#DIY furnace repair
furnacerepair7 · 2 days
How to Handle Emergency Furnace Repair with Confidence
Understanding Emergency Furnace Repair: A Step-by-Step Guide When your furnace breaks down unexpectedly, it can be a stressful and potentially dangerous situation, especially during the cold winter months. Understanding how to handle emergency furnace repairs with confidence is crucial for maintaining a safe and comfortable home environment. This guide will provide you with the knowledge and…
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stumblngrumbl · 7 months
the furnace was making horrendous noises, and when a furnace makes noise it's almost definitely the fan
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unfortunately i didn't get video/sound of the noise...
conveniently at the bottom of that middle panel it actually says "blower". i noticed this after i took it off, but that's nice anyways
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this is apparently the fan... or, the fan is inside there
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if you DIY, be really careful with stuff that looks like this - these are typically capacitors and you can think of them like a battery that will literally dump all of the stored energy in an instant.
you often find capacitors with electric motors, because it takes a lot of extra energy to get a electric motor to start turning - especially when there's a fluid pump involved (like in a refrigerator).
anyways as previously mentioned a capacitor can store a lot of energy so you don't want to accidentally discharge that (like through your hand) so you deliberately do it with a screwdriver -- a screwdriver with a plastic handle! -- by touching one metal terminal to the other.
note that the above capacitor has two terminals, each of which has four metal tabs! all four of those tabs are connected to each other so they all just count as "one terminal"; you need to touch one of those four, to one of the other four, which of the four doesn't matter, what matters is that a connection is made between the two separate terminals so that electricity can flow.
if there was stored energy, you'll likely get a spark, and if you're like me it'll startle you and make you jump, but it's all ok. jump the terminals with the screwdriver again just to make sure it's all discharged; i do it several times and really make sure that both terminals are being touched at the same time to make sure.
only then do you pull off the wires.
believe it or not, the only thing holding that entire fan unit in the hvac was that one sheet metal screw that the wrench is on in the first pic!
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probably the most valuable tool you have as a DIYer is a digital camera (like, your phone, probably). take pictures of everything you take apart; take pictures before you start, as often as you can, take pictures, because DIY is basically about taking stuff apart and then putting them back together, usually with a bit of cleanup or a part replacement somewhere in the middle
in this case things were pretty simple because red was connected to red, purple to purple, but it was nice to be able to see which terminal of the capacitor the yellow & black went to
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with it all freed up this slid simply out of the cabinet
(and that one white wire? not connected to anything but for whatever reason i didn't take a picture of that fact)
basically there's the fan housing (big plastic thing), the blower wheel with fan vanes on it, the electric motor, and the capacitor.
behind where the fan went you can see what looks like a radiator - the air conditioner refrigerant goes though that and chills the metal and as the air is pulled from the house (from behind it) the air gets chilled in turn (obviously only when the AC is running - if it's not running then this is just slightly in the way but not changing the temperature, w/e)
to the right in there you can see where the blower pushes air; in there is where the furnace when heat is called for, heats up the air that passes by in a similar way to the AC, except that there's not lots of fins, instead there's these big metal tubes that get super hot because there's burning gas inside them, and they heat up the air as it goes by (the furnace exhausts to the outside after dumping the heat to the circulating air - you don't want the propane gas exhaust in the house air!)
ok so... so far we still haven't diagnosed anything... well here we go
that disc i'm turning? all the fan vanes on the sides are supposed to be connected to the disc. the disc gets turned by the motor, and the disc which is part of the fan is supposed to turn along with the rest of the fan. so here obviously the is toast.
conveniently there's a part number on that white tag. inconveniently that part isn't made any more. looking around though i find that there's a new part number that supercedes it, probably 100% identical part just a new number for whatever reason, fuck them.
price for the entire unit (plastic housing with motor & fan): $1000. price for just the fan: $178-$350, depending on where you buy it. i bought it for $178 ofc, including "free" shipping. local supply wanted $330 but they wouldn't get it from the nearby bigger city for a few days.
so i replaced the fan - loosened the little bolt that holds it on the motor shaft, knocked the fan loose and swapped them. put it all back together, and the furnace run so.... quietly...
so $178 vs a minimum of $600, possibly more as a professional would probably have just replaced the entire fan unit ($1000 + truck roll, probably $1250 total). overall time about the same because it took a couple days to come in the mail and they would've needed to get it as well as this is for an older unit.
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airqualdunt · 10 months
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nw7us · 2 years
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Outside is -8, real ambient temperature (Fahrenheit). We lost heat due to a dirty flame sensor, so the indoor temp was 63. Our two kittens cuddled up in front of my chair. Cozy. I cleaned the sensor, and we have heat, again. #diy #repair #heat #furnace #kitty #kittycat #cuddles #cuddle #family #cats #petsofinstagram #pet #home #feline #kittens #kittensofinstagram #warmth #christmas https://www.instagram.com/p/CmiUJTbDghh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Home reno update :D
Realized that the reno has been going on since Tuesday and I have not said anything here about it yet. So far, it's going really well.
A significant amount of the carpet is already gone, along with all the molding along the floor. The DIY closet organizers are all gone. The majority of the drywall repair is completed. Painting has begun in two of the rooms. The two closets in the master bedroom have been been demolished and the new wall for the new closet constructed - the room still feels big despite being 3 and a half feet shorter than before. The hallway ceiling has been painted, the walls not yet. The doors and door trim have all been sanded and had dints and dings repaired, leading to a big splotch of red on one of the doors hiding furnace & water heater, which has had a large dent in it the entire time I've owned the house. The red splotch is filler and the door is gonna look unrecognizable without the dent when it's painted, I'm both pleased and feeling sentimental about the dent.
I'm hopeful they'll finish up Saturday as predicted, but my dad thinks based on my video documentation of things (been taking lots of pictures and videos of the process) that they'll finish on Monday instead. Wednesday I'm having an electrician come by to put lights in my closet so that I can see in there. And the Monday after that it's new floors time. Then I just gotta have my painting/drywall guys come back to do the new molding and any post floor install touchups and... the reno will be over. Aside from the new closet organizers which I'm not thinking about right now.
Estelle's been enjoying her stay at my parents house. Largely because I'm also staying there. She'd be happier if I didn't leave every morning to be at our house while the work is being done, but she has two more people than normal to adore and pet her every day and she does love demanding pets from my parents. She is being a bit more hangry than normal about her snacks though, so she is being a bit grouchy concerning her routines. Next week will be easier on her since i won't have to be at the house for the whole day. Still gotta go check on things and collect mail, but I can keep Estelle company. Give her those snuggles she deserves while I work.
Once I'm back in the house, I can start thinking new closet organizers - woohoo. (sometimes genuine woohoo. sometimes a bit sarcastic.)
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lnsturnkey1 · 2 years
An emergency plumber is needed if you notice any of the following symptoms
Most people think of a plumber only in the event of a crisis. Yet, you can avoid many potential disasters with sufficient forethought and precaution. Being proactive is watching for possible warning signals of impending trouble. Whenever that happens, call a Plumber in Costa Mesa. Here are warning indicators to look out for that could prevent a catastrophe:
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Gurgling Sound:
There may be an issue brewing if you hear a gurgling noise whenever you flush the toilet, shower, run the dishwasher, or do the laundry. If the sound continues even when no one is using the bathroom, it could signify a more serious problem. When the water pipes in your home are straining to locate air, you'll hear a gurgling noise, and eventually, the water will back up into your home. At this time, you have to contact Plumber in Costa Mesa.
Assuming a Gas Smell:
Don't ignore the smell of gas if it occurs in any room of your home while conducting any work. The noxious odor could result from a gas leak that combines natural gas with a scent. The gas company and the plumber should be called promptly. Meanwhile, turn off the power to the house and unplug everything that could create a spark that could set off the gas leak from the pipes. A Costa Mesa Plumber will help you with this situation.
Pipes Leaking Water:
You may leak your pipes if you hear water flowing in the toilet or pipes when no one is using them. Wet or brown patches on the walls, ceiling, and floor are another water damage indicator. The area will be warm if the leak is in the supply lines for hot water. Turn off the furnace and see if the meter keeps going. Call a skilled plumber before the problem develops.
Water Pressure That Is Lower:
If your water pressure is low, it may be because sediment has built up in your faucet's aerator, which may be easily cleaned by unscrewing it. If that doesn't fix the problem, it could signify a systemic leak, broken or degraded pipes, or a waterline. DIY solutions often worsen matters in the long run, so it's best to involve an expert. The Plumber in Costa Mesa had little trouble repairing it.
Issues with Drainage:
Instead of risking more damage to the pipes by trying to fix a clogged line or slow-draining sink on your own, it is best to call a Costa Mesa Plumber for assistance.
Garbage Smell:
If you notice a sudden stench similar to rotten eggs, it could result from a clogged drain or vent. It's not just annoying, but it might also be hazardous to the environment and people's health if this situation persists. In addition, it will weaken the structure of your home. At this point, a Costa Mesa plumber should be called in.
Damaged, Frost-Covered Pipes:
If you notice any clanking sounds or a lack of running water in the winter, your pipes are likely frozen. It's critical to call a plumber in Costa Mesa right away before the pipes crack or explode. Let your faucets trickle slowly if you don't want frozen pipes this winter.
A homeowner may face a wide variety of plumbing crises, and any one of them could result in costly repairs. Recognizing these warnings can help you avoid needless plumbing repairs. Like you, most individuals do not budget for plumbing-related costs. Get in touch with a Plumber in Costa Mesa is often the last thing on someone's mind until it's too late.
Know more: https://www.ezplumbingusa.com/
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weather-tech123 · 18 days
Winnipeg Furnace & Parts Store
If you're looking for furnace parts or a new furnace in Winnipeg, there are several stores that specialise in providing quality products and expert advice. A Winnipeg Furnace & Parts Store offers a range of items, including replacement parts, maintenance tools, and full systems for residential and commercial needs. These stores cater to homeowners, DIY enthusiasts, and HVAC professionals, ensuring they have the right components to keep heating systems running smoothly during Winnipeg's cold winters.
1. Wide Range of Furnace Parts
Winnipeg furnace and parts stores stock a variety of parts to help maintain or repair your existing furnace. Common parts include filters, thermostats, blowers, and igniters, which are crucial for keeping your system operating efficiently. Whether you need a minor replacement or a major component, these stores typically carry parts for various furnace brands and models. For those who are unsure which parts to buy, knowledgeable staff are available to assist in identifying the right components.
2. Expert Assistance and Advice
Whether you're a professional HVAC technician or a homeowner, getting the right advice can make all the difference in maintaining or repairing a furnace. Most Winnipeg furnace stores offer expert assistance from trained staff who can help troubleshoot issues and recommend the best products. This personalised service ensures that you get the exact parts you need, and you can avoid costly mistakes from purchasing the wrong items.
3. Energy-Efficient Furnaces
In addition to parts, many Winnipeg furnace stores sell complete furnace systems. If you're looking to upgrade to a more energy-efficient model, you can explore various options tailored to your home’s size and heating needs. Modern energy-efficient furnaces not only provide reliable heating but also help reduce your energy bills, which is crucial during Winnipeg's harsh winters.
4. Maintenance Products and Tools
Maintaining your furnace regularly can help extend its lifespan and ensure it runs efficiently. Furnace parts stores also carry a variety of maintenance tools and products, such as cleaning solutions, filters, and thermostats. Regular maintenance not only improves energy efficiency but also ensures that your home remains warm and comfortable throughout the winter months.
5. Convenient Online Ordering
Many Winnipeg furnace parts stores offer the convenience of online ordering. Whether you're looking for a replacement part or a new system, you can browse products online, place orders, and have them shipped directly to your home. This convenience allows homeowners to quickly get the parts they need without having to visit a physical store, which is particularly helpful during the colder months.
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Why Professional Furnace Installation in Edmonton Is Key to Long-Lasting Heat
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When it comes to maintaining a warm and comfortable home, professional furnace installation in Edmonton is essential for ensuring long-lasting heat. A properly installed furnace not only guarantees optimal performance but also helps reduce energy bills and prevent future breakdowns.
Edmonton's cold winters demand a reliable heating system, and professional installers have the expertise to choose the right furnace for your home. They ensure that the unit is correctly sized, vented, and connected, allowing for efficient operation.
DIY installations or hiring inexperienced technicians can lead to costly repairs, inefficient heating, or even safety hazards. By choosing furnace installation experts in Edmonton, you benefit from their knowledge of local building codes, proper insulation techniques, and warranty protection.
For reliable, efficient, and long-lasting heating solutions, trust a professional furnace installation service in Edmonton to keep your home warm throughout the harsh winters.
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DIY vs. Professional Heating Repairs
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While DIY repairs can help you save costs and serve as a valuable learning experience, you will eventually realize that hiring a professional heating contractor is cost-effective, faster, and more reliable.
DIY repairs have their own advantages, but they do not outweigh the disadvantages, which, at best, are monetary loss and, at worst, significant personal injury or property damage.
Table of Contents
Understanding Heating System Repair Needs
Common Heating Problems Homeowners Face
1. Strange or Bad Odor Coming from Your Vents
2. Noisy Operation
3. Cold Spots in Your Home
4. The Heater is Short-Cycling
5. Your Heater is Constantly Running without Turning Off
DIY Heating Repairs: Pros and Cons
1. Cost Savings
2. Convenience
3. Learning Opportunity
1. Lack of Expertise
2. Safety Concerns
3. Voiding Warranties
Professional Heating Repairs: Pros and Cons
1. Expertise and Experience
2. Safety and Compliance
3. Warranty Protection
4. Regular and Comprehensive Service
1. Cost
2. Scheduling
Comparative Analysis: DIY vs. Professional Repairs
1. Diagnostic Accuracy
2. Quality of Repairs
3. Time and Effort
4. Cost Considerations
When your heater starts acting up, your first instinct might be to tackle the problem yourself. However, professional heating repair services are always recommended over DIY repairs. While there are minor fixes that you can handle yourself, it is better to leave the more complex repairs to professionals as it reduces the risk of danger and saves costs in the long run.
Whether you need heating maintenance or repair in Orange County, Klondike Air is the top-ranked HVAC company serving California for the past 34 years.
However, if you’re determined to carry out your heating repairs yourself, this article highlights the common heating problems and which ones you’re best suited to tackle. It also includes the benefits and dangers of DIY and professional heating maintenance.
Let’s begin.
Understanding Heating System Repair Needs
Professional furnace repair is essential in ensuring that your heating system runs efficiently. Like all mechanical and electrical appliances, your heating system must be serviced monthly, seasonally, or annually to ensure better operation.
However, no matter how much you service your system, due to its heavy workload, it will inevitably experience wear and tear, which will require maintenance to ensure it does not break down. 
Also, the more you use your heating system and as it nears the end of its lifespan, the more constant monitoring and servicing it will need to keep it efficient until you get another one.
Common Heating Problems Homeowners Face
Apart from regular heating maintenance, you must be able to recognize the common signs of heater problems. Being able to spot problems will give you the chance to fix them before they cause a system breakdown.
Below are some of the common heating problems you should know:
1. Strange or Bad Odor Coming from Your Vents
Bad odors coming from your vent could be a sign of electrical malfunction or burning wires. Either way, it points to a serious technical problem that should be fixed immediately.
2. Noisy Operation
Noisy internal operation is never a good sign in any appliance. If you notice your heater making more noise than usual, it is a sign that something has come loose, is broken, or is not properly fixed. Neglecting it can cause serious problems and eventually cause your heater to break down.
3. Cold Spots in Your Home
Cold spots in your home are a sign that your heater is not working correctly. The reasons for cold spots can range from wrong installation to dirty filters, blocked vents, or even faulty furnaces.
4. The Heater is Short-Cycling
When your heater turns on and off quickly, you know there’s something wrong with it. This problem could result from poor electrical connection, inefficient operation, incorrect installation, or other causes. Whatever the case, a short-cycling heater is a lousy heater that needs a quick repair.
5. Your Heater is Constantly Running without Turning Off
There are many reasons your heater would be constantly running without turning off. The problem could be caused by poor installation, electrical, or mechanical issues. Getting a professional to inspect and repair it is your best chance of ensuring it works efficiently again.
DIY Heating Repairs: Pros and Cons
When it comes to heating repair and maintenance, there are many things that you can do to ensure your system lasts longer and works efficiently. Some of those things are:
Replace your air filter or vents every three months according to the manufacturer’s guide and specifications.
Ensure heating vents remain open and are not blocked by furniture, boxes, or other materials.
Schedule regular heating system maintenance with a heating professional.
Keep the area around your furnace clean and clear of dirt, dust, and debris.
The following are some of the advantages of DIY heating repairs:
1. Cost Savings
The most important reason to do your heating repairs yourself is the potential cost savings. Professional heating maintenance can be expensive, so homeowners prefer to save money by watching DIY YouTube videos and trying them out.
2. Convenience
Some homeowners prefer to do their heating repair themselves because it allows them to work at their own pace and reduces intrusion into their home and environment. Additionally, they would rather work on their own schedule rather than wait for a technician to arrive.
3. Learning Opportunity
DIY repairs present a valuable learning opportunity for homeowners. You will better understand how your heating system works and which components will likely make what sounds. This learning is crucial for future maintenance and troubleshooting.
The disadvantages of DIY heating repairs are:
1. Lack of Expertise
Despite the numerous DIY videos and learning resources available online, there’s a significant risk of performing an incorrect repair, which may cause significant and more expensive problems down the line.
2. Safety Concerns
Heating systems involve hazardous materials such as fuel oils, propane, electrical components, refrigerants, and gas lines. If these materials are not handled properly, they may result in personal and material injury.
For instance, mishandling refrigerants can lead to potential health problems, while faulty electrical connections are a fire hazard.
3. Voiding Warranties
Many heating systems and components come with warranty coverage. Manufacturers often insist that repairs or replacements be carried out by certified technicians to maintain warranty coverage. So, trying to repair your heating system yourself will ensure that you bear the full cost of present and future heating maintenance and repair.
Professional Heating Repairs: Pros and Cons
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When it comes to maintaining the health of your heating system, professional heating repair services are more reliable and cost-effective. Companies like Klondike Air even offer discounts on heating furnace repair and installation to Orange County residents.
Here are some of the maintenance issues that a professional can help you with:
Fixing, replacing, and calibration of faulty thermostats.
Cleaning and replacing clogged and dirty burners.
Replacing worn-out blower motors or bearings.
Sealing leaks in ductwork or pipes.
Repairing or replacing faulty ignition or pilot light assemblies.
The following are some of the benefits of professional heating repairs:
1. Expertise and Experience
Professional heating technicians have the expertise and experience to diagnose and solve a heating issue properly. They are also familiar with several heating systems and models, which means there is less chance of making mistakes while repairing the system.
Additionally, specialist repairs will be more comprehensive and assure homeowners that the problem has been adequately handled.
2. Safety and Compliance
Heating technicians are equipped and trained to handle volatile materials carefully without endangering themselves and your home. They are also well-versed in industry standards and protocols, which will prevent accidents and protect your home from danger.
3. Warranty Protection
Professional repair works protect your system’s warranty from being voided. The technician will perform repairs and replacements according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, preserving your warranty coverage and protecting you from future repair costs.
4. Regular and Comprehensive Service
A professional heating technician offers a comprehensive inspection, repair, and replacement service at a relatively cheap rate. This service helps ensure the efficiency of your heating system and also takes care of minor issues that may cause problems in the future.
The disadvantages of professional heating repair are:
1. Cost
Professional heating system servicing is more expensive than DIY repairs, especially for emergency or complex repairs.
2. Scheduling
Some heating servicing companies require you to schedule appointments, which can be inconvenient without heat.
Comparative Analysis: DIY vs. Professional Repairs
1. Diagnostic Accuracy
DIY repairs are often error-prone due to poor diagnostic practices, which may lead to more expensive problems down the road. Meanwhile, professional technicians use advanced technology and equipment to identify the cause of the problem and make repairs. This leads to a more accurate and reliable success rate.
2. Quality of Repairs
Professional heating technicians have more experience and are usually certified in handling, repairing, and installing various heating systems. They are also up to date with industry standards and use quality materials to ensure the quality of their work.
Meanwhile, DIY repairs lack the expertise and experience to make repairs last longer. They also use shoddy and substandard materials to complement their works.
3. Time and Effort
DIY repairs can be time-consuming because you lack experience and the amount of studying you need before embarking on your repairs. Usually, you can spend 24 hours to several days completing simple repair tasks. At the same time, professional repairs are faster and more efficient. It can be completed within hours, significantly reducing your wait time.
4. Cost Considerations
DIY may appear as a cost-saving measure, but there’s a risk of causing more damage while repairing, which can be more expensive in the long run. DIY repair can also void warranty coverage, thereby increasing the cost burden.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to repair your heating yourself, but as a homeowner, you must know which tasks you can do and which ones are beyond your expertise. Trying to fix a faulty furnace, boiler, or electrical component can lead to significant personal injury and fire hazards.
Klondike Air offers Orange County residents free home safety inspections and discounted furnace and heating services. Call Klondike Air now for your discounted heating system maintenance.
This blog was originally published at https://klondikeair.com/diy-vs-professional-heating-repairs/
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ecotemphva · 2 months
The Importance of Regular Furnace Cleaning in Evanston
As the colder months approach, ensuring your furnace is in optimal condition becomes crucial for comfort and safety. In Evanston, where winters can be particularly harsh, furnace cleaning is not just a maintenance task but a necessity. This article delves into why regular cleaning is essential and how it can benefit your home.
Why Furnace Cleaning Matters
A well-maintained furnace is key to a warm and efficient home during the winter. Over time, dust, debris, and even mold can accumulate inside the furnace, reducing its efficiency and potentially causing it to break down. Evanston furnace cleaning addresses these issues by removing buildup that can obstruct airflow and impair system performance.
Dirty filters and components in the furnace can lead to a decrease in indoor air quality. This is particularly concerning for households with allergies or respiratory issues. Regular cleaning ensures that the air circulating through your home is as clean and healthy as possible, providing peace of mind and enhancing comfort.
Benefits of Professional Furnace Cleaning
Hiring a professional for Evanston furnace cleaning offers numerous advantages over a DIY approach. Professionals have the expertise and tools required to thoroughly clean all components of your furnace, including hard-to-reach areas. This comprehensive cleaning improves efficiency, leading to lower energy bills and a longer lifespan for your furnace.
Additionally, professional services can help identify potential issues before they become major problems. By catching these issues early, you can avoid costly repairs or even a full furnace replacement. This proactive approach ensures that your home remains warm and safe throughout the winter.
How to Choose the Right Furnace Cleaning Service
When selecting a furnace cleaning service in Evanston, consider the following factors:
Experience and Reputation: Look for a company with a proven track record and positive customer reviews. An experienced technician will have a better understanding of various furnace models and the specific cleaning needs they require.
Certifications and Insurance: Ensure that the company is certified and insured. This guarantees that they meet industry standards and provides protection in case of any accidents during the cleaning process.
Comprehensive Services: Choose a service that offers a thorough cleaning process, including inspection and maintenance. This ensures that all aspects of your furnace are addressed, not just the visible parts.
Maintaining your furnace through regular cleaning is vital for ensuring a warm and efficient home during Evanston's cold winters. By opting for professional furnace cleaning services, you can enhance the performance and longevity of your heating system, improve indoor air quality, and avoid costly repairs.
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furnacerepair7 · 3 days
Furnace Repair Prices Explained: Avoiding Hidden Costs
Understanding Furnace Repair Prices: A Comprehensive Guide When it comes to furnace repair, understanding the costs involved is crucial to avoid unexpected expenses and hidden fees. This guide will provide a clear explanation of furnace repair prices, tips on how to find affordable options, and advice on maintaining your furnace to minimize repair costs. Furnace Repair Prices: What to…
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stumblngrumbl · 7 months
couldn't find Rufus last night
at dinner i realized that i hadn't seen him for a while, since i finished my computer work and had gone out to prune trees in the orchard, it was very strange because he normally joins me in the orchard or wherever i'm at in the big yard and hangs out nearby but i hadn't seen him
so got flashlights and went all over the land looking everywhere - checked the chicken coop area twice, went all around the pond in case he was hunting out there
then i remembered that just after i had gone outside and before pruning trees i had fixed the furnace because its fan was making terrible noises, a new one came in the mail yesterday and it was quick to install nice yeah but
there had been ten minutes when the hvac had been open that i wasn't at it and what if Rufus had climbed in?
kinda ridiculous but as i walked around the land searching for him i kept thinking about it
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that slot is about 6"x12" and he could've gotten in and what really worried me is that after i installed the new fan i ran the furnace for a few minutes to test so i was envisioning a charred Rufus in the duct somewhere (not really, the temperatures aren't that high but you get the idea)
so finally i opened the furnace and pulled the fan (like the above pic which was taken when i first removed it while diagnosing the furnace origin) and realized that yes he could've gotten in
then i got work clothes on, a bandana, a breathing mask because under a house it's dusty, gloves, and crawled under the house
luckily it's not as low as some crawl spaces but it was still tight. i could ignore the return ducts because i realized from the inside of the furnace that he was only in those leading from the furnace to the vents in the rooms - where the hvac is pushing air
i basically lifted ducts trying to find a heavy spot and finally i found it
glad i had sharpened the knife the previous night and took it with me on my crawl, i cut into the duct and pulled out a terrified Rufus
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he's generally fine. he got some abrasions on his head and a couple minor cuts - it looks like an amateur barber gave him too close of a shave in a couple spots - but his eyes are unmarred and his breathing is totally normal.
we cleaned him up, gave him a little dinner and he slept well; he got up and had some breakfast as normal this morning.
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digitalnivi · 2 months
DIY Metalworking Projects You Can Do with an Affordable Melting Furnace
An affordable melting furnace opens up a world of creative possibilities. In this post, we’ll explore several DIY metalworking projects that you can easily accomplish with your melting furnace.
1. Jewelry Making
Materials Needed: Gold, silver, or other precious metals, crucible, molds.
Melt your metal using the furnace.
Pour the molten metal into jewelry molds.
Allow it to cool and solidify, then polish your pieces.
Fact: The global jewelry market is expected to reach $480.5 billion by 2025, highlighting the lucrative potential of DIY jewelry making.
2. Custom Metal Parts
Materials Needed: Aluminum, brass, or other metals, sand or metal molds.
Create or purchase molds for your custom parts.
Melt the metal in the furnace.
Pour the molten metal into the molds and allow it to cool.
Tip: Custom metal parts can be used for home repairs, automotive projects, and more.
3. Artistic Sculptures
Materials Needed: Bronze, copper, or other metals, sculpting tools, molds.
Design your sculpture and create a mold.
Melt the metal and pour it into the mold.
Once cooled, refine and polish your sculpture.
Fact: Metal sculpture is a growing niche in the art world, with metal sculptures often selling for thousands of dollars.
4. Home Décor Items
Materials Needed: Various metals, molds for decor items (candlesticks, frames, etc.).
Select or create molds for your decor items.
Melt the metal in your furnace.
Pour the molten metal into the molds and let it solidify.
Tip: Handmade metal home décor items add a unique touch and can also be a profitable venture.
5. Repair and Recycling Projects
Materials Needed: Scrap metal, crucible, molds.
Collect scrap metal and melt it in the furnace.
Pour the molten metal into molds to create new items or repair broken ones.
Fact: Recycling scrap metal reduces the need for raw materials, saving energy and reducing environmental impact.
With an affordable melting furnace, the possibilities for DIY metalworking projects are endless. Whether you're creating jewelry, custom parts, or home décor, these projects can be both fulfilling and profitable.
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hvacservicessigns · 2 months
Keeping Cool: A Guide to HVAC Services
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In the realm of home comfort and efficiency, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems play a pivotal role. Whether it's battling the scorching summer heat or combating winter's chill, a well-maintained HVAC service system ensures your home remains a haven of comfort year-round.
Understanding HVAC Systems
HVAC systems are complex networks comprising:
Heating Components: Furnaces, heat pumps, boilers.
Ventilation: Ductwork, air filters, air exchangers.
Air Conditioning: Central AC units, ductless mini-splits.
Each component works in harmony to regulate indoor temperatures and maintain air quality.
Importance of Regular Maintenance
Routine maintenance is key to the longevity and efficiency of HVAC systems. Here’s why:
Improved Efficiency: Regular servicing ensures that your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills.
Extended Lifespan: Proper maintenance helps prevent breakdowns and costly repairs, thereby extending the life of your HVAC equipment.
Enhanced Air Quality: Clean filters and ducts improve indoor air quality, reducing allergens and pollutants.
Signs Your HVAC System Needs Attention
Recognizing when your HVAC system requires professional attention can prevent major issues. Look out for:
Unusual Noises: Grinding, squealing, or banging sounds.
Poor Airflow: Uneven cooling or heating across rooms.
Increased Energy Bills: Sudden spikes in energy consumption.
Frequent Cycling: HVAC systems that turn on and off frequently.
Leaks or Moisture: Around your HVAC unit or ductwork.
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Choosing the Right HVAC Service Provider
Selecting a reputable HVAC service provider is crucial for quality maintenance and repairs. Consider these factors:
Experience and Reputation: Look for providers with extensive experience and positive customer reviews.
Certifications: Ensure technicians are licensed and certified to work on HVAC systems.
Service Contracts: Opt for providers offering service contracts or maintenance plans for regular upkeep.
Emergency Services: Choose providers offering 24/7 emergency repair services for peace of mind.
DIY Maintenance Tips
While professional servicing is essential, homeowners can contribute to HVAC efficiency with simple tasks:
Regular Filter Changes: Replace filters every 1-3 months to maintain airflow and air quality.
Clean Vents and Registers: Ensure vents and registers are free of dust and obstructions.
Check Thermostat Settings: Optimize settings for energy efficiency based on seasonal needs.
Investing in regular HVAC maintanance pays dividends in comfort, efficiency, and cost savings. By understanding your system, recognizing signs of trouble, and choosing reliable service providers, you can ensure your home remains a comfortable retreat throughout the year.
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mullinplumbing1 · 3 months
Heating Contractor in Broken Arrow
Call Now: (918) 304–6584
24/7 Heating Contractor Services in Broken Arrow
Whether you need heating and furnace service, maintenance, or a replacement unit, you need to make sure you find the perfect one for your home. There is no one-size-fits-all heating and furnace solution for every home, so it’s best to get the help of a licensed professional such as Mullin Heating and Air Conditioning.
Heater installations are not simple, but they don’t have to be difficult. Our local teams are furnace system experts, so you can be certain that you’ll make the best decisions for the heating needs of your home. We’ll come to your home and handle the heater installation from start to finish, including the installation of any ductwork your system needs.
At Mullin, we know how important it is to have a heating system that you can rely on. Heaters should work efficiently, reliably, and powerfully as possible to keep you comfy and keep your bills low. We’re ready to help you achieve all three with our reliable heating and furnace service, HVAC maintenance and even installation.
Reliable Heating Contractor Services in Broken Arrow
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Furnace Installation
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Furnace Maintenance
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Furnace Repair in Tulsa, OK
Top Heating Contractor in Broken Arrow
We’re ready to tackle any type of heating and furnace service needs you have. Whether you need service on a boiler, heat pump, or geothermal heater. All of our technicians are licensed, highly trained, and remain up-to-date on the latest developments in the heating industry. First, we’ll evaluate your needs, preferences, budget, and the unique qualities of your home. Then, we’ll suggest a range of heaters that we know from experience will work best for you and your home. Finally, we’ll install the heater according to manufacturer specifications and ensure that your ductwork has the capacity to provide the heat produced by your unit. With Mullin, you can be certain that every aspect of your heater installation will be handled by experienced, friendly, and dependable heater installation experts.
Emergency Heating and Furnace Services include:
Furnace Installation
Furnace Repair
Furnace Maintenance
Carlos was awesome..helped with our diy project on replacing motor. Fast, friendly, professional service! Thank you for your quick and incitful help.. we couldn’t do it without you. Excellent service, would definitely recommend to others as well as reaching out in the future..( hopefully not though) lol. Justice ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google Review
Heating Specialists Offering Reliable Furnace Repair & Installation
When we come to your home for a heating issue, we’ll immediately identify the problem and find quick solutions. If a heating repair can solve your issue, we’ll accomplish it quickly and reliably. Our technicians keep their vehicles well stocked so they can accomplish 90% of heating and furnace service on their first visit! If your system needs replacing or if you need a system for a new structure, we are ready to help you find the best solution for your needs and budget.
In some instances, replacing a heater might be the best choice for old units that are not operating efficiently. Mullin will work with you to find the best heating systems to modernize your home. We closely follow all local laws and regulations for heating installation.
Signs Your Furnace Needs To Be Repaired or Replaced
If your furnace is old, it may start producing some odd sounds. Most of the time those noises are an indication you may need to replace your furnace. You should be wary when you hear squealing, rattling, popping or banging noises. At times it may be your blower turning on and off. A malfunctioning furnace is expensive to keep in operation and also poses significant risks. Our heating and air conditioning repair team will walk you through which heating and furnace service will be most beneficial for your home and pocket.
If it’s time to upgrade your existing AC system, there may be numerous telltale indications. Be on the lookout for:
1. Rising gas and electricity bills
Issues with your furnace will reduce its efficiency, meaning that it will have to utilize more power to continue performing at the same level.
2. Does your furnace take long to kick on?
There are a number of reasons that may cause your furnace to malfunction. It may result in the unequal distribution of air in your house or even cause the furnace to stop working. In such cases, our heating and furnace service team is always available to restore your warm nights.
3. Yellow burner flame
The burner flame should always be blue. When the flame turns yellow or you notice it flickering, know that something is definitely wrong with your furnace.
4. Wear and Tear
An old furnace may develop cracks inside the heat exchanger. This may lead to undetected carbon monoxide leaks in your house. This gas is dangerous and may cause headaches, nausea, burning sensations in the eyes or nose, flu-like symptoms and disorientation. Open the windows to let in fresh air when you notice anyone showing those signs.
Other ways to spot carbon monoxide leaks are :
Moisture on windows, walls and other cold surfaces.
Rust on flue pipes and the visible parts of the vents.
Little amounts of water leaking from the base of the chimney.
Presence of soot around the furnace.
5. Strange noises coming from the furnace
If it doesn’t sound right, then it is best to call our emergency furnace repair team and have them check it out.
Will, technician, got us up and running quickly. He was knowledgeable concerning our loss of air conditioning during this hot weather. He was also patient answering questions that I had. Would definitely use Mullin Heating and air conditioning again. Jack Jaynes ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google Review We have used Mullin for years! We have the platinum year round service and it’s very much worth the money. We’ve also used them for heat and air service. Every time we have used them the techs are super friendly and they do a great job! Highly recommend!! Krystal Williams ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google Review
Consider These Factors If Your Furnace Needs To Be Replaced
1. Furnace Size
The size of the furnace you need depends on the space you want it to cover. Our heating and furnace service experts can calculate what size furnace you need to adequately serve you. An undersized furnace will not be able to handle your thermoregulation needs. On the other hand, one that is bigger than required will exceed temperature requirements when regulating thus negating its purpose and also increase your power consumption. The right size will always ensure your comfort whilst saving you on power costs.
2. Furnace Efficiency
There is some heat that can get lost in the vents or chimney while your furnace works to raise the temperature in the house. As such you should consider the efficiency rating of your furnace to ensure that most of the heated air reaches to your house. This will then increase your costs. Efficiency rates range from 60% to 75% for older models and up to 96% for newer versions.
3. Types of Furnaces
There are several types of furnaces you can acquire. They offer different performances and results.
Two-stage furnace. As the name suggests, it performs its functions in two temperature scenarios which are mild temperature and when it really gets chilly. It only works for high or low.
Modulating furnace. It is similar to a two-stage furnace but can vary the amount of heated air depending on temperature. The amount of power needed can also vary depending on use.
Variable speed. Variable speed is used in reference to the motor. Variable-speed furnaces are powered by DC (direct current) voltage motors which are economical.
Places that require constant air circulation can benefit from this feature. Both two-stage furnaces and modulating furnaces have this option.
Take the age of your HVAC unit into full consideration as well. If you want to cool your home well, you need to make sure that your unit isn’t too old. Older units are often markedly more vulnerable to failure and to difficulties in general. Air conditioning systems typically work well for anywhere between 10 to 15 years total. If you take the time to upgrade your air conditioner unit, you may be able to relish a lifestyle at home that’s a lot more energy efficient with reduced energy costs and utility bills. If you want to decrease your costs in the long run, prompt replacement work can often do the trick.
Schedule Your Heating Contractor Visit with Mullin Heating and Air Conditioning
No matter what kind of heater your home has, it needs heating maintenance to operate reliably. Mullin offers comprehensive annual maintenance plans to help you avoid costly and frustrating heater breakdowns. We do this by looking for small problems that often turn into large ones. Best of all, we offer different tiers of annual maintenance plans to fit all budgets and needs.
If you’re facing emergency heater issues, we’re ready to take your call 24/7. Many of our locations offer emergency heating services when HVAC system failures happen on nights, weekends, and holidays. We place integrity and customer service above everything else and back our work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting around all day for a technician to show up. So, when we make an appointment with you, we’ll show up when you expect us to. If we are late for any reason, we’ll pay you back for your time!
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hvacsantaclarita · 3 months
🌬️ Stay Cool: A Quick Guide to Changing Your Central Air Conditioner Filter 🌬️
Hey Tumblr friends! Is your home feeling warmer than usual? It might be time to change your central air conditioner filter! Regularly changing your AC filter is essential for keeping your airflow optimal, your indoor air quality high, and your HVAC system running smoothly. Here’s how you can do it yourself:
Turn Off Your HVAC System: Safety first! Make sure your system is off.
Find the Filter: It's usually near the return air duct, wall, ceiling, or furnace.
Remove the Old Filter: Slide out the old filter and remember the size for the new one.
Inspect the Old Filter: If it’s dusty and dirty, it definitely needs changing.
Insert the New Filter: Make sure it fits snugly with arrows pointing towards the airflow.
Turn the System Back On: Enjoy better airflow and cleaner air instantly.
For all you Santa Clarita folks, keeping your HVAC system in top shape is crucial for staying comfortable all year long. At HVAC Santa Clarita, we’re here to help with all your HVAC needs—whether it’s maintenance, repairs, or just some expert advice. Hit us up at 661-888-0248 or check out our website to schedule your next service.
Stay chill, Santa Clarita! ❄️
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