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Thirsty - Sponsored by Amadeus + TOP1SALON + KUTU + DP&SP
This photo is sponsored by:**Amadeushttp://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Veles/128/112/21**KUTU – Riri Bazarhttp://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Angelo/139/123/3899**Top1salonhttp://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rouly/113/126/898**DP&SP – Johanna Rolink Aryana Aurahttps://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lucky%20Star%20Ranch/209/235/1502 FROM AMADEUS:Thirst of the vampire set (dress, bloody…
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Feelscrafting a DPS Jiaoqiu
wanted to try to figure out how to build a dps jiaoqiu hypercarry team so i'll vomit it all here lol (warning LONG)
since jiaoqiu is the dps, this team ideally includes 1 sustain and 2 supports. at least 1 support should be a harmony unit. the 2nd support can be either harmony or nihility, depending on your stats. the team i'll go for is:
Jiaoqiu (duh)
Huohuo (sustain)
Sparkle (support 1) - substitute with Bronya
Pela (support 2)
assume that all characters are e0s1 except pela, who realistically only needs e1 and ideally s5 pearls (i personally only have s3 😭).
huohuo is ideal for her pseudo-harmony qualities but more importantly the energy regen from her ult which can act as a bandaid for jiaoqiu's energy needs.
imo sparkle is the best candidate for her very large crit damage buff and the action advance. bronya also works since her action advance is 100% but her crit damage is only on ult and is a much smaller multiplier. robin also works in theory, but jiaoqiu's atk% will be extremely oversaturated, so a team with jiaoqiu/robin would mainly capitalize on jiaoqiu's debuffing to amp robin's oot damage, rather than robin amping jiaoqiu's damage.
i chose pela as the final teammate for a couple reasons: 1. pela with pearls will be applying def down which is very good since e0s1 jiaoqiu's vuln will be pretty saturated. the other benefits would be sp positivity and quick ult uptime which actually means pela can act as a sub dps if you want to go the extra mile (and she would benefit from jiaoqiu's ult vuln). the best part of her kit is her trace that increases all allies' ehr% by 10% which reduces jiaoqiu's ehr% needs.
he NEEDS his sig lc for the ehr to not only land his debuffs but also for his huge ehr to atk conversions—this is not arguable. the only other realistic option with this team setup would be tutorial for energy cycling and ehr. eotp also gives ehr but since this is a crit build the dot buff is null. gnsw doesn't give him relevant stats.
4pc pioneer is obviously the best (and only) option for his relic set. this should essentially give jiaoqiu an unconditional 8% crit rate and 16%/24% crit damage since he'll always be applying a debuff every turn. pela is needed to achieve 24% crit damage when jiaoqiu's field isn't active but that shouldn't be too often.
the best choice for the planar set imo is the izumo set: the atk% is negligible and not needed BUT the important part is it's 12% crit rate boost, the largest crit rate bonus in the game (this is also why pela is needed). pan-cosmic only helps with his ehr needs—the atk% bonus is nice but he doesn't need it. salsotto and rutilant both give 8% crit rate but their bonuses are very hard for jiaoqiu to achieve due to his extreme stat needs—realistically he could achieve salsotto's but rutilant would be too difficult without insane min-maxing. sigonia theoretically only works in pf, but it only gives 4% crit rate, which is the most important stat he needs since other units can boost his crit damage in other ways (and jiaoqiu would prefer a dot build in pf and to use solitary healing lc instead anyways).
crit% / atk% OR spd / fire dmg/ err
fairly straightforward stat spread. body should be crit rate since it's 1. extremely important and 2. the hardest stat to achieve from teammates (there are very few crit rate support buffs). 4pc pioneer and izumo by themselves should give jiaoqiu 20% crit rate; factoring in a crit rate body and e0s1 sparkle bring him up all the way to 62.4% crit rate without any substats. this basically allows him to focus almost completely on crit damage and ehr in subs (he'll need ~42% ehr to completely max out his conversions). if you REALLY want to go overkill you can swap the sustain to fu xuan to bump him to 74.4% crit rate, which is kind of absurd to think about.
spd boots can be used since his atk% should be saturated BUT atk% boots should be better for all the extra damage he can get since sparkle prefers a hyperspeed build for a slow dps while bronya's slow build would require jiaoqiu to reach 135 which isn't unachievable but requires a lot of good relic luck and heavy min-maxing. either way, the atk% bonus from the boots and the izumo planar can make up for any missed values if you can't reach 140% ehr.
the planar mainstats are also very easy since, once again, he really shouldn't need any more atk, so fire dmg% will be a better boost for his damage and an err rope will allow him to cycle his ult faster-which allows him to benefit from his own ult-vuln!
as for his ehr needs, adding up his traces, lc, and pela's trace that gives teammates 10% ehr, he should be achieving 98% ehr which means he needs 27% ehr to reach 125% ehr (180% atk) or 42% ehr for 140% ehr (240% atk). this can be achieved by substats.
jiaoqiu really needs all the help he can get for his stats since he's juggling absurd stat values between ehr and crit stats. the aforementioned methods essentially means that he'll need a lot of crit damage from outside sources, namely his teammates. theoretically sparkle should bump his crit damage by at least 70% crit dmg (this is the literal lowest value if you have e0s1 with a crit dmg body and skill lvl 8). other ways would be for the other 3 team members to all be equipped with broken keel—not only would this buff jiaoqiu's own crit dmg by 30%, but it would also effect sparkle and her skill would give him a little extra crit dmg.
jiaoqiu's teammates are limited for choice—the sustain can honestly be whoever, but his supports are limited due to very little synergy or even anti-synergy. he can't be run with any freeze units or ruan mei since they are anti-synergistic with how his debuff functions. it's very hard to find other units that can replace the ones i picked.
the other issue is his ABYSMAL multipliers. at level 10, his highest multiplier is his skill which deals 150% atk to a main target and 90% atk to adjacent targets. his ult only deals 100% atk to all enemies. that's the same value as pela's ult multiplier, and she's a 4 star with the same role. it's... pretty brutal. especially when you look at his original kit in beta, which had his skill deal 180% atk to a main target and 90% atk to adjacent enemies, and his ult deal 200% to all enemies.
regardless, where there's a will there's a way, and by god i'm gonna find my way to a beautiful dps jiaoqiu 😈
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てこや 十条銀座どっとこむ -東京都北区十条銀座商店街 公式 https://jujo-ginza.com/shop/%E3%81%A6%E3%81%93%E3%82%84/
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小美玉たかしさん「昨日は小美玉たかし無料チャリティービッグショー公演in小見川市民センターいぶき館にお集まり下さいました皆さん想像を絶する激しいたかしコールをありがとうございました†大変お世話になりました主催者の歌粋会会長の金本さんと超大物で記念のパシャリ☆ https://t.co/gmPggTvahU」https://twitter.com/TAKASHI_OMITAMA/status/1673172081926893568
KING OFFICIALさん「【TODAY】 2023.6.26(月) 京橋LIVE HOUSE Arc 出演: ACT ONE AGE ALL I WANT KING ZILCONIA mosaic OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30 ■入場チケット ■配信チケット https://t.co/5zunvlUL7l ¥3000(アーカイブ 2週間) ※お目当てのバンド名の記入をお願いします https://t.co/r6KLSRkJDu」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1673172506042306560
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB SHOP】 ■チェキ 公演当日21:00まで https://t.co/O4cjT66UHp ※受付期間後は、フォームが開いてる間は、ご注文承ります。 ■KING NEW ALBUM 〝CRY OUT TO HEAVEN〟 https://t.co/epgpeQqgtO ■��常通販 https://t.co/ERDSYYIonH https://t.co/LXSY1DbRkH」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1673172593103503361
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@superflyingthing Suzuran is a top pick for any boss killing endeavor as her S3 inflicts upon enemies a powerful Fragile effect that amplifies damage taken, as well as slowing them significantly and providing powerful healing for all allies within the area. And that’s all and well, but there’s another aspect of Suzuran people tend to skim over: Her Talent that increases SP gain by 40% to all Supporters (herself included). If you like using Supporters, this is very powerful as it significantly increases the upkeep time on Supporters, which are defined by their skills far more than any other class except Specialists. Angelina, Ling, the Corrupting Heart, Shamare, Podenco, Suzuran herself, having a powerful battery for their SP charging pays dividends.
I wouldn’t raise Suzuran just for Lucian, though, there’s a ton of ways to deal with him. My Suzuran picks for Lucian tend to be on the rarer side, not because she’s bad, on the contrary, she’s very good, but there’s so many ways to go about Lucian with units I like more as both characters and gameplay units that I tend to go with those. As long as you have two units that can jail Lucian (or sometimes, one that can jail by themselves, like Radiant Knight), healing to handle Lucian’s damage, and enough DPS and burst to be able to smash him flat as quick as possible, you’re good to go, and there’s many ways to go about it. That said, Suzuran IS a very effective unit to go about it, due to her healing and increasing Lucian’s damage taken all in one unit (she also helps with the Elite Defenders).
The units I would say would help you the most to handle Lucian transversally regardless of your builds, are Mulberry and Honeyberry. I personally use Mulberry, but being able to handle Elemental Damage (Nervous Impairment in his case) helps a LOT with DPS, because he won’t be stunning you and thus letting him go unblocked + stunned unit can’t attack. Either of the ‘Berries seriously amps up your DPS on Lucian.
One of my favorite things to do is activate every syndrome at once and make the screen look like a 2000s Korean MMO from how many effects overlap. What’s going on in this screen? The answer is yes.
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Utilizar un cargador adecuado para tu equipo es de vital importancia para su cuidado. Un adaptador que no cumpla con las características que necesita tu laptop, podría causarle daños en algunos casos irreparables. Por lo mismo saber qué cargador necesita y las diferencias entre los cargadores en el mercado, forman parte de la información que debes manejar en el momento de cotizar y utilizar estos tipos de productos.
Existen cuatro variantes que debes identificar a la hora de adquirir un cargador.
1.- Marca y modelo del equipo y/ó Número de Serie (Serial Number)
Generalmente se encuentra en una etiqueta visible en la parte posterior de la laptop. En algunas ocasiones es necesario retirar la batería para acceder a esta etiqueta. *Service Tag en equipos Dell.
2.- Numero de parte (Part Number) del cargador
Aplica si tiene a mano el cargador original del equipo, son códigos que vienen impresos en las etiquetas del cargador.
●HP: SPS #####-###
●Toshiba: Model (PA*****-1ACA)
3.- Voltaje, Amperaje y Potencia
Es de suma importancia que te guíes por el voltaje, amperaje y potencia del cargador. Estos valores vienen en la etiqueta del equipo y del cargador original. Para seleccionar un cargador compatible debes saber la siguiente información:
Voltios: (Ejemplo 19v ó volts) (El reemplazo debe tener el mismo voltaje)
Amperios: (Ejemplo 3.42A ó amps) (El reemplazo tener igual ó mayor amperaje que el original)
Potencia: Es la multiplicación de Voltaje x Amperaje.
(Ejemplo: 19v x 3.42 = 65W ó watts) (Total de Watts debe ser igual ó mayor que el original)
Notas importantes: Mientras el voltaje sea el requerido y el amperaje sea igual ó mayor al que necesita el equipo no habrá ningún problema. El equipo solo consumirá el amperaje que necesite.
4.- Punta del conector
Existen colores y formas diferentes que te pueden ayudar a identificar el cargador adecuado, siempre verifica la punta que necesita tu modelo.
●Para algunos modelos HP puedes identificar la punta azul, con pin central, ovalada.
●Para algunas modelos Lenovo puedes identificar la punta amarilla rectangular.
En el mercado existen tres tipos:
●Originales: Diseñados por el fabricante de la marca.
●Genéricos/Homologados: Diseñados para la marca, pero no por el fabricante del equipo.
●Universales: Pueden ser utilizados en varias marcas y modelos.
Un cargador universal nunca será mejor que un Original ó Genérico de calidad; ya que estos son diseñados especialmente para la marca y el modelo de su equipo. Los cargadores universales poseen diferentes espigas para cada marca de laptop y/ó un seleccionador de voltaje por lo que una equivocación en el valor, podría causar daños tanto al adaptador mismo como a su equipo. En el caso de que cuente con un cargador universal, y este no cuente con voltaje automático su voltaje debe ser ajustado responsablemente y la punta elegida de acuerdo a las características de su equipo para evitar daños físicos. Este tipo de cargadores son recomendables en caso que no encuentre un reemplazo adecuado y/ó si está seguro de que nadie modificará el voltaje ó espiga dle equipo.
Sí, siempre y cuando sean de buena calidad, certificados y cuenten con respaldo y garantía del vendedor. Este tipo de cargadores es bueno en su relación costo/calidad.
Estos cargadores son una opción económica y segura si hace uso adecuado del mismo, teniendo cuidado con las horas de uso, almacenamiento y manipulación.
Para este tipo de cargadores dependiendo del fabricante su material estructural podría ser de menor costo y los cables un poco más débiles si se compara con algunos originales. La recomendación general para estos cargadores es no utilizarlo más de 8 horas seguidas, para que su vida útil sea más larga.
Encuentras fabulosas ofertas en ASUS ADP-45XE Adaptadore de alimentación de cargadores para . Envío gratis en artículos seleccionados. Tenemos la selección más grande y las mejores ofertas en adaptadores para . ¡Compra con confianza en portatilbaterias.com!
ASUS ADP-45XE Adaptadore para ASUS ZenBook 3 UX390 UX390U UX390UA
Specifications: Corriente de entrada:100-240V, 50-60Hz Voltaje de la salida:20V 2.25A/15V 3A/12V 3A/5V 2A 45W Marcas :ASUS 100% compatibles con el original. Seguridad SSL,100% pago seguro. 30 días de devolución,1 año de garantía. Protección de seguridad: sobrecarga, sobretensión y cortocircuito. Compatible con: ADP-45EW A 0A001-00238300 ADP-45XE B UX390UA-DH51-GR 90XB03UN-MPW020 Números de serie compatibles: Asus zenbook 3 ux390ua series XiaoMi Lenovo HP Se me ha roto el ASUS ADP-45XE cargador del portátil ¿Y ahora que hago? Si se te ha roto el cargador de tu ordenador portátil no te preocupes, porque es algo que le pasa a la mayoría de la gente, dado que los cargadores o transformadores son los que siempre están conectados a la corriente y además otras cosas. Debes mirar tu cargador roto para saber el voltaje y el amperaje. No te asustes, es muy sencillo. Si te fijas en la foto, verás que por un lado está la entrada de energía o input y la salido u output que es la que nos interesa. Éste cargador es universal, pero en el original solo debe aparecer en el output un voltaje y un amperaje. Si multiplicas uno por el otro, ya tienes los watios. Si por ejemplo el tuyo consume 4,50 amperios a 19 voltios, tendrá un consumo de 85,5 watios con lo que necesita un cargador universal de 90 watios. Los hay con más y con menos watios. Los hay de 70 watios, de 90 y más. Según el voltaje que ya hemos visto y ya sabemos, hay que regular el cargador universal con ese voltaje. Con un botón que tiene y que cada vez que lo mueves, selecciones un voltaje diferente como por ejemplo 12v, 15v, 16v, 18v, 19v, etc. Éstos adaptadores traen una serie de clavijas para la mayoría de ordenadores, valen para muchos ordenadores y otros dispositivos siempre que sea compatible con el consumo y las clavijas, con lo que no tendrás problema para usarlos. Productos Calientes:
MLP3592106P*2P Haier AKOYA E2228T/KX L13M4P21 Lenovo Yoga 2 11 L17C2PB2 Lenovo V330-14ARR V330-14IKB BM4W Xiaomi Mi 10T Lite 5G PA2221-3 Lenovo PCE025 PA2221-3 FSP210-20TGBAB BK03XL HP BK03XL HSTNN-UB7G TPN-W125 916366-541 916811-855 Series EB494358VU Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 S5660 S7250D S5670 i569 BLP785 Oppo Nord 5G 6-87-X510S-4D73 CLEVO P150HM P150SM P151SM1 XMG P151HM1 P502 C42N1728 Asus ZenBook Pro U5500 UX550GDX PCG010 Lenovo PA-2181-2 HK280-72PP PCG010 FSP180-20TGBAB 45N1102 Lenovo ThinkPad Helix Series 3ICP6/46/122 ACC-LATP1 LG Electronics 32BL75U-W Monitor AA-PBTN2TP Samsung Chromebook XE510C24 XE510C25 XE513C24 L17L2PF1 Lenovo Ideapad 330-14IKB 330-15IKB Touch L17M2PB7 L16M2PB2
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Utilizar un cargador adecuado para tu equipo es de vital importancia para su cuidado. Un adaptador que no cumpla con las características que necesita tu laptop, podría causarle daños en algunos casos irreparables. Por lo mismo saber qué cargador necesita y las diferencias entre los cargadores en el mercado, forman parte de la información que debes manejar en el momento de cotizar y utilizar estos tipos de productos.
Existen cuatro variantes que debes identificar a la hora de adquirir un cargador.
1.- Marca y modelo del equipo y/ó Número de Serie (Serial Number)
Generalmente se encuentra en una etiqueta visible en la parte posterior de la laptop. En algunas ocasiones es necesario retirar la batería para acceder a esta etiqueta. *Service Tag en equipos Dell.
2.- Numero de parte (Part Number) del cargador
Aplica si tiene a mano el cargador original del equipo, son códigos que vienen impresos en las etiquetas del cargador.
●HP: SPS #####-###
●Toshiba: Model (PA*****-1ACA)
3.- Voltaje, Amperaje y Potencia
Es de suma importancia que te guíes por el voltaje, amperaje y potencia del cargador. Estos valores vienen en la etiqueta del equipo y del cargador original. Para seleccionar un cargador compatible debes saber la siguiente información:
Voltios: (Ejemplo 19v ó volts) (El reemplazo debe tener el mismo voltaje)
Amperios: (Ejemplo 3.42A ó amps) (El reemplazo tener igual ó mayor amperaje que el original)
Potencia: Es la multiplicación de Voltaje x Amperaje.
(Ejemplo: 19v x 3.42 = 65W ó watts) (Total de Watts debe ser igual ó mayor que el original)
Notas importantes: Mientras el voltaje sea el requerido y el amperaje sea igual ó mayor al que necesita el equipo no habrá ningún problema. El equipo solo consumirá el amperaje que necesite.
4.- Punta del conector
Existen colores y formas diferentes que te pueden ayudar a identificar el cargador adecuado, siempre verifica la punta que necesita tu modelo.
●Para algunos modelos HP puedes identificar la punta azul, con pin central, ovalada.
●Para algunas modelos Lenovo puedes identificar la punta amarilla rectangular.
En el mercado existen tres tipos:
●Originales: Diseñados por el fabricante de la marca.
●Genéricos/Homologados: Diseñados para la marca, pero no por el fabricante del equipo.
●Universales: Pueden ser utilizados en varias marcas y modelos.
Un cargador universal nunca será mejor que un Original ó Genérico de calidad; ya que estos son diseñados especialmente para la marca y el modelo de su equipo. Los cargadores universales poseen diferentes espigas para cada marca de laptop y/ó un seleccionador de voltaje por lo que una equivocación en el valor, podría causar daños tanto al adaptador mismo como a su equipo. En el caso de que cuente con un cargador universal, y este no cuente con voltaje automático su voltaje debe ser ajustado responsablemente y la punta elegida de acuerdo a las características de su equipo para evitar daños físicos. Este tipo de cargadores son recomendables en caso que no encuentre un reemplazo adecuado y/ó si está seguro de que nadie modificará el voltaje ó espiga dle equipo.
Sí, siempre y cuando sean de buena calidad, certificados y cuenten con respaldo y garantía del vendedor. Este tipo de cargadores es bueno en su relación costo/calidad.
Estos cargadores son una opción económica y segura si hace uso adecuado del mismo, teniendo cuidado con las horas de uso, almacenamiento y manipulación.
Para este tipo de cargadores dependiendo del fabricante su material estructural podría ser de menor costo y los cables un poco más débiles si se compara con algunos originales. La recomendación general para estos cargadores es no utilizarlo más de 8 horas seguidas, para que su vida útil sea más larga.
MSI A17-180P4A - Cargadores de repuesto para MSI GS63 GS73VR Gaming Notebook 180W. Esta nueva cargadores para equipos MSI A17-180P4A está diseñado para una larga duración y un rendimiento estable, respaldado por 1 año de garantía y / RoHS / ISO9001 certificados de seguridad de la CE.
Cargador Adaptador De Repuesto para MSI GS63 GS73VR Gaming Notebook
Especificaciones: Marca : MSI Energía : 180W Voltaje de la salida : 19.5V 9.23A 180W Corriente de entrada : 100-240V 50-60Hz Dimensión : 5.5mm*2.5mm Verifique el voltaje y el amperaje en la parte inferior de su dispositivo antes de realizar su pedido. El adaptador de CA es seguro de usar dentro de +/- 1V del voltaje del portátil. Es seguro tener un amperaje mayor. NO compre un adaptador de CA con un amperaje inferior al que aparece en su dispositivo. Asegúrese de que el tamaño de la punta también coincida con su salida de CC. Descripción de productos 100% compatible con el adaptador original de MSI A17-180P4A. Tiempo de carga corto – esta Cargadores para Ordenador Portátil dispone de la más moderna tecnología de litio que permite cargar un dispositivo de forma rápida (alta velocidad de carga / Cargador rápido). La puede transportar fácilmente - es delgada, ligera y robusta. Función de protección contra sobretensiones para mantener sus dispositivos seguros. Dispositivos de seguridad internos contra riesgos eléctricos. ¿Por qué comprar con nosotros? Comprar Fácilmente No hace falta registrar ninguna cuenta, solo hay tres pasos simples: Añadir a la cesta, rellenar la dirección de entrega y pagar. Garantía de calidad Solo vendemos la Cargadores para MSI A17-180P4A más nueva, y realizaremos una serie de pruebas estrictas para la calidad y la seguridad antes de que la Cargadores para Ordenador Portátil salga de la fábrica para garantizar que cada cliente reciba la nueva Cargadores de buen estado y confiable calidad. Reembolso de 30 días y reparación de 1 año En 30 días a partir de la fecha de entrega, puede solicitar el reembolso sin ningún motivo. En 1 año pero excede los 30 días, ofrecemos el servicio de reparación y reemplazo gratuito en relación con problema de calidad de la Cargadores para Ordenador Portátil Asus ADP-330AB D. Pago 100% seguro Su privacidad y seguridad de la información son más importantes en mejorbatteries.com. Hemos tomado todas las medidas necesarias para garantizar que su experiencia de compra sea 100% segura. ¡Compre Cargadores de reemplazo MSI A17-180P4A con confianza! Productos Relacionados: T7M_SCUD Batería para Twinhead Durabook T7M CP1654_A3 Batería para VARTA CP1654 A3 Bluetoot Headset 180W Cargadores Thunderobot 911M-M1A 911-T1A 911GT-Y3/Y2 911-T1/T2 Power Supply BL8002 Batería para Fly IQ4490I TT03XL Batería para HP HSN-I13C-5 HSTNN-LB8H 933322-855 932824-421 HSTNN-DB8K MR-BAT6V1 Batería para Mitsubishi 2CR17335A WK17 6V CR17335 ADLX65CLGC2A Cargadores Lenovo Ideapad 100 110 PA-1450-55 YOGA 710 510 CN51 Batería para Honeywell Intermec CN50 1015AB02 318-052-031 318-039-001 R15B01W Batería para Xiaomi Mi Pro i5 18650 Batería para ICR 18650 ICR18650 HPK890 Batería para KOPO A1 VS03XL Batería para HP Envy 15-AS 15-AS014WM HSTNN-UB6Y 849047-541 Series H260EBM-00 Cargadores Dell Optiplex 3060 5060 7060 H536T Cargadores Dell Inspiron 1120 11z 1110 1546 1720 710412-001 Cargadores HP Elitebook 755 G5 745 G5 735 G5 913691-850
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Sơ đồ đấu công tơ điện 1 pha cho gia đình
Nó là rất quan trọng để chi phối hệ thống dây điện E. Đối với bài đăng này, tôi đã thiết kế một sơ đồ liên quan đến hệ thống dây phân phối, chúng ta sẽ biết là hộp cầu chì hoặc hộp cầu chì chiếm ưu thế này. trong sơ đồ được hiển thị các chiến thuật của cực tiện ích phân phối loại bảng mạch chính cho đồng hồ năng lượng và bộ ngắt người không trạng thái và bộ ngắt SP MCB.
Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi có xu hướng nghiên cứu từng bước bảng phân phối dưới đây, vì chúng tôi có xu hướng nói về sơ đồ bảng phân phối chính, ban đầu thấy điều này.
Khái niệm về đồng hồ điện một pha hoặc đồng hồ năng lượng một pha. sau khi xem video này bạn có thể thực hiện kết nối đồng hồ điện ở nhà. từ cột điện đến dây đến thứ nhất là pha và thứ hai là trung tính.
Các thành phần cần thiết cho Sơ đồ này
Thước đo năng lượng
Đồng hồ đo năng lượng một pha từ
Ngắt mạch
63 Ampe DP MCB 1 PSC Lát.
40 Ampe DP ELCB 1 PSC
20 Ampe SP MCB 5 PSC đỉnh ..
Sử dụng cáp
4 mét vuông / mm Dây màu đỏ (Đường kẻ).
Dây đen 4 mét / mm (Trung tính).
Dây xanh 2,5 mét vuông (Mặt đất)
Dây cáp điện
Đối với tải khác nhau, chúng tôi sử dụng các loại cáp điện khác nhau và trong mỗi dự án điện, chúng tôi sử dụng kích thước cáp liên quan đến tải. Ví dụ, đối với điều hòa không khí, chúng tôi sử dụng cáp 4 mm rất tốt cho việc này, tuy nhiên, nếu chúng tôi sử dụng 2,5 mm thì nó sẽ không tốt cho mọi thời đại. Trong sơ đồ trên, tôi đã gieo cáp điện với kích thước tính bằng mm trong đó là cáp điện 6 mm hoặc 8 mm, 4 mm, 2,5mm và 1,5mm.
Kết nối trái đất
Kết nối trái đất là rất quan trọng trong công nghệ dây điện / điện. Trong sơ đồ trên được hiển thị biểu tượng trái đất và tôi đã chỉ ra cách thực hiện nối dây đất hoặc nối đất .
Ampe kế và cuộn dây CT
Đồng hồ đo ampe là vô cùng cần thiết trong bảng phân phối do kết quả của thiết bị này đã cho thấy dòng điện tổng thể (Ampe) thu được toàn bộ mạch hoặc tải của toàn bộ mạch. Tôi thậm chí đã chỉ ra trong sơ đồ cao hơn một cách để nối dây đo độ liên kết với thiết bị điện hiện tại CT, nhưng để hiểu rõ hơn, hãy truy cập liên kết dưới đây.
Làm thế nào để dây mét với thiết bị điện hiện tại cuộn dây CT?
Vôn kế / Đồng hồ đo điện áp Tôi thậm chí đã chỉ ra hệ thống dây điện của đồng hồ trong bảng D chính. trong mạch D chính, đồng hồ đo bảng ngắt có thể là một liên kết quan trọng do kết quả của việc này làm cho Hoa Kỳ hiểu được điện áp nhận vào mạch. Ngoài ra duyệt bên dưới.
Làm thế nào để dây mét cho cung cấp một phần?
Bóng đèn chỉ báo Các chỉ báo này tạo ra bảng tuyệt đẹp nhất và đơn giản để nắm bắt về việc nhận cung cấp điện nếu hầu hết bảng cung cấp bắt đầu chỉ báo cho thấy việc cung cấp bằng bóng đèn phát sáng.
Các bạn có thể xem cụ thể video hướng dẫn tại đây
Theo tác giả biên dịch : Ý Khoa – Nguồn Earthbondhon | Công nghệ điện Tumblr
Bạn có thể tìm trên google bằng từ khoá liên quan: cách lắp công tơ điện 1 pha
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The Dual boot Ryzen battlestation Workspace
Here are some of the products that make this workspace an Amazing Workspace:
Microsoft B2M-00012 Natural Ergo Keybd 4000
Corsair Gaming MM300 Anti-Fray Cloth Gaming Mouse Pad, Extended
Dell UltraSharp U3011 30" Monitor
Corsair Air Series SP 120 LED White High Static Pressure Fan Cooling - single pack
SanDisk SSD Plus 480GB 2.5-Inch SDSSDA-480G-G25 (Old Version)
Phanteks 24 Pin/ 8pin (4+4) M/B, 8pin (6+2) PCI-E Extension Cable Kit 500mm Length, White (PH-CB-CMBO_WT)
Hikvision DS-2CD2T42WD-I5 4mm Bullet POE Camera, White
XFX Hard Swap Fan Kit - Blue
XFX RX-480P8DFA6 AMD Radeon GTR 8GB GDDR5 DVI/HDMI/3Displayport PCI-Express Video Card
Ubuntu 16.10 [Latest 2016] Long Term Support 8GB USB Flash Drive
NZXT CBW-11SATA 450mm MOLEX to SATA Power Cable Cord White Braided Sleeving
Logitech clearchat Comfort/USB Headset H390
AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Processor with Wraith Spire LED Cooler (YD1700BBAEBOX)
Corsair Vengeance K95 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, Cherry Red (CH-9000020-NA)
NETGEAR 5-Port Gigabit Switch (GS605NA)
Dell UltraSharp U3014 30-Inch PremierColor Monitor
Ikea 8-drawer dresser, black-brown 2028.52620.230
Corsair Air Series AF120 LED Quiet Edition High Airflow Fan Single Pack - White
Nzxt GRID+V2, 12V Digital Fan Controller with Molex 4-Pin connector (AC-GRDP2-M1 )
Corsair Vengeance LED 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 3000 (PC4-24000) C15 for DDR4 Systems - Blue LED PC Memory (CMU16GX4M2C3000C15B)
XFX RADEON RX 480 8GB Custom Tuned OC Graphics Card w/ Backplate (RX480M8BFA6)
Corsair Corsair Air Series AF140 LED Quiet Edition High Airflow Fan - White
ASUS Prime X370-Pro AMD Ryzen AM4 DDR4 DP HDMI M.2 USB 3.1 ATX X370 Motherboard with AURA Sync RGB Lighting
Corsair CS Series, CS550M, 550 Watt (550W), Semi Modular Power Supply, 80+ Gold Certified
NZXT S340 Elite ATX Mid Tower Computer Case, Matte Black/Red (CA-S340W-B4)
Raspberry Pi Sense HAT - AstroPi
Logitech G700s 910-003584 Rechargeable Gaming Mouse
ESP8266 IoT Starter Kit with OLED display for Arduino IDE - Weather Station - Plane Spotter - World Clock
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3000MHz C15 Desktop Memory Kit - Black (CMK16GX4M2B3000C15)
Windows 8.1 Pro System Builder OEM DVD 64-Bit
SanDisk SSD PLUS 480GB Solid State Drive (SDSSDA-480G-G26) [Newest Version]
Replacement Satellite Speaker for Cambridge Soundworks PCWorks FourPointSurround by Henry Kloss
Asunflower Ftdi USB to Serial / Rs232 Console Rollover Cable for Cisco Routers - Rj45
2017 HP Envy 15.6" x360 2-in-1 Convertible Full HD IPS Touchscreen Laptop| Intel Core i7-7500U | 12GB RAM | 1TB HDD | Backlit Keyboard | Bluetooth | HDMI | B&O Play | Windows 10 (Silver)
Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920, Widescreen Video Calling and Recording, 1080p Camera, Desktop or Laptop Webcam
BitFenix Alchemy Multisleeve 30cm SATA 3.0 Cable
NZXT CA-S340W-W2 S340 Elite ATX Mid Tower Case, White
2 notes
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Related SIM: https://ift.tt/2H8UHdL */ #bia-hcb-widget .a-button-text { font-family: Arial,sans-serif !important; } /*This class was added to remove star ratings from Shared Component's templates. Star ratings are currently not configurable. This will work as an immediate solution. TODO: Work with shared components to make star ratings configurable in their Shared View Templates */ #bia_content .a-icon-row { display: none; } #bia-hcb-widget .a-icon-row { display: none; } #bia_content { width: 266px; } .nav-flyout-sidePanel { width: 266px !important; } .aui-atc-button { margin-top: 3px; overflow: hidden; color: #111; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; } .bia-item .bia-action-button:hover { border-color: #aeb4bd #adadad #9fa5af; background: #e0e3e8; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e7eaf0, #d9dce1); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #e7eaf0), color-stop(100%, #d9dce1)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e7eaf0, #d9dce1); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #e7eaf0, #d9dce1); background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #e7eaf0, #d9dce1); background: linear-gradient(top, #e7eaf0, #d9dce1); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#e7eaf0', endColorstr='#d9dce1',GradientType=0); 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callOnVisible.register(featureEl, function () { p13nLogger.logAction({ action: 'view', featureElement: featureEl, replicateAsinImpressions: true }); }); }; AmazonUIPageJS.when('p13n-sc-logger', 'p13n-sc-call-on-visible') .execute(function(p13nLogger, callOnVisible) { registerToLog(p13nLogger, callOnVisible);}); }; }); })(window.$Nav); //# sourceURL=bia-hcb-js.mi
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Mi Notebook 14 Intel Core i5-10210U 10th Gen Thin and Light Laptop(8GB/256GB SSD/Windows 10/Intel UHD Graphics/Silver/1.5Kg), XMA1901-FC+Webcam
5.0 out of 5 stars 4
HP 14 Pentium Gold 14-inch Thin and Light Laptop (4GB/256GB SSD/Windows 10 Home/MS Office/Jet Black/1.47 kg), 14q-cs0025TU
4.2 out of 5 stars 128
HP Pavilion x360 Core i3 8th Gen 14-inch Touchscreen 2-in-1 Thin and Light Laptop (4GB/256GB SSD/Windows 10/MS Office/Inking Pen/Natural Silver/1.59 kg), 14-dh0107TU
4.0 out of 5 stars 322
₹ 43,990.00
ASUS VivoBook X507UF-EJ300T Intel Core i5 8th Gen 15.6-inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (8GB RAM/1TB HDD/Windows 10/2GB NVIDIA GeForce MX130 Graphics/FP Reader/1.68 kg), Icicle Gold
3.1 out of 5 stars 210
Lenovo Ideapad S145 AMD RYZEN 3 3200U 15.6-inch FHD Laptop (4GB/1TB/Windows 10/Office 2019/Grey/1.85Kg),81UT001CIN
3.4 out of 5 stars 384
Lenovo Ideapad Slim 3i 10th Gen Intel Core i3 14 inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (8GB/256GB/Windows 10/MS Office/Grey/1.6Kg), 81WD0045IN
3.6 out of 5 stars 22
₹ 38,490.00
ASUS VivoBook 15 X512FA-EJ373T Intel Core i3 10th Gen 15.6-inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (4GB RAM/512GB NVMe SSD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/Backlit KB/FP Reader/1.70 Kg), Peacock Blue
4.1 out of 5 stars 12
₹ 38,390.00
Lenovo Legion Y540 Intel Core i5 9th Gen 15.6 inch FHD Gaming Laptop (8GB/1TB + 256 GB SSD/Windows 10/4GB GTX 1650 Graphics/Black/2.3Kg), 81SY00SNIN
₹ 63,990.00
DELL Inspiron 3493 14-inch Laptop (10th Gen i3-10110U/4GB/256GB SSD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics), Platinum Silver
3.1 out of 5 stars 6
₹ 34,990.00
Lenovo Ideapad S340 10th Generation Intel Core i3 14 inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (8GB/256 GB/Windows 10/MS Office/Platinum Grey/1.69Kg), 81VV00JFIN
4.2 out of 5 stars 85
₹ 39,990.00
Lenovo Ideapad S145 AMD A6-9225 15.6 inch HD Thin and Light Laptop (4GB/1TB/Windows 10/Grey/1.85Kg), 81N30063IN
3.4 out of 5 stars 586
₹ 26,489.00
ASUS VivoBook 15 M509DA-EJ582T AMD Quad Core Ryzen 5-3500U 15.6-inch FHD Compact and Light Laptop (8GB RAM/1TB HDD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.9 kg), Slate Gray
3.6 out of 5 stars 24
₹ 38,990.00
HP 14 8th Gen Intel Core i5 Processor (8GB/256GB SSD/Windows 10 Home/Microsoft Office), 14-cs1002TU
4.1 out of 5 stars 90
₹ 49,990.00
HP Pavilion x360 Core i7 8th Gen 14-inch Touchscreen 2-in-1 FHD Thin and Light Laptop (16GB/512GB SSD/Windows 10/MS Office/2GB Graphics/Mineral Silver/1.59 kg), 14- dh0045TX
4.3 out of 5 stars 57
₹ 84,990.00
Lenovo Ideapad S145 AMD A9-9425 15.6 inch HD Laptop (4GB/1TB/Windows 10/MS Office/Grey/1.85Kg), 81N300KTIN
3.8 out of 5 stars 8
ASUS VivoBook X510QA-EJ201T AMD Quad Core A12-9720P 15.6-inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (8GB RAM/512GB NVMe SSD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.70 kg), Grey
3.9 out of 5 stars 34
₹ 34,880.00
Lenovo Ideapad S145 AMD A6-9225 15.6 inch HD Thin and Light Laptop (4GB/256 GB SSD/Windows 10/Office 2019/Grey/1.85Kg), 81N300J1IN
3.4 out of 5 stars 22
HP 15 10th Gen Intel Core i5 Processor 15.6-inch FHD Laptop (8GB/1TB HDD/Win 10 Home/MS Office/Finger Print Reader/Natural Silver), 15s du1034TU
3.7 out of 5 stars 17
₹ 53,990.00
Apple MacBook Pro (16-inch, 16GB RAM, 512GB Storage, 2.6GHz 9th Gen Intel Core i7) - Space Grey
4.4 out of 5 stars 83
₹ 1,89,905.00
HP 15 Athlon Dual Core 15.6 inch Laptop (4 GB/1 TB HDD/Windows 10 Home/Jet Black/1.7 kg/with MS Office) 15-db1066AU
3.5 out of 5 stars 393
₹ 26,930.00
DELL Inspiron 3593 15.6-inch FHD Laptop (10th Gen Core i3-1005G1/8GB/1TB HDD/Windows 10 Home + MS Office/Intel HD Graphics), Platinum Silver
1.0 out of 5 stars 1
₹ 42,890.00
Acer Aspire 3 Thin AMD A4 15.6-inch Laptop (4GB/1TB HDD/Windows 10/Charcoal Black/1.9kg), A315-22
3.0 out of 5 stars 241
₹ 21,831.00
HP Pavilion 15-cs3006tx 15.6-inch Laptop (10th Gen i5-1035G1/8GB/1TB HDD + 256GB SSD/Windows 10, Home/2 GB Graphics), Mineral Silver
4.0 out of 5 stars 37
₹ 65,490.00
Lenovo Ideapad S145 81W800E9IN 15.6-inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (10th Gen i5-1035G1/8GB/512GB SSD/Windows 10/Microsoft Office 2019/Integrated Graphics), Grey
3.4 out of 5 stars 22
₹ 51,990.00
Lenovo IdeaPad S540 81NG002BIN 15.6-inch FHD IPS Thin and Light Laptop (10th Gen CORE I5-10210U/8GB/1TB HDD + 256GB SSD/Windows 10/Microsoft Office/2GB Graphics), Mineral Grey
4.2 out of 5 stars 110
₹ 63,990.00
ASUS VivoBook X510QA-EJ202T AMD Quad Core A12-9720P 15.6-inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (8GB RAM/512GB NVMe SSD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.70 kg), Gold
4.0 out of 5 stars 6
₹ 30,990.00
Apple MacBook Air (13-inch, 8GB RAM, 128GB Storage, 1.8GHz Intel Core i5) - Silver
4.4 out of 5 stars 2,591
HP 14 8th Gen Intel Core i3 Processor 14-inch HD Laptop (8GB/256GB SSD/Win10 Home/MS Office H&S Edition/Jet Black), 14q cs0029TU
4.2 out of 5 stars 572
ASUS TUF Gaming FX505DT 15.6" FHD 120Hz Laptop GTX 1650 4GB Graphics (Ryzen 5-3550H/8GB RAM/512GB PCIe SSD/Windows 10/Stealth Black/2.20 Kg), FX505DT-AL106T
4.3 out of 5 stars 722
₹ 58,990.00
HP Pavilion x360 Core i3 10th Gen 14-inch HD Touchscreen 2-in-1 Alexa Enabled Laptop (4GB/256GB SSD/Windows 10/MS Office/Inking Pen/Natural Silver/1.59 kg), 14-dh1006TU
3.8 out of 5 stars 119
₹ 48,601.00
ASUS VivoBook 14 X409FA-EK342T Intel Core i3 8th Gen 14-inch FHD Compact and Light Laptop (4GB RAM/1TB HDD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.60 kg), Slate Grey
3.7 out of 5 stars 151
₹ 30,919.00
HP 10th Gen Intel Core i3 15.6-inch Laptop (i3-1005G1/4GB/512GB SSD/Windows 10 Home/MS Office/Natural Silver/1.77kg), 15s fr1004tu
3.9 out of 5 stars 369
2 offers from ₹ 44,544.00
Acer Nitro 5 AN515-54 15.6-inch FHD IPS Display Gaming Notebook(9th Gen Intel Core i5-9300H processor/8GB/1TB/Windows 10 Home 64 bit/4GB GTX 1650 Graphics), Obsidian Black
3.4 out of 5 stars 12
ASUS VivoBook 15 M509DA-EJ581T AMD Quad Core Ryzen 5-3500U 15.6-inch FHD Compact and Light Laptop (8GB RAM/1TB HDD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.9 kg), Transparent Silver
3.9 out of 5 stars 36
₹ 39,990.00
ASUS VivoBook 14 X409UA-EK362TS Intel Core i3 7th Gen 14-inch FHD Compact and Light Laptop (4GB RAM/256GB NVMe SSD/Windows 10/MS-Office 2019/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.60 kg), Slate Grey
3.7 out of 5 stars 151
₹ 31,990.00
ASUS VivoBook 14 X409FA-EK341T Intel Core i3 8th Gen 14-inch FHD Compact and Light Laptop (4GB RAM/1TB HDD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.60 kg), Transparent Silver
3.7 out of 5 stars 151
₹ 31,100.00
ASUS VivoBook 14 X409UA-EK361TS Intel Core i3 7th Gen 14-inch FHD Compact and Light Laptop (4GB RAM/256GB NVMe SSD/Windows 10/MS-Office 2019/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.60 kg), Transparent Silver
3.7 out of 5 stars 151
₹ 31,990.00
Lenovo Ideapad S145 AMD Ryzen 3 3200U 15.6 inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (4GB/1TB HDD/Windows 10/Grey/1.85Kg), 81UT00KWIN
₹ 26,890.00
DELL Inspiron 5584 Laptop 15.6-inch FHD (8th Gen Core i5-8265U/8GB/2TB HDD/Windows 10 + MS Office/2GB NVIDIA Graphics), Silver
₹ 51,037.00
ASUS ZenBook UX430UA-GV573T Intel Core i5 8th Gen 14-inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (8GB RAM/256GB SSD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/1.30 kg), Gold
4.6 out of 5 stars 17
₹ 45,990.00
HP 15s Laptop (Ryzen 3-3200U/4GB/512GB SSD/Win 10/Microsoft Office 2019/ 1.77 kg) 15s-eq0063AU
4.2 out of 5 stars 99
₹ 32,990.00
Lenovo Ideapad S145 8th Generation Intel Core i3 15.6 inch FHD Thin and Light Laptop (4GB/256 GB SSD/Windows 10/Office 2019/Grey/1.85Kg), 81VD008NIN
4.1 out of 5 stars 99
₹ 34,490.00
Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Intel Core i5 10th Gen 14-inch Full HD Thin and Light Laptop (8GB RAM/ 1TB HDD + 128GB SSD/ Windows 10 Home/ Microsoft Office Home & Student 2019/ Black/ 1.77 kg), 20RAS0KY00
3.4 out of 5 stars 14
₹ 59,990.00
Mi Notebook 14 Intel Core i5-10210U 10th Gen Thin and Light Laptop(8GB/512GB SSD/Windows 10/Intel UHD Graphics/Silver/1.5Kg), XMA1901-FA+Webcam
5.0 out of 5 stars 3
ASUS VivoBook 15 M509DA-EJ561T AMD Quad Core Ryzen 5-3500U 15.6-inch FHD Compact and Light Laptop (4GB RAM/256GB NVMe SSD/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics/FP Reader/1.9 kg), Transparent Silver
3.8 out of 5 stars 30
₹ 34,490.00
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Pokemon Masters Tier List - The Best Sync Pairs
Pokemon Masters, like many other popular mobile games at this point, feature dozens of units players can collect - with some being noticeably better than others. Weakness and resistance values can make identifying the best difficult at times, as each and every unit can be better or worse than another depending on the situation.
As the game lives and breathes with the introduction of new units over time, tier lists like this one are always subject to change. This Pokemon Masters tier list should be used as a guideline only, alerting you to some of the more versatile and sought-after units in the game with a brief explanation of how to get the most out of those pulls.
Pokemon Masters splits units into different roles, so we've highlighted the three current S-Tier sync pairs:
The Best Pokemon Masters Physical Strike Sync Pairs
The "sweeper" style of play has long been popular in competitive mainstream Pokemon titles, so we're starting things off with the strongest physical attackers in the game.
Olivia & Lycanroc
Olivia's Lycanroc takes the crown here thanks to its incredible raw attack and easy access to a 100% Crit Chance move. It's a single target spammer, so it's best to bring Lycanroc out for boss fights rather than easier trainer battles where AoE moves will speed things up. With plenty of access to self-buff techniques, Lycanroc can take care of itself so long as you take care of any Special Strikers before they can exploit the Sp. Def Lycanroc sacrifices while buffing up.
To get Lycanroc up to its full potential, you'll need to unlock both Stone Edge and it's Hard as Diamonds! buff to patch up Stone Edge's middling accuracy and reach that 100% crit cap. If you have the extra items, unlocking the Amped Up! passive will let Lycanroc boost its Speed with each crit - a dangerous combination indeed. Rolling in with Support units can help buff its stats even further.
Noland & Mega Pinser
With similar power and buff potential, the only reason Mega Pinser isn't above Lycanroc is the necessity to Mega Evolve in each match to reach its full potential. With the right set-up, this can be sped up considerably; but Noland & Mega Pinser still require a little time to get going. Once they do, they're a force to be reckoned with.
As it takes some time to set up, pairing Mega Pinser with bulky support units it almost mandatory. Phoebe & Dusclops or Hilbert & Oshawott are fine choices due to their ability to further boost Pinser's attack on the way there and can quickly replenish the move gauge to keep Pinser on the offensive.. You only really need to unlock Bring it On! for Pinser to shine, but X-Scissor will obviously have its benefits.
Brendan & Treeko
Despite confirming the odd decision for only female main protagonists to have starter evolutions, Brendan & Treeko have managed to climb to the top of the Physical Striker tier list. Treeko can burn through three chunks of the move gauge to boost its offensive stats to the max, with Leaf Storm, it's choice move, eating up just as much. It's a greedy creature, but one easily capable of taking down multiple targets and exploiting both Physical and Special defence gaps thanks to its moveset.
Getting the most out of Brendan & Treeko will depend on really committing to its growth through the move gauge, which requires unlocking No Turning Back! and Leaf Storm. Having Rosa & Serperior or Phoebe & Dusclops on your side can help keep things flowing. Buffing its Accuracy can help avoid wasting a large chunk of the move gauge on a bad Leaf Storm.
The Best Pokemon Masters Special Striker Sync Pairs
Much like the Physical Striker, Special Strikers excel in dealing large amounts of damage - usually at the cost of personal bulk.
Blue & Mega Pidgeot
The introduction of Blue & Mega Pidgeot has shaken things up a tad since the beta release in August, earning the pair a top slot with ease. Mega Pidgeot isn't entirely dependant on its mega evolution thanks to some powerful AoE strikes, but it certainly helps boost the creature above the competition. One AoE can inflict Confuse, while the other has a high natural crit rate.
Mega Pidgeon's set-up lends to longer fights over shorter ones. Unlocking both Smell Ya Later! and Hurricane are essential. You can patch the latter's low Accuracy by bringing a unit capable of making it rain if you're unable to unlock the former.
Karen & Mega Houndoom
According to GamePress, Mega Houndoom can be bested by even some promoted 3-star units at times, but even normal Houndoom is all you'll need to have a unit ready to take on the big leagues. This makes Houndoom a bit of a hybrid in terms of its role. As it can lower a target's stats and potentially cause Flinch, it's a powerful asset for stopping an opponent's main Pokemon in its tracks.
You'll want to unlock both Dark Pulse and Entertain Me! to allow Houndoom quick access to its mega evolution and interrupt targets with powerful strikes. Don't worry about unlocking its passives.
Hau & Alolan Raichu
This decision might not be reflected on other tier lists, but Hau & Alolan Raichu were quite the powerhouse duo in early access. Alolan Raichu was frequently seen clearing the highest level content available at the time - its powerful AoE moves catapulting it up the usability list.
Maximizing Alolan Raichu depends on keeping your resident tank on the field. What Raichu lacks in HP it more than makes up for with Speed and overall DPS. Discharge is the main unlock here, but Feel the Alolan Breeze! can keep it fast on its feet and award the the evasiveness it'll need to dodge death once a tank goes down. The earlier you pull this unit, the easier a vast majority of the content will be.
The Best Pokemon Masters Tech Sync Pairs
Tech units specialize in punishing their targets with a barrage of status ailments. It isn't unusual for them to then carve out extra damage with their sync moves against inflicted foes, but paired with a matching Striker, Tech units can pin strong targets in place while another knocks them out of the field.
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
By no means the single greatest Tech unit in the game, the exciting thing about Crasher Wake & Floatzel is their 3-star base potential. You'll have to juice the pair up to push the envelope here, but having such easy access to a versatile tech unit can't be ignored.
Floatzel can inflict a dizzying amount of ailments, with passives that can up the chance of these, too. After unlocking Water Pulse, Floatzel can inflict both Flinch and Confuse, with Aggravation 1 boosting those odds. If you really need to use its Flinch-punishing sync move on a target, its Crit and Attack buffs can allow for a devastating blow.
Koga & Crobat
Crobat isn't the most exciting unit in the game, but semi-rare typing and access to the "Badly Poisoned" affliction opens up a few interesting strategies.
Having something be Badly Poisoned can break away large portions of a health pool once it gets going, making it great for melting through tougher targets like boss units. The evasiveness afforded with Move like a Shadow! and Speed boost of X Speed should allow Crobat to hang around as toss Poison at multiple targets. It can then take advantage of this with Venoshock or its sync move, but this shouldn't be necessary unless you're looking at a type advantage.
Agatha & Mega Gengar
Gengar shines even without its mega evolution due to the usefulness of its numerous applications. It can inflict Paralysis with Lick and Sleep with Hypnosis even before triggering a mega evolution, potentially saving a sync move for a more powerful unit on your team.
But Mega Gengar's stat boosts make it a viable Tech/Striker able to rival even dedicated top-tier strikers. At 4-star base potential, it's an uncommon pull that can fill in for any eventual 5-star once you unlock Shadow Ball.
Alt Pick: Sophocles & Togedemaru
These guys can be an excellent crowd control pair as they have a move called "Nuzzle" that inflicts paralysis on its target 100% of the time. This is especially useful if you're fighting an opponent who's stronger than you. “The Power of Science!” drastically raises Togedemaru’s Attack and Speed, making them a good Offensive Sync Pair. There's also a chance to inflict 'Flinch', but it's less consistent.
The Best Pokemon Masters Support Sync Pairs
Support units specialize in keeping the rest of the team fighting fit, not through healing traditionally, but tanking hits with their high bulk and buffing allies to hold their own.
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusclops really shine in co-op, but they're incredibly capable solo units, too. Access to Dire Hit All boosts the team's crit rate, while Shadow Punch's "Sure Hit" bonus can help get rid of any Pokemon that has been allowed to stockpile evasiness.
Dusclops really begins to shine once Unbreakable Bonds! is unlocked, gifting a bigger team Attack buff and move gauge replenish as its HP drops. Given its a natural tank, firing this off before Dusclops bows out can really turn the tables. If going co-op, be sure to unlock the Pass It On passive, which allows Dusclops to give half its buffs to whichever Pokemon replaces it in battle.
Rosa & Serperior
A unit everyone unlocks through the story, Rosa & Serperior simply need some love and attention to carry you to victory. You'll need to evolve the base Snivy to reach peak performance, but it's always worth the effort.
Serperior pairs well with Special Strike units due to its invaluable Sp. Atk. boosts, which are unlocked from the start. You'll absolutely want to unlock "Time to Energize!" for the massive three move gauge replenishment, which will allow any team to rattle off powerful attacks or build up a sync move more easily. If you struggle to find an alternative tank, consider unlocking Giga Drain to keep it on the field a little longer.
Hilbert & Oshawott
While not actually available at the time of writing, Oshawott can be considered the Attack variant of Serperior. High bulk, Attack buffs based on lost HP, and X Speed All can push Physical Strikers beyond their base stats with ease.
Unlike Serperior, Oshawott has no way of healing itself, creating a time limit of sorts on the match. Where this helps is that Oshawott only needs a single unlock on In This Together to become a viable team asset. X Speed All should ramp up the time to victory, but you'll need suitable physical attackers to make this most of this tiny sea creature.
So there you have it; a handy list of some of Pokemon Masters' best units. As we mentioned above, each and every unit in the game has its uses, but we feel these are the Pokemon you'll want to hunt down for the smoothest in-game experience. Some will need a spot of luck, whereas others will join you on the story, proving that no matter where they come from, every unit serves a distinct purpose with the right strategy.
Alt Pick: Lyra & Meganium
As an alternative to the above, newcomers Lyra & Chikorita (you will need to evolve to Meganium) might be worth consideration as an alternative to Rose/Serperior. Chikorita has a support skill to boost all of Sp Atk, Stk and speed which can apply to the whole team, making her an excellent anchor to build a team around. Also, when the weather is sunny, Sunny Side Up! is more effective. Further to that this team has one of the highest HP amongst all the sync pairs, making her an surprisingly effective Tank. Light Screen can reduce damage from Sp. Atk and she is strong against Sp. Strikers.
Do you have any sync pair recommendations? Let us know in the comments!
Pokemon Masters Tier List - The Best Sync Pairs published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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機械学習におけるDifferential Privacyについて
最近Tensorflowが実装を公開するなど注目を集めている、機械学習+Differential Privacyという研究分野があります。これはDifferential Privacyと呼ばれる技術を使って、機械学習におけるトレーニングデータのプライバシを保護しようというものです。 本記事では、この研究分野でどのようなことが行われているのかについて書きたいと思います。
まずはじめに、Differential Privacyの概念と定義について簡単に説明したいと思います。 より詳しい説明は、[1]や[2]などがわかりやすいです。
Differential Privacy(DP)はDworkによって考案された[3]概念で、あるデータセットに対する解析結果を公開する場合にそのデータのプライバシはどの程度保護されているのか、という問題を取り扱います。 Dworkはこれをパラメータεを用いて以下のように定義しました。
ここでDはデータセット、Mはこれに対する操作、SはMにより出力されうる値の集合の任意のサブセットです。 またD'はDと1レコードだけ違う、すなわちDに隣接したデータセットです。 Mがあるεに対し上式を満たす時Mはε-Differential Privacyを満たすといいます。 なんとなく式だけでは理解しにくいですが、直感的には「DとD'は1レコード分異なるはずであるがこれらに対する出力には差がない、すなわちこの1レコードのプライバシは保護されている」ということを言いたいのだと理解するとよさそうです[1]。このとき、εの値が小さければ小さいほど制限が強くなり、より強くプライバシが保護されるということになります。 このようなことを実現するためには、一般的にLaplacian NoiseやGaussian Noiseなどを解析結果に加えるということが行われます。 これにより出力が確定的に決まることを避けつつ、ノイズを加えた結果が本来のデータセットに対する操作の結果とかけ離れすぎないようにすることで、プライバシを保護しながらデータセットを解析できることが期待されます。
Deep Learningの文脈でのDP
Deep Learningでは多くの場合学習に大量のデータを必要とします。もしこれが個人情報などのセンシティブなデータを含んでいる場合には、当然それらのプライバシが問題となってきます。このような背景のもと、生成されたモデルがDPを満たすように訓練する手法が活発に研究されています。例えば、[4]では確率的勾配降下法(Stochastic Gradient Descent, SGD)をDPを満たすように改変したDifferentially Private SGD(DPSGD)を用いる手法が提案されています。 (DPSGDの概要。([5]のFigure 2.))
図からもわかる通り、通常のSGDと異なる点は勾配を用いてパラメータを更新する前に勾配を一定のノルムでclipすることと、さらにそこにGaussian Noiseを加えることです。ε-Differential Privacyを満たすためにはこのノイズの強度などのパラメータをどのように設定すればいいかなどが論文中で議論されています。
また直接勾配にノイズを加えて学習するのではなく、Knowledge Transferを利用し教師モデルのアンサンブルによってDPを満たすPrivate Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles(PATE)という手法も提案されています[6]。 (PATEの概要。([6]のFigure 1.))
この手法ではセンシティブなデータとそうでないデータがあるという���定の元、まずセンシティブデータを分割しそれぞれでモデルを訓練します。 次にこれらのモデルの多数決にノイズを加えたものを教師モデルとして、センシティブでないデータを用いて生徒モデルを訓練します。 これにより、生徒モデルの学習にセンシティブデータは直接利用されておらず、ノイズが加えられているためDPも満たしているということになるようです。(εの値に関しての議論もなされています)
ここまでご紹介してきたように学習データのプライバシを保護するためにDPを応用する手法が研究されていますが、逆にDeep Learningにおいて学習データのプライバシはどのように侵害されうるのか?についても研究が進められています。(もし仮に誰もプライバシを侵害できないなら、プライバシ保護にコストをかける理由は薄れるでしょう。) このようなものとしては、モデルから学習データを復元するModel Inversion [7]、あるデータが学習用データセットに含まれていたかどうかを推測するMembership Inference [8]、学習データに特定のプロパティを持つものが含まれていたかどうかを推測するProperty Inference [9]などが提案されています。 (顔画像の分類を行うモデルから学習データを復元したもの(左)と元の学習データ(右)([7]のFigure 1.))
上で述べたような攻撃に対し、モデルがε-DPを満たしていればその防御策になるといったことは考えられますが、実際にどの程度のεであればどの程度攻撃を緩和できるのか、といった評価についての報告は(私の知る限り)あまり多くはありません。 DPの定義より、よりεが小さくなるようにすればより攻撃を防げるようになるはずですが、本来のタスクに対する精度も低下すると考えられます。
[6]では[4]で提案されたDPSGDによってDPを満たしたモデルに対しMembership Inference攻撃を行うという設定で、εの値が攻撃成功率にどの程度影響を与えるか、またそのときテスト精度にはどの程度影響を与えるかという評価実験の結果が報告されています。 (CIFAR-10で学習したモデルに対するMembership Inferenceの成功率([6]のfigure 4(a)))
確かにεを小さくするとMembership Inferenceの成功率が下がっていることがわかります(Membership Inferenceはあるデータが学習データに含まれるか否かの2値分類なので、ベースラインが50%)。 しかし一方で、CIFAR-10のテストセットの認識精度はDPを適用しないモデル、ε=8、ε=1でそれぞれ94%、68%、24%となったことも報告されており(Table 3)、εを小さくしすぎると著しく本来の機能が損なわれるということがわかります。
このように、現状ではプライバシの保護を優先すれば精度が損なわれてしまう(逆もしかり)という状態のようです。 これらの技術を実際のアプリケーション等に使うためには、εと精度のよりよいトレードオフを追求する必要がありそうです。
[1] 注目のプライバシー Differential Privacy https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jssst/29/4/29_4_40/_pdf
[2] 差分プライバシーとは何か? (定義 & 解釈編) https://www.slideshare.net/kentarominami39/ss-64088396
[3] C. Dwork. Differential Privacy. In ICALP 2006, 2006.
[4] M. Abadi, A. Chu, I. Goodfellow, B. McMahan, I. Mironov, K. Talwar, and L. Zhang. Deep learning with differential privacy. In 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security(ACM CCS), pp. 308–318, 2016.
[5] M. A. Rahman, T. Rahman, R. Laganiere, N. Mohammed, and Y. Wang. Membership inference attack against differentially private deep learning model. Transactions on Data Privacy, 11, 2018.
[6] N. Papernot, M. Abadi, Ú. Erlingsson, I. Goodfellow, and K. Talwar. Semi-supervised knowledge transfer for deep learning from private training data. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations, 2017.
[7] M. Fredrikson, S. Jha, and T. Ristenpart. Model inversion attacks that exploit confidence information and basic countermeasures. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM, 2015.
[8] R. Shokri, M. Stronati, C. Song, V. Shmatikov. Membership inference attacks against machine learning models. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). IEEE, 2017.
[9] K. Ganju, Q. Wang, W. Yang, C. A. Gunter, N. Borisov. Property Inference Attacks on Fully Connected Neural Networks using Permutation Invariant Representations, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM, 2018.
0 notes
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Phobia_officialアカウントさん「2022.11.12 名古屋ZION SETLIST https://t.co/9HNT4J5HhF」https://twitter.com/official_phobia/status/1591756694044168192
nao 首振りDollsさん「首振りDollsの原点回帰のような、はたまた新天地のような、絶妙なところで作品にしてもらいました。 たくさんのコメントお待ちしております。 隠し要素多いから何度でも観てね。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1591757394639745030
Ivy darknessさん「お買い上げたりがとうございます 明日ねー https://t.co/xWLrfQFaew」https://twitter.com/IVY_DOPE_SHOW/status/1591757692389175298
ジョニーダイアモンド首振りDollsさん「「童」 公開されました。 妖しい首振りDollsをご堪能ください」https://twitter.com/Tracisixteen/status/1591758196540313600
nao 首振りDollsさん「飛び出ちゃったら優しくしてあげてください。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1591759533818654720
nao 首振りDollsさん「良い仕事したのはこの男。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1591761652277739520
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SAP IBP with S&OP, DP and SP – Consultant Supply Chain with Deloitte
The position listed below is not with New York Interviews but with DeloitteNew York Interviews is a private organization that works in collaboration with government agencies to promote emerging careers. Our goal is to connect you with supportive resources to supplement your skills in order to attain your dream career. New York Interviews has also partnered with industry leading consultants & training providers that can assist during your career transition. We look forward to helping you reach your career goals! If you any questions please visit our contact page to connect with us directlyAre you looking for a career trajectory that few other organizations can offer in SAP? What about access to a high-quality portfolio of businesses and clients with opportunities to work across capabilities, industries, and geographies in roles and on projects aligned with your SAP Supply Chain skills? If this matches your interests and aspirations Deloitte may be right for you.Work you'll do Develop a global community of SAP Supply Chain practitioners across Deloitte Lead and support Supply Chain pursuits and Practice Development initiatives Deliver Supply Chain projects successfully Develop external eminence across the sub-capabilities in Supply Chain Promote and foster collaboration between Supply Chain practitioners in SAP and across Deloitte Promote an effective forum for sharing Supply Chain expertise Strengthen Deloitte's collective SCC knowledge, helping resolve our clients' supply chain challenges SAP Consultants align to various marketplace products. These solutions address business process areas in: Planning: APO - Advanced Planning and Optimization IBP - Integrated Business Planning Procurement: Ariba Manufacturing: MII - Manufacturing Intelligence and Integration MES - Manufacturing Execution System EWM - Extended Warehouse Management Enterprise Asset Management Transportation Management Aftermarket: SPP - Service Part Planning The teamThe full potential of SAP solutions isn't just about technology, it's also about driving sustainable business value. At Deloitte Consulting LLP, our SAP specialists deliver the technology and services to help our clients meet business performance goals and improve processes. As an SAP Global Partner we provide a broad range of consulting services, from HR, CRM and supply chain to finance transformation. Learn more about our SAP practiceRequired qualifications Functional/technical proficiency with at least 1+ full lifecycle SAP implementation and 2+ years of industry and/or consulting experience At least 2 years experience implementingSAP IBP with business process skills S&OP, DP and SP Experience defining systems strategy, developing systems requirements, designing and prototyping, testing, training, defining support procedures and implementing practical business solutions under multiple deadlines Adept at implementing technology-enabled business solutions for clients as part of a high-talent team Able to collaborate with clients and have a strong desire to excel Strong configuration and design skills Ability to travel 80-100% is REQUIRED Bachelor's degree or equivalent required Master's degree preferred How you'll growAt Deloitte, our professional development plan focuses on helping people at every level of their career to identify and use their strengths to do their best work every day. From entry-level employees to senior leaders, we believe there's always room to learn. We offer opportunities to help sharpen skills in addition to hands-on experience in the global, fast-changing business world. From on-the-job learning experiences to formal development programs at Deloitte University, our professionals have a variety of opportunities to continue to grow throughout their career. Explore Deloitte University, The Leadership Center.BenefitsAt Deloitte, we know that great people make a great organization. We value our people and offer employees a broad range of benefits. Learn more about what working at Deloitte can mean for you.Deloitte's cultureOur positive and supportive culture encourages our people to do their best work every day. We celebrate individuals by recognizing their uniqueness and offering them the flexibility to make daily choices that can help them to be healthy, centered, confident, and aware. We offer well-being programs and are continuously looking for new ways to maintain a culture where our people excel and lead healthy, happy lives. Learn more about Life at Deloitte.Corporate citizenshipDeloitte is led by a purpose: to make an impact that matters. This purpose defines who we are and extends to relationships with our clients, our people and our communities. We believe that business has the power to inspire and transform. We focus on education, giving, skill-based volunteerism, and leadership to help drive positive social impact in our communities. Learn more about Deloitte's impact on the world.Recruiter tipsWe want job seekers exploring opportunities at Deloitte to feel prepared and confident. To help you with your interview, we suggest that you do your research: know some background about the organization and the business area you're applying to. Check out recruiting tips from Deloitte professionals.#LI:PTY Associated topics: business, cost efficient, industrial engineer, manufacturing engineer, methods engineer, project, sap, supply, supply chain SAPIBPwithS&OP,DPandSP–Consultant(SupplyChain)withDeloitte
from Job Portal http://www.jobisite.com/extrJobView.htm?id=85920
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「ファンタシースター感謝祭2017 ONLINE」Part4
『PSO2』×DiCEコラボキャンペーン | ネットカフェダイス
イベント・キャンペーン | 『ファンタシースターオンライン2』プレイヤーズサイト
『PSO2』公式LINE@アカウント開設のお知らせ | 『ファンタシースターオンライン2』プレイヤーズサイト
「LINE公式スタンプ」に『PSO2』スタンプ第2弾が登場! | 『ファンタシースターオンライン2』プレイヤーズサイト
「1/72 A.I.S」の限定版「White Ver」発売決定
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】コトブキヤにて予約受付中の1/72プラモデル「A.I.S」「A.I.S Gray Ver.」に続き、限定版として塗装派に便利な白い「A.I.S White Ver.」が発売決定!ぜひ、放送で紹介ムービーをご覧ください! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/2UDMqPOccf
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】続いて新商品のご紹介!イベントや旅行にぴったりの『PSO2』キャリーケース3種が、本日から「セガストア」「セガモノショップ」にて受注予約開始!会場内の「PSO2 ミニミュージアム」にも展示していますので、ぜひご覧ください! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/4LcjYqzmEi
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
『PSO2』キャリーケース「アークス」 【完全受注生産】|セガSTORE
『PSO2』キャリーケース「マス��ットキャラ」 【完全受注生産】|セガSTORE
『PSO2』キャリーケース「クーナ」 【完全受注生産】|セガSTORE
Amazon.co.jp: 『PSO2』キャリーケース「クーナ」: ゲーム
Amazon.co.jp: 『PSO2』キャリーケース「アークス」: ゲーム
Amazon.co.jp: 『PSO2』キャリーケース「マスコットキャラ」: ゲーム
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】飲食コーナーでは「ピザーラ」さんとのコラボで、会場限定オリジナルピザ2種を、エンペ・ラッピーのオリジナルカートンに入れて販売中!こちらは各会場だけの限定販売となっているので、ぜひご賞味ください! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/VgNQd7k5UU
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】なんと、「PS感謝祭2017」決勝会場の来場者特典が「ピザーラ」さんとのコラボロビアク「ピザーラ」に決定しました!会場で販売中のピザをモチーフに、「ピザーラ」カートンを完全再現!8/12は有明コロシアムにぜひご来場ください! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/RhKCD19qvW
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
セガ ラッキーくじ「『PSO2』~ヒツギ覚醒編~」発売決定
ミュージックディスク「PSO2」イベント クール
ミュージックディスク「PSO2」イベント ヒツギ
ミュージックディスク「PSO2」イベント クール
ミュージックディスク「PSO2」イベント ヒツギ
ミュージックディスク「PSO2」イベント クール
ミュージックディスク「PSO2」イベント ヒツギ
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】8/4より順次セブン-イレブンにて販売される「セガラッキーくじ PSO2ヒツギ覚醒編」情報。景品とアイテムコードの内容をムービーでご紹介!会場内の「PSO2 ミニミュージアム」にも全景品を展示していますので、ぜひご覧ください! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/sedmE8lIiQ
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
『後藤人形』×『PSO2』コラボレーション情報! | 『ファンタシースターオンライン2』プレイヤーズサイト
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】新たな『PSO2』5周年記念プロジェクトは、「後藤人形」様とのコラボ!「マザー」をモチーフに日本の伝統文化である「日本人形」と『PSO2』の境界を超えたコラボ作品「月の光」は会場内の「PSO2 ミニミュージアム」に展示中! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/TQ7zmV3S5s
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】コーエーテクモゲームス「アトリエ」シリーズと『PSO2』のコラボが2017年秋ごろ実施予定!「不思議シリーズ」や「黄昏シリーズ」のコスチュームやアクセサリーがゲーム内に登場!続報にご期待ください!! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/tlIi4ppI7Q
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】一般販売を6/28に控えたTVアニメ「PSO2ジ アニメーション」キャラソンCD第2弾が、本日PS感謝祭2017東京会場にて先行販売中!なんとDFGの3人も歌います!全8トラックで、もちろん特典アイテムコード付き! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/VPQgBmzB7h
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】さらに、「PSO2オリジナルサウンドトラックVol.5」も、6/28の一般発売に先駆け本日PS感謝祭2017東京会場にて先行販売中!DISC4枚組の大ボリュームに、もちろん特典アイテムコード付き!詳細は画像で。 #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/6SpoQ3d9B2
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】続いて「PSO2オリジナルサウンドトラックVol.6」は、8/12のPS感謝祭2017決勝会場にて先行販売予定!「ラスベガス」「マザー(月)」のほか、「光の果て」も収録され、特典アイテムコードもミュージックディスクが大充実! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/0y162xl8vI
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
「PSO2 エピソード0」単行本発売決定
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】少年エースにて絶賛連載中の「PSO2 エピソード0」が、いよいよ7月にコミックス化が決定!コミックスにはゲーム内で使えるアイテムコードが付属!特典の詳細は6/26発売の少年エース8月号に掲載予定です。ご期待ください! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/f5Olryh06u
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】6/30発売の電撃G’sコミック8月号は「うえぽの!」単行本発売を記念して、出張版コミック掲載など「PSO2スペシャル特集」が掲載!さらに、ゲーム内アイテムコード付き!詳細は画像で。 #PSO2 #PSO2es pic.twitter.com/E1e56ReeXW
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
7月5日アップデート「ファンタシースター感謝祭2017 ONLINE」Part4
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】大型アップデート2017「Heroes:EPISODE5」が7/26開始!新キャッチコピー「集え、英雄!“伝説のPSO2”へ。」と、新クラス「ヒーロー」やヒロイン「ハリエット」、そして謎の男性の描かれた新ビジュアルが公開! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/XfPgSjn3hw
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】EP5ディレクターの濱﨑Dが「EPISODE5」についてご紹介していきます!まずは、コンセプトのご説明となります。 #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/n7Cn05rb3A
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】濱﨑Dによる「EPISODE5」ご紹介。続いて世界観のご説明です。ブラックホールの先には、戦乱渦巻く中世ファンタジーの異世界が!徒花「エフィメラ」によって召喚された【魔物種】との戦いが繰り広げられる!! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/FAln1IWoCF
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】濱﨑Dによる「EPISODE5」ご紹介。最後に「EP5新キャラクター」のご説明です。新たな世界と多彩なキャラクター達だけでなく、シャオやシエラなど見覚えのあるキャラクターや、なぜか彼の姿も…?! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/gcgdPO54YL
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】濱﨑Dによる「EPISODE5」ご紹介。続いて「バスタークエスト」のご説明です。「バスタークエスト」は、EP5のメインクエストとなる攻略性の高い常設クエスト!『PSO2』初の8人用マルチパーティークエストとなっている!! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/7SW6nkPFgj
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
【『PSO2 STATION!』放送中!】濱﨑Dによる「EPISODE5」ご紹介。続いて『PSO2』初の上級クラス「ヒーロー」のご説明です。「ヒーロー」は、打・射・法のすべてを極めたエキスパートクラス!これまでの武器が全く違う動きとなり、戦場での活躍が期待できる!! #PSO2 pic.twitter.com/qoStUqdX6K
— PhantasyStarOnline2 (@sega_pso2) 2017年6月10日
7/26配信予定 EPISODE5にて実施するバランス調整について | 『ファンタシースターオンライン2』プレイヤーズサイト
「Heroes:EPISODE5」にて実施するバランス調整について | 『ファンタシースターオンライン2』プレイヤーズサイト
★1~★3までの武器とユニットのドロップについて | 『ファンタシースターオンライン2』プレイヤーズサイト
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Utilizar un cargador adecuado para tu equipo es de vital importancia para su cuidado. Un adaptador que no cumpla con las características que necesita tu laptop, podría causarle daños en algunos casos irreparables. Por lo mismo saber qué cargador necesita y las diferencias entre los cargadores en el mercado, forman parte de la información que debes manejar en el momento de cotizar y utilizar estos tipos de productos.
Existen cuatro variantes que debes identificar a la hora de adquirir un cargador.
1.- Marca y modelo del equipo y/ó Número de Serie (Serial Number)
Generalmente se encuentra en una etiqueta visible en la parte posterior de la laptop. En algunas ocasiones es necesario retirar la batería para acceder a esta etiqueta.
*Service Tag en equipos Dell.
2.- Numero de parte (Part Number) del cargador
Aplica si tiene a mano el cargador original del equipo, son códigos que vienen impresos en las etiquetas del cargador.
●HP: SPS #####-###
●Toshiba: Model (PA*****-1ACA)
3.- Voltaje, Amperaje y Potencia
Es de suma importancia que te guíes por el voltaje, amperaje y potencia del cargador. Estos valores vienen en la etiqueta del equipo y del cargador original. Para seleccionar un cargador compatible debes saber la siguiente información:
Voltios: (Ejemplo 19v ó volts) (El reemplazo debe tener el mismo voltaje)
Amperios: (Ejemplo 3.42A ó amps) (El reemplazo tener igual ó mayor amperaje que el original)
Potencia: Es la multiplicación de Voltaje x Amperaje.
(Ejemplo: 19v x 3.42 = 65W ó watts) (Total de Watts debe ser igual ó mayor que el original)
Notas importantes: Mientras el voltaje sea el requerido y el amperaje sea igual ó mayor al que necesita el equipo no habrá ningún problema. El equipo solo consumirá el amperaje que necesite.
4.- Punta del conector
Existen colores y formas diferentes que te pueden ayudar a identificar el cargador adecuado, siempre verifica la punta que necesita tu modelo.
●Para algunos modelos HP puedes identificar la punta azul, con pin central, ovalada.
●Para algunas modelos Lenovo puedes identificar la punta amarilla rectangular.
En el mercado existen tres tipos:
●Originales: Diseñados por el fabricante de la marca.
●Genéricos/Homologados: Diseñados para la marca, pero no por el fabricante del equipo.
●Universales: Pueden ser utilizados en varias marcas y modelos.
Un cargador universal nunca será mejor que un Original ó Genérico de calidad; ya que estos son diseñados especialmente para la marca y el modelo de su equipo. Los cargadores universales poseen diferentes espigas para cada marca de laptop y/ó un seleccionador de voltaje por lo que una equivocación en el valor, podría causar daños tanto al adaptador mismo como a su equipo. En el caso de que cuente con un cargador universal, y este no cuente con voltaje automático su voltaje debe ser ajustado responsablemente y la punta elegida de acuerdo a las características de su equipo para evitar daños físicos. Este tipo de cargadores son recomendables en caso que no encuentre un reemplazo adecuado y/ó si está seguro de que nadie modificará el voltaje ó espiga dle equipo.
Sí, siempre y cuando sean de buena calidad, certificados y cuenten con respaldo y garantía del vendedor. Este tipo de cargadores es bueno en su relación costo/calidad.
Estos cargadores son una opción económica y segura si hace uso adecuado del mismo, teniendo cuidado con las horas de uso, almacenamiento y manipulación.
Para este tipo de cargadores dependiendo del fabricante su material estructural podría ser de menor costo y los cables un poco más débiles si se compara con algunos originales. La recomendación general para estos cargadores es no utilizarlo más de 8 horas seguidas, para que su vida útil sea más larga.
Encuentras fabulosas ofertas en MAXKON HYLB-1061B Adaptadore de alimentación de cargadores para . Envío gratis en artículos seleccionados. Tenemos la selección más grande y las mejores ofertas en adaptadores para . ¡Compra con confianza en portatilbaterias.com!
MAXKON HYLB-1061B Adaptadore para Maxkon SB-L160 SBL160 HYLB-1061B Raytheon Thermal Imager
Corriente de entrada:110-240V 50-60Hz
Voltaje de la salida:12V 1A-1.5A
Marcas :MAXKON
100% compatibles con el original.
Seguridad SSL,100% pago seguro.
30 días de devolución,1 año de garantía.
Protección de seguridad: sobrecarga, sobretensión y cortocircuito.
Compatible con:
Números de serie compatibles:
Maxkon SB-L160 SBL160 HYLB-1061B Raytheon Thermal Imager
Se me ha roto el MAXKON HYLB-1061B cargador del portátil ¿Y ahora que hago?
Si se te ha roto el cargador de tu ordenador portátil no te preocupes, porque es algo que le pasa a la mayoría de la gente, dado que los cargadores o transformadores son los que siempre están conectados a la corriente y además otras cosas.
Debes mirar tu cargador roto para saber el voltaje y el amperaje. No te asustes, es muy sencillo. Si te fijas en la foto, verás que por un lado está la entrada de energía o input y la salido u output que es la que nos interesa.
Éste cargador es universal, pero en el original solo debe aparecer en el output un voltaje y un amperaje. Si multiplicas uno por el otro, ya tienes los watios. Si por ejemplo el tuyo consume 4,50 amperios a 19 voltios, tendrá un consumo de 85,5 watios con lo que necesita un cargador universal de 90 watios. Los hay con más y con menos watios. Los hay de 70 watios, de 90 y más.
Según el voltaje que ya hemos visto y ya sabemos, hay que regular el cargador universal con ese voltaje. Con un botón que tiene y que cada vez que lo mueves, selecciones un voltaje diferente como por ejemplo 12v, 15v, 16v, 18v, 19v, etc.
Éstos adaptadores traen una serie de clavijas para la mayoría de ordenadores, valen para muchos ordenadores y otros dispositivos siempre que sea compatible con el consumo y las clavijas, con lo que no tendrás problema para usarlos.
Productos Calientes:
PA2221-3 Lenovo PCE025 PA2221-3 FSP210-20TGBAB
BK03XL HP BK03XL HSTNN-UB7G TPN-W125 916366-541 916811-855 Series
EB494358VU Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 S5660 S7250D S5670 i569
BLP785 Oppo Nord 5G
6-87-X510S-4D73 CLEVO P150HM P150SM P151SM1 XMG P151HM1 P502
C42N1728 Asus ZenBook Pro U5500 UX550GDX
PCG010 Lenovo PA-2181-2 HK280-72PP PCG010 FSP180-20TGBAB
45N1102 Lenovo ThinkPad Helix Series 3ICP6/46/122
ACC-LATP1 LG Electronics 32BL75U-W Monitor
AA-PBTN2TP Samsung Chromebook XE510C24 XE510C25 XE513C24
L17L2PF1 Lenovo Ideapad 330-14IKB 330-15IKB Touch L17M2PB7 L16M2PB2
DW9072 DEWALT DC9071 DE9037 DW9071 DW9072
LI3824T44P4h716043 ZTE Blade A520 A521 BA520 BA603 A603
MC-265360 Amazon Kindle 4, 4G, 5, 6, D01100 + Tools
MC-265360 Amazon Kindle 4, 4G, 5, 6, D01100 + Tools
0 notes
Utilizar un cargador adecuado para tu equipo es de vital importancia para su cuidado. Un adaptador que no cumpla con las características que necesita tu laptop, podría causarle daños en algunos casos irreparables. Por lo mismo saber qué cargador necesita y las diferencias entre los cargadores en el mercado, forman parte de la información que debes manejar en el momento de cotizar y utilizar estos tipos de productos.
Existen cuatro variantes que debes identificar a la hora de adquirir un cargador.
1.- Marca y modelo del equipo y/ó Número de Serie (Serial Number)
Generalmente se encuentra en una etiqueta visible en la parte posterior de la laptop. En algunas ocasiones es necesario retirar la batería para acceder a esta etiqueta.
*Service Tag en equipos Dell.
2.- Numero de parte (Part Number) del cargador
Aplica si tiene a mano el cargador original del equipo, son códigos que vienen impresos en las etiquetas del cargador.
●HP: SPS #####-###
●Toshiba: Model (PA*****-1ACA)
3.- Voltaje, Amperaje y Potencia
Es de suma importancia que te guíes por el voltaje, amperaje y potencia del cargador. Estos valores vienen en la etiqueta del equipo y del cargador original. Para seleccionar un cargador compatible debes saber la siguiente información:
Voltios: (Ejemplo 19v ó volts) (El reemplazo debe tener el mismo voltaje)
Amperios: (Ejemplo 3.42A ó amps) (El reemplazo tener igual ó mayor amperaje que el original)
Potencia: Es la multiplicación de Voltaje x Amperaje.
(Ejemplo: 19v x 3.42 = 65W ó watts) (Total de Watts debe ser igual ó mayor que el original)
Notas importantes: Mientras el voltaje sea el requerido y el amperaje sea igual ó mayor al que necesita el equipo no habrá ningún problema. El equipo solo consumirá el amperaje que necesite.
4.- Punta del conector
Existen colores y formas diferentes que te pueden ayudar a identificar el cargador adecuado, siempre verifica la punta que necesita tu modelo.
●Para algunos modelos HP puedes identificar la punta azul, con pin central, ovalada.
●Para algunas modelos Lenovo puedes identificar la punta amarilla rectangular.
En el mercado existen tres tipos:
●Originales: Diseñados por el fabricante de la marca.
●Genéricos/Homologados: Diseñados para la marca, pero no por el fabricante del equipo.
●Universales: Pueden ser utilizados en varias marcas y modelos.
Un cargador universal nunca será mejor que un Original ó Genérico de calidad; ya que estos son diseñados especialmente para la marca y el modelo de su equipo. Los cargadores universales poseen diferentes espigas para cada marca de laptop y/ó un seleccionador de voltaje por lo que una equivocación en el valor, podría causar daños tanto al adaptador mismo como a su equipo. En el caso de que cuente con un cargador universal, y este no cuente con voltaje automático su voltaje debe ser ajustado responsablemente y la punta elegida de acuerdo a las características de su equipo para evitar daños físicos. Este tipo de cargadores son recomendables en caso que no encuentre un reemplazo adecuado y/ó si está seguro de que nadie modificará el voltaje ó espiga dle equipo.
Sí, siempre y cuando sean de buena calidad, certificados y cuenten con respaldo y garantía del vendedor. Este tipo de cargadores es bueno en su relación costo/calidad.
Estos cargadores son una opción económica y segura si hace uso adecuado del mismo, teniendo cuidado con las horas de uso, almacenamiento y manipulación.
Para este tipo de cargadores dependiendo del fabricante su material estructural podría ser de menor costo y los cables un poco más débiles si se compara con algunos originales. La recomendación general para estos cargadores es no utilizarlo más de 8 horas seguidas, para que su vida útil sea más larga.
Asus ADP-230GB B - Cargadores de repuesto para ASUS ROG Zephyrus GX501VI-GZ028T GX501GI-XS7 230W. Esta nueva cargadores para equipos Asus ADP-230GB B está diseñado para una larga duración y un rendimiento estable, respaldado por 1 año de garantía y / RoHS / ISO9001 certificados de seguridad de la CE.
Cargador Adaptador De Repuesto para ASUS ROG Zephyrus GX501VI-GZ028T GX501GI-XS7
Marca : Asus
Energía : 230W
Voltaje de la salida : 19.5V 11.8A, 230W
Corriente de entrada : 100-240V,50-60Hz(for worldwide use)
Dimensión :
Verifique el voltaje y el amperaje en la parte inferior de su dispositivo antes de realizar su pedido. El adaptador de CA es seguro de usar dentro de +/- 1V del voltaje del portátil. Es seguro tener un amperaje mayor. NO compre un adaptador de CA con un amperaje inferior al que aparece en su dispositivo. Asegúrese de que el tamaño de la punta también coincida con su salida de CC.
Descripción de productos
100% compatible con el adaptador original de Asus ADP-230GB B.
Tiempo de carga corto – esta Cargadores para Ordenador Portátil dispone de la más moderna tecnología de litio que permite cargar un dispositivo de forma rápida (alta velocidad de carga / Cargador rápido).
La puede transportar fácilmente - es delgada, ligera y robusta.
Función de protección contra sobretensiones para mantener sus dispositivos seguros.
Dispositivos de seguridad internos contra riesgos eléctricos.
¿Por qué comprar con nosotros?
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Solo vendemos la Cargadores para Asus ADP-230GB B más nueva, y realizaremos una serie de pruebas estrictas para la calidad y la seguridad antes de que la Cargadores para Ordenador Portátil salga de la fábrica para garantizar que cada cliente reciba la nueva Cargadores de buen estado y confiable calidad.
Reembolso de 30 días y reparación de 1 año
En 30 días a partir de la fecha de entrega, puede solicitar el reembolso sin ningún motivo. En 1 año pero excede los 30 días, ofrecemos el servicio de reparación y reemplazo gratuito en relación con problema de calidad de la Cargadores para Ordenador Portátil Asus ADP-330AB D.
Pago 100% seguro
Su privacidad y seguridad de la información son más importantes en mejorbatteries.com. Hemos tomado todas las medidas necesarias para garantizar que su experiencia de compra sea 100% segura. ¡Compre Cargadores de reemplazo Asus ADP-230GB B con confianza!
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