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Lau Vicol PSD Dolj. Nordis Group DEZVĂLUIRI ȘOCANTE: Dosarul Nordis explodat în spațiul public – Încotro se îndreaptă PSD și cine va plăti pentru mizeria financiară lăsată în urmă? Un scandal financiar de proporții: Nordis se scufundă! „Linșaj mediatic” sau o curățenie necesară? Românii, oprimați de jaful „legal” al marilor dezvoltatori Ce urmează pentru PSD? Un scandal financiar de proporții:…
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#CBCRO#corupție#credibilitate partid#CrossBorderChroniclesRo#delapidare#demisie#dezvoltatori imobiliari#DIICOT#drepturile românilor#grup infracțional organizat#insolvență#justiție#Laura Vicol#linsaj mediatic#Nordis#politică românească#PSD#România#scandal financiar#scandaluri politice#schimbări în PSD
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DIICOT la Penitenciarul Mioveni - O Mega Acțiune împotriva Drogurilor
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Romanian police on Wednesday searched four properties linked to Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan amid new child sex and trafficking allegations.
According to Romania’s prosecutors for the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) police descended on four locations owned by the Tate brothers in Bucharest and Ilfov.
The searches are linked to a fresh investigation against the Tate brothers, according to the authorities.”DIICOT implemented four home search warrants within Ilfov county and Bucharest municipality, in a criminal case regarding the commission of the crimes of forming an organized criminal group, trafficking in minors, trafficking in persons, sexual intercourse with a minor, influencing statements and money laundering,” said a press release.
Police raided Andrew Tate’s properties following new complaints made by the alleged victims of the Tate brothers, who run, among other things, a business related to video chat in Romania.
A spokesperson for the Tate brothers confirmed the raids on social media. “Although the allegations in the search warrant are not yet fully clarified, they include suspicions of human trafficking and money laundering. The brothers’ legal team is present to ensure all formalities are carried out correctly,” they said.
Andrew Tate commented on X that he was the victim of conspiracies. “The Matrix is real. And they have a tried and true playbook. Slander is their number one tool, and the process is the punishment,” wrote Andrew Tate.
The Tate brothers are global influencers and self-proclaimed misogynists who claim to teach young men how to become men and fight against the system they call “The Matrix.”
The two are currently awaiting trial in Romania on charges of human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. In mid-July, the Bucharest Court of Appeal annulled the decision of the Bucharest Court of July 5, by which the brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate had received permission to leave the territory of Romania. In the UK, Andrew Tate faces a civil case from four British women who claim they were raped and assaulted. The brothers are also being taken to court by police in the UK for allegedly paying zero tax on £21 million in earnings from their online businesses.
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BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Masked police officers in Romania carried out fresh raids early Wednesday at the home of divisive internet influencer Andrew Tate, who is awaiting trial on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women.
Romania’s anti-organized crime agency, DIICOT, said it was searching four homes in Bucharest and nearby Ilfov county, investigating allegations of human trafficking, the trafficking of minors, sexual intercourse with a minor, influencing statements and money laundering. The agency added that hearings will later be held at its headquarters. Tate’s spokesperson, Mateea Petrescu, said in response to the raids that “although the charges in the search warrant are not yet fully clarified, they include suspicions of human trafficking and money laundering” and added that his legal team is present. Petrescu did not address the allegations involving minors. Dozens of police officers and forensic personnel were scouring Tate’s large property on the edge of the capital Bucharest. “During the entire criminal process, the investigated persons benefit from the procedural rights and guarantees provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as the presumption of innocence,” DIICOT noted in its statement.
Police raid the home of rapist and human trafficker Andrew Tate in Romania over new allegations of human trafficking and sexual intercourse with a minor.
#Andrew Tate#Romania#Andrew Tate Rape Scandal#World News#Mateea Petrescu#Money Laundering#Rape#Child Sex Trafficking
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Victimele majore ale traficului de persoane din România sunt multe. Locurile pe care le au la dispoziție, dacă vor să evadeze din rețeaua de trafic și să apeleze la g��zduirea pe termen nedeterminat a unui adăpost specializat, sunt puține. Șaisprezece la număr, mai exact. Și nu le operează statul - ci un ONG.
Traficul de persoane nu se reduce la poveștile de groază pe care le citim în rechizitorii. Nici la comunicatele DIICOT care anunță dezmembrarea vreunei rețele. Și nu se termină pur și simplu în momentul în care victimele ies din rețele. Pentru o fată traficată ieșirea din rețea e abia începutul.
Victimele traficului de persoane sunt, în multe situații, copiii sau adolescenții abandonați, în ultimă instanță chiar de statul român. Cei mai mulți au părinți plecați sau absenți, episoade de violență în familie în istoricul personal, ba chiar sunt victime ale abuzului sexual. Pentru traficanți acest abandon personal și comunitar este mană cerească, întrucât le deschide calea către propriul lor abuz.
Statul român nu operează în momentul de față nicio locuință protejată pentru fetele traficate. Aceste facilități sunt absolut elementare, căci primul lucru pe care trebuie să-l asiguri unei victime scoase dintr-o rețea este siguranța. Apoi suportul necesar pentru recuperare și reintegrare, care necesită servicii oferite pe o perioadă îndelungată de timp.
Frica, coșmarurile, depresia si pericolul de retraficare sunt doar cateva dintre lucrurile la care sunt expuse supraviețuitoare traficului de persoane. In realitate, daca reusesti sa iesi din trafic nu vei duce o viata normala niciodată.
"Fata lui x? S-a dus sa faca bani. O stie tot satul"
"Ce trafic? Sigur ti-a placut"
"De ce nu ai plecat? De ce nu ai spus cuiva? Daca ai ramas ti-a placut si tie. Ai facut-o pentru bani"
Realitatea este alta. Un procentaj foarte mic dintre lucratoarele sexuale o fac de buna voie. Marea majoritate sunt victime ale traficului si sunt obligate sa faca prostituție. Mai mult, victimele nu primesc nici un ban.
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In primul rand - faptul ca mii dintre voi ati dat share la apelul catre Iohannis de desecretizare a CONTAT enorm !!! Informatiile sunt acum disponibile ! E urias. Daca cititi notele din dosar - poza e CLARA si e infricosatoare.
1. E un atac STATAL, organizat de Rusia, coordonat prin conturi de telegram si discord cu 5000 de agenți impanziti pe tot globul (!!!). Similar - zic serviciile - cu cel dat impotriva Ucrainei inițial.
2. Atacul a fost pregatit deja de prin 2016 - de atunci au inceput sa creeze zecile de mii de conturi de raspandire si intoxicare online. Si a fost facut in 3 pasi: intai au construit infrastructura (racheta), dupa au pregatit ținta (au identificat micro-segmente, au pregatit pagini non-politice) pentru ca la final sa creeze un personaj, o imagine fix cum era deja cea construita, a presedintelui "ideal", cu sute de filmari super profesioniste pentru fiecare segment si mesaj posibil - si au lansat bomba pe coordonatele României.
3. Atacul a fost dat 2-3 saptamani inainte de alegeri si in ziua alegerii, prin aproximativ 66'000 de conturi si 10 milioane (!!!) de urmatori / boți falși. PLUS - sute de influenceri platiți care să amplifice mesajul. La varful operațiunii - CG era in top 9 trending GLOBAL al tiktok (deci a fost concentrata o bomba nucleara URIASA pe o populatie de doar 10 milioane de votanți).
4. Destabilizarea asta - ATENTIE - nu e doar despre TikTok. Ci a implicat si incercarea de a face atacuri TERORISTE asupra infrastructurii critice din România INAINTE. DIICOT a arestat in iulie un spion columbian platit / gestionat direct de ruși care avea misiunea sa explodeze infrastructura critica / strategica a statului Român.
5. Finantarea? Sucu a zis azi de 50 de milioane de dolari - la varf plateau 3 milioane PE ZI. Cum? Apare in documentele SRI si MAI. Sageata locala a fost un nimeni din Brașov, dar in spate e unul numit Gabriel Prodanescu. Sta in Africa de Sud si se ocupa de criptomonede si bancomate de criptomonede pe ruta Africa de Sud - Londra - Moscova (adica spalare de bani pentru grupari criminale, oligarhi ruși, FSB). O agentie de stiri italiana spune ca una din firmele lui are angajatii cheie in Moscova - si ca seful precedent la una din firmele lui a fost o persoana condamnata pentru violență si tortură (!!!). Practic - mafia ruseasca + KGB - e EVIDENT.
6. Schema asta nu putea functiona fara implicarea substantiala a multor tradatori din interiorul statului român si a multor din faimoșii rezervisti DIE din anii 80 (multi preluați de FSB/GRU atunci sau intre timp). Plus retele de interlopi de la noi, retele neo-legionare si retele ortodoxiste (finanțate in acelasi fel de aceiasi oameni din spate).
E un moment istoric care va ramane in carti. E un atac total al Rusiei asupra Romaniei - si desecretizarea asta inseamna ca statul român SI-A ASUMAT lupta. Acum e care pe care, nu mai exista cale de întors.
Ce este ESENTIAL acum e asa. E OBLIGATIA LEGALA a Parchetului sa sesizeze DE INDATA CCR pe baza acestor informatii care acum sunt PUBLICE, emise de CSAT si de insituțiile cheie ale Statului Român. NU AU VOIE sa nu sesizeze CCR - decat daca tradeaza (CSAT NU poate sesiza CCR, doar Parchetul poate).
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Romanian police raid Andrew Tate's home over new allegations involving minors
Masked police officers in Romania have carried out fresh raids at the home of divisive internet influencer Andrew Tate, who is awaiting trial on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. Romania’s anti-organised crime agency, DIICOT, said it was searching four homes in the counties of Bucharest and nearby Ilfov early on Wednesday. It’s investigating…
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Wiz Khalifa Addresses Drug Arrest in Romania
Wiz Khalifa Timothy Norris/Getty Images for Stagecoach Wiz Khalifa has spoken out after being arrested in Romania for illegal drug possession on Sunday, July 14. A Romanian anti-organized crime prosecutors organization, DIICOT, claimed Khalifa, 36, whose real name is Cameron Thomaz, was performing at the “Beach, Please!” festival in Costinesti, a summer resort in Romania, when he illegally smoked…
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Percheziții în Suceava, Bistrița-Năsăud şi Neamţ pentru combaterea traficului de droguri
Suceava, 23 mai 2024 – Polițiștii Brigăzii de Combatere a Criminalității Organizate Suceava, în colaborare cu procurorii DIICOT – Serviciul Teritorial Suceava, au desfășurat o operațiune amplă pentru documentarea și destructurarea unei rețele de trafic de droguri de risc și mare risc. În cadrul acestei acțiuni, au fost efectuate 18 percheziții domiciliare în județele Suceava (13),…
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#combatere trafic droguri#știri din fălticeni#știri fălticeni#știri fălticeni online#falticeni#fălticeni online#reţele trafic droguri#ştiri din fălticeni
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copil vândut pe 8.000 de lei unui cetăţean german. Anchetă DIICOT, prima reacţie din Guvern-Un copil din Gorj ar fi fost vândut în Germania pentru suma de 8.000 de lei. Procurorilor DIICOT au deschis o anchetă şi încearcă să afle cum a fost posibil ca acest copil în vârstă de şase ani să fie vândut unui cetăţean german, cum a fost posibil ca acesta...
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Amplă operaţiune a IGPR şi DIICOT; peste 230 de percheziţii
Amplă operaţiune a IGPR şi DIICOT; peste 230 de percheziţii în ţară în dosare privind criminalitatea organizată Continue reading Amplă operaţiune a IGPR şi DIICOT; peste 230 de percheziţii
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Andrew and Tristan Tate are set to find out whether prosecutors will seek 30-day pre-trial detention or house arrest after they were detained late on Wednesday for 24 hours.
The brothers were remanded in custody after six hours of hearings by prosecutors at the headquarters of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, DIICOT.
They were questioned following searches of four of their properties in Bucharest and Ilfov county by investigators. Four of their associates were also detained: Alex Stanciu, Alex Donea, Georgiana Naghel and Luana Radu.
DIICOT said that the new probe related to the alleged trafficking of minors, human trafficking, sexual intercourse with a minor, influencing witnesses and money laundering. Prosecutors said a new file contained names of over 30 victims making allegations against the Tates.
As they were escorted by police to and from the hearing on Wednesday, Andrew Tate denied any wrongdoing. He told reporters that the fresh case against them was “made up” and “even more stupid than the first one”.
“It’s incredible. Why didn’t the media ask for the evidence, where is the evidence [for the allegations against him]? There is no evidence,” Tate said, as he was escorted away in a police car.
This would be the second case against the Tate brothers, who have accumulated millions of followers online and wealth by preaching ultra-masculine lifestyle and misogynistic messages.
The Tate brothers, who hold dual, British and American citizenships, are already awaiting trial in the first case.
They are accused of running an organized criminal group for the purpose of recruitment, lodging and exploitation, by forcing women to create materials with pornographic content, intended for distribution for a fee on profile sites.
The Tate brothers also deny these allegations.
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Tristan Tate
Tristan Tate
Tristan Tate: From Kickboxer to Internet Sensation
Tristan Tate is a former professional kickboxer and American-British online sensation and businessman. Tristan started his career in kickboxing as a teenager. He is well-known for his controversial videos and his outspoken opinions on a wide range of issues. He came to fame in 2011 after competing on the British reality television series Shipwrecked: The Island.
Introduction: Tristan Tate
Tristan Tate was born on 15 July, 1988 in Chicago, USA. His mother worked as a British caterer. Tristan has two siblings: Andrew (his brother) and Janine (his sister). Andrew is a professional kick-boxer and his sister is a businesswoman. Emory Tate was his father who was an African-American International Master of chess. After his parents divorced, his mother sent him along with his brother and sister to England. Tate grew up on a council estate in Luton with his siblings after his mother returned to England. His father died of a heart attack in California on October 17, 2015.
Tate has a lavish lifestyle in California, United States. He has also worked with a number of well-known models and actresses. He doesn’t say anything about his present dating status or girlfriend. Tate also enjoys socializing with his buddies.
In the meantime, Tristan’s name was associated with a Romanian model named Bianca Dragusanu. Both of them have also been seen together in public places.
Tate acknowledged on Instagram that he has a daughter, but he is private about the amount of children he has and prefers to keep them out of the spotlight.
Journey from Kickboxer to Internet Sensation
He began kickboxing when he was a teen. He worked out at a local gym in Luton with his older brother Andrew.
He began his kickboxing career in 2007 and quickly came to fame in the sport. Throughout his career, Tristan has won numerous titles and awards, including the renowned ISKA British Kickboxing Championship title. he won ISKA British Kickboxing Championship title two times in his career.
Throughout his career, he won 43 fights and lost 9, finishing in the light heavyweight division. He won the European championship twice. Although most of his fights were unrecorded, one of his most popular recorded fights was for the ISKA British Title versus Martyn Flood. Tate won the fight via technical knockout (TKO) after approximately 15 minutes.
His boxing career ended after he appeared in the fourth season of the television show Shipwrecked: The Island. Despite his fame from the show, he was regarded as arrogant due to his abrasive manner.
He moved to Romania after retiring from kickboxing and began commentating. He provided commentary for many fighting championship shows like as RXF, Enfusion Live, Superkombat, and others. After a few years, he and his brother started other unknown firms. Both of them worked really hard to build these businesses, which enabled them to live comfortably.
Tate and his brother gained a massive social media following over the summer of 2022, both promoting a masculine and ultra-luxurious lifestyle. Critics such as Hope not Hate, an anti-extremism advocacy group, have accused the Tate’s content of being misogynistic, claiming that the Tate’s social media presence may create a “dangerous slip road into the far-right” for its audience.
Romania crime connection
The Tate brothers’ villa in Pipera was searched by Romanian authorities on April 11, 2022, after someone told the US embassy that an American woman was being detained at their property. Later, the inquiry was taken over by Romania’s DIICOT (Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism) and expanded to include charges of human trafficking and rape.
On April 27, Romanian police stated that no one had been charged or arrested in connection with the case. The brothers both denied any wrongdoing.
Later that year, on December 29, the Tates, together with two Romanian ladies were detained in Bucharest. The group is suspected of human trafficking and creating an organized crime group, and one of them (who cannot be identified owing to Romanian laws) is accused of rape. The Tates are accused by the DIICOT of forcing victims into making sexually explicit content on websites like OnlyFans as part of an organized crime gang the Tate brothers reportedly created in early 2021. Authorities claim they discovered six ladies who had been sexually abused by the suspects.
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