t give me the meds i need to manage my shit. i need my concerta upped, or, preferably, i need a second adhd med for when it wears off (i have an appt tomorrow, tho). i need to clean my apartment. i need to start using my planner again. i started off so well and then i just, got incredibly anxious abt everything and worked myself up to the point of self-sabotage.
but i’ve got this weekend to clean and get organized, so that’s what i’m going to do. i’m going to try to get ahead on my assignments. i need to start going to the library and working there bc here i just watch netflix or end up disassociating on the couch for several hours. i’ve lost so much time recently, it’s insane.
but, rn, i’ve got to get back to work.i can probably get by with a 5/6 hour nap when i get home tomorrow and then get back to work, then sleep after i’m done with theatre stuff thurs until my alarm wakes me up on fri morning. i think that’s a fair enough plan. i’ll be tired as hell, but i can do it.
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