#DE killer DE livered DE bear
feluka · 2 years
strong contender for my favourite clip of all time
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klapollo · 2 years
after murdering corrida that night in his hotel room.......de killer then de livered de bear to his client
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art-of-manliness · 6 months
Odds & Ends: April 5, 2024
Killers of the Flower Moon. I was really excited to watch Martin Scorsese’s epic film, Killers of the Flower Moon. Based on the bestselling book that recounts the murders of members of the Osage Nation here in northeast Oklahoma in the 1920s, the movie didn’t disappoint. Like all of Scorsese’s historical films, he does a great job of getting the details right. You feel like you’ve been transported to 1920s Oklahoma. The acting is top-notch. Robert De Niro plays a great bad guy, Leonardo DiCaprio plays the part of a feckless wiener whose lack of moral compass leads him to tragedy, and Lily Gladstone captures the heartache of an Osage woman watching her family die around her. It was cool to see parts of OK that we’ve explored appear in a movie. Osage country is absolutely beautiful. Love those big skies and green hills. This movie is long — 3 and 1/2 hours — but worth it! Ace sunglasses. A few years ago, MVMT watches sponsored the AoM podcast and sent me a watch to try. They also included a pair of their Ace sunglasses. They look like the aviator shades Paul Newman wore in the 1970s. They’re funky and not something I would have picked out on my own. But they’ve become the shades I wear when I’m driving our family’s 1996 Buick Roadmaster station wagon. Feels like appropriate eyewear for that whip. And because I take the station wagon to the flag football games I coach, you’ll typically find me wearing my Ace sunglasses along with my Walter Matthau Bad News Bears big collar polyester coach shirt on the sidelines. It’s such a solid fit. (Note: MVMNT did not sponsor this shoutout. I haven’t worked with them in a long time. Indeed, no individual or company has ever sponsored a shoutout in O&E; all recommendations are our own.) No Biological Free Lunches by Tim Ferriss. Tim Ferriss took a break from writing on his blog to focus on his podcast, so it was great to see him come back to articles with a piece on the overlooked costs of taking TRT or performance-enhancing drugs. Yes, exogenous hormones can have a place in improving overall health, but like any drug, there are downsides. TRT and growth hormones can help your muscles grow, but they can also make your liver and spleen grow and that can have bad consequences for your health. It can even make your head permanently bigger. Like most things in life, there are tradeoffs you need to consider before deciding to take exogenous hormones. Don’t be cavalier with this decision. Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life by Matthew Dicks. I read this book a couple of years ago in preparation for talking to its author, Matthew Dicks, on the podcast. I still think about the insights I gleaned from it. Matthew has worn a lot of hats at the same time: husband, dad, public school teacher, writer, storyteller, and corporate consultant. In Someday Is Today, he offers field-tested tactics to get more done even if you’re a regular busy guy. A few of my favorites: think in minutes and practice deliberate incuriosity. Be sure to listen to my conversation with Matthew. It’s one of my favorites. Quote of the Week He who saith there is no such thing as an honest man, you may be sure is himself a knave. —George Berkeley Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T572vt
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salishseaselkie · 4 years
It is World Orca Day
This is my first post on this blog, so bear with me.
Today marks the anniversary of returning Northern Resident Killer Whale A73 Springer from Puget Sound where she was separated from her family to her home in Johnstone Strait, in 2002. She is the first killer whale to be successfully reunited with her family after separation. As a result of that momentous occasion in the history of killer whales, it became the day we celebrate orcas, also known as blackfish, ska’ana, sea wolves, or killer whales.
Killer whales are named so from a rough translation from the Basque phrase for ‘whale-killer’: asesina ballena, after fishermen saw them hunting small baleen whales. Many people prefer the name ‘orca’ from their species name, Orcinus orca, presuming that the term carries less offensive and negative connotations, but this name also means “of the realm of the dead”. It is also good to keep in mind that a few of the ten known ecotypes of killer whales do, in fact, kill other whales for sustenance. Many people also object to them being called “whales” as they are the largest species of oceanic dolphin, but most whale biologists will tell you that dolphins are a specific type of whale - whale is a word that describes any cetacean, to include mysticetes and odontocetes (baleen whales and toothed whales). Dolphins are a type of toothed whale. It may not be specific, but it is not incorrect.
In the Salish Sea, three of the ten known ecotypes of killer whales can be found, two of which are seen very regularly. Offshore killer whales, which are rarely seen, are very mysterious, as they are so rarely observed and therefore cannot be studied as extensively as the others. We do know, however, that they eat sharks and rays - specifically their livers, which they remove with almost surgical accuracy. The two more regularly seen ecotypes are resident killer whales and Bigg’s (formerly transient) killer whales.
Southern Resident Killer Whales have had the run of the Salish Sea (the Straits of Georgia and of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound) for as long as we have been scientifically observing killer whales, which has only been since the 1960′s. They, and all ‘resident’ killer whales, feed on salmon, an iconic fish in the Pacific Northwest. Southern Residents specifically feed on the largest species of Pacific salmon, Chinook (king) salmon. Unfortunately, with the decline of Chinook runs coast-wide, Southern Residents have also declined, failing to have enough successful births to balance out the increased mortality rates from malnutrition exacerbated by high toxicity and underwater noise pollution. In addition to declining in number (they number at 72 members in their population), they have had to all but abandon the Salish Sea to find salmon elsewhere.
In their absence, Bigg’s killer whales, normally deterred by the large and chatty pods of the residents, have poked their rostrums into the Salish Sea and discovered that it is rife with food - specifically harbor seals, harbor porpoise, and minke whales. Thanks to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1973, what was once a barren sea to these stealthy hunters is now a cornucopia, and in the last decade, not only have Bigg’s killer whales been more and more prevalent in these waters, their population is increasing 4% every year - they are in the middle of a baby boom. Even being higher on the trophic level and exposing themselves to potentially more heavy metals and toxicants than the SRKWs do, they are thriving in spite of fat-soluble chemicals and high levels of noise pollution. What were once referred to as ‘transient’ are almost as resident as the ‘resident’ whales.
In the spirit of World Orca Day, we ask you to speak on behalf of Southern Residents by doing the following:
1. Advocate to your government officials for limitations on fishing, recovery of river habitats, renewable energy sources, and dam removal.
2. Choose sustainable alternatives to Chinook salmon.
3. Use organic fertilizers and pesticides in place of traditional ones.
4. Reduce single plastic use.
5. Buy locally grown and raised foods.
We all can make a difference, and save the Southern Residents. Happy World Orca Day.
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magnumversum · 2 years
Werewolf Season 1 Episode 7: The End’nt
“Finish him.” It was just Rena and her lingering thoughts in the humble woods. “He’s around here somewhere. Finish him off.
“You can’t run forever, Rena Kaiz of Dmarani,” said a whisper in the shrubs. “You can’t run forever.” Lunging, a squad of pale and sweaty hunters in shaved, yet furry bear coats and wearing heels made of boars and jeans made of wolf fleece.
Rena clenched her tail as she murmured, “Make no mistake. Tonight, blood will be shed.”
“She asked for it, boys.” Faint like a broken woodwind, Keshin whispered, “Cut her throat.” He dampened his trembling lip with saliva. “I wanted the best of both worlds: wolf and man.
“So I cajoled Ramnez.”
“You abused him,” said Rena.
“I saved him.” Keshin repeated this to himself many times: that he saved Ramnez, that he is why Ramnez is alive, and that he is Ramnez’ father and brother. “I saved Ramnez Zar.”
“You didn’t save Ramnez Zar,” said Naiiael. “I saved Ramnez Kaiz.”
“His wolf blood wasn’t worth saving. I’ve said it—” Keshin chewed on the delectable pine bark. “—and I’ll say it again: I wanted the ripe and unaltered psyche of the canine, and the raw and undeterred build of the human. All of their strengths but none of their weaknesses.”
“You adopted him and made him yours, brainwashed him; you stole him from us. One thing I’ve grown fond of, of you wolves, family knows no bound.”
“Family knows no bounds.” Rena mumbled, “Nor revenge, mercy.”
“If revenge knows no mercy, God pray I might.” Keshin boldly drew his cutlass from his scabbard. “If not, I might feast on wolf meat for supper.”
Rena stumbled to her hind, her talons anchoring her against the growing tempest. “Then show your talent, coward.”
Keshin bumbled curses as the hollow shell of a once beloved, benign canine maimed him; abrasions exude a horrid, stale, and silvery scent.
Rena’s slobbering tongue pried the cutlass. “Cursed; the long-forgotten talon of the King Sephomeb has returned to Dmarani—” Her thick and curly locks emitted a harsh silver hue. “It seems fate has drawn the weapon to it’s keeper, and the victim to the killer. Keshin De Brosse-Zar, son your fathers and theirs; the time has come.
“Your lineage ends now. You will die here.”
Crossed cutlasses, he retorted, “Then try it, foul canine.” Keshin mastered a brash and impatient fencing stance like a bustling, roaring tempest, imprecise but effective.
Contrast this to Rena’s patient, advanced style: precise and defined. Her eyes tracked the blur to the corner of her visage, before she felt her inside empty onto the stone-cold pavement. She thought to herself, “Shit.
“Get back up. Keep fighting. Don’t let him win. As long as you draw breath, don’t let Keshin De Brosse-Zar win.”
She said aloud, “I will fight as long as I draw breath.” Gore tainted her fur a beetroot pink. The humming of the coming storm forced Rena to her senses, and she shouted, “No, I will not be your roadkill.” Her saliva wetted her bloody jaw.
Brief and harshly, she retorted, sharpened claws goring his flushed cheek, awakening teeth and cavities from their rest. “You’ve lost.”
Short of death, De Brosse felt his cutlasses, how they curved; and the edges: worn and dull. His bloodshot, restless eyes twitched and ached without relent. “Rena Kaiz.” Keshin’s throbbing fist hollowed the stomach, violently gutting it, slivers of meaty intestines and fat spilling rose and onto the empty pavement.
Gore, stale liver, and other meaty organs, bubbled and boiled from her steaming carcass, aroma reminiscent to Keshin of a wet, smoked cigarette, puddling beneath his loafers. “I am the victor,” he said. “Praise and glory to Man’s Grudge.”
“Drone,” Mirah replied. “The all-too deceitful harbinger of havoc. Demon from Tartarus, and bringer of mayhem and death.”
“What could you possibly want from me?” Drone’s physical form was composed of a synthesis of hydrocarbon gases and a halogen mixture.
From his robe, Ezio produced an illusion of a longsword, golden lions detailed on the handle, diamonds embroidered on the crest symbol beneath the blade. “This is the Sword of Apolaki; the reverend son of Bathala, deity of war; he is god of the Sun in the Philippines. Auction-goers bid high for artifacts from Lemuria. They fetch high bids, million dollars high.
“The Sword of Apolaki is priceless. Those who bore the Sword of Apolaki left every battle a victor; they never lost. Apolinario Mabini, George Washington, General Juan Luna. It’s best in our hands.”
“Surrender the sword,” hummed The Archesuperiority’s echoes, whistling and chanting. The deities paraded down from the heavens; their litter of donkeys carrying them down the steep decline of the hill, and knights on horseback escorting them through the pea-lime grassy fields. The Archesuperiority’s head deities, Acotteb and Denan, were upholstered on grand chariots and cherubim, engulfed in light.
“Presenting,” The Archesuperiority said. “Acotteb, goddess of life, and Denan, god of the farm.”
Acotteb, clothed in golden robes, settled his litter. “The werewolves will be eradicated except for the few. We agreed on this.”
“That is not the issue,” said Mirah.”
Denan responded, “The World War is over.”
Mirah impatiently crossed her toes. “That is not the issue either. Ghastly demons stole the Sword of Apolaki. Drone alone knows the whereabouts of the sword.
“The Sword of Apolaki had an ability that went fairly obscure as it was passed from generation to generation: it could cure any disease with the user’s sheer willpower. With the sword in the hands of devils, we’re damned.”
Heavily, Denan sighed. “We are not gods and goddesses. They call us gods and goddesses, but you know the truth. The One True; God, Yahweh, is the only true, omniscient, transcended, and omnipotent god, and the only true god among us. You’d have to petition Him for it.”
Then a luminescence emitting from the heavens above the heavens, transcending upon them, relinquished their worries, quarrels, infighting halted, as a winged man, head burrowed in holy light, greeted them softly. “I am Saint Michael the Archangel; you have summoned me.”
To Read More on Saint Michael the Archangel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/22712682205879805/61559574674598722?utm_campaign=4320370106
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nobravery · 7 years
The Blood in the Rose | 1
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A/N: Here’s Chapter 1 already. Lol. Also check the numbers/notes!
Warning: Description of corpse.
WordCount: 2,247
       Nineteen past six in the morning. Telephone.
       “Fontana, I'm listening.”
       “Yea, it's me,” her assistant replied on the phone. “Sorry, no rest today, a corpse has been found Place de la Concorde, the État-Major0 just called me. The IJ1 guys are already on the spot. I'm with Beauchamp, we're on our way. Maybe we can pick you up at your place?”
       “What, how so, since when you are the one who’s called?”
       “Apparently, you didn’t pick up the phone.”
       “What a good day in perspective. No, go ahead, I'll join you there in fifteenish minutes. I'll be prompt. See ya.”
       Jordan Fontana hung up and noticed two missing calls from the Ètat-Major. Fuck. She jumped out of bed as fast as she could. She'd been working at the Brigade Criminelle2 in Paris for four years and as a group leader for one year. With an IQ of 172, she had moved up through the hierarchy quite quickly, considering she had graduated high school at fourteen and then had gotten her MAs in Law, History and Psychology six years later, and afterwards her PhDs in Criminology and Engineering two years after. Originally from the United States through her mother, she was following her father's steps, ex-Chief Superintendent at la Crim'2, and ex-FBI agent. Just like him, she entered the FBI as a Special Agent at the Behavior Analysis Unit after having followed her training at the FBI Academy. She'd been staying at the BAU for four years, but had to give up her job due to her father's unsolved murder in 2009. Since then, she had definitively settled in Paris and got a job at the 363, and had eventually been promoted to the rank of Commandant three years later. In spite of her young age, her skills had never been reassessed and mostly worked with her second de groupe4 and good friend, captain Nicolas Mercier, a thirty-nine-year-old cop, originally from Lille, North of France. He had started his career in Toulouse, then used to work at the Brigade des Stupéfiants5 also known as the Stups before being appointed at la Crim' five years ago now.
       After her colleague's call, Jordan hurried to get ready, bruhsed her long brown hair, got dressed carefully although hastily and left two minutes afterwards.
       Within a quarter of an hour later, she got out off her car, a grey Mercedes C320 CDI W204 that she cherished and called Valentine, and headed to the crime scene which was now secure, where Mercier was already waiting for her, blue police flashing lights dancing all around the place. It was still dark, at this time.
       “Good mornin', Commandant,” the latter teased. “First time you're late.”
       “Very funny,” Fontana retorted, slipping her armband on. “I just hope that the staff doesn’t bear a grudge against me. Nevermind, where do we stand? What do we have?”
       “Bouvier just briefed me this instant. I waited for you for the rest. Nothing good, really not, come see this by yourself. This is Laura Delacour, seventeen. She was still living at her parents' home. They had reported her disappearance five days ago. Her photo has been circulating a bit everywhere. She had gone to a birthday party and had to go back home at twoish in the morning, just like her parents had ordered, but she never got back. No news since. It's the guy over there who found her first, along with other passers-by, around six in the morning. They're still in a state of shock. But, you're gonna understand why once you'll have seen what we're dealing with.”
       Jordan had a quick look at the main witness, a certain M. Girard who must be about sixty, questioned by the young lieutenant Éric Belmont, one of their colleagues and cinquième de groupe5, while others OPJ6 were questioning the other persons who found the corpse plus the ones who were on the spot.
       “The guy genuinely passed the enclosure to drop off the body there,” Mercier went on. “He had a hell of a nerve, this chap.”
       “A seventeen-year-old kid who goes back home, alone, in the middle of the night? It doesn't really surprise me that something bad happened to her.”
       “I really appreciate your optimism, Fontana. Perhaps she was accompanied by someone but then their paths diverged?”
       “That's our job to determine this.”
       Jordan observed the place, gone through with a fine-tooth comb by the specialists of the Identité Judiciaire by photographing the place, searching of possible clues; then the two agents joined Doctor Bouvier, the medical examiner dispatched to the scene, still examining the body—at least, what it remained—, along with Prévost, one of the Identité Judiciaire specialist. The corpse was lying at the bottom of the Obelisk of Louxor, sitting on the ground. Bare and lacerated from all sides, the victim, whose long brown hair was tousled and covered with blood droplets, had her abdomen completely open. Her bowels were removed, as well as her liver and her stomach, put down by her side. Bowels and stomach on the right, liver on the left. I don't like this at all, Jordan was thinking.
       “So, what do you say about that?” she asked Bouvier.
       “Look, the carotid has clearly been severed, what definitely caused the death. Also, at first sight, the girl has been tortured. And not only a bit, it's obvious. The lacerations seem to be ante-morten and the killer surely used only one weapon, whether it's for the carotid, the lacerations, or the evisceration. As for the face, some mutilations as well, at the cheeks and the forehead; but this is truly nothing compared with all the ones all along the body. For the rest, you need to wait for the autopsy.”
       “The killer has been really violent with her. It may be personal,” suggested Mercier. “When may the death date back at?”
       Bouvier pulled a face at the question, somewhat embarrassed.
       “At first sight and considering rigor mortis, I'd say she died two or three days ago. To be confirmed.”
       “And she was left there only this night?” Mercier questioned.
       “And also, Commandant, Captain, we found this, just next to her.” Prévost added.
       The latter reached out a packet to Commandant Fontana in which one of the only exhibits who've been found: a rose, with bright red petals.
       Mercier frowned.
       “What the heck is this?” he wondered about what he was looking at, intrigued.
       “Bah, a rose,” his leader answered nonchalantly, and she seemed as intrigued as him.
       “Thank you, Jordan, I think I've noticed it. Where does this come from?”
       “It was placed next to the stomach,” the crime scene technician objected. “The killer certainly must have let it there intentionally. However, I don't know what it can mean. I mean, I suppose that it's your job to find the answer to the question.”
       Fontana gave the packet back to him.
       “His hallmarks,” she interpreted, speaking more for herself than to the others.
       It's a bad sign.
       “Well, thanks Doctor. Thanks, Prévost.”
       “Commandant, Captain.” Bouvier and Prévost said goodbye to them in accord.
       Together, Commandant Fontana and Captain Mercier moved away from the others, isolating themselves, after having said goodbye to their turn. Mercier had a quick look at his colleague, who seemed to be lost in thought.
       “I can see that your brain is working hard. It's lively, right? C'mon, tell me what you're thinking of.”
       “I think we're dealing with a great sadist,” Jordan declared. “And it's just a euphemism.”
       “I know right? In every case, I've never seen that kind of stuff before. A real carnage! And the rose, what does that even mean? Have you already seen cases as squalid as this?”
       “Hm, as regards the rose, I haven't a clue, Nico. You know, I haven't worked very long at the BAU but in four years, I've seen a bunch of creepy things, even worse than this, believe me. I complained of not having some breakfast this morning, in the end, I'm not hungry anymore.”
      The two police officers were joined by Belmont, who just gathered M. Girard’s statement.
       “Well, M. Girard, don't hesitate to come back at us if you ever remember something either important or not regarding our investigation,” Fontana said, saying bye to the witness, smiling. “Éric, bring him out of the place, please.”
       “Fine, Commandant. By the way, the Boss asked to see you. He just arrived, he's with Le Guen.”
       “Oh no, that's all I needed. I'm coming.”
       Jordan spotted the boss of la Crim', Chief Superintendent Lafarge, and she headed for him, while Belmont rejoined the other OPJ.
       “Monsieur le Commissaire Divisionnaire7,” she said as she approached him.
       “Commandant,” Lafarge replied to her, shaking hands with her after leaving the procédurier8 Le Guen. “Nasty case, right? Poor kid…”
       The two officers gazed at the place with their eyes. Everybody, policemen and gendarmes alike, plus scientists, had been mobilized this early morning as part of the murder of Laura Delacour. An underage, all everyone needed!
       “Apparently you wanted to see me?”
       “Indeed. Nothing serious, I reassure you.”
       “What is it about then?”
       Lafarge took his breath.
       “Do you feel capable of working on this case? I can entrust it to Schneider's group, if it's all right with you. I'm aware that you're also taken by the murder of Caroline Corvalan, therefore if you ever…”
       “No, thank you. It's gonna be alright for me. I guess the other groups have their work cut out too, anyway. Don't worry, Mister,” Fontana assured him. “I'm handling.”
       The police superintendent nodded.
       “Fine, it's you who's saying it. I count on you. We're meeting tonight at the 36 for the briefing of the day. I need to go now, the Proc'9 doesn't like when we make him wait.”
       “Of course. Have a good day, Commissaire.”
       “Likewise, Commandant.”
       Jordan weakly smiled at him before her boss goes away. She then rejoined Mercier, who was a few meters away, in full discussion with two other colleagues.
       “Ah, Jo, what did the boss want?” he asked while the two others were going back to work.
       “Oh nothing, just asked if it would be okay.”
       “What, the case? What a question; you're the best, and he knows it. Of course it's going to be okay.”
       “Hum hum, yes.”
       Fontana pouted.
       “Well, that's enough joking,” Mercier continued. “The killer has had the devil's own cheek to abandon the body there, don't you think?”
       “Obviously, everyone needs to see his masterpiece. Certainly what he wants.”
       “What a crazy guy.”
       Fontana lingered at the place, observing and analyzing everything that was going on around her, frowning; she was having her back to her assistant.
       “Yeah, have you seen the fierceness, the thuggery?”
       “Yah, I saw the same thing as you. This is definitely a crime of the utmost savagery. Never seen this in my life.”
       “It makes me think of Guy Georges.”
       “What, the Beast of the Bastille? It was a long time ago, no? When was it? And what's the connection? He didn't eviscerate his victims, as far as I know.”
       “First victim of Guy Georges, the night of the twenty-fourth of January 1991, Pascale Escarfail, and the last one, Estelle Magd, the sixteenth of November 1997, so indeed, it's been a while. But I was more talking about the savagery. I mean, look at kid right now, no kidding.”
       The police captain glanced at the young girl's body which was just covered.
       “As for me, it rather makes me think of Jack the Ripper, but well, everyone has their own point of view.”
       “Hum, in every case, it smells trouble,” Fontana muttered.
       “What? Oh nothing, I was just… thinking, yah.”
       Mercier didn't insist more and eventually contented himself with this answer, and his gaze fell on the OPJ who were still questioning the people around. As regard Jordan, she spotted the deputy public prosecutor, Bertrand Mousset, and headed for him to talk to him.
       A bit later, the IJ technicians started packing up their equipment. Pelletier, one of them, came to meet the two investigators. Usually always beaming and in a good mood, he seemed somewhat preoccupied and disappointed this time; reaction which displeased the group leader and her assistant.
       “Other clues?” Mercier hastened to ask him.
       “Actually, not much except the rose, Captain. Just some skin micro-fragments taken from certain stakes of the enclosure, but it might have no connection with our case; that said, we're gonna send them to the lab' though. Otherwise, no hair… It looks like our unsub made sure to not leave anything behind him.”
       Fontana remained perplexed.
       “Super, it begins well.”
       “Yeah, not surprising that the case was referred to la Crim',” commented her assistant. “By the way, what does Mousset say about that?”
       “Oh, you know him,” Fontana grumbled. “He says goddamn nothing.”
       All of them sighed.
       “Considering that the kid seems not to have been killed here, it was almost sure that we wouldn't find anything there, the IJ technician spoke, kinda annoyed. Well, I'm gonna deal with the report and I'll pass all that to you. I'm warning you straight away, it's no picnic. We'll be in touch.”
       “Thanks, but don't leap to conclusions, Pelletier, right!”
       While the latter was moving away, Jordan turned towards her colleague.
       “Fine Nico, we need to inform Laura's parents that we found their daughter. They must be still at their home at this time. Let's go.”
       “OK, it's not going to be joy. Can you imagine that? I wouldn't like to be told that someone has killed my child…”
       As the two agents got in Fontana's car, she dialed a number on her phone, then waited for an answer.
       “Hello, Bailly? Commandant Fontana on the phone. Yes, I'm fine, thanks, what about you? Okay, good. Tell me, could you find and send me Laura Delacour's parents' address? Super, you rock, thank you, see ya later!”
0État-Major : basically the staff.
1IJ = Identité Judiciaire : can be translated has Judiciary Identity in English. It's to do with the scientific police. Their work, on criminal cases, consists in gathering, keeping and showing elements of proof, and coordinating their skills with the investigating officer's in charge of the case and the expert witnesses's.
2Brigade Criminelle = the BC = la Crim' : the oldest and probably most famous brigade, especially in charge of homicides, kidnapping, bomb attacks and investigations involving personalities (such as Lady Di's car accident in August 1997).
3the 36 = literally the 36, Quai des Orfèvres : the Direction Régionale de Police Judiciaire de Paris (DRPJ Paris) is very often called by its address (it's actually the former one, now the brigades have moved to 36, rue du Bastion in September 2017, except the Brigade de Recherche et d'Intervention, aka BRI (Research and Intervention Brigade) aka l'Antigang (Anti-Gang Brigade)).
4second de groupe : there's no proper translation but as a definition we can say that a second de groupe is very often the assistant (just like Mercier in the story) of the investigating officer in charge of the case (who is most of the time a commandant). As well for troisième de groupe (third of the group), quatrième de groupe (fourth of the group), cinquième de groupe (fifth of the group)… as long as la Crim' is composed by three groups of common right, groups themselves composed by seven or eight police officiers. Just remember that the cinquième de groupe and sixième de groupe (sixth of the group) not to say septième de groupe (seventh of the group) are the ripeurs (no English translation existing), that is to say that they are at first in charge of neighborhood investigations and stuff.
5Brigade des Stupéfiants = les Stups : brigade specialized in drug trafficking.
6OPJ = Officier de Police Judiciaire : basically a Criminal Police Officer.
7Commissaire Divisionnaire : French for Chief Superintendent.
8procédurier : no English translation existing as far as I know. This is basically an OPJ in charge of transcribing in writing all the steps of the investigation. There's like one procédurier per group.
9le Proc' = le Procureur (de la République) : basically the State Prosecutor.
taglist: @spencerthepipecleaner @i-keep-craving-craving
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Posted on June 17, 2019 by Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs
During this Full Moon, our intuition and divination skills will be enhanced. Sagittarius ramps up our curiosity and has us wanting to explore our inner worlds with fiery enthusiasm. Keep an open mind this week and get to know yourself and others better. There is a combination of wanting new adventures and connections, while also coming to know yourself better.
Being messengers between the land of the dead and the land of the living, the Honey Bee is thought to be great aids for divination and seeing beyond the veil. Using their honey in spell work and magick cooking adds a level of sweetness and grace to your intentions.
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Dandelion is associated with the element of air and the planet Mercury. It’s a great plant for enhancing intuition, divination and even channelling or communing with spirits. Dandelion can help strengthen your psychic abilities and enhance your intuition.
Not only is Dandelion a great plant for your soul, but it’s also a great plan for the body too! Dandelion can help boost your immune system, improves liver function and protect the liver. It can help with weight loss and aid in digestion, fights cancer, strengthens the kidney and bladder and the bones! It’s full of Vitamin A and has high amounts of fibre.
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Dandelion Flower Tea Recipe
Dandelion flowers make for a delicious warm or iced tea. Add in a little mint or lime and this sweet tangy tea will strengthen you from the inside out!
Step 1: Harvest Your Dandelions
Gather about 10-20 dandelions from your garden. Choose dandelions in a place where you know hasn’t had any weed killers or pesticides sprayed on them. Be sure to thank Mother Earth and the Bees for providing us with this plant as you take what you need! Don’t worry about not leaving many flowers behind… picking the heads off will inspire the plants to grow new flowers!
Step 2: Wash and Rinse
Remove all the stems and leaves and place the yellow flowers in a strainer. Rinse well using cool water.
Step 3: Make Your Tea
In order to read tea leaves, you will need some finer ground leaves or plant material to work with. Using your fingers, “unwrap” the yellow petals of about 5-6 dandelions and place in your cup. Shred up some mint leaves or any other herbs you feel like drinking and reading with. You can put larger flowers and leaves in your tea up as well.
Step 4: Steep then Strain
Add 1 cup of hot or boiling water to your teacup and let steep for 5 to 8 minutes.
This is a great time to come up with an intention or a question to use as your guide for your reading!
Once your tea is a nice yellow, strain away any large flowers and leaves. I chose to keep some petals and leaves in my tea so I could read them later.
You are free to strain your tea to your preference, but big flowers could make it hard to sip!
Step 5: Sweeten and Sip
Sweeten your tea using local honey. Local honey from your neighbourhood bees contains many enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that your body needs.. because the honey is made locally, this can even help prevent seasonal allergies from sneaking up on you!
Light a candle and intentionally sip your tea.
This is a great time to slow down and appreciate the sweeter things in life! The Honey Bee reminds us to not get too lost in the productivity of the day to day life.
Mindfully enjoy your tea. Use the candle as an anchor so you don’t mindlessly slip away or start working on something new while you enjoy your tea!
Step 6 – Swirl and Drain
When the tea is all but gone and there is a small amount of liquid at the bottom of the cup, swirl the liquid around the cup a few times.
Many people prefer to swirl 3 times in a clockwise motion, but there are no true rules. Follow your intuition on what works best for you.
Leave your cup upside down on your saucer for a few moments so the rest of the tea can drain.
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Don’t let this precious plant go to waste assuming it’s a just a weed!
(Dandelion tea has very few side effects. Certain individuals might experience an allergic reaction when drinking this tea or using dandelion. If you suffer from allergies to the live dandelion plant or other plants in the Asteraceae family, use caution! Dandelion root tea may also cause contraindications with certain medications—, especially diuretics. It might be a good idea to ask your doctor before drinking herbal teas if you take any medications.)
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Not only is Dandelion a great plant for your soul, but it’s also a great plan for the body too! Dandelion can help boost your immune system, improves liver function and protect the liver. It can help with weight loss and aid in digestion, fights cancer, strengthens the kidney and bladder and the bones! It’s full of Vitamin A and has high amounts of fibre.
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Reading The Leaves
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Pick up the cup and point the cup handle towards your right. This will establish the top/bottom and past and future. Symbols which appear to the left of the handle relate to the past and those on the right relate to the future.
Look carefully at the tea leaves for any shapes or symbols that might pop out at you. You might have to blur your eyes and see what basic shapes come out first.
Common symbols include hearts, birds, animals, cups, boxes, crosses, arrows, suns, moons, and trees, but you could see anything! Your intuition and imagination will guide you. The tea leaves are just a tool to enhance your intuition even further.
Here is a list of symbols you might see and what they mean, and below are two reference images you can use… again use your intuition! If you don’t want to use a guide, you don’t have to!
You don’t have to use a fancy tea reading teacup either! A plain teacup and saucer work perfectly for both beginners and professionals alike.
It’s all up to your intuition and imagination, and with this Full Honey Moon in Sagittarius, your intuition will be extra sharp for the next few days. Full Moon energy can be felt days before and after the lunar event, so be sure to take a walk sometimes this week and gather up your dandelions! The bees will thank you and aid you in the process of learning something new about yourself.
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patrickamadeu · 6 years
Tips to Naturally Reduce Stress … Starting Now!
Stress kills. No, really… Even if a person has all the other factors right, high levels of stress can derail health. Unfortunately, just knowing stress is a problem doesn’t fix it. If you’re like me, the need to reduce stress just adds another item on the “to-do” list. Laundry… check. Dishes… check. De-stress… not so much. While I’m far from perfect at this step in my own quest for better health, it doesn’t stop me from searching for answers… Reducing Stress: The Silent Killer You can eat all the healthy organic food in the world and take all the best supplements, but if you’re stressed, it will undo it all. Chronic stress keeps stress hormones elevated, suppresses the immune system, and can put you at higher risk for heart disease or cancer. If high stress levels continue over extended periods of time, this puts you at higher risk for many diseases and can shorten your lifespan. Elevated stress hormones will interfere with the body’s ability to properly digest and assimilate food and even lowers insulin sensitivity, which can lead to weight gain or pre-diabetes. Factors besides just mental or emotional stress can create the same physical reaction. Toxins from our food, water, and air can create a stress reaction in the body, as can an unhealthy diet or lack of sleep. What Causes Stress? Physical, emotional/mental, or chemical factors can trigger stress reactions. Bad news for us, since these sources are abundant these days! So why does everyone seem to be so stressed out? There’s a lot of factors, but several come to mind: Poor diet – We have a wide range of processed food to choose from these days, grown from soil significantly lacking of nutrients, which makes the body think it is in famine mode. Concentrations of toxins – These come from food (Diet Coke anyone?), personal care products, and the environment around us and they cause a legitimate stress on the body and can interrupt normal bodily functions. Emotional stress – If you’re a parent, you’re familiar with this one I’m sure! (If you’re pregnant right now, probably even more!) Research also shows emotional stress can follow us from childhood. Physical stress – This can come from obvious factors like injury or trauma, but also from less obvious sources like lack of good fats (which are needed for proper hormone production), constant input from digital devices, and lack of sleep. (Repeat: lack of sleep can cause physical stress!) Add up all these factors, and it is quite logical that we are under more stress these days than when life or death situations (like invaders, wild animals, or famine) presented themselves daily. The truth is, we don’t know how to get rid of stress … because we don’t know how to fight a threat we can’t see. What is very visible and definitely not a figment of the imagination is the negative effect stress has on our physical health. What Stress Does to the Body As I mentioned before, stress causes tangible physical reactions in the body that prepare it for dangerous situations. This is the classic “fight or flight” response designed to make us stronger, faster, and more resilient in the face of a threat to our physical safety. This response is appropriate and valuable in the case of true danger (like a bear about to eat you or Hun invaders riding over the horizon). In order to achieve the burst of strength needed to outrun said threat, the body turns off some normal functions. This is why stress can suppress seemingly unrelated factors like fertility. For instance, the body uses progesterone to manufacture cortisol in the adrenals during periods of stress. Progesterone is also needed for the body for successful ovulation and hormone balance (not to mention carrying a pregnancy). Ovulating wouldn’t be a priority for someone running for her life, but for a woman with chronic low level stress who wants to conceive, this can be devastating. In these periods of chronic stress caused by not sleeping enough, not eating quality foods, inadequate exercise, toxins, and/or mental/emotional stress, the body will let certain aspects of health deteriorate because it thinks it is keeping you alive in a period of danger. (Even if the danger is just being late to the pick-up car line or a missed deadline at work!) What Stress Does to Hormones The stress reaction is controlled by hormones and the endocrine system that produces them. This system functions as a whole rather than in isolated parts, and so chronic stress affects much more than just the adrenals. An overabundance of adrenaline and cortisol can interrupt other hormones like serotonin, melatonin, and fertility hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, etc.) and cause problems like anxiety, depression, insomnia, muscle problems, infertility, and menstrual disturbances. Prolonged stress also contributes to aging and weight gain, which no one is a fan of! Weight gain around the mid-section (especially in women) is actually often a symptom of impaired adrenals and the low progesterone that results. When Stress Made Me Sick It’s confession time. Think I have it all together? The truth is, no one does. Stress and sleep are the big gaping holes in my own health. Sure, it’s easy to write about them, and I know what I need to do to optimize them, but with little ones, homeschooling, a blog, a podcast, and getting healthy meals on the table day in and day out, the execution is often difficult. And even if what’s on your plate doesn’t look exactly like mine, I know if you’re a mom you practice an equally challenging (read: rewarding, glorious, exhausting, infuriating) balancing act every day. Several years ago, my stress materialized in a way I couldn’t ignore and reached a level that drastically impacted my health. Here’s what happened… Facing a Family Threat It all came to a head when my husband had an emergency appendectomy. The doctor said his appendix had likely been calcified since childhood. The original surgery required a 2-day hospital stay (and it was the first time I’d left my baby overnight). He came home and felt awful for another week. He was still in pain, wasn’t eating, wasn’t sleeping well, and couldn’t do much of anything but lay on the couch. At his follow-up appointment, the doctor discovered my husband had developed a secondary infection that he’d picked up in the hospital during his surgery recovery. They found an abscess where the appendix had been and drained about 8 ounces of puss from it. They put in a drain that stayed for about a week. A culture of the puss revealed 4 types of bacteria (picked up in the hospital) including the flesh-eating bacteria c-diff. This time, he had to stay in the hospital for 8 days, and was on IV broad-spectrum antibiotics every 6 hours. (I cringed for his poor gut every time they brought them in!) For me, this meant another week of being away from the kids, and in the hospital with him. When I started getting a sore throat and flu-like symptoms, I was put on an antibiotic too, to make sure that I hadn’t picked up any of his resistant bacteria and that I wouldn’t carry it home to the kids or my nursing baby. He finally got discharged from the hospital, and both of our symptoms were clearing up, so we got to go home. He was still under the weather and hadn’t been able to work for about a month thanks to the surgery and infection. I was taking care of the kids, the house, and him, plus trying to keep up with both of our work deadlines to make ends meet financially. I was definitely stressed, to say the least, but I’d always worked well under pressure, so I brushed it off and figured I’d relax and catch up on sleep when things got back to normal. Until… My Body Said “Enough” Then, I started having numbness in my fingers, toes, and lips. My heart was racing. My blood pressure and pulse were high and my whole body shook. I called the doctor, since I’d had allergic reactions to antibiotics in the past and was afraid I was having an allergic reaction. The doc checked and told me that none of these symptoms were listed as side effects or allergic reaction symptoms to this antibiotic, and asked what my stress level was… I laughed… After a follow-up, it turns out that I was on the verge of a panic attack. The remedy? “Learn to relax and reduce stress.” (Yeah, right, I’ll just add that to my to-do list!) Since then, things have calmed down, my husband is recovered, the kids are sleeping normally again, and my blood pressure is back to normal, but my brush with it all really re-enforced how much stress can affect your physical health. How to Lower Stress and Start Feeling Better (Today) We all know that reducing stress is important to optimal health, but how do we do it, practically speaking? Since we can’t truly function at our best with chronic stress, this is an important factor to address in the quest for good health. 1. Eat Foods That Reduce Stress You’ve heard this one a lot if you’ve read anything else around here, but it rings true again. Poor diets full of processed foods, grains, sugars, and chemicals put a tremendous stress on the body. For many people (some experts estimate close to 85%) grains can put a huge stress on the body as they can cause an immune reaction, damage the intestinal lining, and lead to serious disease. Excess carbohydrates can cause this problem too, since the sugars in carbohydrates cause increased insulin if they aren’t immediately used as fuel. For a stress-reducing, adrenal-nourishing diet, focus on getting your nutrients from fresh, real foods in as close to their natural source as possible. Drink a lot of water and, yes … even avoid the caffeine. 2. Reduce Exposure to Toxins This step goes along with the step above, as unfortunately, our “food” supply can be a major source of toxins. If the body is in a state of stress, the liver and kidneys are also not functioning optimally, making toxin removal slow and ineffective. Other sources of toxins include chemicals in toothpastes, personal care products, deodorants, medicines, and cleaning chemicals. Our exposure to large amounts of plastic, especially plastics that have been heated in the microwave, can also cause toxic build up in the body. Top steps for reducing toxins include: using only natural beauty and personal care products avoiding plastics and storing food in glass drinking enough water to make sure toxins are being flushed out avoiding processed foods full of chemicals using only natural cleaning products avoiding environmental toxins like pesticides and herbicides 3. Get Enough Sleep Sleep is one of the most important steps in stress reduction, and most moms find the hardest. Historically, the body is used to sleeping when it is dark and being awake when it is light. When we stay awake long after the sun has set and don’t get enough cumulative sleep, we interrupt the body’s natural time for restoration and removal of toxins. The optimal time for regeneration during sleep is roughly between 10 P.M. and 2 A.M. Many people don’t sleep during part or all of this time, causing a backup of toxins and hormones in the body. The body also has a delicate balance of hormones and depends on serotonin and melatonin to regulate good sleep and alertness during the day. Lack of sleep or interrupted sleep can disrupt the balance of these hormones, making you groggy during the day and restless at night. Poor sleep can also (logically) lead to fatigue, brain fog, memory troubles, and additional stress on the body. Need some motivation to make sleep a priority? Listen to this podcast on why sleep is more important than diet and exercise combined. 4. Learn to Say No Another logical step that I’m guessing most of us are all bad at (me especially). I’m not just talking about saying “no” in a parenting sense (though that could be good too… I recommend “No, you many not eat that candy bar/Happy Meal/Ding-Dong/fill in the blank.”) Many of us have a commitment list as long as our arms, and the stress level to prove it. It is wonderful to help out whenever we can, but make sure you make yourself a priority and realistically evaluate what you can handle while keeping stress low and quality family time high. (Confession: I am really bad at this step myself and have resolved to do better this year!) 5. Exercise, Even If It’s Just a Little Exercise is really helpful in reducing stress in the body. It releases endorphins, helps the body regulate insulin, and improves hormone levels. Exercise also boosts your immune function and helps the body use up excess stress hormones. Try to mix it up and try weights and high intensity exercise instead of strict cardio. I use this 10-minute home workout to make it easy to fit in even on busy days. When in doubt, a vigorous 10-minute walk outside in the sunshine and fresh air is one of the best things you can do to lower stress and improve physical and mental health. 6. Get Enough Good Fats A low-fat diet can actually be a stress on the body, as it won’t have the raw materials it needs to function at its peak. Fats are present in every cell in your body and are necessary for enzymatic reactions and hormone production. There are many kinds of fats, and while your body will use whatever it has, some are certainly more beneficial that others, and some are flat out dangerous. Your body needs the right fats (coconut or olive oil, omega-3s, and fats from healthy grass-fed animals) to produce new cells, manufacture hormones, coat the lungs, for optimal brain function, and many other reactions. The body also needs quality fats to produce, utilize and store vitamin D, a necessary nutrient for immune function and disease prevention. 7. Take In More Antioxidants In the face of stress, the body compensates by speeding up adrenal production. This uses up the vitamins and minerals we take in at a much faster rate and can lead to depletion if not replenished with antioxidant and nutrient rich foods. You may want to consume additional vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium in times of stress especially. I list the best supplements I’ve found to help manage my stress in this post. I also like to use herbal teas for some of these nutrient needs especially in times of stress or illness. Green tea, yerba mate tea, and even peppermint tea contain high level of antioxidants and vitamins that may be beneficial for stress. Bonus: Sipping tea is often connected with sitting down with a good book or chatting with friends … good self-care activities that give you a break from the things stressing you out! 8. Talk to Yourself (and Others) It’s not crazy … we all engage in inner conversation with ourselves all day long! The question is, what are we saying? Stress is not totally objective. We can play a part in telling ourselves — to borrow some famous words — “every little thing gonna be alright.” A growing body of evidence on the positive health benefits of gratitude tells us that the more we emphasize the positive in our minds, the more our physiological responses will follow. This is one reason I take 5 minutes and journal 10 things I’m grateful for every day. Other ways to talk yourself into a better mental frame of mind: Acknowledge what you’re feeling, but counter it with a positive statement — even try this technique to retrain your response to incoming problems and stresses. Flip through a photo book of a favorite vacation and relive some of the experiences with the family or friends you shared it with. Share how you’re feeling with someone you trust — that sense of connection and support may put you back on the right track. Shape your environment by adding positive input and motivation. Hang quotes that inspire you, pictures of family that make you smile, and reminders of positive achievements. Bottom Line: Stress Doesn’t Have to Win It’s my hope that as moms we can beat the stress monster and create a safe space within the walls of our homes where there is enough time and we are enough. I’m not sure I achieve this every day (or even every week!) so if there are ways you’re making this happen in your home, please share with our Wellness Mama community… and help all moms know they’re not alone! Do any of these stress busters work for you? What are three ways that you’ve found help reduce stress levels in your life? Share below!   Enjoy this blog and join our 12 week transformation program here: www.PatrickAmadeu.com/evolution Read the full article
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