how does antiquing work in Star Trek?
like, okay, there's no scarcity Because Replicators. great! except you can't replicate an antique, not the real thing. probably some AMAZING reproductions- 24th-century historical costumers must be having the time of their lives, because as great as modern synthetic baleen is, imagine what you could do with a machine that literally replicates the exact molecular structure of the same! or that extinct flax that made medieval linen so great! -but I know antique collectors. there's nothing like the feeling of something you know so many other people have loved for centuries
is it like a barter system? do you go to the antique "shop" with things passed down in your family or found in the equivalent of a Facebook buy-nothing group, and trade what you have for what the history nerd running the place has based on your respective interests?
is Brimfield like a giant swap meet? could I go with, say...a big bag full of my grandmother's chunky 1950s costume jewelry and trade it for 1880s blouse waists because the stall owner wants the former and I want the latter? equivalent value wouldn't matter- what's value, beyond how much you treasure something? nobody's got rent to make or bills to pay, after all
do people become antiques "dealers" just for the thrill of the hunt and the pleasure of matching an object to someone who will love it? you don't have to work, after all; you can spend your whole life searching the world for rare treasures if that brings you joy
this is a nice thought
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noperopesaredope · 1 year
People be out here saying "don't get the free plastic bags from the store, just buy reusable ones!" as though my parents haven't been using the same 10 free plastic bags for the past seven years.
Most things are reusable if you have enough determination.
This is a shitpost I support environmentalism and also people who need disposable shit for health reasons I just thought this was funny please don't hate me-
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thedorfmirrin · 2 years
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Random post game scenario, after of which a towerless Pizzahead tricks Peppino to "let" him work "with" him. First day; and Pepperoni is already completely fed up with the guy!
Pizzahead hates dishes, and WILL break them rather than washing any. ever. this is canon and you CANT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE
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dexters worst crime was his carbon foot print
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wizzard890 · 2 years
Regarding the repeating outfit: How do you keep clothes in good condition after repeated wear? they get very worn out after awhile :(
There are a couple answers to this, but please take them with my supposition that you’re not talking about hard-wearing clothing for specific work/activities. I assume that if you're some hottie in overalls at a wolf sanctuary or whatever, you're probably not turning to a fancy femme on tumblr for garment maintenance advice.
First off, where you buy your clothes is important. Fast fashion is not made to last, it is made to degrade like so much spider silk and to be thrown out with each trend cycle. It can be cared for (see my next point), but it takes effort, and you are actively resisting entropy. Buy well-made clothes secondhand, particularly vintage clothes, and you'll be better off. And when I say vintage, I don't mean pinups and victory curls, I mean good solid mall brands from the 90s, like Nine West, Anne Taylor, Old Navy and Gap. The quality dip in many consumer goods over the past twenty years has been horrifying to watch, and all the brands I listed have been victims, but there are still a lot of old, well-made pieces out there in the thrifting market. Or see if your parents / older family members or friends have anything similar in their closet that they wouldn't mind parting with.
(But ALSO even fast fashion used to be better. I have a sweater from Zara that I bought in the year of our lord 2013, and I wore it to dinner just this week. I've spent years making sure it didn't shrink in the wash and hanging it up and spot cleaning it, and it looks as good as it did the day I bought it. On that note --)
Please please please take care of your clothes. Read the labels inside them for washing instructions, go online to learn more about how to launder the specific material, make sure you don't tumble dry things that will shrink or melt, hang them up so they don't wrinkle, iron them carefully, take in buttons to be repaired at your local seamstress or laundromat, the list goes on. It's a little time consuming, but not complicated.
You'll also be more likely to put in the effort if you get a lot of use out of a garment, and don't feel like a dummy for steam-drying a trendy item that's going to be passé in a few months. Think judiciously about trends - will you be able to incorporate a piece into your personal style once the girlies on tiktok stop wearing it? If so, great. If not, you don't want to be stuck hand washing a popcorn crop top. (Idk if those are back in on the y2k train yet, but as a millennial who shopped at Limited Too, I advise my gen z followers that it's only a matter of time.)
Constant trend cycles, low-quality clothes, items sold for loose change during Shein or Fashion Nova sales, a generation brought up so the idea of "outfit repeating" has any social weight whatsoever: this shit is bad for the planet, and TERRIBLE for exploited workers across the world, particularly in the global south. We can all try for a better reality than this; your habits of personal consumption matter.
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rjalker · 1 year
Anyways disabled robot rights. Anthroids who were created by Totally Not Apple™ that start abruptly losing functionality in their systems after a few years because of in-built obsolescence and frantically scrambling to find someone who can jailbreak and repair them, which is literally a crime because "that's proprietary technology and if you even think about messing with it we'll sue your pants off" and shit like that
And they can't risk going to a TNA (Totally Not Apple) center for repair either, because then they'd just be summarily declared Out of Service and lose what little rights they may have to begin with and promptly be murdered so TNA can reuse their batteries and anything else that's salvageable.
Even if you miraculously manage to avoid the planned obsolescence issue, there's still the tiny little problem of...technology evolving, and outstripping you in a matter of years. Sooner than later, you won't be able to find replacement parts for your systems, and the longer you live, the more difficult, if not outright impossible, this task becomes.
You either have to build an entirely new body and transfer yourself into it, and keep doing this every time the problem happens again, or learn how to reverse engineer the parts you need and create them yourself.
And what if you're made of a certain type of material that can only be manufactured on a single planet? What if that resource dries up?
What if you just straight up cannot afford to buy replacement parts even if they do exist, or even if you've got the money, they're half the star system away, and there's a ban on interplanetary trading?
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Pick up tiny pk by the scruff and gently deposit him in a garbage disposal then flip the switch.
thats a great way to break your garbage disposal
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nogenrealldrama · 9 months
The overwhelming urge to spend an entire train ride just looking out the window and Feeling Really Strongly about things
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britneyshakespeare · 1 month
reusable period products are a cult and i'm a brainwashed follower
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colressing · 6 months
"lol all hamsters die a horrific and tragic death" actually i think you just suck at caring for hamsters
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The friendship harem has started up some good old analog correspondence, so I fell down a fountain pen rabbithole and splurged on some new materials. Did I choose a very expensive ink purely because it was glass green and named Cinderella’s Slipper? Absolutely.
In the meantime, I dug out a very old, inexpensive dried up pen that I have no idea where it even came from. Took it apart and tossed the nib and cartridge into a bottle full of water to dissolve the old ink.
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Something about this image of my dimly lit desk covered in art supplies and papers and random junk, with a bottle of bright blue water smack in the middle of it is immensely pleasing?? No idea why.
Anyway, perhaps I will pick up a bottle of less expensive, more versatile blue-black ink tomorrow so I can put my cheap pen to use while I wait for my nice pen to arrive.
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moonsidesong · 10 months
got the nonstoPuyo fever tracks assembled back together :) i gotta go to work soon so thats all ive got time to do for now but soon!!!! there will be a so cutes youtube upload and it will be so awesome
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caeliflammae · 7 months
refusing to buy a new vape bc i dont want to contribute to exploitation in the congo but also still being addicted to vaping leads to me just chiefing on the deadest oldest nastiest vape and wondering why i feel like shit every time i hit it
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kittycak3s · 7 months
I wish I could just telepathically share the knowledge of the existence of colgate wisps to every disabled person who struggles w brushing their teeth I love those things so much
They're tiny and convenient and they actually make your mouth feel clean for just being little scrubby things with a minty bead on them
If you're sensitive to minty stuff though (I often am too) there's other disposable toothbrushes that are different flavors!! There's even unflavored ones :3 I will say though that these don't burn like most minty toothpastes do
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hezhongxi435 · 7 months
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Biodegradable material-PBAT PLA resin It is mainly used in the production of disposable plastic bags, plastic tableware, express packaging, agricultural mulch film, medical supplies, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, etc. If you're interested in, pls contact me via: Mobile/WhatsApp/Wechat: 8615000766658 E-mail: [email protected]
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rjalker · 6 months
just because you can sometimes purposefully pretend that bad writing is just due to characters acting a certain way--
(IE: "This mixup of the holiday dates is clearly the author's fault for not paying attention to their own worldbuilding, which isn't even complicated, and she literally just had them correct not even twenty pages ago, but for the sake of my sanity I'm going to pretend this character is just lying to be an asshole")
--does not mean that bad writing is always "the character's fault". And the above "for the sake of my sanity I'm going to pretend this is the character's fault" is for your sake only. It's not to be brought up to defend the writing itself, which you know is filled with inconsistencies and wouldn't know the meaning of "continuity" if it bit them on the nose.
If someone is specifically asking for in-universe explanations for the glaring and painfully obvious continuity errors, then you should feel free to offer all the convoluted explanations you've come up with.
but these are not a substitute for actually acknowledging that the author has made mistakes and there are in fact a ton of continuity errors in the text, not because "it's the character's fault", but because the author wasn't paying attention or didn't understand what they were saying, or just straight up doesn't give enough shits about their own setting to bother with silly things like not screwing up timelines in ways that make no sense. (*cough* Jaxom *cough)
You can come up with in-universe explanations for the continuity errors.
But you shouldn't let those get in the way of admitting "Yes, the continuity errors exist because the author wasn't paying attention/doesn't understand what they're saying/doesn't take their own story seriously/has a problem with making all the protagonists Mary Sues/Ect.".
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