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the-irreverend 4 months ago
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am-i-the-asshole-official 1 year ago
AITA for refusing to get back with an ex?
So i (21m) was in a poly relationship with S (21x) and J (24m) for about a year (so that would be when i was 20, S was 19 and J was 22)
Midway through the relationship i was going through some mental health shit so i kind of subconsciously distanced myself (my bad, i definitely shouldve been upfront about what was happening but i have vulnerability issues)
Dont get me wrong, i wasnt straight up neglectful or anything (to my knowledge?), but i really didnt go out with them as much as i used to (if one of us couldnt attend, the other two would go as a couple. It was more efficient like) and didn't really feel as much "honeymoon" intensity if that makes sense
I think its also important to note that once i was semi-able to pull myself out of my rut i decided to start these big art projects to show my appreciation for them and also kind of make up for my distance, like that shit took up my time and sleep and effort. i felt like i wanted to take the next step from casual dating to something actually serious with a future and everything because getting out of my spiral made me remember how much i loved them
So i called them up and found out that they kind of... kicked me off the polycule?? It was this weird situation where they thought I was leaving them behind so they also fully moved in together and started acting like a regular couple without me. obviously i was pissed, and S apologized and tried to communicate which i really appreciate, but J was just doubling down blaming me. At the time i was so angry i turned it into a full out yelling match
I realized it wasnt healthy nor working out and broke it off fully, telling S we could still be friends but cutting J off entirely. I gave all J's shit that was still at my place back to S, blocked J's number and scrapped my project altogether
Fast forward to present day, and im in a completely unrelated relationship with two people i love with all my heart, and by this time ive healed and mended my relationship with S enough that i thought we could start over and add them to the polycule (to be clear my current partners like them too and are on board). We did do that, it's going great and i'm remembering why i loved S so much in the first place
The issue is that S is still with J, and while J doesn't have any issues with both of us separately dating S, S wants all of us to reunite again for old times sake and its very obvious that theyre still holding onto the old versions of us and what we used to be. I say no, i dont even like J anymore and havent spoken to him in forever so why the hell would i care?? Ive grown and changed so much in the time after our relationship that i wouldnt even fit into the nostalgic mold that you want me to be a part of and i dont think J would either
The thing is J does also seem like hes interested in starting over. S said he's grown a lot since, but i think our personalities just dont mesh and ive also just fallen fully out of love with him. It seems to break S's heart, but they get it and don't bother me about it anymore. On the other hand J respects my decision but is still like passive aggressively annoyed about how seriously i took it, saying it was mostly my fault and i took drastic measures for nothing.
What are these acronyms?
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actualbird 3 years ago
luke pearce comes back from his 8 year disappearance a father, for he has adopted a child
wc: 877
disclaimer: this idea is not up for grabs for other ppl to write it or use it. i will write this as a full fic myself, i just wanted to wordbarf ideas out first
so you cant convince me that luke "orphan boy" pearce would NOT adopt, if ever he were to have a child.
i know the whole "my parents died when i was very young" thing doesnt pop up much in luke's stories, nor does he express too many negative emotions on it, but im sure that if he ever were to make the choice to raise a kid, he'd want to adopt. he'd want to give another kid who lost their parents a life and happiness they didnt think they could get anymore.
but choice isnt really a factor in luke becoming a father. he couldnt say no. he wouldnt.
still figuring out the exact PLOT of how the child HAPPENS but it's linked to NSB stuff. maybe the kid was collateral leftover from a mission and luke was the one who did this mission (AND NO HE DIDNT KILL THE PARENTS, somebody else did, somebody evil, and luke kills THAT evil person), luke was the one the kid immediately imprinted onto and by the time luke got back to NSB HQ, the little girl was clinging to his leg fiercely, the blood splatter on both of them be damned.
"luke saved me," she said, quiet yet fierce. luke gave her his real name because there's no way he's ever going to lie to a child. "so he's mine now!"
everybody finds her adorable and finds luke's immense panic about the situation adorable but it's aaron who finally manages to get the little girl ("my name is evie," she giggles, grabbing for the lollipop aaron is bribing her with. "gimme that and i'll let you talk to luke alone!") to get some snacks from the vending machine with his spare change.
aaron is the one who watches luke have a bit of a breakdown over it all. evie said that luke saved her, and he did, and he cant even bear to think what would have happened if he got to her too late (but he has to think about how he was too late to save her parents). luke is 20 years old and this kid looks at him like hes her entire world, and right now whether he likes it or not, thats true. because her real world was ripped away from her and luke has to pick up the pieces and mend them together into something soft and safe and happy.
"the NSB will place her somewhere shitty," luke says, clenching his fists. "you know they dont give a damn about what happens to people like her. the mission is done."
"but you cant be the one to do this," aaron tells him. "at the very least, you cant do it alone."
"i cant," luke sighs. evie starts walking towards the two of them, a pile of candybars in her arms, and luke lets himself smile. "i'll need all the help i can get."
anyway long story short, luke adopts evie. aaron and his wife look after evie when luke is away on missions. something something more stuff about how basically everything is taken care of and evie lives a pretty wonderful few years with her odd family ("luke is dad, aaron is dad 2, mrs. yishmir is mom 2," evie says. then she blinks up at luke. "dad, when are you going to get married?" and luke chokes on his energy drink)
FAST FORWARD. luke is back in stellis like canon and when he reunites with mc, he's holding the hand of a little girl with bright eyes and a vibrant smile.
"my name is eve pearce!" she introduces herself to mc. "you can call me evie! im detective pearce's best assistant!"
and so everything in canon is the same but not quite
(and my plan in this fic is one HELLUVA nxx ot5 found family (maybe full polycule or platonic, still figuring it out). but yes, mc and the other nxx boys supporting luke and taking care of evie along with him and being there for him every time he has a breakdown over how hes a bad father and how he'll never be enough.
and they let him vent but also they lovingly bonk him on the head from time to time, LUKE PEARCE U R A WONDERFUL FATHER, SHUT THE HELL UP, AND THIS IS A LEARNING PROCESS, OKAY!!!! a learning process for all of them. because theyre all gonna squeeze in and do their own weird brand of parenting with luke. because nxx investigation team means family and family means NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND!!!
it takes a village to raise a kid, as they say, and evie is very very happy that her family just got A WHOLE LOT BIGGER. shes a bit confused tho as to who luke is going to marry, theyre all so cool, afterall!!! can he marry all of them? she'd like that. that would mean she'd get SO MANY BIRTHDAY GIFTS!!! >u<)
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