darkfromday · 6 years
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I, uh. Heard it was lunoct week.
hello @lunoctweek please accept this humble... late... thing...
day 04 prompt: sylleblossoms
In the end, everything happens because Gladio gets nicked really good across the face during training and has to drag them both to the mansion to stop the bleeding. They never would have been watching the news otherwise.
Noctis is hanging in the study with Iris, half-listening to her amusing TV-show recounting and half-imagining how Gladio will look with another scar, when out of nowhere the tune for Breaking News blares and the younger Amicitia gasps, “Oh, how awful.”
When he turns, the live broadcast on screen shows the fields of Tenebrae aflame.
At first he thinks it’s old footage, has to be. It’s such a perfect recreation of the fire and blood and fear of that day, the day Niflheim stole their peace and he and his father had to leave Luna and Ravus behind. But there are no bodies, and there were no news crews there as the flames roared; they only showed their faces after Tenebrae’s queen was long cold, and only then to spin Niflheim’s lies about the day.
Then Noct shakes off his paralysis and listens. The anchor is contemporary, a well-known Accordan. As she speaks of the fire’s unknown origin and how quickly it has spread and how desperately a few hunters are working to quell it, she’s not gesturing to the places people live, or even to the palace. The camera is covering the sylleblossom fields the country is famous for, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Eos.
And Luna’s sole oasis in the desert of enemy occupation.
“Make your statement, Princess,” Caligo Ulldor hisses. He shoves her forward toward the palace’s front doors and the heartsick, clamoring crowd beyond. “Why keep the people in suspense concerning their precious Oracle’s fate?”
Ravus starts forward from the corner, teeth bared, ready to doom himself and his sister both in the name of chivalry—but with a single hand, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret halts his words and his advance. She takes her time regaining her balance, and stares the Brigadier General down with eyes as steely as his own.
“Worry not. I will speak.”
“Then what are you waiting for?!” he snarls. He is in fine form today; flushed to his neck, with clenched fists, a voice hoarse from shouting, and capillaries already waiting to burst in his eyes. Lunafreya knows from experience that his fists are the greater concern.
She steps forward, deftly avoiding the handful of MTs waiting to pull the doors open for her. Ravus immediately moves to her side, and offers her his arm as he always does. This time, more cognizant than ever of Caligo’s eyes on their backs, she does not take it.
In this, she must be strong alone.
“Lunafreya,” her brother insists, but she steps through the palace doors and does not heed him.
The crowd gasps and cries anew the second they lay eyes on her, and though it is muted, Luna feels a joy similar to theirs—these are her people, the Tenebraens, those precious few who still revere and cherish the Nox Fleuret line. They have probably been camped out here all day, praying that the fire did not topple the palace or kill the blood of the Oracle.
If only it had.
Better that than what did happen.
Luna steps up to the makeshift wooden podium her captors have prepared for her, and stares straight into the blinking red eye that represents the rest of the world.
“My dear friends,” she begins, and the people hush themselves to drink in her words. “People of my homeland. I thank you for your concern for our safety. Each of your prayers was a shawl around my shoulders, one that kept me safe from the flames just beyond. None of the staff of Fenestala nor our Niflheimr guests were harmed in any way.”
Cheers ring through the field. Cameras are adjusted hastily; news anchors paraphrase her words for audiences across Eos. Several reporters snap photos of Luna, of Ravus standing stiffly at her side, of the even-more-stilted MTs and of Caligo shadowing them all just behind the podium.
For them, their Oracle has been found safe though bruised and sound though angry. Nothing has been lost. They are so happy that it hurts.
Luna… cannot be happy.
She hesitates. Takes a deep breath. Unseen, Ravus squeezes her elbow. When Luna looks up at him for the first time, she can see her pain reflected in his own blue eyes.
“Unfortunately… we have received news that the fire has burned the last remaining sylleblossom fields of Tenebrae to ashes.”
The news is more of a blow to the people than she expected. Perhaps eight years of occupation has not yet completely crushed their spirits, their hopes, as it nearly has hers. Then again—the sylleblossoms were always special, a magic mortals could tend to but never replicate. Even in Niflheim’s chains, the flowers glowed day and night, as though representing the pride of their people and the princess who grew most of them from seedlings herself. Now, that magic is gone.
Luna closes her eyes for a moment. It doesn’t work; a tear still falls, but she doesn’t hear her audience’s murmurs of grief and sympathy. She is remembering: springtime as a small child, a crown princess instead of an Oracle. Her late mother, Sylva, teaching her how to plant sylleblossom seeds just so, and to be conservative with watering and spacing so they would one day stretch beyond the fields of Fenestala Manor.
“Someday this will be your task, Lunafreya. I hope it is one you take joy in.”
When the queen was cut down in the very fields she tended, and her blood looked ready to taint the ground forevermore, it was Luna who took seeds salvaged from her brother’s room and from scattered Tenebraen families and relocated the affected blooms, while bestowing even more care on the ones which could not be moved. Luna had removed the burned blooms and replaced them with new life, and prayed she would never have to watch her precious field burn again.
It was a prayer the gods did not heed.
Caligo’s shadow draws closer, so Luna lifts her head higher and opens her eyes, but does not raise one finger to wipe her face.
“Though no lives have been lost, the people of Tenebrae have lost an important piece of their heritage today. The sylleblossoms have long been a symbol of peace and hope and… and we will have to move forward without them. I ask for privacy and your understanding during this time as we work to heal the land from… this terrible accident, and move forward.”
That’s all she is willing to say. She turns, and Ravus sweeps a hand to cut the uptick in voices that usually precedes thoughtless questions. Rather than wait for him, or for any of her other guards, she puts one pale foot in front of the other until she is back inside her cage, with her mechanical caretakers shutting the doors once more.
Luna exhales heavily, and starts toward the stairs—
—and she doesn’t even get to take another breath before her arm is wrenched back and she’s nearly pulled into Caligo’s bulky armor. Years of practice allow her to bite down on the sound of pain which would surely draw the braver reporters and bystanders past Ravus and through the doors to aid her in her plight to their own peril.
His hot breath still stinks of Niff whiskey as he snarls in her ear: “Best watch your step, Princess. As always, you perform well for a crowd—but next time you cross me, you will not live to speak of it. After all—there’s not much of you to burn. You’re so thin you’d go up like a twig.”
Luna is thrown to the floor as he stalks off, chortling. Her eyes are pinned to the lighter he’s twirling mockingly in his other hand, unashamed as he is of his crime, and of all he has taken from her. Hatred and despair churn in her gut, along with the helplessness that is her second skin.
But she doesn’t get up for a long, long time.
Noctis is ready to stow away on a train to Tenebrae that night to get Luna the hell out of there.
“You cannot show up in Niflheim territory, Noct, no matter how much the Lady Lunafreya would doubtless appreciate your company,” Ignis says for probably the tenth time, or maybe the eleventh. Noct is not counting, he is seething.
His father, his council, and his retainers are all saying the same thing. And not that it’s bullshit—it’s valid advice, well-thought out as anything from both the king and Ignis is bound to be—but, no, yeah, it’s bullshit. Luna’s flowers are one of her few joys, just one of a limited number of hobbies keeping her sane. And she lost every single bloom to a fire in the middle of rainy season in Tenebrae, which has “Niflheim cover-up” written all over it. The bastards did this to hurt her. Noctis should be there for her.
“There was no reason for the Niffs to do that to her! She’s never once tried to escape since they killed her mother, Dad would know if she had. She—she goes on TV and says every single stupid lie they want her to say, she has for years, and then they go and do this? She could be in danger!”
“No doubt she’s in danger,” Gladio huffs. He’s still holding a gauze pad to his cheek with one hand, and holding his little sister’s hand with the other. Iris was especially shaken by the Oracle’s tears, and has been mostly quiet all day. “Doesn’t mean we can do much about it. We especially can’t have you marching into enemy territory to dry the Oracle’s tears right this second. You’ll have every tank in the nation pointed at you in no time.”
“Let them point the tanks then! I’m ready!” Noctis rages. His back flares up along with his temper, putting an unfortunate damper on his point; but still, he presses on. “How I’m feeling right now, I could wave my hand and take ‘em all out—”
Ignis shuts that train of thought down immediately. “Anger does not erase the fact that you are sixteen years old and your combat training is nowhere near complete!”
“And even if it was, you can’t just spit in the face of diplomacy,” Gladio adds. “There’s protocol for state visits. Red tape for visiting occupied nations. How would His Majesty feel if something happened to you because you ran off half-cocked to rescue two political prisoners?”
They’re making sense, as they’ve been trained to do, and it just makes Noctis angrier. Angrier… and more despondent. He pulls helplessly at his own bangs, pacing Gladio’s room like a rabid dog.
“I… I can’t just watch her cry, and do nothing. I can’t. I couldn’t live with myself if…”
He trails off. He sounds… nuts, ordering his retainers who are barely older than him to let him sneak off to another country to comfort his childhood friend. It’s just…
It’s Luna. Luna needs me, I know she does.
Ignis and Gladio both look down and away from him. Noct bites his lip hard, clenching his fists in the bargain. He wishes there was a Niff in front of him he could punch—someone he could take this helpless anger out on, someone he could protect Luna from.
Instead there’s just Prompto, who’s sat on the floor next to Iris and watched the news replay Luna’s speech over and over while contributing nothing to the ongoing argument. He’s still so new to rubbing shoulders with royalty that Noct doesn’t even blame him for his unusual quiet.
“I just… wish there was something I could do.”
Maybe something in Noct’s face gets to him, or maybe his words do. Prompto finally breaks his silence as he gestures to the screen.
“Maybe you can’t go see her, but you could still talk to her—right? You could call Umbra—send her something!”
The thought clears Noctis’ head a little—but then he’s stuck all over again. It’s all well and good if he sends a gift that’s as good as him being there, and yet. What could he give her that would be supportive and understanding? What could he find that would give her hope, when she looked to have lost every last scrap of it on the news?
“A letter might be enough,” Iris tentatively suggests. “Flowers are good for grief, but considering what she lost…”
Right. And then there’s that.
Noctis remembers how sweet the sylleblossoms of Tenebrae smelled to him, laid up as he was in bed for many days after the Marilith’s attack and their arrival. They had almost seemed to coax him to get well soon, so he could go outside and play among them. For him, the flowers were not only an extension of Luna; they were also a living symbol of the hope he clung to throughout his recovery, part of what got him back on his feet.
All gone, now.
“I can’t believe they’re really all gone.” Prompto sighs. “The people of Tenebrae donated their seeds to replant the sylleblossom fields after the queen died, right? And now there’s nothing left to give.”
Noctis nods, but—wait. That doesn’t seem right.
“I agree with Iris,” Ignis says, at length. “A message relaying your heartfelt sympathies will go a long way. And it is safer than showing up and imperiling the current ceasefire.”
“Hey, Noct—”
Noct is half-listening to everyone, but the urgency in Prompto’s voice gets his attention. When he looks up quickly, his newest friend is already looking back at him, with something like confused excitement dawning on his face.
“Didn’t you say once that Lady Lunafreya sent you a packet of sylleblossom seeds—?”
The words are a bolt of lightning to his brain.
It was over a year ago, but Noctis remembers the day that particular message came to him like it was yesterday.
Prompto had just started talking to him a few weeks prior. They were walking home from the arcade when a furry torpedo smashed into their legs.
“Umb-whaaa?” Prompto shrieked.
Noct was too busy unhooking the notebook from around the dog’s neck to explain. He’d cryptically told his newest friend he had a “pen pal”, and no other details beyond that. Considering how dramatically Umbra had announced his presence this time, that might be changing soon.
 Dear Noctis,
Thank you for showing me your mother’s beautiful garden. What a wonder to see such healthy plants and flowers in such a modern palace! I know well how painful it must have been to be in a space she treasured without her beside you, so I appreciate the photos more than I can say in words.
In thanks, I’ve enclosed something just as precious to me as your mother’s garden doubtless was to her. These sylleblossom seeds are from flowers that grew after the fire on the last day we played together. The flower is notoriously delicate, but hardy once planted—and, of course, beautiful to look at.
I hope that in giving you something important to me, a small part of me will be with you always.
“Prompto,” Noctis breathes. “You are a genius.”
“Wish my teachers would say that,” his friend quips. Then he does a double-take. “Wait, why am I a genius?”
But the prince is already up and out the door, ignoring Gladio and Ignis’ shouts of where are you going and wait up at least. He heads toward the Citadel like he’s been fired from a cannon.
A year ago, Noctis planted all but a few of those seeds in Queen Aulea’s old garden. It had taken some time, but the sylleblossoms did grow—to see them now, cheerfully poking out here and there among the other rougher plants, no one would ever guess they weren’t native.
Noct is resolute: the ten seeds that are left will be returned to their sender tonight. If he has to, he’ll pull the garden’s flowers from the dirt and send them too, by the fastest mail route possible.
Good thing the fastest route is probably asleep on my bed right now.
Knock, knock.
“Tell them to leave,” Luna instructs Ravus from her desk. It’s a muffled instruction, because her head has been pillowed in her arms all evening, and she has no intention of moving it. “I am not accepting visitors.”
The whole of the land still smells like ash.
From her bed, Ravus stands, redressing in their enemy’s full military regalia. “Turning your people away is not a luxury you can long afford.”
“We both know that whoever is at the door is not one of our people.”
Ravus’ silence is reproach and answer enough. Moonlight slides away from him as he strides across the room and opens her door in her stead.
“Ah, the Lady Lunafreya lives!”
A presence far darker than Caligo Ulldor’s sweeps past Ravus and into her quarters; her brother sputters protests, but to no avail. Luna doesn’t need to turn around to identify the Imperial Chancellor, which is fortunate: she needs these precious few seconds to fix her face into something unassuming, pleasant and non-threatening.
“Good evening, Chancellor. Is there some way I can help you…?”
“Come now, no need for that.” With a delicate twirl, Ardyn Izunia has procured the only other chair in the room and turned it to face her. When he slides into it, the brightness of his burnt gold eyes draws her gaze; once she’s looked up, she cannot look away. “I beg you, please call me Ardyn. Formality is so dull. And unnecessary, when I have brought you a gift!”
“A gift?” she echoes.
“Yes, found and retrieved by one of your preciously loyal dogs. Ah ah, worry not—” He chuckles and waves his hand as she darts up in alarm. “He was waylaid by a maid of House Fleuret who seems determined to fatten him up with sweetmeats. Lucky thing! I merely took the liberty of completing his delivery for him.”
Luna’s heart hammers—she knows Messengers don’t need to eat, and she knows that Ardyn (himself more than he seems) probably is aware of this. However, the Chancellor is such a laid-back entity when it comes to her dogs and her notebook that sometimes she forgets he ever happened upon them at all, years back.
Umbra probably really is begging for food he doesn’t need in the kitchen right now.
He wouldn’t hurt Umbra, she tells herself. He hasn’t yet. Nor Pryna, nor Ravus or even myself. He may keep his silence for a reason beyond my knowledge—but he has kept it.
“I… would be honored to accept.”
Ardyn glows. With Ravus looking on, he pulls Luna’s notebook from the folds of his cloak, with black ribbon noticeably tying a tiny package to it. He offers both items grandly; she takes them both eagerly. It takes no longer than a moment to stand and move out of reach of both men, unwrapping the notebook and turning to the newest page as though they are both absent.
Whatever they are, Noctis’ words are for her alone.
 I saw you on the news. There’s nothing more I can say, except I’m so sorry about the sylleblossoms. I know how important they were to you.
I hope my gift will help you feel at least a little better. I hadn’t yet planted some of the sylleblossom seeds you sent me last year. Now, I think their place is at home, with you.
Please stay safe.
 Luna chokes on her next breath.
Just as promised, the package contains ten delicately-wrapped sylleblossom seeds.
“Lunafreya?!” Ravus says behind her, with no small amount of concern.
She cannot speak. Her cheeks are flushed red, her eyes squeezed shut; tears leak from the corners against her will. She can barely swallow down a sob. It isn’t the first time Noctis has sent her some token, a piece of Insomnia or an item he is personally attached to—but it is the first time that the tender thoughtfulness behind one of his gifts has moved her to tears.
“Do you need a moment, my dear?” Ardyn inquires solicitously. Quicker than her ears can track, he is already sashaying back toward the entrance to her chambers. “Please, take your time. I know it has been a difficult few days for you!”
He must take Ravus with him, because once the door shuts, the room is unbelievably quiet. Luna cannot tell just yet because she’s busy: her arms are tight around the notebook, and her lips are pressed firmly to the bag of seeds.
Salvation from afar. A second chance.
“Oh, Noctis…” she murmurs.
Thank you.
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clairelutra · 5 years
Dragon AU with Akirann maybe? Where Arsene and Carmen/personas are dragons! (the rest of the PT? also persona dragons??) AND/OR Role Reversal Lunoct would be neat (I hope you have fun with these!)
send me an au for a short fic
ty!! :D
…it’s an odd fusion of pern and inheritance cycle, really
Akira wasn’t saying it was awkward to stand next to Ann Takamaki as they registered their dragons for a mating flight, but it was something close.
The sheer number of other Riders attempting to murder him with their eyes was really something, especially with Arsene radiating smugness through their soulbond and Carmen’s proud, hungry lust echoing from down the metaphorical hall.
He wasn’t exactly surprised that Carmen had chosen Arsene for her first flight (he was the squad’s leader, after all), nor was he too surprised that Ann had agreed to it (they were good friends, and Ann had always valued trust in her relationships), but it was still pretty surreal to walk into Igor’s office and ask for the papers to make it official.
“So! Um… Thanks… thanks for doing this for me,” Ann murmured as they waited to be summoned. “Carmen’s so picky I’m not sure what I would have done if you said no.”
“All out of the goodness of my heart,” he murmured back, dry as cracked scales. Did she think he got nothing out of this? There was a very good reason that most of the guys in this room would kill to be him.
(In the back of his head, Arsene’s smugness got louder.)
She laughed quietly, then trailed off into a sigh. “Seriously, though. Carmen was refusing to consider anyone else so hard I really thought we might be doing this alone.“
Carmen broke into the conversation with the mental equivalent of a snort and a distant, I’m certainly not the only ‘picky’ one around here.
Ann flushed.
“…I’m flattered,” said Akira. That wasn’t quite the word for the acrobatics in his stomach or the five-alarm heat of the thought that he’d been among her first and only choices, but it also was something close.
She sighed again, ruefully this time, her blush gorgeously accentuating the already-gorgeous lines of her face. “Ooooof course you are.”
He tilted his head in silent question.
“W-well!” she blurted, now adorably awkward and alarmed. Wide blue eyes danced to him and then away, her fingers curling in the collar of her Rider leathers. “I-I mean… Not much you can do about it, I guess, I just… thought my first flight would be a little more romantic.”
Most of the Riders he knew had a much more utilitarian view of these things—it was the norm to find a temporary partner for your bi-yearly mating flights until you had a mate—but somehow… it fit that Ann Takamaki would break the mold.
“Roses? Fireworks?” he asked, not bothering to disguise his interest.
“Well, those are nice,” she agreed, smiling wistfully. “But really just… I don’t know. Someone who loves me for me, I guess.” She looked down at the sheaf of papers in her lap and ran her thumb over the empty ‘yes’ checkbox for Will this flight establish you and your chosen partner as a matepair?
Done, said Arsene to Akira, sotto voce and knowing.
Akira shoved his dragon out of his mindspace.
“A-again!” Ann blurted, endearingly embarrassed. “Not really something you can help, you know? It’s pretty silly idea anyway. Nobody really expects their first flight to be with their one and only, yeah?”
(I could be your one and only, flitted through Akira’s mind apropos of nothing, and he couldn’t even blame it on his dragon that time.)
“Well,” he said aloud, rather than dwell on the fact that this wasn’t nearly the first time he’d thought something like that. “Let’s start with the roses.”
He nodded at the papers. “We have three weeks before the flight. Let me make up the difference.”
“Y-you don’t have… to…” She trailed off when she met his eye, her own going wide and soft.
He’d by lying if he said his heart hadn’t lurched for that look.
Her fading flush darkened yet again.
(How many times now? He could count but he was too busy glowing.)
And so three weeks passed in a parade of dates, from roses to fireworks to late night rendezvous in flower fields and mid-morning brunches in uptown.
Arsene only judged him a little bit and Carmen actually helped, which Akira was equal parts suspicious of and grateful for, and by the time the day itself rolled around, He’d been forced to admit, if only to himself, that maybe he’d fulfilled Ann’s initial wish too—there weren’t many other explanations for how or why her mere presence turned up the color contrast on the whole world.
(It always had, and that blend of overwhelming peace and quiet thrill was nothing new.
There was a reason he tried not to think about how lovely she was or just how many people wanted her.)
Night came all the same, and if his part in the lovemaking was a little too fervent and a little too honest, then no one was in any state to comment on it.
They fell asleep together with fingers intertwined, and Akira himself wasn’t in a state to question that either…
Until the next morning, when he found his veins alight with a new bond singing through them, Ann’s rose-petal-and-ember presence pressing up against the edge of his consciousness just as surely as her naked form was pressed against his side.
Neither dragon—neither of the two that he could hear equally well now—had any apologies to offer.
This is a mess, he mentally muttered at the both of them. Summoning any stronger negative emotion was beyond him right now.
I do believe someone had to do it, was all Arsene said, normally-wily Carmen radiating contentment behind him.
Akira was about to protest, he really was, but then Ann half woke up, blinked at him blearily a few times, and then sighed herself into a puddle against him, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
After that, the only objection he could make was, …Now the paperwork’s all wrong.
Arsene laughed his draconic laugh and nudged Akira back to sleep.
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moonlight-at-dawn · 6 years
Distractions || Lunoct Week 2019 Day 2
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Title: Distractions LUNOCT WEEK 2019 DAY #2 @lunoctweek​ Rating: M Genre: Smut Summary:  Luna is jealous that Noct's paying his games attention during one of her visits.
For the prompt “Blowjob while Noctis is playing a PvP gameMMORPG with voice chat”
Lunafreya leaned back against the kitchen island counter, mug of steaming hot cocoa clutched between her hands. She sipped at it with an unsatisfactory expression, eyes narrowing as steam heated her brow. It wasn't the drink that caused her frown, however. It was her fiance. She had expected when he said he had to do something "quick" in his game, that he would be done within ten minutes. Over forty had passed, and still he played.
Well. If he wouldn't put it down on his own, she would get his attention where it belonged in another way. She set the mug down on the counter and patted her warm hands against her thighs. She wore a long knit sweater that clung to her body, and was just long enough to keep her modest if someone caught a glimpse of her. Her hair was still down, and she combed her fingers through it, using the slim hair tie around her wrist to tie it up in a sloppy bun meant just for keeping the hair from her face. She reached to a small pouch she had set on the counter when she first came out in the morning, and she pulled from it a small tin. Dipping in her pinky, she smoothed the lip balm across her lips, tinting them a faint pink and flavoring them raspberry. She pulled free a condom next, and slipped it in the sweater's pouch across her waist meant for her hands to rest in.
"Next time, try not to pull four groups, huh?" Noctis remarked into his mic with an amused grumble. She noticed that his group appeared to have died partway into their dungeon run, and they had to get back to where they'd been before to keep going. No wonder it was taking him so long, she huffed inwardly. Time to remind him that he had a cute fiancee visiting him from overseas, and should be paying attention to her instead of his game. Not that she truly begrudged him his fun, but she wanted more attention than normal on this particular day, and she figured he wouldn't mind her interruption, not by the time they were done.
She walked up behind the couch where he sat and draped her arms over his shoulders, sinking down to press a kiss under his ear, below the padding clutching his headset in place. He turned just a bit and flashed her a smile. Nudging his mic up from his lips with a finger, he spoke softly, "Sorry, Luna. Maybe thirty more minutes?" She pouted at that and stood up, and he looked up with concern, his character halting in place on screen as he stopped the trek to the site of their death. "Luna?"
Squeezing his shoulder in a hand, she smiled at him and nodded, and then she slipped around to join him on the couch. She crossed her legs, deliberately giving him a flashing view between her thighs as she did. Then her hand settled on his leg, and she seemed to watch as he played. She wasn't really paying the game much mind, however, all of her attention focused on him. He held his controller up against his chest as he played, his lips pursed crookedly in concentration as his group battled the enemies in the dungeon. Her hand on his leg moved up along his thigh, and she gave a very meaningful rub of her hand across the most sensitive area of the inner thigh. The sharp intake of breath she heard was definitely her fault, and she grinned at his expression, trying so hard to focus on his game, though he clearly wanted to encourage her as well. His legs parted and she shook her head with a rueful grin. He thought to hold out against her ministrations? Very well, then.
She slid down from the couch to kneel between his legs. He glanced down at her, and lifted his hips when she gave a tug on his silk lounge pants. Baring him, she giggled quietly as he cursed the cold air, and she breathed her own hot breath on him in response. She felt him twitch in response, trying not to make any sounds that would give himself away to his gaming friends. And she hadn't even touched him yet. He wouldn't make it, she realized with a smirk. That was what she wanted.
Her hands massaged his thighs, and she scrapped her nails over sensitive skin. She kissed his hips, his stomach, smiled as his erection bobbed at every close brush, every puff of breath that drifted over its sensitive skin, trying so desperately to get her to touch it directly. She did, but only to move it out of her way, hooking a finger around it to tug it aside as she kissed where it had marked his stomach with its excitement, tongue darting out to lick him clean.
She peeked up, making sure his attention was on the screen and not her, and she held her breath a moment so it wouldn't give her away. The surprise of her lips wrapping fully around him had him unable to stop the curse from passing his lips. She guessed that someone had asked what happened, and he replied in a nervous voice that he realized he had left laundry in the machine overnight. She snorted at that, and he pressed against her tongue at how odd it felt with him so fully in her mouth at the time. He gently bonked the top of her head with his controller, flashing her a "It's your fault" look. Quirking a brow at him, she began to pull away and he set a pacifying hand on her head with a pleading expression. Smirking, she rolled her eyes with amused tolerance, and took readily to trying to make him lose his control.
Her head moved over him in a fervor, her breathing hot and heavy, rolling along his length whenever she pulled back to fill her lungs. She couldn't take him all beyond her lips, especially not with so many months between chances to practice, but she found she didn't have to, as long as she used her tongue and hands properly. So she did, hand stroking where her mouth could not, tongue teasing him, pressing along him. Her other hand came up under her chin to tease the wrinkled skin tight with excitement there, feeling pulses and jumps under her touch.
Noctis began to groan, biting the sound off in a frustrated hiss as voices shouted in his ear. "AoE incoming!" "Get out of the attack!" "Hurty ground, off the hurty ground!" He ripped off his headset with an aggravated growl, tossing it along with his controller across the room. His hands pushed stray blonde bangs back so he could see her face, and he moaned, quietly but with such a deep, longing tension in the sound.
Victorious, she pulled the condom free from her sweater and held it up for him to see. He snatched it away and tore it open. A brush of his fingers on her cheek and the sudden blocking of her sight by rolled up latex was all the urging she needed. She pulled away and stood up as he rolled the condom along his length. She pulled off her sweater and the small tank top that she had worn beneath it. She shook her head and pulled the tie from her hair as most of it had slipped out with her impatient undressing anyways. Noctis was tossing his own shirt aside, and he urged her down with outstretched arms. She smiled and straddled him eagerly. He kissed her, rough, demanding, so much so that she was startled a moment when he turned his head away to lick his hand before stroking himself. Then those fingers were between her own legs, rubbing fervently when he seemed dissatisfied with the feel of her against his fingers. She tossed her head back as lips took her throat, her groaning and him grunting into her skin.
His fingers pulled slowly away from her and he positioned himself against her. She took control back then, taking him fully within her in two demanding rolls of her hips. He groaned and his shaking hands settled on her hips, and she didn't let those hands set the pace. She knew what she wanted, and she would have it. Resting a hand on his shoulder, she pressed him back into the plush couch and slammed down over him again and again, gasping loudly as she did. His hands gave up on her hips, on holding him to reality, and instead they took to worshiping her. He stroked over her, murmuring of her beauty and of her warmth.
Arching forward, she threaded fingers through his hair and pulled him forward, pressing his face to her chest. He took eagerly to her demands, teeth pressing carefully into soft breast, tongue flicking at nipple. He moaned into her chest as she held him in place and rode him hard. His hands dragged eagerly down her back and fingers dug into her curves in a tight grip, not trying to change her actions, just to feel every bit of her movements through her deliciously firm cheeks.
"That's right," she urged in a breathless voice, "Beautiful Noctis, you feel so good."
He buried his face against her breast, looking up at her through his bangs, messy and dark as they streaked across his forehead from sweat. He pulled back almost all the way, balancing nipple in the curve of his tongue a moment longer, and then he grinning up at her. "I have to be a throne fit for a future queen like you." She laughed and he drew her in for a kiss with a smirk of his own.
Wrapped up in one another, Luna's demanding pace found them limp and dazed minutes later, sweaty and gasping, bodies heavy and unresponsive. Noctis chuckled weakly, and she made a soft questioning sound. He massaged her back tenderly, easing her muscles after her powerful efforts. "Mm. My group is still waiting for me, but I'm not in the mood anymore. I feel bad, my fault we died that time," he chuckled.
She snorted and snuggled against his chest. "My fault, really, and I'd do it again. You weren't paying me enough attention."
He laughed and his arms wrapped her up in a tight embrace. "I like the way you get my attention."
"Don't get too used to it. I was very close to throwing something at you instead."
"Luna! You wouldn't hurt me!"
"I didn't say something hard," she scoffed, eyes twinkling with humor. "But I'm very jealous of other things taking your attention. We don't see each other enough."
"You're right, you're right," he smiled, and he pressed a kiss to her stubbornly closed lips. "I'll let them know I've got girlfriend aggro," he winked, "and then I'm all yours for the rest of the week."
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monasatlantis · 8 years
LuNoct Pregnancy and Kids Headcanons
- The they would wait 3 years before they decide to try for a baby, using these years to spend as much time with each other as possible, not willing to share each others full attention with anyone
- When they talk about seriously thinking of having a child soon, they get lots of “tips” and advices about how long it may take to actually get pregnant and what might help to get pregnant faster and sometimes they are so damn confused about what to take seriously and what not
- A month and a half after they seriously started trying to get pregnant, Luna has to leave for a full month because of Oracle-dutys. So when just two weaks later, Noctis gets informed by a servant that Luna just came back, he storm out of a meeting - without saying a word about the reason - in full panic because his imagination starts to run wild. Luna would never ever leave her dutys sooner then necessary without a good reason. So maybe she is ill? Hurt? Got attacked? When he finds her she looks fine, but he still asks her if anything bad had happened. She just smiles at him telling him she just came back because they both agreed (although Luna needed a bit more convincing) that she would not work as an Oracle as long as she is pregnant, for what weakens her, might very well hurt the baby too. Noctis didn’t get it at first, wondering what this has to do with her coming back home. As answer for his confused face he gets the happiest smile from Luna he ever got from her and he finally realized, that despite the warning it would takes months to get pregnant, Luna was expecting their first child
- Noctis is far to worried and overprotective listening to basically every bullshit people are telling him about the things you should or shouldn’t do when you are expecting a child. Most of the time Luna is just amused. She goes along with it when it sounds reasonable, but refuses if it sounds stupid to her or would force her to do things she just doesn’t want to do. She definitely draws a line when Noctis says people told them having sex while being pregnant is dangerous. Because damn it, but this pregnancy did not just make her damn needed, she is also really sensitive and the smallest touch can make her want more - much more. Noctis isn’t exactly complain, although it takes a bit of urging from Luna to not treat her like she is made of glass and any wrong movement would break her.
- The first month of the second trimester is pretty hard on Luna, because what people call “morning sickness” tortures her basically every time of the day and almost every day. There are just a few kinds of foods and drinks she keeps inside and it is not always the stuff people who are pregnant actually need. Luna almost had to go to the hospital because she got so weak. Noctis would refuse to leave the citadel in that time, making some people angry about his priorities while other people think it is awfully adorable how much their king loves his queen. Anyway, the problem solves itself shorty after the first month of the second trimester is over.
- Luna doesn’t like to just sit around, so when Noctis made her promise to not leave Insomnia through her pregnancy and not do her dutys as Oracle, but only as Queen, he also had to promise her that he would always have something useful to do for her. And whenever he does not, she comes to his office and absolutely no work will be done at all because how can someone work with his pretty wife around? Ignis decides to make it his job to give Luna useful stuff to do, after Noctis was barely working one week, enjoying it far too much that Luna was constantly around him.
- They first child is a healthy girl named Dawn. Luna was in labor full 24 hours. Noctis stood at her side as he promised, but left every now and then for a little walk - of course only with her permission.- because he could hardly take it anymore to see his Luna being in pain and hearing her screaming. After this experience, Noctis is unsure if they really should get a second child one day and if Luna would be willing to go through all that again.
- Luna was worried Noctis would be unhappy about his first child being a girl, but Noctis is over the moon and adores his little princess. And she turns out to be just like him in looks and behavior. Dawn is loved and adored by everyone, spoiled to no end by her “uncles” and especially loved by her uncle Prompto who made enough photos of her in the first 3 years to fill an album with only her pictures every year.
- Dawn has a playmate. Her uncle Gladio and his Girldfriend accidentally got pregnant almost at the same time as Luna and Noctis. Gladios only son loves to play “swordfight” with Dawn at the age of 2 - of course using sticks for now.
- When Dawn is 3 years old, Luna suddenly starts talking about a second child and after making sure, Luna is not just trying with all her might to give him a son, they agree to try for another baby, having a wonderful excuse to spend more time with doing it for a full year, because that is the amount of time it takes them to get pregnant again.
- Lunas pregnancy goes almost too well this time, with both Noctis and Luna knowing what to do and what to expect this time and no killer-morning-sickness.
- Noctis wanted to tell Dawn immediately after Luna told him she would not be able to go to one of her Oracle-dutys the next moth, because she was with child, but Luna warned him of all the risks and that they should not have Dawn hope until the dangerous part of the pregnancy was over. Talking about the possibility something could go wrong almost drives Noctis back to being overprotective but Luna can calm him down.
- Dawn is pretty interested in everything to do with the Baby growing inside her mommy, as soon as she knows, being almost more exited when the Baby kicks then Noctis.
- Things take a bad turn when Luna collapses in pain in the middle of the celebrations of a huge holiday in Insomnia. She is in labor almost 5 weeks to early.
- After just 6 hours of awful pain Luna gives birth to a very weak Baby-boy, who’s life is on the line for a full month
- While Noctis and Luna are busy being with the Baby, thinking they might only have little time with their Son Lucifer, the boys try to keep Dawn busy. Prompto takes her shopping, but the almost 5 year old girl is not so much into shopping and buying pretty dresses or shoes. Ignis cookes her her favorite sweets - which is the one Noctis ate in Teneabrea so many years ago - and tells her a story about her parents, which at first makes her interested but the worried, because she had hardly seen them for days and no on is really willing to tell her what is going on. Gladio and his son finally start sword-fight-traing with her, with a real wooden-sword. That keeps her occupied for a few hours a day.
- After two weeks, with the Baby getting stronger but still not being out of danger people force Luna and Noctis to take turns with the baby so that at least one of them can sleep for a while. Luna is using the time to reading storys to Dawn until they both fall asleep in Dawns bed. Noctis just can’t fall asleep at first so he goes fishing with his daughter, who proves that she definitely inherited Noctis interest in and talent for fishing, with both of the falling asleep after coming home with lots of fish.
- Lucifer survives but will remain rather weak for the rest of his life. Coming after his mother, he is a rather spiritual person and more mentally a fighter than physically so it is not like he is not strong at all.
- Lucifer lives a rather isolated life since there are no kids his age in the citadel. Luna thinks it would be good for him and Dawn to visit a public school like Noctis did, so they can find more friends. Noctis is not so happy about this idea, because he fears being around too many other kids won’t be good for Lucifer since he catches illnesses from other people rather quick and Noctis is pretty overprotective when it comes to his son. Luna still manages to convince him, but their son will stay rather isolated and only find a few close friends in school and it will take him years.
- When their Son is 5 Noctis and Luna go to visit a far away city for political reasons, they have one day off their and enjoying it to the fullest, ending with them on a pretty lake in a far to close embrace in a far to tempting situation to not give in to this one time without using contraception leading to Luna calling him two months later when she is once again on Oracle-dutys, telling him she is with child again. After surpassing the surprise they are happy about that pregnancy but swear that this will be the last one. Really.
- This time, Dawn is not so happy about it, remembering what happened when her mother gave birth to Lucifer and worrying that something like this happens again. Lucifer himself is jealous to no end. He is really possessive when it comes to sharing his mother attention and is even having a hard time sharing Luna with his sister and his father, he does not exactly want another child to steal her attention away from him.
- This time, Luna and Noctis just live on their live only making the necessary adjustments to make sure Luna is not overworking herself and she won’t be too far from Insomnia, in case something goes wrong. They just don’t have the time to pause their busy lives for this baby, but they of course would never want it to take any harm from anything Luna does or does not, they are just not that super careful anymore.
- Promptos and Ignis Girlfriends are giving birth a few moths before and after Luna, so that when Luna gives birth to a healty baby girl with the name Stella after hardly 3 hours of labor, she feels relieved to know that Stella would not be as lonely and isolated as Lucifer.
- Dawn was pretty disappointed when Prompto married, because she was sure she would someday marry him.
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darkfromday · 6 years
terribly late, but delivered with love--another lunoct short! at least it was before April HA
for lunoctweek2019 day 05, prompt “My heart won’t let go.”
It’s a good thing Altissia is beautiful and easy on the eyes, because Noctis can’t sleep.
He lingers now on the balcony of the Leville’s luxury suite, looking out over the winding streets with their twinkling lights and the canals and the dark, sleek gondolas gliding through the water. It’s now about two in the morning—or at least it was close to that last time Noct checked his phone. He’s been watching long enough for many of the gondoliers to hop off their rides and head home, for the shopkeepers to drag their carts away, and for plenty of young couples to share one last lingering kiss before they part for the night.
That last makes Noctis scowl.
With very little left to watch, he turns his attention to Camelia Claustra’s estate, the building that’s actually occupied most of his thoughts tonight. The Secretary’s property is not too terribly far from the hotel, but for the past three days it’s felt a million miles away. Regardless, Noct finds himself scanning every window he can see. Finding the conference room he spoke with Secretary Claustra in was easy; it’s almost directly across from the luxury suite, give or take hundreds of feet. An easy warp when he’s fully rested.
No, what’s difficult is trying to guess how far away her room is from that conference room. Which of the many windows might have her behind it. Whether the curtains or the decorations or lights might show him the way to who he wants to see most.
Something manic in Noctis has him checking the position of the guards who patrol just inside and outside the gates to the estate and—they’re gone.
Why aren’t they out? Are they switching shifts?
Even the idea is like a tree of lightning down Noct’s back. In less than a second he pulls his Rune Saber from the Armiger and brings his arm up to throw…
“I hope you aren’t meaning to warp at two in the morning.”
“Shit!” Noctis loses his grip on his sword. Luckily, a quick wrist movement banishes the blade before it goes over the balcony and possibly stabs an innocent night owl. When he gets control of his heart, breathing and blush, he turns to face his company. “Ignis, you couldn’t have knocked on the window?”
“I did,” Ignis says, with no small level of amusement. “Twice.”
“Well—” he starts off, and then shakes his head, looking back out at quiet, mocking Altissia. He has no idea what excuse he was going to try and make anyway.
Ignis doesn’t push; he’s never been the type. He joins Noctis at the balcony, and they look at the stars together for some minutes. The environment and the lack of judgment about his insomnia makes him relax. It almost feels like when they’d stargaze as kids, spending hours outside making up new constellations, before Noct got older and Iggy got busier and Noct started dreaming about sharing the night with someone else.
Eventually Ignis does venture a few words. “You’ve slept either poorly or not at all since we arrived in Altissia one week past, Noct.”
“I’ve… had a lot on my mind.”
“I have no doubt. But as your right hand, and as your friend, I hope you are comfortable sharing whatever’s on your mind with me. Preferably before warping off gods-know-where in the middle of the night.”
Noct’s blush deepens. “It’s not… I trust you, Iggy, you know that. But this… isn’t so much on my mind as…”
…as on my heart.
Not words he’d ever be caught dead saying. Not even to his first friend. Not even to the empty air.
Ignis’ gaze follows Noct’s. When his green eyes alight on a certain window with white curtains he murmurs, “Ah.”
“It’s been a week since we got here, and three days since I spoke to Secretary Claustra. Three days since I swallowed my tongue and kept quiet about her having Luna in the same building without offering us the chance to meet. I thought she’d at least tell Luna where we were staying, so maybe she could meet us here, but…”
“But there’s been no sightings of her from any of the citizens of Altissia outside of brief press conferences. I know.”
He doesn’t have to say, Prompto and Gladio and I have checked, because Noct hears it in his voice anyway. It makes him feel warm, that they checked around town for him, that they have tried as hard as he has to bring himself and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret together.
It just hurts, too, because none of them has had any luck, and at this point it feels like the gods themselves are giving Noctis the finger.
“The notebook was good. Is good. But I haven’t been saying much lately and neither has she. I think it’s because we both expected to be together by now.”
“Nothing would please us more than that, Noct. But you mustn’t rush into danger in the name of seeing Lady Lunafreya. Altissia is still under the Empire’s watchful eye, and we’ve already heard whispers about the High Commander’s presence. He may be at his sister’s side now.”
“I know!” Noctis exclaims, then curses under his breath and clenches his fists, repeating his words more quietly. “I know.”
“Yet you’re still ready to choke down an ether and go the distance,” Ignis notes with disapproval.
“It’s not as easy as nodding my head and going back to bed, Iggy! I can’t keep wandering around town and pretending I’m more interested in gambling or seeing Luna’s dress than I am in seeing her.”
His hands are sweating. He rubs them over his pants to dry them off, and doesn’t give in to the urge to pace.
“I don’t know how much time is left before the Rite—all I know is that it’s not right now, and there’s no guards out there for once. Why shouldn’t I at least try and see her tonight?”
His adviser purses his lips. “I’m not averse to a nighttime adventure. But there’s too much information we don’t have. It is unlikely, but what if Secretary Claustra is arranging a meeting between yourself and Lady Lunafreya now, and your action derails that meeting?”
Noct shakes his head. “That’s a chance I’m willing to take.”
“And this can’t wait until you’ve gotten some rest?”
“No, it can’t wait!” Noct declares. “Iggy—please. I’ve waited twelve years to speak to her face-to-face. I’ve waited five years to tell her that she’s the most important woman in my life. I can’t wait any longer. I can’t sleep knowing she��s a few buildings away. I can’t keep pretending she’s not important to me. My heart won’t let go—not when she’s so close.”
His whole face is red when he finishes speaking. It’s the most he’s talked about his feelings in years; especially his feelings for her. Perhaps it’s that naked honesty which causes Ignis to sigh and remove his glasses, pointedly polishing them for much longer than they need.
“We can discuss this more once my glasses have been properly cleaned. It may take some time; I can barely see you as it is out here.”
Noctis wrinkles his nose at first—but his confusion quickly wears off as Iggy takes slower and slower swipes with his handkerchief. “…Gotcha.”
He has the Rune Saber back out and aimed at the estate windows two seconds later. One… two…
He warps.
 His landing isn’t the best.
To his credit, he doesn’t miss and fall to his death, but it’s not a silent point-warp either. No, Noct ends up smacking his shoulder hard against the white-curtained window and muffling swear words as a shadow in the room darts up and turns on the lights.
Or—one light, in a spherical shape around what looks like a hand.
Is that a spell? Light magic?
Noctis’ heart starts racing. He knows he should hide, but he stands stock still on the very edge of the window as the curtain gets pushed aside, and—
—it’s worth it. Luna’s bewildered but beautiful face peers out at him.
They have an identical moment of quiet surprise: Noct at correctly guessing which guest window out of dozens might be hers, Luna at seeing Noctis at all, much less outside her window at close to three o’clock in the morning. Then Noct grins, because even though his shoulder is throbbing he feels light and warm and untouchable.
I made it. I made it.
“Noctis?” Luna mouths. She bends down to unlatch the window, and he looks away quickly, blushing hotly at the flash of cleavage and thigh he unintentionally gets. Her nightgown is very… daring.
Of course she was asleep. Why didn’t I wait like Iggy said…?
Then the window’s open, and there’s no more time for panicked thoughts or lusty thoughts or any thoughts that aren’t tell her why you’re here at 3 AM, you idiot.
“Luna…” He fumbles for words beyond her name. “I… I’m so happy to see you.”
She blinks at him for a moment, then smiles so brightly he feels even warmer than before.
“Noctis! I don’t know how you found me, but it is a joy to see your face.”
A jolt of bravery leads Noct to reach for her closest hand. Yes, he can see her now, but he wants to touch her, take her somewhere quiet where they can catch up for a few hours, just like any other engaged couple could.
Luna nearly duplicates the gesture, but hesitates with her hand halfway out. “What has brought you here this evening…?”
“I wanted to see you,” he replies instantly. “I wanted to talk to you. Well, and…”
She slips her hand in his and urges him to go on with one lifted blonde eyebrow. In exchange for her bravery, Noctis brings his lips down to brush her hand, and gestures to the roof with his free hand.
“I wondered if… did you want… would you like to come up to the roof with me? Just to talk, a-and to look at the stars and the city.”
While blushing, Luna glances between Noct and the ground, and then between the ground and the twinkling stars in the quiet summer sky. Noctis doesn’t dare breathe too loudly in case she politely declines his offer and closes her window in his face—but seeing the way her blue eyes sparkle just like those stars, he should’ve known that was unlikely.
“I would love that,” she says. “Just let me grab some robes for the chill.”
“Sounds good,” Noctis agrees. He’s pretending to be casual, but his insides shiver and leap with excitement—and, he abruptly realizes, with his own chill. He forgot to put on proper clothes over his nightclothes before warping across the city.
“Er, hey Luna… mind grabbing more than one set?”
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