trumpetnista · 2 years
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santrrl · 28 days
hello! i love your writing!!! saw your requests are open. logan with a reader with physical mutations? something like mystique or morph but they can’t turn it off. how do you think logan would comfort reader? thank you!!
Thank you sm 😭🩷!! And of course <33 I kinda based it on a mix of Randall from monsters Inc and mystique where if the reader has high emotions or scared than they shift if that's alright !!<3 as always bullet points and then another short ? Fic :)
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-the first time he sees you he ignores you, as you're just new, why would he see you different?
-until the outside of you turns slightly purple from embarrassment, as you were gawking at him.
-he turns around expecting mystique or something, but deep down he knows she isn't like this.
-as the days go past and you know eachother, sometimes he leaves out things to scare you to see if your mutation is truly reactive or not.
-fucker knows its mean but he probably pays kurt to jump out at you on the first day knowing you've not seen him before.
-things like fake mice, or your favourite foods in the fridge (don't ask how he knows he just knows.) Just to see you turn a color, or physically droop in dread, like a Bassett hound.
-it kinda amuses him, you being like a cartoon character sometimes, so he's not too hard on you. Hell now you're practically jumping out of your room fighting incase logan had planned to scare you.
-he's not the only one doing pranks though, if you're walking around blue from nervousness best know he's gonna ask you. "What's wrong bub? Whose scaring ya?" Teasingly, but if he had your mutation he would've went red hearing that Scott had left a note saying 'watch out' as a joke.
-HUNTEDDD Scott down and 'talked to him'. Against a wall. And against Scott's will.
-safe to say you weren't turning invisible anytime soon from him.
-if you ever got upset at it he'd definitely run to you.
-"Bub look at me, it's not that bad. If I can see I can help."
-he secretly loves being able to see if you're okay or not because it gives him an excuse to be a hero to you
-if you're genuinly considering the vaccine that eventually gets out, he goes nuts. You're on the couch he's pacing like an angry father. "Like...why would you even? Theres- i- what. We're you. Thinking." He's so mad he doesn't even know what to say.
-hell pick you up and just kiss you at that point and say "no." Really angrily before leaving
It'd been a few months since you'd joined the school, familiar with everyone, but mainly Logan and colossus, as they were the ones you trusted most. Once the news started getting wind of you mutation and that you'd joined the xmen, you didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.
"Newest xmen recruit.." "xmen seems to have dissapeared.." "should we be worried?" "I saw them go up and it was like...so cool mr news man! Like it disappeared" said many news stations, and you weren't exactly accustomed to being one of the trending tumblr tags.
"Bub, pete." Came Logans voice as he entered the kitchen. "Hello, logan." "Lo' " you smiled, yellow slightly entering your arms and chest. "You see the news?" He scoffed, leaning on the counter. "Yes.." you groaned laughing
As you all chit chatted, it was only a matter of time before Charles had called you to his office, some monthly test thing or something.
Colossus whom had almost never left his steel form anymore simply stayed put, knowing he was excluded, and you and logan went trodding to his office. "Scott giving you more hassle?" He grumbled quietly. "Nope.." you sighed. "Nothing I consider harassment." You smiled at him.
The day went on, test and test, and eventually it was time to go to bed, for you at least. Waving bye, you walked through the corridors, careful not to alert any children, before reaching your room. Laying there you felt off. Was it the test? Was it charles? Lo?
You couldn't get your mind off of it, and by now you were practically lilac, so you went up to find logan. As you trodded however you heard voices down the stairs behind your room.
"What the.." you'd start, and as you walk down, you saw something that made you turn invisible at the second. Logan had Scott in a mean chokehold, and you knew he was too mad to go near. So thus? You kept invisible. Stripped off all your clothes and walked down. The clothes would've made it obvious that you were there.
"Wanna repeat what the fuck you've been telling my girl huh?" You heard the struggle. His girl? The way he said it implied he was mocking Scott but...
"Cmon!" He groaned, before Scott slipped out and nearly fell straight onto you as he walked. "Listen ill leave her alright!? I just...wanted to take my mind off you know." He frowned as he turned and stormed off.
Forgetting completely you weren't supposed to be there, you spoke up. "So what was that about?" And logan nearly jumped at you in response. "Jesus, christ why are you here?" He groaned still pissed. "I got nosy." You shrugged.
"What lo?"
"Are you naked?"
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in the wake of all this new information during COVID, do you feel that maybe we should all just be masking all the time, COVID of no COVID? I mean it can't be the only airborne disease out there and immunocompromised ppl have always and will always exist so like. Following that thinking even if we don't have COVID we could still be risking other people's health (and lives) with other diseases we may have right? Idk I'm stressing a lot about this do I just need to wear a mask outside forever cos. Masks mess with my breathing and sensory issues and stuff but. I don't wanna?? Kill people by accident??? Aaaaa
Hello, thanks for reaching out about this.
I saw this ask about a month ago, and I needed time to think about how I'd respond to it (so I want to thank you for the patience!).
I'll try to answer all of this to the best of my ability, and I thought I'd answer this by going backwards (responding to the last things you said and then moving up with responding to the first things you said).
Everything is below the cut because this is very long!
First I'll try to summarize what I think you're asking here:
"Vulnerable people exist in this world all around me, therefore does this mean I'm constantly posing a threat to those vulnerable people's safety when I don't mask? The thought of this brings me feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety."
I find this is hard to answer candidly without risking stressing out you or anyone else who's aware of the consequences of their choice not to mask. Nonetheless, my honest answer is: yes, choosing not to mask means risking the lives and safety of vulnerable people, i.e. the disabled, immunocompromised, elderly, children & babies, and those that intersect those groups. That risk can take place directly (such as interacting with an immunocompromised elder) or indirectly (such as interacting with the parent of a disabled child).
I also want to add that it's not only those groups that need protecting. I firmly believe that regardless of your age and/or whether or not you self-identify as disabled or immunocompromised that everyone is at risk of the long-term consequences of this rapidly mutating, vascular, and immunosuppressive virus. No one is invincible to this, and I'll add: not even if you're vaccinated (still get vaccinated if you can, but know that you can still catch covid & develop long covid regardless of your vaccination status).
1. "Masks mess with my breathing and sensory issues."
I understand how that can be difficult to deal with, trust me. There are specific masks (such as most standard KN95s) that irritate the hell out of my face after a certain point. The way those specific masks brush against the hairs of my cheeks just make me want to rip the mask off my face completely. Finding alternatives has been a lifesaver, and they've allowed me to get through the day without wanting to maul someone lol. I don't know what masks you have tried out already, so I'll just recommend the one's I like as well as the one's I've heard good reviews on from people that also have sensory issues:
NIOSH 3m Aura N95 Respirators
Flo Mask
GATA Mask (Haven't tried this one yet, but I've heard a LOT of people say this has been a game changer for them because of how comfortable it is & how it doesn't trigger much sensory issues at all due to its silicone material. Probably the only con I've heard is the chance of the build up of moisture in the mask after a long period of use & water possibly dripping on your face— this happens to me sometimes with my Flo Mask. Edit on Sept. 26, 2023: I tried GATA Mask, and I personally have a tough time getting a comfortable fit & seal with it, even when getting the small/medium size for adults to see if it'll make a difference, and the nose bridge shape not fitting well for me is a huge con. Customer service is just suggesting I spend more, so I'll just give this one a break, for now at least. A lot of other people seem to like it though.)
Halyard FLUIDSHIELD [ASTM Level 3] Mask (My mom works in a hospital, and these are masks she brings home from work. They're VERY comfortable for me, especially when I'm masking at home. I recommend finding a way to tighten the loops that go around your ears to prevent as much gaps around the mask as possible. If tight loops hurt your ears easily, I recommend a mask brace.)
O2 Nose Filters (I haven't tried these out yet as well, but I've seen videos demonstrating how effective these are at filtering out SOOO many unseen particles. I don't recommend using these alone of course, because there's still a risk of inhaling harmful aerosols through your mouth. I would recommend using this as a reinforcement of the protective measures you take. For example: adding on a comfortable surgical mask— ideally one with a high filtration efficiency like the previous suggestion— with the nose filters. I think these nose filters would be great if you're removing your mask real quick to take a sip of water or if you're outdoors with enough distance from crowded areas & groups.)
In the ideal world, more people would mask during this on-going pandemic so those that deal with sensory issues and/or those that straight-up can't wear a mask due to medical reasons wouldn't have to worry so much about choosing between existing & risking their health. For now, we just have to find alternatives.
2. "Do I need to wear a mask outside forever?"
My answer to this is: yes until further notice. There's no foreseeable end to this pandemic right now, but it would be worth the patience to wait for adequate tech, treatment, and cures for covid-19 to be released before even thinking about getting loose with masking.
Societal mandates have been dropped way too soon, and public health in regards to covid-19 is being forced on us as an individual responsibility. As a consequence, this gives this rapidly mutating virus a lot of wiggle room to spread and do whatever it wants. This means doctors and experts don't have much answers yet for adequate treatment because there's a MAJOR lack of containment (such as masking & quarantining) and documentation (such as testing & reporting). This isn't to say there hasn't been any advancements whatsoever: for example, Washington University just developed a breath test for covid that gives results in just 1 minute! This is great news! And this is just one reason why it's very necessary for those who can mask to mask, so scientists are given more time to roll out helpful solutions & tools sooner.
Another thing I'll add is if you're symptomatic and/or are positive for covid, you should 100% be wearing a mask no matter what, point blank period. I say "and/or" because it is VERY much possible to have covid and not experience any symptoms at all; this is a major reason why it's necessary to mask up in public consistently, because you can't always know who you bump into that may have covid or not.
3. "Even if we don't have covid, we could still be risking other people's health (and lives) with other diseases we may have right?"
Yes, there is a possibility of spreading airborne diseases to vulnerable people unknowingly— without the protective & preventative tools that is.
I can only speak for America because that's the cultural zeitgeist I grew up in, but: I feel like many of us can agree that, unless you worked in a healthcare setting, what was "normal" (in America) before 2020 when it came to airborne illness prevention was definitely not the regular use of a mask. American health education mainly taught us if we're coughing & sneezing to try to do so in a tissue or into your elbow, as well as frequently wash our hands. That doesn't account for the way air actually works though. For instance, if someone with the common cold coughed into the inside of their elbow, the particles they coughed out are still able to linger in the air because their elbow isn't creating a tight seal around their mouth (their elbow may have caught the droplets from their cough— which are bigger & heavier— but the smaller, lighter aerosols would just spread around similar to how smoke does); it's the difference between 😪 vs 😶‍🌫️. The only sure way for the germs they've coughed out to be blocked from spreading to other people is if they wear a well-fitted, quality mask/respirator.
I feel like health education from a young age should include the benefits of masking; that way it would be easier to adapt to the need to put on a mask to protect ourselves & others as a collective. It would be phenomenal & wonderful if we as a collective were used to masking the same way we're used to putting on socks before putting on our shoes.
4. "Immunocompromised people have always and will always exist"
Yes, that is true. And that means necessary measures taken to protect them, as well as other vulnerable people, should be the standard.
5. "[Covid] can't be the only airborne disease out there"
Of course not. There's plenty of them. However, not all airborne diseases are the same, nor should they be treated as such. What's been observed in regards to the long-term effects of covid is not at all the same with other airborne diseases. Covid is a highly contagious virus that is more than just a respiratory disease. Its goal is to attack your immune system, nervous system, heart, brain, and/or other vital organs. That's what viruses do. They act smart and sneaky, and they have the capability to trigger illnesses in your body that you may not have had pre-infection:
Chickenpox is known to lead to shingles
Epstein-Barr is known to lead to mono
HPV is known to lead to cancer
Covid-19 has been found to lead to:
Stroke & Heart attack
"Brain Fog"; Memory & Concentration Problems
The list goes on, and these are only what we know of. Covid may not be the only airborne disease, but it definitely is a dangerous one with serious, long-term negative effects.
6. "Do you feel that we should all be masking all the time, whether or not covid-19 exists?"
In regards to masking with the existence of covid:
Yes. Masking is a vital method in the prevention of catching & spreading covid-19, because it is primarily spread through the air.
In regards to masking without the existence of covid:
See my answer for number 3, and also: given the fact wearing a mask can only do more good than harm for most folks, I don't see why not. Imagine a world where we don't have to worry about flu season or allergy season anymore because those aerosols are filtered out from consistent mask wearing. Sounds like the dream to me lol.
I hope this made sense! If anyone has anything they'd like to add to answer anon's questions, please feel free to share!
Thank you for reading 😷
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limeade-l3sbian · 8 months
Dunno if it’s okay to sad rant here?
I have two cats, and while getting two wasn’t part of my initial plan, at the time when they were kittens, they were the last of their litter and separating felt wrong to me. I was also in a vastly different financial situation back then so it was not an issue at all. Even though getting two cats weren’t the plan, I can easily say they are both my most consistent boosts of happiness. I love them with all my heart. They have vastly different personalities and quirks and yet they are also both exceedingly funny and charming. Unfortunately one of the sisters have a poorer health than the other. Nothing fatal, thankfully. She simply needs foods and necessities that are more than twice as expensive as the other, to help her with this. With that it’s perfectly manageable and nothing that could endanger her.
My issues comes with my financial situation. It has changed drastically due to a lot of outside forces. And now i’m severely struggling with even just meeting the bills just for living where i am. What was previously more expensive for one cat is now an intense stress factor. I obviously can’t just stop giving her the things she needs. But I also can’t see a future with the way things are going.
So I’ve made the, to many probably, brutal decision to part ways with her. Within the next month or so Im gonna have to find her a new home, a place where I know for sure all her meets can be met without her new owner getting grey hairs over it. Obviously till then i’m still gonna live even more sparingly to meet them too for her. But I feel like such a sack of shit. I love her with all my heart and now I can’t even be her mom anymore. And she’s probably the one that’s most attached to my hip, so my heart is breaking even more both for her and myself. I fear she will have a horribly tough time adjusting to someone else and getting properly attached. She’s a lot more reserved towards strangers than her sister. I just want her to be happy. And I know in the long run I can’t fulfill that anymore, because eventually they will get old and will need much more frequent vet visits besides the yearly check up vaccine and tooth rinse. What if she develops more health issues, ones that are life or death situations? Then it won’t matter that I love her as much as I do, that won’t pay the vet bills. I stress constantly over this thought.
While I can intellectualize my decision to re-home her, I really do feel like I’m committing an immense betrayal.
First, I'm so sorry, anon. Growing up, I had to give up two different pets after we were too poor to take care of them. I know how painful it can be to become so close to a pet just to have to give them up.
But for your guilt, I think you should feel nothing close to a betrayal. The most compassionate thing you can do as an owner is realize when your situation cannot give them the life they need and make that hard decision. Does it hurt like hell? Does it feel like you are ruining their lives? Does it feel like you will never get over it? Oh god, yes. That's the worst part about a hard moment.
But ultimately, the long term of your decision will bear more fruits than keeping her and feeling shame when you cannot feed her or tend to her medical issues. You can absolutely feel sad and bad and everything in between. But just know that being able to realize what is best for something under your care is far stronger than it might feel in the moment. <3
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Rules every cat/dog owner should know:
Get your animals fixed(unless you want them to make some babies you get them fixed asap)
Indoor only. This is non-negotiable. Keep your cats inside and if you leave your dogs in the yard on a leash all day; congrats that's animal abuse.
Don't get your dogs groomed at Petsmart. As capitalism sucks the life from the front line workers, so does it for their pets. https://projects.nj.com/investigations/petsmart/ Groomers there are barley trained, barley paid, and overworked. When that happens animals die. Take your business to a place that pays its people and gets them properly trained so you don't end up losing your pet.
On similar lines, don't feed your pet anything from Purina. They are a garbage company that is owned by Nestlé, and they have had numerous recalls, lawsuits, and God knows what else. I guarantee they overwork their staff and that means things end up in your pets food that is potentially hazardous. Don't trust a company that doesn't care if it poisons children, bc they don't care if they poison your pet.
WET FOOD IS BEST. There are dry foods that are getting better with nutrition, but the majority of dry food is carbs and filler. Cats and dogs need meat. Vegetarian diets should NEVER be enforced on your cat/dog unless your vet explicitly says so.
WET FOOD IS BEST BUT STILL DANGEROUS!!! If you're cat food ingredients contains the words "carrageenan" then its not food, that's poison in a can. It causes cancer in cats and I can personally say that you do not want to find that out the hard way. Spend the extra money and get your pet real food. https://littlebigcat.com/carrageenan-a-common-pet-food-additive/
Your pet should NOT BE FAT. This isn't fatphobia, humans have many different body types and we know that humans can be fat and perfectly healthy. A fat cat/dog is not a healthy cat/dog, they are different from humans and their bodies have different needs.
Dogs are bred to do jobs. Let them do a job and they will be happy. Keep them from doing their job and their lives will be miserable.
Putting down a pet is hard, but sometimes necessary. Pets are your friends, your family, and they will love you unconditionally, but they are also animals, and it is vital to remember that nature is cruel and sometimes it is just the best thing for them to not have to endure suffering. Some people don't think it is right to play God, if that is you, get over it. Your pet doesn't believe in God, they believe in you. You are their God and you have to do what is best for them.
Don't scratch at the base of the tail on a cat. It's not comfortable for them and it is better to just pet their head(this is not all cats. Some do like it but in general stick to petting the head and shoulders).
Get your pets vaccinated. Dogs especially, because they go outside they can spread so many harmful things around and rabies is not a joke. Watch old yeller and remember there is no cure if you or your pet get it, you are going to die.
Feel free to add to this list. I wish I had it before I fed my kitty Purina poison. I wish I'd known more about cat behavior. If you have a cat watch my cat from hell and follow Jackson Galexy in YouTube. He can tell you how to make sure your cat is healthy and happy.
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
Criminal Minds AU? Just wanted to know if you'll ever actually do it
Criminal Minds AU
Welcome back to another Criminal Minds episode called “Amplification”
TW: deadly desease
Race hissed as he brushed past a rose bush and cut his hand. He shook it a bit as Jack walked on past him. This was no easy case and the young agent refused to slow it down with a minor cut. People were dying. A new strain of Anthrax was being passed around by someone deliberately trying to terrorize the public. And they might just be standing outside that person’s house.
When Jack’s phone rang, he stopped to answer it, not realizing his partner continued walking. “Spottie, we’re here now,” he assured, listening intently to the man on the other end of the phone. The sprinkler turning on behind him made him jump a bit and grab for his gun. He sighed as he made himself continue to listen. “What d’you mean the lab is clean?” he asked. “You’re sure?” He turned back to the house. “Hey, Race, Spot says— Race?” he squinted. “Racer?” Now he was beginning to get concerned. So he rushed inside only to have a sliding door to his left slammed shut. “What the hell are you doing, kid?! Open the damn door!”
But Race was shaking his head. “No! You have to get out of here! Don’t break the glass! Get out!” the genius boy yelled at him.
That’s when Jack saw it. A broken vile of white powder on the ground. “Shit, boy…” he breathed. “Race—“
“Get out of here, Jack,” Race insisted. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”
All Jack could do was leave him there and rush out of the house, calling for the rest of his team.
“How’s Tony doing?” Denton asked, walking hastily up to Jack.
“He won’t tell me. The air is blasting and there’s white powder all over the floor,” Jack responded, walking back to the house with his boss. “I shoulda been right there with him—“
“I won’t waste time second guessing,” Denton ordered. “What do we know?”
Clenching his jaw a bit, Jack nodded. “Nicols is dead. Blunt first trauma to the head. Race thinks he’s been dead for two or three days. He can’t be our perp. But he took the vaccine. So he’s gonna be okay, right?”
Denton sighed. “We have an ambulance on the way, Kelly. I know you’re worried for Tony, but don’t let that cloud your judgment or ability to solve this case,” he insisted.
“That’s not an answer,” Jack insisted. “Will he be okay?”
Denton looked over at the young man. “I don’t know.”
Jack swallowed hard. He pulled out his phone and called his best friend, putting his phone on sound. “Jack… I really messed up this time,” Race answered.
Looking through the window and spotting the boy, Jack shook his head. “No. We’re gonna get you out and to the hospital, okay? I just need you to listen to me and trust me.”
“I’m staying right here, Jackie,” Race said without any hesitation. “I’m already exposed. The best thing I can do is try to figure out if there’s a cure. All the evidence is in here.”
“No, no, you’re going to the hospital, kid, because that’s what we do when we’re exposed to a major illness that can kill us overnight—“ Jack began as though he was speaking to a child.
Denton cut him off before he could finish. “Kelly, he’s right,” he argued. “If he’s already exposed, there isn’t much we can do for him. His best bet is to stay there and try to figure out who killed our doctor.”
Jack’s eyebrows raised in shock. “Are you actually serious right now?” he demanded. “That kid is small and he hasn’t eaten in a day, he’ll get sick too fast—“
“I can hear you, Jack…” Race sighed into the phone. “I messed up. But I’ll find a cure, okay?”
Jack held the phone close to his lips. “You better find a goddamn cure.”
Race smiled sadly before hanging up the phone and waving at Jack, trying to tell him in silence that he’d be alright. Jack did not appreciate that at all. But he bit his lip and waved back, not about to leave his partner behind.
Walking around the room wasn’t all that exciting, but it kept Race distracted. That’s what he needed. A distraction. He saw a dead body, some bleeding out of its head, two desks, one tidy and one a bit messier. Notebooks that had two sets of handwriting in them were scattered around the room. The dead animals locked in cages nearly broke Race’s heart.
Maybe if he ever got out of this room, he’d go vegan. Those animals didn’t deserve to die like that. But he looked over at the glass dividing him from the outside world and sniffled; it might just be how he leaves this world too.
He shook his head, trying to focus. Two sets of handwriting. A partner. A protege. The murderer and the victim had worked closely together. Race dug around, trying to find any trace of a name, something that would give this person away. He paused when he saw the books stacked beside the desk. He sniffled and shook his head. “Don’t be stupid, Higgins,” he whispered to himself. “She’ll be okay…” He shakily took out his phone and dialed a familiar number.
“Race?” David answered quickly.
Race sniffled, rubbing at his nose. “Hey, Davey,” he smiled sadly.
“Hey…” David looked down. “How you holdin’ up?”
Race opened his mouth like he was about to reassure the other man. In reality, he’d already begun to sweat. His curls were sticking down to his head and his eyes were growing a bit weary. He was sure they'd be red if he could look into a mirror. “Uhm…”
“You don’t have to lie to me, Anthony,” David assured. “Just tell me what you need, okay?”
The young agent sucked in a breath. “I need ta leave a message for my mom,” Race whimpered. “I… I can’t call her hospital because the staff will be alerted but— but if something happens to me, I wanna say goodbye ta her—“
“Tony, everything’s gonna be okay—“
“Can you please just let me do this?” Race whispered, hugging an arm around his middle.
It was too hard to answer for a long moment. David wished he could hang up and have the day start over again, but he couldn’t. So he nodded. “Okay… go ahead, kiddo.”
Race sniffled. “H-hey, mama…” he said, trying to plaster on a smile. She was always good at knowing when he was smiling or not, just by how he spoke. “It’s me… Tonio…” He steadied himself and nodded. “I just wanna tell you that I love you so much, yeah? And… how… how proud I am ta be raised by such a strong person,” he whimpered, trying to clear his throat to be okay. If he sounded okay. Maybe he would be. “I think about you everyday and I want you to know that… nothing that happened was ever your fault. I love you,” he whispered. “Bye…”
David sniffled. “Race—“
“I gotta go,” Race rushed out before quickly hanging up the phone.
The door opened and Race jumped, standing up straighter and wiping at the sweat on his forehead. “Jack,” he breathed. “Lookin’ like a million bucks,” he tried to joke.
Jack was dressed in a hazmat suit and helmet. “Yeah, I'm thinkin’ a’ changin’ careers. I’d be a badass astronaut,” he smiled, allowing another person to come in with him as Race laughed weakly. “Kid, this is Dr. Kim.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Higgins,” the doctor smiled. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” Race insisted.
“I can give you something for any pain you might be feeling,” Dr. Kim offered.
Race backed away. “I feel fine, thank you.”
“Well, they can also help get you more comfortable—“
“I don’t want any narcotics, okay?” Race insisted brashly.
Jack stepped closer to him so Race backed into one of the desks. “Get back, Jack, you shouldn’t be in here!”
“Kid…” Jack breathed. “You’re fine. You’re gonna be fine.”
“Just ask me about the case, okay?” Race pleaded.
So Jack nodded. “They don’t think the partner was something Nicols worked with. Any ideas of who he might be?” he asked. Race almost answered, but was cut off by a severe coughing fit that made Jack flinch. He wanted to rush to the younger man, but the doctor put her arm out to stop him. “Race?” he called.
Race sunk down to the floor. “I don’t know,” he rasped. “I didn’t find nothin’… m-my head hurts.”
“I know, but I need you to think okay?”
Race wheezed a bit to catch his breath as he lazily looked up at Jack before crawling over to the other side of the room. “I s-saw something before… syllabi… and what looked like a thesis paper. No author on it, thought it was his. A study of Anthrax.”
Jack nodded. “Okay?”
“A student… this thesis ain’t his, he was helping a student,” Race decided, coughing again. “Jackie—“ his voice broke, so he cut himself off.
Jack pushed away from the doctor and kneeled at the boy’s side. The kid was shaking. “It’s alright. It’s okay, just breathe, you’re doin’ real good, buddy.”
Race shook his head. “He ain’t a science major,” he insisted. “Check social studies, s-somethin’ like that. He wants to save the world, not destroy it—“ He hunched over, coughing even harder. Blood dropped onto the floor.
Jack’s eyes widened. “Okay, come on, I’m getting you out of here,” he insisted.
“We’ll hose him down and get him to a hospital,” Kim insisted.
Jack rushed him into a small tent and began undressing him. Race shoved his hands away. “Go help Denton—“
“No, I’m staying with you,” Jack insisted.
“You really wanna see me get hosed down, completely naked?” Race grumbled.
Jack rolled his eyes. “Stop… I’m staying with you, okay?”
Race nodded and let himself be undressed. “Davey better take good care of you,” he whimpered. Jack scoffed.
“Stop talkin’ like that. Stand up, come on, you can do it…” Race did. But when the water hit his body, he gasped and felt his face head up when he realized how many people were there. “You’re fine, kid,” Jack insisted.
For a moment, Race believed him. Until he began convulsing again, coughing and spitting B up blood. Jack shook his head, catching the kid before he could fall. “I’m fine, Jack. I fleel fim…” Race blinked harshly. “I flin fn…” he shook his head, tightening a hand in Jack’s suit. “I flul… J…” His breathing picked up. He couldn’t make the words come out of his mouth.
Jack shook his head. “You’re okay, we’re taking you to a hospital,” he insisted, trying not to panic. “Get him into an ambulance!” he cried, gathering Race up in his arms as the boy began to fade, getting more and more confused by the second, his breaths becoming heavier and heavier. “You’re alright, I got you, pretty boy, just breathe…”
Race whimpered in his arms and by the time he got into that ambulance, he was unable to understand a single thing that came next.
Jack sat idly by his friend, eating a Jell-O cup and kicking his legs up on the bed. He breathed as steadily as Race did. It had only been a few hours. Thanks to Race’s big brain and Davey’s skills, they had found the cure and Jack would be here until Race recovered.
“Are there any more Jell-O cups?” a voice spoke from the bed.
Jack looked down at the boy and smiled. “Welcome back, Racer,” he whispered, handing Race the Jell-O he’d been eating. “How’re you feeling?”
Race slowly sat up and took a deep breath, coughing a little which made Jack’s eyebrow furrow the tiniest bit. “I’m fine,” he smiled. “Really, this time. How are you?”
Jack leaned forward. “Don’t scare me like that again, okay?” he asked. Race sniffled, nodding as a tear poked at his eye. Jack just sat on the bed and hugged the boy tightly. “You’re good, okay? I got you. Promise.”
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jessenigma · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
An interesting question! I'm limiting this to anime and manga since that's most of what I've been into for a few years now and my list of beloved characters is too long as it is. 😅
In no particular order, since goodness knows even the entries on this list are very much apt to change:
Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier) - I love a good grouchy character who secretly cares immensely for people, and he has an amusing goatee situation to boot. Also his role within Qifrey's atelier is similar to my actual job, so I vibe heavily with him.
Sarasa (Kageki Shojo) - I love stories about performers and I love Sarasa's determination and confidence. She is so very much herself in the best way and we should all try to be like her tbqh.
Gennai (Ooku) - Gennai is possibly the coolest human being ever on the planet, a true renaissance lesbian who can write smut, invent cool shit, and create the first vaccine to help with an epidemic raging for decades. Also Gennai gives me all the gender feels and I like it.
Yuuri (Yuri on Ice) - As someone whose career goals were cut short by anxiety, I have always found Yuuri the most relatable character that way, and the fact that he manages to get up and try again even though it's hard as hell for him makes me cry. It's so hopeful.
Alice (Ancient Magus' Bride) - I love Chise with all my heart, but somewhere along the way with this series, I developed an even bigger soft spot for Alice. She's trying so hard to be useful, much like Chise, but she goes so quick to anger when anyone tries to take care of her in return and it breaks my heart.
Makio (Ikoku Nikki) - I can't even begin to count the ways that I vibe with Makio, whose entire mode of existence is intensely relatable to me as someone who's pretty much the same age. She isn't all put together but not in a "oh, wacky disaster!" sort of way, more of a "she has cobbled together things that work for her kinda but can't withstand the addition of another person" sort of way. She's also super pretty and I swoon. I'm reading this manga painfully slowly in French just for her.
Masa (House of Five Leaves) - I love one (1) awkward samurai who manages to stumble his way into a life of crime because he really just wants to find a place where he's happy and wanted.
Chihaya (Chihayafuru) - Chihaya has exactly two brain cells and they're devoted to karuta and Daddy Bear and I love that for her. Her passion for a niche card game is fantastic and the way she wants to connect to other people through karuta is the best.
Kikuhiko/Yakumo (Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju) - He's such a stubborn jerk so much of the time and I adore him for being such a beautiful stubborn hot mess who's unwilling to admit to being a stubborn hot mess.
Seigi (Jeweler Richard) - I will always love a good disaster bisexual and, even if Seigi isn't necessarily bi, he definitely fits in right here. His breathless narration of his boss's beauty is frankly amazing - as is his inability to recognize when everyone around him is going "sir, are you dating this man? - and his care for others is touching. I'm dying to get more of his story asap.
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frostbite-the-bat · 9 months
Also ghhruugh I'm wasting so much time but theres like no shit to do in terms of this in winter but I'm feelie bad bc next month I already got scheduled shit and it's to help me but i still feel bad since my brother did tell me the employment department ain't gonna do shit for me but it's very fucking hard having no directions for anything and being trapped in this house unable to do anything for myself essentially and being too lazy to even look up basic shit for this because Uwhhrm Irt Too Distress FO Me.... Like it's dumb ughfhgh I hate this house but my plan is to take things slowly and at least improve my living conditions slightly like when my brother helped me a bit
I can't wait for my parents to go back to work not in a mean way but just so I have fucking privacy and proper time alone again. I can run around the house with no worries or set backs. I'm currently refusing to go brush my teeth despite the sensory nightmare because I don't wanna be seen walking out of my room by dad
I want alone time so I can clean my room without questions and without anyone barging in. I hope I'll have enough energy for that I really did condition myself to have even less energy daily on top of The Ouchies it's not good but... Hey best I can do when I can't even do. Shit for myself. Expected to start doin adult stuff but still treated as a kid. Both good and bad because I don't wanna be an adult but also I'm expected to do stuff and I'm still not being taught everything and just, in my parents own words, told I'm "not hard/difficult, doesn't want anything" bc I've been conditioned to never ask but okay
I don't even go fucking take baths without asking because the clothes are thrown around so confusingly I can never find my own clothes so I need to get mom to do it. and I'm expected to maybe find a job or decide if I wanna go to a different school after summer. I don't even have a card or anything
19 is still very young but I feel the pressure from my brother so badly and the world in general plus I'm so trapped here I can't do shit it's not good for me but I can't just leave or do things myself I haven't been taught anything I don't know how to live at all i don't know basics I've never been taught I've been so neglected in this because "Uhm I Don't Ask For Stuff ^^" ffffuckin hell.
can't even see doctors for physical shit I'd have to sneak out and know how getting an appointment works. and I know nobody would believe me even if my goal is to figure out what's wrong with me. My mom's reaction to me saying heeeeeey I have like daily pains in my hands that go from like don't notice to debilitating I can't do anything( and I had this sincei had covid. Which YOU didn't get me vaccinated for bc of YOUR beliefs. Then LIED about it. And one of the symptoms of long covid is chronic pain so... I DINNO..! CARPAL TUNNEL AND GENERAL BODY OUCHIES STARTING UP AROUND THE SAME TIME.. I DINNO. I dunno oh I GUESS it's ALL ONLY BECAUSE ii draw all day oh boohoo.)i got LAIGHED AT and told she has Ouchies Too and works anyway. Great OK no checking doctors or anything for me imma go cry now thanks
Ugh I'm not even like. In a mentally bad place right now in general like I am usually when I wrote these. I'm motivated to get started with stuff but MY PARENTS ARE A MASSIVE ROADBLOCK FOR EVERYTHING I CAN'T WAIT FOR ME TO BE ALONE IN THE HOUSE AGAIN. Sigh and again I hope by then I'll have the energy and motivation to do shit I feel nothing but lazy and like I'm rotting away it's so stressful wanting to do smthn and being unable bc it's to hard to even purh thru and because or things like family. It's all mostly a mental block but living like this with no privacy with people who haven't taught you shit one of which you fear is not good for you man. I know I repeat myself with the same statements burt
I'm tired I'm so tired I'm so tired oh my god please I'm tired of living like this it's only making me worse and because of that I need to try but it's so hard on so many fucking levels and I never try hard enough and I feel like absolute worthless shit for it
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dicapiito · 1 year
I just don't get how people are coughing and hacking and won't even mask up. I really feel like so much social media and MSM fucked and is still fucking up how serious Covid is and Long Covid is.
I mean ill keep masking up because I just can't see myself wanting to experience covid and I definitely take all the healthcare workers who've shared how bad this shit can be.
Hell, nothing like hearing how some healthcare pros talk about the anti vaxxers unvaccinated first hand and ...gotta be frank; I see why they're fed up.
Like damn, wear a mask if you're coughing and hacking your soul out. No one is immune to catching covid but wearing a mask everywhere sure has helped so imma continue to do what works.
And all those rich ' anti vaxxers' are DEFINITELY vaccinated. They're grifting hard-core knowing full well that they have access to the best healthcare
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trumpetnista · 2 years
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fireinmywoods · 3 years
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Man, do y’all ever think about how Leonard could have just......NOT done this?
I’m not talking about “smuggling his emotional support maniac onto a battle-ready starship in flagrant defiance of rules, regulations, and basic professionalism,” because he very obviously could not have not done THAT.
No, I guess what I’m asking is why he actually had to drug Jim. From the time he administers the vaccine right up until Jim finally Yakety Saxes his way onto the bridge with Leonard and Uhura in hot pursuit, we barely see anyone else even glance Jim’s way despite the fact that he is acting a whole-ass fool, and we certainly don’t see anyone questioning, scanning, or otherwise assessing him. The medbay staff Do Not See It when Leonard knocks him out and lets him fall backward to crack his head open on that hard-ass biobed, and if anyone notices Jim’s sausage hands blowing up while he’s unconscious, they apparently conclude that it’s a big old helping of somebody else’s problem. (Real top-notch patient care there, Starfleet. Thank goodness you sacrificed every notion of privacy and confidentiality in your medbay design presumably with the goal of making it easier to keep an eye on all your patients at once!)
Hell, even the poor schmuck pictured above who gets mean girled by Leonard outside the shuttle pretty much just takes his word for it that Jim is genuinely sick. (And, for that matter, that Leonard is his attending physician.)
Call me crazy, but you know what else might have worked? “Hey, Jim, act like you’re sick so I can get you onto the ship. Yeah, sure, what the hell - get weird with it.” Kinda seems like this would have accomplished the exact same thing Leonard wanted without violating patient agency, risking an adverse reaction, or misusing Starfleet pharmaceutical supplies, and as an added bonus it would’ve kept Jim lucid and ready for action should the need arise, which it almost certainly would, since they were - sorry, what was it exactly that you said to this poor dude just trying to do his job, Lenny boy? Warping into a crisis? Yeah, feels like that would be a good time to NOT have anyone unnecessarily incapacitated.
But then again, we’re talking about the same guy who went through a bad divorce and decided the only reasonable course of action available to him was to DIE HORRIBLY IN SPACE. So naturally when he’s faced with this new dilemma, he’s like: “Hmm. What’s the most absolute ratfuck crazy way to go about this.” Sure there are other options, but where’s the DRAMA. How is the world supposed to understand that this is a watershed moment in his emotional journey if he doesn’t raze his whole goddamn life to the ground, you feel me? I mean really blow that shit to kingdom come. You know, the way all normal well-adjusted adults constructively process emotional duress! What, like he’s supposed to take literally five seconds to weigh the likely consequences of the options available to him and choose the one with the highest anticipated payoff and minimal risks? Please. As if you’ve never impulsively poisoned, abducted, and almost accidentally killed your best friend while probably torpedoing your own nascent career and breaking, like, SO many laws. Grow up.
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russilton · 2 years
Anon I feel you, I’m here trying to ignore my anxiety at britcedes relationship turning into a Nico nightmare. They seem to be both smarter than that and not as cuntish as Nico but who know when titles are in contention it’s going to be hard. I want to believe they’ll battle but keep some kind of respect for one another
Y’all I respect your anxiety, I have it too, but you gotta give some trust over to the lads.
They have battled, even if it was just a small one in Hungary it was respectable as all hell. Both of them are incredibly talented drivers and their overtakes are sensible and well executed when they aren’t driving against cunts in a Red Bull. Checo couldn’t even avoid crashing into his own teammate in RP, his tangles with George were his fault.
George isn’t Nico. And for what it’s worth, Lewis isn’t the same guy he was in 2016. Look at his relationship with Valtteri, Lewis has called Val one of his best friends, Val gifted Lewis a photo of his bare ass. Lewis wasn’t the problem when it came to Nico. MICHAEL SCHUMACHER didn’t even like Nico. Nico is a cunty outlier. The man won’t even get himself vaccinated to protect himself and his children, you think he was a good friend?
Really, it comes down to how George develops, and frankly, he gets more mature, and more behaved every year. Lewis is rooting for his success, and George can’t go 4 seconds without calling Lewis the greatest of all time. The person who values George’s relationship with Lewis the most IS GEORGE.
Maybe this post will age like wine, or maybe it with curdle and spoil, but that’s the gamble you take with love, and there’s nothing we can do but shoot for the stars and brace for impact incase we hit the moon.
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kaeyahiya · 3 years
✨"Taking care of you while you're sick" Headcanons✨
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Ft. Zhongli, Diluc, and Kaeya
Warnings: None!
A/N: So I got my second dose of the vaccine yesterday and the side effects are hitting me hard, so I'm bed ridden today. I wrote some headcanons of my comfort characters to make me feel better. These are kinda short but I hope you enjoy.
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Zhongli being the observant man he is notices with out any hints that your sick.
He ushers you home quickly and gets you into bed with no room for objection.
I feel like he's the dotting type when someone he cares about is sick.
"Do you have enough blankets?" "Are you hungry? I can make you some soup if you would like." "You're forehead is still warm, you need to rest some more."
Be prepared to drink some tea. So. much. tea.
If it's cold or you run out, He'll already have some more ready for you.
If you need to get out of bed for any reason, Zhongli will literally let you lean on him:
"I'm fine, I can walk by myself." you protest pushing yourself weakly out of bed. The second you make it your feet you stumble slight and Zhongli is there in a instant supporting you. He casts a soft smile down at you. "Where do you need to go? I can help you make it there."
If you're bored while being forcefully bedridden, he's happy to tell you as many stories as you need. Eventually lulling you into some much needed rest.
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You're reluctant to tell Diluc you're sick at first because you know he's gunna call you and idiot for getting sick.
Which he does-
A cough was all it took to have Diluc suspicious of you. Within seconds of your cough his hand slaps your forehead, hammering the final nail in your coffin. "You could've told me you weren't feeling well." He frowns hand still feeling your forehead. "I didn't wanna make you worry." you croak out. "Worry?" he scoffs "I wouldn't have to worry if you were taking proper care of yourself you idiot." You try to roll your eyes but are interrupted mid-roll by another cough.
After lecturing you on taking proper care of yourself he whisks you away to bed.
Diluc makes sure you're eating, even when you aren't hungry.
He complains that your pantry wasn't stocked well enough so he went out and bought you some groceries, and also had some errands taken care of for you.
He's totally the type to pretend your a inconvenience when your sick but really he's worried about you ♡
When you start to feel a bit better Diluc eventually goes back to work but still comes and checks up on you as often as he can.
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Kaeya knows you're not feeling well, you didn't even have to tell him.
Normally you match his charismatic yet chaotic energy, but when you don't he can tell sometime is off.
When you sniffle; it's all over and Kaeya offers to go back to your place-
"I know you're bold Kaeya but it's 10 in the morning." you joke. You can tell he's trying to hold back a laugh, which on it's own is concerning. "Listen, we both know you aren't at your best right now. We're both stubborn as hell, so please just let me take care of you today." He takes you by the wrist gently, not giving you any room to protest as he drags you toward your home.
I don't take Kayea to be a home chef, so if you want food he'll probably pick something up for you.
Similar to Zhongli, I think he'll just talk to you, tell you stories and joke around until you eventually drift off to sleep.
He will lay down in bed next to you to, ensure you down get up and also if he's there; he may as well cuddle you.
You protest that you're gunna get him sick but it falls on deaf ears. Not that you truly mind.
He stays by your side the whole time until your 100% better, he doesn't have much of a work ethic to begin with so skipping a couple days is no biggie.
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bluebird-imagines · 3 years
Hi :) can you do all the members(separately off) with a s/o who doesn’t really like their music?
[I can for sure give it a shot! This is my first ask so i do hope you enjoy it ^_^. Also I apologize for taking so long, my second vaccine shot kicked my butt]
Prompted: S/O who doesn’t like Gorillaz Music
Trigger Warnings: I can’t think of any for this one. Maybe I should state my horrible 2D accent! I apologize in advance. Of and I bring up the s*x, m*rder, party song. But all and all I don’t think there is anything else. Anyway enjoy!
~Murdoc Niccals ~
Let’s start this off with, at first he doesn’t even realize that you don’t like the Gorillaz music. He never even pieces two and two together. Why might you ask? Well for the first while you tolerated it for the Bass players sake.
After a few months, you decided it would be best to maybe leave Kong whenever the band you as practicing or rehearsing. You did a lot of stuff in this time. Coffee, read some good books, even went bowling on your own a few times. It was just nice to get away from that horrid music.
You didn’t have anything against the band members themselves! All of them were nice, it just you found the songs to be tedious and annoying.
When Murdoc finally started to take notice, he would ask you why you would avoid the band. Not seeming to understand the distaste of their masterpieces.
You lied most of the time, saying something stupid like “oh I am meeting up with friends” or “oh I would just be in the way”.
After a few more months, Murdoc finally forced you to sit and listen to their newest album. Mainly wanting to get your take on it before the official release.
You didn’t even get halfway through the first song before standing up and tuned off the player. You honestly felt like your ears would jump off your head if you ever heard that again.
“What the Bloody hell was that for?! We have like 43 more minutes to go”
“Murdoc, I don’t know how to tell you this. But babe…your music is a flaming hot dumpster fire and I don’t like it”
“……what? Why the hell are you with me then if you don’t like our music?”
“Because I may have underlining daddy issues according to the internet, but in reality I really love you Mudz…for you!”
“So playing bass isn’t sexy….underlining what? No wait getting away from the real point here. You never heard if Feel Good inc.? Or you know Clint Eastwood?Those were some of our best songs! What about To Binge? Empire ants? Any of them.
“Hmm, Feel Good inc? Let’s see it’s repeats itself a lot. Clint Eastwood? Haha other then the opening your song had nothing to do with Clint Eastwood. You posted To Binge aka forced 2D to sing it. Empire Ants? It just sucks”
“You suck! Are music is an art! It’s great! you are the problem here.”
“Never said I was! Your music is an art and it makes a lot of people happy. But to me, my ears did like it…but I can say this, I do like you a lot Murdoc.”
“ I am pretty great! Fine no more of our music…around your at least. But maybe sometimes”
“I can handle sometimes”.
Noodle would completely understand your distaste for their music. She understands that not anyone is up for what they produce and she thinks that is okay!
For her as long as you don’t listen to any overly annoying songs around her. She really doesn’t care what you listen to.
She does however like to get your input on songs, even if you don’t like them. She just likes hearing different peoples ideas.
But with that being said, there is a 100% chance that she may try to convert you into liking Gorillaz. Of course, just simply by showing you different songs they have done. Like Punk or Humility, Feel Good inc. or El Mañana. Hell she has even shown you Latin Simone.
When she realized she was doing this, she quickly backed off and apologized.
“Sorry (Y/n). I didn’t mean to do that…I just kind of got excited and thought you would like the different genres we have done.”
“It’s okay Noodle, you realized your mistake! Honestly it’s not that the songs themselves aren’t inherently bad…it’s just well Murdoc’s bass playing is well…pretty bad in my opinion”
“Oh? How so if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Well to me it sounds like well, a crusty old man who doesn’t know how to cut his nails and proceeds to scratch the surface of everything he touches. Also while we are at it 2D’s singing is really hard to understand!”
“Well Murdoc does forget to clip his nails from time to time and he doesn’t seem to like using a pick for his bass. But now you confused me with 2D”
“Listen I love you all! Especially you Noodle, but ooo boy, if you guys weren’t careful in sex murder party…it kind of sounds like 2D is singing dissolve the kids…which isn’t a pleasant image”
“Ah, I see what you mean, anything else?”
“Nope! Your guitar playing is wonderful! Love everything about you! Just your band is a bit much at times haha”
~Russel Hobbs~
Much like Noodle Russel would understand that their music wasn’t for everyone. Everyone was entitled to their own opinion. For example he was really into rap and it took a while for him to talk the whole band into listening to it.
Regardless unlike Noodle or Murdoc he wouldn’t make you listen to a single song of theirs if you didn’t want to.
Of course you would every now and then for their demo’s you just wouldn’t voice your opinion on it, since you couldn’t stand it.
Russel would also try his best to get into music that you like! Of course, if he doesn’t like one of the songs you like, you make a mutual agreement to not play it around him.
He even at one point turned it into a game that he really enjoyed playing with you! It was a game that helped the both of you set up playlists!
He would pick one of his favourite songs, if you thought it was okay, it went into the playlist. If he liked one of the songs you picked into the playlist!
“Okay how about, this song?”
“Let it go…from frozen? Really, we ain’t putting that in the playlist”
“Yeah you are right it was a stupid idea, it’s just been stuck in my head.”
“Haha fair enough, how about Rainforest by Noname?”
“Hmm, that’s actually not a bad one! We can throw it in! Alright space jam?”
“What is with you in movie songs tonight? Yeah we can throw in space jam”
“I can’t believe space jam beats our music out in that mind of yours…”
~Stuart “2D” Pots~
At first, 2D can not wrap his mind around the fact that you hate their music. More so he has never really had someone be with him for well just him before. Most of the one nightstands he had in the past was because of his popular singer status.
He does try his very best to get you into their music, of course, walking the fine line between shoving it down your throat and giving you air to breath with your own tunes.
That being said though, he doesn’t overly mind the fact that you like your own selection of music. He does find some of your songs enjoyable.
When he realizes most of the bands travel playlist consisted of a few of the bands own songs. He secretly takes the phone and changes up the playlist. He removes the Gorillaz songs and replaces them with songs you like.
Although you don’t like the bands music, that never truly stopped you from liking 2D’s singing. When he found that out he made a special song just for you. One where it was only on his keyboard and singing. He keeps it hidden so Murdoc doesn’t find it.
“(Y/n) I made yew something!”
“Oh sweet Satan please don’t tell me it was breakfast and that you burnt down the kitchen again!”
“What no! Besides that was a one time fing and I got a four month ban from going in fere fanks to Russel”
“Sorry…shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. What did you make 2D? You seemed really proud.”
“Oh well Um…I know yew don’t like our music and all…but I uh, I made yew a song, do ya want to ‘ere it?”
“Of course 2D, just because I don’t like your music, doesn’t mean I can’t be supportive of you”
“Well, this song isn’ really goin’ to be on an album, because I made it for yew”
“Aww 2D you didn’t have to~”
“But I wanted too!”
After he plays the song, you state that you adore it! This puts a huge smile on his face!
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shorkbrian · 3 years
(Needles (aphrodisiacs!), blood, and medical paraphernalia ahead. No outright NSFW, but implied at the end)
Latex gloves snapped as they stretched over the man’s hands.
You were nervous.
“Sign here. It’s a consent form for the vaccines you’re receiving today.” His voice was level, almost monotone as he placed a clipboard and pen onto the counter next to your chair.
Three vaccines, routine injections.
You’d been putting them off, wary of needles, wary of people having to touch your body. You knew it would be an all-around unpleasant experience, but you had to get it done sometime, no matter how much you tried to avoid it. 
Originally it had just been two shots, but the Doctor, Chisaki Kai, had called back informing you that a third injection would be necessary.
A quick scribble with the pen before the masked man was whisking the clipboard away, confirming you’d signed the papers with a quick glance. He had pretty eyes, you noted - golden iris’s visible above the surgical face mask covering his mouth and nose.
Those pretty eyes snapped to yours, the man looking significantly bored. “All’s in order.” You watched him begin assembling the injections on the counter, needles by bottles, alcohol wipes and bandaids nearby.
“The first will go in your left arm, the second in your right, and the third in your left again. It will hurt.” His bedside manner left something to be desired.
He worked quickly and efficiently, plunging the first needle into a bottle, drawing back the plunger to fill it full of liquid before removing it from the bottle. “Please roll up your sleeves.”
Then he was stepping close, needle in one gloved hand, sterile alcohol swab in the other. You were watching him like a hawk, trying your best not to flinch when the cold wipe came into contact with your exposed upper arm.
A quick glance at your flinch, the slight bit of air hissing through your teeth at nothing but the coldness of the wipe had the man cocking his head, but he said nothing.
“Uhm, can you please-uhm, tell me when you’re about to do it?” You gulp, wide eyes trained on the far wall. Just don’t look at the needle, you’ll be fine.
“You prefer to know when to expect the pain?” It was less a question, more a statement, but you nodded nonetheless. “I’ll count to three.”
“One.” A gloved hand lightly touched your arm.
“Two.” Pointer finger and thumb smoothed over your skin, keeping it taut.
“Three.” There was a pinch, immediately followed by deep burning, stinging pain that had you gritting your teeth and wincing.
The scent of bitter, sterile alcohol filled your nose, harshly jerking you to consciousness. Everything smelled like chemicals, latex and bleach and ammonia - not the most pleasant thing to wake up to.
Opening your eyes was easy, lifting your head not so much. You were slumped in your seat, head resting against the counter at your side, feet planted on the ground.
The doctor was crouched in front of you, a small wipe pinched between his fingers, held up to your nose. Golden eyes studied you closely, and upon seeing your eyes open, lashes fluttering, the doctor withdrew the wipe, subsequently taking away the chemical smell.
“You fainted.”
A blink as you gained your bearings, feeling disoriented and weak. You were still in the exam room, a tiny cramped space with barely enough room for a chair beside the exam table.
You swallowed, throat feeling dry, head fuzzy. God, did you hate needles.
“Have you had this reaction to injections before? It’s not uncommon in patients.”
“I.....no? I don’t-uhm-don’t think so...” It felt funny talking, as if you weren’t inside your body.
The doctor stood abruptly, quickly discarding the ammonia wipe into the trash, stripping his gloves off as well before donning a new pair.
“Stay there while you recover. Are you up for the other two shots today, or would you like to schedule an appointment for them at a different time?”
Why the hell didn’t he just give you the shots while you were unconscious?
“I wanna do it today please.” You sighed, reaching to feel the bandaid on your left arm. “I would hate to have to come back and do this again, know what I mean?”
Nothing else was said, just a brief nod from the man before he disappeared from the room. You shuffled your feet, closing your eyes as you leaned back in the chair. 
“(Y/N)? Do you feel ready to stand?” He was back, standing in the doorway and looking at you.
“Oh, yeah, sure.” You rocked up to your feet, rolling down your sleeve as the doctor stepped froward towards the counter. He gathered up the remaining syringes, bottles, and other supplies before stepping around you and back towards the door.
Again, you did your best to not shy away when he passed you, not wanting to make contact. Your skin was so sensitive, you hated touching people, or feeling their clothes brush against your skin. The man didn’t seem to notice, but that was alright. You were used to dodging threatening sensations in your life.
He guided you through the clinic, towards the back where a small office was situated, a comfortable-looking couch against one of the walls. His name wasn’t on the door - you remember now, Doctor Chisaki. 
Or was he a nurse? You didn’t know.
But his name wasn’t on the door. Was it okay to be in this office? Don’t they usually make you wait in the exam room?
“Have a seat, make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back shortly.” 
The door clicked shut behind him.
Today was your day off, the entire day devoted to getting your shots done, to overcoming this obstacle, handling the immense stress that came with it. It didn’t bother you to spend it sitting down and playing word searches on your phone. 
But still....
“Don’t patients usually wait in the exam room? Or in the waiting room?” You asked the man as soon as he re-entered the room, stack of paperwork in one hand as he shut the door with the other.
He gave you a once-over, body tucked into the corner of the couch, before he spoke. “Usually, but I want to make sure you don’t pass out where I can’t see you. That’d make me a bad doctor. This isn’t common procedure, sure, but I didn’t expect your body to be so-” weak “-easily indisposed.”
The tone of his voice kept completely level, hardly any emotions showing on his face, but still you felt... chilled by this man. There was no reassurance from him, no compassion or empathy.
“I’ll administer your remaining shots in 45 minute increments, that should give you enough time to recover between each one. You’ll have to lay down for them though, that’s why you’re sitting on that couch.” 
Polite, but it still felt like you were getting talked-down-to. He was patronizing you.
You gave him a curt nod to show you understood, before fumbling your phone out of your pocket to begin passing the time.
Doctor Chisaki sat down behind the empty desk, neatly placing his stack of papers on the wood before taking a sheet off the top and clicking his pen. From where he was sitting, you were in his direct line of sight, and you could feel him glancing at you occasionally as the scribble of his pen and the tapping of your fingers filled the silence.
45 minutes passed quickly, too quickly for your liking. You weren’t looking forward to the next shot.
Same instructions as before - roll up your sleeve, he’d count to three.
But the doctor paused after swabbing your arm clean. “You keep flinching. Am I  hurting you?”
“No, I mean, not really.” You shrugged. “I don’t like it when people touch me I guess, feels funny.”
“Well, try to relax.”
Easy for him to say, hard for you to do.
This time, with you laying down, the shot went much smoother. The doctor counted the three, you hissed in pain at the burning slice of the needle, but retained consciousness. Which frankly, was a success.
“That really hurts.” You breathed as soon as the needle slipped free from your arm. Even thinking about the thin point being in your muscles made you feel queasy. At least you didn’t have to look at it.
“That’s a common side effect. Muscle soreness because the needle is essentially causing a small injury to the fibers, and there are other reasons, but they're more complicated. You want ice?”
“Nah, it’ll be fine. I’ll just deal with it.”
The man blinked. “You have an interesting reaction to pain.”
“Uhhh...” You scrunched up your eyebrows as you glanced up at him, sitting up as you did so. “Thanks?”
“You’re extremely sensitive to tactile stimulation, like to know when you’ll be experiencing pain, but you don’t particularly care about relieving it. Have you ever given blood?”
The question caught you off guard, especially after realizing the man had been analyzing you more closely than you had expected.
“Nah. Does that matter?”
“Not particularly, I’m just curious I guess.” Doctor Chisaki admitted, once again stripping off his gloves and disposing of them before sliding on another pair.
He went back to his paperwork, and you to your phone, but his frequent glances weighed you down. Did you have something on your face? Was your hair messy?
“Could you point me to the bathroom please?” You rose to your feet slowly, making sure you weren’t going to faint as you stood up.
“It’d be better if you stayed seated.” Was his curt reply.
With a frown, you sat back down. Why couldn’t you use the bathroom? Maybe it affected..... something? With the vaccines? You didn’t know enough about how these things worked to really question it. Doctors were professionals, and they had their reasons.
Still, you’d feel a bit more comfortable if the man wasn’t watching you so closely.
45 more minutes of squirming until your next shot.
Lay down.
Roll up your sleeve.
Try to relax.
Deep breathe.
“You smell.”
“What?” Your head snapped to the side, confused. You smelled?
“It’s not bad. What scent is it?”
Blinking back surprise, you relayed the scent on your shampoo and conditioner.  This doctor was a bit... unconventional. But his sudden question did take your mind off of the countdown, off of the pain. Smart.
“My nose is sensitive, most scents are overwhelming and while I like cleanliness I cannot stand the smell of bleach or most cleaning products. I chose the wrong profession for that, didn’t I?”
His version of a joke made you almost chuckle, a lazy grin stretching across your face instead. “You certainly did. You ever try Pine Sol though? That’s what I use for like, everything.”
The doctor shook his head, and you chattered on about the unoffensive-smelling cleaner, where you bought the bottle you have under your sink, how you use it. He listened intently as he plastered another bandaid over your arm.
“Alright, I can go now?” You asked, sitting up for the last time.
“Vasovagal syncope can still occur, I’d prefer you not faint and bash your head open on the ground. There’d be such a mess.”
Mouth snapping shut at the fancy medical term, you couldn’t help but sigh as you slumped back against the couch. 
“I’ve been here for almost four hours. You don’t have other patients to get to?” You didn’t think to check the accusatory tone in your voice.
The doctor put aside his pen, folding his hands on the desk as he stared at you with golden eyes. “They’ve been transferred to different doctors. My current patient has taken precedence. I don’t half-ass things like some people, I see my  projects to completion.”
You were a bit taken aback at the vehemence in his voice, the way his eyes dropped to slits, narrowing fiercely at you.
“That’s what it means to be in this profession. I’m here to cure people. I make sure that sickness doesn’t spread between humans like fire in a barn full of hay. What I do is important and deserving of respect, I’m ensuring the survival of humanity, am I not?”
The intense tension in the air built, the doctor staring you down. “I’m close to becoming a renowned doctor. Just one, one breakthrough will finally get the world to see me. ”
He cocked his head, eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled beneath the mask. “I thank your efforts in being a volunteer towards my latest project. It’s been a bit difficult to find someone who readily accepted an unknown injection.”
Unknown.. injection?
“What are you talking about?” 
“The second injection isn’t a vaccine, more like a... pet project of mine. I can’t wait to see what it does.”
“You can’t-this is malpractice, I didn’t consent to this-” Your fists clenched as you stood.
“You signed the consent papers. They’ll hold up in court. Most people receive the vaccines you got today when they’re still teenagers, and under their parents care. Lucky for me, you’re afraid of needles it seems, so you’ve been a bit neglectful. Hard to get a parent to sign over their child as a test subject, easy to get a fearful individual to listen to their doctor.”
A twinkle in his eye made you want to punch his lights out. “What the hell dude, you call yourself a doctor? What did you inject me with?”
The man rose from behind the desk, moving until he stood in front of you. “You’ll see soon enough. I’m pleased that you’re so concerned with hygiene, that makes this easier for both of us.”
“And you can forget about calling for help, not that you’ll want to. But everyone’s left for the day-” He checked his wrist, where a nice watch gleamed at you mockingly. “45 minutes ago. So feel free to disclose your symptoms as they pop up as loud as you’d like.”
The man sat down on the couch, easily sinking into the plush material looking up at you with a malicious gleam in his eyes. He had been playing you since you’d walked into the clinic. Was this some sort of prank?
“You’re messing with me.”
“I’ve told you, I see my projects to completion. This is the testing stage, and it might be a while before it’s over. Why would I waste time messing with someone else’s dumb little life?’
Your mouth felt dry, face warm. Why did your legs feel all pleasantly tingly? There was a slowly-building heat simmering low in your core, and if you weren’t standing directly in front of Chisaki, you’d rub your legs together. What did he do to you?
“Now, sit down, and tell your doctor what's bothering you.”
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outivv · 3 years
SBCUVBHFD- So,,, The Boys' crush who just makes it their daily mission to tease the hell out them. Like constantly hugging them from behind, kissing their hand, telling them they look handsome, often kissing their ear from behind then running out, etc. They'll even say," Hurry up and kiss me you handsome bastard." They basically just have no shame when it comes to The Boys.
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Synopsis: y/n constantly teasing the tall boys + Scaramouche (because I’m in that kinda mood today, ok? 🥲)
Warnings: I cure once in Dainsleifs part, also probably a lot of grammar, and spelling mistakes this is a long one and I didn’t proofread it :’)
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: Diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli, Dainsleif, and Scaramouche (I hope it was ok that I added Scaramouche!)
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello! Thank you for requesting! I’m extremely tired because I just got my first shot of the covid vaccine, but I was in a desperate need to write fluff, so fr thank you for requesting ☺️! I’ve got a slight Scaramouche brainrot right now, so I added him in the headcanons if that’s alright! But, aside from that I hope you enjoy, and remember to take care of yourself! Drink water, eat something if you haven’t yet, or take a nap!
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— zhongli —
The first few times you go out of your way to tease zhongli, he’s definitely taken aback before saying something like, “ah... can I help you?” He genuinely thought that you may need something, but you only shook your head and hugged him. He wasn’t going to deny you of your wishes that’s for sure, so he wrapped his arms around you.
He’s definitely a bit flustered every time you tease him, but will try to stay composed. He’s never going to say no to you if you want a hug, or just some attention. While you’re not dating it’s definitely going to seem like you are.
He loves when you call him handsome. He can’t comprehend how much he loves it. He’ll typically smile, and say, “thank you Y/n you look beautiful/handsome/ amazing yourself.”
He really likes when you comment on his eyes. That is something that he loves. It’s difficult to explain my reasoning, but zhongli finds eyes attractive, like it’s something that he thinks is just really pretty on people. And I will frequently gaze at your eyes from afar. So when you compliment his eyes he gets super happy :)
Hates it when you run away from him after teasing him. He hates it but finds it cute at the same time. He thinks if you’re really that bold to tease him, why not stay for a bit? Surely you’re not shy? You just complimented his eyes, how could you run away from him?
When you say “kiss me you handsome bastard.” His reaction could go one of two ways. Either he’s like, “y/n! Eh hem... that... right.” While blushing profusely. Or he’ll smile a bit chuckling, and may even take you up on the opportunity. If all depends on when you say something like that. If he’s jut used to your teasing remarks then yeah he’s going to be shocked, but if he is used to it then he’ll slightly brush it off.
— childe —
Hmm... he views your teasing as a competition. But he loses every time. He’ll try his hardest, but you tease him a little bit too much and he will melt on the spot.
He’s a pretty touchy guy himself, so he doesn’t mind when you back hug him, but if he’s around some fellow harbingers he’s going to be a bit more... stiff? No... a better word is agitated. He needs to keep up a bit of an image around them, so he’s going to be pretty upset when you try to tease him.
I think he likes when you kiss his hands the most. He feels almost... sad though? His hands have dealt so much bloodshed, and you’re kissing them? Do you know what he’s done? Who he’s killed. Just so he can be alive... and in this moment with you. It makes him have a melancholy feeling, but he can’t get enough of it.
Childe craves for you to call him pretty, handsome, or just attractive. He actually likes being called pretty the most. It makes him so flustered because he’s like, “me? Pretty? ...really?” And when you nod and say, “yes you dork, I’m talking about you! You’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever met.” In a teasing tone. He gets all giddy and happy. He feels like a twelve year old who’s crush just told him that they liked him. And he loves it.
Don’t even try to run away from him. He’ll catch up. And when he does. You won’t escape the cheesy pick up lines. He knows they’re cheesy, and that’s the whole point. He knows they’re stupid, and that’s why he saves them for this event specifically.
He chuckles when you say “kiss me you tall handsome bastard.” Really? You think he’s tall? Well that added a bit to his ego. He’s chuckling but he knows that he looks as red as a tomato right now. He knows how hard he’s blushing, but he doesn’t care.
— kaeya —
Also someone who views it as a competition. But he takes it seriously. He’ll get flustered a decent amount, but you have to do things very precisely. If he teases you first, then you gotta come back 10x stronger than he was. And he’ll be blushing while trying to brush it off as best as possible. He typically isn’t prepared for you to tease him back, so it’s an easy way to win.
Loves hugs. It’s so sweet and innocent, and it makes Kaeya all soft. It’s a small break from work, his past, the world, just everything. Your arms are his safe space, and he frequently visits.
I don’t care what you say he loves when you kiss bear his eyepatch. His right side is his blind spot, so you being on the right side of him means that he trusts you. So having you near his eyepatch really shows how much he trusts you. Plus whether you know what he’s hiding under that eyepatch or not doesn’t matter, it shows that you don’t care and still love him whenever you kiss near it.
I think he kinda likes being called handsome. Like... how do I explain without fueling this mans ego. He knows. Others have told him how handsome he is. Now calling him pretty, or gorgeous? Loves it. He hasn’t been told that he’s pretty very much, so it’ll make him a little flustered. And it makes him feel super happy :)
Doesn’t care if you run away from him. You can try of course, but he’ll find you eventually. He’s going to stall for time, because he probably knows where you are, but just wants you to get all anxious. Not in a bad way of course, but in a way of “you know that he’s going to tease you relentlessly, and make fun of you a little bit.” I mean Kaeya will literally laugh at how you ran away so quickly from him. He’ll do it. Don’t test him. He doesn’t mean any harm from it, but does like teasing you.
Saying something like “kiss me already you handsome bastard” will only make him raise an eyebrow and say, “oh? Why not kiss me yourself?” Which it’s up to you to decide what to do from here. I’m not helping you, that’s on you >:)
— Diluc —
Help this poor man. He just wants to admire you from afar and tell you how amazing you look, not being so flustered he feels too nervous to talk! Almost everything gets him flustered, but he’ll get used to it after a while.
He really likes when you quickly kiss his forehead, and then go back to what you were doing or just keep talking. It makes him think for a second, but he really likes it.
He really likes when you just grab onto his arm, or hand out of nowhere. He knows it’s to tease him, but feels like he’s protecting you in a way, especially if you’re in a crowd of people. He’ll feel a little bit of pride swell up in his chest, which it’s your choice to tease him for his sudden change in confidence or not. Either way he’ll have a slight blush dusting his cheeks.
He gets so flustered when you call him handsome. Especially if you call him pretty, or anything else. Handsome is the term he’s most familiar with I guess, but pretty??? Oh boy, that’s new. A good new? Yeah definitely.
When you run away from him he’ll be a little sad, but then realize he can just catch up to you. Which he will, but he doesn’t know what to do once he actually does. He’ll probably just stare at you, and say something like, “why’d you run away” while panting like a dog. Hey just because he can run fast doesn’t mean he didn’t work really hard to catch up to you. Especially if you ran a long ways, or if you can run fast.
When you say stuff like “kiss me already you handsome bastard” he’ll be decently flustered, but depending on where you are, he’ll either kiss you on the cheek, or say “later.” And then move on. He does keep his promise though.
— Dainsleif —
Help this poor man pt 2. He doesn’t know what to do, or how to react. Should he tease you back? Should he let himself be flustered? Dammit what should he do!
Dainsleifloves subtle touches, he loves when you hold onto his hand, or brush some hair out of his face. Maybe even a little peck on the cheek. He knows that isn’t really teasing but still!
Absolutely goes soft if you touch his right arm. Treating it with such care, even though to him it looks like an eyesore. He never thought about looking at it differently, the blue veins shimmering under your touch is a gentle reminder of how he’s here today.
He loves being called handsome, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, just everything. He loves it all. He lowkey craves your attention, but doesn’t want to ask for it, so when you call him pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ etc it makes him feel supper soft and happy.
He didn’t understand why you run away from him. I mean you’ve gotta come back eventually, you left all your travel gear/stuff with him! And those are all important things might I add. Plus you left Dainsleif standing there by himself. Another important thing you forgot as you ran away.
Calling him a handsome bastard as is makes him flustered, but adding a ‘kiss me already’ before that?! Wow this man is just putty in your arms. Doesn’t know what to do other than... fill out your request. Don’t doubt him. He’ll do it.
— Scaramouche —
This man couldn’t give to flying f- oh what’s that? Giving him attention, and love that he really wants from you but flat out doesn’t know how to ask and didn’t want to seem weak? Yeah he’ll take that thank you. :D
He’s a bit all over the place when you tease him. He’s very conflicted. Because, home one side of him wants that attention, what if the other harbingers find out? What if you’re just messing with him? He’s gotta keep up an image you know.
While he’s very conflicted on how he feels about your affection, he does know one thing. He loves when you back hug him. Whether you’re taller than him, shorter, or same height, he loves it. If anyone who’s a lower rank than him tries to say anything, he’ll give them a death glare, and make a mental note for later.
He’ll subconsciously tear you a bit by wrapping a arm around you. It’s a weird way of saying “I’ve got a crush on them to if anyone says anything to hurt them, or if you try to hit on them I’ll personally murder you.” To other people without... saying that. Though he would say that, that’s not my point.
He has a weird relationship with being called pretty/handsome/etc. like it makes him feel happy and flusters him, but he’s also like “no I’m not. Me? Pretty? No. Flat out no.” He can’t just take the compliment.
Hahaha try to run away from him. I dare you. You brought this upon yourself when you said he had gorgeous eyes (he does but not the point!) so you better except your fate now. He’s either going to force you to say it again, or dare you to say it again.
Hated when you said “kiss me you handsome bastard” he hates it. But only because it made him want to kiss you more than he already did. So... that was mildly annoying to him, but it’s fine he lowkey loves you.
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