reki-of-the-valley · 1 year
Summer Sunsets
There are a few things that often preoccupied Langa: skateboarding, pronouncing things right, work, Reki. Reki. Always Reki. The pretty boy that somehow had wormed his way into Langa’s mind. And such a thing wasn’t new to Langa; any boy that gave him as much attention as Reki did was bound to do things to his little heart, but the way Reki flooded his sense, now that was new. It was so new, the way that his smile made Langa’s heart flip or the way the sound of his voice became the center of Langa’s world. Reki had become Langa’s everything, and what had he done to find himself there? What had he done for Langa to know nothing but how to fall for him a little more with each passing day?
With a hand over his heart, Langa could feel the irregular beating deep in his chest. He could feel the echo of Reki’s name inside of him, feel it pounding in his bones. When was the last time a crush had driven him this crazy? When was the last time a crush had left him feeling this alive? Never. The answer was probably never. Langa would have remembered if there had been another Reki in his life. Langa would have remembered the boy, but no one compared to the brightness that was Reki’s smile, his voice, his presence, his heart. Nothing could compare to the beauty that was the boy that stood before him.
A smile pointed in his direction, Langa couldn’t help but get closer. How could he resist such an invitation, a hand extended towards him? How could he resist letting his hand rest in Reki’s, letting calloused palms scratch against of skin? It was impossible to refuse such an opportunity. For all Langa knew, it was the only time it would happen.
“C’mon man!” Fingers curled around Langa’s, Reki’s grip tightening and tugging him along. “If we take any longer, we’re gonna miss it!”
“Where are you even bringing me?”
Amber eyes shone under the darkening summer sunlight. Beautiful amber eyes that had Langa’s heart flipping in his chest. Gorgeous amber eye that had Langa tripping over his own feet. And the smile. There were no words to describe the smile.
“Already told ya, it’s a surprise! Now stop asking questions and c’mon!”
And with that, the eyes, the smile, the look, it was all gone. Or at least, it was out of Langa’s view as Reki sped up, now running rather than his previous light jog. But his hand was still in Langa’s, his grip just as firm. He wasn’t letting go of Langa’s hand any time soon, not that Langa was complaining about that.
“It’s gonna be awesome, dude! You’re gonna be so—”
A smile. Reki’s smile. And the motion of an explosion with his free hand. And laughter. A light, almost shy kind of laughter falling from Langa’s lips, the type of laughter that made his cheeks burn red because of how ridiculous he felt whenever it came out. He hated the way it sounded, pitchy and uneven, but when Reki grinned at him, that crooked, toothy grin, Langa just couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help the sounds that escaped him, sounds that just made Reki grin even wider.
“It’s gonna be so freakin’ awesome, you won’t know what hit you! Like! Like!”
It was almost as if he were vibrating with excitement. Shining even. Reki easily got excited, but never like this. His excitement never coated him with a shine, something so special and so fitting. Passionate. He had always been so passionate. He had always been so determined. He had always been so beautiful.
“It’s right…” A tug, pulling Langa closer as he pointed ahead. “Here.”
“Reki, this is…”
Pinks and purples and oranges swirled around the sky. Gold as well, outlining the clouds that floated by. Beauty coated the world, but nothing compared to the sunset that colored Reki’s eyes. Pinks and purples and oranges, all gorgeous in the vast beyond, but even prettier over the amber of the boy’s eyes. The world had nothing on Langa’s world.
“Reki, I…”
Sunsets on oceans knew nothing of Langa and Reki. Sunsets sinking into the ocean knew nothing of the heartbeat that pounded as Reki stepped closer, his shoulder bumping against Langa’s.
“It’s pretty, right?”
Another toothy grin as the boy turned his head towards Langa. Another shine in his eyes, a shine brighter than the sun could ever shine.  What could ever compare to the beauty that was Reki?
“Yeah, it’s really pretty.”
It was a difficult task peeling his eyes off Reki, but he had to follow the boy’s gaze. He had to look at the sky. He couldn’t keep staring at him. He couldn’t risk being caught staring, his heart wouldn’t survive the embarrassment that would entail.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s so pretty. Kinda like—”
Quiet fell, Reki’s caught between those crooked teeth that had been smiling just a moment ago. Uncertainty clouded those amber eyes, dulling their natural shine. Something had gone wrong. Something had stopped Reki from being himself. Something that Langa didn’t understand. What could have happened for Reki to stop smiling? What happened for his voice to choke the way it had?
“I… I thought maybe if I showed you something beautiful, you’d… If you… Ugh!”
Langa’s breath hitched as Reki dropped his head in his hands, his fingers tugging at loose locks of his red hair. Panic flooded through Langa, crashing against his ribs as he felt helpless watching Reki.
“I’m so stupid! Of course this ain’t gonna work! I’m so dumb!”
“No!” Amber eyes peeked through loosening fingers. “No.” Softer this time. Less panicked this time. “No, Reki. You’re not stupid or dumb. You’re never stupid.”
“You don’t even know what I’m talking about, man. How can you say I’m not stupid when you don’t know?”
“Because you’ve never been stupid. You’re so smart, smarter than anyone I know. Smarter than even Cherry and… and nothing can change that.”
“No, no, I’m… But I… Because I…”
Heat flared in Langa’s cheeks as Reki’s eyes fell for a split second. Both must have matched in burning color, but that stayed a guess as the amber eyes could no longer be used as a mirror. But if Langa knew himself, he knew that his blush wasn’t concealed, brightening his face just as Reki’s did.  
“I— I’m sorry! I…” Amber, shadow, amber. Reki’s eyes flicked all around, unable to pick a spot. “I, I didn’t mean to…”
It was stronger than him. The urge to slip his fingers through Reki’s, stopping the boy’s fidgeting, it was stronger than any impulse Langa’s ever had. And perhaps he shouldn’t have. Perhaps he should have dropped the subject, but it was too late now. It was too late, his fingers already tight around Reki’s, his eyes fixated on the amber that had become his world long ago. It was too late to back out now.
“You didn’t mean to what, Reki?”
“I didn’t mean to…” Rise and fall, his breath hitched with every choked word. “I didn’t mean to do… Langa…”
Smile. What more could Langa do than smile as he lifted Reki’s chin? And while he had never been the best at reading the room, this time, he was pretty sure he knew what was happening. And if he was wrong, then he was ready to jump onto the next flight back to Canada, change his identity, and leave his life behind.
“You can do it, Reki. Please.”
“Langa, I…” Another deep, shaky breath. “You won’t hate me if I told you that I like you? Like… Like you? Please don’t hate me… I…”
“Like you too. I like you too, Reki. So, so much.”
The words tumbled out of his mouth faster than his brain was processing them. Was he rambling at this point? Maybe, but he couldn’t tell. Everything was buzzing in his ear, especially the noise that sounded far too much like a distorted version of his own voice. Everything was loud but the quiet was worse. Everything was happening, everything Langa had dreamt of for weeks, months even, but everything was happening differently from the way he had planned. For one, he wasn’t the one initiating the confession.
“And you’re so great and smart and how could I not like you? You’re just so—”
“Langa! Dude!” Langa felt the heat flare up once more as calloused palms touched his lips, but there was no way he was redder than Reki. Amber eyes had grown wide but slowly relaxed as they were cast aside. “Man, who woulda thought that a confession is all it took to get you to talk so much. Always so quiet until…” A smile tugged at the corners of Reki’s lips as he glanced at Langa. “Would’ve done this months ago if I had known.”
“What?” Langa furrowed his brows as he lowered Reki’s hands from his face. “Wait, do you mean… You don’t…”
“No! Yes! No! I didn’t—I like you! I like you! I, I’ve liked you for months! Just…” Reki ducked his head, his eyes glancing up to meet Langa’s. “I just didn’t know how you’d react so I… I didn’t say anything for a while.”  
The sincerity in Reki’s hesitant smile left Langa melting. It left him grinning. It left him falling for Reki like he’s never fallen before. Falling into his arms, a hug tighter than he’s ever hugged the boy. Sincerity, that was all it took.
Silence enveloped the two as they stood there, melted into each other. Silence fell, a silence more comforting than it had ever been. Silence, it was better than the endless rambling that had left Langa earlier. But it was also dangerous. Silence, the perfect place for Langa’s thoughts to overwhelm him.
He’d fallen too deep. He’d fallen too fast. He hadn’t thought about what could happen after this. None of his scenarios had gotten this far. They had always stopped before Imaginary/Hypothetical Reki would say anything to him. Langa had always focused on what he would say, never on what would be said to him. And now, how was he supposed to act? What was to become of them? Did they just continue being how they were before? Were they changed forever?
“Dude, you okay there?”
Feelings had always been such a messy thing. Feeling things always made living so difficult. But feeling things also made it easier to keep living. Every time a butterfly would flutter in the pit of his stomach, Langa would be reminded why he was there. Every involuntary smile would take a weight off his conscious. And some days, those butterflies were what would make him completely forget what had gone wrong in the past. Those butterflies, they felt like a new life blossoming from within.  
The jolt snapped Langa out of his spiral, the world greeting him with summer sunset eyes. Soft looks that had never felt as comforting as they did now. Soft calloused skin traced circles against his cheek, a light touch that matched the feeling of the eyes. Feelings, no matter how messy they could be, feelings were good. Langa liked feeling things. He liked feeling this.
“You good?”
Langa nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. “Yeah. Couldn’t be better.”
He hadn’t meant it, he hadn’t meant the glance down, but it was too late. He hadn’t meant to get caught on the curve of Reki’s lips, but there he was, wondering about one last feeling. And as the sun set, eyes fluttering shut, there was no helping what had already been done.
It felt so natural, the slight lean down. It was as if he had done it a thousand times before, the light contact of soft lips. It was as if there was nothing else he was meant to do, but as Reki pressed a kiss back, everything felt right. A world of color exploded as Langa squeezed his eyes shut, basking in the warmth of the remains of sunlight and of the kiss. Butterflies burst throughout his body he held Reki close, savoring the taste of the kiss. Feelings. Feelings flooded right through Langa and nothing had ever felt better than the feeling of Reki’s lips against his.
There were so many things that preoccupied Langa, skateboarding, pronouncing things right, work, but none of those things compared to Reki. Reki. It would always be Reki, Reki that drove him crazy. It would be Reki for the rest of his life, Reki for the rest of forever. If there was one thing Langa was sure of, it was that he would be loving Reki infinitely.
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hayw1res · 2 months
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𖦹 ` 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧
𝅄 ; synopsis : von lycaon is a true gentleman, he would never act on his selfish desires on his master. that is until mating season rolls around…
𝅄 ; warnings : 18+ , knotting , mating press , mentions of breeding “pregnancy and pups” , p in v , unprotected sex , light predator x prey , slight dubcon but everything is consensual , animalistic urges , slight fluff at the end
𝅄 ; a/n : my first fic on this account, i do hope you enjoy! my requests are open of course. not proofread ; sorry for any errors!
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NEW ERIDU, is home to many individuals and home to many different factions. One of those being Victoria Housekeeping . You found yourself at the mercy of those individuals from time to time, especially the ever so proper Von Lycaon. A gentleman through and through , who isn’t afraid of protecting his dear master from the depths of the hollows where you often find yourself after conducting research.
Now, you knew better not to get too involved in any of his personal business, but when he sent a sudden notice of absence it worried you. Why on earth would he need to leave? For how long? What was wrong with him? You had to know, as his close friend and well.. esteemed patron. That’s what lead you to meet at the place you knew would have your answers. Strangely enough, none of the girls were home either, not even Ms Alexandrina.
It sent a shiver down your spine as you crept through the empty halls, it was silent..eerie. It was almost perfect for their faction at least but even for them this seemed a little far fetched. A little too silent for your liking. You could hear the way your heel clicked and clacked against the concrete floor beneath you. It was dark, the sun set a while ago..the moon shined bright through one of the cracked windows, the cold hair caused your hairs to raise and goosebumps to form. Why was everything suddenly so much scarier?
You just needed to find Lycaon and deliver the basket of treats you made for him , to hopefully quell whatever illness he described in his latest message as to why he had to be distant for a while. You turned the corner, only a few feet away from the room of the wolf thiren when you heard a growling. It pierced through your ears as the only thing breaking the eerie silence, that and now your increased heartbeat. You gasp, It sounded like he was in pain.. you didnt want him to feel pain anymore! You were just here to help.
You pick up the pace almost speed walking to his door, it was locked. You turn the handle again and again, calling out to him to let you in! To let you cure his sickness. Oh how naive and ignorant you are. The wolf was no longer the pristine and well groomed man you usually met , but more an untamed beast of pure and undeniable lust. The door swung open, almost off its hinges as he towered above you. Did he get taller? His chest was exposed, his once clean attire was discarded in rags behind him. He panted , his fangs almost dripping in saliva as he looked at you like you were his meal.
You didnt know why your legs burned as you ran away from the beast, you didn’t even know why you were running to begin with. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you heard his heavy footsteps behind you, no less giving you a lead. You knew Lycaon could catch up to you if he truly wanted to. But this wasn’t Lycaon this was someone—something else. You blanked, which way did you come from? Where were you? You made the mistake of standing idle while an animal hunted you. His breathing was ragged in your ear as his clawed hand tightened around you waist yet he didnt hurt you, in fact it was the opposite.
“Stay.” He finally spoke, his voice was almost unrecognizable as the rest of his appearance. His fur was unkept, his eyes were almost completely black as he stared down at you..but the small part of him was still there- that still wanted to protect you, his master. He knew exactly how to, he knew how to protect you from everyone else, everyone who wasn’t him—every other thiren or human out there who dared to claim you. No. He would do it first before them all.
Completely compromised, you’re almost forced in position with your face touching the hard cold floor and his hands forcibly tearing apart your garments. You squeal, you try and break free and tell Lycaon to calm down! Your pleads fall deaf to his ears, the only sense he can make out is your scent. Arousal, fear.. it was a deadly mix for a wolf, it made him crave you more. His hands were somehow soft against your plush skin, playing with the fat of your thighs as he forced your body in every position he could until he was satisfied. You couldn’t help but feel your core leak at the sight of him when you’re finally on your back. His cock was large and swelling, pulsing over your entrance as he tried to hold back every urge he could until he knew you were ready.
His long digits found way into your core, it stun as he dragged them in and out, you knew you needed more than this you needed him. “Ly—Lycaon” You’d call, forcing him to throw out every thought telling him to take his time. You needed him as he needed you, and who was he to deny his master their desire? He almost couldn’t resist when your walls clamped around his thick member, his saliva dripped down onto your exposed chest- coating your mounds with the liquid as his hand came up to massage it in. His pace began slowly, he still cared of course. You could feel everything, every thrust, every twitch—you could feel it all.
Gradually he sped up, he started to thrust at an unforgiving pace, his moans breathless and mixing with your downright pornographic voice, he never felt so much pleasure in his life—all that buildup truly meant something now that he can unload everything he had into you, yes, yes hed give you his all. He would fill you to the brim and get you nice and pregnant with his kin—with his pups. You could do that right?
“you-you will mother..mother my kin—wont you master?” He purred, his tongue lapping at your neck as he started to fuck you like an animal- like the beast he truly was. You could barely speak back, your brain was practically mush at this point. You could only cling to the little you could as your poor cunt got abused by his unforgiving pace. His knot began to swell against the base of his cock, you could feel it prodding at your entrance— no, you couldn’t take this! Not when you could barely take his cock. That didn’t matter to Lycaon though, you would take it whether you liked it or not. His hands came to your thighs yet again but this time to force them beside your head, your teary eyed fucked out face only urged him on.
“yes—yes! take my knot.. my beloved-! my master—please, please let me in..” He’d growl before biting down on your neck , you scream as you feel that familiar burst of energy shock through you- the slick from your cum and arousal created the perfect substance for his knot to slide inside of you..filing you to the brim with his cum. He licked at your neck as his tail wagged behind him furiously.. he finally found someone suitable for his kin.. for his love..for his desires to be fulfilled.
He couldn’t let you go now, not even long after he calmed down. In reality, he was terrified on seeing you now that he was in the right state of mind..what an idiot he was. “Master—I deeply apologize for my behavior. This is why I notified everyone about the full moon” His voice made you chuckle, of course.. the damn moon. “Master-?” He called again, afraid he may have broken you. You surely were “broken” at least that’s how your body felt.
“Yes Master-?”
“Carry me to bed”
“Of course..I am at your service”
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lxvebun · 1 year
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silent confessions
synopsis: the genshin men crushing on you and the little ways they show they care.
content: Kaeya/Venti/Alhaitham/ Arataki Itto x gender neutral reader. First time writing for venti so apologies if its a lil off. Fluff. Friends to lovers. Kissing in kaeya's. wingman diluc honestly. Going a lil feral in alhaithams and ittos. Use of nickname dear and cecilia<3 They are all quite long but I hope you all enjoy it! Not completely proofread. Let me know if there are any annoying mistakes!
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⁎⁺˳✧��� Kaeya໒꒱.*
Diluc is sure of three things. One, You're hands down single-handedly keeping the icedtea business alive in Mondstadt, his arms are still hurting from the heavy crates of imported tea from Liyue he has to carry every. Single. Week. Two, you're incredibly oblivious, three, kaeya is a lovesick fool.
Even though diluc has offered to deliver some iced tea crates to your home, it seems that you prefer to drink his stash empty at the bar next to kaeya.
It's making him ill really, seeing the way his brothers eyes keep drifting to your lips and how his hands inch closer to yours, still never really touching. Diluc almost doesn't recognize him. Kaeya is not the type to get flustered easily, if anything, try to make him flustered and it will backfire! but here he is, for hours sitting at the bar head leaning on his hands staring at you like you hung the stars.
You fail to notice how, despite not touching your drink for so long, at one point even dancing around the tavern when the bard played your favorite song, the icecubes in your glass never seem to melt and the tea never gets warm. It's the least he can do, Kaeya would be showing you more grand gestures of love if you didnt make his head fog up with hearts and flowers everytime your near.
"I'm going to use the bathroom, i'll be right back! "You say as you hop of the barstool and make your way to the second floor.
"This, is getting sad you know", diluc speaks as he snatches both yours and Kaeya's glass away, dodging quick enough as Kaeya tries to get it back
"Oh i'm sorry, I didn't know my love life was such an interesting show to you. I'll make sure to tell the writers"
Stupid arrogant oblivious brother of his
He's not gentle as he grabs one of the big pints, pours your favorite iced tea in with the ice cubes and slices of lemon and two straws this time and places it down infront of kaeya.
"I'm doing you a favor icicle"
Kaeya's unable to retort a remark back because you're sitting down next to him again.
"Ooh whats this, luc?" As you stir the tea with your straw, the ice cubes gently clinking against the edges of the glass
"On the house, it's the last"-he throws you a look- bit of icetea I have for tonight. Enjoy." And with that he steps out the backdoor for a break leaving you and kaeya in an almost empty tavern
He's feeling uncharacteristically shy sharing a drink like this. He's not sure he can contain the love confession thats lingering on his lips if you're that close to eachother. You snap him out of his thoughts before he can even try.
"Come on try this with me...its...its quite romantic don't you think" you say, a little timid
Youre killing him. Hes deceased y/n.
"Yeah, didn't- didnt realise Diluc had a romantic bone in him, guess it runs in the family after all"
You're not sure where you got the courage from for what you're about to say
"Maybe, we should do more of these romantic things together."
And just like that, knowing you shared his feelings, he got a bit of his charming wit back.
"My dear y/n- he starts, leaning down closer to you, one icy hand holding yours. Are you asking me out on a date" he wants to revel in making you flustered but he's pretty sure he looks just as flustered as you do.
"Only if you want to, Kaeya"
The way he presses his lips to yours gives you the answer you needed<3
Venti, alhaitham and itto under the cut!
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⁎⁺˳✧༚ Venti໒꒱.*
Archons, the summer this time around is way hotter than any summers before. It's scorching outside and if it weren't for your knight of favonius duties, duties you took over for the Cavalry Captain for his day off (>:( ), you would stay inside the cool headquarters, in your little office with the curtains closed.
You really should get going but you're delaying stepping outside. The favonius headquarters is nice and cool and and looking outside you can see the heat radiating from the stone pathways
You're a knight of favonius! A little sunshine isn't going to hurt! You try to hype yourself up as you make it to the entrance. You can do this, who knows, you might even get a tan.
Bracing yourself and pushing the heavy doors open, you're pleasantly surprised at how the wind immediately seems to pick up and twirl and flow around you in cooling circles. Yes, the sun is still beaming down in all his glory, but the breeze definitely helps. You may even get through this without breaking too much of a sweat.
As you're doing your errands and run basically all over Mondstadt, the gentle breeze surrounding you never seems to falter, even now, as you carry heavy crates of sunsettias and apples up the stairs to Good Hunter, it actually seems like the wind has started to pick up, aiding you in its own way.
Sara is more than grateful as you place the crates down in the back for her. "You're a lifesaver y/n, please, go sit down and i'll whip something up for you".
Who are you to deny a break and a free meal?
Before you sit down you take off your sword and place it down next to you so you can completely unwind. It's not until you look back up from your weapon that you see Venti, with the bright smile he always seems to carry, sitting infront of you
"Hi, my sweet cecilia"
Archons, that nickname. You're lucky you can blame the weather on the sudden warmth flowing through your body.
"You're awfully happy for such a hot day, Venti"
He doesn't provide an answer to that, why is he so happy? Because he's with you of course, he's basically been spending the whole day with you, how could he not be happy?
instead of saying that tho he says "the wind is nice, hmm?" And On cue the wind stars to pick up again, now carrying the scent of the meal Sara is cooking up for you and twirling a few flower petals that got caught in it around you You little
"Yeah it is, i'm not sure I would have been able to get through the day without a little breeze in my face" you laugh and it's the sweetest melody he's ever heard.
"I guess the anemo archon has a soft spot for me"
"I suppose he does"
You fail to catch the longing glint in his eyes and the blush covering his cheeks as Sara brings you your meal<3
Oh my dear y/n if only you knew.
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⁎⁺˳✧༚ Alhaitham໒꒱.*
It's not until Kaveh points it out, after Alhaitham leaves to pick up another book from the House of Daena library shelves, that you realize it, but it seems that Alhaitham, despite looking like he wants to be anywhere but here, always seems to look out for you.
Like the time he dragged you to the desert to study runes with him, he made sure every time you two stood still for a long time, he'd raise his cape a little above your head, sheltering you from the burning sun
And that one time where he grabbed your arm and pulled you into his side when some drunkards stumbling home almost bumped into you
"Drop your pen when he gets back" kaveh says, breaking you out of your thoughts.
"Drop my-"
"Sshh, just do it" he hushes quickly and goes back to drawing as Alhaitham sits back down next to you with a new book in his hand.
You let Alhaitham read a few more pages before you "accidentally" drop your pen under the table, sliding your seat back and ducking under to retrieve it, when you look back up to avoid hitting your head on the corner of the table, Alhaithams hand is already covering it. His gaze is still as focused as ever on the book infront of him, it's almost like it happened entirely subconsciously, like it was already engraved in his perception to look out for you and that alone made the butterlies in your tummy flutter around. You don't miss the "I told you so" gaze Kaveh throws at you.
Alhaithams book manages to hide the gentle smile he failed to hold back as he guesses from the look on your face and body language that you're onto him, and if he can guess one more time, he'd say the feelings are mutual.
He doesn't say anything but he does reach under you to grab the leg of your chair and pull you closer to him, arm draped behind you over the backrest, gently drawing shapes on your shoulder as he continues to read his book
*Did ya'll see that one nick jonas clip where he pulls her chair closer? Yeah? Thats alhaitham.
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⁎⁺˳✧༚ Arataki Itto໒꒱.*
The locals of Inazuma are used to the never ending thundering and lightning. Even on clear days, it seems like you can always hear it lurking in the distance, dancing over the seas. Unfortunately for you, you’re not a local and despite having been here for a while, long enough to develop strong friendships and perhaps a little crush <3 the loud claps of thunder and the lightning that cracks open the clouds still make you flinch
You were embarrassed about it, so you never voiced it out to your friends. You would just try to hide your flinches and do your best to block out the noise. You're not doing that very well unfortunately. Itto has noticed, and boy does it make his heart hurt a little every time he catches you trying to hide it. You're part of the gang! Whether you know  that or not, you're supposed to be able to tell him these things! but he understands, you seem to think that you're going to look weak in front of Arataki numero uno claymore swinging devil beatbox and beetle fighting legend Itto. He made me write this really You could never considering he gets weak in the knees everytime you make eye contact or touch his horns
So as the leader of your gang, your best friend and hopefully future boyfriend, he’s gonna help you because If there's one thing Itto is good at its being loud. It’s quite hard to hear the thunder lurking in the background when Itto's boisterous laugh as he’s "winning" a game of TCG seems to overpower everything, including the way your heart beats a little faster when he smiles at you.
You didn’t notice what he was doing until there was a summer storm forecasted. You didn't even have time to mentally prepare yourself for it before there was a harsh knocking at your door, maybe a bit to hard itto pls dont break the door
"Open up sunshine, I have some snacks :D"
He’s quick to make himself comfortable as you let him in, throwing the impressive amount of snacks and some card games on the coffee table and then taking up half the space on the couch, being careful to not knock the lamp on the sidetable down with his horns.
"Not that I mind Itto, but i didn't expect you to come over. Any reasons?"
"Yeah you're"- he cuts himself off. You never told him about your fear of thunder, would it upset you if you knew he figured it out?, archons he didnt think of an excuse what should he say, where is Kuki in times like this
"Yeah, I just thought i’d keep you some company because I AM afraid of summerstorms, yup, totally terrifying, so scary,so here i am."
Even he knows it's not believable. Especially since he has directed some...colorful words with the shogun before (not in her presence)
You are afraid”-
AND AND I thought, you know, maybe, since were all going to be locked up in our houses anyway we could have a little at home date......:D
Archons, Itto, if the storm isn't going to kill you its him. He's been aware of your fear and silently tried to help you with it? And now he has basically slipped a confession in trying to hide the fact he knows about your fear? He's such a teddybear fr
You don't fight the smile that's pulling at the corners of your mouth as you sit down next to him. Pressing a kiss to his cheek and pretending not to notice the hitch in his breath "Thank you, Itto"
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Thank you for reading angels!<3
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wonderlandwalker · 6 months
Shining Bright | James Potter x Reader
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Marauders Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: You and James reunite after the winter holiday, reminiscing old memories and stumbling into new ones. Except Sirius doesn't know you're dating yet, and James is not particularly good at hiding it anymore.
Content Warnings/Tags: Smut, fluff, angst kinda idk, Reader is Sirius' sister (how do I even tag that), 18+, hinting at abuse, simping, traumatizing bystanders, not proofread just go with it, no use of y/n, ignore any plotholes
Word Count: 4.0k
A/n: I listened to the hazbin hotel soundtrack on repeat while writing and I'm praying it doesn't show. This was gonna make this longer but then I got impatient so lemme know if you'd like more. Not kidding when I say it's not proofread this came straight out of my notes so sorry for any mistakes, will come back later to fix them xx
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The black family siblings were all as bright as the stars they were named after, James knew this for a fact. Sirius was the brightest star in the night sky, scorching others with his light in a way you couldn't look away from even if you wanted to. Regulus, not as blinding as his brother, but shining in his own right amongst those who took the effort to look for the constellation he carried with him. And you, you were a puzzle James couldn't yet solve, the light luring him in like that spark people spend their lives looking for, never sure if they'll ever get to hold it.
After Sirius had been sorted into Gryffindor in his first year, your parents had been very strict about who you socialized with, not wanting any further damage to the oh so carefully crafted family image. Not that it mattered, you and Sirius found plenty of ways to talk, most people didnt care enough to snitch and the ones who did were familiar enough with what you both were capable of to watch their tongues. Sirius was more loud and proud in his defiance, living up to his namesake in the sky, but you were better at hiding it, playing into the part people expected. Yes, Sirius was a fallen star, and your parents had worried he’d drag you with him, but you only shined brighter in his absence, trying to make up for the light lost as if something wasnt permanently dimming it.
And that's exactly what he was worried about right now, because you were never really yourself after a holiday at the Black family manor, always a part of you left behind, a part dimmed. But James was your sun, always there shining bright enough to ignore anything else, because with his light you were never truly dulled. He had missed you, he had missed you so much, your relationship was fresh, but he had been head over heels from the first time you kissed. He had been replaying the memory in his head so often he could almost see it. 
You were slytherin’s head girl, just as he was gryfindoors head boy, and you had run into each other while doing rounds of the hallways. Typically this would be a job for the prefects, but for some reason the both of you had decided to take over their duties for the evening, you called it luck, James called it destiny.
It was simply banter while walking down the halls, and it was mostly at James’ expense, but he wouldn’t trade the moment for anything. He was loud with his body, moving his hands as he talked and sometimes kicking his feet ahead of him, but you were more quiet, more calculated. So James did what he always did, talk. “I had a dream once about a glass of strawberry lemonde except it was only as big as my pinky finger, and there was this duck who tried to keep stealing it from me.” You stop in your tracks as he finishes his rant, staring right at him. “Oh my god, I had the exact same dream.” “Really?” his eyes were wide as he saw your face change.
“Are you crazy, of course I didn’t.” You fell back into step and he hurriedly caught up with you again. “Well you never know, Sirius and I have the same dreams sometimes, I mean we’re basically brothers-”
“Does that make me basically your sister?” Your eyebrows were raised at him as you asked your question, and he had to do his best not to trip over his own feet as he answered.
“What, no!-” his face had turned bright red rather quickly, and you would probably never admit this to him, but you had found it quite endearing. “I don’t, I just don’t think of you as a sister, definitely not a sister.” Somehow you had turned him into a nervous wreck in under a minute, and you were quickly getting addicted to the effect you had on him, letting him tumble over his words further.
“Like, if I married you, Sirius would be my brother but you wouldnt be my sister, you know. Those two things don’t have to go togethe-” his thoughts slowly trailed off as he turned his head to look at you, a bright smile now evident on your face, and if this is how your face lit up, he’d gladly make a fool of himself for the rest of his life. “You’ve been thinking about marrying me?” Your head was turned up towards him, challenging him to continue his train of thought. He looked frantically around him as if searching for an answer, hiping the right thing to say would magically appear, but of course it didnt. “What, of course not, I don’t wanny marry you. Wait- no i mean, hypothetically I would but-” “You can relax James, I’m just messing with you” Your shoulders were slightly shaking, suppressing laughter he was desperate to hear. “Right” The tension seeped out of him right as he started laughing himself, and it was so infectious you couldnt help but join him in it.
The two of you fell into an effortless silence as you continued, and James was about to break it before you beat him to the punch. 
“You know, right now would be a great moment to kiss me” he was sure he would get whiplash from the way his head turned towards you. The look on your face didnt give anything away, and for a moment he had wondered if he had made it up. “If that's the sort of thing you’d want to do” you were looking down at your shoes now, roles reversed as you had become the nervous one, and for another moment he just stared at the blush creeping up on your face before he realised he should probably say something, anything. 
“Don’t you think this is wrong? '' Alright, maybe that wasnt the right something to say, but he genuinely pondered before you put his worries to rest. “dont you think that’s up to us to decide?” You were looking up to him now, eyes enchanting him with a single glance.
“If Sirius finds out-” “I won’t tell if you don’t”
“Well- “James, do you want to kiss me or not?” “Merlin, yes.” with that the last of James’ self control was lost, and he pushed you into the wall behind you as his lips found yours, dedicated to explore you for as long as youd let him. You melted into the kiss just as quickly, leaning your body into him as he pressed up against you. James was eager with everything he did, and this was no exception. His hands didnt know where to go, never staying still for long as they roamed your body, you couldve sworn they were little rays of sunshine, lighting you up everywhere he touched. Your own hands found their way to the nape of his neck, tugging at some hair, resulting in a small moan leaving him, and after the taste you were desperate for more. James found himself in a similar situation, completely forgetting his surroundings as his mouth made its way to your neck, trailing kisses down from by your ear to your pulse point until you were silently moaning his name, begging him not to stop, not that he’d ever dare to. 
He continued his assault on your neck, his hands trailing up higher and higher underneath your shirt, longing to feel more of you, you tugged at his hair again and led him back to your face, connecting your lips once more, this time more sloppy, your patience completely gone. 
James was ready to drop to his knees for you, and he would have if he didnt hear someone nearly shriek behind him. He turned around, coming face to face with a second year Hufflepuff who looked close to fainting, stuck in place at the corner she had just turned. 
“Shit” he mumbled as he leaped forward, not sure whether to comfort the girl or scold her for being out past curfew. As James looked back at you you were close to losing it, and he couldnt deny the humour of the situation himself. In the end the two of you walked the girl back to her common room, not too worried about the situation with how in shock she seemed to be.
So yes, winter break had left him simply wishing to be near you again, and now he was so close he could almost already feel you in his arms again. He had debated telling Sirius, it would be so much easier, since he had moved in with the Potters a while ago and James was struggling to keep his yearning for you to himself, he was sure his parents had figured it out already, but simply choose to let him deal with it on his own for now. Everytime you send Sirius an owl he wanted to take him by the shoulders and shake him, hoping that information about you would fall out like loose change.But he knew Sirius couldn't know, he knew that. Everyone assumes it's James who can't keep a secret, always wearing his heart on his sleeve, but really that's only because he's never really had  a reason not to. Truly, it was Sirius who couldn't keep a thing to himself, once he knew, half of Hogwarts knew, he just couldn't stop himself from talking about the things that excited him, which was one of the qualities James so adored, but not one which would play in your favour at the moment. 
You were still living with your parents, still subject to their ways and while James had begged you to come live with him as well, you were hesitant. Hesitant to leave Regulus behind, hesitant to leave the life you had grown so accustomed to, even if it wasn't a good one. The both of you knew your parents would never approve, sure, James held the pureblood status, but it had lost its value the moment he harboured Sirius.
And so when the winter holiday came to an end and they once again reached Hogwarts, James was the embodiment of pure excitement. He was glad no one was questioning it, most likely brushing it off as joy at reuniting with his friends, which wasn't entirely untrue. 
For a little while he truly got lost in seeing everyone again, trading stories with Remus and Peter about what they had been up to, discussing pranks that needed to be set ij motion to make up for lost time, but when the start of term party took place and he walked down to the common room with the others he froze in his tracks, because there you were. For a split second he wondered if it had been a dream, he had been having them so often now, but Sirius rushed past him to envelop you in a hig so tight you spilled half of your drink over yourself, cursing at him in such a soft tone of endearment as you hugged him back.
"I've missed you, you know" Sirius was beaming at you, doing a quick double check of you, something James used to not think much about until je started doing it himself after he found the strange bruises none of you dared to speak of. 
"Yes Siri, I do know" you chuckled back at him, and in that moment all the worry disappeared.
"I've missed you too" 
The rest of the group caught up with the two of you, and it was Remus who first spoke
"It's good to see you back" he acknowledged with a small nod, not one for big gestures, but you had all learned it truly was the thought that counts.
"It's good to be back, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go change so there's no longer firewhiskey all over my shirt" You gave a pointed look at Sirius, but his antics were nothing new to you.
"Just use one of my sweaters so you don't have to go all the way back to the slytherin dorms, I have some extras upstairs" sirius nudged his head towards the stairs, you gave him a final hug as you moved to take him up on his offer.
As you walked by him James could smell the blend of vanilla and rosemary that was still there despite the liquor, it intoxicated him like a drug he was already hooked on, finally getting a fix of it after so long apart, and he had to remind himself not to grab you and kiss you right then and there. 
You disappeared from his sight as you went up to the dorms and it only took another second for James' brain to spring to action.
"I gotta go" 
"What, why? We just got here" he knew he would need a better excuse, but the fuses in his head weren't connecting.
" forgot my wand" is what splurged out
"Why would you need your wand we're-" thankfully it was Sirius's short attention span that came to the rescue, because the moment he saw Marlene he made a beeline to go see her. James wondered if he had it in him to explain his actions to Peter and Remus, but neither of them seemed to mind much, so he sprinted off to the stairs as well.
As soon as he got to his dorm, he reminded himself to knock, not wanting to startle you.
"Merlin Sirius, how am I meant to find anything in this mess?" James creaked the door open to see you rummaging through your brother's trunk, still looking for the sweater you had come up here to find.
"Why don't you just wear one of mine" even the idea of it already made James's head dizzy. Your head spun around as soon as you heard his voice, and for a moment the two of you simply stood there, looking at each other like a long lost treasure. But it didn't last long, because right after James crossed the room in record time, he took you in his arms, connecting his lips with yours as if you were his last source of oxygen. The kiss was heated and filled with lust from the both of you, and James could finally let himself go, finally let his thoughts out and make them reality once more.
That’s why he decided not to waste any more time as he gently nudged you towards his bed, making sure you wouldnt hit the headboard as the both of you laid down. He remembered the path he was trailing down your neck with his eyes closed, had remembered the way your breath hitched and your hips squirmed everytime he did so. All he had to do was follow the same signs and you were a mess underneath him in no time. His hands made their way up underneath your skirt, massaging the skin underneath his fingertips as he heard you moaning out his name, pleading for him to keep going, and he was more than happy to fullfill your request. He continued his way down until he came face to face with your whiskey stained shirt, not thinking twice before taking it off you, but from how you were quick to connect his lips with yours once more you didnt seem to mind. But James was a man on a mission, and it was not one he was willing to abandon. So he willed himself to ignore the whine that left you as he moved away from the kiss, knowing you’d forgive him for it soon enough.
He found his way to your chest and took in the sight for sore eyes you were to him, once again glowing underneath him. He was starting to suck bruises onto your skin, love marks he knew only he would see, and when he would next time he’d be just as eager to leave even more of them behind. Having you like this again, feeling the heat of your skin against him, your hands tugging at his curls as he could hear more and more moans slip out of you, it got him hard in his trousers simply thinking about all the things you’d let him do to you, all the things he’d do for you. He was rutting his hips into the mattress, desperate for the friction of it, his hands krept up further towards your cunt, inching further up until he could slide your underwear to the side and feel just how wet you were for him. His mouth was still busy on your chest as one of his fingers found its way inside of you, making you arch your back towards him. “Fuck darling, your pussy feels just as good as I remember” You wanted to reply to him, telling him how good he felt inside of you, his long hands reaching places you never could on your own, but your words failed you as just another moan left you, your exterior having crumbled down in a matter of minutes thanks to the one and only James Potter, but he seemed to know exactly what was going on.
“I know baby, I’ll take good care of you don’t worry”
He had never broken a promise before, and he wasn’t about to start now, he added a second finger, crooking them inside of you towards the one spot that would turn your vision white as if you were staring straight into the sun itself. If this had been any other moment you might have been embarrassed about how fast you were starting to reach your high, but James wasnt the only one who had been waiting for this, dreaming about seeing each other again, counting down the days. It took him only a little while longer, encouraged only further by your laboured breathing until he was sure he was about to reach his own climax simply from the sounds you were making underneath him as he coaxed you through it. But he didnt give you much time to recover, not letting you catch your breath as he went further down the bed until he could start kissing your thighs, giving in to the urge to bite some of the fat leading up to your cunt, it made you produce a small shriek, and it encouraged him even further.
So he wasted no more time, attaching his lips to your clit and lapping at it like a man starved, wanting to make you cum again, wondering how fast he could make you come undone again. His tongue hungrily took in all the juices from your previous orgasm and from the next one creeping closer and closer. His nose kept bumping against your clit as his mouth was now on your opening, not quite reaching the spots his finger could but oh so heavenly in a whole other way. He was dangerously close to his own high now, rather sure he’d reach it the moment you started spasming underneath him from the overstimulation. But he wasnt letting down just yet, doubling down on his efforts as he felt you grow restless, gracing his ears with whimpers and whispers reserved only for him. He could tell you were about to tip over the edge, knew you and your body well enough by now to see the signs before you even registered them yourself. “You can let go, I’ve got you” he accentuated his words with a soft squeeze to your inner thighs as he could feel you melt into him and took everything you would give him. 
“I’m pretty sure you just beat your record” you were breathless but you were already softly giggling as a wide smile broke on his face, proud of himself for his endeavors but furthemore proud of how he had been able to get you to let your walls down around him, how you had let him help you disassemble them brick by brick with each passing day. It was still early in the relationship, but James had never been so sure as to the fact that he loved you, because your presence made him shine even brighter than he already did, and he wasnt sure how much longer he could keep it contained. He moved back up the bed, caging you in with his arms as he leaned down to kiss you, no longer hurriedly or messy, but soft and delicate like the first rays of morning light.
Just as he did so however, someone came barelling in the room, and James cursed himself for not having locked it. 
“You better not be cutting one of my shirts into a tank-top again- holy fuck” Sirius very nearly landed face first into the hard wood flooring as he caught sight of the two of you before he he steadied himself on the dresser. The both of you shot up from your positions on the bed, and, ironically enough, approached him as one would a startled deer. “What in Merlin’s beard were you two just doing” He looked as if he was contemplating life itself, and you almost felt bad for him
“What, nothing, you’re drunk-” James tried to defend, but you were rather sure there was no way out of this one.
“I’m not drunk, I’m sober and that's the problem” He was flailing his hands around now, and it was hard to suppress the laugh bubbling its way up your throat. 
“Don’t laugh, this is not a situation to laugh at” he was trying to be stern, but it didnt quite suit him. 
“It’s alright Sirius, James and I have been seeing each other for a little while now” He was no longer shocked, no, his current expression better resembled being offended.
“And neither of you told me” he was nearly shouting now, but the party downstairs was loud enough that it didn’t really matter anyway.
“We haven’t told anyone, and youre not exactly the best at keeping secrets.”
“Excuse me, I’m great at keeping secrets, I never told you he’s had a crush on you since third year, but apparently I should have”
“Completely forgot I ever told you that” James’ shoulders had lost their tension as he stood next to you now, slowly reaching out for your hand.
“I will go now before either of you scar my eyes any further” Sirius said as he made his way back to the dorm door.
“Oi Moony, wait till you hear- fuck I can’t tell you” He had made a complete mood shift once more as he turned fuzzy, wanting to tell someone the news immediatly.
“It’s fine, Remus knows.” You tell him, interlacing your fingers with James’ in the meantime.
This time he looked betrayed again, halfway down the stairs already as you could hear him yelling. “You knew and didnt tell me?!” and it was faint, but you could make out Remus’ voice as well. “Of course I knew, I have eyes” The two of you looked at each other as he placed a simple kiss on top of your hair, a small gesture of affection that would become increasingly more common with time. He turned around briefly to grab something from his trunk  and before you could register it he had already asked, the shirt in his hand.
“Still gotta change your top, why don’t you take my jersey” It made your heart flutter as you slipped the item of clothing over your head and you went to follow Sirius downstairs, figuring this was as good a time as any to tell everyone.
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alottiegoingon · 4 months
hc! enemies to friends
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natalie scatorccio x fem!reader
summary: going from enemies to friends with nat
warnings: golden retriever x black cat dynamic, very brief drinking mention, cursing, not proofread pls ignore any mistakes
the request was enemies to lovers but i didnt want to sound repetitive so this could be considered a prequel for this if you ignore a few changes :)
𖧊 nat thought you were an excruciating pain in her ass
𖧊 when you joined the yellowjackets, she couldn’t be any more frustrated by your constant overwhelming happiness or your endless chatter
𖧊 “do you ever think about how aliens may think that we are the real aliens?” you and misty were in a heated argument about the topic while warming before practice and natalie was really trying to ignore you until she couldn’t anymore
𖧊 “oh my goood!” nat growled, hands covering her face as she was one step away from murdering you with her bare hands. “do you ever stop talking?”
𖧊 “maybe,” you reply to her snarky comment, stopping stretching your legs to cross your arms. “if you say please.”
𖧊 “i’d rather throw myself in front of a bus, actually,” she retorts, jaw clenching
𖧊 “and how exactly do you plan to play soccer with a broken leg or arm?”
𖧊 “no, that’s not-”nat tries to explain that, first of all, she didn’t actually mean it in a literal way but, second, if she did then playing soccer would be the least of her worries. but then she realized how stupid it was
𖧊 “just forget it,” she muttered, storming away with heavy steps, seeking solace in a quiet corner to warm up
𖧊 you were everywhere. yes, you went to the same school and the same soccer team but still, nat was always hoping to get a break from you
𖧊 it wasn’t very difficult for the other girls to notice that nat wasn’t exactly the happiest around you and that’s exactly why jackie paired you two, trying to make you get along
𖧊 “it looks like we are partners,” you said with a grin, heading towards nat. her narrowed eyes and tense posture were a stark contrast to yours
𖧊 “let’s just get over with it,” she couldn’t care less about small talk and she surely didn't wanna hear shit about fucking aliens
𖧊 passing the ball to each other was a very stupid idea, nat was sure of it. it was for kids, for beginners. and she wasn’t either of those. you, on the other hand, seemed pretty content with the fun and light training
𖧊 “did you know that smoking isn’t good for you?” you simply let your bold words fall from your lips, still focused on the exercise
𖧊 “how do you know i smoke?” nat can’t believe how annoying you were. she didn’t need advices
𖧊 “i saw you smoking behind school this morning. i tried to say hi but you didn’t see me”
𖧊 “oh. was that you?” she squints at the memory of a louder version of yourself was screaming her name from the open window of a passing car
𖧊 “yes, didn’t you hear me?”
𖧊 “sorry, i thought you were screaming bats”, nat explains, trying to hide a hint of a possible smirk appearing in her face by compressing her lips
𖧊 “why would i scream bats? i was saying nat!”
𖧊 “hm, no,” she nods. “it was definitely bats”
𖧊 bickering over small things was something that the yellowjackets were very tired of, especially if it happened in the locker room after practice when everyone was exhausted
𖧊 “are you filling my water bottle?” nat approached when you were by the drinking fountain, struggling to hold at least five other bottles on your arms while filling nat's
𖧊 "no, nat. i'm holding it for fun," you snort, eyes pierced on the running water so it wouldn't overflow
𖧊 "i didn't ask you to do that!"
𖧊 "the girls asked me to do theirs and yours was empty. you're welcome" as soon as you're done with it, you close the lid and practically shoves her bottle on her chest, barely giving her any time to hold it
𖧊 "it was empty because i wanted to! the water tastes like shit here," she digs her fingers into the plastic so hard that they were turning white
𖧊 "are you allergic to saying thank you or just rude?" you exhale, now facing nat with, for the first time ever, impatience in your eyes
𖧊 "fuck off, princess," she forces a laugh out, "i'm allergic to annoying and bubbly girls stealing my stuff, yes!" nat steps forward and you thought you were allucinating when you caught her eyes on your mouth
𖧊 “just kiss already, i'm so tired of your shit,” tai groans before you could tease her about it and right by her side there's van smirking at the very gay situation
𖧊 “in her dreams, maybe," you mock nat just to have the pleasure of watch her whole face going red
𖧊 after being completely humilliated by you (you made her blush) in front of everyone, nat was furious. that until she found you hidden in the spot she would usually go to smoke with her friends before school
𖧊 she was about to leave as soon as she laid her eyes on you, not wanting to get envolved in any drama. besides, she didn't like you and she didn't care. but she couldn't just leave you there
𖧊 "what's up, princess? someone stole your gel pens?" nat wasn't good when it came to comfort someone, and definitely not you. so, maybe, being funny would help
𖧊 you didn't bother to look up at her. sitting on the floor hugging your knees against your chest and burying your head onto your legs, you weren't in the mood to listen to her taunts. "not now, nat."
𖧊 nat wasn't sure of what to do. sitting by your side and mirroring your position, she pondered for a while and decided that the best thing to do was to wait. it's not like she cared about being late for school anyway
𖧊 "coach martinez wants to replace me. he said i don't kick strong enough," you slowly lif your head from your knees in order to face natalie, who was attentively listening to your first words after some solid ten minutes
𖧊 "this is crazy. what does he know about soccer anyway?"
𖧊 "he's the coach, nat," you frown at her strange way of reassuring you, despite finding it kind of cute
𖧊 "well, there's that," she rubs her temples, "but we still have time until the nationals. maybe we could practice together"
𖧊 "like you and me?" your confusion only gets worse. natalie scatorccio wanted to help you?
𖧊 "it can't be that bad, right? and it would suck to have you replaced by some other loud and irritating girl when i'm already used to you"
𖧊 this could go terribly wrong and end up with nat having your head in a stick but you were willing to take the risk if it meant that you had a chance to stay in the team
𖧊 "alright, i'm in" shaking your head, you extend your hand for nat to shake it and seal the deal. "i always knew you didn't actually hate me."
𖧊 "don't make me regret it, princess."
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takumifujiwarastan · 6 months
can I request a Megumi fic with a reader who spends most of them time alone on their bday?? thank you!
yes ofc anon!!! i love this idea sm hope u enjoy :3
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pairing: megumi fushiguro x reader contents: reader is kinda lonely,,, but its very fluffy n' sweet, like a birthday cake ;3
not proofread, forgive me for any mistakes :(
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"happy birthday, y/n." you sighed to yourself as you pulled out a book from your shelf, sitting at the foot of your bed. you opted to staying cooped up in your dorm for your birthday, fleeting texts and calls from family and few friends being the only form of celebration you received.
you were content... for the most part. sure it was lonely sometimes, but big parties and huge celebrations were never your thing, so much attention made you shy away. and it wouldn't be a good birthday if you were uncomfortable, right?
also your family lived in Kyoto, a ways away from Tokyo Jujutsu Tech where you were currently. so the odd text and call from them wishing you a happy birthday were all you received from them.
a knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. "come in," you sighed, eyes trained on the book in front of you. you heard the door open and saw a figure out of the corner of your eye, sitting down in front of you. holding something... glowing?
confused, you look up, and see a familiar raven-haired boy sitting in front of you, holding a cupcake with a lit candle on top. his stoic features were softened, a small smile on his lips as his eyes met yours.
your eyes had widened slightly, agape mouth slowly curling into a smile as the light from the glowing candle lit up the dim space surrounding you. your eyes meet his.
"happy birthday, y/n."
megumi swears he saw your eyes gleam when those words left his mouth. your face lit up like the candlelight as he held the little confection out in front of him. "thank you... thank you so much..." you breathed out, smiling up at him brightly.
"what are you waiting for? make a wish, silly." he chuckles as his eyes train on your gleeful expression. you put your book down and scoot forward a bit, watching as megumi hands the cupcake to you.
you carefully hold it in your hands, closing your eyes tightly for a moment before blowing on the candle, the dim flame flickering out and leaving the room in darkness once more, but the warm glow still seemed to linger in the air.
you look up at him, tentatively setting the cake down beside you and sitting up on your knees, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tight, resting your head on his shoulder. "thank you... you have no idea how much this means to me." you breathe out, feeling him wrap his arms around you in turn.
"of course, y/n…” he responds into the crook of your neck, smiling to himself as he runs a hand through your hair.
 “happy birthday.”
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sorry its so short,,, i didnt have a lot of time to write this (i wrote it on the train to uni)
im actually getting cooked by uni rn (-_-;)
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atinyniki · 4 months
mistakes and apologies.
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group: stray kids !
pairing: ex-cupid!hwang hyunjin x human f!reader
genre: angst, fluff, suggestive
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, hyunjin is referred to as jin, jinnie, hyune, blood (ish?), reader kinda is a dumbass, intimacy, mentions of sex (no smut), ANGSTTT, taehyun is readers ex-boyfriend, harin is taehyuns girlfriend, pregnancy, mentions of cheating, new relationships and the pain thata goes along with it, hyunjin starting his life as a human being, hyun = taehyun hyunjin = hyune (its meant to sound similar so jinnie gets jelly >:)) ), crying, drinking and alcohol.
authors note: (pt. 2 of cupid's arrow) repost of an old fic but took out the smut part of this bc... it didnt seem important. there are still sexual parts in this fic !!! remember that before reading please :) this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 5892
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“y/n! i’m home!”
you walk over to the door, excited to see your boyfriend after he went out for groceries. he took a lot longer than you usually would, but you guess it’s because he’s never been grocery shopping before.
the second you saw him though, you realized you were completely wrong. your heart felt like it was going to explode again.
“how do i look?”
you walk over to him, twirling a couple strands of his now black hair around your finger. you beam at him, “it looks so pretty, jinnie...”
hyunjin’s heart swells in his chest. you’ve done this so many times before. when in bed, doing his makeup, while you’re reading, you always have your hands in his hair, but you’ve never done it simply just to admire it.
the look in your eyes slowly has him shying away, averting your gaze and settling his eyes onto your shoulder instead. “thank you…”
you grab some of the bags from his hand, bringing them to the kitchen and putting some things in the fridge. “i’m sorry, i wanted to look more… you know… human i guess? the pink stood out a little.”
you walk over to him and smile, tucking some of the black wisps of hair behind his ear. “why are you apologizing jinnie? i said it looks pretty on you! i love it.”
“oh. i dunno, i just- i know how much you loved my pink hair.”
he sets down the bags onto the counter, eyeing you as you approach him. you cup his face in your hands, smiling at him. 
his cheeks burn red at the proximity of your faces, and you finally give him a quick peck on his lips. “i love you hyune, you know that right? a hair color isn’t going to change how i feel about you, dummy”, you giggle.
he hasn’t gotten used to the whole relationship thing, but it’s safe to say he’s loving it so far.
“thank you, i love you too”
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“i got the job!”
you jump up, walking over to hug him. “i’m glad, you deserve it. you’re really talented hyune” 
though it’s happened many times, he’ll never get used to your praise. it seems like you always know what to say in the moment, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
he holds onto you tight, pulling away a little to kiss your cheek. he giggles, “thanks y/n…”
after a moment of comfortable silence, you pull away and take his hand in yours. “come eat, i made dinner”
you both sit down at the table, talking more about his new job as a dance instructor. “when do you start working?”
“monday, and i only work weekdays”
you hum in acknowledgement, taking another bite of the jjajangmyeon you made. “how long do you work? just so i know in case we have to schedule things.”
“four hours a day, i start at four”
“hmm… okay”
he continues eating, surprised he’s never had this dish before, but then again, food was different up there. you grab onto his hand, smiling at him while you wait for him to finish eating.
he finishes his bowl not too long after, only to turn and see you staring right at him. you giggle, trying not to sputter out a laugh. “is something wrong?”
you smile at him, “you have a little sauce on your face”
“what? where?”
you point to where it is, but he misses. “here, let me”
you swipe the sauce away from his lip, and look back up into his eyes. he stares back with wide eyes, inevitably getting flustered at the little action. you pull him down by his shirt to kiss him once, pulling away not long after and bringing the bowls to the sink.
he stays sat at the table in surprise, is it normal to be so flustered all the time?
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“hyune? are you in- oh…”
the pale yellow glow of his wings lit up the room just enough to see what was in front of him. he quickly shuts off his phone, where he has the reference photo, and almost knocks over the canvas in the process.
“don’t look…”
you giggle, walking over him and hugging him from behind. “awh… jinnie”
you watch as his cheeks flush red, and he brings his hands up to cover his face. “shut up…”
you pry his hands off his face and kiss him on the cheek, exaggerating it with a loud ‘mwah’. you see the smile erupt on his face, and you couldn’t stop anymore. you begin peppering kisses all over his face, sitting down on his lap somewhere in between.
he finally pulls away, only to finally kiss your lips. you deepen it, running your tongue along his bottom lip, silently asking for permission. of course, it’s not like he can resist anyways.
you tug some of his hair, earning a groan from him, and your heart feels like it’s going to explode. “hyune…”, you whisper.
he doesn’t let you continue, kissing you again and standing up, holding you against him. you wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to the bedroom, the painting long forgotten. 
he climbs onto you, tugging on your shirt with his hands. you quickly throw it off, taking his off next.
“need you…”
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“are you okay? do you need anything?”
“hyune, you’ve asked me that like… six times”
“oh… sorry”
you giggle at him, grabbing his arms and pulling him back down onto the bed. “come here”
hyunjin has put on a shirt already, but you’re still completely bare. you hold him close to you, giving him little kisses on his face and watching him giggle. 
his eyes are fixed onto your face, practically unable to wander anywhere else when he has this gorgeous sight in front of him. “you’re so beautiful”, me mutters as he kisses your cheek.
“i love you hyune”
his eyes widen again, it seems like he hasn’t gotten used to you saying it yet. he nuzzles into your chest, looking up at you again and kissing over your collarbone. “i love you too”
he wraps his arms around you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. “you know, i look forward to this everyday.”
you giggle, “what, sex?”
he smiles, “no, just to hold you.”
you blush, “oh, i-“
“shh… just rest now. need you close to me…”
your fingers graze his wings a little, and he immediately relaxes into your hold. yeah, you can definitely get used to this.
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“open it!”
“i’m scared, is a spider going to jump out of it or something?”
“what?! no! just… just open it.”
you slowly take off the lid, spotting what looks like a mini photo book inside. “what’s this?”
“my sketchbook.”
you look back up at him, “don’t you need this?”
“it’s my old one, look inside”
you hold the book, admiring the work done at the front. pretty flowers are scribbled onto the cover, and you run your fingers along the grooves. you open the book, and your jaw drops instantly. 
you flip through the countless photos he’s drawn of you, even one of you on your first “date” at the cafe. you still remember how your nose bled so bad that day, and you smile to yourself.
“well, do you-“
before he can get his question out, you pull him into a soft kiss, smiling when you hear his surprised yelp. 
“i love it. its beautiful, hyune…”
his heart swells in his chest again, something about these moments felt so special to him. he hopes he’ll remember these moments forever. 
the honeymoon phase can only last so long, right?
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you walk over to the snacks section, trying to find those chips that hyunjin really likes, but you can’t remember what they’re called. you stroll through the aisle, looking for the packaging.
you spot the light purple bag, picking it up until you hear a voice from beside you. “y/n?”
you turn your head to where you heard it come from, “hyun? hey!”
he walks over to you, it’s been a while since you’ve seen him last, only ever seeing his posts with his girlfriend. “how are you?”
he giggles at the question, but you’re not sure why. “good, i see you’ve been doing well.”
you give him a questioning look, until he begins playfully nudging your shoulder. “so thankful for my hyunnie”, he says in a mocking voice.
you quickly push him off of you, “shut up, taehyun”
“awhh, but you love him don’t you?”, he asks with pleading eyes. “yes, i do, now shut up about him.”
he giggles again, “is someone getting flustered?”
you finally turn towards him, rolling your eyes, “fine then, how’s your girlfriend hyun? don’t you love her so much?”, you giggle.
you watch as he flushes red, god you’re both in deep shit. after laughing at him for a little, he speaks up. “i actually came here to um… get a pregnancy test”
your eyes go wide, and your head shoots up to look at him. “wait… really?!”
he smiles, nodding at you. “we’ve been trying for a while”
“that’s great! you should probably get going now then, i don’t want you to worry her.”
he hums in agreement, smiling and bidding his goodbyes. you remind yourself to text him later to ask about it. 
you’re glad you stayed on good terms.
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“what? really?! she’s really pregnant?”
“oh my gosh! i’m so happy for you guys!”
“how are you and hyunjin?”
the conversation went on for hours, it’s been a long time since you’ve really talked. you missed taehyun. not as a lover of course, but as a friend. he always knew how to listen to you and help you.
you try to block out the bad memories, the rejection and heartbreak. you wished you stayed friends, maybe it would be a lot easier to talk to him without all that history.
you start making the jjajangmyeon, hyunjin’s new favorite dish, with the phone at your side. “yeah he’s really come to like my jjajangmyeon so i make it a bunch”
“ah i see, harin loves jjajangmyeon too! maybe we should plan a double date”, he giggles.
you were so lost in the conversation that you didn’t even hear him coming through the door. he hugs you from behind, almost causing you to drop the pot you were holding. 
“god! you scared me…”
you pick up your phone, “sorry hyun, hyunjin just got home. i’ll talk to you later, yeah?”
“of course! enjoy the food”
“thanks, bye hyun!”
“bye byeee”
you end the call, turning around to hug hyunjin properly. “dinners ready, i made you your favorite”
he gives you a tired smile, and you both sit down at the table with your plates. “who were you talking to earlier?”
you know he wasn’t being suspicious, and it was just out of pure curiosity, but the way he said it made you giggle. “oh, that was taehyun”
he hummed in acknowledgement. “never heard of them before”, he smiled. “yeah, he’s an old friend”
“ah… i see”, he takes another bite of his food, almost deep in thought. he knows very well who taehyun is, hyunjin was your cupid after all. but it seemed to fly over your head, you thought of hyunjin as a normal person now, your lover. 
“hyune? you okay?”
he looks up at you, smiling again and kissing your cheek. “just tired. missed you…”
you giggle again, hyunjin never fails to make you smile. “i missed you too hon.”
the silence felt truly comfortable with hyunjin. not too long after, you bring him to the bedroom, running a bath for him and slowly undressing him. 
“thank you…”
you give him a little kiss, “don’t thank me. this should be the bare minimum.”
after a moment of silence, you wonder why he hasn’t gone in yet. “is something wrong?”
he quickly undresses you, and you let him of course, although you’re a little confused. you expected him to be tired, not wanting any intimacy right now. 
instead of sitting on the bed, he picks you up and sets you down in the bathtub, settling in with you not long after. 
“need to be close to you…”
you massage his aching limbs with the foamy bubbles, smiling and kissing his face every so often. you know he’s working hard, and you just want to take care of him for now. “sorry for being so clingy.”
“don’t apologize, i need you just as much.”
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you’ve finished the movie you were watching with hyunjin, finally grabbing the new book you bought to read. hyunjin stays put in your lap, enveloping himself in your warmth.
you start to read, the room completely silence aside from your breathing. “y/n?”
you were a little startled by his voice, but answered him. “yes jinnie?”
“can you… um- read to me?”
you giggle at him, poking his nose. “of course darling.”
you continue to read the romance novel, reading most of the soft scenes. hyunjin can’t help but imagine the both of you two in the book instead of the characters. 
his breathing stills, but he’s still awake. you don’t know that though. you continue to read, until you get a phone call. “hello? taehyun?”
hyunjin continues to act like hes asleep, scared that you’ll get mad if he interrupts. “hey y/n! how are you?”
“oh i’m pretty good, just reading a book right now. why what’s up?”
“well, harin wanted me to invite you over! i think she’s crazy but she really wants to meet you. says you remind her of her sister.”
you giggle, “oh yeah of course! when?”
“when are you free?”
“well, i can come over right now if that’s okay with you”
“of course! will you be bringing hyunjin?”
“no i don’t think so, he’s sleeping right now”
you both say your goodbyes, and you carefully slip off the couch, setting hyunjin’s head down into a pillow and covering him with a blanket.
you quickly get ready, leaving hyunjin a note on the table and giving him a peck on the forehead. you enter your car not long after, driving over to taehyuns.
hyunjin quickly got off the couch to check the note. 
‘going to taehyuns! he wanted to see me. i’ll be back soon love, make sure to eat!’
of course, hyunjin couldn’t hear the other end of h the phone call. he didn’t really know that taehyun had a girlfriend, or that you were going more to meet her rather than see taehyun. 
maybe you should’ve worded it better…
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it’s been happening a lot now, you’ve been leaving the house to talk to harin and taehyun almost everyday. 
of course, hyunjin didn’t want to talk to you about it though, he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. he didn’t want to be jealous, he really did trust you but… he just couldn’t help himself.
he didn’t know how to approach you about it, so he planned on telling you when he got home. he just wanted to talk to you for a little bit, because truthfully, he just missed you.
“y/n? i’m home!”
he continues looking for you, but you’re nowhere to be found. he lets his wings out, wanting to relax for a bit. he looks for the note you’ve probably left on the counter. 
picking it up, he reads it, but it’s no surprise you’re at taehyuns. at least you leave a note, right? he walks over to the kitchen. maybe it’ll be better to talk about this over dinner?
it probably would be, if his wing didn’t get stuck between the door to the pantry. “fuck-“
he tries opening the door, but only folds the part of the wing. he screams in pain, trying to get it out carefully. it doesn’t budge. tears start leaving his eyes, he can’t escape. he does the only thing he can, and grabs his phone out of his pocket.
he calls you. no answer. he calls you again. no answer. fuck it.
hyunjin: y/n i need your help.
hyunjin: it’s urgent, come home please
hyunjin: y/n please?
no. answer.
shit. what now?
he tries prying himself out, but he pulls too hard. a loud scream echos through the empty house, hyunjin falling onto the floor. the half of the wing that’s been torn off has completely disintegrated into various colors of glitter.
a pink liquid drips from the inside of his torn wing, and he quickly grabs a tissue to stop it. he waits for it all to dry, and puts away his wings. 
maybe it’s better to rest for now. all of a sudden, he gets a phone call from an unknown number.
“hi! is this hyunjin?”
“yes it is, what can i help you with?”
“oh! im taehyun, im sure y/n has told you about me. long story short, we went clubbing for some fun and she got incredibly drunk… i don’t think she’s in proper condition to drive. is it okay if she stays over for the night?”
his heart sinks into his chest, he prays taehyun won’t take advantage of your vulnerable state right now. 
“oh yeah, of course. thanks for taking care of her.”
taehyun can hear the pain in his voice. “hyunjin, are you okay? i can drop her off and pick her up later to get her car if you’re more comfortable with that?”
“oh i’m okay! sorry… just hurt myself a little earlier and im a bit tired”
“ah i see, hope you feel better soon!”
“thanks taehyun. have a good night, text me if you need me”
he couldn’t stand waiting for a goodbye from taehyun, only hanging up and opening his messages again.
he unsends all the messages he sent you, scared you’ll feel bad for not being there. it’s okay, you were just drunk right? you wouldnt ignore him.
at least he hopes so.
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“hyune? i’m home!”
“hey baby”, you hear from the couch behind you.
“oh gosh! you scared me”
he lets out a giggle, but you heard a different emotion laced into the sound. “sorry, just wanted to relax here for a bit.
“is something wrong? you texted me yesterday but it said you unsent the messages.”
“oh, no nothing happened. i was just asking about if you were coming home, but taehyun called me”
“oh okay! do we have any juice?”
“yeah, i bought some for your hangover. check the fridge.”, he replied a little coldly.
your heart clenched a little, confused as to why he was acting like this. you grab the juice and pour yourself a glass. 
you notice traces of glitter on the floor outside of the pantry. “hyune, why is there glitter on the floor?”
“oh, just residue from my wings.”
it’s quiet once again, and you walk towards the couch.
“are you okay?”, you ask a little quietly.
“just tired”
“oh… okay”
a moment of silence passes. normally it’s comfortable in eachothers presence, but this time it felt suffocating.
“i love you hyune”
he doesn’t say anything for a moment, clenching his fists to ease the pain coursing through his veins.
“i love you too”, he answers, a little slower than usual.
you sit down next to him, nuzzling into his warmth. he has every right to be mad, but he wraps his arms around you anyways. he’s still upset, but he’ll talk to you when you’re in the right mind.
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that time never came. you went over to harin’s every day since then, normally coming home to see hyunjin already asleep. 
this time though, you don’t expect him to be standing right at the door waiting for you.
“where were you?”
“what? you know where i was. i was at hyuns”
he didn’t mean for the next question to come out so harsh, but he couldn’t help it. “are you cheating?”
your eyes go wide, “w-what?”
“are you cheating on me with taehyun?”, he asks again sternly.
“hyunjin that’s crazy, why would you even ask that?”
“you’re really gonna say “thats crazy” instead of denying it?”
you scoff incredulously, “no, i’m not cheating on you.”
“i- i don’t know if i can believe you anymore.”
“then why would you even ask if you’re so certain?”
he goes silent. a tear leaves his eye, his entire façade cracking. your heart felt like it was going to explode… not in the good way.
“i… i wanted to trust you. i wanted to believe you- but you… i don’t know anymore.”
“fine. text me when you realize you’re wrong. i’m sleeping over at harins.”
“who’s harin?”
“taehyuns fiancé.”
his heart stops.
“what? why didn’t you say he had one?”
“because, i thought you’d trust me to begin with.”
hyunjin’s eyes go wide, but before he can say anything, you turn around and leave. his heart feels like it’s been torn into a million pieces.
was it his fault then…? no… surely not…
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life felt empty without you. hyunjin didn’t even have a life before he turned human, but it felt even worse without you. the person he’s been with since birth. the person he’s been through everything with, even if you weren’t aware of it.
his life was basically ruined without you. he doesn’t know when you’re coming back. it’s been two days already. the house is cleaned, he makes your favorite foods for dinner just hoping you’ll come back, but you don’t.
he spends his time painting, but he’s painted all he can. he has no reference photos of you anymore, he’s run out.
days pass… he’s forgetting the sound of your voice. he doesn’t want to. he sends you apologetic voicemails everyday praying you’ll send one back. you don’t.
taehyun has been calling him a lot too, assuring him that you just need time. he didn’t say it, but he knows you should’ve told hyunjin about his fiance first. maybe this could have all been avoided.
hyunjin can’t help but think it’s all his fault. he let his insecurities get in the way of rational thinking. of course you would never cheat! but… was the love you had even real?
it was all because of that stupid arrow, right? what if the spark you had was finally gone? he doesn’t want to think about it.
he quickly picks up another small painting, laying in bed and holding it in his hands. he doesn’t know if it’s right, or if it’s obsessive. all he knows is that he misses you. it’s been almost two weeks.
he’s been off at work, not as great as he used to be. he’s not the same without you, and it’s eating him alive.
“hey y/n… it’s been almost two weeks now. i miss you a lot. i’m sorry for not trusting you even though ive said it so many times, im just scared you’re going to fall out of love with me. maybe you already have… im sorry i have no way to get these feelings out other than to talk to a photo. i’m sorry i ever summoned that arrow, and im sorry i tore my wing. i wish i was good enough for you, i really do, and im sorry im not. i love you, and i miss you. please, come home soon. i just want to see you again. goodnight”
it’s become a regular routine after you didn’t answer his text or voicemails at night. he couldn’t call you, he couldn’t reach you in any way, but talking to you, or something that resembles you, helped him get those feelings out.
he drifts off to sleep almost and hour and a half later, he’s been having a lot of trouble with that lately.
you walk up to the house and unlock the door, trying to be as quiet as possible in case hyunjin was sleeping. 
you almost cry at the sight of him again, various paintings piled up onto the dresser on your side of the bed. you take off your clothes and change into more comfortable ones, sliding into bed and being careful not to wake him up. you don’t succeed though.
hyunjin notices you in bed, but waits till you’re asleep to say anything. he knows you need rest, and you need a lot of time too.
you fall asleep not too long after, your breathing becoming even. should he really do this right now? it’s not like he had a choice, anyways.
he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest and burying his face in your shoulder. he whispers to you, afraid you’ll be mad again if he wakes you.
“hey y/n… i missed you a lot. im so sorry for pushing you away from me. i shouldn’t have done it, and ill take the blame for what happened. i know i should’ve trusted you, and im sorry i didnt. i also really regret summoning that arrow when we met. why did you have to stab yourself with it? you know you’d be much better off without me, right?”
you feel a teardrop fall onto your neck, but you don’t dare make a noise. you need to hear all of this and plan out your apology.
“i’m glad you’re back. i was scared i’d forget your voice. ive learned how to cook just for you, and i made your favorite foods in case you came home. i made so many paintings of you. i even… i even read that book. the one you read to me that night before you went to taehyuns house for the first time. i read over the paragraphs that you read to me, trying to hear your voice say the words again. it didn’t work.”
you turn around finally, almost sobbing when you see him again. his eyes go wide, scared that he’s hurting you even more, and he backs away. “no! hyune… don’t go. tell me how you feel, please.”
he hesitates for a moment, but when you hold his hand in yours it all comes crashing down. 
“i love you so much y/n, but i can’t help but think you’d be better with someone else. im trying my hardest, but i always let insecurities get in the way of us. i should’ve trusted you. i don’t know why, but i just can’t see myself with you anymore because i know you don’t deserve it. you don’t deserve someone like me. you were forced to love me. you didn’t have a choice… but now you do. now you can get over me and fall in love with someone else, now that you know what it feels like. and… i can go back to being your cupid again. is that… okay with you?”
your heart stops. “what? no! no that’s not okay with me?! how could you even ask that hyune? i… i love you… i needed time to figure out how to apologize because… hyunjin- none of this is even your fault! it’s mine. i always went out with taehyun and never invited you, and i never even mentioned his fiancé! no wonder you got jealous… and even then i- i didn’t even give you any time. i always came home when you were asleep and that… that’s not okay. that’s on me. this is my fault hyune… please don’t blame yourself.”
“i’m sorry im asking you this again, and i really don’t want you to say anything to just sugarcoat it. promise you’ll be honest?”
“i promise. whats going on hyunjin?”
“do you really love me? it’s okay if you say no! i’ll understand, i promise… it’s just because of the arrow, right? i’m sorry i-“
you cut him off with a kiss, you couldn’t stand it anymore. teardrops dripped everywhere, collecting at the bottom of your chins as you began to sit up. “no… you’ve got it all wrong. i love you hyunjin. i promise”
more tears leave his eyes, small whimpers leaving his lips too. your heart cracked at every noise he made, but you hugged him tight while straddling him, splaying a hand across his cheek to soothe him.
“i’m so sorry hyunjin… this is all my fault, really. don’t blame yourself for anything. i’m sorry you had to deal with all these thoughts alone. i should’ve been there for you.”
“it’s okay… i just need you close now. can we talk tomorrow? please?”
you nod, kissing him again and laying down with him. you held him close to you, wrapping yourself around him to provide comfort. light sobs from him filled the room. you chose not to comment on it… it would only make you more upset.
you’ll make it up to him. you know you will.
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“good morning, hyune”
his eyes flutter open, tears instantly run down his face as he looks at you, taking in your features in the light again.
“woah woah woah, what’s wrong?”
“nothing… i missed you”
your heart cracking more and more, this had to have been worse than the pain of rejection.
“i’m sorry. i should have come back earlier… i just wasn’t in the right mind.”
“it’s okay, love… just stay for now.”
you pull him closer to you, burying his face in your chest. “you know… my mom asked about you. i didn’t know how to tell her what i did, but it just all poured out. she told me to come here.”
“coming back into the house felt like a dream. i haven’t been here in so long, but i think what scared me was the paintings.”
“what… like my ‘shrine’?”
you giggle, “no hyune, not your little ‘shrine’, the ones outside. there were paintings in our house, and i had each stroke memorized by heart. our first picnic date, and the coffee date we had… i remember everything. but when i came home… they were all replaced with paintings of just me. i thought you left…”
you could feel your sleep shirt getting wetter and wetter from his tears, but you just pull him closer. “im sorry for hurting such a pure heart like yours, hyune. you didn’t deserve it.”
“i love you.”, he mumbles.
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too.”
he leans up to kiss your cheek. you know you have to make everything up to him, but for now you just wanted to enjoy this moment with him. 
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it’s been a couple days since then. you’re getting settled again with him, and it’s not going too terribly. he’s been opening up about his feelings more, and you’ve been listening to the voicemails he sent you while you were away.
you walk back into his art studio, rushing to him when you see his wings out. “hyune? what happened?”
he turns to you, “hm?”
he quickly traces your eyes, realizing that you’re looking at his wings, and he immediately hides them. “take them out again… please? i want to see…”
he sighs, taking them out again. “oh baby… how did this happen?”
“it got stuck in the middle of the door hinge. i tried to get it out but it tore.”
“oh… why didn’t you call me?”
he stays silent. you think back to the day you came home, and the glitter you found on the floor near the pantry.
“shit… it was- you did call me… but i was drunk, wasn’t i?”
“don’t feel bad about it please, it wasn’t your fault. you were just drunk”
you kneel down next to him, grabbing his legs and pulling so he’s staring at you. he drops his paintbrush onto the easel. “what are you doing?”
you quickly pull his shirt off, earning a questioning look from him. “y/n, is this really the time to be-“
you cut him off when you gently touch his wing over the tear, finally reaching up to kiss it. you kiss all over the edge, earning giggles from him. “stop! it tickles”
you look at him, hugging him at his waist again, then leaning over to kiss his chest. “my mom always used to kiss my scars. i’m sorry i can’t kiss the ones ive left on your heart.”
his eyes widen, tears flowing down his cheeks, and you bring your hand up to swipe them away. 
“don’t cry baby… you don’t deserve it. i’m so sorry i hurt you.”
he kicks his chair to the side, kneeling so that he’s level with you. “thank you… but that’s not your job. you know that. you’ve apologized, i forgive you.”
tears leave your eyes again, he sounds so sincere, even though you’ve broken his heart already. “i love you… im so sorry.”
“i love you too. please don’t apologize.”
you pull him into another hug, still sniffling from your tears. “i’ll be better. i promise, hyune.”
“you’re okay… calm down, my love”
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“wow… hes so beautiful…”
hyunjin cradles little minjoon in his arms, watching him thrash and blubber. 
“thank you, hyunjin”, harin smiles at him. taehyun is right at his side, watching hyunjin play with minjoon.
your heart swells in your chest, he looks so cute with him, you can’t wait to have one of your own.
not long after, the two of you leave, walking into your home together and discussing your little trip. “thank you for letting me meet them… you didn’t have to.”
“of course i did! they’re my best friends now, it’s kind of required”
he giggles, picking you up and setting you down on the counter. “i really do love you, y/n.”
“i know… i love you too”
he lets his wings out, a purple glow filling the room. “baby?”
he picks you up, bringing you to the bedroom. “let’s have a baby.”
he sighs, “fuck… seeing minjoon…”
“oh my god… because of minjoon?!”
you pull him closer, “fine… but you’re doing all the work this time.”
“i’ll do anything for you, darling”
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he rushes to the bathroom, a big smile on his face. “yes?”
“i’m pregnant!”
he picks you up, spinning you around and kissing your face repeatedly.
“really? are you sure?”
“im sure! i took three to check!”
“agghhhh! i love you so much!”
“i love you too, hyune.”
he looks at you again, a lovesick look in his eyes, and he promptly sinks to his knees. he pulls your shirt up, kissing over your tummy and hugging you close. 
“can’t wait to see you all swollen with my baby…”
“god hyune, you’re so whipped”
“i know i am, but only for you, dear”
you pull him back up from the ground, bringing him to the bedroom and laying down with him. “you’re so cheesy.”
“and you love me”
“so much, hyune. you don’t even know.”
“you’re the light of my life.”
you nuzzle back into his shoulder, smiling until you feel a teardrop hit your cheek. you look up at him, slightly confused. 
“you’re so pretty my love…”
“why are you crying?”, you giggle. “i can’t believe you’re really mine…” you hug him tight, kissing his shoulder.
“always yours. only yours.”
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the-winter-spider · 2 months
Good Guy Part 2 - S. Harrington
Word count: 2k
Warnings: angst, swearing
A/N: Long awaited part 2, I’m sorry it sucks. I just don’t have that spark anymore, feel free to give me any ideas on how this story should go! Not edited or proofread sooo if theres any crazy mistakes be kind lemme know? 😅
Part one
“Why didnt you say anything?!”
“We, uh didn't know yet” Your voice was quiet, timid. You felt this pit in your stomach, ashamed maybe? Most likely guilt because now you had added on the pile of crap you and your friends had been dealing with for years, you could see the tiredness in their eyes. You wanted maybe even needed to tell them not to worry about you, to focus on saving Max. But you couldn't find your voice with the way he was looking at you.
Steve ran his fingers through his hair, he was kneeled down in front of you, he was so close his hands on your knees, squeezing gently, you could almost see water threatening to spill over his lash line “It's been 2 hours since we found out” his voice was softer now “Why?”
You shrugged “It's easier to save one of us instead of both”
Steve blinked his eyes going wide “Were you just not going to say anything until it was too late?”
You sighed “I dont know”
He scoffed, his heart shattering, his mood shifting from how nonchalant you were being, he couldn’t believe you would be so reckless, so selfish. He pushed himself off the ground laughing “You don't know” he tossed his head back, he spun around looking at everyone else in the room “She doesn’t know! That's just great, so great, she wasn’t going tell me” He paused briefly “She wasn’t going to tell us that she was cursed” He placed his hands on his hips, moving to look at the ceiling to stop his tears from spilling over “This day just keeps getting better and better”
Nancy took a step forward, her voice soft, her eyes softer “Why?”
You dragged your eyes away from Steve to meet hers, your vision blurring “How many times can I truly escape death” Your memory playing like a timelapse of all of the close calls, from the first time in 83’ when the demogorgon had you pinned to the ground his claws dragging across your stomach, if it wasn’t for Steve that would have been it. To the second time in 84’ at the junkyard when you were too focused on the demodogs in front of you forgot about the possibility that there could be some behind you, which of course happened and of course again if it wasn’t for Steve who knows what could have happened. And to the most recent one of 85’ the summer that this thing between Steve and you finally happened, god you didn't even need to be saved that summer because he was already always there protecting you just in case you got reckless which you always did. “Third times the charm right?” you gave a shadow of a smile trying to make a really bad joke to lift even the tiniest bit of weight off of the room.
“You have got to be shitting me” Steve through his hands up stomping towards the basement door “I need some fucking air” he grumbled before slamming the door shut behind him.
As Steve slammed the door shut, everyone in the room was left speechless and stunned. The room went silent, only the sound of Steve stomping upstairs and the sound of the screen door closing a few seconds later pierced the air. The room was thick with tension, and everyone was exchanging looks, unsure of what to say or do next.
Nancy was the first to break the silence, her voice soft, but filled with anger.
“What the hell, Y/n?”
“Im sorry, i just….” You paused not knowing what to say, all eyes on you. The room now felt heavy, like it was closing in on you, you pushed off the couch, pushing past everyone and making your way out the basements side door. You needed fresh air. You could longer breath in there.
As you pushed past everyone and headed outside, Robin, Nancy, and Max followed after you. You were walking quickly, moving your legs as fast as you could, trying to put as much distance between you and everyone else. You could feel their footsteps behind you, their eyes on your back, and the tension that still hung in the air.
Finally, you stopped and turned to face them, your breath ragged and heavy. They stood there in silence for a few seconds, waiting for you to say something.
The fresh air filled your lungs, you took a deep breath. Hands still shaking “So how does this change the plan?” you sighed
Your friends exchanged glances, clearly surprised by your response. They were expecting you to break down or apologize, but instead, you were still as calm as ever.
It was Max who spoke up first, her voice soft but firm.
"Change the plan? Seriously, that's what you're Focusing on right now? What about the fact that you could die”
You ran your fingers through your hair “Yeah, but so could you! You’re young, you have more to live for, we focus on you first”
Max's eyebrows furrowed, and she took a step forward, her expression laced with anger.
"What do you mean 'more’ to live for'? Do you think your life means less? Do you realize what you sound like right now?“
“A self sacrificial asshole?” You smiled lightly trying to break the tension “You have people who love you Max, who need you” You gestured to Lucas who was inside with Dustin, giving you girls a minute.
Max's anger softened slightly, but her voice was still firm. "And what about the people who love you? Do you think we want to lose you? Do you honestly think we'd be better off without you?“
“One less problem, one less life to worry about” you shrug “Ill be okay if i know your okay”
You slightly leaned on your left foot, your eyes looking between Robin, Nancy and Dustin, you cleared your throat “Someone should go check on Steve, we need to stick together right now”
Nancy nodded, her expression solemn "I'll go talk to him"
She glanced at the others, silently giving them a look that said "stay here. I'll handle this" before heading off to find Steve.
“We should head back inside to talk about this” Robin suggested, gesturing to the situation, your situation.
Max reluctantly nodded, her expression still laced with concern as the group made their way back inside, heading back down the stairs toward the basement.
Nancy found Steve sitting in his car on the street, his head in his hands. She knocked politely on the window before getting in “You okay?”
Nancy nodded, full understanding the situation that was at hand, the one that escalated from just Max being cursed but now you to “She should’ve said something sooner, i get that but we didn’t full understand what the symptoms were till last night Steve, with everything going on im sure her headaches and nightmares seemed normal given the circumstances” Nancy tried to reason with Steves anger towards you
Steve let out a frustrated huff, his hands moving up to run through his hair, pulling on the ends slightly in frustration. "That's just it, Nancy. I thought her being on edge and having headaches was normal too, but I should've known better. I should've been more observant, more attentive. I should have noticed something was wrong even before all this Vecna crap!” He paused taking a deep breath, his voice cracking “I’m with her everyday, I should’ve noticed something was wrong, maybe I could have helped her, no I know I could have helped her and maybe she wouldn’t be a target”
Nancy nodded “You care about her a lot dont you?” she smiled softly
Steve's shoulders slumped and he leaned back against the seat. "Yeah, more than I probably should. It's just... We have a history, y'know? We've been through so much together. And now this...” He gestured towards the house, towards you. "I just can't lose her, Nancy. I don’t what I would do if I did."
Nancy straightened up “You wont” she reached out placing her hand on Steve’s shoulder “Were going to do everything to save both of them Steve, Max and y/n, i promise”
Steve let out a shaky sigh, his shoulders drooping. "I hope you're right, Nance, I really do. But every time we think we've got a handle on things, another curveball gets thrown our way. It's like for every problem we solve, three more pop up in its place. I just feel like we're fighting against the goddamn universe here."
Nancy nodded full understanding “I get it i do. But right now we should be in there” Nancy gestured to her house “With them, brain storming a plan to keep Max and y/n safe.”
Steve nodded, reluctantly agreeing with Nancy. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before speaking. "You're right. I know you're right. We need to focus on the task at hand. Max and Y/N need us, and we can't waste time moping around." He opened the car door and stepped out, looking back at Nancy with a determined expression on his face. "Let's get to work."
Nancy jumped out “Steve wait” she spoke while shutting the passenger door
Steve paused, turning to face Nancy with a puzzled expression. "Yeah, what is it?"
“I know you said you should push your feels aside but just in case” Nancy crossed her arms “You should tell her how you feel” She smiled softly “Just in case”
Steve's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a pang in his chest at Nancy's words. He had been struggling to keep his feelings for you hidden, trying to deny them even to himself. "I... uh" he stumbled over his words, his heart racing a mile a minute. "I don't know,..Do you really think that's the best idea right now? I mean, with everything going on..."
“I do Steve, Maybe not right at this very moment” Nancy joked “But i think you’ll both regret it if you dont, especially if something happens” Nancy was insinuating in case something went wrong which meant in case Vecna got you.
Steve nodded slowly, his expression turning somber. He knew deep down that Nancy was right. But the thought of confessing his feelings in the midst of this chaos and danger was a scary one. What if you didn’t feel the same way? What if his feelings just made things more complicated?
"Yeah... I get what you mean. But how, and when, am I supposed to do it? Feels like the worst possible time for me to bring all of this up."
Nancy smiled softly walking towards her house “You’ll know when Steve” she paused with her hand lingering on the front door handle “Maybe something good can come out of all this bad” before turning it and walking in her house, heading to the basement to come with a plan to kill Venca and save you and max
Steve stood there for a moment, his mind racing with Nancy’s words. Maybe something good can come out of all this bad. That thought echoed in his mind as he watched Nancy disappear into the house. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as he made his way back to the basement, ready to face whatever lay ahead.
You sat there quietly on the couch at the back of the basement while the kids and robin started to put together a half assed plan. Nancy hit the bottom step before catching your eye and smiley softly before joining the group a few feet from you to come up with a plan to stop Venca.
Robin, Lucas, Dustin, Max, and Nancy huddled together, quietly brainstorming and discussing ideas. Every now and then they would glance over at you, checking to see if you were listening or had anything to add. You could see the worry etched on their faces, their expressions clouded with concern and fear for your well-being.
But you remained silent and still, your mind filled with turmoil and anxiety as you sat at the back of the basement, listening to their hushed voices.
Steve finally joined the rest of them. He sighed when he seen you there by yourself, he could tell you were trying your best not to cry. He glanced over at Robin who was with the other group, she nodded her head in your direction. Gesturing for him to go talk to you.
Steve caught Robin's silent message, nodding his head slightly in acknowledgment. He knew that she was right. He couldn't avoid this any longer. He needed to talk to you.
He glanced over at you once more, noticing your attempts to hide your emotions. His heart clenched tightly in his chest, and he took a deep breath before slowly making his way over to you.
“Hey” He mumbled softly “Can i sit?” You nodded still not looking up at him
Steve sat down next to you, leaving a small gap between the two of you. He fidgeted uncomfortably, unsure of how to start the conversation.
He let out a small sigh before speaking again "Listen, I... I wanted to talk to you about something."
Your head felt heavy lifting it up to turn to Steve “Yeah?”
Steve's gaze met yours. His eyes were intense and filled with a mix of emotions, but also a hint of vulnerability.
"Look, I know we're in the middle of a goddamn mess right now. And I know that you've got a lot going on in your head. But I need to say this."
He ran a hand through his hair, trying to find the right words to say, this was something he truly didn’t want to mess up, he couldn’t.
Your heart was picking up, this was it you thought. You could see the nervousness in his eyes, his hand was plucking the seams of the old work couch. You watched his mouth open before you heard the clock, you tensed. You turned back to Steve something felt off, his eyes were now dark, he laughed, but it was different it was dark, evil, sinister sounding “Steve?” You questioned
“Steve” He mocked “Did you really think i loved you? Did you really think i could love someone like you?” He chuckled “Your pathetic, i cant wait for you to go, to leave for him to take you. It would be a relief”
Tears were now rolling down your cheeks as you got up from the couch backing up “You dont mean that” He was taunting you, as you looked around you realized this wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. Then you heard it, the low growling.
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sorry for the delay! I finally got time to add the finishing touches! there's alot to this one, and some minor time skips. so i hope its not too confusing. i didnt get to proofread this so pls ignore any mistakes you find.
Warnings: human rights violation, reader is held captive, mentions of punishments, obedience to rules, abuse of authority in a relationship, male leads overpowering reader, isolation, kidnapping, keeping and forcing reader against her will, psychological and emotions turmoil, reader becomes emotionally and mentally reliant on male leads, reader experiences Stockholm Syndrome, unhealthy relationship, very overpowering and controlling behaviors, yandere type stuff. and Smut...lots of smut. mentions of murder too. i think that's it.
“She texted me again…”
“Who? Yeon-Jin?”
“yeah Sa-Ra has been doing the same, when can we ditch them? They suck and I’m at the point where I’m not even texting back or answering calls. We should have never started dating them to begin with. What the hell were we thinking?”
“I don’t know. But I’ve heard some things about their treatment towards other girls, especially ones they get jealous over so we’re going to have to approach this delicately. I don’t want to risk them getting mad and taking it out on princess.”
“if they touch my minx, I’m slitting throats.”
“and I’m carving faces.”
As the two brothers ended the alarming conversation, chuckling at the disturbing images that carried on through their minds, you were left at peace upstairs, sleeping in your room, at least, it used to be your room. Nearly six months have passed since you and your stepbrothers had formed this new....relationship.
From the moment they did everything imaginable to you, things that no step siblings should be doing with each other, the comfort of your private abode has ever since been shared with them, leaving their own rooms to become their private home offices and closed off to all, except you. The three of you now share the same bedroom, always sleeping with you in the center, between them, comforted by their warm grasp every night as you slept. Your lips, skin, and breasts were always kissed tenderly by their mouths, and your hair always played and twirled around their finger tips.
Over time, you had noticed something peculiar about the boys. It was rather strange behavior, the way the two shunned everyone else and were absolutely unpleasant, including their own father, yet when it came to you, you were the light in their eyes. It became evident that you garnished special privileges and luxuries, all due to their love for you. Had it not been for your expressive concern, they would have been just as cruel towards your mother as they were with other people, but at your eager concern and pleading, they catered to their adoring nature for you and decided to maintain civil and gentle composure towards your mom, all just for the sake of your happiness.
With you, they were willing to bring down stars and galaxies, there was nothing they wouldn’t do for you. However, being the affectionate onus of their desire wasn’t just purely a rose garden. It came with thorns….many of them.
Months have passed since the the boys took, claimed, and expressed their adoration for you. They provided for you, they continued to love on you, night and day, one at a time or both at once. You couldn't deny the blissful feeling of the pleasurable sensation in having the two of them constantly kissing you from head to toe, and fucking you into oblivion. It took some time for you to adjust....and to your everlasting shame, you feel yourself emotionally and mentally weakened, possibly the reason why you have become stagnant and obedient to their 'rules' and the sole object of their desires.
The first thorn stemmed from the very beginning, after the first harsh punishment you received. It wasn't until after the third punishment, when you were caught in your many attempts trying to leave the house, you learned that the concept of freedom and living an independent life, one that you had before meeting your brothers, was no longer a feasible option. Your life was all about them, and they were all about you.
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Six months ago...
You come back to your senses after the boys were satisfied, much less you, but the very second you all finished with the intense threesome downstairs, you felt an overwhelming sense of shame. Shaken, the realization of what the three of you had done hit you harder than any punch could ever do. What have you just done? First Heeseung last night, then Heejeong this morning, and now the both of them......how could you be so careless? Getting lost in the midst of pleasure, lacking better judgement. More so......how many times did they take their turn, and pumped you with their throbbing members? How many times did you let them cum inside? How could you be so careless? Was it all your fault? You tried to object, yet they were so adamant......and it felt too good......what are you going to do?
The amount of guilt riddled your senses and you felt entirely too uncomfortable in the house. Showering and cleaning you up, the boys kissed your head tenderly as they left you upstairs while they went down to clean up the living room and kitchen, remarking that you took them both like a "good girl", and that you needed to replenish your energy and rest up.
"We don't mind doing the cleaning. You rest. You hungry? We'll order food after we're done."
"Here, just nuzzle up and stay warm. Wanna watch a move later?"
Both Heejeong and Heeseung were comforting, and entirely too comfortable. Were they not at all feeling guilty or shameful in what just happened? This was so abnormal. How would you explain this to your mother? You all lived in a community where something such as this was so sordid, and their father was far too important and high up to risk allow his sons to be apart of a scandal like this.
You stayed silent, noting that the calming expressions on their faces proved that there was nothing you could say or do to get through to them. They clearly felt no shame, no guilt, and no sense of immoral essence in what they just did.....what you just did....what the three of you had all done.
Their tender pet names for you echos down the hall as they bid you goodnight, before gently shutting the door. The deep chuckles heard on the other side had made your skin crawl. How could you let them do that? How could YOU do that with them? You should have been more forceful with your objections.....how could you let your two step brothers take turns with you......and letting them fill you? You were no better than a whore.
Even after showering and changing, you could still feel the warm liquid oozing out of your cavity, the scent of their cum mixed together hits your nose as you laid in bed, itt brought back the sickening sense in your gut.
With tears forming in your eyes, you felt overwhelmed by the sense of guilt as you reached over for your phone and dialed Wendy in, hoping that there was a way she would be able to aid in getting you to move back in to her apartment, and out of this mess. You're not even sure how you were going to explain your discomfort with your mother or the boy's father....would they even believe you? Would Danny become offended if you were to tell them what his boys were doing? If you explained their real intent in moving you into their home......would he grow angry and falsely claim that you were just out to slander their reputation? The thought grew more believable as you came to the reality that you hardly knew Danny, only meeting him one time at the dinner, and seeing how much more familiar he was with Yeon-jin and Sa-Ra.......how are you going to explain your sudden decision to move out?
Your head started to pound with an ache when you thought of every possible outcome, none seemed to ease your guilty conscious. You press your phone against your ear, waiting for Wendy to pick up.
"Wendy! Oh my God, Wendy! are you home?"
"yes! Wendy, please listen to me.....i have to leave this place. I have to get away from my brothers, i need your help. I can explain in detail later but please..just believe me i have to get out of here. I......i've done something terrible and its partially my fault but.....they.....they're just...."
You stuttered and felt yourself breaking down as the tears rolled on through. Your words came out fast and in a panic as you were eager to tell Wendy everything. So eager, you hand't caught on to her rather aloof and tiresome tone, the lack of concern or enthusiasm in her aura. She sounded dead inside, and it didn't hit you until she finally spoke out and cut you off mid thought.
"please wendy! can you....can you and jeff come-"
"..........why.....what is wrong?.......why are you-"
"y/n.......did you not hear?...."
you gulped......it became dead silent in the room as you quietly whispered into the phone. "Hear what?"
Sighing on the other end, Wendy chokes up as she explains.
"Jeff is dead......."
"his body....well his head was found severely decomposed.......they were able to identify him through his dental records...."
Your eyes widened and your chest felt the soreness of a pungent sting. Jeff was dead? How? Why? Why didn't she tell you sooner? Furrowing your brows, you jolted up from the bed and walked around in your room. You felt the need to move, you couldn't be still, your heart was beating faster and faster and you felt yourself panicking.
".....how?......whe....when did this happen? why didn't you tell me?"
"........i just......i was so caught up with constantly talking to the forensic team and the detectives......i was thinking that maybe he was around...just wasn't talking to me or anybody.....but they found his remains two weeks ago.....and determined that he died......"
"forensics say that he died the night he disappeared."
"......when did he disappear?"
"The night you moved out."
Your heart nearly stopped beating. Your breathing became shallow as Wendy continued.
"I guess...he was so mad at you and your brothers, he must have went out to blow off some steam at the gym that night, but he never came home, and nobody ever saw him come to the gym. They say that its hard to determine his injuries, but they suspect foul play, they just dont have any suspects or witnesses.....so the case is ongoing, but they have already expressed that it is more than likely unsolvable. I've been visiting his mom for the past few days......."
Your eyes became stung by the rush of tears that dripped down, you kept your cool and composure as you expressed your condolences.
"S...sorry.....i hadn't heard....i had no idea........"
"its fine y/n......Jeff was a hard person to deal with, and he did piss off alot of people, and wasn't always friends with the best types. He also dealt with some things that he shouldn't have, so i imagine he was messing with the wrong pgroups and owed money or something. either way, i'm moving on from it....i just need to be alone for a while."
Nodding, you rubbed the temples of your forehead and disregarded your reason for contacting Wendy, wishing her well instead. Somehow, you sensed there was more to the story than what she was willing to let out.
Hanging up, Wendy places her phone down and continues to look out her window, holding onto a note that appeared in her apartment the day Jeff disappeared....something she didn't even show to the detective or the police. Had she done so, she would have risked alot more than just Jeff's own life......
ⱧØ₩ ₥₳₦Ɏ ĐɆ₳Đ ฿ØĐłɆ₴ ₩łⱠⱠ ł₮ ₮₳₭Ɇ ₮Ø ₭ɆɆ₱ ₮ⱧɆ ₱ØⱠł₵Ɇ ₴łⱠɆ₦₮, ₳₦Đ ₮ⱧɆ ฿ØØ₲ɆɎ₥₳₦ ⱠɆ₴₴ VłØⱠɆ₦₮?
Ø₦Ɇ ØⱤ ₮₩Ø?
ł₮ ĐɆ₱Ɇ₦Đ₴ Ø₦ ɎØɄ.
ⱧɆ Ⱨ₳₴ ₳₦ ɆɎɆ Ø₦ ɎØɄ, ₴Ø ĐØ₦₮ ฿Ɇ ₴₦Ɇ₳₭Ɏ.
Ʉ₦ⱠɆ₴₴ ɎØɄ ₩₳₦₮ ₮ⱧɆ ฿ØØ₲ɆɎ₥₳₦ ₮Ø ₲Ɇ₮ ฿ⱠØØĐɎ ₣ⱤɆ₳₭Ɏ. "
Taking the note, Wendy holds it over a small candle, allowing the flame to feed from the corner end and burn it to ash.
"I'm sorry Jeff.........sorry Y/n........."
Days and weeks following the news regarding Jeff, you hadn't spoken to Wendy, nor did you hear from her. Literally the night after finding out about Jeff, the boys took the time before dropping you off at work to set forth some ground rules......rules that you were forced to adhere to. Strict and brutal rules.
"Stop! Let go! Let go of me! You both are crazy! you're insane! get away from me!"
Dragging you by the waist, so easily as you exhausted the depths of your energy to break free from his grasp, Heeseung pulls you into the bedroom, tying you to the bedpost with a set of double knots. With your wrists bound together, and your ankles restrained in the same manner, you were left inside to 'reflect' on what you had done.
"You know.....it wouldn't be so bad if you would just stop breaking the rules. How many times do you need to learn the hard way? No running away."
Leaning in, he issues a sadistically stern look of amusement and violent nature as he reminds you.
"No leaving the house without me or Heejeong.....you keep doing it, you're just going to get locked up."
Harshly tightening the rope, he clenches his jaw as he looks into your eyes deeply, providing you with so much discomfort and fear.
"Baby......just be good....I wouldn't get so mad......" he glares down, watching you sob out. You felt scared and hopeless, completely vulnerable to their mercy and will.
If you weren't getting punished for one thing, it was for another. Once you had realized that trying to escape from the boys was an impossible feat, getting caught every single time and found, punished, and forgiven. You learned that the second rule, was just as important as the first....
"Excuse me, miss?"
Turning around, you saw a young man standing before you holding out his hand. "you dropped this?"
"oh....thank you." Taking silk scarf from the man, you turned away, and shunned the poor fellow out. Standing by the door, you waited for the boys to pull up and bring you home from work, as usual. No matter how many times you took the opportunity to run, hide, and escape, they always found you. You never told your mother about what goes on between you and them, so going to to her was not an option, plus with Danny living with her, there was no way you could run to them. With Wendy no longer contacting you, there was simply no one else you could go to for help or for security. The boys paid out the police, they made frequent networks and contacts with the security that roamed the building of your workplace, leaving you still within sight even when they were not around.
"So....whats your name? I've seen you around here, you work here right?"
Your anxiety reached it's peak when the young man attempted to make conversation. Your brothers would be over to pick you up any moment, you couldn't risk being seen with another man.
"Please.....please....leave me alone....i'm....i'm being picked up by my brothers...they're very protective. please...."
You pleaded with the man, hoping he would take the hint. Not only were you fearful of being punished, for something that you weren't entirely responsible for, you feared for the man's life. Obviously, he would have no way of knowing, no clue as to what he was getting himself into, yet previous encounters showed just how far your brothers were willing to go when it came to eradicating anyone who presented themselves to be a 'bothersome' or 'threat' to you.....and a nuisance to them.
"Wh.....are you in some sort of trouble miss?"
"I SAID JUST LEAVE!" wincing your eyes shut and grasping the door handle, you raised your voice.....it pained you to do so, it wasn't like this man was doing anything wrong, but you had to do something before they arrived.
Stunned by the harshness of your words, the man was taken aback as the security guard of the museum, one that recently has become among the list of paid contacts by your brotherly duo in order keep an eye on you, come walking around from the security desk and squares up to the confused man.
"Is there a problem?"
"I.....I think this woman....i think she's in some sort of trouble, she's.....she's talking about her brothers...i was just having a normal conversation but she's saying some weird things-.."
"I asked you to please leave me alone.....just please go...." you cut him off, glancing over the security guard as he eyeballs the young man.
"hey man, the woman said for you to leave....so leave. she's fine. trust me, you dont want to take things further." the security guard explains, placing a hand up to gesture for the man to back away. With your back remaining towards him, you stared out through the glass door, watching as the car pulls up.
"you better go fast." the security guard utters to you. Knowing full well what your brothers were capable of, yet remained silent since the income was well worth it.
You rush out and was greeted by Heejeong as he gets out of the passenger seat and hugs you warmly, placing a kiss on the side of your head.
"Mmmmmuah! I missed you. How was work?"
"it....was good......thank you."
tucking you in the backseat, he glances over towards the security guard and the man through the glass doors. Smirking, Heejeong sits next to you in the back, as Heeseung greets you and drives the car away.
As far as you were concerned, nothing happened to that young man....at least you hoped nothing hadn't. But then again, its hard to say, especially after the last few times when the occurrences of interested young men who garnished your attention, and paid the ultimately price.....
One was caught, complimenting you while at work, with Heejeong entering your office with a small bouquet of flowers, catching on the man's words.
"I hope you dont mind me saying.....you're very beautiful y/n...."
Another was when you were at a cafe with the boys by your side, and a male barista had jotted his number on your cup.
The third, was a man you ran into at a main event hosted by the museum. You made little conversation with him, trying to remain evasive yet his firm hold as he caught you from falling as you bumped into him, was enough to make the boys blood boil the moment they found out when one of their reliable paid contacts spotted the scenario and relayed it to the boys.
"bad girl....did we not tell you?....NO....BOYS."
"time to go to the basement."
The basement was the primary location of where many of the punishments were hosted. Despite how angry they would become, their unyielding love for you restricted them from going too harsh in their methods, or so they claimed.
The lower part of the house was maintained, cleaned, and emptied. It lacked any furnishings and was cold....too cold. Each time you broke a rule, they left you tied up with enough slack to move in a small vicinity, allowing you to shift your body as you slept in your little circle on the cold cement flooring. The lights were kept off, leaving the area entirely pitch black. A harsh lesson and realization was learned from all this....from being left alone in a dark room for hours at a time, for days in a row. Its amazing how isolation in darkness can break down the human mind, and weaken their soul, especially if repeated over and over. The level of fear turning into relief and security the moment you see life again, even if it was in the form of your brothers, the very ones that put you in the hole. What started out as a struggle to fight for freedom, turned into a broken will, bent at the knee as you began to weep each time you upset them. You started to become joyful whenever you would see them after staring off into the dark abyss for so long, despite them being the ones to administering this unruly lesson. Nonetheless, you were grateful each time they came down to bring you out to the dining room, to feed you, despite putting you back in the hole afterwards, until they felt at ease and no longer angry.
There were other twist of emotions that would have never made sense to anyone else, it was a one-eighty twirl from the strong stance you held firm with your own two feet, yet shattered the moment you catered to their despair. It happened around the fourth month, after being punished once again, their words started to hit you deep. Words such as "it pains us to punish you...." or "why cant you just see....that we do this because we love you....we're really not trying to be harsh....."
It may sound crazy, but then again, this whole situation was crazy. Their justifications started to make sense to you, after you had lost all concept in gaining back freedom, something that you have long lost forgotten the meaning of, your mind and heart started to feel the pains that they felt each time they expressed how disappointed and upset they were with you. Little by little, you found the strong desire to excel in following every rule, being a good girl so that you wouldn't upset them, not because you feared of what they would do, that had resorted to a sliver of your worries....instead, you felt shame in yourself for upsetting them. You wanted to please them, to make them happy and to see them smile. Their praises of love and adoration for you and only you, became the only truth that you knew in this world.
Over the course of the past six months, from the first moment that Heeseung took you after your parent's wedding, and when Heejeong expressed his love the next morning, followed by the sinful pleasure the three of you shared in the living room, you broke and were re-molded into someone that wasn't you. You weren't the same, you were weak, vulnerable, and hopless....unless you were with them. Being with them, you were protected, looked out for, loved, cherished, adored, and taken very well care of. You felt fear and anxiety whenever you were at work, but found relief whenever you saw them picking you up. You no longer were resistant to their advances when they grew hungry for your flesh, which caused them to become less forceful and more tender. You were enjoying and welcoming it just as much as they were, lost in the sea of passion and never knowing of the dark smirks that formed on their handsome faces as they realized they succeeded in training you to become obedient and loyal to them......because they loved you beyond what was considered sane and normal.
Six months....... starting from the night of your mother's wedding to Danny, it took the brothers six months to accomplish their goal in making you realize just how much they loved you......
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"Well........that was fun...i guess..." Yeon-jin crosses her arms as she sits in the backseat, along with you and Sa-ra. The boys took you and the girls to a dinner, one that they were not most happy about in bringing Yeon-jin or Sa-Ra along, yet the girls had seemed to be more forceful about spending time with their boyfriends after not hearing from them for days...sometimes weeks at a time. It wasn't a secret to you, your step brothers explained that within due time, they had plans to ditch the girls, but you were never concerned in their intentions. You trusted their word, considering how often you witnessed them giving the girls the cold shoulder, and always putting you before everything and everyone...especially the girlfriends. You didn't mind, it was thrilling to watch as the girls grew a countenance of jealousy each time the boys paid more attention to you. Now that you accepted their love and returned it back, you loved nothing more to see that love in action, especially in public viewing despite how strategic and tactful it was displayed. You were, after all, still step-siblings.
Aside from the firm trust you had with your brothers, there were indeed several factors that contributed towards the delay of the boys breaking it off with the two girls. Their father was first and foremost, having high hopes that the boys would marry, as much as Heejeong and Heeseung could care less in pleasing their father, they knew that displeasing him beyond a set line, would ultimately further strain the relationship they had with him, which would cause them to lose heir rights to the agglomerate corporation that they were currently entitled to. Before, they had no desire or interest in taking over and running their father's company, but after meeting you, they had something they lived for...something they took as their responsibility and reason for living, therefore, they wanted to ensure they were always going to provide for you, to give ou the world and its greatest luxuries......they wanted to give you everything.
The other half of the delay, were the nasty rumors that both girls acquired from school and around the city. Sure, they're beauty and glamorous fashion sense was admirable, yet their inner personalities became tainted by the fame and fortune of constant popularity and admiration from their peers and co-workers. All of which, turmoiled into a ball of ugliness, that became cruel and tormenting to others whom they deem as beneath them, or those that triggered a sense of jealousy. The boys kept them at a distance, emotionally and physically, and even further away from you.
"This dinner gathering was such a good idea! I'm so glad we were all able to go out." Yeon-Jin smiled out as she narrowed her eyes towards Heejeong as he sat in the driver seat.
"Yeah.....figured since we had some free time....." Heejeong started nonchalantly, but was cut off the moment Yeon-jin became triggered by his words.
"Free time? all you have is free time. I spoke with your father, he says you haven't taken over the company yet......so i'm trying to figure out why you haven't been texting or calling...and why we only see eachother every other week.......in a group setting......." hinting at the failing attributes and lacking intimacy in their relationship, Sa-Ra chimes in and softly taps the back of Heeseung's seat.
"You too. How come we dont see each other anymore?"
You remained gazing out the window by your side as you sat beside Yeon-jin, who remained in the middle between you and Sa-ra. You pretended to not notice, yet the careless silence in the car was filled by the boy's refusal to entertain an answer. Their smirk's said it all as they continued to drive and turn the radio up, playing your favorite playlist.
"Hey! I"m talking to you Heejeong!" Yeon-jin berates, when suddenly the car comes to a screeching halt. You and the two girls flew forward from the momentum, yet Heejeong and Heeseung's hands reached back and pressed you steady as they kept you from hitting the back of the driver's seat. The two girls were not so lucky.
Staring in your direction, noting how the boys prioritized your safety over theirs, had garnished harsh looks shooting your way.
"Oh.....so once again, the step sister gets the special treatment?" Sa-Ra snarls.
"Did you both want to walk home?" Heejeong turns over his shoulder, a dark shadow hovering over his eyes as he smirks out a hint of sadistic delight in the prospect of kicking the two horrible girls out, in the middle of nowhere.
"We can't walk from here! We're miles away, and its dark outsid-" Both Yeon-jin and Sa-ra started up with their gripes and complaints, yet was cut off by an amused Heejeong.
"Shut up......shut up or get out."
Following his brother's vibe, Heeseung chimed in. "And fix your fucking faces.....if i see one of you rolling your eyes one more time, i'm taking them out."
The girls scoffed out a "whatever" as they settled back into their seats. They had no idea that the threats that were just issued, were out of sincerity. They would kick them out.....they would carve their eyes out.....these girls have no idea just who they were dealing with. Yet that wasn't entirely their fault, they didnt get to know the boys so well, since the brothers had a habit in pushing them away and ghosting them, since all they needed and wanted, was you.
Finally arriving at Yeon-jin's home, a large and well designed house with a small courtyard in the front indicated her coming fro ma well established family.
"Get out." Heejeong deeply states.
"How is Sa-Ra getting home?" Yeon-jin asks, before Heeseung snapped back and glared over to the girl.
"He said........GET OUT."
The girls rushed out, and immediately walked inside, occasionally looking back at the car as you and your brothers drove away.
"Fuck they’re annoying......can we just kill them?" Heeseung asks, half heartedly.
"I wish we could.....but lets just give it a couple more weeks, dad says he wanted to have that meeting about the company, we can tap into that while talking with him."
"Wish he would just stay out of our business....why is he in such a rush for us to get married?"
"Dont know......" Heejeong answers back calmly, unable to make sense out of their father's pressuring urge for the boys to take both, Yeon-jin and Sa-ra as wives. He suspected that it had to do with their upbringing, their wealthy families, perhaps there was an arrangement that was made behind closed doors. Either way, it wasn't going to happen, the brothers had a card up their sleeves that would come out to end the game in due time....in due time.
"Baby, you okay back there?" Heeseung turns around in his seat, reaching back as he places his hand on your thigh. "Tired?"
You glanced over to him and slightly shook your head as you softly smiled to him.
"You want anything? We can go to the store, or grab some of your favorite pastries." Heejeong adds as he eyeballs you from the rearview mirror.
Still shaking your head, you sat in the seat with loosely crossed arms, staring at the ground, faintly biting down on your lip. Heeseung smirks and chuckles, before asking you.....
"Do you want me to fuck you baby?"
Looking up with wide eyes, you nodded your head with a mischivious smile on your lips. Unbuckling his seatbelt, Heeseung immediately climbs into the back seat with you, while Heejeong softly chuckles as he props his elbow on the window, steering with one hand as he strokes his chin, continuously enjoying the view in the rearview mirror.
Once Heeseung was in the backseat, next to you, he didnt' waste time as he plastered your neck, face, and your breasts with his kisses. Tugging the spaghetti straps of your cocktail dress down, he pulls you close to him as he reaches up under the hem of your skirt and pulls down your panties harshly, leaving them coiled around one of your ankles, never fully removing them. He was too eager to get to you that the concept of undressing you entirely wasn't a priority.
"Come here baby, I'll fuck you real good." he whispers as he gets pulls you over onto his lap, and has you straddling him with your back leaned against his chest. Spreading your legs wide, your dress coiling around your waist, the slinky and thin material shifted against your skin as it lacks bulk, merely wrapped around and used as a leverage point for him to grab onto when you start bouncing. Your heels lifted as you sit atop his lap, dangling just inches away from the floor mats, while his hands maneuver his throbbing member, trailing its way towards your entry.
Smirking against the tender spot in your neck, he asks you in his deep tone, "ready?".
You nodded in an eager state, and thats when the pressure settles in. The entry of his bulging tip, and the inches that followed suit as he slowly shoves himself in caused you to gasp out in pleasure and pain. It was a sensation that you were deeply familiar with, yet it felt new each time it came back around.
"ugh! Oh m God!" You gasped out, your high pitched tone airing out as you whimper small notes of chiming tunes in the form of pleasured moans.
"Oh yeah?" His deep and dark tone was a stark contrast from your lightened one. Grabbing onto both sides of your waist, he starts to thrust in faster, while also simultaneously lifting and slamming you down, making you bounce relentlessly on his shaft. By the third time you had bounced, your body started to excrete the slick moisture that aided his sliding thrusts. "Awwww...fuck yeah baby...." he whispers as he gasps out. His hips bucking upwards repeatedly as he thrusts faster, and faster.......and faster........
"Oh my God...mmm......fuck.....Heeseung.....Heeseung! ugh! Oh my God i'm gonna cum!" gasping out, you voiced out the heightened peak of pleasure as the man already had you on the verge of cumming, and he had only just began fucking you.
Reaching up and around your chest, he cups your throat and pulls you back as he buries his face into the side of your face, meshing a myriad amount of kisses against your skin as he toys a tone out and speaks with his lips glued to your skin, coming out muffled. His thrust slow down, going in deeper and harsher as he waves his hips against your rear, and uses his grip on our waist to roll your hips back and forth. "Oh not yet baby....i know....i know....oh i fucking know....." he continues as he picks the pace back up and continues to thrust into you at high speed. "Hold it in for me baby, i gotta fuck you some more......my beautiful girl.....gonna fuck you sooooo good."
At the last bit, he pushes you forward and you felt his body shifting position as he forces you down on your knees, leaning your chest down on the center console as your upper body feeds in between the front seats, with Heejeong to your left side. Your hands reach up and grab onto the stereo system. The cool air drafting over your rear cheeks as you feel Heeseung mounting you from behind, and re-enters, brutally fucking you doggy-style.
"Ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh! Oh my God! ugh! Please! Please!"
"Please what baby?" he gasps out in between his groans as he thrusts into you, his groin slapping against your suppled cheeks as he keeps you steady with a tight grip around your waist, with his thumbs extending up and stroking the grooves of your lower back muscles. Bopping up and down, back and forth, your body moves in a momentum that was unmistakable, you were being pelted hard and getting it good, thank goodness the car had tinted windows.
Hitting that sweet spot, you screamed out as you reach over and grab onto Heejeong's thigh. He in turn, while stopping at a red light, looks over to you and delicately cradles your chin in his hand, turning you to face him as Heeseung continued.
"Yeah? Is he fucking you hard baby?" Heejeong asks, pulling your face inward, kissing you. Your face shifts in various directions as your body continues to bounce forward from the hard thrusting that Heeseung continued on with , even going faster and harder than before.
Whining into Heejeong's mouth, you whimpered and gasped out as he pulls back and barely breaks the kiss, staring into your eye as he swipes his thumb over your parted lips. "Keep taking it like a good girl.....you're doing so well." He whispers out, kissing you once again before continuing the drive once the light turned green.
"Ah fuck......fuck baby you're so tight and wet......fuck you feel so good." Heeseung groans out, gritting his teeth as he smirks, covered in sweat. Heejeong blasts the A/C after noting the beads forming on your forehead. "Breathe baby.....breathe." He states as he ups the dial and increases the air flow.
"Fuck her harder." Heejeong calmly tells his brother while looking his way through the rearview mirror.
"Fuck her faster."
"Fuck i'm gonna cum.....she feels so fucking good."
The exchange of words between the two only riled you up to the point where you felt the knot in your gut snapping. "Oh my God! I'm-......i'm going to cum! Heeseung! AHHHHHHH!"
"Fucking give it to her Heeseung." Heejeong urges as he cups your chin, sticking his thumb inside your mouth, resting in between your teeth.
"Fuck! Fuck i'm cumming!" Heeseung groans out and falls forward, plastering his chest against your back as his weight presses you to fall atop the center console. Biting onto Heejeong's thumb, you softly release it as you gasp out from the overbearing density of Heeseung's weight pushing you down.
After a few seconds of heavy breathing, Heeseung lifts himself up and pulls you back, caressing your body and kissing you tenderly as he lays you down on the backseat.
Pulling up to your favorite bakery, Heejeong parks the car as Heeseung throws his clothes back on, all the while catching his breath.
"You've been driving all night, how about i go inside and grab babygirl's pastries, and drive us back home. You can come here and.....'cuddle' with her." With a quick peck on your cheek, Heeseung exits the car, while Heejeong tosses him the keys as he enters the backseat.
Caressing your face, with his hand cupping your cheek, he notes your worn out state and how blissfully fucked your face looked. Still panting, you release a tiny whimper as you gaze into his eyes.
"Aww......baby tired?" Kissing you tenderly, he hums into your mouth. Reaching up, you loop your arm around the back of his neck, gently caressing the silver strands of his locks. Barely breaking the kiss, he whispers against your skin....
"come here baby....." taking your hand in his, he guides you down to his zipper. "grab it."
Authors notes: Ah and the smut thickens! lol.
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry@honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07@raishaii@yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie @prettykia @lprww @they2luv1naia @ellixqz@mimimovv @stvrryhee @moonmoongi @seungjiseyo @csmicvrse @yohanabanana , @heeshees@yumii0828 , @lprww, @mariji , @silcry @cutiejseong
141 notes · View notes
dumplingsfordays · 1 year
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modern au - roommate hcs !
ft. Kazuha, Scara, Xiao, Zhongli, Diluc, Albedo
I'm backk~
I haven't wrote in a little bit so I'm sorry 😭
Anyways this is a random idea I had, idk how well my thoughts are gonna translate into words but we'll see ig
Also idk if you need a warning for this but Diluc's has a mention of man titties so... do what you want with that ig
Reader's gender not specified, and this is not proofread!! Apologies for any mistakes, feel free to message me and I'll fix them :)
Image credit!
But as always, thank you for reading <3
- omg this man 😭😭 he is (imo) the best roommate you could ever have.
- he'd probably be super nice when you two first meet and stay that way!!
- he wakes up at a fairly good time too, and if he knows that you're sleeping, he'll try to be as quiet as possible.
- he does his share (and often a little more, if he has time) of the chores consistently.
- kazuha even follows a schedule on when to do certain stuff - he writes it down in a calendar in the kitchen
- he does like to cook when he has some free time, and they don't always turn out amazing but the smell will have your mouth watering.
- his room is super neat!! It's very aesthetic and a little minimalistic, but not overwhelmingly so.
- and it's always clean!!!!!
- he mostly hangs around either in his room or the living room on a couch. Sometimes he'll come into your room, but he always knocks!
- he respects your privacy too 😍 this man is a treasure, treat him well
- he doesn't mind hanging out with you!! If you're into makeup, he actually likes to go makeup shopping with you and just chill while you pick out some stuff :)
- everyone thinks you're partners when you guys hang out, but kazuha doesn't seem to mind 🤭
scara (sorry it's a bit short, never rlly written anything abt him before 😭😭)
- he's a little turd but you still like him, and he gets confused because why haven't you moved out yet????
- he probably spends like 80% of his time away from the house (apartment? wherever you guys live basically), but he still manages to do his chores on time
- anyways, he really likes watching movies super late at night, so when you join him 20 minutes in with popcorn, it's sort of a bonding time for you two
- he doesn't cook, so he orders takeout a lot... and what really surprised you is that after a week or so of living together, he started to order for both of you because "you were whiny that I didn't get you anything"
- (he actually does it bc he's trying to say thanks for putting up with him :))
- he goes to bed super late and wakes up super late. You have to deal with this by not making ANY noise when you do stuff in the morning or he will be very grumpy for like 2 days (you learned this the hard way 😭)
- on days when he's friendlier, he'll bring you stuff like plushies when he gets back. He'll say that Yae or Yoimiya asked him to give these to you, but you doubt that those two gave you twelve stuffed animals in the span of a month.
xiao (another short one 😭 just like his height)
- I mean... He's okay?? He just sits in his room a lot and I headcanon that he's kinda sorta a gamer so
- he doesn't mind doing chores for you if you can't, but he'll do them a little late because he's like that
- this man SIMPS for Chinese food, like I'm not joking. He doesn't know how to make it, but before moving in w you he searched up Chinese restaurants and that's one of the reasons he moved in lmao
- you guys don't really see much of each other a lot... but you always, always go on grocery trips together. Why? Because he seems to consistently forget the shopping list that you wrote down for him at home, on the kitchen counter, and if you go shopping for him, he complains that you didnt get the things he asked for (but he doesn't write you lists 👀)
- he does have his sweet moments too. If you play videogames, he'll play with you if it's multiplayer. If it's not - no worries, you'll both play it, sitting side-by-side.
- if you're not into videogames though, he does like learning stuff, especially from you. He thinks that you're a good teacher, and even if it's you teaching him how to make coffee (because he doesn't know and wants to learn), he'll keep persevering through it just for you.
- oh boy. Room time.
- his room isn't that bad, if you can look past the giant pile of Monster cans in a trashcan below his desk. It's often dark, with the blinds down, and if you're walking down the hallway, there's a 90% chance that you'll see green led lights shining through the gap beneath his door.
- speaking of his door, it's covered in those signs that say stuff like 'warning! no stupid people beyond this point' or 'dont touch me until I've had my morning Monster'. If you couldn't tell yet, he's obsessed with Monster.
- he streams on twitch, and he's pretty popular, so you'll hear screams of disappointment coming from his room quite often.
- but one sight that you'll never forget is when you went to bring him apple slices (did I mention that he likes apples??), you opened the door to him standing in front of his monitor in a maid dress 😭. According to him, this was a dare that his viewers had him do, and that you better not mention this to anyone!!
- he was so red when he was explaining it though 🤭🤭 you, being the kind soul that you are, swore on your heart to keep it a secret :)
- omfg you KNOW this man likes having meals with you. That's such a random thought but hear me out.
- when you eat, he eats with you at the table. Even if you made something only for yourself, he'll whip something up for him and eat with you.
- ANYways he likes to save money so much that his room only consists of a mattress on the floor, a coffee table for a desk, a beanbag in the corner, and a bookshelf that is practically overflowing with books. You take pity on him, of course, and buy him another bookshelf, which he now treasures :)
- probably has a lot of plants around the house/apartment, and he takes care of them as if they were his children. There isn't a day when there isn't a bouquet of flowers sitting on the dinner table.
- if you're allergic to pollen, though, he'll make sure to buy plants, not flowers, like China Dolls or aloe vera or cactuses, whichever you like best 🤭
- he LOVES reading!! Whenever you come downstairs, you'll see him reading, and if you're interested, he'll recommend it or books like it. He does wear reading glasses and he looks really hot in them but don't tell him I said that
- he probably takes forty-minute showers, and the shower is chock-full of hair products. 2-in-1 shampoo?? Zhongli's never heard of it. He may be (nearly) broke, but he takes care of his hair.
- tbh I think he likes to bake bread. Idk if COVID is a thing in the modern au, but if it is, then he was probably one of the people that searched up 'how to make banana/sourdough bread' and fell in love with making it...
- I like to think that he has a nice and neat schedule for each day, and his sleep schedule specifically is so freakin amazing. He goes to sleep at around 9-10, and wakes up at 6am sharp 😭
- he also likes tea before bed (and any other time of day really). He loves the different scents of the tea and it calms him a lot, so be prepared for a ton of afternoon tea parties with him :D
- ok so we know that Diluc is super rich and stuff but let's just pretend that he roomed w you to save money-
- he works out. A lot. Usually in the morning and around 8pm, and he always goes to this super fancy private gym or whatever.
- and he KNOWS that you go 'ooga booga man titties' mode whenever you see his chest so that bastard is almost always shirtless
- "Diluc why are u shirtless??" "It's hot in here" "...it's like 65 degrees. How tf are you hot"
- no but he's nice though, don't get me wrong. He'll help you do stuff around the house that you can't and he always seems to be there to help. Can't reach something? Diluc's there. Can't open something because it's too heavy? Diluc's got you.
- he'll do chores, just not very well. Can't do the dishes manually at ALL, and if you do have a dishwasher (which he buys on the third day if you don't), he will fall to his knees and thank the gods.
- he has a 10-step skincare routine. His skin is flawless and you are a little jealous, but if you really want to use some of his products, he won't mind :)
- he can cook (but not desserts/pastries lmao). He's super good with the grill, if you want grilled meat or fish or veggies or anything, really. But if you don't want it grilled, he's just as happy to make it using another method!!
- super good at board games, he's especially amazing at monopoly. Nobody can beat him, and he's proud of it >:)
- you've never been in his room for some reason, but you expect that it's very modern and monochrome, with hints of red (obvi).
- he usually has kinda red eyes in the morning, though, and when you asked about it he said that he likes going for night drives, but you were a little suspicious
- you stayed awake one night and you could hear him exit, but no car noises 🤔 you still wonder on what's he's doing so late almost every single night...
- also speaking about cars, the neighbors are always shocked that there's a lamborghini parked outside of your residence (house, apt building, what have you) lmao
- they're always like "do you have a rich bf?? Who is he??" and you're like "nah he's just my roommate :D"
- this man!!! He's so big brain!!!
- he'll definitely help you with studying for literally anything. Computer science? He got you covered. Bio? Sign him up. Hell, even art? He's super good at it so he won't mind teaching you!
- but when I tell you that he consumes a lot of coffee, it's a LOT. Like 4-5 cups a day. You wonder how, and even if, he sleeps.
- he makes really good coffee too! He bought one of those super cool ones and the coffee he makes is legendary. No wonder he drinks it so often!!
- he barely eats simply because he has so much work, and you essentially have to force him to come downstairs. You make him eat lunch and dinner, and occasionally breakfast if he can. He's super grateful for it, because he sometimes doesn't realize his hunger until he sits down at the table and his stomach growls like a bear-
- he loves classical music, especially Debussy, and it's always playing in his room. You started warming up to it, actually, and now whenever you hear Debussy, you think of Albedo.
- speaking of his room, it's... kinda messy, actually. Think paper and pencils and eraser shavings everywhere. He does clean it up like two times a month, but the papers always reappear within a couple days.
- he really likes art, and he'll hang some of his faves around the house/apartment :) it honestly makes the whole space feel cozier
- does his chores VERY last-minute, but he feels bad about it. You always tell him that it's nothing to worry about, that he still does them, but he insists on trying his best to do them earlier, which you appreciate :D
- he actually uses you as an art reference sometimes, only if you're free for an hour though. He doesn't like paying for models to come in and pose so he saves money by asking you... or at least that's what he says 👀
- your main bonding time is when you go in his room (or vice-versa) and just chill. He likes your company more than he'd like to admit, and you sometimes catch him staring at you from across the room when you're laying on his barely-used bed.
note : sorry if some characters are a little ooc 😭😭 I'm not too good at writing Diluc n Scara so... OH ALSO I would've included Ayato too but I feel like hes not really the type of person to room w someone (well bc he would def flaunt his wealth by buying a private mansion or smth)
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facioleeknow · 10 months
Hi! Idk know how that works but i have a request for a fanfic! Or just an ideia :D
I wanted to read an story were you were a university student whos major is in photograph or something like that and lee minho is a dancer. You were a very shy student and yoir photos didn't have movement sooo your teacher assigned you to do a project with a dancer (Lee know) to help you develop your technique. The teacher also wanted that lee know helped you be a little less shy.
He helped you take photos of yourself and be more confident with who you are.
I was thinking that for a while but i didnt know how to write that
(English is not my first language, so i am sorry for any mistake)
Hi, sorry for the delay, I hope you like it, and your English was perfect, don't worry about it!
Art is movement • Lee Minho
Tw: none I think, let me know if I should add something, not proofread as always
“All right class, don't forget about your project with the dance majors. I chose personally the pairings and they cannot be changed or switched in any circumstances,” announced your professor, she looked unenthusiastic as always as she let her eyes roam the classroom.
Your fellow students started muttering, annoyed at her behavior. Everybody wanted to choose their friend, but you didn't mind as you didn't have many friends so you stayed silent and looked around you.
The professor regained silence after a sharp ‘shh’ and a look of pure rage. Each student stood up from their seat and made their way to the board to take down the name of the student theyr were supposed to pair up with and the practice room aside to them.
When it was your turn, you took a deep breath and with a shaky finger tried to search through the miriad of names.
Y/N L/N - Lee Minho room 0325
Lee Minho. You knew virtually nothing about him. You knew he was friends with a very very popular guy on campus, a music major called Chris, you knew he was really passionate about dancing and you knew from your roommate that he was rather cold with strangers. That was it. That was your knowledge of Lee Minho.
God please don't let this be too awkward, you thought.
Room 0325. You were stuck, your feet felt glued to the ground and your breath heavy. Your nails sunk into your palm, the sting shocking you back into reality. A shuddering breath escaped your lips.
The room inside was simple, it had wooden floors and mirrors covered one side of the walls. A very handsome young man was stretching, he had on a simple pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, a cap covered part of his face.
How can he look like a model while dresses like that, you thought subconsciously smoothing the fabric of your skirt. 
The moment you stepped into the room his eyes fixed on you. He was intimidating. Hot.
“Are you Lee Minho? I am Y/N L/N, we are supposed to do a project together,” you felt your face get hot and your heart skip a beat.
“You are the photography major?” 
“Yes,” his eyes on you made you feel way too hot, your skin tingly.
She's cute, Minho thought as he felt his ears get warm.
“Do you have anything in mind?”
Your eyes went wide at his bluntness, you didn't expect him to get straight to business, most people liked to exchange small talk.
“Yes,” you blurted out too fast, “ I would like to get some shots of you while you dance.”
Your eyes widened in surprise.
“I don't like to be on camera,” he quickly explained seeing your baffled look in the mirror.
“You should dance,” he added.
Your eyes, wide open from before, now threatened to almost pop out of your head.
“I will teach you,” Minho quickly replied.
And teach you he did, or at least he tried to teach you. He was a great teacher, everything he said was clear and he knew exactly how to break down the steps to make the simple even for the absolute beginners, but you were embarrassingly bad at dancing and everything that included moving to some kind of rhythm.
You looked through the pictures, they were terrible, well the subject was. Too stiff, too awkward. Tears started to fill up your eyes.
This is a disaster.
Minho looked at you from a distance, he could see the tears glisten in your eyes.
“What if we danced together?” 
“You said you didn't want to be on camera,” you blinked trying to suppress the tears.
“You could blur our face with some cool effect,” he mumbled with his cheeks pink.
Minho took you in his arms and started dancing. Your bodies gracefully swayed to the rhythm, you waltzed around the room with ease. You feel light and happy. Minho’s cheeks were brighter than ever and your heart was beating furiously. You could get used to this.
The line to your professor’s desk kept moving and moving, the pictures held tightly in your hands. Minho was at your right, he looked at you with little stars in his eyes.
“The pictures are beautiful,” he simply said. Those four words did wonders for your confidence and you straightened your back.
“Miss Y/N, your project please.” 
Your newfound confidence was quickly destroyed by your professor that was looking at you with an annoyed and tired expression. You handed her the pictures. Her eyes carefully examined everyone of the portraits.
“Good work.”
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enhastolemyheart · 1 year
hand in hand — 𝘗𝘈𝘙𝘒 𝘑𝘖𝘕𝘎𝘚𝘌𝘖𝘕𝘎
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pairing. Jay x reader
genre. strangers to lovers, fluff
synopsis. you thought you would never be the one to run with a stranger — a handsome stranger at that — but here we are.
networks. @hyfenet / @k-films
warnings. running, mention of drinks, lowercase intended, kissing, dancing but that's not necessarily a warning, proofread but lmk if any mistakes.
word count. 0.3k+
a/n. this fic has bloomed thanks to this v specific dream that I got, and I think Jay fits this concept ngl. im really sorry with these short fics, im trying saur hard to write longer ones but nonetheless, hope you enjoy &lt;3 TAGLIST IS OPEN.
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"come with me"
you see him hold out his hand at you, and you give yourself in.
but, wait-
this is not you, why are you even doing this?
he gently tugs on your hand as you both make your way through the sidewalks of the bustling city. muttering out little 'sorry' when bumping into someone.
looking at him take you away like this only caused adrenaline rush in your veins. you didn't think you'd be here. you had seen him in the cafe you go to study, he sits in that very same corner, every single time. days turn into weeks. this one time you go in without having the purpose to study, he takes the opportunity to approach you.
yes, he had been eyeing you for a little while now, the way come to the cafe to solely work and focus, fascinates him. he thinks it's very cute how you bit your lup when you focus on your work, or how you always have your yoir hair put up and away from your face when doing alot of writing work. he noticed how you order an extra coffee if you were goinf to stay for longer hours. he thinks that he needs to be in you life, in some part of way.
you had been running for god knows how long. finally, stopping you've noticed you reached the location he desired to show you.
it was somewhere old and ruins everywhere. you started to second guess everything. should I really trust this handsome man?
as he took you more in, you had realised you found yourself in a bonfire party, seeing people gather already, with their hands on their partners dancing or holding a drink. you asked yourself why he chose you to take to this party but all those thoughts disappeared from your mind when you feel Jay's hand pull away from yours.
you furrow your brows when you see him towards you, hand put out. you giggle softly and jay's heart melts, he takes your right hand in his left, his right hand wrapping around your waist and your going around his shoulders, you both start swaying to the music booming.
his forehead finds yours, softly in contact while a wide smile plays on your lips, Jay couldn't help but reciprocate, feeling to have made the move first. maybe you thought this chance wouldn't come again, so you pressed your lips against his in a slow kiss in contrast to your accelerating hearts.
never in a million years you would think to be in this place, in Jay's arms, moving to the rhythm of your hearts but, you are glad that you chose to place your hand in his, and trust him along the process.
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an. in my dream, i was slow dancing w this really cute guy, but we were doing so for him to get rid of someone- and i didnt know. haha plot twist. anyways, we are not doing that w jay tho, only good stuff. hope you enjoyed and feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!!
perm taglist: @jak-ey ; @snoowhore ; @hsgwrld ; @seungiesluv ; @1-800shutthefuckup (send an ask to be added!)
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blackdollette · 1 year
Okok but imagine making Danny cockwarm a dildo while he’s on his knees on the floor and his pretty doe eyes are just looking up at you and his eyebrows are knitted together.
Maybe he was misbehaving and that was his punishment, and it’s pure torture how the toy fills him up and is constantly on his prostate (bonus points if it vibrates) he has a hard time trying not to cum everywhere too :( he can’t stop whining and trying to move on the toy but he knows he has to stay still.
He’s so close too, probably begging to cum and how he’s so full he can’t help drooling and goes into subspace immediately when you turn the vibrations up
(you can hear his whimpers And panting from a mile away)
(Honestly any Rory character would work but I just thought of Dan first because I feel like he’s more subby than all of the other Rory characters)
yes yes yes!!!
"i fall to pieces." | dan cooper
cherry. - lana del rey
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reader x dan
contents: use of sex toys, cockwarming, praise, masturbation
not proofread. sorry for any mistakes.
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he looked so pretty sitting there in those thigh-high white stockings you got him into. he looked even better when you got him to strip down for you, making them the only thing he had on.
and when you pulled out a dildo and stuck it onto the ground, the way his face lit up was just perfect. but it instantly fell as soon as you told him that his only job was to sit on it. he did as you asked, planting himself on it, his asshole stretching from being filled up like this.
and to sweeten the deal just a little more, you placed a vibrating cock ring on his dick, immediately making him moan and whimper. if it wasnt for that, he probably wouldve came as soon as you turned on the dildo, making it slowly start vibrating inside of him.
he was such a little whore, begging you to let him ride it. you left the vibrations at the lowest setting to tease him for a while. he was already a moaning mess, his eyes crossing slightly and his lips parted, small moans slipping out from the tiny amount of pleasure you were giving him.
he was squirming on the dildo, trying to subtley move without you catching on. but of course you did. you grabbed his chin and made him look at you. "now danny, you can move when i say so. you dont wanna make me upset, do you?" he shook his head, bringing a smile to your face.
you turned up the vibrations to reward him for being such a good boy. it took all his willpower to not cum right there. he had to stop his hips from bucking into the toy. it didnt take long for tears to start streaming down his face as he looked at you with his big, blue eyes, pleading for you to let him have a little more pleasure.
as you turned up the vibrations even more, he felt himself going completely dumb on the dildo. he couldnt think of anything except how badly he wanted to be fucked right at that second. he dreamed of the dick moving in and out of him, completely fucking his brains out.
he was getting needier by the second. he was so close to cumming, but he would hate to upset you. "p-please... can i please cum... j-just feels so fucking good..." you could tell that he was trying his very best to keep himself together, but he was falling apart.
you turned the vibrations on the dildo and the ring to the max, making his whimpers reach an even higher volume. his noises could be heard throughout the entire house. he was crying, looking up at you with his beautiful eyes. you decided to finally let him have it.
"go ahead danny. youve been such a good boy..." he lit up as he heard you say this. he moved his hips up and down the toy, his asshole stretching around it. he was sobbing as his body filled with the feeling of vibrations.
he was shaking with pleasure, trying to look you in the eye but it being so hard with his mind being completely blurred. "f-feels so fucking good..! can i cum..? p-please..." you nodded at his request. "yeah. cum for me, baby." he smiled. "thank you..!" his hand flew to his cock, stroking it at lightning speed.
this made him scream as he began shooting out hot strings of cum all over the place. it was like he hadn't cum in years. there was just so so much. you watched as he emptied himself out, milking himself completely dry.
once he had finished, he looked at you lovingly. you smiled at him before giving him a soft kiss. "you did such a good job for me. lets get you cleaned up, ok?" he nodded happily as he stood up, dripping his cum everywhere.
you took the ring off of his cock, a few more drops leaking from the tip. you rubbed your thumb along the tip, smearing his cum around it. he whimpered at the feeling of your soft touch. you smiled. "such a good boy."
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author's note: thank you so much for the request!! ive worked on a few today but the inbox is still open, so go nuts!
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baby--b4t · 2 months
hiiii I wanted to request a mini fic of energetic cg!Kaeya and his always eepy little one (toddler regressor, with she/they pronouns) in public (like at windblume festival or something)
hello!! as much as i love little ragbros, cg!kaeya is just as good. hes such an expert with little ones! especially the fussy toddlers and sensitive babies. I think dealing with klee has helped him with that just a bit hehe-
anyways MINIFIC TIME! (you get lost but kaeya is overprotective)(not proofread SORRY SORRY)(also sorry ive taken so long to get to these-)
after posting i realized i switched the roles 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 SORRY ABOUT THAT
"And where do you think youre running off to?" Kaeya chuckled as he quickly snatched your hand. You had seen a man with a ton of balloons walking by and was about to dart off after him, but Kaeya realized before you could make any sort of attempt.
"I thought you agreed to stay in my sight, hm?"
"It is! Is just right there!" You argued, pointing at the balloon man. Kaeya smiled and shook his head.
"When I say stay in my sight, that means near me, sweetheart. If you wander too far Ill lose sight of you!" He explained, trying to keep a lighthearted tone. He knew it was a simple mistake on your part.
The two of you continued to walk throughout the heart of Mondstadt as everyone else did. There were vendors just about everywhere you looked, causing your curiosity to spike even more. Even if it was just simple things like handmade cutlery or some flowers that were common throughout Mondstadt, you couldnt help but drag Kaeya to every single one. It was just too interesting!
You and Kaeya had stopped at one of the vendors and found a doll that you just couldnt live without. Kaeya saw it wasnt too pricey and bought it for you. The woman running the stall handed the doll over to you as Kaeya dug in his pockets for some mora.
You felt impatient waiting for him to finish up and started to look around. You saw a small boy running after two dogs, all of them clearly playing around. It had been a while since you had a pet of your own, so seeing the boy playing with the dogs sparked something in you. Without realizing what you were doing, you had started to run after the dogs as well.
The pups seemed all too excited to see a new face. The ran around you and tried to lick you, causing you to giggle. The boy told you the dogs names were Fido and Leo, simple names for such simple pups. They clearly didnt have a single vicious bone in their body.
A woman called out for Fido and Leo and the two went bounding back to the woman, as did the boy. The lady was probably the boys mother. By time they were all gone, you realized you had wandered from Kaeya. You vaguely knew where you were, but you were alone and starting to get worried.
"Kaeya?" You called out, not too loud but loud enough for the people around to hear. It was hard to raise your voice to call out for the man when you could feel the anxiety started to sink into your gut. You clutched the doll in your arms, hoping that somehow Kaeya would find you again.
You wanderer around Mondstadt until you ended up close to Angels Share. You recognized the area, having been babysat by Diluc a few times. As you looked at the tavern you could see the blue haired man who you had lost.
"Daddy!" You called out as you went running towards him. Kaeya turned his head quickly to see you coming towards him, his arms opening to take you in.
"There you are!" He wrapped his arms around you tightly, holding you against him like his life depended on it. He took a moment before pulling you away and holding your face in his hands. "Do you know how worried I was?"
"'M sorry.." You mumbled in response, trying to lower your head a bit. The man just smiled and pulled you back in for a hug.
"Its alright, sweet girl. Im just glad youre back in one piece."
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all444miles · 1 year
songs that remind me of atsv characters! (series)
summary: just me saying what artists atsv characters would listen to, songs by said artists that js scream "(character)", albums, and lyrics that just make it make sense, yk?
warnings: pretty small spoilers, i suggest you watch the movie before reading this, of course!
a/n: i'm not proofreading this, so there might be some spelling mistakes. sorry if you see any, but enjoy! i also don't expect this to blow up, but reblogs r appreciated! (i will make a pt.2 if this gets enough attention, btw)
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miles morales (1610)
miles to me seems like a future, frank ocean, kendrick lamar, steve lacy, PARTYNEXTDOOR, brent faiyaz/sonder and a lil sza, cuz lets be fr, its sza, kinda guy. he's the kinda guy to love music for the meaning, as long as its got a good beat to it. now, song wise?
solo by future, for sure. you can just listen to it and be like "yeah, thats miles." especially the lyrics, "i been solo now, i've been goin solo now". reminds me when he says "nah, ima do my own thing" in the movie.
her way by partynextdoor. this song feels like a song he'd play while he's drawing (coughs, drawing gwen for the 70th time) the lyrics, "She wasn't on a roll, now she roll with a winner" reminds me of gwen n miles cuz at first, when they met, it was kind of just the two of em, but now she's out with the spider society (well, she was) with hobie and patvir, "rollin with winners."
miles + brent faiyaz = perfection. needed portrays miles when he finds out about his friends' betrayal perfectly. "you and your friends, rammed my name to the ground." makes you think about the scene where he realises they knew what would happen to his father all along.
infrunami by steve lacy. ive seen this on tiktok too many dayum times not to include it lmaoo gwen and miles. every word of that song screams gwen and miles, but esp "can you come back to me? cuz I was blind to see that you were right infront of me." just remember that scene where miles was upside down infront of gwen and moved closer to kiss her but didnt cuz he was invisible? yeah, those exact lyrics match that exact moment and we ALL know it!
Let 'em know by bryson tiller. Ian even gonna go into the details but we all know why. "mf im him" (miles is him and always will be fr)
long time - intro by playboi carti. i also will try not to go tm into details but "i aint felt like this in a long time, i aint had shit in a long time" cuz miles hasn't had that "its me, myself and i (corny ik)" kind of vibe in a while. and "i'd rather die before i come in last" but think of it in a sense than he'd rather die than stand back and let his dad pass.
this is how it feels by d4vd and laufey. no explanation needed (ive js been talking tm), gwen and miles and their relationship
open arms by sza! i also think this song really reminds me of gwen and miles but miles' character overall, yk? gwen and miles primarily because "i gotta let you go i must, you're the only one that's holding me down." that "goodbye gwen", the look on his face while he says it and those lyrics make alot of sense together.
and yk what? loveeeeee song by rihanna, cuz why not.
i'm not gonna go too much into details with this so album wise:
sonder son by brent faiyaz
sos (slightly) by sza
starboy and after hours by the weeknd
DAMN. by kendrick lamar
petals to thorns by d4vd
call me if you get lost by tyler, the creator
her loss (coughs, spin bout U) by drake
a/n 2: and, thats all! i hope y'all enjoyed these hcs and found them accurate, as i said ill make a pt2 if this gets enough recognition! see ya'll soon <3
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©all444miles 2023
- likes, comments, asks, n reblogs are rlly appreciated ! <3
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rans-rubbish · 2 years
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Memory • Xiao
Description: You promised him you'll come back, thousands of years later he still believes you. Is it finally time for you to meet again?
A/n: English in not my first language so sorry for any mistakes, not proofread. Also idk what to do for part 2 huhu T-T
Tags: [reincarnation] [angst/little comfort] [reader died]
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Fire and explosion lit up Xiao's dim eyes, sparks of light making it seem like he held the galaxy in his pupils. Those same eyes looked at you, not with the usual soft and loving gaze but instead with regret and despair.
"Xiao... please dont look at me like that" you pleaded.
You reach out your hand to touch his cheek, where a few tears have started to stream.
He dared to be weak around you, even when he's at war.
"Dearest, keep your eyes open, will you?" He clutched your hand.
"I will, I will." you chuckle.
You look up to see the blood-stained clouds. The once blue sky was now red in colour, and reflected nothing but the misery of the world.
"Once the sky is clear and the dust have settled, promise to find me at our spot." You requested.
"I promise, i promise to find you even if it takes a thousand years." Xiao declares.
As you take your last breath, Xiao cant help feel infuriated towards the deities and gods, for dragging those who are innocent in a war full of violence.
Xiao recalls your last moments while sitting beside a lake.
After millenniums he still remembers all the little details. How can he ever forget you, when you were the only one who made his life worth living.
Ever since that war, ever since that moment he has promised to protect the innocent people of Teyvat. He knows it's what you would've wanted.
Whenever he felt turmoil, he would go to your favourite place. To your spot.
The place was tranquil and quiet, as if a leaf falling can be heared. Tall trees surrounded the area and lush greenery filled the territory.
A small, clear lake can be found at the eye of it. With small fishes and big boulders around it.
He'll never forget that time you tried taking a seat on one of those rocks and took a swim with the koi.
He also recalls that time you made flower crowns using the flowers around the forest.
And that time you climbed a tree and couldnt figure out how to go back down.
He misses those times, he misses you. A lot.
Xiao doesnt notice but after thousands of years, he's slowly starting to forget your face. When he tries to picture your features in his mind, he misses a couple details or sometimes he cant remember the spark in your eyes and how they reflected the stars.
While in a trip down memory lane, he lost track of time and soon the moon began to rise.
The lake was even more beautiful at night with the moon casted on the crystal waters.
He can only wish to stay here forever, but unfortunately he's gonna have to leave.
Songs of night birds and barks of animals filled the night, behind the chime of wild animals were the sound of breaking leave and footsteps.
He didnt think much of it as in can only be monsters, and he really didnt want to spill blood around this area so he ignored it and headed to the direction of Liyue's towns.
That was, until he heard a voice.
"Uhm hello? Is anyone there? Please I dont mean any harm! I'm just lost" someone called out.
Xiao can feel his heart racing, his mind was lost in thought. He feels like his chest is about to burst.
Is it really you?
He knows the chances are slim, and he doesnt want to get his hopes up. But part of him still yearns that it's you he's facing right now.
"Stop right there! Dont move an inch closer" He said, eyes wandering around, looking for the person who spoke.
Xiao spotted a figure near the trees, a floor length cloak covering their face and body.
"Please, I was traveling to Liyue but my horse wandered off to the forest! Now I cant find my way back on track." They said as they took of their cloth, trying to prove they're human.
As the cloak drops to the soil, so does Xiao's heart.
How can someone, have such similar voice and figure as you?
Could it be...?
You took a step closer to him leaving the shadows. The dim moonlight illuminated your face.
"Y/n?" Xiao whispered.
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