#DR Class 175
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tovarishfungus · 1 year ago
Well... there was Neptun. The Berlin Ost - København H/Copenhagen Line. With a cool railway ferry between Warnemünde and Gedser. From there you could easily travel to Stockholm.
Here's a brochure from the late 1960s, going into a bit more detail and also listing the ticket prices.
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Sometime in the late 1960s: the Stockholm–Berlin express train is rerouted via Rosa-Luxemburg-Stadt due to trackworks. A local rail enthusiast is out with their camera and uses expensive colour film to document the unusual sight. On different days the train is hauled by a new V180-class diesel and a class 01.5 steam locomotive.
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In other words: I was playing with my model trains again, and decided to take the Swedish coaches out for a spin for a change. I'm not sure if there was a Stockholm–Berlin express in the late 1960s... but in this universe there was.
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sairaakuma · 1 month ago
˗ˏˋ MHA DR INTRO ˎˊ˗
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˗ˏˋ ABOUT ME ˎˊ˗
Name: Saira Akuma
Age: 19 - 20
Gender: female
Height: 175 cm (5'9)
Birthday: 5th October
Occupation: 1st year hero course student at UA University
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I was born and raised in Germany, and my life before moving to Japan in my DR was very similar to here, with the exception that my parents actually divorced when I was 14.
Neither of them wanted to me. So my aunt (who is my biological fathers youngest sister) and her husband — who came to visit every summer — adopted me and I moved with them to Musutafu,Japan.
Adjusting to my life there wasn't easy, but I am manganing. To show my gratitude, I enrolled at UA High and earned a spot in the Hero Course, Class 1-A.
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˗ˏˋ QUIRK ˎˊ˗
Through absorbing natural energy (sunlight, air and water) I can bend and manipulate energy in and around me to my will.
That includes bending elements, healing, and many other things.
Drawbacks: Headaches, dizziness, and overall just being tired. If I exhaust my reserves, I will sleep for days.
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sailorsol · 2 months ago
Thinking about Pacific Rim on the way to work this morning, as one does, and how there is a fundamental misunderstanding of how nuclear reactors generate power. They would be terrible power sources for mechas, not just because of radiation concerns, but because of how much stuff they require. Like, inherently, you need the reactor but you also need a cooling system that generates steam to power a steam turbine to generate power in an electrical motor. Even a small reactor system like in a nuclear powered submarine is significantly larger than most people think.
Like, a Los Angeles class fast-attack submarine is 350 ft long. Almost half of that space is taken up by the power plant system. That's 175 ft, or over 50 m. That's roughly equivalent to a 14 story building. Gypsy Danger is 260 ft tall. If 1/3 of its height is the torso, that's ~80 ft. Not enough room for a small nuclear power plant. And that's with what we were capable of building in the early 2010s. That space also doesn't take into account all of the coolant needed, whether it's a water-cooled reactor or a sodium-cooled reactor. And that's not even considering the weight of all of that stuff. Plus the fact that, while a sodium-cooled reactor may be more efficient, it is also highly flammable. There's a reason Jimmy Carter refused to allow sodium-cooled reactors on US nuclear submarines, and he was basically considered the father of the nuclear navy.
On top of all of that, nuclear reactors are fussy. They don't like getting knocked around. There's a lot of delicate instrumentation, and the entire system is running at high temperatures and high pressures. We're talking 250 to 300 °C (482 to 572 °F) and >2000 PSI (136 atm, or 136 times normal outside pressure). You need a very robust system of pipes and pumps to handle that sort of thing, and if any of it breaks, at best you're getting irradiated water and at worst you could be looking at a hydrogen or sodium explosion depending on the type of cooling system.
All of these concerns regarding weight and size are basically why nuclear-powered jet engines never took off (hah). Yes, they were actually being designed, by both Pratt & Whitney and General Electric, the two major jet engine manufacturers in the US. While the GE design was "relatively" small, it was a direct air cycle, which means that the air powering the turbine was heated up directly by the nuclear reactor, meaning that the exhaust from the engines were irradiated. So using it meant spewing radiation behind it.
That's not even taking into account that the first nuclear-powered jaeger was built in ~2014, a time when nuclear power was especially contentious. If it had been pre-Fukushima, when the "nuclear renaissance" was still holding strong, I could believe that they may have tried for a nuclear-powered jaeger. But post-Fukushima? Not so much.
So yes, it's highly unlikely that we would have developed nuclear-powered mecha. What's more likely is that we would have seen huge advances in rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, and electric motors. We are just now seeing in the early 2020s an electric motor that can generate power on the same scale as a combustion jet engine, but the amount of power to run that motor is still beyond the capacity of what we have for battery storage. And the problem we see, of course, with the rechargeable batteries being used in electric cars is that they tend to catch on fire.
All that being said, yes, I recognize that it is a sci-fi movie and the science aspect is more or less just ignored. But this is what happens when you have a bored writer who has also been in the power generation industry for nearly 17 years.
Tl;dr. We wouldn't have used nuclear-powered mecha, we probably would have advanced electric motors and batteries by leaps and bounds.
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Too greedy, too dear
140 quid for shoes and 175 quid for boots is a right royal piss take
I wouldn't mind if they didn't give it loads about the brands working class subcultural heritage
Cheeky cs
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wot-tidbits · 3 months ago
A letter from Robert Jordan
ROBERT JORDAN c\o Tor Books 175 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y., 10010 March 1, 1994
Miss Carolyn Fusinato Editor, The Chronicles 1203 Timber Valley Dr. Flower Mound TX 75028 Dear Carolyn:
Thanks for your letter of February 6.
I've had requests for info about starting clubs from three or four people, and have given them the address of The Chronicles. In addition, there was/is a club in Columbia S.C., but I've lost their address. In Scotland I was given a seventy-page printout of "facts deduced" about the books by a Jordan discussion group on Internet, which I am told has broken away from the main SF/Fantasy group. A fan wrote giving me the "address " of this group, but I would have to go through all the filed letters to find it; as I am not on any of the nets, I did not make a note of it. Otherwise, it's hearsay, that the clubs exist on the nets. If I find any addresses, I will send them on to you.
Does evil need to be effective to be evil? And how do you define effectiveness? Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge managed to murder about 25-30% of Cambodia's population, destroy the country's agricultural and industrial base, fairly well wipe out the educated class inside the country (defined as anyone with an education beyond the ability to read; a good many of those went too, of course), and in general became so rabid that only China was willing to maintain any sort of contact with them, and that at arm's length. Their rabidity was the prime reason that they ended up losing the country. (though they are still around and still causing trouble.) In other words, they were extremely ineffective in attaining their goal, which was to seize Cambodia, remake it in the way Pol Pot wished (and still wishes), and export their brand of revolution abroad. Looking at the death toll, the cities emptied out (hospital patients were told they had one hour to leave or die; post-op patients, those still in the operating room, everybody), the murders of entire families down to infants because one member of the family was suspected of "counter-revolutionary" crimes, the mass executions (one method was for hundreds of people to be bound hand and foot, then bulldozed into graves alive; the bulldozers drove back and forth over these mass graves until attempts to dig out stopped) -- given all of that, can you say that Khmer Roughe's ineffectiveness made them less evil? Irrationality is more fearful than rationality (if we can use that term in this regard) because if you have brown hair and know that the serial killer out there is only killing blondes, you are safe, but if he is one of those following no easily discernible pattern, if every murder seems truly random, then it could be you who will be next. But "rationality" can have its terrors. What if that killer is only after brunettes named Carolyn? Stalin had the very rational goal (according to Communist dogma) of forcibly collectivizing all farmland in the Soviet Union. He was effective -- all the land was collectivized -- and to do it he murdered some thirty million small farmers who did not want to go along.
But are the Forsaken ineffective or irrational? Are they any more divided than any other group plotting got take over a country, a world, IBM? True, they plot to secure power for themselves. But I give you Stalin v. Trotsky and the entire history of the Soviet Union. I give you Thomas Jefferson v. Alexander Hamilton v. John Adams, and we will ignore such thins as Jefferson's hounding of Aaron Burr (he tore up the Constitution to do it; double jeopardy, habeas corpus, the whole nine yards), or Horatio Gates' attempted military coup against Washington, with the support of a fair amount of the Continental Congress. We can also ignore Secretary of War Stanton's attempts to undermine Lincoln throughout the Civil War, the New England states' attempt to make a separate peace with England during the Revolution and their continued trading with the enemy (the British again) during the War of 1812, and… The list could go on forever, frankly, and take in every country. Human nature is to seize personal advantage, and when the situation is the one the Forsaken face (namely that one of them will be given the rule of the entire earth while the others are forever subordinate), they are going to maneuver and backstab like crazy. You yourself say "If ever there was the possibility that some alien force was going to invade this planet, half the countries would refuse to admit the problem, the other half would be fighting each other to figure out who will lead the countries into battle, etc." Even events like Rahvin or Sammael or Be'lal seizing a nation have a basis. What better way to hand over large chunks of land and people to the Dark One than to be ruler of those elands and people? The thing is that they are human. But aside from that, are you sure that you know what they are up to? All of them? Are you sure you know what the Dark One's own plans are? Now let's see about Ran and his dangers and his allies. Have you been skimming, my dear? What makes you think the Tairens, Cairhienin and Andorans are solidly behind him? They're plotting and scheming as hard as the Forsaken. Rand is the Dragon Reborn, but this is my country, and we don't need anybody, and so on. And then there are those who don't think he is the DR at all, just a puppet of Tar Valon. Most of the Aiel may be behind him, but the Shaido are still around, and the bleackness is still taking its toll, since not all Aiel can face up to what Rand has told them about themselves. What makes you think the Seanchan will fall in behind rand? Have you seen any Seanchan volunteers showing up? Carolyn, half of these people are denying there is a problem, and half are trying to be big honcho themselves. Read again, Carolyn. The world Rand lives in is getting more frenzied and turbulent. Damned few are saying, "Lead, because you know best." A good many who are following are saying "Lead, because I'd rather follow you than have you call down lightning and burn me to a crisp!"
As for lack of challenge, I refer you again to the question about whether you really think you know what all the Forsaken are planning. Or what Padan Fain is up to. There is a flaw inherent in fiction, one that is overcome by suspension of disbelief. We do always know, somewhere in the back of our heads, that the hero is going to make it through as far as he needs to. After all, if Frodo buys the farm, the story is over, kids. The excitement comes in trying to figure out how he can possibly wiggle out, how he can possibly triumph.
In Rand's case, let's see what he still has stacked against him. The Cairhienin and Tairens are for the most part reluctant allies, and in many cases not even that. At the end of FIRES, he has Caemlyn, but I don't see any Andoran nobles crowding around to hail him. Illian still belongs to Sammael. Pedron Niall is working to convince people Rand is a false Dragon, and the Prophet is alienating ten people for every one he convinces. Tarabon and Arad Doman are unholy messes; even if Rand manages to get in touch with all of the Dragonsworn -- who are not organized beyond individual bands -- he has two humongous civil wars to deal with. True, he can use the Aiel to suppress those, but he has to avoid men killing men too much; there are Trollocs waiting to spill out of the Blight eventually. We must always remember the Trollocs, Myrddraal etc; the last time they came out in force, it took over 300 years to beat them back, and the Last Battle doesn't give Rand anywhere near that. Altara and Murandy are so divided in any case that simply getting the king or queen on his side isn't going to work; remember that most people in those two countries give loyalty to a city or a local lord and only toss in their country as an afterthought. Davram Bashere thinks Tenobia will bring Saldaea to Rand, and that is possible since the Borderlands would be one place where everyone is aware of the Last Battle and the Prophecies, but even Bashere isn't willing to make any promises, not even for Saldaea much less the other Borderlands, and I haven't seen any Borderland rulers showing up to hand Rand the keys to the kingdom. Padan Fain is out there, able to feel Rand, and hating him because of what was done to him, Fain, to make him able to find Rand. The surviving Forsaken are out there and except for Sammael, nobody knows what they are up to or where they can be found. For that matter, who knows everything that Sammael is up to? Elaida, in the White Tower, thinks Rand has to be tightly controlled. The Salidar Aes Sedai are not simply ready to fall in and kiss his boots, either. Aes Sedai have been manipulating the world for more than three thousand years, guiding it, making sure it remembers the Dark One and Tarmon Gai'don as real threats, doing their best, as they see it, to prepare the world for the Dark One breaking free. Are they likely to simply step aside and hand over control to a farmboy, even if he is the Dragon Reborn? Even after Moiraine decided he had to be given his head, Siuan was reluctant, and Siuan was in Moiraine's little conspiracy from the beginning. And the Seanchan…The last we saw of their forces, they were commanded by a Darkfriend. As for the Sea Folk, do you know what their prophecy says about the Coramoor? Do you think working with them it will be any simpler than dealing with the Aiel, say?
Now, what and who does Rand have solidly in his camp? Perrin knows what is needed, but he's hardly happy about it. What he really wants is to settle down with Faile and be a blacksmith; everything else is a reluctant duty. Mat blew the Horn of Valere, but it's hidden in the Tower, and frankly, if he could figure some way to go away and spend the rest of his life carousing and chasing women, he would. He'll do what he has to do, but Light he doesn't want to. The Aiel are for Rand (less the Shaido, still a formidable force), but the Dragon Reborn and the Last Battle are no part of the Prophecy of Rhuidean. That is all wetlander stuff. Besides which, they are still suffering losses from bleakness, people throwing down their spears and leaving, people defecting to the Shaido or drifting back to the Waste because what Rand told them of their origins can't possibly be true and if it isn't then he can't be the car'a'carn. Rand has declared an amnesty for men who can channel and is trying to gather them in; they, at least, should give their loyalty to him. But how many can he find? How much can he teach them in the time he has? How many will go mad before the Last Battle? There is still the taint on saidin, remember. For that matter, can Rand hang onto his own sanity? What effect will having a madman inside his head have? Can he stop Lews Therin from taking him over?
I know that was supposed to be a listing of what Rand has in his favor, but the fact is that he is walking the razor's edge, barely hanging onto his sanity and growing more paranoid all the time, barely hanging onto putative allies, most of whom would just as soon see him go away in the hope that then everything would be the way it was before he showed up, confronted by enemies on every side. In short he has challenges enough for ten men. I've had people writ to say they can't see how Rand is going to untangle all of this and get humanity ready to face the Last Battle. What I say is, what you believe to be true is not always true. What you think is going to happen is not always going to happen. That has been demonstrated time and again in THE WHEEL OF TIME. You could call those two statements one of the themes of the books.
Hey, don't publish the picture Gerard gave you. Our house has no wrought-iron gates. Also, no renovation has been done here since the fix-up after Hurricane Hugo several years ago. I kid you not. Poor Gerard go the wrong house. I'm glad you don't intend to publish any address, whether or not it is mine. There are fans who write letters, and then there are fans who show up at the front door unannounced. I hate to be rude to people, but with the time I spend writing, I barely have time for a social life with my friends, and frankly, someone who has managed to track you down is going to think you have cheated them if you scribble your name in their book and say, "Now go away. I'm busy." Believe me.
Well, again, thanks for the letter, Carolyn. Do keep me abreast of what's happening with The Chronicles. I really would like to see copies, if it is possible for you to send them to me care of Tor Books.
With best wishes, I remain,
Sincerely, Robert Jordan
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vickozone · 1 year ago
The Magnus Archives
-S5 Notes-
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Handwriting translated below:
#161 old memories, tape that Gertrude should have gave them, Jon says “I love you”, they don’t need to eat to live
#162 Gertrude and Gerry bonding, Tim and Sasha talking about a very relevant subject and Jon and Martin are leaving the safe house.
#164 Gross statement about an infection in a town and Helen talking to Jon and Martin like a proud aunt is beautiful. “I knew you crazy kids would make it work!”
#165 “Ceaseless Watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing.” The Stranger statement. Not!Sasha messed up!!
#166 Martin suddenly is on a murder episode and a dude turned into a worm. Helen says “Slay!”
#167 “Yes, Martin, you are my reason.” Sweet bonding and why Gertrude didn’t have anymore assists.
#168 “I’m not going to kill a man just because you’re jealous!” “Why not?” Oh, Martin. Oliver Banks shall live another day and we are crossing The End domain
#169 Let’s willingly run into a burning building, disregarding your boyfriend and getting revenge together! Jude is now dead and Martin was just struggling in the background. He chose revenge over his boyfriend. Interesting. “We’re burning!”
#170 “I’m Martin Blackwood, and I am not lonely anymore!” “Oh… Hello!”
#171 No way I just spent 23 minutes listening to Jon talk about skin flowers in a botanical garden. “That your boyfriend?” “It is, actually.” “Oh.”
#172 Creepy theatre show that made me genuinely uncomfortable with The Web
#173 Where do you think all of the children went? That’s right! The Dark with Callum! Yay!
#174 Simon calling Jon killing him “rude” is hilarious and immediately dipping is iconic. Weird Vast domain with big explosions. Helen loves some good gossip.
#175 The Extinction items, hate for umbrellas, and Martin’s squelchy couch. We’re going to The Hunt next. Oh no.
#176 Adoptive uncle Trevor and Julia are dead. AWESOME HUNT STATEMENT! And we got Basira! :D
#177 ‘Dr. David’ Jon is so hot. This episode has so many trigger warnings. Helen is so silly. Basira is rad, staying with her boys. Won’t let them have a moment tho
#178 More Flesh. Gross processing line and Jon admits that the thing that traumatized him the most was Daisy going to kill him in the woods. Poor babies.
#179 Daisy is shot and killed. Basira is on her own and I have a reason to give Jon a cane.
#180 I have never felt more serene in my life. I can’t even describe it. I was smiling, giggling, and everything feels okay. Salesa and Annabelle are here and I love Salesa’s voice and HE CAN PLAY THE PIANO! Teaholding fluff, om nom nom, this episode is one of my favorites. The I-Spy game <3
#181 They decide to stay at Upton House for a bit longer before leaving. Jon feels his powers again and forgets the whole experience of ignorance. Pity. Seemed like a nice place. I like Salesa.
#182 Anatomy Class student hospital and Breekon asks Jon to kill him. I feel bad for him. :(
#183 “I’m sure I love you.” “I love you too.” THEY SAID IT!! Helen was concerned for them. She’s like a wine aunt who acts motherly to them. Also, Martin’s domain…
#184 Jon made Jordan an entity. That’s a lotta ants! Jon is just… so complicated.
#185 Ouch. Police brutality and wrongful imprisonment are rough subjects. That guy pleading out to Martin HURT. Martin is… somewhere at the end. Alone again, oh, Jonny, I feel horrible.
#186 Martin went from being a joke in Jon’s anger to being one of the most well-developed characters. He is either going to kill himself of Jon. Martin legit talks to himself. Statement made me cry. This better end with them being happy together.
#187 HELEN! D: Aw, man… I liked her. That poor woman. Calm down, Jon! Helen was their friend till the end. Dang it, that was a nail-biter.
#188 We’re in London now! Eyes, man. They’re everywhere. We grieve for Helen a bit. Did I mention EYES?
#189 MEL AND GEORGIE! OMG! They… made a cult and can hide from The Eye. Great.
#190 Fresh take on modern dating! Antichrist plus one! Archivist mocks poems, beloved pet turned monster, and a blind prophet
#191 Jon sleeps with his eyes open. Georgie wants to avenge her cat (I think I’ve seen this film before), mystery can, and Jon and Martin discuss death. Sobbing atm.
#192 Rosie is literally just going with the flow. It’s weird to see someone else’s perspective on things. Jonah’s incantation is awesome and gosh, I love Martin
#193 Elias 'high as a kite' Bouchard’s origins. Jonah’s distorted voice is hot.
#194 THEY HAD AN ARGUMENT D: After a gruesome metamorphosis statement, Jon tried to find Martin to apologize only to find he was taken to HILL TOP FREAKIN ROAD
#195 Just Basira and Jon, catching up and trudging through water. Omg. The Mr. Spider tape.
#196 Earth shattering rip-in-space time crap. Annabelle is wicked cool. Martin keeps getting sucked into things AND THE TAPES!! ASDFEKGLZMV
#198 If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you too? Ew, bones reforming. Chill ep. Silly.
#199 Group agrees on plan after ten minute discussion. Martin consulting Jon while he cries in his arms HURT!! Also, Mel thanks Jon. This is going to end horribly, isn’t it?
#200 Statement ends.
Crying tally: |||| |||| (I cried ten [10] times listening to this stupid podcast)
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applesauce365 · 8 months ago
한국 드라마 시청 기록
1. 닥터 이방인 (Doctor Stranger)
2. 피노키오 (Pinocchio)
3. 의사 요한 (Dr. John)
4. 닥터스 (Doctors)
5. 키미 힐미 (Kill Me, Heal Me)
6. 하이드 지킬, 나 (Hyde Jekyll, Me)
7. 변혁의사랑 (Revolutionary Love)
8. 내 아이디는 강남미인 (My ID is Gangnam Beauty)
9. 훈남정음 (The Undateables)
10. 국민 여러분 (My Fellow Citizens!)
11. 이번 생은 처음이라 (Because This is My First Life)
12. 청춘시대 (Age of Youth)
13. 제3병원 (The 3rd Hospital)
14. 서른이지만 열일곱입니다 (Still 17)
15. 응급남녀 (Emergency Couple)
16. 시크릿가든 (Secret Garden)
17. 사랑의 불시착 (Crash Landing on You)
18. 김비서가 왜 그럴까 (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim)
19. 괜찮아, 사랑이야 (It's Okay, That's Love)
20. 꽃할배 수사대 (Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit)
21. 너의 목소리가 들려 (I Can Hear Your Voice)
22. 하백의 신부 (Bride of Habaek)
23. 청춘시대 2 (Age of Youth Season 2)
24. 여우각���별 (Where Stars Land)
25. 이판사판 (Judge vs Judge)
26. 신의 선물: 14일 (God's Gift : 14 Days)
27. 미녀 공심이 (Beautiful Gong Shim)
28. 그녀는 예뻤다 (She Was Pretty)
29. 닥터 프리즈너 (Doctor Prisoner)
30. 실업급여 로맨스 (Unemployed Romance)
31. 보스를 지켜라 (Protect The Boss)
32. 죽어도 좋아 (Happy If You Died)
33. 이혼변호사는 연애중 (Divorce Lawyer in Love)
34. 너희들은 포위됐다 (You're All Surrounded)
35. 친애하는 판사님께 (Dear Judge)
36. 귓속말 (Whisper)
37. 초면에 사랑합니다 (Secret Life of My Secretary)
38. 피고인 (Defendant)
39. 힐러 (Healer)
40. 열혈사제 (Fiery Priest)
41. 반의반 (A Piece of Your Mind)
42. 터널 (Tunnel)
43. 태양의 후예 (Master's Sun)
44. 상속자들 (The Heirs)
45. 화유기 (The Korean Odyssey)
46. 으라차차 와이키키 (Welcome to Waikiki)
47. 유령 (Phantom)
48. 아버지가 이상해 (My Father is Strange)
49. 그녀에 사생활 (Her Private Life)
50. 낭만닥터 김사부 (Dr. Romantic)
51. 돌아와요 아저씨 (Come Back Mister)
52. 1%의 어떤 것 (Something About 1%)
53. 슬기로운 의사생활 (Hospital Playlist)
54. 응답하라 1997 (Reply 1997)
55. 어쩌다 발견한 하루 (Extraordinary You)
56. 이태원 클라쓰 (Itaewon Class)
57. 쌈 마이 웨이 (Fight My Way)
58. 시그널 (Signal)
59. 검법남녀 (Partners for Justice)
60. 동백 꽃 필 무렵 (When The Camellia Blooms)
61. 우리 집에 사는 남자 (Sweet Stranger and Me)
62. 혼술남녀 (Drinking Solo)
63. 고백부부 (Go Back Couple)
64. 내 뒤에 테리우스 (My Secret Terius)
65. 베가본드 (Vagabond)
66. 오 마이 베이비 (Oh My Baby)
67. 구름이 그린 달빛 (Love in The Moonlight)
68. 편의점 샛별이 (Backstreet Rookie)
69. 사이코지만 괜찮아 (It's Okay to Not Be Okay)
70. 로봇이 아니야 (I'm not a Robot)
71. 응답하라 1988 (Reply 1988)
72. 마음의소리 (The Sound of Your Heart)
73. 마음의소리 리부트 (The Sound of Your Heart Reboot)
74. 일단 뜨겁게 청소하라 (Clean with Passion For Now)
75. 모던파마 (Modern Farmer)
76. 수상한 파트너 (Suspicious Partner)
77. 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows)
78. 화랑 (Hwarang)
79. 도도솔솔라라솔 (Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol)
80. 힘쎈 여자 도봉순 (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon)
81. 바람피면 죽는다 (Cheat On Me If You Can)
82. W
83. 비밀의 숲 (Stranger)
84. 산후조리원 (Birthcare Centre)
85. 디어 마이 프렌즈
86. 여신강림
87. 지붕 뚫고 하이킥
88. 스위트 홈
89. 나빌레라
90. 보이스
91. 악의 꽃
92. 달의 연인 - 보보경심 려
93. 크리미널마인드
94. 구가의 서
95. 김과장
96. 하이바이 마마!
97. 슬기로운 감빵생활
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scotianostra · 2 years ago
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Adam Watson, the Scottish biologist, ecologist and mountaineer was born on April 14th 1930 in Turriff, Aberdeenshire.
From an early age, Watson showed considerable academic prowess. He was Dux of Turriff Primary School and of Turriff Senior Secondary School in Latin, English, Higher Latin, English, French, Science, lower History and Mathematics.
His education continued at the University of Aberdeen in the 1950s, gaining a first class honours in zoology and also the department of natural history's MacGillivray Prize. He gained his PhD in 1956 for his thesis on the Annual Cycle of Rock Ptarmigan, and a second doctorate in 1967 for scientific papers on populations and behaviour of northern animals.
The scientist studied and wrote extensively about plants and animal life in the Cairngorms. RSPB Scotland described Dr Watson, who research included studies of various upland birds, as "arguably the most knowledgeable Scottish naturalist and ornithologist of the last century".
Dr Watson was a well-known figure in Scotland's climbing and hillwalking community. He climbed extensively in the Cairngorms and in Scotland's other mountain ranges. He also climbed and skied abroad, including in Norway, Lapland, Canada and Alaska.
A John Muir Trust Lifetime Achievement Award was among other honours given to Dr Watson. The man dubbed Mr Cairngorms also received the Fort William Mountain Festival's Scottish Award for Excellence in Mountain Culture.
Watson’s research centred on grouse, his magnum opus on the subject, co-written with Robert Moss called Grouse, was a runaway bestseller.
A dam, a natural communicator in speech or the written word also appeared extensively on TV and radio in Scotland, his first broadcast was back in 1948 – Dr Watson’s enthusiasm for the sciences was never less than infectious, and he described his work in simple terms without resorting either to jargon or dumbing down. What made him loved by editors was his ability to read standard situations from a different viewpoint.
Watson’s literary output from the age of 14 runs to an astonishing 475 items including 22 books, hundreds of scientific papers and reviews and 175 unpublished technical reports.
In 1971 he was called to represent the Crown as expert witness at the fatal accident enquiry following the Cairngorm disaster in which six schoolchildren died. His quiet evidence drew not only on law, but on science backed by practical experience of the very worst of mountain weather. He surprised the Forestry Commission when he successfully opposed a particular development not merely on the expected ecological argument, but by astute demolition of the business case.
Doctor Adam Watson died after a short illness on January 23rd 2019, aged 88.
There's a great article taken from his journal that you can read at the link here https://www.ibsc.org.uk/thirty-miles-on-ski-adam-watson-april-1951/#
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littleharpethcrossfit · 2 months ago
Saturday, 28 December, 2024.
Class begins at 0930.
The Weather-Lady claimed that we would enjoy 60 degrees with only a small chance of rain. She was correct for a change.
Warmup #1
Armando led us in his patented mobility exercises.
Warmup #2
Demonstrated by Miss Dana.
3 Rounds
5 Dead-Hang Pull-Ups
10 Banded Thrusters
60 to 80% Of Your 1 Rep Max
Push Press..........3 EMOM X 5
Push Press..........2 EMOM X 5
Back-Pack Larry/Shane=195.....Armando=175.....Robert/Ed=165 Dana/Dyer=125.....Tom=110.....Sue=75.....Sandy=50.....Average Larry=20.....Jacob/Linda/Sabrina/Paul/Coach=did something
3 Rounds
10 Thrusters..........(95/75/55)
10 Burpees
15 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups.....(GHD ?)
Run 800 / Row-Ski 1000 / Bike 2000m
3 Rounds
10 Thrusters..........(95/75/55)
10 Burpees
15 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups.....(GHD ?)
Robert*=16:48.....Back Pack Larry**=18:48.....Armando*=19:12 Sue*=19:24.....Shane**/Ed*=19:45.....Dana**=20:14.....Tom=22:09 Dyer=24:46.....Paul=27:28.....Sandy=29:34.................................... Jacob/Linda/Average Larry/Sabrina/Coach/Linda=did something
Forgettably, Average Dave's Father-In-Law returned. Un-Forgettably, that also makes him The Adorable Ryan's Father. His name is Larry. Don't forget we already have a Larry who we call Back-Pack Larry. So it seems logical we will have to call the new Larry Average Larry so we will always associate him with Average Dave.
A successful Blog-Master has to have stylistic tricks to keep his readers interested in the characters.
Average Larry was inundated with experienced Coaching instruction. Adorable Daughter Ryan had relayed instructions to "Keep him alive and upright please", so Coach Paul (AKA Dr. SQUAT) wore Average Larry out with his advanced Coaching techniques. Average Larry cautiously had a taste of everything we did today, but after a very short session he excused himself to go for a walk in the Arboretum. I don't mean to imply that Coach Paul was overbearing because that would never happen. Overbearing is an architectural term.
I wish Tim and Herb had attended today. They are know-it-alls and I came loaded for BEAR with information that would stun, amaze, and surprise them both. Please pay attention to these nuggets:
ARCTIC comes from the Greek work for BEARS.
2. The prefix ANT- means opposite or against, thus ANT-ARCTIC means NO BEARS.
I betcha that is a bit of information that Tim and Herb will never forget.
The WeatherLady predicts with certainty that we will have heavy rain starting at 4 PM today, continuing all night, but by 1 PM Sunday we will be blessed with weather very much like today: 60 degrees and no rain.
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rohanseoewe · 1 year ago
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Charlotte dentist Dr. Charles Payet has provided world class dentistry since 1998. The caring & experienced team at Smiles by Payet Dentistry provides compassionate, conservative, & affordable dental care that lasts. We're just 15 minutes south of Uptown & 5 minutes from Southpark, at the corner of Park Rd. and Abbey Place. Contact us at Smiles by Payet Dentistry, 4601 Park Rd #175, Charlotte, NC 28209, 704-364-7069
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Why did you elbow me? 175
Achilles Castle part 77
Lemonade and lies PART 20
Liv: pov I wake up and jump in the shower, my peach body wash and shampoo smells amazing. Brian is already up and making breakfast, which is so sweet. Noah is now up and dressed, we eat breakfast and head out the door, Brian is off to work and I drop Noah off at school on the way to work. He packed his overnight bag last night since he is spending the nights at Fin’s the McCanns are out of town this week. It's the reason he is staying with Fin tonight. Once in my office I text Amanda and ask her how the girls are doing. It's so sad that they are going to miss Taylor swift tonight because they are sick.
Kate: pov I wake up and realize Castle isn't in the bed, no wonder it's 9 am he must be already up. I head towards his office to see if he is in there. Which he is, I lean over and kiss him on the lips. Castle wants to know what I want for breakfast, he says he needs a break from writing anyway. Well I'm going to take a shower after I take my meds I grab a water bottle and take my pills. I grab a gray t-shirt and black leggings before heading into the bathroom. I turn on the water, undress and hop in the shower. The water feels good, I rub my strawberry scented shampoo in my hair and put my strawberry body wash on my body. Once I'm done I dry off and get dressed while I'm in the bathroom I brush my teeth.
Castle: pov I got up early and started writing I didn't want to wake Kate up. She needs her sleep. Once Kate is out of the shower she starts on breakfast which is pancakes. Using my crutches I made it to the bar and sat down. Kate is stirring her special pancake mix while I make the regular one. Mother had an early acting class and Alexis is at school. Her and Page are going to Taylor Swift tonight. I bought her tickets a while ago. Kate almost burned the first few pancakes. I heard her talking on the phone earlier after her shower trying to convince someone, most likely her Dr, to let her go to work today. He agreed on a few hours and that is all.
Kate: pov the food was amazing, I head to the bedroom to get some work done Castle is in his office getting some writing done. I'm doing mostly paperwork trying to help the boys out so far I found nothing.
Jenny: pov me and my mother are out shopping for the baby, since it's a boy we need to buy a few things for him. She is also talking me to the spa and nail salon after lunch. I hope today is going to be great. I’m at that stage in pregnancy where I'm constantly uncomfortable.
Esposito: pov I might have just found a huge piece of evidence: an accident report from a car accident Blair was in, her passenger a male around her age named Shane, died in the accident. This might be the motive for murder.
Ryan: pov i 100 percent agree it could be the motive, we are on the phone with Kate who says to look more into see if this has anything to do with our case because it might just be a coincidence.
Esposito: pov Kate says she may have found something Blair had been visiting a certain part of woods lately and her finances shows she bought a shovel, a storage container and a few other odd things recently.
Ryan: pov Kate says Blair might have been hiding something in the woods. She mentions she is going to question the original detectives who investigated the car accident Blair was in. Me and Esposito are going for a walk in the woods to see if we can find anything. Kate would have gone looking in the woods but she is still not 100 percent in my opinion and is only cleared to work a few hours at home. Castle is in his office writing a few pages since Gina is mad at him.
Esposito: pov I park in a parking spot and me and Ryan head into the woods. I'm glad we are both wearing sneakers. There are a lot of people walking today. Once in the woods we start looking around for disturbed dirt. Let's hope we find what we're looking for. Good thing me and Ryan brought shovels, this is going to take a while trying to find some disturbed dirt in the woods this is going to be very hard.
Alexis: pov my professor at school told my class that we are having a fundraiser day coming up. We each get to pick a charity and have a table/booth to raise money for. We have until tomorrow to decide on the charity, if we want to pair up or share a table/booth that is also fine. I think I know what charity I want, Dave says so many people are injured or die from gun violence it's insane and schools have to be evacuated constantly for it since shootings are on the rise. He asks if Kate would be willing to appear because she is a cop, you sure it's not because Kate survived a bullet Dave. He mentions that too. Me and Dave decided to head over to the loft on our lunch break and ask my Dad and Kate.
Castle: pov Alexis and Dave appear in my office saying they want to talk. They just found out their school is having a charity day where the students fundraise for charity. Dave wants to pick a charity that ends gun violence and Alexis wants to pick a heart charity. How sweet is that but I doubt you came in here to tell me that, so what do you want or need, a few signed books.
Alexis: pov well that would be nice but that's not it, dad we were wondering if Kate would be willing to appear. You know, since she was shot and has a heart condition. He says Kate isn't home right now. She went to interview someone the boys caught a murder and she is helping them with it from home. We will have to wait till Kate gets home to talk to her. To be continued. ………..
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ivftreatmentcostpaloalto · 1 year ago
Insurance And IVF Treatment Cost Palo Alto
This process can occur unassisted, or the sperm can be injected into the egg through a process known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). ICSI is generally used in circumstances of low sperm rely or low sperm motility, in accordance with Dr. Christianson. The lower the likelihood of a profitable consequence per remedy cycle, the extra treatment cycles you must be planning for click here.
Most patients can improve their cumulative pregnancy chance by having more than one cycle of remedy. At Bay IVF, we recommend that patients adhere to our reproductive health tips (PDF). They can optimize health, could enhance the standard of eggs and sperm, and would result and how much is ivf palo alto in a gradual weight reduction and arriving at one’s perfect BMI.
Greely famous that there might potentially be a big change in embryo research versus clinical treatments in an IVF clinic. Legislation could lead on clinics to build amenities to freeze and store unused embryos in perpetuity, he mentioned, including that the Louisiana regulation hasn't brought on IVF clinics to close. "There's a more attractive case for shielding embryos that might turn out to be people with Down syndrome in comparability with protecting embryos that may turn out to be babies who would die within a year from Tay-Sachs illness," he mentioned. Most couples in search of the technique accomplish that because of infertility and the choice isn't made frivolously.
How Much Does Ivf Cost In California?
With strong branch office, campus and data heart offerings, Palo Alto firewalls are notably interesting for enterprises with a range of use cases. In latest testing, CyberRatings rated Palo Alto on the higher finish of the market in value per Mbps (chart below). Palo Alto boasts a single-pass architecture to maximize performance and safety (image below), with full Layer 7 protection, machine learning-based inline prevention, and centralized person identity and access management. Palo Alto NGFW appliances range from the low-end PA-220 to the high-end PA-7000, plus digital, cloud, and container firewalls and SD-WAN choices.
Explore the ways we offer progressive, compassionate care via our network.
With that mentioned, it can save you lots of every month when you select to buy groceries as an alternative of eating at eating places.
A process to minimize back the variety of viable embryos or fetuses in a multiple pregnancy.
While that might still be wanting the $1 trillion milestone, traders should not forget that it might nonetheless be an enormous improve over the place the corporate is true now. As such, Palo Alto Networks appears like a high cybersecurity inventory that investors might want to purchase proper now and maintain holding for a long, long time. Palo Alto stock was trading at round $175 recently, which means that the stock might multiply 14 times in thirteen years at the assumed fee of earnings growth. Multiplying the corporate's present market cap of $52 billion by that number suggests that Palo Alto's market capitalization in 2035 could presumably be round $730 billion. The firm points out that it is the market chief in eleven cybersecurity classes.
Delicate Ovarian Stimulation For Ivf
Conveniently located off Route 22, close to the intersections of Routes seventy eight and 476, our Allentown workplace is within an hour’s drive from Philadelphia, New York, New Jersey, the Poconos, and Bucks and Berks Counties. RMA’s treatment success rates also attract sufferers from throughout the country and around the world. A leading facility of reproductive well being, the Center for Fertility and Gynecology offers all kinds of fertility care and infertility treatment within the Los Angeles, California area. The fertility clinic provides a variety of the absolute best analysis, diagnosis, and therapy of both feminine and male infertility with exceptional success charges.
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There have been 25,216 households, of which 27.2% had resident youngsters beneath the age of 18, forty eight.5% have been married couples residing collectively, 7.0% had a feminine householder with no husband present, and 42.1% had been non-families. 32.6% of all households had been made up of individuals, and 10.8% had somebody residing alone who was 65 years of age or older. The common household size was 2.30 and the typical household measurement was 2.ninety five. Gay men have the choice of egg or embryo donation combined with gestational surrogacy. Dr. Herlihy earned her Bachelor of Science from the University of Notre Dame, where she spent four joyful years cheering on the Fighting Irish soccer staff. She met her husband, Derry, a Houston native, under the shadow of the golden dome.
Once your largest follicle is 16 to 18 mm in measurement, your clinic will in all probability need to see you day by day. Depending in your treatment protocol, this will mean anywhere from one to four shots every single day for a couple of week to 10 days. Your clinic should train you the means to give yourself the injections before therapy begins. These first-day exams are referred to as your baseline bloodwork and your baseline ultrasound. In your bloodwork, your healthcare supplier will be looking at your estrogen ranges, specifically your E2 or estradiol.
If it is a small department workplace with 10 to fifteen customers, that's onerous to justify. However, my prospects will try this if I tell them, "You nonetheless want to try this," then they'll do it since it's still an entry point into the community. You actually need Premium Support, Applications and Threats, DNS Security, and antivirus. The further bolt-ons, corresponding to Advanced URL Filtering, you need to determine by use case where you'll use these licenses, then see if you truly need them. You could be adding a bunch of licenses that you'll by no means actually get to effectively use.
The finest general guidelines for any couple desirous to conceive is that something that is good for his or her common well being is nice for their sperm. Conversely, anything harmful to their common health is unhealthy for sperm. It is important to know that sperm characterize some of the most sensitive cells in the body with respect to their ability to tolerate extreme situations (i.e. heat, toxins, drugs). A healthy diet, replete with antioxidants with avoidance of conditions which place the testicles in extreme heat is taken into account good general advice.
What's Icsi, And How Does It Have An Effect On My Embryos?
For assist with all referral needs and questions, go to Referral Information. These medicines help to stimulate ovulation in those that don’t naturally ovulate. They can be used to induce superovulation, where multiple eggs are produced. Most girls only launch one egg each month, so by growing the variety of eggs, the chances of being pregnant are increased. After the embryo transfer is full, a being pregnant take a look at is usually carried out inside nine to 14 days.
Sperm Aspiration In Vitro Fertilization
If a person is vulnerable to infertility, they might opt for sperm freezing – additionally referred to as “sperm banking” – as a way of conceiving a baby. On common, the prices of sperm assortment, followed by freezing and storage will price you lower than $1 per day. Here, the preliminary screening, banking as nicely as cataloging the process will cost you $550 – with the extra specimens that have been banked costing you $300 (including one year’s worth of storage). If the fertility problem comes from the male in the couple, then you definitely might wish to go for sperm donation. Using a sperm donor just isn't as costly as utilizing an egg donor – nevertheless it may still kick up the costs anything from $200 to $3,000.
The Impression Of Client Affordability
The cost of fertility medicines just isn't sometimes included in your IVF cycle funds, except working with an egg donor and/or surrogate, and you might need to buy those with or with out insurance coverage protection. Patients sometimes spend around $4,000 to $6,000 on fertility medicine, and these could additionally be covered by insurance coverage. Consumers of infertility and IVF services should think about doing analysis on the costs for in vitro fertilization and the live start success charges at any clinic that they're contemplating. Costs for fertility testing and remedy can range considerably between different clinics. This shall be somewhat depending on the level of competitors between fertility clinics in an area. Costs are additionally influenced by infertility therapy mandates for medical well being insurance plans in some states.
You can find the costs of IVF therapies when it's combined with extra therapies.
The clinic would not permit me to order donor sperm via an area clinic due to code compliance points, so I was compelled to order the specimen from a bank in California.
However, some fertility clinics may discuss with PGS as PGT-A, short for Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy.
The means of resolving infertility can be troublesome for many individuals, and the financial features of therapy may be especially daunting.
In this procedure, we start with a medication that stimulates the growth of your eggs, then we use a catheter to inject sperm into your uterus. IUI increases your chances of fertilization as a outcome of the variety of sperm are elevated and they have quick access to the egg. Endometrial BCL-6 testing provides a supplementary screening take a look at with excessive PPV that may help suppliers when counseling patients about all of their choices together with laparoscopic remedy of endometriosis. At PFCLA, we perceive how pricey ART procedures can be, and attempt to scale back these expenses every time possible to make certain that you’re in a position to achieve the family of your desires.
Embryo Transfer
As said earlier, the benefits from both types of acupuncture are comparable, and laser acupuncture is only supplied on the day of frozen embryo switch. This implies that if you want to make acupuncture a constant a half of your fertility journey, and have periods both earlier than and during treatment, you will inevitably experience both forms of acupuncture. In the nice print, these contests will usually be for just one spherical or cycle of IVF.
She has been voted by her friends as probably the greatest medical doctors in Collin County and Dallas for a quantity of years in a row. Her areas of experience embrace general infertility, in vitro fertilization, fertility preservation, oocyte cryopreservation, diminished ovarian reserve, hysteroscopic surgical procedure and PCOS. She can additionally be passionate about vitamin, way of life, and a holistic strategy to fertility. Her research pursuits embody elements influencing embryo quality and embryo implantation, the impact of metabolism on ovarian function, as well as strategies to enhance access to fertility care and patient training. She can additionally be energetic on the nationwide stage serving on the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s Education Committee, the Access to Care particular curiosity group in addition to an ASRM summary reviewer.
Earlier Than Therapy
Further, being pregnant charges may be elevated by the location of several embryos at the threat of increasing the prospect for multiples. If you’re an infertile couple from Pakistan and in search of IVF/ICSI/IUI/Sperm analysis take a look at or either male or feminine infertility treatments on the lowest potential value. The fertilityworld in Pakistan is one of the best IVF center one can look upon. Nepal is the nearest IVF center for Pakistani couples as it provides the very best success charges with a decrease treatment value than Pakistan. A broad array of diagnostic and therapy services could also be needed to help in fertility.
One of essential unbiased energy producers within the Philippines that primarily utilizes clear and indigenous fuels similar to pure gasoline, geothermal energy from steam, hydro-electric, wind, and photo voltaic vitality. Leading “community based group ecommerce” agency backed by Tencent with presence in tier 2 and beneath cities of China. If so, the devoted group of fertility specialists at Pacific Fertility Center can give you the expensive sources you need to switch nearer to your aim of bringing a brand new life into this world. Third-party reproduction, together with egg donation, embryo donation and sperm donation. Advanced fertility therapies, corresponding to synthetic insemination and in vitro fertilization. We present a full range of treatment decisions and have helped tons of of individuals turn into dad and mom.
The study included 767 members randomly divided right into a examine group and a control group. The research group acquired FBT based mostly on ERA check results, while the control group followed the usual timing protocol. ERA testing includes an endometrium biopsy followed by gene expression evaluation within the endometrial tissue.
What Has The Affecting Factor Of Ivf Cost?
While the very thought of profitable a child could flip some hopeful dad and mom off, others may discover a free IVF cycle – and the ‘baby reward’ on the finish of a successful cycle – tempting, and choose to pursue the chance. Coverage will be dependent on the medical insurance provider and the state that the individual lives. Currently, 17 states in the us require insurance coverage providers to both cover or provide coverage for infertility remedy by law. For patients coping with a sign of cancer, talking with a fertility doctor quickly and freezing eggs and sperm for future use is essential. Usually, cancer patients may be seen inside hours by considered one of our fertility doctors, and their case is expedited so both an egg freezing cycle and subsequent most cancers treatment may be completed in a timely method.
Large employers are extra probably than smaller employers to include fertility benefits of their employer-sponsored well being plans. Coverage is more frequent among the many largest employers and people who provide larger wages (Figure 5). ICSI costs $1,500 per fertilization at PFCLA when it is not already included in a bundle.
In Vitro Fertilization (ivf) Remedy
Dr. Beltsos accomplished medical college at Michigan State University, after which went on to do her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Loyola University in 1995. Following this, she accomplished a fellowship in REI at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, accomplished in 1997. She has received numerous awards and is a well-liked speaker, both nationally and internationally, and a frequent media resource on the subject of infertility. Dr. Beltsos is the chief chairperson for the Midwest Reproductive Symposium International, a global conference of fertility specialists. Your physician meets you in particular person and discusses all your points so that each one the services are channeled in the course of the goals that you just need to meet.
Once two weeks have handed, the patient will be requested to take a being pregnant take a look at. If positive, the doctor will ask the patient to return in for bloodwork to confirm the pregnancy. Couples using the male partner’s sperm may be asked to avoid ejaculation for at least two days before the insemination. Please enter your age and the primary day of your final interval for extra correct abortion options. Your physician can discuss with you about any questions or issues you may have about IVF risks and unwanted aspect effects.
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orthotv · 1 year ago
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🔰OREF Web-class for Orthopaedic Postgraduates on OrthoTV
🔝 TOPIC : Basics of Shoulder Arthroplasty
🗓️ Date : 17 October, Tuesday ,2023
🕖Timing : 7:00PM, India
💻 Click to watch : https://tinyurl.com/OrthoTV-OREF-India-175
🗣️Speaker: Dr. Ratnesh Singh - Consultant, Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement Paras HMRI Hospital Patna
👨‍⚕️ Dr John Mukhopadhaya Chairperson: OREF India Director-Orthopaedics, PARAS HMRI Hospital, Patna, India
🔷Orthopedics Research and Education Foundation- India, Member Secretary: Dr. D. K. Taneja.
✅Convenor & Secretary OREF- India: Dr Janki Sharan Bhadani
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joannaceja · 2 years ago
Essay 2
Joanna Ceja 
Dr. McCoy 
MCJ 175 
May 19, 2022 
Stereotypes: Black Buck and Asexual Asian 
In today’s society, a vast majority of people use stereotypes, a widely held but fixed generalization of a particular type of person or thing. There are many kinds of stereotypes for race, gender, sexual orientation, social class, age etc. The categorization of such groups makes it easier for society to predict norms in our day to day lives. It is often used to quickly identify and generalize people we see every day, having acquired these views from multiple institutions. It is prominently vivid in institutions like schools, churches, childhood upbring, and social media. The homogenization of these characteristics deprive individuality within a person, operating with certain notions and mental schemas that have been consistently shaping our view over time. Stereotyping has long history with creating barriers that prevent a nuanced way of thinking, the cultural fixations that were meant to be placed on a certain group considered to be “universally valid”.  
Stereotyping, as previously stated, is consistently used to marginalize a specific group of people as means to justify certain preconceived notions. In the 19th century, the stereotyping of Blacks and women were used to “[bolster] the sense of superiority [, validating] an existing social order or cultural hierarchy” made specifically for the white man (Pickering 7).  Race, gender, and sexuality are generally the types of stereotypes that are most accentuated when it comes to categorizing someone; paired along with the consideration of when and where to apply this stereotype at a particular setting. This is especially true when accessing the history of racism and sexism in the last centuries and how it is currently playing a huge role in deciding the way American society and hierarchy is functioning now.  
For this essay, I will be talking about two predominately old-age racial stereotypes: Black Buck, or more nuanced “Black Rapist”, and the Asexual Asian male. The Black Rapist was used to categorized black men as primitive savages that had “the urge to rape white women” to enlist “the great white fear that every black man longs for a white woman” (Morse 68). The Asexual Asian man stereotype desexualizes Asian male and deems them undesirable even to Asian women; despite being the “model minority”, they are more than often compared to eunuchs, castrated males. Black buck is a sex-crazed, dangerous male while the asexual Asian is desexualized and undesired; Asian male actors were rarely considered sex icons (McCoy Lecture 11, 2). I considered these terms to suit well in comparing and contrasting minorities who were and still are being categorized by modernized, age-old stereotypes. The intersection in racial, sexual, and gender is “conditioned by sociological, biological, and anthropological sciences by the dominance of liberal ideology” (Morse 69).  
The Black Buck (Rapist) stereotype, a “violent, black sexual predator” that is “sexual, dangerous, and impulsive” came to fruition and was introduced in Birth of a Nation, a film that narrated an American Society ran by black men; they played on fears of the white audiences to serialize the idea that American society is in danger if black men came to power (McCoy Lecture 9, slide 20). This reinforcement of the white American world view provided rationale for the enslavement of blacks, not to mention segregation and other inequalities in education, employment, and housing (McCoy Lecture 9, Slide 5). The rationale behind the creation of the Black Buck (Rapist) is what I assumed to be another way to legitimize the lynching of the Black man; in congruence with establishing another means to keep up the racial status quo. Forged from racial, gendered, and sexualized social structures, black stereotypes paved way into discourse every time a white supremacist racial order is threatened (Morse 74). As outdated as it is, the concept of Black Buck, a black man who yearns for white women, is still prevalent in today’s time.  
However, the primordial reasoning behind the use of Black Buck isn’t held true in modern society in terms of being used to justify lynching. It is, however, used for a certain quota in a dominate part of media: the Porn Industry. Interracial porn intertwines sexism and racism, a controversial yet popular viewership in the industry.  The fetishization of interracial porn and the racist nature of the overall subgenre is concerning, especially with the previous mentioned Black Buck term; it is almost like we have modernized the term in ways that “suits” our current society. More often than not, porn companies are very selective on the number of times their white actresses are allowed, if any at all, to star with black porn actors and often are paid more in commission fee because of it; it does not help the fact that black actors/actresses can rarely find roles/gigs that are not racially targeted, such as aggressive behavior and/or dominance over white women/black actresses being overpowered by white men.  
The Asexual Asian Male stereotype has been historically depicted as being smaller in stature and having more “feminine/delicate” nature as opposed to Western men, as well as being less desirable and unable to have romantic/sexual relations (McCoy Lecture 11, Slide 12). This stereotype was mainly expressed in secondary Asian actor roles, either for comic relief or a side kick (The Take 1:01-1:20).  Hollywood has history in underrepresenting all Asian people as multifaceted. Popular tropes were often falling into “yellowface”, white men dressed as Asian men, to which mocks Asians with broken English and their inability to assimilate into American culture (The Take 1:40-1:59). Another ideology they fall behind in the model minority: competitive but lacking creativity, goal-oriented but lacking in charm/humor, hardworking but lacking in sex appeal; they were never established a romantic interest (Johnson 32). The desexualization of Asian men is still present to this day, often times reverting back to old tropes even with actual Asian actors playing their respective role.  
There has been effort to represent Asians in media accordingly in media, but the realistic view here is that it has become such a paradox movement that it has become normal for Asian men to degrade themselves due to the stereotypes held on them. An example being the ideal “Asian” type that western woman seem to prefer, such as K-pop idols; this makes it especially hard when the “competitive market” in dating for within their race seems to be against said idol standards as well. Social media tends to favor baby-faced Asian men/women, pretty boys and girls, etc. The favorability of Asian women and the fetishizations made outside of their race increases “competition”. Pairing this much and the asexual Asian male stereotype, the modern Asian male is generally more likely to feel emasculated and pressured; this concedes with the trope that Asian men being seen as “feminine”, being “undesired” by women because of the multitude of categories they consistently go against.  
There are certain times where my faith in humanity being able to progress far beyond the scope of race, gender, and sexuality is slowly recuperating and progressing. But when things like lifting the abortion law and the recent terrorism that is constantly plaguing easily accessible media, it gets harder and harder to envision such an idealized society. From the amount of research, I have gathered about stereotypes within the minority groups, and the sheer amount of influence certain industries and platforms carry, I do not feel hopeful that we will ever reach a place as a society where we are no longer bound by them. So many cases based on stereotypes alone, along with the volume of how media plays a role in educating, there’s only so much one can do in becoming a progressive society. Maybe over the course of a millennium, but I feel as though it is beyond our nature to really consider unifying one singular ideology together as humans. There will always be something to fix with the “more progressive” we strive to be. Educating the younger generation could suffice, but the gradual breakage away from these stereotypes is a long procedural process that requires systemic change.  
​​Works Cited​ 
 McCoy, Kelly. Lecture 9 & 11. Fresno State: Canvas & IT 288, 2022. Web. 
Morse, Jason H. Promiscuous Contextualities: Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Problem of the Stereotype in the Politics of Representation. University of Washington: Department of English, 2013. Web. 
Johnson, Laura Renee. Asian and Asian American Representations in American Film, Washington University: Western CEDAR, 2004. Web.  
The Take, “The Asexual Asian Man”. YouTube, uploaded by The Take, 12 Aug. 2021, https://youtu.be/2k82hlqd1Os  
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mckinney-mc · 2 years ago
Why Assisted Living Communities are a Great Option!
Assisted Living Communities are residential facilities that provide housing, care, and support services to older adults or people with disabilities who require assistance with their daily activities. These communities offer a wide range of services, including help with personal care, medication management, housekeeping, meals, transportation, and social activities.
Assisted living communities typically offer apartment-style housing units that are safe, comfortable, and accessible. The apartments may include a bedroom, bathroom, living area, kitchenette, or full kitchen. The facilities are often designed to be easy to navigate, with features like handrails, grab bars, and wide doorways.
Here are some standard services and amenities offered at assisted living communities:
The assisted living communities assist with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, and medication management.
Residents are provided with nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day. Many communities offer a dining room or restaurant-style service where residents can enjoy meals with their neighbors.
The assisted living community staff cleans residents' apartments, does their laundry, and changes their linens.
Many communities offer scheduled transportation for residents to go shopping, attend appointments, and participate in social activities.
Assisted Living communities provide various social and recreational activities to help residents stay engaged and active. These may include exercise classes, games, crafts, outings, and other events.
Many communities have on-site health clinics or nurses who can monitor residents' health and provide primary medical care. They may also offer fitness programs, therapy services, and other wellness programs.
Assisted living communities have staff on duty around the clock to ensure residents' safety and respond quickly to emergencies.
Choose Grand Brook Memory Care of Mckinney
Grand Brook Memory Care is a provider of assisted living communities specializing in memory care for seniors with Alzheimer's and dementia. We offer a safe and secure environment with specialized staff trained to provide personalized care to meet each resident's unique needs. Grand Brook Memory Care of Mckinney also offer a range of activities and amenities designed to promote engagement and socialization among residents. We aim to provide seniors with a high quality of life while ensuring their safety and well-being.
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wot-tidbits · 2 years ago
ROBERT JORDAN c\o Tor Books 175 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y., 10010 March 1, 1994
Miss Carolyn Fusinato Editor, The Chronicles 1203 Timber Valley Dr. Flower Mound TX 75028 Dear Carolyn:
Thanks for your letter of February 6.
I've had requests for info about starting clubs from three or four people, and have given them the address of The Chronicles. In addition, there was/is a club in Columbia S.C., but I've lost their address. In Scotland I was given a seventy-page printout of "facts deduced" about the books by a Jordan discussion group on Internet, which I am told has broken away from the main SF/Fantasy group. A fan wrote giving me the "address " of this group, but I would have to go through all the filed letters to find it; as I am not on any of the nets, I did not make a note of it. Otherwise, it's hearsay, that the clubs exist on the nets. If I find any addresses, I will send them on to you.
Does evil need to be effective to be evil? And how do you define effectiveness? Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge managed to murder about 25-30% of Cambodia's population, destroy the country's agricultural and industrial base, fairly well wipe out the educated class inside the country (defined as anyone with an education beyond the ability to read; a good many of those went too, of course), and in general became so rabid that only China was willing to maintain any sort of contact with them, and that at arm's length. Their rabidity was the prime reason that they ended up losing the country. (though they are still around and still causing trouble.) In other words, they were extremely ineffective in attaining their goal, which was to seize Cambodia, remake it in the way Pol Pot wished (and still wishes), and export their brand of revolution abroad. Looking at the death toll, the cities emptied out (hospital patients were told they had one hour to leave or die; post-op patients, those still in the operating room, everybody), the murders of entire families down to infants because one member of the family was suspected of "counter-revolutionary" crimes, the mass executions (one method was for hundreds of people to be bound hand and foot, then bulldozed into graves alive; the bulldozers drove back and forth over these mass graves until attempts to dig out stopped) -- given all of that, can you say that Khmer Roughe's ineffectiveness made them less evil? Irrationality is more fearful than rationality (if we can use that
To Carolyn Fusinato, page 2
term in this regard) because if you have brown hair and know that the serial killer out there is only killing blondes, you are safe, but if he is one of those following no easily discernible pattern, if every murder seems truly random, then it could be you who will be next. But "rationality" can have its terrors. What if that killer is only after brunettes named Carolyn? Stalin had the very rational goal (according to Communist dogma) of forcibly collectivizing all farmland in the Soviet Union. He was effective -- all the land was collectivized -- and to do it he murdered some thirty million small farmers who did not want to go along.
But are the Forsaken ineffective or irrational? Are they any more divided than any other group plotting got take over a country, a world, IBM? True, they plot to secure power for themselves. But I give you Stalin v. Trotsky and the entire history of the Soviet Union. I give you Thomas Jefferson v. Alexander Hamilton v. John Adams, and we will ignore such thins as Jefferson's hounding of Aaron Burr (he tore up the Constitution to do it; double jeopardy, habeas corpus, the whole nine yards), or Horatio Gates' attempted military coup against Washington, with the support of a fair amount of the Continental Congress. We can also ignore Secretary of War Stanton's attempts to undermine Lincoln throughout the Civil War, the New England states' attempt to make a separate peace with England during the Revolution and their continued trading with the enemy (the British again) during the War of 1812, and… The list could go on forever, frankly, and take in every country. Human nature is to seize personal advantage, and when the situation is the one the Forsaken face (namely that one of them will be given the rule of the entire earth while the others are forever subordinate), they are going to maneuver and backstab like crazy. You yourself say "If ever there was the possibility that some alien force was going to invade this planet, half the countries would refuse to admit the problem, the other half would be fighting each other to figure out who will lead the countries into battle, etc." Even events like Rahvin or Sammael or Be'lal seizing a nation have a basis. What better way to hand over large chunks of land and people to the Dark One than to be ruler of those elands and people? The thing is that they are human. But aside from that, are you sure that you know what they are up to? All of them? Are you sure you know what the Dark One's own plans are? Now let's see about Ran and his dangers and his allies. Have you been skimming, my dear? What makes you think the Tairens, Cairhienin and Andorans are solidly behind him? They're plotting and scheming as hard as the Forsaken. Rand is the Dragon Reborn, but this is my country, and we don't need anybody, and so on. And then there are those who don't think he is the DR at all, just a puppet of Tar Valon. Most of the Aiel may be behind him, but the Shaido are still around, and the bleackness is still taking its toll, since not all Aiel can face up to what Rand has told them about themselves. What makes you think the Seanchan will fall in behind rand? Have you seen any Seanchan volunteers showing up? Carolyn, half
To Carolyn Fusinato, page 3
of these people are denying there is a problem, and half are trying to be big honcho themselves. Read again, Carolyn. The world Rand lives in is getting more frenzied and turbulent. Damned few are saying, "Lead, because you know best." A good many who are following are saying "Lead, because I'd rather follow you than have you call down lightning and burn me to a crisp!"
As for lack of challenge, I refer you again to the question about whether you really think you know what all the Forsaken are planning. Or what Padan Fain is up to. There is a flaw inherent in fiction, one that is overcome by suspension of disbelief. We do always know, somewhere in the back of our heads, that the hero is going to make it through as far as he needs to. After all, if Frodo buys the farm, the story is over, kids. The excitement comes in trying to figure out how he can possibly wiggle out, how he can possibly triumph.
In Rand's case, let's see what he still has stacked against him. The Cairhienin and Tairens are for the most part reluctant allies, and in many cases not even that. At the end of FIRES, he has Caemlyn, but I don't see any Andoran nobles crowding around to hail him. Illian still belongs to Sammael. Pedron Niall is working to convince people Rand is a false Dragon, and the Prophet is alienating ten people for every one he convinces. Tarabon and Arad Doman are unholy messes; even if Rand manages to get in touch with all of the Dragonsworn -- who are not organized beyond individual bands -- he has two humongous civil wars to deal with. True, he can use the Aiel to suppress those, but he has to avoid men killing men too much; there are Trollocs waiting to spill out of the Blight eventually. We must always remember the Trollocs, Myrddraal etc; the last time they came out in force, it took over 300 years to beat them back, and the Last Battle doesn't give Rand anywhere near that. Altara and Murandy are so divided in any case that simply getting the king or queen on his side isn't going to work; remember that most people in those two countries give loyalty to a city or a local lord and only toss in their country as an afterthought. Davram Bashere thinks Tenobia will bring Saldaea to Rand, and that is possible since the Borderlands would be one place where everyone is aware of the Last Battle and the Prophecies, but even Bashere isn't willing to make any promises, not even for Saldaea much less the other Borderlands, and I haven't seen any Borderland rulers showing up to hand Rand the keys to the kingdom. Padan Fain is out there, able to feel Rand, and hating him because of what was done to him, Fain, to make him able to find Rand. The surviving Forsaken are out there and except for Sammael, nobody knows what they are up to or where they can be found. For that matter, who knows everything that Sammael is up to? Elaida, in the White Tower, thinks Rand has to be tightly controlled. The Salidar Aes Sedai are not simply ready to fall in and kiss his boots, either. Aes Sedai have been manipulating the world for more than three thousand years, guiding it, making sure it remembers the Dark One and Tarmon Gai'don as real threats, doing their best, as they see it, to prepare the world for the Dark One breaking free. Are they likely to
To Carolyn Fusinato, page 4
simply step aside and hand over control to a farmboy, even if he is the Dragon Reborn? Even after Moiraine decided he had to be given his head, Siuan was reluctant, and Siuan was in Moiraine's little conspiracy from the beginning. And the Seanchan…The last we saw of their forces, they were commanded by a Darkfriend. As for the Sea Folk, do you know what their prophecy says about the Coramoor? Do you think working with them it will be any simpler than dealing with the Aiel, say?
Now, what and who does Rand have solidly in his camp? Perrin knows what is needed, but he's hardly happy about it. What he really wants is to settle down with Faile and be a blacksmith; everything else is a reluctant duty. Mat blew the Horn of Valere, but it's hidden in the Tower, and frankly, if he could figure some way to go away and spend the rest of his life carousing and chasing women, he would. He'll do what he has to do, but Light he doesn't want to. The Aiel are for Rand (less the Shaido, still a formidable force), but the Dragon Reborn and the Last Battle are no part of the Prophecy of Rhuidean. That is all wetlander stuff. Besides which, they are still suffering losses from bleakness, people throwing down their spears and leaving, people defecting to the Shaido or drifting back to the Waste because what Rand told them of their origins can't possibly be true and if it isn't then he can't be the car'a'carn. Rand has declared an amnesty for men who can channel and is trying to gather them in; they, at least, should give their loyalty to him. But how many can he find? How much can he teach them in the time he has? How many will go mad before the Last Battle? There is still the taint on saidin, remember. For that matter, can Rand hang onto his own sanity? What effect will having a madman inside his head have? Can he stop Lews Therin from taking him over?
I know that was supposed to be a listing of what Rand has in his favor, but the fact is that he is walking the razor's edge, barely hanging onto his sanity and growing more paranoid all the time, barely hanging onto putative allies, most of whom would just as soon see him go away in the hope that then everything would be the way it was before he showed up, confronted by enemies on every side. In short he has challenges enough for ten men. I've had people writ to say they can't see how Rand is going to untangle all of this and get humanity ready to face the Last Battle. What I say is, what you believe to be true is not always true. What you think is going to happen is not always going to happen. That has been demonstrated time and again in THE WHEEL OF TIME. You could call those two statements one of the themes of the books.
Hey, don't publish the picture Gerard gave you. Our house has no wrought-iron gates. Also, no renovation has been done here since the fix-up after Hurricane Hugo several years ago. I kid you not. Poor Gerard go the wrong house. I'm glad you don't intend to publish any address, whether or not it is mine. There are
To Carolyn Fusinato, page 5
fans who write letters, and then there are fans who show up at the front door unannounced. I hate to be rude to people, but with the time I spend writing, I barely have time for a social life with my friends, and frankly, someone who has managed to track you down is going to think you have cheated them if you scribble your name in their book and say, "Now go away. I'm busy." Believe me.
Well, again, thanks for the letter, Carolyn. Do keep me abreast of what's happening with The Chronicles. I really would like to see copies, if it is possible for you to send them to me care of Tor Books.
With best wishes, I remain,
Sincerely, Robert Jordan
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