plaindangan · 1 year
A surprising fact, every single akamatsu girl somehow developed a costume love and kink at one point in their life (and also went goth, they just really like to try stuff) and learning about tsumugi’s talent… harmony just KNOWS she has to take care of it~… so she decides to steal a Jessica rabbit costume miu asked for from tsumugi… and somehow managed to get into it without breaking it.. and making the original character "flat and boring" next to her sexyness curvy ness and seduction level~! It’s like a bigger even more hourglass figure Jessica rabbit come to life~! So.. now she just needs to get tsumoomoo a surprise private show… to convince her to let her and her girls have full access to her work for free~.. (tsumugi can be a futa for a change, futas are cool)
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
Boys? Girls? Harmony found them all cute...and all so very easy to get what she wanted out of them!~
Hey, life gave you you the perfect body, why not use it to help in your personal matters? Like, for instance, getting some super cute. ultra sexy, and downright gorgeous costumes from that adorable geek that befriended her little munchkin!~
She knew her type and just how to appeal to her!~ Taking that stunning dress from Miu (who she compensated quite lavishly~) she mad her way over to the studio Tsumugi worked in and presented herself.
"How do I look?~"
For Tsumugi it was like someone had taken a lifelong dream and made it come to life!~ As if the Goddess of Fiction has come to personally bless her!~ Standing in front of her was one of the finest Jessica Rabbit cosplays she had ever witnessed. Hell, it was even better than the original characters!~
As Harmony sauntered up to her, her hips bounced and swayed ever so seductively, a gentle rhythm that had Tsumugi hooked like a visual drug. Those giant, full, milk carriers that Harmony had for breasts were bouncing with each step and Tsumugi could just imagine those knockers being exposed because of the dress finally giving out against them. To add more effect, Harmony had even dyed her hair and applied red lipstick. Effectively making her closer to one of the sexiest cartoons ever!~
Towering over the cosplayer, she smirked playfully and had her hand stroke the girl's cheek. "Stunning, right? How would you like to...play patty cake with me?"
As she looked down at the bluenette's skirt, seeing that long 'carrot' she had, Harmony licked her lips.
A perfect answer!~
"So, I'll be back later to pick up some costumes for my little Melody and Maple!~ You'll have them ready by then, right my little Mugi!~"
Laying naked on the floor was a buck naked Tsumugi...in a giant pool of her own sticky cum. Her dick was coated red from tip to her long shaft with red lipstick stains. Even her balls and pussy was coated in in them!~ Cream continued to leak out from her cock, the cosplayer's gaze completely glazed over in euphoria.
"Ahaha...M-mommy...f-fuck me more, Mommy!~" she mumbled out. Giggling, Harmony finished re-applying her lipstick before kneeling next to Tsumugi like a dutiful, caring, motherly Goddess. Giving her one final, wet, kiss on the lips - one that had Tsumugi's eyes light up in utter glee....before promptly passing out - she waved a goodbye to her new little 'munchkin' of sorts!~
"You'll get all that you want and more!~ A good Mommy would never lie!~"
Maybe if Tsumugi does a really good job, perhaps she can allow her to fuck her ass? Good girls need to be reward somehow!~
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plaindangan · 1 year
Hey, tsumoogoo ? What do you think of harmony ? Kaede’s unit milf of a mom? With such a personality and body?! She could probably fill a Looooot of kinky cosplays plots you ever thought before
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
"You think I don't know that!? Ehehehehe...." The nerdy woman's glasses were fogged up given how heavy she was breathing, but given how horny she was feeling, she didn't seem to notice. Her mind was too wracked up with ideas!~
"Do you know how rare it is for a MILF to be so readily available and with that body!? Most would kill for that!! Kill!! Ehehehehe!~ So many possibilities!~ I know a good thousand that would pay kidney prices to be able to see a good cosplay of someone dress as Mother Isabella from the Promised Neverland 'take care' of them!~ Or! Or! Maybe I can ask her to cosplay Tae Takemi. She just has that drop dead allure to her, don'tcha think?~ So many...ehehehehe....choice!~" Tsumugi thought and thought, her mind be overwhelmed by such naughty fantasies!~
All the while, Harmony stood to the side, looking quite amused over the situation. "Youth was such a marvelous thing!~"
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