farfromdaylight · 7 years
so i never watch speedrunning (although i find it fascinating and recently i've been watching a bunch of videos on world record progressions in different games) but sgdq is on and i happened to open it just as halo ce was being run
and i mean i've played every level a billion times i kinda have to watch this
and it's so interesting?? i've never watched halo speedruns before it's so fascinating to see how it's done.
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Shoot Your Shot
I found this meme and it screamed Cray Cray Erik so I chose to try my hand at this lol
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Erik Stevens x Kesia (pronounced Kee-sa) Mannor (OC)
“Baaabe you know I gotta find a new outfit for my promotion party! I must’ve looked in my closet a million times and I couldn’t find anything!” Kesia was on facetime with her boyfriend of six months, Erik Stevens. When they first got together, she didn’t know much about him, except for he was in the Navy for six years before getting out and whilst enlisted he got his bachelors and master  degrees in Engineering. He kept information about himself simple with Kesia.
“Girl, you look amazing in whatever you wear! Why you gotta go up to that mall? You know that’s where all them thirsty ass niggas be at.” Erik protests. Kesia rolls her eyes, “Aye! What I tell you about rolling your eyes at me?!” Erik’s face goes stoic. It sends a chill down Kesia’s spine as she immediately responds, “Don’t do it.” He nods, “Exactly.” “I’ll only be gone for an hour, I’ll be back at my house and you can see me try it on!” “You got 59 minutes, babygirl. Make em count!”
Kesia puts the finishing touches on her makeup as Erik admires her from her bed, “Damn baby, you sure we can’t just celebrate in the crib tonight? I’d make it worth skipping your party...” He saunters over to her and attempts wraps himself around her from the back, she slivers out of his grasp, walking to the kitchen, “Mmm mm! I worked my ass off for this gig, I’m celebrating with my people, and my baaaabyy.. We can do all of that when we’re drunk and back here!” Erik curses under his breath and accepts defeat. Just as he was about to sit back down on Kesia’s bed, her phone rings. It’s an unknown Oakland number. Erik knows everything about Kesia so he knows she doesn’t leave numbers unsaved. He yells towards the kitchen, “Keeee! Who’s calling you from this unknown number?!” 
Kesia freezes in her tracks, “Uhhh.. idk baby. Maybe a telemarketer.” Erik twists his lip, “Hmph.” His “spidey senses” as Kesia loved to put it, were tingling. He always knew when something wasn’t right.. She blames it on his deployments and overall lack of trust in people. He accepts the incoming call.
“Yeee, ay wassup shorty! This Dontay, dude from the mall earlier! Sorry it took me a few to call you, I had a few errands to run. But you free tonight?” Kesia scurries into her room once she hears the stranger’s voice. Erik shakes his head at her and hangs up the phone. “I told you about them thirsty ass niggas at the mall!”
Her phone lights up as an incoming text pops up from the unsaved contact, Kesia reaches toward Erik for her phone, he raises it above his head and out of her reach, “Nah. You need not worry about this phone tonight. Finish getting dressed.” She pouts as she sits down to put her heels on.
Kesia has been entertaining all of her loved ones since she arrived at her promotion party Erik put together for her at a new Reggae club in downtown Oakland called New Karibbean City. Erik has purposefully been apart from her the entire time, yet he has her phone on lock. It doesn’t help that his face unlocks it as well. Kesia has seen enough of him typing away on her phone so she sneaks away from the party as she sees him heading to the restrooms.
“E!” He turns around, “Ke?” He responds in the same tone as her, “Can I have my phone back?” He looks up in the air as if he’s thinking about it, then he hands it to her from his pants pocket. She unlocks it and doesn’t see a trace of the unknown number. Not in the call history or text messages. She raises her eyebrow, “Erik Stevens.. What did you do?” he shrugs, “I didn’t do anything” He embraces his girlfriend as he congratulates her, “I’m proud of you Ke. You really did work hard for the promotion. I’ll see you when you get to the house. The key still under that plant on the porch?” Kesia looks confused, “Uh.. yeah. Where are you going?” Erik lets out a deep, yet scary laugh, “The less you know..” He gives her a long, deep kiss on her red stained lips, then leaves out the back door.
Kesia gets out of her Uber, stumbling to her door. She struggles to unlock her door and get in her dark house, thinking her boyfriend is already sleeping. “Good, I don’t gotta get yelled at tonight. I was NOT tryna hear--” “Hear what, princess?” Erik’s brassy voice comes from the far corner of her living room, Kesia jumps, “SHIT ERIK! Why you standing over there in the damn dark?” Erik ignores Kesia’s inquiry, takes a seat on the couch, whilst grabbing the remote control. “Come, sit.” Kesia does as she’s told.
Erik turns on the television then changes the channel to 2.
“Good evening Oakland! This is Noah Clark for your 10PM News on DWOL Channel 2. BREAKING NEWS from the Eastmont Hills area. Covering the story is our reporter, Rebecca Moore, Rebecca? What do ya have?”
There’s a pregnant pause as the reporter listens in for the host’s question, “Yes, I am here on the corner of 79th Avenue and Hillside Street where this home that you see behind me, has been riddled with bullets around 8:45 this evening. Police that arrived on the scene believes that two to three suspects drove past this residence and unloaded shots from tactical T-91 assault rifles. Our Oakland PD SWAT doesn’t even have these in their possession. A witness who seems to live in this home, tells us what happened.” The program transitions to an interview that was recorded slightly earlier to a familiar face, “Yeah, so.. I was waiting on this girl I just met to pull up on me. I was on the porch. Next thing I know, my dog started barking from the back yard. As soon as I turned to see what she was barking at, I hear shots. I duck down for cover! I don’t know who could’ve done this. I don’t got no enemies.” The sound fades out as Rebecca’s voice forms in the background, “Twenty nine year old Dontay Phillips lives in this southeast Oakland home with his bedridden grandmother who was stirred awake by the 57 shots let off by these military grade weapons. Luckily no one was shot in the melee of gunfire, but it sure did shake Phillips up.” Dontay’s voice pans back in, “I’m grateful to the lord above me and my granny still here.”
Kesia watches the tv in awe. She cannot believe that Erik shot up Dontay’s grandmother’s house, She looks up at her conniving boyfriend, “How did yo--” He slips his hand in between her thighs where her phone rested and holds it up, “I told you.. the less you know..” Kesia slaps his arm, “You could’ve killed them!” “Ke, you know if I wanted Dontay dead, he would’ve been dead. I ain’t know he lived in his grandma house. He flexed to m---to you that he lived alone.” “Waiit.. He did what now?” Erik explains that while you were keeping your friends and family company, he was texting Dontay telling him that you were free for the night, plans got canceled. He sent you--Erik his address and told you--him.. that he lives alone. “He’s lucky I just wanted to scare his bitch ass. If I wanted to kill him, him and his granny would’ve been gone..” Erik cuts the TV off then stares at you.. awaiting for a response. “Why are they saying there were multiple assault rifles? You got somebody to do this crazy shit with you?” Erik flashes his bottom fangs as he cheeses at her odd question, “I got three of those bad bitches! I call em Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup.” Kesia rolls her eyes at his names for his guns that could’ve killed some guy you had no intentions of even getting to know. “I just switched em out every 20 or so rounds.. each one got a different serial number on the shells.. all of em are impossible to track.”
Kesia stares at him for a spell, then she bursts out laughing. “Okay so you CRAZY CRAZY? Got it!” Erik protests, “Uhh uh. I told you about them thirsty ass niggas. You had the audacity to give that sucka ass nigga yo number.. I had to regulate. Oh, and I blocked his number after I deleted the text thread and his call.” With that, Erik gets up and snatches his shirt off. That makes Kesia gasp with a hint of a moan. Erik’s ears perk up after hearing it, “So you coming to bed baby? Let’s finish celebrating that promotion.” Kesia grabs his hand and leads him to her bedroom while shaking her head at her crazy boyfriend, “Let’s.”
Hope you all like it! I know I’m rusty as shit but hopefully requests will roll in and I can get back in the swing of things. 
@chaneajoyyy​ What my favorite librarian think about it?!
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hoodie-lover · 5 years
Nightmare’s tentacles were curled up. He was looking down at his brother, Dream was bruised and beaten, his bones broken and cracked. Killer, Horror, and Dust were behind their master, glaring daggers and brandishing their weapons. Dream was chained up by the wrists.
“Look what we have here~. The guardian of all positivity, writhing in pain at my feet.” Nightmare mocked, raising Dream’s chin to have their eyes meet.
“B-burn in h-hell...” Dream muttered, jerking his head away, flinching in pain.
“Tsk tsk tsk, why must you be difficult Dreamy?” Nightmare said as his boys left the room, his mind control working wonders.
“Because you insist we keep this charade up even when they literally can’t do a thing about it.” Dream said as the chains fell off his wrists.
“Well, I think it completes the charade.” Nightmare said as he helped his brother up.
“You just like being in charge of a band of villains as you defeat your enemy.” Dream said as Nightmare healed his wounds, as if they were never there.
“How long should I stay here? Last time it was a month, you got so much negativity from my friends I was a little scared.” Dream chuckled as he remembered the tears of joy they had shed when he was found, such a surge of power, he loved it.
“Maybe 2 weeks. We can rough you up a lot more though, maybe even send a ransom note.” Nightmare entertained and Dream’s eyes glowed.
“Yes! Maybe a video of my poor and broken soul begging for help and mercy will get their souls crying. Then they can rescue me and we’ll all be happy.” Dream said already drooling at the thought.
“Yeah. But what would we even ask for?” Nightmare thought and Dream had an idea.
“An AU! One where you can out everyone through endless misery over and over and over again! A timeline where Flowey reigns supreme with no escape. His sadistic joy would be wonderful and the misery of everyone else would be more than enough for you.” Dream suggested and Nightmare gave him an evil grin.
“Sometimes I wonder why the villagers thought I was the evil twin.” Nightmare said and Dream cackled.
“They were blind idiots that were concerned only for themselves.” Dream said as he gave his brother a light punch in the arm.
“Assault of your captor?! How dare you!” Nightmare said as he grabbed Dream by his arm and broke it.
“Oh no! Ink will rescue me I’m sure of it you pure evil bastard!” Dream said, trying his best not to laugh.
“It seems I need to, once again, teach you how things work here.” Nightmare said, breaking both of Dream’s legs in one move.
“Mercy please!” Dream begged, not even flinching at the pain.
“Never you happy piece of filth.” Nightmare said, chaining up Dream again, ripping his clothes and taking his crown.
“Maybe I should crack your skull. That would be scary for Ink.” Nightmare entertained and Dream nodded.
“Alright, then I’ll get Dust in here for the video.” Nightmare said as he drilled a hole into Dream’s head with a tentacle. Golden blood spilled from the wound as Dream shifted in slight discomfort.
Dust entered the room, he was mumbling things to the phantom Papyrus he saw. “Yes Pap, yes Pap, yes Pap, yes Pap, yes Pap, yes Pap...” over and over again, his fingers twitching with every word.
“You like the crazy ones don’t you brother?” Dream said as he began to cry fake tears when Dust put a knife to his throat.
“Shut up.” Nightmare said as he opened a two way viewing portal in front of himself.
“Hello Inky boy! How are you? Well, Dream is doing just wonderful!” Nightmare said catching the creator off guard.
“What did you do to him?” Ink demanded, his eyes turning red as he armed his brush.
“Nothing much. Just had a little fun that’s all.” He said as he turned the portal toward Dream, who was sobbing with all his heart.
“HELP! PLEASE INK HELP ME! PLEASE-” He said but a swift slice across his face, all too close to his eye, he shut up. Dust cackled as he licked the golden blood from the wound.
“Dust.” Nightmare boomed and the insane skeleton stopped moving.
“What do you want Nightmare?” Ink asked, seething.
“A universe. Where I can make others as miserable as I want, with no consequences. A universe where Flowey reigns supreme, unchallenged and undefeated forever, where I can influence his actions and choices.” Nightmare asked, and Ink gasped.
“NO!” Ink screamed.
“I’ll give you two weeks to decide.” Nightmare said as the portal faded.
Nightmare fell to the floor laughing as Dust left the room. Dream soon followed, their laughs cold and cruel, like nails on a chalkboard.
“You were perfect!” Nightmare said as he healed and freed his twin.
“So were you. Did you make Dust lick my cut, or is he crazier than I thought?” Dream asked, and Nightmare gasped in fake shock.
“I have standards. Of course I made him.” Nightmare said as he grabbed Dream’s hand and lead him out of the dungeon.
Nightmare’s goons were sitting on the couch staring off into space, lost in their own personal hells. Dream was always creeped out by their blank faces, how he could feel the negativity radiating off of them, he longed to see them smile, but he knew that Nightmare needed them.
“I’ll let you use them while you’re here. Two weeks ain’t gonna do much and if I get that AU, well, then I can set them free from my spell.” Nightmare said and Dream jumped for joy.
“Thank you!” Dream cried out as he unleashed a yellow aura, in response, the three skeletons fell to their knees and gasped for breath.
“W-what happened?” Killer asked and backed away from Dream when he saw him.
“Where are you going?” Dream asked, Horror and Dust realizing who was there and backing away from his as well.
“What’s wrong guys? Don’t you want to be happy?” Dream asked, smiling wide as he pushed his aura harder on the trembling skeletons.
They screamed as their heads felt like exploding, empty laughs escaping their mouths as they writhed in pain.
“Stop resisting. You’ve been sad for so long, why don’t you want to be happy?” Dream asked.
Eventually, after a few minutes of torture, the three of them were limp on the ground. Dream had propped them up against each other’s backs. Killer, Horror, and Dust’s eyes were yellow, one of them laughing every now and then. Dream was incredibly happy, with a snap of his fingers, the three of them stood up.
“Hi.” They all said in unison, smiles plastered on their faces.
Nightmare was always intrigued by Dream’s aura, he knew it was painful, and the effects were something he was creeped out by. Though he loved seeing his twin use every ounce of his power on people, it was so interesting to see the beloved Dream, just as crazy as he was.
Dream, for the rest of the day, pushed more and more of his aura into them, gaining more power than he lost. When he had to turn in, the three skeletons were practically foaming at the mouth and clinging to Dream with all their strength. Dream cut the effect instantly, and they collapsed.
“You monster-” Killer shouted by he had no chance to charge at the guardian as Nightmare wrapped the three of them in his tentacles and put them to sleep.
“I think I might do that with a few random outcodes.” Dream said and Nightmare looked at his twin as if he was suggested the earth was flat.
“Why are you surprised?” Dream asked, genuinely curious as to why his brother would be surprised at his thought.
~~Time Skip~~
Ink had given in and made Nightmare’s AU. It hurt his nonexistent soul to do something that Dream would hate, but even more negativity would spread if he didn’t. When he saw Dream again, the slightly taller skeleton look near death, breaks and bruises all over his bones. Tears were running down his face as they hugged and Nightmare walked away, cocky as ever.
“I-Ink...” Dream huffed, but Ink kept him quiet.
“Wait until we get to the Doodle Sphere.” Ink said, picking up the now sobbing skeleton bridal style.
When Ink arrived with Dream, everyone was so happy. Dream was sobbing with relief and Ink had to drag him to his bed so he could rest.
“Nightmare really did a number on him huh.” Blue said, looking at the door.
“I hate that bastard. How can Dream still think he’s redeemable?” Red, Underfell!Sans grumbled.
“Stockholm syndrome and the love of brothers. Dream’s also told me he feels responsible for what Nightmare went through and became, so that’s also a big factor.” Ink responded, and Geno who was also in the room nodded his head.
“I just hope he’ll be alright, he’s gone through so much, it’s a wonder he can stay so happy and hopeful all the time.” That got everyone agreeing, unaware of what Dream was actually doing in his room.
He was looking through the list of outcodes, looking at who had the worst lives, and how he could make them as happy as possible. He had to suppress an evil laugh as he heard his friends talk of Stockholm syndrome. They were so stupid.
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shadowruler · 5 years
Resistance Training
Given House Vestra’s specialities, it is not a far stretch to imagine that its members have easy access to information that could potentially cripple the empire, if it fell into the wrong hands. Their line of work also puts them at great risk of being captured, if they get sloppy. Of course, they’re supposed to be competent enough for that not to occur. Yet one must always prepare for the worst.
At age 14, shortly after his mother was sent to Nuvelle, Hubert was stolen from his bed in the night and moved to what appeared to be a prison cell. Though he didn’t realise it at first, his life was not under threat: he was taken under his father’s orders. From there, his training began.
Hubert would be dragged out of the cell and into an interrogation room. It started off mild. He would be questioned. He would refused to respond. His captor would smack him on the face. No more roughed up than children brawling or a parent disciplining their child.
However, over time the harm would increase. Different methods were to be used. At some point, Marquis Vestra appeared and his son was able to discern what was going on. He would sometimes take over the assaults on his son, sometimes merely watch or leave the room entirely. Though he lost sense of time, once every few hours either his father or captor (having broken role) would ask him if he could continue or whether he should be taken back to his cell. Standard procedure dictated that this should happen once an hour, and the answer respected. Hubert knew this. Even so, any indication that they needed to stop was ignored.
A variety of methods were used. Strikes were what were mainly used at the start. Twists and hair pulling joined. Magic was slipped in. Narcotics. Shock. Humiliation. The point was to cover as many types of torture he could possibly face if captured, and the intensity was gradually raised so as to allow Hubert to develop a tolerance. To the point where even if the pain was almost as extreme as someone truly digging for information, he would only reveal his name, title and allegiance.
Everybody breaks eventually. This was drilled into the boy. What mattered was how long it took. He was made to understand the concept of time dependant information: the longer he was held captive, the less useful his knowledge would be to an enemy, and thus he should be able to hold out long enough that what he spills is either no longer relevant, or even inaccurate.
Between his time in captivity and recovery, Hubert never managed to work out just how long the training took. Eventually, his younger brother went through the same experience when he turned 14, and was missing from the household for 3 weeks. The eldest of their sisters also went through it, but disappeared for longer. Apparently, her natural tolerance was far beneath that of her brothers’, and she needed more time to be broken in. After a month of silence, Hubert finally saw her again in the midst of a psychotic break. She hadn’t passed.
Unfortunately, it took Aurelia almost a full year to recover from the psychological harm done to her, and she was unable to join her brothers at the Officer’s Academy. By that point, her father had decided she was unsuitable to be a Vestra, and was in negotiations to marry her off right up until his death.
Hubert stopped the practice once he took over. By the post skip, his next two sisters would have gone through the training, but it was never forced upon them. It was merely made clear that he could not freely share certain pieces of information with them.
Eventually, Aurelia requested to try again, having grown to fill the role of an assassin for House Vestra, whilst one of their younger sisters Lilien showed promise as a spy, and thus was also at high risk of such training being relevant. 
Hubert refused to allow either to go ahead without serious discussions as to what the training entailed, and the consequences of it. Both girls approached him when they were far older than he had been and thus far more capable of understanding. Essentially, he only gave the go ahead when it was clear that each of them could fully consent and were happy to do so.
There were differences, however. The training took longer so as to allow for more recovery time between sessions. And if either of them did ask to stop when prompted, procedure was followed and they were escorted out of the room. Most breaks were spent in a cell, but ones requested by the subject had them moved to a controlled, but more comfortable environment. Hubert never carried out any of the acts against them himself, but he oversaw them, at the very least having a full report should he not be able to be present.
At least, in Lilien’s case. With Aurelia, the training is postponed until a time that Hubert could be present for almost the entirety of the sessions. With the state of her mental health after last time and the likelihood of this new attempt triggering something, he wanted to be there to put a stop to things if needed. His other line of thinking was that if present in the room, that would do something to reassure Aurelia. At first. Eventually, he would begin to simply wait outside - a real captor wouldn’t let her have a family member there to bring her comfort.
Hubert has an odd mindset on what happened in terms of his training. Given he didn’t force it on his younger family members and when two requested it, he spent so much time making sure they were informed enough to consent, he clearly finds it unacceptable to kidnap a young teenager in the night and put them in that situation. Unlike what he experienced, procedure was followed, and greater care was taken on his sisters. He also can acknowledge that things went too far with Aurelia: his father should have pulled the plug, rather than allowing it to continue for longer.
However, if confronted, there seems to be a mental disconnect between that, and what Hubert went through. Surprisingly, he does not begrudge his father’s decision in his case. If asked now, he would consent to such training, but he hasn’t quite accepted that it doesn’t matter: at the time, he was unable to. Even if there was a practical reason for it, Hubert was too young and cries to stop were ignored. He can’t quite recognise that what happened was essentially abuse, simply because he can understand why he ‘needed’ the training, and as a 25 year old man would agree now.
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Roses In Thorns (Pt 6)
Being apart of the countries greatest mafia families had its problems; enemies grew from every thorn and you were one of the greatest roses to target.
You didn’t expect the greatest thorn to prick you to be he who was assigned to protect you- Jeon Jeongguk.
Genre: Angst, (the good type), drama, suspense, fluff, future smut in story line.
BodyguardJungkook, Mafia
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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AN: What did I just write? Spoiler: SMUT. 
You had never been in Jeongguk’s apartment. It was the ultimate bachelor pad, on the last floor on the side of the city you had never ventured into. Too many enemies, your father would say. This area was up town, but it wasn’t apart of your fathers watchlist. 
His living room consisted of a spacious area, two leather couches and a flat screen TV embedded into the creamy walls. 
The artwork behind the walls of the sofa threw you off, and you stood there admiring it whilst Jeongguk took a shower. He had told you to make yourself at home and promise to talk after. 
You bit your lips, starting at the walls behind the sofa. Jeongguk really had a particular liking for erotic art by the looks of it. The walls behind the leather sofa were lined with three large frames- each with beautiful women in compromising positions, teasing cleavage and sultry lips. There was something beautifully artistic about them, and the thought of Jeongguk admiring them made you clench your thighs. 
Right. You both had kissed. You both had outrun your fathers guards. You both did it together. The gravity of the situation slowly rested on your shoulders, as you realised you had gone against the wishes of your father. He despised Jeongguk, and probably was being informed by his men on the situation this very moment.
“Do you want to take a shower?” Jeongguk asked, coming back in the most dressed down look you had ever seen him in. Sweatpants and a white shirt that sculpted to his body. He held a towel as he continued drying some of his damp hair. 
“I don’t have any clothes.” You said shyly. 
“I’ve left some out...they’re not gonna fit but better than nothing right?” He nervously rubbed the muscles on his back, exposing his strong biceps. 
No, wearing nothing would work really well for you with him. You hushed the thoughts away, you needed some composition.
You thanked him and told him you’d take the shower. In all honesty you needed it, the running with him had been stressful and you were panting at the end of it all. Stripping your clothes in his large bathroom, you turned the water on and let the steam from the shower engulf your body as your muscles relaxed. 
Finishing up your shower, you wrapped a towel around your body and took a look at the clothes Jeongguk had left out for you.
The blue shirt was way too long for you but smelled like him, which you welcomed the scent of. The shirt rested just above the middle of your thighs and you rolled the sleeves up to your arms. 
You piled your hair above your head in a loose top bun and ventured out to find Jungkook. The smell of food filled your senses, and you took footsteps towards the direction. You played with the hem of Jeongguk’s shirt as you found him in his kitchen, front towards the stove and cooking what looked like to be pancakes.
“Breakfast for dinner?” You asked, distracting him from the perfect circle he was filling out with the batter.
“It’s the only thing I can cook.” He said shyly, effortlessly flipping the pancake onto the other side. Jeongguk did a double take, the first to check you were there and the second where he took a longer look travelling your body.
“Blue suits you.” He said as his eyes darkened, making red fill your cheeks. That was your que to talk about what had just happened in the last few hours before something else happened. You were both walking on tight ropes. 
“You wanted to talk.” You said after clearing your throat.
You met his eyes again to find they were dark, like he was fighting a battle inside of him. Jeongguk sighed, a smile edging on his lips as he took your hand and drew your body into his. 
“Let’s sit down before I do something. You look far too good in my shirt for your own good.” He laid a quick peck on your lip before taking you to sit down. Butterflies filled your stomach. You hadn’t felt this elated by someone since you were 13 and had your first kiss. 
You wanted to tell him he could do anything he wanted, but resisted because it wouldn’t do any of you good. Not when you had burning questions in the back of your mind.
“So...what happens with us?” You asked, skipping right to the question that was at the forefront of your mind as soon as you were both sat on his sofa. He took your hand in his and soothingly rubbed circles on your hand. 
“What do you want to happen?” He asked, intently following your eyes.
“D-do you want me?” You asked. 
Jeongguk flitted his eyes down in a light smile, before his eyes darkened once again as they met yours.
“Yes.” He said simply. 
“How long have...you wanted me for?” 
Jeongguk sighed. “A while.” 
He began his story of what he was really feeling all the time he was your body guard. It surprised you because all this time you had thought he had issues dealing with people which explained his odd behavior towards you. Jeongguk was in the most difficult position, but he tried to save you. For that you would always be grateful. 
“You’re too good Y/N. You should hate me.” He said, still in shock after everything he had said you were holding his hand. 
“I don’t hate you. I’m tired of fighting my feelings for you.” You said, but the pause you were met with after you spoke about your feelings was ringing in your ear. 
“Wh- was that just a thank you kiss back there?” You asked after getting no reply.
The silence you were met with was unbearable, and the conclusions that were racing around your head made you want to jump and leave on impulse. You couldn’t be thrown aro-
His lips moved to meet yours, and the taste of Jeongguk spread to your body like a wildfire. You craved him. Responding to his kiss, you moaned as you gripped Jeongguk’s hair.
Jeongguk took that as a cue for him to move your hips over his. 
An involuntary moan escaped your lips at the realisation how strong his thighs felt.
“Y/N, baby...” He moaned. 
“More. I want more.” You sighed. 
“Tell me what you want.” He demanded, moving his assault onto your neck as he lathered your skin with long and rough kisses. 
“You. I want you.” You whispered into his ear as his hands pushed your clothed crotch against his. 
Your words sent the message to Jeongguk fast, as he switftly turned your body under him and lifted you into his arms bridal style. 
He effortlessly carried you in strong arms to a room that you guessed was his bedroom, you didn’t have any time to register anything there apart from the large bed that you were thrown onto. 
“I’ve wanted to have you for so long.” Jeongguk said, standing whilst you were still exposed. 
“Please.” You begged, buzzing with anticipation that you finally would be able to have him. 
You were breathing heavily in anticipation, and felt the bed sink as he covered his body just above yours.
“Arms up.” He commanded, and you agreed lifting your arms up. 
Jeongguk slid your top over your head, and you wished the bra you wore was more appealing.
“Fuck, that’s so pretty.” Jeongguk kissed the space where your breasts met, sending delicious tension right up your spine. 
Whilst moving his lips all over you, he unclasped your bra giving you free reign to move your arms. In a haste all pieces of clothing on your body were stripped off, and the towel Jeongguk had loosely wrapped around his waist was no where to be seen. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Jeongguk said, lips pulling your nipples in between words. 
You were writhing, moaning. Jeongguk reluctantly let go of his worship on your breasts to pull back and look at you, a hot mess from his touch.
His eyes were dark with need, hair mussed from your grip on his locks as he kissed your clavicle. 
Your eyes trailed to his cock, causing you to involuntarily let out a moan which didn’t escape Jeongguk’s eyes. His cock was rock hard, viciously pointing at you like it needed to be touched. 
“You want this?” Jeongguk stroked his member right in front of your face, causing your mouth to open in need. 
“Please, Jeongguk.” You begged, unable to take any sort of teasing because you wanted him for so long. 
“Shhh, baby girl. I got you.” His honey words sent pleasurable waves down your body.
“Gotta check if you’re ready for me first.” Jeongguk let out his signature smirk, which meant he was basking in torturing your body. His head moved below your navel and your body lifted itself up involuntary at the feeling of his lips trailing down. 
You hadn’t been touched in so long, so every move he made was setting you on fire. 
His kiss on you made your body quake as it writhed. Jeongguk stilled your hips from moving too much as his tongue expertly moved in and out, creating moans of pleasure to rock through you.
“Oh my god!” You yelled as he travelled deeper inside you, creating pangs of pleasure. 
“Not God baby, say my name.” He smiled into you, sending you tipping towards going over the edge. 
“So wet, Y/N how are you so wet babygirl?” He asked smirking as he went back to assault you. His words of endearment were making you loose the little control you had.
“Did I make you this wet, Y/N?” 
You moaned.
“Answer me if you want to cum baby.” Any ounce of resolve you had was deliciously breaking, and Jeongguk teasing you drove you wild. 
“Thought so”. He smirked. “ I’m the only one you can do this for, right?” 
“Only you.” You sighed in agreement, wanting his lips to return. 
His assault was more powerful this time, as determination edged on his features to tip you over. Jeongguk nipped and licked and sucked every part of you that demanded his attention, praising you for being such a good girl as your body responded to him.
“Come for me baby doll.” 
His sinful voice full of need had dropped octave lowers, and that sent you over the edge. Your body moved up and Jeongguk pressed you down as he felt you ride out yourself on his lips. 
You were sensitivie from his lips, but that didn’t stop his move on your body. 
“Oh my G-G- Jeongguk!” You panted. 
“Mmmm, you’re so wet. Are you tight as well?” Jeongguk teased, lathering his cock up with your wetness as he prepared himself. 
“Look at you. You’re an angel.” Jeongguk took a step back to observe your body, flushed from his eating out. Your body was a cradle of pure sin to his eyes, and once your composure returned you directly met his eyes.
“What are you waiting for?” You lifted yourself up on your hands and shot what looked to Jeongguk to be your signature sultry look that he first saw when he met you. The confidence boost came from your realisation he was obviously as turned on by you as you were by him. Your sultry stare was clearly a switch for him, as Jeongguk darted to take your lips in his mouth again, and you moved yourself so your body was over his.
“Can you ride me me baby?” He asked after you changed position. Resting his head against the bed frame, you looked at how he was panting in anticipation. You wasted no time in lining yourself up with him, but decided to pay him back for the teasing he had served you. His girth was thick, and you pulsed internally in anticipation for him to finally be inside you. 
“Y/N baby, you go all the way in.” He said smirking. 
“Really? I had no idea.” You edged closer in, loving the frustration edging on his features.
“Don’t play with me, Y/N.” Jeongguk’s eyes blazed, turning you on even more than you were.
“Play what?” You innocently batted your eyelashes, letting out a moan to frustrate him even further. Jeongguk clearly didn’t handle teasing well, as he bucked his cock into you. You screamed. 
“How’s that feel?” He asked. 
“So full, oh my god.” You gripped Jeongguk’s shoulders and started to move yourself. The curses and moans coming from Jeongguk’s mouth spurred you on, seeing him totally inhibited in his most rawest form was tipping you closer and closer to the edge.
“Fuck, you’re so unbelievably tight.” He moaned, going into a harder assault as he chased release.
“Jeongguk, you feel so good!” You yelled as Jeongguk started to thrust upwards. You both started to play a game of delaying gratification, because the moans that were coming from both of your mouths were new and sexy. 
“Fuck. Jeongguk, harder.” You begged, and Jeongguk met your wishes and flipped you over to your back. 
“This is so much better. Look at you. So beautiful.” Jeongguk’s lips circled your breasts, taking you over the edge. The screams that filled Jeongguk’s ear left a satisfied grin on his face, followed by his release coming after. The feeling left you panting, and Jeongguk laid there still for a while before moving off you to kiss below your neck. 
The kisses grew more fevered and you realised what he was doing.
“Ar- are you marking me Jeongguk?” You laughed in surprise. 
“My Y/N.” He growled into your neck. 
“Oh my god, get off me you alpha minded jerk!” You laughed, which caused Jeongguk to smile into your neck and press harder. The feeling stirred inside you again but you pushed in back down. 
“Perfect.” Jeongguk said, before kissing your forehead and jumping out of bed and into the bathroom.
He came back from the bathroom with a wet towel and started to clean you up. The multi personalities of Jeon Jeongguk threw you off and attracted you to him like no one else’s did. 
Jeongguk paused, seeing your dazed look on your face. He tried to figure out what you were thinking before his mind jumped to a conclusion.
“Fuck, are you on the pill?” He asked. 
“I’m so sorry I should have been better prepared...” He ran his hands through his hair.
You caught on to him after snapping out of your character assessment of him. 
“Wha- no I’m on the pill.” You said softly, but then you also realised that both of you made no effort to check you were safe. 
You hadn’t been with anyone in the past year, but you didn’t know Jeongguk. 
You slapped his arm. “When did you last get tested?!” You yelled. 
He shot you a deathly glare. “You get fucked like a princess and now you go ape shit on me?” 
“Who said I wanted to get fucked like a princess?! Don’t ignore my question ass.” 
“I’m clean, baby. I got tested last month.” He rolled his eyes, moving off the bed to go back into the bathroom before coming back dressed in shorts. You had put on his shirt in the meantime, but a soreness hit as soon as you moved your legs. 
“Was I too hard?” Jeongguk asked noticing your discomfort.
“No, it’s just been a while.” You said shyly. 
Jeongguk kissed your forehead. “Only you can go from being a little chipmunk ready to take me out to a sweet angel.” He kissed your forehead again. 
“I like it rough too.” You whispered in his ear when he was kissing your forehead. 
Jeongguk cocked his head towards you as his eyes darkened once again. 
“Oh, really?”
The following morning brought a tense atmosphere as the realisation was heavy on both of your shoulders your father would be scouring every part of the city looking for you both. 
“You know I use to hate all of my body guards.”You said sipping the tea he had made you on the kitchen counter.
“I know. I experienced it myself.” He laughed. 
“Yeah but everyone knows I wanted to get in your pants behind it all.” Your smirked.
“Y/N...” Jeongguk said after a pause. 
“Hmm?” You asked.
“You need to go home. Your family are probably worried sick.” He said softly as concern edged his beautiful features. 
“I’m not a child.” You said. 
The staring competition you both had was interrupted by a rapt knock on his front door. You worried it would be your fathers men, and gripped his shoulders in a bid to not answer it. 
“It’s probably my cleaner.” He answered the door and  you heard footsteps enter the apartment. An attractive female in her 40s came straight into the kitchen where you were and opened the cupboard that had cleaning supplies. 
You knew her. She looked familiar, maybe you had seen her clean at Jimin’s home when you visited him?  
“Oh my goodness. A Jeon and a Y/L/N together.” She squealed. She clearly knew who you were, throwing you off slightly as you bowed your head in respect. 
“Ah, the power is making my eye sight blurry.” She smiled at the both of you.
“Ah, what a wonderful couple. Does your father know Y/N?” The question threw you off because it was one that staff usually steered clear off.
“Don’t let anyone find out you’re here. Your father is planning something dangerous, Y/N.” She said, taking your hand in hers and holding it steady. 
“W- he wouldn’t hurt me.” You protested, flitting your eyes to Jeongguk. He was focused on the cleaner. 
“No, he’ll hurt whose close to you.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked, fear pounding in your heart.
A tear drifted down her cheek.
“Park Jimin is dead.”
Part 7
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badsithnocookie · 7 years
Unification (2/?)
They were late to the party, of course - between Iokath's own defences and a few Imperials who had slipped behind enemy lines, the main event was in full swing by the time Eirn and Theron arrived. It was to their advantage, though - they caught the rear of an Imperial assault on the main Republic outpost, sandwiching them between a handful of mildly surprised troopers who seemed more concerned to see Eirn and Theron than relieved - and all the more so that they weren't with the Imperials.
'You must be- Lord Illte,' their commander managed - an alien, a Twi'lek man who glanced uncertainly between Eirn and Theron, as though he was trying to decide which one of them he distrusted more. 'Commander Malcom said to expect you.'
He left the but we didn't believe him part unsaid - that, and the and we still think you're here to stab us in the back. Eirn let them stay unsaid, though; they were insults, yes, but not ones worth jeopardising the mission over.
'That's me,' she just replied - acutely aware of her accent, in a room full of pubs, never mind her species. 'Where can I best assist?'
A very Jedi turn of phrase, and Eirn hated it even as she said it - not because she didn't want to assist, but because of the judgements that even now she passed on herself for phrasing it quite like that. Even as a Sith, Eirn wasn't certain how much difference she would make - there were plenty of Jedi backing up the Republic lines, and every single one of them shot her the same wary, judgemental look that spoke more of a barely restrained desire to gut her than any inclination towards cooperation. They had orders, though - and unlike Sith, seemed inclined to actually listen to them, even as Eirn had no desire to push her luck.
There was one weapon she could wield that none of these Jedi could, though - the fact that she was Sith, a role that she slipped into far too easily to be of comfort, first confusing and then terrifying the Imperials unlucky enough to get in her way, and sending them packing with what she just hoped wouldn't be a desire to come back with stronger Sith of their own. This was not the first time in her life that Eirn had found herself fighting Imperials, though- it was the first time, she found herself reflecting, later, that she'd fought the Empire.
I guess this makes you a for-real traitor, Illte. There's no coming back from this.
Not that this thought sat particularly well; if anything, it lodged in her throat, tasting of something acrid when she tried to swallow it and forcing a grimace that made her glad for the way her helmet kept her expression to herself.
Wars were never won in a day, though - not without unleashing the kind of atrocities that Eirn had come here to at least attempt preventing, and even those that were had effects that lingered for centuries after. It didn't feel like quite a century before the Imperial lines broke and the enemy - the Empire - folded, chased back to its boltholes here - but it was almost that, and she wasn't sorry when the Republic push was finally satisfied.
(Was certain, at that, that the Imperial push never would have been; satisfied, that is, not without Malcom's head on a pike and Acina's fingers on Iokath's control panels. One more reason among thousands that she tried to tell herself that she'd made the right decision, nagging as her what-if ever was)
Eirn had mostly been attempting to avoid learning anything about Iokath during their previous visit, and mostly attempted to follow suit on her unwilling and involuntary return. It would seem, though, that she was being disappointed - and by the very same people whose inability to go five minutes without shooting at each other were the reason she was there at all.
Iokath was home to many technological marvels - ones that Acina, Eirn couldn't not bitterly reflect, would likely have coveted even were she not the self-appointed Empress of all Sith. There was one purpose to Iokath's existence, and one alone: war, and the eternal waging thereof. It made her think of her once-home, in all the worst possible ways; the realisations that had settled on her that it was all the Empire cared for - not for the Sith, in any senses of that word, not for those who'd died a thousand years ago or even those who, like her, were dragged unwillingly into its angry maw - but war, grim and bloody, death fuelling death, consuming the galaxy world by world until there was nothing left but ash. Vitiate's own selfish ambitions hadn't even needed to factor into it; war created power, created the demand for power, scared the population into compliance and the Sith into battle. And she- for all she might have privately protested, she was not any better herself; her hands were just as bloody, her pile of corpses just as high. She'd drawn strength from the wars she had been forced to wage, from the throats she'd claimed she'd had to cut, but-
(you could have left, she'd reflected, in Odessen's air, like Anya did)
-she was no less guilty than any other Sith.
'Lord Illte. I have to ask.' When Malcom looked at her during the debrief it was with the practised diplomatic calm of an enemy general come to parley with a volatile foe, and Eirn couldn't help but simultaneously admire and resent him for it. 'Not that I'm ungrateful, but why the Republic? Why now?'
Inside her armoured gloves, Eirn struggled not to clench her fists, not least because of the threat that such an action would be read as. Malcom, for his part, was simply studying her - not visibly armoured, more fool him, but very definitely armed and Eirn knew better than to think that every Republic soldier in this place wouldn't have gladly cut her down if she so much as breathed in a way he found a threat.
'I know the Empress,' Eirn replied, after a long moment. 'I know what she's like. Not just as a Sith, but as a person.'
How do you walk away from such power, Wrath?
'Given the sort of power this place can unleash,' she added, 'She'd burn the whole galaxy. I have no intention of letting that happen.'
Malcom, though, was not sated by this in the slightest - if anything, he was put more on his guard, though he seemed to have his aura and expression both well controlled. Then again, Eirn reflected, this probably wasn't the first time he'd had to have a chat with a Force-sensitive he might have disagreed with - never mind a Sith.
'And you? Do you intend to take this- superweapon?' he replied - testing her limits, testing her further, and for a moment, Eirn wondered just what Republic Intelligence had told the man about her.
'No,' Eirn replied, incredibly flatly. She was the loudest voice on the Alliance's council pushing for the dismantling of Zakuul's so-called Eternal fleet, to Lana's constant frustration - and Zakuul's continued resistance. Senya wanted it repurposed for peacekeeping, and had talked enough Jedi around to the idea that decommissioning it altogether was out of the question, for now. It was a noble enough cause, but Eirn had seen her own Empire's idea of peacekeeping and wasn't sure she trusted anyone with power once wielded by Vitiate, of all people.
'I don't intend to let the Republic take it,' she added - abruptly, and entirely undiplomatically, but that was Lana's fault for making her out to be the one who gave out orders. 'Or,' she continued, 'To take it for myself. The only way this ends is with that thing destroyed, along with anything else here with that kind of power.'
Malcom did not believe her, of course, but- in his place, Eirn had to wonder, would she? A once-enemy, once the handmaiden of a creature who had devoured whole worlds, claiming now to care even just the smallest amount about- if not galactic peace, then at the very least, a lack of planetary obliteration?
'That won't be easy,' he replied, though - skipping over his faith in her statements entirely, and getting right to the part where he didn't have to admit disagreeing with her stated goals. 'We're talking about something that's lasted for millennia.'
To that, though, Eirn just smiled. 'I am Sith,' she replied - a reminder of what she was that made the atmosphere in the room twinge, even if most present had the professionalism to keep it out of their expressions. 'We are not known for giving up because something is not easy.'
Which, as usual, was precisely the issue.
The Republic base camp apparently had enough of a routine that it could settle into, despite its recent establishment - proof, Eirn supposed, that even outside of the Alliance, Republic troops were far more disciplined than Malavai had ever given them credit for. Iokath was artificial enough a place that there was no day or night - just a constant daylight, like being in a space station large enough to have its own atmosphere. (It was, or something close to it; the technical details went far enough over Eirn's head to be considered in orbits of their own, but that seemed to be the general gist)
The upshot, though, was that evening was as much a fiction here as it was aboard a starship, despite the open sky, and a part of Eirn kept protesting that calling the meal they ate (a Republic-standard-issue-meal-substitute that Eirn half recognised from the fare of Alliance troops - pasta with a meat-and-vegetable sauce) an evening one was an unhelpful lie. It didn't help that, other than Theron and a table full of awkward silence, she ate alone - avoiding equally awkward silence from Republic personnel and, once she could flee to a relatively quiet corner of the base, contact Lana in relative privacy. Not total; Eirn assumed she was being watched, and not simply by the Republic, but she saw no reason to make things easier for her watchers than she absolutely had to.
'Lord Illte.' Lana was as professional as ever, though Eirn could tell snide professionalism when she heard it. Presumably she was still sore about the earlier warning - or having been forced to work with Pubs, or both. For one of the Alliance's founding architects, Lana had never warmed much to the idea of Jedi in its ranks who did not convert, or Pubs who talked with their own accent and wrote with their own script.
'Lord Beniko,' Eirn replied - she could play that game, too, and was petty enough that she would. 'What's your status?'
Lana's supposed humility had never done much to convince Eirn that it was anything else but another kind of vanity - another kind of mask, this one constructed of the faces of the crowd, instead of porcelain and bloody paint. She pretended that she was nobody important, and instead propped up others to be her public face, and others still to be her weapons. Eirn had no desire to be either - if only because she so despised being used.
'The Alliance base is secure, and we've got our own troops on the ground. Captain Dorne and her people are headed your way. No casualties.' She paused, and then, 'How are things on your end?'
'Quiet,' Eirn admitted; the Empire was licking its wounds, and the Republic was bracing itself for the next round. 'The Empire haven't been giving you trouble?'
'Nothing we can't handle. And I'm sure that Commander Malcom would prefer his people under his command.' Lana was trying to foist something off on- someone else, here, and Eirn couldn't quite tell what it was. Perhaps it was a simple mistrust of Dorne; or perhaps, at that, this was simple baseless paranoia.
'Alright. Keep in touch,' Eirn sighed, though - adding, 'Let me know if anything changes.'
'May the Force serve us well.' Lana cut the call, at that - her usual farewell, a wordy well-wish that Eirn hated in every language but her own.
Qyâsik ben'yak grot.
(She checked her comm for missed calls, and found nothing; kept checking it, and kept finding only the kind of judgemental silence that made her feel like a fool for even thinking to take a look)
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reztheripper-blog · 7 years
Rise of The Demon Huntress Part 4
 Early the next morning we began the torture of the demon. Once everyone decided to take forever to wake up, I had a crack at him first.         "Let's start small: Who are you?"       "None of your concern, human. Your race will be wiped out in a deluge of blood!" He (I'm assuming it was a he) hissed       Time for breaking him down just a wee bit. I cast a strength exponentia and flicked him in the face hard enough to slide him across the concrete. "We'll try that again." I walked over to his squirming form, "Now who are you?"       He must have really wanted to die, because he rolled over and spat a glob of saliva at me. I dodged it, but it was the act that irritated me. I jabbed him in the gut with two fingers. The demon's eyes bulged out in pain and he hurried began telling me his name, "Bargoth!! Bargoth!!"       "Well nice to meet you, Bargoth. Do you mind telling me why your race is even here?"       He gasped for air almost in a panic, "We- we came here to kill humans for stopping our last invasion attempt! It's our revenge! When we killed you all we move to Nihil!"       "What's Nihil?"       "I-I don't know actually. I've only heard rumors that it's where magic comes from." he stuttered       This was an interesting concept. No one really had an idea where magic came from. We kind of assumed it was from within us or something. This was a question for another day. For now, we needed enemy layouts.       I turned to Alice "You said you could get him to tell the exact position of everyone?"       She had the most crazed grin on her face when I said that. "Oh yes...." she stood up "That I can get."       Needless to say, that the session, if you want to call it that, went well. For the next hour or so, the demons screamed in agony as Alice ripped the details out of him. The thing was, she never laid a hand on him. I'm not too good at sorcery (even though I'm a Master in it.), so I can't quite explain what she did, but Bargoth did have shadows leaking from his eyes and it didn't look fun.       Alice walked over to all of us with a look of triumph. "Got the enemy layout! They're all going to be centered around the control room. Their main goal is to protect someone named 'Kane'. The closer we get to the control center, the more deadly the demons are. Guarding the door to the control center are two guards only know as 'Sentinels'. They're apparently some experimental type of demon."       I wanted to get the answers I wanted first really bad, but I really would rather not have to deal with a dead Nero. "Hey, Natasha, do you mind scouting the area out with Alice while I go and escort Nero to the front lines? It shouldn't take long and... be careful."       I made my way to downtown Divitiae where all the real intense fighting took place. I was actually expecting something like an ambush to happen, but nothing. We made it to the front lines without fault and Nero thanked me for getting him there in one piece. Anticlimactic in my opinion, but easier.       I should have figured something that easy would be followed by something much worse. I was walking down one of the desolate highway when I heard the crunch of glass. It wasn't me. Then I heard the faint Shling! of a blade being drawn and internally groaned. I really didn't feel like dealing with bandits or demons. I held my hands up in a sign of surrender while mentally prepping to summon up my Tempus Gladio.       It was five bandits. "If you want money, I'm broke. If you're want sex, you don't want it. I bite."       They all glanced at each other. "Hand over your supplies!" one said nervously. I assumed it was because he truly wanted to get this done without killing me. "C-come on now! I'm not joking!"       I decided to end this quickly. I rushed forward in two steps and dis armed the one bandit talking and knocked him unconscious instantly. I don't think I killed him. The others backed up and drew their assorted blades, one even drew a pistol. How cute. I summoned my Tempus Gladio in my left hand, letting the cool feel of Time rush through my fingers. Then, I drew my new sword with my right hand.       "Kill her!" one of them shouted       I kind of had a morality moment and didn't kill them when I could have done so easily. I used the flat of my blade to stun them and the hilt to knock them out. That one asshole with a pistol actually shot me! Right in the chest. Luckily I was wearing good armor and he was using shit bullets, but still! What a bitch!! I almost stabbed him in the face just for that. But I didn't because "Concepts of Morality".       As I was beating the soul out of the last guy, a slip of paper fell out of his pocket. Once I was sure he wasn't dead, I grabbed it and read it. The note was written is shaky handwriting like it was done on the move and it read "Find them! All three! The one with white hair, the one who commands shadows, and that one prick who keeps attacking our base! -Kane" Under that in much neater writing read, "What vague shit is this!?" which had the response of "JUST FIND THEM!" under it. I assumed it was magic paper (Writer's Note: Think texting with a piece of paper.) otherwise, this was a really strange meeting. "Let's only talk on this sheet of paper!"       The rest of the way back was pretty uneventful. I encountered a demon torso still alive, until it met me. Once I was back, it was getting pretty dark and I was wondering where the others were. After about 20 minutes or so Natasha stumbled from the shadows. She looked badly hurt. I rushed to help her and cast a healing spell. "What happened?!" I asked       "Me and Alice were scouting out," she gulped for air, "and demons came. A lot. Too many. They-they got Alice." she said       "Goddamnit! Get some rest, Natasha." I got up and carried Natasha over to an abandoned building with fairly decent protection. "I'm going to get Alice."       She jolted at that. "NO! Don't do it. Their leader... is too strong." She coughed once, "You won't survive."       "His ass is mine to cut into a thousand pieces!" And with that I left to head towards the weapons facility, scythe fully drawn, seething full of hate. I'm really fond of my friends and I'd go to the ends of Favent for them. No one was gonna lay a hand on them and live!       I stood at the doors of Divitiae's Finest and kicked the doors open. As I walked the halls, I could hear the distant howls of demons and screams of something human and in pain. This made my blood boil! According  to the signs, I was approaching the storage room and behind that room would be the production area. I opened the door and unconsciously cast a spell of invisibility. At the front of the room, there was a man in a white suite with a throne made of what looked like demon scales. On the cranes, cages filled with humans passed overhead.       The man stood up and looked in my general direction. "Ahhh! It seems we have a new guest!" Several demons began to look around when he said that.       I silently snuck up and climbed up behind this man when he snapped his fingers and I began to come into view. I swung my scythe at him, but he ducked and punched me in the stomach so hard I fell over the rail, off the catwalk and into a pile of weapons. I could barely keep living from that one hit. I couldn't see, hear, think, taste, feel anything but pain. I finally recovered as demons were picking apart the cases of weapons I crashed in. I couldn't find my weapon, so I picked up the first thing my hands grabbed, an assault rifle. It'll do. I got up, cast a strength exponential and jumped straight into the air raining hot titane death from above (Writer's Note: Yes all weapon's in Favent come pre-loaded with bullets).       When I landed, I gun-butted the nearest demon and got him in choke hold. I looked for my weapon while backing up and when I saw it, I snapped the demon's neck and rushed towards it, rolling while picking it up and got to cutting. With every spin, more limbs went flying, spraying black demon blood everywhere. Violence towards people I find wring, but against demons... It makes me feel ALIVE! I slung my scythe into the temple of another demon and pulled backwards, splitting his face in two. Larger demons were starting to surround me so I had to find out a way to get out of there.       My next priority was finding Alice. I jumped over the heads of several demons and slipped on a stack of knives and three got stuck in my arm. I didn't feel the blades pierce my skin, but I did feel the warm feeling of blood trickle down my arm. I yanked them out and cast a spell of healing for the gashes. I activated my chestplate to get to higher ground and I saw that man in the white suit. He seemed a little shocked that I was there and said, "So our prey has wings and claws to fight back? This should be fun!" He turned towards the door where production would take place and called out, "OH, LEMNOTH! THERE'S FOOD FOR YOU!!"       Then production room's door exploded as this hulking giant of a demon bust through. Look, I'm a confident person, but that thing? No, I ran away from that thing. It came through the door, taking some of the surrounding wall with it and started looking for me, I guess. Me, being intelligent, decided to bolt right past it and hope to get away. It was between that or dealing with the surrounding demons. I fly up into the air and I fly straight towards that Lemnoth guy. Yeah... it didn't go as planned. He grabs me out the air by my legs and slams me to the ground. I skipped across the ground like a rock and I heard the tell-tell snap of ribs breaking. Fucking great. It felt like a knife made of the sun was cutting my chest open and I could feel the broken bones trying to break my skin. It was really only my chestplate keeping them in. I coughed a little and could taste the flavor of iron in my mouth. I had some internal bleeding. Everything hurt... I was losing vision. I had a hard time trying to think of the correct spell of healing. I needed something to repair organs... "Relevium" I said casting a Master-level healing spell. It was effective, but not quick enough. That hulking beast was still approaching me, and this spell takes time to fully work. I swallowed my pride and ran away. I had to at least get out of there alive. I could hear the demons getting closer to me, I as almost to the door when I felt a hand grab me from behind and sling me backwards. It was this asshole in the white suit.       "And where do you think you're going?" he said calling off the demons       I slowly got up and changed my scythe into a sword. "I believe the exit is right in front of me and I'm trying to leave. You've been a wonderful host, but my curfew is almost here."       Then he lunged forward in the blink of an eye and grabbed me by the throat. "Unfortunately, you can't leave until dinner's served and can you guess who the main course is?"       I had a feeling it was either me or my captured friend, Alice. "Who.. are you" I said through a clenched throat       "I am Kane. The one who will lead these demons to take over this land! A Demon Commander!"       "Well... you'll still die... like the others, you-" I kinda got cut off as he slammed me into the floor and began to press harder on my throat. My lungs stung from the reduced air I was getting. I couldn't even talk, just gasp like a fish. I clawed at his arms at tore flesh from his arms, but it was no point. I gathered all my strength, curled my hand around the hilt of my sword and plunged the blade into this Kane's chest.       He fell off of me and clutched his bleeding chest. "KILL HER!!" he howled in pain        I got up and looked around. I relaxed and felt the healing spell run its course and sped up time for me. I was getting Alice out of this hellhole. The first demon died before he even knew it and so did the next seven. Mid-swing on the 8th, I summoned up my Tempus Gladio and began cutting through the demons. I cut down each demon that came to me and spilled their blood before they could touch me. I still had a large group of demons left by the time I got to Lemnoth. I cast a speed exponentia and leaped into the air, right over Lemnoth and landed, rolling and running. While the demons still followed closely behind me, I was looking for any cage that might be holding Alice. I found where all the cages were being stored and looked to see if Alice was there.       "We will repay tenfold the injury dealt to Kane to this human!" a demon screeched       "She will make for an excellent meal!" another laughed       "She'll be so tasty! My mouth is watering at the thought of her flesh!" another said, along with... other things.       I finally found the cage with Alice in it. She wasn't moving. I cut open the cage door and grabbed Alice. Now there was the issue of the demons now surrounding me. I was actually out of ideas. I was really burning out of magic from having to use two healing spells, speeding up time, and using this Tempus Gladio. I decided to lay Alice down and make a stand here. I only had a 10x10 foot space to work with and two 3 foot-long swords and an unconscious body to not cut to pieces. Tactical genius...       Then Alice got up and gripped my shoulders, "Let me handle this." she whispered       That's when the shit hit the fan for the demons. I saw shadows radiate off of Alice, somehow growing darker than black with every step she took. She summoned a dagger made of pitch black shades and began to weave a trail of death through the demons. The strange thing was that the blade didn't cut through the demons, it just cut through them, leaving no wounds at all. All the fallen demons had shadows leaking from their faces. There was a reason Alice got the nickname "Empress of Shadows". Even though she is a Master, she has Grandmaster power in shadow sorcery. It's actually kind of unnerving. I waded through the bodies of the slain demons and saw Kane looking at the carnage with a look of white-hot fury.       "What... happened here?!" Kane shouted       Alice looked at Kane with a maniacal smile, "You're the one who's responsible for this?!"       Kane did a wicked snarl and seemed to tear open the air and grabbed a sword made of flesh and bone. "I'll deal with you myself." he said as he charged at Alice. We both ducked under his blade and I'm glad we did because it cut through the entire cage. The cage fell apart and we leapt from the cage wreckage. Kane kept coming for us, slicing everything in his path. We finally got to a wide catwalk and began to make our stand there. First he came at me with a very simple 3 swing attack that I blocked really easily. Then he did a sweeping at Alice and everything got rapid paced after that. It was a flurry of attacks I could barely keep up with. I'm not sure how Alice was doing, but since she was still alive, she couldn't be doing too bad.        I'm not sure how long we fought. It felt like we were going at it for almost an hour when we finally got our backs literally against a wall. We were having a hard time getting through this guy's offensive, much less get a good hit on him. The wall behind us was getting shredded to a million pieces as we ducked and weaved through his attacks.        I suddenly had a bright idea hoping it wouldn't backfire, I grabbed Alice by the waist and flew into the air to get to a larger area, then Kane threw his sword at us like a javelin, hitting Alice in the shoulder.        "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Alice yelled. Then she yanked the sword out and threw it back in a spinning motion. The blade missed Kane completely, but it did hit the support beams holding the bridge segment Kane was standing on. He had a look of realization and fell into the mangled cages below. Now that one threat was dealt with at least temporarily, we had to deal with the next threat that was trying to grab us, Lemnoth. He had a fist-full of wreckage and his hands and he was aiming it at us. The fist chunk was ultra inaccurate and nearly missed us completely. The second hand full? Not so much. A large wooden plank hit me square in the face and several others hit me in general and I sort of fell out of the sky... again... by this dickwad. I think that was enough to get my blood pumping. When we were falling, I did a rolling land and set Alice on her feet then drew both of my swords.       "Lemnoth crush human!" that hulking beast of flesh and scale said       "I'd like to see you try that." Alice and I said       Then Lemnoth ripped a section of catwalk from the ceiling and held it like a club. Then he charged at us ready for the kill.       "I go left, you go right?" I asked Alice       "Let's do it!"       We split and attacked Lemnoth from both sides. I flew up and started trying to attack Lemnoth's throat. For as large as he was, he could use that catwalk-sword to deadly effectiveness. I think Alice was trying to sever Lemnoth's ankles to get him to fall, but that wasn't happening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "Again you had the chance to get out and maybe regroup. You didn't take it for what reason?" Marlin asked      "Well... it's pretty hard to get out of a building when a 14 foot demon is blocking the door." I responded       He reached into a folder and pulled out a piece of paper; blueprints to the weapon's facility. "There were several doors in the area you're describing."       "It's not like I'm actively looking for a door while getting my ass handed to me by a super demon."       "Touché. Keep going." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       We fought Lemnoth for a good minute, the entire time I was wondering when Kane would reappear to finish us off, but it strangely didn't happen during the fight. Lemnoth swung his makeshift sword with immense force. There was no blocking it, if that thing hit me I was going to be really dead. Alice and I ducked and weaved in and out of his attacks with the grace of dancers and struck with the ferocity of snakes.       This Lemnoth demon could heal faster than a common demon, but not as fast as a Commander. Part of my family motto is "If it bleeds, we can kill it." So this guy was gonna die by a blade. Over time, we had eventually dealt more cuts to him than he could possibly heal back. Lemnoth's breathing began to get labored, his swings getting slower and less powerful. We grouped up for the killing blow when Kane reared his ugly mug around the battle again.       His white suit was covered in holes, probably from falling onto several broken cage poles. Kane had a look that probably would've killed everyone and he had a white-knuckle grip on his sword. "You..." he said, "You... are going to die right here, right now." His eyes glowed red when he looked at Lemnoth. "And you... you were a FAILURE!!!" he screamed as he lunged at least 40 feet in a single step and tore Lemnoth apart.       "Please, master!! Noooooooo.....!!!" Lemnoth cried as Kane ripped into him       "Can't let an experiment[1] do a job a demon should do." Kane said as he spat on Lemnoth's corpse.       I crossed my swords in a defensive stance, ready for hopefully anything.       Kane gave a wide, wicked grin and pointed his sword, "Come at me..."                                              [End Part 4]
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Review: Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San
The Tako the city
Save me Mr Tako is modeled after the catalog of a giant, outdated, battery-sucking brick referred to as the Recreation Boy. Every thing about it’s an homage to that long-gone period in gaming proper right down to the default inexperienced coloured background. As somebody who spent numerous hours with that system, it is robust to not smile when Tako‘s title display screen seems.
There is not any drought of builders seeking to milk our nostalgia bones dry, however that did not cease creator Christophe Galati from attempting. He spent years engaged on this ardour venture, and it actually does present. Nonetheless, ardour does not essentially at all times equate to high quality. There’s some nice stuff right here, nevertheless it’s not with out its faults.
Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San (PC, Swap [reviewed]) Developer: Christophe Galati Writer: Nicalis, Inc. Launched: October 30, 2018 MSRP: $14.99
The story follows the titular octopus Tako as he finds himself trapped in the midst of a struggle between his species and the people. He is a cute little man, however he by no means actually exhibits any emotion in some way. He simply stands there, silently and staring blankly, throughout every little bit of dialogue. The one actual characterization he sports activities is an unexplained compassion for the enemy. Straight contradicting the objectives of the octopus military, the slimy fellow saves one of many people after which simply continues to make a behavior out of it. It is nothing fancy, nevertheless it gives a lighthearted backdrop to information us alongside from place to put.
The gameplay consists of a mixture of platforming and taking pictures ink to subdue incoming enemies. He can solely assault left and proper, however there are hats scattered throughout the totally different worlds that provide short-term power-ups. They every grant talents like bombs, arrows, or an additional hit earlier than dying, and you’ll spend a entire lot of time dying. You may begin out with three lives by default, however you’ll be able to earn extra by amassing gems and feathers hidden about. All it takes is one hit from an enemy and your lifeless, forcing you again to the final checkpoint. When you run out of lives, it boots you again to the start of the extent.
After a reasonably breezy introduction, the problem rapidly ramps up from difficult to rage-inducing. A lot of the ability required boils right down to pure memorization. Enemies will come out of nowhere, and hidden objects will each shoot out of the bottom and fall from the sky typically simply out of body on a close-by ledge. That is the kind of stuff that made me need to slam my Swap on the bottom, coming to my senses midway by way of the movement as I remembered how a lot the system truly prices.
Sadly, the controls are very a lot a product of the time that its emulating. Tako’s motion is far too floaty and imprecise for my tastes. This is not as a lot of a difficulty for almost all of gameplay, nevertheless it actually rears its head throughout boss segments. A couple of boss fights are inclined to large issue spikes too and working out of lives means you will have to begin the entire degree over and work your means again to them, exterior of some circumstances the place a bubble will seem and teleport you again upon re-entering the extent.
One fashionable comfort that I actually miss is the flexibility to straight up skip cutscenes altogether. There’s a fast-forward possibility, nevertheless it’s nonetheless a bit tedious. This would not be almost as annoying if it weren’t for a number of cases full of dialogue that you’re going to be compelled to take a seat by way of again and again. There was one portion the place I needed to anticipate a cat to open a door for about ten seconds in a small room with nothing else to do, locked off from continuing till it waddles over with a key. This is not a cutscene both, so there is not any getting round it. After my third or fourth time restarting this space, it simply seems like pointless padding that solely served to maintain me from the motion.
Now, regardless of all of my grievances, there actually is one thing particular right here. When you lastly overcome the challenges, it feels nice. I cherished the choice to vary the colour of the background as effectively, which I discovered myself toggling between each few ranges to maintain my eyes contemporary. The music did not rock my world, nevertheless it’s at all times chipper and fits the temper.
Save me Mr Tako efficiently apes a interval of gaming historical past, however I simply want it had shed a couple of of the extra tiresome tropes from that point. When you’re a part of the area of interest viewers that that is catering to, you will discover a enjoyable romp down what seems like reminiscence lane. For everybody else, I might proceed with warning.
[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]
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      Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San reviewed by Kevin Mersereau
Barely above common or just inoffensive. Followers of the style ought to take pleasure in it a bit, however a good few might be left unfulfilled. How we rating:  The destructoid opinions information
        from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/review-save-me-mr-tako-tasukete-tako-san/
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