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sableeira · 2 years ago
so Chuuya was conscious throughout BOTH confession speeches?!? Oh Dazai will never hear the end of it.
Dazai does anything to piss Chuuya off and Chuuya just smirks and pulls out an entire notebook of embarrassing things Dazai said in Meursault
Chuuya, impersonating Dazai: You remember when our hearts reached out to each other? And our paths can’t end like this because we are destined to…
And Dazai just kicks him because he has heard this speech 20 times since they have come back home
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everdistantstars · 1 year ago
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Dazai won't help put the groceries away at home unless he gets to ride around on the cart at the store.
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xlillyle · 1 year ago
Thinking about Dazai breaking in Chuuya's apartment to annoy him, but it takes the slug too long to come home and his stupid couch is really comfy, so Dazai ends up falling asleep and after a rare full-sleep night he wakes up in a fluffy blanket and to the smell of pancakes.
(Chuuya was very annoyed coming home and finding an uninvited guest, but he remembers how much trouble the stupid mackerel used to have with sleep, so he decided to be merciful for once.)
(He also remembers the way Dazai would always freeze at night so he gets a blanket.)
(And when he happens to make too much batter for the pancakes next morning, the bastard is just lucky that some are left for him.)
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luneariann · 2 years ago
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Based on a convo w my dear friend @evilkaeya !
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petitesmafia · 1 year ago
domestic skk where they'd have a pet cat and Chuuya would coddle it daily for doing the bare minimum like "aww look at her napping all day in the sun! how cute" and Dazai's like wooow so it's "cute" when the cat does it but when I nap all day it's "get ur ass up"?? ok
Chuuya: look at neko (extremely creative name) drinking her water...such a good girl Dazai: i drank water today too Chuuya: ur a grown ass man.
neko: meow Chuuya, clenching his fist: how cute Dazai: meow Chuuya: don't do that.
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calmlb · 9 months ago
Domestic skk where Chuuya gets home after a long day at work, only to find the apartment empty, with no Dazai in sight.
The lights are off, not a sound to be heard, but Chuuya can feel Dazai’s presence— some kind of sixth sense they’ve both been cursed with since they were 15.
Chuuya slowly removes his coat & shoes, letting his eyes rove over the empty kitchen & living room, till his eyes finally catch the top of a familiar head of mussed, brown waves.
Tension he didn’t realize he was holding releases at the sight, & Chuuya takes a deep breath before padding around the couch. It would do no good for his own stress to add to Dazai’s, if tonight was indeed one of those nights.
As Chuuya rounds the sofa, he finds pretty much what he expected. Dazai is curled up against the armrest, looking small despite his gangly limbs.
What Chuuya hadn’t expected was for Dazai to be fast asleep— soft breaths puffing against the expensive fabric of the armrest.
Chuuya blinks in disbelief, but can’t help the fond smile that steals across his face. Dazai always has such a hard time sleeping, so finding him like
this was a welcome surprise. Especially compared to the more somber situation that Chuuya was worried he’d be faced with.
Chuuya removes his hat & gloves, laying them aside as he crouches in front of the couch. He shamelessly studies his partner while he can’t be teased for it.
Dazai looks peaceful— cheeks rosy with sleep, & unfairly-long lashes dusting his faint spattering of freckles.
Those freckles felt like Chuuya’s little secret, because the only way to know they existed was if one got close enough to see.
And it was no secret that Dazai didn’t let people get that close.
Chuuya finds himself brushing a finger over those freckles, following the perfect slope of Dazai’s nose, tracing his high cheekbones down to the contour of his smooth jawline.
Chuuya pinches Dazai’s chin between his thumb & forefinger, tilting it at just the right angle to press a gentle kiss to Dazai’s forehead. He bites his lip to hold back a laugh at the way Dazai’s nose scrunches at the disturbance, but he really doesn’t want to wake the brunet. He obviously needs the sleep if he fell asleep here, still in his work clothes.
Why is Dazai out here? If he knew he was this tired, why not at least lie in bed?
Chuuya absently brushes Dazai’s bangs away from his eyes as he leans into the touch, releasing a contented sigh.
Oh. Chuuya’s eyes widen. He was waiting up for me.
Or, trying to, at least.
This time Chuuya doesn’t stop the warm chuckle from slipping past his lips. He presses another soft kiss to Dazai’s temple, then carefully scoops him into a princess hold. He carries his sleeping partner to their room, smiling as Dazai nuzzles his face into Chuuya’s neck.
His partner really is such a cat.
Chuuya sets Dazai down on the bed, careful not to wake him, & draws the blankets up under his chin, just the way Dazai likes it. He doesn’t bother getting him into comfier clothes— obviously, he was comfortable enough to fall asleep as he was.
Chuuya does change his own clothes, though, & brushes his teeth before turning off the light & slipping into bed next to Dazai.
He turns to wrap himself around Dazai from behind, but before he can, he finds himself with a face full of mackerel.
Soft hair tickles Chuuya’s chin as Dazai snuggles into him again— always seeking out the nearest heatsource.
“I thought you were asleep, you malingerer,” Chuuya scolds quietly.
“Shh, I am asleep,” Dazai whispers, nose digging into Chuuya’s breastbone as he tries to burrow into his partner’s chest.
Chuuya rolls his eyes, but he can hear the grogginess in Dazai’s voice that tells him he wasn’t faking it. He doesn’t fight the urge to bring a hand up to card through Dazai’s fluffy waves.
Dazai doesn’t grant him a response other than to press himself even closer to Chuuya, so that they’re practically melded together. Chuuya smiles, pressing one more, languid kiss to the crown of Dazai’s head— pausing to breathe him in— before closing his eyes & letting sleep overtake them both.
Chuuya version
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uzi-x33 · 4 months ago
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free wallpaper, again<3 2nd photo is how it looks on my phone^^
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blackcatnip · 6 months ago
Soukoku new pet
I saw someone talking about how foxes are like cats with a dog's dna and my mind immediately went to soukoku, so here you go
They have been arguing nonstop for months now. Chuuya wants a dog, Dazai obviously refuses and counters by asking for a cat. ‘Dogs are dumb’ ‘Cats are mean’ ‘Dogs smell bad’ ‘Your nose is messed up after living in that dumpster’
And so they go on, until one day Dazai shows up at their doorstep holding a little red fox in his arms.
“What are you doing mackerel?”
“Shit! You weren’t supposed to see it yet.” Dazai says sheepishly — wait no, that would be bad, since he brought a fucking fox into their house, so, Dazai says stupidly. “I solved all of our problems!”
"”We are not keeping that.”
“She is perfect!” Dazai walks inside and shoves the fox into Chuuya's arms. With a scowl he pets it, fluffy fur. “Hear me out, you want a dog, right? Well, foxes are from the same family as dogs, close enough I would say.”
“Not in the slightest.”
“Aaand they are well known for their catish behavior, and that's what I want, so, win win.”
“Where did you even get it?”
“Well, that isn't important, and she is an orphan, we are actually saving her from a life of suffering.”
He sighs and looks at the animal. All alone huh? He doesn't even know how to properly take care of a fox.
“Besides, you two match!” Dazai comes closer and ruffles Chuuya's hair. And he can't help but blush at that.
“We will have to learn a bunch of new things, probably get a bigger house, with a backyard or something.”
“So is that a yes?”
“For now.” He looks down at the fox and laughs surprised when she licks him.
“Doyou hear that little Crab? You got a new home!” Dazai says making Chuuya just stare at him bewildered.
“Now hold on a second, we are not naming our pet fox 'Crab'”
“They are both orange, I think it fits.”
“No it doesn't, it should be something like ‘Romanée’.”That gets him a scoff.
“We are not naming her after your favorite wine.”
“Better than your favorite food.” He counters.
The day passes and their discussion doesn't even falter.
‘Dango’ ‘No, Petrus’ ‘No, Sake’ ‘That's no better than a wine name’ ‘It's better cause it tastes better.���
Weeks pass and the poor little fox remains nameless. Well, at least until the next dispute manages to shift their attention once again. But that’s okay, now they have a little companion at their sides.
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saiintofawe · 1 year ago
dazai coming home to chuuya who's just mindlessly singing and dancing to music in their living room and when dazai comes in he just goes behind chuuya to snake his arms around his waist and chuuya turns around to wrap his arms round dazai's neck and they just stay there swaying with their foreheads touching and chuuya quietly singing cheesy lyrics against dazai's lips
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dreaming-colourful-skies · 2 years ago
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the light within my ribs
3.3k, t, hurt/comfort & soft skk
“The moment that the room was immersed in bluish black, Chuuya’s ears filled with ringing and he was plunged back in time.”
Several times turning out the lights involved some level of angst, and one time that the darkness brought pure joy.
Read on Ao3 ✨
Inspired by Ocean Vuong quotes about darkness, light, and the monsters that dwell in both. Domestic Soukoku comfort each other and reflect on their pasts. Tags & details below.
Key Tags: Established Relationship, Character Study, Introspection, Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Stormbringer Spoilers, Dazai-Typical Mentions, Sui. Ideation (vague), Sharing a Bed, Swearing, Flashbacks, Vulnerability, They both feel things but Chuuya POV
I went with a bit of an… experimental (?) style for this one, kicking off my "skk fics inspired by poetry" series. It is a tiny bit like a 5+1 fic, but not really? As per the tags, blend of domestic fluff, vaguely poetic angst, and emotional vulnerability.
Trying to spread out fic reposting, and hoping to share other content soon. I had... way too much fun trying to find aesthetics (free-use images from Pexels). If you read it, thanks, and I hope you enjoy!
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year ago
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Good to know Chuuya is Dazai's personal rubber duck
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luneariann · 2 years ago
The O(ccasionally)samu D(runk)azai
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luneariann · 2 years ago
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*Rises from the dead like a zombie* Hey guys what’s up
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petitesmafia · 1 year ago
domestic skk where Dazai's like "Chuuyaaa i can't sleep...maybe you can help me..." (flirtatious) and Chuuya's like ofc!! before leaning over and fucking head-butting Dazai. one shot KO Dazai's out like a light until the next morning
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i-eat-mold · 8 months ago
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Work in progress babes (its 4:54am and I can’t sleep and im beginning to suspect im a brain in a vat, this is just a mere cry into the abyss to reach for an answer of acknowledging my existence)
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calmlb · 11 months ago
Domestic skk where Dazai gets home later than usual from the agency. It’s not uncommon for him to arrive home after Chuuya when he was working a case, but it definitely wasn’t the norm.
As Dazai slipped off his shoes and coat, he listened for any sounds that may indicate where Chuuya was.
Even though he was pretty sure he already knew.
He padded towards their bedroom and stopped with his hand on the knob. He pressed his ear to the door, listening for familiar, soft snores, but not hearing any.
He quietly slipped into the room, unsurprised to see that the lamp was still on, but not expecting to see Chuuya’s eyes closed.
The redhead was sitting up against the headboard, arms crossed and eyes closed. There was a poetry book on his lap, still open to where he’d been reading.
Dazai felt that fond smile he could never seem to mask play at his lips, and walked closer.
The light of the lamp cast shadows that accentuated the sharp angles of Chuuya’s face. His brown lashes brushed against his strong cheekbones, and a sun-kissed bronze was spread across his upturned nose.
Chuuya was all sharp edges with an unrefined personality. And that’s just how Dazai liked him.
That crudeness that had so grated on his nerves when they first met. That crassness that couldn’t be dulled by nice clothes or Ane-san’s influence.
Chuuya was unapologetically Chuuya— untamable.
Dazai watched as his partner’s brows pinched, and his bow-shaped lips twitched downward before parting.
“What’re you staring at, shitty Dazai?”
Dazai’s smile widened. “Just wondering how long you’re going to keep feigning sleep,” he hummed as he turned away to change into his pajamas.
“Wasn’t sleeping,” Chuuya grumbled, one eye peeking open as Dazai slipped into bed and curled up next to his leg.
Dazai nuzzled into Chuuya’s toned thigh, releasing a contented hum as Chuuya’s hand started carding through his hair.
He felt the rhythmic shift of Chuuya’s body in time with his breathing, and let himself relax knowing he was safe. Secure. Cared for.
Because Chuuya wasn’t all sharp edges. Deep down, there was a layer of kindness to him. Deep enough that it wasn’t immediately apparent.
Deep because it’s part of the foundation of who Chuuya is.
Dazai considers himself one of the lucky ones, getting to witness this kindness firsthand.
Chuuya always waited up for him, no matter how tired he was, or how long of a day he’d had. Some instinct to make sure every member of his pack was accounted for— probably leftover from the sheep.
My loyal dog.
Dazai hid his smile in the fabric of Chuuya’s pajama pants.
“Oi. I can feel you smirking, bastard.” Chuuya stopped his hand to pull on Dazai’s dark waves.
Dazai whined in protest. “Chuuya’s so mean to me.”
Chuuya scoffed, voice rough with the need for sleep. “Right, so mean that I even made you crab for dinner.” He slid down the headboard to lay on his pillow. This way, he was nose to nose with Dazai— hot, toothpaste-fresh breath fanning Dazai’s face and strawberry-blond curls falling into his face. “How awful.”
Dazai lifted a hand to brush the hair out of Chuuya’s eyes, gently tucking it behind his ear. “How awful,” he agreed. “Makes me want to die.”
Those piercing blue eyes stared back at him. “I’ll be the one to kill you. Shitty Dazai.” Chuuya’s threat was punctuated by a long yawn.
Dazai tutted. “Sleepy Chibi.” He grabbed Chuuya’s hand and started massaging soft circles into his palm. Just the way he knew Chuuya loved.
Sure enough, Chuuya let out a content sigh as the last bit of tension seeped out of his body.
“S’nice,” he mumbled as he started drifting off. Dazai merely hummed.
“Such strong hands that carry so much,” he whispered, bringing Chuuya’s knuckles to his face & pressing his lips against them tenderly. “Let me hold this for you.”
Chuuya’s breath evened out, and soft snores filled the space between them. Night after night, that snoring had been Dazai’s white noise, and he bit his lip to restrain the sudden impulse to pinch his partner’s cheeks in an act of cuteness aggression.
Instead, he snuggled up close to the redhead, burying his face in the crook of Chuuya’s neck.
Dazai reached over and turned off the lamp, feeling his heart swell when Chuuya nuzzled his face into Dazai’s hair. He pressed a kiss to his jugular notch, then let the soothing cadence of Chuuya’s snores lull him to sleep.
Dazai version
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