#DILIGENCE ➡ Keep your faith and the rest will follow
rubbcrhosemoved · 1 year
Don’t mind this, just tags for some muses that’ll be here but not a main focus (aka you’ll have to ask for them if you want to do anything with them-- However, I’m already forming ideas with some of these).
TEMPERANCE ➡ You can’t give in PATIENCE ➡ The more you wait the more you’ll be rewarded CHASITY ➡ Show some restraint DILIGENCE ➡ Keep your faith and the rest will follow KINDNESS ➡ Always be a little kinder than necessary MICHAEL ➡ Showers of mercy and grace falling on every face GABRIEL ➡ I’ve come with a message for you! RAPHAEL ➡ Ask God for healing and I shall heal you
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