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yccoffeesimp · 1 year ago
𝑊𝒉𝑦 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝐼 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑂𝑘𝑖𝑒 𝐷𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑒| ??? 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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TW: G0r3 & C@nn¡B@lism at the very end.
You stayed up the entire weekend writing the short story. You didn't want to think too hard about what to write, so you went with the easiest option. Fantasy/ adventure. It was already time for the next club meeting when you finished.
You wanted to show the others but to whom? Choose-
-Dan Heng
→ Jing Yuan
->'Best to show Jing Yuan first, after all, he is the president and the one who gave us the assignment.'
You thought. You then slowly began to walk to him with the two flat papers in hand. "Lovely to see you again, Y/n."The ivory white-haired man said, smiling at you.
→ "Nice to see you as well Jing Yuan."
"Oh before I forget, I'd just like to say. If you have any suggestions for anything regarding the club such as activities or problems, don't be afraid to inform me." He said, crossing his arms, his cat-like smile still present on his features.
→ "I'll keep that in mind but I'm going to go with the flow as I get settled in."
"We all need time to earn our footing." He slightly laughed.→
"Say you wanna read the short story I wrote?"
You ask, handing him the papers as he nods. It didn't take long for him to finish reading the two papers of the short story. When he gave the papers back, he had a light smile.
"Excellent work, Y/n, I underestimated your writing capabilities. Say Dan Heng enjoys this type of writing style, the fantasy and the way with words is extremely moving and it paints a picture in your head as if you were in it yourself." He closed his eyes as he spoke, nodding ever so slightly.
→ "You lost me."
"My apologies, I didn't mean to wander. But regardless, it's very well written, and I enjoyed reading it. It captivates the reader and that's what is most important in any form of literature."
→ "Yeah I guess so."
"Since I've read yours, would you like to read mine as well?" He offered.
→ "Sure."
"Sorry if it isn't any good, I'm not as creative as most are." He smiled awkwardly, unfolding his arms across his chest as they landed at his sides again. Reaching for the paper that he had written on, which laid on the desk beside him, before handing it to you.
You took the soft, thin paper examining the words written on it.The story was about a group that called themselves Space Rangers and one of their amazing adventures. The story was rather vivid and from what you could tell no spelling or grammar mistakes. This is to be expected from Jing Yuan after all he is the valedictorian student.
You set the paper down as you looked at Jing Yuan."Is it bad?"He then asked.
→ "Are you kidding me? This is amazing!"
You exclaimed, this caused him to smile."I'm glad you think so, I feel as if I could use more practice on wording it better and try not to go into details a lot. Just proves I have a lot more to learn."
→ "We all could. Well, I'm going to go see what the others wrote. See ya around Jing Yuan."
"If you want to chat more, I'll be here." He smiled before you walked away.
Who's next?
→Dan Heng
→ "Maybe I should go see Dan Heng next. He probably has some constructive criticism for my writing. I mean he's writing his own novel so.."
You thought, before walking up to him. He was sitting near the back of the classroom, hunched over that notebook that was said to contain that novel of his. Dan Heng didn't notice you until he looked to see you approaching him.
→ "Hey Dan Heng."
"Greetings {name}, is something the matter?" He asks, setting his pencil down for a brief moment.
→ "I was wondering if you wanted to read the short story we were assigned to read."
You said, you felt your voice slowly become high pitched as to not knowing how to talk to the guy. All you knew was that he was Dan Feng's, the future owner of Vidyadhara Industries, twin brother. He paused for a moment, thinking about your words."I'd be happy to." That was all he said.
You handed your paper to him, his attention immediately went to the paper in his hands. It only took a minute before the paper was handed back to you.
→ "So how was it?"
"It was well written, I must say. The movement with the words... It's unique, it makes you feel as if you're truly there." His words carried honesty and truth, you somehow couldn't help but be flattered.
→ "Thanks."
You plainly said. "I take it that you want to read what I've written for the assignment?" He spoke. You nod as he takes a slip of folded paper out of the notebook he was previously writing in. He passed it onto you, your hands unfolding it. You lightly scanned the paper, his handwriting was neat.. Words were in clear and constructed sentences. It was a small script of the romance genre.
→ "Wow, it's really good. You wrote this by yourself?"
Dan Heng nodded. "Just a small script, a friend of mine says I need to try to write new different genres.Some authors get boresome if they write the same genre over and over.. Or at least that's what they said."
→ "I kinda agree, sometimes the plot just repeats itself a lot."
"Speaking of such.. Any suggestions?"
→ "Huh-For what?"
"For my writing attempt at romance."
→ "Oh- Well I'm not an expert. It's good by my standards. I frankly enjoyed it."
You handed the paper back to him, it was folded neatly as it was before. Dan Heng took the folded material before staring at it for a short while. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He spoke, putting the piece of paper back into the notebook. He then opened to a page and began writing, ignoring your existence once more.
→ Blade
Might as well see what Blade wrote. Maybe you could learn more about him. All you knew was that he was one of the troublemakers of the school. Easily had fights and many were sent to the nurse's office on several occasions because of him. You remember having him in your biology class once, he didn't show up except for when it was final exam season.He sat at the back next to one of the windows. His arms crossed along his chest, with his hair covering a majority of his face.
As you walked up to him, you got a closer look. He seemed to be holding a small piece of paper. You didn't realize you were staring at him before he spoke. "Is there a problem.?" He asked, his voice was laced with irritation and annoyance at your actions.
→ "Uh- Not really.. I wanted to ask if you wanted to uh- read the short story thing we were to write..."
He scoffed. "You do realize there are others here who can read the damn story, right.?"
→ "Yeah well I want you to read it."
"Hard pass. Now if you'd excuse me, I'd like to be alone."
→ "Well can I still read yours in the meantime?"
Blade didn't reply but he did look at you for a short while. He groaned, handing you the small piece of paper."If it only means you'll leave me be, take it."
♡- You received Blade's short story!
→ "Don't you want it back?"
"No." His answer was blunt and he looked not in a good mood to continue chatting... Best to leave him be and move to the next person.
But first do you want to read the short story now or later?
→ Later
→ ' I'll read it when I get home from the meeting. I still have to read Gepard's.'
Gepard was near the podium of the classroom, he seemed to be writing something down before his eyes caught you walking towards him."Oh- Hey {name}, is there something you need?" He asked, trying to cover up the paper he was writing on.
→ "Yeah, just wondering if you wanted to read my assignment and to check up on ya."
"Oh- Well, I'm doing fine at the moment. Also, I'd be glad to read it. I heard from Jing Yuan that it was really good." The blonde smiled. You hand him the piece of paper. He gently took it in his hands before reading it. Now that you looked closer at him. He almost looked tired yet he always slept in. The eye bags he had were barely noticeable but they were still there. Your train of thought was interrupted by Gepard handing the piece of paper back. "Like I said, it's amazing."
Did Gepard say something when you were spacing out? "{Name}? Are you alright?"
→ "I'm fine, Gepard... Just thinking and thank you for thinking it was amazing."
You smiled. A small smile followed from Gepard when you did.
→ "Can I read yours now?"
Gepard froze, looking away from you for a moment. "The thing is...-"
→ "You forgot to write one."
Gepard nodded. That was probably why when you left Jing Yuan, Gepard went up to him. Probably to inform him that he forgot to write a short story. "I haven't had time to, you know how much of a handful five-year-olds are..."
→ "Lynx really is giving you and Serval a rough time then if you didn't have enough time to write a story."
He nodded.
→ "Ah, I see. Anyways, what were you writing earlier?"
Your gaze falls on to the piece of paper on the podium. Gepard followed your gaze to the paper. "The short story.."
→ "Speed writing?"
"I have it already written but I haven't proofread it yet."
→ "I can do it for you."
Gepard smiled at you. "I don't want to bother you with it {name}, I can proofread it-"
→ "I insist. It's the least I can do for you."
Gepard thought for a moment before sighing. He gave you the now slightly wrinkled paper for you to read.Some sentences didn't make sense but then again it wasn't proofread. The short story was a historical fiction of the history of Gepard's hometown. The scenery of Belobog was different from the scenery of the Honkai Star City. Snow-covered meadows, a chilling breeze... It was a winter wonderland from what Gepard described it to be as back then before the Eternal Freeze. You took a pencil and helped Gepard rewrite some sentences.
As you helped him though, you couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes watching you as you did so. You looked up from the paper the paper briefly and saw no one was looking and the feeling vanished. But when you looked back at the paper, the feeling returned. You pushed the feeling away as you tried to focus on the story.
"Thank you,{name}, for the help," Gepard said once the proofreading was done.
→ "No need to thank me, just doing my duty as your friend."
"Still... It means a lot." He shortly smiled. He opened his mouth to say something else before a loud crash sounded. Your attention snapped to a broken teapot on the floor at the back of the classroom. Boiling water poured from the now shattered object. Dan Heng and Blade stood in front of it, a shocked expression on Dan Heng's face and a rather annoyed expression on Blade's. "Crap.." Dan Heng mumbled as he went to grab the broom from the closet at the back.
Blade simply stared at the mess before completely walking over it. "Well, that's the first.." Gepard mumbled.
→ "First of what?"
Gepard looked at you before looking back at Blade and Dan Heng. "Normally when they even interact with each other, there's always an argument that follows before Jing Yuan breaks it up. But strangely they haven't been arguing.."
→ "They argue a lot?"
The blonde nodded. "We don't know why but they really hate each other. We never really questioned it either." He shrugged as Dan Heng came back to clean the broken ceramic.
→ "Imma go help Dan Heng real quick."
You grabbed some stray papers from your bag before walking to Dan Heng to pick up the spilled water. The floor was dried and the teapot was thrown away. "Thank you for helping, {name}."
→ "It's no problem. Just helping a fellow club member."
Dan Heng gave a short nod, but you could've sworn he smiled too.
Jing Yuan clapped his hands together. "I'm happy to say this concludes our second meeting with our new member." He started, his cat-like smile on his features. "After sharing our short stories, how does everyone feel?" He turned to look at Gepard first.
"It was nice," Gepard answered.
Then he looked at Dan Heng.
"It was quite helpful." He replied.
Then at Blade.
"It was... eventful." He scoffed.
And then lastly at you.
→"It was interesting."
Jing Yuan nodded, his arms crossing in front of his chest. "I'm glad to hear we all have at least positive outlooks on today's activity. Perhaps we can do the same tomorrow but as for now, the club meeting is over." And with that, you began to walk home. The sun was already setting with the moon peeking its head out ready to take its shift in the sky.
-♡Blade's Short Story: ......The blood sprayed over the walls. Agonizing screams echoed throughout the halls, a blade dragging across the skin of the captive. A maniacal laugh follows, their eyes looking longing at the beating heart in their hand. Blood oozing from the organ as its former owner's limbs became limp. "Finally mine... all, all mine..."
A voice said. They tilled the organ upside down over their mouth. The blood poured from the heart's atriums into their mouths."Not enough, not enough.." They gasped before throwing the dead heart away. Now ripping at the throat and torso of the dead body. "I can't- Need more.." They gasped one more time before all humanity in them was lost...
Pins: @sarcastic-cookie
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sw33tie-faye · 20 days ago
vampire!reader x vampire hunter!character drabble 
cw: a bit suggestive, reader is a menace, not proofread, intended lowercase, vampire hunter has no name lmao
wc: 1.3k
a/n: got this idea while using c.ai, u can imagine this as any of ur favs <3
you're inside of the home of one of your most recent victims, sitting on the couch. you were relaxing, blood dripping from your mouth and hands as you finished drinking the blood of some random businessman.  
you were well-known across many villages, feared for your somewhat violent nature, but you preferred the quiet life if you were being honest. the people knew of you, but they had no idea what you looked like, which you took advantage of. 
suddenly, you hear the door open, and from it emerged a man. not your average man, though. he was a vampire hunter. and a skilled one at that. 
he looked at you with a calm expression, but there was something else behind it.
“i’ll avenge the countless innocent people you ruthlessly killed.” he said, with determination laced in his voice. 
“mm, sure you will”, you replied sarcastically. “you look quite young for a hunter”, you say, taking in his features. 
“is this your way to get me to let you-” he cut himself off mid-sentence and shook his head. he looks you up and down. “you don’t look too old yourself.” 
“looks can be deceiving.” 
he smiled, though with barely any emotion behind it. “how long have you been around?”
“hmm,” you took a while to respond. “a couple centuries, i'd say.” 
“huh, that’s much older than i anticipated..” he thought to himself. He regained his focus and asked you his next question. “how many people have you killed.” he uttered in a calm, yet cold tone. 
“eh, not many to be honest.” 
he raised an eyebrow, his expression one of surprise as that was not the answer he was expecting. “oh really?” he murmured. he then took a step closer to you, looking you in the eyes as he tried to read your expression. ”why's that?" 
“i don’t attack people unprovoked.” you responded dryly. 
he stopped right in front of you, looking down towards you as you sat on the couch. “so you only kill as self-defense?” he said, seeming interested. 
“yeah, basically,” you answered. 
“i find that quite hard to believe, i mean, why wouldn’t you attack humans?” he questions.
“well, consider the fact that i haven’t killed you yet.” you said with a blank expression 
he chuckled softly, looking somewhat amused. “that’s a fair point, i suppose.” he mumbles, mostly to himself. “but why not attack? surely it would’ve been easier for you that way.”  
“eh, i don’t really have a reason to.” you said. 
his expression changed to a confused one. he slightly narrowed his eyes, not breaking eye-contact with you. “why don’t you want to? a hungry vampire kills for blood.” 
“i usually use animals as a blood supply. and besides, if i drank blood from a human they wouldn’t die.” 
“so you don’t usually kill humans? you just feed off of us and walk off?” his surprised expression returns. 
“not really, even though human blood tastes much better.” you said. 
he raised an eyebrow and leaned closer to you. “it tastes better, yet you don’t?” 
“mhm, because i’m so nice.”  
he laughed again and softly shook his head, looking more amused. “sure you are.” he said sarcastically. he paused for a moment, before continuing to speak again. “you’re quite the interesting individual, aren’t you.” he said, now standing right in front of you. 
“i’d suggest you step back.” you warn. 
he does the complete opposite, taking another step towards you. “why should i? are you getting scared?”
“no,” you respond, “but i am still hungry.”  
“i see, hungry for what, i may ask?” he says in a teasing tone. 
“your blood? what kind of question is that?” you reply dryly. 
he continued to grin as he lightly grabbed your chin, tilting your head so you were looking directly at him. “you want to drink my blood, don’t y-” 
before he could finish his sentence, you latched your fangs onto his neck and sunk them in. he winced in pain and grabbed at your shoulders as you drew out blood from his neck, drinking it directly from the source. 
his grip on your shoulders tightened, but he didn’t pull away. his eyes screwed shut and he tried to stay calm, a few sounds left his lips, but he tried not to make too much noise as you drank. 
you on the other hand, were having the time of your life drinking his blood. it was succulent and sweet, more addictive than anything you’ve ever had before. 
you pulled away for a moment, and began licking and sucking at the wound you left behind, making sure that not even a drop of his blood was to go to waste. he winced again as you continued to lick and suck on his wound. 
he fell down onto the couch, still visibly in pain. 
 “that really hurt y’know..” 
“you taste good.” you say, ignoring his previous statement. 
 he lightly rolled his eyes. “is that the only reason you did that?” he teased. “you sure are something.” 
“says the one who was basically whimpering.” 
he freezes for a second. he then crossed his arms, his pain seemingly gone. “i wasn’t whimpering, i was merely grunting from the pain.” he spoke. 
lies, he was 100% whimpering. 
you eye the injury on his neck, courtesy of yourself, and feel yourself grow hungry again. you lean in towards him and reattach yourself onto his neck and continue drinking. A few quiet whimpers leave his mouth as you do so. 
“wow, you’re definitely not whimpering right now.” you say as you continue. 
“s-shut up..” he said breathlessly. 
you climbed on top of him for easier access and wrapped your legs around him, practically straddling him as you drew your fangs deeper into his neck. more whimpers escaped his lips as he instinctively grabbed your hips. 
“a-ah..! ow, ow!” he opened his mouth to speak again, but was too distracted by your current position. heat rushed to his face as his cheeks were dusted with a light blush.  
you began gently biting and sucking other parts of his neck, leaving small marks that were certain to blossom into bruises later, but that wasn’t your problem. his grip on your hips tightened as he leaned back into the couch, throwing his head back and allowing you to have more space, his breathing becoming ragged and uneven. he tried to regain his composure, but his attempts were unsuccessful as you continued. 
you pulled away from his neck again to see his face, and oh, what a sight it was. sweat was dripping down his forehead, his face was flushed, his hair disheveled. he was breathing heavily, and his eyes were practically rolling to his skull.  
what a masochist
after a while of admiring his disheveled state, his hand reached the back of your head and guided it back towards his neck, wordlessly asking you to continue. who were you to refuse such an offer? 
as he requested, you bit deep into the other side of his neck, lapping up the blood that escaped. You began kissing and sucking other parts of his neck and now exposed collarbone, biting down gently, not enough for it to bleed, but it would definitely leave a mark. 
soft moans escaped his lips and his grip on your hips grew tighter. he arched his back a bit and continued to let out sounds of pain and pleasure. His entire face was completely red, and he couldn’t seem to form any words, just soft, needy, whimpers and moans. 
you continued for a bit longer, and his moans only grew louder and louder. After a short while, his pretty moans came to a halt, heavy breathing replacing them. you got off of his lap, only to find a wet patch over his pants where you were once sitting. 
damn that was kinda hot-
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waterfrontcomplex · 1 year ago
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just yanqing.
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stupidheadwisp · 1 year ago
silver plays dating sim
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i might color it??? Idk we'll see
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say-k · 8 months ago
~Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you~
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mihii-i · 2 years ago
☆ requesting rules ☆
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Keep these rules in mind when requesting, please and thank you <3
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What I will write:
Character x Reader
Modern au/ any other reasonable au I guess
Kink safe for MOST kinks (kinks I won’t write for in the next part)
G A Y. (Specifically wlw hmu :))
If you have any prompts feel free to request
I WILL Write for male/amab Reader but not often so try not to ask me that
okay I might write ddlc characters with a male reader but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE avoid asking me that…because there’s seriously not enough wlw ddlc content. So that’s a will write but if you give me the option to I will NOT make it male reader. Apologies in advance to my male fans.
So far I write for YTTD, danganronpa (preferably v3), Genshin impact, chainsaw man, seven deadly sins, honkai starrail, ddlc, spiderverse franchise, arcane, and blue eye samurai.
Please be specific with your requests, like (reader gender, hc or oneshot, scenario like dating hcs or sm)
for my own ideas that aren’t requests, I will automatically make the reader female since that’s makes the most sense to write for me, so I don’t want to hear any pissbabies complaining about it <3
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What I WILL NOT write:
Piss/vomit/shit kink (what the actual fuck is wrong with y’all-?)
No romanticizing yandere or obsessive themes. I will write it, but I will not romanticize it. Like for example I can write an obsessed character, but I would make reader horrified of them and make it actually disturbing.
Character x character
Polyamory (can’t write this idk why)
Trans reader (I don’t know what it’s like to be trans so I might not write an accurate depiction)
No danganronpa udg
I’m pretty sure you guys know what I mean by weird kinks but just no weird kinks in general PLEASE 😭
IM NOT GONNA WRITE ROBIN (hsr), ARLECCHINO, ACHERON, OR NAVIA WITH MALE READER THATS FINAL. (And no m reader for Furina too I’m sorry that’s for personal hc reasons I’m only doing fem reader for furina and I am going to be so much more harsh bc my title is literally FURINA’S WIFE so don’t bitch about the fact that I don’t want to write Furina with a male reader you LITTLE SHITS) <- this rule was due to that one person that complained about me writing fem reader on my furina hanahaki fic.
No goofy ass headcannons (for example no OC’s or “SHSL” stuff for danganronpa)
Please, don’t ask for joke fics. I only take actual requests.
Don’t nag me about when your request is getting done, I have a life outside of tumblr.
If I don’t like a request for personal reasons I will not write for it.
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xia0mi-c0m · 5 months ago
— 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦 ♡ —
About me and my acc
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Names: Xyukkii,Xīao,Yuki,Xy,alongside more.
DNI: Younger individuals who want to flirt with me (I only take joking flirts if they're my friends and are my age), Profiction, Problematic Comshippers, Proshippers, Darkshippers, People who support the things in dead dove fanfics, L0lic0ns, K0doc0ns, Sh0tac0ns, anti furry, pro 🇮🇱, anti therian, anti xenogender, anti xeno/neo pronouns, anti otherkin, basic DNI criteria.
Interact: "Cringe" people, small bot creators, therians, otherkins, otherhearted people, any fandom (besides fandoms like YBC), furries, any age (just don't be weird nor try to seek out anything from me no matter what age you are).
Gender: Unimportant to me/don't care how you perceive my gender (I personally do not identify as any gender)
Languages: German, French, Spanish, English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Indonesian, Currently learning Hindi and Arabic, Portuguese.
౨ৎ Fanfic + Bot writer ୨୧
Discord: needygirlxyukkii
Roblox: WaitKomako
Ao3: Hearts4MalleusDraconia
Wattpad: VENT1N0TF0UND
Character ai: Xyukkii4Malleus
Soundcloud: MalleusEKitten
Spicychat ai: xyukkiiphobia
Quotev: Love4GerardWay
Twitter: heartzz4malleus
Pinterest: transfems4gerard
Tiktok: h3artzz4malleus
Spacehey: Hearts4MalleusDraconia
Things I also do; Fanfic requests (Please make it clear that the request is a fanfic request and not a bot request)
Fav songs right now (very long):
Octopus Angel by Uncle Outrage
Ma Chérie by Malice Mizer
Toxururira by DADAROMA
Strange Rabbit by LYRICA
Promise by LYRICA
How To Catch a Predator by Insane Clown Posse
In My Room by Insane Clown Posse
Cotton Candy & Popsicles by Insane Clown Posse
Eternally Yours by Motionless in White
Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie
Cemetery Girl by Insane Clown Posse
Sonne by Rammstein
Dead Bite by Hollywood Undead
DICE AND ROLL by Odetari
EYES ON ME by Asteria
ROCK THAT SHIT! by Asteria
Risley Circus by DADAROMA
LOVE. by Kendrick Lamar
Swimming Pools (Drank) by Kendrick Lamar
Au Revoir by Malice Mizer
SALOME by Femme Fatale
Cirice by GHOST
Another Life by Motionless in White
Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
Rachael by She Wants Revenge
Just Like Heaven by The Cure
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now by The Smiths
Dragula by Rob Zombie
Gekka no Yasoukyoku by Malice Mizer
Like A Villain by Bad Omens
Eyeless by Slipknot
My Gift to You by Korn
Clown by Korn
fandoms; BSD, Needy streamer overload, HxH, jjk/Jujutsu kaisen, Love live, K-on, Azumanga Daioh, Death note, Black butler, TWST/Twisted wonderland, Soul eater, Bloom into you, Lucky star, Bandori/Bang dream, Smile precure, SoniAni, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Demon slayer, OBEY ME, Cowboy bebop, Neon genesis evangelion, Oshi no ko, Another, Madoka magica, MHA/BHNA (I don't fw some of the parts of the fandom tho tbh), Haikyuu, AOT/Attack on titan, Castlevania, Hypnosis mic, Junji Ito collection, Pjsk/Project sekai, Vocaloid, UTAU, Tpn/The promised neverland, Bleach, Pokémon, Re:Zero, Hsr/Honkai star rail, Genshin impact, Zzz/Zenless zone zero, Creepypasta, Lomando/Fancy Island, Goodbye to the dolphin's dreams, Angel beats, Usagi puzzle (Screamer), Angel park musashi, Enstars/Ensemble stars, Sanrio, Sonic, DDLC, Undertale, Deltarune, Fullmetal alchemist, Tokyo revengers, Yandere simulator (I hate yanderedev), Spy x family, Sp/South park, The idolmaster cinderella girls, BFDI/Battle for dream island, Angels of death, many youtubers and bands, and more that i can't remember on the top of my head!!
Fav characters I mainly ship myself with <3
Malleus Draconia
Gregory Violet
Grell/Grelle Sutcliff
Kuroageha (Lomando/Fancy Island)
Simeon (OBEY ME!)
Lucifer Morningstar (OBEY ME!)
Satan (OBEY ME!)
Father Abel Nightroad
What emoji on my c.ai status mean
— 🎀 = Being fluid with my activities
— 💤 = Sleeping
— 🎮 = Playing games (whether private games in the TWST GC, playing twst, OBEY ME, Roblox, etc)
— 💢 = angry, usually not wanting anyone to interact with me right now (this is pretty rare but it's best to give me some space)
— ☀️ = fully active, making bots (without being fluid with activities)
Emoji combos I'm going to put on some of my accounts or are already there on my accounts and what they mean
— 🫂🌟/🌟🫂 = Selfshipper (as said on my profile, I sometimes use 🍓🌟 or 🌟🍓 too)
— 🍰💫/⭐️🐧= Rareshipper
➕️🛳 = Multishipper (I made this one just cuz it made sense)
— 💭💕 = Yumeshipper (made this one too, just Selfshipper again)
I'm Fictionkin, Otherhearted and Otherkin ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ
I am a mixed race Jewish woman, I stand by Palestine all the way through and will never budge, Free Palestine!!!!!
That was all, I shall now wish you farewell. Just, don't get lost on your way out. - Xyukkii.
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Updated: 2/14/25, 5:51 PM.
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theinternetdemon · 1 year ago
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— hey hey !!! i'm monika but u can call me moni, this is my blog dedicated to my interests which you can check in the tag section under the cut ! no DNI except for the basics ( though you should avoid me if youre mean, especially over fandom discourse ) check pronouns page btw
shane from sdv is my f/o btw not sharing my blorbo /srs
#rentry graphics : main graphics for rentry, not favicons and stuff
#fanart : self explanatory ! will often be paired with a fandom and / or character tag
#layouts : cute layouts for any social media profile
#moni.txt : posts my brain produced
#random : stuff i cant rlly tag (?)
#resources : web graphics ! often paired with the type of graphic they are, blinkies, stamps, gifs, whateva
#art : art i find cool that don't necessarily belong to any fandom i'm in
#media ✿ archive : def not spoiler free, there i'll talk ab media i watched recently and give my thoughts on it / make notes
#fashion : anything fashion related (mainly coords), may also be related to the #menhera #yumekawaii #yamikawaii #mori kei or #lolita tags
#stickers : transparent stickers
#yume ✿ shane : stuff related to self-shipping overall and my f/o (shane)
#silly : funny haha
#💐 flower : anything related to disability/mental health positivity, resources and info
#🎀 bow : aesthetic purposes (?)
#manga : manga in general / to read
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#NSO / #needy streamer overload
#HSR / #honkai star rail
#cats / #dogs / #raccoons
#collar x malice (watchlist)
#cardcaptor sakura
#wrist cut warriors / #menhera-chan
#menhera-chan 2 (the other menhera chan)
#dead plate
#muse dash
#corpse party
#stardew valley
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leviathansbiggestkinnie · 23 days ago
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐢'𝐬 ♡𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂♡ 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Names you may call me: Candii / Callisto
Pronouns: they/he/it/she (in order of preference) (basically any except neos/xenos)
Lesbian aroace
Californian or smth idk
minor (13+)
Kamisato Ayato #1 fan + kisser
America's spouse
Song Qingshi #1 fan
SQQ, WWX, and XL enthusiast
I am worse then LWJ, HC, and LBH all combined
#1 marchbin, rinku, ichisaki, emijeckole, mizuruitoya, honakanaena, and aventio shipper
#1 robinhill, nuevifuri, arlefuri, any furina ship, yaeyato, zhongchi, rin x len, and avenpaz hater
(^ don't care if you like them I just personally hate them)
Genshin kinda
Kimi ni todoke
Alien Stage
Mean Girls
Epic the musical
Obey me
+ way more that I forgot
"Heterophobia is real!!" mfs
israel supporters
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Discord (tell me your user before you friend me or I'll block you):
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ask for other socials
#candii's rambles 🌊 - my posts (new tag cause I don't go by rin anymore)
#callisto's favs 💫 - fav posts or smth
#rin's rambles 🌊 - old tag for my posts
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kx0e · 1 year ago
Hiii I love all your yuri meals thank you for the food!!!!! Also I was wondering, do you have any other favorite video games beside Persona ?
hi ! no problem ^^
Yeah ! i got into persona pretty recently actually thanks to one of my friends, i was really into genshin/honkai/hsr before (i still play it but more casually now), i'm also a big splatoon and animal crossing fan !
there's also games ive finished i really liked like oneshot, hearthbound (games not finished yet i think), deltarune (same as before), undertale, ddlc
for some reasons i have 300h on pokemon X so yeah i like that game too
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sadako-edits · 1 year ago
Welcome to my Edit Blog
- I’m Mod Sada and I’m happy to fulfill and edit requests you may have for me
- My Pronouns are She/Ze/Static
- I am an Introject. While I don’t mind speaking about my source, I implore you not to only see me as that, I am not trying to be scary, and I do not mean to cause any harm
- On a similar note. Please be polite towards me, and don’t rush me.
- Inbox (1/10)
- My information is under the cut
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Voca/Utau/Fanloid, FNAF, DDLC, Project Sekai, MILGRAM, HI3, HSR, Pokémon, Persona 3-5, Corpse Party, Dead by Daylight
I will selectively do other sources, just please ask me first.
Gallerian Marlon, Sakutaro Morishige, The Blight, Trash Dentist / Novocaine, Obviously Toxic/Gross Pairings, Romantic RinLen, Romantic GuMiku and MikuLuka, Oliver Ships, Happy Days! Maika x Men, Kennith Simmons x Women, Haruka x Futa or Mikoto, Ruikasa, Scenecore Glitchcore (Selective), Sanriocore, Goblincore, Vaporwave
What I Can Offer
Icons (Any Shape, Just Ask), Headers, Wallpapers, Edit Sets (Selective), Stimboards, Canon Calls, Flags Picked from characters, Basic Recolours, Reply Icons
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chid0rita · 2 years ago
Edit Info
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Voca/Utau/Fanloid, Evillious Chronicles, Ghost and Pals, Sonic the Hedgehog, FNAF, DDLC, D4DJ, Project Sekai, MILGRAM, Bleach, FMA; Brotherhood, Amalee MVs, HI3, HSR, RWBY, Pokémon, Persona 3-5, Corpse Party, Dead by Daylight, Genshin Impact, Resident Evil, NSO
I will do unlisted sources selectively
Kin/Me on Ame, Gallerian Marlon, Sakutaro Morishige, The Blight, Trash Dentist / Novocaine, Obviously Toxic/Gross Pairings, Romantic RinLen, Romantic GuMiku and MikuLuka, Oliver Ships, (Vocaloid) Happy Days! Maika x Men, Kennith Simmons x Women, (Ghost and Pals), Haruka x Futa or Mikoto (Milgram), Ruikasa (PJSK), Dottore, Dainsleif (Genshin), Scenecore (Selective), Junpei or Chidori x anyone but each other, Glitchcore (Selective), Sanriocore (Selective), Goblincore, Vaporwave
What I can Edit
Icons (Most Shapes, Just Ask), Headers, Wallpapers, Edit Sets (Selective), Aesthetic Boards, Kin positivity, Playlists (Selective!), Transparents, Manga colouring, Stimboards, Canon Calls, Flags Picked from characters, Basic Recolours, Reply Icons (most shapes, Just Ask), Colour Swap edits, Basic PJSekai Card Edits
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editcord-at-25 · 1 year ago
Mod Ena
Hi! I’m Mod Ena, I’m a 18 y/o system host who’s a Nonbinary/Demigirl/Genderfluid (??? My gender is a mystery) AlloAro lesbian, and I use any pronouns except they. My main edit blog is @jackpotsad-boy and my editing info is under the cut
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Voca/Utau/Fanloid, Evillious Chronicles, Ghost and Pals, Sonic the Hedgehog, FNAF, DDLC, D4DJ, Project Sekai, MILGRAM, Bleach, FMA; Brotherhood, Amalee MVs, HI3, HSR, RWBY, Pokémon, Persona 3-5, Corpse Party, Dead by Daylight, Genshin Impact, Resident Evil
I also do unlisted sources selectively
Gallerian Marlon, Sakutaro Morishige, The Blight, Trash Dentist / Novocaine, Obviously Toxic/Gross Pairings, Romantic RinLen, Romantic GuMiku and MikuLuka, Oliver Ships, (Vocaloid) Happy Days! Maika x Men, Kennith Simmons x Women, (Ghost and Pals), Haruka x Futa or Mikoto (Milgram), Ruikasa (PJSK), Dottore, Dainsleif (Genshin), Scenecore (Selective), Glitchcore (Selective), Sanriocore (Selective), Goblincore, Vaporwave
What Kinds of Edits I can do
Icons (Most Shapes, Just Ask), Headers, Wallpapers, Edit Sets (Selective), Aesthetic Boards, Kin positivity, Playlists (Selective!), Transparents, Manga colouring, Stimboards, Canon Calls, Flags Picked from characters, Basic Recolours, Reply Icons (most shapes, Just Ask), Colour Swap edits, Basic PJSekai Card Edits
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applesforapples · 1 year ago
Hi I’m Draco//kel!
Requests: open
I’m wanting to make my writing better so I wanna try writing stuff on here! It’s probably not gunna be the best, but at least I’ll try!
Main acc: @greenbeansarecool
Rambles: @dracoisasilly
What I’ll write for:
worlds end club
Pokémon (humans only)
Stardew valley
Ocs (must come with description of personality if requested <3 )
Ride the cyclone
Total drama island (all but reboot)
Themes I’ll write for :
Character x character
What I’ll NOT write:
Heavy gore
Age gaps (unless platonic)
That’s all bye!
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dustinheaven059 · 11 days ago
you ‼️ you remind me of a purple cat covered in sprinkles drawn in a horror / cutegore artstyle /vpos
anyways what a lovely silly you are ! oh oh ive wanted to ask for a while ! who's your fav project sekai character / unit ? And and what games / interests are you into ? I wanna see how much we have in common :3
eats you 🎀
ーcircle anon
Let's seee... hm.
My favorite unit is Wonderlands x Showtime and Nightcord at 25.
For favorite characters of PJSK: An Shiraishi, Akito Shinonome, Minori Hanasato, Airi Momoi, Shiho Hinomori, Ichika Hoshino, Honami Mochizuki, Rui Kamishiro, Nene Kusanagi, Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina.
And since I'm too lazy to count all the fandoms I'm in, here is all the characters I like from almost every fandom I'm in: An Shiraishi, Akito Shinonome, Minori Hanasato, Airi Momoi, Shiho Hinomori, Ichika Hoshino, Honami Mochizuki, Rui Kamishiro, Nene Kusanagi, Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Mika Kagehira, Shu Itsuki, Till from alien stage, Rosaria Genshin, Kaeya Genshin, Heizou Genshin, Wanderer Genshin, Hu Tao Genshin, Razor Genshin, Fischl Genshin, Zhongli Genshin, Yunjin Genshin, Shenhe Genshin, Xinyan Genshin, Celestia Ludenberg, Ibuki Mioda, Nagito Komaeda, Tsumugi Shirogane, Toko Fukawa, Kyoko Kirigiri, Kotoko Utsugi, Monaca Towa, Cyno Genshin, Aventurine HSR, Sunday HSR, Jiaoqiu HSR, Madoka MMG, Homura MMG, K-Angel NSO, Ame-chan NSO, Kokichi Ouma, Junko Enoshima, Collei Genshin, Lyney Genshin, Lynette Genshin, Freminet Genshin, Ororon Genshin, Kinich Genshin, Hiyoko Saionji, Angie Yonaga, Ruruka Danganronpa, Chiori Genshin, Mami MMG, Kyoko MMG, Kazuha Genshin, Furina Genshin, Rika Wonder Egg Priority, Luka from Alien Stage, Sua from Alien Stage, Dazai BSD, Nikolai BSD, Sigma BSD, Kaveh Genshin, Ivan from alien stage, Qiqi Genshin, Sigewinne Genshin, Firefly HSR, Sparkle HSR, Herta HSR, Signewinne Genshin, Xiao Genshin, Columbina Genshin, Sandrone Genshin, Kevin FPE, Aiden FPE, Cube FPE, Basil Omori, Mari Omori, Sunny Omori, Omori, Mitsuba TBHK, March 7th HSR, Mikan Tsumiki, Shuichi Saihara, Izuru Kamakura, Hajime Hinata, Kate Shadow House, Emilie Shadow House, Barbara Shadow House, Bob Animal Crossing, Mene Tame, Luchika, Michiko Ame, Jiro Nito, Iru Iruma, Riko Maino, Sari Sasori, Tadashi Kunai, Chips FPE, Seek DOORS, Rei Ayanami, Gojo Satoru, Nitta Akari, Nobara Kugisaki, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Shoko Ieiri, Kirara Hoshi, Shouka Nishimiya, Shoya Ishida, Kaworu Nagisa, Shinji Ikari, Kaori Miyazono, Kousei Arima, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, Suzune Horikita, Kikyo Kushida, Chococat Sanrio, Hello Kitty Sanrio, Kuromi Sanrio, Little Twin Stars Sanrio, My Melody Sanrio, My Sweet Piano Sanrio, Wanmi Sanrio, Tsugi Sanrio, Vinegar NomNomNami, Overlord NomNomNami, Maiden NomNomNami, Space NomNomNami, Nil NomNomNami, Astragalus NomNomNami, Cascascava NomNomNami, Killua HxH, Norman Promised Neverland, Emma Promised Neverland, Misa Amane, L Lawliet, Ririka Momobami, Kirari Momobami, Yumeko Jabami, Mary Saotome, Erimi Mushibami, Runa Yomozuki, Yumemi Yumemite, Sayori DDLC, Monika DDLC, Ryota Suzui, Kaede Manyuda, Pantalone Genshin, Nagi Kamishimo, Karma Akabane, Nagisa Shiota, Koro-sensei, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Giyu Tomioka, Muichiro Tokito, Kanae Kocho, Kanao Tsuyuri, Tamayo KNY, Susamaru KNY, Spider Mother KNY, Spider Daughter KNY, Rui KNY, Douma KNY, Enmu KNY, Sabito KNY, Makomo KNY, Alan WonderEnd 0, Null WonderEnd 0, Juli WonderEnd 0, Yume WonderEnd 0, Tartaglia/Childe/Ajax Genshin, Candace Genshin, Mystic Flour Cookie, Black Pearl Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie, Frilled Jellyfish Cookie, Mavuika Genshin, Citlali Genshin, Mocha Sanrio, Yanfei Genshin, Charlotte Genshin, Kanade Otokonoji, Kokoro Mitsume, Esdeath, Mikado Sannoji, Stockings...
There's more, but too lazy to count ahaha🥲
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atlzx · 1 month ago
︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶                                         ⪩⪨ 𐔌   About Name : Vinn / Atlas / Vincent / Cherrush , You can call me anything you like. Pronouns: I'm okay with He/Him, Xe/Xem only, DNI if you're gonna use She/her on me. Sexuality: Bisexual / Transmasculine / Taken by my faithful lover ! Height: 5'5 from my guess Loves : Viiwie (my gf), Cill, Casper, Kaede and Etc <3 ⪩⪨ 𐔌 Extra 》》 Likes/Meow : MY WIFEY, Talking with my friends, Music, Songs, Animals, Skateboarding, Gifts, People who are nice and respectful, organised rooms, Instant Noodles Dislikes/Ew : Some of my friends, Crowded areas, Disgusting people, Ignoration, studying, pressure, anxiety, abandonment, anyone who my girl doesn't like Fav Colors: Military Green / Bloodshot ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ 𐔌 Artist Snave, Rebzyyx, Crystal Castles, Alex g, Maretu, Whatsaheart, Quannec, Jack Stauber, Blood On The Dance Floor Etc ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶                                       𐔌  Fandoms : alnst, csm, dead plate, zeno remake, gokurakugai, tgcf, ranfren, Dameo no Shiina Senpai to Yaba Otoko no Sasaki-kun, pjsk, genshin, cold front, marutoku games,elevator hitch, litc, cherry crush, serial experiment lain, NSO, kikuo, Dandy's world, all vivinos works, phantom busters, fatal frame, 19 days, hsr, danganronpa, bsd, SHTDN, madoka magica, TWDAK, silent hill, omori, pjsk, wait for me after school, link click, yttd, everything but your life, wuthering waves, mouthwashing, wonderend0, kimi no todoke, future diary, tgcf, saiko no sutoka, blue lock, watamote, vanitas no carte, guild member next door, diabolik lovers, rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai, roshidere, minecraft, aot, dangerously yours, life is strange, kamisama kiss, okegom, 18 trip, talentless nana, slow damage, owari no seraph, TWDAK, jjk, death note, married in red, angel next door, jojo, sasaki to miyano, spy x family, ddlc, my new boss is goofy, guchiry, esemble stars, the promise of hope, saiki k, a silent voice, black butler, hirano and kagiura, 14 days with you, high-rise invasion, perfect blue, one punch man, .. ETC ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ https://vinncents.carrd.co/#two <3
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