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modernreflexology1 · 1 year ago
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lazersamurai · 5 years ago
A casual day of full body work out 😁 It gave me such good DOMs😵 ____________________________________________________ #DelayedOnsetMuscleSoreness #training #gymlifestyle #gymlife #weighttraining #gym #puregym #fitness #fitnessinstructor #weightstraining #weights #gymmotivation #thegainstrain #alloftheweights #fun #gains #mobility #naturalmovement   #movement https://www.instagram.com/p/B4123FHgoFW/?igshid=1s922njwcsv0i
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jnroberts76-blog · 7 years ago
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Holy crap getting out of bed this morning DOMS has kicked in!! Thank goodness I woke up 30 mins before my alarm to foam roll before completing packing up for home. Ugh! #delayedonsetmusclesoreness #hungoverlegs #postmarathonfun (at Guttenberg, New Jersey)
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leannevenier · 7 years ago
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Getting #biohacked with a 26 pound #kettlebell at #neufit austin today! What a great #workout ! 4x as intense as working out at the gym... Supposedly I'm going to have extreme delayed onset muscle soreness tomorrow after this intensive workout, but I've already seen from using my #redjuvenator for boosting #muscleperformance over the past 2 months that even after a very intensive workouts at the gym, my muscles get extremely strong and build very quickly but WITHOUT any of the #pain! Very rapid #musclerecovery. Plus, in my first 6 weeks of working out at my regular gym, I gained 6 pounds of lean muscle! For me, that is phenomenal since I'm always trying to gain weight! Can't wait to see the effects of this Neufit training session! Btw, this dramatic reduction in #delayedonsetmusclesoreness ( #doms ) and increase in muscle mass, strength and endurance has been consistent with all the competitive #athletes (and non-competitive athletes) that have been using my REDjuvenator #3. #redjuvenatorbiophotoniclight #redjuvenators #redlighttherapy #nearinfrared #nearinfraredtherapy #goteamredjuvenator #hightech #biohacking
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leannevenier · 7 years ago
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Getting #biohacked at #neufit austin today! What a great #workout ! 4x as intense as working out at the gym... Supposedly I'm going to have extreme delayed onset muscle soreness tomorrow after this intensive workout, but I've already seen from using my #redjuvenator for boosting #muscleperformance over the past 2 months that even after a very intensive workouts at the gym, my muscles get extremely strong and build very quickly but WITHOUT any of the #pain! Very rapid #musclerecovery. Plus, in my first 6 weeks of working out at my regular gym, I gained 6 pounds of lean muscle! For me, that is phenomenal since I'm always trying to gain weight! Can't wait to see the effects of this Neufit training session! Btw, this dramatic reduction in #delayedonsetmusclesoreness ( #doms ) and increase in muscle mass, strength and endurance has been consistent with all the competitive #athletes (and non-competitive athletes) that have been using my REDjuvenator #3. #redjuvenatorbiophotoniclight #redjuvenators #redlighttherapy #nearinfrared #nearinfraredtherapy #goteamredjuvenator #hightech #biohacking
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