#DJK Rowling
wrockthereread · 6 years
Chapter 12: The Mirror of Erised
Christmas is approaching. Malfoy teases Harry about having to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday, as he does not have parents. [“Christmas at Hogwarts” by Hungry Hungry Hippogriffs] Harry, however, is looking forward to spending Christmas away from the Dursleys, especially because Ron is also staying at Hogwarts, as Mr and Mrs Weasley are going to visit Ron's older brother Charlie in Romania. [“Wizard Chess” by Harry and the Potters] The day before the holidays, Hermione tears Ron and Harry away from a conversation with Hagrid to look in the library for more information about Nicolas Flamel. The librarian, Madam Pince, catches Harry prowling around the restricted-books section of the library and kicks him out.
On Christmas Day, Harry and Ron awaken to presents, though Harry's are fewer. [“I’ve Got Presents!” by Heart of Black] Harry receives a flute from Hagrid, a 50 pence coin from the Dursleys, some fudge and Chocolate Frogs from Hermione, and a knitted jumper from Ron's mother. [“Christmas Rock Cake” by The Bandon Banshees]; [“Weasley Sweater” by Starfish and Stick]; [“Maroon” by Slytherin Soundtrack] He also receives an Invisibility cloak accompanied only by an anonymous note telling him that the cloak once belonged to Harry's father and to "use it well." [“Invisiblity Cloak” by DJK Rowling]; [”Use It Well” by Hannah Moroz] That night, after a satisfying Christmas dinner and after Ron has fallen asleep, Harry tries on his Invisibility Cloak. [“Ron’s Woeful Christmas (The Sweater Song)” by The 8th Horcrux]; [“Sweaters” by Gred and Forge]; [“Christmastime at School” by Gred and Forge] Unseen, he is able to go to the library’s restricted-books section. [“Restricted Section” by The Curse Breakers] But one of the books starts screaming when he opens it, so he quickly leaves. [“Books of Magic (Live)” by Diagon Alley] He passes Filch and hides in an old classroom as Filch is getting Snape to help him search the corridors. [“The Dark Flash Green” by Eyes Like Mine] Inside stands an old mirror in a gold frame with the inscription "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi" ("I show not your face, but your heart's desire"). [“The Mirror” by Ollivander] Harry looks in the mirror and sees many people standing behind him, but when he turns around in the room, he sees no one. [“Family Portrait” by Sea Turtle Harmonic]; [“Erised” by Snidget] Suddenly, he recognises that two of the people in the mirror are his dead mother and father. [“Erised” by The Curse Breakers] He tries to speak to them, but they can only communicate by waving. Harry lingers there a while but eventually returns to his room.  [“Christmas Mirror” by The Butterbeer Experience]
The next night, Harry brings Ron with him to the mirror room. Ron does not see Harry’s parents in the mirror, but instead sees himself holding the Quidditch Cup. [“Sidekick” by How Airplanes Fly];  [“Mirror of Erised” by Stephanie and the Quaffles] Mrs Norris, Filch's prowling cat, notices them. On the third night, Ron is afraid of being caught and does not want to go back, as he does not trust the mirror, so Harry returns alone. [“Livin’ in a Mirror” by Harry and the Potters] There he finds Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore explains to Harry that the mirror, which is known as the Mirror of Erised, displays the deepest desires of whoever looks into it. [“Mirror of Erised” by Miranda Puffskein] Harry is relieved to find that Dumbledore is not angry. [“The Mirror” by Siriusly Hazza P] However, he warns Harry that men have wasted away and been driven mad before the mirror and informs Harry that the mirror will be moved to a new location and tells him not to go looking for it. [“Mirror of Erised” by Kirstyn Hippe]; [“Mirror Of Erised” by RiddleTM] When Harry asks what Dumbledore sees in the mirror, his answer is "himself holding a pair of socks." [“Socks!” by The 8th Horcrux]
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