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clouds-of-wings · 5 months ago
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I don't know if the writers are lampshading here, but apparently the extreme lack of attention and interest that Edith is getting from her family is very obvious to an outsider.
Shit, right, Edith owns a publishing company. That kind of tiny detail is so easy to forget when there are more important things about her like "Visits a farmer's daughter often".
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purplesimmer455 · 4 months ago
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Edith smiles as she looks up at Nancy. "You have gotten taller." She says in her echoey voice. "Yeah, I aged up into a teen sim." Nancy says, and Edith nods, the same wistful look on her face. "Edie, listen, my family and I are going back to Mt Komorebi tomorrow and I wanted to say goodbye. I don't when I can visit you again but I'll try to someday." Nancy says, and Edith nods. "I'll miss you, even though your mark thing caused me to black out." Nancy adds and Edith looks slightly abashed. "I will miss you too," Edith says after some hesitation and the two smile sadly at each other before Nancy gets back on her bike. She texts her parent that she's coming home and rides off as Edith wanders away.
Nancy gets home before sunset, and her parent is there to greet her. "How did it go?" They ask gently. Nancy's lip trembles and Riley pulls her into a bear hug. "It's okay, nooboo." They say, stroking her hair as she cries. "I wish I could help Edie." Nancy says, and Riley nods. "Me too, Nan. Maybe I can ask grandma to check in on her after we leave?" They suggest, and Nancy smiles weakly. "Yeah, that would be great." She says.
Nancy sighs before asking, "Ren, can we go to Ravenwood family day? Its happening by the square where the ghosts appear at night." Riley nods. "Sure, let me go and tell Ru to get ready and you check in with mom, okay?" They say and Nancy nods, kissing their cheek before rushing off to find her mom. Everyone gets ready, plus Riley fills Stephanie in on Nancy saying goodbye to Edith, and the family heads out.
I didn't take too many photos of Ravenwood family day, but it was fun. Haruo chased around a few ghosts and played with them, although he didn't get any presents. Plus, Stephanie got a death frog, which is good I guess but dang. I did get this cute photo of Riley talking to Nancy by a big bowl of boiled death frog soup. Nancy has Riley’s cheerful personality and goofiness, and it's sweet to see the two chatting and goofing around.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 7 months ago
ECU High - Mike's Circumstances
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One weekend morning Mike wakes up and heads downstairs to see his dad dressing up in his uniform.
"Where you going, dad?"
Mr. Edwards turns around.
"Last dusting of the season. I just got word from our neighbor Mr. Ling that he just got a promotion of a delivery driver."
"Wow congrats to him."
"Yeah instead of picking apples he'll collect 'em from orchards all over the Texas/Oklahoma border. Of course all that traveling means he'll need someone to watch Sue-Lin while he's gone during harvestin season. Think you'd want to do that Mike?"
He scratches the back of his neck. On one hand babysitting sounds like a girl's job but on the other hand, he wants a model plane and needs to raise money to do it.
"Sure I'll do it."
"Atta boy. You're 14 now so you can be left at Mr. Ling's house by yourself. If there's ever a problem you know momma's here."
"Thanks dad. Good luck on your flights."
Mr. Edwards smiles and walks downstairs to leave the house.
"Edith I'll be back in two weeks. If Walter comes by with Sue-Lin while I'm gone, Mike said he'll be fine babysitting."
"Ok dear."
She kisses him on the cheek and he walks out the door. Mike goes to have breakfast when there's a knock on the door. Mrs. Edwards goes to answer.
"Sorry for short notice Mrs. Edwards. Got called to work early. You are able to watch Sue-Lin?"
"Oh. Yes Walter. Mike said he'd love to babysit. I'll send him next door after breakfast."
Mr. Ling bows.
"Thank you for help. Hope you have good day."
"Thank you, you too."
He goes to leave as she closes the door.
"Mike that was Mr. Ling. He's leaving for work early so I said you can start watching Sue-Lin after breakfast."
Mike almost spits out his milk.
"Today?! But mom I was supposed to meet my friends at the mall today."
"Well unless you're willing to take Sue-Lin with you, you'll have to cancel."
Mike groans.
"I gotta call the guys then."
He finishes his milk and gets up to use the phone. He finally gets to calling Clint.
"Oh Ah don't mind if ya bring 'er round. Jus make it clear ta Pacer that yer bringin a lil girl. He don't really like surprises."
"Yeah I know but I hope he'd feel at least a little better once he knows she's a 7 year old Chinese girl."
"Wha's her bein Chinese gotta do with it?"
Mike stops for a second because he remembers that Clint simply doesn't know these things.
"There's a history of Chinese people being treated badly. Even though Mr. Ling hasn't had that happen in this neighborhood, it can still happen. Pacer would feel better about it because he can relate to that."
"Oh. Well Ah won't be mean ta her if that's what ya mean Mike."
"I know you won't Clint. I'm just telling you that Pacer might feel better because of it."
"Ok then. Ah'll see ya in a couple hours."
"Alright bye."
He hangs up the phone. Then he picks up again to call Pacer.
"Um hi, Pacer. Listen I know you don't like surprises but there's gonna be a little change in plans today."
Mike takes a deep breath.
"We're still gonna meet at the mall today as promised. I just need to bring someone with me."
"My neighbor's daughter. He got a sudden promotion to delivery driver so he's gotta travel a lot. She's a small 7 year old Chinese girl named Sue-Lin so he can't leave her at home alone."
Mike can hear a sigh over the phone.
"Ok. I just don't wanna answer personal questions."
"Oh yeah don't worry about that. Sue-Lin's the type that don't need to be told things twice. Mr. Ling's a first generation Chinese-American immigrant so he's still very traditional."
"Alright then. So long's that's the case that's fine."
Mike sighs in relief.
"Good. Thanks. I'll see you and Clint later then."
"Ok. Bye."
They hang up and Mike goes back to the kitchen.
"Is everything alright, Mike?"
"Yeah. Just had to make sure Pacer was fine. You know how he is mom."
She sighs as she washes dishes.
"Well it's not my business to pry, but it sounds to me that he could seriously benefit from some therapy. The poor boy is clearly traumatized and I don't want anyone getting hurt."
"I know mom. I think Clint being who he is has actually been helping him out. He doesn't feel as jumpy when you so much as talk to him."
Mrs. Edwards dries a glass.
"That's good but Clint's just a boy himself. Pacer needs a professional who can help him in a mentorship role. Why isn't Mr. Lightcloud a Native?"
"Yeah he moved from Arizona. His sister makes and sells turquoise jewelry. He's our world history teacher."
"Alright then, son."
Mike goes to the door.
"I'm gonna go next door and tell Mr. Ling I'm taking her to the mall."
"Alright Mike. Stay safe with Sue-Lin now."
Mike goes over to Mr. Ling's house and knocks on the door.
"Who is there?"
"It's Mike Edwards Mr. Ling."
He opens the door and gives a little nod.
"Thank you. Please come sit down on couch."
Mike comes inside.
"You have question?"
"Uh yes I do. I have some friends I want to meet at the mall and I wanted to know if I can bring Sue-Lin with."
Mr. Ling nods.
"Yes yes you can take her to mall. She needs to buy new clothes for cold weather."
"Ok. Is there a time you want her home?"
"I come back home at 5 pm. I want Sue-Lin back at 6."
"Yes sir."
Mr. Ling gives a short nod again.
"Good. I get Sue-Lin from room."
"Ok Mr. Ling."
Mr. Ling goes to Sue-Lin's room and knocks on the door. He starts speaking in Chinese to ask if she's ready.
"I'm ready daddy."
She comes out of her room in a traditional Chinese outfit with her hair in twin pigtails. Mike's heart melts with how cute she looks.
"Hi Mr. Mike."
"Daddy said you were taking me to the mall to get new clothes."
Mike smiles as he nods.
"Yes I'm taking you clothes shopping. I'm also meeting with some friends. Clint talks a lot and he'd love to meet you. Pacer though is very shy and doesn't like it when you ask a lot of questions. Once he gets used to you, he'll think you're a great little girl."
Sue-Lin smiles.
"That's ok Mr. Mike. I'll just talk with you and Mr. Clint."
"Alright then. Now your daddy said I gotta have you back by 6 pm."
"Ok Mr. Mike."
He stands up as Mr. Ling goes to the door. He speaks some Chinese to Sue-Lin and then to Mike.
"Are you going to mall now?"
"No I'm taking Sue-Lin next door for a couple hours since I won't meet my friends until later. My mom's going to drive us."
He nods.
"Good. I see you at 6."
"Yes sir."
Sue-Lin waves.
"Bye daddy."
Mike and Sue-Lin walk out the door to head over to his house.
"Momma we're back."
She comes out of the kitchen.
"Why hello there Sue-Lin. What a lovely outfit."
"Mr. Mike's going to take me shopping today. I saved four whole dollars."
"How wonderful dear. Now I have some work to do before I can take you and Mike to the store. You can sit down on the couch and watch some tv."
"Thank you Mrs. Edwards."
Sue-Lin and Mike go to the couch and sit down.
"So. What are you allowed to watch?"
"My daddy only lets me watch educational shows."
"PBS Kids it is then."
Mike turns to channel 13 and sees a show he's never heard of before.
"What's this?"
"Word Word! Everything's made out of letters to spell things. The duck is made out the letters used to spell duck."
"But what if you split the letters up do you just stop being awake? Like that sheep there, does she still know what's happening when she's just separate letters?"
Sue-Lin giggles.
"Of course she does. She's made of letters and she's a sheep which makes her alive. A lot of the shows daddy lets me watch is about reading and spelling."
Mike lets out a whistle.
"Man. Cartoons sure have changed."
"You watched cartoons Mr. Mike?"
Mike fiddles with his hands.
"Well yeah but they were very different. The Magic School Bus had its first episode involve the kids going to outer space. One of the kids froze his head and got a cold because he took his helmet off on Pluto."
"That's silly Mr. Mike. A bus can't fly to Pluto."
"And you can't make a sheep out of just letters silly."
She giggles and Mike realizes that maybe babysitting won't be so bad after all.
An: Sorry this took so long. Some installments are harder to write than others. If you haven't been tagged but wanna see more please leave a note down below.
Tagging: @mercsandmonsters, @vintagepresley, @thetaoofzoe, @elvismylove04, @ashtag6887,
@tupelomiss, @thedaisymaisy, @richardslady121, @arrolyn1114, @theelviseffect,
@elvisbooty76, @theladyofmylife, @xanatenshi, @just-another-boring-bisexual, @aliengoth3, 
@phil2135561, @gayforelvis, @ash-omalley, @eptodaytommorowforever, @wildhorseinkansas,
@alienelvisobsession, @comebackep, @presley72elvis, @leopardandstuds, @ellie-24, 
@heart-of-ep, @thatbanditqueen, @starboybutler, @be-my-ally, @myradiaz, 
@jaqueline19997, @louisejoy86, @peskybedtime, @lookingforrainbows, @kiankiwi, 
@your-nanas-house, @januarypresley1969, @justrae9903, @codalysssssworld, @burnthheparaphilia,
@joshuntildawn13, @briefpandatimemachine, @sillybookmarks, @tacozebra051, @cattcb, 
@perfectpresley, @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s, @lett-them-eatt-cake, @precious-little-scoundrel, @j-v-9-2,
@almightybigbrain, @pinkcaddyconfessions, @miniaturerunawaykid, @msamarican, @hooked-on-elvis,
@doll-elvis, @idk583838, @queencreole1958, @queenncreole, @them-rts,
@thelonelyheart, and @theelvisprincess.
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ladyrosse · 1 year ago
Cora's plan
-Robert, you can't just say that you don't agree
-Yes, I can and I say it; I don't agree!
Cora and Mary look at each other trying to stay calm and listen to one of the men in the room trying to reach an agreement:
-It's simple, if the majority partners do not agree, nothing can be done and we will continue with this.
Cora takes the floor by staring at Robert on the other side of the table:
-Is there no way that 75% is divided and thus a result is obtained from this?
-No mom, on other occasions if you have not agreed it does not take place and the same when dad has said no.
-Robert please, understand that the only way to reach the US market is by doing all this.
It gets up and shows the data on the screen
The moment Cora gets up, Robert tries to hide but is delighted with the way he looks today, he told him in the morning and plans to repeat it but he does not know how the atmosphere will be at the end of the meeting.
Mary is talking and he tries to grasp where he is heading when he hears:
-We will be in a meeting all this week because we need to reach a result before Saturday.
-It's okay, but we won't give in
Robert responds by pointing to the 3 men who accompanied them.
-Well, I'm not going to give in either.
Cora's comment is heard with a very serious tone.
Mary's office:
Mary sees how her mother tries to enter in a strange way and as if she were hiding from a person...
-I need you to take your father home today because I can't go with him.
-Mom but...
-No, seriously, please, take it! I don’t want him to take a taxi.
-You should not let what is happening in the office affect your marriage.
He laughs* - Nooo dear remember that tomorrow is his birthday and today I will give him his surprise.
Mary nods and somehow remembers that a week ago her mother had told her and her sisters about this day.
-Edith and Sybil already have almost everything I asked them ready at home, I must go, I have not let your father see me
-Goodbye, Mom
-Ah! And please try not to get so angry.
A snort from Mary and in a murmur it is heard
-That will be the most difficult thing
Minutes later...
-Have you seen your mother?!
I can't believe he left and took the car.
-Dad, please calm down, I'll take you home.
I know that mom had an emergency, something feminine.
-Oh please, if it was something like that I understand it but I don't understand WHY you don't let me know.
-Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you.
After he says it, he realises that it is not the best way to approach it
-Oh! I knew it, since we went out she ignored me, I don't understand why she does that, she is not supposed to interfere in personal life, she is the one who always repeats it.
-Okay, dad, wait, she's not angry, I don't know and I don't think so, she told me she had an emergency and I told her that I could take you. It's okay, besides, I'm going to get the girls because we'll go to dinner and some drinks later.
-Will the three of them come out?
Maybe your mother will join them, she still doesn't want to see me.
-Dad, please, we'd better go out...
Grantham House:
The girls and Cora are finishing organising, while Cora lights the candles, Edith is in charge of leaving the music ready for her so that her mother only has to play her. Sybil on the other hand is accommodating the wine and glasses.
-Mom, the wine is already cold but I still served a glass before cooling it... As you told me.
-Thank you darling, it's just that your father doesn't like cold wine whenever he drinks it, it's for me and I would like him to enjoy.
He shares a smile with his daughters and the sound of a car is heard.
-Oh, I think Dad is already here.
Edith says looking at her mother.
-Better we go out.
Both girls kiss their mother, while Cora is going to put on the dress, It was the only thing he was missing, While she was coming up, she decided to wear a red lipstick and she would be ready for her Robert
Downstairs the girls entertain Robert for a few minutes while they receive Cora's message indicating that they can leave now
-And is his mother there?
-I think she's lying down (Sybil)
-We really saw her when she arrived but she didn't leave the room anymore (Edith)
-Okay, well, we'd better go (Mary)
-Good night, dad (the three girls)
Robert says goodbye to three and reminds them not to return late while preparing to face an annoying or sick wife, he didn't really know what was going on with Cora.
Upon entering his house he perfectly recognises the woman who is by candlelight... His wife looked so beautiful, apparently she wears a dress attached to her body, she was able to see each of her curves in the shade.
In order not to damage the wonderful environment, he decided not to turn on some other light and without thinking just throw a:
-I'm very angry with you...
He doesn't know why but when he sees his wife's smile he also smiles and his previous comment comes out as a joke, Cora goes to him and he hands him his glass of wine
-Happy pre Birthday my love
She decides not to wait and joins the two drinks to start the toast to her husband’s life
-Oh, Cora! What is this?
-Your birthday surprise, just you and me.
He gives him a kiss extremely quickly.
-I thought I would spend tonight in the guest room and look, I can't believe it... Also
It turns it very slowly to contemplate it perfectly
-You are so perfect *kiss* Beautiful *kiss* And sexy…
This time his kiss lasted a little longer but Cora had to stop him.
-Now dear... Your birthday
He plays the list of songs he had chosen with Edith a few days ago and they both started dancing.
-If only we could agree on the company
Robert's comment is almost a whisper in the perfect environment they had created.
-Please, darling, I don't want us to talk about it.
-I just need you not to try to pressure or change my opinion, you know that we can't face those kinds of risks...
-Shhh please seriously, let's have dinner, let's celebrate and if you haven't changed your mind tomorrow I'll have to convince you in another way..,
He looks at it in a pretty flirtatious way
-Maybe that way I can think about it a little better
They share a light but honest laugh, the years they have been married and working together taught him that their working life was outside their marriage and each of the fights they have had in the company stay in the offices. Sometimes they may not have talked when they got home but they were still in the same bed and having dinner together. In addition, his family was always there, needing them, his daughters loved their parents' relationship almost as they loved each other. Cora knew that this decision would take a lot of time and conviction but she was willing to use the powers of a wife to convince Robert, it was difficult to take him on the business side but she was very confident in being able to do it.
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nebulousfishgills · 2 years ago
flower asks!
white carnation, jasmine, azalea, bluebell, tigerlily, aster (lol), lavender, and/or freesia
Thanks for the ask! This one's a long one so buckle up.
White Carnation - Would you ever want to get a piercing? Where?
This may sound funny, but I have zero piercings (not even my ears) and I highly doubt I'll ever get any. It's just never appealed to me, idk. My grandma never pierced hers, she always wore clip-ons.
Jasmine - Describe your dream partner or best friend. What kind of personality traits do they have?
All my friends I would consider my "dream" friends (my irls and if we're friends on Tumblr you also count). As for dream partner... I mean, I'm not sure. I guess someone who's nice. They should be supportive of me and, to quote a thing my mom sent me, "the weird little things that make my heart happy." Someone who makes me excited to wake up in the morning and who would take me to the theatre once in a while. Someone who encourages me to be the best version of myself. Also someone who can take my darker sense of humor and keep me grounded when I inevitably become a whirlwind of undiagnosed adhd or whatever the fuck I have. Also some blue eyes, same as my mom blue eyes can make me absolutely weak.
That was a tangent, but I am a writer so-
Azalea - What is the most recent song you've listened to? How do you feel about it?
Okay this is gonna sound completely fucking unhinged, especially since it's so short, but last night I had Busted from Phineas and Ferb on repeat for like, three hours as I was doing a doodle because it came across my youtube feed and I realized it's like... exactly like a major scene I have planned for a fic, just without the musical swagger.
Cut to me fifteen minutes into this loop alone in my dorm room pretending I'm [Unnamed Character A] telling off [Unnamed Character B] for [Unnamed Event].
Bluebell - Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names?
I'm currently separated from them by "educational distance" but I have two kitties at home, a Tortie named Jackie and an Orange Boy Cat named Maggie (He has a more feminine name because PetSmart told us he was a girl when we adopted him since they *said* they did a spay operation... but then he had to get a surgery where they told us he was a boy... but by then Maggie had stuck and we'd already gone through three hours of arguing on what to name him in the first place).
Tigerlily - Do you have any favorite quotes from any movies, tv shows, books, or poetry? (Or from people in real life)
Y'all, I have a million favorite quotes from a million things. For now I'll give you one of each
Movie: "Ghosts are real. This much I know. There are things that tie them to a place, very much like they do us. Some remain tethered to a patch of land, a time and date, the spilling of blood, a terrible crime. But there are others-- others that hold onto an emotion, a drive, loss, revenge... Or love. Those-- They never go away." -Edith Cushing in my all time favorite movie, "Crimson Peak."
(I'm also like, 99% sure I'm being followed by a ghost or spirit of some sort so)
TV Show: I'm pretty sure me saying Henry's fifteen minute monologue in Stranger Things is cheating since that's, like, many many quotes, but I'll say it anyways because those fifteen minutes were life changing.
Book: I wish it was easier for me to find a quote, but unfortunately all my books are packed away for move-out in a couple weeks. My memory is eluding me so just pretend like I either said something really profound or something extremely stupid.
Play: "You're still beautiful." "You don't have to lie to me." "It's not lying, it's looking at things another way." From Wicked, my favorite musical (am I basic for that, maybe). Seeing this on Broadway last summer was a religious experience and I'm gonna have another one when I see it from the seventh row next year.
(I changed it to play because, fun fact, I don't read poetry that much. Another thing from my mom, she hates poetry... bear in mind this woman has a BA in English)
Real Life: "People are like 'you're weird' and I'm like 'yes, I've been waiting sixty years to get that compliment'" -my history professor. The man's said so much wild shit this semester I have an entire discord channel devoted to recording his quotes, dude's a legend.
Aster - Do you have any fictional crushes on any movie, tv show...
Okay I had a collage I made of every character I've had a crush on, lemme see if I can find it so I can be concise.
(One frantic search later)
It's not fully updated, so lemme just make one rq, every character I actively have a crush on (give or take one or two):
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Moving on.
Lavender - What's currently on your mind (aside from the ask game)
How much of a degenerate I am.
No, but in reality, I have two packages I'm waiting for and I keep obsessively tracking them because I'm terrified they'll not get to me before my move-out date.
Freesia - What do you want people to remember you for? Serious or not serious answers.
I can say my writing in a serious and a not serious way. Remember me for my s tier descriptions and remember me for whatever the fuck this is:
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felixxthefrog · 3 months ago
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scheduling this for January 1, 2025 at midnight. a letter to my future self.
for whoever the fuck i've become by the time i'm reading this later.
hey, i guess?
it's january 4th and i just put my playlist in dumpster for u. hope u like it. it's kinda shit, and the Bow Weevils don't fit the vibe, but then neither does Gravy.
i hope ur cool. ive been trying to get cooler. read more books, listen to more music, better books, and better music. i hope you're cool like i want to be cool. educated. witty. funny. i don't know if i'll ever be funny. but maybe you will be.
if you haven't yet, make sure to read that letter i left for you in the start of the green journal. it's sad, but it'll show you the parts of me that you'll inevitably repress.
the panic attacks have started coming back. i'm sorry. i hope you got better.
are you any closer to jacob? do you still go to the bookshop? how many books have we gotten in the last year? how many have we read? enough?
it's never enough books, is it.
have you found any new book shops? any new coffee shops?
how long is your hair?? what color is it?? did you bleach it??? i'm gonna be so mad if you've bleached it. is it curly again? i miss my curls, i hope you have them. take care of them, please. please don't cut them off. i miss them.
are the cats okay? they're big boys now, aren't they? officially two. they're all asleep right now, but they're menaces. does aster still get on cabinets? i bet he does.
what about 🐀? how is she doing? better? closer? comfier? more confident? how is work? still shit?
what about 🧸? how are they? and 🪱?
what about j🐦and 🐧 and 🐻‍❄️?
what about 🕷️?? does he have a partner yet?? i hope he's happy.
(i hope u know who i'm talking about with all the censored names. internet creeps and all. you never know)
how... how was the election? you voted, right? we did? how did it go? is everything okay? i know it probably won't get better but god i hope it does. and if it's not better... i hope you're ready. hurry. get ready, if you aren't. i hope everything is okay. you'll have to tell me who won. i wish i could reassure you. reassure me. know what you know. it's so scary, the not knowing
what about Palestine? israel is getting war crime charges from South Africa soon i think. i hope they get what they deserve. and i hope Palestine is free. i hope they're healing. thriving. i don't know if they will be. but i hope they are. the war isn't over yet but i hope it will be soon.
do you still have hope? do we still have hope? if we ever have a little girl, we should name her pandora.
have you painted the wall more? have you made more art? have you written anything? what about edith hamilton and ishmael reed and maya angelou? do you still love them? are they still with you?
what about.. mom? is she okay? has she grown? changed? is she accepting? does she call you felix? probably not. even if she was accepting, idk if she'd like the name felix.
are you still felix?? do you still use that name? still genderfluid? still a lesbian? jesus christ i hope so. i've been waiting to call myself a lesbian for 6 years now, since we were 14. i'm not giving that up any time soon. i hope.
is that stupid pothos still alive. do you drink more now that you're legal?
do you work? or are you still at home? are you going to school? i'm assuming ur not going to school. can you drive?
i don't know what else to ask. tell me everything.
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Hi Frank! I just found your blog, it is really cool! I recently started listening to an audiobook called “Gideon the Ninth” and I love it! The story is about a necromancer and a swordswoman who are trying to work together to solve a great mystery. Do you like audiobooks, and if so, what is your favorite?
I do like audiobooks!
I've listened to at least 10 books on audiobook in my life, but I don't actually remember the names, so I have no list. I would like to see if there are any of yours I'm missing. My favorites, in no particular order:
Don DeLillo's White Noise, "The Great American Novel," and Great American Novels
The Story of My Teeth by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Molinas by Jorge Luis Borges (very good)
The Last Samurai by Helen DeWitt
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
Cabala by Philip K. Dick
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
The Story of a Marriage by Jean Rhys
A Thousand Acres by Sylvia Townsend Warner
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton
The Man from Utopia by Jules Verne
I think that's about it. The first time I listened to a book on audio (I don't remember the title) I really loved it and was surprised to learn that it would take me about 3 hours to get through the first 100 pages or so, but I have always since preferred reading to listening to books (with the exception of White Noise, which I couldn't stop listening to for reasons known only to me).
That doesn't mean I never listen to books anymore. For instance, I finished re-listening to Harry Potter last week because the audiobook I got is not quite as good as the one I had last time I listened. I've been listening to The Magicians and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in that order over the last few days while driving or in the car with my mom. I also recently re-listened to Great House of Sleep.
But I find I'm still not that much of a fan of the experience overall. Audiobooks are great if you have the time to do them -- they let you read at your own pace and get to know the characters and their relationships better -- but when they're done they're just done. That means no cliffhangers or suspense in the middle. That means no chance to think about your reaction and what you thought. Sometimes I feel like people talk about the "book experience" as if we have an exclusive right to the experience of reading books as books, but as I get older I don't feel that I have the same experience with audiobooks that I do with other "media," and I'm less inclined to recommend them.
One reason to recommend them is that they can be great for readers who dislike reading very fast, who find that they have trouble getting to the beginning of a book if the text is too long or if the beginning is not well-written. For some of us, it takes several hours of reading to get the basic story down, and audiobooks can let us experience the story at the pace it was meant to be enjoyed. Another is that it can be great for people with poor vision or who are on the subway and can't keep their eyes focused on a page for hours. Audiobooks let you keep track of characters instead of looking around and squinting at a page. (On the other hand, I don't really recommend audiobooks as a general remedy for people who are "too easily distracted," because that may be related to the problem that they have trouble getting through the start of the book.
I've also found that I like to "read" books on the subway or on other long car rides. You read a few lines every few minutes, and I've found this helps me remember things more and get a grasp on the characters, because I'll look back and notice things like "so it turns out that this character has a name beginning with M." I usually like to start with a book I've read before, so this usually means going backwards in time. I've done this with several books, and I always find something new and "cool" to think about.
(Incidentally, a book I never want to read on the subway again is Ian McEwan's "Enduring Love." That is a book I can't even imagine spending five minutes on a subway car reading. It would be a good job for a street performer.)
Anyway, I am very curious to hear what you all think of reading on a subway. If I get time, I will try to go back and remember the titles of the books I've had on my iPod recently, and see if any of these have any stories about their own subway reading habits or things they'd like to recommend.
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snake-rot · 4 years ago
Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
WOMAN: Excuse me, sir, is there a commode?
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you
(GRUNTS) Justin!
Quick, honey, take my picture. I got the pyramid in my hand.
Justin, you get back here right now!
No, stop!
GUARD 1: No, no, no! Stop him! GUARD 2: Go back! Don't climb!
Wait, wait.
Hold on. Easy, little boy.
Okay, stop, child! Stop right there. No!
No, no, no, no, no! Oh! There he goes.
I've got him! I've got him!
Outrage in Egypt tonight as it was discovered
that the Great Pyramid of Giza had been stolen
and replaced by a giant inflatable replica.
There is panic throughout the globe as countries and citizens
try to protect their beloved landmarks.
Law enforcement still has no leads,
leaving everyone to wonder, which of the world's villains
is responsible for this heinous crime?
And where will he strike next?
Gru: Freeze ray! Freeze ray! Freeze ray! [laughs evilly] Fred: Morning, Gru! How you doing? Gru: Hello, Fred. FYI, your dog has been leaving little bombs all over my yard, and I don't appreciate it. Fred: Sorry. You know dogs. They go wherever they wanna go. Gru: Unless they're dead. [laughs] I'm joking! Although, it is true. Anyway, have a good one. Fred: Okay. Yeah. Steamrolling whatever Gru: [groans] You've got to be pulling on my leg! Margo: Hello! Cookies for sale. Gru: Go away. I'm not home. Margo: Uh, yes, you are. I heard you. Gru: [gasps] No, you didn't. This... [monotone] is a recording. Margo: [scoffs] No, it isn't. Gru: Yes, it is. [o.s.] Watch this. Leave a message, beep. [Edith kicks the door] Gru: Ow! Agnes: Goodbye, recorded message. Margo: [o.s.] Agnes, come on. Gru: Huh? [screams] Kyle! Bad dog! No! No, no. Sit. My muffin. Dr. Nefario: Gru! Gru: Ah, Dr. Nefario. Dr. Nefario: I know how you must be feeling. I, too, have encountered great disappointment, but, in my eyes, you will always be one of the greats. Gru: What? What happened? Dr. Nefario: It's all over the news! Some fella just stole a pyramid. They're saying he makes all other villains look... lame. pause Gru: Assemble the minions! [throws Kyle off of his arm] Minions, assemble! Minion: Okay. Okay. Hey! Gru: Looking good, Kevin! How is the family? Good? All right. That's my Billy boy! What up, Larry? Hello, everybody! Yeah, all right! Simmer down. Simmer down! Thank you, okay. Now, I realize that you guys probably heard about this other villain who stole the pyramids. Apparently, it's a big deal. People are calling it the crime of the century and stuff like that. But am I upset? No, I am not! A little, but we have had a pretty good year ourselves, and you guys are all right in my book. Minion: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Gru: No, no raises! You're not going to get any raises. What did we do? Well, we stole the Times Square JumboTron! Nice! That's how I roll. Yeah, you all like watching football on that, huh? But that's not all. We stole the Statue of Liberty, the small one from Las Vegas. And I won't even mention the Eiffel Tower! Also Vegas. Okay, I wasn't going to tell you about this yet, but I have been working on something very big! Something that will blow this pyramid thing out of the water! And thanks to the efforts of my good friend Dr. Nefario... Dr. Nefario: Thank you! Gru: There he is. He's stylin'. Now, we have located a shrink ray in a secret lab, and once we take this shrink ray, we will have the capability to pull off the 'true crime of the century. We are going to steal... The Minions all pull out their weapons in response. Gru: Wait, wait! I haven't told you what it is yet. One of the Minions, Dave, shoots his rocket launcher at a crowd of Minions. Gru: Hey. Dave, listen up, please! Dave: Ditto. One of the Minions Dave shot walks over to him and punches him on the shoulder. Gru: Next, we are going to steal, pause for effect, the moon! The Minions cheer in response. Gru: And once the moon is mine, the world will give me whatever I want to get it back! And I will be the greatest villain of all time! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. [picks up his phone] Yes? Dr. Nefario: Hello, Gru? I've been crunching some numbers, and I really don't see how we can afford this. It can't be done. I'm not a miracle worker. Gru:Hey, chillax. I'll just get another loan from the bank. They love me! Margo: Edith, stop it! Edith: What? I'm just walking. Girls: Hi, Miss Hattie. We're back. Miss Hattie: Hello, girls! Agnes: Anybody come to adopt us while we were out? Miss Hattie: Hmm... Let me think. No! Edith immediately puts a mud pie on Miss Hattie's desk, much to her displeasure. Miss Hattie: Edith! What did you put on my desk? Edith: A mud pie. Miss Hattie: [sighs] You're never gonna get adopted, Edith. You know that, don't you? Edith: Yeah, I know. Miss Hattie: Good. So, how did it go, girls? Did we meet our quotas? Margo: Hmm... Sorta. We sold 43 mini-mints, 30 choco-swirlies and 18 coco-nutties. Miss Hattie: [gets up] Okay.
Well, you say that like it's a great sale day. [furious] Look at my face! Do you still think it's a great sale day? Edith rolls her eyes in response. Miss Hattie: [hangs up a portrait] Eighteen coco-nutties. I think we can do a little better than that, don't you? Yeah. We wouldn't want to spend the weekend in the Box of Shame, would we? No. Girls: No, Miss Hattie. Miss Hattie: Okay, good. Off you go. Go clean something of mine. Girls: Hi, Penny. Penny: Hi, guys. Gru: Hello, Mom. Sorry, I meant to call, but... Gru's Mom: I just wanted to congratulate you on stealing the pyramid. [Gru sighs in disgust] That was you, wasn't it? Or was it a villain who's actually successful? [laughs] Gru: Just so you know, Mom, I am about to do something that's very, very big, very important. When you hear about it, you're going to be very proud. Gru's Mom: Ha! [sarcastically] Good luck with that. Okay, I'm outta here. [hangs up the phone before sending her karate instructor flying] Gru: Gru to see Mr Perkins Receptionist: Yes, please have a seat. Neil Armstrong: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Young Gru: Ma, someday I'm going to go to the moon. Gru's Mom: I'm afraid you're too late, Son. NASA isn't sending the monkeys any more. Vector: Hey. I'm applying for a new villain loan. Go by the name of Vector. It's a mathematical term, a quantity represented by an arrow, with both direction and magnitude. Vector! That's me, 'cause I'm committing crimes with both direction and magnitude. Oh, yeah! Check out my new weapon. Piranha gun! Oh, yes! Fires live piranhas. Ever seen one before? No, you haven't. I invented it. Do you want a demonstration? Shoot! So difficult, sometimes, to get the piranha back inside of my... Receptionist: Mr Gru, Mr Perkins will see you now. Gru: So, all I need is money from the bank to build a rocket. And then, the moon is ours. Perkins: Wow! Well, very nice presentation. I'd like to see this shrink ray. Gru: Absolutely! Will do. Soon as I have it. Perkins: You don't have it? And yet you have the audacity to ask the bank for money? Gru: Apparently. Perkins: Do you have any idea of the capital that this bank has invested in you, Gru? With far too few of your sinister plots actually turning a profit. How can I put it? Let's say this apple is you. If we don't start getting our money back... Get the picture? Look, Gru, the point is, there are a lot of new villains out there, younger than you, hungrier than you, younger than you. Like that young fellow out there named Vector. He just stole a pyramid! Gru: I've got it. I've got it. So, as far as getting money for the rocket... Perkins: Get the shrink ray, then we'll talk. Minion: Suckers! Suckers! Gru: We got it! What? Hey! Hey! What! Hey! No, no, no! You! Vectors: Now, maybe you'll think twice before you freeze someone's head! So long, Gru! Gru: Quick! We can't let him get away! Up ahead! Up ahead! Fire! Fire, now! Vector: You missed me! Gru: Come to papa! Take that. Vector: How adorable. Gru: Got you in our sights! Like taking candy from a... What? Vector: Hey, Gru! Try this on for size! Gru: That's weird. What is going... This is claustrophobic! No, no, no! Too small! This is too small for me! [groans] I hate that guy. Margo: ...and please watch over us, and bless that we'll have a good night's sleep. Edith: And bless that while we're sleeping, no bugs will crawl into our ears and lay eggs in our brains. Margo: Great. Thanks for that image, Edith. Agnes: And please bless that someone will adopt us soon, and that the mommy and daddy will be nice and have a pet unicorn. Amen. Margo/Edith: Amen. Agnes: Unicorns, I love them Unicorns, I love them Uni, uni, unicorns I love them Uni, unicorns, I could pet one If they were really real And they are So, I bought one so I could pet it Now it loves me Now I love it Gru: Don't you... What the... Good luck, little girls! Edith: Whoa! Cool. Margo: Hi! We're orphans from Miss Hattie's Home for Girls. Vector: I don't care. Beat it! Margo: Come on! We're selling
cookies so, you know, we can have a better future. Vector: Wait, wait! Do you have coco-nutties? Margo: Yeah. Gru: Light bulb. Dr Nefario! I'm going to need a dozen tiny robots disguised as cookies! Dr. Nefario: What? Gru: Cookie robots! Dr. Nefario: Who is this? - Gru: Oh, forget it. Mrs. Hattie: Well, it appears you have cleared our background check, Dr Gru. And I see you have made a list of some of your personal achievements. Thank you for that. I love reading. And I see you have been given the Medal of Honor and a knighthood. - Minions: Me, me, me. Me, me, me. Minion: Kevin? Mrs. Hattie: You had your own cooking show and you can hold your breath for 30 seconds? It's not that impressive. Minion: Idiot! - Minions: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Mrs Hattie: What in the name of... What? Gru: Well, here's the dealio. Things have been so lonely since my wife, Debbie, passed on. It's like my heart is a tooth, and it's got a cavity that can only be filled with children. I'm sorry. You are a beautiful woman. Do you speak Spanish? Mrs. Hattie: Do I look like I speak Spanish? Gru: You have a face como un burro. Mrs. Hattie: Well, thank you! Gru: Anyway, can we proceed with this adoption? So, so excited! Mrs. Hattie: Please tell Margo, Edith and Agnes to come to the lobby. Margo: I bet the mom is beautiful! Edith: I bet the daddy's eyes sparkle. Agnes: I bet their house is made of Gummi Bears. [Edith and Margo look at her curiously] I'm just saying it'd be nice. [picks up a Cheeto] Aww. My caterpillar never turned into a butterfly. Edith: That's a Cheeto. Agnes: Oh... [eats said Cheeto, making Edith and Margo recoil in disgust] Miss Hattie: Well, Debbie was a very lucky woman. [pause] Gru: Who's Debbie? Mrs Hattie: Your wife. Hi, girls! Girls, I want you to meet Mr Gru. He's going to adopt you. And he's a dentist! Agnes: Yeah! Margo: Hi. I'm Margo. This is Edith. And that's Agnes. Agnes: [sing-song] I got your leg, I got your leg! Gru: Okay, that is enough, little girl. Let go of my leg. Come on. You can do it. Agnes: Higher! Higher! Gru: Just release your grip. Wow! How do you remove them? Is there a command? Some nonstick spray? Crowbar? [sighs] Okay, girls, let's go. [They drove off in the distance.]Vector: Uh-huh! Oh, yeah! Pretty impressive! What are you looking at? Boo-ya! You got shrunk, tiny mouthwash! Take that! You done been shrunk! (His phone rings) Yello? I got the shrink ray, all right. No, I'm not playing with it. Gru? Don't make me laugh! No. P.S., he is not getting the moon, and P.P.S., by the time I'm done with him, he's gonna be begging for mercy. (Shrinks a toilet) Okay, bye. (Hangs up) Look at you, a little tiny toilet for a little tiny baby to... [The toilet pops out and water sprays him.]Vector: Curse you, tiny toilet! [Gru and the Girls arrive at Gru's Home.] Gru: "Okay, here we are. Home sweet home. Margo: So... This is, like, your house? [realizing] Wait a sec... You're the guy who pretended he was a recorded message! Gru: No, that was someone else. [Margo gives a skeptical look before she, Edith and Agnes enter Gru's house, with Gru following suite.] Agnes: [scared] Can I hold your hand? Gru: Uh... No. Edith: [looks around] When we got adopted by a bald guy, I thought this'd be more like "Annie". Gru: No, hey! [screams] Kyle, these are not treats. These are guests. Girls, this is Kyle, my... Dog. Kyle snarls in anger. Agnes: Ooh! Fluffy doggy! [approaches Kyle before he runs away, much to her disappointment] Margo: What kind of dog is that? Gru: He is a... I don't know. Margo: Do you really think that this is an appropriate place for little kids? 'Cause, uh... It's not. [Edith sees a closet that is sharp and goes in it.] Gru: No! No! Stay away from there! It's frag... [He sees juice spilling on the floor.]Both: (Gasps) Gru: Well, I suppose the plan will work with two. Edith: [muffled] Hey! It's dark in here. [Gru opens the iron maiden, revealing Edith, who spits out a straw]Edith: It poked a hole in my juice box. [They went to the
kitchen.] Gru: As you can see, I have provided everything a child might need. All right. Okay. As I was saying... (Edith knocked a bottle down) Gru: (Cont'd) Hey! Oh. Edith: Somebody broke that. Gru: "Okay, okay. Clearly, we need to set some rules. Rule number one. You will not touch anything. Margo: Uh-huh. What about the floor? Gru: Yes, you may touch the floor. Margo: What about the air? Gru: Yes, you may touch the air! Edith: (Gets out a laser gun) What about this? Gru: (Screams) Where did you get that? Edith: [shrugs] Found it. Gru: Okay. Rule number two. You will not bother me while I'm working. Rule number three. You will not cry or whine or laugh or giggle or sneeze or burp or fart! So, no, no, no annoying sounds. All right? Agnes: Does this count as annoying? [popping] Gru: Very! [sighs] I will see you in six hours. Margo: Okay, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. We're gonna be really happy here. Right? Agnes? Gru: Question. What are these? Dr. Nefario: A dozen boogie robots! Boogie! Look at this. Watch me! Gru: Cookie robots. I said cookie robots. Why are you so old? Dr. Nefario: Okay. I'm on it. Margo: Hello? Agnes: TV! Margo: What is that? Edith: Whoa! That is cool! Come on! Agnes: I don't think he's a dentist.Dr. Nefario: We've been working on this for a while. It's a anti-gravity serum. I meant to close that. He'll be all right, I'm sure. Gru: Do the effects wear off? Dr. Nefario: So far, no. No, they don't. And here, of course, is the new weapon you ordered. Gru: No, no. I said "dart gun," not... Okay. Dr. Nefario: Oh, yes. 'Cause I was wondering under what circumstances would we use this? But, anyway. What I really wanted to show you was this. Gru: Now those are cookie robots! Agnes: La, la, la, la I love unicorns Gru: What are you doing here? I told you to stay in the kitchen! Margo: We got bored. What is this place? Edith: Can I drink this? Dr. Nefario: Do you want to explode? [Edith kicks him in the shin] Dr. Nefario: Gru! Gru: Get back in the kitchen! Agnes: Will you play with us? Gru: No. Agnes: Why? Gru: Because I'm busy. Margo: [scoffs] Doing what? Gru: Umm... Okay, okay, you got me. The dentist thing is more of a hobby. In real life, I am a spy. And it is top secret, and you may not tell anybody, because if you do... Edith: What does this do? [She fires a laser and it hits Agnes's unicorn and it burns to ashes]Gru: Hey! Edith: Whoops. Agnes: My unicorn! You have to fix it. Gru: Fix it? Look, it has been disintegrated. By definition, it cannot be fixed. [Agnes gasps in shock, then starts holding her breath] Gru: That's freaking me out. What is she doing? Margo: She's gonna hold her breath until she gets a new one. Gru: [sighs] It is just a toy. Now stop it! (Agnes faints) Gru: Okay, okay! I'll fix it! Tim! Mark! Phil! This is very important. You have to get the little girl a new unicorn toy. Gru: Hey, hey, hey! A toy! Go, and hurry! What are those? Gru: They are my... Cousins. Jerry! Stuart! Watch them and keep them away from me please. [The three minions put on a disguise and head to the store.]Minions: Wow!- Wow! [Meanwhile the two minions and the girls are tossing toilet paper at each other. Gru comes up and he sees the Girls and the two minions having fun.]Edith: It was your cousin's idea. Jerry: What? Gru: Okay, bedtime. Girls: Aww... Minions: Aww... Gru: Not you two! Minions: Yay. Gru: Okey-dokey. Beddie-bye. All tucked in. Sweet dreams. Margo: Just so you know, you're never gonna be my dad. Gru: I think I can live with that. Edith: Are these beds made out of bombs? Gru: Yes, but they are very old and highly unlikely to blow up. But try not to toss and turn. Edith: "Cool." Agnes: Will you read us a bedtime story?" Gru: No. Agnes: But we can't go to sleep without a bedtime story. Gru: Well, then it's going to be a long night for you, isn't it? So, good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite. Because there are literally thousands of them. And there's probably something in your closet. Margo: He's just kidding, Agnes. Agnes: It's beautiful. Gru: Girls, let's go.
Time to deliver the cookies! Margo: Okay. But first, we're going to dance class. Gru: Actually, we're going to have to skip the dance class today. Margo: Actually, we can't skip the dance class today. We have a big recital coming up. We're doing an excerpt from Swan Lake. Agnes: Yeah, Swan Lake! Gru: That's fantastic. Wonderful. But we're going to deliver cookies! Come on! Margo: No. Gru: No? Margo: We're not going to deliver cookies until we do dance class. Really? Gru: Well, I am not driving you to dance class. So if you want to go, you are going to have to walk yourselves. What are you doing? Margo: Walking to dance class. Gru: Ya? Okay, fine. You just keep walking, because I'm really not driving you! Margo: Okay. Gru: You're going to suffer the wrath of Gru! Seriously, I'm going to count to three! And you had better be in this car! Here we go! One! Two! Teacher: ...three, four and five. And lift, and stretch. And one, and two... Agnes: Here you go. Gru: What is it? Agnes: Your ticket to the dance recital. You are coming, right? Gru: Of course, of course. I have pins and needles that I'm sitting on. Agnes: Pinkie promise? Gru: Oh, yes. My pinkie promises. All right. Our first customer is a man named Vector. Margo: But he's a V. You know, we're supposed to start with the A's. Then we go to the B's. Then we... Gru: Yes, yes! I went to kindergarten. I know how the alphabet works! I was just thinking that it might be nice to deliver Mr Vector's first. That is all. Almost over. It's almost over. Vector: Girls, welcome back to the fortress of Vector-tude! Do you have my cookies for me? Margo: Four boxes of mini-mints, two toffee totes, two caramel clumpies and fifteen boxes of coco-nutties. Vector: Exactly. I'd like to see somebody else order that many cookies. Not likely. Name one person who ordered more cookies than me. Margo: That'll be $52. Vector: Right. Seven, eight, nine... Tic Tacs! Where was I? Seven, eight, nine... Agnes: Why are you wearing pyjamas? Vector: These aren't pyjamas! This is a warm-up suit. Edith: What are you warming up for? Vector: Stuff. Agnes: What sort of stuff? Vector: Super-cool stuff you wouldn't understand. Agnes: Like sleeping? Vector: They are not pyjamas! Here you go, 52 big ones. Bye! Gru: Come on! Vector: What the...? Quiet down, fish. Down, boy!Gru: [laughs] We did it! Come on, girls, let's go! Margo: But what about the other people who ordered cookies? Gru: Life is full of disappointments... For some people. [chuckles ominously] Agnes: (Screams) Gru: Don't do that! Agnes: Super Silly Fun Land! Can we go? Please? Gru: No. Edith: But we've never been. And it's the funnest place on earth! Gru: "Don't care." Girls: Please? Please? We'll never ask for anything else, ever again! Pretty please? Please? Come on! Come on! Gru: "Light bulb." Edith: Come on! Gru: "Goodbye, have fun. [He began to leave. But a attendant of the roller coaster stopped him.]Carnival Ride Worker: Sorry, dude. They can't ride without an adult. Gru: What? [groans] [Soon Gru gets sick from the roller coaster ride.]Agnes: Oh, my gosh! Look at that fluffy unicorn! He's so fluffy, I'm gonna die! Margo: You've gotta let us play for it! Gru: No, no, no. Agnes: Come on! Gru: How much for the fluffy unicorn?Carnival Barker: Well, it is not for sale. But all you gotta do to win it is knock down that little spaceship there. It's easy! Agnes: Yay! Again! Margo: Wait! Edith: Come on. One more time! Agnes: Just one more. I accidentally closed my eyes. I hit it! I hit it! Edith: That was cool. Awww. Gru: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What was that? She hit that. I saw that with my own eyes.Carnival Barker: Hey, buddy, let me explain something to you. You see that little tin spaceship? You see how it's not knocked over? Do you know what that means, professor? It means you don't get the unicorn! Somebody's got a frowny face. Boo! Better luck next time! Gru: Okay, my turn. [Gru uses a fire gun and it blows up the whole booth.]Gru: "Knocked over!" Agnes: It's so fluffy! Yeah! Margo: That was
awesome! Edith: You blew up the whole thing! Agnes: Let's go. Let's try another game!Dr. Nefario: Gru, do you mind if I have a quick word? Gru: Okay, girls, go play. I got the shrink ray! Cotton candy! Dr. Nefario: We have 12 days until the moon is in optimum position. We can't afford any distractions! Gru: Get me Perkins. Sorry to bother you, Mr Perkins, but I figured that you would want to see this! Mr. Perkins: What? Well done, Gru. Rather impressive.Gru: Now, the rest of the plan is simple. I fly to the moon. I shrink the moon. I grab the moon. I sit on the toi-let. What? (girls start laughing) Sorry. Sorry! Could you excuse me for just one second? I told you not to touch my things. I told you, I told you. I've told you a thousand times. Margo: Hey, can we order pizza? Gru: Pizza? You just had lunch. Edith: Not now, for dinner. Gru: Dinner? Just... Fine, fine, fine, whatever. Just get back in there! Margo: Can we get stuffed crust? Agnes and Jerry: Stuffed crust!Gru: I'll stuff you all in the crust! Agnes: [giggles] You're funny! Gru: Just don't come out of that room again! All right. Sorry about that. Where were we? Mr. Perkins: You were sitting on the toilet. Gru: No, no, no! No, I'm sorry. It was a little attempt at humor. I know how much you like to laugh... [Mr. Perkins glares at him] Inside. Eh, now, I was saying... [the door suddenly opens] You don't seem terribly focused, Gru. Believe me, I am completely focused. Right? Edith: Hello! Mr. Perkins: What? Edith: That guy is huge! Agnes: Are we on TV? Mr. Perkins: What are those? Children?Gru: What are you doing? I told you to stay out of here! No, no, no! *Agnes: Freeze ray!Mr. Perkins: Mr Gru? Gru: Okay. As I was saying... Mr. Perkins: No need to continue. I've seen quite enough. Gru: But my plan... Mr. Perkins: Is a great plan. I love everything about your plan, except for one thing. You. Young Gru: Look, Mom, I drew a picture of me landing on the moon! Look, Mom, I made a prototype of the rocket out of macaroni! Look, Mom, I made a real rocket based on the macaroni prototype! Gru: I don't understand. Mr. Perkins: Let's face reality, Gru. You've been at this for far too long with far too little success. We're gonna put our faith, our money, into a... Well, a younger villain. Gru: But I... Mr. Perkins: It's over. Goodbye, Gru. Gru: Now, I know there have been some rumours going around that the bank is no longer funding us. Well, I am here to put those rumours to rest. They are true. In terms of money, we have no money. So how will we get to the moon? The answer is clear. We won't. We are doomed. Now would probably be a good time to look for other employment options. I know. I have fired up my resume as I suggest that all of you do, as well. What is it? Can't you see that I am in the middle of a pep talk? Yes! Yes, we will build our own rocket using this and whatever else we can find! Grab everything! Hit the junkyards! Take apart the cars! Who needs the bank? Let's go. Let's go! Mom! What are you doing here? Gru's Mom: And here he is in the bathtub. Look at his little buns. Gru: Mom. Not cool. Gru's Mom: And here, he's all dressed up in his Sunday best. Margo: He looks like a girl! Gru's Mom: Yes, he does. An ugly girl! Agnes: You're funny! Edith: Yes! Mine's shaped like a dead guy! Receptionist: Mr. Perkins, your son is here. Mr. Perkins: Send him in. Vector: Hey, Dad. You wanted to see me? Mr. Perkins: Yes, I did, Victor. - Vector: I am not Victor anymore. Victor was my nerd name. Now I am Vector! Mr. Perkins: Sit down. Do you know where the shrink ray is? Vector: Duh! Back at my place. Mr. Perkins: Oh, is that right? Back at your place? That's cool. I guess Gru must just have one that looks exactly like it! Vector: What the...?! Those girls sold me cookies! Mr. Perkins: Do you have any idea how lucrative this moon heist could be? I give you the opportunity of a lifetime, and you just blow it! Vector: No, I didn't. Mr. Perkins: Oh, really?Vector: You just wait until Gru sees my latest weapon. Squid-launcher! Oh, yeah! Man:
There's a squid on my face!Vector: Don't worry. The moon is as good as ours. Gru: Come on now, it's bedtime. Did you brush your teeth? Let me smell. Let me smell. You did not! Put on your PGs. Hold still. Okay, seriously! Seriously! This is beddie-bye time, right now. I'm not kidding around. I mean it! Edith: But we're not tired! Gru: Well, I am tired. Agnes: Will you read us a bedtime story? [pause] Gru: No. Agnes: Pretty please? Gru: The physical appearance of the "please" makes no difference. It is still no, so go to sleep. Edith: But we can't. We're all hyper! Margo: And without a bedtime story, we'll just keep getting up and bugging you. All night long. Gru: [sighs] Fine. All right, all right. Sleepy Kittens. Sleepy Kittens? What are these? Agnes: Puppets. You use them when you tell the story. Gru: Okay, let's get this over with. "Three little kittens loved to play, they had fun in the sun all day. "Then their mother came out and said, 'Time for kittens to go to bed."' Wow! This is garbage. You actually like this? Agnes: Keep reading! Edith: Come on! Gru: All right, all right, all right. "Three little kittens started to bawl, "'Mommy, we're not tired at all.' "Their mother smiled and said with a purr, "'Fine, but at least you should brush your fur."' Edith: Now you brush the fur. Gru: This is literature? A 2-year-old could have written this. All right. "Three little kittens with fur all brushed "said, 'We can't sleep, we feel too rushed! ' "Their mother replied, with a voice like silk, "'Fine, but at least you should drink your milk."' Agnes: Now make them drink the milk. Gru: I don't like this book. This is going on forever. "Three little kittens, with milk all gone, rubbed their eyes and started to yawn. "'We can't sleep, we can't even try.' Then their mother sang a lullaby. "'Good night kittens, close your eyes. Sleep in peace until you rise. "'Though while you sleep, we are apart, "'your mommy loves you with all her heart."' The end. Okay, good night. Agnes: Wait! Gru: What? Agnes: What about good night kisses? Gru: No, no. There will be no kissing or hugging or kissing. Margo: He is not gonna kiss us good night, Agnes. Agnes: I like him. He's nice.Edith: [turns off her light] But scary. Like Santa! Dr. Nefario: Only 48 hours till the launch, and all systems are go. Gru: About that, I was thinking that maybe we could move the date of the heist. Dr. Nefario: Please tell me this is not as a result of the girls' dance recital, is it? Gru: No, no, no! The recital? Don't... That's stupid! I just think it's kind of weird to do it on a Saturday. I was thinking, maybe a heist is a Tuesday thing, right? Dr. Nefario: Gru, you and I have been working on this for years. It's everything we've dreamed of. Your chance to make history, become the man who stole the moon! But these girls are becoming a major distraction! They need to go. If you don't do something about it, then I will. Gru: I understand. Dr. Nefario: Good. Minion: Butt. Butt. Butt. Gru: All right. Now, when we put our cups together, we will make the "clink" sound with our mouths. Ready? Edith? Gru: and Edith: Clink. Gru: There we go. And now we drink. And Agnes? Gru and Agnes: Clink. Gru: Very good! Excuse me, girls. Girls: Come on! Gru: Don't worry, I'll be back. Keep clinking. - Clink, clink. - Clink, clink.Gru: Miss Hattie, what are you doing here? Miss Hattie: I'm here for the girls. I received a call that you wanted to return them. [Gru gives her a quizzical look] And also, I did purchase a Spanish dictionary. [swats Gru's head with the dictionary] I didn't like what you said. Gru: But... I will get the girls ready. Agnes: Don't let her take us, Mr. Gru! Tell her you wanna keep us. Mrs. Hattie: All right, girls. Come on, let's go. Margo: Goodbye, Mr. Gru. Thanks for everything. Dr. Nefario: I did it for your own good. Come on, let's go get that moon. Gru: Right. What is this for? The recital? I am the greatest criminal mind of the century. I don't go to little girls' dance recitals! Dr. Nefario: Opening launch bay
doors. Commencing launch sequence. And we are good to go in T minus 10 seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... Vector: Oh, yeah! Gru: Nice work, Doctor. All systems go. Vector: Boo-ya! My flight suit. Oh, yeah! Once again, the mighty... Gru: I've got it! I've got the moon! I've got the moon. I can make it. Dr. Nefario: Wait a minute! Jerry: Kevin! Gru: Come on! Come on! Agnes: He's still not here. Margo: Why would he come? He gave us up. Agnes: But he pinkie promised! Teacher: Girls, girls, places. Edith: No, we can't start yet! We're still expecting someone. Agnes: Can we just wait a few more minutes? Teacher: All right. But just a few more minutes. Margo: He's not coming, guys. Dr. Nefario: Gru! Gru, can you hear me? Quick, we have to warn him, and fast!Gru: Okay, okay. There's the library. That's Third Street. The dance studio... There! There! There it is! Janitor: Sorry, buddy. Show's over.Gru: Over? Gru: Vector, open up! Vector: First give me the moon. Then we'll talk. Agnes: Mr. Gru! Vector: Zip it, Happy Meal. Gru: Now, the girls. Vector: Actually, I think I'll hold on to them a little while longer. Gru: No! Vector: Oh, yeah! Unpredictable! Gru: Listen close, you little punk. When I get in there, you are in for a world of pain! Vector: [laughs sarcastically] I'm really scared. Agnes: He is gonna kick your butt. Vector: What? He punched my shark! Dr. Nefario: There he is! Hang on, Gru. Oh, no! Gru: Vector has the girls. Go! Dr. Nefario: What happened to the ship? It's big again! Not as big as the moon is going to be! Gru: What? Dr. Nefario: The larger the mass of an object, the quicker the effects of the shrink ray wear off! I call it the Nefario Principle. I just came up with it now, actually. Gru: Oh, no! Margo: Did you see that? Girls: Vector! Help! Vector! Over here! Vector: Hey! What are you girls doing back there? Girls: The moon! Watch out! Vector: Ouch! Gru: Get as close in as you can. You got it. Margo: Mr Gru, up here! Agnes and Edith: Mr Gru! Gru: Okay, girls! Girls! You're going to have to jump. Edith: Jump? Are you insane? Gru: Don't worry, I will catch you. Margo: You gave us back! Gru: I know, I know. And it is the worst mistake I ever made. But you have to jump now. Margo: It'll be okay. Gru: Okay, girls. Margo: Jump now! Gru: Margo, I will catch you. And I will never let you go again. Vector: Not so fast! Gru: No! Margo: Let me go! Gru: Margo! I'm coming, Margo. Hang on! I got you.Vector: No! Oh, poop. News Reporter: This time, good triumphs, and the moon has been returned to its rightful place in the sky. But once again, law enforcement is baffled, leaving everyone to wonder, who is this mysterious hero? And what will he do next? Gru: Okay, girls. Time for bed. Edith: Come on! We want a story. Agnes: Three sleepy kittens! Gru: Oh, no! Sorry. That book was accidentally destroyed maliciously. Tonight we are going to read a new book. This one is called One Big Unicorn by... Who wrote this? Me! I wrote it. Look, it's a puppet book! Here, watch this. That's the horn! Agnes: This is gonna be the best book ever! Gru: Not to pat myself on the back, but, yes, it probably will be. Here we go. "One big unicorn, strong and free "thought he was happy as he could be. "Then three little kittens came around "and turned his whole life upside down." Edith: Hey, that one looks like me! Gru: No, what are you talking about? These are kittens! Any relation to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. "They made him laugh. "They made him cry. "He never should have said goodbye. "And now he knows he could never part "from those three little kittens "that changed his heart. "The end." Okay, all right. Good night. Margo: I love you. Gru: I love you, too. No, no! All right. Didn't I get you already? They're very good! Gru's Mom: I'm so proud of you, Son. You've turned out to be a great parent! Just like me. Maybe even better. Gru: No, I'm fine. Go ahead. No, no, no! THE END Hey, Carl! Hey. No, no, no. Me, me, me. John? No, no. Me, me, me. Oh,
poop. Oh, no! Stop! Stop! Hello, I am Gru. Back to work, back to work! Back to…
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drethanramslay · 5 years ago
And ummm.... 77 and 80? For Ethan and mc. Please. Don't kill me 😔 i got it bad
Thanks for the ask @noboundariesplease 💜
#77-“If you want to leave, we can leave.”
#80- "Your comfort and happiness is more important to me than some stupid dinner"
You can find the prompt list here.
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @junggoku @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @ethanramseysgirl @samihatuli @loveellamae @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @zeniamiii @binny1985 @an-urban-witch-ig @ramseyegerton @noboundariesplease @mrsdr-ethan-ramsey @newcolonies @mkamra2355 @unluckygs @choices-love-affair @kaavyaethanramsey  @caseyvalentineramsey @ohramsey @virtualrain202 @squishywizardhq  @junehiratas @nooruleman @itsgoingnuts
Warning: There is some fat shaming and this kinda hits home lmao😭
Also, long post 😔
Leah's hands were trembling as Ethan and her stood on the porch of lavish house. She hadn't met her mom in three years and she would have liked to keep it that way.
She disliked her mom and the list of reasons can go on and on.
Leah's mom had cheated on her father when she was 16. And it nearly broke him. There were days when her brother, Levi and her would stay up to make sure he didn't do something impulsive. Since that day, her father, Liam and her started bonding over their mutual dislike for the said character.
Her father, Ray, was hell of a tough guy. He was ex-marine who worked in a bodyguard company now. For a 50 plus guy, he was ripped and had such an intimidating glare that it gave Ethan a run for his money. But, he always had a soft corner for his mija. If he could, he would move mountains for her.
Same with Leah, they both were as close as best friends could be and he had always been an anchor for her. He was the best father she could have asked for. It had always been this way- her father, Liam and her. The dream team.
She wasn't going to meet her mom after the Thanksgiving disaster but a phone call from her dad, her heart melted and she grudgingly agreed.
"Are you okay sunshine?" Ethan asked as he looked at her pale face.
"Y-yeah. I'm great." She gulped and pressed the doorbell.
Footsteps rushed towards the door and a woman in her late forties opened the door.
"Leah!!" Her mother spoke.
"Uh...um, hi mom." She waved.
She hugged her and then held her at a shoulder's length scrutinizing her. Leah felt so exposed at that moment that she shifted uncomfortably from one feet to another.
"Mija... You have gained weight and you literally have wrinkles. Are you even using the cream I sent you?"
No because it's at the bottom of the bay. Leah thought as anger slowly filtered into her veins. She hated being told that she was too fat or that she was getting wrinkles or the fact that she had to cake herself with makeup.
I am beautiful the way I am thank you very much.
But it still stung that your own mother thought that you were ugly.
Seeing his sunshine's discomfort, Ethan smoothly cut in. "Hola Ms. Alejandro. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He extended his hand and Leah's mother was starstruck.
He has that effect on EVERYONE he meets. That's not fair... Leah pouted mentally.
Blushing she took his hand and laughed. "My my Leah, you have a fine man. And call me Francesca, Ethan. Please come on in. Food is getting cold."
Leah fisted her hands and walked in but was stop shortly as Ethan's hands grabbed her wrist. "Sunshine I know how you feel about your mother and I can see how stressed you are right now. And don't listen to a single thing she is saying. You are damn gorgeous and I love you the way you are. If you want to leave, we can leave.”
"N-no it's fine. We will just stay for an hour and haul ass. Just promise me you will stop me from strangling her." She muttered as they walked down the gaudy hallway.
"Honey! Is Leah here?" Steve, her mother's husband asked as he came down the steps.
"Hey Steve! How's it going?" Leah asked as she gave him a side hug. He was tolerable.
As they sat down on the dining table, Steve started carving up the roasted chicken. Leah took a plate and served some herb rice, a side of mash potatoes and stir fry vegetables to Ethan. Ethan just smiled softly at the gesture and kissed her cheek in gratitude.
"You two are so cute." Leah's mom said as she poured red wine for everyone but Leah. Leah pasted a fake smile as she grabbed the bottle and filled her glass.
Francesca eyed her disapprovingly but Leah eyes glinted, daring her to say something.
And that's how the dinner went. Leah's mom passing snide remarks Leah's way and Leah just taking them with a fake smile. Steve was totally oblivious and telling some story about his gold mates. Ethan pretended that he actually understood what he was saying, but his hand was on Leah's thigh squeezing it to reassure that he was right there.
Within half an hour, Leah was done with this bullshit. She went to the bathroom to take a break from everything.
God I hate that witch so much...
Leah was just returning from the washroom when Ethan got up and made his way to her. "Sunshine, we need to go."
"Why what happened?"
"This is our chance to leave." Ethan lowly spoke as he handed her, her purse and coat and they headed for the door.
"Oh okay then. Let's get going. Bye mom. Bye Steve. Sorry we can't stay back for dessert. Emergency came up y'know? Saving lives and stuff. Bye!!"
Nope I'm not sorry at all.
"Gracias Francesca. Have a great night." They both ran out of the house and headed to the street. As soon as they sat in the car they both burst into laughter.
"Damn Ethan that was the smoothest escape you have done so far." As she clicked on the seat belt.
"It's a growth from the time when we both went home the night of the hearing." He chuckled as he put the key in the ignition and turned the car on.
"Oh YAH! You were like-" scrunching her face up so that it looked grumpy and adopting a deep voice, she imitated Ethan "- Dr. Garcia and I are going to the hospital for paperwork and nothing else."
Ethan guffawed and soon Leah joined in. They headed to the ice cream parlor down the street and got some humongous servings of ice cream.
As they sat on a bench in the park, bullshitting back and forth, they slowly sunk into a comfortable silence, with Leah's head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for helping me escape... I- I can't deal with her. She-"
"Shh sunshine. I know. You don't need to explain me. I can sense your discomfort from miles away. Your comfort and happiness is more important to me than some stupid dinner anyways.”
Leah had a huge smile on her face as they sat there, basking in the Boston breeze, in a deserted park.
I will be posting the 2nd chapter of 'Dead instinct' in a couple of hours so stay tuned in :))
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thatssonanii · 6 years ago
First Day
Before the drama
Treasure sat at the table eating her breakfast Hanna made her. She kept her eyes on her plate trying to ignore the weirdly happy faces on the adults. Lainey stood behind her fixing her hair, Zion sitting to her left, Charles to her right and her other uncles, aunts and grandparents across from her.
"You excited for school, big girl?" Melissa asked smiling.
Treasure shrugged and smiled at her aunt. "Yes ma'am. Uncle Benny said its gonna make me smarter."
Melissa leaned her head on Benny's shoulder smiling.
"You worried about anyone bothering you?" Marcie asked.
"Nope. Uncle Eddie, Uncle Cam and Uncle Zion said that they're gonna shoot anyone who bothers me."
Hanna eyed her sons, who were avoiding her stare. "Now don't go to that school saying that, Treasure. I mean it."
"I know, Nana. PopPop said that's family business and dry snitching. And you don't tell on family unless they break the rules."
Caleb laughed, "At least we know she listens well."
"Chuck said if I don't wanna do it, I don't have to cause I'm the first daughter." Treasure giggled going back to her grits.
Lainey tapped her with the comb and leaned down to look at her daughter. "And what did Mommy say?'
"That if I have a red or yellow face I'm gettin my butt cut."
"That's right and you better remember that. Go brush your teeth and put your clothes on so we can go."
Nodding, Treasure scooted out of her chair and ran out of the kitchen up the stairs. Melissa and Marcie went behind her hurray in case she needed help and to check on the babies while Lainey went to grab her lunchbox and bookbag.
"You driving, Charles?" Lainey asked getting her thermos from the fridge to put in her lunchbox.
"Yeah. Your brothers and Caleb are gonna follow us." Charles told her drinking his coffee.
Lainey looked at her brothers and dad then shook her head. "No, y'all are not. For what?"
Caleb shrugged. "Cause that's my grandbaby."
Cameron smiled. "Just to make sure she gets there safe, sis."
"And meet her teacher," Zion added.
"Can't have just anybody teaching my niece," Benny laughed.
Eddie agreed with all of them then laughed, "And just so they know who they're dealing with if anything happens to our little princess."
Lainey closed her mouth. She knew whatever she said would fall on deaf ears. They were tagging along whether she liked it or not. The doorbell rang interrupting their conversation, Hanna got up to answer it. She gave a small smile when she opened it.
"Good morning, Mitch. You came just in time." She said letting him in. "Everyone's in the kitchen."
Mitch ran a hand through his hair as he passed through the living room to get to the kitchen. He'd rather not deal with Lainey's brothers and Charles but he would do anything for Treasure and Diego. He went to hug Lainey and kiss her cheek.
"Mornin'. Where's my big girl?" He asked with a smile.
"Good morning, Mitch. She's upstairs getting dressed. I didn't hear you speak to anyone else."
Mitch sighed and turned to the men. "Mornin, B, Caleb."
Benny kept his mouth closed as did Caleb, he wasn't stupid nor crazy. Rolling her eyes, Lainey pinched the back of his neck making him yelp an reach back to rub his neck.
"The hell?"
"If you're gonna be rude and disrespectful then you can leave, Mitchell. We're here for Treasure and nothing more. This is a big day for her and you're not gonna ruin it. Understand?"
Mitch held his hands up, "You got it, Ms. Parker."
Charles chuckled, "Mrs. Frederickson. That's a married woman you're talking to, Mitch. But you already knew that."
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"You better stop playing with that man," Cameron joked.
Just as Mitch opened his mouth to say something smart, Treasure came running into kitchen and posed.
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"I'm ready for Prek!"
"Aah, look at you, Mama. You look so beautiful," Eddie complimented with a wide smile.
Everybody laughed hearing Eddie be so nice and warm. It wasn't something he did often, only of Treasure or one of his nephews were concerned.
Mitch squatted and held his arms open, "There's Daddy's big girl."
Treasure ran into his arms hugging him tight. "Daddy, you came!"
Mitch kissed her head then let her go, "Of course. I told you I'd be here."
Zion scoffed loudly and mumbled under his breath.
Marcie came onto the kitchen quickly with lip gloss in her hands then kneeled down to Treasure's level. The men frowned.
"Marcie, what's that?" Cameron asked frowning.
Marcie showed her how to rub her lips together and pop them before answering. "It's lip gloss, Cam. She can't go to school edith dry lips. She can't be all crusty."
Benny sucked his teeth, "Vaseline woulda been aight."
Marcie laughed then handed the lip gloss to Lainey to put in Treasure's bookbag. She gave get niece a hug before going bad book upstairs. Standing up, Charles checked his watch and whistled.
"Time to go, Sunshine. Don't wanna be late."
"Kay," Treasure chirped going to Lainey so she could put her bookbag on, "Ready, Mommy?"
"I'm ready, Doll. Give Nana a kiss so we can all go."
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Lainey and Treasure walked in front of the men into the classroom. Treasure was amazed at how big it was and seeing the other kids. The only kids she had really been around were her brother and cousins but they're babies and the few times she sent to the park. She walked around the classroom holding the straps her bookbag. When they approached the teacher, Lainey and Treasure both smiled not knowing the men stood behind them with frowns on their faces.
"Good morning! You must be Treasure," the teacher said excitedly.
"Yes ma'am," Treasure said rocking back and forth on her heels, "Treasure Malone. What's your name?"
"I'm Mrs. Honey." She said smiling.
Treasure giggled, "Honey? Like from bees?"
"Yes ma'am, like bees." She laughed turning her attention to Lainey. "You must be Mama? Or should I call you First Lady? Nice to meet you."
Lainey smiled, "Yeah, I'm mom. You can just call me Lainey."
Ms. Honey smiled them looked behind her briefly. "And behind you are uncles and dad?"
Lainey nodded turning to look behind her for a second.
"Her uncles, her dad, her stepdad and her Poppop."
"My aunties and Nana stayed home with my brother and cousins. They're babies, they're boring," Treasure told her holding a straight face.
The adults laughed and Lainey grabbed her hand. "Right so, you have all my contact information as well as theirs. I put them in order for you to call it the number above it is not answered please go in that order specifically. She has her own lunch and snack in her lunchbox. She's a bit of a chatterbox and she's allergic to bees and and fish."
Ms. Honey nodded taking everything in. "I gotcha. If you would like you could take her to hang her bookbag and lunchbox then she's welcome to play with the other kids."
Treasure pulled Lainey towards the cubbies. Caleb waited until they were by the cubbies to speak.
"Mrs. Honey, I'm Caleb, her PopPop. Nice to meet you. That there is my baby, our baby. I'm sure that she'll be safe in your care but just in case something happens know that I'm coming to you first. Clear?'
Mrs. Honey nodded slowly.
"Goldie means a lot to us and you now," Zion told her folding his arms, "That being said I don't want any of these kids putting their hands on her."
"Cause if somebody makes her cry or hurts her then them and their parents are gonna have to see me." Benny told her with a smile.
Eddie adjusted the gun on his hip. "I don't think I have to elaborate on how much your life depends on her safety, I feel like you get the point."
"And by chance you don't, we'll be happy to explain it, in great detail," Cameron added.
Charles stepped up as well as Mitch. Charles pointed to the man beside him. "He is her father, I am her step father. Him and I both can make you disappear. Completely."
Mitch smirked, "Wipe you clean from existence."
"So," Caleb said softly getting her attention, "If she so much as gets a hang nail one of our phones better ring. And we're the nice ones, just wait till you meet her Nana."
Mrs. Honey stared at the men unsure of what to say. She had dealt with protective parents but nothing ever like this. This was different. She knew these weren't just empty threats.
Treasure cane running back over to them with Lainey behind her. Ms. Honey watched them go from frowning to smiling. The little girl hugged each of them.
"Who's coming to pick me up?" She asked loudly.
"Who do you want to pick you up, Mama?" Eddie asked sweetly.
"Ummmm," she hummed tapping her chin, "Uncle Cam! He said I get ice cream if I'm good."
Lainey laughed giving her one more hug, "Alright, big girl, we're gonna go. Have a good day, be nice and have fun. Mommy will see you later."
As they left each male made sure to make eye contact with Mrs. Honey. They weren't taking any chances on Treasure. Lainey was sure they had threatened Treasure's teacher but again, she didn't bother to say anything to them, she knew how and when to pick her battles.
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rosesandthorns44 · 2 years ago
Modern humans' need to connect everything to the internet will never make sense to me.
Like, you do you. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their lives. I just don't get it. You're like, actively letting Big Brother invade every aspect of your life...
(obviously I'm happy that technology can help disabled people live their lives with a little more ease! Use your assistive tech!)
I've got a computer. I've got a phone. The rest of my stuff is analog.
This is going to make me sound pretentious as fuck. I swear I'm not. I'm just a nerd who likes old things.
I don't need to be able to receive texts on my watch. My trusty Swatch serves me just fine. I proudly bought it with my first paycheck from my job!
My mom's Echo Dot freaks me out and I unplug it at every opportunity when she's not actively using it to play music. She got it so she can listen to music in her studio while her hands are covered in clay. Makes sense. Still creepy when it talks because it thinks we asked it something when we didn't.
My sewing machine is 117 years old. It doesn't even use electricity. I'm a sewing nerd and it's my baby. Her name is Edith. Modern sewing machines with touch screens and all sorts of stitch settings are confusing and if something breaks I can't fix it myself.
I have multiple typewriters because *click clack* make brain happy. Also, I'm sure as fuck never typing up my journals where the internet can find them!
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xiaosashae-ffxiv · 7 years ago
First Failure
D: Hey Kinmont... holding up alright?
K: Yeah dad... I'll be fine eventually.
D: Your mother meant a lot to many people. It meant a lot to have you play the piano. She would've loved to hear it. She likely wa-
K: Please stop, dad. We don't have to bring it up.
D: ...'It' up? Your mother is a thing now... good to know.
K: Corpses are things. Sarcasm isn't your forte. Don't try it now.
D: This is About YOUR MOTHER!
K: ...
D: ... This is about my wife. This is about someone who is not some corpse. Her body is, but she is not.
K: You're not making sense.
D: I am. I am if you would listen. Everything Edith ever did is a part of us. When you live with someone for so long, they become a part of you. More than that is her essence. It's-
K: With us? Among the stars you love so dearly?
D: I'm warning yo-
K: Warn me of what? Why? How? Let me guess, those dumb cards of yours.
D: You're not to bring that up like this.
K: Then maybe you should work on something useful. Take Ishgardian Astrologian's ideas and learn to predict something useful! Stop trying to risk your lives when you can use divination to Stop Problems in the First place!
D: And drop all the knowledge of our people? I will not be the first failure in our lineage.
K: You already are because you failed to protect My Mo-.
D: ...You don't mean that.
K: ...
D: ...Kinmont I need you to talk to me.
K: ...I'm sorry dad, I-
D: I know. I know... It's okay. I just... wish you were closer.
K: I won't be... Not for a long time. I know you and mom wanted to teach me a lot, but I've found my own way. I can help others and give back to people where I am. I'm making a difference without being shunned for it.
D: I can respect that, but you have a gift. You may not know it yet, but you do. It's a part of you. Just like your parents.
K: Well.. we'll see what happens in the future.
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wroef · 8 years ago
what do you think was the reason for milton to run away? did he read the stories (he most likely did) and started believing in the curse and tried to run away from it like dawn? was he weirded out by the museum-like rooms and the shrines? or by the great-uncle hiding under the house? the house in general? i don't think it had something to do with his family because he seemed to be very close to dawn and he also got along well with lewis and edie (and edith probably too, but she was only four).
Ding dong I have a huge opinion on this. Mod Milton here to give you a lecture-  Milton showed no signs of being close with his mother, but take this:  His mother was close to him. You see what I’m saying, right? It’s not reciprocated. I know the type of mom Dawn is, I’ve lived with the type of mom she is. Overprotective. Being raised by an overprotective mom, I know how Milton feels. You put a bird in a cage, what’s he going to do? He’s going to want to fly out, right? He wasn’t scared of the curse, he was curious. He was fascinated by what these stories held and probably felt betrayed by his mother keeping all this from him and decided to leave. I mean, sure his mother raised him and cared for him, but I think she did that a bit too much, and when Milton found out about everything? That’s like having your favorite pillow snatched away from your head. You can’t sleep with that pillow anymore. That pillow you’ve had for years upon years. This is the pillow you’ve cried on, screamed into, and threw against the wall in your sleep (at least, I did); and now this pillow is suddenly gone. That loving security turned into betrayal, and he escaped the cage. This poor kid was never scared, he just wanted his freedom. Listen, Milton may have been young, but he was certainly not stupid.
Hi yes, this has been a Mod Milton PSA on why Lewis should never let me run the blog alone. Because my opinions are so blunt and straightforward, and I get worked up. 
-Mod Milton 
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