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robiconic · 5 years ago
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kyotakumrau · 5 years ago
2020.05.23 just some bits and pieces😆
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Talking about Die's hair (Toshiya read how fans compared him to Roland) Toshiya remembered when they went drinking to Kabukicho and then (drunk) to a host club. They got champagne from other female customers and stayed drinking until morning.
other story of the day:
Toshiya: Our studio then was in Shinjuku Gyoen, near Nichome ('gay district'). Once I was walking there with Kyo and a cool gay couple gestured for us to come to them. ...I remember we picked up the pace quickly (run away)
(Toshiya disappeared from the screen)
D- wait, Toshiya went somewhere....to a host club maybe? 🤣🤣🤣
J- You're kinda red.
T- I'm okay.
J- How much did you drink?
T- this is my 3rd.
J- Did three of you ever went drinking together (just you)?
T- I remember there was time 3 of us were left, but never just us from the start.
J- but not to the host club?😂
Toshiya really loves sauna and is thinking about getting one for his place.
The kindness of Toshiya - he has picked the meat from a crab for Die, who really wanted to try it but thought it's just too bothersome
Once, when Toshiya was drunk, he felt too hot, took his clothes off and jumped into some elementary school's pool.
Die returned the crab kidness running to konbini to buy a towel...
J- PLEASE forget about all the stories from today!!!
J- So Die, why are you wearing sunglasses?
D- it's my downtime😎
J- what are you eating???
T- I love ice cream ... (he moans)
J- Is icecream that sexy?!
T- 😂[brainfreeze]
He said something how his hometown is a cold place.
The icecream he's into recently is a low calorie soft-cream option from Lawson
(most likely Sunao).
J- (reads comments) Die, can we see your cats?
D- My cats also have a downtime.
J- who chose the live today?
T- because there were many our songs on VULGAR
J- who's the strongest drinker among DIR?
T- Shinya for sure
D- it's hard to tell how quickly and how much shinya can drink, he doesn't show anything
J- What would you like to do after pandemic is over?
D- It's been so long I got used to this situation... Let's have a concert!
It's tough now when we can't play shows, we write songs because we want to play them live. If there were no more lives, we would lose all motivation. For us it's not only about recording and releasing great songs, the shows are the most important.
We did a show with no audience in March, but (don't wanna do it again?), it felt like filiming a music video
J- Toshiya what about you?
T- I want to eat some delicious regional food. When we are going touring I'm always looking forward to that the most. And saunas of course.
D- what about host clubs?
T- should we go together again?
T- I also want to see our fans... but sorry, delicious food is my priority.
J- Do you have a last message for fans?
D- What I said before. (about concerts, new single, wanting to play songs live)
T- I can't say anything now, the bar got too high after that.
J- Do you have anythin to say to Kyo who will be doing this next week?
T- Nichome story?
D- how about we go to Nichome again?.... IT'S A JOKE.
T- he's a foodie, he knows so many amazing restaurants. I hope he can tell us about some. Before the pandemic I told him about a good ramen place, I wonder if he tried it.
D- to Toshiya 100%
T- to you 1000%
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asadikasatik · 4 years ago
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Прикрутим зайке глазик😁
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 Kaoru (DIR EN GREY direngrey.co.jp/)
 Joe Yokomizo (Writer / DJ)
 Die (DIR EN GREY direngrey.co.jp/)
 Toshiya (DIR EN GREY direngrey.co.jp/)
Notes before reading: This is the translation/notes of The Freedom of Expression section from the Special Talk livestream.  Feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts.
Joe introduces The freedom of Expression section of this livestream and greets Kaoru, Die and Toshiya.
Joe: Toshiya….
Toshiya: Yes (laughs)
Joe: Your face is really red!
Toshiya: Well…..but it feels good….
Joe: It feels good? How many drinks did you already have? Toshiya: Mmm……about three….
Joe: Ohh, about three? Die, are you drinking alcohol today?
Die: I always (have) this…. *raises cup*
Joe: Is that so? Kaoru what about…. Joe is asking Kaoru when Die cuts him. Die: Chairoi…. Joe: Charoitansan* right? As expected… what about you, Kaoru? *Charoitansan (茶色い炭酸) it’s supposed to be a beer between blonde beer and black beer. Kaoru: I didn’t drink today…. Joe: Oh, you didn’t drink…. I see…. Me…. I’m sorry, to cheer me up a little, I had just one (beer)…. for the tension…. Joe: If the people who is watching this have questions, please write them down…. I will pick up some…. So, before you two (Toshiya and Die) talked about going to a Host club together…did you ever go drinking just the three of you? Toshiya: I think we did…. Joe: Oh! What do you have to say Kaoru? Don’t hold yourself today please, If you have any memory of the three of you going together for a drink… Kaoru: I wonder if ever was just the three of us…. Joe: There isn’t? Toshiya: I think than there were times that it was just the three of us at the end…. Joe: I see…So the three of you haven’t gone to a host club…. Toshiya: We haven’t (laughs)… Joe: Now you are like this, separated from each other but, when you have the chance, do you go drinking the three of you? *Here Joe uses a dialect word, which makes the three of them look confused. Toshiya and Die: No Joe: Sorry, I’m going to stop using dialect speech…. They laugh and Kaoru replies that he went drinking. Joe: Oh, you did? I see…. Kaoru did…. Kaoru: I did Joe: What about you, Die? Die: I don’t. Joe: You don’t? Do you drink alone? The Charoitansan…. Die says that he is meeting no one during this time, not even the members. Die: The last time I met them….it was at the live without audience… Joe: Is that so? Wow…. Die: Yes… at the end…. of March? Joe: It was at the end of March, that’s it. Last week, we make Shinya and Kaoru had a conversation between them, so this time I’m thinking about letting you have a conversation just between you…. After such a long time, please have a conversation between members…. Kaoru: At the end, it will be just you, Die and Toshiya…. I’m done after this section ends…. Joe: Eh? Is that so? I see I see…. They laugh. Die: Really?? Joe says that as Die has mentioned the live without audience, he wants to know what they are doing now that they don’t have any lives. Joe: Now that lives have stopped, you have time, right? Kaoru: I’m making songs… Joe: Kaoru is making songs…. Kaoru: We are doing them together… Joe is about to ask something, but Toshiya starts saying something. The two of them stop talking to allow the other to talk, but neither of them do it, which causes a few seconds of silence. Die does the hand gesture of “please go ahead”…. Joe: Did you start something that you wanted to do or so? Kaoru: Joe, are you ok? Joe: I’m ok…. *they all laugh due to Kaoru teasing Joe* I’m not drunk…. Joe goes back to the topic, saying that they are doing songs as usual but besides that, he wants to know if they started to do something new or so. The three of them are silent so Joe ask directly Die. He replies that it might be plain and simple, but he is doing as always, song making, arrangement and so but, when it comes to his entertainment time, he is watching overseas drama. Joe: Overseas’ drama? If you are into some in concrete, please tell us…. Die: I finished watching two, now I’m watching “Ozark”…. Joe: “Ozark”…..what kind of drama is it? Die: It’s a bit like “Breaking Bad”, it’s kind of related…. Joe: Oh, I see, it’s related….So now you are into that one… Die: Now I’m like….I watch one and jump into the next one…. Joe: What about you Toshiya? What are you doing in these times? Of course you are making songs and recording, but tell us if you have started to do something in your free time…. Toshiya: Mmm, well…. I really like sauna, but right now I can’t go… Joe: I see… Toshiya: So, I have been searching on the internet how to do your own sauna at home, in your bath….it’s like an inverse umbrella…so I’m still deciding if I should buy it or not and put it in my bath…. Die cuts him and seems that he knows about this device and has tried it. Toshiya: Really? How was it? Die: It’s a sauna in the end…. Toshiya: Is that so? I wonder if I should buy it…. The two of them start talking about this, Die recommends him to buy a small one, Toshiya wonders how it works as it seems like an inverse umbrella,  he still doubts if he should buy it or not Toshiya: I have being making songs but….this is not a new thing, but while I’m in the bathtub I watch “Hitou Roman” …. Joe: “Hitou Roman?” What’s that.... Toshiya: I don’t know which TV station is it from…. But it’s about a  pretty young lady that goes to l onsen and eats in ryokan…. Joe starts laughing hard. Die: That program is old! Joe: So Die, you watch it too! Die: I haven’t watched it…. Joe asks Kaoru about what he is watching. Kaoru: I’m watching  Travel Channel…. Joe: Travel channel? Kaoru: I’m watching a program from there…...also about women and onsen…. Joe starts laughing hard. Toshiya: Oh! Oh! *points at him* Die: You really like it! Joe: You are really exploding Dir en grey’s public image….that you watch onsen and travel programs…. Kaoru: I also watch a lot of specialized channels…about travels….they are really interesting…. Die: Domestic trips? Kaoru: Overseas too…. Joe proposes them to do an onsen trip for the channel. Toshiya: No way! Kaoru: I can’t get in… (Tattoos are not allowed almost in every onsen) Joe: That’s true…. Joe now ask them if they were going to make a trip, the three of them together, which place would they go to. He asks Toshiya first to start mumbling for some seconds. Toshiya:  I guess it would be to the sea or the mountains…. Joe: What kind of…. *Toshiya cuts in* Toshiya: I guess as Die doesn’t like raw food, mountains would be better…. Joe: That’s so kind… Die: If you peel a crab again for me, I would eat it! Toshiya laughs. Joe: What is that kindness about? Toshiya:  This person (Die) is  awful! When he said that he had never eaten crab…..when he said so, I asked “why?”, he said “because peeling the crab is bothersome”, as I was next to him, I peeled it for him…”eat it” , I said…. Joe: Die, you are already an adult! Die: I don’t eat fish either…. Joe: Why? You don’t like it? Or it is bothersome? Die: When you are going to eat it….they have fishbones right?  (so he has to pick them out) Joe: How did you do it when you were little? Die: I don’t remember that… Die keeps explaining that he doesn’t it eat, because of the fishbones, pr having to use the crab tongs or the scissors. He says that you have to do a lot of stuff before putting it into your mouth, so it’s tiresome. He didn’t know how to peel a crab, but Toshiya did it fast and he only had to use the chopsticks to eat it. Joe: In the middle of that, did you say to Toshiya “eat it” too? Die: I didn’t say that…. They all laugh. The crab conversation still goes on. Toshiya: It was in Sapporo right? Die: It was in Sapporo! Toshiya: We went to Sapporo and there was a really delicious crab….while I was eating, I felt sorry for him (Die)….if he tries to eat it…. Joe: Very kind right? Then Joe addresses Kaoru and Die. Joe: On the other hand, you two are fellow guitarist but….was there anything similar between you two, something like this feeling of kindness towards each other…. Kaoru: Something kind? Joe: Yes, please a compliment or so…. Kaoru and Die start laughing but don’t seem to have anything to say. Kaoru: He told me “Happy birthday” ….. I didn’t do it. Joe: So even if you didn’t do it, Die did it… Kaoru: It was a message…. Joe: It was a message, I see… Die: Time ago, we would give presents to every member when it was their birthday… Joe: Oh! Die: We kept doing it everyear, until we were like “let’s stop doing this….” Kaoru: Because thinking about something is hard…..what do they want and so…. Die: In February, there are lot of birthday rights? Joe: Certainly… Die: So Toshiya and me would have to think what to get for these three people….. Toshiya: We ran out of ideas… Die: We ran out of ideas and everyear we would be in the same situation….having to think about this….then it was when we turned 30, right? Toshiya: Yes, it was at that time… Die: We finally stopped doing it…. Joe starts reading comments. People says they want to see them doing the trip. Also that they want them to be back doing lives as well but they would want to see them doing something, the three of them besides lives. Toshiya: I don’t know about the onsen thing, but doing something….I think it would be ok… Kaoru says “no” about doing something that I can’t get what it is. Joe: As expected, because you are the leader right?…. Joe says what about planning something for this year. Die laughs Die: This year? Under these circumstances…. Joe: Of course if the measures are lifted….. Toshiya: What about a Takoyaki party? Die laughs. Joe: A Takoyaki party? What do you mean with that, Toshiya? Toshiya: We….at a takoyaki party……Kaoru, is it ok if I tell this?....It was in America…. Kaoru looks like he doesn’t get what Toshiya means. Joe: Tell us! Tell us! Toshiya: Do you remember…..gyutan…. Die cuts in asking if it was certain party.Kaoru gets it now. Kaoru: Ah….Don’t tell that! They all start laughing. Kaoru: It can be gross for the people… Toshiya: That’s true…. I’m going to stop…. Joe: It’s better to stop for Kaoru’s sake… Kaoru says it’s better to stop… Kaoru: For me it’s ok, but it can be gross for the people watching… Joe: They are saying they want to hear it….is it a vulgar/dirty thing? Die: I want to hear it too…. Kaoru: It is vulgar/dirty… Joe: I see…. Toshiya: I’m sorry, I’m sorry…. Kaoru: Because there are women (watching)…. Toshiya: It was a thing between men only….that kind of…. Joe: I’m sorry but at the comments they are divided in two: Some want you to tell the story, others want you to stop……”please sugar coat it and tell us”….Can you do that? Kaoru: Sugar coating it would make it boring…. Joe laughs hard. Toshiya: It’s really amazing…. we both burst into laughter at that moment… Joe says he really want to listen to it but he is stressing that it could cause  trouble. Toshiya: It’s something that the leader said…..I was next to him and I was like “what the….?” Joe: Die, do you this story? Toshiya: I think he doesn’t! Joe: He doesn’t…. Toshiya: I think it was just the two of us….I will tell you next time… Kaoru: At overseas, we were about to eat yakiniku, but when we cut the meat….the smell was a bit…it had a characteristic smell…. Die: I know that story! I’m not going to say what you said….I won’t say it, if I said it, this band might have to stop…. Joe says that the next time they invite him to a live, they tell him this story. Joe: In other words, what you can’t say it’s to what you compare that characteristic smell…. Joe jokes with Toshiya, saying that this situation is his fault and they must change topic to avoid a “dangerous” situation.  Die: If he said it, you would have to put a “beep” (the sound to censor the word).... Toshiya: It’s not only me! It was the two of us…. Joe: People at the comments are obviously looking forward to the future lives but, they say they are happy that you thought about events like this for fans….of course music is the main thing for Dir en grey….but right now these things bring light into the frustration that is going on…..so that you thought about things like this, makes them happy. They all nod. Joe: So, our time with the three of you is coming to an end….so why we don’t try a conversation with just the three of you?... Kaoru as you are the leader…. Kaoru: Seeing the flow of the conversation previously, leaving the three of us alone is a horrible idea…. Joe says he will be listening, but he is getting out of the frame so they can talk freely. Joe: Please talk….go ahead… Kaoru: The three of us have already finished the recording? Toshiya: Yes, exactly… Kaoru: The guitars and the bass are already done…. They kept talking about the recording and Die teases Toshiya, who tells him to stop. The conversation doesn’t seem to keep going so Kaoru asks Joe to come back seeing that they are back at the previous mood. Kaoru: Please Joe…. Joe appears again in the frame. He says this was the freedom of expression even if Toshiya said weird stuff and it’s about to end (the section) Joe: Kaoru, we should say goodbye to you at this point… Kaoru: Yes, thank you! The three of them wave. Joe: Do you have any message before leaving? Kaoru: See you next week…. Joe: “See you next week”….. Die laughs. Joe: Bye Kaoru! You did well today! Kaoru is still on the screen but Joe says that the freedom of Expression is over and the next part will be with Toshiya and Die. Joe reminds us again that if we have any comments, we can write them down. Joe: There are a lot of comments about Die wearing sunglasses! Die: Because now, it’s my downtime, right? Joe: What did you say? Die: It’s my downtime… Toshiya burst into laughs.Kaoru disappears from the frame but he can hear him. Joe didn’t realize and adds him again to the conversation. Joe: We are going to watch a pv….who is going to do the introduction? Toshiya? Toshiya: Oh me? Joe: Please Toshiya introduce the song…. Toshiya: It’s “The final” by Dir en grey….
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post-noseek · 5 years ago
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zhaleys · 5 years ago
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kyo-prophet · 5 years ago
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京 🐘
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diru-astrology · 5 years ago
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being sleep deprived for this man is fun i guess <3
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minuutti · 5 years ago
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listen the boys looked Very Nice today and i was Inspired
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yridenergyridenergy · 5 years ago
Man Toshiya fans better deliver on the gifs because he is being so elegant every second he breathes.
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brenli · 5 years ago
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Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this. It's on purpose right? They're doing it on purpose.
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robiconic · 5 years ago
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THANK YOUUUUUU!! and looking forward to see you guys again real sooooooon..
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kyotakumrau · 5 years ago
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2020.05.30 DIR EN GREY SPECIAL TALK - The Freedom of Expression - Kyo and Kaoru - translation
(if you notice any mistakes, typos or can give extra information, it’d be very welcome!^ ^)
J- so from now on we will start The Freedom of Expression. I, Joe Yokomizo, will be the MC. (everyone yoroshikus) J- Kyo, it's been a while! Kyo- Hello! (he turns) J- How are you doing? Kyo- could be better. J- I have a message from Toshiya from last week, 'Have you tried the ramen restaurant I told you about? And if you - as a gourmet/foodie - can recommend me any good shop, please!' So what do you say? Kyo- Actually, I forgot the name of the ramen place. J- Hahahah!! Kyo - so I didn't go yet. But anyway, all shops are closed now. Hm, I can't think of a good shop to recommend. J- I see... How did you arrive in a situation that Toshiya recommended you a ramen place? Kyo- I think we were probably talking about Jiro (famous ramen chain), J- Jiro, yeah. Kyo - And from that talk he told me about a good place. J- I see. There are so many comments crying that you forgot the name of the shop. Kyo - If I had my smartphone with me I'd have saved the name, but I hadn't. 
Kyo(changing topic)- you know, I actually know your voice well. J- Eh? How? Kyo- From the radio. J- Ah? Thank you! Kyo - My tattoo place has the radio tuned to your program, and the timing was right. And I recognized your voice 'oh it's Joe'. While being in pain I was listening to your voice, so your voice has a bad connotation for me. (Joe LOLs) J- That is not my fault you know! XD Kyo- But it has this painful image for me, it's imprinted now. J- (laughing) so when you hear my voice you remember the pain. Kyo - Exactly. Like ' eh that voice again!' Joe LOLs again- so now my voice must be a nightmare for you! Kyo- Yup. I even asked my tattooist, 'do you always listen to this?' and they replied 'yeah' (they laugh a bit more). And that time we talked about many things, but all that talk content and your voice both have the pain attached to it. J- I'm so sorry! XD (the smirks, the laughs XD)
J- Kaoru came once as a guest to my program. Kyo- Yeah, I guess. J- So sometime you could both come as well. Kyo - Ah... (Joe and Kaoru both LOL) J- I can see you really don't want to! Kyo- But you really grill your guests! J- That's true. Kyo- Right? So for me it's 100% NOPE. J- I see. But in that program we often talk about intrigues or hot news. What do you think about those topics? Kyo- Intrigues? I'm quite interested. J- Do you know any recent hot news? Something interesting. Kyo - There are many, but even as I'm really not into youtubers there is only this one that is great, Naokiman show. I'm watching him quite a lot. And I watch many things connected to that, but from youtubers only that person. I even bought his book. Y- I'm also doing The Dave Fromm Channel on TouTube, so maybe you would like to come to take up on some topic? Kyo- I can't see that happening. (Joe laughs at the rejection XD)
Kyo- If you want a crazy talk, talking about aliens, don't we have one among our band members? J (connects the dots)- Ah yeah! Without you saying the name I think I know who you mean somehow. Kyo- From the very beginning he was always very strange. Really. J- In what way? Kyo- I totally cannot imagine his daily life, like his place doesn't feel like a place where someone lives, it's hard to explain properly. J- I see. Kaoru, you keep nodding, do you think so too? Kaoru- You could feel it two weeks ago, right? His house. J- Yeah it didn't feel like a proper lived-in place. But for example after you finish a concert is there anything human-like about him? There must be some anecdotes, where he is human-like. Kyo- But there's really nothing like that. (Joe laughs) Kyo- For real.
Kaoru- What was it, when we visited him and a fax came and he ATE it. (Kyo and Joe ROTFL and clap) Kaoru- It's a real story. Was it me or Toshiya?  We were at his home, a fax came in and started coming out so he grabbed it and ate it. J- That's really something. In the comments I can see many 'a goat!' (=eats paper). You get some information or announcements with faxes, right? So it's definitely not a good idea to eat them. An urban legend story. But Kyo, is there no heart warming stories about him? He's probably watching today. Kaoru- but he usually says not to talk about him. Joe laughs- Well, all of you have their own space. (?)
Kyo- But I really don't have any warm story about him. You know we don't really talk among ourselves. But fe when we are abroad we would do talk like 'how many more shows left' or 'today this part was good' and so on. But with him I haven't talked even once. J- Really?! lol Kyo- Really! He doesn't talk to me, if I say something to him he will reply, but isn't it sad for me? If I don't ask him he will never talk to me. It's like I'm being played with. Even as I wait for him to approach me first it hasn't happened for 20 years. J-I see.
Kyo- But he seems to be really into board games. J- Oh ok. Kyo- He's collecting board games from around the world. J- I've also heard about it. Kyo- Recently there's a TV show (?) about various board games, I've only seen that, but thinking he has a lot of that at home is kinda gross. (??) Kyo- He doesn't invite us, but he plays board games with other people. J- Well, he can't play alone. Kyo- Yeah, but I would like him to return some of that energy towards DIR EN GREY. J-I see. Kyo- And to occasionally ask me 'how was the show today?' or to say 'you sang well today' or even say 'Kaoru, you did well today'. (Kaoru laughs) Kyo- Wouldn't it be good? Kaoru- But if it would actually happen I'd just be 'what the hell????? (all ROTFL) What's wrong with him?' J- It would actually make you worried. Kaoru- I'd be surprised. J- If he did it when you can play shows again, you'd know he was watching today. Kyo- But shouldn't that be something normal? It's about why him saying that would be so weird. J- Because you really didn't talk at all until now. Kyo- He really only does riddles. Kaoru- When we all join a chat (about work) and someone asks for his opinion, he only replies 'that's good'. The end. (bad connection time)
J- But then, Kyo, if you had to do a live stream with him, without any MC, could you? There was a comment like this. Kyo- Wouldn't that be favourable for him? Kaoru- I can see that. And you'd get hurt/make look funny. Kyo- Yeah, He would just stay quiet, you ask him something and only get a one word answer. J- Okay, I see it now. So there would be no proper conversation. Kyo- How about you invite him to your program? I could listen to you both when getting tattooed J- I think it would double or tripple the  tattooing pain. Kyo- I think it'd make me numb, the pain. J- So I should invite Shinya as a guest once as an experiment to see how much it could numb Kyo's pain. Kaoru- It'd be interesting.
J- There are many comments asking for more details of the Nichome story. Toshiya told us about is last week. Kyo- Nichome?? J- Nichome, you were drinking in Shinjuku and after someone started talking to you, a couple from Nichome. Kyo- All members went that time? J- I think Toshiya said it was only you and him. Kyo- I really don't remember. I don't go to Nichome. And we don't go drinking together. Kaoru- Studio was still... J- Ah right! He said you were going back from the studio. Yeah, you were recording, on your way back two of you were approached [by a gay couple]. Kyo- ???huh? J- In comments everyone says it was in Gyoenmae. Kyo- at the park, there were two men, I think, sitting there, and while laughing they start waving their hands to us, and scared we run away - this story I think? J- Did you remember? Kyo- Slightly. J- Why were you together that time? Kyo- I really can't remember. Wasn't that over 20 years ago? J- That long ago? Then isn't it surprising how well Toshiya remembered that? Kyo- Because he got so scared? Kaoru- Around that time, I often walked near the park there going to the recording. I remember once there was a huge old guy dressed up as a white lolita, with an umbrella even as there were no rain. I also run away. J- Around there you can meet many unique people. 
J- Kyo, how about any anecdotes about Die? Kyo- Ah but I don't drink so we didn't go out together. J- oh. Kyo- About Die - Once when we finished the show I remember he was really angry. When we were touring abroad and we finished the show, he was so angry. That happened few times, I asked other people what happened but no one knew. Was it about his own playing, something about the band, I wasn't sure. J- Why was he angry. Kyo- Yeah. J- That time did you ask him? Kyo - I didn't wanted to ask in case it was my fault. J- Kaoru, have you seen Die getting angry? Kaoru- I have. (different air about him?)
J- Well, when you tour so much there are things you're just not happy about. That's the real charm of live shows. Kyo- When we go abroad, the sound is all jumbled, during the show PA will go somewhere, the lights will act strangely, and I always have huge problems with my ear monitor. J- The real problems. So how do you deal with problems like that abroad? Kyo- You just give up. Being bothered by it all the time would be worse, I'd just take the monitor out, to not get hit by it harder. J- It's better without it, than be annoyed by it. Kyo- I'd hear clicks and snares all the time, if I focus on that I won't be able to enjoy the show. But when it gets bad it's really bad. J- When you deal these kind of conditions, do the shows turn out well? Many times it depends on the audience. (to get a miraculous moment, everyone says it was not good ??) How can you finish the concert? Kaoru- But on the contrary, at the times I felt it wasn't good I got told it was great, and when I thought we did great I get very meh reactions. J- What do you think, Kyo? Kyo- Same. J- So what are your ....conditions for a good show? Kaoru- when I don't remember the song, I just play without thinking. J- So you just follow your instinct, trust the music. How about you, Kyo? Kyo- For me it's the same. It's better not to overthink it. J- But vocalists have it tough, after singing your throat might end up in various condition, what happens if you suddenly lose it? Kyo- I don't really know myself. ...But there was a time I really couldn't make any sound, was it Gunma? I couldn't even speak. But the show that time was amazing. But them there were times when I could really sing well but it did't really connect with the audience emotionally. So I don't think it depends on how well I'm singing. J- To reach the audience is not only about sounding perfect.
(lastly, Joe asked for questions and comments for the last part)
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the-domesticfuckerfamily · 5 years ago
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Appearance: Joe Yokomizo (Writer / DJ)  Die (DIR EN GREY direngrey.co.jp/)  Toshiya (DIR EN GREY direngrey.co.jp/) 
Notes before reading: This is the translation/notes of the Q&A section from the Special Talk livestream.  This part comes after The Freedom of the Expression part, you can check that translation here. As this part is around 40 min, I divided them in two parts so it’s not that long to read. You can read the second part here.
 Feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts.
 ---- Joe: We just watch the PV of “The Final” by Dir en grey. During the video, I was talking with Toshiya and Die so…. Die cuts in. Die: In which pool did you swim? The three of them laugh. Toshiya: Eh! Eh! Joe: It wasn’t me! Die: It was an accident… Joe: It was an accident…. Die: It’s been already….18 years? Toshiya: It was 18 years ago…. well….it was at….. Die: Don’t say the place! Joe: You said the place before….
Toshiya: Forget it! Joe: Everyone, forget the place! Toshiya: Forget the place I said…. Joe: Forget it, forget it! Toshiya: We were drinking and I got drunk, and next to the place we were drinking…..there was a school…. Die: It was actually an elementary school…. Toshiya: An elementary school? (laughs) There was an elementary school, it was midsummer….summer… and somehow….as I was drunk,  it was hot….I don’t know why but….I jumped over that school’s fence…I took all my clothes off and I got into the pool…. Joe burst into laughter. Joe: In other words, you got into the pool in your birthday suit…. Toshiya: That’s it…. Die: I…. I didn’t offer Toshiya some of my crab (the story they told previously about Toshiya peeling a crab for him) but I was…..I was watching over…. Joe laughs Toshiya: Well….*makes the gesture that he was watching over that no one would come* Die: So, I was watching over and then I went to the convenience store… Die says something more but Toshiya cuts in Toshiya: Towel….and you bought a towel for me…. Die: I returned him the crab favour…. Joe: The crab favour… Die: My way to compensate him…. my way of returning him the favour was watching over at pool… Joe: And the bath towel…. quite a story isn’t it? Toshiya: That’s it….it was like I was living in a shameless/impudent way…. Joe: That’s it… Die: It’s really embarrassing…. Joe: Embarrassing……well let’s stop…. To the people who is watching this….please forget just forget this story….is that ok?......forget it…. Joe asks again Die about the sunglasses. He says that he uses it as an accessory. Joe: For real….these two guys….is that so?
Die: The next time we have a live…. I think people will be surprised…. Joe: I see so you are wearing them today, so you are not showing anything… Die: That’s it…. *covers the camera with his hand* Toshiya laughs. Joe: But you are looking forward the next live right? Die: Yes, that’s it. Joe: Eh, wait…. Toshiya, what are you eating? Toshiya shows the wrapping of the ice-cream. Toshiya: It’s good…. Joe: Do you usually eat ice-cream? Toshiya: I like ice cre……*brain freeze* Joe: What was that? Is that ice cream that sexy? Toshiya: It was just my head…. Joe: Now you are having that sharp pain….. Toshiya: Yes, yes…. Die: Is it nangoku (the ice cream’s brand)? Toshiya: Yes, it is nangoku. Die: You really like nangoku…. Toshiya: I do but I really prefer warm things…. because my hometown is cold…. Joe: I see, I see…*Die comes closer to the screen like checking something* what happened Die? What was that? Die: Something…. happened…. Joe: What? What kind of explanation was that? “something happened”? Die: Maybe someone came…. Joe: Ah, is that so? You mean online…. Die seems to be writing in his computer/device so he probably meant some message came or some talked to him? Joe: Toshiya,  you are acting so freely*…..that message came from God (The freedom of the Expression) but everyone  seems to have so much fun watching this….I’m not looking at the comments much but…. *He means that Toshiya is so casually in the livestream, eating the ice cream and so. Toshiya: Really? Well…. we are all feeling lonely…. (laughs) Joe: That’s true…. that’s true…. we feel lonely…. Then, there are comments saying please Die show us your cat…. Die: My cat is  in his downtime too…. Joe: In his downtime, right? Die: That’s it. Joe: At this time of the night, a Saturday….it can’t be helped….*Die nods* Everyone, if you have messages or questions for them, please send them…. But well….  today is May what?.... Die and Toshiya: The 23rd…. Joe says that he was feeling gloomy, but the talk has been really interesting until this point so he feels now like cheering up. Die: Toshiya, you really like Saturday nights…. Toshiya: What? Why are you saying so?.... Toshiya looks confused for a while. He is not getting what Die means. Toshiya: I don’t understand……like at all…. Die: You like Saturday’s nights… Toshiya: Yes? I like it…. Die: Because of the wine…. Toshiya laughs. Toshiya: When you said wine….do you remember? Die: Drinking? Toshiya: No, no…. Toshiya ask Die if he remembers a senpai from other band that would tell him to drink wine after a live. Die seems to hesitate during some seconds and Toshiya burst into laughter. Joe does too. Die: I remember…. Joe asks about this story. Die tells that is a member from another band, a senpai and he is a vocalist. Joe seems to be a bit clueless. Then, he says that now that they mentioned the words of this senpai, he wants to know if there is some statement or wise words that they still remember. Toshiya: I absolutely wont forget this one…..it was Shinya. Joe: Oh! Toshiya: This person….he makes a lot of statements. Joe: Oh! Is it ok that you tell us? Toshiya: It’s ok….we were all together in the car….the members…. Die cuts in laughing. Die: That story? Toshiya: They were taking us to our homes….so at that time, everyone was talking about Shinya….”Shinya this, Shinya that”…. talking about him…. we were teasing him as well. When we arrived at Shinya’s house, I won’t forget the words he said…. Joe: Oh!  So please tell us those words….is it ok? Toshiya: Yes…as we were getting more excited about talking about him…. when he was about going out…. holding the car’s door he said…..”After I leave, don’t talk about me!”* *Shinya said this in kansai ben dialect. In the previous program, Joe realized that Shinya talks using Keigo (formal speech) and Kaoru said that “when he needs it” (as, when he gets mad) he uses kansai ben. Joe and Die laughs. Joe: I see….but I understand the way he felt…. Die: Maybe Shinya is laughing now about this…. Joe: Shinya….are you watching us? Die: Because he is watching for sure! Toshiya: Shinya, are you watching us? Joe asks Die if he has a similar story, like the words of a member that he can’t forget. Die ask for time to think about it, and he looks like he can’t recall any story. Joe decides to read the comments. Joe: Some comments are thanking Die and Shinya….”this is too amusing”…..the comments….are passing a bit fast….”that the members get along so well is amusing…” *Joe raises his glasses to be able to check the comments properly* Die: Shinya, would it be ok for you to write a comment? Joe: I wonder if he is watching us…. Toshiya: Write a comment! Joe: Shinya, write something…. But he is surely watching us! Toshiya: I think he is…. Joe: Thank you for last week, Shinya…..I’m sorry but I did my best….this weeks…..things are at this level…. Die: Last week was interesting! Joe: Did you watch it? Die: Of course, I did! Toshiya: I watched it too…. Joe thanks them for watching it. Die: Kaoru and Shinya are really like that….it felt like that…. Joe: Did it? Toshiya and Die imitate the way of talking with monosyllables. Die: Shinya always uses ukemi (passive form, is considered to be more formal and polite) Joe: I see….. the way of communicate with each other was like that but in the end, the result was cool….several things related to Dir en grey, are easy to feel connected……Shinya! You are not writing anything!....but the comments are so fast that I don’t know….if he is writing something I can’t see it…..but let’s believe he is watching!....Die, did something come to your mind? Die: There so many that… Joe: So, it’s not possible… Die: Yes, should we pass to the questions? Joe: Should we? I got it…it’s a bit impossible as it’s going to fast….questions….please everyone write some, I will pick them up….it’s really fast….it’s really fast….ah! a question for Shinya….ah, Toshiya….do you always eat ice cream? Toshiya: I really like ice cream, but recently I have been really into a Lawson’s low calories ice cream…I have been eating that a lot… Joe: Oh, a low calorie from Lawson…. Die: How is it? Toshiya: It’s a soft cream…. Die: Low in calories? Toshiya: Yes Die: Do you care about calories? Toshiya: Well…. we…..are getting older aren’t we?.... Die: Calories are terrible… Toshiya: Do you care about calories? Joe laughs. Die: I check the ingredients…I do that… Toshiya: I see….me too….I don’t eat carbohydrates after drinking…. Die: Ramen too? Toshiya: Ramen…. When it comes to ramen….I have a lot of self-control… Die: That’s cool! Toshiya: As I like it, I eat it sometimes… Die: Recently, which ramen is your favourite? Toshiya: A Ramen that I like? I wonder…. Maybe Tenichi….but I’m not Sugizo*! *Sugizo (LUNA SEA) has been in some Tenichi CMs. The other two laugh. Die mentions another Ramen but he says he likes Tenichi too. Joe: Is it ok if I pick up some comments?.....*they both agree* Who chose today’s live? Die: It was me?....or Did you chose it, Toshiya?...I think it was you…..*Toshiya shakes his head* You chose it….you didn’t?.... Toshiya says they both talked about it, which songs they wanted to be in the live and so.  Joe is about to read the next question but Die start saying something. Joe tells him to go ahead and talk, but Die tells him it’s ok. Joe: Among the members, who is the strongest one when it comes to alcohol? Toshiya: I think  it would be Shinya for sure… Joe: I see…. Shinya….what do you think, Die? Die: Shinya….you never know how much he is drinking or at what pace….but he barely changes… Toshiya: When he changes….he is the most amusing one….when he is drunk…. Die: That’s so true…. Toshiya: Like…. the Shōrin-ji kenpō * incident….. * Shōrin-ji kenpō, (meaning "Shaolin Temple Boxing") is a Japanese martial art considered to be a modified version of Shaolin Kung Fu Joe: Don’t be such a fool!.....As it sounds terrible, let’s stop talking about that…..it might be an accident….so…*reads a question* When this Corona situation ends, what’s the thing you want to do the most? They both seem to think about it a bit. Die says this situation has been going on already for so long, and he doesn’t know how much more time will it take…. but the thing he wants to do the most is lives. Joe: Everyone is like that in the comments…. Die: Under these circumstances…. not being able to do lives is tough… Joe: It’s hard… Die: I started a band because I wanted to do concerts, right? I make songs because I want to play them in a concert….if there is no concerts…..gradually the motivation….of course we wonder where we should take that motivation from….because only for CDs… Joe: I see Die: That’s why the thing I want to do the most….is concerts….. (Part 2 here)
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post-noseek · 5 years ago
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KK *0*
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