elektroyu · 1 month
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And the Cairn Terrier!
I didn't pay attention to the time so much, but I'm guessing this took maybe around 3-3,5 hours. Definitely easier than the bull terrier XD
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elektroyu · 17 days
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Day 14 - Russkiy Toy
I think this took 2.5 hours? Didn't track the time again.
This little thing hadn't been too happy about my camera despite me being quite a ways away, I felt really bad when I noticed 😅 Still happy I got this one at least. Under different circumstances I probably would have dozens of pics of this dog haha.
Isn't it interesting that Russian Toys can have such amazing fringe, but the tail feathers tend to be rather sparse? Probably because it's a relatively new breed, and from what I understand the longhaired version is even newer, so it kinda makes sense? In a couple hundred years this probably would look very different.
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elektroyu · 1 month
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Day 7 - Maremma Sheepdog
I remember this particular dog was not happy to be around so many other dogs at the show, he was fluffing himself up all the time. That's also the situation where the ref pic has been taken. But I liked the pose and intensity of his expression, so for once it's not a happy dog I'm depicting XD
Also 2.5 hours! I'm fascinated that no matter how hard or easy the process feels to me, the time taken is incredibly consistent with these busts.
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elektroyu · 1 month
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First one! :D A really pretty Saluki! This took around 2,5 hours. But yeah it does kill my brain XD That's not something I could consistently do each day for a month.
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elektroyu · 1 month
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Day 4 - Airedale Terrier
This took around 2,5 hours. Wanted to paint this for a looong time already, so I'm happy it finally happened even if it's just a sketch! 😄
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elektroyu · 18 days
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Day 13 - Shikoku
~2,5 hours
This looks a little bit wonky because streaming the process live when you haven't done it in like a decade is pretty nerve wracking 😂 But it was nice! Will definitely do again. Just maybe not for the next one already, I'll first have to see if the stress of it has any repercussions for my health at all.
Speaking of stress... I accidentally didn't save the .clip file after finishing 🥲🥲🥲 so I just have the empty file I saved before I started and if I ever want to do anything else with it I'll have to work on top of the jpg. But the timelapse and the large jpg are saved and that's more important probably.
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elektroyu · 19 days
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Didn't attempt to stream this after all, but here it is:
Day 12 - Korean Jindo
I forgot to watch the time, but I'm guessing it's around the same ballpark as the others. Really loved the goofy grin with this one! 😁😁
The colors look a bit weird, I think. May adjust later...
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elektroyu · 1 month
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Day 6 - Beauceron
Idk if it's because today I'm more tired than usual, but this felt a little rocky and it killed my brain 😂 But at least it's done! Took also around 2.5 hours, maybe a few minutes less (felt like longer tho).
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elektroyu · 1 month
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Day 5 - Laekenois
The first and only Laekenois I've ever seen irl is this handsome boy, Ruby River's Tristan. So thankful for the owners for letting me take lots of pictures of him! ❤️ They were all awesome, both people and dog.
Surprisingly this also took 2,5 hours like all of the busts so far. I would've thought it was longer with the curly coat and all. Unfortunately, for this I forgot to turn on the recording until the sketch was done so there will only be half a recording 🥴
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elektroyu · 1 month
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Second one, a bull terrier!
This took quite a bit longer, maybe around 5 hours or so, with the majority of that spent on the sketch because this is literally the first time in my life that I drew a bull terrier and I'm also not very used to drawing dogs with such a short coat, so I wanted to make sure the anatomy is at least somewhat decent. It was an incredible learning experience :D
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elektroyu · 25 days
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Day 11 - Kishu
~ 2 hours
This is maybe more like a sketch? I kinda like it 🤔 That face was ridiculously hard though... XD
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elektroyu · 2 days
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And we have Day 16 - Icelandic Sheepdog
Around 2.5 hours as usual
I was a little worried about this one, because this dog has a pretty distinct look to it (I think it's the large eyeballs?), but I think it's ok? She has such lovely soft coloring, it made her stand out a lot at the show. And she had a very soft and kinda motherly feel to her which was really fitting her looks as well.
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elektroyu · 28 days
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Day 9 - Spinone Italiano
~ 2.5 hours
This seemed like a very nice breed to me when I briefly researched, although visually not quite my type. I really did love the shapes in this reference though, which is why this was on my mental would-love-to-paint-one-day list ever since I took the photo. So happy to have tackled this one finally!
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elektroyu · 1 month
First 5 timelapse videos are up! :)
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elektroyu · 1 month
A fellow artist friend is doing Doggust and I really enjoy what they do and it seems like a fun project, so I thought I'd give it a try too. Just in modified form, because I probably won't be able to do one picture per day consistently over such a long time even if it's just sketches. Also I made my own list.
So I went through my dog ref folders from the dog shows I've been to and picked 31 breeds, mostly ones that I haven't painted before (or not very often at least) so this will be interesting! To give myself hopefully enough time and not too much pressure (and because I'm already way too late for a strict Doggust) I'm aiming for doing it until the end of October. Calling this DOGgustembtober XD I'm planning to do loosely colored sketches, which may or may not be turned into proper paintings later on. I'll add links to the list below as sketches are finished.
And the list is the following:
Bull Terrier
Cairn Terrier
Airedale Terrier
Maremma Sheepdog
Polski Owczarek Podhalański
Spinone Italiano
Korean Jindo
Russkiy Toy
Icelandic Sheepdog
Norwegian Lundehund
Chinese Crested Powderpuff
Afghan Hound
Japanese Akita
Tibetan Terrier
Thai Ridgeback
Giant Schnauzer
Golden Retriever
Portuguese Water Dog
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elektroyu · 12 days
Doggust part 3 - days 11-15 timelapse video is up :)
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